Golden Age
- Description
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- Citation
- Cataloging
- Transcript
Extravaganza and glamour lining up in an existential contest against isolation, slackening limbs and lethargy. With unique access behind the scenes, the Palace in Miami is shown as a buzzing and luxurious senior living community, repeatedly voted "America's Number One". The seniors live in a world full of parties and entertainment, but the Palace is also a thriving business.
Who said that old age has to be boring?
Golden Age opens the doors to the Palace, a retirement home of the kind that you have never seen before, in Miami. Gildings, ostentatious chandeliers, marble floors; like a cross between a luxury hotel and an Americanised copy of Versailles, the place is presented by its developers as the most beautiful retirement home in the Unites States. The residents here are pampered by an army of employees devoted to their every whim, in a permanent party atmosphere. This abundance of luxury, extravagance and entertainment is nonetheless not enough to remove the anxieties of those who live there. Nor can it hide the intentions of the investors for whom old age is above all a source of income and a growing market.
Golden Age takes us on a journey into this baroque universe which tries to suppress the fear of death through dollars, questioning, in a dizzying visual whirlwind, our relationship to old age in its most universal aspect.
Main credits
Oswald, Beat (film director)
Oswald, Beat (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Samuel Weniger; editing, Lena Hatebur; music, Marcel Vaid.
Distributor subjects
No distributor subjects provided.Keywords
00:00:10.420 --> 00:00:11.500
- We had a goal when
we arrived here.
00:00:12.899 --> 00:00:13.899
We said we are coming
to United States
00:00:15.460 --> 00:00:16.060
to make money, period.
00:00:17.540 --> 00:00:18.140
This is our mission.
00:00:18.500 --> 00:00:19.540
- We come from
very poor families.
00:00:21.420 --> 00:00:22.180
So we really wanted to be rich
00:00:23.220 --> 00:00:24.340
and I had no idea
how to become rich.
00:00:25.740 --> 00:00:26.860
He had the idea so
I went with him.
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I went with his idea.
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(elegant piano music)
00:00:33.020 --> 00:00:34.140
- [Narrator] The growing
demand for service,
00:00:35.340 --> 00:00:36.140
distraction and entertainment
00:00:37.260 --> 00:00:38.420
has established a
strong industry.
00:00:40.580 --> 00:00:41.820
An industry that
accompanies people
00:00:42.820 --> 00:00:43.620
throughout their entire life.
00:00:45.660 --> 00:00:46.460
- And just because they've moved
00:00:47.740 --> 00:00:48.540
into a retirement community,
00:00:49.060 --> 00:00:50.500
that doesn't mean that that
part of their life has to stop.
00:00:53.020 --> 00:00:53.899
In fact, it must keep going.
00:00:55.380 --> 00:00:56.540
(elegant piano music)
(people chattering)
00:01:00.020 --> 00:01:01.140
- [Narrator] The rising
population of retirees
00:01:02.100 --> 00:01:03.420
has become especially
interesting to this industry.
00:01:05.180 --> 00:01:06.660
People are living longer and
often remain healthy enough
00:01:08.260 --> 00:01:09.700
to reward themselves for
their work-life endeavors.
00:01:12.420 --> 00:01:13.540
- I'd say Ritz-Carlton
for old people.
00:01:15.260 --> 00:01:15.899
(elegant piano music)
00:01:18.300 --> 00:01:19.740
- [Narrator] One may choose
from different lifestyles
00:01:21.180 --> 00:01:21.820
for retirement.
00:01:21.899 --> 00:01:23.180
This counts particularly
for the Western baby boomers
00:01:24.980 --> 00:01:25.899
who grew up in a time and place
00:01:26.700 --> 00:01:27.820
that held the perfect
conditions for careers,
00:01:29.060 --> 00:01:30.500
economic safety and solid
preparation for retirement.
00:01:34.260 --> 00:01:34.899
(elegant piano music)
00:01:42.860 --> 00:01:43.899
- We took a decision
that we are going to
00:01:46.140 --> 00:01:47.380
actually cater their
services to the--
00:01:50.340 --> 00:01:51.540
- Highest.
- Highest, socio-economic part
00:01:54.060 --> 00:01:55.260
of the society for
the simple reason.
00:01:58.300 --> 00:01:58.900
- Nobody else does it.
00:02:00.180 --> 00:02:01.300
(shoes squeaking)
(people chattering)
00:02:06.460 --> 00:02:07.140
- Okay!
- Looks lovely!
00:02:08.020 --> 00:02:08.899
- Oh, (mumbles), looks like.
00:02:11.899 --> 00:02:12.740
I will find a table, Doris.
00:02:15.060 --> 00:02:15.540
00:02:17.780 --> 00:02:18.540
Who has a (mumbles) that I know?
00:02:21.340 --> 00:02:22.100
Well, I'll figure it out.
00:02:26.260 --> 00:02:27.740
Well, I was actually looking
for a senior-living facility
00:02:30.620 --> 00:02:31.740
and I went to the
model apartment.
00:02:33.900 --> 00:02:35.020
The building was
not open although
00:02:35.899 --> 00:02:37.340
most of it was constructed and
they gave me the virtual tour
00:02:39.899 --> 00:02:41.260
and after less than an hour I
said to the marketing person,
00:02:44.380 --> 00:02:45.860
"I'm ready, this vertical
living sounds like it's for me."
00:02:48.899 --> 00:02:49.620
Yeah, wait, Alex.
00:02:50.740 --> 00:02:51.540
Let me tell you a few things.
00:02:52.180 --> 00:02:52.940
- All right.
00:02:53.740 --> 00:02:54.899
- The best service is
the one who listens
00:02:55.860 --> 00:02:56.500
to the good instruction.
00:02:58.220 --> 00:02:58.700
We need
00:03:00.500 --> 00:03:01.899
two cans, if there's a big
one, so four for the small,
00:03:04.899 --> 00:03:05.580
of diet ginger ale.
00:03:06.580 --> 00:03:07.340
Two for me and two for Roldan.
00:03:10.860 --> 00:03:11.620
And I need one glass with ice.
00:03:13.220 --> 00:03:13.980
- Oh, it's already on the way.
00:03:14.140 --> 00:03:15.540
- Good, and she needs one glass
with ice and I want a straw.
00:03:17.980 --> 00:03:19.380
The lady over there needs a
lemonade in a regular tall glass
00:03:24.899 --> 00:03:25.660
with no ice, just a straw,
00:03:29.100 --> 00:03:30.180
and then we need a
thing of breadsticks.
00:03:32.780 --> 00:03:33.940
A tall thing of breadsticks
and two more butters.
00:03:37.860 --> 00:03:38.620
Two more plates of butter.
00:03:38.899 --> 00:03:39.875
- All right.
- All right,
00:03:39.899 --> 00:03:41.020
that's a good start,
I'll be right back.
00:03:42.900 --> 00:03:44.020
- [Narrator] Over 240
wealthy seniors live
00:03:45.300 --> 00:03:46.580
in this retirement
community called The Palace.
00:03:48.860 --> 00:03:49.899
Situated in Miami, The
Palace provides seniors
00:03:51.900 --> 00:03:52.899
with everything they need.
00:03:53.300 --> 00:03:54.660
Without leaving the building,
residents have access
00:03:56.500 --> 00:03:57.340
to social activities, exercises
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and if required,
assisted living.
00:04:01.660 --> 00:04:02.740
The minimum age to join
the community is 55.
00:04:06.700 --> 00:04:07.500
(doorbell rings)
(dogs barking)
00:04:11.340 --> 00:04:12.300
- I'm gonna go get it.
- Who is it?
00:04:12.540 --> 00:04:13.899
- I never thought I'd end
up in a place like this.
00:04:16.180 --> 00:04:16.660
00:04:16.820 --> 00:04:17.875
- When I first moved
in here I would wake up
00:04:17.899 --> 00:04:19.260
and I would say, "What
in the world is going on?
00:04:22.420 --> 00:04:23.820
"Where am I and why am I
here and am I gonna be here
00:04:26.980 --> 00:04:27.899
"for the rest of my life?"
00:04:31.940 --> 00:04:33.020
- Oh.
- You know, I'm gonna miss
00:04:33.180 --> 00:04:34.260
this next Friday.
(group laughs)
00:04:35.100 --> 00:04:36.540
- What's next Friday, oh!
- We don't have a chance
00:04:37.100 --> 00:04:38.500
to get together and start out
with a glass of champagne!
00:04:41.780 --> 00:04:42.220
This is lovely.
00:04:42.899 --> 00:04:43.940
- Whenever you come to
my apartment and yours,
00:04:44.980 --> 00:04:46.140
you're the same way.
- I have champagne.
00:04:46.899 --> 00:04:47.820
- You always drink like I do.
00:04:49.180 --> 00:04:49.899
- I have Prosecco.
00:04:50.300 --> 00:04:51.380
The Italian--
- Oh, I love that,
00:04:51.540 --> 00:04:52.540
- And I think it's so good.
00:04:52.899 --> 00:04:53.540
- It is.
- It is,
00:04:53.899 --> 00:04:54.740
it is.
- I enjoy it.
00:04:56.060 --> 00:04:57.180
(people chattering)
(upbeat music)
00:05:04.060 --> 00:05:05.460
- [Narrator] The spacious
plaza is the hot spot
00:05:06.899 --> 00:05:07.500
of the community.
00:05:07.660 --> 00:05:08.899
Everyday at four o'clock,
the happy hour starts
00:05:10.780 --> 00:05:11.899
and the plaza fills up
with tunes and chatter.
00:05:14.860 --> 00:05:15.899
Live music and an
open bar provide
00:05:17.260 --> 00:05:18.300
the right conditions
to socialize.
00:05:19.700 --> 00:05:20.740
(people chattering)
(upbeat music)
00:05:22.820 --> 00:05:23.620
(woman laughing)
- I'm only 87
00:05:25.020 --> 00:05:25.899
and I'm the young one. (laughs)
00:05:27.820 --> 00:05:29.060
- [Woman] Oh, my God, I
have to get another drink!
00:05:31.620 --> 00:05:32.220
- This is the best.
00:05:34.700 --> 00:05:35.740
- [Narrator] The
entertainment program
00:05:36.100 --> 00:05:37.180
is chock full of a
variety of activities.
00:05:39.899 --> 00:05:40.899
Lavish and rigorous,
it is crucial
00:05:42.580 --> 00:05:43.340
to the concept of The Palace
00:05:43.980 --> 00:05:45.300
and is one of the main
reasons why people move here.
00:05:53.700 --> 00:05:54.899
Pamela Parker is the
Social Activities Director
00:05:56.899 --> 00:05:57.740
for the community and plans
00:05:58.420 --> 00:05:59.380
all the entertainment
and events.
00:06:00.899 --> 00:06:01.899
She has been awarded
Best Social Director
00:06:03.899 --> 00:06:04.540
in the US several times.
00:06:06.300 --> 00:06:06.900
- Hey, are you coming?
00:06:08.500 --> 00:06:09.899
Okay, listen, here is your
task, should you take it.
00:06:14.899 --> 00:06:16.020
Okay, your mission,
should you take it.
00:06:18.180 --> 00:06:19.260
I need on Pandora,
Israeli music.
00:06:22.100 --> 00:06:23.260
I came to work at The
Palace and I found out
00:06:25.420 --> 00:06:26.020
something quite amazing.
00:06:27.899 --> 00:06:29.020
I've done so many different
things in my life.
00:06:31.140 --> 00:06:32.260
You would think I
couldn't hold a job.
00:06:33.020 --> 00:06:34.140
From a singer to
a social director,
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I was a party clown at one time,
00:06:37.740 --> 00:06:38.820
I was a party planner.
- You used to work
00:06:39.020 --> 00:06:40.260
in the cruises.
- I was on the cruise ships,
00:06:41.020 --> 00:06:41.899
I've had so many different jobs
00:06:43.100 --> 00:06:44.220
and when I came to
work for The Palace,
00:06:45.899 --> 00:06:46.940
everything I have ever
done in my entire life
00:06:50.020 --> 00:06:50.899
came together in one job.
00:06:54.420 --> 00:06:55.860
- [Narrator] The variety of
celebrations in The Palace
00:06:56.660 --> 00:06:57.980
is vast and reflects the
inter-cultural clientele.
00:07:00.540 --> 00:07:01.899
For Pam and her team, this
means they need to come up
00:07:03.140 --> 00:07:04.580
with new ideas and themes
to keep things interesting.
00:07:07.700 --> 00:07:08.700
- So, this like writing
a letter to God.
00:07:11.780 --> 00:07:12.900
- [Narrator] Today they
installed a virtual wailing wall
00:07:14.020 --> 00:07:15.420
for the celebration of
Israel's independence day.
00:07:17.780 --> 00:07:18.620
- We have a live
feed to the wall
00:07:19.420 --> 00:07:20.540
where we'll be sending
prayers via the Internet
00:07:23.100 --> 00:07:24.380
to the wall instantaneously
and then somebody
00:07:25.540 --> 00:07:26.940
on the other end
will immediately put
the piece of paper
00:07:29.899 --> 00:07:31.140
that the prayer's on
into a crack in the wall.
00:07:33.260 --> 00:07:34.340
So this person has asked
for speedy recovery
00:07:36.700 --> 00:07:37.300
for her loved ones.
00:07:39.899 --> 00:07:41.220
I asked for (laughs) that
Donald Trump not be President.
00:07:46.500 --> 00:07:46.940
(staff laughs)
00:07:47.540 --> 00:07:48.660
And God will pick
which ones to read!
00:07:50.900 --> 00:07:51.700
Let me see the shirt!
00:07:53.060 --> 00:07:53.860
- [Staff] Like it?
00:07:54.180 --> 00:07:54.660
- I do!
00:07:54.820 --> 00:07:55.899
I created it.
- You created it?
00:07:56.300 --> 00:07:57.220
- Yes, I did.
- It is nice,
00:07:57.380 --> 00:07:58.340
I like it.
- It's a peace sign
00:07:58.980 --> 00:07:59.899
and you know what shalom means?
00:07:59.900 --> 00:08:01.220
- Like hello or peace or--
- It means hello,
00:08:02.660 --> 00:08:03.700
goodby and peace.
- And peace.
00:08:03.899 --> 00:08:05.300
- Yeah and you have a peace
sign with the Star of David.
00:08:07.060 --> 00:08:08.020
- Nice, I like it.
- Yeah,
00:08:08.220 --> 00:08:08.899
and you're gonna have--
00:08:08.980 --> 00:08:10.420
I gave you blue kerchiefs
to tie around your neck.
00:08:10.899 --> 00:08:12.140
- Okay, I'll be right down--
- Okay, so everybody
00:08:12.860 --> 00:08:13.620
should have a blue kerchief.
00:08:13.899 --> 00:08:14.900
Yes, I do like it
because it's my shirt!
00:08:16.460 --> 00:08:17.220
Don't forget the blue kerchiefs!
00:08:18.020 --> 00:08:18.820
Tie it around the neck.
00:08:19.460 --> 00:08:20.220
You each have a blue kerchief.
00:08:22.860 --> 00:08:23.460
Okay, almost showtime!
00:08:25.620 --> 00:08:26.220
It's almost showtime.
00:08:27.060 --> 00:08:27.700
I like it!
00:08:28.899 --> 00:08:29.620
Pomegranates and ginger!
00:08:31.899 --> 00:08:32.740
Oh, they're already starting.
00:08:35.100 --> 00:08:35.740
(elegant music)
00:08:49.060 --> 00:08:50.340
(elevator beeps)
- Are all her family here?
00:08:51.580 --> 00:08:52.180
- Just her daughter,
00:08:55.020 --> 00:08:55.500
00:08:56.260 --> 00:08:56.899
- [Staff] Let's see her.
00:08:58.100 --> 00:08:59.540
- And it makes a difference,
it makes a difference.
00:09:01.940 --> 00:09:02.740
(staff whispering)
00:09:06.300 --> 00:09:06.900
- Wait, wait, hold this.
00:09:08.300 --> 00:09:08.899
Hold this.
00:09:10.540 --> 00:09:10.899
00:09:13.220 --> 00:09:13.860
- [Woman] Hi!
00:09:13.899 --> 00:09:14.780
- Hello.
- Hi there!
00:09:14.899 --> 00:09:15.740
How are you?
- Is she good?
00:09:15.899 --> 00:09:16.899
- [Woman] I don't
know, can you hold on
00:09:16.940 --> 00:09:18.060
for one second?
- Yeah, of course.
00:09:18.780 --> 00:09:19.220
- [Woman] Sorry.
00:09:20.140 --> 00:09:20.620
00:09:21.899 --> 00:09:22.660
- She said hair and makeup.
00:09:25.899 --> 00:09:26.660
We should be like back-to-back.
00:09:28.899 --> 00:09:29.740
- And then when she answers, go.
00:09:31.180 --> 00:09:32.140
- Ready?
- Oh, did she say
00:09:32.300 --> 00:09:33.260
come on in?
- Yeah, I believe so.
00:09:33.620 --> 00:09:33.900
00:09:34.460 --> 00:09:35.220
- Come on in.
00:09:36.500 --> 00:09:37.620
- So I just wanna
be kind of brief
00:09:37.820 --> 00:09:38.940
and first, I wanna
welcome you to The Palace
00:09:40.420 --> 00:09:41.540
so I actually helped
open the building.
00:09:42.740 --> 00:09:43.940
I remember was I was walking
through with a hard hat
00:09:45.500 --> 00:09:46.620
so I know every
resident, all 209.
00:09:48.700 --> 00:09:49.820
It doesn't matter who
we are or what you need,
00:09:51.900 --> 00:09:52.540
you call us.
00:09:52.700 --> 00:09:53.460
That's what I want you to feel
00:09:53.620 --> 00:09:54.740
most comfortable with.
- I just found this out.
00:09:55.980 --> 00:09:56.620
(woman mumbles)
00:09:59.140 --> 00:09:59.900
I never see something like this.
00:10:01.500 --> 00:10:02.540
- [Narrator] People
who move here
00:10:02.700 --> 00:10:03.860
have to adjust to
a new way of life
00:10:04.900 --> 00:10:05.860
and a new social environment.
00:10:06.700 --> 00:10:07.860
They often leave most of
their belongings behind.
00:10:09.420 --> 00:10:10.899
Since the majority residents
are moving from large homes,
00:10:12.780 --> 00:10:13.940
and downsizing their
living space dramatically,
00:10:15.899 --> 00:10:17.180
the first few weeks can be
overwhelming and lonely.
00:10:20.020 --> 00:10:21.060
That's why The Palace
trains its staff
00:10:22.500 --> 00:10:23.260
to be extra close and supportive
00:10:23.980 --> 00:10:25.060
to people who have
just moved in.
00:10:26.500 --> 00:10:27.260
- Well, I always tell everybody,
00:10:27.540 --> 00:10:28.500
I'm like the
grandchild downstairs.
00:10:29.580 --> 00:10:30.620
So if you need
something, you call.
00:10:31.620 --> 00:10:32.260
Even if you're not sure
00:10:32.420 --> 00:10:33.580
or you wanna tell
me a joke, call me.
00:10:34.300 --> 00:10:35.460
(women chuckling)
Whatever it is.
00:10:37.620 --> 00:10:38.420
- Listen, in a perfect world,
00:10:38.580 --> 00:10:39.780
everyone would be
treated the same.
00:10:40.740 --> 00:10:41.060
- Yeah.
00:10:41.220 --> 00:10:42.020
- But that's not the case.
00:10:42.180 --> 00:10:43.300
And I don't mean
that in a mean way,
00:10:43.899 --> 00:10:44.740
I mean, there's choices in life.
00:10:44.899 --> 00:10:46.220
You can either buy a Honda
or you can buy a Mercedes.
00:10:47.899 --> 00:10:49.180
You can stay at the
Motel 8 or you can afford
00:10:50.220 --> 00:10:51.580
to stay at The Four Seasons
or the Ritz-Carlton.
00:10:52.980 --> 00:10:54.100
With a certain level
of luxury comes
00:10:57.420 --> 00:10:58.180
a certain level of service.
00:10:58.780 --> 00:10:59.540
I think they go hand in hand.
00:11:04.060 --> 00:11:04.860
(people chattering)
00:11:13.900 --> 00:11:14.540
- All right!
00:11:15.340 --> 00:11:16.540
There's nothing better
than giving, right?
00:11:16.899 --> 00:11:17.899
There's nothing
better than giving.
00:11:18.580 --> 00:11:19.740
I know that most of the
people likes to receive,
00:11:20.900 --> 00:11:21.980
it's all about them,
them, them, them, them.
00:11:23.020 --> 00:11:24.140
But let me tell you,
when you receive,
00:11:24.540 --> 00:11:25.660
you get that double
back in your life.
00:11:26.220 --> 00:11:27.380
That's a promise, I
guarantee you that.
00:11:27.899 --> 00:11:29.260
So this is the opportunity
for you guys to give.
00:11:30.820 --> 00:11:32.020
I mean, while you still
get paid or you still give.
00:11:33.700 --> 00:11:34.820
So Cindy proposes
that we do a prayer.
00:11:36.820 --> 00:11:37.899
She's gonna lead us
through this prayer.
00:11:38.700 --> 00:11:39.180
- [Girl] Yeah.
00:11:40.020 --> 00:11:40.700
- Yes, sure!
00:11:40.980 --> 00:11:41.899
(Cindy giggles)
Close your eyes
00:11:43.300 --> 00:11:43.899
and listen up.
00:11:45.580 --> 00:11:46.740
- Dear Holy Father,
please help us get
00:11:48.540 --> 00:11:49.340
through this day. (giggles)
00:11:52.660 --> 00:11:53.300
And guide us to success.
00:11:55.580 --> 00:11:55.900
00:11:56.060 --> 00:11:56.899
- Amen!
(staff applauds)
00:11:58.180 --> 00:11:58.940
What a way to close that out!
00:12:00.060 --> 00:12:01.180
(people chattering)
- It's going now.
00:12:05.540 --> 00:12:05.899
Hold on.
00:12:07.540 --> 00:12:08.660
Okay, and your note
has reached Israel
00:12:10.580 --> 00:12:11.340
and within about two minutes,
00:12:11.899 --> 00:12:13.140
they're gonna be placing it
within a crack in a wall.
00:12:14.100 --> 00:12:15.300
- Thank you.
- You're so very welcome.
00:12:17.820 --> 00:12:18.899
Anybody like to place
a note in the wall?
00:12:20.620 --> 00:12:21.060
In Jerusalem?
00:12:23.100 --> 00:12:23.740
Come, come.
00:12:25.460 --> 00:12:25.900
Come, step over!
00:12:26.620 --> 00:12:27.380
What would you like to say?
00:12:27.899 --> 00:12:28.940
- My prayer is for
peace and love.
00:12:32.180 --> 00:12:32.899
- I pray for true peace
00:12:37.140 --> 00:12:37.780
for everyone.
00:12:37.899 --> 00:12:38.899
- [Pam] You wanna
say speedy recovery?
00:12:39.700 --> 00:12:40.300
- Yes, speedy recovery.
00:12:41.780 --> 00:12:42.220
- To life.
00:12:43.580 --> 00:12:44.740
(women speak in
foreign language)
00:12:45.060 --> 00:12:45.740
That's right.
00:12:46.060 --> 00:12:47.220
(woman speaks in
foreign language)
00:12:49.220 --> 00:12:50.260
- [Pam] Speedy
recovery to my sister?
00:12:54.060 --> 00:12:54.740
- Best wishes
00:12:56.580 --> 00:12:57.260
to my daughter, Marissa.
00:13:02.420 --> 00:13:02.899
May she
00:13:03.700 --> 00:13:04.780
become pregnant
immediately. (chuckles)
00:13:09.380 --> 00:13:10.620
(people chattering)
(faint piano music)
00:13:17.500 --> 00:13:18.660
- Please write good
health and happiness
00:13:20.020 --> 00:13:20.660
to all of us.
00:13:23.860 --> 00:13:24.899
(woman speaks in
foreign language)
00:13:31.740 --> 00:13:32.500
- Hi, Arthur, hi, ladies!
00:13:33.340 --> 00:13:34.020
- Hi!
- Come on in,
00:13:34.780 --> 00:13:35.220
grab a drink.
00:13:35.380 --> 00:13:36.340
- Thank you!
- Are they alcoholic?
00:13:37.140 --> 00:13:37.900
- Yes.
- Perfect.
00:13:42.940 --> 00:13:43.740
- This is amazing.
00:13:45.700 --> 00:13:46.300
I never saw that.
00:13:47.899 --> 00:13:48.860
- What?
- To have the live feed.
00:13:49.820 --> 00:13:50.900
- This is really incredible.
- It's amazing!
00:13:52.100 --> 00:13:53.260
- [Pam] What would
you like to say?
00:13:53.660 --> 00:13:54.780
- Please let there
be peace in the world
00:14:00.899 --> 00:14:01.500
in our lifetime.
00:14:02.380 --> 00:14:02.980
(keyboard clacking)
00:14:04.700 --> 00:14:05.140
Plus health.
00:14:05.460 --> 00:14:06.220
That's kind of a sideline.
00:14:07.899 --> 00:14:08.660
(keyboard clacking)
00:14:10.220 --> 00:14:11.300
- [Pam] Can't have
one without the other!
00:14:11.899 --> 00:14:12.899
Listen, do you wanna
sign your name?
00:14:14.260 --> 00:14:14.740
- Yeah.
00:14:14.900 --> 00:14:15.540
- [Pam] Okay.
00:14:16.220 --> 00:14:16.980
- [Helen] You know my name, no?
00:14:17.380 --> 00:14:17.980
- [Pam] Of course I do.
00:14:18.899 --> 00:14:19.900
You know it was just
received in Jerusalem
00:14:20.540 --> 00:14:21.899
and will be placed in the
wall within two minutes.
00:14:23.860 --> 00:14:24.620
- Okay, but where is the answer?
00:14:25.620 --> 00:14:26.380
- [Pam] Oh, that's up to God.
00:14:27.180 --> 00:14:27.940
This is a direct line to God.
00:14:28.100 --> 00:14:29.220
I'm only placing
the note for you.
00:14:30.820 --> 00:14:31.260
(Adrian laughs)
00:14:32.140 --> 00:14:33.260
- [Narrator] The owners
Helen and Jacob Shaham
00:14:34.020 --> 00:14:35.380
came from Israel to the United
States in the early 80s.
00:14:39.340 --> 00:14:39.899
(upbeat music)
00:14:40.540 --> 00:14:41.660
They bought a small,
run-down home in Miami
00:14:42.940 --> 00:14:44.100
and started their first
senior living community
00:14:45.900 --> 00:14:46.700
with just 21 people.
00:14:48.180 --> 00:14:48.820
(upbeat music)
00:14:52.620 --> 00:14:53.899
In the beginning, they
did everything themselves.
00:14:55.220 --> 00:14:56.660
They cooked, cleaned and also
helped nurse the residents.
00:15:00.140 --> 00:15:00.820
♪ Whoa-oh-ho ♪
00:15:03.540 --> 00:15:04.340
♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪
00:15:05.340 --> 00:15:06.460
- We were in the right
time at the right place
00:15:07.380 --> 00:15:08.140
when the industry only started.
00:15:08.540 --> 00:15:09.899
People did not understand
what is an assisted living.
00:15:14.100 --> 00:15:14.740
(upbeat music)
00:15:15.900 --> 00:15:16.980
- [Narrator] Today,
The Palace Group
00:15:17.460 --> 00:15:18.540
is a multi-million
dollar company
00:15:19.660 --> 00:15:20.420
with more than 1100 employees.
00:15:22.899 --> 00:15:23.380
(upbeat music)
00:15:24.020 --> 00:15:25.100
It counts seven
luxurious buildings
00:15:26.100 --> 00:15:27.460
and two ancillary operations
including home health
00:15:29.500 --> 00:15:30.620
and a pharmacy in the
Greater Miami Area.
00:15:32.940 --> 00:15:33.580
(upbeat music)
00:15:34.940 --> 00:15:36.300
The company's new project
in western Florida,
00:15:38.340 --> 00:15:39.100
its largest endeavor yet,
00:15:39.940 --> 00:15:40.900
is currently undergoing
00:15:43.420 --> 00:15:43.899
(upbeat music)
00:15:45.540 --> 00:15:46.899
All over the world, the demand
for senior living facilities
00:15:48.740 --> 00:15:49.899
will rise as baby
boomers reach retirement.
00:15:52.500 --> 00:15:53.260
A group of investors that works
00:15:53.620 --> 00:15:54.899
with the Japanese government
visits The Palace.
00:15:57.420 --> 00:15:58.460
Japanese baby boomers
are, on average,
00:15:59.180 --> 00:16:00.620
five to 10 years younger than
their American counterparts.
00:16:03.380 --> 00:16:04.540
So Japan still has some
time to arrive in style.
00:16:07.020 --> 00:16:08.420
- We are Japanese largest
real estate developer
00:16:11.660 --> 00:16:12.940
and since this facility is
obviously one of the best,
00:16:17.940 --> 00:16:19.420
we are going to learn
its operation management,
00:16:22.340 --> 00:16:23.100
and design of this facility.
00:16:24.100 --> 00:16:24.899
That's why we are here.
00:16:25.380 --> 00:16:26.500
(men speaking in
foreign language)
00:16:29.340 --> 00:16:30.740
- Right now, we have over
210 residents with us
00:16:32.899 --> 00:16:33.899
and everyday we're
doing a happy hour here,
00:16:35.660 --> 00:16:36.780
seven days a week,
365 days a year
00:16:38.060 --> 00:16:39.380
sa passed hors d'oeuvres,
drinks, champagne,
00:16:40.580 --> 00:16:41.500
beer, wine, coffees--
- Not bad!
00:16:42.980 --> 00:16:43.460
- Yes.
00:16:43.620 --> 00:16:44.899
Everyday, seven days a week.
- Mine is happy hour!
00:16:45.899 --> 00:16:46.899
- And that's
included in the rent.
00:16:47.100 --> 00:16:48.140
They don't pay
extra for anything.
00:16:49.420 --> 00:16:50.180
(man speaks in foreign language)
00:16:53.180 --> 00:16:54.580
- [Narrator] The group is
shown around by Haim Dubitzky,
00:16:56.340 --> 00:16:57.020
the son of the owners.
00:16:57.220 --> 00:16:58.660
He works for The Palace as
Principal and Vice-President
00:17:00.940 --> 00:17:01.899
of Performance Excellence.
00:17:03.020 --> 00:17:03.899
- They asked about you, Pam.
00:17:04.140 --> 00:17:05.140
Pam, this is a
contingent from Japan.
00:17:06.300 --> 00:17:07.740
- Actually I think we've met
from Japan or Taiwan, no.
00:17:10.020 --> 00:17:11.140
- No, a different
group entirely.
00:17:11.940 --> 00:17:12.940
First time here.
- Different group, okay.
00:17:13.140 --> 00:17:14.020
- Yeah.
- Okay, well, welcome!
00:17:14.660 --> 00:17:15.580
- Pam is our
Entertainment Director.
00:17:16.300 --> 00:17:17.380
- Entertainment, so
you are dancer, singer?
00:17:18.899 --> 00:17:19.660
(men laughing)
- I am!
00:17:19.820 --> 00:17:20.899
Would you like to
hear something?
00:17:20.900 --> 00:17:22.300
- Yeah, I guess so, yeah.
- What would you like to hear?
00:17:24.700 --> 00:17:25.300
- "Sound of Music" or--
00:17:25.980 --> 00:17:26.820
♪ The hills are alive ♪
00:17:28.899 --> 00:17:29.860
♪ With the sound of music ♪
00:17:31.540 --> 00:17:32.260
- Wow!
- Do I sound
00:17:32.460 --> 00:17:33.060
like Julie Andrews?
00:17:33.899 --> 00:17:34.700
No. (chuckles)
- Bravo.
00:17:34.940 --> 00:17:35.899
(men applauding)
- Thank you!
00:17:36.540 --> 00:17:36.980
Yeah, I am!
00:17:37.140 --> 00:17:38.540
Dancing I don't do but I
give parties and I do sing.
00:17:41.780 --> 00:17:42.220
00:17:50.899 --> 00:17:51.900
- Actually, I myself
didn't choose it.
00:17:54.340 --> 00:17:54.899
My son did.
00:17:55.380 --> 00:17:56.820
He said, "Mom, you can't
live alone in this house."
00:17:59.860 --> 00:18:00.460
It was four bedrooms
00:18:01.100 --> 00:18:02.140
and they said you
can't live there alone.
00:18:03.700 --> 00:18:04.740
Oh, no, I love my
house and I really did.
00:18:07.860 --> 00:18:08.300
00:18:13.300 --> 00:18:14.060
But then, things started to go.
00:18:15.860 --> 00:18:16.899
A new roof and the
toilet's overflowed.
00:18:18.899 --> 00:18:20.180
I went over to my son's and
they had the brochure from here,
00:18:22.899 --> 00:18:23.660
I looked, I said, "Sign me up."
00:18:24.260 --> 00:18:25.620
They almost fainted
'cause they've been trying
00:18:26.540 --> 00:18:27.700
to get me to go to
a place like this.
00:18:29.940 --> 00:18:31.100
And then the next
day, I signed up.
00:18:34.540 --> 00:18:35.660
But I didn't go for it
'cause it was glamorous.
00:18:37.100 --> 00:18:38.180
It was just some place
that looked good.
00:18:44.899 --> 00:18:45.580
You can't tell how long.
00:18:45.980 --> 00:18:47.060
It should be about
eight minutes.
00:18:47.899 --> 00:18:49.260
Take 'em out, put the jelly
in and put it back again.
00:18:53.140 --> 00:18:54.300
Well, you know, when
I first moved here,
00:18:55.820 --> 00:18:56.899
I said, "Oh, my God,
there're gonna be
00:18:57.899 --> 00:18:58.740
"a lot of snobbish people!"
00:18:59.820 --> 00:19:00.899
'Cause they have money
and their children.
00:19:02.660 --> 00:19:03.420
Now, they're not like that.
00:19:05.260 --> 00:19:05.899
And that's what I like.
00:19:06.020 --> 00:19:07.140
I don't like people
that they get diamond
00:19:08.620 --> 00:19:09.899
and they go like this and,
"Oh, I drive this fancy thing,"
00:19:14.899 --> 00:19:15.820
that's what I don't like.
00:19:16.140 --> 00:19:16.900
("Matchmaker, Matchmaker")
00:19:27.940 --> 00:19:28.420
- John!
00:19:29.820 --> 00:19:30.420
You look so regal!
00:19:32.300 --> 00:19:32.899
Let's see.
00:19:32.940 --> 00:19:33.740
See, this closes here.
00:19:35.500 --> 00:19:35.940
(John hums)
00:19:36.100 --> 00:19:37.540
All right, and then we can
bring this up like this.
00:19:39.700 --> 00:19:40.500
(John hums)
Okay, and then
00:19:41.460 --> 00:19:42.060
you hold your scepter.
00:19:43.380 --> 00:19:43.899
(John hums)
00:19:44.500 --> 00:19:44.940
(Pam vocalizing)
00:19:47.899 --> 00:19:48.540
Your kingdom, my King!
00:19:49.980 --> 00:19:50.780
The Palace Coral Gables!
00:19:55.340 --> 00:19:55.899
(upbeat music)
00:20:03.460 --> 00:20:04.060
(lights tinkling)
00:20:10.900 --> 00:20:11.540
(soft hissing)
00:20:18.220 --> 00:20:18.860
00:20:22.500 --> 00:20:22.940
- Thank you!
00:20:28.300 --> 00:20:28.900
(people chattering)
00:20:44.940 --> 00:20:45.620
(upbeat music)
00:20:57.940 --> 00:20:58.580
(soft popping)
00:21:02.340 --> 00:21:02.899
(upbeat music)
00:21:12.020 --> 00:21:13.140
- [John] What is it
you're doing, my dear?
00:21:16.100 --> 00:21:17.260
- I'm trying to set
up a coffee station.
00:21:19.620 --> 00:21:20.220
- [John] For whom?
00:21:20.740 --> 00:21:21.180
- I'm not sure.
00:21:21.660 --> 00:21:22.820
But I've been told to do
this, so I am doing so.
00:21:24.580 --> 00:21:25.700
- I'm glad you're
following the rules
00:21:28.980 --> 00:21:29.899
and the orders of your masters.
00:21:31.220 --> 00:21:32.340
- You look great,
what are you doing?
00:21:34.900 --> 00:21:35.700
- I beg your pardon?
00:21:37.140 --> 00:21:37.899
- What are you doing?
00:21:38.500 --> 00:21:39.140
- What does a king do?
00:21:41.060 --> 00:21:41.899
- Rule.
- He reigns!
00:21:42.180 --> 00:21:42.860
- You're right.
00:21:42.899 --> 00:21:43.980
You reign, you're
reigning right now.
00:21:44.140 --> 00:21:45.500
- I'm reigning, sometimes
it's a hurricane,
00:21:46.460 --> 00:21:47.540
sometimes it's a
flood, you never know!
00:21:49.180 --> 00:21:49.899
But the king reigns!
00:21:50.940 --> 00:21:51.460
- Wow.
00:21:51.620 --> 00:21:52.780
Wow. (claps)
- What a ridiculous question!
00:21:54.420 --> 00:21:54.899
00:21:55.500 --> 00:21:56.660
- You're doing great,
you're doing great.
00:21:57.340 --> 00:21:58.100
- [John] (scoffs) Of course!
00:22:02.660 --> 00:22:03.100
(exhales deeply)
00:22:04.420 --> 00:22:04.899
00:22:13.899 --> 00:22:14.740
- If I had the initiative,
00:22:14.899 --> 00:22:15.940
I guess I could
write a book called
00:22:17.899 --> 00:22:19.180
"As The Palace Turns"
like "As the World Turns".
00:22:21.740 --> 00:22:22.180
00:22:23.899 --> 00:22:24.620
(exhales noisily)
00:22:25.140 --> 00:22:26.220
You know, I've
met all the people
00:22:27.860 --> 00:22:28.620
who've come here pretty much,
00:22:28.780 --> 00:22:30.020
I know their names, I know the
names of all the employees,
00:22:32.180 --> 00:22:33.300
all the servers and I
feel like I'm really
00:22:35.899 --> 00:22:36.899
the part of a very
nice community.
00:22:39.740 --> 00:22:40.340
(shoes squeaking)
00:22:44.580 --> 00:22:45.380
- [Woman] That was terrible.
00:22:47.100 --> 00:22:48.260
- But a lot of people
here have forgotten.
00:22:50.220 --> 00:22:50.899
That was 2001.
00:22:52.220 --> 00:22:53.380
15 years later, a lot
of people don't realize
00:22:55.900 --> 00:22:57.140
we're every bit as much
at risk now and more!
00:23:00.060 --> 00:23:00.700
- [Woman] More.
00:23:00.860 --> 00:23:02.020
- Because the government hasn't
done enough to protect us.
00:23:04.980 --> 00:23:05.899
The borders aren't sealed tight.
00:23:07.899 --> 00:23:08.660
We don't know who's coming in.
00:23:09.380 --> 00:23:10.860
The southern border, they can
be Mexican, Central Americans
00:23:13.700 --> 00:23:14.899
but they can also be
Middle Eastern terrorists.
00:23:16.740 --> 00:23:17.860
Of course I want
Trump to be in it.
00:23:17.900 --> 00:23:19.340
Hillary Clinton would be
four more years of Obama.
00:23:21.340 --> 00:23:22.420
We can't afford
four more years of--
00:23:23.020 --> 00:23:24.140
- And you want Trump.
- Of those policies.
00:23:25.300 --> 00:23:26.020
- That maniac.
- Sure--
00:23:26.700 --> 00:23:27.460
Maniac, he's not a maniac.
00:23:30.020 --> 00:23:31.180
You know, everybody
like everyone else,
00:23:32.060 --> 00:23:33.180
he has some quirks
and stuff but--
00:23:35.740 --> 00:23:36.180
- Quirks?
00:23:37.340 --> 00:23:38.380
- Look, we have two choices.
00:23:40.060 --> 00:23:40.700
Hillary or Trump
00:23:40.860 --> 00:23:42.060
and to me it's no contest.
- Well, Hillary has experience
00:23:43.020 --> 00:23:43.660
at least.
00:23:43.820 --> 00:23:44.860
But you like Trump
'cause he's Republican.
00:23:46.940 --> 00:23:47.580
00:23:47.740 --> 00:23:48.900
- I think Republican
policies help the country.
00:23:51.740 --> 00:23:52.540
- Oh, yeah.
- I think those
00:23:52.700 --> 00:23:53.340
are the right policies.
00:23:53.899 --> 00:23:54.300
- Sure.
00:23:54.540 --> 00:23:55.180
- Small government,
00:23:56.380 --> 00:23:57.899
growth of the economy, take
steps for growth of the economy,
00:24:00.460 --> 00:24:01.220
strong military, strong military
00:24:04.500 --> 00:24:05.580
to defend the country.
- Strong asshole.
00:24:06.540 --> 00:24:07.740
- Excuse me, this is weird.
(woman laughs)
00:24:09.660 --> 00:24:10.620
- [Narrator] Throughout
the building,
00:24:10.780 --> 00:24:11.899
there are areas where
the residents can gather
00:24:12.660 --> 00:24:13.740
in small groups and
enjoy social activities
00:24:15.660 --> 00:24:16.500
like board games
or sing-a-longs.
00:24:18.580 --> 00:24:19.220
♪ You made me love you ♪
00:24:22.540 --> 00:24:23.180
♪ I didn't wanna do it ♪
00:24:24.980 --> 00:24:25.820
♪ I didn't wanna do it ♪
00:24:27.060 --> 00:24:27.899
- [Woman] We're just great!
00:24:28.220 --> 00:24:28.899
♪ You made me want you ♪
00:24:31.020 --> 00:24:32.140
- [Woman] If you're
going to have singing,
00:24:32.420 --> 00:24:33.500
we must close these
doors because we have--
00:24:35.500 --> 00:24:36.100
this is a parlor.
00:24:36.899 --> 00:24:37.899
This is a parlor and
if you want to sing,
00:24:40.140 --> 00:24:40.900
I'll tell you a good place
00:24:41.060 --> 00:24:42.460
where we used to have
needle work, the meeting.
00:24:45.620 --> 00:24:46.220
That's in another part.
00:24:46.620 --> 00:24:47.380
It's not where the card room is.
00:24:47.899 --> 00:24:49.060
And that's where you
should have your singing.
00:24:50.300 --> 00:24:51.420
It's perfect, no other
things go on over there.
00:24:52.899 --> 00:24:53.620
Near the elevator.
00:24:54.460 --> 00:24:55.060
(people chattering)
00:24:56.340 --> 00:24:57.020
Just close the doors.
00:24:57.180 --> 00:24:58.540
- [Woman] I think this
group deserves an applause!
00:25:00.899 --> 00:25:01.540
- [Man] There you go.
00:25:01.899 --> 00:25:02.580
(people cheering)
00:25:03.060 --> 00:25:03.860
- What're you doing?
00:25:04.740 --> 00:25:05.820
What're you doing?
- We're being
00:25:05.899 --> 00:25:06.620
thrown outta here.
00:25:06.780 --> 00:25:07.899
- We're looking for a teacher!
- We were waiting
00:25:09.060 --> 00:25:09.860
for the drama teacher.
00:25:10.140 --> 00:25:11.260
- Didn't you call
the Front Desk?
00:25:11.660 --> 00:25:12.260
- We first don't look,
00:25:12.899 --> 00:25:13.700
don't show!
- Is that what
00:25:13.899 --> 00:25:14.500
we were supposed to do?
00:25:14.700 --> 00:25:15.300
- No, no, my love.
00:25:15.460 --> 00:25:16.580
The screen says that
the Theater Class
00:25:17.220 --> 00:25:17.899
will return next week.
00:25:18.540 --> 00:25:19.899
- We've been playing here
for quite a few weeks already
00:25:21.780 --> 00:25:22.540
and never had this disturbance.
00:25:23.940 --> 00:25:24.899
- I will close the door, yes.
00:25:26.060 --> 00:25:26.899
Yes, I will close the door.
00:25:26.980 --> 00:25:28.020
- [Woman] Wait a
minute, what happened
00:25:28.180 --> 00:25:29.260
to the class?
- It was canceled.
00:25:30.940 --> 00:25:31.875
- [Woman] Where were you?
00:25:31.899 --> 00:25:32.820
- [Woman] He never showed up.
00:25:32.899 --> 00:25:33.900
- We can do the
class in Spanish.
00:25:35.420 --> 00:25:35.899
(women laughing)
00:25:37.020 --> 00:25:38.140
(Sandy speaks in
foreign language)
00:25:39.460 --> 00:25:39.900
- Blanco.
00:25:40.380 --> 00:25:40.980
- [Woman] White, white!
00:25:42.780 --> 00:25:43.060
- Negro.
00:25:43.260 --> 00:25:43.899
- [Woman] Black, black.
00:25:44.380 --> 00:25:44.860
- Okay.
00:25:45.620 --> 00:25:46.060
What is gray?
00:25:47.900 --> 00:25:48.380
- Rojo.
00:25:48.899 --> 00:25:49.380
Oh, gray, gray!
00:25:50.899 --> 00:25:51.220
00:25:51.500 --> 00:25:52.340
(group laughs)
- What is it?
00:25:52.500 --> 00:25:53.260
It's a short, short word.
00:25:55.700 --> 00:25:57.020
- I'll tell ya, actually
we do have a lot of fun..
00:25:58.780 --> 00:25:59.860
We're the only table
that does this.
00:26:01.580 --> 00:26:02.340
We play (mumbles) every night.
00:26:03.620 --> 00:26:04.740
- And everybody wants
to sit at our table.
00:26:05.620 --> 00:26:06.700
We're the only
table that laughs.
00:26:07.860 --> 00:26:08.899
- And a lot of people
want to sit at our table
00:26:09.899 --> 00:26:11.140
'cause it's the fun table
and some of the servers,
00:26:13.899 --> 00:26:15.020
if we're not at their tables,
they come to my table.
00:26:16.660 --> 00:26:17.899
The servers like us, too.
(women chuckling)
00:26:19.540 --> 00:26:20.140
It's the fun table.
00:26:22.180 --> 00:26:22.820
- It's boring!
00:26:22.899 --> 00:26:24.220
I'm with a lot of older people
that wanna go to bed early.
00:26:26.220 --> 00:26:27.300
There's a movie, after,
they go home to bed!
00:26:30.899 --> 00:26:31.420
(loud snoring)
00:26:37.100 --> 00:26:37.899
(wheels rattling)
00:26:47.899 --> 00:26:48.460
- Who is that
00:26:50.260 --> 00:26:50.740
00:26:53.660 --> 00:26:54.260
through my kingdom?
00:26:55.620 --> 00:26:56.660
- I'm gonna go a
headstart, okay, guys?
00:26:56.899 --> 00:26:58.220
I really need your
attention 'cause everybody
00:26:59.580 --> 00:27:00.340
has to get back to work, okay.
00:27:00.820 --> 00:27:01.580
But this is very serious.
00:27:02.580 --> 00:27:03.340
We have a group coming in,
00:27:04.140 --> 00:27:05.220
probably 400 plus
people on Friday night
00:27:07.940 --> 00:27:08.899
for a family and friends event.
00:27:10.020 --> 00:27:11.140
- [Narrator] Family
and friends events
00:27:11.540 --> 00:27:12.700
are the major marketing
vehicle for the company
00:27:13.980 --> 00:27:15.420
since most of their admissions
come through word of mouth.
00:27:18.020 --> 00:27:19.180
For these events,
The Palace invites
00:27:20.500 --> 00:27:21.620
as many outside
people as possible
00:27:22.260 --> 00:27:23.700
to experience the extravagant
lifestyle within its walls.
00:27:26.540 --> 00:27:27.899
- I really need you to be in
character the entire time.
00:27:29.780 --> 00:27:30.899
That means you're not
on your cellphones,
00:27:31.460 --> 00:27:32.899
you're not talking to your
best friend during this,
00:27:34.460 --> 00:27:35.580
you're focusing on the
guests and the residents
00:27:37.899 --> 00:27:38.620
in your character, okay?
00:27:40.620 --> 00:27:41.380
- [Narrator] Halloween is known
00:27:41.620 --> 00:27:42.660
as one of the biggest
of these events.
00:27:43.980 --> 00:27:45.100
The preparations
often take months.
00:27:46.740 --> 00:27:47.900
- The guests will start
arriving between 5:15 and 5:30
00:27:50.660 --> 00:27:51.899
and they're gonna come
straight to the Concierge Desk
00:27:53.380 --> 00:27:54.500
which is set up as a big
movie theater facade.
00:27:58.300 --> 00:27:59.060
- [Instructor] Flex and point.
00:28:00.540 --> 00:28:00.980
Flex and point.
00:28:02.460 --> 00:28:02.900
Flex and point.
00:28:04.500 --> 00:28:04.940
Flex and point.
00:28:06.540 --> 00:28:06.980
Flex and point.
00:28:07.980 --> 00:28:08.899
- I'm 81.
- And I'm 86.
00:28:10.060 --> 00:28:11.260
- And you're 86.
- Oh, I'm much more than that
00:28:12.340 --> 00:28:13.100
but I'm gonna be silent on that.
00:28:14.700 --> 00:28:15.140
(Ken laughs)
00:28:15.300 --> 00:28:16.740
- [Instructor] And kick, and
kick, and kick, and kick.
00:28:19.620 --> 00:28:20.900
- Well, you have few people
now that're a hundred here.
00:28:22.860 --> 00:28:23.380
- Yup.
- Yup.
00:28:23.899 --> 00:28:24.620
- No men.
(woman chuckles)
00:28:24.820 --> 00:28:25.900
I noticed in the
obituaries every morning,
00:28:28.580 --> 00:28:29.340
I'm losing a lot of friends.
00:28:29.940 --> 00:28:30.740
All in their 90s.
00:28:31.940 --> 00:28:32.899
- All men, you mean.
- Yeah.
00:28:33.340 --> 00:28:34.820
- [Woman] What was the name
of that comedian, Alan King,
00:28:36.300 --> 00:28:37.420
who used to read
the death notices
00:28:38.500 --> 00:28:39.860
and every death notice
that's survived by his wife.
00:28:43.700 --> 00:28:44.740
(group chuckles)
Survived by his wife!
00:28:47.940 --> 00:28:48.899
- [Instructor] And switch.
00:28:51.380 --> 00:28:51.899
(quiet music)
00:28:57.300 --> 00:28:58.340
Don't do faces
right now, you see?
00:29:00.700 --> 00:29:01.140
And switch.
00:29:02.660 --> 00:29:03.100
(woman chuckles)
00:29:03.500 --> 00:29:04.220
(lively music)
00:29:11.980 --> 00:29:12.780
(people chattering)
00:29:25.980 --> 00:29:26.780
(drink splashing)
00:29:27.899 --> 00:29:29.220
- It's about four to one,
five to one women over men
00:29:34.220 --> 00:29:35.420
in this facility and
I think that's common.
00:29:36.540 --> 00:29:36.980
(lively music)
00:29:49.660 --> 00:29:50.380
- Oh, go.
- You know what
00:29:50.740 --> 00:29:51.860
the best part of
me that he likes?
00:29:52.620 --> 00:29:53.780
- The best part of you
that he likes is what?
00:29:55.300 --> 00:29:56.100
- My breasts.
- Your breasts?
00:29:56.260 --> 00:29:57.460
- Her boobs.
- Okay, the boobs. (claps)
00:29:58.380 --> 00:29:59.460
(people laughing)
We're all adults here.
00:29:59.980 --> 00:30:00.780
We can handle it.
00:30:00.899 --> 00:30:01.700
We're at the bar. (laughs)
00:30:04.020 --> 00:30:05.180
No, just, you know,
no one's listening.
00:30:07.140 --> 00:30:07.780
- Sexuality!
00:30:08.540 --> 00:30:09.300
- They're either too young
00:30:10.020 --> 00:30:10.899
or too old!
- Or too old!
00:30:11.700 --> 00:30:12.140
(women laughing)
00:30:12.300 --> 00:30:13.420
- How about sex
at the age of 95?
00:30:14.460 --> 00:30:15.660
(group laughing)
- Or no sex at the age of 95!
00:30:17.220 --> 00:30:17.980
- You know, we've gotten old
00:30:18.460 --> 00:30:19.580
and we grew old
with our husbands
00:30:20.460 --> 00:30:21.500
and to us, our husbands
were always young
00:30:22.860 --> 00:30:24.060
and when you see these very
old men who cannot walk
00:30:27.860 --> 00:30:28.900
and (chuckles) they
look so undesirable
00:30:32.100 --> 00:30:32.899
that it turns us off.
00:30:33.899 --> 00:30:34.740
- Yeah.
00:30:34.899 --> 00:30:35.620
- Yeah.
- We don't want
00:30:35.900 --> 00:30:36.740
the responsibility
00:30:36.899 --> 00:30:37.899
of taking care of them.
- That's right, yeah.
00:30:38.260 --> 00:30:39.420
- When you grow
old with somebody,
00:30:40.180 --> 00:30:41.700
then it's a different story
but when it's a stranger...
00:30:44.380 --> 00:30:45.540
- Well, things happen,
people get together,
00:30:47.899 --> 00:30:48.660
couples get together.
00:30:48.820 --> 00:30:50.020
We've watched couples
become couples here, right?
00:30:51.899 --> 00:30:53.260
- Yeah, we have a lot of
mating here at The Palace.
00:30:54.899 --> 00:30:55.780
- A lot of what?
00:30:55.899 --> 00:30:56.899
- Mating.
- Mating, oh, my God.
00:30:57.380 --> 00:30:58.140
(staff laughing)
- I loving.
00:31:01.140 --> 00:31:01.900
It's cute, it's adorable, yeah!
00:31:02.740 --> 00:31:03.899
- Well, they can say
whatever they want,
00:31:05.100 --> 00:31:06.500
but if I meet someone
nice, I will accept them.
00:31:09.500 --> 00:31:10.620
- Good for you.
- Nothing like havin'
00:31:11.260 --> 00:31:11.899
a nice friend.
00:31:12.700 --> 00:31:13.300
A gentleman friend.
00:31:13.740 --> 00:31:14.860
- Only if you have
friends for us.
00:31:17.260 --> 00:31:17.899
(women laughing)
00:31:17.940 --> 00:31:19.180
- Well, we share everything!
- That's right.
00:31:19.899 --> 00:31:20.900
- All kidding aside,
it's very nice havin'
00:31:23.060 --> 00:31:23.860
a man's arms around you.
00:31:24.340 --> 00:31:25.740
I don't care what they
say, they don't need a man
00:31:26.940 --> 00:31:28.060
but I see Helen, when a
man comes over to her,
00:31:29.899 --> 00:31:30.660
she winks at us!
- Yeah!
00:31:32.060 --> 00:31:32.860
Yeah, that's you!
00:31:34.220 --> 00:31:34.940
- Me?
- You, yeah!
00:31:35.140 --> 00:31:35.899
We saw you like that.
00:31:37.060 --> 00:31:37.700
- With whom?
00:31:38.860 --> 00:31:39.340
(lively music)
00:31:57.220 --> 00:31:57.899
(people laughing)
00:32:24.460 --> 00:32:25.060
(staff hums to music)
00:32:32.140 --> 00:32:32.780
(sneezes loudly)
00:32:34.220 --> 00:32:35.340
- My God, this is
crazy. (sniffs)
00:32:40.940 --> 00:32:41.580
(sneezes loudly)
00:32:44.899 --> 00:32:45.700
(people laughing)
00:32:47.060 --> 00:32:48.180
- [Narrator] A great
number of the employees
00:32:48.899 --> 00:32:49.899
that work at The
Palace are young adults
00:32:50.900 --> 00:32:51.899
in high school or college.
00:32:52.900 --> 00:32:54.020
All the employees are
carefully selected
00:32:55.420 --> 00:32:56.420
and undergo
comprehensive training
00:32:56.780 --> 00:32:58.020
to provide the demanded level
of service and attitude.
00:33:01.060 --> 00:33:01.899
(mic feedback)
(emcee mumbles)
00:33:03.860 --> 00:33:04.620
- [Emcee] All right, so for $50,
00:33:06.900 --> 00:33:08.420
I wanna know who can give me
The Palace mission statement.
00:33:11.899 --> 00:33:12.620
- [Man] Do it, Brenda!
00:33:13.140 --> 00:33:14.260
(woman speaks in
foreign language)
00:33:36.780 --> 00:33:37.620
- There you go!
(staff applauds)
00:33:39.899 --> 00:33:40.380
00:33:41.180 --> 00:33:42.380
(emcee speaks in
foreign language)
00:33:43.020 --> 00:33:43.820
There you go, congrats!
00:33:44.899 --> 00:33:45.460
(staff cheers)
00:33:46.540 --> 00:33:47.700
All right, guys, this is
for this side over here.
00:33:50.500 --> 00:33:50.899
For $50,
00:33:52.260 --> 00:33:53.060
do you know this resident?
00:33:53.340 --> 00:33:54.740
So when I show you a
picture of this resident,
00:33:54.940 --> 00:33:56.060
I wanna know if you
guys can give me
00:33:57.140 --> 00:33:57.899
the name of this person.
00:33:58.620 --> 00:33:59.220
(staff chattering)
00:34:00.820 --> 00:34:01.899
I will give you guys
the first chance.
00:34:02.940 --> 00:34:04.060
Brand new resident
moved here recently.
00:34:06.300 --> 00:34:06.900
For $50, all right.
00:34:08.980 --> 00:34:09.620
- She's Carson?
00:34:09.899 --> 00:34:10.899
- Yes, that is true.
- Oh, $50!
00:34:11.940 --> 00:34:12.899
(staff cheers)
(staff claps)
00:34:13.899 --> 00:34:14.780
- [Emcee] Dolores Carson.
00:34:16.900 --> 00:34:17.540
(lively music)
00:34:22.140 --> 00:34:22.900
- [Narrator] As most residents
00:34:23.220 --> 00:34:23.980
are no longer allowed to drive,
00:34:24.899 --> 00:34:25.900
The Palace provides
driving services.
00:34:27.780 --> 00:34:28.220
(van whooshes)
00:34:29.899 --> 00:34:30.940
The Palace bus takes
them out for shopping
00:34:32.340 --> 00:34:33.420
or just special
doctor appointments.
00:34:34.220 --> 00:34:35.660
The bus also drives residents
to weekly scheduled outings.
00:34:39.860 --> 00:34:41.140
For some, these outings are
the only occasions they have
00:34:43.780 --> 00:34:44.540
to leave their neighborhood.
00:34:45.940 --> 00:34:46.899
(upbeat music)
(water dripping)
00:34:55.940 --> 00:34:57.180
- [Staff] You will
spend five minutes
00:34:57.340 --> 00:34:58.500
under that kind of rain
and you're gonna be wet
00:34:59.740 --> 00:35:00.860
and you're gonna need
diapers, believe me.
00:35:02.060 --> 00:35:02.860
I'm honest with you.
00:35:03.899 --> 00:35:05.260
It is not funny but you're
gonna have to change
00:35:05.580 --> 00:35:06.899
because your clothes is
gonna be wet immediately.
00:35:08.860 --> 00:35:09.300
Believe me.
00:35:09.700 --> 00:35:10.460
- [Woman] Look at this lady.
00:35:10.620 --> 00:35:11.780
Look at this lady, she
survived, look at her.
00:35:13.540 --> 00:35:14.660
Look at that lady, she's
walked the whole time.
00:35:16.860 --> 00:35:17.460
She's not melting!
00:35:18.500 --> 00:35:19.899
- [Man] No, she's gettin'
soaked! (chuckles)
00:35:20.899 --> 00:35:21.620
- [Woman] No, she isn't.
00:35:23.060 --> 00:35:23.860
(residents chattering)
00:35:27.540 --> 00:35:28.140
- I think it's crazy.
00:35:29.899 --> 00:35:30.980
We are here, we
are not gonna melt!
00:35:33.620 --> 00:35:34.220
- Okay, guys, listen.
00:35:34.540 --> 00:35:35.300
I don't care what she's doing,
00:35:35.460 --> 00:35:36.580
I'm not gonna risk
to have you sick
00:35:37.340 --> 00:35:38.100
by the end of the week, okay?
00:35:39.100 --> 00:35:39.899
That won't be my responsibility.
00:35:40.900 --> 00:35:41.700
(wheels rattling)
00:35:43.140 --> 00:35:43.899
(van engine revs)
00:35:49.620 --> 00:35:50.420
♪ Happy Halloween, tralalala ♪
00:35:52.420 --> 00:35:53.220
♪ Happy Halloween, tralalala ♪
00:35:55.020 --> 00:35:56.220
♪ Happy Halloween,
Happy Halloween ♪
00:35:57.740 --> 00:35:58.899
♪ To be in the
kingdom with the ♪
00:36:01.899 --> 00:36:02.820
♪ With the your royal majesty ♪
00:36:05.899 --> 00:36:06.500
♪ Ha, ha ♪
00:36:07.380 --> 00:36:07.899
♪ Ho, ho ♪
00:36:08.899 --> 00:36:09.500
♪ Ha, ha ♪
00:36:10.460 --> 00:36:10.940
♪ Ho, ho ♪
00:36:14.780 --> 00:36:15.899
- [Man] I wish you
luck! (chuckles)
00:36:16.740 --> 00:36:17.860
- It is I, who wish
my subjects luck.
00:36:19.380 --> 00:36:20.060
- Yeah.
- The happiest.
00:36:22.740 --> 00:36:23.500
- Hey, the (mumbles) king!
00:36:24.780 --> 00:36:25.540
- What is your name, my friend?
00:36:26.580 --> 00:36:27.700
Are you one of my
royal subjects?
00:36:28.899 --> 00:36:29.620
- I don't know, am I?
00:36:30.700 --> 00:36:32.020
- (chuckles) You must decide
or go to another country.
00:36:34.580 --> 00:36:35.660
- (chuckles) I
guess I'll get out
00:36:36.180 --> 00:36:36.940
of town.
- What is it
00:36:37.700 --> 00:36:38.300
that brings you here?
00:36:39.420 --> 00:36:39.899
- You!
00:36:40.140 --> 00:36:40.899
To take care of you!
00:36:40.900 --> 00:36:42.020
- Why do I need your
care when it is I
00:36:43.220 --> 00:36:43.980
who have been delegated to care
00:36:45.540 --> 00:36:46.300
for all residents of The Palace
00:36:48.060 --> 00:36:49.220
and to see that they're
happy and fulfilled?
00:36:51.580 --> 00:36:52.340
- That's pretty eloquent.
00:36:52.700 --> 00:36:53.140
I like it, John!
00:36:54.140 --> 00:36:54.900
- How dare you call me John?
00:36:55.899 --> 00:36:56.899
- King John, excuse me.
- Your Majesty!
00:36:57.900 --> 00:36:59.020
- (chuckles) Your
Majesty, King John.
00:36:59.260 --> 00:37:00.380
- Just because your
father owns the place
00:37:00.580 --> 00:37:01.700
doesn't mean you could
disrespect the king!
00:37:04.660 --> 00:37:05.100
- That's true.
00:37:05.260 --> 00:37:06.420
- Carry on or I'll
have you punished!
00:37:08.460 --> 00:37:08.900
- Yes, King.
00:37:09.340 --> 00:37:09.940
- (mumbles) on you!
00:37:13.900 --> 00:37:14.980
- Who here knows
how well we're doing
00:37:17.500 --> 00:37:18.260
at The Palace at Coral Gables?
00:37:19.180 --> 00:37:20.300
How do we judge how
well we're doing?
00:37:21.700 --> 00:37:22.140
(staff chatters)
00:37:23.380 --> 00:37:24.460
Residents, what
about the residents?
00:37:25.899 --> 00:37:26.820
(staff chatters)
The feedback
00:37:26.899 --> 00:37:27.899
from the residents,
how do we know?
00:37:28.380 --> 00:37:29.340
- Surveys.
- From the surveys.
00:37:30.460 --> 00:37:31.060
We do two surveys.
00:37:31.340 --> 00:37:32.780
Family satisfaction and
the resident satisfaction.
00:37:35.660 --> 00:37:36.420
How close are they together?
00:37:37.460 --> 00:37:38.060
Does anybody know?
00:37:38.260 --> 00:37:38.899
Are they far apart?
00:37:39.020 --> 00:37:40.380
The residents love us, the
families love us, they hate us,
00:37:40.900 --> 00:37:42.020
they love us, or
are they the same?
00:37:43.300 --> 00:37:43.900
- [Staff] The same.
00:37:44.260 --> 00:37:44.875
- The same.
00:37:44.899 --> 00:37:46.260
So those are two ways that
we know how well we're doing.
00:37:47.820 --> 00:37:48.899
What's the other way we
know how we're doin'?
00:37:50.500 --> 00:37:50.940
Anybody else?
00:37:52.300 --> 00:37:52.899
(staff mumbles)
00:37:52.940 --> 00:37:53.740
How filled we are.
00:37:53.899 --> 00:37:55.180
That is what a company calls
the bottom line, all right?
00:37:57.540 --> 00:37:58.700
I wanna give you some
of the background here
00:37:59.180 --> 00:38:00.260
because I know you guys
don't hear it a lot.
00:38:01.340 --> 00:38:02.100
There's a lot of competition.
00:38:02.860 --> 00:38:03.620
Who's our number one competitor?
00:38:05.340 --> 00:38:05.899
(staff chatters)
00:38:05.940 --> 00:38:07.340
If anyone gets this, I may
have a hundred bucks for you.
00:38:08.380 --> 00:38:08.980
Who's number one?
00:38:09.620 --> 00:38:10.380
I heard The Renaissance, no.
00:38:11.420 --> 00:38:11.899
(staff chatters)
00:38:12.460 --> 00:38:12.900
Suites, no.
00:38:13.740 --> 00:38:14.500
Not the one in Homestead.
00:38:14.740 --> 00:38:15.500
- Randall?
- No.
00:38:15.860 --> 00:38:16.820
(staff answering)
No, no.
00:38:17.660 --> 00:38:18.540
(staff answering)
00:38:18.940 --> 00:38:19.660
- Home.
- Home!
00:38:21.899 --> 00:38:22.660
Your home!
(staff laughing)
00:38:24.300 --> 00:38:24.900
I have my car key.
00:38:26.260 --> 00:38:27.380
The home is the
number one competitor
00:38:30.140 --> 00:38:30.900
for everybody that moves here.
00:38:33.020 --> 00:38:33.899
It's not like they have to move.
00:38:35.700 --> 00:38:36.460
They need to want to move,
00:38:36.620 --> 00:38:37.780
they need to have a
reason to move here.
00:38:39.899 --> 00:38:40.740
They need to like it here.
00:38:41.740 --> 00:38:43.020
These people, you all know,
it's not cheap to live here.
00:38:45.060 --> 00:38:45.899
They have plenty of money.
00:38:46.060 --> 00:38:47.300
They can hire a
housekeeper for themselves,
00:38:48.300 --> 00:38:49.380
they can hire an
aide for themselves,
00:38:50.380 --> 00:38:51.140
they can hire a maintenance guy,
00:38:51.380 --> 00:38:52.460
they can hire a driver,
they can hire a chef
00:38:53.700 --> 00:38:54.820
and they will spend
50 to $20,000 to live
00:38:56.340 --> 00:38:57.500
in their own home
before they come here.
00:38:59.540 --> 00:39:00.780
So why on earth are
people moving here?
00:39:04.660 --> 00:39:05.899
- Because life is life
and everyone goes through
00:39:08.060 --> 00:39:09.460
a lot of things that are both
ways: positive, negative,
00:39:14.460 --> 00:39:15.620
- Up and down, up and down.
00:39:15.940 --> 00:39:16.875
- A lot of different things.
00:39:16.899 --> 00:39:17.980
I know in my life
I've done that.
00:39:19.899 --> 00:39:20.740
And I think that
it's time for us
00:39:24.260 --> 00:39:25.380
to have a certain
kind of contentment
00:39:27.060 --> 00:39:28.460
where we don't have to
worry about things that go
00:39:32.620 --> 00:39:33.380
up and down on a graph anymore
00:39:34.300 --> 00:39:35.380
because that's
what life is like.
00:39:36.580 --> 00:39:37.180
Never this way, never.
00:39:38.100 --> 00:39:38.899
It's always this way.
00:39:41.940 --> 00:39:42.899
- [Woman] What's goin' on?
00:39:43.980 --> 00:39:44.780
- [Water] Oh, my gosh.
00:39:45.300 --> 00:39:46.340
- [John] How're my
loyal subjects tonight?
00:39:47.620 --> 00:39:48.700
- [Woman] Pretty good,
how are you, king?
00:39:50.500 --> 00:39:50.940
Your Majesty.
00:39:51.660 --> 00:39:52.260
- Your Majesty. (laughs)
00:39:53.340 --> 00:39:54.820
- That's an absurd question
to ask one of royal nature.
00:39:57.220 --> 00:39:58.500
- You're right.
- Tell me about yourself.
00:39:59.420 --> 00:39:59.899
How are you?
00:40:01.220 --> 00:40:01.940
- I'm fine.
- Why?
00:40:03.220 --> 00:40:04.380
- Because I'm one
of your subjects.
00:40:05.300 --> 00:40:06.180
- That's a good reason.
00:40:06.700 --> 00:40:07.780
(women laughing)
What made you decide
00:40:10.700 --> 00:40:11.460
to come to The Palace, my dear?
00:40:12.899 --> 00:40:13.620
- Very weak moment.
00:40:14.580 --> 00:40:15.340
- The only reason I came here
00:40:15.980 --> 00:40:17.340
is because my daughter
wanted me out of the house.
00:40:19.540 --> 00:40:20.180
(couple laughs)
- Aha!
00:40:21.899 --> 00:40:22.780
And I guess she succeeded!
00:40:23.899 --> 00:40:24.900
- Oh, absolutely.
- Well, she wanted him
00:40:25.500 --> 00:40:26.260
in a very nice place after all.
00:40:27.060 --> 00:40:28.180
- Ah, she told you how
nice the kingdom was
00:40:29.380 --> 00:40:30.540
and how generous the king was?
- Absolutely.
00:40:32.140 --> 00:40:33.260
- Oh, absolutely.
- Absolutely.
00:40:34.820 --> 00:40:35.620
- Is she paying your expenses?
00:40:35.780 --> 00:40:36.899
- And how expensive
it is, absolutely.
00:40:38.020 --> 00:40:39.100
- Very good.
(couple laughing)
00:40:40.260 --> 00:40:41.060
- Quite a few people here have
00:40:42.260 --> 00:40:43.340
the children paying
for them here.
00:40:44.940 --> 00:40:45.620
Paying the bill.
00:40:46.660 --> 00:40:47.140
(balls rattling)
00:40:50.660 --> 00:40:51.300
- [Pam] I, two, eight.
00:40:59.620 --> 00:41:00.700
- Well, I pay, this
year it's 5300 a month.
00:41:06.899 --> 00:41:07.380
And it goes up.
00:41:09.060 --> 00:41:09.860
- [Pam] N, three, nine.
00:41:12.899 --> 00:41:13.780
- My son takes care of it all.
00:41:14.380 --> 00:41:15.500
He has it invested where
his money is invested
00:41:18.140 --> 00:41:19.260
so I don't have
to think about it.
00:41:20.700 --> 00:41:21.460
I don't wanna think about money.
00:41:23.460 --> 00:41:24.060
- [Pam] B, eight.
00:41:24.700 --> 00:41:25.740
- Bingo!
- Bingo is called on B eight.
00:41:28.460 --> 00:41:29.060
$37, (mumbles), $37!
00:41:33.860 --> 00:41:34.460
(people chattering)
00:41:39.740 --> 00:41:40.899
(men speaking in
foreign language)
00:41:44.580 --> 00:41:45.260
- One question.
- Yes.
00:41:45.860 --> 00:41:46.899
- I get the sense,
you can charge more.
00:41:48.899 --> 00:41:49.780
5,000 for studio is too cheap.
00:41:51.060 --> 00:41:52.140
He thinks you can charge
6,000, 7,000 more.
00:41:54.060 --> 00:41:54.940
- Oh, we will.
(men laughing)
00:41:56.500 --> 00:41:57.260
Not yet.
- Maybe you can
00:41:57.580 --> 00:41:58.340
have competition this area or--
00:41:58.899 --> 00:42:00.220
- When we started the
building, we were at 4,200.
00:42:04.500 --> 00:42:05.100
That was four years ago.
00:42:05.700 --> 00:42:06.740
- I see.
- And we've increased slowly.
00:42:08.220 --> 00:42:08.980
Once the building is full, yeah.
00:42:09.740 --> 00:42:10.980
We want to fill the building
before we charge what we can.
00:42:15.260 --> 00:42:16.020
- Yeah, it's rental figure
00:42:16.180 --> 00:42:17.300
from the kids are
00:42:18.900 --> 00:42:20.420
The next 20, 30 years, this
is the best business to be in.
00:42:22.899 --> 00:42:23.820
Old and sick are always will be.
00:42:25.540 --> 00:42:26.660
- [Staff] Okay, this
sidewalk is not even.
00:42:28.460 --> 00:42:29.060
Ken, go over there.
00:42:31.140 --> 00:42:31.900
Move forward a little bit.
00:42:33.899 --> 00:42:34.620
Be careful, Stanley.
00:42:34.780 --> 00:42:35.820
- Yeah, you're right.
- Okay, this is
00:42:36.580 --> 00:42:37.020
not even, okay?
00:42:37.180 --> 00:42:38.260
- [Charlie] When you
look back on your life--
00:42:39.899 --> 00:42:40.660
- As tragic as it has been.
00:42:41.660 --> 00:42:42.580
- What--
- Yes, it has been.
00:42:42.740 --> 00:42:43.980
- What do you think being
here that you miss most?
00:42:48.899 --> 00:42:49.540
- Freedom.
00:42:50.260 --> 00:42:50.899
- [Staff] Mimi!
00:42:50.900 --> 00:42:51.740
Come on, baby, move it!
00:42:54.899 --> 00:42:55.700
Arthur, be careful!
00:42:56.980 --> 00:42:57.940
- Freedom?
- There's freedom here.
00:42:58.340 --> 00:42:59.100
- [Man] This is not a prison!
00:42:59.899 --> 00:43:00.940
- I'm free, white
and 21, over 21.
00:43:02.899 --> 00:43:03.740
- Way over 21.
- Moving on.
00:43:05.380 --> 00:43:05.899
(men chuckling)
00:43:07.500 --> 00:43:08.260
- This is the story of my life.
00:43:08.900 --> 00:43:09.940
I have this one
telling me what to do,
00:43:10.899 --> 00:43:11.740
this one telling me what to do.
00:43:11.900 --> 00:43:13.020
The only ones that are
on my side are the dogs.
00:43:14.260 --> 00:43:14.899
- Debbie, come with me!
00:43:15.420 --> 00:43:16.540
I need you to stick
with the group, okay?
00:43:17.700 --> 00:43:18.300
Let's stay together.
00:43:18.900 --> 00:43:19.940
Guys, let's walk around,
we can eat later.
00:43:22.940 --> 00:43:23.899
- [Man] My son became my father
00:43:24.899 --> 00:43:25.660
when this all happened to me.
00:43:25.899 --> 00:43:26.900
- My children became
my parents, I know.
00:43:30.660 --> 00:43:31.260
- And they're right!
00:43:31.540 --> 00:43:32.620
They're right.
- No they're not!
00:43:32.780 --> 00:43:33.860
- Said, "Dad, you're
injured, Mom's injured,
00:43:33.899 --> 00:43:35.420
"you gotta do things
differently," and
they were right.
00:43:37.740 --> 00:43:38.899
- I think the way you
need to describe it is
00:43:42.140 --> 00:43:42.899
they depend on us a lot.
00:43:44.940 --> 00:43:46.020
- The kids drives you nuts.
- A lot.
00:43:47.740 --> 00:43:48.500
- Well, we do drive them nuts.
00:43:49.660 --> 00:43:50.420
(family talks at the same time)
00:43:52.899 --> 00:43:53.900
- She calls us her kids.
- For so many years
00:43:55.660 --> 00:43:56.300
in charge of everything.
00:43:57.220 --> 00:43:58.340
- [Daughter] And now
you've left it to us.
00:43:59.140 --> 00:44:00.500
- And now they come,
"Mom, you did this wrong."
00:44:03.860 --> 00:44:04.899
"Pick up this, pick
up the second."
00:44:06.620 --> 00:44:07.780
I say, "When is
going to be the day
00:44:09.060 --> 00:44:09.899
"that I do whatever want."
00:44:12.899 --> 00:44:13.260
- Sandy?
00:44:13.420 --> 00:44:14.500
Let's do a group
picture, come here!
00:44:15.820 --> 00:44:16.260
Come here!
00:44:16.860 --> 00:44:17.300
Okay, smile!
00:44:18.060 --> 00:44:19.540
- I have a great family but
they don't come that often.
00:44:23.140 --> 00:44:23.900
They don't take me that often.
00:44:25.220 --> 00:44:26.380
They're not gonna
watch out for me.
00:44:26.899 --> 00:44:27.980
They're so happy they
don't have to pick me up
00:44:29.899 --> 00:44:30.780
and take me and do everything.
00:44:31.580 --> 00:44:32.340
They don't have to call me.
00:44:32.660 --> 00:44:33.420
They know I'm gonna be busy.
00:44:34.340 --> 00:44:34.940
- They know you're safe.
00:44:35.740 --> 00:44:36.180
- I'm safe.
00:44:36.899 --> 00:44:37.420
I'm safe.
00:44:37.899 --> 00:44:38.700
And that's very important to me.
00:44:39.899 --> 00:44:40.740
- It's also important to them.
00:44:41.899 --> 00:44:42.660
- And it's important to them.
00:44:42.940 --> 00:44:43.740
They live their lives.
00:44:44.460 --> 00:44:44.900
They're young.
00:44:45.899 --> 00:44:46.500
(peaceful music)
00:44:55.500 --> 00:44:56.620
- [Narrator] On average,
residents spend three
00:44:57.899 --> 00:44:58.700
to four years in The Palace.
00:44:59.420 --> 00:45:00.860
The time to move out often
comes when someone loses
00:45:02.580 --> 00:45:03.700
their independence and
needs more medical care.
00:45:06.899 --> 00:45:07.460
(peaceful music)
00:45:15.060 --> 00:45:16.100
So for the majority
of residents,
00:45:17.420 --> 00:45:18.180
The Palace is their last home.
00:45:20.380 --> 00:45:21.140
- Use those arms forward.
00:45:24.540 --> 00:45:24.980
It's swimming.
00:45:25.700 --> 00:45:26.820
Make it fun, remember
when you were a kid
00:45:28.899 --> 00:45:29.899
at the swimming pool
with all your friends!
00:45:31.980 --> 00:45:33.380
You were splashin' around
and you're having fun,
00:45:35.300 --> 00:45:36.460
playing games, jumpin'
off the diving board.
00:45:40.899 --> 00:45:41.740
Just having fun. (echoing)
00:45:44.380 --> 00:45:45.500
- And people come here
and they're very lonely.
00:45:48.580 --> 00:45:49.260
They're lonely.
- Yeah.
00:45:49.420 --> 00:45:50.820
- And some people don't
even know why they're here!
00:45:52.580 --> 00:45:53.020
- You're right.
00:45:53.180 --> 00:45:53.940
- "Oh, my children put me here."
00:45:54.900 --> 00:45:55.380
- Right.
00:45:55.540 --> 00:45:56.300
- Or, "I'm closer to my children
00:45:56.780 --> 00:45:57.899
"if I live here."
- And that's sad.
00:45:57.980 --> 00:45:59.380
- [Woman] "But I don't know
anybody here," you know.
00:46:02.380 --> 00:46:02.980
(melancholy music)
00:46:09.980 --> 00:46:11.100
- [Woman] It took
me a long time.
00:46:11.899 --> 00:46:12.820
I think it took me a whole year
00:46:12.899 --> 00:46:13.980
to get adjusted.
- Well, when I first moved in,
00:46:14.780 --> 00:46:16.020
I was lonely and I sat in
a single seat by myself
00:46:19.340 --> 00:46:20.420
for a couple months,
I guess it was.
00:46:22.260 --> 00:46:22.899
(melancholy music)
00:46:50.899 --> 00:46:51.340
(mournful music)
00:47:39.100 --> 00:47:40.460
- Big (mumbles) mine, too,
'cause I would play everything.
00:47:45.620 --> 00:47:46.220
Really makes me sad.
00:47:46.380 --> 00:47:47.860
I don't even know how'd it
sound, I don't even know.
00:47:50.020 --> 00:47:50.820
(accordion bellows)
00:47:50.899 --> 00:47:51.820
I don't look in the mirror.
00:47:51.899 --> 00:47:53.100
I know if I look in the
mirror, "Oh, my God," you know?
00:47:55.899 --> 00:47:56.980
But sure, I know I
don't walk as fast.
00:47:59.899 --> 00:48:00.899
And there's aches and
pains here and there
00:48:02.580 --> 00:48:03.660
but you can't dwell
on the negative.
00:48:05.660 --> 00:48:06.460
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
00:48:09.500 --> 00:48:10.300
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
00:48:13.220 --> 00:48:14.020
♪ Happy birthday, dear Martha ♪
00:48:17.860 --> 00:48:18.660
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
00:48:22.260 --> 00:48:22.899
(people clapping)
00:48:23.020 --> 00:48:24.380
- I just wanna thank everybody
for coming to my party,
00:48:26.899 --> 00:48:28.020
for being part of
our Palace family.
00:48:30.340 --> 00:48:31.580
- [Narrator] Birthdays
are a welcome occasion
00:48:31.740 --> 00:48:32.980
for the residents to have a
little personalized event.
00:48:35.180 --> 00:48:36.300
The residents financed
these parties themselves
00:48:38.300 --> 00:48:39.380
but there is no
shortage of support
00:48:39.899 --> 00:48:41.140
since Pam makes sure
that everything is set up
00:48:42.899 --> 00:48:43.780
the way they want it to be.
00:48:45.100 --> 00:48:46.300
- Some delicious ice
cream, la-la-la-la-la!
00:48:47.900 --> 00:48:48.700
No whipped cream, right?
00:48:50.980 --> 00:48:51.620
- My neighbor!
00:48:51.780 --> 00:48:52.580
Thank you--
- My neighbor!
00:48:53.899 --> 00:48:54.900
- Thank you for
celebrating with me.
00:48:55.180 --> 00:48:56.300
- How come nobody's
eating the fruit?
00:48:57.940 --> 00:48:59.060
Nobody wants fruit
in their ice cream?
00:49:02.420 --> 00:49:03.220
♪ Yes, we have no bananas ♪
00:49:06.180 --> 00:49:06.980
♪ We have no bananas today ♪
00:49:09.420 --> 00:49:10.020
I got plenty of bananas!
00:49:11.420 --> 00:49:11.899
(women laughing)
00:49:12.700 --> 00:49:13.140
- Thank you!
00:49:13.900 --> 00:49:14.540
00:49:15.340 --> 00:49:16.540
Oh, that's gorgeous,
thank you so much!
00:49:17.260 --> 00:49:18.340
- Well, you know,
happy birthday, girl!
00:49:19.899 --> 00:49:20.899
- I wonder if I
can cut this out...
00:49:24.300 --> 00:49:25.060
(speaking in foreign language)
00:49:35.980 --> 00:49:37.100
- So we have the
Grady twins here.
00:49:38.220 --> 00:49:39.300
We have Jack Torrance,
he's ready to go.
00:49:41.460 --> 00:49:42.060
Okay, where's my makeup?
00:49:43.899 --> 00:49:45.060
Let me give Jesse a little
dark under the eyes.
00:49:46.740 --> 00:49:47.980
- [Narrator] The time for
Halloween has finally come.
00:49:49.580 --> 00:49:50.620
The residents and
staff have been talking
00:49:51.860 --> 00:49:52.620
about the big party for weeks.
00:49:55.899 --> 00:49:56.820
- And our guests are coming!
00:49:57.899 --> 00:49:58.500
The guests are coming!
00:50:00.060 --> 00:50:00.540
00:50:01.020 --> 00:50:01.500
00:50:01.660 --> 00:50:02.860
- How are you?
- I'm good, Happy Halloween!
00:50:04.380 --> 00:50:05.740
Right now, I'm really
psyched, I'm really excited.
00:50:06.580 --> 00:50:07.899
I feel like I'm having a baby
because this is something
00:50:09.899 --> 00:50:10.900
I've been working on
for a couple of months
00:50:11.220 --> 00:50:12.660
and now I'm actually gonna
see it all come together
00:50:13.899 --> 00:50:15.140
with live characters, costumes,
sound, light, everything.
00:50:18.260 --> 00:50:19.380
So I'm very excited,
I won't sleep tonight
00:50:20.860 --> 00:50:21.620
because I'll be so hyper.
00:50:22.300 --> 00:50:23.060
Come get in some pictures.
00:50:23.460 --> 00:50:24.899
- [Narrator] Pam made sure
to build up the excitement
00:50:26.340 --> 00:50:27.100
with a big publicity rush.
00:50:27.980 --> 00:50:29.100
- I think you can't
live in the past.
00:50:30.580 --> 00:50:31.340
I know we always tend to do that
00:50:32.899 --> 00:50:33.820
but to live towards the future.
00:50:35.260 --> 00:50:36.380
And that's why they
plan activities,
00:50:37.220 --> 00:50:38.700
and that's why they have
these to look forward to.
00:50:40.020 --> 00:50:41.220
(upbeat jazz music)
(people chattering)
00:50:43.620 --> 00:50:44.100
- Look at this!
00:50:44.380 --> 00:50:45.180
Wow, is that a pirate hat?
00:50:47.260 --> 00:50:47.780
00:50:48.140 --> 00:50:49.220
- I went up to Pam
today and I said to her,
00:50:50.780 --> 00:50:52.020
"I just have to tell you that
I think it's so wonderful
00:50:55.540 --> 00:50:56.740
"that we dress up
at certain times.
00:50:58.340 --> 00:50:59.780
"It elevates it, it takes
it out of the ordinary."
00:51:02.820 --> 00:51:03.420
(upbeat jazz music)
00:51:11.460 --> 00:51:12.060
(guests clapping)
00:51:18.820 --> 00:51:19.980
- [Narrator] Friends and family
showed up in big numbers.
00:51:22.899 --> 00:51:23.500
(upbeat jazz music)
00:51:27.300 --> 00:51:28.060
The stage is set for an evening
00:51:28.940 --> 00:51:29.980
that will be remembered
and talked about.
00:51:31.900 --> 00:51:32.980
(people laughing)
Another great success
00:51:33.899 --> 00:51:35.260
for The Palace and another
fun night for its residents.
00:51:38.899 --> 00:51:39.660
(upbeat jazz music)
00:51:58.660 --> 00:51:59.260
(crickets chirping)