The story of the Exxon Valdez and the 20-year legal battle to get restitution…
You've Been Trumped
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In this David and Goliath story for the 21st century, a group of proud Scottish homeowners take on a celebrity tycoon. At stake is one of Britain's very last stretches of wilderness.
American billionaire Donald Trump has bought up hundreds of acres on the northeast coast of Scotland, best known to movie-lovers as the setting for the 1983 classic film LOCAL HERO. And like the American oil tycoon played by Burt Lancaster, he needs to buy out a few more locals to make the deal come true. In a land swimming with golf courses, Trump is going to build two more - alongside a 450-room hotel and 1,500 luxury homes. The trouble is, the land he has purchased occupies one of Europe's most environmentally sensitive stretches of coast, described by one leading scientist as Scotland's Amazon rain forest. And the handful of local residents don't want it destroyed.
After the Scottish Government overturns its own environmental laws to give Trump the green light, the stage is set for an extraordinary summer of discontent, as the bulldozers spring into action. Water and power is cut off, land disputes erupt, and some residents have thousands of tonnes of earth piled up next to their homes. Complaints go ignored by the police, who instead arrest the film's director, Anthony Baxter. Local exasperation comes to a surreal head as the now 'Dr.' Trump scoops up an honorary doctorate from a local university, even as his tractors turn wild, untouched dunes into fairways.
Told entirely without narration, YOU'VE BEEN TRUMPED captures the cultural chasm between the glamorous, jet-setting and media savvy Donald Trump and a deeply rooted Scottish community. What begins as an often amusing clash of world views grows increasingly bitter and disturbing. For the tycoon, the golf course is just another deal, with a possible billion dollar payoff. For the residents, it represents the destruction of a globally unique landscape that has been the backdrop for their lives.
Funny, inspiring and heartbreaking in turns, YOU'VE BEEN TRUMPED is both an entertaining, can't-believe-it's-true tale and an environmental parable for our celebrity driven times. A moving score features music from jonsi, the internationally acclaimed musician and frontman of Sigur Ros. The film also offers a rare and revealing glimpse of the unfiltered Donald Trump, as he considers standing as a candidate for President of the United States.
'Here in the U.S., Donald Trump is known as a cartoonish buffoon--But he's no laughing matter in Scotland where he buys off the government and destroys a pristine and fragile coastal sand dune to build the world's biggest golf course. This moving documentary follows the efforts of the ordinary folk to preserve a fishing and farming community that, supposedly, stands in the way. You've Been Trumped is essential viewing for developing an understanding of the issues surrounding unchecked development, its impact on environmental sustainability, the unholy alliance of big money and public policy, and the consequence of excessive inequality that has divided our modern world between the 99% 'have-nots' and the one per-centers who've got it all but still want more.' L. Randall Wray, Professor of Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Author, Money and Credit in Capitalistic Economies and Understanding Modern Money
'Thoroughly illuminates the grandiosity of Trump, the subservience of political officials (including the police) to one with money, and the determination of the local inhabitants to resist on their own. Filmmaker Anthony Baxter shows how one of the 1% really feels about 'ordinary' people. While not yet resolved, Trump's arrogance and sense of entitlement seem to work against him and his project as the plight of local residents gains increasing support from people in and around the area.' Dr. Kim Scipes, Associate Professor of Sociology, Purdue University North Central, Author, AFL-CIO's Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage?
'Will leave viewers astonished and appalled, but hardly surprised. The rolling, green hills north of Aberdeen, long the bucolic home to a quiet class of proud people, suddenly finds itself in the cross-hairs of Donald Trump's ambitions for a new golf course and resort. Trump, beyond making a fool of himself, does his best at representing the machinations of global capital through his indifferent, apathetic destruction of anything that lies in his way.' Richard Wolff, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Author, Occupy the Economy: Challenging Capitalism
'This thoughtful documentary raises troubling issues about the tactics of international developers and their impact on the people of local communities. The filmmakers take the time to show how rushed and badly conceived development disrupts lives and destroys important landscapes, even in the heart of the developed world.' Federico Cheever, Professor of Law, University of Denver, co-Author, Natural Resources Law: A Place-Book of Problems and Cases
'This is the story of how the local community resisted the destruction of their environment and livelihoods, in vain in the end, and how the Grampian police force acted as the unpaid henchmen of Trump's company, intimidating journalists and locals who openly and quite legally opposed Trump's outrage. Even the local university was co-opted, to its perpetual shame giving Trump an honorary doctorate in business management.' Dr. Geoffrey Heal, Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility, Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School, Director, Union of Concerned Scientists, Author, Nature and the Marketplace and When Principles Pay
'A beautiful, moving, tragic film, that clearly and simply shows how the super rich like Donald Trump are destroying peoples lives and our global environment for their own personal gain. This is what we all can look forward to if we don't stop Corporate Feudalism in its tracks.' Dennis Marker, Author, Fifteen Steps to Corporate Feudalism: How the Rich Convinced America's Middle Class to Eliminate Themselves
'Provide[s] a fine-grained account of a single instance of capitalism unbound...Expertly composed...Trumped affords an intimacy of character and theme that conveys the truth of anti-capitalist axioms - that the state does the bidding of corporations, that law is servant to profit...It is an aching lesson in the skewed balance of power that asks, as its grace note, where human richness truly lies.' Jeremy Varon, The New School, New Labor Forum
'Eye-opening...Absolutely fascinating and presented with a wry sense of humor, perhaps best exemplified by its glimpse of an inspired, anti-Trump art show! Highly recommended.' Midwest Book Review
'American-style capitalism has never looked so ugly...Recommended.' Video Librarian
'We get to know the residents of the affected area through their stories about their personal connections to the land. We learn about the research value of the dunes from scientists who specialize in this area of study. We hear local officials describe the rules that were applied when the resort proposal was denied...Outrage at environmental and cultural degradation and subtle filmmaking technique all make this a compelling movie. It is highly recommended for junior high through adult audiences.' Carrie M. Macfarlane, Middlebury College, Educational Media Reviews Online
'The film is a depressing, therefore accurate, account of the way that power can trample people and environment...Every development happens on somebody's land, and all too often, whether they are indigenous villagers or the modern underclass, the benefits of development are not theirs, while some of the highest costs of development are entirely theirs. Suitable for high school classes and college courses in cultural anthropology, economic anthropology, development anthropology, anthropology of globalization/neoliberalism, and European studies, as well as for general audiences.' Jack David Eller, Anthropology Review Database
'With the rest of the audience that day I came out into the daylight dazed and shocked...This factual film has delivered just as much drama and poignancy as any fictional equivalent could. And it celebrates the positive side of the human soul when pitted against the pernicious.' Bill Forsyth, Director of Local Hero, The Guardian
'In medieval times, the nobility enjoyed something called droit du seigneur, their right to deflower their serfs' virgin daughters before their marriage. These days the nobility has been replaced by billionaire bullies, who continue to screw us serfs.' Roger Ebert
'The film provides the critical inspection missing from mainstream media accounts. It exposes irreparable environmental damage to an area of pristine seaside dunes designated as a 'Site of Special Scientific Interest', suspiciously complicit government action, and shameless bullying by the Trump Organization.' Chris Francis, Yes! Magazine
'Baxter's directing mixes various artistic illustrate the differences between Scotland's rugged beauty (and that of its locals) and the garish McTrump-style development. Dust, wrinkles and blowing sand create a stark contrast when interrupted by endless manicured greens and dunes, not to mention spray tans. You've Been Trumped alludes to how the business mogul uses glossy PR and greases palms to grow his empire. More subtly, it begs the viewer to reconsider how they travel.' Julie Belanger, Alternatives Journal
'The film raises issues that strike at the very heart of democracy...Whether we live in Scotland, India or elsewhere, it begs the question: Are we willing to be 'Trumped' on a massive scale?' Colin Todhunter, Global Research
'Frequently outrage-inspiring...It's an elegiac love letter to a very special part of the world, an inspiring portrait of a community's fortitude, and a searing indictment of capitalism run riot.' Elizabeth Williams, Salon
'An eye-opening documentary about the power of money.' Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times
'I think of Donald Trump as the excessive American, the American whose success has led him to inordinate power and to hideous self-worship...A man whose exploits have become so impressive to himself as to obliviate any need for even a pretense of humility or equality with other mere mortals. You've Been Trumped adds to this impression. In it we watch Trump turn before our eyes for the ugly to the grotesque.' Profundities and Absurdities blog
'A roiling, go-for-the-throat expose. Recommended.' New City Film
'Donald Trump is the face of America here...Hopefully this sharp rendering, or something very much like it, is the legacy for which he and his family will be remembered.' Chris Packham, The Village Voice
'Documentaries such as this are becoming more and more frequently the only way to depict the threats posed to our remaining environmental heritage and how little is often done to halt it.' Nick Arthur, On the Box
'A 'David and Goliath tale'...Unlike that fantasy, this tale didn't end in victory for the little men.' The Independent
'An eye-opening documentary about the power of money.' Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times
'That course should never have been built...A compelling film that will have your blood boiling angry.' Volkmar Richter, The Vancouver Observer
'Riveting and infuriating.' New York Magazine
'He's [the filmmaker] on the side of the angels here and his determination to give the locals a voice denied them by major media coverage, lends his film momentum and heart.' Jeannette Catsoulis, National Public Radio
'A fine, powerful piece of documentary filmmaking...[The film] speaks with a clear, personal voice-and that voice is outraged.' Noel Murray, A.V. Club
'Humorous, heartbreaking and inspiring...A powerful award-winning movie.' Dorri Olds, The Examiner
'Riveting, ire-raising...A striking morality tale.' Henry Fitzherbert, The Sunday Express
'A trumpet blast for the sheer indefatigability of 'the Little Man'.' Wally Hammond, Sight and Sound Magazine
'This is the sort of controlled, quietly angry and important film that will inspire plenty of ire in anyone frustrated by the way money and power frequently crushes anything in its path...Absorbing stuff.' The Scotsman
'You've Been Trumped is an important and shocking documentary that demands to be seen.' Matthew Turner, View London
'Funny and informing and infuriating...Put[s] human faces to the story.' Miles Fielder, The List
'Eye-opening and hugely entertaining, with a stirring score, the picture is a well-timed poke-in-eye for the contemptuous rich.' Henry Fitzherbert, Daily Express
'A real eye opener of a film, and a cracking piece of filmmaking.' Allison Rowat, The Glasgow Herald
'You've Been Trumped deserves to be watched by every individual who has ever felt let down by the powers that be, or that greed and profit have obstructed the path of truth and justice. Baxter is a talented, endearing filmmaker, and his latest effort an exquisite, vital piece of documentary filmmaking.' Daniel Green, Cine Vue
'Emotionally charged and brilliantly infuriating.' Shaun Munro, What Culture
'Gut-wrenching...A vital, visceral antidote to Trump's slick PR machine.' Simon Kinnear, Total Film
Main credits
Baxter, Anthony (Director)
Baxter, Anthony (Screenwriter)
Baxter, Anthony (Film editor)
Phinney, Richard (Producer)
Phinney, Richard (Screenwriter)
Other credits
Music, Jónsi and Sigur Ros; original music, Jonny Pilcher; cinematography, Anthony Baxter.
Distributor subjects
Activism; American Studies; Anthropology; Business Practices; Capitalism; Conservation; Economics; Environmental Ethics; Environmental Justice; European Studies; Geography; Globalization; Government; Habitat; International Trade; Local Economies; Natural Resources; Oceans and Coasts; Political Science; Social Justice; SociologyKeywords
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.000
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If you ever get to the States, give
me a call. Oh, thank you very much.
00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:44.999
00:00:45.000 --> 00:00:49.999
Breakfast ready, Gordon? We’ve a problem.
What? The beach, Ben’s beach.
00:00:50.000 --> 00:00:54.999
What’s the problem? The problem is, it’s really is
Ben’s beach. He owns the shoreline, four miles of it,
00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:59.999
from the grass down to the low-tide mark. I found it in the parish
records when I was checking out some title deeds. Can he prove it?
00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:05.000
We can’t steal the beach from him, Victor,
it’s his. We’ll have to buy it from him.
00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:14.999
Donald Trump has arrived in
Scotland to talk about his plans
00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:19.999
for what he claims will be the world’s greatest
golf course. …while Donald Trump swept
00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:24.999
into the northeast on his usual wave of
publicity. His private jet touched down
00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:29.999
at Aberdeen airport just after 10 o’clock this
morning… Earlier, it’s emerged protestors
00:01:30.000 --> 00:01:34.999
have bought small plots of land in a bid
to block the controversial development.
00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:39.999
Michael Forbes is, of course, the farmer who
refuses to sell to Trump. It’s my home.
00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:44.999
I’ve stayed here for 43 years now,
and he won’t put me out of it.
00:01:45.000 --> 00:01:49.999
Mr. Trump said the development could still
go ahead without the farmer’s land.
00:01:50.000 --> 00:01:54.999
Because if we build a $300
or $400 million hotel,
00:01:55.000 --> 00:01:59.999
I don’t think you want the windows
looking down into a slum.
00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.999
Well, Donald Trump will be here for
two days. He says he’ll be examining
00:02:05.000 --> 00:02:09.999
every square foot to make sure
his final designs are perfect.
00:02:10.000 --> 00:02:18.000
00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:29.999
00:03:30.000 --> 00:03:34.999
I usually get up about
7:00 and let the cat out.
00:03:35.000 --> 00:03:39.999
And, in these dark
mornings, I just nip back
00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:44.999
to bed again and turn on the TV, and
lie till about, (inaudible) say,
00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:49.999
half past 7:00, get ready
and start my porridge.
00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:54.999
Yes, that’s for the hens.
Sometimes I keep out…
00:03:55.000 --> 00:03:59.999
If I’m going to have something with
tatties, I keep out a couple for myself.
00:04:00.000 --> 00:04:04.999
00:04:05.000 --> 00:04:09.999
They are very good tatties.
Just nearly there.
00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:14.999
00:04:15.000 --> 00:04:19.999
Before, I used to count. And the fox just
00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:24.999
nipped off the lot.
00:04:25.000 --> 00:04:29.999
I’m gonna ask a question with regard to…
00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:34.999
It’s all talking on that station.
And the fox thinks
00:04:35.000 --> 00:04:39.999
there’s people about, because
they don’t like people.
00:04:40.000 --> 00:04:44.999
00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:49.999
They’re just lovely. They’re old ladies.
00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:54.999
Got an egg. How many do you get a day?
00:04:55.000 --> 00:05:00.000
Oh, well, sometimes two,
sometimes one, sometimes none.
00:05:10.000 --> 00:05:14.999
Sure you know, guys, you may fool of yourselves. Don’t rush
forward like idiots. You’ll get all the shots you want.
00:05:15.000 --> 00:05:19.999
Mr. Trump will spend time
with you afterwards as well.
00:05:20.000 --> 00:05:24.999
If you spread out, guys, you’ll get the
best view. Give my pipers a bit of space.
00:05:25.000 --> 00:05:33.000
00:05:35.000 --> 00:05:39.999
They’ve divided the marquee
into two sections.
00:05:40.000 --> 00:05:44.999
Paul’s section next-door relate, you know,
00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:49.999
fancy you less table cross and what have
you and we’re getting clock in here.
00:05:50.000 --> 00:05:58.000
00:06:00.000 --> 00:06:04.999
Hello, everybody.
00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:09.999
00:06:10.000 --> 00:06:14.999
Better believe it. Good. And
everyone knows Martin Hawtree.
00:06:15.000 --> 00:06:20.000
Uh… He’s the architect of the site.
How are you? Nice to see you.
00:06:55.000 --> 00:06:59.999
I was born on the farm
00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:04.999
that I worked on during the war. But
I wasn’t brought up on that farm,
00:07:05.000 --> 00:07:09.999
because my father was a lorry driver.
Well, he was actually
00:07:10.000 --> 00:07:14.999
a plowman in his younger day.
There’s a plowing match, now,
00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:19.999
my father did plowing. That’s my father.
00:07:20.000 --> 00:07:24.999
He was a prize plower. My father.
00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:29.999
He has lots of cups and medals.
We used to go and watch them.
00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:34.999
I know my father’s style of plowing.
See how he is, look.
00:07:35.000 --> 00:07:39.999
See, he’s over, bent.
00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:44.999
His is where we lived. That’s
the shop at Whitecairns,
00:07:45.000 --> 00:07:49.999
which is no more. And
there’s the Daniel’s buses.
00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:54.999
00:07:55.000 --> 00:07:59.999
My eyes aren’t as good as they used to be.
00:08:00.000 --> 00:08:04.999
00:08:05.000 --> 00:08:09.999
When I was here first, it was March we saw
them. And then, last year, it was February.
00:08:10.000 --> 00:08:14.999
That’s two there that
used to come every year.
00:08:15.000 --> 00:08:19.999
And we knew it was the same two because of
its long neck. They are beautiful birds.
00:08:20.000 --> 00:08:24.999
00:08:25.000 --> 00:08:30.000
I’m shaking hands with
people and I said, “Whoa.”
00:08:35.000 --> 00:08:39.999
Miss Scotland. Come here a minute. So you
won’t be going to the Miss Universe Pageant
00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:44.999
in… And who’s going, who’s going?
How do you rate her? Good?
00:08:45.000 --> 00:08:49.999
Yeah. You think she’s good? Yeah.
I don’t know, I’d need to…
00:08:50.000 --> 00:08:55.000
Are you from this area?
00:09:00.000 --> 00:09:05.000
Thank you.
00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:23.000
00:09:35.000 --> 00:09:39.999
There are so many familiar faces from the press
who’ve really been amazing supporters of the project.
00:09:40.000 --> 00:09:44.999
This is really a circle of our friends. This
was really a celebration of our friends.
00:09:45.000 --> 00:09:49.999
A celebration of people that supported us.
It was spectacular for me yesterday
00:09:50.000 --> 00:09:54.999
to be able to walk the final version
of the course with my father,
00:09:55.000 --> 00:09:59.999
to say, you know, “This is now what we are doing.
This is what will be etched into this land forever.”
00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:04.999
As Lord Provost of the city,
yesterday, it was my pleasure
00:10:05.000 --> 00:10:09.999
to welcome these two gentlemen.
We look at the plans
00:10:10.000 --> 00:10:14.999
that you’ve got to produce this
absolutely outstanding golf course.
00:10:15.000 --> 00:10:19.999
The excitement in this is absolutely,
outstandingly wonderful.
00:10:20.000 --> 00:10:24.999
Any questions, gentlemen? Very nice
question. Mr. Trump, what would you say to
00:10:25.000 --> 00:10:29.999
the many local residents here who
feel that you’ve run roughshod
00:10:30.000 --> 00:10:34.999
over planning legislation and
environmental issues simply because
00:10:35.000 --> 00:10:39.999
you’ve got lots of money? The… It’s a
very interesting question, because,
00:10:40.000 --> 00:10:44.999
honestly, this is a very popular project.
We’ve had great support
00:10:45.000 --> 00:10:49.999
from the council and great support
from the political leaders.
00:10:50.000 --> 00:10:54.999
We’ve saved the dunes, and, from an environmental
standpoint, it’s a much better situation
00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:59.999
than it was before we bought the site.
00:11:00.000 --> 00:11:04.999
You can sometimes see the deer. You know,
coming out of these trees across there.
00:11:05.000 --> 00:11:09.999
They jump the fence no problem.
So beautiful.
00:11:10.000 --> 00:11:14.999
I know they’re wild, but
they’re not too scared.
00:11:15.000 --> 00:11:19.999
You know, they just seem to put up with us.
00:11:20.000 --> 00:11:24.999
Do you want me to face forward maybe?
00:11:25.000 --> 00:11:29.999
Yeah. That’s right. Watch this.
00:11:30.000 --> 00:11:34.999
What was the first thing he said to you?
00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:39.999
“Give this man a job,” he says. Give this
man a job. I says, “I’ve got a job.”
00:11:40.000 --> 00:11:44.999
Then he kept saying it, three times he said it, “Give
this man a job.” I says, “I’ve got a bloody job!
00:11:45.000 --> 00:11:49.999
I don’t want a job.” Keep this short,
ladies and gentlemen, the rain’s coming.
00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:58.000
Give me an umbrella. No, I’m just, you see,
I happen to be a very truthful person.
00:12:00.000 --> 00:12:04.999
His property is terribly maintained.
It’s slum-like,
00:12:05.000 --> 00:12:09.999
it’s disgusting. He’s got stuff thrown
all over the place. He lives like a pig.
00:12:10.000 --> 00:12:14.999
And I did say that. And I’m an honest guy. And I speak
honestly, and I think that’s why some people like me
00:12:15.000 --> 00:12:19.999
and some people probably don’t like me. But
I think he’d do himself a great service
00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:24.999
if he fixed up his property. And I’m not
talking money, it’s not a question of money,
00:12:25.000 --> 00:12:29.999
it’s a question of a little manual labor.
00:12:30.000 --> 00:12:34.999
What a load of frigging lies. I says,
“That explains everything on his shed.”
00:12:35.000 --> 00:12:39.999
Just take a look. “He’s nothing but a
compulsive liar.” That’s what I said, aye.
00:12:40.000 --> 00:12:44.999
00:12:45.000 --> 00:12:49.999
Mr. Trump, if you had a message for Michael
Forbes this afternoon, what would it be?
00:12:50.000 --> 00:12:54.999
No. I have no message. I don’t speak to
him. You quite enjoy it. And feel that,
00:12:55.000 --> 00:12:59.999
in the end, your sort of power and money will win
out. No. I don’t… I don’t view it as power and money.
00:13:00.000 --> 00:13:04.999
I think that principle will win out.
But my people made
00:13:05.000 --> 00:13:09.999
deals with him on two occasions. My representatives
have absolutely made two deals that he broke.
00:13:10.000 --> 00:13:14.999
So he knows that. Uh… His people know that,
00:13:15.000 --> 00:13:20.000
whoever his people may be.
00:13:25.000 --> 00:13:29.999
Oh, I see! Oh, well…
00:13:30.000 --> 00:13:34.999
Nobody’s complained about it up to now, eh?
00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:39.999
He passed us this morning and just flew on
00:13:40.000 --> 00:13:44.999
in his top-of-the-range Range
Rover with blacked out windows.
00:13:45.000 --> 00:13:49.999
Oh, I missed getting a super photo of him the first time
he arrived here. The wind got him on the escarpment.
00:13:50.000 --> 00:13:54.999
And I thought the press would have loved that, I could have sold
that picture for a fortune. His hair was sticking out like that.
00:13:55.000 --> 00:13:59.999
You know, the whole
00:14:00.000 --> 00:14:04.999
lacquered thing had come off, where it’s
all wound around, and was out to a point.
00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:09.999
Damn it. This is my husband’s hat,
00:14:10.000 --> 00:14:14.999
aboard this boat. He was
chief petty officer on deck.
00:14:15.000 --> 00:14:19.999
It’s a bit dusty.
00:14:20.000 --> 00:14:24.999
00:14:25.000 --> 00:14:29.999
There he is, look, under the red umbrella.
Where he is just now,
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which is just looking slightly to
the right, is where he was hoping
00:14:35.000 --> 00:14:39.999
to put in the clubhouse. And where he was
going to put it in, it tends to flood,
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because the water all runs
down off the land into there.
00:14:45.000 --> 00:14:49.999
So have difficulty putting a clubhouse
there unless it’s on stilts.
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My father, he sang songs
00:14:55.000 --> 00:14:59.999
that you never hear of today.
And he used to sing a song,
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“You’ll never miss the water till the well runs
dry.” Which is a very true saying, isn’t it?
00:15:05.000 --> 00:15:13.000
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It really shouldn’t matter
00:15:25.000 --> 00:15:29.999
if the applicant is Mother Theresa of Calcutta
and she wants to carry out the development
00:15:30.000 --> 00:15:34.999
in order to raise money to help the sick.
Or indeed even if it’s Donald Trump.
00:15:35.000 --> 00:15:39.999
The permission isn’t to the
person, it’s to the land.
00:15:40.000 --> 00:15:45.000
00:15:55.000 --> 00:15:59.999
I’d now like to welcome a representative from the Green
Party to the stage, local councilor Martin Ford.
00:16:00.000 --> 00:16:04.999
00:16:05.000 --> 00:16:09.999
Thank you very much. Uh… For those of you who
don’t know, in Aberdeenshire, we have a council
00:16:10.000 --> 00:16:14.999
who gives Donald Trump everything he asks for, and can’t make up their
minds whether to throw people out of their own homes to help him.
00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:19.999
Firstly, I think it’s important
00:16:20.000 --> 00:16:25.000
for people not from the northeast of
Scotland to have some sense of the build-up.
00:16:30.000 --> 00:16:34.999
In 2006, I think that was the first official
state visit by Mr. Trump to Scotland.
00:16:35.000 --> 00:16:39.999
His plan is for the Menie Estate at Balmedie,
near Aberdeen. On it, he will create
00:16:40.000 --> 00:16:44.999
two golf courses, a 450-bedroom hotel and
housing, as well as holiday apartments
00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:49.999
and golf villas - an investment
of a billion pounds.
00:16:50.000 --> 00:16:54.999
Multimillion-pound golf resort
in Aberdeenshire is rejected.
00:16:55.000 --> 00:16:59.999
The chairman of a committee of Aberdeenshire
councilors used his casting vote
00:17:00.000 --> 00:17:04.999
after a three-hour meeting was deadlocked.
All the parties had committed themselves
00:17:05.000 --> 00:17:09.999
to sustainable development. And you could apply the
tests of sustainable development to the Trump proposal.
00:17:10.000 --> 00:17:14.999
And it failed them. It failed them in spades.
The Trump Organization has confirmed
00:17:15.000 --> 00:17:19.999
it will now pull out of Scotland
after bitter rejection at Balmedie.
00:17:20.000 --> 00:17:24.999
We are very disappointed. Ultimately, we can
go and develop the project somewhere else.
00:17:25.000 --> 00:17:29.999
Uh… We’ll be fine. I think it’s the
people of Aberdeen and the shire
00:17:30.000 --> 00:17:34.999
that were really let down by their
council today. It was predicated on
00:17:35.000 --> 00:17:39.999
long-distance tourism. It was predicated on people
flying across the Atlantic to play a few games of golf
00:17:40.000 --> 00:17:44.999
and flying back across the Atlantic.
It was predicated on utilizing
00:17:45.000 --> 00:17:49.999
an irreplaceable and diminishing resource
of, effectively, natural habitat.
00:17:50.000 --> 00:17:54.999
Mr. Trump also reiterated his concern
00:17:55.000 --> 00:17:59.999
about a proposal to build an offshore
wind farm close to his site.
00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:04.999
When I look out on to the ocean from the
18th hole of Trump International Golf Links,
00:18:05.000 --> 00:18:09.999
to be honest with you, I want to see the
ocean. I don’t want to see windmills.
00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:14.999
Good evening. There’s renewed
hope tonight that American tycoon
00:18:15.000 --> 00:18:19.999
Donald Trump’s plans for a £1 billion
golf development in Aberdeenshire
00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:24.999
will go ahead. In a dramatic twist,
the Scottish Government have called
00:18:25.000 --> 00:18:29.999
in the controversial planning application,
taking it out of Aberdeenshire Council’s hands.
00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:34.999
Never before has an application
been called in in this manner…
00:18:35.000 --> 00:18:39.999
By calling in an application that had already been refused,
it’s inescapable that the government has, in some way,
00:18:40.000 --> 00:18:44.999
expressed the view that it does
not want the application refused.
00:18:45.000 --> 00:18:49.999
00:18:50.000 --> 00:18:54.999
Today, almost two years on from when he first announced
his proposals, the Scottish Governments have given
00:18:55.000 --> 00:18:59.999
the tycoon the green light. Well, I think the message
would be I’m going to build for the people of Scotland
00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:04.999
the greatest golf course anywhere in the world,
there’ll be nothing like it. And it’s going to be done
00:19:05.000 --> 00:19:09.999
environmentally perfect. The Menie
Estate is in the constituency of
00:19:10.000 --> 00:19:14.999
First Minister, Alex Salmond. The balance of opinion among
people in the northeast of Scotland and among my constituents
00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:19.999
is very strongly in favor. And that’s because
we can see the social and economic benefits.
00:19:20.000 --> 00:19:24.999
I mean, 6,000 jobs across Scotland,
1400 local and permanent jobs
00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:29.999
here in the northeast of Scotland.
That’s a very powerful argument.
00:19:30.000 --> 00:19:34.999
I think that outweighs the
environmental concerns.
00:19:35.000 --> 00:19:39.999
There’s not many people looking to invest £1 billion
in this local economy. It’s right in keeping
00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:44.999
with our development strategy that inward-bound tourism is key
for the city and shire. That’s what we’re here to support.
00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:49.999
And in partnership with Mr. Trump,
I believe we can do that together.
00:19:50.000 --> 00:19:54.999
I thought it was the biggest thing that had
happened in the northeast since oil was discovered.
00:19:55.000 --> 00:19:59.999
No, no, CPO! You will be the next to go!
00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:04.999
Early in 2009, Mr. Trump’s legal people
00:20:05.000 --> 00:20:09.999
approached the council with
suggestions as to how they might
00:20:10.000 --> 00:20:14.999
justify to councilors the use of compulsory
purchase. The Trump Organization have asked
00:20:15.000 --> 00:20:19.999
the council to consider using
CPOs, and councilors decided
00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:24.999
it was inappropriate to reject the use of
compulsory purchase orders without a full report.
00:20:25.000 --> 00:20:29.999
It leaves a big cloud over our heads, that’s all it does.
Disappointment mixed with fury, to be quite honest.
00:20:30.000 --> 00:20:34.999
This is an action of people with no
conscience uh… and no willpower.
00:20:35.000 --> 00:20:39.999
This is typical of the sort of thing that we
get. Oh, it’s very typical. It’s very typical
00:20:40.000 --> 00:20:44.999
for councilors like yourself to defer decisions
that are critical to people’s livelihoods.
00:20:45.000 --> 00:20:49.999
And you failed. You failed.
00:20:50.000 --> 00:20:54.999
I am thrilled with the outcome. They continue to
diminish the importance and nonsensical motions
00:20:55.000 --> 00:20:59.999
put forth by Mr. Ford, and,
hopefully, these will be
00:21:00.000 --> 00:21:04.999
the last few minutes of his political career. Because I
think he’s blown virtually everything he’s ever touched.
00:21:05.000 --> 00:21:09.999
Since that time, the residents
at Menie, in their own homes,
00:21:10.000 --> 00:21:14.999
have been living with the
threat of the possibility that
00:21:15.000 --> 00:21:19.999
they would be forced to leave
them against their will.
00:21:20.000 --> 00:21:24.999
Just bang the window. Jesus,
how do you do business
00:21:25.000 --> 00:21:29.999
with someone who doesn’t have a door? I look at
his place, and it’s a pigsty. Do I regret that?
00:21:30.000 --> 00:21:34.999
No, I don’t regret, it’s a pigsty. It turns out, actually,
we’ve got a collection of remarkable principled people,
00:21:35.000 --> 00:21:39.999
who have recognized what’s right and what’s wrong.
And have said they are not standing for wrong.
00:21:40.000 --> 00:21:44.999
Ben, what we wanted to ask you.
00:21:45.000 --> 00:21:49.999
Have you ever thought about moving?
00:21:50.000 --> 00:21:54.999
Um… No. You see, the thing is, I’m still
working the place myself. It’s my living.
00:21:55.000 --> 00:21:59.999
00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:04.999
All my relations have been
salmon fishing all their lives.
00:22:05.000 --> 00:22:09.999
My great-grandfather, my grandfather,
00:22:10.000 --> 00:22:14.999
my father, all my uncles,
they’re all salmon fishers.
00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:19.999
And it’s just in the blood, you know, you
just have to do it. I was 14 and a half,
00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:24.999
I went down to fish with my uncle
when I left school. I worked with him
00:22:25.000 --> 00:22:29.999
for a few years and I went trawling.
Everybody knew everybody, you know.
00:22:30.000 --> 00:22:34.999
All the salmon fishers knew everybody.
It was great.
00:22:35.000 --> 00:22:39.999
00:22:40.000 --> 00:22:44.999
It was cotton nets back then.
They rotted quick,
00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:49.999
so they had to make a lot of nets. These new
ones, they’re made of plastic, polythene,
00:22:50.000 --> 00:22:54.999
they last a lot longer and they are lighter, you know.
So you needed a full crew to work the old nets,
00:22:55.000 --> 00:22:59.999
you know. This boat this size here,
you’d have needed probably six,
00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:04.999
six men to pull one of these nets up.
Now you can do it with two, you know.
00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:10.000
00:23:25.000 --> 00:23:33.000
00:23:35.000 --> 00:23:39.999
Still am, I still am fishing. I haven’t done it for the last
couple of years, because I’ve been bothered by my back.
00:23:40.000 --> 00:23:44.999
But I’ll get going again next year.
00:23:45.000 --> 00:23:49.999
00:23:50.000 --> 00:23:54.999
I have to tow my boat down to the beach. It’s not like here
you come out of a harbor. I have to launch it off the beach.
00:23:55.000 --> 00:23:59.999
And uh… Well, I have nets on the
beach, stake nets, you know,
00:24:00.000 --> 00:24:04.999
and I’ll be towing anchors through his golf course as well,
because that’s how we do it. We just tow the anchors,
00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:09.999
we don’t lift them onto trailers and
things. I’m looking forward to it.
00:24:10.000 --> 00:24:14.999
00:24:15.000 --> 00:24:19.999
A lot of local people don’t see Michael as a
particular problem. They see him as someone
00:24:20.000 --> 00:24:24.999
who is standing up for what is rightfully
his. And they don’t believe all the claptrap
00:24:25.000 --> 00:24:29.999
that uh… Trump’s PR machine put out about
00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:34.999
a hard-nosed farmer.
00:24:35.000 --> 00:24:39.999
You know, he’s standing up for what’s his.
Why shouldn’t he?
00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:44.999
Why wouldn’t he? You know.
This is, actually,
00:24:45.000 --> 00:24:49.999
zoned for the housing. On
the crest of that hill,
00:24:50.000 --> 00:24:54.999
between David Milne’s property there,
is going to be the eight-storey blocks
00:24:55.000 --> 00:24:59.999
of uh… time-share apartments.
00:25:00.000 --> 00:25:04.999
My house, originally a coastguard station,
built in 1954, but there’s been a station here
00:25:05.000 --> 00:25:09.999
since about 1860 something.
There’s a row of five cottages,
00:25:10.000 --> 00:25:14.999
here to my right. They are coastguard
cottages. The occupants were originally
00:25:15.000 --> 00:25:19.999
workers in the coastguard.
00:25:20.000 --> 00:25:24.999
So if, when you look at the drawings, you see
something that looks like a crashed space shuttle…
00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:29.999
…that’s the hotel.
00:25:30.000 --> 00:25:34.999
And where my home is, is
meant to be a car park.
00:25:35.000 --> 00:25:39.999
The buildings that you see, just a little further
over there, the other side of the green field,
00:25:40.000 --> 00:25:44.999
that’s Mike Forbes’ place. Again,
under threat of compulsory purchase.
00:25:45.000 --> 00:25:49.999
Down below here, this white building,
that’s the home of the Munro family.
00:25:50.000 --> 00:25:54.999
Again, under compulsory purchase threat.
“No compulsory purchase,
00:25:55.000 --> 00:25:59.999
no more Trump lies,” on the top of the
postcard. “The hose down the road
00:26:00.000 --> 00:26:04.999
to the dunes “where once
you could roam free.”
00:26:05.000 --> 00:26:09.999
00:26:10.000 --> 00:26:14.999
I’ve been here a long time,
near on three decades,
00:26:15.000 --> 00:26:19.999
that’s a long time. Most of my adult life has been
spent in this house. I’ve brought my family up here.
00:26:20.000 --> 00:26:24.999
Findlay was born here. Here he is. Hi, pet.
00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:29.999
And then, this man, this foreigner comes
in, and because he’s got a few pounds,
00:26:30.000 --> 00:26:34.999
they reckon, in his
pocket, a bit of a name,
00:26:35.000 --> 00:26:39.999
and we’re just cast aside, we’re in the way.
I think it’s an awful way to treat people.
00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:44.999
That was just when we moved here, I was expecting
Findlay - he was, as I say, born here,
00:26:45.000 --> 00:26:49.999
so… As you can see, the difference
from a few years. This was taken
00:26:50.000 --> 00:26:54.999
in excess of 25 years ago. Me
with the children and my mother,
00:26:55.000 --> 00:26:59.999
paddling. Oh, it was just glorious.
00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:04.999
You realize what you’ve got and
what’s going to be taken away.
00:27:05.000 --> 00:27:09.999
Are you going to Cruden Bay? Maybe I
should take a cruise up in the old Zodie.
00:27:10.000 --> 00:27:14.999
00:27:15.000 --> 00:27:19.999
Well, I’d just left
00:27:20.000 --> 00:27:24.999
art college in 1974. And I moved to London.
00:27:25.000 --> 00:27:29.999
It’s where I continued my relationship
with, at that time, John Mellor,
00:27:30.000 --> 00:27:34.999
who most people know as Joe Strummer.
00:27:35.000 --> 00:27:39.999
Having extricated myself
from the music industry,
00:27:40.000 --> 00:27:44.999
I chanced to meet Kim, my partner.
It must have been worse yesterday,
00:27:45.000 --> 00:27:49.999
because the winds were terrific yesterday.
00:27:50.000 --> 00:27:54.999
It’s a bit rough today, isn’t it? So you
are taking it out of the water, then?
00:27:55.000 --> 00:27:59.999
I used to come up here with my
grandmother and my aunt and my cousins,
00:28:00.000 --> 00:28:04.999
on the bus from Aberdeen, in the mid ‘50s,
00:28:05.000 --> 00:28:09.999
with our bandy catchers, and playing
commandos on those dunes. It was a fantastic
00:28:10.000 --> 00:28:14.999
open space within reach of
ordinary people from Aberdeen.
00:28:15.000 --> 00:28:19.999
And the only wild stretch
has been swallowed up
00:28:20.000 --> 00:28:24.999
by this development. Now, that is
00:28:25.000 --> 00:28:29.999
primarily what drives me to
say it shouldn’t happen.
00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:38.000
00:28:50.000 --> 00:28:54.999
It’s a real mosaic of habitats.
You’ve got everything from open sand
00:28:55.000 --> 00:28:59.999
to shrubs to trees to wetlands.
A greener Scotland
00:29:00.000 --> 00:29:04.999
is effectively a myth if something like this is allowed
to happen. And lots of areas are either destroyed,
00:29:05.000 --> 00:29:09.999
moved around, sanitized, disturbed, and
they’ll be a few bits left scattered around
00:29:10.000 --> 00:29:14.999
as a kind of mitigation of this development,
this very damaging two-golf-course development,
00:29:15.000 --> 00:29:19.999
and the whole package is wrong.
00:29:20.000 --> 00:29:28.000
00:29:35.000 --> 00:29:39.999
00:29:40.000 --> 00:29:44.999
Uh… Welcome to our little world, Mclntyre.
00:29:45.000 --> 00:29:49.999
This is a bay in a million. And this
harbor is a natural for blasting
00:29:50.000 --> 00:29:54.999
in the underground tanks.
00:29:55.000 --> 00:29:59.999
Incredibly steep, isn’t it?
00:30:00.000 --> 00:30:04.999
These sorts of models give us vital clues
00:30:05.000 --> 00:30:09.999
to understand the interaction of waves
on beaches, the interaction of the beach
00:30:10.000 --> 00:30:14.999
and the upper beach. And then, the availability
of sand to be blown into sand dune systems,
00:30:15.000 --> 00:30:19.999
such as we’ve got on the Aberdeenshire
coast. In Menie, what we’ve got
00:30:20.000 --> 00:30:24.999
is a very, very clear model of sand
00:30:25.000 --> 00:30:29.999
moving in a northerly direction, crystal clear. That
is very interesting from the point of view of science,
00:30:30.000 --> 00:30:34.999
from the point of view of understanding how
our landscapes adjust to climate change.
00:30:35.000 --> 00:30:39.999
It is the only one left. And once we’ve
lost the only one left, we are dealing with
00:30:40.000 --> 00:30:44.999
essentially artificial systems. And the problem with
artificial systems, of course, is that, because we’ve meddled
00:30:45.000 --> 00:30:49.999
with them in some way, we don’t actually
know what the forward track might be.
00:30:50.000 --> 00:30:54.999
These are tees that are built onto very steep
sand dunes. So they will have to be built up
00:30:55.000 --> 00:30:59.999
artificially by movement of sand
from elsewhere on the site.
00:31:00.000 --> 00:31:04.999
Up to eight meters vertically will have
to be emplaced. And that will involve
00:31:05.000 --> 00:31:09.999
moving biblical amounts of sand from
A to B. Umm… So not only do you lose
00:31:10.000 --> 00:31:14.999
the natural dynamism that this
area is noted for scientifically,
00:31:15.000 --> 00:31:19.999
umm… you will stabilize it,
so you’ll lose the dynamism.
00:31:20.000 --> 00:31:24.999
But also, you will be constructing a
largely artificial sand dune environment.
00:31:25.000 --> 00:31:29.999
Well, I’ve stabilized the
dunes, and that means
00:31:30.000 --> 00:31:34.999
the dunes will be with us forever. And that’s good, because
dunes can be gone with the wind. I mean, dunes can move
00:31:35.000 --> 00:31:39.999
and shift and sometimes they do. But when you
stabilize them, they’re with you forever.
00:31:40.000 --> 00:31:44.999
So I’ve stabilized them, and, ultimately,
I think that’s going to be a great factor
00:31:45.000 --> 00:31:49.999
and a great thing for Scotland and for
Aberdeen. These wilderness environments
00:31:50.000 --> 00:31:54.999
are our equivalent, if you like, of the Amazon
rainforest or the swamps in South America.
00:31:55.000 --> 00:31:59.999
Many of these wilderness environments
have been lost around the world,
00:32:00.000 --> 00:32:04.999
and, in Britain, we’ve got
very, very few of those left.
00:32:05.000 --> 00:32:09.999
And what’s happening here is that we are losing
yet another. We’ve had tremendous support
00:32:10.000 --> 00:32:14.999
from the environmental groups, so I’m very happy about that.
I mean, we’ve had great, great environmental support.
00:32:15.000 --> 00:32:19.999
I’ve received many environmental awards over the
years. I think the greatest thing I’ve ever done
00:32:20.000 --> 00:32:24.999
for the environment is what I’ll
be doing right here in Aberdeen.
00:32:25.000 --> 00:32:29.999
But when we went to our meetings, we had
tremendous support from major environmentalists
00:32:30.000 --> 00:32:34.999
and environmental groups. Is my hair okay? It’s
blowing all over the place. Have a look in the lens.
00:32:35.000 --> 00:32:39.999
I can’t see it. Do you have a mirror, Emily? Give me
a mirror. There are no environmental organizations
00:32:40.000 --> 00:32:44.999
that I know of that favor this development.
Who has a mirror? RSPB opposed it.
00:32:45.000 --> 00:32:49.999
SEPA, the Scottish Environmental
Protection Agency,
00:32:50.000 --> 00:32:54.999
Scottish Natural Heritage were violently opposed
to this development. The World Wildlife Trust
00:32:55.000 --> 00:32:59.999
were against the development. The Ramblers
Association were against the development.
00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:04.999
I know of no credible environmental organization that
favored such a development on environmental grounds.
00:33:05.000 --> 00:33:13.000
00:33:15.000 --> 00:33:19.999
This is an accolade site, a Site
of Special Scientific Interest.
00:33:20.000 --> 00:33:24.999
The highest uh… conservation accolade
that this country can bestow.
00:33:25.000 --> 00:33:29.999
Umm… And yet, we allow a golf course to be developed
on it, which will remove the scientific interest
00:33:30.000 --> 00:33:34.999
umm… completely. And it’s something of
a personal tragedy and great sadness
00:33:35.000 --> 00:33:40.000
across the scientific community.
00:33:45.000 --> 00:33:53.000
00:34:10.000 --> 00:34:14.999
It is alarming! Well, look what
security did to me a long time ago -
00:34:15.000 --> 00:34:19.999
came out of nowhere, stopped
my car, hands on bonnet,
00:34:20.000 --> 00:34:24.999
and I got a scare. They’re
saying that’s for the lorries,
00:34:25.000 --> 00:34:29.999
that cars and pick-ups and everything
00:34:30.000 --> 00:34:34.999
can still use our road. Look, we’ve got a gap in the trees
already. Well, those trees are seemingly coming down,
00:34:35.000 --> 00:34:39.999
which they shouldn’t be taking down.
They’re targeting Mike Forbes.
00:34:40.000 --> 00:34:44.999
That’s where their spring
is, up in these trees.
00:34:45.000 --> 00:34:49.999
But we don’t make through and we’ll have a
look. Having been down makes this week…
00:34:50.000 --> 00:34:54.999
Oh God! They’ve lowered it.
Is there anybody in?
00:34:55.000 --> 00:34:59.999
Is that… (inaudible) with the water.
Moida, David Milne’s wife,
00:35:00.000 --> 00:35:04.999
she had a dream. That she woke up one morning and
we were disappeared. We were all under water.
00:35:05.000 --> 00:35:09.999
I said, “Oh!” She said, “I looked out the window
and you were gone. All I could see was water.”
00:35:10.000 --> 00:35:14.999
She had a premonition. I said, “Well, don’t say
that, Moida.” Hey, Mike, you are going to have
00:35:15.000 --> 00:35:19.999
problems with your water. I’m
really horrified to see this bank.
00:35:20.000 --> 00:35:24.999
I mean, what is it?
00:35:25.000 --> 00:35:29.999
I think it’s a road, and that
these trees are coming down.
00:35:30.000 --> 00:35:34.999
This is absolutely horrendous. That
will be the end of the spring.
00:35:35.000 --> 00:35:43.000
00:35:50.000 --> 00:35:58.000
00:36:00.000 --> 00:36:04.999
Who are you with? I’m a freelance. As all the
rest of the press, anyone who comes in here,
00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:09.999
would have the… Do you want to turn
that off or to leave it on or…?
00:36:10.000 --> 00:36:14.999
I’ll just leave it on, yeah. Yeah. As I’m sure you
are well aware, we’ve had a lot of damage here.
00:36:15.000 --> 00:36:19.999
If I was causing damage… No, no! I’m only putting
you in the picture. You know, I’m just basically
00:36:20.000 --> 00:36:24.999
overlooking from this bank. Shouldn’t be any health and safety
considerations, should there? No, no, no, no, there isn’t.
00:36:25.000 --> 00:36:29.999
But again, I would ask you to announce yourself
to the site. It’s the wish of the clients.
00:36:30.000 --> 00:36:34.999
If you wish to film on site, we’ve no issue
with it at all. You know, there’s no problem.
00:36:35.000 --> 00:36:40.000
I’m just freelance, yeah.
00:36:45.000 --> 00:36:49.999
Hi, there. Hello. What you doing down here?
00:36:50.000 --> 00:36:54.999
Just doing a bit of filming. If you’re freelance, are you
filming for yourself? Yeah. Just filming for myself.
00:36:55.000 --> 00:36:59.999
There’s a lot of publicity going on about this area
just now. Yeah. And a lot of this area down here
00:37:00.000 --> 00:37:04.999
is now classed as a work site. Yeah.
So for health and safety reasons,
00:37:05.000 --> 00:37:09.999
you should really be contacting the
department. This is estate land…
00:37:10.000 --> 00:37:14.999
Right. Yeah. But I thought, there’s not a sort
of right to roam, is there not, in Scotland.
00:37:15.000 --> 00:37:19.999
There is, but not within vehicles. But I wasn’t in a
vehicle, though. I was standing… Yeah. But again…
00:37:20.000 --> 00:37:24.999
Excuse me one second, could you switch your camera off,
please? But, of course, you can’t cut across the dunes now,
00:37:25.000 --> 00:37:29.999
because they’ve built this road.
That’s the road they’ve built,
00:37:30.000 --> 00:37:34.999
they’ve laid those across
the natural drainage,
00:37:35.000 --> 00:37:39.999
so they… they’re trapping water all
over the place. Look, look at that.
00:37:40.000 --> 00:37:44.999
It goes up and down with
the tide, all this lot.
00:37:45.000 --> 00:37:49.999
How are you?
00:37:50.000 --> 00:37:54.999
Hello, how are you? It’s terrific, that
water. Yes, well, they’ve virtually dammed us
00:37:55.000 --> 00:37:59.999
and they’ve put in that road. Mike’s concern
is, where are they going to pump it to?
00:38:00.000 --> 00:38:04.999
Trees suck up water, that’s why the
trees are planted. Now they’ve taken
00:38:05.000 --> 00:38:09.999
the trees away and buried them in a hole. Took ‘em
away and buried them in a hole. They dug a big hole
00:38:10.000 --> 00:38:14.999
over the back there.
00:38:15.000 --> 00:38:19.999
They took all the trees and put
them in a hole and buried them.
00:38:20.000 --> 00:38:24.999
According to my neighbor,
he says it was 400 trees
00:38:25.000 --> 00:38:29.999
they… they buried over there.
00:38:30.000 --> 00:38:34.999
And as we go down the corner
Anthony, if you keep looking ahead,
00:38:35.000 --> 00:38:39.999
you’ll see a little there… little
forest here has now disappeared.
00:38:40.000 --> 00:38:44.999
I came home and my son said to me,
“Oh, mom, all the trees have gone.”
00:38:45.000 --> 00:38:49.999
Oh, me. Marram grass being stripped
00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:54.999
into blocks and taken away in huge dumpers.
00:38:55.000 --> 00:38:59.999
And as you can see from the last
time we were here, there’s been
00:39:00.000 --> 00:39:04.999
vast quantity of sand taken. I just
can’t believe it. Be interesting to see
00:39:05.000 --> 00:39:09.999
where all this sand is coming from.
That’s the sand dunes that’s driving it.
00:39:10.000 --> 00:39:14.999
It’s the sand dunes from over there
they are putting on over here.
00:39:15.000 --> 00:39:19.999
I didn’t think they were allowed to
move ‘em. That should be on now.
00:39:20.000 --> 00:39:24.999
Yeah, that’s it. And then, you just press that, that
button there. Yeah, the one on the right. Yeah.
00:39:25.000 --> 00:39:29.999
So I’m filming all this.
00:39:30.000 --> 00:39:38.000
00:39:40.000 --> 00:39:44.999
To come here every day, you really get an
idea of the destruction that’s happening.
00:39:45.000 --> 00:39:49.999
Also notice there doesn’t seem to be
anybody coming down, checking on anything.
00:39:50.000 --> 00:39:54.999
There’s nae naebody. You
never see a… The only person
00:39:55.000 --> 00:39:59.999
you ever see is security, keeping…
keeping people away, really.
00:40:00.000 --> 00:40:05.000
00:40:30.000 --> 00:40:34.999
00:40:35.000 --> 00:40:39.999
I look at Mr. Forbes and his disgusting
conditions in which he lives.
00:40:40.000 --> 00:40:44.999
And that people have to look at that. And it’s about
time that somebody spoke up. It’s almost like,
00:40:45.000 --> 00:40:49.999
in fact, it is like a slum-like condition.
For people to have to look
00:40:50.000 --> 00:40:54.999
at this virtual slum is a disgrace.
00:40:55.000 --> 00:40:59.999
Mr. Forbes is not a man that people
in Scotland should be proud of.
00:41:00.000 --> 00:41:04.999
Mr. Forbes is not a respected
man among the people
00:41:05.000 --> 00:41:09.999
that he lives with. I mean, people have come up to us,
they’ve written us notes, they’ve written us letters,
00:41:10.000 --> 00:41:14.999
that this guy is all sorts of things.
And I won’t say it. They’re saying it.
00:41:15.000 --> 00:41:19.999
Mr. Forbes lives in a pig-like atmosphere.
It’s disgusting.
00:41:20.000 --> 00:41:24.999
They are really lovely, genuine,
honest, authentic people.
00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:29.999
And they are really sincere people.
00:41:30.000 --> 00:41:34.999
And, yeah, an absolute
pleasure to be involved
00:41:35.000 --> 00:41:39.999
in a project with them. David
McCue, he’s an artist.
00:41:40.000 --> 00:41:44.999
And he got in touch with me, asking me if it
would be okay if he did an art exhibition.
00:41:45.000 --> 00:41:49.999
I said, “Yeah, if you like, yeah.” So we were
going to do it in a marquee tent out here.
00:41:50.000 --> 00:41:54.999
But he wasn’t for that. He had to have it in that shed there.
Why, I don’t know, but he had to have it in that shed.
00:41:55.000 --> 00:41:59.999
The worst shed I’ve got, and
he had to have it in that.
00:42:00.000 --> 00:42:04.999
I think we’ll just stick
with that for just now.
00:42:05.000 --> 00:42:09.999
I think if we put all four up…
00:42:10.000 --> 00:42:14.999
00:42:15.000 --> 00:42:19.999
I love the barn, because the minute you
started to change and put things in there,
00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:24.999
it kind of re-contextualized the work
in exactly the way I hoped it would do.
00:42:25.000 --> 00:42:29.999
00:42:30.000 --> 00:42:34.999
It was great meeting Michael’s wife, Sheila.
Seriously, what the hell do you think you’re doing?
00:42:35.000 --> 00:42:39.999
She’s really feisty and has
a great sense of humor,
00:42:40.000 --> 00:42:44.999
a great sense of who she is, her own
kind of identity. Sheila chooses to
00:42:45.000 --> 00:42:49.999
sometimes be out of the limelight, but other times,
I think it’s important to hear her voice too.
00:42:50.000 --> 00:42:54.999
The drawing represents… as a metaphor for,
00:42:55.000 --> 00:42:59.999
”Behind every successful man,
there’s a strong woman.”
00:43:00.000 --> 00:43:04.999
00:43:05.000 --> 00:43:09.999
I really wanted to find for myself
00:43:10.000 --> 00:43:14.999
what the truth was, at what
was happening at that site.
00:43:15.000 --> 00:43:19.999
Like the security presence, for instance.
And that is really stressful
00:43:20.000 --> 00:43:24.999
for Sheila and Michael, and Molly as well.
You know, that’s their homes.
00:43:25.000 --> 00:43:29.999
And there would just be a vehicle that
would circle their land and stop,
00:43:30.000 --> 00:43:34.999
pause and then move off again. But it’s
intimidating. And I certainly felt like that
00:43:35.000 --> 00:43:39.999
the week that I was there.
00:43:40.000 --> 00:43:44.999
This one, for me, was very
much the very typical
00:43:45.000 --> 00:43:49.999
Trump stance and pose that he does very
often. It’s almost like a trademark,
00:43:50.000 --> 00:43:54.999
the way he gestures and his body language.
And Obviously, referenced Warhol
00:43:55.000 --> 00:43:59.999
quite considerably with the repeat pattern
of the dollar sign, that’s like a brick wall
00:44:00.000 --> 00:44:04.999
- you’ve hit a brick wall,
dead end, kind of scenario.
00:44:05.000 --> 00:44:09.999
00:44:10.000 --> 00:44:14.999
The media has been coming down to this
place, it’s been talking about it
00:44:15.000 --> 00:44:19.999
as a slum, which it certainly isn’t.
And to be able to sort of show off
00:44:20.000 --> 00:44:24.999
the interior of that barn, which we’ve always
just seen the exterior of, and get a real glimpse
00:44:25.000 --> 00:44:29.999
into the history, the
heritage of the space.
00:44:30.000 --> 00:44:34.999
I glimpse out of the back square that
looks onto all of the other properties,
00:44:35.000 --> 00:44:39.999
which are in a similar position of maybe
coming under compulsory purchase.
00:44:40.000 --> 00:44:44.999
It was just… It was perfect.
00:44:45.000 --> 00:44:49.999
00:44:50.000 --> 00:44:54.999
Twenty turns up, I’ll be happy.
00:44:55.000 --> 00:45:03.000
00:45:10.000 --> 00:45:14.999
00:45:15.000 --> 00:45:19.999
It’s in grossly bad taste, which, of course,
is spot on. Yes. We all need a hockey stick
00:45:20.000 --> 00:45:24.999
or a baseball bat. I really wanted an
interactive piece. That was quite important.
00:45:25.000 --> 00:45:29.999
That they weren’t just passively, you
know, looking at pieces of work.
00:45:30.000 --> 00:45:34.999
00:45:35.000 --> 00:45:39.999
I’ve seen some of them in the computer…
00:45:40.000 --> 00:45:44.999
I (inaudible) David’s computer. But they
don’t look the same in the computer.
00:45:45.000 --> 00:45:49.999
Once again, it’s a very pleasant atmosphere.
Well, this is a very serious business.
00:45:50.000 --> 00:45:54.999
It’s great to see members of the community coming
together like this in support of the local residents.
00:45:55.000 --> 00:45:59.999
My father was salmon fisher. When was that?
When I was born. I was born in this beach here.
00:46:00.000 --> 00:46:04.999
Uh…huh… And then we moved to (inaudible).
00:46:05.000 --> 00:46:09.999
Couple of (inaudible). Uh…huh… And then
he got a job in (inaudible). Uh…huh…
00:46:10.000 --> 00:46:14.999
So we moved into Aberdeen. And was in Aberdeen
for 14 and a half. And I had enough of Aberdeen.
00:46:15.000 --> 00:46:19.999
And I come up here and worked
with my uncle when I was two.
00:46:20.000 --> 00:46:24.999
They gotta get near to the kids.
But they’re…
00:46:25.000 --> 00:46:29.999
they’re checking down… they’re
throwing down his throat.
00:46:30.000 --> 00:46:34.999
The Trump paintings, the accent’s
very much on the red. The anger.
00:46:35.000 --> 00:46:39.999
Whereas Michael’s very much the
cool blue and the relaxed greens
00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:44.999
that reflect the diversity
of where they come from
00:46:45.000 --> 00:46:49.999
and what they mean and what
their intentions are, you know.
00:46:50.000 --> 00:46:54.999
I think these intentions are very angry.
Very self-motivated.
00:46:55.000 --> 00:46:59.999
Very self-interested.
00:47:00.000 --> 00:47:04.999
The way they display
00:47:05.000 --> 00:47:09.999
their… their wealth and their attitude, you
know. It… It is very much a contrast with
00:47:10.000 --> 00:47:14.999
what goes on here. But you would expect
that. I mean, he’s an international figure,
00:47:15.000 --> 00:47:19.999
and Michael’s a very… local figure.
00:47:20.000 --> 00:47:24.999
He’s very much appreciated
by his local friends and
00:47:25.000 --> 00:47:29.999
people who know him. A lot of
local people here are certainly
00:47:30.000 --> 00:47:34.999
a lot more down to life, you know.
I think living in the real world,
00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:39.999
you know. And it just shows you, you
know, the support we have round about.
00:47:40.000 --> 00:47:44.999
Absolute bias in favor of Trump. Aye.
That’s right. And reporting his
00:47:45.000 --> 00:47:49.999
negative and destructive comments about
you. It’s very personal, isn’t it?
00:47:50.000 --> 00:47:54.999
I know, I know. Flying about
is a most extravagant thing.
00:47:55.000 --> 00:47:59.999
And building a property and golf development
here to attract American golfers
00:48:00.000 --> 00:48:04.999
is… is just contrary to environmental
00:48:05.000 --> 00:48:09.999
way of life that we will have to lead.
00:48:10.000 --> 00:48:14.999
It’s a… a personal gift
00:48:15.000 --> 00:48:19.999
to Michael and Sheila.
00:48:20.000 --> 00:48:24.999
It feels important for me to give
something to them for all the help
00:48:25.000 --> 00:48:29.999
that they’ve given me.
Like all my paintings,
00:48:30.000 --> 00:48:34.999
I find it very difficult to talk about
while it’s in its early stages.
00:48:35.000 --> 00:48:39.999
Umm… But it’s going to
be an image of Michael
00:48:40.000 --> 00:48:44.999
umm… on the salmon fishing boat.
00:48:45.000 --> 00:48:53.000
00:49:20.000 --> 00:49:24.999
It was a Saturday,
00:49:25.000 --> 00:49:29.999
Michael was washing the Land Rover,
and he also washed Sheila’s car.
00:49:30.000 --> 00:49:34.999
And then, the hose went to a trickle.
00:49:35.000 --> 00:49:39.999
And he says, “Oh, the water’s
surely off.” So he came over
00:49:40.000 --> 00:49:44.999
and said to me, “Be canny with your
water, because I think it’s going off.”
00:49:45.000 --> 00:49:49.999
You see that line of trees.
00:49:50.000 --> 00:49:54.999
Well, just at this end here, that’s where
my well is. Well, it’s a spring-cum-well.
00:49:55.000 --> 00:49:59.999
As you can see, the lorry is
going around there just now.
00:50:00.000 --> 00:50:04.999
They built the road on top of my spring.
00:50:05.000 --> 00:50:09.999
Well, I think my water is more important
than his bloody road just now.
00:50:10.000 --> 00:50:14.999
But, uh… not to them, eh?
00:50:15.000 --> 00:50:19.999
I phoned up. They keep saying they are going to fix it
- I’m still waiting. You’d think it’d be a priority.
00:50:20.000 --> 00:50:24.999
00:50:25.000 --> 00:50:29.999
Yeah, See, no water. Dry. How
long has that been going on for?
00:50:30.000 --> 00:50:34.999
That’s since last Saturday. They
were digging up there on the Friday,
00:50:35.000 --> 00:50:39.999
and Hewison from down the road here, he went up and complained
there was no water. They said they would get it fixed right away.
00:50:40.000 --> 00:50:44.999
Well, that’s a week now I’ve been waiting and
still haven’t done it. I got the police down,
00:50:45.000 --> 00:50:49.999
and they won’t have nothing to do with it either. Uh… Would be
different if it was the other way around, like. If it was me
00:50:50.000 --> 00:50:54.999
cut off their water, I would have been
charged by now. I’m really pissed off.
00:50:55.000 --> 00:50:59.999
I’m running out of clean clothes. Dishes
are piling up. You know, you need water.
00:51:00.000 --> 00:51:04.999
I’ve been taking water out of the burn to
have a wash in the morning. It’s not right.
00:51:05.000 --> 00:51:13.000
00:51:15.000 --> 00:51:19.999
I needed water for the
hens, because they drink
00:51:20.000 --> 00:51:24.999
a lot of water. My plants
outside and my two greenhouses.
00:51:25.000 --> 00:51:29.999
So I took the barrow and…
I call it a “rooser”,
00:51:30.000 --> 00:51:34.999
the watering can, and a
uh… piece of rope tied
00:51:35.000 --> 00:51:39.999
to a paint pot. And I dipped
in the paint pot in the burn
00:51:40.000 --> 00:51:44.999
and filled the rooser and
just rode the barrow
00:51:45.000 --> 00:51:49.999
back up again. And then Michael said,
00:51:50.000 --> 00:51:54.999
”There’s a wee drop coming
from the hose,” his hose,
00:51:55.000 --> 00:51:59.999
”So you’ll get some for drinking.”
00:52:00.000 --> 00:52:04.999
Nothing. Dry.
00:52:05.000 --> 00:52:09.999
This is just another ploy,
00:52:10.000 --> 00:52:14.999
as I say, with Trump, to get, to piss
people off, you know. It’s not on.
00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:19.999
Uh… I’m really pissed off as well
that the police is all one-sided,
00:52:20.000 --> 00:52:25.000
you know. They says they’re not
biased - of course they are. Yeah.
00:53:10.000 --> 00:53:14.999
No, I’m just trying to work out the facts, basically. No, it’s
not an angle. It’s not an angle. I’m just trying to work out
00:53:15.000 --> 00:53:19.999
why if Michael has been without water
for a week… You know, rather than…
00:53:20.000 --> 00:53:25.000
You know, why…? Yeah.
00:54:15.000 --> 00:54:23.000
Sure, yeah.
00:54:30.000 --> 00:54:35.000
00:54:45.000 --> 00:54:49.999
What are we looking at over here, then?
Quite a mess now. We seem to have inherited
00:54:50.000 --> 00:54:54.999
a new lake here. Um… Mr. Trump,
00:54:55.000 --> 00:54:59.999
I don’t know what he’s doing. But
he’s scraped… scraped all this.
00:55:00.000 --> 00:55:04.999
Oh, here’s the police now. Uh-huh.
That’s the police there.
00:55:05.000 --> 00:55:09.999
You get a photo of them. Next
thing was the security van comes
00:55:10.000 --> 00:55:14.999
sneaking around the corner there and told
the police you were over with Suzy Munro.
00:55:15.000 --> 00:55:19.999
And then, they just took off up the road. And
before they went away, I says to them, I says,
00:55:20.000 --> 00:55:24.999
Uh…”Who are you going to charge now? And he says,
“We don’t charge anybody. We’re the good guys.”
00:55:25.000 --> 00:55:29.999
With all due respect, sir, would you mind
turning the camera off? What’s it about?
00:55:30.000 --> 00:55:38.000
00:55:45.000 --> 00:55:49.999
I bet you they’ve been on the… the
phone about this. Your visit there.
00:55:50.000 --> 00:55:54.999
It’s absolutely sickening.
00:55:55.000 --> 00:55:59.999
It’s absolutely sickening. This
is what it’ll have been about.
00:56:00.000 --> 00:56:04.999
I tell you, I hope they get on to the Environmental
Health today, because having no water for a week
00:56:05.000 --> 00:56:09.999
and no toilets, no facilities,
is an absolute disgrace.
00:56:10.000 --> 00:56:14.999
They’ve removed all the topsoil off the ground.
I mean, this is almost like a flood plain.
00:56:15.000 --> 00:56:19.999
As you can see, with the bulrushes and everything,
it’s just marsh ground. And, of course,
00:56:20.000 --> 00:56:24.999
common sense would tell you that the water, you
know, flows down to the… flows down to the sea.
00:56:25.000 --> 00:56:29.999
Yeah. Common sense would tell anybody that,
so that’s going to have to be rectified.
00:56:30.000 --> 00:56:34.999
I’m not… But, as I say,
00:56:35.000 --> 00:56:39.999
I think Environmental Health is
the next port of call for them.
00:56:40.000 --> 00:56:44.999
But we’ll just have to wait and see
what transpires today. Uh-huh.
00:56:45.000 --> 00:56:49.999
Who’s in charge between the two of you,
gentlemen? We’re just here as individuals.
00:56:50.000 --> 00:56:54.999
What are you here for? That’s no problem. Um…
Could I take a note of your name, please?
00:56:55.000 --> 00:56:59.999
Why? Because there’s been an alleged, there’s been an alleged,
breach of the peace up at the Menie Estate this morning.
00:57:00.000 --> 00:57:04.999
Oh, God. And, as such, we are making
enquiries. So could I have your name, please?
00:57:05.000 --> 00:57:09.999
My name is Richard Phinney.
00:57:10.000 --> 00:57:14.999
Okay. And yourself, sir, could I have your name, please? Yeah,
I’m Anthony Baxter. And then, he just became more hostile
00:57:15.000 --> 00:57:19.999
and more hostile and lunged at
you, gave you no explanation.
00:57:20.000 --> 00:57:24.999
What we need to do now… No, you do not! You are being
detained under Section 14 of the Criminal Procedures
00:57:25.000 --> 00:57:29.999
Scotland Act 1995, do not… What’s he done? Richard,
can you grab that? Richard, grab the camera.
00:57:30.000 --> 00:57:34.999
Let go of the camera. Let go of the
camera before it gets damaged, sir.
00:57:35.000 --> 00:57:39.999
And then, the next thing I know, you’re
wrestling over the bonnet of Findlay’s van,
00:57:40.000 --> 00:57:44.999
this policeman attacking you,
trying to pull the camera off you,
00:57:45.000 --> 00:57:49.999
still not giving you any reason why, what you’ve
done. I think it was totally out of order.
00:57:50.000 --> 00:57:54.999
Don’t do that to me! Right, sir, you’re being
detained… Then, slammed the handcuffs on,
00:57:55.000 --> 00:57:59.999
and I saw your wrist was grazed and everything.
And that was totally out of order.
00:58:00.000 --> 00:58:04.999
That’s disgraceful! Will you loosen those cuffs,
please? Will you loosen those cuffs, please?!
00:58:05.000 --> 00:58:09.999
They’re hurting me. This is a very sad state
of affairs. They are hurting my arms.
00:58:10.000 --> 00:58:14.999
Sir, if you’d stop shouting. Look,
will you stop doing that to me!
00:58:15.000 --> 00:58:23.000
00:58:25.000 --> 00:58:29.999
It’s 8:30 in the evening.
I’ve just got back to my car,
00:58:30.000 --> 00:58:34.999
after being in the police
cells for four hours.
00:58:35.000 --> 00:58:39.999
We also had our camera confiscated and
our footage confiscated by the police.
00:58:40.000 --> 00:58:44.999
00:58:45.000 --> 00:58:49.999
I think it was Susan that said, you
know, and I was quite upset about it.
00:58:50.000 --> 00:58:54.999
I thought, “Oh, gosh, a
nice lad like Anthony
00:58:55.000 --> 00:58:59.999
being taken into jail!”
God, I couldn’t sleep,
00:59:00.000 --> 00:59:04.999
thinking about it, you know. I thought,
“God, what like is the Trump people?”
00:59:05.000 --> 00:59:09.999
They’re horrors.
00:59:10.000 --> 00:59:14.999
“Two men charged over filming at
Trump.” I’m sick of seeing this
00:59:15.000 --> 00:59:19.999
”golf will put northeast on tourism map”. I
don’t know what he’s wanting to hide here,
00:59:20.000 --> 00:59:24.999
but this keeping people away off this
huge swathe of land’s not right.
00:59:25.000 --> 00:59:29.999
And then, there’s that hostile attack on Anthony
for no reason, the police wouldn’t give
00:59:30.000 --> 00:59:34.999
any reason, uh-huh.
00:59:35.000 --> 00:59:39.999
The mess he’s making? Well, there’s something. I
mean, I’ve never seen anything like this, anywhere.
00:59:40.000 --> 00:59:44.999
Does it feel to you that the police are
somehow working on behalf of Trump?
00:59:45.000 --> 00:59:49.999
Oh definitely, definitely. Michael
called them to the water.
00:59:50.000 --> 00:59:54.999
And they just couldn’t care less.
00:59:55.000 --> 00:59:59.999
It’s against the law to
cut off anybody’s water.
01:00:00.000 --> 01:00:04.999
And if they had damaged it, though,
supposed it was an accident,
01:00:05.000 --> 01:00:09.999
they should have been supplying him with
water. There and then. You know. Oh, aye.
01:00:10.000 --> 01:00:14.999
01:00:15.000 --> 01:00:19.999
On his hit show, The Apprentice,
Donald Trump’s word trumps all.
01:00:20.000 --> 01:00:24.999
And it appears that power extends to
his business venture in Scotland,
01:00:25.000 --> 01:00:29.999
at least for now. Recently, two British
journalists found themselves arrested
01:00:30.000 --> 01:00:34.999
at the site of Mr Trump’s golf resort near Aberdeen which
is currently… You are being detained under Section 14 of
01:00:35.000 --> 01:00:39.999
the Criminal Procedures… That’s quite incredible.
That is just, that’s bullying and harassment.
01:00:40.000 --> 01:00:44.999
That really is shocking. It’s an assault on journalists
trying to do their job. It’s completely out of order.
01:00:45.000 --> 01:00:49.999
Certainly people from around the
world have been taken aback that
01:00:50.000 --> 01:00:54.999
this type of thing could happen. Where journalists are
actually arrested, violently arrested, handcuffed,
01:00:55.000 --> 01:00:59.999
taken to the cells, having
been fingerprinted, DNA tests,
01:01:00.000 --> 01:01:04.999
having their equipment taken off them, kept in the
cells. No, I’ve never seen anything like this.
01:01:05.000 --> 01:01:09.999
I know people who have been done for
contempt of court, Umm… covering court cases
01:01:10.000 --> 01:01:14.999
and refusing to expose their sources. But
this was just an interference in journalists
01:01:15.000 --> 01:01:19.999
trying to film what really
is a public interest story.
01:01:20.000 --> 01:01:24.999
To me, they seem to just get
away with anything they want.
01:01:25.000 --> 01:01:29.999
I mean, they cut off the water. But what
will they try next? Cut of electric!
01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:34.999
They’ll knock down a pole or
something, you know. Oh eye!
01:01:35.000 --> 01:01:39.999
01:01:40.000 --> 01:01:48.000
01:01:55.000 --> 01:01:59.999
From New York, the greatest
city in the world,
01:02:00.000 --> 01:02:04.999
it’s the Late Show with David Letterman.
01:02:05.000 --> 01:02:09.999
Tonight, Donald Trump. The
wind was blowing very hard.
01:02:10.000 --> 01:02:14.999
Now this is the guy, this is the classic
story. Donald Trump, big American, comes,
01:02:15.000 --> 01:02:19.999
wants to buy up his ranch, or his farm, and he says, “Nope.” So is he
going to sell or is he not going to sell? I don’t know, I don’t need it.
01:02:20.000 --> 01:02:24.999
It’s not in the way of what I’m doing. It’s on the outskirts
of what I’m doing. And if I buy it, that will be fine. Right.
01:02:25.000 --> 01:02:29.999
But nothing I need. So they are using me
as an excuse not to build their hotel.
01:02:30.000 --> 01:02:34.999
They’re saying, “Oh, it’s an eyesore, a pigsty,”
whatever they want to call it, you know. But it’s a…
01:02:35.000 --> 01:02:39.999
it’s a working place, you know. There’s going to
be stuff lying about. I don’t throw nothing out,
01:02:40.000 --> 01:02:44.999
because you never know when it’s going to be
handy. And I’m bloody sure no other farmer…
01:02:45.000 --> 01:02:53.000
would throw anything out either. I was
sitting in here, I was on my computer,
01:03:05.000 --> 01:03:09.999
I was looking for parts for my tractors. And
Mickey Foote phoned in the afternoon and says,
01:03:10.000 --> 01:03:14.999
”Do you know there are diggers on your land?” So I
had a look out and I saw the diggers working away.
01:03:15.000 --> 01:03:19.999
So go over and tell my mother what was
going on, just in case she got excited.
01:03:20.000 --> 01:03:24.999
I was disgusted and felt ill about it.
01:03:25.000 --> 01:03:29.999
I mean, all that happening
on Michael’s land,
01:03:30.000 --> 01:03:34.999
that they wanted to buy! I
took my title deed with me.
01:03:35.000 --> 01:03:39.999
And I says, “You better just put everything back where
you got it.” And there were two policemen there.
01:03:40.000 --> 01:03:44.999
(inaudible) I shouts, I says, “Who’s the boss
here?” They didn’t do anything about it.
01:03:45.000 --> 01:03:49.999
They were guarding ‘them’ pulling
up the poles and putting up fences.
01:03:50.000 --> 01:03:54.999
And I tried to show them on the
title deeds what was mine,
01:03:55.000 --> 01:03:59.999
and they weren’t interested. They says, “We are just
down here to make sure there’s no damage caused.”
01:04:00.000 --> 01:04:04.999
Bloody damage, they were
ripping up the place.
01:04:05.000 --> 01:04:09.999
This is the one I used to use with
my father. I see them burst it all.
01:04:10.000 --> 01:04:14.999
That was the police who was supposed to be watching it, that
there was no damage done. It looks really respectful, eh?
01:04:15.000 --> 01:04:19.999
They burst it all.
01:04:20.000 --> 01:04:24.999
They surely phoned the security. Here they
come now. They’ve got a road made now.
01:04:25.000 --> 01:04:29.999
That’s my land, aye. Not now,
that belongs to them now.
01:04:30.000 --> 01:04:38.000
01:04:40.000 --> 01:04:44.999
No, I’ve seen enough of this.
01:04:45.000 --> 01:04:49.999
01:04:50.000 --> 01:04:54.999
This here is the original Menie salmon
fishing plans. And it shows you here,
01:04:55.000 --> 01:04:59.999
in black and white, that this is the
land here for Menie salmon fishers.
01:05:00.000 --> 01:05:04.999
But they are saying in the papers today
that their plan supersedes my plan.
01:05:05.000 --> 01:05:09.999
This here is Trump’s plan of the same area.
01:05:10.000 --> 01:05:15.000
Is here, with this corner cut off.
01:05:20.000 --> 01:05:24.999
01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:29.999
01:05:30.000 --> 01:05:34.999
Andy Wightman. Mike Forbes.
Good to see you,
01:05:35.000 --> 01:05:39.999
good to see you. What a bizarre goings-on. I’m glad
you can laugh about it sometimes. Well, you have to.
01:05:40.000 --> 01:05:44.999
Oh, aye. You have to, you know. If you
have a dispute with your neighbor
01:05:45.000 --> 01:05:49.999
about whose land is whose, you seek to resolve it
amicably and, ultimately, you would go to the courts.
01:05:50.000 --> 01:05:54.999
You don’t grab it. You know, you don’t nakedly
grab it. I mean, that’s what they did in the past.
01:05:55.000 --> 01:05:59.999
If everyone was to do that, it would be
a state of strife across the country.
01:06:00.000 --> 01:06:04.999
I mean, the other thing is that maps
at that time were not as accurate
01:06:05.000 --> 01:06:09.999
as maps are today. Yeah, ah! So, you know, I thought,
well, may be Trump’s arguing about a few meters here
01:06:10.000 --> 01:06:14.999
and on the rest of it. Yeah. But that’s…
The fact there is a map. Uh-huh.
01:06:15.000 --> 01:06:19.999
The fact that it’s colored. Uh-huh. The boundaries are shown
clearly. Uh-huh. You know, lot of lands are sold with no maps.
01:06:20.000 --> 01:06:24.999
Yeah. The police are correct
in that where your boundary is
01:06:25.000 --> 01:06:29.999
is not a matter for the police. Yeah. It’s not a criminal matter. It’s a civil
matter. They shouldn’t have been here. They shouldn’t even have been here.
01:06:30.000 --> 01:06:34.999
And the fact that Trump
has got a dispute here,
01:06:35.000 --> 01:06:39.999
thinks he owns this land, that’s a civil
matter. Before all this happened,
01:06:40.000 --> 01:06:44.999
they put in a line of flags. Little
red flags, with pieces of wire.
01:06:45.000 --> 01:06:49.999
And they put them in here. I removed
them all. And I was charged with theft.
01:06:50.000 --> 01:06:54.999
01:06:55.000 --> 01:06:59.999
There was all these little bloody
red flags all over the place.
01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:04.999
And they were a danger, because
my grandsons play down there,
01:07:05.000 --> 01:07:09.999
and they were sharp wires.
27 I pulled out of my land.
01:07:10.000 --> 01:07:14.999
27 of these bloody things. Is that charge still…?
The Prosecutor Fiscal sent a letter back saying
01:07:15.000 --> 01:07:19.999
they’d dropped it, but if I do anything like
that again, I will be severely dealt with.
01:07:20.000 --> 01:07:24.999
So I’m guilty. You know, I’m guilty and I
would have preferred if it went to court.
01:07:25.000 --> 01:07:29.999
I mean, to me, that suggests,
you know, double standards.
01:07:30.000 --> 01:07:34.999
And very, very political policing. Have
you ever come across a case like this?
01:07:35.000 --> 01:07:39.999
No, no, no. This is unprecedented.
01:07:40.000 --> 01:07:48.000
01:07:50.000 --> 01:07:54.999
That’s a bit stupid, isn’t it?
They’ve left an access there, look.
01:07:55.000 --> 01:07:59.999
Where’s it go? Nowhere. How can
he say that’s better than nature?
01:08:00.000 --> 01:08:04.999
Eh? Boy, the man lives in cuckoo-land.
01:08:05.000 --> 01:08:13.000
01:08:15.000 --> 01:08:19.999
That flag stands for freedom
and for a country that
01:08:20.000 --> 01:08:24.999
you are passionate about, presumably. Used
to be. I used to be. Until Salmond gave them
01:08:25.000 --> 01:08:29.999
the right to destroy the bloody links.
I voted for SNP for 35 years.
01:08:30.000 --> 01:08:34.999
I’ll never ever vote for them again. Never.
01:08:35.000 --> 01:08:39.999
They’ve done this country wrong.
01:08:40.000 --> 01:08:44.999
They’re giving it away to the Americans.
01:08:45.000 --> 01:08:49.999
01:08:50.000 --> 01:08:54.999
American tycoon Donald Trump
has jetted into Aberdeen
01:08:55.000 --> 01:08:59.999
ahead of receiving an honorary degree
from the city’s Robert Gordon University.
01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:04.999
This afternoon, the Tripping Up Trump
campaign handed in a 6,500 signature petition
01:09:05.000 --> 01:09:09.999
against the university’s decision.
01:09:10.000 --> 01:09:14.999
It’s really quite sad to see what he is doing. I thought it was
going to be done with a little tweak here and there, but it’s not,
01:09:15.000 --> 01:09:19.999
it’s just been flattened, especially the
bit beside us, and he’s just moving south.
01:09:20.000 --> 01:09:24.999
Awful that our, you know, our country
have let him take an SSI and that,
01:09:25.000 --> 01:09:30.000
and I’m sure he’s having a quick
smile to himself, you know.
01:09:35.000 --> 01:09:39.999
01:09:40.000 --> 01:09:44.999
They swarm around him like flies.
01:09:45.000 --> 01:09:49.999
Whenever he’s here. And I
mean, it’s just a joke.
01:09:50.000 --> 01:09:54.999
I also think it’s just so false, you know.
All these people arriving
01:09:55.000 --> 01:09:59.999
suited and booted. And, “Yes, Mr.
Trump.” “No, Mr. Trump.”
01:10:00.000 --> 01:10:04.999
What has he done here to deserve
this but destroy a Site of
01:10:05.000 --> 01:10:10.000
Special Scientific Interest
and a beautiful dune system?
01:10:20.000 --> 01:10:28.000
01:10:30.000 --> 01:10:34.999
The people love what we’re doing.
01:10:35.000 --> 01:10:39.999
They love that I’m spending hundreds
of millions of pounds on doing it.
01:10:40.000 --> 01:10:44.999
They love the fact that I’m
creating a lot of jobs.
01:10:45.000 --> 01:10:49.999
Mr. Trump doesn’t appreciate just how much this system
moves. None of these things will ever come back,
01:10:50.000 --> 01:10:54.999
because the conditions will be totally changed.
And all these damn chemicals on the greens,
01:10:55.000 --> 01:10:59.999
and… Ah, me.
01:11:00.000 --> 01:11:04.999
You just wonder where it’s
going to end with this.
01:11:05.000 --> 01:11:09.999
01:11:10.000 --> 01:11:14.999
The last time he was here, he made quite
01:11:15.000 --> 01:11:19.999
a rather sour comment about myself and Findlay
and the dog. You, know, “Demonstrators.”
01:11:20.000 --> 01:11:24.999
And I thought, “I’m not a demonstrator.
I live here.”
01:11:25.000 --> 01:11:29.999
01:11:30.000 --> 01:11:34.999
01:11:35.000 --> 01:11:39.999
This one was from the students. And any
gift from the students I always valued.
01:11:40.000 --> 01:11:44.999
Because I thought that was
01:11:45.000 --> 01:11:49.999
what my work was about.
01:11:50.000 --> 01:11:54.999
From the moment I decided
that I was going to hand
01:11:55.000 --> 01:11:59.999
my honorary degree back,
my thoughts were all about
01:12:00.000 --> 01:12:04.999
how I could get the maximum publicity.
Because I knew that simply handing it back
01:12:05.000 --> 01:12:09.999
in a private manner, it
would simply be put away
01:12:10.000 --> 01:12:14.999
and that would be the end of it. How difficult is it for
you to return this degree? It’s not difficult at all.
01:12:15.000 --> 01:12:19.999
I’m going to march in that door and ask
whether the Principal is available.
01:12:20.000 --> 01:12:24.999
If he isn’t, it will be given into the desk. And that will
be it. Because somebody’s got to stand up to these people
01:12:25.000 --> 01:12:29.999
and make sure that the world
knows there are people
01:12:30.000 --> 01:12:34.999
who don’t approve of this. I don’t approve of
bullying. I don’t approve of bullying to the people
01:12:35.000 --> 01:12:39.999
on the Menie Estate. That is my
degree… honorary degree certificate.
01:12:40.000 --> 01:12:44.999
Not wanted! Not wanted!
01:12:45.000 --> 01:12:49.999
For someone in such a significant
and serious position
01:12:50.000 --> 01:12:54.999
to take what is obviously a very personal and
determined stance is a very positive thing for us.
01:12:55.000 --> 01:12:59.999
And we are here in pure support of Dr.
Kennedy and his position.
01:13:00.000 --> 01:13:04.999
Donald Trump has said he thinks
you cannot be too greedy.
01:13:05.000 --> 01:13:09.999
He believes that you should be brutal
and powerful. He believes that
01:13:10.000 --> 01:13:14.999
sacking people is not a bad thing. He
boasts of the number of people he’s sacked.
01:13:15.000 --> 01:13:19.999
These are not the sort of qualities I would expect
of a man who is to receive an honorary degree.
01:13:20.000 --> 01:13:24.999
He feels very strongly. And I think,
01:13:25.000 --> 01:13:29.999
under those circumstances, it isn’t a difficult
decision to make. David, what happened inside?
01:13:30.000 --> 01:13:34.999
Well, Professor Harper wasn’t available.
And so I saw
01:13:35.000 --> 01:13:39.999
uh… one of the vice-principals. But, of
course, she’s following the party line
01:13:40.000 --> 01:13:44.999
that Mr. Trump is a very
successful entrepreneur,
01:13:45.000 --> 01:13:49.999
he’s a billionaire, and, of course,
that tells you everything.
01:13:50.000 --> 01:13:54.999
“They’re making a mockery of the system,”
in the words of Dr. David Kennedy,
01:13:55.000 --> 01:13:59.999
who’s handed back his honorary
degree to Robert Gordon University.
01:14:00.000 --> 01:14:04.999
And he has this message for the tycoon. Don’t trample on
your neighbors. Don’t destroy the environment of Aberdeen.
01:14:05.000 --> 01:14:09.999
This is part of the jewels of
Scotland that are being destroyed.
01:14:10.000 --> 01:14:14.999
My view is take your money elsewhere.
We don’t want it.
01:14:15.000 --> 01:14:19.999
01:14:20.000 --> 01:14:24.999
A positive paper, but it’s letting people
know the truth. Because we feel that
01:14:25.000 --> 01:14:29.999
people just don’t know the realities of this
development. And if they did know, they’d think twice.
01:14:30.000 --> 01:14:34.999
There’s some people in Aberdeen that really want
this development to go ahead, powerful people.
01:14:35.000 --> 01:14:39.999
And they’re not letting the word out on what’s
going on. Have you been out at Menie House? Yes.
01:14:40.000 --> 01:14:44.999
And have you seen some of the ramshackle dumps
that are round there? If you mean Michael Forbes’…
01:14:45.000 --> 01:14:49.999
I’m not referring to anybody specific. Right. I’m talking in
general terms. Have you seen it? Um… I’ve been to Menie, yes.
01:14:50.000 --> 01:14:54.999
Here’s the point. You take in wealthy
people from all over the world, flying in,
01:14:55.000 --> 01:14:59.999
and they’re playing there and they’re looking
at houses that are in bad condition,
01:15:00.000 --> 01:15:04.999
with ramshackle tractors and old farm implements
lying over there. Do you think that does any good
01:15:05.000 --> 01:15:09.999
to the vision of Scotland
throughout the world?
01:15:10.000 --> 01:15:18.000
01:15:25.000 --> 01:15:29.999
American billionaire Donald Trump
01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:34.999
defied his critics to pick up an honorary degree
from Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University.
01:15:35.000 --> 01:15:39.999
He’s pledged to build the world’s greatest golf
course on the Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire.
01:15:40.000 --> 01:15:44.999
Today, Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon
University recognized US tycoon
01:15:45.000 --> 01:15:49.999
Donald Trump’s ability to make money. Now
a Doctor of Business Administration…
01:15:50.000 --> 01:15:54.999
Just a casual shot against the
railing would be quite nice. Lovely!
01:15:55.000 --> 01:15:59.999
Can we get the “You’re
Fired” again, Mr. Trump?
01:16:00.000 --> 01:16:04.999
Thank you very much.
01:16:05.000 --> 01:16:09.999
Hello, everybody.
01:16:10.000 --> 01:16:14.999
Is the course on schedule? Yeah, the course is in perfect
schedule. In fact, if anything, it’s ahead of schedule.
01:16:15.000 --> 01:16:19.999
And I am very happy to report
that everything we’ve done…
01:16:20.000 --> 01:16:24.999
I think it’s even coming out better than
we had anticipated in our wildest dreams.
01:16:25.000 --> 01:16:29.999
It’s going to be really spectacular. There
doesn’t seem to be people against the job.
01:16:30.000 --> 01:16:34.999
The only one I see is this gentleman right here, who I’ve
never seen before until yesterday when he started screaming.
01:16:35.000 --> 01:16:39.999
Question? Real journalists. I want real journalists. Mr.
Trump, I wonder what you’d say to Dr David Kennedy.
01:16:40.000 --> 01:16:44.999
He handed back his degree
last week and said that
01:16:45.000 --> 01:16:49.999
your honor was an insult to decent people
everywhere, and also accused you of
01:16:50.000 --> 01:16:54.999
bullying people on the Menie Estate. And,
I mean, I myself have been arrested,
01:16:55.000 --> 01:16:59.999
handcuffed and put in a
prison cell for four hours
01:17:00.000 --> 01:17:04.999
whilst interviewing your representative, Mr. Paul
O’Connor, on the site. I just wondered whether you felt
01:17:05.000 --> 01:17:09.999
that was the right way to treat people and
whether, in fact, you had anything to hide.
01:17:10.000 --> 01:17:14.999
I never heard of Mr. Kennedy. I don’t
know who he is. So I can’t really refer.
01:17:15.000 --> 01:17:19.999
I mean, you’re asking me about a person that I’ve never
heard of. Dr. David Kennedy, the former Principal of…
01:17:20.000 --> 01:17:24.999
I’ve never heard of him. I’m sorry.
This is a very popular job.
01:17:25.000 --> 01:17:29.999
It’s only questions like you ask
that, you know, cause trouble.
01:17:30.000 --> 01:17:34.999
Any other questions? Yes, Mr. Trump, I just wonder
if you could tell us how many local people…?
01:17:35.000 --> 01:17:39.999
One question per journalist. How many local
people were employed on the site at the moment?
01:17:40.000 --> 01:17:44.999
A lot. We have a lot of local people employed and we are just
beginning. Can you give us a number? I don’t have numbers.
01:17:45.000 --> 01:17:49.999
We are just beginning, but a lot of people. And there will be
more and more. We’ve had hundreds of people doing the marram,
01:17:50.000 --> 01:17:54.999
we’re ready to start the marram grass
again. That’s a very big project.
01:17:55.000 --> 01:18:00.000
But we’ve got a lot of local people employed
on the site. But it is an Irish contractor.
01:18:05.000 --> 01:18:09.999
01:18:10.000 --> 01:18:14.999
So I’m going to go and
phone the police shortly
01:18:15.000 --> 01:18:19.999
and let them know. Take it from there.
I’ve also spoken to a lawyer.
01:18:20.000 --> 01:18:24.999
I’m phoning in connection
with an incident number
01:18:25.000 --> 01:18:29.999
you already have on your books.
Incident 56, of the 18th of October.
01:18:30.000 --> 01:18:34.999
In other words, yesterday. Well, it was
regarding, we expected certain persons
01:18:35.000 --> 01:18:39.999
to come on to our land yesterday
and cut down and remove a fence.
01:18:40.000 --> 01:18:44.999
That didn’t happen. However, they have come
on today and cut down and removed that fence.
01:18:45.000 --> 01:18:49.999
This is the letter that we received.
01:18:50.000 --> 01:18:54.999
They are saying that I “have a fence
and part of a shed (or other building)
01:18:55.000 --> 01:18:59.999
erected on land belonging to them.”
01:19:00.000 --> 01:19:04.999
They are saying that they now intend to remove the fence -
you’ll notice I’m not given the option to remove it myself -
01:19:05.000 --> 01:19:10.000
and that they may, if they choose, put
the fence back up on their drawing.
01:19:15.000 --> 01:19:19.999
As far as the shed goes,
they’re giving me 72 hours
01:19:20.000 --> 01:19:24.999
or they are going to raise an action in
the Sheriff Court to have it removed.
01:19:25.000 --> 01:19:29.999
If you take the double garage,
it’s sitting here. Okay.
01:19:30.000 --> 01:19:34.999
I have a stick shed sits here. There’s an old
brick shed from the coastguard days sits there.
01:19:35.000 --> 01:19:39.999
And the house actually sits in about here.
01:19:40.000 --> 01:19:44.999
Out here, there is a pole
01:19:45.000 --> 01:19:49.999
for the overhead electricity line.
They are claiming, at the moment,
01:19:50.000 --> 01:19:54.999
that this boundary, actually,
runs something like that.
01:19:55.000 --> 01:19:59.999
01:20:00.000 --> 01:20:04.999
And here, they’re trying to take
the back wall off my garage.
01:20:05.000 --> 01:20:09.999
We’ve been very nice. We’ve tried to be very
nice. Uh… We actually just learned that
01:20:10.000 --> 01:20:14.999
one of them may have built their house on our land. We
learned that last night, when we were doing a survey.
01:20:15.000 --> 01:20:19.999
One of the people actually have
a big chunk of their house
01:20:20.000 --> 01:20:24.999
on our land. So we’re
having that checked out.
01:20:25.000 --> 01:20:29.999
You’ll find out. I’ve come home today.
I see the fence is missing.
01:20:30.000 --> 01:20:34.999
That’s a police car that
was in here this morning.
01:20:35.000 --> 01:20:39.999
Which makes it 8:00, 9:00, 10 o’clock this morning
or thereby. So it will be interesting to see
01:20:40.000 --> 01:20:44.999
what time the fence actually came down.
They hit the power line yesterday.
01:20:45.000 --> 01:20:49.999
240 volts supply to my house. Mr.
Trump’s workmen severed the line
01:20:50.000 --> 01:20:54.999
with the digger, popped the line,
and, of course, everything shorted,
01:20:55.000 --> 01:20:59.999
and it cut everybody off. It’s
working away, quite the thing.
01:21:00.000 --> 01:21:04.999
There you go. Power went out.
01:21:05.000 --> 01:21:09.999
Not only is it, in my opinion,
01:21:10.000 --> 01:21:14.999
criminal damage or vandalism but now they’ve also
committed theft, by removing it from where there were,
01:21:15.000 --> 01:21:19.999
which, if you get to remember, is precisely
what they charged Michael Forbes with
01:21:20.000 --> 01:21:24.999
when he removed marker poles from the site.
01:21:25.000 --> 01:21:29.999
The fence that they put up
01:21:30.000 --> 01:21:34.999
without my permission. “The attached
invoice is now due. Please arrange payment
01:21:35.000 --> 01:21:39.999
for half of this invoice,
£2,820 to be made payable
01:21:40.000 --> 01:21:44.999
to Trump International
Golf Links, Scotland.”
01:21:45.000 --> 01:21:49.999
I got out of my bed this morning,
01:21:50.000 --> 01:21:54.999
the whole house shaking, things
falling off Findlay’s shelf.
01:21:55.000 --> 01:21:59.999
But this is getting bigger by the day.
It’s incredibly high now.
01:22:00.000 --> 01:22:04.999
Did you ask the builders what they were doing
with this? Findlay did. What did they say?
01:22:05.000 --> 01:22:09.999
It’s Mr. Trump’s instructions. Mr.
Trump’s instructions? Yeah.
01:22:10.000 --> 01:22:14.999
To put all this earth here. Yeah, yeah, to
block our view, to harass us, obviously.
01:22:15.000 --> 01:22:20.000
There’s no bank on the plans, anything
like that. Oh, I don’t know what to do.
01:22:50.000 --> 01:22:58.000
01:23:00.000 --> 01:23:04.999
01:23:05.000 --> 01:23:09.999
It’s uh… rather meaningless.
01:23:10.000 --> 01:23:14.999
It took them a maybe a week, ten
days, to actually construct.
01:23:15.000 --> 01:23:19.999
So there’s quite a lot of work involved. There’s a lot
of time involved, there’s a lot of effort involved,
01:23:20.000 --> 01:23:24.999
for no real purpose.
01:23:25.000 --> 01:23:29.999
Get it done and don’t spend a lot. It’s all
on Donald J. Trump’s Fabulous World of Golf.
01:23:30.000 --> 01:23:34.999
Sarah, I want to get rid of that house.
01:23:35.000 --> 01:23:39.999
Who cares? Who cares? You
know what, who cares?
01:23:40.000 --> 01:23:44.999
It’s our property. We can do what we want. We’re trying to
build the greatest course in the world, this house is ugly.
01:23:45.000 --> 01:23:49.999
There are some houses, quite far away
from the course, but, nevertheless,
01:23:50.000 --> 01:23:54.999
they are in view. But we are berming some of
the area so that you don’t see the houses.
01:23:55.000 --> 01:23:59.999
I don’t want to see the houses. And nobody has a problem with
it. I guess maybe the people that live in the houses have.
01:24:00.000 --> 01:24:04.999
01:24:05.000 --> 01:24:09.999
There’s a great big pond here. Now, the more mud
they’re scraping, the water is all bubbling up.
01:24:10.000 --> 01:24:14.999
I was just waiting for that. The water?
Yeah, water table,
01:24:15.000 --> 01:24:19.999
they’ve hit it. It’s supposed to be a putting
green. I could cope, I suppose you’d have to cope
01:24:20.000 --> 01:24:24.999
with a putting green. Not that I’d like balls
flying in my garden. But they’ve come today,
01:24:25.000 --> 01:24:29.999
”We’re making a car park.” No, you’re not,
it’s not on your plans. That big mound
01:24:30.000 --> 01:24:34.999
in front of us that shouldn’t have been done. Not
on the plans. Because there’s just the dunes there,
01:24:35.000 --> 01:24:39.999
Kim, but the bit we used to walk over onto the
beach. I took photos on Anthony’s camera.
01:24:40.000 --> 01:24:45.000
I mean, we got a shock. We just stood and looked
round. Totally flat. Sand everywhere. Everything gone.
01:25:10.000 --> 01:25:15.000
01:25:40.000 --> 01:25:48.000
01:26:05.000 --> 01:26:09.999
I’m imagining now how beautiful it must be these dunes on the
beautiful coast of Scotland. The west coast of Scotland?
01:26:10.000 --> 01:26:14.999
Well, yes, more or less. And… Uh, what do
you mean, “more or less”? Did you do the…
01:26:15.000 --> 01:26:19.999
It’s such a big area, it covers a
lot of territory. I see, I see!
01:26:20.000 --> 01:26:24.999
It’s so beautiful there. I love there. It is
beautiful, but I’ll make it more beautiful.
01:26:25.000 --> 01:26:29.999
Actually, when I finish, it will be far
more beautiful. Really? Yep. That’s right.
01:26:30.000 --> 01:26:34.999
01:26:35.000 --> 01:26:39.999
I’m not fond of Donald Trump.
And I wouldn’t want to come
01:26:40.000 --> 01:26:44.999
all this way to go play a new course,
nor one of his facility courses,
01:26:45.000 --> 01:26:49.999
so… I’m not sure that it’s going
to be a very successful operation.
01:26:50.000 --> 01:26:54.999
You know, he’s pretty gaudy. I mean, that
is the way he does things. You know,
01:26:55.000 --> 01:26:59.999
he’s a New Yorker, and…
So… I’m sure it will be
01:27:00.000 --> 01:27:04.999
uh… a spectacular course. I’m not sure it will
fit in with, you know, the tradition, so…
01:27:05.000 --> 01:27:09.999
He says it’s going to be the best in the world.
Well, Donald would say that, wouldn’t he, you know?
01:27:10.000 --> 01:27:15.000
Trump will price it most
likely outside of my range.
01:27:25.000 --> 01:27:29.999
Of course, there will be some
local workers. The question is,
01:27:30.000 --> 01:27:34.999
what proportion of workers will be local. And
there, I think that the estimates that are made
01:27:35.000 --> 01:27:39.999
in the economic impact study are wildly
optimistic. I mean, if I were Irish,
01:27:40.000 --> 01:27:44.999
I’d be delighted if Irish workers were being employed. If I were
Polish, I’m delighted that Polish workers are being employed.
01:27:45.000 --> 01:27:49.999
But they’re not going to be creating
jobs in the local economy. And indeed,
01:27:50.000 --> 01:27:54.999
migrant workers tend to remit a lot of their wages back
to where they come from. So they wouldn’t be spending
01:27:55.000 --> 01:27:59.999
within the local economy.
If a British developer
01:28:00.000 --> 01:28:04.999
came along saying that they
wanted to build 500 houses and
01:28:05.000 --> 01:28:09.999
a 450-bed hotel on an area of wild beauty,
01:28:10.000 --> 01:28:14.999
remote from any large city,
01:28:15.000 --> 01:28:19.999
which was going to destroy what
is the most highly protected
01:28:20.000 --> 01:28:24.999
type of site we have, a Site of Special
Scientific Interest, which was,
01:28:25.000 --> 01:28:29.999
by all accounts, a unique type of site,
01:28:30.000 --> 01:28:34.999
uh… they would be laughed out of court.
01:28:35.000 --> 01:28:39.999
01:28:40.000 --> 01:28:44.999
Think of Mr. Trump as a poker player. And
he’s got a hand, but he’s also bluffing
01:28:45.000 --> 01:28:49.999
the local authorities and the Scottish Government to
give him planning permission. That planning permission
01:28:50.000 --> 01:28:54.999
is immensely, immensely valuable. Thousands
of millions of pounds, probably.
01:28:55.000 --> 01:28:59.999
Just to get the planning permission.
So his job is
01:29:00.000 --> 01:29:04.999
to persuade people that there’s huge
economic benefits. That’s his job.
01:29:05.000 --> 01:29:09.999
But we should be critically
cautious in accepting numbers
01:29:10.000 --> 01:29:14.999
which come from the Trump camp. And
from what you’ve seen of those numbers,
01:29:15.000 --> 01:29:19.999
do you think there has been enough caution?
No, I don’t think there’s been enough caution
01:29:20.000 --> 01:29:24.999
in critically interpreting those numbers.
Uh… It’s not surprising
01:29:25.000 --> 01:29:29.999
that sort of city fathers might
be deceived by a glamorous uh…
01:29:30.000 --> 01:29:34.999
international superstar like Donald Trump. I do find
it more surprising that the Scottish Government,
01:29:35.000 --> 01:29:39.999
who I thought was quite canny, has
fallen for it in the way they have.
01:29:40.000 --> 01:29:45.000
01:29:50.000 --> 01:29:58.000
01:30:05.000 --> 01:30:09.999
This is the pond where all the ducks were.
I don’t know what they’ve done,
01:30:10.000 --> 01:30:14.999
but they’ve now, as you can see, got this
fenced off with this orange netting.
01:30:15.000 --> 01:30:19.999
01:30:20.000 --> 01:30:24.999
It’s horrifying, of course, to see, you know,
the sand just piled up like that, willy-nilly.
01:30:25.000 --> 01:30:29.999
Umm… This was a pristine
and fantastic dune system,
01:30:30.000 --> 01:30:34.999
and now parts of it are in the
process of being wrecked.
01:30:35.000 --> 01:30:39.999
And that’s very sad. And as things stand at the moment,
much of the rest of it is going to be wrecked as well.
01:30:40.000 --> 01:30:44.999
01:30:45.000 --> 01:30:49.999
Fine, fine, eh.
01:30:50.000 --> 01:30:54.999
It’s good, this is great.
01:30:55.000 --> 01:31:03.000
01:31:10.000 --> 01:31:14.999
My name’s Michael. I’m just up from Glasgow
today. Just to offer you some support.
01:31:15.000 --> 01:31:19.999
Excellent! Thank you. Good luck.
Hi. How are you doing?
01:31:20.000 --> 01:31:24.999
Fine day for it. To show you a bit
of support. Thank you very much.
01:31:25.000 --> 01:31:29.999
01:31:30.000 --> 01:31:34.999
Come and join us!
01:31:35.000 --> 01:31:39.999
Join us! It’s good to see that
01:31:40.000 --> 01:31:44.999
there’s so many young people
here supporting justice.
01:31:45.000 --> 01:31:49.999
And I’m at one with them. I agree completely.
And I find it very, very, very pleasing
01:31:50.000 --> 01:31:54.999
to see so many people turning out today
01:31:55.000 --> 01:31:59.999
in order to support the people who
are being victimized by Donald Trump
01:32:00.000 --> 01:32:04.999
and his profit-making ways.
I’m very proud, yeah.
01:32:05.000 --> 01:32:09.999
It gives you a boost. It really
gives you a boost. You know,
01:32:10.000 --> 01:32:14.999
when you are down in… down in the mouth about
what is going on here and then you get
01:32:15.000 --> 01:32:19.999
all these people supporting you, it’s
really good. Yeah, I’m really proud.
01:32:20.000 --> 01:32:24.999
What kind of things have they been saying? Oh, just
keep up the fight. It’s always the same, every time,
01:32:25.000 --> 01:32:29.999
to keep up the fight and…
I’m doing my best! Yeah.
01:32:30.000 --> 01:32:38.000
01:32:45.000 --> 01:32:49.999
We’re going up the church
hall to have a cup of tea.
01:32:50.000 --> 01:32:58.000
01:33:55.000 --> 01:33:59.999
Can I help you, gentlemen? Yes, I’d like to
use the telephone. Is there one in the hotel?
01:34:00.000 --> 01:34:04.999
There’s a phone box just across the road at the jetty. You’ll need
some change. Aye, you can talk to anyone in the world from there.
01:34:05.000 --> 01:34:09.999
Could you change this for me? Ten’s the
lot. Now, I don’t think I’ll manage that.
01:34:10.000 --> 01:34:14.999
You got any change, lads? The
gentleman here would like to make
01:34:15.000 --> 01:34:19.999
a very important long-distance phone call,
intercontinental. Come on, give me your change.
01:34:20.000 --> 01:34:24.999
01:34:25.000 --> 01:34:29.999
Trump Organization.
01:34:30.000 --> 01:34:34.999
Oh, hello there, yes. I was wondering if I could speak to Donald
Trump, please? I’m calling from Scotland, just recording this call.
01:34:35.000 --> 01:34:39.999
My name is Anthony Baxter.
Okay, what was it regarding?
01:34:40.000 --> 01:34:44.999
Yes, I’m making a documentary about the Trump
Golf Course development north of Aberdeen
01:34:45.000 --> 01:34:49.999
and just wondered whether I could speak to him about it. I
could give you the email address. Yeah, I did email Rhona
01:34:50.000 --> 01:34:54.999
a few times, actually, last year. I did…
Do you have the correct email address?
01:34:55.000 --> 01:34:59.999
I think so, because she returned the
email saying that he was too busy
01:35:00.000 --> 01:35:04.999
to do an interview at the time. So I just thought I
would touch base. …if you like. Right, I did do that,
01:35:05.000 --> 01:35:09.999
and then, I didn’t hear anything back. I mean, I don’t
mind waiting for her meeting to finish. It’s just that
01:35:10.000 --> 01:35:14.999
I’ve only got so many 7.50p’s here.
And I can’t just speak to
01:35:15.000 --> 01:35:19.999
Mr. Trump’s PA? Hold on a moment.
Okay. Okay, thanks.
01:35:20.000 --> 01:35:24.999
Hello? Hello. Okay, sir, I’m sorry,
but that’s the only possibility,
01:35:25.000 --> 01:35:33.000
to email Rhona. I’m sorry, I
have to take other calls.
01:35:40.000 --> 01:35:48.000
01:37:00.000 --> 01:37:04.999
I’ve to say they’re all excellent pictures.
They really are very good.
01:37:05.000 --> 01:37:09.999
And I love the idea of facing
the Menie known works of art.
01:37:10.000 --> 01:37:14.999
They were quite tired by the
time I did get them out.
01:37:15.000 --> 01:37:19.999
And I was (inaudible).
01:37:20.000 --> 01:37:25.000
01:37:30.000 --> 01:37:34.999
01:37:35.000 --> 01:37:39.999
I think I like Michael and Sheila best. It’s
very close to the painting on which it’s faced.
01:37:40.000 --> 01:37:44.999
And I’m also wondering what Michael’s
contemplating doing with that fork.
01:37:45.000 --> 01:37:53.000
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 95 minutes
Date: 2012
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: Grades 9-12, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
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