Award-winning journalist, John Pilger, investigates the realities of globalization…
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Is water part of a shared 'commons', a human right for all people? Or is it a commodity to be bought, sold, and traded in a global marketplace? THIRST tells the stories of communities in Bolivia, India, and the United States that are asking these fundamental questions, as water becomes the most valuable global resource of the 21st Century.
A character-driven documentary with no narration, THIRST reveals how the debate over water rights between communities and corporations can serve as a catalyst for explosive and steadfast resistance to globalization.
'THIRST is a provocative portrayal in stark human terms of current battles over water privatization. Communities rise in protest; corporate interests seem to turn a deaf ear. Can there be a middle ground? THIRST provides a passionate jumping off point for a debate that is just beginning.' Tom Graff, Environmental Defense
'THIRST brilliantly dramatizes a potential threat of great enormity. A careful and deeply disturbing film about the threat to human safety and survival worldwide by corporate attempts to privatize the earth's water supplies.' Norris Hundley, author, The Great Thirst and Professor Emeritus of History, UCLA
'A moving and inspiring film about one of the biggest water issues of our sounds a clarion call for citizens and governments to reaffirm that water is a public trust, not a commodity to be exploited for private profit. I hope THIRST is viewed widely, discussed at town meetings and in legislative debates, and that it energizes citizen involvement in water decisions. A powerful -- and needed -- film.' Sandra Postel, Director, Global Water Policy Project
'Do you know who controls your water? You'd better find out. As this powerful film shows, it may already be a private corporation run from afar. THIRST challenges apathy and ignorance about our most precious resource and shows how every citizen's voice can, indeed must, make a difference. See this film, and be inspired to act.' Peter H. Gleick, 2003 MacArthur Fellow and author, The World's Water
'THIRST is a remarkable film. The looming freshwater crisis is the greatest environmental and human rights crisis of our time. Not surprisingly, the move is on by powerful corporations and governments to commodify and cartelize the world's water supplies for power and profit. THIRST is the story of this assault and the fight to stop it.' Maude Barlow, National Chair, Council of Canadians and Co-author, with Tony Clarke, Blue Gold, The Fight to Stop Corporate Theft of the World's Water
'Beautiful and engaging...' Carl Pope, Sierra Club Executive Director
'THIRST is an important and timely film, and vividly illustrates the human costs of commodifying a most basic human right -- water. From women in India struggling to care for their families in the absence of fresh water and adequate sanitation to the people of Stockton, California, fighting to maintain control over their water resources, THIRST tells a powerful story of resistance and survival.' California State Senator Liz Figueroa (D, Fremont) Chair, Select Committee on International Trade Policy Chair
'THIRST beautifully shows how the labor movement can work closely with community groups and the environmental movement to defend public jobs and the public trust. Struggles for control of water could become the focus for creative new coalitions to reverse the tide of privatization.' Peter Olney, Institute for Labor and Employment, University of California
'THIRST is a transformative experience. As patrons left the theater, it was clear that the entertainment they had witnessed had progressed to education, visual beauty to substantive understanding. They had been fulfilled and motivated, their minds engaged and expanded. Despite the fact that the issues raised often inflame the passions, audience members felt they had grown without rancor, moved forward without leaving any players or arguments behind.' Professor Robert Benedetti, Executive Director, Jacoby Center for Regional and Community Studies, University of the Pacific
'THIRST documents how power, politics and money all combine in the raging international debate about water policy. The underlying issues of community versus corporate control are remarkably similar whether in India or the United States. The control of water may be responsible for more political, economic and even military clashes in the 21st century than was oil in the 20th.' Congressman George Miller (D-7, California) Former Chair, House Committee on Natural Resources
Voted one of 'Top 10 Environmental Documentaries of 2009...Will make viewers think twice the next time they take a sip from the tap.' Mother Nature Network
'Surprisingly captivating...unlike so many other documentaries about multinationals -- documentaries that tend to be overbearingly supercilious and contemptuous -- THIRST simply lets the story tell itself...THIRST is like a message in a bottle sent from the future. It tells the beginning of what could be one of the major political and economic issues to shape the next century. Don't say they didn't warn you.' Phil Busse--The Portland Mercury
'THIRST gives you dry mouth.' Matthew Hirsch, San Francisco Bay Guardian
'Another smart bottom-to-top take on complexly related racial, economic, legislative, and individual issues. The crux here: can water access remain 'part of the global commons' everyone should have free access to, or is it doomed to become an economic commodity bought and sold like any other?...This important and engrossing film provides a spur to activism that no one should ignore, unless they're rich enough in obliviousness to propose, 'Let them drink sake.'' Dennis Harvey, San Francisco Bay Guardian
'By showing how activists in Stockton, Cochabamba and India are all...thinking globally but acting locally, Snitow and Kaufman give us a provocative look at the current and coming water wars...After seeing THIRST it will be hard to ever take water for granted.' Jonathan Curiel, San Francisco Chronicle
'A groundbreaking and provocative new film about the rush to privatize what the filmmakers rightly define as the very essence of life.' Silja J.A. Talvi, AlterNet
'THIRST insightfully and thoroughly explores the contentious issues surrounding water privatization, showing us that it's not merely a Third World concern but a dark and growing trend right here in our own backyard.' Shannon Abel, HOT DOCS Canadian International Documentary Festival
'A compelling study of corporate greed, exploitation of the disadvantaged, and volatile uprising among civic-minded protestors demanding equal voice in a controversial issue...A valuable tool for awareness and activism, especially in water rich communities that could become the next battleground for the public's right to water, THIRST deserves to be seen by all who drink, flush, and cook with life's most essential element. Highly recommended.' Video Librarian
'Highly Recommended' Educational Media Reviews Online
'Both educational and informative, Thirst tells a compelling part of the water rights' story and urges us all to take an interest in our water before it is too late.'
Main credits
Snitow, Alan (film producer)
Snitow, Alan (film director)
Kaufman, Deborah (film producer)
Kaufman, Deborah (film director)
Other credits
Editor, Kenji Yamamoto.
Distributor subjects
Activism; American Studies; Asian Studies; Business Practices; Citizenship and Civics; Community; Developing World; Environment; Geography; Globalization; Human Rights; Humanities; India; Latin American Studies; Law; Natural Resources; Science, Technology, Society; Social Justice; Sustainability; WaterKeywords
00:00:22.250 --> 00:00:26.959
[ Man ]The world attention and eyes are focusing on us today...
00:00:26.959 --> 00:00:29.999
as we witness
the largest gathering...
00:00:29.999 --> 00:00:33.667
dealing with one
of the greatest challenges...
00:00:33.667 --> 00:00:36.667
of the 21st century:
fresh water.
00:00:36.667 --> 00:00:42.792
[ Man #2 ]This water is now in a stage of crisis,
00:00:42.792 --> 00:00:46.458
and due to
the rapid increase...
00:00:46.458 --> 00:00:48.792
of the world's population,
00:00:48.792 --> 00:00:55.959
this situation is expected
to become even more serious.
00:00:56.500 --> 00:00:58.999
[ Man #3 ] The challenge here...
00:00:58.999 --> 00:01:03.875
is to convey access
to all the unserved people...
00:01:03.875 --> 00:01:06.041
at an affordable price.
00:01:06.041 --> 00:01:09.917
My experience as
a water professional...
00:01:09.917 --> 00:01:11.625
is that it is possible.
00:01:11.625 --> 00:01:12.959
It is possible,
but there are conditions.
00:01:12.959 --> 00:01:19.375
The political question really
is, "Who owns water and
who gets to control water?"
00:01:19.375 --> 00:01:21.208
Here you're going to hear,
or you are hearing,
00:01:21.208 --> 00:01:24.500
two very, very different visions
of a future for water.
00:01:24.500 --> 00:01:29.208
On one side are those who see
water as an economic good--
00:01:29.208 --> 00:01:33.417
to put water on the open market
for sale to the highest bidder.
00:01:33.417 --> 00:01:38.458
On the other hand, you're going to hear the voice of a growing
civil society movement...
00:01:38.458 --> 00:01:42.291
who has a vision of water as
a part of the global commons...
00:01:42.291 --> 00:01:45.999
and treated as a public trust
for all time...
00:01:45.999 --> 00:01:48.750
by governments everywhere.
00:01:49.166 --> 00:01:53.667
People were killed
by the army...
00:01:53.667 --> 00:01:55.583
because of what
you are saying here.
00:01:55.583 --> 00:02:00.417
Somebody has to pay for water,
ladies and gentlemen.
00:02:00.417 --> 00:02:02.750
Whether it's the users...
00:02:02.750 --> 00:02:06.999
or the future generations,
that is the reality.
00:02:06.999 --> 00:02:11.834
[ Man Speaking Spanish ]
00:02:17.999 --> 00:02:19.999
Many of the companies
that are represented here...
00:02:19.999 --> 00:02:24.458
have stained our water with
the blood of our compatriots.
00:02:24.458 --> 00:02:26.750
[ Spanish ]
00:02:26.750 --> 00:02:30.125
Do not stain your hands
with blood anymore.
00:02:30.125 --> 00:02:33.875
[ Cheering, Applauding ]
00:03:02.709 --> 00:03:06.083
[ Whistling, Chattering ]
00:03:07.375 --> 00:03:10.458
[ Explosions ]
00:03:16.500 --> 00:03:19.166
[ Speaking Spanish ]
00:03:32.625 --> 00:03:37.125
[ Olivera Speaking Spanish ]
00:04:16.750 --> 00:04:20.917
[ Shouting In Spanish On Bullhorn ]
00:04:29.999 --> 00:04:32.583
[ Woman ]
00:04:32.583 --> 00:04:37.999
[ Olivera Speaking ]
00:04:53.083 --> 00:04:57.750
- [ Gunshot ]
- [ Man Screaming ]
00:05:00.458 --> 00:05:04.250
[ Screaming In Spanish ]
00:05:16.458 --> 00:05:19.999
♪♪ [ Chanting ]
00:05:38.999 --> 00:05:42.000
[ Cheering ]
00:05:44.000 --> 00:05:48.083
[ Man Shouting In Spanish ]
00:05:54.750 --> 00:05:57.542
[ Spanish ]
00:06:08.875 --> 00:06:13.166
[ Speaking On Bullhorns ]
00:06:15.250 --> 00:06:18.792
[ Chanting In Spanish ]
00:06:44.583 --> 00:06:47.583
[ Cheering ]
[ Man #4 ] We are U.S. citizens.
00:06:47.583 --> 00:06:50.875
Yes! This is a democracy, yes?
00:06:50.875 --> 00:06:53.999
-The people have a right
to vote, yes?
00:06:53.999 --> 00:06:57.917
Well, what's goin' on
in there? Talk to us!
00:06:57.917 --> 00:07:02.375
[ Man ] The people should decide.
Let the people vote!
00:07:05.291 --> 00:07:07.792
[ Man #5 ] Brothers, sisters,
00:07:07.792 --> 00:07:11.583
you pretty much name it,
the people of Stockton are here.
00:07:11.583 --> 00:07:13.917
We want the people to vote.
00:07:13.917 --> 00:07:17.709
[ Chanting ] Water for life,
not for profit. Water for
life, not for profit.
00:07:17.709 --> 00:07:21.166
[ Continues ][ Man #5 ] I think water
is the next OPEC.
00:07:21.166 --> 00:07:24.750
If you think you have problems
now with oil,
00:07:24.750 --> 00:07:28.999
wait until multinationals own
all the water in the world.
00:07:28.999 --> 00:07:31.834
They already are buying
in South America...
00:07:31.834 --> 00:07:34.583
and Europe
and in the United States.
00:07:34.583 --> 00:07:37.125
Once they get
a stranglehold over water,
00:07:37.125 --> 00:07:39.999
be prepared to pay
gas prices for water.
00:07:39.999 --> 00:07:42.709
[ Chanting ]
Let the people vote!
Let the people vote!
00:07:42.709 --> 00:07:47.291
[ Man #6 ] These people aren't in here to do the citizens
of Stockton a favor.
00:07:47.291 --> 00:07:51.999
They're in it to make money.
Let the people vote!
00:07:56.208 --> 00:08:03.250
[ Man #6 ] I don't like
the idea of my water being
controlled by a private company,
00:08:03.250 --> 00:08:06.792
especially in these times.
00:08:06.999 --> 00:08:10.709
I'd rather stay here
under our local control.
00:08:10.709 --> 00:08:15.959
And our employees live here.
00:08:15.959 --> 00:08:18.875
They've -- Most of them
have gone to school here.
00:08:18.875 --> 00:08:20.875
They're raisin'
their children here.
00:08:20.875 --> 00:08:23.834
It's important to them
that they do a good job.
00:08:23.834 --> 00:08:28.999
And we don't have to think about, you know, "How are we
gonna make a profit here?"
00:08:28.999 --> 00:08:33.999
All we have to think about is how we're gonna provide
a good service to the citizens.
00:08:33.999 --> 00:08:36.250
All right.
00:08:36.875 --> 00:08:42.542
I was actually born in Mississippi, but I've been here
since I was three years old.
00:08:45.667 --> 00:08:48.417
As kids, we used to go fishing
back behind the plant.
00:08:48.417 --> 00:08:52.291
We'd walk down the railroad tracks, and, uh, we'd ride
our bicycles down there.
00:08:52.291 --> 00:08:55.834
And that's where
we used to go fishin' at.
00:08:55.834 --> 00:08:58.500
Striped bass, uh, catfish. [ Chuckles ]
00:08:58.500 --> 00:09:01.458
Sturgeon. [ Train Whistle Blowing ]
00:09:06.250 --> 00:09:07.999
Did y'all make out
your time cards already?
00:09:07.999 --> 00:09:11.583
My handprint's on everything
there. I've been involved in...
00:09:11.583 --> 00:09:16.999
almost all the jobs that have gone on at that plant
for 25 years.
00:09:16.999 --> 00:09:17.999
All the way, baby.
00:09:17.999 --> 00:09:21.542
Stockton is deciding whether or
not to let a private company...
00:09:21.542 --> 00:09:23.375
run much of
the city's water system.
00:09:23.375 --> 00:09:25.917
This is the brainchild
of Mayor Gary Podesto.
00:09:25.917 --> 00:09:30.999
He says that the plan could save the city
$170 million over 20 years.
00:09:30.999 --> 00:09:34.999
News 10's Tim Daly is there
live right now, with a report.
00:09:35.000 --> 00:09:38.166
It's not truly privatizing,
except for green waste.
00:09:38.166 --> 00:09:41.625
Okay. If it makes so much sense,
why is there so much opposition?
00:09:41.625 --> 00:09:43.999
They confuse this with
this globalization issue.
00:09:43.999 --> 00:09:47.208
Yeah, you have boats out there,
goin' up and down the river.
00:09:47.208 --> 00:09:49.542
Bullhorns telling you
that this is a bad idea.
00:09:49.542 --> 00:09:51.917
Yeah. Fortunately,
I can't hear 'em in here.
00:09:51.917 --> 00:09:55.999
Let us vote!
Let us vote!
00:09:55.999 --> 00:10:00.041
Let us vote!
Let us vote!
00:10:02.542 --> 00:10:07.208
[ Woman ] You know, this is
a really conservative town.
00:10:07.208 --> 00:10:09.583
-[ Bell Rings ]
- Hello.
00:10:09.583 --> 00:10:13.000
Hi. And why are you
popular today?
00:10:13.000 --> 00:10:15.834
He likes to come by
to make sure I stay
out of trouble.
00:10:15.834 --> 00:10:18.417
Of course.
[ Woman Chattering
On Police Radio ]
00:10:18.417 --> 00:10:22.999
We've heard that you
get in trouble a lot.
Not as much as I'd like.
00:10:22.999 --> 00:10:29.500
I was born and raised here, and I heard they were trying
to privatize the water here.
00:10:29.500 --> 00:10:31.999
And I was like, "Okay, well--"
00:10:31.999 --> 00:10:34.667
I don't, you know-- It was more
of a bigger issue.
00:10:34.667 --> 00:10:36.667
It was globalization,
as far as I was concerned.
00:10:36.667 --> 00:10:38.875
And it was something that
was taking place right here.
00:10:38.875 --> 00:10:42.667
It was something that I could
actually, like, you know,
put my hands in,
00:10:42.667 --> 00:10:47.792
and it wasn't so abstract, because
it was happening right here.
00:10:48.542 --> 00:10:53.999
We're hoping to leave by 4:15
with the puppets and signs
that we made, and so--
00:10:53.999 --> 00:10:57.667
It puts the onus back on them
to prove where has there
been a city...
00:10:57.667 --> 00:11:00.417
that saved money
with privatization?
00:11:00.417 --> 00:11:03.000
Is there anybody on the council,
other than the mayor,
00:11:03.000 --> 00:11:07.750
who you think
could get up and give
a 20-minute, intelligible--
00:11:07.750 --> 00:11:10.333
[ Woman ]Well, you know, that's
the whole joke of this. Nobody--
00:11:10.333 --> 00:11:14.999
Mayor Podesto owns the gavel.[ Woman ] Yes, I know.nBut we can ask the questions.
00:11:14.999 --> 00:11:20.291
- Right. Right.
-[ Man ] We're basically
a grassroots citizens' group.
00:11:20.291 --> 00:11:24.083
And we have other day jobs.
00:11:24.083 --> 00:11:27.999
Sunday the 19th at 5:00.
00:11:29.333 --> 00:11:33.375
Are you gonna stick with
strawberry, or do you want
to switch to bubblegum?
00:11:33.375 --> 00:11:36.166
[ Man ]I've been in the area
all my life.
00:11:36.166 --> 00:11:42.333
Born and raised a conservativeRepublican, and for the last,
probably, 10 to 15 years,
00:11:42.333 --> 00:11:45.999
now I'm registered
"decline to state."
00:11:46.125 --> 00:11:49.583
I'm not a community activist.
I'm an involved citizen.
00:11:49.583 --> 00:11:51.458
I read the ballot. I vote.
00:11:51.458 --> 00:11:55.417
I get involved on issues, and if there's an issue
I feel about,
00:11:55.417 --> 00:11:59.041
I get involved in that.
00:11:59.417 --> 00:12:02.999
You know, whether
I'm an orthodontist,
00:12:02.999 --> 00:12:05.834
whether I'm a housekeeper,
00:12:05.834 --> 00:12:07.500
water's important to all of us.
00:12:07.500 --> 00:12:10.667
And many in the community
are opposed to...
00:12:10.667 --> 00:12:14.333
the idea of turning
our municipal utilities...
00:12:14.333 --> 00:12:16.834
over to a private company.
00:12:16.834 --> 00:12:19.999
And actually, when
privatization happens,
00:12:19.999 --> 00:12:23.083
services have been known to get worse.
00:12:23.083 --> 00:12:27.792
I would hope that
the city council...
00:12:27.792 --> 00:12:30.999
would choose to
at least delay...
00:12:30.999 --> 00:12:35.917
a definitive action until
after a vote of the people.
00:12:35.917 --> 00:12:41.709
Let the people vote!It's like what's happening in the underdeveloped countries.
00:12:41.709 --> 00:12:44.999
There are people there
that can't even afford
to pay for the water.
00:12:44.999 --> 00:12:46.999
That's a basic need.
That's a basic right.
00:12:46.999 --> 00:12:49.709
Without water, we can't survive.
[ Woman On Bullhorn ]
What do we do?
00:12:49.709 --> 00:12:53.999
Fight back! Fight back!
When democracy
is under attack,
00:12:53.999 --> 00:12:56.583
what are we gonna do?
Fight back! Fight back!
00:12:56.583 --> 00:13:02.750
- When water is under attack,
what are we gonna do?
- [ Applauding ]
00:13:03.625 --> 00:13:06.834
[ Man ] There may be one
or two burning questions,
00:13:06.834 --> 00:13:08.375
but remember,
we're going to come back.
00:13:08.375 --> 00:13:10.875
Go ahead, please.
The microphone to
that gentleman out there.
00:13:10.875 --> 00:13:14.458
[ Man Over Microphone ]I had to mortgage my farm
in order to fight them in court.
00:13:14.458 --> 00:13:21.333
At what point does
a corporation not understand
that we do not want you there...
00:13:21.333 --> 00:13:22.709
and when will you leave?
00:13:22.709 --> 00:13:24.792
My name is Holly Wren-Spalding,
and I'm from the Great Lakes.
00:13:24.792 --> 00:13:28.208
I'm sure you know where
that is, because there's
quite a lot of water there.
00:13:28.208 --> 00:13:29.999
And some of you are
already exploiting it.
00:13:29.999 --> 00:13:33.333
I'm very concerned about
the mining of groundwater
and the fact that...
00:13:33.333 --> 00:13:36.625
it's being put
in small plastic bottles, which
we see all over this conference.
00:13:36.625 --> 00:13:40.709
I think it's a horrible image
to present if you're talking
about conservation of water.
00:13:40.709 --> 00:13:43.999
[ Scattered Applause ]
Next person, please.
00:13:45.750 --> 00:13:49.333
[ Speaking Indian Language ]
00:14:13.875 --> 00:14:16.583
[ Birds Cawing ]
00:14:41.999 --> 00:14:44.208
[ Chattering ]
00:14:46.208 --> 00:14:50.917
About 500,000 villagers in this
region are now practicing...
00:14:50.917 --> 00:14:53.500
rainwater harvesting,
and every day,
00:14:53.500 --> 00:14:56.166
more and more people are
joining the cause.
00:14:56.166 --> 00:14:58.333
The people here have realized...
00:14:58.333 --> 00:15:00.999
that self-help can be
a lot more effective...
00:15:00.999 --> 00:15:06.959
than huge and environmentally disruptive
hydroelectric power projects...
00:15:06.959 --> 00:15:07.999
run by a faraway government.
00:15:07.999 --> 00:15:14.999
Leading this movement is a man the locals here
call a modern-day Gandhi.
00:15:20.999 --> 00:15:26.999
[ Speaking Indian Language ]
00:17:03.291 --> 00:17:06.709
[ Speaking Indian Language ]
00:18:13.999 --> 00:18:17.041
[ All Chattering ]
00:18:19.583 --> 00:18:22.999
[ Female Narrator ] Every day, all around the globe,
00:18:22.999 --> 00:18:27.709
we're providing clean water
and other vital services--
00:18:27.709 --> 00:18:33.792
[ Woman ] We've worked in places like Malaysian
and India and the Middle East.
00:18:33.792 --> 00:18:37.834
Uh, Thames Water is a British company.
00:18:38.000 --> 00:18:42.999
It's wholly owned by R.W.E.
in Germany.
00:18:43.417 --> 00:18:46.999
In the United States,
the infrastructure for...
00:18:46.999 --> 00:18:51.542
the future requirements--
the dollar value is very high.
00:18:51.542 --> 00:18:55.417
It's been estimated
to be about $2 trillion,
00:18:55.417 --> 00:18:58.959
with all the infrastructure
that's required.
00:18:59.625 --> 00:19:02.999
We came here up to Stockton
about four years ago,
00:19:02.999 --> 00:19:06.917
to work with
our partners, O.M.I.
00:19:09.208 --> 00:19:13.792
And the mayor, in particular,
who has been quite--
00:19:13.792 --> 00:19:16.875
very, very supportive
of this proposal...
00:19:16.875 --> 00:19:19.291
all the way through.
00:19:23.999 --> 00:19:27.709
I'll tell everybody I can.
00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:32.917
How are you?
Good to see you again.
00:19:33.667 --> 00:19:37.667
[ Emcee ]It is my great pleasure now
to introduce...
00:19:37.667 --> 00:19:41.999
the mayor of our great city,
Mayor Gary Podesto.
00:19:45.999 --> 00:19:49.000
[ Podesto ] Thank you.
00:19:49.208 --> 00:19:51.375
I stand in front of you
today very proud...
00:19:51.375 --> 00:19:54.834
of the courageous path
your city council...
00:19:54.834 --> 00:19:57.875
is traveling in reenergizing
this great city.
00:19:57.875 --> 00:20:02.959
It's time that Stockton
enter the 21st century
in its delivery of services...
00:20:02.959 --> 00:20:06.750
and think of our citizens
as customers.
00:20:06.750 --> 00:20:09.750
Before this council,
for the past few years,
00:20:09.750 --> 00:20:12.999
have been many opportunities
to trim waste...
00:20:12.999 --> 00:20:17.250
by outsourcing various services,
including the operation...
00:20:17.250 --> 00:20:21.166
and maintenance
of our municipal utilities.
[ One Person Clapping ]
00:20:21.166 --> 00:20:24.208
I look forward--
Thank you, dear.
00:20:24.208 --> 00:20:27.999
[ Laughing ]
00:20:27.999 --> 00:20:31.291
If you haven't met my wife,
she's in the front row.
00:20:31.291 --> 00:20:34.999
I, uh--
[ Chuckling ]
00:20:41.792 --> 00:20:44.999
Oh, I can't go
anywhere with her.
00:20:44.999 --> 00:20:48.250
I look forward
to your city council...
00:20:48.250 --> 00:20:52.709
continuing the courage
to act in your interest...
00:20:52.709 --> 00:20:57.875
and vote to approve
$172 million savings...
00:20:57.875 --> 00:21:00.750
to Stockton's industry
and residents.
00:21:05.166 --> 00:21:09.291
Oh, I was in--I was in to do
a couple of things.
00:21:09.291 --> 00:21:11.917
Then we had
our goal-setting sessions.
00:21:11.917 --> 00:21:14.500
And that's not been
resolved yet?
00:21:14.500 --> 00:21:16.999
[ Podesto ]The marketplace
makes you compete, always.
00:21:16.999 --> 00:21:21.999
Government departments like this operate
as a monopoly basically.
00:21:21.999 --> 00:21:23.875
They don't really compete.
00:21:23.875 --> 00:21:27.041
So there's really not
a lot of incentive to improve.
00:21:27.041 --> 00:21:30.375
Uh, especially if you're
a for-profit company,
00:21:30.375 --> 00:21:33.542
you compete daily for profits.
00:21:33.542 --> 00:21:35.999
We need to pull the trigger
and commit--
00:21:35.999 --> 00:21:39.166
I was in retail grocery business
in this area.
00:21:39.166 --> 00:21:43.999
Had what are referred to as
"price-impact" or "box" stores.
00:21:43.999 --> 00:21:47.208
And I had an opportunity
to sell and retire.
00:21:47.208 --> 00:21:50.959
I had friends that encouraged me
to run for political office,
00:21:50.959 --> 00:21:53.999
and the one I decided
to run for was mayor.
00:21:53.999 --> 00:21:57.125
Can't play golf today, can you? [ Chuckles ]
00:21:57.125 --> 00:21:59.208
The feds, back in the '60s,
00:21:59.208 --> 00:22:03.458
helped cities build the
infrastructure through grants.
00:22:03.458 --> 00:22:04.709
Those dollars
aren't there anymore,
00:22:04.709 --> 00:22:09.458
and it's several billion
dollars' worth of infrastructure
that has to be replaced.
00:22:09.458 --> 00:22:14.125
And the feds now believe,
under President Clinton
and under President Bush,
00:22:14.125 --> 00:22:17.500
that by incorporating a partnership
with the private sector,
00:22:17.500 --> 00:22:20.041
that this can be done
for less dollars.
00:22:20.041 --> 00:22:22.250
[ Chuckles ]
00:22:22.250 --> 00:22:24.999
I think we're elected
as representative government...
00:22:24.999 --> 00:22:29.166
to make these decisions, and I think these are
the kinds of tough choices...
00:22:29.166 --> 00:22:33.917
that we have to make--
and this is one that
is extremely complicated--
00:22:33.917 --> 00:22:36.583
a 900-page, almost, contract--
00:22:36.583 --> 00:22:40.375
talking about siloxane,
B.A.F. technology,
00:22:40.375 --> 00:22:43.375
all these kinds of things--
activated sludge--
00:22:43.375 --> 00:22:48.999
Okay. This is the individual...
00:22:48.999 --> 00:22:51.333
that we're up against,
and basically...
00:22:51.333 --> 00:22:53.999
it's a political
control machine.
00:22:53.999 --> 00:22:57.291
Bottom line is that
the mayor and his group...
00:22:57.291 --> 00:22:58.999
are professionals,
working full time,
00:22:58.999 --> 00:23:03.208
and you're all doing your other jobs and then trying
to do this as volunteers,
00:23:03.208 --> 00:23:05.999
and it's--
it's naive to think
that's it's gonna be easy.
00:23:05.999 --> 00:23:10.208
You know, we need to protect public employment
and public employees,
00:23:10.208 --> 00:23:13.208
because this privatization
is partially a way...
00:23:13.208 --> 00:23:17.583
to try to get rid
of public employment
and public employees.
00:23:19.041 --> 00:23:24.750
[ McDonald ] I am one of the employees that will not go
to work for the private company.
00:23:24.750 --> 00:23:27.041
I will leave.
00:23:28.834 --> 00:23:31.125
People that say that
government employees are lazy...
00:23:31.125 --> 00:23:35.917
are just frustrated people who
want to be government employees.
00:23:35.917 --> 00:23:39.500
That's just my--
my personal opinion.
00:23:40.999 --> 00:23:43.333
Everybody knows you can do
whatever you want with numbers,
00:23:43.333 --> 00:23:47.667
but I don't know how the mayor can make the claim
that it's gonna be cheaper.
00:23:47.667 --> 00:23:50.792
I don't believe the $175 million
savings is there.
00:23:50.792 --> 00:23:52.999
...come out and do it Saturday,
and I'll tell you--
00:23:52.999 --> 00:23:55.999
I know for a fact that
these guys and ladies...
00:23:55.999 --> 00:24:00.999
are very, very hard workers
and very, very dedicated
to the work that they do.
00:24:00.999 --> 00:24:06.625
You know, you can go
to work somewhere else other
than work at a sewer plant,
00:24:06.625 --> 00:24:08.750
uh, and make a living.
00:24:08.750 --> 00:24:10.458
[ Seagulls Crying ]
00:24:10.458 --> 00:24:14.542
[ Man ]This is really an environmental
enhancement facility.
00:24:14.542 --> 00:24:16.583
It's not just a sewer plant.
00:24:16.583 --> 00:24:20.709
We're environmental specialists.
00:24:32.542 --> 00:24:36.959
From this view,
we get a panoramic shot
of the main plant here.
00:24:36.959 --> 00:24:39.250
Then you can see
the primaries,
00:24:39.250 --> 00:24:43.166
where we settle out the organic material
and the floatables--
00:24:43.166 --> 00:24:44.999
They actually come
to the digester here.
00:24:44.999 --> 00:24:50.917
From there,
we overflow by gravity
into the sludge lagoon.
00:24:50.917 --> 00:24:55.375
We are a stellar department.
We are and we always have been.
00:24:55.375 --> 00:24:59.750
[ Man #2 ] We've done a pretty good job of meeting
all our permit requirements.
00:24:59.750 --> 00:25:04.999
There's a lot of satisfaction
in being able to take
the wastewater that comes in...
00:25:04.999 --> 00:25:08.291
and turn around and put
almost out tap-quality water.
00:25:08.291 --> 00:25:12.917
[ Man #1 ] The chemicals
sure seem to be working well,
because the odors are way down.
00:25:12.917 --> 00:25:15.083
[ Man #2 ]
Yeah. Yes, they do help.
00:25:15.083 --> 00:25:19.999
What people don't understand is
the majority of people
in California...
00:25:19.999 --> 00:25:21.999
drink what comes out
of the delta.
00:25:21.999 --> 00:25:26.999
So, you know, if I were them,I'd definitely be concerned
about what Stockton...
00:25:26.999 --> 00:25:31.999
was discharging
into their drinking water.
00:25:32.542 --> 00:25:37.250
Because the public has gotten so involved
with the process...
00:25:37.250 --> 00:25:39.583
and feel strongly about it,
00:25:39.583 --> 00:25:43.834
they think we need to then
take it out to the people
and let them vote on it.
00:25:43.834 --> 00:25:47.999
And I'm going,
"So, if you don't believe--
or you believe that...
00:25:47.999 --> 00:25:51.999
"there's slippery
figures here, then it's
a philosophical decision.
00:25:51.999 --> 00:25:55.250
"Think the public should
own and operate? Do you think
a private company...
00:25:55.250 --> 00:25:57.041
can do as good a job
or better?"
00:25:57.041 --> 00:26:02.208
If it's close, my own opinion
would be to keep it public,
and I'll tell you why.
00:26:02.208 --> 00:26:07.250
I kind of do my polling
in the aisle of the supermarket.
00:26:07.250 --> 00:26:08.959
They're very passionate
about it,
00:26:08.959 --> 00:26:14.250
and mainly they are afraid of the loss
of their water rights,
00:26:14.250 --> 00:26:16.500
their loss of ownership
of that utility.
00:26:16.500 --> 00:26:21.166
I mean, it's one of the best-run, well-funded--
has money in the bank,
00:26:21.166 --> 00:26:23.083
has good infrastructure--
00:26:23.083 --> 00:26:24.959
Our water company is perfect.
00:26:24.959 --> 00:26:28.750
Now, everybody's
up in arms.
Everybody's ready to fight.
00:26:28.750 --> 00:26:31.500
All righty.
00:26:35.999 --> 00:26:38.875
[ Woman ]The purpose of
tonight's meeting is...
00:26:38.875 --> 00:26:42.250
the approval of the service
contract for wastewater, water,
00:26:42.250 --> 00:26:47.625
and storm water utilities--Stockton and O.M.I.-Thames
Water, Stockton, Inc.--
00:26:47.625 --> 00:26:50.542
and approving a notice of
exemption under the California--
00:26:50.542 --> 00:26:54.999
[ Woman #2 ]We're the bellwether
of the state and the nation.
00:26:54.999 --> 00:26:57.667
The people are
looking at Stockton...
00:26:57.667 --> 00:27:00.999
because if Stockton
goes into privatization,
00:27:00.999 --> 00:27:06.999
the other cities, states
will go in that direction.
00:27:07.166 --> 00:27:12.792
[ Gaines ] You're always going to find controversy
in these types of projects.
00:27:12.792 --> 00:27:15.750
We've had a team here,
assisting the city...
00:27:15.750 --> 00:27:18.500
in helping them
to answer those questions.
00:27:18.500 --> 00:27:21.999
They should have
no concerns at all.
00:27:22.166 --> 00:27:25.999
[ Ruhstaller ]It's amazing
that Stockton has drawn...
00:27:25.999 --> 00:27:27.250
everyone's attention here.
00:27:27.250 --> 00:27:31.999
People do not know,
or really care about, water,
until, you know,
00:27:31.999 --> 00:27:35.999
they turn on the tap
and it goes dry, or they flush
and it doesn't go away.
00:27:35.999 --> 00:27:37.959
And that's the scary thing.
00:27:37.959 --> 00:27:41.000
"Whiskey's for drinkin',
and water's for fightin' over."
00:27:41.000 --> 00:27:45.458
Ah, it's gonna be
a good one. [ Chuckles ]
That'll be a fun night!
00:27:50.999 --> 00:27:54.792
This contract
before you tonight
is incomplete.
00:27:54.792 --> 00:27:58.041
You do not have all
the information to make
an informed decision.
00:27:58.041 --> 00:28:01.792
The public morale has been dashed as one company C.E.O.
after another,
00:28:01.792 --> 00:28:05.999
one Wall Street analyst after another said one thing
and acted out another.
00:28:05.999 --> 00:28:08.999
We'll safeguard the water
of Stockton.
00:28:08.999 --> 00:28:11.750
You have the absolute
commitment of our company,
00:28:11.750 --> 00:28:13.999
and you have the commitment
of Thames Water...
00:28:13.999 --> 00:28:16.875
to deliver
this contract effectively.
00:28:16.875 --> 00:28:20.291
That's also, as the president,
my personal commitment to you.
00:28:20.291 --> 00:28:24.999
It is clear that
the decision to privatize
has been made covertly,
00:28:24.999 --> 00:28:26.917
without a public vote.
00:28:26.917 --> 00:28:29.208
I don't think the people
at home realize how many
hundreds of people were here,
00:28:29.208 --> 00:28:34.417
and that it's all filled up
back here and downstairs,
and that it was hard to hear.
00:28:34.417 --> 00:28:38.750
City council members,
by signing this contract
without the vote of the people,
00:28:38.750 --> 00:28:41.792
you will be betraying the people
you supposedly represent.
00:28:41.792 --> 00:28:45.000
Water is life.nThis company, O.M.I.-Thames,
00:28:45.000 --> 00:28:47.291
wants to profit from our water.
00:28:47.291 --> 00:28:48.999
Water for life,
not for profit.
00:28:48.999 --> 00:28:53.291
I'm ashamed that we followed this path
and have gone down the road...
00:28:53.291 --> 00:28:57.000
of making something happen
that was not consensus-building,
00:28:57.000 --> 00:29:01.709
not citizen-involved--It was basically
handed down as a dictate.
00:29:01.709 --> 00:29:05.999
The is not the principle
of an all-America city.
00:29:05.999 --> 00:29:08.542
Okay.nCouncil member Giovanetti.
00:29:08.542 --> 00:29:11.250
Thank you.
00:29:11.250 --> 00:29:15.166
I'm prepared to approve
this contract tonight, ahead...
00:29:15.166 --> 00:29:18.166
of the so-called vote
of the people.
00:29:18.166 --> 00:29:22.875
There comes a time when
the people become so involved
in an issue...
00:29:22.875 --> 00:29:26.709
that it is important that they
be heard by way of the ballot.
00:29:26.709 --> 00:29:31.999
As a Christian,
I've always felt that
prayer is very powerful.
00:29:31.999 --> 00:29:35.542
And when this process began,
I've always prayed...
00:29:35.542 --> 00:29:37.999
for guidance
in what I should do.
00:29:37.999 --> 00:29:40.667
It says it
in the Constitution...
00:29:40.667 --> 00:29:44.083
that you will
elect representatives
to vote...
00:29:44.083 --> 00:29:46.250
and to make decisions
that are best for you.
00:29:46.250 --> 00:29:51.375
We have not been elected
to babysit and maintain the city
until a vote can be taken...
00:29:51.375 --> 00:29:53.792
by the citizens on major issues.
00:29:53.792 --> 00:29:57.959
I do not feel they are
too dumb to understand.
I never said that.
00:29:57.959 --> 00:30:00.999
And, you know, the people
who founded this republic...
00:30:00.999 --> 00:30:06.875
obviously didn't
think the people were
too dumb to run it.
00:30:07.083 --> 00:30:09.999
Neither Gloria and I,
or anyone on this council,
00:30:09.999 --> 00:30:11.999
believes that
the people are too dumb...
00:30:11.999 --> 00:30:14.917
to resolve, or to understand
the issue.
[ Yelling ]
00:30:14.917 --> 00:30:18.999
-That's not what we said.
- All right. Quiet down.
00:30:18.999 --> 00:30:22.542
[ Clapping, Cheering ]
close the door, please.
00:30:25.417 --> 00:30:27.041
Tonight, I want to thank
the council...
00:30:27.041 --> 00:30:32.999
for their indulgence and their endurance
and their hard work...
00:30:33.667 --> 00:30:36.709
to come up with whatever
their answers are tonight.
00:30:36.709 --> 00:30:40.999
Do I believe that this should
go to a vote of the people?
00:30:40.999 --> 00:30:41.999
Absolutely not.
00:30:41.999 --> 00:30:48.959
That's for no more reason
than I can think any government
by initiative is good.
00:30:51.625 --> 00:30:56.917
There's been
a motion and a second.
I'm calling for the question.
00:30:59.999 --> 00:31:02.709
Please cast your votes.
00:31:02.709 --> 00:31:07.999
Carries 4-3. Thank you all
for all your hard work.
00:31:13.375 --> 00:31:17.500
[ McDonald ]It was very disheartening.
Very disheartening, you know?
00:31:17.500 --> 00:31:20.125
They're circumventing, uh,
00:31:20.125 --> 00:31:22.375
what people have
fought and died for:
00:31:22.375 --> 00:31:24.999
the right to vote
on these issues.
00:31:24.999 --> 00:31:30.542
And, um, you know,
I for one will never
give up my right to vote.
00:31:36.875 --> 00:31:40.999
[ Man ]It is possible to provide
access to all people...
00:31:40.999 --> 00:31:42.999
in a sustainable way.
00:31:42.999 --> 00:31:46.667
And, furthermore,
either in La Paz, in Manila,
00:31:46.667 --> 00:31:50.458
in Buenos Aires,
in Johannesburg,
00:31:50.458 --> 00:31:52.999
more poor people are
getting access to water--
00:31:52.999 --> 00:31:56.999
I'm Wenonah Hauter
with Public Citizen
in the United States,
00:31:56.999 --> 00:32:01.999
and I don't know whether
to laugh or cry at the happy
talk we've heard today.
00:32:01.999 --> 00:32:07.125
What happened in Atlanta is,
Suez's affiliate, United Water,
00:32:07.125 --> 00:32:10.999
got the contract,
fired half the staff--
00:32:10.999 --> 00:32:14.959
The water was brown.n The repairs hadn't been made.
00:32:14.959 --> 00:32:18.750
So I'd like a specific
answer on Atlanta, and how,
00:32:18.750 --> 00:32:23.291
if privatization
doesn't work there,
it can work anywhere.
00:32:23.291 --> 00:32:25.291
[ Applause ]
00:32:25.291 --> 00:32:27.667
Bill Alexander, Thames Water.
00:32:27.667 --> 00:32:30.333
I'm not personally
involved with Atlanta,
00:32:30.333 --> 00:32:34.792
and my company would not go
anywhere it was not welcome,
00:32:34.792 --> 00:32:37.999
not go anywhere it would not
make a difference,
00:32:37.999 --> 00:32:42.291
not go anywhere which is not
sustainable over time.
00:32:43.917 --> 00:32:47.792
[ Speaking Spanish ]
00:32:57.750 --> 00:33:00.999
Your question was, how will
the World Bank...
00:33:00.999 --> 00:33:03.291
avoid the errors that it made
in Cochabamba,
00:33:03.291 --> 00:33:06.333
and let me just give
you the background
for our involvement--
00:33:06.333 --> 00:33:11.291
[ Briscoe ] The private sector can make money out of things
like water supply services.
00:33:11.291 --> 00:33:16.542
Other people believe that the private sector should
never be in this business.
00:33:16.542 --> 00:33:19.291
What exactly is the role
of this institution?
00:33:19.291 --> 00:33:21.166
Is it to win
a popularity contest,
00:33:21.166 --> 00:33:24.500
or is it one to be
of service to clients
who have to--
00:33:24.500 --> 00:33:26.542
They can't walk away
from those issues.
They have to live there.
00:33:26.542 --> 00:33:30.709
...absolutely fake.
We again and again see you come
in with World Bank funding...
00:33:30.709 --> 00:33:34.999
that's paid by my tax dollars--
I don't want that funding
to go to you guys.
00:33:34.999 --> 00:33:37.834
[ Briscoe ] For the activists, because the outcome's
not what they want,
00:33:37.834 --> 00:33:40.999
they will complain about
process not being appropriate.
00:33:40.999 --> 00:33:44.999
We experienced
a lot of problems.
Now I can teach you.
00:33:44.999 --> 00:33:49.000
[ Briscoe ]What does it mean to say,
"Water is a human right"?
00:33:49.000 --> 00:33:51.333
Those who proclaim it so...
00:33:51.333 --> 00:33:57.166
would say it is the obligation
of the government of "X" to
provide free water to everybody.
00:33:57.166 --> 00:34:01.417
Well, that's a fantasy.
00:35:23.709 --> 00:35:28.125
[ Speaking Indian Language ]
00:35:35.208 --> 00:35:39.542
[ Singh Speaking Indian Language ]
00:39:23.999 --> 00:39:27.999
There it goes.
The American democratic process.
00:39:38.166 --> 00:39:41.083
[ Man ] It's an enormous thing to do.
00:39:41.083 --> 00:39:43.999
Now we only have 30 days
to file a referendum...
00:39:43.999 --> 00:39:48.375
and to gather the required
number of signatures.
00:39:49.208 --> 00:39:51.125
Strategic places,
like on corners--
00:39:51.125 --> 00:39:55.875
Yeah, we're all out today. Mom
is doing something else, so--
00:39:55.875 --> 00:40:01.250
- Anything yellow sticker
is where we're gonna go.
- I think it's way up here.
00:40:01.250 --> 00:40:03.125
1242? Yeah. 1242.
Here's Little Creek here.
00:40:03.125 --> 00:40:06.917
[ Woman ] You oughta know that. You went to Lincoln.
See? Here's the preschool.
00:40:06.917 --> 00:40:09.000
This is where we went to school.
This is where we lived.
00:40:09.000 --> 00:40:14.375
First thing you need to know is
that it's a pretty big document.
00:40:14.375 --> 00:40:16.999
This is the document
you will carry...
00:40:16.999 --> 00:40:19.959
with you today
to collect 120 signatures.
00:40:19.959 --> 00:40:23.583
Then they're gonna
go through, and they're gonna
check every signature.
00:40:23.583 --> 00:40:25.999
Any questions at this point?
00:40:25.999 --> 00:40:28.625
Okay. You got that.
00:40:28.625 --> 00:40:31.041
00:40:31.041 --> 00:40:33.709
00:40:34.542 --> 00:40:36.750
00:40:36.750 --> 00:40:40.291
Next time around,
you'll be able to move
a little faster.
00:40:40.291 --> 00:40:42.792
Hopefully there won't
be a next time.
00:40:42.792 --> 00:40:45.625
I work for a union.
There's always a next time.
00:40:45.625 --> 00:40:49.750
Okay. Got ya.
Okay. Good luck. May
the force be with you.
00:40:49.750 --> 00:40:53.250
- Can I put one
of those signs in my yard?
- Talk to Diane.
00:40:53.250 --> 00:40:56.083
She's doin' the yard signs.
00:40:56.083 --> 00:41:00.208
The doughnuts
are at the union.
[ Laughs ] Yeah.
00:41:00.208 --> 00:41:04.999
What we're doin' today--
Good morning, Marietta--
is we're tryin'...
00:41:04.999 --> 00:41:09.792
to get enough signatures to qualify this referendum
for the ballot.
00:41:09.792 --> 00:41:12.500
If you'd like to sign,
we'd love to have you.
All righty.
00:41:12.500 --> 00:41:16.000
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
- He's a charmer, huh?
00:41:16.000 --> 00:41:18.500
Yes, he is.
00:41:19.333 --> 00:41:22.959
[ Dog Barking ]
00:41:24.375 --> 00:41:26.709
Okay. We'll check
next door. Thank you.
All right.
00:41:26.709 --> 00:41:28.875
[ Man ]
Will you come back?
Sure. We'll come back.
00:41:28.875 --> 00:41:32.375
Are you Mr. Cezares? [ Speaking, Indistinct ]
00:41:32.375 --> 00:41:34.458
Is that where the stink
comes from too?
00:41:34.458 --> 00:41:39.041
Well, it doesn't always
smell real good.
00:41:39.041 --> 00:41:40.375
But I don't know
00:41:40.375 --> 00:41:46.166
if either public or private
can change the smell
of wastewater sometimes.
00:41:46.166 --> 00:41:48.333
That's just a by-product.
00:41:48.333 --> 00:41:51.917
Did we catch you
at a bad time?
00:41:51.917 --> 00:41:55.166
I'm pretty well informed
on it. The address?
00:41:55.166 --> 00:41:58.875
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
00:42:01.999 --> 00:42:05.125
♪♪ [ Calliope ]
00:42:05.709 --> 00:42:08.999
Okay. This is 1030.
00:42:08.999 --> 00:42:12.999
I'm tired of privatization
because I keep thinking...
00:42:12.999 --> 00:42:15.291
consumers are
taking it in the shorts.
00:42:15.291 --> 00:42:18.959
There's my avocado.
00:42:18.959 --> 00:42:22.333
[ Stocking ]I really believe
that the Citizens' Referendum...
00:42:22.333 --> 00:42:26.625
and gathering using
volunteer signature gatherers--
00:42:26.625 --> 00:42:31.834
that we've been able to do so far--
that is the proper way to go.
00:42:31.834 --> 00:42:33.542
Good morning.
[ Man ] Good morning.
00:42:33.542 --> 00:42:36.999
Dale Stocking
and my wife, Gail. We're
circulating a petition to--
00:42:36.999 --> 00:42:40.999
Mayor Podesto actually
raised a tremendous amount
of money...
00:42:40.999 --> 00:42:44.999
with O.M.I.-Thames
using something like $60,000...
00:42:44.999 --> 00:42:47.999
and tremendous amounts
of mailers.
00:42:47.999 --> 00:42:53.041
They brought in automatic telephone calls.
00:42:53.041 --> 00:42:59.875
A very expensive effort to
thwart our citizens' approach...
00:42:59.875 --> 00:43:03.208
to open government.
00:43:04.709 --> 00:43:08.375
[ Man On Recording ]
You have four messages.
00:43:08.375 --> 00:43:12.999
[ Podesto On Recording ] Hello.This is Mayor Gary Podesto.
I have a quick message for you.
00:43:12.999 --> 00:43:15.000
I've worked hard for Stockton
for many years.
00:43:15.000 --> 00:43:17.250
[ Woman On Recording ]Hi. This is Lori.nI'm sorry I missed you,
00:43:17.250 --> 00:43:22.999
but I wanted to let you knowMayor Gary Podesto knows it'll
cost taxpayers lots of money.
00:43:22.999 --> 00:43:27.041
- [ Beeps ]
-[ Woman #2 ] This is
Vice Mayor Gloria Nomura.
00:43:27.041 --> 00:43:30.875
I wanted to let you knowI am joining
Mayor Gary Podesto--
00:43:30.875 --> 00:43:34.417
[ Podesto On Recording ]Hello. This is Gary Podesto.
I want you to know the truth...
00:43:34.417 --> 00:43:37.333
about the petition to
overturn the city's contracts...
00:43:37.333 --> 00:43:40.917
for operation and maintenance of our water
and wastewater systems.
00:43:40.917 --> 00:43:45.667
Opponents are using misinformation, and in some
cases, downright lies.
00:43:45.667 --> 00:43:48.291
That's not right.nYou and I both know that.
00:43:48.291 --> 00:43:50.999
The truth is the contract
is good for Stockton.
00:43:50.999 --> 00:43:55.291
I hope you agree.
Thank you,
and have a good day.
00:43:59.542 --> 00:44:01.041
Hi, Mike.[ McDonald ] Bill.
00:44:01.041 --> 00:44:05.583
How are you?
You wanna help me with this?nAbsolutely.
00:44:06.041 --> 00:44:09.542
So what was the final total?
00:44:09.542 --> 00:44:12.999
We got five hand trucks
at the City Hall.
00:44:12.999 --> 00:44:16.083
Let's load 'em up,
go give 'em hell.
Let's do it.
00:44:16.709 --> 00:44:19.999
I'll see you there.
00:44:20.709 --> 00:44:24.166
[ Bill ] First time ever in my whole life I've done
anything like this, so--
00:44:24.166 --> 00:44:29.999
I feel good about what we've done. I wish
our numbers could be higher.
00:44:29.999 --> 00:44:35.417
In about 10 days, we'll know
whether or not we've qualified
and what our next step is.
00:44:35.417 --> 00:44:39.667
We've sort of banded together
as a group of residents,
00:44:39.667 --> 00:44:42.208
and we're gonna
be the watchdogs of the city.
00:44:42.208 --> 00:44:47.041
There are two 144s.[ Stocking ] One of the things
that we're finding out...
00:44:47.041 --> 00:44:53.417
or that I'm being exposed to
is the web, the global web,
00:44:53.417 --> 00:44:55.458
that is developing.
00:44:55.458 --> 00:44:59.709
And this privatization,
it could be a part...
00:44:59.709 --> 00:45:01.500
of an overall puzzle.
00:45:01.500 --> 00:45:06.917
[ Man ] As a businessman,
I recognize more clearly
than ever...
00:45:06.917 --> 00:45:09.166
the centrality of water
and development.
00:45:09.166 --> 00:45:11.500
Fifteen years ago,
no one talked about water.
00:45:11.500 --> 00:45:15.750
Today, water is firmly
on the agenda. That
is great progress.
00:45:15.750 --> 00:45:19.542
In recent years,
what we have seen is a kind
of a theft of the commons--
00:45:19.542 --> 00:45:25.125
the notion that absolutely
everything should be commodified
and put on the open market.
00:45:25.125 --> 00:45:26.999
And it is happening
very, very fast.
00:45:26.999 --> 00:45:34.250
Basically, we see this as an issue of human rights
versus corporate rights.
00:45:42.542 --> 00:45:46.500
[ Man Speaking In Indian Language ]
00:46:33.999 --> 00:46:37.375
[ Kids Screeching ]
00:46:39.375 --> 00:46:42.999
[ Man Speaking In Indian Language ]
00:46:49.999 --> 00:46:52.999
[ Babies Crying ]
00:46:54.999 --> 00:46:58.999
[ Man Continues Speaking in Indian Language ]
00:47:01.375 --> 00:47:05.083
♪♪ [ Man Singing In Indian Language ]
00:48:03.125 --> 00:48:07.083
[ Man Speaking in Indian Language ]
00:48:25.709 --> 00:48:30.000
[ People Chanting
In Indian Language ]
00:48:32.458 --> 00:48:37.500
[ Man Speaking in Indian Language ]
00:48:46.959 --> 00:48:50.083
[ Chanting Continues ]
00:48:50.083 --> 00:48:53.999
[ Man Speaking in Indian Language ]
00:49:29.458 --> 00:49:33.583
[ Woman Speaking
In Indian Language ]
00:49:36.000 --> 00:49:39.625
[ Speaking In Indian Language ]
00:49:47.500 --> 00:49:50.250
[ Speaking In Indian Language ]
00:49:50.250 --> 00:49:54.458
[ Man Speaking in Indian Language ]
00:50:37.041 --> 00:50:41.333
[ Podesto ] My reaction to the "fail" of the referendum
was bittersweet.
00:50:41.333 --> 00:50:45.458
Sweet in the respect
that maybe we can get
started now,
00:50:45.458 --> 00:50:47.250
and the ratepayers
will have some savings.
00:50:47.250 --> 00:50:51.709
Bitter in the sense
that it was so divisive
in going through this process.
00:50:51.709 --> 00:50:53.999
That always
has a lingering effect
on the community,
00:50:53.999 --> 00:50:57.959
and hopefully we can get
beyond that as we move forward.
00:50:57.959 --> 00:51:00.208
We didn't have the funding...
00:51:00.208 --> 00:51:04.500
to go out for a general,
paid collection.
00:51:04.500 --> 00:51:06.625
Where it broke down
was in the first two weeks.
00:51:06.625 --> 00:51:11.208
We just didn't have
enough committed individuals...
00:51:11.208 --> 00:51:12.999
dedicated to go out
and get 100 signatures.
00:51:12.999 --> 00:51:17.333
I wanna bring this up again.When you're talking about
fighting a fight like this,
00:51:17.333 --> 00:51:22.750
there hasn't been one case that
I witnessed in hearing all
these other people's stories--
00:51:22.750 --> 00:51:25.375
not only in North America,
but from around the world--
00:51:25.375 --> 00:51:28.041
that people have
won these battles
without civil disobedience.
00:51:28.041 --> 00:51:32.417
I think that there's ways to
run a more disciplined campaign
than what we've been doing.
00:51:32.417 --> 00:51:36.917
You know, running this
as a campaign that's gonna
be a smart campaign,
00:51:36.917 --> 00:51:38.999
that's dedicated to one goal,
and that's winning.
00:51:38.999 --> 00:51:42.083
[ Woman ] One thing I wanna say-- I wanna add on the list:
This group took the high road.
00:51:42.083 --> 00:51:46.083
-[ Woman #2 ] Yes, we did.
-We did not run in the mud
with the rest of them.
00:51:46.083 --> 00:51:50.917
This was always
a well-organized, grassroots,
00:51:50.917 --> 00:51:53.834
citizen-based effort.
00:51:53.834 --> 00:51:59.999
And I don't think you can find
a finer group of people to work
with, and I think we did great.
00:51:59.999 --> 00:52:01.041
We all know this isn't over.
00:52:01.041 --> 00:52:05.709
We know we've learned a lot;
we've got a lot to learn. But
we always took the high road.
00:52:05.709 --> 00:52:10.959
And I am very proud
to be a member
of this coalition.
00:52:11.166 --> 00:52:15.417
I'm not here to make you feel good. I'm gonna be blunt, and
I might hurt people's feelings,
00:52:15.417 --> 00:52:21.625
but the fact is, is that when you ran this thing and you
worried about the high road...
00:52:21.625 --> 00:52:24.333
and you worried
about your feelings, all right,
00:52:24.333 --> 00:52:27.500
you ran this thing
in a manner that would
have failed.
00:52:27.500 --> 00:52:31.208
So the difference is
a winning campaign is one
where you win.
00:52:31.208 --> 00:52:34.917
A losing campaign
is one where you lose
and maybe the day later,
00:52:34.917 --> 00:52:36.917
at least you can say,
"I feel good about myself."
00:52:36.917 --> 00:52:41.458
- Are we gonna have a campaign--- [ Stocking ] The nation is looking at California.
00:52:41.458 --> 00:52:47.083
What I'm telling people is when you hear
the first indication...
00:52:47.083 --> 00:52:49.834
towards privatization,
00:52:49.834 --> 00:52:52.583
start a community--n start a grassroots activity--
00:52:52.583 --> 00:52:57.667
and if it appears that
you are being railroaded
into something...
00:52:57.667 --> 00:53:00.750
or a small group
is in control of an issue,
00:53:00.750 --> 00:53:05.999
then the citizens immediately
have to move to an initiative
to bring--
00:53:05.999 --> 00:53:10.917
to require public participation
and a public vote.
00:53:13.000 --> 00:53:15.999
Well, this is it.
00:53:17.041 --> 00:53:19.208
Twenty-six years.
00:53:19.208 --> 00:53:26.709
[ McDonald ]The mood at the plant's
been very tense, very emotional.
00:53:27.500 --> 00:53:30.333
Today, the transition period
officially began.
00:53:30.333 --> 00:53:36.333
The employees turned in their I.D. cards. So they're
no longer city employees.
00:53:36.333 --> 00:53:41.375
And they received identification badges
for O.M.I.-Thames.
00:53:41.375 --> 00:53:43.792
We're not gonna
finish our careers together
like we started.
00:53:43.792 --> 00:53:47.999
- Thank you, guys.
- [ Woman Speaking,
Indistinct ]
00:53:47.999 --> 00:53:49.999
[ All Chattering,
Laughing ]
00:53:49.999 --> 00:53:53.083
Everybody gather round
for a second.
00:53:53.083 --> 00:53:56.417
See? You guys know
I'm a big old baby.
00:53:56.417 --> 00:54:00.999
A good friend
and a good supervisor's
gonna be leavin' us.
00:54:00.999 --> 00:54:05.834
We want you to know
this is a classic hat,
very beautiful Raider hat.
00:54:05.834 --> 00:54:09.500
[ McDonald ] They got people depressed about bein' split
away from one another...
00:54:09.500 --> 00:54:13.999
that's been together for years, bein' forced to
take another job that--
00:54:13.999 --> 00:54:17.500
You know, you always wanna
leave a job on your own terms.
00:54:17.500 --> 00:54:23.083
One of his biggest faults is he has a problem gettin'
to work on time.
00:54:23.083 --> 00:54:25.417
[ Scattered Laughter ]
He's always about
two hours early.
00:54:25.417 --> 00:54:31.999
We figured if we got him a nice little watch, maybe
he'd be able to tell time...
00:54:31.999 --> 00:54:37.041
and get to work on time.
00:54:37.041 --> 00:54:40.834
needs a gold watch too.
00:54:40.834 --> 00:54:42.709
I love you, man.
00:54:42.709 --> 00:54:46.542
Thank you all.
I'm overwhelmed.
00:54:46.542 --> 00:54:48.750
This is totally unexpected.
00:54:48.750 --> 00:54:52.959
I didn't expect anything,
didn't want anything.
00:54:52.959 --> 00:54:58.417
You guys are just
a tremendous--
tremendous group of people.
00:54:58.417 --> 00:55:05.208
I can honestly say
that not only do I appreciate
being your supervisor,
00:55:05.208 --> 00:55:09.208
but your friend as well.
00:55:10.667 --> 00:55:13.166
I'm sad and I'm angry,
00:55:13.166 --> 00:55:20.333
but I'm happy that I got
all these wonderful people in
my life that'll always be there.
00:55:20.583 --> 00:55:23.542
And I just wanna
thank you all very much.
00:55:23.542 --> 00:55:26.999
[ Man ] Thanks a lot, Michael.
00:55:33.750 --> 00:55:37.417
[ Laughing ]
00:55:41.583 --> 00:55:48.792
You guys all
made me look good, man.
You made yourself look good.
00:55:58.041 --> 00:56:00.834
[ Man ] It has been possible to...
00:56:00.834 --> 00:56:04.375
provide access
to millions of people.
00:56:04.375 --> 00:56:08.041
So I would like to say
that when well-designed,
00:56:08.041 --> 00:56:12.917
public/private partnerships
deliver huge results,
00:56:12.917 --> 00:56:16.875
they can be
win-win-win projects...
00:56:16.875 --> 00:56:21.542
which benefit all parties,
including the old and poor.
00:56:21.542 --> 00:56:27.750
[ Man #2 ] Somebody has to pay for water, ladies
and gentlemen, and I think...
00:56:27.750 --> 00:56:31.667
we have come up
with some practical choices.
00:56:31.667 --> 00:56:35.999
We haven't covered everything,
as some of the speakers said,
00:56:35.999 --> 00:56:39.041
but in order to come up...
00:56:39.041 --> 00:56:42.166
with the investments needed
for the poor--
00:56:42.166 --> 00:56:46.709
And I agree 100% that we have to find ways...
00:56:46.709 --> 00:56:51.959
of serving the poor
in a way that they can
afford the water.
00:56:52.999 --> 00:56:58.792
Water for people, not
for profit! Water for people,
not for profit!
00:56:58.792 --> 00:57:03.999
- Water for people,
not for profit!
- [ Shouting, Indistinct ]
00:57:03.999 --> 00:57:08.291
Water for life, but not for war! Water for life,
but not for war!
00:57:08.291 --> 00:57:11.542
One, two, three, four!
00:57:11.542 --> 00:57:14.208
Billions for water,
but not for war!
00:57:14.208 --> 00:57:17.999
How will they increase
water resource availability?
00:57:17.999 --> 00:57:20.208
They keep talking about
"financial resource doubling."
00:57:20.208 --> 00:57:26.125
They don't talk about river flow
doubling, stream flow doubling,
well water doubling.
00:57:26.125 --> 00:57:29.999
That's what women talk about.
Enough is enough.
00:57:29.999 --> 00:57:33.542
I see this report
as nothing short of...
00:57:33.542 --> 00:57:37.542
an attempt
to package poverty
for money and for profit.
00:57:37.542 --> 00:57:41.083
[ Man Speaking Spanish ]
00:57:55.792 --> 00:57:59.792
[ Chanting In Spanish ]
00:57:59.792 --> 00:58:03.542
[ Speaking Spanish ]
00:58:13.999 --> 00:58:17.291
[ Continues Speaking Spanish ]
00:58:46.458 --> 00:58:49.917
[ Shouting In Spanish ]
00:59:09.999 --> 00:59:12.999
[ Chanting ]
00:59:12.999 --> 00:59:15.792
[ Man ] Water for lives!
[ Group ]
Not for profit!
00:59:15.792 --> 00:59:18.208
Water for lives!
Not for profit!
00:59:18.208 --> 00:59:20.999
Let the people vote!
Let the people vote!
00:59:20.999 --> 00:59:25.834
Then they really don't know
what's goin' on, and they
shouldn't have the right...
00:59:25.834 --> 00:59:29.999
to vote our water rights away.
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 62 minutes
Date: 2004
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 10-12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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