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Seduced and Blackmailed

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Gullible people are seduced in Germany and an Italian accumulates enormous sums of wealth... When a business woman is blackmailed by her young lover for millions of Euro, more than just her reputation is at stake.

Helg Sgarbi, a goodlooking Swiss man with a radiant smile, tries to extort 14 million Euro from BMW's major shareholder Susanne Klatten by threatening to publish intimate photos.

Susanne Klatten however, isn't afraid: the richest woman in Germany contacts the police and her blackmailer is arrested. The story goes public, and it turns out that this case is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

The money Sgarbi obtained through seducing and blackmailing several rich women probably went directly to an Italian miracle healer named Ernani Barretta, and to his sect. Is Barretta really the mastermind behind the blackmailings?

During the investigation the Italian Barretta is also questioned, but released due to lack of evidence. Who is this man who had been Sgarbi's friend for many years? Barretta had emerged as a "miraclehealer" in Zurich where Sgarbi had joined him.

When Sgarbi is sentenced to six years in prison in Munich one question remains unanswered: what happened to the millions? The trial against Barretta is still ongoing.