Browse Films
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 titles with a criteria of Subject is Deafness
Being Michelle
A deaf woman with autism who survived incarceration and abuse uses her artwork to depict the trauma and heal from her past.
GOOD DOCS | 2022 | 80 minutes
Being Michelle (French Version)
A deaf woman with autism who survived incarceration and abuse uses her artwork to depict the trauma and heal from her past.
GOOD DOCS | 2022 | 80 minutes
Being Michelle (Spanish Version)
A deaf woman with autism who survived incarceration and abuse uses her artwork to depict the trauma and heal from her past.
GOOD DOCS | 2022 | 80 minutes
Learning to Hear
Explores the lives of two deaf women who have learned to function in a hearing society, both before and after the life-changing operation that enables them to recover their hearing
The Fanlight Collection | 2003 | 44 minutes
Voices From El Sayed
First Hand Films | 2008 | 74 minutes