HSA Hospital Strike '75

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A union of interns and residents at Chicago's only public hospital are forced to strike for better patient care. This film documents their eighteen-day strike.
Main credits
Hoffman, Judy (Producer)
Distributor subjects
Economics; Labor Studies; Politics; U.S. History; Film History; Documentaries; Social Studies; Health IssuesKeywords
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Cook County Hospital, the only public hospital in the
Chicago area provides medical care to anyone who needs it
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whether they can pay or not.
The union of interns and
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resident doctors at Cook County Hospital, the house staff
Association has a long history of fighting to improve
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the quality of medical
care at the hospital.
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In 1975, the house staff association was
forced to strike for better patient care.
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They demanded Spanish translators and basic backup
services taken for granted at other hospitals,
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lifesaving equipment, more staff
and faster lab and X-ray results.
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This 18 days strike was an important
page in how Staff Association history.
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This is now the 12th
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day of our work action at Cook County Hospital
and our struggle for better patient care.
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This has now been longest
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recession strike in United States History.
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Well, I think they have a right to be on
strike like… like anybody else especially
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uh… if they are fighting for better wages and
uh… better patient care, that’s important.
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I think they should strike. I’m
a diseased patient system,
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patient’s wife and I gotta in and
frightened. I had of a surgery there.
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What kind of care do you usually get there?
I got good care. Could it be improved?
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Sure. All right. After all, of
there in the uh… same neighborhood
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as (inaudible) moves that’s
why they should be improving.
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You look at the building, it looks like I saw,
or so you, tell you, it needs improvement.
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All right, thanks.
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I’m not a patient here. Never been in his hospital,
but I am with the doctors and uh… anything into
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I know what they’re doing is for the best
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they wants to uh… better uh… salaries
and better health care for the patients
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if they get better uh… condition then they can give the
patients better conditions which is better all the way around
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so this is my purpose for being here
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I may not them here but… somebody else,
they’ll come here. And a life is a life.
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I see the issue this way
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that the one hospital for the poor.
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In the in the third wealthiest
state of the nation,
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in a county that has a gross
product of over $40 billion
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ought to be able to provide
quality care to patients.
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Pay house staff fairly and reasonably
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and be accountable
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to the constituency of this
hospital who are the poor people
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whom this hospital is
supposed to take care of
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that was the issue as I see it.
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Well, specifically we came down here to bring about Latino
views(ph), if has come to our attention that a number of people
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who were sent Home in a… in a… six
month period prior to the strike,
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uh… because they couldn’t be properly diagnosed
because they could not understand English.
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And the people in the United States cannot
understand Spanish, it turned out that
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there was 14 cases of ruptured appendices
and of those 14 cases 9 were Latinos.
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So, you know, based on that
information and other information
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ah… we feel that there’s a need for
interpreters at Cook County Hospital
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in… in the emergency room and
throughout the hospital itself.
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Many of you could have followed development to the impending
disaster here at Cook County. Where absurdeous(ph) talk wanna go
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but our sincere feeling that we were
being provoked into our job action.
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We couldn’t figure out why,
we all unanimously knew
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we were in provoked into our job action.
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I think the events of last week
or so have shown very clearly
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what their intent was, I think we can no
longer deny the reality of (inaudible)
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(inaudible) whatever reasons
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there are forces in operation with rest
of which get rid of Cook County Hospital
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and thereby eliminate the
services that are so necessary
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for who relies many of the
people who live in Cook County
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Here, even an illegal can come in
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or an alcoholic who hasn’t had a meal for
two weeks and we take it for granted
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and then this was a Catholic speaking, he said, \"Try
that at your house but Cabrini tried at Mercy Hospital.
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With that beautiful name Mercy,
\"Yes, for years I’ve been
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in the lobby of those Catholic hospitals begging that they
let somebody come through who has no papers and no money.\"
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And here I am, never a called
because somebody has no money
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that’s what he meant. This is the
best place to train doctors.
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This is the only place that I know
that you can really train doctors
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in medicine and not how to get paid.
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And I’m a firm believer, we were all so in the old
bad age that when a kid is hungry, you feed him
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and I should have had believed even
when a guy is sick, you cure him.
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And that’s what I’m down here about tonight, my
concern about not only getting this hospital
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to function properly as it should
have functioned a long time ago,
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and continue to function and in respect the way
you’re going to provide everyone. Not only the poor,
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but the sick in the community in
the best medical fashion possible.
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And the ultimate goal should
be we should be talking about
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5, or 10, or 15, or 20, county hospitals to take care of
everyone in the city of Chicago in metropolitan area.
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The attendings meeting today decided that
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first of all handling the emergency room that they would…
the hospital was gonna call the ambulance companies
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and tell them not to come that
included fire and police,
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that number two they had the mechanism now to
transferring patients from the emergency room
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to either institution. The number three they treat
the patients coming into the emergency room
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with very minor complaints being sent else where, and the number
four that would be voluntary attendings in the emergency rooms.
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Uh… 24 hours a day for as long as they keep
that up which is not going to be very long.
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Uh… to handle anybody that got through all
of that and came in with some problems.
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Now what exactly they’re going to do on a mission
is not clear ‘cause there’s nobody to admit to.
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So they undoubtedly gonna transfer and some women who apparently told
them they could only transfer patients who had third party payers
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Medicaid or insurance but that’s almost, most of the
people that come through is only very few that are not.
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Who is it third (inaudible).
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The question of emergency room
uh… the question of (inaudible)
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very minor complaints out. Yeah. What. I don’t know what are
they gonna do with those people who don’t third party thing.
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Well, that that was not verified. Please,
there are no doctors there to see them.
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Well, no, there will be doctors that to them.
There will be attending there to see them.
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They will be attending to the see anybody that walks
in and comes through this uh… (inaudible)center.
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Now, what they’re gonna do in terms… what they’re gonna
do in terms of patients who don’t have third party payer
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and are not able to be transferred
to another institution
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it’s not clear… yeah, it’s not clear.
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People are very concerned over the cure
of patients and also feel this might
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that there umm… they’d only
uh… a solid show strength,
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their governing commission have showed that
uh… we mean, business at the same time,
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they’re very scared, they don’t… they don’t wanna jeopardize
the care of their patients, they built this plant,
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that either they care for their… many number of years
that’s been jeopardize and surely with the attorneys
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now probably falling out. The care
has been jeopardized already.
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People who haven’t had a clear sense of
uh… uh… uh… of the that we are winning,
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and that we are going anywhere in the long… I think they
said this, should be that way, should be presented that way,
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to the house staff not in a way of saying that
the ER, you know, grade the ER with a sense of
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how clear it is governing commission
that having to respond to us, and
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that the, yeah, there’s a show of our
strength that they have closed the ER.
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Yeah, I like to support that uh… I think that the
other thing is that the fact the governing commission
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has accepted four attendings despite
the problems in those attendings.
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Somebody who they adamantly refused to do, for the last
several months and they were forced to do yesterday as well
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as to move off their ba… business is usual posture,
as proved that they can not run this hospital
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without the house staff and the beginning event, but I think we
gotta stress that. We got people for once again in a positioning
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they feel like they’re really pushing and they’re not getting anywhere.
And I think we are beginning to see signs of the opposition cracking.
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People made the union and if you don’t get
it all together, there is no more union.
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So everybody has to
cooperate and get together
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and have to get it. So it can be a good track and can get
better… better benefit for everybody. Maybe for all of us.
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So now, I don’t think its money involved,
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I think its better patient care and less working, uh…
you know, long hours, they don’t wanna the long hours.
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Uh… The working conditions of
the hospital is very poor.
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We are uh… the doctors are thinking
in terms of the patient care
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which is important to the doctors
and the one’s that work here.
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But the poor people, they can’t
have anything to say because uh…
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they can’t do anything, but depend on
what the doctors do or what we do.
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We, we, we work here at the county What
do you do here? Clean hospital. Uh-hmm.
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And uh… we have a hard time trying
to through to our supervisors that.
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What we do is helping the patients.
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What got you to this meeting here to? Well,
some of us uh… who’ve had (inaudible) ah…
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you know got some information about the
strike and city issues that, that, that…
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the house staff has waiting has been not only
the issues that apply to the County Hospital,
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but they apply to all hospitals in this community and especially
to you, because it’s a ah… public run institution too. Ah…
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so we feel that as health workers that uh…
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the issues of patient care and decent working
conditions at Cook County affect us too.
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What are gonna do about the lay of though.
Everybody here is interested in money
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because like uh… we are
making that much money
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and you got to be interested in money because
how can you be concerned with patient care
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as an employee at Cook County
Hospital and, and, ah… and, and, and
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you have in just a bad
shape as the patients are.
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As far as layoffs go, I think again through leaf lets and
another means we have tried to make our position clear,
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our association has taken the
position that we will not uh…
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uh… that we will not tolerate layoffs
because we know as, you know,
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that layoffs will be direct curtailment
of the services that are… are already
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umm… creating problems today.
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To the house staff is doing a real strong job of fighting for a
contract but the house staff is not gonna be able to stop layoffs.
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The house staff is not… it not
just not gonna be able to do that.
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And there people here in this room right now
representing every different.. every different area
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just about in the hospital and I think that one of the things that we
should start doing right now is deciding how we are gonna stop layoffs?
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Because we are gonna we are the
only ones who’re gonna do it.
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Is the patients they are going through the same. Thing they are getting laid
off and that’s one of the reason lot of people are coming to county hospital
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besides the fact that lot of people are coming to county hospital because
they get, you know, decent treatment here or just decent treatment here.
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I see the real possibility of
the coalition fight layoffs
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and I just see that starting with county workers, you know,
I see that as part of the way we approach the community,
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you know, linking the cau…, the fact that
layoffs with the fact that the patients care.
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This struggle is not just for the elite
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for those that wanna speak or say something.
It’s for people that have children
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that have to the pediatric with coldness,
employees, that don’t have any funds
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I’ve been in (inaudible) long time and some those people, I’ve been
here long enough to see the grand children coming from the mothers
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that I had to (inaudible) in 1951,
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and they say, you know, I come to county, it’s
not the best place in the world, but I know
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I see a doctor no matter how long
it takes for me to see the doctor.
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As long as we work, we pay our portion of slalry. I won’t say
that’s how I feel about county, because we pay property tax
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and uh… we work here everyday so
we pay a portion of our own salary
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so it had been at time that we were
brain washed that people believed that
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like people came to county because they didn’t have
to pay anything, but we never came to county free
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maybe 10% of the people come to county for free and
I think we pay enough tax for the 10% of the people
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to come here free and uh… so
now, it’s kind of turn around
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people are learning that people are paying all the time
and all the big people we getting away with the money
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and we were getting away with poor service. I feel
like this the governing commission is just using
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our money to do, you know,
things they wanna do.
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Now I don’t see ‘em like utilizing
for the best interest of the patient
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but they can owe (inaudible)all kind of new offices
overnight, they can do all these things that
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but I imagined that the doctors working there would want
the best for his patient not the worst for his patient.
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Now, either guilty or (inaudible) can’t afford to be
here. I mean, you are a guy just you are guilty or not
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(inaudible) sure, health care, you can’t go
to anywhere else, you have to the county,
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you know. There’s just no choice and go there and for a long time
people weren’t just given good care, they’re, ‘cause there was no money
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put into that place to keep
it in the uh… umm… up to date
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in matter of technology and equipment.
And things started to change a bit now.
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And uh… essentially hopefully some part of what we do
to to make sure, never suspect where it was before.
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I was some of divided attitude towards
cook county I think that’s all, I think
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that it truly terrible, you know that… that umm…
conditions that are not worthy or not in a worst
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or university of Chicago (inaudible)
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By a large, I mean, more healthcare
not less or sick or not… unless
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people who get the finest healthcare.
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Why they’re sicker? Kevin get into that lil bit. When he said… who come to county,
until they’re at the point where they just can’t do anything. So they’re so sick
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that they had come they come into the hospital,
other folks for whatever reason, you know,
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will be seeing a doctor and will be start to get sick
and it’s part of preventive medicine they’ve they are
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they’re preventative reached to hospital because there are deceased taken
care of for the best to the point where they need hospitalization.?
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Patients coming in are not western and
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then the most important thing is to call up that patients
private attending position that only (inaudible)
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I know, I know it for 20 years
‘cause it all started and
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and she’s got five problems but this is the major one, this wanna
you got to worry about let’s look at the problems in the past.
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Et cetra, et cetra, your whole profile that’s belonging
to the patient. You work in the emergency room
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with county the patient cames as doc… doctor
I’ve been short of breathe for six months.
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You have no information what goes, you don’t have whole record but that’s
the least of it. That patient is not have any kind of personal attention
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evaluation follow up and care
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that… that uh… you, you really have to
have if you are having a (inaudible).
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When we see people with… with major complicated illnesses
at average position isn’t gonna how to deal with
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complications of drug abuse. Uh… The, the infections
that will hit the heart in a drug abuser,
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the, the … problem is that uh…
hyperactivity in the lower class children.
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They’re all settled in the county, we prepared to
deal with ‘em. Some of us because uh… we have uh…
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social perspective some because
we have political perspective
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and some because we are do gooders. It’s an amalgam of
reasons. The fact of the matter is… I agree with Rob
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but as bad as county is I want to see the
patients come to county and not go to… to hotel.
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Not go to… to the generous western universities whatever,
because the chances at county are much better of being helped.
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As somebody has to stand up for
those people that need help
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that need care, right care, somebody has to stand
up for the em’, it’s about time. If somebody dead.
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All, somebody there to stand
in the committee meeting and
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I think it’s very important that
community is who is very effective
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or what happens at Cook County, participates and support of, you
know, better patient health care. You work in health care or…
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Well, uh… we have a free house centre
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called as the centre for the people’s health,
then better we should come close and uh…
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it’s a community health clinic and we understand the
problems many problems that patients go through.
00:17:35.000 --> 00:17:39.999
When hospitals don’t provide the essential,
in this case, you know, it’s not only uh…
00:17:40.000 --> 00:17:44.999
the esentials one of the communications, like,
no translators or people who can speak Spanish
00:17:45.000 --> 00:17:49.999
and communicate and… since Cook
County is a public hospital
00:17:50.000 --> 00:17:54.999
it should, you know, take
care of public needs.
00:17:55.000 --> 00:17:59.999
We sell on a contract today that
uh… the gained a… a principle
00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:04.999
that has never been gained before in any hospital
strikes. There only been a couple of doctors strike
00:18:05.000 --> 00:18:09.999
across the country New York and, and
Los Angeles and now here in Chicago
00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:14.999
and the other two strikes were
primarily for the benefit of doctors
00:18:15.000 --> 00:18:19.999
this was the only one that we really tried to get
benefits for uh… people don’t have to come here
00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:24.999
when they are ill. And we got damn little but
at least we got the principle in writing
00:18:25.000 --> 00:18:29.999
that we the right to negotiate over the quality
ah… what’s delivered to the community people
00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:34.999
when they come here. We gained that in
principle, in terms of substance uh…
00:18:35.000 --> 00:18:39.999
we gained a couple of things,
we gained ah… we gained some
00:18:40.000 --> 00:18:44.999
umm… assurance that the hospital will
deliver better care in terms of life
00:18:45.000 --> 00:18:49.999
and death situations, that they will
provide that most other hospitals provide
00:18:50.000 --> 00:18:54.999
in terms of the basic simple necessary equipment
and personnel to keep the people alive
00:18:55.000 --> 00:18:59.999
when they come to… you know, when the
heart stops in the middle of the night.
00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:04.999
As far as I know, it’s the only hospital in
the city that is we’ve been really at the uh…
00:19:05.000 --> 00:19:09.999
it’s really been in default and that provided
uh… doctors, nurses and other personnel,
00:19:10.000 --> 00:19:14.999
the basic stuff, just the mechanical, nuts
and bolts that you need to keep alive ah..
00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:19.999
We got… we got something on that, uh…
00:19:20.000 --> 00:19:24.999
umm… we got a tiny bit in
terms of uh… small services
00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:29.999
that will help us do better job as doctors ah… lab tests, we
don’t take 24 hours, two days or two weeks to accomplished.
00:19:30.000 --> 00:19:34.999
Ah… we get a little bit
of… little to nothing
00:19:35.000 --> 00:19:39.999
in terms of uh… facilities like X-Rays,
00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:44.999
that in many other hospitals are considered routine.
Uh… we get very little, but we got something
00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:49.999
when it comes to the uh… equipment
that is needed to do uh… rapid
00:19:50.000 --> 00:19:54.999
uh… tests to make the (inaudible)diagnosis, so that we
don’t kill people accidentally just because of delay
00:19:55.000 --> 00:19:59.999
uh… we got uh… an area
of uh… Latin translators
00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:04.999
we get the promise of
what they call a system
00:20:05.000 --> 00:20:09.999
that will permit us to be able to
with patients that speak Spanish.
00:20:10.000 --> 00:20:14.999
Thank you, look at the
agreement I reached yesterday
00:20:15.000 --> 00:20:19.999
and its not uh… all that they hoped to get but it’s a step in that
direction and that is what known as in the trade as, you know,
00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:24.999
you gonna get your foot in the door then next time
around once you get the door, you can deal with, and…
00:20:25.000 --> 00:20:30.560
and do have the door and (inaudible) so it’s up to them in and future
doctors in the community really to make sure that the door stay open.