Browse Films
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 titles with a criteria of Subject is Portugal
Lisbon and WWII
Portugal managed to get through all of World War II without firing a single shot.
Cinétévé | 2023 | 52 minutes
Portugal '74
In the early 1970s, when Portugal was still under the authoritarian rule of Europe’s longest-lasting dictatorship, a handful of military officers decided to risk everything to try to free their country. In the shadow of the regime, they devised a coup d’état like no other. From that coup, a revolution blossomed: the Carnation Revolution.
Cinétévé | 2024 | 52 minutes
The Tsugua Diaries
Crista, Carloto and João are building an airy greenhouse for butterflies in the garden. The three of them share household routines, day after day… And they are not the only ones
KimStim | 2021 | 102 minutes