Greening Business

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- Transcript
This film shows that those businesses that adopt sound environmental practices are usually rewarded with a better bottom line.
Typically industry gobbles up natural resources and returns nothing but waste. But things are changing. A large hotel chain has initiated an environmental strategy designed to eliminate waste in their 27 hotels. One of the baby Bells started an office recycling program that was so successful they turned their attention to their whole system of product packaging.
Amongst those interviewed are Anita Roddick of The Body Shop, and Paul Hawken, author of 'The Ecology of Commerce' and 'Natural Capitalism'. He believes we must move from our current linear economy to a cyclical one. 'What we have to do is create the conditions for human life on this planet that respect and preserve all life.'
'Demonstrates the creative ways in which going green has made fiscal sense, as well as good sense in terms of planetary survival.' Video Librarian
Main credits
Suzuki, David T. (host)
Springbett, David (film director)
Springbett, David (film producer)
Heer, James (screenwriter)
Other credits
Photographed by Milan Klepl, Rudolf Kovanic, Peter Walker; edited by John Gareau; original music, Andy Mitchell.
Distributor subjects
Business Practices; Canadian Studies; Capitalism; Economy ; Environment; Marketing and Advertising; Recycling; Science, Technology, Society; Social Psychology; SustainabilityKeywords
00:00:01.910 --> 00:00:05.609
Hello I\'m David Suzuki and
this is the nature of things.
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Business is the most
powerful institution in
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our society but can it save us
from environmental ruin tonight.
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Greening business.
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Smoke means progress we used to say
today profits can be made cleanly
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from old cars used bottles and even
eggshells can business be turned around
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All of our wealth comes from nature.
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Yet in less than 50 years business has
penetrated the farthest corners of the earth
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devouring as much of
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the world\'s forests minerals land and water
as all previous generations combined.
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And it\'s a rate of consumption well
beyond what the planet can support.
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Yet always seem to do is take more.
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We\'ve asked almost around question
we\'ve asked how to save the planet
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again it plants can be here long after
work on we\'d have to save it whatsoever.
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But we have to do is create conditions for
human life on this planet that respect and
00:02:09.260 --> 00:02:12.169
preserve all other laugh around
it because our life isn\'t worth a
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farthing unless other
life can survive as well.
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And to do that we need a
way to save business.
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One of my first jobs was in the
construction trade working for a business.
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My uncle started in London Ontario
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What I remember most apart from the occasional
muscle strain was feeling immense pride.
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Being part of a successful business is one
of society\'s most valued accomplishments.
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But succeeding in business today
is like fighting a battle.
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And discovering later
that everyone has lost.
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Business practices of the last
century have contributed to
00:02:52.960 --> 00:02:57.429
the disintegration of almost every
living system on the planet.
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But what are the alternatives
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tonight The Nature of Things looks
at what some businesses are
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doing to green their operations from recycling
waste to rethinking how products are made
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These businesses are not just
trying to make a profit.
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There trying to make a difference.
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Business has revolutionized
our world creating
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conveniences and luxuries that were
unthinkable just a few decades earlier.
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Robotics rockets computers and jetliner.
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Each is a testament to the
ingenuity of our species.
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No business must face a new
challenge to reinvent itself.
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I think we\'re in a lot of
stress and a lot of turmoil.
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And I think people know
that the old rules don\'t
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work but there\'s nobody out
there that has the new rules.
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And in that sense people are
stumbling people are staggering.
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People are reliant upon what they
know and those are the old rules.
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And those are changing
but they\'re changing on
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an individual basis there yet
to change on a corporate basis.
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For most of this decade
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societies around the
globe had been pursuing
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two opposing goals a cleaner world
and growing economic prosperity.
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Very light. Making money without making a
mess is unfathomable for most businesses.
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Yet a handful like CP hotels who run
this kitchen at the Royal York and
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Toronto have come to realize that
Greening can be good for business.
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This kitchen is like any
medium-sized corporation.
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It employs 300 workers
who create a product.
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In this case nearly 6 thousand meals a day.
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It\'s a sophisticated operation
that applies an age old principle.
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Don\'t let anything go to waste.
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Executive Chef George McNeil.
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And the operation we\'ve gone
into a color-coded bin system.
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We operate right now with six
different color-coded bins.
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And each of the cooks and pantry
helpers and kitchen helpers have to
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separate all the garbage that they
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produce or which is produced with
the products that we\'re handling.
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And then they\'d separate
them at the workstation.
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Leftovers like breakfast pastries are
donated to local food banks while
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other kitchen waste are
sold to farmers and used as
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pig feet is a tremendous amount of
work and to be honest with you.
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The difficulty has been that all
the cooks in the kitchens have
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been just used for declaring everything
away and putting in one little band.
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And then everything is taken away.
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When you add all this separation you\'re
actually adding a tremendous amount of labour.
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But we feel that every little bit helps
and if we can set the example of
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ultimately that example will be followed by
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other companies and then it helps
to clean up the environment
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Since Canadian Pacific Hotels and Resorts
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adopted its environmental
strategy three years ago staff
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throughout the Royal York
and the other 26 hotels in
00:06:23.590 --> 00:06:28.910
the chain have been on the lookout
for ways to make their jobs greener.
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Some of the simplest
changes have been the most
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beneficial like using nontoxic
cleaning solutions installing
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water saving shower heads and
recycling the thousands of
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bottles cans and newspapers
left behind by guess.
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Not long ago a lot of this garbage
would have been burned in
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the hotels incinerator sending tons of acid
gases and heavy metals into the atmosphere.
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But since the hotel began
recycling waste has been cut in
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half and the incinerator has
been permanently shut down.
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Greening Canada\'s largest hotel
chain is an ongoing task.
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By next year the Royal
York will have changed
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more than 30 thousand light bulbs
in the hotels public areas.
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Replacing them with energy
efficient models will save
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the hotel $60 thousand
in energy costs alone.
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I spoke to n check Li director of
00:07:45.170 --> 00:07:49.324
environmental affairs Canadian
Pacific Hotels and Resorts.
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So what drives a green program now you
not only have to consult your employees.
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You have to educate your employees.
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You have to motivate them.
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You have to take a lot of care and time
doing that because they\'re gonna drive the
00:08:00.650 --> 00:08:03.949
but the manager however committed he
00:08:03.950 --> 00:08:08.250
may be is not going to separate the bottles
from the cans at the end of the day.
00:08:08.260 --> 00:08:13.849
Most hotels in the chain have moved
beyond recommendations in CPS
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original green plan incorporating new
technologies like these motion sensors.
00:08:20.430 --> 00:08:26.540
They turn lights on when rooms are
occupied and off when they\'re not.
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Others have adopted simple
common sense ideas.
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Inserting sand filled bottles
will cut water flow in
00:08:38.380 --> 00:08:43.070
this toilet by as much as
18 thousand liters a year.
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But some items have been harder to reduce
than others like the soap and shampoo.
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Travelers come to expect in their rooms.
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Before the green Plan was introduced.
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Tons of leftover toiletries went
out with the trash. But today
00:09:02.085 --> 00:09:04.369
Donated to local charities
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how can onlys tiny changes you
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know reusing soap and not dumping it
into the garbage how\'s that gonna
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save the world well I
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think that the only way we\'re going to
save the world is when everybody realizes
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that they each have an individual
country contribution to
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make everybody not just
for the people next door.
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It\'s gotta be everybody but in the meantime
we\'re certainly going to do our bit and
00:09:25.340 --> 00:09:29.254
that involves each employee being
educated as to what they can do.
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Not a few people doing big things a
lot of people doing little things
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And what you have to do is not look at
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the one little thing you have to
look at the cumulative effect.
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One housekeeping department is donating for
1000 pounds of SOPA month multiply that by
00:09:45.560 --> 00:09:48.439
the chain by the year and
felony start to begin
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to have an idea of what a lot
of little changes can bring.
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Two years ago that 1000 employees that
there\'s Bell Canada office near Toronto
00:09:58.910 --> 00:10:05.179
were producing 320 kilograms of trash
a day despite a recycling program.
00:10:05.180 --> 00:10:12.064
When local dumping fees increased by 50% the
time seemed right to make a clean start.
00:10:12.065 --> 00:10:15.679
What the employees found when
they came here on July second
00:10:15.680 --> 00:10:19.699
First of all they found their
wastebasket removed completely removed.
00:10:19.700 --> 00:10:22.534
They found on their desk a mug.
00:10:22.535 --> 00:10:24.979
This bug year which replaced
00:10:24.980 --> 00:10:30.919
the traditional Styrofoam cup that they
were using prior for hot beverages.
00:10:30.920 --> 00:10:32.929
Well they had a new wastebasket.
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This is their new waste
basket very small compact.
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And this can be placed on a desk.
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And the other change of course that they
found is that they they had recyclable
00:10:44.120 --> 00:10:48.529
waste cans bias and compostable waste.
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They could walk it over to the
central recycling bin located by
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the elevators so it worked
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one year later waste plummeted to
less than 11 kilograms that day.
00:11:02.045 --> 00:11:06.004
It was an accomplishment that
had called for rethinking
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what every department wasted
including the cafeteria.
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Do you want to catch up previously
used to get your ketchup mustard
00:11:14.960 --> 00:11:19.594
relishes all in these convenient
little packages plastic packages.
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And if I recall well when you squeeze
those half went on your hand.
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One-quarter went on the food and then the
other quarter state and the package.
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So very inefficient from
many points of view.
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So all of those were replaced with bulk
dispensing again just bulk containers
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A poem from a large bottle.
00:11:43.420 --> 00:11:50.464
All disposable items with the exception of
paper napkins were removed from the cafeteria.
00:11:50.465 --> 00:11:52.579
Since everyone had already received
00:11:52.580 --> 00:11:58.174
a reusable coffee mug polystyrene
cups could be eliminated completely.
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And to encourage composting bins were
00:12:01.550 --> 00:12:06.964
installed making it easy for lunch
patrons to drop our foods graphs.
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The idea was to make simple changes that
didn\'t require a big adjustment from staff.
00:12:13.505 --> 00:12:17.224
When we did this here we\'re
saving $1000 a year.
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And I think we\'re making
money by going to 0 waste
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She inspired Ed machina and his staff.
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Now look for other ways they can
clean up Bell\'s business operations.
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This is a typical box that you may
find in the phone stores right now.
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The next stage is to really go
beyond your waste and beyond
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your waist means to take a look at some
of these materials materials that we
00:12:40.310 --> 00:12:43.489
may even be recycling today
and to ask ourselves do
00:12:43.490 --> 00:12:46.939
we actually need them in the
first place do we need them
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to be recyclable adult can we
make them reusable and shift from
00:12:51.770 --> 00:12:57.409
one R to the next higher higher R and
get more value for these materials.
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While the thought came around that
this is expensive. This is wasteful
00:13:02.915 --> 00:13:05.719
So let\'s try to work on
something like this.
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Very simple. Not long ago.
00:13:09.980 --> 00:13:17.509
This room was lined with metal bins overflowing
with garbage know most days it\'s empty.
00:13:17.510 --> 00:13:21.844
More than 75% of the largest
businesses in Canada.
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Now recycle a portion of their waste.
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But is that enough what
if every business in
00:13:28.670 --> 00:13:33.964
North America or the whole world for
that matter recycled all of their waste.
00:13:33.965 --> 00:13:37.459
Would that be enough to clean
the air and water around
00:13:37.460 --> 00:13:42.634
this not according to writer and
former businessman Paul Hawken.
00:13:42.635 --> 00:13:45.379
He believes recycling programs
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Will merely delay more
meaningful long-term solutions.
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We can\'t to solve the big picture
and not have people committed in
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their daily act in our daily lives to
changes that they could make right now.
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At the same time we don\'t
want to be confused that
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those small incremental acts themselves
will accumulate into a system.
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That is we started because we
have to recognize that some of
00:14:10.850 --> 00:14:15.409
the destructive tendencies of
business is embedded in the
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Design if you will the very
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web of business and that we have to
recognize those things can change them.
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In nature nothing is wasted.
00:14:27.140 --> 00:14:31.879
Everything that is left by one
organism becomes food for another.
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It\'s the perfect balance sheet.
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There are no debits or credits.
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Our system of business
on the other hand takes
00:14:40.460 --> 00:14:43.804
what it wants from the environment
and returns. Nothing useful.
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Most in fact is destructive.
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But what if business imitated the cycle
is found in nature what if it took
00:14:51.725 --> 00:14:58.440
only what could be restored and turn waste
into raw materials for other industries.
00:15:00.100 --> 00:15:04.504
Each day at the export
packers plant in Winnipeg
00:15:04.505 --> 00:15:09.600
more than 1.5 million eggs
are cracked and separate.
00:15:14.470 --> 00:15:18.979
These eggs are used in a
variety of products from
00:15:18.980 --> 00:15:23.730
mayonnaise to bake goods to
enzymes for medical research.
00:15:26.590 --> 00:15:34.290
Little is wasted in this highly mechanized
process except for the egg shells.
00:15:34.360 --> 00:15:41.839
Export Packers once spent a $100 thousand a
year to have the shells move to a local dump.
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Today they don\'t shell out a dime
dried and sold as chicken feed.
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This waste actually generates
profits today by drying it and
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selling it back to the feed industry we
00:15:54.200 --> 00:15:57.694
basically sell off approximately
a $150 thousand a year.
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So if you look at the whole
picture we\'ve gone from minus a
00:16:00.620 --> 00:16:03.739
100 thousand to two plus a $150 thousand.
00:16:03.740 --> 00:16:07.204
And we\'re basically getting
away from a landfill problem.
00:16:07.205 --> 00:16:09.589
We are handling a product
that is a lot easier to
00:16:09.590 --> 00:16:12.709
handle a lot cleaner and recycles as well.
00:16:12.710 --> 00:16:16.039
By applying the principles of ecology
00:16:16.040 --> 00:16:20.899
Export packers has turned waste
into fuel for another industry.
00:16:20.900 --> 00:16:23.749
But what about the energy export packers
00:16:23.750 --> 00:16:27.769
consumed were there other lessons
they could learn from nature.
00:16:27.770 --> 00:16:33.079
Now plant on a daily basis
processes 1.6 million eggs a day.
00:16:33.080 --> 00:16:36.394
And just like eggs at home they
would be kept refrigerated.
00:16:36.395 --> 00:16:39.469
This particular room is
kept at 80 degrees C.
00:16:39.470 --> 00:16:44.599
The good news about keeping a Room at eight
degrees C in Manitoba in the winter time is
00:16:44.600 --> 00:16:48.769
that you can use a lot of
outside air to help to maintain
00:16:48.770 --> 00:16:51.649
the low temperature within the
room there are something like
00:16:51.650 --> 00:16:54.919
six normal refrigeration compressors.
00:16:54.920 --> 00:16:59.179
You\'ll notice on these units
at the fans are stopped.
00:16:59.180 --> 00:17:04.759
All North Americans to one extent
or another rely on electricity.
00:17:04.760 --> 00:17:08.730
It\'s been an abundant resource for decades.
00:17:11.530 --> 00:17:15.154
In the early days we took it for granted.
00:17:15.155 --> 00:17:20.689
Water power was harnessed to turn huge
turbines and the electricity flow.
00:17:20.690 --> 00:17:24.990
Some said it was powered
too cheap to meter.
00:17:29.710 --> 00:17:34.249
No one gave wasting energy
a second thought and
00:17:34.250 --> 00:17:39.300
wasted we did by building
bigger hungrier machines.
00:17:43.510 --> 00:17:50.809
On my way to meet
00:17:50.810 --> 00:17:53.794
the growing demand power utilities damped
00:17:53.795 --> 00:17:58.354
more rivers and built dirtier
coal and oil fueled plants.
00:17:58.355 --> 00:18:01.410
Then came nuclear power.
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Today we live with the hangover of
00:18:05.810 --> 00:18:08.899
our addiction smog acid rain and
00:18:08.900 --> 00:18:13.759
ozone destruction it\'s the price
we pay for cheap electric power.
00:18:13.760 --> 00:18:18.034
Bc Hydros chief executive
officer Mark Eliasson.
00:18:18.035 --> 00:18:23.059
And the bottom line for any utility
is that we can no longer generate and
00:18:23.060 --> 00:18:25.429
transmit electricity in the present and
00:18:25.430 --> 00:18:28.669
future in the manner and the method
by which we\'ve done in the past.
00:18:28.670 --> 00:18:32.359
At BC Hydro in Vancouver staff do
00:18:32.360 --> 00:18:36.048
the hard work by phone there
trying to convince customers
00:18:36.049 --> 00:18:38.479
that less is more applying
00:18:38.480 --> 00:18:43.024
a strategy that promotes energy
conservation like you would a soft drink.
00:18:43.025 --> 00:18:46.039
Even though Washington
cold water saves energy.
00:18:46.040 --> 00:18:49.830
Some people still don\'t
believe it gets closed clean.
00:18:57.820 --> 00:19:02.209
When the power Smart program began in 1989
00:19:02.210 --> 00:19:05.029
the Vancouver and Lower Mainland area were
00:19:05.030 --> 00:19:08.014
among the fastest growing
parts of North America.
00:19:08.015 --> 00:19:14.179
Nearly half of all the electricity generated
in the province was being consumed here.
00:19:14.180 --> 00:19:19.834
Stretched to the limit BC Hydro was
faced with a critical decision
00:19:19.835 --> 00:19:25.624
build more dams and high voltage power
lines or invest in conservation.
00:19:25.625 --> 00:19:29.119
So why would a company
whose business is to sell
00:19:29.120 --> 00:19:33.214
energy encourage its customers to buy less.
00:19:33.215 --> 00:19:38.719
Well the short answer is that
it\'s more lucrative for everyone
00:19:38.720 --> 00:19:44.029
Customers can cut their monthly power bills
by using energy-efficient technology.
00:19:44.030 --> 00:19:49.264
And the utility can sell the leftover
electricity to new customers.
00:19:49.265 --> 00:19:51.649
Without the expense of building
00:19:51.650 --> 00:19:57.574
a new power plant by spending $600 million
through to the end of the decade.
00:19:57.575 --> 00:20:02.149
Bc Hydro could save up to $2 billion and
00:20:02.150 --> 00:20:06.754
delay construction of a new hydro
station by 20 years or more.
00:20:06.755 --> 00:20:09.934
It is the cheapest form of
generating electricity.
00:20:09.935 --> 00:20:13.204
It creates some greatest
number of jobs and surprise.
00:20:13.205 --> 00:20:16.474
It has the most benign
impact on the environment.
00:20:16.475 --> 00:20:19.800
So it\'s the way to go for the long-term.
00:20:20.580 --> 00:20:25.389
North America is industry\'s
use as much as 25%
00:20:25.390 --> 00:20:30.470
more energy per unit of production
than other Western nations.
00:20:30.540 --> 00:20:36.489
Since lighting alone swallows up nearly
half of an industry\'s energy bill it\'s been
00:20:36.490 --> 00:20:41.469
an easy target for BC Hydro power Smart
Program and the lighting project
00:20:41.470 --> 00:20:44.379
that we completed last year
was an extensive project
00:20:44.380 --> 00:20:47.289
to replace all of the
inefficient lights throughout
00:20:47.290 --> 00:20:50.349
the mail that we could justify
replacing and actually totalled
00:20:50.350 --> 00:20:53.649
approximately 3200 light
fixtures that were in place.
00:20:53.650 --> 00:20:56.394
And they were replaced with
much more efficient fixtures.
00:20:56.395 --> 00:21:02.420
In many cases using less than 60% of the
energy of the original thanks turns.
00:21:03.340 --> 00:21:10.050
It allows us to reduce our energy bill
and still acronym responsible manner.
00:21:10.840 --> 00:21:15.439
The energy saved by changing
light fixtures in this plant
00:21:15.440 --> 00:21:19.954
was enough to serve as a 170
Vancouver homes for a year.
00:21:19.955 --> 00:21:25.099
If all of BC Hydro is customers
maximized conservation it\'s estimated
00:21:25.100 --> 00:21:32.010
the province could cut electricity
use by as much as 75% in some areas.
00:21:34.600 --> 00:21:40.579
Searching for business practices which
respect and preserve nature has never been
00:21:40.580 --> 00:21:45.874
more important particularly as billions
of people in the developing world
00:21:45.875 --> 00:21:50.250
aspire to our levels of
consumerism and waste.
00:21:50.980 --> 00:21:57.559
The Amazon River Basin nurtures nearly half
of the world\'s plant and animal species.
00:21:57.560 --> 00:22:03.019
Yet every hour 1800 hectares
of rainforest are destroyed.
00:22:03.020 --> 00:22:09.570
Most of it going up in smoke clearing land
for cattle ranching and subsistence farmer.
00:22:10.600 --> 00:22:15.859
It\'s a crisis fueled as much by the
cravings of wealthy consumers in
00:22:15.860 --> 00:22:21.424
the North as it is by the poverty and
desperation of those in the south.
00:22:21.425 --> 00:22:24.949
On the surface. It\'s not the
kind of place where you\'d
00:22:24.950 --> 00:22:28.369
expect to find in international
cosmetics company.
00:22:28.370 --> 00:22:32.089
But the body shop which sells
hair and skin products in
00:22:32.090 --> 00:22:36.274
hundreds of stores around the
world isn\'t an ordinary business.
00:22:36.275 --> 00:22:39.319
Here in the heart of the jungle
they\'ve helped a group of
00:22:39.320 --> 00:22:42.409
chi hippo Indians set
up their own business.
00:22:42.410 --> 00:22:48.229
One whose fortunes depend on protecting
the rain forest not chopping it down.
00:22:48.230 --> 00:22:51.919
For three months each
year Campo Indians from
00:22:51.920 --> 00:22:55.129
two villages comb the
forest floor hunting for
00:22:55.130 --> 00:22:57.169
Brazil nuts carried to
00:22:57.170 --> 00:23:02.209
a local production plan then knots
are cracked open ground and pressed.
00:23:02.210 --> 00:23:07.234
What The Body Shop bys is the oil
more than 4 thousand kilograms
00:23:07.235 --> 00:23:10.489
Were purchased in 1993 even though
00:23:10.490 --> 00:23:15.394
Brazil nut oil hair conditioner has
become a best seller for the body shop.
00:23:15.395 --> 00:23:18.289
It was created to give these capo Indians
00:23:18.290 --> 00:23:22.879
a sustainable economic alternative
its practices like this that
00:23:22.880 --> 00:23:26.329
make the body shop a green
business leader and its
00:23:26.330 --> 00:23:30.544
founder and president and neither
Roddick I\'m outspoken maverick.
00:23:30.545 --> 00:23:35.719
You\'ve written in the past that environmentalism
will be the issue of the nineties.
00:23:35.720 --> 00:23:38.869
Do you still believe that why it\'s got to
00:23:38.870 --> 00:23:42.169
be the alternative You\'ve got to
we\'ve got to clean up our mess.
00:23:42.170 --> 00:23:45.559
We\'ve got if we\'re if we\'ve got two i
00:23:45.560 --> 00:23:49.324
absolutely am very using sustainable
resources. We\'ve got to
00:23:49.325 --> 00:23:53.419
Really know about waste management
energy control. We\'ve got to do that.
00:23:53.420 --> 00:23:58.369
Now. If we have that thinking which
goes into the next 20-30 40 years.
00:23:58.370 --> 00:24:02.149
We\'ll put those practices in those
environmental management practice in now.
00:24:02.150 --> 00:24:05.764
If we\'re short-term ism which has
been happening in the last 50 years.
00:24:05.765 --> 00:24:07.309
We can a screw everything up.
00:24:07.310 --> 00:24:12.484
That\'s my belief is that you work with
grassroots to have a sense of outrage to demand.
00:24:12.485 --> 00:24:15.649
We\'ve got to know the consumer you
and I\'ve got to know how our shoes
00:24:15.650 --> 00:24:18.649
made what conditions of
employment what labor
00:24:18.650 --> 00:24:21.109
conditions what environmental
practices are used
00:24:21.110 --> 00:24:23.449
my gut feeling is that the consumer
00:24:23.450 --> 00:24:25.744
is going to ask these questions
in the next ten years.
00:24:25.745 --> 00:24:28.054
That\'s probably the only
way it\'s going to happen.
00:24:28.055 --> 00:24:31.560
Businesses got to change
if we\'re going to survive
00:24:31.830 --> 00:24:37.434
Like it\'s founder The Body Shop
breaks the traditional business mole.
00:24:37.435 --> 00:24:39.489
Simplicity is key.
00:24:39.490 --> 00:24:44.049
Every shampoo cream and lotion
comes packaged in one of
00:24:44.050 --> 00:24:49.119
only five bottled designs making
them easier to refill and reuse.
00:24:49.120 --> 00:24:52.194
Although the Body Shop
is probably best known
00:24:52.195 --> 00:24:55.419
for its policy banning
products tested on animals.
00:24:55.420 --> 00:25:02.480
Every item carried is rated on a scale
of as many as 40 environmental criteria.
00:25:05.610 --> 00:25:11.709
Even shipping crates which can be
broken down start and then reuse later.
00:25:11.710 --> 00:25:14.780
Take the environment into account.
00:25:17.880 --> 00:25:21.939
At the company\'s Canadian
headquarters in Toronto
00:25:21.940 --> 00:25:27.954
the same resourceful spirit emerged when
it came time to find larger facilities.
00:25:27.955 --> 00:25:33.729
Instead of building a new office they
recycled and old one pursuing a model of
00:25:33.730 --> 00:25:39.729
corporate environmentalism that challenges old
beliefs about how people and offices work.
00:25:39.730 --> 00:25:44.979
This building to me is like the basket
that holds the business philosophy.
00:25:44.980 --> 00:25:50.079
It is a building that is for business
to prove to people that you can run
00:25:50.080 --> 00:25:53.649
a really efficient profitable
business while being
00:25:53.650 --> 00:25:58.379
really good to the people who
work in the business and
00:25:58.380 --> 00:26:02.509
About the business and that you can produce
00:26:02.510 --> 00:26:07.714
profits and you can make people
feel entirely comfortable.
00:26:07.715 --> 00:26:11.284
And yet you can still be
friendly to the environment.
00:26:11.285 --> 00:26:17.659
And for me that was the one overriding
factor that it had to encompass
00:26:17.660 --> 00:26:20.389
those three areas of the body shop the
00:26:20.390 --> 00:26:26.280
profitability the people and
the environment the place.
00:26:27.850 --> 00:26:33.049
What they created was a place
that loses less heat spreads
00:26:33.050 --> 00:26:38.370
more sunshine and recycles more
waste than most other buildings
00:26:39.910 --> 00:26:47.580
Staff now walk on the first carpet in
Canada made entirely from recycled nylon.
00:26:48.040 --> 00:26:53.989
But most ideas embody simple environmental
principles like refurbishing
00:26:53.990 --> 00:27:00.420
old desks and chairs and recycling glass
windows that were destined for the local dump.
00:27:00.610 --> 00:27:04.579
I think that people get so
caught up and having to do
00:27:04.580 --> 00:27:07.549
something big that it
stops them altogether.
00:27:07.550 --> 00:27:11.134
If they can\'t do something magnificent
that doesn\'t make a big splash.
00:27:11.135 --> 00:27:15.289
They say well I just wait for the
opportunity when I can do that.
00:27:15.290 --> 00:27:18.919
And I think that that\'s
the wrong tap to take
00:27:18.920 --> 00:27:22.939
small steps are just as encouraging
and just as important as large step
00:27:22.940 --> 00:27:30.364
. Greening the building has meant looking
for opportunities around every corner.
00:27:30.365 --> 00:27:34.369
When the hotel a few blocks
away began renovations
00:27:34.370 --> 00:27:39.900
The Body Shop seize the chance to
purchase a few use sinks and toilets.
00:27:40.810 --> 00:27:47.059
But it\'s outside on the grounds that
evidence of real innovation is taking shape.
00:27:47.060 --> 00:27:52.939
Alongside the buildings parking lot
bulldozers are clearing space for a wetland.
00:27:52.940 --> 00:27:58.444
Not only will it help prevent rainwater from
flooding storm sewers and local rivers.
00:27:58.445 --> 00:28:01.729
But the area may eventually
be used to drain
00:28:01.730 --> 00:28:05.284
wastewater treated here and
what the Body Shop calls
00:28:05.285 --> 00:28:08.359
the living machine. It may look like
00:28:08.360 --> 00:28:12.019
a greenhouse but when it\'s
complete 4 thousand liters
00:28:12.020 --> 00:28:15.094
of wastewater from toilets
sinks and showers
00:28:15.095 --> 00:28:19.324
will flow through these tanks
instead of into sewers
00:28:19.325 --> 00:28:24.019
by imitating wetlands and marshes
which purify water naturally.
00:28:24.020 --> 00:28:28.744
Living machine turns waste
into food for plants and fish.
00:28:28.745 --> 00:28:32.284
And then eventually back into clean water.
00:28:32.285 --> 00:28:35.959
One day the Body Shop hopes
the same technique can
00:28:35.960 --> 00:28:39.904
also be used to clean the
buildings industrial wastewater.
00:28:39.905 --> 00:28:42.109
It\'s an investment in the future.
00:28:42.110 --> 00:28:46.219
One which goes a long way to
reducing the strain this business
00:28:46.220 --> 00:28:50.449
places on the environment
but is it enough I
00:28:50.450 --> 00:28:54.469
guess the problem for me is that
in business growth is absolutely
00:28:54.470 --> 00:28:58.549
essential to survival but in the real
world you can\'t keep on growing forever.
00:28:58.550 --> 00:29:01.954
It means death is that really not
00:29:01.955 --> 00:29:05.434
The fundamental problem even the body shop.
00:29:05.435 --> 00:29:08.359
You not need a growth in order to survive
00:29:08.360 --> 00:29:12.094
but we also need to constantly
rethink our thinking.
00:29:12.095 --> 00:29:14.479
You know one of the biggest
conversations going on in
00:29:14.480 --> 00:29:17.209
the body shop at the
moment is how big do you
00:29:17.210 --> 00:29:19.699
wanna grow when is enough enough now
00:29:19.700 --> 00:29:22.234
these are conversations that
they may get into practice.
00:29:22.235 --> 00:29:25.984
I don\'t know yet. Yes there\'s
a dialogue about that.
00:29:25.985 --> 00:29:30.229
But if if we\'re going on the route
of more opening more shops than
00:29:30.230 --> 00:29:36.829
every act every decision has to have an
environmental and a social perspective to it.
00:29:36.830 --> 00:29:40.234
And neither erotic is the first
to admit that no company
00:29:40.235 --> 00:29:44.194
including The Body Shop has
all the answers. In fact
00:29:44.195 --> 00:29:47.029
Her views have made her a
target for criticism from the
00:29:47.030 --> 00:29:50.344
business community and
some environmental groups.
00:29:50.345 --> 00:29:53.629
What\'s really important
is that companies like
00:29:53.630 --> 00:29:58.279
hers are beginning to question
conventional business practices.
00:29:58.280 --> 00:30:04.320
And that environmental costs are
factored into every business decision.
00:30:05.710 --> 00:30:08.659
This is the 20th century world of
00:30:08.660 --> 00:30:14.430
industry a complex combination of
mass production and technical skill.
00:30:16.540 --> 00:30:22.399
In the short span of 50 years Canada
has become a major industrial nation.
00:30:22.400 --> 00:30:27.210
You skyscrapers new factories
shape the skyline of the city
00:30:28.750 --> 00:30:34.249
In the 20th century world of
industry anything seemed possible.
00:30:34.250 --> 00:30:37.549
We\'ve treated nature as an
inexhaustible storehouse of
00:30:37.550 --> 00:30:41.644
resources hours to forge
into a boundless future.
00:30:41.645 --> 00:30:43.654
We call it progress.
00:30:43.655 --> 00:30:49.669
And on its course we seem determined to
convert the entire world into consumer items
00:30:49.670 --> 00:30:53.719
manufacturing more things
to sell to more people has
00:30:53.720 --> 00:30:57.754
become the focus of Western
society and economic growth.
00:30:57.755 --> 00:31:01.770
The means of measuring
every country\'s progress
00:31:08.260 --> 00:31:15.180
Trying to consume our way to prosperity
has not only exhausted resources.
00:31:15.310 --> 00:31:22.320
But it\'s left us to live on a diet of
inflation unemployment and insecurity.
00:31:29.140 --> 00:31:33.244
Industrialism is a linear approach
00:31:33.245 --> 00:31:37.324
to manufacturing and sales and
distribution destroys things around it.
00:31:37.325 --> 00:31:40.429
Nothing linear lasts end of subject.
00:31:40.430 --> 00:31:43.939
And that the only way for
business to survive and for us
00:31:43.940 --> 00:31:48.229
to survive along with it is to
produce a cyclical economy.
00:31:48.230 --> 00:31:50.854
In a cyclical economy
00:31:50.855 --> 00:31:53.539
All products do one of two things.
00:31:53.540 --> 00:31:57.754
They either decomposed and become
food for other living organisms.
00:31:57.755 --> 00:32:02.059
Are they returned to the
manufacturer and recycled at
00:32:02.060 --> 00:32:05.749
this German automobile plant
workers can now dismantle and
00:32:05.750 --> 00:32:10.680
recycled as many as 80% of
the parts in some model.
00:32:11.980 --> 00:32:16.519
But these changes aren\'t simply
acts of corporate goodness.
00:32:16.520 --> 00:32:19.594
Most were spurred by
government legislation.
00:32:19.595 --> 00:32:24.634
And in Germany environmental policies
are among the toughest in the world.
00:32:24.635 --> 00:32:27.469
The rationale is straightforward enough.
00:32:27.470 --> 00:32:33.199
If a manufacturer made it the same manufacturer
should be responsible for the product
00:32:33.200 --> 00:32:38.970
throughout its life and that means keeping
it out of incinerators and dumps.
00:32:48.880 --> 00:32:53.689
Policies like this are reshaping
business practices across
00:32:53.690 --> 00:32:58.800
Europe making it harder for less
progressive countries to compete
00:32:58.870 --> 00:33:02.089
We will have companies
in Canada coming out of
00:33:02.090 --> 00:33:06.019
the recession that are looking
forward to the global marketplace to
00:33:06.020 --> 00:33:09.154
compete and we won\'t be
able to compete because
00:33:09.155 --> 00:33:13.189
other countries will have strategically
nurtured their businesses
00:33:13.190 --> 00:33:17.839
and industry associations into accepting
more environmental responsibility
00:33:17.840 --> 00:33:22.669
and the level of packaging protocol awareness
and the level of responsibility for
00:33:22.670 --> 00:33:28.129
solid waste and the level for uniform
packaging size and looking to retool
00:33:28.130 --> 00:33:31.039
business is happening much
slower in a number of
00:33:31.040 --> 00:33:34.204
sectors in Canada than
among the competition.
00:33:34.205 --> 00:33:36.649
What we\'re seeing here is an
economy that desperately wants to
00:33:36.650 --> 00:33:41.014
evolve and move from a linear
system to a cyclical system
00:33:41.015 --> 00:33:44.179
And it\'s being suppressed every step
of the way by businesses themselves
00:33:44.180 --> 00:33:48.064
because they\'re afraid of the
future and they only know the past.
00:33:48.065 --> 00:33:52.399
Business is trapped by an
outdated economic system.
00:33:52.400 --> 00:33:58.384
One which demands they produce goods at the
lowest price in order to survive and thrive.
00:33:58.385 --> 00:34:02.824
But low-price goods usually
overlook one critical figure.
00:34:02.825 --> 00:34:05.704
The cost of destroying the earth.
00:34:05.705 --> 00:34:10.759
How is it that the products that harm
and endanger life can be sold more
00:34:10.760 --> 00:34:16.369
cheaply than those that don\'t
only way that you can change that
00:34:16.370 --> 00:34:19.609
Is to move to a tax system
where price and cost to
00:34:19.610 --> 00:34:22.909
integrated you have to scrap the current
tax system or we tax it things.
00:34:22.910 --> 00:34:27.469
We encourage jobs profitability
00:34:27.470 --> 00:34:30.349
and really start taxing things that we
00:34:30.350 --> 00:34:33.184
want to encourage and start taxing
things we want to discourage.
00:34:33.185 --> 00:34:37.789
And that\'s like the consumption of fossil
fuels of pesticides and herbicides
00:34:37.790 --> 00:34:41.554
heavy metals toxins guns weapons
00:34:41.555 --> 00:34:46.384
all the things that destroy the environment
around us you tax those things.
00:34:46.385 --> 00:34:49.819
And what happens in the marketplace
is that if you phase out in
00:34:49.820 --> 00:34:54.094
over 20 year period that
green taxes phase out
00:34:54.095 --> 00:34:58.054
the payroll and income taxes we have now.
00:34:58.055 --> 00:35:02.884
What happens in is that price in the
marketplace starts to reflect true cost.
00:35:02.885 --> 00:35:07.669
And when it reflects to a cost in
sustainable methods and manufacturer of
00:35:07.670 --> 00:35:13.039
resource extraction of farming
become very very cost competitive.
00:35:13.040 --> 00:35:16.759
They become the cheapest
way to produce things.
00:35:16.760 --> 00:35:20.299
Adopting a pricing system
that adds on the cost
00:35:20.300 --> 00:35:23.839
of environmental destruction
would benefit all of us.
00:35:23.840 --> 00:35:27.529
It would mean that I could buy
the least expensive product
00:35:27.530 --> 00:35:31.759
here for example and know that
it was best for the environment.
00:35:31.760 --> 00:35:36.484
It would also help curb
another problem. Growth.
00:35:36.485 --> 00:35:42.259
All businesses operate under the illusion that
they can continue to produce more goods to
00:35:42.260 --> 00:35:48.604
sell to more consumers without ever
letting up but nothing grows forever.
00:35:48.605 --> 00:35:53.224
The fact the matter is that we
need growth and we need death.
00:35:53.225 --> 00:35:56.449
Every system requires both.
00:35:56.450 --> 00:35:59.554
Whether it\'s a forest or
whether it\'s an economy.
00:35:59.555 --> 00:36:02.464
And so the question is it\'s
the quality of the growth.
00:36:02.465 --> 00:36:05.749
What is growing what is dy and right
00:36:05.750 --> 00:36:09.994
now what is growing as capital
and what is dying is the planet.
00:36:09.995 --> 00:36:14.209
And what we need is the planet
to grow and what we need to
00:36:14.210 --> 00:36:18.934
atrophy to die and so forth
is systems that no longer
00:36:18.935 --> 00:36:25.294
Mesh with the natural world there
are no books on how not to grow.
00:36:25.295 --> 00:36:28.249
Business magazines don\'t write about it and
00:36:28.250 --> 00:36:31.864
only a handful of schools have even broach.
The subject.
00:36:31.865 --> 00:36:36.364
Not growing is contrary to
everything business knows.
00:36:36.365 --> 00:36:40.129
Yet some like this outdoor
clothing company based in Ventura.
00:36:40.130 --> 00:36:44.269
California are trying to
redefine growth in an age of
00:36:44.270 --> 00:36:51.304
environmental awareness founder and
owner of Patagonia yvon Chouinard.
00:36:51.305 --> 00:36:55.219
If this year and we can
do more sales and we have
00:36:55.220 --> 00:37:00.724
budgeted easily without adding
any infrastructure without
00:37:00.725 --> 00:37:05.149
Hiring new people without
opening more dealers
00:37:05.150 --> 00:37:09.799
for our goods without designing
new products I\'m going to do it.
00:37:09.800 --> 00:37:14.269
That\'s that\'s great growth.
I\'m all for that.
00:37:14.270 --> 00:37:19.789
However if I have to say okay
we want to grow 30% next year.
00:37:19.790 --> 00:37:22.174
So let\'s open up 30% more dealers.
00:37:22.175 --> 00:37:26.194
Let\'s develop 30% more
products that\'s bad growth.
00:37:26.195 --> 00:37:30.919
And and that will eventually
make us commit suicide
00:37:30.920 --> 00:37:36.484
During the last decade Patagonia
experienced growth in the fast lane.
00:37:36.485 --> 00:37:40.399
The company started in the 19
eighties with sales of $3.1
00:37:40.400 --> 00:37:45.574
million and ended them by
topic the $100 million mark.
00:37:45.575 --> 00:37:50.509
But just as profits P they came tumbling
down the other side of the mountain.
00:37:50.510 --> 00:37:55.624
Eventually 200 of the company is 600
employees would lose their jobs.
00:37:55.625 --> 00:38:01.459
Growth yvon Chouinard discovered was not the
only measure of a successful business and
00:38:01.460 --> 00:38:03.739
we expect foresters to be stewards of
00:38:03.740 --> 00:38:07.399
the forest could be protecting the
forest not cut the whole thing down.
00:38:07.400 --> 00:38:09.904
He cut a tree here you cut a tree there.
00:38:09.905 --> 00:38:12.484
That\'s mature and it\'s ready to die anyway.
00:38:12.485 --> 00:38:15.349
But you know raised all thing.
00:38:15.350 --> 00:38:21.394
Well we expect it to those people but
we don\'t expect anything of business.
00:38:21.395 --> 00:38:23.869
We don\'t expect anything of corporations.
00:38:23.870 --> 00:38:25.879
They can do anything they want.
00:38:25.880 --> 00:38:30.859
Because the mandate is they have
to grow as quickly as possible.
00:38:30.860 --> 00:38:35.329
A few companies are willing
to look carefully at
00:38:35.330 --> 00:38:40.099
the consequences of their business and
take responsibility for what they see.
00:38:40.100 --> 00:38:43.609
Patagonia has for employees who spend all
00:38:43.610 --> 00:38:46.789
of their time searching for
ways to make products that
00:38:46.790 --> 00:38:54.120
are less damaging like this jacket made
from recycled plastic of 25 soda bottles.
00:38:54.580 --> 00:39:00.979
But the most impressive environmental
accomplishment comes off the company\'s bottom line.
00:39:00.980 --> 00:39:05.014
Profits each year Patagonia donates
00:39:05.015 --> 00:39:13.015
10% of its pre-tax profits $1.2 million
in 1993 to environmental causes.
00:39:15.610 --> 00:39:18.919
I wanted to be here a 100 years
from now which means I have to
00:39:18.920 --> 00:39:22.294
stay a natural size for
what I\'m trying to do.
00:39:22.295 --> 00:39:25.729
And so at some point I have to
00:39:25.730 --> 00:39:30.349
downsize at some point I have to
grow at some point I have to cruise.
00:39:30.350 --> 00:39:36.949
And I\'m perfectly willing to follow
that to be here 100 years now
00:39:36.950 --> 00:39:40.819
Whether or not a company
grows may be incidental.
00:39:40.820 --> 00:39:43.804
The real point is to preserve nature
00:39:43.805 --> 00:39:47.464
and ultimately to leave a
better place for our children.
00:39:47.465 --> 00:39:50.959
Some believe the only way
to do this is by using
00:39:50.960 --> 00:39:57.589
sustainable business practices but cannot
occur at appetite for resources be sustained.
00:39:57.590 --> 00:39:59.689
People talk about a sustainable society but
00:39:59.690 --> 00:40:01.939
the dirty little secret
of environmentalism is
00:40:01.940 --> 00:40:05.059
there\'s you know you
don\'t want to say it too
00:40:05.060 --> 00:40:08.584
loud but there\'s no such
thing as sustainability.
00:40:08.585 --> 00:40:14.299
It doesn\'t exist in either your
restoring place going into grading
00:40:14.300 --> 00:40:17.179
Or in Buddhism is either you
making an effort or you\'re
00:40:17.180 --> 00:40:20.164
being lazy but there\'s
no middle ground there.
00:40:20.165 --> 00:40:24.259
There\'s no place where we can
measure just exactly where it
00:40:24.260 --> 00:40:28.579
is where we can take just enough and not degrade
the environment for future generations.
00:40:28.580 --> 00:40:33.994
So the economy that we had to move to
isn\'t one where we sustain ourselves.
00:40:33.995 --> 00:40:38.899
We\'re talking about restoring this
place we\'re talking about replanning
00:40:38.900 --> 00:40:45.319
ancient forest about restoring riparian
systems and wetlands and fisheries.
00:40:45.320 --> 00:40:51.199
So we\'re talking about reconstructing
the environment or allowing it
00:40:51.200 --> 00:40:53.719
to basically heal itself in such a way
00:40:53.720 --> 00:40:57.600
that is prosperous and sort of
read is pretty exciting stuff.
00:41:01.590 --> 00:41:07.329
Taking steps to restore the environment
begins in your own backyard.
00:41:07.330 --> 00:41:10.419
That\'s what John Edmonds
believed when he decided to
00:41:10.420 --> 00:41:14.604
radically change is Halifax
based landscaping business.
00:41:14.605 --> 00:41:20.784
Alone in garden are often the only regular
contact urban dwellers have with nature.
00:41:20.785 --> 00:41:27.369
But as Edmonds knew most landscaping practices
are contrary to all things natural.
00:41:27.370 --> 00:41:33.699
His business relied on a steady supply of
chemicals like pesticides and herbicides.
00:41:33.700 --> 00:41:38.894
Toxins applied to lawns that eventually
seep into local rivers and lakes
00:41:38.895 --> 00:41:46.200
Years ago John Edmonds decided it was time
to take his gardening business off drugs.
00:41:46.420 --> 00:41:50.149
It has benefit our company in general in
00:41:50.150 --> 00:41:53.464
that we looked at all aspects
of the way we did business.
00:41:53.465 --> 00:41:56.194
The benefit of the employees.
00:41:56.195 --> 00:42:03.304
Their health and attitude has improved
and are also very very interesting.
00:42:03.305 --> 00:42:08.479
And this can assist all businesses
is that our employees now
00:42:08.480 --> 00:42:11.359
recognize and they did
recognize then the value of
00:42:11.360 --> 00:42:14.959
making this transition it show we were
interested in them in the community.
00:42:14.960 --> 00:42:16.969
And this cause
00:42:16.970 --> 00:42:21.079
This awakening his help keep our company
00:42:21.080 --> 00:42:22.999
together and it\'s given them
00:42:23.000 --> 00:42:26.584
another reason to work for the
company and put in long hours.
00:42:26.585 --> 00:42:30.079
The benefits to our clients they
now have pesticide free zones.
00:42:30.080 --> 00:42:31.894
For example we have a client.
00:42:31.895 --> 00:42:34.804
Who\'s an animal he\'s a bird lover.
00:42:34.805 --> 00:42:42.409
And he he has kind of the population and
there\'s birds on almost a monthly basis.
00:42:42.410 --> 00:42:49.474
And since he is property has gone from using
pesticides synthetic fertilizers to organic.
00:42:49.475 --> 00:42:54.034
You you told me last month extremely happy.
00:42:54.035 --> 00:42:57.870
He\'s bird population has
increased five-fold
00:42:58.570 --> 00:43:06.229
Imagine a world where every transaction
restores and protect nature were work means
00:43:06.230 --> 00:43:08.839
more than bringing home a paycheck where
00:43:08.840 --> 00:43:13.534
the fundamental objective of business
is to improve life for everyone.
00:43:13.535 --> 00:43:18.544
That\'s the kind of world that business
leaders like John Edmonds envision.
00:43:18.545 --> 00:43:26.545
We found that this environmental
transition has paid off in enriching us.
00:43:30.400 --> 00:43:35.659
Not only intercompany surviving and
doing good business and treatment are
00:43:35.660 --> 00:43:41.089
clients happy but we have been enriched
in taking this home to where families
00:43:41.090 --> 00:43:45.739
And it\'s made us think about
nature and made us not turn
00:43:45.740 --> 00:43:48.979
a deaf ear to the TV
when you see this stuff
00:43:48.980 --> 00:43:50.809
going on and say well
that\'s got nothing to do
00:43:50.810 --> 00:43:52.984
with it because it does
because the Earth as a whole.
00:43:52.985 --> 00:43:56.149
And I would say quite bluntly that
00:43:56.150 --> 00:44:02.119
every business leader has a social
responsibility not only to the community
00:44:02.120 --> 00:44:05.719
To himself and he\'s employees to look
00:44:05.720 --> 00:44:10.260
at how the way he does business
affects the environment