Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 titles with a criteria of Subject is El Salvador
Americas in Transition
A concise and fast-paced history of the volatile forces at work in Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua in the 1980s.
Icarus Films | 1982 | 29 minutes
A long overdue investigation into the 1981 El Mozote massacre in El Salvador, and the Reagan administration's cover-up of it.
Icarus Films | 1995 | 57 minutes
Fly So Far
A grave warning of how far state control of women’s bodies can go, FLY SO FAR follows Teodora Vásquez, who was sentenced to thirty years in a Salvadorean prison after she suffered a stillbirth.
Women Make Movies | 2021 | 89 minutes
Four Paths to Dignity
Four Paths to Dignity profiles the pursuit of dignity for Guatemalan midwives.
EPF Media | 2022 | 28 minutes
In the Name of the People
An evocative vision of El Salvador and its tragic civil conflict.
Icarus Films | 1984 | 75 minutes
In Whose Interest?
A revealing critique of US foreign policy since World War II.
Bullfrog Films | 2002 | 27 minutes
Justice and the Generals
Investigates the human rights and legal issues involved when two Salvadoran generals are sued in an American court for atrocities (such as the murder of four American churchwomen) committed during El Salvador's civil war.
Icarus Films | 2002 | 86 minutes
Keepers of the Future
Following El Salvador's civil war, a farmers' cooperative puts down roots, builds resilience and provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development.
Bullfrog Films | 2018 | 24 minutes
The Room of Bones
Follows the passage of four mothers in the Institute for Legal Medicine as they search for their children’s remains in the midst of three decades of social violence in El Salvador.
Women Make Movies | 2015 | 61 minutes
Roque Dalton
It was once illegal to read books by Roque Dalton, one of El Salvador's most celebrated poets, in his own country.
Icarus Films | 2013 | 85 minutes