Return to Vimy

- Description
- Reviews
- Citation
- Cataloging
- Transcript
A young Canadian woman visits the Vimy Memorial to make a charcoal imprint of the engraved name of her great-grandfather who was lost in battle, bringing with her a notebook of sketches and diary entries that he made during months of preparation for the battle to take back Vimy Ridge. The sketches transform into colourized archive footage and take us back in time to revisit the daily lives of the soldiers of the Canadian Corps, witnessing the long and detailed preparation that lead to this legendary battle.
Main credits
McCready, Denis (film director)
McCready, Denis (film producer)
McCready, Denis (screenwriter)
Hunter, Chala (voice actor)
Cohen-Demers, Raphael (voice actor)
Goyette, Marianne (voice actor)
Other credits
Editor, Etienne Gagnon; music, Mathieu G. Dandurand.
Distributor subjects
World War I and the Jazz Age; War and Peace; European History; 20th CenturyKeywords
00:00:42.959 --> 00:00:44.878
(soft music)
00:00:44.961 --> 00:00:47.881
- (woman): I wanted to see
- Vimy Ridge before sunrise,
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like you did.
00:00:51.593 --> 00:00:53.887
I know you're still here.
00:00:53.970 --> 00:00:57.140
- Nothing of you made it back
- except a death certificate,
00:00:57.223 --> 00:00:59.100
- and this notebook
- you sent to your wife,
00:00:59.184 --> 00:01:00.769
my great-grandmother.
00:01:08.151 --> 00:01:10.487
- (man): My first day
- on the frontline,
00:01:10.570 --> 00:01:12.947
- everything was suddenly
- very real.
00:01:13.031 --> 00:01:15.492
- The enemy was close.
- There was no turning back.
00:01:18.036 --> 00:01:20.663
- Nothing can prepare you
- for this. For war, I mean.
00:01:27.212 --> 00:01:28.922
Training was tough,
00:01:29.005 --> 00:01:31.758
- but we were miles away
- from danger.
00:01:31.841 --> 00:01:34.010
- All we did was chores
- and drills.
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(soldiers shouting)
00:01:42.018 --> 00:01:44.437
- But we soon realized
- how bad things could get
00:01:44.521 --> 00:01:46.690
when we trained for gas attacks.
00:01:48.400 --> 00:01:51.069
- Some said they were more afraid
- of that than bullets.
00:01:56.282 --> 00:01:58.827
- A lot of us enlisted
- with friends,
00:01:58.910 --> 00:02:01.621
guys from school or even work.
00:02:01.705 --> 00:02:03.456
(ship's horn sounding)
00:02:03.540 --> 00:02:07.043
- It's quite a trip
- to come all the way to France.
00:02:07.127 --> 00:02:11.131
- I'd never seen so many people
- on a boat.
00:02:12.465 --> 00:02:15.802
- (woman): More than 100,000
- soldiers like you
00:02:15.885 --> 00:02:18.054
prepared for a great offensive.
00:02:20.056 --> 00:02:23.518
- This next battle would have
- the four Canadian divisions
00:02:23.601 --> 00:02:26.730
- fighting side by side
- for the first time.
00:02:26.813 --> 00:02:30.692
- (man): Our job is to take back
- Vimy Ridge from the German army.
00:02:30.775 --> 00:02:34.237
- (woman): At the time,
- people said it was impossible.
00:02:34.320 --> 00:02:39.409
- The French and the British had
- lost more than 150,000 men here.
00:02:39.492 --> 00:02:43.621
- They were going to need guns,
- lots of guns.
00:02:45.123 --> 00:02:48.335
- (man): Everyone works hard,
- day and night,
00:02:48.418 --> 00:02:50.503
- like we're building
- a small city.
00:02:57.719 --> 00:03:00.013
- (woman):
- After more than 100 years,
00:03:00.096 --> 00:03:02.640
- the ingenuity shown
- by the Canadian Corps
00:03:02.724 --> 00:03:04.559
is still impressive.
00:03:04.642 --> 00:03:07.645
- They made the best
- of the old and the new,
00:03:07.729 --> 00:03:09.898
- using a tumpline system
- and carrier pigeons.
00:03:09.981 --> 00:03:12.859
They didn't have the Internet,
00:03:12.942 --> 00:03:15.362
- but they sent messages
- through the clouds.
00:03:17.989 --> 00:03:21.409
- Canadians also pioneered
- the use of sound ranging
00:03:21.493 --> 00:03:24.954
- and flash spotting
- to locate enemy artillery guns.
00:03:25.038 --> 00:03:27.791
- But some men
- still had to risk their lives
00:03:27.874 --> 00:03:30.335
to be the eyes in the sky...
00:03:31.294 --> 00:03:34.589
- ...locating enemy positions
- and relaying the information
00:03:34.673 --> 00:03:36.424
to the gunners on the ground.
00:03:39.594 --> 00:03:42.430
- (man): We heard the officers
- are planning the assault
00:03:42.514 --> 00:03:45.767
- on a big model of the German
- lines and trenches.
00:03:46.935 --> 00:03:48.895
- We trained to walk
- at a certain speed
00:03:48.978 --> 00:03:50.313
behind the artillery fire.
00:03:50.397 --> 00:03:52.774
It's called a creeping barrage.
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(background chatter)
00:03:56.194 --> 00:03:58.446
Away from the frontline,
00:03:58.530 --> 00:04:01.116
- the simple things make life
- easier.
00:04:01.199 --> 00:04:03.034
(background chatter)
00:04:04.619 --> 00:04:07.414
- We're always eager
- to get word from home,
00:04:07.497 --> 00:04:09.624
- to know
- somebody's thinking about us.
00:04:13.378 --> 00:04:15.922
- Though there isn't much
- to spend it on,
00:04:16.006 --> 00:04:17.757
it's still nice to get paid.
00:04:17.841 --> 00:04:21.011
- We learn to take things
- one day at a time.
00:04:23.179 --> 00:04:25.724
- The Corps
- is like another family,
00:04:25.807 --> 00:04:28.643
- a brotherhood of wet wool,
- cold rations,
00:04:28.727 --> 00:04:32.063
- and a random death
- in no man's land.
00:04:34.649 --> 00:04:36.818
- Sometimes
- we have to cross shell holes
00:04:36.901 --> 00:04:39.070
the size of small mountains.
00:04:41.573 --> 00:04:44.784
- We lose men,
- whether it's a bullet, a shell,
00:04:44.868 --> 00:04:46.786
or some awful disease.
00:04:46.870 --> 00:04:49.914
- The nursing sisters
- try to help us with prayers,
00:04:49.998 --> 00:04:52.042
- kind words
- and their healing touch.
00:04:53.168 --> 00:04:55.211
(solemn music)
00:04:59.007 --> 00:05:01.885
- (woman):
- The Battle of Vimy Ridge
00:05:01.968 --> 00:05:04.471
- required meticulous
- and thorough preparation,
00:05:04.554 --> 00:05:06.556
above and below ground.
00:05:06.639 --> 00:05:09.351
- And regular soldiers like you
- were given maps
00:05:09.434 --> 00:05:11.227
for the first time.
00:05:12.437 --> 00:05:14.189
(man): With every night raid,
00:05:14.272 --> 00:05:17.192
- our maps of German trenches
- become more accurate.
00:05:24.115 --> 00:05:26.076
The heavy shelling has started.
00:05:26.159 --> 00:05:28.536
We don't know when we'll attack,
00:05:28.620 --> 00:05:30.497
but it's coming soon.
00:05:30.580 --> 00:05:32.832
- (woman):
- During the Battle of Vimy,
00:05:32.916 --> 00:05:34.167
the Canadian Corps,
00:05:34.250 --> 00:05:36.586
- with support
- from one British division,
00:05:36.670 --> 00:05:39.172
- fired more
- than a million shells.
00:05:47.138 --> 00:05:49.849
- Guns fired above your head
- into the German line
00:05:49.933 --> 00:05:51.309
for a whole week.
00:05:52.602 --> 00:05:54.896
Relentless. Murderous.
00:05:58.316 --> 00:06:00.610
You were part of the first wave.
00:06:00.694 --> 00:06:02.237
But after the whistle,
00:06:02.320 --> 00:06:04.656
- nobody knows
- what happened to you.
00:06:04.739 --> 00:06:06.658
(soldiers shouting)
00:06:06.741 --> 00:06:09.077
One man among the many,
00:06:09.160 --> 00:06:11.788
- across a frontline
- six kilometres wide.
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(soft music)
00:06:23.258 --> 00:06:25.301
(soldiers roaring)
00:06:27.554 --> 00:06:29.514
(soft music)
00:06:30.724 --> 00:06:33.852
- Capturing Vimy Ridge
- was a historical victory,
00:06:33.935 --> 00:06:35.562
but you never had a chance
00:06:35.645 --> 00:06:37.939
- to see the other side
- of the ridge.
00:06:41.776 --> 00:06:43.778
- Despite running the assault
- almost perfectly,
00:06:43.862 --> 00:06:46.197
casualties were high.
00:06:48.366 --> 00:06:52.454
- More than 3,000 soldiers
- were laid to rest.
00:06:52.537 --> 00:06:56.207
- Others went home with visible
- and invisible wounds.
00:06:59.544 --> 00:07:02.464
- War would rage
- for another 19 months
00:07:02.547 --> 00:07:05.050
on the Western Front.
00:07:05.133 --> 00:07:08.178
- The Canadian Corps
- would go on to fight,
00:07:08.261 --> 00:07:11.348
- right up until the morning
- of the Armistice.
00:07:15.769 --> 00:07:19.522
- I came to the Vimy Memorial
- to find your name on the wall
00:07:19.606 --> 00:07:22.150
- and bring an imprint of it
- back home.
00:07:22.233 --> 00:07:23.735
Your home.
00:07:23.818 --> 00:07:26.321
- For every name,
- a heartbroken mother,
00:07:26.404 --> 00:07:28.156
a family in grief.
00:07:28.239 --> 00:07:29.741
For every name,
00:07:29.824 --> 00:07:33.328
- a face we cannot summon
- from the abyss.
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(soft music)
00:07:41.378 --> 00:07:44.714
- (man): I wonder how we'll be
- treated when we go back home,
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- how the lost ones
- will be remembered tomorrow
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and the years after.
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(soft music)
00:08:57.120 --> 00:08:59.497
Subtitling: CNST, Montreal