This crucial collection offers a fresh and much-needed perspective from…
15M: Excellent. A Wake-Up Call. Important.
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On May 15th, 2011, everything changed, or maybe nothing. Tens of thousands of citizens occupied streets and squares in Spain for what was going to be the beginning of the biggest social change in Spanish society and in the minds of the people as well. Or maybe not… And it wasn’t a single 15M movement; there were many 15M movements, as many as there were people involved. 15M: Excellent. A Wake-Up Call. Important. follows one such experience in Madrid. Not the most important or the most spectacular. Just one.
Main credits
Grueso, Stéphane M. (film director)
Grueso, Stéphane M. (film producer)
Soto, Pablo (film producer)
Horrillo, Patricia (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematographer,; editor,; music, José Sánchez-Sanz.
Distributor subjects
Activism, Communications + Journalism, Economics + Social Class Issues, History, Iberian Studies, Labor Studies, Political ScienceKeywords
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This film is part of the project, together with
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a book, a website, and other local
and themed projects,
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all under the umbrella of
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This documentary is not an 'official' 15M film,
nor does it represent the movement,
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or anyone, in any way. It is exclusively
the director's personal view
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of the 15M he experienced, which is
just one among so many others.
00:01:06.320 --> 00:01:09.280 presents
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The 15M movement
is many different things.
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In fact, 15M was badly needed
but nobody expected it to happen.
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It's like a breath of fresh air.
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A change in the atmosphere.
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A new climate.
Not so much a new structure,
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as a new climate.
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Well I think the best description
is the sign in Sol square:
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'We were asleep, we woke up:
square occupied'.
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A whole bunch of myths,
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especially myths about this country,
are ending, they're worthless,
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they're no use to most people,
and so many other things are starting,
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new images, new ways
of living, of thinking.
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For me, this is 15M.
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I think 15M reflects
the people's feeling
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that they can't live
and breathe freely
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in which democracy
is lacking.
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For me 15M is a collective
wake-up call.
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So in the end it became
a space for thinking,
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for proposals, undefined
but dynamic decisions,
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constantly being redefined.
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A collective mind functioning
in the same way.
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I refuse to define
what 15M is because I think
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it diminshes
the movement.
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Well I don't think
you can reach
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a consensus on what
the 15M movement is.
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with José Luis Sampedro
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- "What do you think of the 15M movement?"
- "I think it's excellent,"
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"I think it's a wake-up call,
I think it's important,"
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"and that it has already
managed to stir things up a lot..."
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"Excellent. A wake-up call. Important."
A personal vision of the 15M movement
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A film by
Stéphane M. Grueso
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Sunday, May 15th, 2011
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Many of us met up and recognised
each other in the streets of Madrid
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and in other Spanish cities
at the demonstrations
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called by 'Real Democracy Now' and many
other organisations and citizens' groups.
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Tens of thousands of people took
to the streets all over the country,
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protesting against the economic
situation and lack of democracy.
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These protests were
different, with no flags,
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the atmospere was new and exciting.
It was different, fresh ...
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But, where did this come from?
How did we arrive at this new situation,
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this "climate" as the 15M movement
has been called?
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Hands up! This is a crisis!
Hands up! This is a crisis!
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One of the many precedents and beginnings
of 15M happened in Galicia in 2002
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during the Prestige disaster:
the oil spill, tar and volunteers.
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Civil society acting on the margins of the state,
which watched impassively not knowing what to do.
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In my case, this was one of the first times
I took part in voluntary or community work,
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and I realize now that it was
one of the beginnings of my 15M.
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A massive demonstration took place
in the streets of Madrid today...
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I was in Berlin during the massive
demonstrations against the Iraq war in 2003,
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and they were as big
as in Spain.
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Everyone took to the streets
and everyone was in agreement.
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Civil society sending a clear message
to the minority political establishment.
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Another clear precedent for 15M.
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The famous night of the cell
phones on March 13th, 2004,
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two days after the bomb attacks
in Atocha train station on March 11th,
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is another reference
point for 15M.
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At the PP head office in Génova
street, demanding the truth.
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Spontaneosly called protests,
no parties, no flags,
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using the new technology
of the moment, sms, ...
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The harshly repressed sit-ins in public spaces of V
for Vivienda, (Housing), in 2006, is another reference.
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And speaking of housing, one
of the key concerns for everyone,
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including the 15M of course,
which is nothing other than
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a cut-back
in population.
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Lastly, in 2009 and 2010,
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the fight against Intellectual
Property, and the Sinde Law.
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[Protest at the Goya Awards ceremony]
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The online emergence of the distributed
movement #nolesvotes (don't vote for them).
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The power of the
anonymous masses.
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Doubts as to whether protests could
move from mailing lists to the streets.
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Well, in the end,
it happened.
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[Demonstrations in 50 cities against
the political and social system]
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But in 2011, something different
also happened outside Spain.
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Something new and
previously unheard of.
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[Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt]
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The protests in North Africa
inspired the 15M movement.
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Seeing how common people, all sorts of
different people could unite to defend their rights
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in the face of injustice and
unfairness was a wake-up call.
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And not only in Africa. Also in
Greece and other countries.
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The spirit of struggle and outcry
caught on throughout the world.
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At the start of 2011, we witnessed
countries in the Arab world
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rising up, not only against
bloody and repressive dicatorships,
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but also, and this is fundamental,
against the economic situation.
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And, above all, against
the political decisions
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being taken in response
to that economic situation.
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The same things had been happening
in the Arab world as in Spain:
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massive privatizations,
deterioration of social rights,
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destruction of public health services,
cutbacks in investment in public education.
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And an ever widening rift
between rich and poor.
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The experiences in Tunisia and Egypt
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were obviously in the collective
mind of the 15M movment,
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and in the minds of the those
who decided to camp.
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In fact, the camp
model of protest
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and the taking of the square
were copied from them.
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Before May 2011, many people had
already started to create their own 15M.
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Things were happening:
actions, lockdowns, protests, humor ...
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[ (discontent):
Friday meetings in public spaces]
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We see what's happening in Tunisia,
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen...
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And this long list, which
now includes Portugal,
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and Iceland long before,
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these are states where supposedly
'spontaneous' revolutions are taking place.
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They are not spontaneous.
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[ Executions
on May 2nd, 2011]
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Laughter protest]
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Since everybody laughs at us,
what with the crisis, politicians, bankers...
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Why shouldn't we laugh
at all this and at them, too?
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That's why we are here,
to laugh at these things.
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Let's all crack up lauging!
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[Our slogan is: "We'll laugh at you
until you take us seriously"]
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[flo6x8: action at
Santander Bank, Seville]
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The most significant task was contacting
all the associations in Madrid one by one.
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I imagine that other nodes were doing
the same, as this was nationwide.
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And it was a very direct contact, explaining
the reasons for the demonstration,
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inviting them to participate, and making
a commitment to work together
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like with the Anti-Evictions Platform (PAH)
with whom we work closely.
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Today we have decided
to leave aside our symbols,
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our own interests...
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The May 2011 protests were not
conventional in any sense.
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There were lots of new
faces on the streets.
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And I went along because
I didn't know who these people were
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and that appealed to me.
I had been observing for some time
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this new kind of horizontal
and distributed organisation.
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The demonstration was organized
by Real Democracy Now
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and other organzations I didn't know,
such as Youth without a Future.
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Youth without a Future was formed
in the bleak times of demobilisation,
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and brought together the remnants
of the anti-Bologna student movement
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and university assocations.
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We got together and said,
"We have to do something".
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We started having meetings
and became a platform.
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Our slogan was: 'No house,
no job, no fear'.
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Practically every young person
could identify with that,
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even if they weren't in
that position, lucky them,
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they knew people experiencing this.
And our aim was to revitalize things.
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It may sound a bit arrogant,
but we wanted to get across to people:
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Here's what's going on. If you
don't think we need to mobilize,
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it's because
we're doing it wrong.
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We're back in Madrid on May 15th, 2011.
The demonstration had ended
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for all of us who went home.
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There were several incidents in Callao
(near Sol) and a police intervention
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that many deemed excessive.
It was unfortunate, but all too common.
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And while many, including me,
were sleeping soundly,
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in Sol Square something
very unusual was happening
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which gave birth to this marvelous
rebellion: the Sol Square Camp
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Tonight, nobody is leaving!
Tonight, nobody is leaving!
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We can set up the camp
right here, ok?
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And that's when it started.
"Why don't we stay over? Right?"
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"They did it in Egypt... Why not here?
We need to have a square too."
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And someone grabbed
a microphone and said:
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"Hey, some people are saying
we should stay. What can we do?"
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"What if we keep protesting?
What if we sleep here?"
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It was exactly one week
before the elections.
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"What if we stay here
until election day?"
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Let's make as much noise as we can,
bring all the people here that we can
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so the demonstration
doesn't just end today.
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Let's make a stand
and create a movment.
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Now we have to decide
what we are going to do
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while we are here.
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This is a call for people
to join the movement now.
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Let's not wait until tomorrow
or the day after, but do it right now.
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Let's invite other cities to take
their squares and do the same.
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Someone said "Assembly!"
and everyone sat down
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and that's how the
15M format started:
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a space where no conclusions
can be reached
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and practically no decisions
can be made.
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But where being able to express themselves
is necessary for many people,
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and being able to share
what is happening.
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Those who can't sleep over tonight
but can stay here for a while
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to keep us company and support us
are very welcome, all right?
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And it would be great if tomorrow
some people could stay in the camp
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as there are others
who have to go to work.
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Even if there are fewer of us,
we need to show that we're mobilising
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and that we'll be here
until election day, ok?
00:15:04.160 --> 00:15:06.160
Those of you who can sleep over,
come over here;
00:15:06.185 --> 00:15:08.585
let's start getting
together and organizing.
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That night, about 40 people
slept in the square.
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I found out about acampadasol,
the Sol square camp,
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at 9.00 in the morning
on Monday.
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Here is my first photo.
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At first, I didn't understand
what was going on
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but I loved it, so I started to help,
like everyone else.
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I know how to document
and communicate
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and that's what I did:
symbols, logistics...
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The first assembly I took part in
early in the morning.
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Marian working with the 3G.
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Pablo talking to the media.
The first press conference.
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We didn't know there would be
dozens after that.
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Another assembly later in the day:
here with Miguel and Marta.
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At 8 p.m., the first big assembly.
Lots of people.
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Javier and Pablo
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Dani, who spent the whole day trying to set up
wifi in the square and stuff like that.
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My cousin Julio. I didn't know him from Seville
yet we lived in the square. So strange...
00:16:03.440 --> 00:16:06.640
That first day events were livestreamed
from the square.
00:16:06.680 --> 00:16:09.840
And at that big assembly, we read
the first manifesto of acampadasol.
00:16:10.240 --> 00:16:12.720
[The first manifesto of acampadasol.]
00:16:12.760 --> 00:16:16.920
Who are we? We are people
who have come here freely and voluntarily.
00:16:16.920 --> 00:16:20.560
After the demonstration
we decided to stay together
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to continue defending our dignity
and social and political consciousness.
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We don't represent
any party or group.
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We share a will to change.
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We are here because
we want a new society
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which values life over
economic and political interests.
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After the main assembly, small
thematic groups started meeting.
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After 15 or 16 hours in the square,
I went home to sleep.
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I was very excited. I didn't understand
what was happening
00:16:58.080 --> 00:17:00.080
but I was very happy.
00:17:00.240 --> 00:17:03.840
Then came the second night:
the eviction and then everything took off.
00:17:04.040 --> 00:17:06.840
Acampadasol was born.
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And the following night,
I remember that about 250 of us
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slept in the square the second night.
Another difficult night
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because we would go to sleep
at four in the morning
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and two hours later, the police
would suddenly arrive to throw us out.
00:17:27.160 --> 00:17:32.760
Stop, please!
No violence!
00:17:45.880 --> 00:17:47.680
Video temporarily unavailable.
00:17:48.720 --> 00:17:52.720
The police eviction of those few people
had the opposite effect.
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Thousands of people came
back to the square that afternoon.
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And we came back to stay.
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...the financial powers who control
everything through their economic power.
00:18:05.000 --> 00:18:08.520
We have a right
to be outraged.
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At the first general assembly,
when Miguel said:
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"This is an assembly, the assembly is starting"
and everybody sat down and was quiet
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There in the crowded square, I thought:
"This can't be, I must be dreaming".
00:18:27.080 --> 00:18:29.080
Very, very nice.
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This is much more than a meeting.
This is an assembly.
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We are going to be in charge of reading
a manifesto and coordinating things.
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But the assembly is
every single one of us.
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As we have always said, we're not
a collective, we're not an association.
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We don't belong to any trade union.
We are PEOPLE.
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Until now we have been
hanging out here in Sol
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meeting together in assemblies,
creating work committees...
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There are two very important questions
that we want to ask everybody, ok?
00:19:25.920 --> 00:19:30.880
First: Do we want to
stay here tonight?
00:19:31.560 --> 00:19:33.960
00:19:35.400 --> 00:19:39.280
The Revolution has begun!
The Revolution has begun!
00:19:41.400 --> 00:19:45.880
It's the system, not the crisis!
It's the system, not the crisis!
00:19:54.600 --> 00:19:59.160
And at daybreak, everything took off
and it just got crazy.
00:19:59.400 --> 00:20:02.000
That first week
the Government could have fallen.
00:20:02.040 --> 00:20:05.640
All the squares in the world could have
risen up and started something new.
00:20:05.720 --> 00:20:08.920
Anything could have happened,
because our energy was boundless.
00:20:09.000 --> 00:20:14.320
All of our personal concerns and problems
suddenly seemed to just disappear.
00:20:14.360 --> 00:20:17.760
We're changing the world
and we can change it for the first time.
00:20:17.800 --> 00:20:20.680
This feeling of hope,
of really being able to change things,
00:20:20.680 --> 00:20:24.040
that anything could happen
and now is the time to define it,
00:20:24.040 --> 00:20:30.160
was really unique; it was unlike
anything I'd ever experienced.
00:20:33.520 --> 00:20:37.680
Real democracy!
Real democracy!
00:20:40.000 --> 00:20:42.600
And right then, we started
building our town,
00:20:42.600 --> 00:20:45.600
our mini-city: acampadasol,
the Sol square camp.
00:20:45.960 --> 00:20:49.280
Hanging tarpaulins, ropes,
cardboard on the ground.
00:20:49.480 --> 00:20:50.680
A lot of people helping.
00:20:50.705 --> 00:20:53.905
And in a few minutes, the awnings
and tents were set up.
00:20:54.280 --> 00:20:58.840
It grew from day to day.
And we grew too.
00:20:59.840 --> 00:21:02.480
I remember a sofa flying
over our heads,
00:21:02.480 --> 00:21:06.040
being passed from hand to hand
into the square from Carretas street.
00:21:06.480 --> 00:21:11.040
It was fantastic.
The square was ours.
00:21:17.320 --> 00:21:21.520
Acampadasol, the physical presence
of the 15M movment in Madrid
00:21:21.520 --> 00:21:23.520
started in Sol square,
the Puerta de Sol.
00:21:23.545 --> 00:21:25.745
Was it just by chance?
Did it need to be in a square?
00:21:25.800 --> 00:21:29.440
Was this one chosen on purpose?
Why did this happen?
00:21:30.800 --> 00:21:34.000
Because squares have always been
00:21:34.000 --> 00:21:37.160
where financial transactions take place.
And the bigger the square
00:21:37.240 --> 00:21:41.240
there has always been
a sympol of power: an institution.
00:21:41.300 --> 00:21:45.500
Something that is there. A church or
very often a municipal institution.
00:21:50.000 --> 00:21:53.800
Ok, so squares are important. I suppose
it was a question of being visible
00:21:53.800 --> 00:21:56.920
and, let's not forget, of copying
what we saw in Egypt.
00:21:56.920 --> 00:22:00.240
Tahrir Square, one of the most
central and important squares in Cairo.
00:22:00.400 --> 00:22:05.480
Since then, Puerta del Sol has
for me changed in meaning
00:22:05.480 --> 00:22:08.240
and will never just be
any square.
00:22:08.800 --> 00:22:11.880
I looked up a dictionary
of the period I study
00:22:11.880 --> 00:22:15.720
'Covarrubias', a dictionary from 1611,
the first one in Castilian Spanish.
00:22:16.320 --> 00:22:19.600
If we look up the word 'plaza', it says:
"From the Latin word platea."
00:22:20.200 --> 00:22:23.000
"Large and spacious place
inside the town."
00:22:23.000 --> 00:22:26.240
"Public place where
goods are sold...
00:22:26.240 --> 00:22:28.640
...and where residents conduct
their common affairs."
00:22:28.840 --> 00:22:31.840
In that definition from the 1600s,
the words 'public' and 'common' appear.
00:22:31.865 --> 00:22:34.565
I think that is what a square is,
a place that is, above all, public
00:22:34.640 --> 00:22:37.440
and in particular, where
common affairs are conducted.
00:22:39.120 --> 00:22:42.160
In acampadasol we had
a residential area and one for services
00:22:42.160 --> 00:22:46.960
in the middle of the square.
And of course the ágora for the assemblies.
00:22:47.200 --> 00:22:49.600
You could find all sorts
of services:
00:22:49.680 --> 00:22:54.480
kitchens that served hot food three times
a day, study and conversation areas,
00:22:54.620 --> 00:22:58.020
the library with thousands
of catalogued books,
00:22:58.320 --> 00:23:01.720
the media centre
for the press.
00:23:01.800 --> 00:23:04.920
Our nursery which I think
was the best equipped
00:23:04.920 --> 00:23:09.000
in the Madrid area,
and had the best carers.
00:23:09.240 --> 00:23:12.720
The first aid area and the
tents for each commission
00:23:12.720 --> 00:23:16.000
where we worked nonstop.
A completely self-sufficient city.
00:23:16.600 --> 00:23:19.640
We took care of each other and
we took care of our surroundings.
00:23:21.120 --> 00:23:25.600
Very often we use
spaces intuitively
00:23:25.600 --> 00:23:30.120
and history teaches us that
that's what those spaces are for.
00:23:30.600 --> 00:23:33.720
That what we are doing is reclaiming,
occupying a space that is ours
00:23:33.720 --> 00:23:37.280
and which has always been ours.
Both the word and the space.
00:23:37.520 --> 00:23:39.320
And I believe that is
really interesting.
00:23:40.000 --> 00:23:43.320
00:23:43.480 --> 00:23:46.320
I think there were different phases
in the way the media treated 15M.
00:23:46.320 --> 00:23:50.320
The first was absolute denial and obstruction
because they didn't understand anything.
00:23:50.320 --> 00:23:54.120
The traditional media
took out the three lenses
00:23:54.120 --> 00:23:58.880
they use for the news,
and said:
00:23:59.080 --> 00:24:03.680
"OK, with this lens? I don't understand
what's happening here."
00:24:03.720 --> 00:24:08.920
"And with this lens? I don't understand,
I don't get what's happening here."
00:24:09.400 --> 00:24:14.120
I think they didn't see it coming,
and it was beyond them.
00:24:14.400 --> 00:24:18.400
They didn't understand
what was happening at all.
00:24:18.425 --> 00:24:19.625
And then finally,
00:24:19.700 --> 00:24:23.700
some of them came to their senses
while others, unfortunately,
00:24:23.700 --> 00:24:28.820
stuck to their guns, manipulating
the news and publishing lies.
00:24:30.600 --> 00:24:35.400
Because you can agree
with the movement or not,
00:24:35.400 --> 00:24:40.200
but the person who has been there
and seen it, knows what the reality is.
00:24:40.520 --> 00:24:46.520
And we may see it a little bit distorted,
but it is what it is.
00:24:47.120 --> 00:24:51.000
And because they did not understand it completely,
they decided not to report it in a new way,
00:24:51.000 --> 00:24:54.920
but tried to pigeonhole it in
one of the compartments
00:24:54.920 --> 00:24:59.160
where they classify
all news that comes in.
00:24:59.400 --> 00:25:03.640
"Who does this benefit? Rubalcaba?
Rajoy? Chacón? Esperanza Aguirre?"
00:25:03.840 --> 00:25:10.360
"Who?" And until they realised
that it was not about that,
00:25:10.360 --> 00:25:13.800
they didn't start reporting news.
I think they began to report
00:25:13.800 --> 00:25:17.200
because the pressure, including in the
social networks, was so great
00:25:17.200 --> 00:25:19.960
that it got to the stage
where people were saying
00:25:19.960 --> 00:25:22.680
if the media continue like this,
we will shout
00:25:22.680 --> 00:25:25.480
you don't represent us'. And I insist,
it is the media, not the journalists,
00:25:25.480 --> 00:25:28.400
because there were journalists
at all times, from the first day in Sol.
00:25:28.440 --> 00:25:30.640
It's not true to say there weren't
any journalists.
00:25:30.840 --> 00:25:34.320
That very Monday, May 16th,
the media pretty much ignored...
00:25:34.320 --> 00:25:37.240
the previous day's demonstrations,
which, despite having been called
00:25:37.240 --> 00:25:40.160
by organisations like Real Democracy
Now and others that were unknown,
00:25:40.160 --> 00:25:44.160
had been hugely successful,
with thousands of people taking part,
00:25:44.160 --> 00:25:46.520
in dozens of cities
around the country.
00:25:46.600 --> 00:25:50.200
Only a few centre-left newspapers mentioned
the protests on their front pages.
00:25:51.320 --> 00:25:55.200
Tuesday May 17th, Strauss-Kahn's story
of power and skirts filled the front pages.
00:25:55.200 --> 00:25:58.200
And only Público and El País
continued to analyze the phenomenon,
00:25:58.200 --> 00:26:00.200
of what they called
"the indignant ones,"
00:26:00.225 --> 00:26:02.225
but always in view
of the upcoming elections.
00:26:02.250 --> 00:26:05.850
In the rest of the national
newspapers there was silence.
00:26:07.000 --> 00:26:09.800
By Wednesday May 18th, tens of
thousands had taken Sol
00:26:09.800 --> 00:26:13.360
and people had started
to build a mini-city. At last!
00:26:13.480 --> 00:26:19.600
However, on the front pages:
bullfighting, Rajoy, Rajoy, Rajoy, Rajoy,...
00:26:19.600 --> 00:26:23.920
Queen Elizabeth II
What can I say, I don't know...
00:26:25.200 --> 00:26:28.800
The following day, on the 19th,
all the national Spanish papers
00:26:28.800 --> 00:26:31.100
finally featured on their front pages
what, in my opinion,
00:26:31.225 --> 00:26:33.425
should have been the image of the day
a few days back.
00:26:33.520 --> 00:26:36.720
The main square of Spain's capital
filled with thousands of citizens
00:26:36.800 --> 00:26:41.320
demanding change and democracy.
ABC, El Mundo, and even La Razón.
00:26:41.720 --> 00:26:45.640
But, do you know which was the first big
newspaper that featured on its front page
00:26:45.640 --> 00:26:50.040
a picture of Sol thronged with people,
to the shame of our national newspapers?
00:26:50.800 --> 00:26:53.800
The Washington Post. And of course,
a few hours later,
00:26:53.825 --> 00:26:56.825
when our national
newspapers appeared,
00:26:56.900 --> 00:27:00.300
they realized that maybe it was time
to consider putting
00:27:00.300 --> 00:27:04.100
"what was happening in Sol"
on their front pages.
00:27:09.320 --> 00:27:12.600
The 15M movement has used
technology brilliantly:
00:27:12.680 --> 00:27:16.200
it has understood, used, tapped, developed,
reinvented, and hacked this technology.
00:27:16.320 --> 00:27:20.200
Many big businesses and governments
should study us and learn from the movement.
00:27:20.680 --> 00:27:22.880
How so much can be done
with so little.
00:27:23.080 --> 00:27:26.680
And this did not start with the 15M.
This knowledge of networks came from before,
00:27:26.680 --> 00:27:29.760
but with 15M it has multiplied
and accelerated.
00:27:32.840 --> 00:27:37.600
As to the internet tools,
buying the domain and all that,
00:27:37.600 --> 00:27:43.720
it was people who already had
experience in social movements
00:27:43.720 --> 00:27:46.600
in communicating through internet
and that sort of thing.
00:27:47.120 --> 00:27:50.320
Everything started really fast: the
Twitter account @acampadasol...
00:27:50.320 --> 00:27:53.680
was created in the square
in the early hours of May 16th, 2011,
00:27:53.680 --> 00:27:55.880
the first night of the camp.
00:27:55.880 --> 00:27:59.000
That same night a blog was created
and emails sent
00:27:59.000 --> 00:28:03.880
from the square to mailing lists
asking for help and devising strategies.
00:28:05.120 --> 00:28:09.120
"If we communicate this, if you give us permission
and we set up a communication group
00:28:09.120 --> 00:28:12.920
and devise a strategy,
this could lead to many other people
00:28:12.945 --> 00:28:16.145
feeling the same as us;
they would see our actions
00:28:16.240 --> 00:28:19.920
as an opportunity
and take their squares too."
00:28:21.200 --> 00:28:26.600
So, I created a Twitter account,
00:28:26.920 --> 00:28:31.680
I can't remember very well, to be honest.
I think I saw on Twitter,
00:28:31.680 --> 00:28:35.920
that someone was already talking
about acampadasol and I thought that name
00:28:35.920 --> 00:28:39.520
could work to talk
about this.
00:28:40.720 --> 00:28:43.120
Our way of working
is based on copying;
00:28:43.145 --> 00:28:45.445
our form of communicating
is copying the best we find,
00:28:45.520 --> 00:28:48.320
mixing it, combining it
and offering it free
00:28:48.320 --> 00:28:49.920
so that others
can do the same.
00:28:50.760 --> 00:28:53.560
[We have just set up a camp in Sol square in Madrid,
and we will not leave until we reach an agreement.]
00:28:53.600 --> 00:28:56.400
This was the first tweet that was sent
from the @acampadasol account at about 4am.
00:28:56.400 --> 00:28:59.920
After that, everything
grew very fast.
00:29:00.320 --> 00:29:03.120
During the first days the
main domains were bought:
00:29:03.200 --> 00:29:05.200
such as tomalaplaza
and takethesquare.
00:29:05.225 --> 00:29:07.825
And, through internet, hundreds
of Twitter and Facebook accounts
00:29:07.900 --> 00:29:11.100
and mailing lists were transmitting
information nonstop.
00:29:12.000 --> 00:29:14.800
The dissemination and documentation
of the 15M movment
00:29:14.800 --> 00:29:17.440
via internet
had just begun.
00:29:21.400 --> 00:29:25.800
The coverage of 15M in social networks
has been spectacular.
00:29:26.200 --> 00:29:32.200
The community management of the @acampadasol
Twitter account has been fantastic.
00:29:35.240 --> 00:29:37.640
They have not spread rumours.
00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:41.360
Those of us who manage this account
have great respect for
00:29:41.385 --> 00:29:44.185
collective decision-making processes
and for an assembly movement.
00:29:44.720 --> 00:29:46.920
And we are very aware
of the need to use a tone
00:29:46.920 --> 00:29:49.120
that can be accepted
by everyone.
00:29:49.440 --> 00:29:53.920
Things began to happen that surpassed
by far the communication strategy
00:29:53.920 --> 00:29:58.120
of traditional social movements.
00:29:58.120 --> 00:30:02.720
And the political communication strategy
of any self-respecting political organisation.
00:30:02.900 --> 00:30:07.100
They would give anything to have the wealth
of communication enjoyed by the 15M.
00:30:10.240 --> 00:30:12.520
Once the initial challenges
had been solved
00:30:12.520 --> 00:30:14.520
other more concrete
media projects were developed.
00:30:14.600 --> 00:30:19.000
AudioviSol, a news-video service
of the 15M movement in Madrid.
00:30:19.120 --> 00:30:21.520
Agora Sol Radio, a radio station
that began to broadcast
00:30:21.545 --> 00:30:23.545
only a few days after
the camp was set up.
00:30:24.080 --> 00:30:28.000
madrid15m, a monthly newspaper
with a large print run.
00:30:28.160 --> 00:30:30.600
Or TomalaTele,
a video aggregator site
00:30:30.600 --> 00:30:33.320
for live and streamed
00:30:35.880 --> 00:30:38.840
00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:40.200
Sol is not asleep tonight.
00:30:40.225 --> 00:30:42.525
The more than one hundred people
who camped here yesterday
00:30:42.600 --> 00:30:43.800
have become thousands today.
00:30:43.825 --> 00:30:46.925
After the eviction and in less than 24 hours
the movement has become organized
00:30:47.020 --> 00:30:49.020
and they have attracted
more and more people
00:30:49.100 --> 00:30:51.600
who are protesting against
a system they consider to be unfair.
00:30:51.600 --> 00:30:54.400
They are demanding
economic and political changes.
00:30:56.520 --> 00:31:00.520
The days went by and our city grew.
We continued organising.
00:31:00.600 --> 00:31:03.600
We already have stoves
and the most basic services.
00:31:03.600 --> 00:31:05.700
The police are watching us,
but they don't intervene.
00:31:05.760 --> 00:31:07.760
Many people
are staying to sleep
00:31:07.785 --> 00:31:09.785
and there are more
and more people in the square.
00:31:17.960 --> 00:31:22.120
The night of the 20th of May
was the eve of the elections.
00:31:22.120 --> 00:31:23.960
Day of reflection.
00:31:24.080 --> 00:31:27.600
A court order had banned people
from congregating in Sol.
00:31:27.680 --> 00:31:30.920
As an upstanding citizen, I met
Marga, Amador and some friends
00:31:30.920 --> 00:31:33.240
to break the law.
00:31:33.600 --> 00:31:40.720
Sol was completely packed.
At midnight,
00:31:40.720 --> 00:31:45.320
like in the fairy tale, we became illegal.
The Electoral Commission had said that
00:31:45.320 --> 00:31:51.000
there was a sort of tension about
the legitimacy of being in the street
00:31:51.000 --> 00:31:57.920
of being all together.
We are here to protest
00:31:57.920 --> 00:32:03.600
against a serious situation;
they are condemning a lot of
00:32:03.600 --> 00:32:10.520
people to harsh living conditions,
and we have every right
00:32:10.520 --> 00:32:15.920
to gather here to reclaim
the true meaning of the word 'democracy'
00:32:15.920 --> 00:32:22.080
the power of the people as
an open and public discussion
00:32:22.080 --> 00:32:25.080
and you are not going to tell us
that we are illegal
00:32:25.120 --> 00:32:28.120
because of this nonsense about
the day of reflection.
00:32:41.920 --> 00:32:49.840
We... I don't know... shouted in silence.
It was amazing to see
00:32:49.840 --> 00:32:53.800
the number of people
who were there.
00:32:53.920 --> 00:32:56.600
And it was not everybody
minding their own business;
00:32:56.600 --> 00:33:00.960
everybody was there for the same reason
because we all shared the same concerns,
00:33:00.985 --> 00:33:05.185
so we all became silent at the same time.
We all knew what we had to do,
00:33:05.520 --> 00:33:10.800
and we behaved
in accordance with the situation
00:33:10.800 --> 00:33:17.560
because we realised what was happening.
That was beautiful. Really beautiful.
00:34:05.240 --> 00:34:09.080
And that was when the "silent shout"
was born one of the 15M icons.
00:34:09.080 --> 00:34:12.000
It was the first time, as far as I knew,
that I was breaking a law.
00:34:12.159 --> 00:34:14.519
Disobeying authority.
00:34:14.760 --> 00:34:16.760
The Supreme Court
no less
00:34:16.760 --> 00:34:18.840
where the appeals
had ended.
00:34:19.159 --> 00:34:22.959
I can assure you that I have never been
so sure that I was doing the right thing.
00:34:23.239 --> 00:34:25.279
What joy!
00:34:26.840 --> 00:34:30.640
Without us, you are nothing!
Without us, you are nothing!
00:34:42.800 --> 00:34:49.360
It was like a gift
we gave each other.
00:34:49.639 --> 00:34:53.839
A free gift. Just being there
at a certain moment,
00:34:53.840 --> 00:34:57.240
at a certain time,
at a certain place. Just that.
00:35:01.640 --> 00:35:07.720
And tomorrow we vote,
tomorrow we vote!
00:35:16.280 --> 00:35:20.680
[Sunday, May 22nd, 2011]
00:35:20.680 --> 00:35:26.080
[Municipal and Regional Elections
(in 13 Autonomous Regions)]
00:35:27.200 --> 00:35:35.200
[The Popular Party won both
with a comfortable majority]
00:35:38.480 --> 00:35:42.000
[At the same time,
life continues in acampadasol]
00:35:42.000 --> 00:35:45.520
[Here, people keep working,
thinking, and building]
00:36:01.320 --> 00:36:07.600
00:36:17.400 --> 00:36:19.400
Who are we,
the 15M people?
00:36:19.400 --> 00:36:21.600
Those of us who met
on the streets and in the squares?
00:36:21.640 --> 00:36:25.560
What kind of people were we,
the acampadasol dwellers?
00:36:26.560 --> 00:36:28.560
Well, there was and is,
a little bit of everything.
00:36:28.580 --> 00:36:30.580
Obviously, there were
more "young people"
00:36:31.080 --> 00:36:34.240
and "left-wing" people,
as a rough classification.
00:36:34.320 --> 00:36:36.320
But there were whole families,
old people,
00:36:36.360 --> 00:36:39.120
People with different
socio-economic backgrounds.
00:36:39.200 --> 00:36:42.480
And what I find, ultimately,
more interesting:
00:36:42.560 --> 00:36:45.760
many people with no previous background
in political or social activism,
00:36:45.760 --> 00:36:49.560
of whom I was one.
A lot of new faces.
00:36:51.760 --> 00:36:54.880
Very enthusiastic people,
very keen.
00:36:56.960 --> 00:37:03.560
For me, what is most important is that
there has been an upgrade
00:37:03.560 --> 00:37:08.640
in the political dimension of life.
Like an update.
00:37:08.680 --> 00:37:14.960
Like with sofware, when you
upgrade to a better version.
00:37:16.240 --> 00:37:21.680
Because politics in the sense
of managing the commons
00:37:21.680 --> 00:37:26.280
has been completely
00:37:26.440 --> 00:37:28.840
As if nobody
cared anymore.
00:37:28.880 --> 00:37:31.960
The dominant idea,
the stereotype
00:37:32.040 --> 00:37:35.560
is that everyone minds
their own business.
00:37:35.640 --> 00:37:38.940
Other people's concerns
are their tough luck.
00:37:38.965 --> 00:37:41.465
Maybe some concern
for friends and maybe not.
00:37:41.520 --> 00:37:45.400
But 15M belies that.
00:37:46.320 --> 00:37:48.640
This is the main difference
between before and after.
00:37:48.680 --> 00:37:51.200
Because what happened before
was we felt alone.
00:37:51.240 --> 00:37:53.400
We all knew that things
needed to be done.
00:37:53.480 --> 00:37:57.560
But, as as individual,
what can I do?
00:37:57.680 --> 00:38:01.080
The idea was not what can we do?
Because that 'we' ...
00:38:01.080 --> 00:38:05.280
you don't know how to contact
others, how to organise.
00:38:07.480 --> 00:38:09.480
Then you thought,
what can I do?
00:38:09.560 --> 00:38:13.160
And 'what can I do?' faced with all this,
leaves you without alternatives in the end.
00:38:13.160 --> 00:38:16.360
So, I don't know
what I can do really.
00:38:16.520 --> 00:38:22.560
This business of "they don't
represent us" chanted in Sol
00:38:22.560 --> 00:38:27.640
for a lot of people,
00:38:27.640 --> 00:38:33.720
"we don't need them",
or not much, anyway.
00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:40.000
In what sense? In that many people
have realised that relating to people,
00:38:40.000 --> 00:38:45.400
proposing things,
reaching agreements,
00:38:45.400 --> 00:38:48.400
can be done in a city.
In this case, Sol City.
00:38:48.525 --> 00:38:51.525
In other words, this has been
an experiment
00:38:51.620 --> 00:38:56.620
in the power we have
when nobody is controlling us,
00:38:56.800 --> 00:39:01.600
when we agree;
when we willingly cooperate,
00:39:01.600 --> 00:39:06.120
which creates something
bigger than us, more important,
00:39:06.120 --> 00:39:10.680
and which cares for us. And I think
that acampadasol cares for us.
00:39:10.680 --> 00:39:16.120
In fact, the whole 15M experienece,
not just acampadasol, cares for us.
00:39:16.400 --> 00:39:21.000
The people who protest are normal people.
And normal people have these problems.
00:39:21.080 --> 00:39:23.240
We think we have
these problems in common.
00:39:23.320 --> 00:39:26.220
It's not a matter of "I'm going to find
my answers for me and my family,
00:39:26.400 --> 00:39:28.500
for me and my friends,
for me and my political tribe,
00:39:28.540 --> 00:39:31.540
to build a squat on a piece of land
on the outskirts of Madrid
00:39:31.565 --> 00:39:33.565
and to grow our food."
00:39:34.400 --> 00:39:36.800
No, we all have
these problems.
00:39:36.920 --> 00:39:39.920
Therefore, in a way,
we have to talk to everyone.
00:39:39.920 --> 00:39:43.120
This problem affects all society. Society
as a whole needs to get into action.
00:39:43.120 --> 00:39:45.520
There has to be a dialogue with
many different people, right?
00:39:45.620 --> 00:39:48.320
That's what I see in the 15M.
We don't want to be seen as marginal.
00:39:48.360 --> 00:39:51.360
Because what we are talking
about affects us all, millions of us.
00:39:51.420 --> 00:39:54.620
That's why I reject stereotypes: we are not
perroflautas; we are not anti-system
00:39:54.640 --> 00:39:57.640
the system is against us. We are talking
about problems in society.
00:39:57.640 --> 00:40:00.640
We don't want to separate
ourselves from society.
00:40:00.665 --> 00:40:02.865
Instead, we want society
to deal with those issues.
00:40:02.940 --> 00:40:05.140
We should think
about them together.
00:40:05.165 --> 00:40:08.065
No one person has the solution,
so let's think about them altogether.
00:40:08.120 --> 00:40:11.120
We don't want the movement
to be stereotyped as
00:40:11.800 --> 00:40:14.200
a minority movement.
00:40:15.920 --> 00:40:23.560
00:40:26.085 --> 00:40:29.085
In the early days of acampadasol
commissions and working groups were set up
00:40:29.160 --> 00:40:32.120
as needs arose
in the camp:
00:40:32.200 --> 00:40:35.120
action, communication,
food, coordination,
00:40:35.120 --> 00:40:38.320
legal, respect...
00:40:39.240 --> 00:40:42.040
And this process grew
and was self-regulating.
00:40:44.400 --> 00:40:47.240
One of the working groups
created was Economy
00:40:47.240 --> 00:40:52.040
which wanted
to approach social change
00:40:52.040 --> 00:40:54.440
through the economy.
00:40:54.440 --> 00:40:57.400
This is seen as one
of the fundamental problems.
00:40:58.440 --> 00:41:03.240
The Sol Legal commission was created
by a number of lawyers
00:41:03.240 --> 00:41:07.680
who saw the need to give
legal and technical support
00:41:07.680 --> 00:41:10.760
to the camp
and the movement
00:41:10.760 --> 00:41:16.080
that was developing
from the camp.
00:41:16.640 --> 00:41:19.600
We spend our time
talking to people.
00:41:19.600 --> 00:41:25.280
Our purpose is to coordinate,
to liaise and put people in contact.
00:41:25.360 --> 00:41:29.880
And, also, since
we have experience,
00:41:29.880 --> 00:41:32.680
there may be camps
being set up right now
00:41:32.680 --> 00:41:34.480
and they need to be connected.
00:41:34.560 --> 00:41:40.360
In Europe, it worked
in the beginning with the expats
00:41:40.520 --> 00:41:44.720
And then mixed assemblies
were held with local people.
00:41:44.760 --> 00:41:48.960
In the case of the United States
there is a direct relationship.
00:41:49.400 --> 00:41:53.600
In Wall St the reference point
was Sol and the way things worked.
00:41:57.480 --> 00:42:00.160
One of the things that amazed me
was the work of the people in the
00:42:00.160 --> 00:42:03.080
Assembly Energizing groups and
the Respect Commission;
00:42:03.080 --> 00:42:06.880
with infinite patience they mediated
in the conflicts that arose...
00:42:06.880 --> 00:42:08.980
and trained us in these new
practices of the commons,
00:42:09.005 --> 00:42:11.005
which were new
for many of us.
00:42:11.520 --> 00:42:14.360
I, personally,
on May 16th, 2011,
00:42:14.360 --> 00:42:17.280
took part in the first
assembly in my life.
00:42:17.560 --> 00:42:19.560
[Assembly of the Respect Commission]
00:42:19.600 --> 00:42:25.000
There are people talking about things
that have been spoken about five or six times.
00:42:25.120 --> 00:42:28.760
I am hearing things that
have been discussed since the first day.
00:42:28.800 --> 00:42:35.520
Decisions have been made about these issues
and the most appropriate measures.
00:42:35.600 --> 00:42:39.280
I believe that we should
listen to those who are
00:42:39.305 --> 00:42:43.005
taking action instead questioning
everything, because there are some of us
00:42:43.080 --> 00:42:47.600
who have attended
five 2-hour meetings today,
00:42:47.600 --> 00:42:51.240
And, in all honesty,
we are a little tired.
00:42:55.280 --> 00:43:00.680
And it began organizing itself to provide
legal and technical support
00:43:00.680 --> 00:43:06.080
to the people who were arrested
in the first days.
00:43:06.120 --> 00:43:09.120
Because from the start,
this movement
00:43:09.120 --> 00:43:13.160
and these events have been
harrassed by the police.
00:43:13.600 --> 00:43:18.200
During the May 15 demonstration
the police charged and made arrests.
00:43:18.400 --> 00:43:24.680
So, when the camp was starting,
there were many questions.
00:43:24.680 --> 00:43:28.200
"What is legal? What is illegal?
Is the camp legal or not?"
00:43:28.480 --> 00:43:35.160
And there was a first group of people
that began to meet.
00:43:35.200 --> 00:43:40.000
They created a text explaining how
the right to meeting works,
00:43:40.000 --> 00:43:43.360
what is guaranteed by
Article 21 of the Consitution.
00:43:43.520 --> 00:43:48.600
All kinds of people joined
the Economy group.
00:43:48.920 --> 00:43:53.120
well-known economists,
00:43:53.120 --> 00:44:00.320
lecturers and specialists
in different areas, journalists, etc,
00:44:00.760 --> 00:44:06.920
There were writers,
meeting up with philosphers,
00:44:07.200 --> 00:44:12.920
and all sorts
of creative minds
00:44:12.920 --> 00:44:17.120
which has led to some
impressive synergies.
00:44:17.400 --> 00:44:21.200
We have learned
so much from each other
00:44:21.240 --> 00:44:25.040
and we have realized
that so many things can be done.
00:44:25.440 --> 00:44:29.040
Anything is possible: the space provided
by the general assembly
00:44:29.040 --> 00:44:32.920
is a meeting where
we can say what we want to do
00:44:32.920 --> 00:44:36.840
in what group it can be done
that everyone can contribute
00:44:36.840 --> 00:44:41.040
that everyone can make suggestions
in the assembly, which are debated
00:44:41.040 --> 00:44:45.640
and then taken to the working groups where
they can be worked on the important things...
00:44:45.640 --> 00:44:48.920
There we were in the Puerta del Sol,
in acampadasol trying to change the world.
00:44:48.920 --> 00:44:52.920
And something wonderful had happened:
people were copying us.
00:44:53.120 --> 00:44:57.120
Us! And we in turn we had seen
the best of other protests
00:44:57.120 --> 00:45:00.400
and we had adapted them to our
circumstances, remixed and reused.
00:45:00.520 --> 00:45:04.040
So now we were being copied
all over the country and the world.
00:45:04.160 --> 00:45:08.240
It was fantastic. All that information
flowing freely around the globe.
00:45:08.400 --> 00:45:12.200
Yes, friends, this is it!:
00:45:17.920 --> 00:45:21.240
Those days, in hundreds of cities
all over the world camps were being set up.
00:45:21.240 --> 00:45:24.240
Both small and big.
In Spain and abroad.
00:45:24.320 --> 00:45:27.160
It was not about conquering
the world or overthrowing the system.
00:45:27.160 --> 00:45:30.280
It was more a matter
of the symbolic significance.
00:45:30.320 --> 00:45:33.480
But it was very intense.
And very exciting.
00:45:35.320 --> 00:45:39.600
COPYLEFT: Allowing your creation
to be freely copied and transformed.
00:45:39.600 --> 00:45:43.240
and demanding the same
of those who use it.
00:45:43.440 --> 00:45:50.840
The best expression of copyleft of the
camp has been its ability to be replicated.
00:45:51.760 --> 00:45:55.920
What was being shared by all
was precisely
00:45:55.920 --> 00:45:58.240
the information that was being
produced all over the world.
00:45:58.280 --> 00:46:03.840
When I retweet something
I am saying "please copy me".
00:46:04.120 --> 00:46:07.400
So the model which said
00:46:07.400 --> 00:46:11.440
"forbidden to copy,
all rights reserved"
00:46:11.440 --> 00:46:14.960
was no longer
valid intellectually.
00:46:14.960 --> 00:46:18.160
And it is not working
in practice either.
00:46:20.560 --> 00:46:24.160
It was happening in towns,
cities,... everywhere.
00:46:24.280 --> 00:46:28.840
People were gathering in the streets and squares
to do something that was very, very dangerous.
00:46:29.000 --> 00:46:31.000
Something that the authorities
did not like at all.
00:46:31.025 --> 00:46:33.225
Something we had not done
for years.
00:46:33.840 --> 00:46:36.040
To get together and talk about
the public affairs.
00:46:37.280 --> 00:46:41.480
Yes, it was just that: meeting,
talking about people's problems
00:46:41.480 --> 00:46:44.000
big and small,
to find solutions.
00:46:44.000 --> 00:46:46.200
and to do as much as we could
to help our neighbours.
00:46:48.280 --> 00:46:50.280
It was happening.
00:46:50.680 --> 00:46:52.800
And it was global.
00:46:54.360 --> 00:47:00.640
00:47:03.400 --> 00:47:07.280
The philosopher Zygmunt Bauman
and a sector of society had branded 15M
00:47:07.280 --> 00:47:11.280
as a movement of emotions
not of thought. As if we spent
00:47:11.280 --> 00:47:14.480
the whole day in assemblies,
waving our hands and loving each other,
00:47:14.480 --> 00:47:16.800
but without offering solutions
or creating alternatives.
00:47:17.480 --> 00:47:20.280
Well, that description seems to me
to be unfair and is, in fact,
00:47:20.280 --> 00:47:23.240
one of the reasons
why we made this film.
00:47:23.680 --> 00:47:26.680
In acampadasol almost 15,000 proposals
were collected and classified,
00:47:26.705 --> 00:47:29.905
suggestions made by citizens
to improve democracy, among other things.
00:47:30.600 --> 00:47:33.400
In any event, anybody who has followed
the 15M movement closely
00:47:33.580 --> 00:47:36.780
would have noticed the wealth
of proposals and actions.
00:47:39.120 --> 00:47:41.920
You bet the 15M
has accomplished things...
00:47:43.120 --> 00:47:46.760
00:47:47.720 --> 00:47:51.800
15M supports the Anti-Eviction Platform
in its fight against evictions.
00:47:51.800 --> 00:47:55.680
Hundreds of evictions halted
in a year and a half.
00:47:55.680 --> 00:47:59.400
Searching for a solution
to housing the evicted.
00:48:00.120 --> 00:48:02.720
Changes in laws have been
forced through.
00:48:02.745 --> 00:48:06.745
Banks have had to buy back properties in auctions
at 60% of their rated value instead of 50%.
00:48:06.820 --> 00:48:10.660
The minimum tax exemption
went from 625 to 900 euros.
00:48:14.120 --> 00:48:18.000
The fact that today everyone knows
what in lieu of payment means
00:48:18.000 --> 00:48:21.320
is probably thanks to 15M.
00:48:23.000 --> 00:48:26.000
00:48:26.240 --> 00:48:31.680
15MpaRato, a group of people
related to 15M, offers legal assistance
00:48:31.680 --> 00:48:36.760
to people who bought shares
in Bankia and feel swindled.
00:48:38.120 --> 00:48:40.920
They raised
a public collection for them,
00:48:40.920 --> 00:48:44.400
and openly and transparently
provided them with a lawyer.
00:48:44.400 --> 00:48:46.700
Thirty-two Bankia directors
were accused
00:48:46.725 --> 00:48:49.225
including the government's deputy
prime minister, Rodrigo Rato.
00:48:52.120 --> 00:48:56.400
15MpaRato announced on its website
what it was going to do and how it was going to do it.
00:48:56.400 --> 00:48:59.400
And they made the campaign's
expenses publicly available!
00:49:00.960 --> 00:49:03.360
00:49:03.640 --> 00:49:07.640
#OperaciónEuribor is an investigation into
the European interbank offered rate
00:49:07.640 --> 00:49:11.200
which many mortgages and other
financial instruments depend on,
00:49:11.200 --> 00:49:14.680
while the Public Prosecutor and other
institutions look the other way.
00:49:15.680 --> 00:49:18.880
The idea is to offer tools to find out
if the bank is cheating you.
00:49:18.880 --> 00:49:21.800
To make up for the fact
that the state doing nothing.
00:49:21.825 --> 00:49:25.225
Lastly, #OpOposición attempts
to halt foreclosures
00:49:25.240 --> 00:49:28.120
while the vality of Euribor
is being studied.
00:49:30.200 --> 00:49:34.400
A Barcelona court has already
allowed opposition proceedings.
00:49:34.400 --> 00:49:37.200
Will there be many more?
00:50:10.760 --> 00:50:17.040
00:50:18.200 --> 00:50:22.000
A lot has been said about police brutality
which has been experienced,
00:50:22.000 --> 00:50:26.060
suffered and documented in Madrid
during the first year and a half of the 15M.
00:50:26.280 --> 00:50:29.840
Even though non-violence has been
one of the hallmarks of 15M,
00:50:29.840 --> 00:50:32.240
and the movement has endured
numerous provocations,
00:50:32.240 --> 00:50:35.400
we haven't been able to avoid
being beaten up again and again.
00:50:36.000 --> 00:50:39.280
In this documentary, we could show
dozens of photos and videos of the police
00:50:39.280 --> 00:50:42.880
brutally up beating protestors
during the 15M protests,
00:50:42.880 --> 00:50:46.160
children, students, old people...
There are lots of images online.
00:50:46.600 --> 00:50:49.800
But I am going to talk about
our own personal experience
00:50:49.800 --> 00:50:52.640
and how we came across
this violence.
00:50:52.720 --> 00:50:55.520
Or more accurately,
how this violence found us.
00:50:56.680 --> 00:51:00.000
It was August 17th, at a protest
called by grassroots lay
00:51:00.000 --> 00:51:03.760
and Catholic organizations
to protest against
00:51:03.760 --> 00:51:07.720
the excessive expense to the public
of the Pope's visit to Madrid.
00:51:09.160 --> 00:51:12.460
Up until then in Madrid there had only been
isolated incidents of police violence
00:51:12.500 --> 00:51:15.700
bur nothing like the police charges
in Barcelona, in the Plaça de Catalunya
00:51:15.760 --> 00:51:19.760
which were the most blatant example
of police brutality against 15M.
00:51:24.560 --> 00:51:28.480
The demonsration was badly organised.
There were a lot of people.
00:51:28.600 --> 00:51:32.000
The police weren't effective
and hadn't secured the route.
00:51:32.000 --> 00:51:34.300
They didn't separate
the demonstraters from the pilgrims.
00:51:34.325 --> 00:51:36.825
There were too few organisers
and they had little information.
00:51:36.880 --> 00:51:40.080
In Puerta de Sol, the protestors
and pilgrims were all mixed up.
00:51:40.080 --> 00:51:44.080
I was with Pablo Soto when we saw
the police were closing off the square.
00:51:46.000 --> 00:51:51.080
On the side of the lay proestors,
we suddenly realised that
00:51:51.080 --> 00:51:53.380
the square had been closed off
and we were trapped inside.
00:51:53.405 --> 00:51:55.005
They were letting
the pilgrims get out
00:51:55.100 --> 00:52:00.100
but not the demonstrators of a protest
which had been duly notified.
00:52:00.200 --> 00:52:02.400
At one point, when you ran off
towards Montera street,
00:52:02.425 --> 00:52:04.425
all the police ran the same way
00:52:05.080 --> 00:52:10.520
because they were starting
to charge up the street.
00:52:10.680 --> 00:52:16.200
At that point, I was taking photos
at the other end of the square.
00:52:16.200 --> 00:52:20.800
The journalists ran off but I can't run
so I stayed where I was
00:52:20.800 --> 00:52:23.300
trying not to call
attention to myself.
00:52:23.325 --> 00:52:26.125
But when the journalists ran
to the other end of the square,
00:52:26.200 --> 00:52:28.800
they stopped charging over there
and began charging where I was.
00:52:28.825 --> 00:52:30.825
The police aren't stupid.
00:52:40.320 --> 00:52:44.320
Well, nothing serious happened,
I was just knocked over.
00:52:44.345 --> 00:52:48.345
What struck me was
the feeling of helplessness
00:52:48.760 --> 00:52:56.760
when a policeman insulted me.
But I don't want to create an issue.
00:52:56.840 --> 00:53:04.840
That's the way they are and I think...
Well, I was scared then,
00:53:05.200 --> 00:53:10.720
but, once I was helped out
of the square, I didn't go home.
00:53:10.720 --> 00:53:13.320
And I wasn't afraid
to go back the next day.
00:53:13.760 --> 00:53:16.660
He went back the next day, and
the day after, and the day after that.
00:53:17.885 --> 00:53:20.685
Pablo has mobility problems.
He can't get up by himself.
00:53:20.740 --> 00:53:24.440
Fortunately another friend
found him and helped him,
00:53:24.460 --> 00:53:27.260
because the police knocked him
to the ground and ran off.
00:53:27.480 --> 00:53:29.880
Patricia tells us the second
story of that night.
00:53:29.960 --> 00:53:32.360
Patricia, Pablo and I are the founders
of the project,
00:53:32.460 --> 00:53:35.060
and this documentary
forms part of the project.
00:53:35.060 --> 00:53:37.740
Patricia was working in the square,
reporting on events
00:53:37.840 --> 00:53:40.640
and she had an encounter
with a police officer.
00:53:41.320 --> 00:53:43.820
At a certain point, I was left behind
on my own in that corner,
00:53:43.845 --> 00:53:45.345
and I continued recording:
00:53:45.400 --> 00:53:47.600
I kept on recording videos
and taking photos.
00:53:47.640 --> 00:53:52.520
And then, I saw what there was
a man... a police officer.
00:53:52.640 --> 00:53:57.000
He came over to me
and asked what I was doing.
00:53:57.120 --> 00:54:01.920
I told him I was a journalist and that
I was recording what was happening.
00:54:02.720 --> 00:54:05.240
Police officer: Give me your identity card.
00:54:05.360 --> 00:54:08.560
Patricia: What for?
Police: Because I need to identify you fully.
00:54:08.680 --> 00:54:12.800
Police: This is not a complete identification,
parents' names, home address...
00:54:12.920 --> 00:54:18.320
Patricia: First, don't raise your voice to me.
Police: What? I'll beat the shit out of you!
00:54:18.400 --> 00:54:23.360
Police: Show me your ID card.
Patricia: What did you just say to me?
00:54:23.560 --> 00:54:28.520
Patricia: For goodness sake!
Police: You shitty... You're under arrest.
00:54:28.800 --> 00:54:33.760
She: What do you mean, arrested?!
Police: Put the handcuffs on!
00:54:34.720 --> 00:54:39.520
There are some people who think
that I "was asking for it."
00:54:39.600 --> 00:54:43.120
And I sincerely believe that
we are wrong and we've forgotten
00:54:43.120 --> 00:54:46.120
what it means
to know our rights.
00:54:46.120 --> 00:54:50.240
This man could not possibly have
considered me to be a threat, I was not.
00:54:50.320 --> 00:54:56.000
In the real meaning of, "real threat,"
that I could do something violent, no way.
00:54:56.320 --> 00:55:01.920
I am a small girl of 1m60 surrounded
by four guys who are 2 metres tall,
00:55:01.920 --> 00:55:06.320
So, what kind of threat was I...? That was
my threat, a telephone that records
00:55:06.320 --> 00:55:10.720
and that can tell the tale. That was
the threat but I was no threat at all.
00:55:12.040 --> 00:55:15.320
This was our mini experience
that night. Other friends of ours,
00:55:15.320 --> 00:55:18.600
also journalists, were dragged into
a police van and insulted and threatened.
00:55:18.800 --> 00:55:24.400
So yes, nothing happened to us, but...
what about the others? And in other places?
00:55:24.400 --> 00:55:26.000
And on other nights?
00:55:27.240 --> 00:55:30.840
Personally, I'm sad, horrified,
pained, and above all,
00:55:30.840 --> 00:55:34.640
disappointed to have discovered this
strategy of terror, and how the entire
00:55:34.640 --> 00:55:37.720
policy apparatus was designed to
terrorize individuals and stop them
00:55:37.720 --> 00:55:41.960
from exercising their 'annoying'
civil rights. That's really bad.
00:55:41.960 --> 00:55:44.920
And very inappropriate for a state
governed by the rule of law.
00:55:45.120 --> 00:55:49.680
The problem, the detail, is that Patricia,
Pablo, me and thousands of others
00:55:49.680 --> 00:55:52.280
are here to stay.
00:55:52.400 --> 00:55:56.120
We think what we have at stake
is really too important.
00:55:57.000 --> 00:56:00.400
So that you all will see
what you are doing...
00:56:02.120 --> 00:56:06.560
00:56:06.760 --> 00:56:09.160
Now is the time to work
in the neighbourhoods and towns.
00:56:09.585 --> 00:56:13.185
We are the masters
of our own acts.
00:56:13.260 --> 00:56:18.260
We came to Sol on our
own terms and we'll leave
00:56:18.260 --> 00:56:23.060
when and how we choose.
And never, never by force
00:56:23.060 --> 00:56:28.100
or due to outside agents
nor internal dysfunction...
00:56:29.080 --> 00:56:31.440
We arrived mid-June
00:56:31.440 --> 00:56:34.000
and the truth is, it was hard
for us to come to an agreement.
00:56:34.120 --> 00:56:37.160
Endless assemblies and discussions,
but in the end, we managed.
00:56:37.480 --> 00:56:39.580
We decided to take down
the Puerta del Sol Encampment
00:56:39.705 --> 00:56:41.705
for a month and move out
to the neighbourhoods
00:56:41.780 --> 00:56:44.980
where, by the end of May, the first
local assemblies had already started.
00:56:45.000 --> 00:56:48.280
We would leave an information desk
in the centre of the square and move
00:56:48.280 --> 00:56:51.320
the library and some other
material and documentation
00:56:51.320 --> 00:56:53.960
to different social centres
in Madrid.
00:56:54.280 --> 00:56:58.440
We decided to leave Puerta del Sol
exactly or better than we had found it.
00:57:00.400 --> 00:57:03.360
"Operation Spotless"
was started.
00:57:47.520 --> 00:57:53.360
Only one wooden structure
was left in Sol, an information desk
00:57:53.360 --> 00:57:59.080
that would be knocked down
on August 2nd by the City.
00:58:02.120 --> 00:58:05.440
After four weeks of encampment,
we left Puerta del Sol.
00:58:05.520 --> 00:58:08.760
Since last May 28th, we have been
holding assemblies in the neighbourhoods
00:58:08.760 --> 00:58:11.200
and decentralizing
Sol's activities.
00:58:11.360 --> 00:58:14.040
But up to now, we haven't been
able to erect an encampment.
00:58:14.120 --> 00:58:17.640
From that time on, we would meet
on Sundays in Sol
00:58:17.640 --> 00:58:21.560
for a general assembly,
and work out of the neighbourhoods.
00:58:26.080 --> 00:58:30.680
How time flies... It seems like
centuries since that 15th May 2011.
00:58:30.680 --> 00:58:32.920
And it's only been
a year and a half.
00:58:33.320 --> 00:58:36.600
One thing is for sure, in all this time, we
haven't stopped protesting, fighting,
00:58:36.600 --> 00:58:41.160
thinking and building... The economic
crisis, which is really a fraud
00:58:41.160 --> 00:58:44.280
and, especially, the irresponsible
behaviour of our political leaders
00:58:44.280 --> 00:58:46.680
hasn't allowed us to return
to the life we had before.
00:58:47.000 --> 00:58:50.440
So this is how we keep going: in the street,
in groups, alone, in networks,
00:58:50.440 --> 00:58:54.240
at home, from our workplaces,
if we still have them.
00:58:54.320 --> 00:58:58.120
And also from within the embrace of
of the 'making 15M' family.
00:58:58.640 --> 00:59:00.760
Many things have happened
over the past 18 months.
00:59:08.160 --> 00:59:13.560
00:59:14.880 --> 00:59:20.280
[#19J Demonstrations
Against the Euro Pact]
00:59:22.200 --> 00:59:27.600
[#MareaVerde (GreenTide) Protests
Defending Public Education]
00:59:29.080 --> 00:59:34.480
[#17S Occupy Wall Street]
00:59:36.040 --> 00:59:41.440
[#15O Global Demonstration:
1,060 cities, 90 countries]
00:59:42.560 --> 00:59:47.960
[4.420.462 +230.843]
00:59:48.560 --> 00:59:54.080
General Elections in November 2011.
The PP (People's Party) wins by an absolute majority.
00:59:55.520 --> 01:00:00.920
[4.750.867 +330.405]
01:00:02.400 --> 01:00:07.800
[February 2012. Valencia Spring:
student protests]
01:00:08.840 --> 01:00:14.240
[#1215MM First anniversary of 15M]
01:00:15.440 --> 01:00:20.840
[Support for striking civil servants,
miners... and other protests]
01:00:22.120 --> 01:00:27.520
[#25S #RodeaElCongreso (SurroundCongress)
Police Brutality, Arbitrary Detentions]
01:00:28.720 --> 01:00:32.440
November 2012.
530 evictions per day.
01:00:32.440 --> 01:00:36.040
20% of Spaniards (1 in 5)
live below the poverty line.
01:00:36.040 --> 01:00:39.400
The youth dropout rate is at 52%.
01:00:48.800 --> 01:00:50.800
I'm trying not to lapse into
01:00:51.380 --> 01:00:54.100
We're ending the film
and have arrived at the moment
01:00:54.100 --> 01:00:57.100
where we ask the people
that we lived with during
01:00:57.100 --> 01:01:00.500
the Madrid encampment, my people,
what is to become of us, where do we go
01:01:00.500 --> 01:01:03.900
and what is to become of what we
are building amongst everything
01:01:03.900 --> 01:01:07.900
and what, for the moment, with more or less certainty,
we're calling the 15M movement.
01:01:09.400 --> 01:01:13.800
I have no idea... I can tell you what
I would like, and be a bore because
01:01:13.800 --> 01:01:17.800
I've repeated it four times, but
I would like an encampment
01:01:17.800 --> 01:01:22.200
lasting until we have
a new constitution.
01:01:23.320 --> 01:01:27.000
That is what I want.
And the 15M be
01:01:27.000 --> 01:01:31.600
the social movement
that brings this about.
01:01:32.240 --> 01:01:35.240
That brings about this
yearning for democracy.
01:01:35.480 --> 01:01:39.680
What scenario do I see? Well, that's
hard to say... The scenario is tough.
01:01:39.820 --> 01:01:42.020
It's going to be very difficult.
01:01:42.080 --> 01:01:46.920
We want the world to be a
reasonable place. It's not that
01:01:46.920 --> 01:01:50.280
we're asking for something outlandish.
A reasonable place where
01:01:50.280 --> 01:01:54.320
there is dignity in life, something
that works, that we don't have... right?
01:01:54.480 --> 01:01:59.280
I don't know how to tell you more than
that I believe the strength of the moment is
01:01:59.280 --> 01:02:03.720
to always reload, refresh from
within ourselves,
01:02:03.720 --> 01:02:06.280
using all
of our potential.
01:02:06.280 --> 01:02:12.680
So I think that the strength of what
we have is the strength of respect,
01:02:12.680 --> 01:02:15.840
inclusion, horizontalism,
collective intelligence,
01:02:15.840 --> 01:02:18.240
01:02:18.720 --> 01:02:22.960
If we manage to construct tools
that generate the ability to pressure
01:02:22.960 --> 01:02:27.520
from our numbers, that can pressure
multinationals, that can pressure
01:02:27.520 --> 01:02:31.840
local, independent and state
governments. And to act so that
01:02:31.840 --> 01:02:36.120
we cause them enough damage so
that they must heed our demands
01:02:36.320 --> 01:02:39.560
Then we could achieve
many things.
01:02:39.880 --> 01:02:44.720
If a method comes out of this that is
not institutionalized, constant
01:02:44.720 --> 01:02:51.120
pressure from the people,
I'll leave with a song in my heart.
01:02:51.280 --> 01:02:55.840
We're focused on tools for
coordinating globally.
01:02:55.920 --> 01:03:00.080
If the whole world thinks the same
way, it doesn't matter where we are.
01:03:00.400 --> 01:03:07.240
The only important thing will be
the 15M style. That means:
01:03:07.760 --> 01:03:14.480
self-convened, neither left
nor right, inclusive, etc.
01:03:14.480 --> 01:03:21.160
With those characteristics...
copyleft... it will be in this style.
01:03:21.520 --> 01:03:27.600
And anything not in this style,
doesn't matter. In my opinion, ok?
01:03:27.800 --> 01:03:32.160
For example, the elections coming
up. A lot of people are going to vote.
01:03:32.520 --> 01:03:38.840
It doesn't matter. It's the same to me.
A lot of people go to football games, no matter...
01:03:39.240 --> 01:03:43.120
If we're able to focus a little on
the idea that we really have to
01:03:43.120 --> 01:03:46.640
reinvent ourselves, that we have to find
new methods to achieve all of this
01:03:46.640 --> 01:03:51.280
we have to see what we do,
I believe that sooner or later, we're
01:03:51.280 --> 01:03:56.680
going to find the right keys, right?
If we always concentrate on what
01:03:56.680 --> 01:04:01.720
we want to achieve and stay focused
on getting there, it'll work, right?
01:04:05.160 --> 01:04:08.160
Over this year and a half, I have learned
many things, one of which
01:04:08.160 --> 01:04:11.760
is to believe what Miguel is saying.
Yes, that Miguel with the megaphone
01:04:11.785 --> 01:04:15.785
and the cardboard in Sol.
One Miguel amongst many.
01:04:17.760 --> 01:04:20.720
Since this film is a
personal vision, I'll allow myself
01:04:20.720 --> 01:04:24.520
to save the last word for me,
with sincere humility.
01:04:24.960 --> 01:04:28.920
I believe that the 15M movement
has been a success. The mobilizations,
01:04:28.920 --> 01:04:31.880
encampments, assemblies and all that
has happened has been really positive.
01:04:31.960 --> 01:04:35.160
But I believe the most important thing
about the 15M is also what
01:04:35.160 --> 01:04:37.440
is the most difficult to see:
how people have changed.
01:04:37.480 --> 01:04:40.680
People who will never be the same.
People who turned into a problem
01:04:40.680 --> 01:04:43.560
for their governments and
a help for their neighbours.
01:04:43.560 --> 01:04:45.720
Into good citizens, yeah.
01:04:45.880 --> 01:04:50.680
That 15M that isn't seen but is still there, and,
what's more, I believe will never go away.
01:04:51.280 --> 01:04:54.280
So now, what has to be done is
try to use our imagination, keep going,
01:04:54.280 --> 01:04:58.200
follow up, reinvent ourselves... Maybe
even get rid of this annoying trademark
01:04:58.200 --> 01:05:00.680
that could be
the very name of "15M."
01:05:00.880 --> 01:05:04.480
At the end of the day, we only want
to do what every generation tries
01:05:04.480 --> 01:05:07.120
to do for so many year:
change the world.
01:05:07.400 --> 01:05:10.720
And so, as Miguel says, we'll go
looking for the right key.
01:05:10.920 --> 01:05:15.360
And we're about to find it,... right?
01:06:45.480 --> 01:06:48.120
so now what are we going to do
01:06:52.160 --> 01:06:53.040
01:07:10.200 --> 01:07:11.080
01:07:18.480 --> 01:07:21.120
the country we're already in
01:07:21.120 --> 01:07:23.400
stopping evictions
01:07:23.400 --> 01:07:26.040
losing fear
01:07:26.040 --> 01:07:29.040
creating the republic of the 99%
01:08:11.560 --> 01:08:12.760
what are we going to do
01:08:15.040 --> 01:08:23.040
eXpain /
Let's declare the government irrelevant
01:08:26.000 --> 01:08:28.200
we have declared the government
01:08:28.279 --> 01:08:32.239
01:08:33.040 --> 01:08:36.280
the world is changing
01:08:36.359 --> 01:08:40.119
you're the one changing it
01:08:49.120 --> 01:08:54.040 is not responsible for the preceding video
as that would be an 'occupation' of the documentary.
01:08:54.040 --> 01:08:59.160
The documentary's producers did not know beforehand what it
was going to be about. They only signed over a place in the credits.
01:08:59.160 --> 01:09:03.200 has NOTHING to do with its content.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 75 minutes
Date: 2012
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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