An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.
Let It Burn
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The Dom Pedro hostel in São Paulo houses 107 homeless residents from marginalized communities, many of whom are struggling with the ever-present threat of eviction. With their own personal stories full of loneliness and heartbreak, these are individuals who nevertheless fight for life in solidarity.
Main credits
Bühler, Maíra (film producer)
Bühler, Maíra (film director)
Carvalho, Beatriz (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Léo Bittencourt; editor, Alexandre Leco Wahrhaftig.
Distributor subjects
Afro-Latin; Urban Studies; Race + Ethnicity; Health + Aging; Mental Health; Political ScienceKeywords
00:02:48.567 --> 00:02:53.441
00:02:57.317 --> 00:03:02.608
00:03:41.234 --> 00:03:46.692
You should get a smaller ring, right?
00:03:46.692 --> 00:03:48.025
What, honey?
00:03:48.067 --> 00:03:53.109
Yours fell off.
We should get you a smaller one, right?
00:03:54.984 --> 00:03:57.441
It slipped off.
It was too loose.
00:03:57.650 --> 00:03:59.358
I told you it would happen, didn't I?
00:03:59.358 --> 00:04:03.650
Yes, you did, honey.
I'll buy a new one.
00:04:03.692 --> 00:04:06.150
I'll get you another one.
00:04:06.192 --> 00:04:12.234
Don't get one too tight.
Get one a little loose.
00:04:14.109 --> 00:04:16.525
A little bit like this.
00:04:18.441 --> 00:04:19.817
Bring it on Monday.
00:04:19.858 --> 00:04:23.150
Not on Monday.
Tomorrow, when you arrive.
00:04:24.775 --> 00:04:28.150
I'll get you a larger one.
00:04:31.942 --> 00:04:33.483
What are you doing, honey?
00:04:41.192 --> 00:04:42.567
Let me see.
00:04:43.984 --> 00:04:45.984
I'll get you a larger one.
00:04:46.025 --> 00:04:48.067
Yes, a larger.
00:04:48.109 --> 00:04:51.275
It has to be larger.
My fingers are thick.
00:04:52.316 --> 00:04:54.109
I'll get you a larger.
00:04:55.150 --> 00:04:56.942
Monday I'll do it.
00:04:58.316 --> 00:04:59.608
00:05:01.525 --> 00:05:03.608
-1, 2, 3...
00:05:03.650 --> 00:05:05.817
Go, go, Andrea.
00:05:05.942 --> 00:05:07.400
Look, the cat's hair.
00:05:08.692 --> 00:05:10.109
You're strong, girl.
00:05:10.400 --> 00:05:11.733
You're strong.
00:05:12.900 --> 00:05:13.817
It's slipping.
00:05:17.067 --> 00:05:20.608
It's slipping.
My hand is wet, and it slipped.
00:05:20.650 --> 00:05:22.275
Yeah, you're strong.
00:05:22.942 --> 00:05:23.942
I'm weak.
00:05:24.483 --> 00:05:27.109
-Now with the left arm.
-Now I'll lose.
00:05:27.817 --> 00:05:30.817
Put your hand in the back
so you can't lean.
00:05:38.692 --> 00:05:40.191
What a strong woman!
00:05:43.483 --> 00:05:44.775
Go, Andrea!
00:05:49.191 --> 00:05:53.358
When a vulture passes over,
they say it takes away the bad energies.
00:05:54.525 --> 00:05:55.483
Where’s the vulture?
00:05:55.525 --> 00:05:57.650
-There, three.
-So it's full, huh?
00:05:57.650 --> 00:06:01.525
They say vultures
take away the negativity,
00:06:02.316 --> 00:06:04.358
the bad energies,
the bad things.
00:06:04.400 --> 00:06:06.984
Once, there were vultures flying,
but it wasn't bad energy.
00:06:06.984 --> 00:06:09.650
A woman had been dead
for six days in the house.
00:06:09.650 --> 00:06:13.316
Still it was something rotten,
that had to go.
00:06:13.316 --> 00:06:14.567
Six days...
00:06:15.817 --> 00:06:16.817
Six days...
00:06:17.275 --> 00:06:18.483
Look at the train.
00:06:19.942 --> 00:06:22.817
This week I’ll take
some clothes to my mom's.
00:06:22.817 --> 00:06:24.692
-When will you go?
-During the week.
00:06:24.733 --> 00:06:27.525
-Next week?
-In the middle of the week.
00:06:29.483 --> 00:06:31.275
I’ll take some clothes
to wash there too.
00:06:50.400 --> 00:06:52.275
You're so ridiculous.
00:06:52.525 --> 00:06:54.692
Sometimes, you get so ridiculous.
00:06:56.775 --> 00:06:59.191
– Didn't I already tell you?
– A bunch of times.
00:06:59.191 --> 00:07:00.984
– I will always tell you.
– A bunch of times.
00:07:00.984 --> 00:07:02.733
And you will never forget my words.
00:07:02.733 --> 00:07:03.858
– Never.
– You stupid.
00:07:03.858 --> 00:07:05.733
– I'll never forget it, Andrea.
– No, you won't!
00:07:05.733 --> 00:07:07.191
– I won't.
– You won't.
00:07:07.191 --> 00:07:14.191
There will always be a little bit of Andrea
everywhere you go, with everyone you see.
00:07:14.441 --> 00:07:18.358
– I'll remember...
– Help us all.
00:07:36.567 --> 00:07:37.942
Going down.
00:07:39.066 --> 00:07:41.692
– Is this the forth?
– That's it.
00:08:08.942 --> 00:08:10.233
Going down?
00:08:15.108 --> 00:08:16.275
Go, bro!
00:08:52.024 --> 00:08:54.650
He's gonna put his hand on his heart
and start running.
00:08:55.608 --> 00:09:00.608
Piti, go over there.
Don't pee and shit here.
00:09:00.942 --> 00:09:05.483
Your father won't clean it.
He doesn't even fold his sheets.
00:09:08.525 --> 00:09:10.108
Go over there!
00:09:10.650 --> 00:09:13.483
No, Piti! No!
00:09:13.483 --> 00:09:15.149
Over there!
00:09:16.733 --> 00:09:17.858
Over there, Piti!
00:09:22.525 --> 00:09:23.650
Over there!
00:09:25.858 --> 00:09:28.983
This carpet is not for you.
00:09:33.775 --> 00:09:35.066
Don't even think about it.
00:09:37.024 --> 00:09:38.525
Has a junkie arrived?
00:09:39.567 --> 00:09:41.066
I heard the voice of a junkie.
00:09:42.775 --> 00:09:46.149
No, it wasn’t.
00:09:46.191 --> 00:09:48.692
But I think I heard
the voice of a junkie.
00:09:52.775 --> 00:09:55.900
I told you I heard from afar!
00:09:55.941 --> 00:09:58.608
That thing smells good.
00:09:58.817 --> 00:10:01.650
– Before I am humiliated...
– Take your hand off you heart.
00:10:01.650 --> 00:10:04.567
I don't want to work as a doorman,
I want to work at the bar.
00:10:04.608 --> 00:10:06.358
I am going to fuck with your high.
00:10:06.608 --> 00:10:10.358
If no one lets me get high,
I'll fuck with your high.
00:10:10.525 --> 00:10:13.567
The doorman is deaf,
the doorman is dumb
00:10:14.108 --> 00:10:16.066
I'll fuck with your high.
00:10:16.316 --> 00:10:18.191
All he does is wave
00:10:18.233 --> 00:10:21.650
He never went to school,
he doesn't know how to speak
00:10:22.483 --> 00:10:26.108
Wait till midnight...
00:10:26.233 --> 00:10:27.233
00:10:27.316 --> 00:10:30.066
I'll have some tequila
00:10:30.066 --> 00:10:32.608
You'll know what,
I'll drink Montilla.
00:10:32.650 --> 00:10:33.983
I'll fuck with your high!
00:10:34.692 --> 00:10:38.066
I told sargent William
to go fuck himself.
00:10:39.817 --> 00:10:41.358
Don't start with that shit.
00:10:41.400 --> 00:10:43.899
Piti! Piti!
00:10:43.899 --> 00:10:48.857
Give it to me!
00:10:48.857 --> 00:10:52.024
If I had money
I'd spend it all on ice-cream,
00:10:52.024 --> 00:10:54.358
and cocaine, like a playboy.
00:10:54.400 --> 00:10:58.024
The important thing is to buy
Calvin Klein and Jequiti.
00:10:58.024 --> 00:11:00.775
He'll start babbling nonstop.
00:11:01.983 --> 00:11:03.692
The other one is paralyzed.
00:11:03.733 --> 00:11:05.692
At least he took his hand
from his heart.
00:11:08.733 --> 00:11:11.024
And the other one
babbles nonstop.
00:11:11.358 --> 00:11:14.857
I feel like buying a pipe.
It's light.
00:11:15.650 --> 00:11:17.108
Do you know why?
00:11:17.149 --> 00:11:19.275
Get the booze for Fabiano.
00:11:19.358 --> 00:11:21.692
-Please my ass!
00:11:21.733 --> 00:11:25.233
You have to learn
there's no children here!
00:11:25.483 --> 00:11:28.733
Do you think I'm a comedian?
00:11:29.525 --> 00:11:32.024
- Or an actor?
-Now he's an actor...
00:11:32.358 --> 00:11:34.567
Actor my ass!
00:11:34.816 --> 00:11:37.233
If you continue
to talk like that,
00:11:37.233 --> 00:11:41.525
I'll have to ask you to leave.
00:11:42.733 --> 00:11:43.733
00:11:44.358 --> 00:11:46.733
I won't even ask you. So, please.
00:11:53.650 --> 00:11:54.733
Get out.
00:12:00.567 --> 00:12:04.191
Leave me here with my Corinthians.
My life is here.
00:12:05.857 --> 00:12:08.525
It's so clean!
It smells like softener.
00:12:11.983 --> 00:12:13.608
Come on, Corinthians.
00:12:19.816 --> 00:12:20.816
00:12:22.108 --> 00:12:24.191
Hey, bro. Are you ok?
00:13:06.316 --> 00:13:09.233
Hey, here.
00:13:34.650 --> 00:13:36.899
The mayor, the judge,
the prosecutor,
00:13:37.400 --> 00:13:40.441
the priest, the lawyer…
00:13:42.441 --> 00:13:47.608
all the staff at the school,
at the forum, at the hospital,
00:13:48.567 --> 00:13:50.400
all from the same family.
00:13:50.400 --> 00:13:52.149
It passes from generation
to generation.
00:13:52.983 --> 00:13:54.316
Their names are all there.
00:13:57.233 --> 00:13:59.441
They’re written on the signs.
00:14:00.149 --> 00:14:03.066
So why should I study?
I won’t study anything.
00:14:03.066 --> 00:14:08.400
Here nobody studied
and they’re all doctors and engineers.
00:14:11.108 --> 00:14:12.650
I preferred to go fishing...
00:14:13.024 --> 00:14:14.650
fishing, hunting...
00:14:16.275 --> 00:14:17.441
learning to swim.
00:14:20.149 --> 00:14:23.441
Here’s the deal.
I think I'm going to study now.
00:14:24.400 --> 00:14:28.400
Yeah, I’ll study now.
The school of the future.
00:14:33.983 --> 00:14:35.400
Because working...
00:14:36.066 --> 00:14:39.316
swimming... playing ball...
00:14:39.525 --> 00:14:42.108
In fact, I've done
all the good things in life.
00:14:42.316 --> 00:14:44.108
And the bad things as well.
00:14:45.816 --> 00:14:47.899
I just won’t talk about it,
of course.
00:14:50.316 --> 00:14:54.774
But it's ok.
I’m forgiven.
00:14:57.400 --> 00:15:01.358
At least I didn’t kill anyone
and I didn’t die.
00:15:02.316 --> 00:15:05.774
And when they tried to kill me,
I would say, "Okay.
00:15:06.441 --> 00:15:10.024
Since you're armed,
I'm not going to die today.”
00:15:10.066 --> 00:15:11.275
And that's it.
00:15:11.732 --> 00:15:15.649
And the funny thing
is I'm alive, I didn’t die.
00:15:15.983 --> 00:15:19.191
The guys kept thinking,
"What's this guy talking about?
00:15:20.275 --> 00:15:24.233
We’re the ones with the guns,
how does he know he won’t die?”
00:15:25.774 --> 00:15:26.857
I don't know.
00:15:27.275 --> 00:15:30.400
I guess I didn’t know,
but I had to improvise.
00:15:30.691 --> 00:15:32.941
Because I wouldn’t die in silence.
00:15:35.108 --> 00:15:39.233
I think they thought again and...
00:15:42.732 --> 00:15:44.774
Words are powerful.
00:15:46.233 --> 00:15:46.941
00:15:50.483 --> 00:15:54.441
Ask her to call me
00:15:56.191 --> 00:16:01.024
Tell her that despite everything
I haven't changed.
00:16:03.024 --> 00:16:08.191
I have called her a million times
00:16:08.691 --> 00:16:14.400
And she tells them to say
that she's not home
00:16:15.941 --> 00:16:21.816
Tell her you saw me crying
00:16:21.816 --> 00:16:26.774
You can use
the justification you prefer
00:16:28.774 --> 00:16:34.816
Try everything you can
00:16:35.108 --> 00:16:40.566
Ask her to get back to me
00:16:41.233 --> 00:16:44.191
Tell her that now I am
00:16:44.191 --> 00:16:47.400
Lonely without love
00:16:47.400 --> 00:16:50.358
That you only looked for her
00:16:50.400 --> 00:16:53.816
Because you saw my pain
00:16:53.899 --> 00:16:56.566
Tell her that I'm alone
00:16:56.566 --> 00:17:00.275
And that I'll suffer
00:17:00.316 --> 00:17:03.233
My pride is gone
00:17:03.275 --> 00:17:06.191
My life has changed
00:17:06.191 --> 00:17:09.691
I can't handle it
00:17:10.441 --> 00:17:16.024
Ask her to call me
00:17:16.233 --> 00:17:19.607
The longing is killing me
00:17:19.649 --> 00:17:22.732
It's bad
00:17:23.400 --> 00:17:28.024
Ask her to call me
00:17:29.857 --> 00:17:34.233
I no longer can live like this.
00:17:37.024 --> 00:17:39.191
Listen to me Mara.
00:17:43.482 --> 00:17:45.691
You are not at your home,
you are at the drug den.
00:17:48.316 --> 00:17:49.816
Then what?
00:17:54.440 --> 00:17:56.358
I'm going there to pick you up, ok?
00:17:58.024 --> 00:18:00.066
I'm going to pick you
up now, is that ok?
00:18:05.275 --> 00:18:06.066
00:18:06.524 --> 00:18:10.316
I'm gonna take a shower and change.
Can I go there?
00:18:12.275 --> 00:18:13.983
Ok then my love.
00:18:16.149 --> 00:18:18.857
Ok, my love, that's what I'm telling you.
00:18:22.024 --> 00:18:22.649
00:18:24.275 --> 00:18:25.066
Ok, my love.
00:18:32.440 --> 00:18:34.691
Hold your head up, honey.
00:18:37.066 --> 00:18:40.566
And take your feet off my wall,
you're getting it dirty.
00:18:47.941 --> 00:18:50.607
That's how I am.
What can I do?
00:18:55.732 --> 00:18:57.024
I'm horrible...
00:18:59.607 --> 00:19:02.857
-I'm demanding, right?
00:19:18.357 --> 00:19:19.816
Things have turned around.
00:19:31.816 --> 00:19:33.566
Answer my question.
00:19:36.316 --> 00:19:40.774
Why have you...
Did you fall in love with me?
00:19:47.357 --> 00:19:49.275
Give me a hug?
00:19:50.440 --> 00:19:53.774
-Give me a hug!
-I will!
00:19:53.816 --> 00:19:55.566
No, take your hat off!
00:19:58.899 --> 00:20:01.149
My hair is messy,
with no gel.
00:20:11.774 --> 00:20:16.399
Wow, did you put my spine
in place?
00:20:19.357 --> 00:20:20.774
Oh, boy.
00:20:23.233 --> 00:20:24.774
You know what?
00:20:26.857 --> 00:20:29.191
Everything around me is saved...
00:20:31.233 --> 00:20:35.149
but few can save me.
00:20:39.983 --> 00:20:41.691
Go in there.
00:20:41.857 --> 00:20:44.691
Don't hit me,
you have to be gentle.
00:20:47.482 --> 00:20:50.191
-What's up, brother?
00:20:50.357 --> 00:20:53.774
My marriage is over
because of you.
00:20:55.315 --> 00:20:58.482
I'll fucking break your head.
00:20:58.649 --> 00:21:01.191
Come on!
I'm not scared of you.
00:21:01.233 --> 00:21:05.191
-Come on, then!
-I'll beat you down!
00:21:05.191 --> 00:21:07.440
What is it?
00:21:07.482 --> 00:21:09.983
Fabiano! Fabiano!
00:21:11.482 --> 00:21:14.816
Fabiano! Fabiano!
Stop it!
00:21:28.024 --> 00:21:31.524
What do you want from me
you son of a bitch?
00:21:50.691 --> 00:21:52.149
What was that, Cris?
00:22:04.774 --> 00:22:06.232
00:22:11.024 --> 00:22:15.732
Hi. There's a person unconscious
due to a fight.
00:22:23.524 --> 00:22:24.691
00:22:27.440 --> 00:22:30.399
There are people waiting with two knives.
00:22:30.399 --> 00:22:32.566
He keeps saying
he's going to cut people.
00:22:32.607 --> 00:22:37.066
Bro, a closed mouth
catches no flies.
00:22:37.440 --> 00:22:41.607
He keeps saying he'll cut me up.
So what?
00:22:43.482 --> 00:22:47.357
Bro, I know you're right,
they have a lot of issues.
00:22:47.357 --> 00:22:50.941
I'm totally right.
00:22:50.983 --> 00:22:52.732
-He had an iron bar.
00:22:52.774 --> 00:22:56.607
The girl saw it.
He was provoking.
00:22:56.649 --> 00:23:01.066
The crew girl saw it.
Ask her.
00:23:01.190 --> 00:23:04.774
Stop protecting
the wrong things in here.
00:23:05.983 --> 00:23:09.983
You protect
the wrong things in here!
00:23:10.440 --> 00:23:14.274
I protect him
just like I protect you.
00:23:14.274 --> 00:23:18.732
You don’t need to protect me
because I'm in the right.
00:23:18.774 --> 00:23:20.691
Man, nobody's right,
nobody's wrong!
00:23:20.732 --> 00:23:24.024
I am right!
Tell me I’m wrong here!
00:23:24.399 --> 00:23:25.941
Tell me what I'm doing wrong!
00:23:25.941 --> 00:23:28.107
No one is just right,
no one is just wrong.
00:23:28.148 --> 00:23:29.941
But I am right.
00:23:29.941 --> 00:23:33.524
I don’t do anything
to harm anyone in here. Right?
00:23:33.524 --> 00:23:36.274
What about this, bro?
He’s got blood on his head...
00:23:36.274 --> 00:23:37.983
So what? He deserves more.
00:23:37.983 --> 00:23:41.315
Why did he have
an iron bar in his hand?
00:23:41.566 --> 00:23:45.107
You’re acting just like a cop!
00:23:45.107 --> 00:23:47.732
I'm not a cop,
I'm a criminal.
00:23:47.732 --> 00:23:50.148
You're the cops.
00:23:50.148 --> 00:23:52.274
-I'm a cop?
-I don’t know.
00:23:52.274 --> 00:23:55.066
I just know you
protect the wrong guys.
00:23:55.107 --> 00:23:57.482
I protect you just the same...
00:23:57.524 --> 00:23:59.983
Then move the guy upstairs again...
00:24:00.024 --> 00:24:02.190
Is that what you want?
Move him upstairs!
00:24:05.816 --> 00:24:07.649
What's going on?
00:25:55.190 --> 00:25:58.899
Now there'll be a lot of people
wishing to buy it.
00:25:59.482 --> 00:26:02.315
Who wouldn't want
a TV with a DVD player?
00:26:02.941 --> 00:26:05.524
-Do you want it?
-I have no money.
00:26:06.232 --> 00:26:07.607
I have no cash now.
00:26:07.691 --> 00:26:12.315
Chokito... Excuse me.
Give me some liquor, buddy?
00:26:13.148 --> 00:26:14.899
Give her some alcohol.
00:26:16.190 --> 00:26:18.691
-They're filming.
-No, I want sugarcane liquor.
00:26:18.732 --> 00:26:21.899
-The liquor is there.
-She wants that one.
00:26:22.482 --> 00:26:25.357
Let me see.
It's the other bottle.
00:26:25.357 --> 00:26:27.482
-Let me see.
-I got it.
00:26:27.524 --> 00:26:31.315
Not that one.
That's water.
00:26:32.148 --> 00:26:33.899
-Where's the other one?
-Right here.
00:26:33.899 --> 00:26:35.899
-She wants sugarcane liquor.
00:26:35.940 --> 00:26:39.232
-That's vodka.
00:26:40.023 --> 00:26:43.107
I'm not in a good day today.
00:26:43.566 --> 00:26:46.107
I just don't want you
bugging me.
00:26:46.315 --> 00:26:49.982
But that's ok.
Pour me some, please.
00:26:52.274 --> 00:26:53.482
Just a little bit.
00:26:54.649 --> 00:26:57.190
Now I remembered Mr. Fernando.
00:26:57.399 --> 00:26:58.691
Where's Fernando, Andrea?
00:26:58.982 --> 00:27:01.774
-Help us!
-Where is Fernando?
00:27:02.065 --> 00:27:05.232
Is he hiding
on the bathroom again?
00:27:05.357 --> 00:27:08.732
You're kidding.
Where's Fernando?
00:27:08.732 --> 00:27:11.274
-Where's Fernando?
-Where's Fernando?
00:27:11.315 --> 00:27:13.399
You help him,
but you don't help me.
00:27:13.440 --> 00:27:16.107
I help everyone
and no one helps me.
00:27:16.148 --> 00:27:18.399
-You never asked for my help.
-I need some help.
00:27:18.440 --> 00:27:21.607
And what kind of help
do you want, honey?
00:27:21.857 --> 00:27:24.107
-I need help.
-What's your problem?
00:27:24.107 --> 00:27:26.148
Let me see if I can help you.
00:27:26.357 --> 00:27:30.232
One thousand bucks.
That's what I need.
00:27:30.274 --> 00:27:35.190
I'm a doe,
I can't help you with bucks.
00:27:35.232 --> 00:27:38.732
Lend me 500 reais.
00:27:38.774 --> 00:27:42.524
-Do you think I have that?
-It wouldn't solve anything.
00:27:42.566 --> 00:27:46.566
It may not solve things,
but it can help us.
00:27:50.898 --> 00:27:53.107
I want to eat our food.
00:27:55.524 --> 00:27:57.399
I'll eat later.
00:27:57.399 --> 00:27:59.357
So you're going to be hungry.
00:28:01.482 --> 00:28:02.940
Too many people in my place.
00:28:02.982 --> 00:28:05.816
Today is Friday
and there is a good samba.
00:28:06.816 --> 00:28:09.023
There's a samba in Santa Cecilia.
00:28:09.065 --> 00:28:10.524
-Let’s go?
00:28:11.607 --> 00:28:12.607
00:28:15.107 --> 00:28:18.691
Come on.
It's packed in here.
00:28:19.524 --> 00:28:22.399
-I’ll come by later.
00:28:22.732 --> 00:28:25.566
-Hit the button, honey.
-You do it.
00:28:33.357 --> 00:28:36.524
I just got home. I'm tired.
I'll take a shower.
00:28:37.524 --> 00:28:39.732
-Sup, bro?
-Sup, Corinthians?
00:28:39.856 --> 00:28:43.898
-This is a diehard fan!
-Fanatic. Passionate!
00:28:43.982 --> 00:28:45.856
I'll take a shower and rest.
00:28:47.732 --> 00:28:49.774
It starts all over again tomorrow.
00:28:52.732 --> 00:28:55.315
I haven't told you,
but I used to be married to a man.
00:28:55.649 --> 00:28:56.440
You were?
00:28:56.524 --> 00:29:00.190
Yes, and happily married.
He passed.
00:29:01.357 --> 00:29:06.107
Because of the booze.
He used to drink too much!
00:29:06.691 --> 00:29:10.440
When he got home,
he wanted to fight and break things.
00:29:11.315 --> 00:29:15.607
You know that booze
only brings bad things, right?
00:29:15.940 --> 00:29:19.732
Just like drugs.
When you use drugs... God forbid!
00:29:20.232 --> 00:29:22.440
I don't even like to talk about it.
00:29:22.940 --> 00:29:25.482
He was always fighting, mom.
I mean, honey.
00:29:25.607 --> 00:29:26.691
And didn't you hit him?
00:29:26.732 --> 00:29:30.232
What? I used to beat him silly!
00:29:31.023 --> 00:29:34.566
Once I made him pass out,
“Wake up, for the love of God!"
00:29:36.148 --> 00:29:38.732
Fear of going to jail.
Are you crazy?
00:29:39.107 --> 00:29:40.898
He passed out.
00:29:41.566 --> 00:29:45.274
He hit my head so hard
against the wall.
00:29:45.607 --> 00:29:47.399
I hit him so hard,
that he passed out.
00:29:47.440 --> 00:29:49.815
But do you have
a ring and everything?
00:29:49.898 --> 00:29:50.898
I threw it out, love.
00:29:50.898 --> 00:29:54.898
Did you drop
his last name already?
00:29:54.940 --> 00:29:56.566
I threw out the ring.
00:29:57.107 --> 00:29:58.982
But did you drop
your married name?
00:29:59.856 --> 00:30:00.856
00:30:02.148 --> 00:30:03.148
Why don’t you do it?
00:30:03.148 --> 00:30:04.440
No, I threw it away.
00:30:04.815 --> 00:30:07.190
I left it for his relatives.
Get out.
00:30:07.815 --> 00:30:09.691
I left everything
for his relatives.
00:30:10.190 --> 00:30:12.357
It was a big party.
00:30:12.566 --> 00:30:16.065
But did you get properly married?
00:30:16.357 --> 00:30:19.982
I did, but I left
everything for his relatives.
00:30:20.607 --> 00:30:24.065
But you have to drop
your married name, you know?
00:30:25.107 --> 00:30:26.940
The man was retired...
00:30:27.357 --> 00:30:30.940
To take what's his?
No way, I left everything there.
00:30:30.982 --> 00:30:33.773
-But you...
00:30:33.815 --> 00:30:38.232
One thing I don't feel is greed.
00:30:38.566 --> 00:30:41.357
I don't feel greed.
00:30:41.440 --> 00:30:45.190
He had that because he worked,
he struggled.
00:30:45.440 --> 00:30:48.399
I only want what's mine
by the sweat of my brow.
00:30:48.649 --> 00:30:55.440
I'm asking
if you drop his name off the papers.
00:30:55.482 --> 00:30:58.065
I did, but I left
everything there.
00:30:58.107 --> 00:31:01.690
But are you free now?
00:31:03.482 --> 00:31:04.649
I left everything there.
00:31:04.690 --> 00:31:06.148
Any children?
00:31:06.315 --> 00:31:08.440
Beautiful children.
00:31:08.898 --> 00:31:10.190
Where are them?
00:31:10.232 --> 00:31:12.274
They’re with his family.
00:31:12.274 --> 00:31:14.315
I left everything there.
00:31:14.357 --> 00:31:17.148
I didn’t even think
about going after that.
00:31:17.274 --> 00:31:19.023
I left it with the family.
00:31:19.023 --> 00:31:21.482
-Any girls too?
00:31:21.524 --> 00:31:24.731
All boys? How many?
00:31:24.731 --> 00:31:26.065
About ten.
00:31:26.065 --> 00:31:29.940
You have a lot of kids!
You fucked a lot!
00:31:31.107 --> 00:31:32.065
What can I do?
00:31:33.648 --> 00:31:35.607
I've already used that metaphor.
00:31:38.731 --> 00:31:42.940
Now! Your house by the beach. Great opportunity.
00:31:43.357 --> 00:31:45.607
Not far from the city.
00:31:46.023 --> 00:31:49.440
All the facilities you need and of course
beautiful beaches.
00:31:49.482 --> 00:31:51.065
Look at your house!
00:31:51.065 --> 00:31:55.856
Two bedrooms, one bathtub, living room,
american kitchen, open backyard.
00:31:55.856 --> 00:32:00.107
All of this at 3020-1070. Got it?
Call us now!
00:32:00.815 --> 00:32:05.606
Tonight, 7:30pm. Love will win over prejudice.
00:32:05.606 --> 00:32:07.315
"Mother Slave"
00:32:13.606 --> 00:32:17.690
Open for me.
It's me.
00:32:19.107 --> 00:32:23.274
Open up, please.
I want to talk to you.
00:32:26.898 --> 00:32:28.940
Let me talk to you.
00:32:33.315 --> 00:32:34.856
Open up for me, Cris.
00:32:36.065 --> 00:32:37.648
Can you hear me?
00:32:38.107 --> 00:32:41.565
Cris? Can you hear me?
Open up for me.
00:32:43.773 --> 00:32:45.190
She's alone.
00:32:46.023 --> 00:32:47.731
She's breaking everything.
00:32:49.898 --> 00:32:53.190
Cris, it's Éder.
Open up so we can talk.
00:32:55.357 --> 00:32:56.731
She's a slut!
00:32:57.023 --> 00:32:59.856
What happened?
What is all that blood?
00:32:59.898 --> 00:33:01.731
Did you cut your hand?
00:33:01.773 --> 00:33:02.940
Let me see.
00:33:02.982 --> 00:33:05.357
Where did all this blood
come from?
00:33:05.524 --> 00:33:07.565
Where did it come from?
00:33:10.690 --> 00:33:12.565
Where did you get hurt?
00:33:13.524 --> 00:33:14.731
Is it your finger?
00:33:15.023 --> 00:33:17.606
Go get me some toilet paper.
00:33:18.440 --> 00:33:22.565
Cris, you can not do such a thing to
yourself. There's a lot of blood.
00:33:23.565 --> 00:33:26.940
-Do you have something to clean her up, Eder?
-No, let's wash her hand.
00:33:26.982 --> 00:33:27.898
Come over.
00:33:54.606 --> 00:33:56.606
The elevator is out of order.
00:33:56.606 --> 00:33:58.648
Careful with the steps.
00:34:09.648 --> 00:34:11.982
I'm all tore up.
00:34:11.982 --> 00:34:14.023
I've shown you.
00:34:15.523 --> 00:34:18.357
And you're saying that I beat her.
00:34:18.606 --> 00:34:21.357
We haven't said anything,
we want to hear you.
00:34:22.481 --> 00:34:25.856
We haven't said anything,
we're hearing you, Ronaldo.
00:34:30.773 --> 00:34:33.023
-What was that? Knife?
00:34:34.815 --> 00:34:38.982
I'm the one who's wrong,
I'm no good.
00:34:39.023 --> 00:34:43.481
And I'm picking aluminum cans
like a fool every day.
00:34:43.481 --> 00:34:46.523
I have no father.
00:34:46.565 --> 00:34:49.399
We're not saying you're wrong.
00:34:49.399 --> 00:34:51.232
Let me speak, please.
00:34:51.982 --> 00:34:53.940
I lost my father, bro.
00:34:54.731 --> 00:34:58.399
My mom, forgive my language,
is a real bitch.
00:34:58.565 --> 00:35:00.439
She sold my sister.
00:35:00.731 --> 00:35:02.274
I'm living in hell.
00:35:02.357 --> 00:35:07.399
My wife cheated on me
with my robbing partner, right bro?
00:35:09.982 --> 00:35:12.190
I don't even blink, bro.
00:35:15.940 --> 00:35:18.982
Ronaldo, Ronaldo, look at me.
00:35:19.023 --> 00:35:22.439
I feel persecuted.
00:35:22.481 --> 00:35:24.565
Is it because of my skin?
00:35:24.606 --> 00:35:29.148
Or is it because
I'm a screw up?
00:35:29.190 --> 00:35:30.731
You two are fighting a lot.
00:35:30.731 --> 00:35:33.398
But why? Pay attention.
00:35:33.398 --> 00:35:34.815
Listen to me.
00:35:34.856 --> 00:35:37.648
-Are you a psychologist?
-No, I'm a pharmacist.
00:35:37.648 --> 00:35:40.023
A pharmacist?
Then pay attention.
00:35:40.065 --> 00:35:45.148
Put together a vodka
and a sugarcane liquor here.
00:35:46.523 --> 00:35:48.315
She drinks both.
00:35:48.357 --> 00:35:51.481
Medicine, she takes them.
00:35:52.690 --> 00:35:56.357
And if you place a crack rock,
she transforms herself.
00:35:56.481 --> 00:36:01.731
"This is my pipe, give it to me!"
00:36:01.773 --> 00:36:03.982
May I ask you a question, Ronaldo?
00:36:04.023 --> 00:36:05.481
And you think I'm lying.
00:36:05.523 --> 00:36:08.398
No, we don't.
I want to hear your version.
00:36:08.648 --> 00:36:10.773
I'm being totally
discriminated against.
00:36:10.815 --> 00:36:15.232
-Who's doing that?
-I said that today.
00:36:15.274 --> 00:36:18.439
Let me ask you.
Don't you like her?
00:36:18.481 --> 00:36:19.940
Love is love.
00:36:19.940 --> 00:36:23.023
What about taking care of her
when she's high?
00:36:23.065 --> 00:36:27.023
-Should I let her kill me?
-I'm asking a question.
00:36:27.023 --> 00:36:30.690
-I'll die, look!
-I know, it's awful.
00:36:30.731 --> 00:36:31.898
I'm asking you a question.
00:36:31.898 --> 00:36:35.065
Look at this!
Look at this!
00:36:35.065 --> 00:36:39.190
Come on!
Don't get me wrong...
00:36:45.065 --> 00:36:47.523
Excuse me,
I don't need no boss.
00:37:40.690 --> 00:37:42.648
Come on, raise your voice.
00:37:43.107 --> 00:37:45.273
What was that song?
00:37:45.773 --> 00:37:48.898
If I want to smoke, I smoke
00:37:50.107 --> 00:37:52.606
If I want to drink, I drink
00:37:52.773 --> 00:37:58.690
I pay for everything I consume
with the sweat of my labor
00:37:59.232 --> 00:38:04.565
I don't look for trouble,
but I don't run from them either
00:38:04.690 --> 00:38:10.481
One day I'll straighten up
because I have faith in what I hold dear
00:38:11.023 --> 00:38:15.690
I can only cuddle
with whom caresses me
00:38:16.356 --> 00:38:21.648
Like the vampire and the bat,
it's the man and the woman
00:38:21.898 --> 00:38:27.023
My language is clear,
I'm not speaking Greek
00:38:27.065 --> 00:38:33.148
I have real lovers and friends
in the places I go
00:38:33.190 --> 00:38:38.690
I'm feeling relaxed,
it's not as if I've been drinking
00:38:38.731 --> 00:38:44.107
Nor smoked
to talk about people's lives
00:38:44.107 --> 00:38:49.523
But I can honestly say
the ugliest thing in life
00:38:49.565 --> 00:38:54.148
it's people who complain
for no reason
00:38:55.065 --> 00:38:59.189
It's people who complain
for no reason
00:39:28.439 --> 00:39:31.273
You'll stand there for a while.
This takes time.
00:39:46.773 --> 00:39:48.606
Don’t you like funk music, love?
00:39:54.065 --> 00:39:58.107
All this love that you have,
I want you just for myself
00:40:11.107 --> 00:40:13.231
I think I'll be an MC,
what do you think?
00:40:13.231 --> 00:40:14.982
-An MC.
00:40:15.690 --> 00:40:16.606
MC, honey.
00:40:18.147 --> 00:40:19.523
I want to be an MC.
00:40:23.231 --> 00:40:27.147
But do you think
I'm going to be rich?
00:40:27.940 --> 00:40:30.439
If I become rich one day,
you're going to come with me.
00:40:30.439 --> 00:40:31.731
I won’t forget you.
00:40:33.523 --> 00:40:35.106
We're going to make
lots of money.
00:40:37.314 --> 00:40:39.273
It's even dangerous
to make lots of money.
00:40:42.439 --> 00:40:44.106
Don’t you want me to be rich?
00:40:44.231 --> 00:40:45.106
00:40:47.023 --> 00:40:49.147
-Why not?
-I don’t want it.
00:40:49.398 --> 00:40:52.439
Should I spend my life
pulling a wagon like an ox?
00:40:52.481 --> 00:40:55.856
-I have to change this, dammit.
00:40:55.898 --> 00:40:58.231
You can, but be careful
with the women, ok?
00:40:58.273 --> 00:40:59.940
Because you never know...
00:41:01.898 --> 00:41:03.856
And I should make money.
00:41:06.648 --> 00:41:08.106
Just be careful with the women, ok?
00:41:09.398 --> 00:41:11.023
You know, right?
00:41:12.773 --> 00:41:13.773
You know...
00:41:18.606 --> 00:41:20.064
What is this dance like?
00:41:21.398 --> 00:41:23.023
What do you do with your hand?
00:41:30.106 --> 00:41:35.398
Or you want me
to become a thief, a dealer...
00:41:35.398 --> 00:41:38.147
-You’re not crazy.
-Is that what you want?
00:41:38.189 --> 00:41:44.064
You want me to work at the den?
I want to decide what I want.
00:41:44.356 --> 00:41:45.356
God forbid me.
00:41:45.398 --> 00:41:47.147
So that's it.
00:41:47.189 --> 00:41:49.690
God forgive me,
I want to be an MC...
00:41:49.731 --> 00:41:52.606
MC... MC Benedita.
00:42:08.356 --> 00:42:09.898
How are you, my love?
00:42:11.398 --> 00:42:12.523
What happened?
00:42:14.940 --> 00:42:16.523
Why that voice?
00:42:18.356 --> 00:42:20.940
You sound so gloomy.
00:42:23.106 --> 00:42:24.898
What did you say?
00:42:27.022 --> 00:42:29.481
You're better off on your own?
00:42:30.523 --> 00:42:32.523
Really? That's cool.
00:42:34.940 --> 00:42:36.189
00:42:37.064 --> 00:42:40.106
I'm not worth
anything to anyone.
00:42:43.648 --> 00:42:45.690
People are only worth
when they're standing up.
00:42:49.106 --> 00:42:50.898
It's true.
00:42:51.314 --> 00:42:52.773
Yes, my life.
00:42:53.481 --> 00:42:56.356
You don't give a fuck about
my human being.
00:42:57.064 --> 00:43:00.523
You don't care if I'm well,
if I'm alive or not.
00:43:01.815 --> 00:43:04.314
Yes, it's true.
00:43:04.356 --> 00:43:09.314
You only care about...
you know what.
00:43:13.189 --> 00:43:17.398
So why don't you say it straight,
instead of giving me hope?
00:43:18.106 --> 00:43:20.273
Say it straight away,
00:43:20.981 --> 00:43:23.648
and break up with me.
00:43:25.439 --> 00:43:28.898
So is it really over?
00:43:28.939 --> 00:43:30.189
Is that it?
00:43:30.231 --> 00:43:33.231
If I see you at the drug den,
I'll kill you right there!
00:43:34.022 --> 00:43:36.189
You'll see! You'll see, Mara!
00:43:36.231 --> 00:43:39.022
No one messes
with this son of a bitch!
00:43:39.106 --> 00:43:41.314
You toy with my feelings.
00:43:41.815 --> 00:43:44.731
Do you think I'm afraid
of your family?
00:43:49.189 --> 00:43:51.481
You play with my heart.
00:43:51.523 --> 00:43:55.565
You're cruel to me, Mara!
00:43:55.606 --> 00:43:58.690
You don't know
how much I love you!
00:43:59.606 --> 00:44:01.773
You're too cruel to me!
00:44:03.106 --> 00:44:06.231
I'm the kind of person with whom
00:44:06.231 --> 00:44:08.523
you lived for so many years.
00:44:09.356 --> 00:44:13.815
See how much love I give you?
00:44:14.939 --> 00:44:18.648
Surrender yourself,
body and soul, Mara!
00:44:19.273 --> 00:44:21.147
You'll see how happy we'll be.
00:44:21.189 --> 00:44:24.939
The day you did and we
went to our little shack,
00:44:24.981 --> 00:44:27.481
we had wonderful moments!
00:44:29.106 --> 00:44:31.273
Damn it, why don't you?
00:44:33.773 --> 00:44:37.231
I'll change,
I'll do anything you want,
00:44:37.273 --> 00:44:40.189
but, for the love of God,
give me love!
00:44:41.231 --> 00:44:43.064
Give me attention!
00:44:45.231 --> 00:44:48.147
I beg for affection and love!
00:44:48.606 --> 00:44:51.314
I'm tired of living like this!
00:44:52.523 --> 00:44:57.273
For the love of God, Mara,
I love you!
00:45:00.523 --> 00:45:03.981
Mara, don't do that!
00:45:05.356 --> 00:45:08.147
Don't make me suffer like that!
00:45:09.106 --> 00:45:11.897
I'm tired of suffering.
00:45:15.814 --> 00:45:19.231
I want you,
I want to marry you!
00:45:22.106 --> 00:45:25.273
You'll see the crazy things
I'll do for your love!
00:45:26.356 --> 00:45:28.314
So you believe that I love you!
00:45:34.606 --> 00:45:36.939
Mara... Mara...
00:45:37.439 --> 00:45:40.439
Mara, it's no use if I do
crazy things for your love
00:45:40.439 --> 00:45:42.064
and you don't give it back.
00:45:44.106 --> 00:45:46.855
That's what's hard,
00:45:46.897 --> 00:45:49.981
because when I
was getting love back
00:45:50.022 --> 00:45:53.814
you could see
everything was working out.
00:45:53.855 --> 00:45:58.147
I would cater to your every whim.
00:45:58.189 --> 00:46:00.106
Take this, take this!
00:46:00.814 --> 00:46:03.022
I had willpower to go after things.
00:46:03.064 --> 00:46:05.022
Now I have willpower
to go after smoke.
00:46:08.398 --> 00:46:12.398
Do you know why?
To forget that I'm alone.
00:46:12.981 --> 00:46:14.772
That's what's hard.
00:46:14.772 --> 00:46:18.981
I was with you, but it was
like being with a ghost.
00:46:19.690 --> 00:46:20.606
Hang it up.
00:46:21.231 --> 00:46:25.273
You see? I didn't get
your love and affection.
00:46:27.106 --> 00:46:28.356
Got it, love?
00:46:29.731 --> 00:46:31.772
Think about it, ok?
00:46:36.147 --> 00:46:38.981
Send my love to the kids.
Good bye.
00:46:49.189 --> 00:46:50.189
Thank you.
00:46:53.147 --> 00:46:54.273
You're awesome.
00:46:54.981 --> 00:46:56.189
Don't suffer, ok?
00:46:56.356 --> 00:46:57.356
That's cool.
00:46:58.147 --> 00:47:00.147
You were really true.
00:47:01.398 --> 00:47:04.064
-You showed...
-Too bad you're married.
00:47:07.855 --> 00:47:10.064
Let me go.
00:47:10.064 --> 00:47:11.439
Where are you going?
00:47:11.439 --> 00:47:13.189
I'll do other things.
00:47:15.565 --> 00:47:17.022
00:47:18.939 --> 00:47:20.022
That's ok.
00:47:22.981 --> 00:47:25.189
If that's what life
has in store for me...
00:47:25.814 --> 00:47:27.481
But I love Mara.
00:47:28.273 --> 00:47:32.147
A thousand women may kiss me,
00:47:32.189 --> 00:47:33.273
I don't care.
00:47:33.772 --> 00:47:36.356
I want Mara!
00:47:39.106 --> 00:47:40.648
Now I know
00:47:41.855 --> 00:47:45.273
That the love you promised me
00:47:46.439 --> 00:47:49.981
Was not the same love
that you gave to me
00:47:50.772 --> 00:47:53.981
What you swore were a lie
00:47:55.523 --> 00:48:01.481
But that's ok
I learned that you can't believe
00:48:02.689 --> 00:48:06.106
Everything someone tells us
00:48:07.897 --> 00:48:10.356
In a moment of pleasure
00:48:11.022 --> 00:48:13.231
Or of love
00:48:13.565 --> 00:48:15.814
But that's ok
00:48:16.439 --> 00:48:20.189
I know that the days come and go
00:48:20.897 --> 00:48:24.523
You shall find someone one day
00:48:25.398 --> 00:48:28.647
That will do to you
what you have done to me
00:48:29.189 --> 00:48:31.106
And then
00:48:31.981 --> 00:48:35.772
During hard times
I know you'll look for me
00:48:36.523 --> 00:48:40.606
With that sweet talk
that made me fall in love
00:48:41.106 --> 00:48:44.606
For someone with false feelings
00:48:45.064 --> 00:48:46.398
And then
00:48:47.814 --> 00:48:51.565
You'll realize that I'm cool
00:48:52.356 --> 00:48:56.231
That I had no one for a while
00:48:56.855 --> 00:49:01.189
But some things in life
are blessings in disguise
00:49:01.398 --> 00:49:05.647
But some things in life
are blessings in disguise
00:51:05.939 --> 00:51:07.273
Do you love me?
00:51:07.356 --> 00:51:10.398
-You love me, I love you.
00:51:10.855 --> 00:51:11.939
What is that song?
00:51:13.855 --> 00:51:17.689
-You told me you'd buy it for me.
00:51:17.730 --> 00:51:18.772
What song?
00:51:19.022 --> 00:51:21.022
That song you told me
you'd buy for me.
00:51:21.772 --> 00:51:24.689
Tell me what song it is.
00:51:24.772 --> 00:51:26.814
I don't remember the name.
00:51:27.480 --> 00:51:29.356
When we go there,
I'll show it to you.
00:51:29.772 --> 00:51:33.314
I said, "Love, I want this."
You told me you'd buy it for me.
00:51:33.564 --> 00:51:37.022
-Buy what?
-I'll know once we go there.
00:51:37.647 --> 00:51:40.480
-I think it's something else.
00:51:40.564 --> 00:51:43.106
Racionais? Funk?
00:51:45.981 --> 00:51:47.480
I'm sick and tired of funk.
00:51:47.689 --> 00:51:49.939
It's something like that.
00:51:50.022 --> 00:51:53.438
I'll stop listening to funk,
and I'll preach the love of God.
00:51:53.730 --> 00:51:57.772
Didn't you say you were
going to sing and dance?
00:51:57.814 --> 00:52:00.689
I know, love,
but it's a devil's thing.
00:52:01.231 --> 00:52:03.564
I like good things.
00:52:05.273 --> 00:52:08.398
I'll stop with funk.
00:52:08.522 --> 00:52:14.564
We can go to church
to see if we can cure your head.
00:52:15.897 --> 00:52:18.564
Don't mess with me!
00:52:19.106 --> 00:52:21.106
I want to help you.
You don't want it?
00:52:23.897 --> 00:52:26.897
Are you catholic?
00:52:28.397 --> 00:52:31.106
– I can see.
– What?
00:52:32.397 --> 00:52:34.438
– Why?
– To go to church.
00:52:39.314 --> 00:52:40.397
I won't go.
00:52:43.231 --> 00:52:46.814
– Haven't you got out yet?
– We're taking a spin.
00:52:49.147 --> 00:52:52.814
I almost got hurt here once. Where are you going?
00:52:57.106 --> 00:52:59.730
No, I should go up first.
00:53:00.438 --> 00:53:04.314
Are you ok? Your hair is messy.
00:53:05.314 --> 00:53:06.605
Loosen up your hair.
00:53:06.855 --> 00:53:09.939
And you too. Excuse me, let me see mine.
00:53:10.564 --> 00:53:11.689
My hair is messy too.
00:53:15.397 --> 00:53:16.772
Excuse me.
00:53:16.814 --> 00:53:18.939
-Are you going up or down?
-I don’t know.
00:53:18.981 --> 00:53:21.689
The elevator was here,
I came for a ride.
00:53:22.605 --> 00:53:24.772
I have to press my floor.
00:53:25.355 --> 00:53:26.355
Not yours!
00:53:27.939 --> 00:53:29.647
Why didn’t you press it before?
00:53:30.189 --> 00:53:31.814
I've been meaning
to ask you a favor...
00:53:32.147 --> 00:53:33.064
I don’t have it.
00:53:37.147 --> 00:53:38.106
What now?
00:53:40.939 --> 00:53:42.438
We're on the first floor.
00:53:43.064 --> 00:53:46.772
-Is this the first?
-You're riding too? Nice.
00:53:47.231 --> 00:53:48.855
We're taking a spin.
00:53:51.397 --> 00:53:54.939
Why did you press
the third floor again?
00:53:57.273 --> 00:54:00.814
Talita, don't stress me up.
00:54:01.438 --> 00:54:03.564
He's always on WhatsApp.
00:54:04.814 --> 00:54:06.313
There's room for one more.
00:54:06.689 --> 00:54:10.064
Are you going up?
If you are, I'll go too.
00:54:10.897 --> 00:54:13.981
There's no room for you, Fabiano.
00:54:13.981 --> 00:54:19.438
It's better if Cabelo leaves.
00:54:19.438 --> 00:54:21.231
Let Piti here.
00:54:21.814 --> 00:54:26.272
Sir, you're taking space.
What does this do?
00:54:26.272 --> 00:54:29.522
I went up today with an umbrella.
00:54:29.605 --> 00:54:32.605
Sorriso was in the car
with no umbrella.
00:54:33.522 --> 00:54:36.189
-And it's raining.
-He put on a jacket...
00:54:36.397 --> 00:54:38.355
You're not Piti, get off.
00:54:38.397 --> 00:54:42.189
What floor is this?
This is the third.
00:54:42.772 --> 00:54:44.897
It's not this one.
Piti, get out.
00:54:44.939 --> 00:54:47.231
Get out or it won't close.
00:54:49.064 --> 00:54:51.480
You're going to get
your nose caught in the door.
00:54:54.231 --> 00:54:55.480
I'll go to the fifth.
00:54:56.272 --> 00:54:59.272
I know you are,
the fifth gate of hell.
00:54:59.939 --> 00:55:01.480
No, the fifth floor.
00:55:01.897 --> 00:55:05.106
Turn this thing off,
have some manners.
00:55:05.106 --> 00:55:08.022
-You're a stud, Fabiano.
-God forbid me!
00:55:08.147 --> 00:55:12.438
-What floor is this?
-Come, Piti.
00:55:12.480 --> 00:55:14.230
Fabiano is a stud!
00:55:14.272 --> 00:55:15.730
Are you staying?
00:55:15.772 --> 00:55:18.522
-Let her stay there.
-Go, Pebbles.
00:55:18.564 --> 00:55:20.230
Pebbles is mean.
00:55:23.855 --> 00:55:27.730
We have an important issue
and we need your help.
00:55:27.814 --> 00:55:31.480
Here's the thing,
we need to welcome three families
00:55:31.522 --> 00:55:33.230
with many children,
00:55:33.272 --> 00:55:37.189
and the boys said
you and Maria Aparecida...
00:55:37.189 --> 00:55:38.313
I won't leave the room.
00:55:38.355 --> 00:55:42.022
If that's what you're saying,
don't even bother.
00:55:42.106 --> 00:55:46.147
- Fabiano, we need.
-But I won't leave the room.
00:55:46.147 --> 00:55:48.730
I won't leave, that's it.
00:55:49.147 --> 00:55:51.647
-It's not like that.
-Of course it is.
00:55:51.647 --> 00:55:55.438
Me and Maria are fine now.
00:55:55.480 --> 00:55:58.272
The idea is not to separate you.
00:55:58.313 --> 00:56:02.147
We would just transfer
you and her to another room.
00:56:02.188 --> 00:56:05.147
No, I want that room.
00:56:05.147 --> 00:56:09.147
When I arrived here,
I received a room to myself.
00:56:09.147 --> 00:56:10.772
Everything was fine,
00:56:10.814 --> 00:56:13.522
then they moved a guy
to a room next to mine
00:56:13.522 --> 00:56:17.605
and I didn't have a break after that.
00:56:17.605 --> 00:56:21.064
The guy destroyed everything,
00:56:21.106 --> 00:56:23.188
so I had to move
to this other room.
00:56:23.230 --> 00:56:25.438
I do the right things,
I don't steal here,
00:56:25.480 --> 00:56:28.730
I don't break anything,
I help around.
00:56:28.772 --> 00:56:31.814
I try to do my best.
00:56:31.855 --> 00:56:34.814
I'm even injured
00:56:34.814 --> 00:56:38.230
because I confront things.
00:56:38.230 --> 00:56:41.689
No one confronts anything.
00:56:41.730 --> 00:56:43.689
People are stealing
00:56:43.730 --> 00:56:47.064
and you overlook
and say it's fine.
00:56:47.064 --> 00:56:50.647
Fine my ass!
They'll steal and destroy even more.
00:56:51.647 --> 00:56:55.313
That's what happens.
I'm not better than anyone,
00:56:55.355 --> 00:56:59.772
but the day the kitchen was set up
I told them to lock things up.
00:56:59.814 --> 00:57:01.689
In one week everything was gone.
00:57:01.730 --> 00:57:04.480
They put a microwave,
and now it's gone.
00:57:05.522 --> 00:57:09.814
Whose loss is it?
Yours or ours?
00:57:11.772 --> 00:57:14.146
You know?
00:57:14.188 --> 00:57:16.855
It's hard, it's hard.
00:57:16.855 --> 00:57:22.814
I don't know, that's my view.
00:57:22.814 --> 00:57:25.730
Fabiano, for the sake of six people,
with four children.
00:57:25.772 --> 00:57:28.230
-There are many rooms there.
-There are no rooms!
00:57:28.272 --> 00:57:31.313
-The problem is the space.
-Find another one.
00:57:31.355 --> 00:57:34.438
-I'm fine and I won't leave.
-Not even temporally?
00:57:34.480 --> 00:57:37.480
-That's non-negotiable?
00:57:37.522 --> 00:57:41.939
No deals are kept here.
It's non-negotiable.
00:57:44.313 --> 00:57:47.480
Will you at least
think about it, Fabiano?
00:57:47.689 --> 00:57:49.522
Ok, I'll think about it.
00:58:01.313 --> 00:58:05.564
It's not like that!
You're wrong, Fernando.
00:58:05.605 --> 00:58:08.522
-Do you want to be radical, ok?
-You got it.
00:58:08.564 --> 00:58:11.230
I'm gonna kick some ass!
00:58:11.272 --> 00:58:14.981
You're not going to do that
because you're wrong.
00:58:15.022 --> 00:58:16.730
Yes, you're wrong.
00:58:16.772 --> 00:58:19.522
You're trying to convey
that you're right.
00:58:19.522 --> 00:58:21.480
You're wrong.
00:58:25.022 --> 00:58:27.814
-I wanted to talk to you, but...
-No! You don’t.
00:58:27.814 --> 00:58:31.022
I want to talk
regardless of the camera.
00:58:31.063 --> 00:58:34.438
So you don’t want what I want?
00:58:36.230 --> 00:58:39.230
I'm not coerced
and I have nothing to hide.
00:58:39.272 --> 00:58:42.063
So, what is it?
What do you want to say?
00:58:44.063 --> 00:58:45.355
You want to smoke crack?
00:58:45.772 --> 00:58:46.814
What is it?
00:58:50.438 --> 00:58:52.188
You're either with
or without me.
00:58:52.230 --> 00:58:55.689
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
00:58:55.730 --> 00:58:59.730
Didn’t you hit me once,
so what will it be, honey?
00:58:59.730 --> 00:59:03.021
Aren’t you going
to be with me?
00:59:03.063 --> 00:59:05.772
-Not like this.
-So go your own way.
00:59:07.605 --> 00:59:08.355
00:59:10.188 --> 00:59:13.981
He said he wanted to be with me
and now he walks away.
00:59:17.063 --> 00:59:18.188
00:59:20.605 --> 00:59:24.313
-Look at me.
-If you want to do that, stand up.
00:59:24.313 --> 00:59:26.480
I'm sitting down.
00:59:33.313 --> 00:59:36.313
If you want, talk to me.
00:59:36.313 --> 00:59:37.897
Don’t turn your back on me.
00:59:37.939 --> 00:59:40.313
Sit here! Geez.
I'm not going there.
00:59:41.230 --> 00:59:42.980
You’re mean to me.
00:59:43.313 --> 00:59:44.438
00:59:44.438 --> 00:59:48.188
I'm not the mean one.
Sit here with me then.
00:59:57.772 --> 01:00:01.188
Tell me what you want to say.
01:00:02.146 --> 01:00:04.689
What do you get acting like that?
01:00:05.188 --> 01:00:07.188
-What do you get?
01:00:07.230 --> 01:00:09.397
You, not me.
01:00:11.105 --> 01:00:12.105
01:00:12.146 --> 01:00:15.355
Say, “Benedita, how are you?
Are you okay?"
01:00:16.480 --> 01:00:17.647
"Are you alive?”
01:00:17.689 --> 01:00:19.522
Yeah right...
01:00:21.146 --> 01:00:22.272
01:00:22.313 --> 01:00:23.730
Yeah right...
01:00:25.063 --> 01:00:26.522
01:00:32.855 --> 01:00:34.647
Look at how mad she is.
01:00:36.188 --> 01:00:39.855
You know I love you, right?
You know it.
01:00:47.564 --> 01:00:51.397
You're grounded now.
I told you.
01:00:53.855 --> 01:00:54.980
01:00:55.021 --> 01:00:56.522
What did you say?
01:00:56.772 --> 01:00:58.188
I love you.
01:00:59.814 --> 01:01:01.355
-Kiss me.
01:01:07.605 --> 01:01:09.730
You don’t even want
to kiss me today.
01:01:10.272 --> 01:01:12.397
I brushed my teeth,
it’s not smelling of crack.
01:01:12.438 --> 01:01:14.188
-Kiss me.
-God forbid me.
01:01:14.313 --> 01:01:17.814
-It’s not smelling of crack.
-God forbid me. No way!
01:01:19.105 --> 01:01:20.313
Not a chance.
01:01:22.230 --> 01:01:23.397
No way.
01:01:25.105 --> 01:01:28.146
-What do I do with this woman?
-Not a chance.
01:01:48.105 --> 01:01:51.021
The new "My Lily" was born from Narcisu's petals.
01:01:51.021 --> 01:01:56.188
When you buy any of our perfumes,
you could win a trip to France every week.
01:01:56.730 --> 01:01:58.313
Believe in beauty.
01:01:58.564 --> 01:02:00.230
Hi, guys...
01:02:29.355 --> 01:02:30.105
That's it.
01:02:33.605 --> 01:02:35.564
I don't have many ideas today.
01:02:36.063 --> 01:02:37.896
Actually, today I'm...
01:02:44.896 --> 01:02:46.564
I have a headache.
01:02:47.313 --> 01:02:48.689
I'm serious.
01:02:50.730 --> 01:02:52.313
My mood is a little sad.
01:02:55.105 --> 01:02:55.980
That's it.
01:03:00.730 --> 01:03:03.105
So many things to do,
and I haven't done anything.
01:03:03.188 --> 01:03:05.146
I don't feel it's a holliday.
01:03:14.647 --> 01:03:17.938
November 2nd.
01:03:22.021 --> 01:03:23.730
And the worst thing...
01:03:26.063 --> 01:03:28.522
is that I don't even know
if my father has died.
01:03:29.647 --> 01:03:33.272
Yes, I could call him, right?
01:03:33.813 --> 01:03:36.605
I don't know why
but I don't remember.
01:03:39.854 --> 01:03:41.938
I remember, then I forget.
01:03:43.105 --> 01:03:46.729
When I remember, I'm high,
and I put the blame on something.
01:03:47.188 --> 01:03:50.605
On someone or on something.
01:03:52.063 --> 01:03:53.938
I always walk away from it.
01:03:58.689 --> 01:04:00.771
But life is not quite like that.
01:04:18.188 --> 01:04:20.771
The day of the living,
not of the dead.
01:04:21.647 --> 01:04:26.313
That's why it's good to think
about the briefness of life.
01:04:28.313 --> 01:04:29.896
It passes by fast.
01:04:34.813 --> 01:04:36.647
Really fast.
01:04:39.605 --> 01:04:40.980
I don't have where to shower.
01:04:40.980 --> 01:04:43.021
My stuff are in her room.
01:04:43.063 --> 01:04:46.813
I have no soap, no cream.
I only have these clothes.
01:04:49.688 --> 01:04:52.230
She doesn't help me.
I buy things for us...
01:05:07.605 --> 01:05:09.021
She attacks me.
01:05:15.272 --> 01:05:17.188
I'm very down.
01:05:20.355 --> 01:05:22.272
I just can't stop.
01:05:22.313 --> 01:05:24.564
If I depended on the social project...
01:05:26.564 --> 01:05:30.771
She depends on the project
for her things,
01:05:30.813 --> 01:05:32.397
R$ 130,00 once a week.
01:05:32.854 --> 01:05:35.688
Every day I have money,
every day I help her.
01:05:36.063 --> 01:05:37.854
I buy things for us to eat.
01:05:37.896 --> 01:05:39.688
And that's how she treats me?
01:05:46.938 --> 01:05:48.355
I don't know why.
01:05:54.980 --> 01:05:56.480
When we're sober, it's one thing,
01:05:56.522 --> 01:05:59.896
when we start using drugs,
she changes completely.
01:05:59.938 --> 01:06:03.146
She says I'm looking
at other women,
01:06:03.188 --> 01:06:05.230
that I'm hitting on
I don't know who.
01:06:05.272 --> 01:06:08.688
I don't care for anyone else,
I only care for her.
01:06:08.938 --> 01:06:09.938
She's crazy.
01:06:12.688 --> 01:06:15.021
I'm no player
to hit on any woman.
01:06:15.021 --> 01:06:16.522
I'm with her!
01:06:22.355 --> 01:06:24.146
I'll wait,
I haven't seen her today.
01:06:26.813 --> 01:06:28.146
I won't even knock on her door.
01:06:31.105 --> 01:06:34.188
...appropriate for a family girl.
01:06:34.188 --> 01:06:36.480
Dad, I'm no longer a little girl.
01:06:36.522 --> 01:06:37.729
You are.
01:06:37.729 --> 01:06:42.604
For God's sake.
Don't you understand?
01:06:42.604 --> 01:06:46.063
I want to be a normal 20 year-old girl
like all the others.
01:06:46.105 --> 01:06:51.688
Don't you see I can't stand
working at that bakery?
01:06:52.313 --> 01:06:54.355
That's it, grandma.
01:06:55.397 --> 01:06:57.105
I don't say anything,
but no one sees me,
01:06:57.146 --> 01:06:59.438
no one notices me,
no one realizes I'm there.
01:06:59.438 --> 01:07:00.938
No one even knows I exist!
01:07:00.938 --> 01:07:01.896
She's just like me.
01:07:01.938 --> 01:07:05.688
In that bakery,
I'm like yesterday's bread.
01:07:05.729 --> 01:07:07.188
No, not that.
01:07:07.230 --> 01:07:10.854
I won't admit being treated
like a child.
01:07:10.896 --> 01:07:13.313
Like someone unimportant.
01:07:13.355 --> 01:07:17.313
My mom understands me.
Yes, grandma, only my mom.
01:07:17.355 --> 01:07:21.355
But she's not here anymore.
And this is your fault!
01:07:27.646 --> 01:07:28.854
Hi. Who's there?
01:07:31.896 --> 01:07:33.105
Is Rita home?
01:07:35.021 --> 01:07:37.604
She left? It's her wife.
01:07:38.063 --> 01:07:41.272
I bought her medicine,
but she doesn't come here to pick it up.
01:07:47.230 --> 01:07:47.938
Tell her…
01:07:49.105 --> 01:07:51.313
Tell her it's Benedita,
she knows who I am.
01:08:00.980 --> 01:08:03.980
I think she'll be here tomorrow
if I send her a message.
01:08:07.313 --> 01:08:08.438
She's not at home.
01:08:09.397 --> 01:08:10.563
She left.
01:08:12.938 --> 01:08:17.146
She's not coming here.
It's late. Right?
01:08:21.479 --> 01:08:24.479
I should've told her
to come tomorrow morning.
01:08:24.688 --> 01:08:26.272
Now it's too late.
01:08:27.063 --> 01:08:28.479
I didn't think of that.
01:08:37.272 --> 01:08:38.437
I didn't think...
01:08:39.938 --> 01:08:42.521
I won't even turn on the music.
01:09:21.813 --> 01:09:25.729
Merry Christmas, Dad!
Merry Christmas, family!
01:09:31.729 --> 01:09:35.146
I'm sorry for not being able
to be with you.
01:09:37.313 --> 01:09:41.729
But my feelings will always
be with you.
01:09:44.272 --> 01:09:46.146
Merry Christmas.
01:10:01.896 --> 01:10:05.854
Not that one,
or I'll be the one crying.
01:10:08.396 --> 01:10:10.396
My goodness...
01:10:11.146 --> 01:10:13.646
Black music here!
01:10:18.646 --> 01:10:20.313
You just can't cry.
01:10:20.354 --> 01:10:22.521
01:10:32.354 --> 01:10:34.312
Fernando, listen...
01:10:36.354 --> 01:10:38.980
I'll take it off.
It's better.
01:10:53.688 --> 01:10:55.771
I'll be gone, Eduardo.
01:10:58.396 --> 01:10:59.980
I'll be out for a few days.
01:11:01.230 --> 01:11:02.729
I'll go to my mom's.
01:11:04.437 --> 01:11:06.021
The atmosphere is tense.
01:11:10.396 --> 01:11:12.479
I'd better leave
to avoid many things.
01:11:25.479 --> 01:11:26.938
Come on, Fernando!
01:11:35.105 --> 01:11:36.354
It's depressive.
01:11:44.771 --> 01:11:47.105
No, no!
01:11:49.854 --> 01:11:51.980
Only depressive songs.
01:11:53.938 --> 01:11:54.938
01:12:37.771 --> 01:12:40.437
Look what a man in love looks like.
01:12:50.980 --> 01:12:54.437
Hi, did Rita arrive, please?
01:12:55.688 --> 01:12:57.479
Did my wife, Rita, arrive?
01:13:01.521 --> 01:13:04.563
She came by, but I wasn't here.
01:13:05.563 --> 01:13:06.563
Dear God!
01:13:08.771 --> 01:13:09.771
That wretched!
01:13:12.396 --> 01:13:14.312
Close that damn door, please.
01:13:20.312 --> 01:13:22.187
Please, answer me.
01:14:26.980 --> 01:14:28.521
Man, this is so...
01:14:29.521 --> 01:14:31.479
I'm so...
01:14:41.312 --> 01:14:42.604
This shit hurts.
01:14:45.312 --> 01:14:47.521
It's not a simple pain.
01:14:47.521 --> 01:14:49.479
It's a pain that hurts.
01:14:50.479 --> 01:14:51.854
It hurts, man.
01:14:54.271 --> 01:14:57.437
It hurts in my chest.
01:15:03.771 --> 01:15:07.062
I feel like I'm about
to have a heart attack.
01:15:09.021 --> 01:15:10.271
This is caring.
01:15:15.646 --> 01:15:18.354
My feelings for her
are all true.
01:15:21.187 --> 01:15:24.354
All of them...
01:15:24.521 --> 01:15:25.980
It's all real.
01:15:37.938 --> 01:15:41.020
I'm a crazy guy.
01:15:41.062 --> 01:15:43.729
I'm totally crazy.
01:15:43.854 --> 01:15:46.813
Those who look at me
don't have a clue.
01:15:47.479 --> 01:15:50.187
"He's hassling."
01:15:50.479 --> 01:15:52.354
I'm crazy, man.
01:15:52.396 --> 01:15:53.938
I don't depend on anyone.
01:15:55.187 --> 01:15:56.854
I don't depend on anyone.
01:15:56.896 --> 01:15:59.312
I'm down in the dumps now.
01:15:59.312 --> 01:16:03.646
The worst moment of my life.
01:16:04.938 --> 01:16:07.437
But I don't depend on anyone.
01:16:08.354 --> 01:16:10.854
I hustle, and I struggle.
01:16:10.854 --> 01:16:14.521
"Oh, you're so quiet."
01:16:14.521 --> 01:16:16.312
I'm not quiet, Andrea!
01:16:16.354 --> 01:16:19.062
I'm not quiet.
01:16:19.062 --> 01:16:21.354
"You do that sorry face!"
01:16:21.354 --> 01:16:24.646
Do I have a sorry face?
01:16:24.646 --> 01:16:26.813
I look like I suffer.
01:16:26.896 --> 01:16:31.646
I suffer, but I want
to get ahead in life.
01:16:31.688 --> 01:16:35.062
I want to grab a load of cash
to spend on her,
01:16:35.104 --> 01:16:37.563
my mom and my dad.
I'll make it big one day.
01:16:37.563 --> 01:16:40.396
Wait! Wait!
01:16:41.771 --> 01:16:43.604
I've made it big
several times.
01:16:43.604 --> 01:16:45.271
I've had the opportunity
to be well-off!
01:16:46.729 --> 01:16:49.187
Take it easy.
I'll make it big.
01:16:49.187 --> 01:16:51.396
These things
have their own time.
01:16:55.646 --> 01:16:58.354
This is a sad story
that happened to me
01:16:58.396 --> 01:17:01.229
I fought with my girl
and she won't see me again
01:17:01.229 --> 01:17:04.479
Life has no value for me anymore
01:17:04.521 --> 01:17:07.271
I lost you, girl,
and you used to be my love
01:17:07.271 --> 01:17:10.229
I try to reflect
and reminisce the past
01:17:10.271 --> 01:17:13.187
Remembering the moments
that caused an impression on me
01:17:13.229 --> 01:17:16.229
I know that it all started
before I knew it
01:17:16.271 --> 01:17:19.062
I confess
that I can't live without you
01:17:19.104 --> 01:17:22.062
Walking on the beach,
next to each other
01:17:22.104 --> 01:17:24.854
Exchanging glances
and passionate kisses
01:17:24.854 --> 01:17:26.937
Kisses of madness,
kisses of pleasure
01:17:26.979 --> 01:17:30.479
Passion raves, feelings of power
01:17:30.521 --> 01:17:33.229
Body of a girl, mind of a woman
01:17:33.271 --> 01:17:36.104
Our love is ready
for whatever may come
01:17:36.145 --> 01:17:39.062
Other moments like this
will never repeat
01:17:39.104 --> 01:17:42.437
Because I was born for you
and you were born for me
01:19:33.984 --> 01:19:37.326
For 20 months, Parque Dom Pedro Hotel housed 107 people
01:19:37.351 --> 01:19:40.348
through a municipal damage reduction program.
01:19:40.373 --> 01:19:44.090
During the shooting, that took place between August 2016 and January 2017,
01:19:44.115 --> 01:19:47.579
the life of the residents was shaken by the election
01:19:47.604 --> 01:19:50.627
of a new mayor that was against the program.
01:19:50.652 --> 01:19:54.810
Short time after, the hotel was closed.
01:19:54.835 --> 01:19:59.591
Most of its residents were back on the streets.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 82 minutes
Date: 2019
Genre: Expository
Language: Portuguese
Grade: High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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