Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann

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- Transcript
Czernowitz is a state of mind, always has been. Mrs. Zuckermann, the old teacher, has survived everything that tried to make the town a regular place. Mr. Zwilling is her pessimist counterpart. Volker Koepp's new film looks into new worlds - as old as they may seem to be.
In the Western Ukraine, not far from the Rumanian border, lies lonesome the European town of Czernowitz. The former 'Bukovina': a country full of movement, where people lived together, sceptically looking at each other, bearing the other's presence rather than liking it, afraid perhaps of the unknown, - and of often changing authorities, Austrian, Romanian, Russian and German. Treated equally unfair and used one against another. Until finally, in World War II, one group lost all, a group that always had to be afraid a bit more than the others: deported by the Russians, bereaved by the Ukrainian farmers, and murdered by the Germans.
Until that Holocaust, Czernowitz was a center of Jewish culture. In the portrait of the protagonists we see how laconically, almost amused, they hold to their cultural traditions: Mrs. Zuckermann and Mr. Zwilling, her 'knight in shining armor'. "We're extincts," Mrs. Zuckermann says. And in Volker Koepp's film they live on.
Main credits
Koepp, Volker (film director)
Koepp, Volker (screenwriter)
Zwilling, Mathias (interviewee)
Zuckermann, Rosa (interviewee)
Frankenstein, Barbara (screenwriter)
Hartthaler, Fritz (film producer)
Other credits
Editor, Angelika Arnold; cinematographer, Thomas Plenert.
Distributor subjects
No distributor subjects provided.Keywords
0100 |
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0101 |
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0102 |
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0103 |
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A film by Volker Koepp Camera: Thomas Plenert |
0104 |
10:03:22:22 10:03:25:23 |
What's the article about by Mrs. ...
0105 |
10:03:26:08 10:03:29:24 |
It's an article by Mrs. Zuckermann.
0106 |
10:03:31:19 10:03:35:20 |
What's the title? - Jewish Suffering Unites. |
0107 |
10:03:37:24 10:03:41:03 |
On the seventh page ... on the right.
0108 |
10:03:44:09 10:03:49:02 |
What newspaper is it? - The "Voice." |
0109 |
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Which I have written for several times. |
0110 |
10:03:56:05 10:04:00:24 |
They send me free copies of the "Voice," because they are counting on me |
0111 |
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to send them articles from time to time about Czernowitz. |
0112 |
10:04:08:15 10:04:11:24 |
Can you tell us about the paper, Mr. Zwilling? - Pardon? |
0113 |
10:04:12:09 10:04:15:00 |
Can you tell us about the paper? - Yes, of course. |
0114 |
10:04:15:10 10:04:17:10 |
Show it to him.
0115 |
10:04:18:04 10:04:20:01 |
Tell me when.
0116 |
10:04:22:16 10:04:23:20 |
0117 |
10:04:24:23 10:04:28:16 |
I'd like to read you something from the newspaper |
0118 |
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published for the Bukovina Jews.
0119 |
10:04:32:23 10:04:36:22 |
This is the "Voice." After the war, it was my uncle, |
0120 |
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Dr. Elias Weinstein, who founded it.
0121 |
10:04:40:01 10:04:43:24 |
Before the war, he was editor-in-chief of the "Czernowitz Morning News." |
0122 |
10:04:44:09 10:04:47:21 |
He founded it after arriving in Palestine. |
0123 |
10:04:48:06 10:04:51:17 |
It's the newspaper of the Bukovina Fraternity, |
0124 |
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Jews from around the world.
0125 |
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Here is a very interesting article by Benno Weiser-Varon. |
0126 |
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"I was born in Czernowitz.
0127 |
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The war broke out nine months later.
0128 |
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The Russians bombarded the town.
0129 |
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I learned to run before I could walk.
0130 |
10:05:16:15 10:05:22:01 |
World War I shoved me 1,000 miles west, from Czernowitz to Vienna. |
0131 |
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World War II, which began for me on March 13th, 1938, |
0132 |
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took me 7,000 miles to the west, from Vienna to Ecuador. |
0133 |
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I was an East European Jew moving westward, |
0134 |
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and I said, 'Two more little wars, and I'll be back in Czernowitz.' |
0135 |
10:05:47:16 10:05:53:09 |
In 1943, I applied for an alien passport in Ecuador. |
0136 |
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It included the designated nationality.
0137 |
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The Ecuadorians wrote 'German.'
0138 |
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I protested and demanded to see the Ministry's legal adviser. |
0139 |
10:06:04:08 10:06:10:14 |
Why do you deny being German? You have an expired German passport. |
0140 |
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'It was forced on me,' I said.
0141 |
10:06:14:04 10:06:17:21 |
My fatherland was annexed. I'm really Austrian. |
0142 |
10:06:18:07 10:06:22:09 |
The man looked at me with pity. 'Austria no longer exists. |
0143 |
10:06:22:19 10:06:24:14 |
Where were you born?'
0144 |
10:06:25:10 10:06:29:10 |
'Not that,' I begged. 'That will only complicate matters.' |
0145 |
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He insisted, so I said Czernowitz.
0146 |
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I feared the next question. 'What country is Czernowitz in?' |
0147 |
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I was certain it would lead to nothing, but I answered, |
0148 |
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'When I was born, Czernowitz was in Austria. |
0149 |
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After World War I, it became Romanian.
0150 |
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On the eve of World War II, the Russians occupied it. |
0151 |
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Then the Germans conquered it. And now it belongs to the Russians again.' |
0152 |
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The legal adviser considered a moment before he declared, |
0153 |
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'Then, for me, you're at best a White Russian.' |
0154 |
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He didn't use 'White Russian' in an ethnic sense, |
0155 |
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but in contrast to the 'Red Russians.'
0156 |
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Therefore, he conceded that I wasn't a Bolshevik." |
0157 |
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That was all so many decades ago.
0158 |
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Mrs. Zuckermann? - Grand passé. |
0159 |
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"Where is last year's snow?"
0160 |
10:08:45:03 10:08:51:03 |
That's by Francois Villon, one of France's greatest poets. |
0161 |
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A people's poet, not one of those intellectuals. |
0162 |
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You wanted to tell me something. I interrupted you. |
0163 |
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Your idea of a homeland?
0164 |
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Your idea of a homeland? - Yes. |
0165 |
10:09:06:17 10:09:10:07 |
You said you wouldn't go to Israel.
0166 |
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If I feel it's my homeland? I said so, and I mean it. |
0167 |
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So why are you staying here?
0168 |
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Because my son doesn't want to go.
0169 |
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The one and only reason. I'd have gone there long ago. |
0170 |
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As a child, I was already a Zionist.
0171 |
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I belonged to a Zionist association called "Blue White." |
0172 |
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And as a student, I was always in Zionist circles. |
0173 |
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My blessed husband was in a Zionist fraternity. |
0174 |
10:09:49:19 10:09:53:13 |
There were fraternities in Czernowitz, dueling fraternities. |
0175 |
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There were German, Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish fraternities in Czernowitz. |
0176 |
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Some of them were dueling fraternities.
0177 |
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They carried out duels when they had reason to, |
0178 |
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when someone gave them reason to, and there were lots of reasons to. |
0179 |
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They were all very proud of it. All the students had a dueling scar. |
0180 |
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It was a great privilege to have a dueling scar on your face |
0181 |
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and to prove that you were ready to duel. |
0182 |
10:10:31:15 10:10:37:02 |
But I don't know of any deaths. Only Pushkin was shot by Dantes. |
0183 |
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A love affair was involved.
0184 |
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In the fifties, the Russians
0185 |
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sawed the points off the Star of David.
0186 |
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People were supposed to forget that this was once the Jewish House. |
0187 |
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In 1996, our organization, which is named after Elieser Steinbarg, |
0188 |
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welded the points back on again.
0189 |
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But one of the sawed-off points was intentionally retained, |
0190 |
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to remind people of what happened during those times. |
0191 |
10:11:41:19 10:11:46:16 |
How much of the Jewish House belongs to the organization now? |
0192 |
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We have three rooms.
0193 |
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And on Saturdays we get the small ballroom. |
0194 |
10:12:13:12 10:12:18:16 |
Where can you find a little piece of mazel? |
0195 |
10:12:19:01 10:12:23:16 |
Where can you find a little piece of happiness? |
0196 |
10:12:24:01 10:12:28:12 |
The wheel should keep turning.
0197 |
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Then happiness will return.
0198 |
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The world is a gift for everyone.
0199 |
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It's there to make people happy.
0200 |
10:12:44:13 10:12:49:14 |
Where can you find a little bit, just a tiny little bit? |
0201 |
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Where can you find mazel and happiness?
0202 |
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Many people look for mazel.
0203 |
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But no matter how much they run and fly, |
0204 |
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happiness can never be caught.
0205 |
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And it will never come back to me.
0206 |
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Where can you find a little bit, just a tiny little bit? |
0207 |
10:13:22:10 10:13:28:02 |
Where can you find mazel and happiness?
0208 |
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A citizen of Czernowitz, an old citizen who speaks German. |
0209 |
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Mr. Zwilling, my knight in shining armor, |
0210 |
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has been coming to my home for six years now. |
0211 |
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And every evening, he brings bad news.
0212 |
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Every evening, I have to persuade him that life will go on, |
0213 |
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and things aren't as bad as they seem,
0214 |
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and tomorrow everything will be better.
0215 |
10:15:35:20 10:15:40:04 |
He never comes without bad news. Every evening something new. |
0216 |
10:15:40:14 10:15:45:23 |
He whispered to me today that another student hadn't come. |
0217 |
10:15:46:22 10:15:52:22 |
It's a shame. If no students show up, then he is out of work. |
0218 |
10:15:53:22 10:15:57:15 |
So if another student stayed away today, then that is ... |
0219 |
10:15:58:09 10:16:01:00 |
especially unpleasant.
0220 |
10:16:01:22 10:16:06:09 |
It's always a tragedy for him. He's been telling me this for years. |
0221 |
10:16:06:19 10:16:11:03 |
That another student had been absent.
0222 |
10:16:11:13 10:16:15:17 |
But no matter what, he always gets together 20 students |
0223 |
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and somehow manages to get them through the year. |
0224 |
10:16:29:14 10:16:35:06 |
What do you talk about when Mr. Zwilling visits you? |
0225 |
10:16:37:04 10:16:40:19 |
We watch TV. We don't talk that much.
0226 |
10:16:46:11 10:16:52:01 |
We watch TV. We tell each other what happened during the day. |
0227 |
10:16:52:11 10:16:56:18 |
Mrs. Zuckermann talks about her lessons. I talk about my students. |
0228 |
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About what goes on at our trade school.
0229 |
10:17:04:03 10:17:11:02 |
He always tells the saddest things, and I talk about funny, pleasant things. |
0230 |
10:17:11:12 10:17:17:07 |
He's always telling me bad news. - Yes, the optimist and the pessimist. |
0231 |
10:17:17:17 10:17:21:13 |
And I keep trying to persuade him that everything will be fine. |
0232 |
10:17:21:23 10:17:25:13 |
You'll see. You'll go out into the world ... |
0233 |
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and try to get him in a better mood.
0234 |
10:17:30:11 10:17:32:24 |
I don't always succeed.
0235 |
10:17:35:04 10:17:38:12 |
I'm afraid I'm a pessimist who's almost always right. |
0236 |
10:17:40:11 10:17:42:20 |
That's what my mother always said.
0237 |
10:17:43:08 10:17:47:04 |
You're a big pessimist, and I'm afraid you're almost always right. |
0238 |
10:17:47:14 10:17:51:22 |
But I won't accept that. Not at any price. |
0239 |
10:18:00:13 10:18:03:12 |
0100 |
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0101 |
10:21:52:13 10:21:57:09 |
This is the grave, the tomb, of the Zuckermann family. |
0102 |
10:21:57:23 10:22:01:15 |
Mrs. Zuckermann's husband, Martin Zuckermann, lies here. |
0103 |
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And his sister, too ... Rudolphine.
0104 |
10:22:09:21 10:22:11:21 |
The grave was broken open?
0105 |
10:22:12:06 10:22:18:05 |
The grave was broken open last year. You can still see it. |
0106 |
10:22:18:18 10:22:21:17 |
They even broke off a piece of the stone. |
0107 |
10:22:23:03 10:22:26:09 |
Our tomb was opened four years ago.
0108 |
10:22:29:09 10:22:31:20 |
Who would do something like that?
0109 |
10:22:32:05 10:22:35:21 |
It's difficult to say.
0110 |
10:22:37:16 10:22:42:17 |
Teenagers, people who are looking for something. |
0111 |
10:22:43:02 10:22:45:17 |
It's hard to say.
0112 |
10:22:50:12 10:22:55:16 |
People mostly look for valuables, jewelry. |
0113 |
10:22:56:24 10:23:01:22 |
But it isn't a Jewish custom. Jews don't put valuables into graves. |
0114 |
10:23:44:18 10:23:47:13 |
That you've come to me as Germans ...
0115 |
10:23:48:04 10:23:52:19 |
If someone had told me that 50 years ago
0116 |
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I'd have killed him. That I should shake the hand of a German! |
0117 |
10:23:59:00 10:24:04:12 |
You see? 50 years have gone by. More than 50 years. |
0118 |
10:24:09:20 10:24:13:07 |
Rosa Roth Zuckermann is your name?
0119 |
10:24:15:24 10:24:17:16 |
Rosa Roth.
0120 |
10:24:18:22 10:24:23:05 |
I don't know where it came from. Some foreigners believe |
0121 |
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that I'm a relative of Joseph Roth, the writer. |
0122 |
10:24:29:16 10:24:35:09 |
Actually, my grandparents did come from that Brody, from Galicia. |
0123 |
10:24:35:19 10:24:39:16 |
Almost all of Czernowitz's Jews come from Galicia. |
0124 |
10:24:40:01 10:24:42:21 |
Now there aren't any Czernowitz Jews left. |
0125 |
10:24:43:06 10:24:49:07 |
The only real Czernowitz Jew left is me, the one who is dying out. |
0126 |
10:24:50:13 10:24:53:13 |
But that has to happen sometime.
0127 |
10:24:56:06 10:25:00:10 |
What year were you born? - 1908. |
0128 |
10:25:04:15 10:25:08:20 |
I've been living in the 20th century for 90 years. |
0129 |
10:25:13:00 10:25:15:08 |
A sad verdict.
0130 |
10:25:18:14 10:25:25:08 |
We know about history. - Yes, one of the most terrible stories. |
0131 |
10:25:25:18 10:25:31:11 |
I don't believe another woman has seen as many dead people as I have. |
0132 |
10:25:31:21 10:25:37:08 |
The moment I opened my eyes in that pigpen, that concentration camp. |
0133 |
10:25:37:18 10:25:43:14 |
It wasn't a pigpen. It was a collective farm for breeding pigs. |
0134 |
10:25:43:24 10:25:48:18 |
We were aware of that. And we were taken there ... |
0135 |
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after being transported in cattle cars.
0136 |
10:25:53:10 10:25:55:14 |
To Transnistria?
0137 |
10:25:55:24 10:25:59:12 |
That's where we lived. At first, it was a ghetto. |
0138 |
10:26:01:07 10:26:04:03 |
23 people to a room.
0139 |
10:26:05:03 10:26:08:10 |
In Brewery Lane, too, where the synagogue is. |
0140 |
10:26:08:20 10:26:14:01 |
That was the ghetto. And then my suffering began. |
0141 |
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My husband, my father,
0142 |
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my mother, my son and myself ... five of us. |
0143 |
10:26:26:10 10:26:29:19 |
Everyone of us with his rucksack.
0144 |
10:26:30:04 10:26:35:18 |
And we went through Brewery Lane
0145 |
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to the train station, taking the backways. |
0146 |
10:26:40:01 10:26:45:24 |
People lined the streets to watch the "animals" |
0147 |
10:26:46:09 10:26:48:04 |
being taken to the slaughter.
0148 |
10:26:48:14 10:26:53:18 |
I think I remember seeing some people with tears in their eyes. |
0149 |
10:26:54:03 10:26:57:20 |
You tend to look around when you go past. |
0150 |
10:26:58:05 10:27:01:07 |
There were also people who laughed.
0151 |
10:27:02:21 10:27:08:01 |
The rabble was happy, because they were going to get nice apartments. |
0152 |
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The Jews would be leaving, and they'd get the nice apartments. |
0153 |
10:27:15:13 10:27:20:24 |
Of course, the intellectuals grinned and bore it. |
0154 |
10:27:25:13 10:27:27:13 |
I always had students.
0155 |
10:27:27:23 10:27:31:24 |
And the parents of those students, non-Jews, helped me in the ghetto. |
0156 |
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They brought food to the ghetto for us and helped as much as they could. |
0157 |
10:27:39:08 10:27:44:20 |
They weren't allowed to. But they went up to the fence |
0158 |
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and threw things over, standing at the fence like people do. |
0159 |
10:27:52:01 10:27:59:00 |
And then we were taken to Transnistria in cattle cars. |
0160 |
10:28:01:11 10:28:07:21 |
To a town called Bershat. It's still called that now. |
0161 |
10:28:08:19 10:28:14:09 |
And we were taken to a kolkhoz where they had bred pigs. |
0162 |
10:28:14:19 10:28:19:16 |
There weren't any more pigs there. We were the pigs at the kolkhoz. |
0163 |
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Us Jews from Czernowitz.
0164 |
10:28:23:05 10:28:29:20 |
There were stalls for pigs, for the sow and her piglets. |
0165 |
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Lots of stalls, and a big door where they brought in the pigs. |
0166 |
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And we were put in the stalls in place of the pigs. |
0167 |
10:28:44:04 10:28:48:10 |
After three weeks, all of my people had died. |
0168 |
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My father on December 15th, my husband on December 19th, |
0169 |
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my son on December 20th, my mother on February 1st. |
0170 |
10:29:00:20 10:29:05:23 |
In the course of one week, I lost my entire family. |
0171 |
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And I was all alone. How I was able to survive, |
0172 |
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I have no idea. I had typhus fever, |
0173 |
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and I had no idea where they were taken to, |
0174 |
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because I was laid up for weeks with typhus fever. |
0175 |
10:29:29:18 10:29:31:17 |
People I didn't know fed me.
0176 |
10:29:32:02 10:29:37:12 |
They took the few pitiful things we had left in our rucksacks. |
0177 |
10:29:37:22 10:29:41:02 |
They were Bessarabians, but they were apparently good people. |
0178 |
10:29:41:17 10:29:48:02 |
They probably sold these things to the peasants and fed me. |
0179 |
10:29:48:12 10:29:51:01 |
How else could I have survived?
0180 |
10:29:52:11 10:29:53:19 |
Only that way.
0181 |
10:29:54:06 10:29:58:19 |
Because I never knew how to buy ... to sell things. |
0182 |
10:29:59:04 10:30:01:13 |
I knew how to buy, not to sell things.
0183 |
10:30:01:23 10:30:06:24 |
And ... it was like that for a week.
0184 |
10:30:10:21 10:30:13:23 |
It was like that for a year.
0185 |
10:30:17:05 10:30:23:00 |
You said that your father wanted ...
0186 |
10:30:23:23 10:30:27:06 |
to sell a suit, so ...
0187 |
10:30:28:09 10:30:33:09 |
My blessed husband sold one of my father's suits |
0188 |
10:30:33:19 10:30:37:10 |
to buy bacon for my father.
0189 |
10:30:38:10 10:30:42:19 |
The suit had been sold, but my father wouldn't eat the bacon. It was tref. |
0190 |
10:30:43:04 10:30:45:24 |
And a devout Jew won't eat tref.
0191 |
10:30:52:05 10:30:55:04 |
So after my husband had died,
0192 |
10:30:55:14 10:30:59:13 |
all the belongings we had left were sold to people I didn't know. |
0193 |
10:31:00:11 10:31:04:20 |
The farmers wore masks when they came to the kolkhoz. |
0194 |
10:31:05:12 10:31:09:06 |
So they wouldn't have to breathe the air
0195 |
10:31:09:16 10:31:14:18 |
the Jews had contaminated. And we really had contaminated it. |
0196 |
10:31:15:03 10:31:18:13 |
We had abdominal fever and typhus fever.
0197 |
10:31:19:07 10:31:24:04 |
The peasants who traded ... - They came ... |
0198 |
10:31:24:14 10:31:29:21 |
Perhaps they came to bring soup or something. I don't remember. |
0199 |
10:31:30:06 10:31:32:02 |
Perhaps there were good ones.
0200 |
10:31:32:12 10:31:38:05 |
Later, I gave lessons to the Ukrainian girls in the village |
0201 |
10:31:38:15 10:31:40:20 |
who flirted with German officers,
0202 |
10:31:41:05 10:31:45:20 |
because they needed to know German to be able to flirt with them. |
0203 |
10:31:46:12 10:31:53:00 |
I had a permit to leave, and I entered a nice, warm, clean house |
0204 |
10:31:53:10 10:31:57:16 |
with people who were well-dressed and well-groomed. |
0205 |
10:31:58:01 10:32:02:13 |
I gave my lessons and received a nice hot bowl of soup. |
0206 |
10:32:02:23 10:32:05:14 |
And then I returned to the ghetto.
0207 |
10:32:05:24 10:32:09:18 |
They often gave me a piece of bread or a piece of cheese. |
0208 |
10:32:10:03 10:32:16:06 |
And I proudly took it to the ghetto and shared it with the others there. |
0209 |
10:32:41:20 10:32:50:15 |
The King is and was everlasting. The King will be everlasting forever. |
0210 |
10:33:09:07 10:33:14:08 |
Hear our voices, Lord. Have mercy upon us. |
0211 |
10:33:14:18 10:33:17:00 |
Accept our prayers with mercy.
0212 |
10:34:21:06 10:34:25:05 |
And when these days were completed,
0213 |
10:34:25:15 10:34:28:12 |
the king gave
0214 |
10:34:28:22 10:34:33:20 |
for all the people present in Susa the capital, |
0215 |
10:34:34:05 10:34:38:24 |
both great and small, a banquet lasting for seven days, |
0216 |
10:34:39:09 10:34:45:04 |
in the court of the garden of the king's palace. |
0217 |
10:34:45:14 10:34:49:21 |
White, green and blue curtains caught up with cords of fine linen and purple |
0218 |
10:34:50:06 10:34:54:23 |
to silver rings and marble pillars. Couches of gold and silver. |
0219 |
10:34:55:08 10:35:01:04 |
Queen Vashti also gave a banquet for the women in the palace of Ahasuérus. |
0220 |
10:35:01:14 10:35:04:20 |
On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, |
0221 |
10:35:05:05 10:35:09:22 |
he commanded the seven eunuchs, who served the king as chamberlains, |
0222 |
10:35:10:07 10:35:14:20 |
Mehúman, Biztha, Harbóna, Bigtha, Abag'tha, Zethar and Carkas, |
0223 |
10:35:15:05 10:35:19:13 |
to bring Queen Vashti before King Ahasuérus with her crown, |
0224 |
10:35:19:23 10:35:28:09 |
in order to show the peoples and the princes her beauty. |
0225 |
10:35:28:19 10:35:29:22 |
For she was fair to behold.
0226 |
10:35:30:07 10:35:36:19 |
But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command. |
0227 |
10:35:37:04 10:35:41:00 |
At this the king was enraged, and his anger burned within him. |
0228 |
10:35:41:10 10:35:45:08 |
Then the king spoke to the wise men who knew the times, |
0229 |
10:35:45:18 10:35:49:09 |
for this was the king's procedure toward all who were versed in law and judgment. |
0230 |
10:35:49:19 10:35:55:14 |
And the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, |
0231 |
10:35:55:24 10:36:01:13 |
and gave the ring to Mor'decai.
0232 |
10:36:06:24 10:36:11:23 |
And Esther set Mor'decai over the house of Haman. |
0233 |
10:36:16:15 10:36:21:16 |
And Esther spoke again to the king. She fell at his feet |
0234 |
10:36:22:01 10:36:26:14 |
and besought him with tears to avert the evil design of Haman, |
0235 |
10:36:29:11 10:36:33:19 |
"For how can I endure to see the calamity coming to my people?" |
0236 |
10:36:34:04 10:36:39:17 |
Then the king spoke to Queen Esther and to Mor'decai the Jew, |
0237 |
10:36:40:02 10:36:42:12 |
"Behold, the house of Haman!"
0238 |
10:37:01:08 10:37:03:09 |
Purim is a special day.
0239 |
10:37:03:19 10:37:07:09 |
Yes, it is truly a very special day for the Jews. |
0240 |
10:37:07:24 10:37:11:19 |
In the calendar, Purim is the day
0241 |
10:37:12:07 10:37:16:04 |
when Jews can drink and be merry. It's a cheerful day. |
0242 |
10:37:16:14 10:37:18:17 |
Why is it a cheerful day?
0243 |
10:37:19:02 10:37:22:02 |
There was once an enemy.
0244 |
10:37:23:22 10:37:26:21 |
Haman wanted to annihilate
0245 |
10:37:28:14 10:37:30:06 |
all the Jews.
0246 |
10:37:31:06 10:37:34:07 |
He wanted to kill all of them in one single day. |
0247 |
10:37:36:03 10:37:38:18 |
But there is truly a God.
0248 |
10:37:39:20 10:37:42:06 |
And God permitted this to happen,
0249 |
10:37:42:16 10:37:45:02 |
that the man who wanted
0250 |
10:37:45:22 10:37:48:07 |
to annihilate the Jews
0251 |
10:37:50:00 10:37:55:03 |
had to suffer that very fate himself.
0252 |
10:37:56:12 10:38:00:02 |
But not only was there a Haman many, many years ago. |
0253 |
10:38:00:12 10:38:02:08 |
There have been others, too.
0254 |
10:38:02:18 10:38:05:21 |
Other men have also wanted
0255 |
10:38:06:06 10:38:07:17 |
to persecute
0256 |
10:38:11:06 10:38:13:02 |
and annihilate the Jewish people.
0257 |
10:38:13:12 10:38:18:02 |
But the man who wanted to destroy the Jews |
0258 |
10:38:18:12 10:38:20:09 |
was destroyed himself.
0259 |
10:40:34:17 10:40:38:10 |
0260 |
10:40:44:04 10:40:44:14 |
0100 |
10:42:08:18 10:42:09:03 |
0101 |
10:44:50:08 10:44:53:06 |
0102 |
10:45:06:08 10:45:10:10 |
We'd like to sing a little song we've learned in Hebrew. . |
0103 |
10:47:29:12 10:47:31:06 |
Life goes on.
0104 |
10:47:31:16 10:47:36:16 |
In the first ten years after that tragedy, I was ashamed. |
0105 |
10:47:37:01 10:47:42:01 |
Ashamed that I was still alive.
0106 |
10:47:44:07 10:47:48:13 |
Later, I began to work,
0107 |
10:47:48:23 10:47:51:10 |
and I got married 10 years after that.
0108 |
10:47:52:10 10:47:56:12 |
And when I was 41, I had another child.
0109 |
10:47:57:05 10:48:01:02 |
Felix ... And life became a routine again. |
0110 |
10:48:01:16 10:48:06:20 |
But this time, it wasn't what I'd imagined as a young girl. |
0111 |
10:48:07:05 10:48:12:09 |
It wasn't my first love, and it wasn't even my second love. |
0112 |
10:48:12:19 10:48:15:09 |
It was more like ...
0113 |
10:48:15:19 10:48:19:18 |
I wanted to enjoy family life again.
0114 |
10:48:20:03 10:48:25:08 |
My husband was a good man. I can't complain. |
0115 |
10:48:25:18 10:48:31:18 |
Sure, I always worked, and that was my great fortune. |
0116 |
10:48:32:03 10:48:37:21 |
That I always had students and was always with young people. |
0117 |
10:48:38:09 10:48:41:15 |
And that's still true today.
0118 |
10:48:53:14 10:48:56:24 |
You once told us you were a monarchist.
0119 |
10:48:57:09 10:48:59:17 |
Yes, that's meant ironically.
0120 |
10:49:00:02 10:49:05:06 |
Of course, I'm a monarchist for the simple reason |
0121 |
10:49:05:16 10:49:11:19 |
that my parents really admired Kaiser Franz Josef, |
0122 |
10:49:12:05 10:49:16:02 |
and not without reason. During Kaiser Franz Josef's reign |
0123 |
10:49:16:12 10:49:20:20 |
the Jews were finally able to spread out. |
0124 |
10:49:21:05 10:49:26:01 |
Not only geographically speaking, but also in an emotional sense. |
0125 |
10:49:26:11 10:49:30:14 |
For the first time, they were able to acquire things. |
0126 |
10:49:32:19 10:49:37:20 |
Under Kaiser Franz Josef, Bukovina's Jews owned land for the first time. |
0127 |
10:49:38:05 10:49:40:03 |
It had been unthinkable before.
0128 |
10:49:40:13 10:49:45:15 |
They worked in the field. My parents also had a large field, |
0129 |
10:49:46:00 10:49:50:14 |
and they really enjoyed working in the field. |
0130 |
10:49:50:24 10:49:56:13 |
People used to say that Jews weren't able to work in the field. |
0131 |
10:49:56:23 10:50:02:16 |
My parents had the loveliest tomatoes. They'd bought the seeds somewhere, |
0132 |
10:50:03:01 10:50:07:02 |
and they were very proud that they had the loveliest tomatoes, |
0133 |
10:50:07:12 10:50:13:10 |
or the loveliest potatoes, carrots or other things. |
0134 |
10:50:13:20 10:50:18:08 |
We had a very lovely garden, and I worked in it as a child. |
0135 |
10:50:19:00 10:50:25:14 |
I was always very proud when I succeeded in growing something in that garden. |
0136 |
10:50:26:14 10:50:32:22 |
We actually had a small farm with a cow and even a horse. |
0137 |
10:50:33:07 10:50:36:14 |
The horse was especially charming. A sorrel. |
0138 |
10:50:37:08 10:50:41:09 |
Your father was a devout Jew. - Yes, that's right. |
0139 |
10:50:41:19 10:50:47:03 |
When my parents got married, my mother had a sheitel. |
0140 |
10:50:47:13 10:50:52:03 |
She couldn't show her own hair. She had to wear a sheitel, |
0141 |
10:50:52:13 10:50:55:18 |
which was what the Jews called a wig.
0142 |
10:50:56:03 10:51:00:14 |
That's how they married, and they raised their children in the Jewish faith. |
0143 |
10:51:01:18 10:51:05:10 |
Unfortunately, none of their four children |
0144 |
10:51:05:20 10:51:11:02 |
remained true believers. They all remained Jews, |
0145 |
10:51:11:12 10:51:14:18 |
but they no longer obeyed all the commandments. |
0146 |
10:51:15:03 10:51:19:20 |
Only the most important ones: Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not ... |
0147 |
10:51:20:05 10:51:24:15 |
They had a happy life. I really had a very nice family. |
0148 |
10:51:25:00 10:51:29:15 |
I believe our family motto was "honesty," |
0149 |
10:51:30:00 10:51:31:17 |
0150 |
10:51:32:02 10:51:34:16 |
It was a nice family. I had three brothers. |
0151 |
10:51:35:18 10:51:41:16 |
They all had a college education, though we lived in the poorest conditions. |
0152 |
10:51:42:09 10:51:46:05 |
The cow was already gone by then.
0153 |
10:51:46:15 10:51:50:19 |
The times were really bad then, and yet everyone studied. |
0154 |
10:51:52:18 10:51:55:06 |
And I did, too.
0155 |
10:52:34:08 10:52:37:23 |
You're sure you haven't forgotten anything? Here, take this. |
0156 |
10:52:38:08 10:52:39:18 |
Stay healthy.
0157 |
10:52:42:19 10:52:44:12 |
Next, please.
0158 |
10:52:45:06 10:52:47:21 |
Who's next? - Come in! |
0159 |
10:52:56:06 10:52:58:20 |
All the best. Goodbye. - Goodbye. |
0160 |
10:53:01:24 10:53:05:17 |
What's wrong? - Oh, everything possible. |
0161 |
10:53:06:09 10:53:10:06 |
Don't you have any nice things for me? |
0162 |
10:53:17:01 10:53:19:16 |
You know what we have and what we don't.
0163 |
10:53:20:01 10:53:22:24 |
Do you have something for my stomach?
0164 |
10:53:37:03 10:53:39:19 |
I love your hands. They're so fine.
0165 |
10:53:42:23 10:53:46:19 |
All right, all right. - I have great respect for you. |
0166 |
10:53:51:18 10:53:54:08 |
What's your name? - Rossoshansky. |
0167 |
10:53:57:17 10:54:02:10 |
I live at 89 Shevtshenko St., apartment 6a. I don't have a phone. |
0168 |
10:54:12:06 10:54:14:11 |
Try this. - Okay. |
0169 |
10:54:18:02 10:54:21:18 |
We'll try this. If it doesn't work, we'll try something else. |
0170 |
10:54:24:03 10:54:27:24 |
This is for your stomach. - Oh, I see. |
0171 |
10:54:28:09 10:54:31:05 |
We'll see what happens. You'll be coming back. |
0172 |
10:54:32:15 10:54:35:07 |
I have a headache, too.
0173 |
10:54:37:15 10:54:39:22 |
What's that? - It's minalon. |
0174 |
10:54:40:07 10:54:42:04 |
What's it for? - Sclerosis. |
0175 |
10:54:42:14 10:54:47:18 |
Now he has medication for gastritis, sclerosis and headaches. |
0176 |
10:54:49:02 10:54:50:17 |
Next, please.
0177 |
10:54:55:16 10:54:56:16 |
Come in.
0178 |
10:54:57:23 10:55:00:12 |
Hello. Have a seat.
0179 |
10:55:04:03 10:55:10:22 |
I have heart problems, and sciatica, and my knees hurt. |
0180 |
10:55:12:20 10:55:14:14 |
Get well soon.
0181 |
10:55:34:06 10:55:35:20 |
Please, sign this.
0182 |
10:55:39:07 10:55:41:20 |
Here? - Yes, a bit further down. |
0183 |
10:55:46:05 10:55:47:22 |
That was it. Very good.
0184 |
10:55:49:21 10:55:53:11 |
Very good. I hope you get better soon. - Thank you. |
0185 |
10:55:53:21 10:55:57:17 |
Stay healthy. - Be careful. It's slippery. |
0186 |
10:56:02:24 10:56:06:05 |
Goodbye. - Goodbye. All the best. |
0187 |
10:56:15:01 10:56:17:10 |
This place is full of memories for you.
0188 |
10:56:17:20 10:56:22:11 |
Yes, my mother worked in the x-ray department for a few years. |
0189 |
10:56:23:10 10:56:27:21 |
In fact, several relatives of mine worked here as doctors. |
0190 |
10:56:28:06 10:56:33:18 |
The director of the Jewish hospital was my mother's uncle, Dr. Josef Ohrenstein. |
0191 |
10:56:34:03 10:56:37:21 |
He was the head of the hospital for over 30 years. |
0192 |
10:56:38:18 10:56:41:23 |
Dr. Hermann Greif, a cousin of my mother's, |
0193 |
10:56:42:08 10:56:47:03 |
headed the department of dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases. |
0194 |
10:56:48:07 10:56:51:04 |
Dr. Jacob Landau
0195 |
10:56:51:21 10:56:55:00 |
headed the ophthalmology department.
0196 |
10:56:55:11 10:56:59:07 |
And many other friends and relatives.
0197 |
10:56:59:17 10:57:02:05 |
When was the first time you were here?
0198 |
10:57:02:15 10:57:06:22 |
I'd say it was about 1937.
0199 |
10:57:17:08 10:57:22:12 |
Dr. Martin Kraft, my mother's friend, headed the dept. of internal medicine. |
0200 |
10:57:24:14 10:57:27:14 |
The surgical department was headed by Dr. Frieda Vilenko, |
0201 |
10:57:27:24 10:57:30:14 |
a close friend of my father's.
0202 |
10:57:35:00 10:57:41:06 |
A week before the war began, my mother's boss, the head of the x-ray department, |
0203 |
10:57:41:16 10:57:46:22 |
Dr. Paul Katz, was deported by the Russians and died in Siberia. |
0204 |
10:57:48:19 10:57:50:10 |
And the other doctors?
0205 |
10:57:51:11 10:57:56:01 |
Dr. Greif survived and died in New York. |
0206 |
10:57:56:11 10:57:58:17 |
He worked in New York.
0207 |
10:57:59:16 10:58:05:21 |
Dr. Jacob Landau was a professor of ophthalmology at Jerusalem University. |
0208 |
11:02:18:20 11:02:19:05 |
0100 |
11:24:09:24 11:24:10:09 |
0101 |
11:24:17:23 11:24:21:24 |
Hello, I'm Mrs. Rosa.
0102 |
11:24:22:09 11:24:24:15 |
Liebermann. - Yes, Liebermann. |
0103 |
11:24:26:17 11:24:30:16 |
I'll be expecting you at four at Manya's. |
0104 |
11:24:31:05 11:24:33:05 |
Who's that woman?
0105 |
11:24:34:23 11:24:37:14 |
Is she with you? ... Come closer.
0106 |
11:24:38:21 11:24:40:03 |
Come closer.
0107 |
11:24:41:00 11:24:43:18 |
How do we live? We have a good life.
0108 |
11:24:44:04 11:24:47:18 |
We haven't gotten our pension for 6 or 7 months. |
0109 |
11:24:48:19 11:24:54:06 |
We live well, very well.
0110 |
11:24:55:16 11:24:58:16 |
What can I say?
0111 |
11:24:59:01 11:25:00:08 |
That's life.
0112 |
11:25:00:20 11:25:04:19 |
"That's life," as they say in Russian or Ukrainian. |
0113 |
11:25:05:04 11:25:08:18 |
What I speak is more Hutzul. Neither Russian nor Ukrainian. |
0114 |
11:25:09:03 11:25:11:19 |
I speak the way people usually speak here. |
0115 |
11:25:12:02 11:25:14:14 |
I was born here.
0116 |
11:25:15:04 11:25:20:09 |
I'm the only Vashkoutzer.
0117 |
11:25:20:19 11:25:26:09 |
The only Vashkoutzer Jew? - Jewish woman, Jewish person. |
0118 |
11:25:30:10 11:25:33:00 |
Come closer, so you're in the picture.
0119 |
11:25:36:24 11:25:41:08 |
What did you want to tell us? - I told her to stand next to me. |
0120 |
11:25:42:23 11:25:49:00 |
You should take her picture, too. She asked if we've become friends. |
0121 |
11:25:50:14 11:25:53:08 |
Rosa, do you think that without a representative |
0122 |
11:25:53:18 11:25:58:06 |
the authorities will let you talk? - We're talking about personal things. |
0123 |
11:26:00:02 11:26:03:17 |
We're Jews, Bukovina Jews.
0124 |
11:26:05:11 11:26:09:11 |
This town of Vashkoutz was a Jewish town. |
0125 |
11:26:10:07 11:26:14:22 |
The whole center of town, no matter where you looked, |
0126 |
11:26:15:07 11:26:18:19 |
every house, every building,
0127 |
11:26:19:04 11:26:21:09 |
it was all Jewish.
0128 |
11:26:21:19 11:26:25:00 |
They killed very many Jews here.
0129 |
11:26:26:02 11:26:30:02 |
Who killed the Jews? - Our ... |
0130 |
11:26:30:12 11:26:33:08 |
The neighbors? - Not the neighbors. |
0131 |
11:26:33:21 11:26:37:12 |
It was simply the local peasants. |
0132 |
11:26:39:17 11:26:44:10 |
My mother was killed here in Vashkoutz.
0133 |
11:26:44:20 11:26:50:08 |
Here ... my mother. And they killed a brother in Banila, |
0134 |
11:26:50:18 11:26:52:11 |
in Banilov.
0135 |
11:26:52:21 11:26:58:05 |
They killed the whole village. There were only Jews. |
0136 |
11:27:00:04 11:27:02:24 |
And here in Vashkoutz. - In Vashkoutz? |
0137 |
11:27:03:20 11:27:06:17 |
In Banilov. I'm talking about Banila.
0138 |
11:27:07:02 11:27:11:00 |
In Vashkoutz, they killed everybody here. They're all lying here. |
0139 |
11:27:16:03 11:27:18:22 |
Weren't you there last year?
0140 |
11:27:21:01 11:27:23:08 |
What year was that?
0141 |
11:27:23:18 11:27:27:11 |
It was in '41 when the war began.
0142 |
11:27:29:19 11:27:33:11 |
When the war began in '41.
0143 |
11:28:09:04 11:28:13:01 |
Should I laugh? - I'd love you to. - Laugh, huh? |
0144 |
11:28:22:14 11:28:24:04 |
My laughter is so sad.
0145 |
11:28:28:19 11:28:31:19 |
Talk some Yiddish!
0146 |
11:28:37:14 11:28:40:23 |
Can you speak Yiddish? - Of course. |
0147 |
11:28:41:20 11:28:44:14 |
My mother tongue is Yiddish.
0148 |
11:28:44:24 11:28:49:13 |
My father and mother spoke Yiddish. All the children spoke Yiddish. |
0149 |
11:28:49:23 11:28:56:03 |
We learned Yiddish, Romanian, Jewish, German. |
0150 |
11:28:58:08 11:29:04:05 |
Ukrainian? - Yes. I can even speak Polish. |
0151 |
11:29:05:04 11:29:09:19 |
I used to be able to, but now I don't know if I could speak Polish. |
0152 |
11:29:12:17 11:29:15:20 |
Romanian, too? - I speak good Romanian. |
0153 |
11:29:22:24 11:29:25:09 |
I learned Romanian.
0154 |
11:29:28:08 11:29:29:18 |
At school.
0155 |
11:29:31:00 11:29:32:23 |
Us two scarecrows.
0156 |
11:29:36:07 11:29:38:17 |
Come closer. Don't be afraid.
0157 |
11:29:39:02 11:29:40:22 |
Look at me.
0158 |
11:29:48:03 11:29:49:20 |
What a life.
0159 |
11:29:52:14 11:29:54:14 |
There's nothing you can do.
0160 |
11:29:55:24 11:29:58:11 |
When love wants to laugh,
0161 |
11:29:58:21 11:30:00:20 |
you'll laugh, too.
0162 |
11:30:03:08 11:30:05:05 |
You're quiet. Don't be quiet.
0163 |
11:30:16:03 11:30:19:08 |
Look at that. Thank goodness.
0164 |
11:30:21:05 11:30:24:07 |
I'm not going to give you any more information. |
0165 |
11:30:28:06 11:30:30:16 |
In the year of 1946 ...
0166 |
11:30:31:01 11:30:33:17 |
In 1946 I came here.
0167 |
11:30:34:02 11:30:38:12 |
My husband's sister was living here. She wanted to go to Romania. |
0168 |
11:30:38:22 11:30:41:00 |
We came here to say goodbye and stayed. |
0169 |
11:30:41:10 11:30:44:11 |
I come from the area of Vinnitza. We came here in 1946. |
0170 |
11:30:44:21 11:30:47:10 |
I've been living here since 1946. It's been 52 years. |
0171 |
11:30:48:07 11:30:51:11 |
I've already lived here for 52 years.
0172 |
11:30:52:23 11:30:56:17 |
Rosa is a friend of mine. She's known me since 1946. |
0173 |
11:30:57:17 11:31:01:18 |
She may be eleven years older, but we're still friends. |
0174 |
11:31:02:15 11:31:05:12 |
I don't have anybody else. - Tell about our work! |
0175 |
11:31:05:22 11:31:09:24 |
We worked together. And that's it. What can I say? |
0176 |
11:31:31:18 11:31:33:23 |
Everything's all right.
0177 |
11:31:42:14 11:31:45:16 |
It's written in German. Look.
0178 |
11:31:53:15 11:31:56:10 |
It's been like this since 1932.
0179 |
11:32:34:02 11:32:37:03 |
Nussem Diener.
0180 |
11:32:37:12 11:32:40:14 |
Written in Latin script.
0181 |
11:33:39:23 11:33:41:09 |
Where is he?
0182 |
11:33:42:21 11:33:44:23 |
Nussem Diener, my father.
0183 |
11:33:45:08 11:33:48:19 |
My dear father! My heart is filled with pain. |
0184 |
11:33:55:22 11:33:59:01 |
Go pray for me, for Manya's children and for all the others. |
0185 |
11:33:59:11 11:34:03:14 |
Go pray, Father. Pray for Manya Shkolnikov. |
0186 |
11:34:03:24 11:34:07:04 |
She helped me.
0187 |
11:34:14:06 11:34:16:06 |
Forgive me, Father.
0188 |
11:34:34:01 11:34:39:23 |
I have stayed alone like a stone.
0189 |
11:34:46:17 11:34:50:10 |
Your only daughter Rosa has come to see you. |
0190 |
11:34:52:03 11:34:56:12 |
Go pray for me. Forgive me for not coming to see you for so long. |
0191 |
11:34:56:22 11:34:59:00 |
I have trouble walking.
0192 |
11:35:00:22 11:35:03:16 |
I beg you, Father. Pray for your children. |
0193 |
11:35:04:01 11:35:07:09 |
Pray for Manya Shkolnikov. She helps me so much. |
0194 |
11:35:07:19 11:35:09:21 |
Only two Jewish children were left
0195 |
11:35:10:06 11:35:12:16 |
in Vashkoutz, that Jewish shtetl.
0196 |
11:35:13:01 11:35:16:08 |
That's it. That's our whole life.
0197 |
11:41:56:09 11:41:59:15 |
Yes? - It's me, Mrs. Zuckermann. |
0198 |
11:42:00:00 11:42:02:24 |
Are you alone? - No, I'm not alone. |
0199 |
11:42:03:10 11:42:10:06 |
Ladies and gentlemen? Or only gentlemen? - Only gentlemen. |
0200 |
11:42:10:16 11:42:14:01 |
Come in. I'll finish up with my student.
0201 |
11:42:16:04 11:42:16:14 |
0100 |
11:50:50:12 11:50:50:22 |
0101 |
11:50:56:21 11:50:58:21 |
He's going to be eighty. In honor of his birthday, |
0102 |
11:50:59:06 11:51:02:08 |
they wrote a very nice article about him. |
0103 |
11:51:31:06 11:51:36:06 |
Speaking of autumn poems, I know one that suits us all. |
0104 |
11:51:36:16 11:51:39:02 |
Should I recite it? - Yes. - It goes like this: |
0105 |
11:51:39:12 11:51:43:11 |
Like the autumn wind
0106 |
11:51:43:21 11:51:47:09 |
that drives the leaves which fall from the tree, |
0107 |
11:51:47:19 11:51:53:10 |
people meet, fleetingly, like a beautiful dream. |
0108 |
11:51:53:20 11:51:57:15 |
Like the wind that scatters the leaves,
0109 |
11:51:58:00 11:52:02:20 |
people will scatter. And only memories will remain. |
0110 |
11:52:09:03 11:52:11:12 |
There are lots more, too.
0111 |
11:52:12:17 11:52:13:22 |
0112 |
11:52:15:16 11:52:19:16 |
The autumn eats its leaf from my hand.
0113 |
11:52:20:08 11:52:22:03 |
We are friends.
0114 |
11:52:22:13 11:52:26:09 |
We take time from the nutshells and teach it to yawn. |
0115 |
11:52:26:19 11:52:31:19 |
Time returns to the shells. In the mirror ... |
0116 |
11:52:32:04 11:52:33:04 |
Paul Celan!
0117 |
11:52:34:03 11:52:40:10 |
We sleep in dreams. Mouths speak the truth. |
0118 |
11:52:41:16 11:52:45:13 |
My eye descends upon the sex of my lover. |
0119 |
11:52:45:23 11:52:50:08 |
We look at each other. We tell each other dark things. |
0120 |
11:52:50:24 11:52:55:24 |
We love each other like poppies and memory. |
0121 |
11:52:56:09 11:52:58:24 |
We sleep like wine in the shells,
0122 |
11:52:59:09 11:53:01:23 |
like the sea in the moon's stream of blood. |
0123 |
11:53:03:03 11:53:07:04 |
We embrace at the window. They watch us from the street. |
0124 |
11:53:07:14 11:53:10:05 |
It's time we knew.
0125 |
11:53:10:15 11:53:15:12 |
It's time for the stone to bring itself to blossom. |
0126 |
11:53:15:22 11:53:20:00 |
That restlessness beats a heart.
0127 |
11:53:20:10 11:53:23:16 |
It's time that it's time.
0128 |
11:53:24:01 11:53:25:20 |
It's time.
0129 |
11:53:28:15 11:53:32:22 |
I have cassettes with him speaking.
0130 |
11:53:37:07 11:53:41:07 |
I sent them all the way to Japan.
0131 |
11:53:42:15 11:53:46:13 |
To a German professor at the University of Tokyo. |
0132 |
11:53:46:23 11:53:50:12 |
I gave him the letters and the cassettes. |
0133 |
11:53:50:24 11:53:54:18 |
But my love of poetry began with Heinrich Heine. |
0134 |
11:53:55:11 11:54:01:13 |
It continued into the 20th century with Rainer Maria Rilke. |
0135 |
11:54:03:21 11:54:07:07 |
Malte Laurids Brigge ... and anyhow! "The Blind Man." |
0136 |
11:54:08:05 11:54:13:05 |
Phenomenal poems. In my opinion, much nicer than Paul Celan's. |
0137 |
11:54:14:05 11:54:17:05 |
Different birds, different songs.
0138 |
11:54:17:15 11:54:21:10 |
Only two remain in the old songs.
0139 |
11:54:23:07 11:54:26:12 |
I know innumerable Jewish songs.
0140 |
11:54:26:22 11:54:32:13 |
But it's too late now, and I've lost my voice anyway. |
0141 |
11:54:32:23 11:54:36:17 |
I always sang a lot when I was young.
0142 |
11:54:38:16 11:54:42:03 |
Some lyrics perhaps? ... Some lyrics?
0143 |
11:54:43:24 11:54:45:03 |
A Jewish one?
0144 |
11:54:47:05 11:54:48:22 |
It's very sentimental,
0145 |
11:54:49:07 11:54:53:11 |
and following "Two Lonelinesses," it would be a bit too much. |
0146 |
11:55:00:21 11:55:06:10 |
It's difficult to say how life will turn out. Who can foresee it? |
0147 |
11:55:07:05 11:55:10:01 |
Who can say what will be?
0148 |
11:55:13:04 11:55:17:02 |
There will not be another Hitler or another Stalin. |
0149 |
11:55:18:11 11:55:21:19 |
There will probably be a harsh winter.
0150 |
11:55:22:04 11:55:26:00 |
Perhaps that loan will help somehow.
0151 |
11:55:41:10 11:55:44:13 |
These are pictures of my grandparents.
0152 |
11:55:45:15 11:55:48:16 |
My grandfather was an imperial official.
0153 |
11:55:49:20 11:55:51:04 |
Like this?
0154 |
11:55:53:12 11:55:57:18 |
Until 1914, he was the mayor of Putilla.
0155 |
11:55:58:03 11:56:02:02 |
He was reelected three times by the peasants. |
0156 |
11:56:02:12 11:56:07:22 |
In 1914, my family fled from Russia and went to Vienna |
0157 |
11:56:08:07 11:56:12:14 |
and stayed in Vienna. My mother finished high school in Vienna |
0158 |
11:56:12:24 11:56:17:06 |
and attended the school of medicine at the University of Vienna. |
0159 |
11:56:18:24 11:56:23:06 |
And she worked in Vienna for 8 years, including St. Anna Children's Hospital |
0160 |
11:56:24:17 11:56:27:17 |
and Professor Pirquet's clinic.
0161 |
11:56:28:10 11:56:32:24 |
And then she married a man from Bukovina and returned to Czernowitz. |
0162 |
11:56:33:20 11:56:38:04 |
Her brothers and sisters and my grandparents stayed in Vienna. |
0163 |
11:56:40:11 11:56:44:18 |
Did your grandparents survive? - No, they didn't survive. |
0164 |
11:56:45:03 11:56:48:12 |
In 1943 they were deported to Theresienstadt. |
0165 |
11:56:49:00 11:56:53:01 |
My grandfather died immediately. My grandmother survived for a year |
0166 |
11:56:53:17 11:56:57:05 |
and was deported to Ravensbrück in 1944.
0167 |
11:56:58:06 11:57:03:12 |
This is the card she sent to my uncle ... |
0168 |
11:57:04:10 11:57:08:21 |
from Theresienstadt, informing my uncle that my grandfather had died. |
0169 |
11:57:09:15 11:57:15:03 |
She didn't have our address. We had just been thrown out of our apartment, |
0170 |
11:57:15:13 11:57:19:24 |
so she wrote to my mother's uncle,
0171 |
11:57:20:09 11:57:25:01 |
Dr. Ohrenstein.
0172 |
11:57:25:11 11:57:29:10 |
He was the director of the Jewish hospital for over 30 years. |
0173 |
11:57:29:20 11:57:33:20 |
And he brought us this sad news.
0174 |
11:57:37:12 11:57:39:11 |
My father was a civil engineer.
0175 |
11:57:39:21 11:57:43:19 |
He graduated from the Imperial Institute of Technology in Vienna. |
0176 |
11:57:45:02 11:57:48:08 |
My father's father was a master builder.
0177 |
11:57:48:18 11:57:55:11 |
My grandfather and my father built several public buildings in Czernowitz. |
0178 |
11:57:58:22 11:58:04:15 |
For example, they were contracted to build apartments for railroaders. |
0179 |
11:58:19:07 11:58:21:11 |
And the others? - The others. |
0180 |
11:58:24:15 11:58:30:14 |
This is the water tower the Russians blew up in 1941 before retreating. |
0181 |
11:58:30:24 11:58:32:24 |
It wasn't rebuilt.
0182 |
11:58:36:16 11:58:42:15 |
This is a house in University Lane which my father built after Grandfather died. |
0183 |
11:58:43:07 11:58:45:18 |
It's still there? - Yes, of course. |
0184 |
11:58:57:04 11:58:59:11 |
My father was a leading member
0185 |
11:58:59:21 11:59:03:08 |
of Bukovina's and Romania's Zionistic organizations. |
0186 |
11:59:03:18 11:59:08:12 |
He was the vice president of Bukovina's Kerem Hajessod |
0187 |
11:59:08:22 11:59:13:23 |
and a member of the central council of Romania's Zionist organizations. |
0188 |
11:59:14:19 11:59:17:23 |
Following his death in 1936,
0189 |
11:59:18:08 11:59:22:05 |
we remained in a very poor financial situation. |
0190 |
11:59:22:19 11:59:27:19 |
Romania owed my father 10 million leu, after he had built something for them. |
0191 |
11:59:28:04 11:59:30:15 |
But they didn't pay.
0192 |
11:59:31:00 11:59:35:12 |
On the other hand, they demanded 6 million leu in inheritance tax. |
0193 |
11:59:36:10 11:59:43:22 |
From 1936 to 1940, my mother tried to sue the Romanian government. |
0194 |
11:59:44:07 11:59:49:09 |
We were lucky to have friends, lawyers who helped us, |
0195 |
11:59:49:19 11:59:53:17 |
because we were completely broke.
0196 |
11:59:54:08 11:59:57:16 |
So in 1940, when the Russians invaded,
0197 |
11:59:58:01 12:00:01:08 |
my mother felt relieved.
0198 |
12:00:01:18 12:00:06:11 |
We didn't know what was in store. We thought we were rid of the Romanians |
0199 |
12:00:06:21 12:00:09:21 |
and all those debts so we could start to work. |
0200 |
12:00:10:20 12:00:14:21 |
And at the beginning, it wasn't all that bad. |
0201 |
12:00:16:00 12:00:21:18 |
The first time was on June 13th, 1941.
0202 |
12:00:22:03 12:00:24:15 |
Nine days before the war began.
0203 |
12:00:25:11 12:00:31:03 |
They started deporting people. 3,500 Jews were sent to Siberia. |
0204 |
12:00:31:24 12:00:35:18 |
Among them were several relatives of my mother's: |
0205 |
12:00:36:03 12:00:39:07 |
her cousin Josef and his wife and daughter. |
0206 |
12:00:40:20 12:00:45:21 |
Sekler and lots of others were deported, and almost none of them survived. |
0207 |
12:00:46:20 12:00:51:10 |
We weren't deported, because my father had already died. |
0208 |
12:00:51:20 12:00:53:12 |
He had died four years before.
0209 |
12:00:53:22 12:00:58:03 |
And they forgot that he had been a leading Zionist. |
0210 |
12:01:00:10 12:01:06:10 |
And then the Romanians came, and that was a terrible time. |
0211 |
12:01:08:12 12:01:11:04 |
The invasion before the invasion.
0212 |
12:01:11:14 12:01:14:09 |
We'd been declared outlaws.
0213 |
12:01:15:08 12:01:18:23 |
We didn't have any food. We couldn't buy anything. |
0214 |
12:01:19:13 12:01:26:14 |
And that continued until October 11th, 1941. |
0215 |
12:01:27:10 12:01:32:23 |
Suddenly, we had to go to the so-called ghetto by 6 p.m. |
0216 |
12:01:34:18 12:01:40:11 |
It was a very small part of town where 5,000 Jews had lived before. |
0217 |
12:01:40:21 12:01:44:00 |
About 50,000 had to join them.
0218 |
12:01:45:05 12:01:48:05 |
We had no idea where we were going.
0219 |
12:01:48:15 12:01:52:21 |
My mother remembered she had worked with a certain nurse. |
0220 |
12:01:53:06 12:01:58:07 |
She was a Hager daughter, from the famous Hager family, |
0221 |
12:01:58:17 12:02:00:13 |
the rabbi from Vizhnitz.
0222 |
12:02:00:23 12:02:04:19 |
We went to him in Brewery Lane, and he took us in. |
0223 |
12:02:06:07 12:02:09:23 |
We even had a bed for two, which was ...
0224 |
12:02:10:08 12:02:15:02 |
People were sleeping in the open, in cellars ... |
0225 |
12:02:15:23 12:02:18:10 |
Wherever they could find a place.
0226 |
12:02:18:20 12:02:21:24 |
It was a very harsh winter.
0227 |
12:02:22:09 12:02:24:18 |
It had already snowed in October.
0228 |
12:02:25:20 12:02:27:07 |
Then the deportations began.
0229 |
12:02:27:17 12:02:32:22 |
They sent off one or two trainloads to Transnistria every day. |
0230 |
12:02:35:08 12:02:42:02 |
Most of the people weren't aware that it meant annihilation. |
0231 |
12:02:42:12 12:02:46:08 |
My mother had a strong sense of danger.
0232 |
12:02:46:18 12:02:52:19 |
She tried everything to get a permit to stay in Czernowitz. |
0233 |
12:02:56:09 12:03:02:12 |
The king had permitted 20,000 Jews from over 50,000 to stay in Czernowitz, |
0234 |
12:03:02:22 12:03:05:18 |
because otherwise nothing would have worked in town. |
0235 |
12:03:06:03 12:03:11:17 |
We had the permission of Governor Calotescu. |
0236 |
12:03:12:03 12:03:14:12 |
It was called the "L" card.
0237 |
12:03:14:24 12:03:18:04 |
On the other side, there's a big "L." |
0238 |
12:03:18:14 12:03:22:09 |
That was our permit to stay, and it saved our lives. |
0239 |
12:03:22:24 12:03:25:20 |
We were only able to get it, because my mother was a doctor, |
0240 |
12:03:27:05 12:03:31:11 |
and my father's friends helped us. Otherwise, |
0241 |
12:03:31:21 12:03:34:18 |
we probably would have died somewhere in Transnistria. |
0242 |
12:03:37:11 12:03:41:22 |
How old were you at that time? - I was eleven. |
0243 |
12:03:42:13 12:03:43:18 |
0244 |
12:03:44:10 12:03:48:00 |
And I had to wear a star like this.
0245 |
12:03:48:22 12:03:52:20 |
All six ends of it had to be sewn on ...
0246 |
12:03:53:21 12:03:55:18 |
All six corners.
0247 |
12:03:56:06 12:04:00:18 |
We were only allowed to go out on the street for 3 hours a day, |
0248 |
12:04:01:03 12:04:03:02 |
from ten a.m. to one p.m.
0249 |
12:04:03:12 12:04:07:03 |
You could only buy things from ten to twelve. |
0250 |
12:04:07:13 12:04:12:19 |
If you went out at a different time, you were deported or abused. |
0251 |
12:04:16:14 12:04:21:15 |
Were there only Romanian troops in town, or were there German troops as well? |
0252 |
12:04:23:01 12:04:27:16 |
German troops were only there at first: Special Unit Ohlendorf. |
0253 |
12:04:28:01 12:04:30:08 |
They caused a bloodbath here.
0254 |
12:04:31:13 12:04:37:14 |
They had a list of 2,000 people they gathered at the Cultural Center |
0255 |
12:04:37:24 12:04:41:05 |
which is now next to the Jewish House.
0256 |
12:04:41:15 12:04:44:00 |
They were then sorted according to professions. |
0257 |
12:04:44:10 12:04:47:16 |
I know it from my uncle who survived it all. |
0258 |
12:04:48:03 12:04:52:12 |
They asked, "What do you do?" "I'm an engineer at the sugar refinery." |
0259 |
12:04:52:22 12:04:57:06 |
"To the left. And you?" "A lawyer." "To the right, the left ..." |
0260 |
12:04:57:16 12:05:03:11 |
And the lawyers, the teachers, strong, good-looking young people ... |
0261 |
12:05:03:21 12:05:07:24 |
They were killed near the Pruth, at the old shooting range. |
0262 |
12:05:09:00 12:05:12:07 |
Over 400 people were killed.
0263 |
12:05:12:18 12:05:15:00 |
Clubbed, stabbed or shot to death.
0264 |
12:05:15:10 12:05:20:10 |
Or they just hung a stone around their necks and threw them into the Pruth. |
0265 |
12:06:05:16 12:06:08:08 |
My God, what is this?
0266 |
12:06:08:18 12:06:10:14 |
Come in.
0267 |
12:06:10:24 12:06:12:06 |
0268 |
12:06:15:03 12:06:19:19 |
Come in and look around my school. Take a look around. |
0269 |
12:06:20:04 12:06:23:12 |
Look at this. It's the first lesson.
0270 |
12:06:25:15 12:06:29:23 |
I wish you all the best for the New Year. |
0271 |
12:06:33:00 12:06:36:24 |
My goodness! My God, look at all this! |
0272 |
12:06:39:20 12:06:42:19 |
Now I can treat you to tea with lemon.
0273 |
12:06:43:13 12:06:48:07 |
This is a student who hasn't been here for months. It's the first hour again. |
0274 |
12:06:49:18 12:06:52:04 |
Oh, my little boy, my dear.
0275 |
12:06:52:19 12:06:55:00 |
My sweetheart.
0276 |
12:06:55:10 12:06:57:19 |
You haven't been here for a long time.
0277 |
12:06:58:04 12:07:00:01 |
What shall we do now?
0278 |
12:07:00:11 12:07:02:12 |
Well, let's see.
0279 |
12:07:03:22 12:07:07:16 |
How many A's did you get at school? - Three A's. |
0280 |
12:07:08:01 12:07:09:10 |
Three A's!
0281 |
12:07:09:20 12:07:13:19 |
I congratulate you!
0282 |
12:07:14:10 12:07:17:06 |
Let's see what we're going to do now.
0283 |
12:07:19:02 12:07:20:10 |
This is Fedya.
0284 |
12:07:21:00 12:07:23:11 |
How are we going to do this?
0285 |
12:07:23:21 12:07:26:08 |
Come over here a moment.
0286 |
12:07:26:18 12:07:29:16 |
They're making a film.
0287 |
12:07:30:01 12:07:32:05 |
You'll also be in it.
0288 |
12:07:33:24 12:07:35:22 |
Did you come by car? - Yes. |
0289 |
12:07:36:07 12:07:39:01 |
What should we do? Fedya,
0290 |
12:07:39:11 12:07:41:02 |
make a suggestion. - I don't know. |
0291 |
12:07:41:12 12:07:44:24 |
Make a good suggestion. When shall we meet? |
0292 |
12:07:45:09 12:07:46:17 |
Make a good suggestion.
0293 |
12:07:47:02 12:07:50:02 |
Perhaps on Saturday?
0294 |
12:07:54:15 12:07:56:01 |
Saturday is a good idea.
0295 |
12:07:57:11 12:07:59:02 |
Say, "Thank you very much, Rosa Lvovna."
0296 |
12:08:14:04 12:08:18:17 |
Perhaps you didn't learn this compound in the middle school. |
0297 |
12:08:19:02 12:08:21:10 |
It's certainly new to you.
0298 |
12:08:21:20 12:08:24:03 |
But before we
0299 |
12:08:24:13 12:08:27:18 |
begin with the new topic we're going to review a bit: |
0300 |
12:08:28:23 12:08:31:00 |
the old topic of aldehyde.
0301 |
12:08:31:10 12:08:32:17 |
First question:
0302 |
12:08:33:22 12:08:37:24 |
General information about aldehyde. Formic aldehyde, |
0303 |
12:08:38:09 12:08:41:13 |
its physical characteristics and how it is produced. |
0304 |
12:09:23:16 12:09:25:20 |
Has everyone written it down?
0305 |
12:09:26:15 12:09:28:11 |
Can I erase it?
0306 |
12:09:29:06 12:09:30:20 |
A second possibility
0307 |
12:09:32:14 12:09:34:19 |
is to heat up
0308 |
12:09:39:09 12:09:41:00 |
sodium salts
0309 |
12:09:43:08 12:09:46:04 |
or calcium salts.
0310 |
12:09:55:02 12:09:55:12 |
0100 |
12:18:09:00 12:18:09:10 |
0101 |
12:18:17:02 12:18:23:16 |
This is my dearest child, the only thing I possess. |
0102 |
12:18:24:01 12:18:26:03 |
That's why I'm the dearest.
0103 |
12:18:29:01 12:18:32:00 |
That's your last lesson for today?
0104 |
12:18:32:10 12:18:35:24 |
I still have one more that I don't feel like giving. |
0105 |
12:18:36:09 12:18:38:23 |
I'm already hungry.
0106 |
12:18:39:11 12:18:45:01 |
But I forget about it, if I have to. - You use up so much energy in lessons. |
0107 |
12:18:46:20 12:18:50:11 |
How many lessons a day? - Today? - Yes. |
0108 |
12:18:50:21 12:18:56:03 |
This is the ... This morning I only had one. |
0109 |
12:18:56:13 12:19:00:05 |
And three in the afternoon. That would mean four, right? |
0110 |
12:19:02:12 12:19:06:13 |
Not so bad. - Not today. But sometimes you have more. |
0111 |
12:19:06:23 12:19:11:01 |
I've decided not to give more than four a day. |
0112 |
12:19:11:11 12:19:17:14 |
Enough for my ninety years, or don't you think so? - Yes, I do! |
0113 |
12:19:17:24 12:19:19:21 |
I think so, too.
0114 |
12:19:21:12 12:19:24:21 |
But I still manage. That little sweetheart just now |
0115 |
12:19:25:06 12:19:33:13 |
who came with flowers, tea and lemons. Should I make you tea with lemon? |
0116 |
12:19:34:12 12:19:38:12 |
I see that no one ate the good old piroshky. |
0117 |
12:19:38:22 12:19:40:10 |
That's bothering me, too.
0118 |
12:19:40:20 12:19:43:11 |
I ate some. - But not all of them. |
0119 |
12:19:44:13 12:19:47:04 |
We'll be here a while longer.
0120 |
12:19:47:18 12:19:53:00 |
Where's my knight with the sad countenance? - He'll be here shortly. |
0121 |
12:19:53:16 12:19:58:20 |
My knight with the sad countenance, my knight in shining armor. |
0122 |
12:20:01:00 12:20:04:13 |
What did you say once? Where is Mr. Zwilling? - Yes. |
0123 |
12:20:04:23 12:20:08:14 |
Like I said, my knight in shining armor. - Yes. |
0124 |
12:20:10:14 12:20:14:11 |
When does he usually come? - He usually comes at six. |
0125 |
12:20:14:21 12:20:20:21 |
Six to ten, seven to ten. Everybody knows he's here at that time. |
0126 |
12:20:22:00 12:20:26:04 |
I always worry about what to give him for his evening meal. |
0127 |
12:20:27:17 12:20:32:14 |
My big concern. I tell Felix to bring something special. |
0128 |
12:20:32:24 12:20:36:03 |
I don't have anything for Matthias.
0129 |
12:20:38:17 12:20:43:15 |
That boy is an excellent student. He doesn't need my tutoring, |
0130 |
12:20:44:00 12:20:46:14 |
but the mother wants to emigrate to America, |
0131 |
12:20:46:24 12:20:51:03 |
so both the mother and the son are learning English. |
0132 |
12:20:51:13 12:20:53:14 |
And the reason they learn German?
0133 |
12:20:54:17 12:21:00:09 |
Ukrainians want to become part of the West to such an extent |
0134 |
12:21:00:19 12:21:05:05 |
that they understand it's important to learn German, |
0135 |
12:21:05:15 12:21:10:05 |
even if they don't want to emigrate. They would if they could. |
0136 |
12:21:11:18 12:21:15:22 |
But many are emigrating. - Almost all the Jews. |
0137 |
12:21:16:13 12:21:20:01 |
Except for people like me and ...
0138 |
12:21:20:21 12:21:24:03 |
... Zwilling. Lots of others are staying, too. |
0139 |
12:21:24:13 12:21:27:13 |
The old people stay, the young people emigrate. |
0140 |
12:21:30:20 12:21:35:14 |
Like in that poem: "The old people were storytellers. |
0141 |
12:21:35:24 12:21:39:05 |
The young people who listened for days moved on." |
0142 |
12:21:39:15 12:21:41:08 |
Very nicely put.
0143 |
12:21:43:16 12:21:47:05 |
Young people see no future here.
0144 |
12:21:47:21 12:21:52:20 |
They go to a great effort to study something. |
0145 |
12:21:53:05 12:21:59:01 |
Then suddenly, they realize that there's no work for them. |
0146 |
12:22:01:13 12:22:07:16 |
Some are lucky and find work. - If you have connections or luck. |
0147 |
12:22:09:24 12:22:15:02 |
Or if you have parents who can get you work. |
0148 |
12:22:16:06 12:22:20:11 |
I have a student like that. She went to college |
0149 |
12:22:20:21 12:22:26:21 |
and studied economics. And her father is a high-ranking police officer. |
0150 |
12:22:27:06 12:22:33:07 |
She'll find work. She's also one of the prettiest girls in Czernowitz. |
0151 |
12:22:33:17 12:22:38:16 |
I could show you my pretty girls. I have loads of them. |
0152 |
12:22:39:01 12:22:41:10 |
But they come on another day.
0153 |
12:22:41:22 12:22:45:18 |
Willi Forst sang, and the song was ... |
0154 |
12:22:46:03 12:22:49:20 |
"There will be wine, but we won't ever be. |
0155 |
12:22:50:05 12:22:54:02 |
There will be girls, but we won't ever live." |
0156 |
12:22:54:12 12:22:59:16 |
It's a song from the first "Titanic" film which the Germans made. |
0157 |
12:23:00:01 12:23:04:22 |
Have you seen the film that the Americans made? |
0158 |
12:23:05:07 12:23:10:17 |
I've seen the old version, too. - My students went seven or eight times. |
0159 |
12:23:11:02 12:23:14:02 |
And they sat there and cried every time.
0160 |
12:23:14:12 12:23:18:13 |
All the girls cried at the film,
0161 |
12:23:18:23 12:23:26:05 |
and it was that great love between the two and all that ... |
0162 |
12:24:51:19 12:24:54:17 |
You shouldn't use this ladder.
0163 |
12:24:55:02 12:24:57:10 |
There isn't any other ladder.
0164 |
12:25:03:01 12:25:04:21 |
Should I get it for you? - Yes. |
0165 |
12:25:05:06 12:25:07:14 |
Where should I put it?
0166 |
12:25:36:08 12:25:38:07 |
Where should I put it?
0167 |
12:25:38:17 12:25:41:23 |
You can put it there. - The other ones are there, too. |
0168 |
12:25:58:14 12:26:01:00 |
The telephone is ringing.
0169 |
12:26:03:15 12:26:06:03 |
I'll put it over here.
0170 |
12:26:06:16 12:26:09:00 |
Slowly, slowly. From this side.
0171 |
12:26:09:10 12:26:11:18 |
So we don't break anything up there. - Let me do it. |
0172 |
12:26:30:10 12:26:32:13 |
Where should I put it?
0173 |
12:26:34:04 12:26:36:03 |
Put it back a bit.
0174 |
12:26:53:03 12:26:54:03 |
0175 |
12:26:55:08 12:26:56:10 |
Yes, yes.
0176 |
12:26:58:24 12:27:02:12 |
Could you speak up a bit?
0177 |
12:27:07:02 12:27:08:13 |
The calendars?
0178 |
12:27:08:23 12:27:10:10 |
They haven't arrived yet.
0179 |
12:27:13:06 12:27:14:18 |
We don't have any.
0180 |
12:27:17:09 12:27:20:17 |
Are you afraid? Don't worry. It'll hold you. |
0181 |
12:27:22:11 12:27:24:08 |
We don't want anything to break.
0182 |
12:27:27:23 12:27:30:05 |
That could break.
0183 |
12:27:30:15 12:27:33:04 |
It can brake if you shake it too much.
0184 |
12:27:34:12 12:27:38:11 |
Should we move the ladder over? - It could get caught. |
0185 |
12:27:38:21 12:27:40:18 |
Let me do it. I'll move it.
0186 |
12:27:45:00 12:27:48:10 |
Should I carry it out? - No, leave it here. |
0187 |
12:27:48:20 12:27:52:23 |
I'll leave it here until tomorrow. Then I'll take it away myself. |
0188 |
12:27:53:19 12:27:56:15 |
But not against the picture.
0189 |
12:28:40:17 12:28:43:10 |
That's enough. Just a little bit more.
0190 |
12:28:57:00 12:28:59:13 |
Should I move it? - Take it easy. |
0191 |
12:29:22:01 12:29:23:08 |
Just take it easy.
0192 |
12:29:28:00 12:29:29:24 |
Hold the ladder.
0193 |
12:29:31:04 12:29:33:08 |
That's all you should do. Thank you.
0194 |
12:29:33:18 12:29:34:20 |
Thank you.
0195 |
12:29:49:11 12:29:52:11 |
Did you turn off the electricity? - No. |
0196 |
12:29:52:21 12:29:55:09 |
That's high enough. - That's good. |
0197 |
12:29:59:05 12:30:01:19 |
I'll turn it on. - Okay. |
0198 |
12:30:42:08 12:30:48:20 |
According to the Jewish calendar, the year 5759 is beginning. |
0199 |
12:30:54:22 12:30:58:15 |
Praise to You, our eternal God, King of the world, |
0200 |
12:30:59:00 12:31:01:21 |
who has blessed us with His commandments
0201 |
12:31:02:06 12:31:05:20 |
and has directed us to light the lights of the feast. |
0202 |
12:32:59:08 12:33:04:22 |
At the major festivals, and when I talk about them |
0203 |
12:33:05:07 12:33:10:05 |
I feel a great pain in my heart,
0204 |
12:33:10:15 12:33:16:20 |
because with extremely religious parents like I had, |
0205 |
12:33:17:05 12:33:19:00 |
who believed in Mosaic law,
0206 |
12:33:19:10 12:33:22:14 |
the festivals were strictly observed.
0207 |
12:33:24:06 12:33:26:16 |
It began with Rosh Hashanah.
0208 |
12:33:27:01 12:33:31:21 |
We went into the schul for two days. They had their own schul. |
0209 |
12:33:32:06 12:33:38:15 |
That is, ten more or less affluent Jews built a prayer house. |
0210 |
12:33:39:00 12:33:44:07 |
The prayer house still stands today. They have a grocery store in it now. |
0211 |
12:33:44:17 12:33:50:10 |
And my parents strictly observed every single custom: |
0212 |
12:33:50:20 12:33:55:03 |
from kosher to prayers.
0213 |
12:33:55:13 12:34:00:22 |
And before we went into the schul, they took each of us four children |
0214 |
12:34:01:07 12:34:05:23 |
and kissed us and blessed us.
0215 |
12:34:10:07 12:34:14:02 |
And we were all left with such a festive feeling, |
0216 |
12:34:14:12 12:34:17:19 |
and our parents went into the schul.
0217 |
12:34:18:14 12:34:25:15 |
Yom Kippur was very special. First, we had to strike a kapore. |
0218 |
12:34:26:00 12:34:31:21 |
You've probably never heard of that. Or have you? - No. |
0219 |
12:34:32:06 12:34:35:22 |
Every child had a hen or a rooster.
0220 |
12:34:36:07 12:34:42:08 |
Every boy was bought a rooster, and every girl was bought a hen. |
0221 |
12:34:42:18 12:34:46:18 |
And you had to pray that God should bless the chickens |
0222 |
12:34:47:03 12:34:52:16 |
when they were butchered and eaten. They needed God's blessing. |
0223 |
12:34:53:01 12:34:57:12 |
You had to say a prayer. I can remember those prayers very well. |
0224 |
12:34:57:22 12:35:01:22 |
You had to strike the chicken on the head and ask God |
0225 |
12:35:02:07 12:35:05:00 |
to bless the meal.
0226 |
12:35:06:02 12:35:09:09 |
The festivals lasted a very long time.
0227 |
12:35:09:19 12:35:13:07 |
Rosh Hashanah lasted two days, and eight days later was Yom Kippur. |
0228 |
12:35:13:17 12:35:20:09 |
A very special holiday for all the Jews in the entire world. |
0229 |
12:35:21:01 12:35:27:08 |
For the irreligious in Czernowitz, too, and even for the anti-religious. |
0230 |
12:35:28:03 12:35:33:10 |
The entire town was deserted. All the shops were closed. |
0231 |
12:35:33:20 12:35:38:10 |
I believe, the true Christians closed their shops, too, |
0232 |
12:35:38:20 12:35:42:12 |
because the town was deserted. I remember one Yom Kippur |
0233 |
12:35:42:22 12:35:47:06 |
when I went walking with some friends. The whole town was so quiet. |
0234 |
12:35:47:16 12:35:53:14 |
It was tremendous. All the Jews were in the temples, |
0235 |
12:35:53:24 12:35:59:18 |
in the 55 synagogues in Czernowitz, sitting and praying |
0236 |
12:36:00:03 12:36:04:18 |
for a good fate. And afterwards, God betrayed them. |
0237 |
12:36:05:12 12:36:12:04 |
And He gave them the worst fate that a person could ever have. |
0238 |
12:36:13:02 12:36:17:14 |
And that is nearly anti-religious, you could say. |
0239 |
12:38:09:05 12:38:09:15 |
0100 |
12:44:21:10 12:44:21:20 |
0101 |
12:44:43:05 12:44:49:04 |
It's like a dream. I can't grasp the fact that I once lived here. |
0102 |
12:44:50:08 12:44:53:05 |
There's just no way to escape fate.
0103 |
12:44:55:18 12:44:57:09 |
That's life.
0104 |
12:45:05:22 12:45:10:01 |
In 1944, you almost left here to go to Palestine. |
0105 |
12:45:10:11 12:45:13:23 |
Yes, by way of the Swiss Red Cross,
0106 |
12:45:14:08 12:45:20:12 |
my uncle received permission to enter the country. |
0107 |
12:45:21:13 12:45:26:03 |
We had permission to leave here and permission to enter Palestine. |
0108 |
12:45:26:13 12:45:29:16 |
The English weren't letting Jews into Palestine, |
0109 |
12:45:30:01 12:45:33:06 |
but my uncle succeeded in getting permission. |
0110 |
12:45:33:20 12:45:36:01 |
He was one of Austria's leading Zionists
0111 |
12:45:36:11 12:45:40:09 |
and a personal friend of Theodor Herzl.
0112 |
12:45:40:23 12:45:43:13 |
Dr. David Rothblum.
0113 |
12:45:44:20 12:45:48:12 |
Nothing came of it? - The Russians were there sooner. |
0114 |
12:45:48:22 12:45:51:15 |
The permit was for June 1944,
0115 |
12:45:52:00 12:45:56:15 |
and the Russians came on March 28th, 1944. |
0116 |
12:46:02:15 12:46:04:02 |
It wasn't possible? - No. |
0117 |
12:46:04:12 12:46:08:03 |
You could still cross the border illegally, |
0118 |
12:46:08:13 12:46:12:10 |
but my mother was always afraid.
0119 |
12:46:14:02 12:46:16:24 |
She was probably right.
0120 |
12:46:17:20 12:46:22:08 |
I don't know. Like I said, there's no way to outwit fate. |
0121 |
12:46:24:09 12:46:27:10 |
That's how it is. It was predetermined.
0122 |
12:46:29:00 12:46:31:13 |
That we should stay here
0123 |
12:46:33:03 12:46:37:16 |
and that I should have such a messed-up life. |
0124 |
12:49:28:04 12:49:30:24 |
No news. Nothing new.
0125 |
12:49:32:09 12:49:37:01 |
Various debates in the Ukrainian parliament about laws. |
0126 |
12:49:37:19 12:49:40:19 |
How to get the economy going again.
0127 |
12:49:41:04 12:49:46:11 |
But that's only ... - Some people act like they can do everything all alone. |
0128 |
12:49:47:14 12:49:51:21 |
And others admit that it's impossible without the help of ... |
0129 |
12:49:52:06 12:49:58:21 |
The Ukrainians received a loan of over 600 million dollars yesterday. |
0130 |
12:50:00:15 12:50:05:22 |
That might help somehow to get the economy going again. |
0131 |
12:50:06:07 12:50:09:21 |
I didn't get my pension. - That's no surprise to me. |
0132 |
12:50:10:06 12:50:16:16 |
Pardon? - It's the 16th. I should have gotten my pension on the 9th. |
0133 |
12:50:17:01 12:50:19:06 |
And it hasn't come yet.
0134 |
12:50:19:16 12:50:24:09 |
I'd be surprised if you'd received it.
0135 |
12:50:25:06 12:50:30:20 |
You pessimist. - I'm always right. You always get it later. |
0136 |
12:50:31:07 12:50:34:16 |
I used to get it on time. - Sure. |
0137 |
12:50:36:17 12:50:40:13 |
They said on TV today that apparently half the pension money |
0138 |
12:50:40:23 12:50:44:15 |
will be put into food as a mandatory measure. |
0139 |
12:50:46:16 12:50:52:12 |
If the law is passed ... - My pension is so small anyway, they could forget it. |
0140 |
12:50:53:12 12:50:57:08 |
If I didn't have my lessons, I couldn't get by. |
0141 |
12:50:57:18 12:51:02:04 |
I can even help Felix with the money from my lessons. |
0142 |
12:51:04:12 12:51:09:19 |
Sure. Felix gets almost nothing, just like we get almost nothing. |
0143 |
12:51:10:18 12:51:13:03 |
No salary? - No! |
0144 |
12:51:13:13 12:51:16:08 |
They owe me 1,210 hryvnia.
0145 |
12:51:16:18 12:51:21:01 |
For how many months? - That's about 8 months. |
0146 |
12:51:23:07 12:51:27:07 |
How do you live ...? - Who cares? |
0147 |
12:51:28:16 12:51:34:02 |
I have a pension, but those who don't are in very bad shape. |
0148 |
12:51:35:23 12:51:39:13 |
And yet, I have these students, and they come after all, |
0149 |
12:51:39:23 12:51:44:04 |
and the parents pay for it. The parents are doctors and teachers, |
0150 |
12:51:48:05 12:51:52:18 |
and they all have a stall at the Kalinsky Rinok. |
0151 |
12:51:53:04 12:51:58:09 |
They buy and sell there. They travel to Turkey and Poland |
0152 |
12:51:58:19 12:52:02:16 |
and even to Bulgaria where they get cheap goods |
0153 |
12:52:03:01 12:52:06:04 |
which they sell here. That's what they live from. |
0154 |
12:52:06:14 12:52:08:10 |
Doctors and teachers.
0155 |
12:52:08:20 12:52:11:18 |
You have a very special category of students. |
0156 |
12:52:13:14 12:52:17:10 |
Those 10 percent can live well.
0157 |
12:52:17:24 12:52:22:00 |
But 90 percent live from salaries that aren't being paid. |
0158 |
12:52:24:04 12:52:29:03 |
From nothing. - It's a miracle. - And without love. |
0159 |
12:52:39:06 12:52:43:23 |
What about Katja? She went to Kiev? - She's leaving today. - Today? |
0160 |
12:52:44:08 12:52:48:18 |
Yes, she's leaving today to say "Our Father who art in heaven ... |
0161 |
12:52:49:03 12:52:53:09 |
Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done ..." |
0162 |
12:52:53:19 12:52:54:24 |
Oh God.
0163 |
12:52:56:16 12:52:59:22 |
That she really wants to ... - She'll probably be turned down. |
0164 |
12:53:00:07 12:53:05:12 |
I imagine that now under Schroeder the situation will get worse. |
0165 |
12:53:05:22 12:53:10:03 |
Yes, congratulations, by the way. You have a new chancellor. |
0166 |
12:53:10:24 12:53:13:20 |
It's always difficult to know if congratulations are fitting. |
0167 |
12:53:14:17 12:53:18:12 |
Well, they say a new broom sweeps clean.
0168 |
12:53:19:02 12:53:21:24 |
Everything will probably be okay for the Germans. |
0169 |
12:53:22:09 12:53:25:11 |
They haven't had a bad time up until now. |
0170 |
12:54:12:12 12:54:14:20 |
Subtitles John Reed Middleton |
0171 |
12:54:15:05 12:54:18:10 |
Film und Video Untertitelung GmbH Gerhard Lehmann |
0172 |
12:54:27:10 12:54:27:20 |