Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 102 titles with a criteria of Subject is U.S. Government and Politics
Addiction Incorporated
The true story of the tobacco companies' commitment to addicting the human brain and how the world came to know about it. This title has one or more clips.
Bullfrog Films | 2014 | 76 minutes
After Silence
Examines the treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW II, and its relevance to post 9/11 America.
Bullfrog Films | 2003 | 30 minutes
After the Spill
The oil and gas industry has historically dominated Louisiana politics and is largely responsible for the state's rapidly disappearing coastline.
Bullfrog Films | 2016 | 62 minutes
American Feud
A non-partisan classroom friendly documentary tracing the American story of liberalism and conservatism.
Nerds Make Media | 2017 | 86 minutes
The American Ruling Class
A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on class in America that attempts to answer the question 'Who rules America?'
Bullfrog Films | 2007 | 89 minutes
As Goes Janesville
As Goes Janesville follows two years in the lives of laid off workers and local leaders to tell the story of how an auto community brought to the brink reinvents itself amid America’s worst economic crisis since The Great Depression.
371 Productions | 2012 | 87 minutes
Investigates the largest auto scam in the world, tracing VW's deliberate installation of defeat devices in their diesel cars to circumvent California and US vehicle emissions standards.
Bullfrog Films | 2018 | 61 minutes
Bad Hombres
Journalist Stef Biemans travels between Guatemala and the U.S. during the first months of the Trump Administration, to see what the so-called ‘bad hombres’ hope to find in the U.S.
Pragda Films | 2019 | 50 minutes
Better This World
The story of two young Texans accused of intending to firebomb the 2008 Republican National Convention reveals the workings of the post 9/11 security state.
Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 89 minutes
Billion Dollar Crop
The history and advantages of hemp as an industrial fiber.
Bullfrog Films | 1996 | 55 minutes