Hayley, Rosamaria, Angela and Martens

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Hayley was born into a coal-mining community in Merseyside, UK. When the mines closed down, her father lost his job, and her parents divorced. Rosamaria was born into an extended family in the violent and dangerous favela of Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro. The drugs are gone, police `pacification' has transformed Rocinha, and Rosamaria's a single mom with a new boyfriend, trying to find a job.
Angela was born on Lihir Island, in Papua New Guinea, just as a gold mine was about to be built. Twenty years later, the mine has brought huge benefits to Lihirians, but also pollution. Martens was born in Jelgava, on the outskirts of the Latvian capital Riga, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After joining the European Union in 2000, Latvia's economy had been hit hard by the Eurocrisis; Marten's own dream is to become a chef.
Part of the Zero Ten Twenty series.
'Zero, Ten, Twenty offers a gritty, realistic view of the slow grind of progress internationally. This film underscores the ecological contributions of family, community, governance and culture in the successes and sometimes the continued struggles of children growing up in an uncertain world.' Dr. Deborah J. Johnson, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Michigan State University, Editor, Vulnerable Children: Global Challenges in Education, Health, Well-Being, and Child Rights
'This is a truly remarkable film. It illuminates differences in class, gender, race, and culture. It brings to life changes in childhood, in work, and in the environment. It is a must-see across fields like education, psychology, sociology, international development, women's studies, environmental studies, globalization studies, and more.' Steven J. Klees, Professor of International and Comparative Education, University of Maryland, Former President of the U.S. Comparative and International Education Society, Co-author of The World Bank and Education: Critiques and Alternatives
'Zero, Ten, Twenty characterizes the ongoing, perhaps increasing, challenges of ensuring the well-being of children across the world, even when politicians pledged to improve it 20 years ago. It also shows the absolute necessity of the commitment of parents to their children in order for their children to have a chance at survival, whatever that might mean in a particular place. While governments can provide some opportunities or supports, it is still up to the parents to give children the love and attention they need to grow up healthy and happy.' Dr. Robert Goerge, Senior Research Fellow at Chapin Hall, Senior Fellow at Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, co-Founder of the International Society for Child Indicators
'These beautiful films evoke the complex tangle of environmental, economic, cultural, social and personal issues in the life of an extraordinary group of ordinary young people...A profoundly moving series, which captures not only the conflict between economic necessity and the ecological imperative, but also the ways in which this fundamental contradiction is inflected by the determination and idealism of young people. It offers rich material for impassioned discussion, since there is no self-evident way out of the developmental paradox, whereby we grow rich individually, and are impoverished collectively.' Jeremy Seabrook, Journalist and Writer, Author, Children of a New World: Society, Culture, and Globalization and Children of Other Worlds: Exploitation in the Global Market
Main credits
Sorrentino, Bruno (cinematographer)
Sorrentino, Bruno (film director)
Omaar, Rageh (narrator)
Other credits
Editors, Mikhael Junod, Guy Creasey; music, Philip Chambon.
Distributor subjects
Anthropology; Asian Studies; At-risk Youth; Brazil; Climate Change/Global Warming; Community; Developing World; Economics; Education; Environment; European Studies; Geography; Globalization; Mining; Psychology; Sociology; Women's StudiesKeywords
00:00:02.010 --> 00:00:06.429
Narrator: It\'s 1992.
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- 178 world leaders gathered
in Rio today...
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- They are calling it
the summit that
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will save the planet.
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Narrator: For 20 years, we have
followed the lives of 11
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children born in 10 countries
across the world, all born at
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the time of the Rio
Earth Summit...
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The first time world leaders
had got together to promise
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future generations
a better world.
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- If a man cheats the Earth,
the Earth will cheat man.
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Narrator: We wanted to know if
the promises of the Earth
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Summit would be fulfilled
in their lives.
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- I am fighting for my future.
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Narrator: The promise of
a cleaner, healthier,
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better-educated and
less-dangerous world.
00:00:50.720 --> 00:00:53.989
- I am here to speak for all
generations to come.
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Narrator: These are the babies,
then kids, then
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teenagers, and now young adults
we\'ve been following.
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It\'s a unique adventure,
spanning our fast-changing
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world over 20 years through the
lives of our children and
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their families in far corners
of the Earth.
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Now in 2012, there\'s a new Earth
Summit in Rio, and we\'ve
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returned to each child to
discover what lessons their
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lives have to offer.
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Narrator: In this episode, we
travel to Brazil, where
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Rosamaria was born within yards
of the summit; to Papua
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New Guinea, where Angela was
born just as a new gold mine
00:01:46.740 --> 00:01:52.039
was being opened; to Latvia,
newly free from Soviet rule,
00:01:52.040 --> 00:01:56.209
where Martens was born; and to
the north of England, where
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Hayley was born just as her dad
was being made redundant.
00:02:00.330 --> 00:02:03.739
- But not everyone agrees the
cultural boycott should...
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- Villages emptied
at the center...
00:02:06.660 --> 00:02:10.559
- Only a few get rich, but
everyone lives on hope.
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- economic reform.
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- Youth and inexperience are
no match for maturity and
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Narrator: In 1992 in the English
coal mining town of
00:02:24.250 --> 00:02:26.939
St. Helens, Brian and
Lynn Turner are
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about to have a baby.
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- I\'d really like to be more
than a mother to my child.
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I\'d like to be a friend,
as well.
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Narrator: Theirs will be the
first Earth Summit baby we\'ll
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be following for 20 years.
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- I think I would like
a little girl.
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- That\'s it, like that.
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- Yeah.
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- To be truthful, I don\'t mind.
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I won\'t be disappointed either
way, as long as Lynn\'s healthy
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and the baby\'s healthy.
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- Hello Saucy!
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Hello Sweet!
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Narrator: Brian is a miner,
and his job is threatened.
00:03:03.340 --> 00:03:07.829
When we first filmed here in
1992, he and his wife Lynn
00:03:07.830 --> 00:03:11.309
campaigned against the closure
of the local pit, the town\'s
00:03:11.310 --> 00:03:13.679
main source of employment.
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Brian and Lynn feel the
threatened closure will
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destroy their community.
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- You look at the state of
affairs and what\'s going on in
00:03:21.460 --> 00:03:23.079
the world, and you think, is
it a right thing to do to
00:03:23.080 --> 00:03:24.520
bring a child into all this?
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But at the end of the day, it\'s
the children who are the
00:03:29.780 --> 00:03:31.559
future, aren\'t they?
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- If you listen to everything
that was said about the state
00:03:35.380 --> 00:03:37.479
of the world, you\'d never...
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You know, you\'d never do
anything or go anywhere.
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You\'d put yourself in
a plastic bubble.
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These children now, they\'re
our future.
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And if we educate them right,
maybe these children can
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change the world in
which we live in.
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Narrator: Lynn has
a potentially
00:03:56.530 --> 00:03:59.409
life-threatening condition.
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Giving birth naturally would
threaten both her and the
00:04:02.510 --> 00:04:04.299
baby\'s survival.
00:04:04.300 --> 00:04:07.869
Her best hope is to
have a Cesarean.
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- All right.
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00:04:11.350 --> 00:04:12.849
- She was right.
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Congratulations, she was right.
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00:04:24.070 --> 00:04:25.539
- What are we calling...
00:04:25.540 --> 00:04:26.030
- Hayley.
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- Hayley.
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- Yeah, Hayley Louise.
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Narrator: Hayley Louise
Turner, the
00:04:29.430 --> 00:04:33.389
first of our babies.
00:04:33.390 --> 00:04:37.169
- You\'re beautiful, so proud
of you, your mother.
00:04:37.170 --> 00:04:38.339
Isn\'t she?
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00:04:39.770 --> 00:04:43.119
She will be, she will.
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- Baby\'s here, baby\'s fine.
00:04:45.030 --> 00:04:48.069
Just want your mum back now,
don\'t we, chicken?
00:04:48.070 --> 00:04:49.469
00:04:49.470 --> 00:04:51.429
Just want your mother.
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- What weight is she?
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- Six pound five.
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Everything\'s there.
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She\'s lovely.
00:05:00.530 --> 00:05:03.549
Narrator: Soon after her birth,
baby Hayley\'s parents
00:05:03.550 --> 00:05:08.069
and the miners lose the battle
to keep their pit open.
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At the dawn of globalization,
forces greater
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than them are at work.
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Cheaper coal is available from
elsewhere, and Hayley\'s dad is
00:05:18.920 --> 00:05:20.389
on the job heap.
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- That\'s it, lass.
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Narrator: Across the Atlantic,
within shouting distance of
00:05:40.030 --> 00:05:43.589
the Earth Summit in Rio,
baby Rosamaria also
00:05:43.590 --> 00:05:46.949
came into the world.
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Her family lives in Rocinha, a
shantytown, or favela, where
00:05:51.740 --> 00:05:55.729
over 60,000 people live,
squeezed against the hills
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overlooking the apartments
of the rich.
00:06:00.240 --> 00:06:06.209
Rosamaria is the latest in a
large family: eight children.
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A large family, and
a broken one.
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We\'ll be finding out if her own
life will be different.
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In the favela, the extended
family is everything.
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Siblings are shared and father
figures may come and go.
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Rosamaria dad has already
abandoned them.
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An uncle, Jose, now takes
care of the family.
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He\'s building them a home.
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Everything comes from the sea.
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The money I get from fish
turns into houses.
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I fish from the sea
and take it here.
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That\'s why I call this
house Seafood.
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Narrator: Rosamaria\'s hope of a
better future depends on the
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riches of the sea.
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Her uncle fishes Rio Bay, and
the bay that played host to
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the Earth Summit is polluted.
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00:07:04.870 --> 00:07:07.849
- The problem here is the
pollution from the sewers,
00:07:07.850 --> 00:07:10.159
which empty into the sea.
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The pollution comes from Rio,
from those hotels over there.
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Narrator: Rosamaria\'s Rio has
been described as where the
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Third World and the First
World cohabit.
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Brazil\'s richest 1% own almost
half the country\'s wealth.
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00:07:31.020 --> 00:07:34.889
The problem is there are a few
people who are rich and many
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who have nothing.
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It\'s too bad they happen
to be one of the
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many who have nothing.
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Narrator: Angela Dada is a big,
healthy baby, born in a
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tropical paradise: Papua New
Guinea, a Pacific land that
00:08:05.400 --> 00:08:09.999
was one of the cradles of
agriculture, home to a quarter
00:08:10.000 --> 00:08:12.699
of the world\'s languages.
00:08:12.700 --> 00:08:16.229
The island of Lihir looks
much today as it did a
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thousand years ago.
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We\'ll be following Angela
over just the next 20.
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00:08:26.181 --> 00:08:29.639
- We are a poor country, but
we\'ve been told about plans to
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dig a gold mine.
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The economy will grow and
there\'ll be schools, health
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centers, and hospitals.
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They said everything will be
better for our baby and the
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children of this country.
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Narrator: Angela\'s dad, Clement,
runs the local bank.
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The new mine, he hopes, will
bring wealth and a brighter
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future for baby Angela.
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00:08:55.531 --> 00:08:57.729
- I have high hopes for her.
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I hope the gold mine will help
her get a good education.
00:09:01.770 --> 00:09:04.939
00:09:04.940 --> 00:09:07.889
Narrator: But the islanders also
worry about the dangers
00:09:07.890 --> 00:09:12.009
progress via a gold
mine may bring...
00:09:12.010 --> 00:09:16.619
Environmental ruin, alcohol,
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Narrator: Angela\'s dad
cherishes a dream.
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- I didn\'t get the chance to
go to university, so I hope
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the gold mine means
my daughter will.
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Narrator: At the same time,
thousands of miles away, baby
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Martens came into the
world in the town
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of Jelgava, in Latvia.
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Martens was born at an exciting
time for Latvians,
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who\'ve just emerged from
decades of Soviet rule.
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00:09:57.070 --> 00:10:01.149
- From the moment I was
pregnant, I said to myself, no
00:10:01.150 --> 00:10:04.060
matter what the problems,
we\'ll have this child.
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Narrator: This is the reason why
Mara, baby Martens\' mom,
00:10:09.730 --> 00:10:11.219
is worried.
00:10:11.220 --> 00:10:14.529
50 years of Communist rule under
the Soviets have just
00:10:14.530 --> 00:10:19.229
come to an end, leaving
behind a toxic legacy.
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00:10:21.000 --> 00:10:24.339
- In this hospital, there are
many pregnant women from
00:10:24.340 --> 00:10:26.729
Jelgava with kidney failure.
00:10:26.730 --> 00:10:30.239
The doctors say that sickness
is endemic in the towns near
00:10:30.240 --> 00:10:31.520
the old chemical plants.
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Life is hard, but I\'m still very
happy to have this son.
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I want him to have a better
life than us.
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Narrator: Jelgava, just outside
the capital, Riga, was
00:10:48.030 --> 00:10:51.249
at the heart of Soviet
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When the Soviets left,
their factories
00:10:53.160 --> 00:10:56.359
were abandoned overnight.
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The cleanup will take decades.
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As Martens grows up, we\'ll be
back to see how he and his
00:11:03.310 --> 00:11:04.560
family fare.
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- Prince Charles\' marriage was
ended unceremoniously.
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Miseries over divorce...
00:11:20.610 --> 00:11:23.779
- Bill Clinton has won the last
American election of the
00:11:23.780 --> 00:11:25.030
20th century.
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Narrator: In 1996, in Brazil,
Rosamaria is still being
00:11:33.990 --> 00:11:37.099
brought up in the favela
by her uncle, Jose.
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She\'s just four.
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He\'s doing the best he can.
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00:11:42.660 --> 00:11:45.279
- Our little Rosamaria
is growing.
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Every day that passes,
she is prettier.
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She\'s no longer a baby.
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I\'ve given them what
they needed most.
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It\'s up to the kids now.
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We are only their guiding hands.
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- My birthday.
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- How old are you?
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- Four.
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- Four?
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Narrator: At last, our
children are talking.
00:12:20.320 --> 00:12:21.779
- I had loads of presents.
00:12:21.780 --> 00:12:25.319
Got that trampoline
for my birthday.
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Guinea pigs for my birthday.
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- You got some guinea pigs
for your birthday?
00:12:28.700 --> 00:12:32.539
- And they keep biting
the wood on the door.
00:12:32.540 --> 00:12:34.619
00:12:34.620 --> 00:12:36.179
- Naughty.
00:12:36.180 --> 00:12:37.979
00:12:37.980 --> 00:12:39.029
He\'s naughty, isn\'t he?
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He\'s biting,...
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00:12:44.620 --> 00:12:48.899
- I\'m going to see whose
birthday it is today.
00:12:48.900 --> 00:12:53.199
Narrator: At four, Hayley\'s
not short of love, either.
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But life in St. Helens
has changed.
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The English coal pits are now
closed, the work environment
00:13:01.240 --> 00:13:03.309
00:13:03.310 --> 00:13:06.289
Hayley\'s dad Brian has only been
able to find freelance
00:13:06.290 --> 00:13:09.829
work in his trade as
an electrician.
00:13:09.830 --> 00:13:13.659
- There\'s a bit of work come
in the area, but nothing...
00:13:13.660 --> 00:13:15.919
Nothing substantial.
00:13:15.920 --> 00:13:16.860
- Yay!
00:13:16.861 --> 00:13:19.049
- The big consortiums that come
in, they get a grant off
00:13:19.050 --> 00:13:20.279
the government.
00:13:20.280 --> 00:13:22.699
They build a big supermarket,
a big warehouse in
00:13:22.700 --> 00:13:24.459
00:13:24.460 --> 00:13:27.039
They stay as long as the grant\'s
there, and then we
00:13:27.040 --> 00:13:29.079
move on somewhere else,
don\'t they?
00:13:29.080 --> 00:13:30.899
And they leave all the
people behind them,
00:13:30.900 --> 00:13:33.459
back on the dole again.
00:13:33.460 --> 00:13:34.710
00:13:42.360 --> 00:13:50.189
00:13:50.190 --> 00:13:55.019
Narrator: In Latvia, Martens
is a healthy six-year-old.
00:13:55.020 --> 00:13:58.499
- I want to be an electrician,
like my dad.
00:13:58.500 --> 00:14:00.599
- And what\'s your
favorite hobby?
00:14:00.600 --> 00:14:03.289
- I like riding my bike
with my friends.
00:14:03.290 --> 00:14:05.939
Narrator: Six years after we
began filming, Martens\'
00:14:05.940 --> 00:14:09.059
parents still worry about the
possible effects of pollution
00:14:09.060 --> 00:14:11.699
on their son from nearby
chemical works.
00:14:11.700 --> 00:14:13.069
00:14:13.070 --> 00:14:16.269
- I\'m not a scientist, but the
snow is still grey in the
00:14:16.270 --> 00:14:18.590
winter and the water
is still acidic.
00:14:24.950 --> 00:14:25.440
- Mr. Milosevic...
00:14:25.441 --> 00:14:27.429
- The holiday island of Bali...
00:14:27.430 --> 00:14:30.399
- Just a procession of people
covered in blood.
00:14:30.400 --> 00:14:32.879
- This is the biggest currency
swap in history.
00:14:32.880 --> 00:14:34.369
It\'s the Euro for good.
00:14:34.370 --> 00:14:36.259
- There are known knowns.
00:14:36.260 --> 00:14:39.880
- When you\'re eating pretzels,
chew before you swallow.
00:14:45.800 --> 00:14:49.629
Narrator: It\'s 10 years after
the Earth Summit was held.
00:14:49.630 --> 00:14:53.619
And in Rocinha, the favela in
Rio, Rosamaria is a lively
00:14:53.620 --> 00:14:55.879
00:14:55.880 --> 00:14:58.899
00:14:58.900 --> 00:15:02.459
- This is the cooker where my
mom makes the food, and this
00:15:02.460 --> 00:15:06.379
is the sink where my mom
does the dishes.
00:15:06.380 --> 00:15:09.149
This is where I sleep.
00:15:09.150 --> 00:15:11.519
This is the bed where
Roger sleeps.
00:15:11.520 --> 00:15:15.359
Mom sleeps here, Manji here,
and Raimundo and the others
00:15:15.360 --> 00:15:16.610
over there.
00:15:19.800 --> 00:15:21.639
I want the roof fixed!
00:15:21.640 --> 00:15:25.959
And I want a swimming pool!
00:15:25.960 --> 00:15:29.030
Please, God, let me have
a swimming pool!
00:15:32.230 --> 00:15:34.129
Narrator: There are new
children, but her mother
00:15:34.130 --> 00:15:38.099
Regina has split up with
her latest partner.
00:15:38.100 --> 00:15:41.769
Rosamaria\'s Uncle Jose is
no longer on the scene.
00:15:41.770 --> 00:15:44.279
They\'ve since moved house.
00:15:44.280 --> 00:15:47.119
It\'s been tough on Rosamaria.
00:15:47.120 --> 00:15:48.599
00:15:48.600 --> 00:15:51.719
- When we first moved here,
she didn\'t talk much.
00:15:51.720 --> 00:15:53.349
She didn\'t like it.
00:15:53.350 --> 00:15:56.519
She used to cry a lot, and I
told her, \"we cannot go back
00:15:56.520 --> 00:15:57.729
to the old house.
00:15:57.730 --> 00:16:00.569
Your father and I are splitting
up.\" But she didn\'t
00:16:00.570 --> 00:16:01.820
want to move.
00:16:04.180 --> 00:16:05.559
00:16:05.560 --> 00:16:08.669
00:16:08.670 --> 00:16:12.159
Narrator: Rosamaria\'s life in
the favela is precarious.
00:16:12.160 --> 00:16:16.159
Violent drug gangs are
never far away.
00:16:16.160 --> 00:16:17.889
- Rose, is there anything
about Rocinha you
00:16:17.890 --> 00:16:19.029
would like to change?
00:16:19.030 --> 00:16:20.909
00:16:20.910 --> 00:16:22.229
- Yes.
00:16:22.230 --> 00:16:26.499
You need to put a stop to this
shooting, both by the police
00:16:26.500 --> 00:16:27.750
and the criminals.
00:16:30.990 --> 00:16:33.099
Narrator: School is a 20-minute
walk through the
00:16:33.100 --> 00:16:34.420
winding lanes of Rocinha.
00:16:38.280 --> 00:16:43.249
Free schooling is available for
all children in Brazil.
00:16:43.250 --> 00:16:46.889
But for Rosamaria, living in the
favela, another influence
00:16:46.890 --> 00:16:49.849
has stepped into her 10-year-old
life that\'s every
00:16:49.850 --> 00:16:55.629
bit as important: a
new father figure.
00:16:55.630 --> 00:17:00.049
He\'s also playing a big part
in her neighborhood.
00:17:00.050 --> 00:17:00.470
00:17:00.471 --> 00:17:04.679
- Next Sunday, we are having a
special leisure day for the
00:17:04.680 --> 00:17:08.339
kids in Lago da Campina.
00:17:08.340 --> 00:17:10.579
Narrator: Lee is
a community DJ.
00:17:10.580 --> 00:17:13.469
He\'s created a safe space for
Rosamaria and the other
00:17:13.470 --> 00:17:15.889
children in the favela.
00:17:15.890 --> 00:17:19.119
He believes he\'s had more impact
on their lives than the
00:17:19.120 --> 00:17:21.879
promises of the politicians.
00:17:21.880 --> 00:17:23.819
00:17:23.820 --> 00:17:26.889
- I\'m fighting for Rosamaria and
the other children to have
00:17:26.890 --> 00:17:29.850
a more secure future
and to be happy.
00:17:33.120 --> 00:17:35.729
Narrator: Lee has built a small
playground for Rosamaria
00:17:35.730 --> 00:17:36.980
and the other children.
00:17:41.470 --> 00:17:44.319
Rosamaria is not getting
on well at school.
00:17:44.320 --> 00:17:48.319
But here, too, he\'s helping, and
he\'s teaching the children
00:17:48.320 --> 00:17:50.429
computer skills.
00:17:50.430 --> 00:17:53.709
00:17:53.710 --> 00:17:55.909
- It\'s a world of division.
00:17:55.910 --> 00:17:59.659
Those who know computers
will get that job.
00:17:59.660 --> 00:18:02.030
Those who don\'t will miss out.
00:18:05.340 --> 00:18:07.289
00:18:07.290 --> 00:18:12.599
- I\'d like a computer to help
do my homework, and a piano,
00:18:12.600 --> 00:18:14.130
so I can play like this.
00:18:19.060 --> 00:18:20.539
- England!
00:18:20.540 --> 00:18:22.509
- It\'s very important...
00:18:22.510 --> 00:18:23.500
- England!
00:18:23.501 --> 00:18:25.959
00:18:25.960 --> 00:18:26.950
- England!
00:18:26.951 --> 00:18:29.409
00:18:29.410 --> 00:18:30.419
- England!
00:18:30.420 --> 00:18:32.689
Narrator: In Britain,
10-year-old Hayley\'s had a
00:18:32.690 --> 00:18:36.329
more stable family background.
00:18:36.330 --> 00:18:39.059
- What\'s the most powerful
country in the world?
00:18:39.060 --> 00:18:41.779
- England.
00:18:41.780 --> 00:18:44.649
Because I\'ve lived in England
all my life, and it seems
00:18:44.650 --> 00:18:46.689
really important to me.
00:18:46.690 --> 00:18:50.109
English people are kind
and considerate and
00:18:50.110 --> 00:18:51.799
nice to each other.
00:18:51.800 --> 00:18:56.769
Even if you don\'t a person and
you\'re asking for directions,
00:18:56.770 --> 00:19:02.189
they\'ll tell you and draw you,
and sometimes they give you
00:19:02.190 --> 00:19:05.219
the phone number if you
don\'t get there.
00:19:05.220 --> 00:19:09.849
00:19:09.850 --> 00:19:11.349
- She\'s clever.
00:19:11.350 --> 00:19:12.290
She\'s quick.
00:19:12.291 --> 00:19:16.459
She\'s very affectionate, very,
very affectionate, and she\'s
00:19:16.460 --> 00:19:21.069
very generous, as well, with
stuff that she has.
00:19:21.070 --> 00:19:22.779
She will give anything
away, won\'t she?
00:19:22.780 --> 00:19:23.560
- Yeah, she\'s not selfish...
00:19:23.560 --> 00:19:23.950
- Not selfish, no.
00:19:23.951 --> 00:19:25.679
- In the slightest.
00:19:25.680 --> 00:19:30.669
00:19:30.670 --> 00:19:33.409
Narrator: Hayley\'s dad Brian\'s
on a freelance contract,
00:19:33.410 --> 00:19:37.089
working for a local fairground.
00:19:37.090 --> 00:19:38.179
- It\'s different.
00:19:38.180 --> 00:19:41.289
I\'m working outside, which is
something I\'ve wanted to do
00:19:41.290 --> 00:19:43.609
for a long time.
00:19:43.610 --> 00:19:46.750
It\'s a big change, a
big change again.
00:19:49.720 --> 00:19:51.099
- I wouldn\'t mind that job.
00:19:51.100 --> 00:19:52.759
- Yeah?
00:19:52.760 --> 00:19:54.099
I\'ll see what I can do for you.
00:19:54.100 --> 00:19:55.030
00:19:55.031 --> 00:19:56.879
00:19:56.880 --> 00:19:59.279
Narrator: Brian\'s earnings pay
the mortgage on the family
00:19:59.280 --> 00:20:02.749
house and provide for
their basic needs...
00:20:02.750 --> 00:20:04.389
And a few extras.
00:20:04.390 --> 00:20:07.290
- Dad, can I have some money
to get some popcorn?
00:20:09.860 --> 00:20:11.009
- Money, money, money, money.
00:20:11.010 --> 00:20:17.379
- The biggest fear I\'ve got
is the job security side.
00:20:17.380 --> 00:20:25.380
Brian is the only wage earner,
and when your other jobs have
00:20:25.680 --> 00:20:27.559
gone, it\'s been devastating,
hasn\'t it?
00:20:27.560 --> 00:20:28.810
- Mm.
00:20:30.630 --> 00:20:32.559
Narrator: Every generation
has its share of
00:20:32.560 --> 00:20:34.719
nightmares and bogeymen.
00:20:34.720 --> 00:20:37.759
For Hayley, it\'s this.
00:20:37.760 --> 00:20:40.649
- I know what terrorism
is... when people are
00:20:40.650 --> 00:20:43.489
nasty to other people.
00:20:43.490 --> 00:20:45.349
- Can you tell me about that?
00:20:45.350 --> 00:20:52.509
- Erm, people, on September
11, were taking over the
00:20:52.510 --> 00:20:56.139
drivers of the plane and killing
them so they could
00:20:56.140 --> 00:21:01.639
drive them into the Twin Towers
and knock them down,
00:21:01.640 --> 00:21:04.150
and quite a few people died.
00:21:07.670 --> 00:21:09.649
- And what do you think
about that?
00:21:09.650 --> 00:21:11.480
- That\'s very upsetting.
00:21:14.810 --> 00:21:19.359
00:21:19.360 --> 00:21:23.419
- You know, for her, what is
going to happen in the future,
00:21:23.420 --> 00:21:28.009
that\'s something that we have
been concerned about.
00:21:28.010 --> 00:21:31.079
- Another ten years?
00:21:31.080 --> 00:21:32.119
I don\'t know.
00:21:32.120 --> 00:21:33.969
I wish I did know what
was going to happen.
00:21:33.970 --> 00:21:35.209
- I don\'t want to.
00:21:35.210 --> 00:21:35.630
- No?
00:21:35.631 --> 00:21:38.509
- I don\'t want to know what\'s
going to happen
00:21:38.510 --> 00:21:39.790
in ten years\' time.
00:21:49.900 --> 00:21:53.169
Narrator: In Latvia, we\'re
thrilled to find Martens is a
00:21:53.170 --> 00:21:56.049
healthy 10-year-old.
00:21:56.050 --> 00:21:56.470
00:21:56.471 --> 00:21:58.689
- So do you feel grown-up?
00:21:58.690 --> 00:22:00.129
Don\'t swing your leg.
00:22:00.130 --> 00:22:01.120
Speak up.
00:22:01.121 --> 00:22:03.029
Do you feel like
a grown-up yet?
00:22:03.030 --> 00:22:03.450
00:22:03.451 --> 00:22:06.219
- Yeah, that\'s right.
00:22:06.220 --> 00:22:08.909
Narrator: Martens\' dad, Modris,
has an eye condition
00:22:08.910 --> 00:22:10.839
that\'s left him partially blind.
00:22:10.840 --> 00:22:12.369
He no longer works.
00:22:12.370 --> 00:22:13.459
00:22:13.460 --> 00:22:15.609
- There was too much pressure
on my eyes.
00:22:15.610 --> 00:22:18.499
My retina ruptured, and
now I need operations.
00:22:18.500 --> 00:22:20.519
The first operation
was two years ago.
00:22:20.520 --> 00:22:23.219
I have another one this year.
00:22:23.220 --> 00:22:25.929
Narrator: Mara, Martens\'
mother, is now the main
00:22:25.930 --> 00:22:27.179
00:22:27.180 --> 00:22:29.259
00:22:29.260 --> 00:22:32.679
- I wish my dad could see again.
00:22:32.680 --> 00:22:36.050
That way, we could play football
like we used to.
00:22:38.990 --> 00:22:41.639
Narrator: Latvia\'s joined the
European Union, which is
00:22:41.640 --> 00:22:46.309
helping to fund the cleanup of
the Soviet-era factories.
00:22:46.310 --> 00:22:49.649
Long years of Russian rule have
sharpened the sense of
00:22:49.650 --> 00:22:52.029
national identity...
00:22:52.030 --> 00:22:54.489
Something to be celebrated.
00:22:54.490 --> 00:22:57.899
Martens\' parents see to it that
every year, he takes part
00:22:57.900 --> 00:23:00.909
in Latvia\'s national song
and dance festival.
00:23:00.910 --> 00:23:05.749
00:23:05.750 --> 00:23:07.069
00:23:07.070 --> 00:23:10.009
- Singing, dancing, and learning
English; those are
00:23:10.010 --> 00:23:11.879
not luxuries.
00:23:11.880 --> 00:23:14.459
We\'ll pay for them,
whatever the cost.
00:23:14.460 --> 00:23:17.259
We don\'t want him to miss out.
00:23:17.260 --> 00:23:25.260
00:23:26.620 --> 00:23:29.829
Narrator: Four of our eleven
children, from far
00:23:29.830 --> 00:23:31.989
corners of the globe.
00:23:31.990 --> 00:23:34.940
For them, the next 10 years
will change everything.
00:23:39.660 --> 00:23:41.269
- The Syrian rebel
had a handgun.
00:23:41.270 --> 00:23:45.219
His enemies have a T72 tank...
00:23:45.220 --> 00:23:47.189
- About one-third
of the ship...
00:23:47.190 --> 00:23:51.469
00:23:51.470 --> 00:23:53.629
- The Greeks have been letting
people know what they think of
00:23:53.630 --> 00:23:54.580
austerity measures...
00:23:54.581 --> 00:23:56.499
- There are a lot
of issues here.
00:23:56.500 --> 00:23:59.849
With society, look
where it\'s going.
00:23:59.850 --> 00:24:00.170
00:24:00.171 --> 00:24:02.249
So in love with you...
00:24:02.250 --> 00:24:04.160
00:24:07.980 --> 00:24:10.749
Narrator: We\'ve returned to
Papua New Guinea to catch up
00:24:10.750 --> 00:24:14.779
with Angela, born on the small
island of Lihir, where a new
00:24:14.780 --> 00:24:18.429
gold mine promised to
bring development.
00:24:18.430 --> 00:24:22.559
Angela\'s now 19 and a student at
the National High School of
00:24:22.560 --> 00:24:27.369
Excellence, where she is sitting
her final exams.
00:24:27.370 --> 00:24:29.379
00:24:29.380 --> 00:24:33.399
- In 2010, they selected the
best students from around the
00:24:33.400 --> 00:24:34.660
country to come here.
00:24:38.220 --> 00:24:42.009
When they selected me, I was
happy, and I was one of the
00:24:42.010 --> 00:24:44.370
lucky students to come
to this school.
00:24:49.230 --> 00:24:52.839
Narrator: Angela\'s school is
500 miles from her home on
00:24:52.840 --> 00:24:55.019
Lihir Island.
00:24:55.020 --> 00:24:57.389
- This is my cube.
00:24:57.390 --> 00:25:00.639
Here, these are my books.
00:25:00.640 --> 00:25:04.189
This is my paramedics.
00:25:04.190 --> 00:25:07.009
This is me, yeah.
00:25:07.010 --> 00:25:12.349
This is some of my last
year\'s photos.
00:25:12.350 --> 00:25:13.290
00:25:13.291 --> 00:25:17.269
When I first came to this
school, I felt homesick.
00:25:17.270 --> 00:25:19.879
I missed my mom.
00:25:19.880 --> 00:25:23.329
The grade-twelves were
hostile towards us.
00:25:23.330 --> 00:25:25.810
There were various cliques
in our school.
00:25:28.790 --> 00:25:34.009
But as time went on, I got
used to the place.
00:25:34.010 --> 00:25:38.009
In tenth form, they needed
someone to be the head girl,
00:25:38.010 --> 00:25:39.340
so they appointed me.
00:25:44.590 --> 00:25:47.119
Narrator: Angela was
well-nurtured by her parents,
00:25:47.120 --> 00:25:49.399
who helped her meet the
challenge of getting to her
00:25:49.400 --> 00:25:52.329
country\'s most prestigious
00:25:52.330 --> 00:25:55.979
But now she\'s here, she\'s
finding it hard going.
00:25:55.980 --> 00:25:58.729
- The courses that we\'re taking,
it\'s a bit hard than
00:25:58.730 --> 00:26:01.779
from my ex-school.
00:26:01.780 --> 00:26:05.219
But at home, when I find it
difficult, I used to go and
00:26:05.220 --> 00:26:08.309
ask my dad, who assists me
in doing my homework.
00:26:08.310 --> 00:26:12.540
So when I came, it\'s like
there\'s no one I can go to.
00:26:17.040 --> 00:26:25.040
00:26:33.650 --> 00:26:35.659
Narrator: Exams are
finally over, and
00:26:35.660 --> 00:26:38.669
Angela is heading home.
00:26:38.670 --> 00:26:42.429
But the island she was born on
nearly 20 years ago has seen
00:26:42.430 --> 00:26:43.680
big changes.
00:26:47.750 --> 00:26:51.039
Lihir is home to one of the
biggest gold mines on the
00:26:51.040 --> 00:26:55.819
planet, producing around 22
tons of gold per year.
00:26:55.820 --> 00:26:59.529
Originally given just a 25-year
life span, the amount
00:26:59.530 --> 00:27:03.279
of gold has exceeded
expectations, and the mine is
00:27:03.280 --> 00:27:05.720
expected to operate for
decades to come.
00:27:10.190 --> 00:27:10.890
00:27:10.891 --> 00:27:15.789
- Before the mine came, my
ancestors had a vision.
00:27:15.790 --> 00:27:20.779
They said in the future, Lihir
would become a city.
00:27:20.780 --> 00:27:23.519
The place where the
mine is now, they
00:27:23.520 --> 00:27:24.950
said it was a heaven.
00:27:31.070 --> 00:27:34.249
00:27:34.250 --> 00:27:36.439
00:27:36.440 --> 00:27:38.960
- I think the mining is
both good and bad.
00:27:42.280 --> 00:27:46.209
On the good side, they\'ve made
the roads and provided
00:27:46.210 --> 00:27:48.020
infrastructure and schools.
00:27:51.620 --> 00:27:54.849
But as for the environment,
the mining has
00:27:54.850 --> 00:27:57.539
caused a lot of damage.
00:27:57.540 --> 00:28:00.469
And that\'s my dad.
00:28:00.470 --> 00:28:03.059
Narrator: Angela\'s dad\'s initial
enthusiasm for the
00:28:03.060 --> 00:28:05.309
mine soon faded.
00:28:05.310 --> 00:28:07.999
He became president of the local
government, where he
00:28:08.000 --> 00:28:12.029
campaigned for the islanders\'
00:28:12.030 --> 00:28:15.989
Then after a long battle with
diabetes, he passed away,
00:28:15.990 --> 00:28:18.309
leaving behind his wife, Angela,
00:28:18.310 --> 00:28:19.630
and seven other children.
00:28:23.790 --> 00:28:25.209
00:28:25.210 --> 00:28:29.089
- Because Daddy was sick and
there was no one to support
00:28:29.090 --> 00:28:34.209
the family, so my big
sister had to.
00:28:34.210 --> 00:28:36.290
She works at the gold mine now.
00:28:40.240 --> 00:28:43.069
I\'m going to be with my
mom after I graduate.
00:28:43.070 --> 00:28:45.979
I\'m thinking of doing some
kind of part-time job
00:28:45.980 --> 00:28:48.169
with the gold mine.
00:28:48.170 --> 00:28:51.559
00:28:51.560 --> 00:28:54.369
Narrator: Like her dad before
her, Angela hopes to play an
00:28:54.370 --> 00:28:57.539
important role in her community.
00:28:57.540 --> 00:29:00.189
00:29:00.190 --> 00:29:03.230
- I hope in the future that
I will become a doctor.
00:29:05.820 --> 00:29:07.260
That\'s what I always wanted.
00:29:19.340 --> 00:29:25.479
I want to get married and have
children, but I\'d like to get
00:29:25.480 --> 00:29:26.730
a job first.
00:29:30.690 --> 00:29:33.410
Maybe later, I\'ll think
about getting married.
00:29:43.360 --> 00:29:51.360
00:29:51.760 --> 00:29:54.649
Narrator: On the opposite side
of the world in Latvia,
00:29:54.650 --> 00:29:57.689
Martens is also now 19.
00:29:57.690 --> 00:30:01.409
He lives in the same room he
had as a baby, and he has
00:30:01.410 --> 00:30:02.769
something to say.
00:30:02.770 --> 00:30:04.150
00:30:15.340 --> 00:30:22.129
- When I wrote that song, I was
feeling angry, and I was
00:30:22.130 --> 00:30:23.380
ready to explode.
00:30:31.620 --> 00:30:33.869
Narrator: A quarter of Martens\'
generation are
00:30:33.870 --> 00:30:35.799
00:30:35.800 --> 00:30:38.409
The economy\'s been in recession.
00:30:38.410 --> 00:30:40.689
Frustrations are easily
vented on their
00:30:40.690 --> 00:30:42.489
former colonial rulers.
00:30:42.490 --> 00:30:45.230
One-third of Latvia\'s population
is Russian.
00:30:47.740 --> 00:30:49.089
00:30:49.090 --> 00:30:53.169
- We just had a referendum over
Russian becoming a second
00:30:53.170 --> 00:30:55.329
state language.
00:30:55.330 --> 00:30:58.289
Well, this is unacceptable.
00:30:58.290 --> 00:30:59.399
Latvia is one.
00:30:59.400 --> 00:31:03.349
There can be only one
state language.
00:31:03.350 --> 00:31:06.209
- But you have friends who
are Russian, right?
00:31:06.210 --> 00:31:09.399
- Yeah, some Russians are OK.
00:31:09.400 --> 00:31:17.400
00:31:21.310 --> 00:31:26.419
- One language, not
two language.
00:31:26.420 --> 00:31:29.369
Narrator: Martens isn\'t put
off by the recession.
00:31:29.370 --> 00:31:32.629
He wants to open a business
and thinks he knows what.
00:31:32.630 --> 00:31:36.399
He\'s gone to catering school.
00:31:36.400 --> 00:31:37.419
00:31:37.420 --> 00:31:42.299
- The plan is to have my own
restaurant, but I have to get
00:31:42.300 --> 00:31:45.409
experience first.
00:31:45.410 --> 00:31:46.180
I\'m serious.
00:31:46.181 --> 00:31:48.979
I will open it.
00:31:48.980 --> 00:31:50.939
I\'ve had obstacles in my life.
00:31:50.940 --> 00:31:52.779
I have always overcome them.
00:31:52.780 --> 00:31:55.849
I won\'t let things
stand in my way.
00:31:55.850 --> 00:31:58.789
We\'ll fight, improve, and
survive, and we\'ll overcome
00:31:58.790 --> 00:32:02.629
this crisis and make Latvia
a better place.
00:32:02.630 --> 00:32:03.980
In time, we\'ll get there.
00:32:09.990 --> 00:32:12.939
Narrator: 20 years after we
started filming, we\'re back in
00:32:12.940 --> 00:32:16.449
Rio, where it all began
with the Earth Summit.
00:32:16.450 --> 00:32:20.249
What\'s become of Rosamaria, the
little girl from a broken
00:32:20.250 --> 00:32:23.629
family in Rio\'s Rocinha,
the girl who had
00:32:23.630 --> 00:32:25.899
wanted a swimming pool?
00:32:25.900 --> 00:32:28.779
Rosamaria now has
an 18-month-old
00:32:28.780 --> 00:32:31.459
son of her own, Gustavo.
00:32:31.460 --> 00:32:33.299
And the father?
00:32:33.300 --> 00:32:34.359
He\'s gone.
00:32:34.360 --> 00:32:38.009
Like her father before her,
he\'s abandoned them.
00:32:38.010 --> 00:32:38.480
00:32:38.481 --> 00:32:42.009
- Were you planning
to get pregnant?
00:32:42.010 --> 00:32:42.510
- No.
00:32:42.510 --> 00:32:43.000
00:32:43.001 --> 00:32:44.250
- So what happened?
00:32:46.490 --> 00:32:47.740
- With Gustavo?
00:32:49.910 --> 00:32:51.480
We didn\'t take precautions.
00:32:54.760 --> 00:32:57.749
Narrator: Rosamaria now
has a new partner.
00:32:57.750 --> 00:33:01.069
Wallace is the new father
figure for her son.
00:33:01.070 --> 00:33:03.669
And she\'s pregnant again.
00:33:03.670 --> 00:33:06.589
But this time, it\'s different.
00:33:06.590 --> 00:33:08.879
00:33:08.880 --> 00:33:12.289
- Wallace is the father
of my new baby.
00:33:12.290 --> 00:33:14.619
He\'s a great man.
00:33:14.620 --> 00:33:17.979
He\'s someone that God
put in my life.
00:33:17.980 --> 00:33:21.819
I\'ll do anything to keep him.
00:33:21.820 --> 00:33:24.530
Whatever he can do,
he\'ll do for me.
00:33:28.890 --> 00:33:34.389
Pills, birth control,
injections; I didn\'t care for
00:33:34.390 --> 00:33:37.230
any of that, so I ended up
getting pregnant again.
00:33:44.080 --> 00:33:46.129
Narrator: Rosamaria and
Wallace have a small
00:33:46.130 --> 00:33:47.380
flat of their own.
00:33:49.710 --> 00:33:52.750
There\'s no kitchen, so they cook
at her mother\'s place.
00:33:55.650 --> 00:33:57.189
00:33:57.190 --> 00:33:59.510
- I\'m 19, turning 20 in March.
00:34:02.410 --> 00:34:08.149
We met at work on a building
site, so we\'ve been together
00:34:08.150 --> 00:34:09.400
for almost a year.
00:34:12.880 --> 00:34:16.249
00:34:16.250 --> 00:34:18.659
00:34:18.660 --> 00:34:21.919
I don\'t know what gets into me.
00:34:21.920 --> 00:34:24.419
With Gustavo\'s dad, it
wasn\'t like this.
00:34:24.420 --> 00:34:27.779
After having Gustavo, I was
careful to take precautions.
00:34:27.780 --> 00:34:29.689
But with Wallace, was different.
00:34:29.690 --> 00:34:30.940
I don\'t know why.
00:34:39.720 --> 00:34:41.909
Narrator: Despite her guardians\'
best efforts,
00:34:41.910 --> 00:34:44.959
Rosamaria struggled at school
from a young age,
00:34:44.960 --> 00:34:46.429
and she left early.
00:34:46.430 --> 00:34:48.549
00:34:48.550 --> 00:34:50.689
- I left at 17.
00:34:50.690 --> 00:34:53.939
I was doing nothing at
school, no homework.
00:34:53.940 --> 00:34:56.249
I only wanted to play.
00:34:56.250 --> 00:34:59.619
I threw people\'s rucksacks
up in the air.
00:34:59.620 --> 00:35:02.019
They were getting tired of me.
00:35:02.020 --> 00:35:06.449
A teacher said, either we expel
her or we send her to
00:35:06.450 --> 00:35:07.700
corrective school.
00:35:10.090 --> 00:35:16.729
Then I met the father of my son,
I got pregnant, and then
00:35:16.730 --> 00:35:18.130
I left the school for good.
00:35:21.620 --> 00:35:26.979
00:35:26.980 --> 00:35:29.279
Narrator: Since we were last
here, Rosa Maria\'s
00:35:29.280 --> 00:35:31.629
neighborhood has changed
00:35:31.630 --> 00:35:35.289
And, as her brother knows,
for the better.
00:35:35.290 --> 00:35:36.809
00:35:36.810 --> 00:35:38.499
- Things have improved a lot.
00:35:38.500 --> 00:35:40.839
Nowadays, it\'s all different.
00:35:40.840 --> 00:35:44.709
People have more opportunities,
00:35:44.710 --> 00:35:49.069
projects, schools, hospitals.
00:35:49.070 --> 00:35:53.989
Everything is better planned
now, much better.
00:35:53.990 --> 00:35:56.769
Narrator: The shantytown of
Rosamaria \'s childhood is
00:35:56.770 --> 00:35:59.409
looking increasingly
like a normal town.
00:35:59.410 --> 00:36:02.519
00:36:02.520 --> 00:36:05.129
Narrator: Investment from state
authorities and private
00:36:05.130 --> 00:36:09.849
companies have brought new
housing estates, a 24-hour
00:36:09.850 --> 00:36:15.699
health center, and yes,
even a swimming pool.
00:36:15.700 --> 00:36:18.329
That\'s something that 10
years ago, she could
00:36:18.330 --> 00:36:20.539
only have dreamt of.
00:36:20.540 --> 00:36:23.119
00:36:23.120 --> 00:36:25.939
- There is football, ballet...
00:36:25.940 --> 00:36:28.149
Everything you can think
of is there for the
00:36:28.150 --> 00:36:30.379
kids to have fun.
00:36:30.380 --> 00:36:35.329
The mothers can all send kids
there, where they can learn to
00:36:35.330 --> 00:36:38.630
be responsible and get something
out of life.
00:36:44.020 --> 00:36:46.759
Narrator: The changes in Rocinha
may have come too late
00:36:46.760 --> 00:36:49.829
for Rosamaria, but they\'ll
make a real difference to
00:36:49.830 --> 00:36:52.709
other children growing up here.
00:36:52.710 --> 00:36:56.289
What\'s made it all possible
was the arrival of the
00:36:56.290 --> 00:36:59.729
so-called Pacification Squad.
00:36:59.730 --> 00:37:02.589
00:37:02.590 --> 00:37:04.479
- The police arrived.
00:37:04.480 --> 00:37:05.769
They came up the hill.
00:37:05.770 --> 00:37:07.889
There was no shooting, nothing.
00:37:07.890 --> 00:37:11.629
They arrested the drug lords.
00:37:11.630 --> 00:37:17.869
Afterwards, it was all over, and
we have peace ever since.
00:37:17.870 --> 00:37:23.629
Now the police are here, and
they play with the kids.
00:37:23.630 --> 00:37:25.790
That\'s how much it has changed.
00:37:29.490 --> 00:37:29.920
00:37:29.921 --> 00:37:36.809
00:37:36.810 --> 00:37:38.970
00:37:53.260 --> 00:37:57.229
Narrator: Dramatic changes for
Rosamaria in the favela.
00:37:57.230 --> 00:38:00.140
Is that also the case in
the north of England?
00:38:06.490 --> 00:38:09.649
We\'ve returned to St. Helens
to see what\'s become of our
00:38:09.650 --> 00:38:12.090
first Earth Summit child,
Hayley Turner.
00:38:14.680 --> 00:38:20.279
- When you grow up, what
will the world be like?
00:38:20.280 --> 00:38:22.849
- Smaller.
00:38:22.850 --> 00:38:26.820
- Think about when you were 10,
and how the world is now.
00:38:29.810 --> 00:38:33.959
- I remember the football
from when it was
00:38:33.960 --> 00:38:37.979
recorded last time.
00:38:37.980 --> 00:38:42.550
And then life changed, because
Mum and Dad split up.
00:38:45.260 --> 00:38:46.740
00:38:57.070 --> 00:38:58.539
- How was that?
00:38:58.540 --> 00:38:59.790
- It was hard.
00:39:03.000 --> 00:39:05.160
But you\'ve got to
get used to it.
00:39:10.320 --> 00:39:13.230
Narrator: In 2003, Hayley\'s
parents separated.
00:39:16.050 --> 00:39:19.519
Not long after, Hayley\'s mother
became seriously ill,
00:39:19.520 --> 00:39:22.539
when doctors failed to diagnose
her condition with
00:39:22.540 --> 00:39:25.719
water pressure on the brain.
00:39:25.720 --> 00:39:28.520
As a result, Lynn is
partially blind.
00:39:31.130 --> 00:39:36.579
- She\'s had a lot to cope with,
and she basically turned
00:39:36.580 --> 00:39:41.889
from my little girl, with her
own life, her own friends,
00:39:41.890 --> 00:39:44.549
into my carer.
00:39:44.550 --> 00:39:48.219
And that also has
made her have to
00:39:48.220 --> 00:39:50.869
grow up rather quickly.
00:39:50.870 --> 00:39:53.799
In essence, I suppose she\'s
been robbed of her
00:39:53.800 --> 00:39:55.929
childhood, you know?
00:39:55.930 --> 00:40:00.020
And if I could change things...
00:40:03.000 --> 00:40:04.979
00:40:04.980 --> 00:40:08.949
00:40:08.950 --> 00:40:12.759
- At first, it was hard, because
just to argue with my
00:40:12.760 --> 00:40:17.509
mum or my dad over,
well, you don\'t...
00:40:17.510 --> 00:40:19.429
\"you can\'t do this\", and
\"you can\'t do that\".
00:40:19.430 --> 00:40:23.159
So I think that\'s what
made me move out.
00:40:23.160 --> 00:40:25.489
I want to be independent, and
I don\'t want someone telling
00:40:25.490 --> 00:40:27.040
me what I can and can\'t do.
00:40:34.920 --> 00:40:40.579
I was just turning 17
when I moved out.
00:40:40.580 --> 00:40:42.809
- Dad?
00:40:42.810 --> 00:40:44.419
- When you were growing
up, I liked you.
00:40:44.420 --> 00:40:45.939
- Don\'t live with you anymore.
00:40:45.940 --> 00:40:46.590
That\'s why.
00:40:46.591 --> 00:40:47.619
- Oh, is that what it is?
00:40:47.620 --> 00:40:47.880
- Yeah.
00:40:47.881 --> 00:40:49.099
- I\'m an ogre, am I?
00:40:49.100 --> 00:40:49.590
- Yeah.
00:40:49.590 --> 00:40:50.570
- Just a big, bad ogre.
00:40:50.570 --> 00:40:51.060
00:40:51.061 --> 00:40:52.579
- Shrek, hey?
00:40:52.580 --> 00:40:53.830
- No.
00:40:56.990 --> 00:41:00.139
Narrator: Just as Hayley was
born, the coal pit her dad
00:41:00.140 --> 00:41:02.159
Brian and the town of
St. Helens depended
00:41:02.160 --> 00:41:05.229
on was being closed.
00:41:05.230 --> 00:41:09.639
Since then, Brian managed on a
string of freelance contracts.
00:41:09.640 --> 00:41:13.269
He worries the future may
be harder for Hayley.
00:41:13.270 --> 00:41:17.889
- For an 18-year-old now who\'s
struggling to find work, I
00:41:17.890 --> 00:41:20.869
think it\'s a very hard and a
very difficult time for them.
00:41:20.870 --> 00:41:22.479
So where were they?
00:41:22.480 --> 00:41:26.749
- In the back of [...]
00:41:26.750 --> 00:41:27.350
That\'s me dad.
00:41:27.351 --> 00:41:29.230
00:41:32.060 --> 00:41:35.039
- Marketplace, to me, just
seems to be fast food,
00:41:35.040 --> 00:41:38.919
takeaway, shops, retail sales.
00:41:38.920 --> 00:41:43.069
That seems to be the only market
that you ever see any
00:41:43.070 --> 00:41:45.139
work these days.
00:41:45.140 --> 00:41:47.679
Hayley\'s generation, I don\'t
think they\'ll be as
00:41:47.680 --> 00:41:50.549
well-off as I am.
00:41:50.550 --> 00:41:55.069
Maybe have I had the
better part of it?
00:41:55.070 --> 00:42:00.849
And what does the future have
in store for this younger
00:42:00.850 --> 00:42:02.100
00:42:05.180 --> 00:42:08.309
Narrator: Years of economic
decline have had an impact on
00:42:08.310 --> 00:42:09.560
Hayley\'s generation.
00:42:12.740 --> 00:42:15.579
- Most of my friends from school
now have children.
00:42:15.580 --> 00:42:19.779
- So they\'re having children
at what age, like 17, 18?
00:42:19.780 --> 00:42:21.510
- 15 onwards.
00:42:24.030 --> 00:42:27.799
If they\'re still together with
the child\'s father, the mother
00:42:27.800 --> 00:42:34.809
and father can claim together
to get money for, like, the
00:42:34.810 --> 00:42:39.269
rent, which would be paid by
Housing Benefit, and income
00:42:39.270 --> 00:42:40.829
support and child tax credit.
00:42:40.830 --> 00:42:43.419
They do get enough help.
00:42:43.420 --> 00:42:45.399
- And does that leave somebody
like you, who\'s unemployed,
00:42:45.400 --> 00:42:47.759
with no kids, does that
leave you behind?
00:42:47.760 --> 00:42:53.219
- It does leave me behind, but
I\'m not that bothered about
00:42:53.220 --> 00:42:54.299
being behind at the moment.
00:42:54.300 --> 00:43:02.300
00:43:03.630 --> 00:43:05.699
- Do you know why this is here?
00:43:05.700 --> 00:43:06.130
- No.
00:43:06.130 --> 00:43:06.990
- This Dream?
00:43:06.991 --> 00:43:08.279
- No.
00:43:08.280 --> 00:43:12.109
- It\'s like a girl with her
eyes closed, like a dream,
00:43:12.110 --> 00:43:14.990
dreaming of the future, what
the future will bring.
00:43:18.480 --> 00:43:21.979
But all this under here, this is
all old slag from the pit.
00:43:21.980 --> 00:43:24.699
So underneath us now, there\'s
probably loads of tunnels
00:43:24.700 --> 00:43:25.950
00:43:30.150 --> 00:43:32.739
Good wow, it\'s just in
the mist isn\'t it?
00:43:32.740 --> 00:43:33.390
- It\'s weird.
00:43:33.390 --> 00:43:33.660
It looks weird.
00:43:33.661 --> 00:43:35.699
- It\'s like you\'re making a face
out of clouds, isn\'t it?
00:43:35.700 --> 00:43:36.950
- Yeah.
00:43:39.530 --> 00:43:41.299
- \"Ex terra lucem.
00:43:41.300 --> 00:43:46.309
From the Earth comes light.\"
00:43:46.310 --> 00:43:49.589
Narrator: A giant sculpture
dedicated to generations of
00:43:49.590 --> 00:43:53.619
miners who, like Hayley\'s dad,
fed their families by toiling
00:43:53.620 --> 00:43:55.519
00:43:55.520 --> 00:43:59.039
It represents a dreaming girl.
00:43:59.040 --> 00:44:03.049
Hayley, too, has a dream.
00:44:03.050 --> 00:44:09.599
- I\'d rather fight through it
all and go to university, get
00:44:09.600 --> 00:44:13.249
a decent education, decent
job, and then
00:44:13.250 --> 00:44:16.419
me, think about children.
00:44:16.420 --> 00:44:17.670
00:44:20.720 --> 00:44:21.370
- What are you thinking?
00:44:21.371 --> 00:44:23.489
- I\'ve had enough.
00:44:23.490 --> 00:44:24.799
- You cold?
00:44:24.800 --> 00:44:27.269
- Just had enough.
00:44:27.270 --> 00:44:28.989
- Should have brought
a picnic with us.
00:44:28.990 --> 00:44:29.560
- No.
00:44:29.561 --> 00:44:30.810
It\'s too cold.
00:44:38.420 --> 00:44:41.349
Narrator: In Rio, we\'ve had news
that Rosamaria has been
00:44:41.350 --> 00:44:46.469
taken ill during the night and
has been rushed to hospital.
00:44:46.470 --> 00:44:51.819
All her boyfriend Wallace and
her mom can do now is wait.
00:44:51.820 --> 00:44:53.299
00:44:53.300 --> 00:44:57.619
- I found her outside, buckled
up with pain in her belly.
00:44:57.620 --> 00:45:01.409
I said, \"let\'s go to the
clinic.\" She said \"no, I can\'t
00:45:01.410 --> 00:45:04.509
walk.\" Man, it was something
00:45:04.510 --> 00:45:05.760
It was really scary.
00:45:09.710 --> 00:45:13.739
I was thinking that the baby
might come out there and then.
00:45:13.740 --> 00:45:14.990
I was really worried.
00:45:17.160 --> 00:45:17.530
00:45:17.530 --> 00:45:18.080
- I was worried.
00:45:18.081 --> 00:45:20.659
I was thinking, oh
my god, what will
00:45:20.660 --> 00:45:21.999
happen to my daughter?
00:45:22.000 --> 00:45:23.509
Will she die?
00:45:23.510 --> 00:45:26.829
I was thinking that, because
it always happens, right?
00:45:26.830 --> 00:45:29.310
They always say, the child
or the mother.
00:45:45.850 --> 00:45:48.869
Narrator: In the early hours, a
health officer emerges with
00:45:48.870 --> 00:45:49.909
news of Rosamaria.
00:45:49.910 --> 00:45:53.459
00:45:53.460 --> 00:45:57.919
- She would have had twins,
but she lost them.
00:45:57.920 --> 00:46:00.070
But she appears to be well.
00:46:04.150 --> 00:46:07.619
Narrator: A few days later,
Rosamaria\'s out of hospital...
00:46:07.620 --> 00:46:11.129
A little frail, but she\'s
mending, and keen to take more
00:46:11.130 --> 00:46:13.030
control of her life.
00:46:15.870 --> 00:46:16.770
00:46:16.771 --> 00:46:19.099
- I don\'t want this.
00:46:19.100 --> 00:46:22.159
I\'m a proud person,
and I don\'t want
00:46:22.160 --> 00:46:24.309
to depend on anyone.
00:46:24.310 --> 00:46:27.009
I want to go back to
work and give the
00:46:27.010 --> 00:46:28.799
best to my baby, Gustavo.
00:46:28.800 --> 00:46:30.140
That\'s all I want.
00:46:33.820 --> 00:46:36.319
Narrator: Just four of the
eleven lives we\'ve been
00:46:36.320 --> 00:46:39.249
following across the
world since birth...
00:46:39.250 --> 00:46:41.599
An epic endeavor.
00:46:41.600 --> 00:46:45.489
When we started, we had no idea
how events would unfold
00:46:45.490 --> 00:46:49.639
in their lives; some looking
very much up, and others
00:46:49.640 --> 00:46:50.890
marred by tragedy.
00:46:53.920 --> 00:46:57.759
In our next episode, we\'ll
travel to Tamil Nadu in India,
00:46:57.760 --> 00:47:01.209
where Panjy was born into a
society where children go to
00:47:01.210 --> 00:47:06.259
work; to the Arctic north of
Norway, where Amelia was born
00:47:06.260 --> 00:47:10.299
into a fishing family; and to
South Africa, where, because
00:47:10.300 --> 00:47:13.789
of the unique circumstances, we
follow two babies: Justin
00:47:13.790 --> 00:47:16.789
and Vuzumsi.
00:47:16.790 --> 00:47:24.790