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Homecoming: Indigenous youth return to the land

View on The Global Environmental Justice site

If Not Us Then Who? Film 4 of 7 (8:20) 2021
Homecoming: Indonesian Indigenous Youth Return to the Community

This is one of seven short films about sustainable living in the forests of Indonesia, Costa Rica and Brazil. Taken together, they tell a story of oppression, resistance, accomplishments, and confidence for the future.

Please download the teacher's guide for maps, background information, suggested subjects, questions and activities.

"The task of Indigenous youth is to identify the potential that exists in our Indigenous territories."

Many of the Indigenous youth in Indonesia have left their communities to study in the cities. Yet after their studies they have chosen to remain there rather than return home to their traditional lives. But the threat to their communities posed by deforestation, pollution, and land grabbing is giving rise to a homecoming movement. Their concern is that if the youth do not protect and manage their territories, who will?

As they return, they are bringing with them plans to use the land for herbal gardens and organic farming. As a result, land that had lain dormant could now be farmed in a new way. At the same time, their communities are exploring ecotourism, coffee plantations, keeping sheep, and replanting damaged forests with new seedlings. This new generation is aware of global warming and the harm it poses to their way of life and future generations, and they recognize how important it is to protect their territories and the planet.


Other titles in the If Not Us Then Who? Collection:
4. Homecoming: Indonesian Indigenous Youth Return

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