Shi'ism: Waiting for the Hidden Imam

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- Transcript
Adherents of Shi'ism comprise less than ten percent of the more than one billion Muslims in the world today, but ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, with its indelible images of blindfolded hostages seized at the American Embassy in Tehran, Shi'ism has been perceived by most Westerners as a religious sect characterized by violence and fanaticism. The American ouster of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and the continuing U.S. occupation of Iraq, which have led to a resurgence of Shia political activity after decades of oppression by Saddam's Sunni-dominated regime, has provided Shi'ism with newfound political influence as well as an opportunity to improve its image.
SHI'ISM illuminates the historical roots of this branch of Islam, from its origins in a 7th-century dispute over the successor to the Prophet Mohammad and a political and theological war between Sunni and Shi'ite followers, through the sect's mythology of martyrdom established by the massacre in 662 at Karbala, followed by centuries of persecution and discrimination of Shi'ism as a minority faith, and outlines its basic tenets, including belief in the 'hidden' Imam, who will appear on the Last Day as the Mahdi.
Filmed in Iran, Lebanon and Iraq, SHI'ISM blends both contemporary and historical footage and graphics with interviews with Muslim scholars, philosophers, writers, politicians and religious leaders, including Iran's Ayatollah Mussa Zein al-Abidin, Lebanon's Sheikh Mohammad Hassan al-Amin, and Islamic Encyclopedia Director Mohammad Kadhim Bujnurdi, among many others. The film also visits Shia holy sites, including the Tomb of Imam Hussein in Karbala, Iraq, and the Mausoleum of Imam Abdul Azim and the Tomb of Bibi Shahrbanoo in southern Tehran.
SHI'ISM explores a wide range of historical and contemporary issues, from the basis of the original schism between Shia and Sunni followers, contemporary differences in legal and religious matters, the cultivation of martyrdom as the foundation of Shi'ite doctrine, the relative strength of Shi'ism in countries throughout the Middle East, the suicide bombings of the Hezbollah in Lebanon, and a political analysis of the Iranian Revolution's establishment of an Islamic Republic in which the clergy assumed political power, as contrasted with the belief of Iraq's Shia leader, Ayatollah Sistani, in a separation between religion and the state.
SHI'ISM offers valuable insights into the complex and largely unknown history, at least for Western viewers, of this small branch of one of the world's largest faiths, which recent events have transformed into one of the most politically influential and controversial religious movements.
'Captivating, clear and informative.'-Bridges Journal
'A fine portrayal of the origins, defining features, and contemporary impact of...Shi'ism. The film's major contribution is the collection of interviews with prominent Shi'ite religious scholars and intellectuals [who] powerfully convey the significance for Shi'ites of the imams. Deeply moving... thoroughly recommended!-The Middle East Quarterly
'Highly Recommended! If one wants to learn the history and current political significance of Shi'ism in less than an hour, it's hard to do better than this documentary. This film conveys a wealth of information-political, cultural, and religious-without getting sidetracked into anecdotes or losing coherence. There is nothing superfluous, nor is there anything missing that needs to be covered. That is a great accomplishment for a film presenting such a complex history in a short time.'-Educational Media Reviews Online
'Remarkable! The film restores the richness of a fascinating history.'-Temps Fort
'A valuable perspective.'-Telerama
Main credits
Bakhtaoui, Saïd (film director)
Distributor subjects
Cultural Studies; History (World); Iran; Iraq; Islam; Lebanon; Middle East; ReligionKeywords
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There are one billion
Muslims in the world today.
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Ten percent are Shiites.
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In 1979, Shiism burst onto the
scene with the Iranian revolution.
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The western world first
embrace, then (inaudible)
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rejected the new order in Tehran.
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In 1982,
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in the Lebanon, Shiism was
associated with images of violence
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and Hezbollah kidnappings.
In 1991, Iraqi Shiites,
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rose up after the first Gulf War, but were cruelly
suppressed by Saddam Hussein\'s Baath regime.
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In January, 2005, they won the elections,
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but what is Shiism? It is a branch of Islam
born of a split in the Muslim community
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after the death of the Prophet Mohammed. It\'s the certainty
of the faithful that at the end of time a messiah,
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the 12th imam, the hidden imam will return
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to begin a reign of truth and justice.
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If we had to believe the sacred texts,
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Islam began in the year
611, not far from Mecca.
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A man in his 40s, who is sleeping in a cave,
told of how he was awoken several times
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by a vision. The man\'s name was Muhammad.
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At each visitation, he was told
\"You are the messenger of God.
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The Prophet of Allah, the one God.\"
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And he was asked to go out and proclaim God to
man. This revelation gave birth simultaneously
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to the Quran, Islam, and
the Muslim community.
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On his death in 632, Muhammad
had named no official successor
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who would become the Caliph,
the new Muslim guide.
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Ali, Muhammad\'s cousin and son-in-law
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claimed succession. He was the
Prophet\'s closest relative.
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And according to Shiite theologians
have been designated (inaudible)
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in Muhammad\'s teachings.
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The best known reference
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is Hadith and (inaudible)
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. He invented the cloak. One day
the prophet covered his cousin,
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Ali, and their two children with a cloak.
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Shiites interpret this act as the passing of the
gift of prophecy to Ali and his descendants.
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The Muslim community felt that Ali was too young and
that there were other more legitimate candidates,
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such as Abu Bakr, one of Muhammad\'s
first followers, aged 62.
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Ali bowed to the community\'s decision.
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But those faithful to him
refused to recognize
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the legitimacy of the first caliph, Abu Bakr.
This led to the birth of the splinter group.
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Shiat Ali. The partisans of Ali.
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Shiism is a branch born
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of this political quarrel, a
faction opposed to Sunnites power.
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Ali had to wait 20 years before becoming
Caliph and reigning over the Muslim world.
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After numerous battles fought
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and won under the banner of Islam, the new
empire stretched from North Africa to Iran.
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But Ali\'s Caliphate was constantly contested
by rich and powerful provincial governors.
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When Ali was murdered in 661,
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the Muslim community refused to choose
one of his sons as his successor.
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In the confusion, Mu\'awiya,
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the powerful governor of Damascus, seize
the Caliphate with his son Yazid.
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And Hussein,
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one of Ali\'s sons rebelled
against the new caliph.
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In 680, Imam Hussein became leader
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of the rebellion against the Caliph Yazid.
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[non-English narration]
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The massacre of Karbala is the founding myth of Shiism.
From then on Shiites would no longer show leaders
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to the caliph and would choose their
own spiritual and political guides,
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the Imams.
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Karbala in Iraq has since
been The Holy City
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for Shiites after Mecca. Here
is the tomb of Imam Hussein.
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Every year,
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Shiites celebrate the Karbala massacre,
spectacular expiatory ceremonies
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called Ashura reenact
episodes of his son\'s life.
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Imam\'s resistance and courage in
the face of the infidel caliph
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plays a crucial role in Shiite mythology.
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[non-English narration]
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Since the slaying of Imam
Ali and of his son Hussein,
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Shiites have known a long
history of persecution.
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Most Imams that followed were murdered, making martyred
them, one of the foundations of Shiite doctrine.
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Shiites are present in many
countries with the (inaudible)
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In Saudi Arabia, they make up
almost 20% of the population,
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but discrimination prevents them
from practicing their religion.
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In 1987, during a pilgrimage to Mecca,
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400 Iranian Shiites were killed while demonstrating
against Saudi power over holy sites.
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In Iraq, under Saddam Hussein\'s regime,
they suffered extreme repression.
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In March, 1991, in Karbala,
the holy city of Shiism,
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tens of thousands are
slaughtered by Saddam\'s troops.
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[non-English narration]
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Shiite pilgrims make their journeys
to the tombs of the Imam\'s
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and of that descendants.
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There are several hundred such luxurious
tombs spread across Iran and Iraq.
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The Imams and their descendants
were buried amid much pomp
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in tunes of gold.
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The suburbs of Tehran, a home to a dozen one
of the most famous of which is that of Imam
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Abdol Azim visited by several
million pilgrims each year.
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They come to show their devotion
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and to share the tragic
fate of their martyr Imams.
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[non-English narration]
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The pilgrims show their immense gratitude
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to their Imams through an initiation
journey which consists of weeping
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and joining in a symbolic fight
against the forces of evil.
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All Shiites wish to be buried in Najaf
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or close to the tomb of an Imam.
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For anyone buried in ground considered holy
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is certain to enter Paradise.
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[non-English narration]
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One subject Sunnis and Shiites do agree on
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is that Mohammed was the one and only
prophet. Since his death there never has been
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nor ever will be another messenger of God.
But for the Shiites,
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the role of the Imams is essential. They
are the descendants of the prophet,
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the inheritors and
interpreters of God\'s message.
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Sunnis, on the contrary, believe the
word of the Quran to be immutable.
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For Shiites, Ali was imbued with Noor,
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divine light. The Imams who have succeeded him have
all inherited this. And they bring them to interpret
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the hidden is At-Tariq(ph) meanings of
the Qur\'an. The main body of Shiites
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is made up of what are known as Twelvers,
since they recognize a line of twelve Imams,
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beginning with Ali and ending with Mahdi,
the hidden who vanished in age 874,
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and whose returned to earth bringing
peace and justice they still await.
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Depictions of the 12 Imams are
widespread in popular Shiite culture.
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And yet in Islam,
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the portrayal of a sacred being is
forbidden. The Prophet condemned
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all images wary of falling back
into pre-Islamic idolatry.
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[music] The supreme offense,
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there are even portraits of
the prophet Mohammed himself.
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At the head of the Shiite hierarchy
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of the ayatollahs, today,
Ayatollah Sistani in Iraq
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and Ayatollah Fadlallah in the Lebanon
of the most powerful and popular
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of the ayatollahs as Ayatollah
Khomeini, once was in Iraq.
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Until the return of the hidden
Imam, they are the reference,
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the spiritual leaders, the
guides of conscience.
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[non-English narration] Shiites
are duty bound to follow
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and to imitate them.
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The descendant of the prophet\'s
family Ayatollah Fadlallah
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is a great scholar and guide, who is out
allegiance. He heads a clergy charged
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with passing on his word and his
interpretation of the sacred text
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to his millions of faithful disciples.
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Each neighborhood Imam
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takes about 20% of the faithful\'s income.
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Its tax enables the Shiite clergy
to remain independent of the state.
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It also finances schools,
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hospitals, and orphanages.
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In the days of the Imam Ali,
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the Persian Empire was in decline.
In the seventh century,
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Iran became a Muslim country.
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According to popular tradition, it was a
woman who introduced Shiism into Iran.
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The only Karbala
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was the wife of Imam Hussein.
Her name was Bibi Shahr Banu.
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She was the daughter of the last
Persian King, Yazdegerd-III.
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She fled on horseback
from Karbala to Tehran.
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The legend has it that the princess
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found a refuge in these mountains.
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The marriage between Bibi
Shahr Banu and Imam Hussein
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was an alliance of the Persian royal
bloodline and that of the prophet.
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It symbolized the union between Iran
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and Shiism.
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In 1501, the Shah of Iran Ismail-I,
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decreed Shiism, the official
national religion. All future Shah\'s
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until the last, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
would be the protectors of the Shiites.
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After the revolution in 1979,
Iran became a republic,
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the very first Shiite state. Today,
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Qom in Iran is Shiism\'s religious
capital and center of scholarship.
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[non-English narration]
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Unlike Sunni Islam
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which teaches a literal reading of
the Quran, in Qom its interpretation
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is complemented by the study of philosophy.
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In the early 1960s,
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Imam Khomeini was a spiritual
leader and professor in Qom.
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He harshly criticized the
reforms introduced by the Shah
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not to be the westernization of
Iran and was forced into exile.
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During his 10 year absence, he
published revolutionary Islamic texts,
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it was smuggled into
Iranian religious schools.
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The uprising
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that spread across Iran oppose
the absolute power of the Shah,
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provoking his departure into exile.
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In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini
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made a triumphant return to Tehran to become the spiritual
and political guard of the new Iranian Republic
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and the people.
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[non-English narration]
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The clergy turned Iran into an
Islamic state and rid itself
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of all Western influence. The Sharia,
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Islamic law was strictly enforced.
Thousands were imprisoned
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and many executed.
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Alcohol was banned,
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women were obliged to wear the chador.
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The clergy applied the
concept of (inaudible)
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which maintains that power should rightfully rest
with Supremes spiritual guides to lead the community
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until the return of the messiah.
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Ayatollah Khomeini was promoted
to the rank of Supremes guide.
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He became the vicar of the hidden Imam. His power
and that of his successors was placed above
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all institutions and all other
powers by the Constitution itself.
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Contesting this principle was a crime.
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Twenty five years after the revolution,
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this theocracy is presently being
opposed by a section of the clergy,
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dignitaries and scholars who are questioning
the doctrine of the guide and his lawyers.
00:44:15.000 --> 00:44:20.000
[non-English narration]
00:45:20.000 --> 00:45:24.999
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Encouraged by the power in Iran,
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Ayatollah Khomeini and his mullahs
backed and armed the Lebanese Shiites.
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Hezbollah first appeared in an official
capacity on the political scene in 1982.
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It soon became armed (inaudible)
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the Iranian Shiites
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in the fight against Israel
in the south of the Lebanon.
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Thirty percent of Lebanese a Shiite,
they\'re grouped mostly in the south
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close to the border with Israel.
Today, the region
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is on the Hezbollah controlled.
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During the conflict with the Israeli army,
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the Hezbollah introduced a new
strategy, the kidnapping of westerners
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and suicide missions. Those who died
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for the cause would be elevated to the rank
of martyrs in the image of their Imams.
00:48:05.000 --> 00:48:09.999
[non-English narration]
00:48:10.000 --> 00:48:14.999
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On the 30th of January, 2005,
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for the first time since the
fall of Saddam Hussein,
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elections were held in Iraq. The candidates
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backed by Ayatollah Sistani, won the majority
of seats in the transitional national assembly.
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Today, Ayatollah Sistani
advocates a policy of pacifism
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and traditional separation
of religion and politics.
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He\'s the new Shiite spiritual guide.
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Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, the Shiite community
has continued to be a victim of terrorist attacks.
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These are often carried out
of the gates of mosques
00:51:20.000 --> 00:51:24.999
in the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala.
They were Imam Ali and his son Imam Hussein
00:51:25.000 --> 00:51:29.999
have lain(ph) in peace the 13 centuries.
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[non-English narration]