Follow three Egyptian women as they put their lives and bodies on the…
Women, War & Peace II, Ep. 1: Wave Goodbye Dinosaurs
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- Transcript
Discover the story of the Catholic and Protestant women who come together during Northern Ireland’s bloody conflict to form an all-female political party and fight to ensure that human rights, equality and inclusion shape the historic Good Friday Agreement peace deal.
Series Description
As twenty-first-century women proudly declare in streets and political offices that the future is female, a PBS mini-series showcases documentaries revealing that history, in fact, is too.
With insight and intimacy, Women, War & Peace II demonstrates how some of the biggest international stories of recent memory are shaped by women. An all-female cast of directors present four never-before-told stories about the women who risked their lives for peace, changing history in the process. In uncovering untold histories of those who made that possible, the series reveals their transformative power and the long road ahead for contemporary peacebuilders around the world.
If today’s movements signal a future marked by gender equality, Women, War & Peace II looks to the past to see exactly—and how effectively—women can make that happen.
Main credits
O'Neill, Eimhear (film director)
Birney, Trevor (film producer)
Byrne, Brendan J. (film producer)
Reticker, Gini (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Kate McCullough; editing, Paul Devlin; music, Andrew Simon McAllister.
Distributor subjects
Women,Women's Studies,War,Protest,PeaceKeywords
00:00:02.448 --> 00:00:04.611
(dramatic synth music)
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(gunfire rattling)
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(people shouting)
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(lively orchestral music)
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-: I suppose if you really wanted to say
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the difference between Northern Ireland
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and the rest of the United Kingdom, you could say
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quite simply that Northern Ireland is a Christian country.
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(people shouting)
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(dramatic orchestral music)
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Here, a man is either a Protestant or a Catholic.
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He is either with us or with them.
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(people shouting)
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(gun fires)
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It was the power of religion which created Northern Ireland,
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and it's the power of religion which has been threatening
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ever since to tear the country in half.
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(people screaming)
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-: I've never known where it's come from,
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but I've always had this desire to save the world.
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And that was very rare for a woman,
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I have to say, very rare, because Northern Ireland,
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like so many places, it was male-dominated,
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(whistle blows)
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and women never really figured in it.
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(woman laughs)
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The people who were elected to look after us
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weren't really looking after us,
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so we had to form our own groups.
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And I suppose, over the years, that just built up,
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that if we ever were really gonna make a difference,
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it would have to be through politics.
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(people chanting)
(metal banging)
00:01:47.326 --> 00:01:48.390
-: Politics is everything.
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You might not put yourself forward for election,
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but you were involved in community politics,
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and women were heavily, they were running communities.
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In a society that's so hurt and so in pain,
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where over 3,500 people have been killed
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and 40-odd thousand injured, women were keeping
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things going in the most difficult times.
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(people screaming)
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-: We knew that there was a huge network of women out there
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who found themselves politically homeless
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and who certainly wanted a different voice,
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if peace talks were to be declared.
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-: People were suggesting that we do
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a voter education campaign, people were suggesting
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that we support women candidates in other parties,
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and then we had this proposal
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about starting a women's party.
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-: The Women's Coalition was made up of decent,
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brave, determined, and extremely capable women.
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I don't think there was a waster in the Women's Coalition.
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How many political parties could you say that of?
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(reflective orchestral music)
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(upbeat rock music)
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(kids shouting)
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-: Interestingly, when I was at school,
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all of us girls looked forward to watching Top of the Pops,
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but myself and one other young woman
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were more interested in seeing the news.
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(people shouting)
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Because it was a time of equality,
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dignity, equal rights, human rights.
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And I think that's often how women are moved in politics.
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They see an injustice and they are moved
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to actually make a difference and change the situation.
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-: When we talk about women getting involved in society
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and taking full part in political life,
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this is how to get liberation.
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-: I then went to university,
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and I got involved in student politics,
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so I suppose that was beginning to transfer
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the empathy into a sense of responsibility.
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(contemplative synth and string music)
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(people chattering)
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(people cheering)
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(horn blows)
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(person whistles)
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-: I remember joining the civil rights movement.
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I think I was about 16 years of age, going with my family,
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demanding the right to housing, the right to employment.
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(people shouting)
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And we literally thought that the laws of the land
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would be changed and that discrimination
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would be challenged and tackled
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and that everything would settle down.
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How wrong we were.
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(people cheering)
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(horn blows)
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I had rubber bullets fired at me, and I saw
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some pretty horrible brutality that shouldn't have happened.
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(nightstick thwacks)
(woman screams)
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I was very aware that, on these civil rights marches,
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that they were being organized by women,
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that these women were actually
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the champions of the civil rights movement.
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(people cheering)
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The most famous woman that was around was Bernadette Devlin
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because she was incredibly articulate,
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and that was extremely impressive.
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Not only was she a woman,
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but she was a very, very young woman.
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She was the youngest woman MP to ever be elected
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to the House of Commons, at 21.
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-: It is obvious that the Unionist Party
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is quite prepared to set Catholic against Protestant
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in this country, rather than give
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the reforms which would in fact mean
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that there would be an end to sectarianism.
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(dramatic synth music)
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-: The area I lived in was mixed.
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Protestant, Catholic lived side by side.
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And through that time, we all stayed together.
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We all tried to work together.
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But gradually the area just absolutely disintegrated.
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People got fear, you could've touched the fear,
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and people began to move out.
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(reflective orchestral music)
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And on one particular night,
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some of the Protestant Billy Boys
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came to burn our Catholic neighbors out.
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And my dad went out and said, come on now, boys,
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this woman's not doing any harm.
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She's only rearing her family.
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They went away, and they came back
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a fortnight later and burned us out.
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(dramatic orchestral music)
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(fire crackling)
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And that was the biggest change of my life,
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from living in a mixed area, where religion wasn't a factor.
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It was poverty, it was work.
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I moved from that end to a Loyalist ghetto
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because it was the only place we could get
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a home, my mum and dad and I.
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(gun firing)
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Then of course we had the shootings and the bombings
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and the killings, and that was real fear.
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(explosion booms)
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(women screaming)
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(explosion booms)
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(people shouting)
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(dramatic synth music)
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-: For us, politicians literally were
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like some other being who kind of wafted in.
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I think, for a lot of young people in particular,
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they really don't realize it was really, really
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a rare woman's face you'd see in a supportive role.
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-: I think when you look back over the sort of tendency
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to personify things around myself
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or somebody else, you can get a distortion that I was
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the only young woman speaking out, and of course I wasn't.
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If you look at the mass demonstrations, we,
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as women and girls, were there woman to man, as it were.
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(siren wailing)
(engine rumbling)
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(people singing)
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♪ Freedom ♪
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-: The first women who helped me to understand gender
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and feminism were black women because they shared my class.
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They shared my national oppression.
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Sectarianism and racism are bred of the same disease.
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So it was easier for me then to see,
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yeah, I know what these women are talking about.
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We're speaking the same language.
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♪ Freedom, oh, freedom ♪
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-: It's not that you have a clear political ideology
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and a career path.
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It's that you're a part of something that recognizes
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a need for social change, and then it takes you
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down an increasingly ideological political road.
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(contemplative orchestral music)
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(people shouting)
(people singing)
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(whistle blowing)
00:10:01.319 --> 00:10:03.819
(woman yelps)
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(people cheering)
00:10:38.033 --> 00:10:40.815
(people shouting)
00:10:40.815 --> 00:10:42.779
(whistle screeches)
00:10:42.779 --> 00:10:45.396
(people screaming)
00:10:45.396 --> 00:10:49.353
-: It was an unpleasant environment to grow up in.
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It's hard to explain to my adult sons
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just what life was like back then.
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It was dull, grim, with a threat
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of menace about it all the time.
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And that's just as a middle-class child.
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I wasn't living in an area where the conflict
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was going on, and it was still pretty grim.
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-: There was a sense, I think, a real physical sense
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of a sickening, a real sickening with it,
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(explosion booms)
00:11:19.230 --> 00:11:21.297
almost like with the same sense of being sickened,
00:11:21.297 --> 00:11:23.460
nearly a hardening 'cause you'd just get
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such a wave of it all the time.
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You can't let it get into you.
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And for women, they were at the bottom of all the ladders,
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of all the agendas, so their needs
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were never even being asked about, nevermind being met.
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-: Women were thrown into the deep end,
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and still they struggled on.
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Women didn't look for when they would get
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time for themselves.
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It was all about rearing you their family
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and doing what was right and making sure
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their kids weren't in trouble on the streets.
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-: There were deep segregations,
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and what you really needed to do,
00:12:01.740 --> 00:12:04.950
in a common sense way, was get people into the same room.
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-: I worked for an organization called Women Together.
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Now, I didn't start with Women Together until 1990,
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but Women Together formed in 1970, and it was
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a Protestant and Catholic woman that got together.
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And they got together to try and address
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some of the fear amongst women in communities.
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And they started bringing buses.
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And even in the most difficult times,
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when bombs were going off in Belfast, the buses
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used to weave in and out of Catholic and Protestant areas.
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And for some of the women, that was the only time
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they ever saw any of these areas
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because they were behind peace walls,
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but they all came together to have a conversation together
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about the difficult times that they were experiencing.
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(contemplative synth music)
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-: There was activism going on,
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and not only was there activism going on,
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but there was a big tranche of women
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that had a lot of organizing experience.
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And we had talked from, I suppose, the late '80s
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in terms of saying, politics isn't changing.
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Politics has become the captive
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of the elite, of a political elite,
00:13:03.950 --> 00:13:06.360
almost like it's been professionalized,
00:13:06.360 --> 00:13:07.684
and it doesn't have to be.
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(contemplative synth music)
00:13:08.520 --> 00:13:13.520
(people cheering)
(people applauding)
00:13:29.470 --> 00:13:31.920
-: We had written to political parties
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and the British and Irish governments,
00:13:33.730 --> 00:13:35.880
asking them that, if there were going to be talks,
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that women should be included.
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We actually wrote to the political parties
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about equally selecting women in their delegations,
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women candidates to run for election, as men.
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We got very few responses.
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-: The establishment just thought,
00:13:48.391 --> 00:13:49.720
well, that's a bunch of women doing stuff.
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We don't even have to pay them attention.
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It's almost as if we had been operating in parallel worlds.
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They didn't realize there were active, articulate women
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who were trying to change society.
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It just wasn't on their radar.
00:14:01.500 --> 00:14:03.700
-: Those very women needed to be at the table
00:14:03.700 --> 00:14:06.720
because they had done the peace-building work up 'til now.
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The traditional politicians wouldn't know where to start,
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so why would you ever have peace talks without the women
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that had been doing it for so many years at the table?
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(dramatic rock music)
00:14:21.420 --> 00:14:23.190
-: I suppose that idea was fermenting
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in a lot of people's minds, in Monica McWilliams
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and Avila Kilmurray, Bronagh Hinds, people like that.
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And we would have met, discussing,
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I wonder how we could do this.
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The interesting thing about it was,
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in 1996, the government came up
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with this idea about having an election.
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The 10 parties would go to the talks, and being
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from Northern Ireland, we like to talk about talks.
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-: I had written a letter to all of the women's groups
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in Northern Ireland, inviting them to come to a meeting
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to discuss the impending election, and we were overwhelmed
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by the response that we got to that letter.
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The room was jampacked with women
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from all over Northern Ireland.
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(people chattering)
00:15:14.970 --> 00:15:15.810
-: It was electrifying.
00:15:15.810 --> 00:15:17.773
It was a totally new experience.
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They all spoke from their hearts
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with a passion that hit home.
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I realized just how important we could be.
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(people chattering)
00:15:29.620 --> 00:15:32.170
They were actually on the same wavelength
00:15:32.170 --> 00:15:34.610
in terms of what I wanted for my children
00:15:34.610 --> 00:15:38.060
and my family's future, which could've been the child care,
00:15:38.060 --> 00:15:41.450
which could've been about equal pay.
00:15:41.450 --> 00:15:43.220
So the women there felt there should be
00:15:43.220 --> 00:15:45.760
women at the negotiating table to ensure
00:15:45.760 --> 00:15:48.650
issues like that were not left behind.
00:15:48.650 --> 00:15:49.990
-: People were suggesting that we do
00:15:49.990 --> 00:15:53.290
a voter education campaign, people were suggesting
00:15:53.290 --> 00:15:55.060
that we support women candidates
00:15:55.060 --> 00:15:56.960
in other parties, and then we had
00:15:56.960 --> 00:16:00.915
this proposal about starting a women's party.
00:16:00.915 --> 00:16:04.330
(contemplative orchestral music)
00:16:04.330 --> 00:16:07.200
-: Avila Kilmurray said, why don't we go out
00:16:07.200 --> 00:16:12.200
and discuss the possibility of running our own party?
00:16:12.790 --> 00:16:16.123
And we realized that the logistics were possible.
00:16:20.035 --> 00:16:21.640
-: The British and Irish governments opened
00:16:21.640 --> 00:16:25.390
a period of consultation as to the type of electoral process
00:16:25.390 --> 00:16:27.213
to determine delegates for talks.
00:16:28.611 --> 00:16:29.850
I mean, there has to be a crazy reason,
00:16:29.850 --> 00:16:32.300
and the crazy reason was to get political parties
00:16:32.300 --> 00:16:34.570
who had an association with paramilitary groups
00:16:34.570 --> 00:16:36.830
to enable them to legitimately enter the talks.
00:16:36.830 --> 00:16:38.400
I mean, we were very clear.
00:16:38.400 --> 00:16:39.640
It wasn't that they wanted women
00:16:39.640 --> 00:16:41.460
in the talks, but that was the reason why.
00:16:41.460 --> 00:16:43.630
But we thought, okay, that's what they want to get
00:16:43.630 --> 00:16:47.003
in the talks, but we can make use of this, as well.
00:16:48.660 --> 00:16:52.770
We asked an academic, how many votes do you need to get
00:16:52.770 --> 00:16:54.623
two representatives at the talks?
00:16:55.620 --> 00:16:58.540
And he said something ridiculously low,
00:16:58.540 --> 00:17:02.363
like 8,000, 10,000 votes, something like that.
00:17:03.925 --> 00:17:06.270
I just remember we all looked at each other
00:17:06.270 --> 00:17:08.923
and kind of went, that's just easy.
00:17:10.640 --> 00:17:11.980
-: It was decided that we would write
00:17:11.980 --> 00:17:14.930
off to the minister at the time, and we asked,
00:17:14.930 --> 00:17:17.910
could we form ourselves into a political party?
00:17:17.910 --> 00:17:18.943
Could we stand?
00:17:19.790 --> 00:17:21.220
And the letter came back and said yes.
00:17:21.220 --> 00:17:23.820
We had six weeks to form the Women's Coalition,
00:17:23.820 --> 00:17:26.029
and it was the craziest six weeks of my life.
00:17:26.029 --> 00:17:27.858
(dramatic orchestral music)
00:17:27.858 --> 00:17:30.858
(people chattering)
00:17:32.400 --> 00:17:34.740
-: It was a very vibrant meeting.
00:17:34.740 --> 00:17:38.010
What was good about it was
00:17:38.010 --> 00:17:40.840
the range of people that had turned up.
00:17:40.840 --> 00:17:44.945
It was a meeting of very active, very political women.
00:17:44.945 --> 00:17:48.612
(contemplative synth music)
00:17:50.062 --> 00:17:55.062
The story of the Women's Coalition is largely not visible.
00:17:55.100 --> 00:17:58.040
Not because women get written out of history,
00:17:58.040 --> 00:17:59.403
they never get written in.
00:18:04.090 --> 00:18:07.500
It could be argued the Women's Coalition were of their time,
00:18:07.500 --> 00:18:11.820
but the women who made up the Women's Coalition
00:18:11.820 --> 00:18:14.880
were brave women in their own right,
00:18:14.880 --> 00:18:19.563
whose bravery was tested in the war days.
00:18:21.130 --> 00:18:23.060
So they weren't women who suddenly
00:18:23.060 --> 00:18:26.273
got brave at the time of the peace.
00:18:28.470 --> 00:18:31.440
The truth of the matter is women were politically active
00:18:32.340 --> 00:18:35.473
in every aspect of the politics that were going on.
00:18:38.680 --> 00:18:41.300
It's not that women weren't doing anything
00:18:41.300 --> 00:18:44.870
until the Women's Coalition galvanized women.
00:18:44.870 --> 00:18:47.340
What the Women's Coalition galvanized
00:18:47.340 --> 00:18:51.240
was many of the already politically-active women
00:18:52.200 --> 00:18:54.933
in all our various spheres.
00:18:59.050 --> 00:19:01.010
-: I always remember May Blood actually saying,
00:19:01.010 --> 00:19:02.960
right, I will pay for an ad,
00:19:02.960 --> 00:19:06.270
and we will ask women who subscribe
00:19:06.270 --> 00:19:07.990
to the three principles that we came up with.
00:19:07.990 --> 00:19:10.120
There are often party policies.
00:19:10.120 --> 00:19:12.062
We had three principles, and that was
00:19:12.062 --> 00:19:14.870
equality, human rights, and inclusion.
00:19:14.870 --> 00:19:18.080
So, if you subscribe to these principles and are happy
00:19:18.080 --> 00:19:22.062
to stand for the coalition, get in touch with us, so we did!
00:19:22.062 --> 00:19:23.908
(people applauding)
00:19:23.908 --> 00:19:26.600
-: As you can see from the constituency list here, we had--
00:19:26.600 --> 00:19:27.667
-: We didn't know how many would turn up,
00:19:27.667 --> 00:19:29.960
and there wasn't enough seats,
00:19:29.960 --> 00:19:32.150
and we knew we had made the right decision
00:19:32.150 --> 00:19:35.050
by advertising it and by putting it out there.
00:19:35.050 --> 00:19:37.410
If you want this opportunity to put women
00:19:37.410 --> 00:19:39.426
into the mix, this is your opportunity.
00:19:39.426 --> 00:19:41.620
-: It's good to have names against areas.
00:19:41.620 --> 00:19:43.631
What we need tonight is the names.
00:19:43.631 --> 00:19:45.207
(contemplative piano music)
00:19:45.207 --> 00:19:48.120
-: But women were going, oh, oh, I couldn't possibly run.
00:19:48.120 --> 00:19:49.970
And I said, look, you're not gonna get elected,
00:19:49.970 --> 00:19:52.880
but we do want you to run 'cause we need the votes.
00:19:52.880 --> 00:19:55.950
We just said to people, it's not rocket science.
00:19:55.950 --> 00:19:58.790
Politicians would like you to think it is rocket science.
00:19:58.790 --> 00:19:59.763
It is not.
00:20:00.730 --> 00:20:02.280
-: I think many women didn't really
00:20:02.280 --> 00:20:04.200
want to put themselves forward.
00:20:04.200 --> 00:20:06.997
It took a lot of courage, a lot of determination,
00:20:06.997 --> 00:20:10.990
and a lot of having to expose your own identity
00:20:10.990 --> 00:20:14.720
in a society where identity was
00:20:14.720 --> 00:20:19.037
so closely linked with trouble, with violence, with danger.
00:20:20.130 --> 00:20:23.690
-: These were women from working-class areas who had suffered
00:20:23.690 --> 00:20:27.023
through 30 years or 25 or whatever it was then of conflict.
00:20:28.160 --> 00:20:31.340
Many women in that room had been bereaved
00:20:31.340 --> 00:20:34.603
or had sons, brothers, fathers in prison.
00:20:35.700 --> 00:20:37.450
And we needed to make sure that we were there
00:20:37.450 --> 00:20:39.100
to try and bring about the change
00:20:39.100 --> 00:20:40.860
that was needed to move the society forward.
00:20:40.860 --> 00:20:44.760
So, without thinking of the consequences,
00:20:44.760 --> 00:20:46.350
people put their hands up.
00:20:46.350 --> 00:20:48.430
-: Margaret Log will do Foyle.
00:20:48.430 --> 00:20:50.840
So you're prepared to let your name go forward?
00:20:50.840 --> 00:20:52.501
Keep going, folks.
00:20:52.501 --> 00:20:54.810
-: Could we have somebody instead of Ann McCann?
00:20:54.810 --> 00:20:58.224
-: Carol, could you find somebody if it's not yourself?
00:20:58.224 --> 00:21:00.462
-: I can find it, yeah.
(people chattering)
00:21:00.462 --> 00:21:04.130
-: I just found an irresistible urge
00:21:04.130 --> 00:21:08.063
to put my hand up and say, yes, I am in there.
00:21:11.120 --> 00:21:13.860
I'd never been in a political party before in my life.
00:21:13.860 --> 00:21:15.820
It wasn't politics.
00:21:15.820 --> 00:21:18.420
It was peace that I wanted.
00:21:18.420 --> 00:21:19.982
-: You don't know this, but tonight,
00:21:19.982 --> 00:21:22.166
we have accrued 48 candidates.
00:21:22.166 --> 00:21:23.810
(people applauding)
(people cheering)
00:21:23.810 --> 00:21:27.300
-: We all got carried away, but this was about our lives,
00:21:27.300 --> 00:21:30.030
our futures, the futures of our children.
00:21:30.030 --> 00:21:31.450
It was brilliant.
00:21:31.450 --> 00:21:33.500
They were all so enthusiastic.
00:21:33.500 --> 00:21:35.597
It just took your breath away.
00:21:35.597 --> 00:21:38.685
(phone rings)
00:21:38.685 --> 00:21:40.796
-: Hello, Northern Ireland Women's Coalition.
00:21:40.796 --> 00:21:41.920
(people chattering)
00:21:41.920 --> 00:21:46.260
-: So we modeled it that it would be a cross-community party,
00:21:46.260 --> 00:21:47.820
and we would have two leaders,
00:21:47.820 --> 00:21:50.060
one from the Catholic Nationalist community,
00:21:50.060 --> 00:21:52.090
one from the Protestant Unionist community,
00:21:52.090 --> 00:21:53.350
from the word go.
00:21:53.350 --> 00:21:57.700
-: To my shock, horror, panic, my name
00:21:57.700 --> 00:22:01.030
and Monica's name were the two names that went forward.
00:22:01.030 --> 00:22:02.930
I went to a second meeting and I agreed,
00:22:02.930 --> 00:22:06.740
thinking, oh, (scoffs) no worries, it ain't gonna happen.
00:22:06.740 --> 00:22:08.310
-: To many people in the room, Pearl Sagar
00:22:08.310 --> 00:22:10.530
probably wouldn't have been a name.
00:22:10.530 --> 00:22:12.280
Pearl was a community worker, but then there was
00:22:12.280 --> 00:22:13.940
hundreds of community workers.
00:22:13.940 --> 00:22:15.880
Monica was a professional woman.
00:22:15.880 --> 00:22:17.940
Monica was a lecturer in university.
00:22:17.940 --> 00:22:20.110
Monica would've been very well-known,
00:22:20.110 --> 00:22:23.060
but I just thought Pearl was a street fighter like myself,
00:22:23.060 --> 00:22:25.050
and she wasn't gonna take no nonsense,
00:22:25.050 --> 00:22:26.223
and that's what we wanted.
00:22:26.223 --> 00:22:29.760
(intense synth music)
00:22:29.760 --> 00:22:31.790
-: A lot of people were frightened over the years
00:22:31.790 --> 00:22:35.170
to stand up and speak out, and who can blame them?
00:22:35.170 --> 00:22:39.120
You'd need to have been mad to put yourself forward.
00:22:39.120 --> 00:22:41.070
In the Women's Coalition, I think I was mad enough
00:22:41.070 --> 00:22:44.163
to do that, so was Monica and a lot of our members.
00:22:48.310 --> 00:22:52.163
-: So we went, at the very last moment, to put in the names.
00:22:53.990 --> 00:22:56.120
We left the office at about a quarter past four.
00:22:56.120 --> 00:23:01.000
The closing was five o'clock, and we ran into a traffic jam.
00:23:01.000 --> 00:23:01.980
Man: Right, we'll just wait with fingers crossed.
00:23:01.980 --> 00:23:04.183
-: Hopefully, this lady arrives.
00:23:05.380 --> 00:23:08.460
If she doesn't, I'm telling you. (chuckles)
00:23:08.460 --> 00:23:10.265
You're not filming me cutting my throat, are you?
00:23:10.265 --> 00:23:13.310
(all laughing)
00:23:13.310 --> 00:23:15.530
Reporter: The Women's Coalition were the last to nominate
00:23:15.530 --> 00:23:17.210
their candidates for the election,
00:23:17.210 --> 00:23:20.090
just minutes ahead of the five-o'clock deadline.
00:23:20.090 --> 00:23:20.923
-: You're late.
00:23:24.400 --> 00:23:26.210
-: The press conference has been called
00:23:26.210 --> 00:23:28.890
this morning to launch our manifesto,
00:23:28.890 --> 00:23:31.733
the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition manifesto.
00:23:33.510 --> 00:23:36.980
-: On one level, it was completely chaotic,
00:23:36.980 --> 00:23:40.463
but on another level, it just worked.
00:23:41.300 --> 00:23:45.780
We knew we had energy, we had experience,
00:23:45.780 --> 00:23:48.010
we had expertise, and we had a lot of attitude.
00:23:48.010 --> 00:23:49.280
-: The Women's Coalition is interested
00:23:49.280 --> 00:23:51.260
in a solution in reaching an accommodation
00:23:51.260 --> 00:23:53.300
so that we all can move forward, and we will be
00:23:53.300 --> 00:23:55.471
proved correct when we go to the polls on May the 30th.
00:23:55.471 --> 00:23:59.930
-: Hear, hear!
(people applauding)
00:23:59.930 --> 00:24:02.240
-: Remember, we had no money and we had
00:24:02.240 --> 00:24:04.990
the most pathetic of posters, and they would be
00:24:04.990 --> 00:24:07.490
the first to fall down in the rain, but women were
00:24:07.490 --> 00:24:09.840
back out again the next day putting them back up.
00:24:09.840 --> 00:24:12.650
The slogan was, Wave Goodbye to Dinosaurs.
00:24:12.650 --> 00:24:15.340
-: And it was a cartoon dinosaur superimposed
00:24:15.340 --> 00:24:16.920
on the women's suffragette colors,
00:24:16.920 --> 00:24:19.220
the green, white, and violet.
00:24:19.220 --> 00:24:21.050
Give women the vote.
00:24:21.050 --> 00:24:23.720
But a lot of the male politicians came back
00:24:23.720 --> 00:24:25.950
and said, well, we're really annoyed.
00:24:25.950 --> 00:24:27.470
They're calling us dinosaurs.
00:24:27.470 --> 00:24:29.020
Well, we didn't call you a dinosaur,
00:24:29.020 --> 00:24:30.820
but if you want to self-identify,
00:24:30.820 --> 00:24:32.526
please don't let us stand in your way.
00:24:32.526 --> 00:24:36.090
(reflective piano and synth music)
00:24:36.090 --> 00:24:38.900
-: It was quite obvious that the traditional parties had
00:24:38.900 --> 00:24:41.810
no intention of bringing forward women.
00:24:41.810 --> 00:24:42.860
They just weren't going to do it.
00:24:42.860 --> 00:24:44.320
I mean, it's about power.
00:24:44.320 --> 00:24:46.120
These guys, this was their big chance.
00:24:46.120 --> 00:24:48.440
They'd been sluggin' it out in local councils,
00:24:48.440 --> 00:24:51.220
fighting over bins for 25 or 30 years.
00:24:51.220 --> 00:24:52.410
This was their big chance,
00:24:52.410 --> 00:24:54.493
and they weren't gonna share it with anybody.
00:25:04.080 --> 00:25:06.290
Woman: Women's Coalition are standing in this area.
00:25:06.290 --> 00:25:08.524
Come out, give your vote to make a difference.
00:25:08.524 --> 00:25:10.710
-: Well, do you know, a group of women campaigning was
00:25:10.710 --> 00:25:14.250
a bit of a joke, so it was something to be laughed at.
00:25:14.250 --> 00:25:18.440
I do remember this idea of go back to your kitchen
00:25:18.440 --> 00:25:21.573
and the Hen Party and all this kind of nonsense.
00:25:22.610 --> 00:25:25.850
And that view started to come very clear
00:25:25.850 --> 00:25:29.690
when we got to the stage of trying to actually seek votes.
00:25:29.690 --> 00:25:31.600
That's when things did become hostile.
00:25:31.600 --> 00:25:33.050
-: Some got death threats.
00:25:33.050 --> 00:25:34.470
Some were told, how dare you?
00:25:34.470 --> 00:25:35.350
Some didn't.
00:25:35.350 --> 00:25:37.040
Some, in the beginning, couldn't even say
00:25:37.040 --> 00:25:38.810
that they were involved.
00:25:38.810 --> 00:25:41.370
-: My family were saying, oh, yes, I suppose
00:25:41.370 --> 00:25:44.340
this has to be done, but does it have to be you?
00:25:44.340 --> 00:25:48.390
Yeah, there were scary moments but there's a sense,
00:25:48.390 --> 00:25:50.090
actually, of freedom in facing it.
00:25:51.400 --> 00:25:52.770
-: I wouldn't vote for a woman
00:25:52.770 --> 00:25:55.520
under any circumstances, a daft question.
00:25:55.520 --> 00:25:56.353
-: Hello.
-: Hello.
00:25:56.353 --> 00:25:57.359
-: Hello there.
00:25:57.359 --> 00:25:58.660
-: They aren't representative
00:25:58.660 --> 00:26:01.610
of the decent Ulster women that I speak to.
00:26:01.610 --> 00:26:04.300
The Ulster woman in the past has seen herself very much
00:26:04.300 --> 00:26:06.350
as being in support of her man.
00:26:06.350 --> 00:26:08.680
As far as those individuals representing
00:26:08.680 --> 00:26:11.160
the Women's Coalition is concerned, I think
00:26:11.160 --> 00:26:14.060
that people will draw their own conclusions by the fact
00:26:14.060 --> 00:26:16.540
that they're prepared to come out of the closet now.
00:26:16.540 --> 00:26:18.840
-: Political parties and groupings should be
00:26:18.840 --> 00:26:21.140
regarded as people on their merits,
00:26:21.140 --> 00:26:23.110
on the vision that they will bring to politics,
00:26:23.110 --> 00:26:25.220
the commitment they will bring to politics,
00:26:25.220 --> 00:26:26.750
not just because they're men
00:26:26.750 --> 00:26:28.290
or not just because they're women.
00:26:28.290 --> 00:26:31.290
-: I do have some dubious thoughts about how they, (laughs)
00:26:31.290 --> 00:26:34.410
as a cross-community group, can look at this election
00:26:34.410 --> 00:26:38.227
and have a policy that is at all rational.
00:26:38.227 --> 00:26:40.470
(contemplative organ music)
00:26:40.470 --> 00:26:42.010
-: Well, I know there's criticism at the minute
00:26:42.010 --> 00:26:43.780
that women are gonna look foolish
00:26:43.780 --> 00:26:46.750
if this doesn't come off, and that's very unfortunate.
00:26:46.750 --> 00:26:49.700
I don't feel we will look foolish, even if we didn't get in.
00:26:49.700 --> 00:26:52.400
We've learned over the last 25 years how to cope
00:26:52.400 --> 00:26:55.510
with setbacks and different ceasefires breaking down,
00:26:55.510 --> 00:26:57.480
and I think we'll cope very, very well
00:26:57.480 --> 00:26:59.180
'cause, as women, we generally do.
00:27:03.230 --> 00:27:06.150
-: Women are 52% of the population in Northern Ireland.
00:27:06.150 --> 00:27:08.500
We have a right to be at the talks table.
00:27:08.500 --> 00:27:10.230
It's our futures being talked about,
00:27:10.230 --> 00:27:11.850
and it shouldn't be talked about solely by men.
00:27:11.850 --> 00:27:12.870
Man: Oh no, I agree.
00:27:12.870 --> 00:27:14.170
-: Do we realize what's happening here?
00:27:14.170 --> 00:27:18.288
The future of this part of the world is going to be decided
00:27:18.288 --> 00:27:19.710
and there are gonna be no women there.
00:27:19.710 --> 00:27:21.753
We're gonna be outside minding the kids.
00:27:26.390 --> 00:27:28.200
-: This is actually historic.
00:27:28.200 --> 00:27:30.010
Have you ever in Northern Ireland seen
00:27:30.010 --> 00:27:33.560
a group of all shades of political color sitting
00:27:33.560 --> 00:27:36.790
in one place at one time, all ready to talk to each other?
00:27:36.790 --> 00:27:39.230
It's like a microcosm of what should be happening
00:27:39.230 --> 00:27:41.286
in Northern Ireland, and the women are showing it.
00:27:41.286 --> 00:27:44.474
(people applauding)
(people cheering)
00:27:44.474 --> 00:27:47.807
(haunting choral music)
00:27:50.175 --> 00:27:53.842
(contemplative synth music)
00:27:57.930 --> 00:28:01.450
-: Getting elected was unbelievable,
00:28:01.450 --> 00:28:05.910
that, for the first time, there were women going to be there
00:28:05.910 --> 00:28:08.810
as a political party, as a Women's Party in its own right.
00:28:10.810 --> 00:28:13.530
-: Even then, it didn't quite sink in.
00:28:13.530 --> 00:28:17.600
The two people were only gonna be me and Monica.
00:28:17.600 --> 00:28:19.450
Even though we had loads of women behind us,
00:28:19.450 --> 00:28:22.810
always had, and brilliant women, at the end of the day,
00:28:22.810 --> 00:28:25.003
you are the two people sat at that table.
00:28:58.450 --> 00:29:00.630
-: On the first day of the negotiations,
00:29:00.630 --> 00:29:05.630
I told the delegates to the talks representing
00:29:05.710 --> 00:29:07.860
10 political parties in Northern Ireland
00:29:07.860 --> 00:29:09.760
and the British and Irish governments
00:29:10.740 --> 00:29:15.623
that I did not come with an American-drafted agreement.
00:29:16.840 --> 00:29:19.460
If there were ever to be an agreement,
00:29:19.460 --> 00:29:20.870
it had to come from them.
00:29:20.870 --> 00:29:22.883
They had to have a sense of ownership.
00:29:24.583 --> 00:29:26.010
-: And the first days were difficult.
00:29:26.010 --> 00:29:27.230
People wouldn't talk to one another,
00:29:27.230 --> 00:29:29.600
and if somebody said something, then somebody would leave
00:29:29.600 --> 00:29:32.480
because they weren't open to hearing one another either.
00:29:32.480 --> 00:29:34.380
If we're talking about peace negotiations to create
00:29:34.380 --> 00:29:36.080
a society where people aren't going to feel
00:29:36.080 --> 00:29:39.200
so driven into a corner that they actually have to lift
00:29:39.200 --> 00:29:42.570
a gun and shoot somebody, then there's change needed.
00:29:42.570 --> 00:29:46.363
And peace is people choosing to live differently.
00:29:55.430 --> 00:29:58.010
-: One of the things I find very strange as a woman,
00:29:58.010 --> 00:30:00.790
when you go into a meeting, there's almost a reluctance
00:30:00.790 --> 00:30:02.850
to say anything confidential because you're a woman
00:30:02.850 --> 00:30:04.610
and you're gonna go out and tell everybody it.
00:30:04.610 --> 00:30:07.070
You have to build that respect up.
00:30:07.070 --> 00:30:10.610
We knew within the women's movement that we could work.
00:30:10.610 --> 00:30:12.800
We had to prove to the other parties
00:30:12.800 --> 00:30:14.430
that it wasn't about sitting around a table
00:30:14.430 --> 00:30:15.990
and just talking about women's issues.
00:30:15.990 --> 00:30:19.510
It was about basic human rights issues
00:30:19.510 --> 00:30:20.890
for the whole of Northern Ireland.
00:30:20.890 --> 00:30:23.780
-: Because we weren't coming from that class
00:30:23.780 --> 00:30:25.370
of professional politicians,
00:30:25.370 --> 00:30:27.393
we were seen very much as outsiders.
00:30:28.270 --> 00:30:31.431
We were seen as the girls or the little women sort of thing.
00:30:31.431 --> 00:30:35.716
(contemplative piano music)
00:30:35.716 --> 00:30:38.710
-: You might as well discuss with Hitler
00:30:38.710 --> 00:30:42.820
about the annihilation of Jews than discuss
00:30:42.820 --> 00:30:47.690
with southern Ireland the way forward for Northern Ireland.
00:30:47.690 --> 00:30:49.310
-: Would Mr. Paisley not consider
00:30:49.310 --> 00:30:54.310
that an objectionable remark, to compare Hitler and fascism
00:30:54.320 --> 00:30:56.874
with the government of the Republic of Ireland currently?
00:30:56.874 --> 00:30:57.707
(people laughing)
00:30:57.707 --> 00:31:00.680
-: My reply to you is, certainly not,
00:31:00.680 --> 00:31:03.450
and I don't know where the honorable lady has been living,
00:31:03.450 --> 00:31:05.990
in some cuckoo land of her own.
00:31:08.880 --> 00:31:12.090
-: Very kind of derogatory comments would fly across,
00:31:12.090 --> 00:31:15.653
go home, breed for Ulster, stand by your men,
00:31:17.310 --> 00:31:18.703
Greek chorus of women.
00:31:20.120 --> 00:31:23.300
And individually, they would moo and boo
00:31:23.300 --> 00:31:24.990
when we would stand up to speak.
00:31:24.990 --> 00:31:26.340
Good sir, please--
00:31:26.340 --> 00:31:29.142
-: Oh, sit down and stop wasting time.
00:31:29.142 --> 00:31:31.860
You're only wasting time.
00:31:31.860 --> 00:31:34.960
-: Maybe they weren't used to women standing up,
00:31:34.960 --> 00:31:37.830
intelligent women even, standing up,
00:31:37.830 --> 00:31:40.963
saying things that were obvious and sensible.
00:31:43.100 --> 00:31:45.150
I suppose that made it worth fighting for
00:31:45.150 --> 00:31:46.780
because you just thought, why should anybody
00:31:46.780 --> 00:31:48.940
put up with this absolute rubbish?
00:31:48.940 --> 00:31:50.850
-: There seemed to be no embarrassment
00:31:50.850 --> 00:31:55.240
about holding such views or using such language.
00:31:55.240 --> 00:31:58.420
But I think what passed for politics in Northern Ireland
00:31:58.420 --> 00:32:01.270
was quite coarse, which is why possibly there were
00:32:01.270 --> 00:32:06.013
so few women because it was tribal, aggressive, and bigoted.
00:32:07.420 --> 00:32:10.120
-: We made an attempt, mainly purposely for the purpose
00:32:10.120 --> 00:32:12.540
of the peace talks, to come into the mainstream,
00:32:12.540 --> 00:32:14.250
and in fact, many would probably say
00:32:14.250 --> 00:32:16.590
that the mainstream are trying to expel us again,
00:32:16.590 --> 00:32:19.140
to silence us, not to allow us to have a voice,
00:32:19.140 --> 00:32:21.400
to demean us, to treat us in a derogatory fashion,
00:32:21.400 --> 00:32:23.510
and to send us back to the margins.
00:32:23.510 --> 00:32:25.440
But I think those days are over in Northern Ireland.
00:32:25.440 --> 00:32:26.830
Women do have something to say.
00:32:26.830 --> 00:32:28.780
-: I don't know who the lady is.
00:32:28.780 --> 00:32:31.835
She's not even a delegate, yet she speaks--
00:32:31.835 --> 00:32:33.560
-: Excuse me, I am one of the representatives
00:32:33.560 --> 00:32:34.430
of the Women's Coalition.
00:32:34.430 --> 00:32:36.825
Dr. Paisley knows that very well.
00:32:36.825 --> 00:32:38.277
-: She is not a delegate.
00:32:38.277 --> 00:32:40.632
She has no voting powers whatsoever.
00:32:40.632 --> 00:32:42.850
Well, she knows that.
00:32:42.850 --> 00:32:47.190
-: I always assumed that all these politicians worked
00:32:47.190 --> 00:32:49.523
to make sure I had a better life,
00:32:50.430 --> 00:32:53.003
and that they sat down and they done it wisely.
00:32:54.270 --> 00:32:57.510
However, a lot of them live in a bubble.
00:32:57.510 --> 00:32:59.937
I think, for several months, I sat
00:32:59.937 --> 00:33:02.320
and I thought, people behave this way?
00:33:02.320 --> 00:33:04.083
These are intelligent people?
00:33:05.407 --> 00:33:07.030
I mean, I went to one business meeting
00:33:07.030 --> 00:33:09.520
that I was told that I was just dragged
00:33:09.520 --> 00:33:12.673
off the streets and I shouldn't be there.
00:33:13.530 --> 00:33:16.340
-: Oh, you girls, you don't understand politics.
00:33:16.340 --> 00:33:17.900
You don't know what's going on.
00:33:17.900 --> 00:33:20.350
This is politics, this is politics.
00:33:20.350 --> 00:33:23.560
And we kept saying, this is not politics.
00:33:23.560 --> 00:33:25.620
This is abnormal politics.
00:33:25.620 --> 00:33:29.240
This is unacceptable politics, and we're not putting up
00:33:29.240 --> 00:33:32.730
with that kind of behavior and language.
00:33:32.730 --> 00:33:35.490
-: In a way, the horror of what was possible
00:33:35.490 --> 00:33:37.870
and what was starting to be inflicted
00:33:37.870 --> 00:33:39.601
was getting worse during the talks.
00:33:39.601 --> 00:33:40.501
(dramatic electric guitar and synth music)
00:33:40.501 --> 00:33:44.596
(engine rumbling)
(people shouting)
00:33:44.596 --> 00:33:47.763
(rhythmic drum music)
00:33:51.497 --> 00:33:54.330
(explosion booms)
00:33:59.970 --> 00:34:02.250
-: First year, Sinn Fein were not there.
00:34:02.250 --> 00:34:05.670
We spent the entire year meeting with them
00:34:05.670 --> 00:34:07.910
outside of the process in back channels.
00:34:07.910 --> 00:34:09.720
-: Nobody wanted Sinn Fein at the table.
00:34:09.720 --> 00:34:11.833
The IRA were still killing people.
00:34:13.104 --> 00:34:16.170
Who wants killers sitting at the table?
00:34:16.170 --> 00:34:21.020
And we went to meet Sinn Fein, and Monica and all was fine.
00:34:21.020 --> 00:34:22.320
I struggled.
00:34:22.320 --> 00:34:24.140
I sat down in this room with people
00:34:24.140 --> 00:34:25.963
that I hated, and I mean hated.
00:34:29.630 --> 00:34:32.330
I hated them because I did marry a British soldier.
00:34:32.330 --> 00:34:36.403
My husband was in that army that they hated.
00:34:36.403 --> 00:34:37.920
(contemplative synth music)
00:34:37.920 --> 00:34:39.360
Plus, in the interim, I had a cousin
00:34:39.360 --> 00:34:41.270
who was a police officer who was
00:34:41.270 --> 00:34:43.886
gunned down in front of his children.
00:34:43.886 --> 00:34:45.400
(people cheering)
(people applauding)
00:34:45.400 --> 00:34:48.030
They were representing the people that killed them.
00:34:48.030 --> 00:34:49.253
And I remember sitting in that room,
00:34:49.253 --> 00:34:52.350
and I'm not even sure what they were saying that day
00:34:52.350 --> 00:34:55.240
'cause all's I could hear was my heartbeat
00:34:55.240 --> 00:34:58.653
in me eardrums, and it was horrible.
00:35:00.540 --> 00:35:03.870
I couldn't even tell Monica and others
00:35:03.870 --> 00:35:06.513
because they're from that religion.
00:35:08.090 --> 00:35:12.160
I didn't know them that well, so I was afraid and ashamed
00:35:12.160 --> 00:35:16.690
at the same time to tell them how I truly felt.
00:35:16.690 --> 00:35:19.690
And I remember talking to my husband and my husband saying,
00:35:19.690 --> 00:35:21.383
he was a better person than me,
00:35:22.327 --> 00:35:24.127
"At the end of the day, Pearl,
00:35:24.127 --> 00:35:25.607
"if you want everybody involved,
00:35:25.607 --> 00:35:27.207
"everybody has to be involved.
00:35:27.207 --> 00:35:28.867
"There's always gonna be people you don't like
00:35:28.867 --> 00:35:30.860
"in the world, but you do have to work with them.
00:35:30.860 --> 00:35:33.430
"Nobody's asking you to sleep with them."
00:35:33.430 --> 00:35:35.480
And I mean, that's as blunt as he put it.
00:35:37.320 --> 00:35:39.530
-: And then, when the Loyalists came,
00:35:39.530 --> 00:35:42.100
I remember us making a point of reaching out to them
00:35:42.100 --> 00:35:44.950
and inviting them to our houses and having dinner with them
00:35:44.950 --> 00:35:47.670
because we didn't know them very well.
00:35:47.670 --> 00:35:49.510
If you're going to be in peace talks,
00:35:49.510 --> 00:35:53.350
you need to build strong relationships with the people.
00:35:53.350 --> 00:35:54.620
You need to look them in the eye.
00:35:54.620 --> 00:35:56.610
You need to see the humanity in the person.
00:35:56.610 --> 00:35:58.270
You need to give them some legitimacy,
00:35:58.270 --> 00:36:00.280
even if you disagree with them,
00:36:00.280 --> 00:36:02.846
all of the things that generally doesn't happen.
00:36:02.846 --> 00:36:06.400
(contemplative synth music)
00:36:06.400 --> 00:36:08.160
We often said at the table,
00:36:08.160 --> 00:36:11.230
there's no single party has created this problem.
00:36:11.230 --> 00:36:12.700
We all have.
00:36:12.700 --> 00:36:15.943
And therefore we all have it on us to resolve it.
00:36:16.800 --> 00:36:19.210
-: We had a very good grasp on how to make
00:36:19.210 --> 00:36:22.400
a facilitated and mediated process work,
00:36:22.400 --> 00:36:24.963
so that became part of our agenda,
00:36:26.010 --> 00:36:31.010
in making the dynamic of the talks work and in finding
00:36:31.960 --> 00:36:35.090
a pathway through for Senator Mitchell,
00:36:35.090 --> 00:36:37.233
as the mediator, to use.
00:36:40.090 --> 00:36:43.760
-: The Women's Coalition, in particular,
00:36:43.760 --> 00:36:45.920
was focused on reaching an agreement,
00:36:45.920 --> 00:36:50.310
as opposed to focused on, can I get this for my community?
00:36:50.310 --> 00:36:51.253
Can I get that?
00:36:53.410 --> 00:36:56.610
They understood their role to be
00:36:56.610 --> 00:37:01.410
to help bring about peace, more than just advancing
00:37:01.410 --> 00:37:04.363
the cause of one community or another.
00:37:06.945 --> 00:37:10.300
(reflective synth music)
00:37:10.300 --> 00:37:12.720
-: They brought to that table
00:37:12.720 --> 00:37:16.120
their previous individual experience.
00:37:16.120 --> 00:37:20.588
It's a traditional woman's role, keeping the peace
00:37:20.588 --> 00:37:23.583
and encouraging people to go the extra mile.
00:37:25.210 --> 00:37:29.477
Because women are better conflict-resolvers,
00:37:30.380 --> 00:37:34.900
not biologically, but because that's where we have
00:37:34.900 --> 00:37:38.513
traditionally been located in society.
00:37:40.740 --> 00:37:43.593
We sort out the problems between siblings.
00:37:44.850 --> 00:37:48.333
We sort out the women across the street.
00:37:49.910 --> 00:37:52.250
And so the Women's Coalition were
00:37:52.250 --> 00:37:56.089
the most experienced peace negotiators in the room.
00:37:56.089 --> 00:38:00.260
(reflective orchestral music)
00:38:00.260 --> 00:38:03.870
And it's a seductive role to be drawn into it
00:38:03.870 --> 00:38:07.043
and to have that role validated.
00:38:09.580 --> 00:38:13.660
But when you have made that courageous step,
00:38:13.660 --> 00:38:17.950
it was a pity that they got sidelined,
00:38:17.950 --> 00:38:22.640
from a feminist perspective, into the traditional role
00:38:22.640 --> 00:38:25.636
of refereeing a fight between two men.
00:38:25.636 --> 00:38:29.719
(contemplative orchestral music)
00:38:48.470 --> 00:38:51.360
-: The fact is that IRA Sinn Fein
00:38:51.360 --> 00:38:54.393
has bombed its way to the negotiating table.
00:38:55.900 --> 00:38:57.550
-: This has gone on for too long.
00:38:57.550 --> 00:38:59.627
This nonsense of jumping in in the room,
00:38:59.627 --> 00:39:00.710
coming back into the room.
00:39:00.710 --> 00:39:03.550
It is boys playing war, and I'm angry about it.
00:39:03.550 --> 00:39:05.560
Why is it that the victims in this country
00:39:05.560 --> 00:39:09.460
can always make the step forward and say, let's talk?
00:39:09.460 --> 00:39:10.340
Our people are dead.
00:39:10.340 --> 00:39:11.173
They're in their graves.
00:39:11.173 --> 00:39:12.320
They're not coming back.
00:39:17.710 --> 00:39:21.300
-: I got a call, sitting in my office, and it was
00:39:21.300 --> 00:39:24.570
a member of the President's National Security Staff,
00:39:24.570 --> 00:39:26.983
saying, we just goofed up.
00:39:28.830 --> 00:39:33.050
He went on to explain that the President had met separately
00:39:33.050 --> 00:39:35.640
with all of the political party representatives
00:39:35.640 --> 00:39:38.540
in his office, in the Oval Office of the White House,
00:39:38.540 --> 00:39:41.603
and somehow they forgot about the Women's Coalition.
00:39:44.240 --> 00:39:48.117
And what this colleague of mine said to me on the phone,
00:39:48.117 --> 00:39:52.837
"Do you think Mrs. Clinton would meet with these women?"
00:39:53.930 --> 00:39:56.750
-: It turned out to be a very consequential,
00:39:56.750 --> 00:39:59.620
unplanned, spontaneous meeting.
00:39:59.620 --> 00:40:03.460
We learned how the promise of women's involvement
00:40:03.460 --> 00:40:05.270
was not being fulfilled.
00:40:05.270 --> 00:40:07.540
We wanted to boost their spirits
00:40:07.540 --> 00:40:12.160
and give them kind of a new burst of energy to go back
00:40:12.160 --> 00:40:15.620
and take on the obstacles they faced.
00:40:15.620 --> 00:40:18.357
-: Monica asks the First Lady,
00:40:18.357 --> 00:40:20.260
"Are you going to speak tonight?"
00:40:20.260 --> 00:40:22.660
And tonight was this big gathering
00:40:22.660 --> 00:40:25.570
with all of these visiting politicians
00:40:25.570 --> 00:40:28.577
from Northern Ireland, and Hillary said,
00:40:28.577 --> 00:40:32.320
"Well, I'll probably introduce the President."
00:40:32.320 --> 00:40:36.630
-: I want to formally, on behalf of the President and myself,
00:40:36.630 --> 00:40:39.170
welcome all of you here this evening.
00:40:39.170 --> 00:40:42.500
I knew that if I elevated their participation,
00:40:42.500 --> 00:40:45.580
it could not be ignored as easily.
00:40:45.580 --> 00:40:49.320
I just want to say a special word of appreciation
00:40:49.320 --> 00:40:52.830
to all the women in Ireland and Northern Ireland
00:40:52.830 --> 00:40:55.750
who have worked for peace and worked to bring about
00:40:55.750 --> 00:40:58.603
reconciliation over so many years.
00:40:58.603 --> 00:40:59.550
(people applauding)
00:40:59.550 --> 00:41:02.550
When I was in that room, I reiterated
00:41:02.550 --> 00:41:04.720
the importance of having women's voices,
00:41:04.720 --> 00:41:09.720
talked about receiving Monica and Pearl at the White House,
00:41:09.890 --> 00:41:13.570
and basically sent a message that we expected them
00:41:13.570 --> 00:41:16.592
to be treated respectfully and seriously.
00:41:16.592 --> 00:41:18.680
(dramatic orchestral music)
00:41:18.680 --> 00:41:20.630
-: I looked around the room and I could see
00:41:20.630 --> 00:41:23.760
that they were listening to her in total silence.
00:41:23.760 --> 00:41:25.420
It really did embolden us.
00:41:25.420 --> 00:41:28.640
It totally changed everything after that.
00:41:28.640 --> 00:41:30.270
It wasn't planned.
00:41:30.270 --> 00:41:32.220
It was creative.
00:41:32.220 --> 00:41:33.450
It was imaginative.
00:41:33.450 --> 00:41:36.990
It was saying we've had enough of the men talking
00:41:36.990 --> 00:41:39.273
for us, nothing about us, without us.
00:41:45.590 --> 00:41:49.000
-: That was a very slow process, and it was a deadening.
00:41:49.000 --> 00:41:50.910
It was exhausting.
00:41:50.910 --> 00:41:53.060
It was just lengthy talking
00:41:53.060 --> 00:41:55.363
over the same areas much of the time.
00:41:56.310 --> 00:42:00.030
And then, eventually, people got talked out,
00:42:00.030 --> 00:42:02.800
but that doesn't bring about a solution.
00:42:02.800 --> 00:42:05.330
What people had to do ultimately was transcend
00:42:05.330 --> 00:42:08.752
their own tribal base for the greater good.
00:42:08.752 --> 00:42:10.465
(fire roaring)
(people shouting)
00:42:10.465 --> 00:42:12.140
(car banging)
(contemplative synth music)
00:42:12.140 --> 00:42:15.370
-: After we'd been involved in negotiations
00:42:15.370 --> 00:42:18.300
for a year and a half, I recall fearing
00:42:18.300 --> 00:42:21.160
that the process was nearly over.
00:42:21.160 --> 00:42:24.690
I drafted a plan that would establish
00:42:24.690 --> 00:42:27.360
an absolute unbreakable deadline
00:42:27.360 --> 00:42:30.940
because without it, I was quite certain that the process
00:42:30.940 --> 00:42:35.773
was spiraling toward failure, and rapidly.
00:42:36.880 --> 00:42:39.780
-: Within the last hour, Senator George Mitchell has given
00:42:39.780 --> 00:42:42.730
the province's politicians an agenda for a settlement,
00:42:42.730 --> 00:42:45.540
the deadline for which is now only six days away.
00:42:45.540 --> 00:42:47.290
-: We've been at this for two years.
00:42:48.230 --> 00:42:52.530
It could be discussed for another 20 years, and the only way
00:42:52.530 --> 00:42:55.983
to bring this to a conclusion is to require a decision.
00:42:57.550 --> 00:43:00.980
-: Deadlines are generally completely arbitrary,
00:43:00.980 --> 00:43:03.733
but they do work in focusing the mind.
00:43:04.780 --> 00:43:09.703
But when we received the draft agreement, we didn't see
00:43:10.620 --> 00:43:15.500
ourselves either on the pages or between the lines.
00:43:15.500 --> 00:43:17.920
We might have even settled for being between the lines.
00:43:17.920 --> 00:43:21.580
-: We were quite perturbed because some of the parties
00:43:21.580 --> 00:43:25.620
we had bilateral meetings with had agreed to support us.
00:43:25.620 --> 00:43:26.534
They didn't.
00:43:26.534 --> 00:43:29.784
(dramatic synth music)
00:43:36.490 --> 00:43:38.530
-: There was intense pressure.
00:43:38.530 --> 00:43:41.350
There was mass media outside from all over the world,
00:43:41.350 --> 00:43:42.460
who spent their time interviewing
00:43:42.460 --> 00:43:44.240
each other because nobody else was really talking
00:43:44.240 --> 00:43:45.860
to them at that particular point.
00:43:45.860 --> 00:43:49.320
Obviously, sort of Bertie Ahern, Tony Blair,
00:43:49.320 --> 00:43:52.100
and then, of course, we had Clinton
00:43:52.100 --> 00:43:54.443
on the phone from Washington, as well.
00:43:55.890 --> 00:43:58.380
-: I can remember going up to see them
00:43:58.380 --> 00:44:00.993
and the women being very depressed.
00:44:02.280 --> 00:44:05.300
They were being cut out now, and I remember saying
00:44:05.300 --> 00:44:08.060
to a couple of them, we're now talking real politics here,
00:44:08.060 --> 00:44:09.980
and these guys are not going to just let
00:44:09.980 --> 00:44:11.513
other people take positions.
00:44:12.490 --> 00:44:15.530
-: We knew that the pressure was on
00:44:15.530 --> 00:44:19.250
to get the agreement signed while people
00:44:19.250 --> 00:44:22.160
were still convinced for the agreement.
00:44:22.160 --> 00:44:26.280
But we have been here throughout to make the dynamic work,
00:44:26.280 --> 00:44:30.580
to make the process work, to put the partnerships together,
00:44:30.580 --> 00:44:33.810
but we also have an agenda, and we are as deserving
00:44:33.810 --> 00:44:36.170
as having that agenda reached as anybody else.
00:44:36.170 --> 00:44:37.550
-: Yeah, we did what we normally did
00:44:37.550 --> 00:44:39.790
when our backs were to the wall, which was
00:44:39.790 --> 00:44:43.452
basically our default position for the previous two years.
00:44:43.452 --> 00:44:44.800
(dramatic rock music)
00:44:44.800 --> 00:44:48.073
We had a think, we did some writing, we did some drafting.
00:44:49.310 --> 00:44:50.960
The British Secretary of State, Mo Mowlam,
00:44:50.960 --> 00:44:54.020
was a complete star, and because she was
00:44:54.020 --> 00:44:57.720
genuinely interested in what we were doing,
00:44:57.720 --> 00:45:01.070
the kind of policy papers that we were putting forward,
00:45:01.070 --> 00:45:04.920
she saw that they could be of use in the context
00:45:04.920 --> 00:45:08.880
of an overall settlement of a really complex situation.
00:45:08.880 --> 00:45:11.080
-: Did you like the people you were involved with?
00:45:11.080 --> 00:45:14.464
-: I tried not to get involved in liking anybody.
00:45:14.464 --> 00:45:15.297
-: What about Gerry Adams?
00:45:15.297 --> 00:45:16.270
-: But I did like the Women's Coalition.
00:45:16.270 --> 00:45:18.920
I think they made a big effort and were good.
00:45:18.920 --> 00:45:21.130
-: So we're arguing, arguing, arguing,
00:45:21.130 --> 00:45:23.610
looking at texts, going back to George Mitchell,
00:45:23.610 --> 00:45:25.220
going back to the civil servants to say,
00:45:25.220 --> 00:45:28.010
this needs redrafted, this needs looked at again.
00:45:28.010 --> 00:45:30.680
-: There had to be more encouragement, to encourage women
00:45:30.680 --> 00:45:34.310
to be more politically aware, to educate women better
00:45:34.310 --> 00:45:37.343
in terms of politics and be more open.
00:45:39.180 --> 00:45:41.190
In the end, we tried everything.
00:45:41.190 --> 00:45:43.453
We just couldn't get that in.
00:45:44.660 --> 00:45:47.960
So we decided that we would speak to the Secretary of State.
00:45:47.960 --> 00:45:50.120
People were blocking us getting into the office
00:45:50.120 --> 00:45:52.270
for whatever reason, so in the end,
00:45:52.270 --> 00:45:56.160
I waited outside the office, and finally Mo came out
00:45:56.160 --> 00:45:57.790
and she was going to the toilets.
00:45:57.790 --> 00:46:01.050
So I went to the toilets with her, and we did manage
00:46:01.050 --> 00:46:03.150
to get that in to the Good Friday Agreement.
00:46:03.150 --> 00:46:04.710
-: We need to recognize communities
00:46:04.710 --> 00:46:07.890
and community development, so we wrote that in.
00:46:07.890 --> 00:46:11.250
We wanted to get references in to integrated education
00:46:11.250 --> 00:46:14.190
'cause we wanted a holistic community which is not divided
00:46:14.190 --> 00:46:16.570
but which is living and learning together.
00:46:16.570 --> 00:46:18.270
-: We got in about the victims of violence.
00:46:18.270 --> 00:46:19.610
No other party had raised
00:46:19.610 --> 00:46:21.460
victims of violence in the agreement.
00:46:24.870 --> 00:46:28.510
-: It was very hard, though, to get onto the agenda,
00:46:28.510 --> 00:46:33.193
issues that we had specifically wanted.
00:46:36.840 --> 00:46:39.490
And we had gone with two priorities,
00:46:39.490 --> 00:46:42.650
both linked to the inclusion agenda
00:46:42.650 --> 00:46:47.150
and widening participation and a much broader understanding
00:46:47.150 --> 00:46:50.100
of democracy than often political parties,
00:46:50.100 --> 00:46:51.450
and certainly political parties
00:46:51.450 --> 00:46:53.273
in a conflict situation, understand.
00:46:56.100 --> 00:46:58.700
One of them had been on electoral reform,
00:46:58.700 --> 00:47:01.190
and one of it had been the issue that I had been promoting
00:47:01.190 --> 00:47:04.090
for quite some time, which was the issue of a civic forum.
00:47:22.754 --> 00:47:24.560
-: We got a phone call from Martha Pope,
00:47:24.560 --> 00:47:27.060
who was George Mitchell's assistant.
00:47:27.060 --> 00:47:29.447
And Martha said, "You can either have the electoral system
00:47:29.447 --> 00:47:32.674
"or you can have the civic forum in there, which is it?"
00:47:32.674 --> 00:47:34.410
And we said the civic forum.
00:47:34.410 --> 00:47:37.960
-: We haven't got one of our key issues on electoral forum,
00:47:37.960 --> 00:47:39.480
which is actually about changing
00:47:39.480 --> 00:47:41.410
and making this a more democratic place
00:47:41.410 --> 00:47:43.230
in Northern Ireland, changing the politics
00:47:43.230 --> 00:47:45.427
of Northern Ireland and including more women.
00:47:45.427 --> 00:47:49.010
(contemplative rock music)
00:47:50.080 --> 00:47:55.010
Will people look back on us as women and say we faltered
00:47:55.010 --> 00:47:59.813
because we did not stand out for this at the end?
00:48:02.200 --> 00:48:05.090
And then we're saying, how could you not sign
00:48:05.090 --> 00:48:08.293
a peace agreement for your country?
00:48:09.430 --> 00:48:11.420
We have to have the peace.
00:48:11.420 --> 00:48:13.595
It's always a difficult choice.
00:48:13.595 --> 00:48:17.262
(dramatic orchestral music)
00:48:34.960 --> 00:48:36.770
-: The agreement that has emerged
00:48:36.770 --> 00:48:40.080
from the Northern Ireland peace talks opens the way
00:48:40.080 --> 00:48:43.100
for the people there to build a society
00:48:43.100 --> 00:48:47.253
based on enduring peace, justice, and equality.
00:49:01.218 --> 00:49:05.330
-: The people in Northern Ireland have always asked and said,
00:49:05.330 --> 00:49:08.350
if only the politicians would sit down together
00:49:08.350 --> 00:49:11.610
and talk and reach an agreement.
00:49:11.610 --> 00:49:14.940
Today, we have done it.
00:49:14.940 --> 00:49:16.900
We have interrupted the culture
00:49:16.900 --> 00:49:18.763
of failure in Northern Ireland.
00:49:19.720 --> 00:49:21.669
There is no going back.
00:49:21.669 --> 00:49:25.919
(reflective piano and synth music)
00:49:30.810 --> 00:49:33.030
-: In the end, there was parity of pain
00:49:33.030 --> 00:49:36.270
and parity of gain on everyone's part.
00:49:36.270 --> 00:49:37.850
Northern Ireland was still going to remain
00:49:37.850 --> 00:49:39.440
as part of the United Kingdom.
00:49:39.440 --> 00:49:42.253
But yet, on the other side, the quid pro quo was
00:49:42.253 --> 00:49:46.820
they were getting a totally reformed Northern Ireland.
00:49:46.820 --> 00:49:48.330
-: And some people left, as you know,
00:49:48.330 --> 00:49:49.550
some people threatened to walk out,
00:49:49.550 --> 00:49:51.970
but the end of the day, we got that agreement.
00:49:51.970 --> 00:49:53.180
And then we put that agreement
00:49:53.180 --> 00:49:55.453
to the people, and the people said yes.
00:50:00.970 --> 00:50:03.623
-: Yes, 71.12%.
00:50:05.081 --> 00:50:07.914
(people cheering)
00:50:20.839 --> 00:50:21.797
-: I've got elected.
00:50:21.797 --> 00:50:22.640
Tell the children.
00:50:22.640 --> 00:50:24.130
(people laughing)
00:50:24.130 --> 00:50:25.620
-: I never seen the Women's Coalition
00:50:25.620 --> 00:50:29.410
as being set up as a long-term women's party.
00:50:29.410 --> 00:50:32.610
Even though we were all together on a whole host of issues,
00:50:32.610 --> 00:50:34.030
the one issue that was pulling us apart
00:50:34.030 --> 00:50:36.810
was some women thought it's time for a women's party,
00:50:36.810 --> 00:50:39.093
and some women thought it's a nonsense.
00:50:40.290 --> 00:50:42.487
There was a fraying of the edges at that time.
00:50:42.487 --> 00:50:44.540
It was almost as if the Women's Coalition
00:50:44.540 --> 00:50:48.370
had came together in a moment of time to do a certain thing,
00:50:48.370 --> 00:50:50.973
and once it was done, it was gone.
00:51:03.370 --> 00:51:05.850
-: I think the demise of the Women's Coalition
00:51:05.850 --> 00:51:09.990
was fundamentally because the coalition
00:51:09.990 --> 00:51:13.070
was a peace party made up entirely of women.
00:51:13.070 --> 00:51:16.990
It was not a political party for the advancement
00:51:16.990 --> 00:51:21.990
of women's rights, so when peace was negotiated,
00:51:23.460 --> 00:51:28.080
it was difficult for women in the broader community
00:51:28.080 --> 00:51:30.893
to see what the role of the Women's Coalition was.
00:51:50.930 --> 00:51:55.640
-: Well, I've always believed that politics is deficient
00:51:56.918 --> 00:52:00.440
if it lacks women's perspective, women's voices,
00:52:00.440 --> 00:52:04.680
and I think there was never a more potent example
00:52:06.270 --> 00:52:09.290
than the contribution that the Women's Coalition made
00:52:09.290 --> 00:52:11.872
to the peace negotiations in Northern Ireland.
00:52:11.872 --> 00:52:13.130
(reflective synth music)
00:52:13.130 --> 00:52:15.900
-: It's easy for people to overlook
00:52:15.900 --> 00:52:19.180
the role that women play in these events,
00:52:19.180 --> 00:52:22.700
and that's why elevating it, talking about it,
00:52:22.700 --> 00:52:25.453
writing it into history is essential.
00:52:26.550 --> 00:52:30.790
-: I don't think the women have been recognized widely
00:52:30.790 --> 00:52:32.960
for the crucial role they played,
00:52:32.960 --> 00:52:37.450
and I think that their role and contribution
00:52:37.450 --> 00:52:39.260
to the outcome and the agreement
00:52:39.260 --> 00:52:43.315
that finally was reached be recognized and remembered.
00:52:43.315 --> 00:52:45.760
All: Women's rights are human rights!
00:52:45.760 --> 00:52:48.960
-: It actually comes back to me how important it was
00:52:48.960 --> 00:52:52.590
when I talk to women from other conflict situations
00:52:52.590 --> 00:52:55.800
and they started sort of saying, what can we do?
00:52:55.800 --> 00:52:58.570
And you're sort of saying, well, setting up a women's party
00:52:58.570 --> 00:53:01.670
in those circumstances seemed so off-the-wall
00:53:01.670 --> 00:53:03.580
that people sort of said, you're mad.
00:53:03.580 --> 00:53:05.570
But actually, it did make a difference,
00:53:05.570 --> 00:53:07.115
and there is something that you can do.
00:53:07.115 --> 00:53:08.534
(dramatic electric guitar and synth music)
00:53:08.534 --> 00:53:11.860
(people chanting)
00:53:11.860 --> 00:53:14.800
-: For me, it's part of a big tapestry of activism
00:53:14.800 --> 00:53:17.739
and of what you can do to make positive change.
00:53:17.739 --> 00:53:19.360
(people cheering)
00:53:19.360 --> 00:53:21.270
But sometimes I think it's that hero mold.
00:53:21.270 --> 00:53:23.170
You know, you have to be able to do all that.
00:53:23.170 --> 00:53:24.003
You don't.
00:53:24.003 --> 00:53:25.670
You have to be a part of a big group,
00:53:25.670 --> 00:53:29.030
and then, together, the collective thing, you can change it.
00:53:29.030 --> 00:53:32.270
-: The idea was to release the idea to women
00:53:32.270 --> 00:53:33.723
that there is a place in politics.
00:53:33.723 --> 00:53:37.040
(people cheering)
(people applauding)
00:53:37.040 --> 00:53:40.803
Now, I know a lot of male counterparts didn't want that.
00:53:43.052 --> 00:53:43.885
00:53:47.951 --> 00:53:50.951
(upbeat rock music)
00:54:12.980 --> 00:54:16.647
(contemplative piano music)
00:54:49.769 --> 00:54:53.852
(contemplative orchestral music)
00:55:56.381 --> 00:56:01.381
(upbeat electric guitar and percussion music)
00:57:05.539 --> 00:57:08.622
(mellow synth music)
Distributor: Collective Eye Films
Length: 57 minutes
Date: 2019
Genre: Expository
Language: English / English subtitles
Grade: 10-12, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
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