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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 126 titles with a criteria of Subject is LGBTQ+ Studies

Addicted to Life

The dramatic life of Paralympic gold-medalist Marieke Vervoort, and her courageous stand for end-of-life choices: the right to die gave her the will to live.

GOOD DOCS | 2022 | 86 minutes

Ahead of the Curve

With a lucky run at the track and chutzpah for days, Franco Stevens launched Curve, the best-selling lesbian magazine ever published. When Franco learns that Curve is failing, she turns to today’s queer activists to determine her path forward.

GOOD DOCS | 2020 | 97 minutes

Ahead of the Curve (60 min)

With a lucky run at the track and chutzpah for days, Franco Stevens launched Curve, the best-selling lesbian magazine ever published. When Franco learns that Curve is failing, she turns to today’s queer activists to determine her path forward.

GOOD DOCS | 2020 | 60 minutes


What happens when five HIV-positive gay men spend a week preparing for their first solo parachute drop?

Icarus Films | 2014 | 80 minutes

The Archivettes

For more than 40 years, the Lesbian Herstory Archives has combated lesbian invisibility by literally rescuing history from the trash.

Women Make Movies | 2018 | 61 minutes

Artists & Love: Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore

A story of an ardent love between two women with heroic destinies, united through life and death.

Icarus Films | 2020 | 26 minutes

Being BeBe: The BeBe Zahara Benet Documentary

Celebrating queer black excellence - the story of legendary Cameroonian drag performer Marshall Ngwa (aka BeBe Zahara Benet), before & after becoming RuPaul's drag race’s very first champion

GOOD DOCS | 2021 | 93 minutes

Between the Shades

A look into what labels a life in current LGBTQ America.

Bayview Entertainment | 2018 | 82 minutes

Between Two-Spirit

Neither man nor woman, Chris is a 'Two-Spirit,' in between genders.

Icarus Films | 2012 | 76 minutes

Bisexual Virgins

Tina and Samantha are unsure about their sexual identity but want to explore the possibility that they may be bisexual.

The Fanlight Collection | 2008 | 43 minutes