Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 titles with a criteria of Subject is Habitat Restoration
Connectivity Project: Plants Have Wings
Looks into the amazing realm of plants and their pollinators.
Bullfrog Films | 2021 | 15 minutes
Coral Gardeners
Follow a novel experiment in the Maldives to regrow coral reefs, which offer protection, food and income
Bullfrog Films | 2023 | 21 minutes
Dammed to Extinction
For the last 40 years, renowned whale scientist Ken Balcomb has closely observed a one-of-a-kind population of killer whales that hunt chinook salmon along the Pacific Coast of the United States.
Collective Eye Films | 2018 | 60 minutes
Final Straw
For nearly a century, industrial farming has unleashed ecologically destructive ways of growing food across the planet, affecting economies, cultures, health, and biodiversity. This film highlights aspirational but achievable methods to create “natural farms” in this thought-provoking journey through Japan, Korea, and the United States. This title has one or more clips.
Face to Face Media | 2015 | 74 minutes
Hope in a Changing Climate
Demonstrates that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems, to restore ecosystem functions in areas where they have been lost, to fundamentally improve the lives of people who have been trapped in poverty for generations and to sequester carbon naturally. This title has one or more clips.
Face to Face Media | 2009 | 24 minutes
Horseshoe Crab Moon
Follows scientists and researchers as they study the decline of the Horseshoe Crab along the East coast and the crash of the Red Knot, a globe trotting sandpiper whose numbers have dropped nearly 80%. This is an inspiring story of the scientist and field biologist's successful efforts to connect an ancient ecosystem with the interconnected relationship of the moon, tides, Horseshoe crabs and sandpipers.
Bullfrog Films | 2022 | 48 minutes
Lessons of the Loess Plateau
Documents a remarkable paradigm shift: the rebirth of a self-sustaining ecosystem in the dry and remote Loess Plateau region of China. This title has one or more clips.
Face to Face Media | 2007 | 50 minutes
Native Seeds
Native Seeds: Supplying Restoration explores the native seed supply chain in the western United States
Collective Eye Films | 2023 | 75 minutes
Pleistocene Park
An eccentric Russian scientists' quixotic quest to recreate a vanished ice age ecosystem and save the world from a catastrophic global warming feedback loop.
Bullfrog Films | 2022 | 101 minutes
Regenerating Life
Regenerating Life takes an ecological approach to unraveling the climate crisis.
Bullfrog Films | 2023 | 137 minutes