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Sustainable Forests in Costa Rica

View on The Global Environmental Justice site

If Not Us Then Who?  Film 5 of 7 (6:30) 2015
A Sustainable Solution: Environmental Tax to Maintain Forests in Costa Rica

This is one of seven short films about sustainable living in the forests of Indonesia, Costa Rica and Brazil. Taken together, they tell a story of oppression, resistance, accomplishments, and confidence for the future.

Laura Miller
Applied ethicist and instructor, Southwestern Illinois College, St. Louis Community College, Fontbonne University, and Webster University

Please download the teacher's guide for maps, background information, suggested subjects, questions and activities.

"We are a seed that was planted here and grew up here."

Through the efforts of the Indigenous people, Costa Rica is the only country that has been able to reduce illegal logging in the past 20 years. It has done so through a fuel tax program designed to protect the forest, provide incentives for maintaining standing forests, and require permits for tree removal.

The benefits of the tax include investment in schools, colleges, housing, food purchases, and health care expenses. Transnational industries remain a threat as they continue to search for minerals and farmland, build dams, and seek oil. Yet from 1997 to 2009, the Indigenous people reclaimed over 4,200 hectares of land actively returned to forest.


Other titles in the If Not Us Then Who? Collection:
5. Sustainable Solution: Costa Rica

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