Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 19 titles with a criteria of Subject is Colombia
Cocaine Unwrapped
Documents the devastating effects of the war on drugs and suggests realistic alternatives.
Bullfrog Films | 2013 | 83 minutes
Don't Tell Anyone (No Le Digas A Nadie)
In a community where silence is often seen as necessary for survival, undocumented activist Angy Rivera steps out of the shadows to share her parallel journey of being an undocumented immigrant and a victim of sexual assault.
Women Make Movies | 2015 | 75 minutes
Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The story of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, author of One Hundred Years of Solitude and Nobel Prize winner.
Icarus Films | 2015 | 90 minutes
What is the cost of truth for families damaged by Colombia's violent past?
Icarus Films | 2010 | 85 minutes
La Bonga
Two decades after a death threat caused the Afro-Colombian community of La Bonga to flee, the townspeople embark on a symbolic journey through the jungle to resurrect a home that exists only in their memories
GOOD DOCS | 2023 | 77 minutes
La Sierra
Tracing a year in the life of a neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia ruled by a paramilitary gang, this is a searing exploration of three lives defined by years of overwhelming violence.
Icarus Films | 2005 | 84 minutes
La Suprema
Laureana’s uncle will box in a world championship, so she talks the town into watching it live on TV. One problem: they have no electricity nor a TV set. Colombia’s submission to the Academy Awards®.
Pragda Films | 2023 | 83 minutes
Land or Death
After the Colombian government and the FARC signed a peace agreement in 2016, there was hope that the five decade-long armed conflict had come to an end. Instead, Colombia has become one of the world’s deadliest places for land rights defenders.
EPF Media | 2022 | 26 minutes
A journey of healing and resilience, delving into the power of reconnection and overcoming the lingering effects of mother-child separation at the border.
Pragda Films | 2018 | 10 minutes
Myriam's Gaze
An inspirational portrait of a woman living on the outskirts of Bogota.
Women Make Movies | 1987 | 28 minutes