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Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann

Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann

Czernowitz is a state of mind, always has been. Mrs. Zuckermann, the old teacher, has survived everything that tried to make the town a regular place. Mr. Zwilling is her pessimist counterpart. Volker Koepp's new film looks into new worlds - as old as they may seem to be.

In the Western Ukraine, not far from the Rumanian border, lies lonesome the European town of Czernowitz. The former 'Bukovina': a country full of movement, where people lived together, sceptically looking at each other, bearing the other's presence rather than liking it, afraid perhaps of the unknown, - and of often changing authorities, Austrian, Romanian, Russian and German. Treated equally unfair and used one against another. Until finally, in World War II, one group lost all, a group that always had to be afraid a bit more than the others: deported by the Russians, bereaved by the Ukrainian farmers, and murdered by the Germans.

Until that Holocaust, Czernowitz was a center of Jewish culture. In the portrait of the protagonists we see how laconically, almost amused, they hold to their cultural traditions: Mrs. Zuckermann and Mr. Zwilling, her 'knight in shining armor'. "We're extincts," Mrs. Zuckermann says. And in Volker Koepp's film they live on.