Black Market

- Description
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- Citation
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- Transcript
It is not widely known, but the sale of bear paws, crocodile hearts, and other rare animal parts form the world's third-largest illegal market. Photojournalist Patrick Brown goes deep inside this vast, dangerous milieu, risking his own personal safety to take us on a fascinating journey through the lives of the myth-bound Chinese villagers, the status-seeking nouveau riche, the third-generation smugglers, and the corrupt officials that make this Asian wild market possible.
Main credits
Brown, Patrick (filmmaker)
Brown, Patrick (photographer)
Brown, Patrick (presenter)
Storm, Brian (film producer)
Maierson, Eric (film producer)
Other credits
Photography by Patrick Brown.
Distributor subjects
Animal Rights, Asian Studies, China, Criminal Justice, Ecology, Economic Anthropology, Environment, Health & medicine, Photography, photojourmalism, Political Science; Expository; WOKeywords
00:00:25.634 --> 00:00:28.329
My name is Patrick Brown.
I\'m a photographer.
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I\'ve been working on a subject
for the last five years
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about the illegal trade of animals in Asia.
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The black market wild life
trade is third behind
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the illicit drug, illicit arms trade.
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They don\'t really know
how big the trade is.
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All they know, it is huge.
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The biggest ingredients
in the cocktail is China.
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The Chinese people now
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have money to burn. They
have gone from a generation
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of horse and cart to driving
around in a Mercedes.
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Things are placed on order almost now.
I would like
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a tiger this week. And they
will get a tiger this week.
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This is mythology that has been embedded
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for centuries and this is what
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this project is up against.
Hundreds and hundreds of years
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of indoctrination.
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The mythology of the animal trade
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if you want to break it
right down, it\'s simple.
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It\'s that you are what you eat.
You consume a tiger,
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or part of the tiger, you will
inherit something of that tiger.
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A rhino takes two hours to mate
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so somebody a few centuries ago said
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if you eat the horn of a rhino
you will mate for two hours.
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What a lot of people are doing now
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is soaking the rhino horn in Viagra,
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and because the horn is porous,
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it\'s made of hair, it will soak up
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the active ingredients,
hence the rhino horn works.
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So they can charge more money
for the natural version
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than the synthetic.
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Rhino horn is five times more
valuable than gold once it gets to
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Hong Kong, Singapore, and
especially in the Middle East.
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It\'s a very lucrative piece of hair.
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This bear farm had 290 bears
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and they rotate them in a three-week cycle.
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Luckily, I have a very large
surgical scar on my stomach
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and I was able to convince
them that I had stomach cancer
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and I was dying.
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I was lying to the people
who owned the bear farm.
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They sedated one of the bears
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and then started to use an ultrasound
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to find its gallbladder.
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Wheeled the bear back into the cage
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and the bear obviously came to
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maybe a few hours later
and it was none the wiser
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of what had actually happened.
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I had to drink it. I mean,
that\'s why I went there
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was to look for a cure. I
couldn\'t suddenly say, Oh no,
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I don\'t want to drink this.
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I just filled the glass
up as far as I could
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with rice whiskey and drank it.
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By me being there I\'m not
going to be able to stop it.
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The events had already taken
place to get to that point.
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But one thing I\'m able to do
is document it, bring it out
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of these areas that are quite remote
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and show to a greater audience.
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When I started to see
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what was really for sale, I
was starting to go, well,
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where are these animals coming from.
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I mean, these are quite diverse creatures.
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They are not just coming from close
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vicinity. These are coming
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from hundreds and hundreds of miles away.
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That\'s when I realized that
there was a network in place.
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The phone rings. Contact.
And all he said to me was,
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\"Mr. Paddy, airport, now.\"
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They laid all the boxes out and
they started to open them.
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There was two adult pangolins
and a baby pangolin
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and in there was dry ice to put
them into a hibernation state.
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They had to then get them all out
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because they were starting to overheat.
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They needed to get in to the
wild as soon as possible because
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they were going to die.
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Within five hours of the raid
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they were trucked away to a national park.
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This bust was worth about
two-and-a-half million US by the time
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it would have got to China.
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They were able to throw money
at this to get them on a
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cargo plane, obviously
paying off customs officials
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along the way. It was a very,
very professional job.
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I was on a patrol with the
Royal Forestry in Cambodia.
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We go in at night, no lights, no talking.
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The reason why they do these
night insurgences is so
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the local villages don\'t
know where you\'ve entered
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to raise the alarm to tell
everybody to get out of there.
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On the second day we came
across some poaching activity
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and it led to a camp. They
captured four poachers
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who the night before had caught
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a Slow Loris and some monkeys.
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First offenders, they\'re
sent off to an educational
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facility where they\'re taught about
what their actions are doing
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to the environment.
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Repeat offenders, they
don\'t get a second chance.
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They go to jail.
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The image that has the most
resonance for me is the image of
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a poor innocent Muslim
woman in Northeast India
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who has been caught with a rhino horn
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that her brother and her husband
had poached the night before.
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So you get the horn.
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You photograph it, you identify
it and you log it into a book.
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The only people that are going
to check on it are the police.
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That\'s where corruption steps in.
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There\'s just too much money
to be made in rhino horn.
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While I was in the back
of the police vehicle,
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he has just divorced his wife
on the way to sentencing.
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The husband and the brother
are basically, they\'re now
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no longer connected
relationship-wise to this girl.
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She\'s on her own.
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Another policeman has stuck
his head in the window
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and said to the girl you\'re
up for the death penalty.
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At that moment is when she
realized that she was totally
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alone in this world.
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She\'s a 26-year-old lady. Her
life is going to take a turn
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that you and I have no comprehension of.
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What is actually happening in
Asia regarding the environment
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has a global effect. There
is no ifs or buts about it.
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We can deny and stick our head
in the sand as long as we want,
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but these are serious consequences.
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At the rate at what we are
depleting the animal stocks
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if you want to call them that,
it\'s not going to be long before
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there is not much left, 10, 20 years.
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The number one thing is
tell your local politicians
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that this is important to you.
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The only way action is going to be
done is if world leaders realize
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realize that it\'s important
to their constituency.
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If I had a choice of one emotion
to be generated or one action
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to take place from the result
of somebody seeing my work,
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it\'s for them to go to
their government and say,
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I am not happy with what is happening.
I am not voting for you.
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You change things and I\'ll vote for you.