Young Valentina uses all her might to believe that her father is still…
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Andy's world changes when his mother has an accident. With no one to care for him, he is taken to Cuernavaca to his distant paternal grandmother (Carmen Maura). While his mother struggles between life and death, the boy will face his grandmother's rejection, the seductive and dangerous world of the gardener's son, and the search for his father.
"A small boy from Mexico City gets sent to live with his grandmother after his mother is killed in Cuernavaca, a well-observed, unhurried portrait of an isolated prepubescent who clings to the only person who shows him any kindness in the aftermath" — Harry Windsor, The Hollywood Reporter
Main credits
Andrade Pease, Alejandro (film director)
Andrade Pease, Alejandro (film producer)
Andrade Pease, Alejandro (screenwriter)
Andrade Pease, Armando (film producer)
Maura, Carmen (actor)
Puente, Emilio (actor)
Arizmendi, Moisés (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Fernando Reyes Allendes; editing, Ana García, Francisco X. Rivera; music, Andrés Sánchez.
Distributor subjects
Youth; Family; Mental Health; Health + Aging; DisabilitiesKeywords
00:03:30.500 --> 00:03:33.500
Andy, get up.
00:03:36.041 --> 00:03:39.083
Can we stay and play costumes?
00:03:40.583 --> 00:03:43.125
Didn't we say
we were going to toss this?
00:03:44.625 --> 00:03:47.875
Dad gave it to me, it takes care of me.
00:03:49.791 --> 00:03:54.083
You don't need it,
you can take care of yourself.
00:04:02.041 --> 00:04:03.208
00:04:17.750 --> 00:04:20.791
Invite some friends over
to celebrate your vacation.
00:04:30.125 --> 00:04:31.750
-Give it to me!
-Shut up!
00:04:31.750 --> 00:04:32.875
Come and make me shut up!
00:04:32.875 --> 00:04:34.708
-You faggot!
00:04:34.750 --> 00:04:36.875
Fucking sissy!
00:04:37.291 --> 00:04:39.666
Come here, you're dead meat!
00:04:40.083 --> 00:04:42.875
I will beat you up!
00:04:43.291 --> 00:04:45.791
Shut up fucking pussies!
00:04:56.208 --> 00:04:58.416
Im gonna kill you!
00:04:58.833 --> 00:05:00.791
Shut up, stupid faggot!
00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:02.958
Leave me alone fucking trashy!
00:05:18.750 --> 00:05:19.958
Let´s go.
00:05:21.208 --> 00:05:23.000
Where are your friends?
00:05:24.833 --> 00:05:27.000
I don't have my cape.
00:05:44.291 --> 00:05:45.875
This one's cooler.
00:05:47.583 --> 00:05:49.750
And the cape looks great on you.
00:05:53.833 --> 00:05:55.583
It´s much prettier.
00:05:55.583 --> 00:05:57.791
00:05:57.833 --> 00:05:59.916
All I wanted was my cape.
00:06:20.541 --> 00:06:22.291
Madame, your bill.
00:06:34.125 --> 00:06:35.875
You pay.
00:06:40.250 --> 00:06:42.125
You don't need it.
00:06:50.625 --> 00:06:52.166
-This is a stick up!
00:06:52.208 --> 00:06:54.125
-Everyone down!
00:06:54.125 --> 00:06:55.416
-Give me the money, get down!
00:06:55.416 --> 00:06:56.208
00:06:58.583 --> 00:06:59.416
00:07:00.583 --> 00:07:02.666
Come on, move, hurry!
00:07:09.125 --> 00:07:10.416
You can not come in!
00:07:14.291 --> 00:07:16.000
Is she your mom? Is she?
00:07:16.208 --> 00:07:19.333
-Okay, come with me.
00:07:26.583 --> 00:07:27.791
00:07:28.875 --> 00:07:32.166
They let me take you to the ER
to see your mom.
00:07:32.583 --> 00:07:35.208
You must know
she's still unconscious.
00:07:35.250 --> 00:07:37.041
She can't open her eyes.
00:07:50.583 --> 00:07:52.916
Where's the rest of your family?
00:07:53.333 --> 00:07:57.791
My dad lives in Cuernavaca,
sometimes he comes to visit me
00:07:59.625 --> 00:08:01.333
Do you have his number?
00:08:04.125 --> 00:08:06.708
Any other relatives?
00:08:07.791 --> 00:08:09.875
I have an aunt in Canada.
00:08:22.250 --> 00:08:24.500
-Where's my dad?
-He couldn't come.
00:08:24.541 --> 00:08:26.875
Your family sent for you,
go with him.
00:08:28.875 --> 00:08:30.708
You can't stay here.
00:08:30.833 --> 00:08:31.958
00:08:39.041 --> 00:08:40.916
00:08:48.416 --> 00:08:50.166
Don't you remember me?
00:09:32.958 --> 00:09:34.458
00:09:37.666 --> 00:09:38.916
00:09:39.875 --> 00:09:41.458
Don't you know who I am?
00:09:42.958 --> 00:09:45.541
Haven't they told you
about your grandmother?
00:09:47.708 --> 00:09:49.375
Is my dad here?
00:09:49.416 --> 00:09:51.000
He's away.
00:09:52.541 --> 00:09:54.958
But he'll soon be here,
don't worry.
00:09:59.708 --> 00:10:03.375
You'll sleep in this one,
the other one's your dad's.
00:10:03.750 --> 00:10:07.958
Look, here are some clothes
from when your dad was your age.
00:10:08.875 --> 00:10:12.083
They're a bit old, but you can
wear them if you want.
00:10:13.250 --> 00:10:14.875
It fits perfectly.
00:10:24.375 --> 00:10:25.958
Everything will be all right.
00:10:31.416 --> 00:10:33.708
You need a lot of rest.
00:10:43.416 --> 00:10:45.333
Tell me about the stick up.
00:10:45.416 --> 00:10:47.625
You were there, weren't you?
00:10:49.291 --> 00:10:51.791
It's a miracle
nothing happened to you.
00:10:52.166 --> 00:10:55.458
-Will my mom be okay?
-Of course, I'm sure she will.
00:10:56.541 --> 00:10:58.916
Dhely, don't be rude
and talk to the boy...
00:10:58.958 --> 00:11:01.541
...tell him about your kittens.
00:11:01.583 --> 00:11:02.750
Yes, Mom.
00:11:02.791 --> 00:11:06.125
Andy, I have lots...
00:11:06.833 --> 00:11:08.083
...of kittens.
00:11:08.125 --> 00:11:09.625
And what are their names?
00:11:10.166 --> 00:11:14.166
Bruno, Chanito... Cu...
00:11:14.208 --> 00:11:16.750
Cumbancha, very well, Dhely.
Very well, darling.
00:11:16.958 --> 00:11:18.541
Yes, Mommy.
00:11:38.625 --> 00:11:39.833
00:13:28.500 --> 00:13:30.500
Come on sweetie, time for breakfast.
00:13:31.958 --> 00:13:33.875
These gadgets aren't good.
00:13:33.958 --> 00:13:35.083
Give it to me.
00:13:35.208 --> 00:13:38.166
It's confiscated,
I'll give it to you when you leave.
00:13:38.541 --> 00:13:40.500
Come on, let's have breakfast.
00:13:50.875 --> 00:13:54.541
The boss wants you to put him
to work to keep him busy.
00:13:57.791 --> 00:14:00.125
Come this way,
you'll learn something.
00:14:04.375 --> 00:14:06.083
I'm not going to hurt you.
00:14:07.208 --> 00:14:09.541
I know what happened to you,
it's okay.
00:14:09.541 --> 00:14:13.583
Look, I'm sure your mom
will get better soon, you'll see.
00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:15.333
Let's get to work.
00:14:16.208 --> 00:14:20.375
You have to stick the trowel under
these tiny plants, they're weed.
00:14:20.416 --> 00:14:22.041
Stick it all the way in...
00:14:22.291 --> 00:14:24.291
...and pull it out, root and all.
00:14:28.375 --> 00:14:29.500
Now you do it.
00:14:38.083 --> 00:14:41.166
Well done, kiddo,
you're not that stupid.
00:14:41.916 --> 00:14:44.708
Do these and I'll do
all those back there.
00:15:38.625 --> 00:15:40.375
Look at you my baby.
00:15:43.000 --> 00:15:44.500
Andy, come.
00:15:56.291 --> 00:15:58.666
This is where I cure them.
00:16:24.208 --> 00:16:27.541
These are my costumes.
00:16:43.833 --> 00:16:46.625
Here goes my special power,
rays strike you!
00:16:46.625 --> 00:16:47.708
I am a witch!
00:16:49.583 --> 00:16:52.833
Dhely, no cats inside the house.
Sit, children.
00:16:52.833 --> 00:16:53.833
Sorry, Mom.
00:16:57.500 --> 00:16:59.375
Are we having supper?
00:16:59.375 --> 00:17:01.375
No, we're not having supper.
00:17:02.333 --> 00:17:03.625
00:17:10.708 --> 00:17:12.875
I think it's better for you to know.
00:17:14.708 --> 00:17:16.458
Your mom is dead.
00:18:12.458 --> 00:18:16.458
The lord is the stronghold of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
00:18:16.583 --> 00:18:20.583
One thing have I asked of the Lord,
that I will seek after:
00:18:20.666 --> 00:18:24.083
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life...
00:18:24.083 --> 00:18:28.083 gaze upon the beauty of The Lord,
and to inquire in his temple.
00:18:29.000 --> 00:18:32.416
For he will hide me in his shelter;
in the day of trouble...
00:18:32.416 --> 00:18:37.083
... he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
he will lift me high upon a rock.
00:18:38.041 --> 00:18:42.541
And now my head shall be lifted up
above my enemies all around me...
00:19:16.250 --> 00:19:17.333
00:19:20.416 --> 00:19:21.958
Your grandmother and I decided...
00:19:22.000 --> 00:19:24.833's best if you come
to live in Canada with me.
00:19:28.125 --> 00:19:30.708
Take me to Cuernavaca
with my dad!
00:19:30.708 --> 00:19:33.166
Andy, you'd better go
with your aunt.
00:19:33.291 --> 00:19:34.125
00:19:45.125 --> 00:19:46.166
You'll stay with us...
00:19:46.208 --> 00:19:50.166
...while your aunt does
the paperwork to take you to Canada.
00:20:04.041 --> 00:20:06.000
Why didn't my dad come?
00:20:06.333 --> 00:20:08.458
Really, he'll come home soon.
00:20:11.416 --> 00:20:13.041
Don't worry!
00:20:14.833 --> 00:20:17.125
Dhely, don't play with your food.
00:20:17.208 --> 00:20:18.750
I'm not hungry.
00:20:19.083 --> 00:20:23.250
Eat as much as you can, leave
the rest, don't play with food.
00:20:24.250 --> 00:20:26.166
I want to go to my room.
00:20:26.916 --> 00:20:28.750
Go ahead Andy, it's all right.
00:20:29.291 --> 00:20:30.583
Good night.
00:20:55.416 --> 00:20:59.708
00:21:08.625 --> 00:21:10.666
[Please leave a message...
00:21:20.166 --> 00:21:21.833
[Please leave a message...
00:21:55.791 --> 00:21:57.083
00:21:59.166 --> 00:22:01.333
[Your credit has expired.
00:22:12.416 --> 00:22:14.916
-Are you okay?
00:22:23.416 --> 00:22:24.916
All right, go to sleep.
00:22:25.708 --> 00:22:27.875
You need to get a lot of rest.
00:22:29.125 --> 00:22:30.625
May I have a kiss?
00:22:45.416 --> 00:22:49.291
I know what you're going through,
Andy, I've been there.
00:22:49.791 --> 00:22:50.833
I can help you.
00:22:50.833 --> 00:22:53.375
Do you know
how to punish the bad guys?
00:22:53.458 --> 00:22:54.875
Don't think about that.
00:22:54.875 --> 00:22:56.916
My dad will know how.
00:24:02.958 --> 00:24:05.166
Where do you call my dad?
00:24:05.666 --> 00:24:08.333
To his cell phone,
he travels so much.
00:24:09.958 --> 00:24:12.541
When was the last time
you called him?
00:24:12.833 --> 00:24:14.333
Last night.
00:24:15.875 --> 00:24:19.166
Why the third degree?
You sound like a detective.
00:24:19.458 --> 00:24:21.916
I told you, he'll be back soon.
00:24:53.375 --> 00:24:54.791
Hey, kiddo.
00:24:56.333 --> 00:24:58.208
Hey, Andy.
00:24:58.708 --> 00:24:59.791
Are you okay?
00:25:00.041 --> 00:25:03.125
Come, let's go. Come.
00:25:20.625 --> 00:25:23.291
You can't just lie here,
in the dark.
00:25:31.708 --> 00:25:34.083
Come on sweetie, get up, come on!
00:25:38.750 --> 00:25:41.125
What city is my dad in?
00:25:41.833 --> 00:25:44.416
I don't know, he travels so much.
00:25:48.125 --> 00:25:50.125
Come on, get dressed.
00:25:54.708 --> 00:25:58.000
As of tomorrow,
you'll help us make jam.
00:25:58.458 --> 00:26:00.750
It's been the best therapy for me.
00:26:16.291 --> 00:26:19.375
She says she loves you.
00:26:20.500 --> 00:26:21.791
00:27:02.625 --> 00:27:04.958
I can make it on my own, Mom.
00:27:26.666 --> 00:27:29.000
00:27:47.250 --> 00:27:49.583
-Something else will turn up.
-Hope so.
00:27:49.625 --> 00:27:52.000
-Take care.
-We'll keep in touch.
00:27:52.916 --> 00:27:55.916
Where are you going?
It's dangerous outside!
00:27:57.583 --> 00:28:00.041
Making jam will keep you busy.
00:28:01.083 --> 00:28:03.833
This is where we make
the jams.
00:28:04.416 --> 00:28:07.541
I brought the machines myself,
from Germany.
00:28:07.625 --> 00:28:11.250
That's why my jams
are the best in Cuernavaca.
00:28:12.125 --> 00:28:15.875
Guys, from now on,
Andy will help us harvest.
00:28:20.500 --> 00:28:22.791
Mommy, can I come in?
00:28:26.125 --> 00:28:27.583
Go away!
00:28:30.250 --> 00:28:32.750
Well, okay, everyone get to work.
00:28:40.500 --> 00:28:42.916
We have to fill the buckets
with guavas.
00:28:42.916 --> 00:28:45.916
Look, these are the good ones,
the ripe ones.
00:28:47.750 --> 00:28:49.125
Oh, that's pretty.
00:28:51.416 --> 00:28:54.125
Look, this is the right color.
00:28:58.000 --> 00:28:59.250
00:28:59.625 --> 00:29:01.375
-What's with you?
-It fell!
00:29:01.458 --> 00:29:04.458
Hey, what's up, kiddo?
Are you coming with me?
00:29:04.458 --> 00:29:07.000
Don't listen to him Andy,
he's just bothering us.
00:29:17.833 --> 00:29:19.041
This is it.
00:29:22.166 --> 00:29:23.458
It isn't that hard.
00:29:33.250 --> 00:29:34.500
00:29:39.666 --> 00:29:40.875
Now you.
00:29:42.333 --> 00:29:43.791
I don't know.
00:29:43.916 --> 00:29:45.750
You can do it, come on.
00:29:48.583 --> 00:29:50.208
One, two, three.
00:29:57.833 --> 00:30:01.333
The girl I like, her name is Poison.
00:30:01.333 --> 00:30:03.541
Well, that's what they call her.
00:30:03.708 --> 00:30:05.208
She's really pretty.
00:30:08.750 --> 00:30:12.083
What? You like girls, don't you?
00:30:12.958 --> 00:30:14.333
00:30:23.208 --> 00:30:27.500
Come on, I'll show you
a great place, it'll cheer you up.
00:30:31.875 --> 00:30:33.041
00:30:45.875 --> 00:30:47.375
This is how we open it.
00:30:56.166 --> 00:30:57.541
This is the jungle.
00:30:58.625 --> 00:31:02.916
Your grandmother doesn't like us
coming here, but I love it.
00:31:03.875 --> 00:31:05.500
I come when I feel sad.
00:31:08.875 --> 00:31:10.458
You can see my house from down there.
00:31:13.166 --> 00:31:14.625
This is really cool!
00:31:21.916 --> 00:31:23.000
That's where I live.
00:31:28.583 --> 00:31:31.791
Look, that's my gang,
the girl is Poison.
00:31:40.000 --> 00:31:42.916
I can see you, your jacket is nice.
00:31:44.041 --> 00:31:47.625
Guess who? I'm looking at you.
I'm your conscience.
00:31:48.250 --> 00:31:50.416
Help me make a cell phone work.
00:31:50.791 --> 00:31:52.125
What cell phone?
00:31:55.291 --> 00:31:57.666
It's really cheap,
where did you get this?
00:31:58.375 --> 00:31:59.791
It's my dad's.
00:32:04.041 --> 00:32:08.125
Thanks Andy, I love guavas.
00:32:08.791 --> 00:32:11.833
Oh! Here comes the bad guy.
00:32:15.375 --> 00:32:17.833
So will you help me with the phone?
00:32:18.291 --> 00:32:21.625
I don't like that loon,
why do you hang out with her?
00:32:21.625 --> 00:32:25.208
She's nice.
Come on, help me with the phone.
00:32:25.791 --> 00:32:28.583
I have to take it with me
to check it.
00:32:29.583 --> 00:32:32.291
Stay with her, ask her for help.
00:32:42.041 --> 00:32:43.541
How did the harvest go?
00:32:43.875 --> 00:32:45.041
00:32:46.666 --> 00:32:49.125
When Grandpa died,
I felt the same way.
00:32:49.125 --> 00:32:51.791
But focusing on work,
it faded away.
00:32:52.583 --> 00:32:55.791
Did you also tell that to my dad
on the phone?
00:32:56.125 --> 00:32:57.291
What do you mean?
00:32:58.250 --> 00:33:01.125
Andy, Chanito does love you.
00:33:02.375 --> 00:33:03.958
Stop it, Dhely.
00:33:30.541 --> 00:33:32.666
Go with Esmeralda or with the loon.
00:33:32.833 --> 00:33:34.625
Please help me.
00:33:39.375 --> 00:33:43.208
You didn't let me take it
to check it, I can't help you.
00:33:43.333 --> 00:33:45.166
I can't find the charger.
00:33:45.416 --> 00:33:48.458
Your old man must've lost it,
he keeps losing things.
00:33:48.458 --> 00:33:49.708
Let me see.
00:33:49.708 --> 00:33:52.416
-What do you want it for?
-It has messages to my dad.
00:33:52.416 --> 00:33:56.208
-They're no use to you.
-They can tell me where he is.
00:33:56.291 --> 00:33:59.708
If you want to listen to them,
give me money for a phone card.
00:33:59.958 --> 00:34:01.916
And extra money for a charger.
00:34:02.083 --> 00:34:03.625
No, don't take it.
00:34:04.208 --> 00:34:07.416
Who'd want it?
You have to give me at least five hundred.
00:34:07.416 --> 00:34:10.583
-Where would I get it from?
-From your grandma.
00:34:49.708 --> 00:34:51.083
00:34:51.458 --> 00:34:52.666
Go away!
00:35:01.166 --> 00:35:03.791
What are you doing here?
Go to sleep!
00:35:04.041 --> 00:35:06.583
-Can I have some money?
-Go to bed!
00:35:20.375 --> 00:35:21.416
Where's my grandma?
00:35:21.583 --> 00:35:25.000
She isn't feeling well this morning,
sit down and have breakfast.
00:35:32.583 --> 00:35:34.625
Esmeralda, girl, come!
00:35:40.000 --> 00:35:42.333
Take the boss her aspirin.
00:35:50.333 --> 00:35:51.708
I'll be right back.
00:35:58.833 --> 00:36:01.291
What? Go away!
00:37:00.958 --> 00:37:03.291
Poison is playing hard to get.
00:37:03.416 --> 00:37:05.916
She wants me to quit the gang.
00:37:11.125 --> 00:37:12.875
You're two-hundred short.
00:37:16.833 --> 00:37:21.041
Just kidding! I'll have your phone
working by tomorrow.
00:37:21.208 --> 00:37:25.041
When my dad comes,
he'll take us far away from here.
00:37:25.416 --> 00:37:26.291
00:37:26.291 --> 00:37:31.083
Besides, it's a beautiful place,
though it's a long ride.
00:37:32.000 --> 00:37:35.500
Shut up, girl, come,
learn how to defend yourself.
00:37:35.500 --> 00:37:37.666
I'll teach you. Defend yourself!
00:37:38.041 --> 00:37:39.375
Really? No.
00:37:39.750 --> 00:37:40.916
Check this out.
00:37:40.916 --> 00:37:43.375
Guard up, double punch.
00:37:43.791 --> 00:37:46.000
An upper jab, another.
00:37:46.416 --> 00:37:50.166
Come on, girl, like I told you.
Like I told you, double.
00:37:50.458 --> 00:37:52.541
Another one, upper.
00:37:54.250 --> 00:37:55.666
That's it, great.
00:38:00.250 --> 00:38:01.291
Put them in there.
00:38:05.458 --> 00:38:07.125
You're all stupid.
00:38:07.958 --> 00:38:09.250
You're stupid.
00:38:19.333 --> 00:38:20.750
What are you doing?
00:38:23.208 --> 00:38:25.958
Charly, put your shirt on
and go home.
00:38:27.208 --> 00:38:30.791
-Can you pay me for the harvest?
-We'll talk this week.
00:38:34.833 --> 00:38:37.000
And you, go to your room!
00:38:41.916 --> 00:38:44.208
-Dhely, come!
-Yes, Mom.
00:38:48.541 --> 00:38:50.833
Why did you take money
from my purse?
00:38:52.166 --> 00:38:53.791
I didn't do it.
00:38:53.791 --> 00:38:55.000
Dhely saw you.
00:38:55.000 --> 00:38:56.583
I'm missing some money.
00:38:56.791 --> 00:38:59.875
-It's not true.
-You're a thief, like your father.
00:38:59.875 --> 00:39:03.125
That's how he started
and ended up in jail, now you?
00:39:03.125 --> 00:39:04.750
My dad is in jail?
00:39:09.458 --> 00:39:13.791
No, not anymore,
but he's never taken care of you.
00:39:16.458 --> 00:39:20.625
Give me back my money or you'll be
grounded until you leave.
00:39:32.541 --> 00:39:34.000
00:40:05.416 --> 00:40:09.791
We're going to mass,
and if you repent, I´ll buy clothes for you.
00:40:11.291 --> 00:40:13.708
Just as messy as your father.
00:40:31.458 --> 00:40:33.500
Did you pray for your mother?
00:40:33.500 --> 00:40:34.375
00:40:34.708 --> 00:40:36.708
Are you sorry you stole from me?
00:40:38.333 --> 00:40:41.041
-I want bubbles, Mom.
-Yes, darling.
00:40:41.166 --> 00:40:44.541
-Here, your allowance.
-Yes, Mommy.
00:40:45.500 --> 00:40:49.458
You're not getting any, you didn't
give me back what you took.
00:40:49.458 --> 00:40:53.583
-Carmencita, how are you?
-Hi Blanca. Fine, and you?
00:40:53.708 --> 00:40:58.125
Fine, but a bit tired,
our neighbors won't let me sleep.
00:40:58.125 --> 00:41:00.500
-Yes, they're terrible.
00:41:00.625 --> 00:41:02.833
-Don't go, Andy!
-I'll be right back!
00:41:02.833 --> 00:41:05.666
Don't take long
and don't stray too far!
00:41:07.625 --> 00:41:09.083
Tickets, please!
00:41:11.250 --> 00:41:14.083
Pay with this also thems, and thems.
00:41:14.083 --> 00:41:15.500
I´ll give your chage right away.
00:41:15.500 --> 00:41:16.916
Make it spin!
00:41:36.250 --> 00:41:38.250
-Give these to the gang.
00:41:48.416 --> 00:41:49.750
Here you have.
00:41:53.000 --> 00:41:54.041
Want some?
00:41:54.041 --> 00:41:56.083
What about my card and charger?
00:41:56.083 --> 00:41:58.833
-Not yet, later.
-I want some cotton candy.
00:42:04.375 --> 00:42:05.875
I don't have enough.
00:42:12.583 --> 00:42:14.083
Blanca, we're off now.
00:42:14.083 --> 00:42:17.208
We'll have breakfast
and find a solution.
00:42:17.208 --> 00:42:19.375
-We're all tired of those people.
00:42:19.500 --> 00:42:20.500
All of us.
00:42:20.500 --> 00:42:22.583
-Have a lovely Sunday.
00:42:22.708 --> 00:42:24.583
00:42:25.250 --> 00:42:27.541
Andy, we're leaving!
00:42:30.041 --> 00:42:31.916
-Where are you?
00:42:32.333 --> 00:42:33.500
Let's go!
00:42:33.666 --> 00:42:35.041
00:42:35.875 --> 00:42:36.916
My purse!
00:42:37.208 --> 00:42:37.916
My purse!
00:42:37.916 --> 00:42:38.791
He just stole it!
00:42:39.250 --> 00:42:41.500
Thief, he stole my purse!
00:42:44.125 --> 00:42:46.083
I forbid you from seeing Charly!
00:42:46.083 --> 00:42:47.583
-It wasn't him.
-It wasn't?
00:42:47.583 --> 00:42:50.958
You're a terrible liar,
your father's criminal genes!
00:42:50.958 --> 00:42:53.500
-To the restaurant, ma'am?
-No, home!
00:42:57.041 --> 00:43:00.333
Charly can't step foot
in my house again! Get it?
00:43:00.333 --> 00:43:01.666
Yes, ma'am.
00:43:02.083 --> 00:43:05.500
-I'm hungry, Mom.
-We'll be home soon, darling.
00:43:11.791 --> 00:43:13.541
What is it, Delfino?
00:43:23.291 --> 00:43:24.541
Don't look.
00:43:27.333 --> 00:43:31.541
We can't take it any longer.
Cuernavaca isn't what it used to be.
00:43:31.625 --> 00:43:35.041
Come for breakfast with Blanca,
we must do something.
00:43:35.250 --> 00:43:37.791
They're right next door,
it's madness.
00:43:38.000 --> 00:43:39.666
Fine, see you tomorrow.
00:43:40.208 --> 00:43:42.958
Don't fire Charly,
let him come back.
00:43:44.833 --> 00:43:47.208
That topic is closed forever.
00:43:50.125 --> 00:43:54.958
Can I sleep with Chanito?
He's sick.
00:43:55.166 --> 00:43:57.291
No Dhely, you know you can't.
00:43:57.791 --> 00:43:59.500
Yes. Yes, Mom.
00:44:13.625 --> 00:44:16.333
Help me, before the women come.
00:44:24.583 --> 00:44:26.625
Look, these are really ripe.
00:44:29.875 --> 00:44:32.083
Andy, help me get down!
00:44:34.958 --> 00:44:36.500
00:44:38.500 --> 00:44:40.250
00:45:15.250 --> 00:45:17.958
Kiddo, what are you doing here?
00:45:19.000 --> 00:45:20.750
Come in.
00:45:26.208 --> 00:45:29.541
What, can you tell I'm working out?
00:45:30.250 --> 00:45:32.125
-What's up, girl?
-Cut it out!
00:45:32.125 --> 00:45:34.041
What? Do as I taught you.
00:45:35.458 --> 00:45:36.958
You're a sissy.
00:45:36.958 --> 00:45:39.166
Do you have
the card and the charger?
00:45:41.166 --> 00:45:42.791
I ran out of money.
00:45:43.000 --> 00:45:46.416
That's not all,
the gang doesn't want me near them.
00:45:46.666 --> 00:45:48.541
They say I'm an idiot.
00:45:51.166 --> 00:45:52.458
Well, enjoy.
00:45:53.208 --> 00:45:55.791
Please Charly,
help me with the phone.
00:45:56.666 --> 00:46:00.750
Don't worry, I'll have it all tomorrow.
00:46:00.958 --> 00:46:03.208
I'll give it to you at the river.
00:46:03.375 --> 00:46:06.625
Stop whining. Here you go, blondie.
00:46:25.708 --> 00:46:28.000
Hey, kid. Wait.
00:46:30.458 --> 00:46:33.500
Look, it's not that I don't want
to help you...
00:46:34.250 --> 00:46:38.458
...but since I can't go inside
the house, everything's harder.
00:46:38.458 --> 00:46:39.791
You know.
00:46:42.458 --> 00:46:44.625
Do you promise you'll help me?
00:46:45.333 --> 00:46:48.375
Yes, the problem
is that damn old woman.
00:46:48.375 --> 00:46:50.291
We're both screwed.
00:47:01.333 --> 00:47:03.125
Yeah, damn old woman.
00:47:15.166 --> 00:47:17.833
Thank you Carmencita,
they look delicious.
00:47:18.125 --> 00:47:21.125
I'm glad you like them,
we make them
with all the love in the world.
00:47:21.416 --> 00:47:25.875
My husband loves them,
he says
they're the best jams in Cuernavaca.
00:47:26.125 --> 00:47:27.125
They are.
00:47:27.666 --> 00:47:30.333
Okay, what should we do
about the neighbors?
00:47:30.333 --> 00:47:32.250
My husband says
they're drug dealers.
00:47:54.041 --> 00:47:57.291
-I can not talk to governor´s wife
-Yes, talk to her.
00:47:57.291 --> 00:48:00.750
They might be involved
with the dealers too.
00:48:00.750 --> 00:48:02.833
How did the cats get in?
00:48:02.833 --> 00:48:04.291
What´s going on?
00:48:04.291 --> 00:48:07.833
Rosa, Delfino,
get these cats out of here!
00:48:13.708 --> 00:48:14.958
Andy, get over here!
00:48:52.041 --> 00:48:54.083
I won't take any more
nonsense from you!
00:48:54.083 --> 00:48:57.000
Next time I'll send you
to your aunt in Canada!
00:48:57.000 --> 00:48:59.000
You can't, I'll go with my dad.
00:48:59.000 --> 00:49:01.708
Your dad won't come,
he doesn't love you.
00:49:06.333 --> 00:49:07.583
Go to sleep.
00:50:05.833 --> 00:50:07.375
I'm glad you came.
00:50:08.375 --> 00:50:10.000
Thanks a lot.
00:50:11.375 --> 00:50:14.625
Now you have to help me
for the gang to take me back.
00:50:14.666 --> 00:50:16.125
Yes, of course.
00:50:18.416 --> 00:50:20.458
Help me break into the house.
00:50:21.166 --> 00:50:24.166
-Promise you'll do it.
-I promise.
00:50:41.958 --> 00:50:44.166
[Thank you for increasing
your balance.
00:50:44.208 --> 00:50:45.541
[You can make calls now.
00:50:50.333 --> 00:50:52.375
-Are you all right?
00:50:54.541 --> 00:50:57.791
All the guavas you harvested
need to be peeled.
00:50:57.791 --> 00:51:01.125
I'll tell you how,
this is one of my secrets.
00:51:01.166 --> 00:51:04.541
We boil the fruit without the skin.
00:51:05.083 --> 00:51:07.000
Pay attention!
00:51:08.166 --> 00:51:09.166
Come here.
00:51:10.125 --> 00:51:12.583
Esmeralda, teach him
how to peel them.
00:51:12.583 --> 00:51:14.333
Careful he doesn't cut himself.
00:51:14.583 --> 00:51:15.916
00:51:17.541 --> 00:51:19.583
Look, it's easier this way.
00:51:20.666 --> 00:51:24.291
There are many ways to peel them,
like this...
00:51:32.166 --> 00:51:36.375
-I'm going to the bathroom.
-Don't take long, we have to finish.
00:51:47.791 --> 00:51:49.291
00:51:49.666 --> 00:51:51.833
00:51:53.041 --> 00:51:55.083
[This is the first stored message.
00:51:55.250 --> 00:51:57.916
[Andrés, it's your mom,
you must call me.
00:51:57.916 --> 00:52:00.666
[There are very serious problems.
Call me.
00:52:03.916 --> 00:52:05.541
[This is your next stored message.
00:52:05.541 --> 00:52:06.666
[Andrés, it´s me, Miguel...
00:52:06.666 --> 00:52:09.250
[... we are waiting for you.
Come to the same place.
00:52:09.250 --> 00:52:10.625
[...It´s gonna be cool.
Hurry up.
00:52:15.791 --> 00:52:16.833
00:52:17.375 --> 00:52:20.708
[Leave your message after the tone.
00:52:22.125 --> 00:52:24.375
I'm looking for Mr. Andrés Nava.
00:52:24.416 --> 00:52:28.500
Or Mr. Miguel, it's urgent,
have him call me back.
00:52:30.583 --> 00:52:32.500
-What are you doing?
00:52:32.500 --> 00:52:35.333
Your grandma wants you
to come back and finish.
00:52:41.541 --> 00:52:42.708
00:52:44.458 --> 00:52:45.833
00:52:46.291 --> 00:52:47.791
00:52:48.375 --> 00:52:52.041
Do you know Mr. Andrés?
00:52:52.500 --> 00:52:53.833
Or Mister Miguel?
00:52:54.375 --> 00:52:55.750
[Who is this?
00:52:55.916 --> 00:52:57.958
I'm Andres's son...
00:52:58.000 --> 00:52:58.708
[Andres who?
00:52:59.333 --> 00:53:00.958
...Andrés Nava.
00:53:01.375 --> 00:53:03.875
[Look kid, stop pestering.
It's late.
00:53:32.291 --> 00:53:34.750
Hello, Dad?
00:53:35.416 --> 00:53:38.750
It's Andy, I'm at the house in
Cuernavaca, come and get me.
00:53:56.250 --> 00:53:57.541
00:54:01.166 --> 00:54:04.916
Thanks. I thought I'd lost it.
00:54:05.250 --> 00:54:07.625
I'm glad you came for me at last.
00:54:10.458 --> 00:54:14.333
Hey, sorry,
I didn't know you were here.
00:54:14.333 --> 00:54:16.000
It doesn't matter, come.
00:54:17.250 --> 00:54:20.250
First Joyful Mystery:
The incarnation of the Son of God.
00:54:20.250 --> 00:54:22.000
Our Father who art in...
00:54:22.041 --> 00:54:23.125
Hi, Mom.
00:54:25.833 --> 00:54:27.000
You're back.
00:54:27.416 --> 00:54:30.125
...thy will be done,
on Earth as it is in Heaven...
00:54:31.291 --> 00:54:34.333
Third joyful mystery.
00:54:34.541 --> 00:54:35.583
Enough, Dhely.
00:54:39.083 --> 00:54:40.125
00:54:40.708 --> 00:54:42.833
Come Andrés, we need to talk.
00:54:48.416 --> 00:54:49.750
Wait for me here.
00:54:54.125 --> 00:54:56.208
Our Father who art in Heaven.
00:54:56.208 --> 00:55:00.083
Hallowed be thy name,
thy Kingdom come...
00:55:03.666 --> 00:55:05.666
I didn't know about your mom.
00:55:06.375 --> 00:55:07.416
I'm sorry.
00:55:08.375 --> 00:55:11.000
You have to punish those thieves.
00:55:15.125 --> 00:55:17.041
Let's go away from here.
00:55:19.833 --> 00:55:21.250
We can't.
00:55:22.208 --> 00:55:25.208
I don't have any money
or anywhere to go.
00:55:26.458 --> 00:55:30.291
Hold on a bit...
while I find a place to go.
00:55:33.208 --> 00:55:35.000
Children, supper time!
00:55:38.958 --> 00:55:43.625
-How are your cats, Dhely?
-Chanito is sick.
00:55:44.125 --> 00:55:47.541
Tell Delfino and he'll take him
to the vet tomorrow.
00:55:48.208 --> 00:55:50.583
Where did you hide
this time, Andrés?
00:55:51.416 --> 00:55:53.375
At a friend's house, Miguel.
00:55:53.583 --> 00:55:55.583
The one you met in jail?
00:55:55.583 --> 00:55:57.583
Mom, not in front of the boy.
00:56:01.083 --> 00:56:02.791
Go to your room, Andy.
00:56:02.791 --> 00:56:06.458
-The boy hasn't finished his supper.
-Andy, go to your room, please.
00:56:10.625 --> 00:56:12.500
What are you trying to do, Mom?
00:56:53.458 --> 00:56:55.666
Why aren't you asleep?
00:56:58.625 --> 00:57:00.083
I'm thinking.
00:57:01.291 --> 00:57:02.958
What are you thinking?
00:57:05.875 --> 00:57:07.250
00:57:22.250 --> 00:57:23.708
00:57:26.000 --> 00:57:28.500
Do I have to cry over Mom?
00:57:34.750 --> 00:57:36.625
Only if you want to cry.
00:57:38.916 --> 00:57:40.666
I just can't.
00:57:48.083 --> 00:57:49.916
Everything will be all right.
00:57:54.208 --> 00:57:55.875
Do you love me?
00:58:11.500 --> 00:58:13.458
Please, be careful.
00:58:13.458 --> 00:58:15.625
I don´t want accidents like last year.
00:58:15.625 --> 00:58:18.250
Yo have to stir them all the time.
00:58:18.916 --> 00:58:21.541
Rosa, please check the quantities.
00:58:26.083 --> 00:58:29.625
Dhely, you know perfectly well
you can't be here.
00:58:29.750 --> 00:58:33.208
Chanito wants some jam.
00:58:56.250 --> 00:58:59.250
-What's wrong, Andy?
-I thought you were gone.
00:59:00.958 --> 00:59:02.666
No, I'm still here.
00:59:02.833 --> 00:59:05.750
He won't move his legs.
00:59:05.750 --> 00:59:07.875
I don't want you to go.
00:59:14.125 --> 00:59:15.208
00:59:20.833 --> 00:59:23.000
Charly is my best friend.
00:59:24.166 --> 00:59:28.000
We go to the orchard
and he taught me to climb trees.
01:00:02.291 --> 01:00:03.791
What's going on here?
01:00:03.833 --> 01:00:06.458
-Move, get up!
-All right, all right.
01:00:06.458 --> 01:00:09.083
Out, everyone get out! Out!
01:00:09.083 --> 01:00:10.208
Get out!
01:00:10.208 --> 01:00:13.583
Right now, everybody get out!
How dare you?
01:00:13.708 --> 01:00:16.500
Hey, get all these bums
out of here!
01:00:16.916 --> 01:00:18.708
-Get up!
-Fine, fine, all right.
01:00:18.708 --> 01:00:20.000
-Get out!
01:00:20.000 --> 01:00:21.000
Get out!
01:00:21.291 --> 01:00:23.625
-Let's go.
-Make that cat shut up!
01:00:31.791 --> 01:00:34.500
-No more cats Dhely, understood?
-Yes, Mom.
01:00:34.625 --> 01:00:37.541
-Delfino will take them all away.
-Yes, Mom.
01:00:38.916 --> 01:00:42.500
It's no big deal, Mom. The cat
urinated on the rug, that's all.
01:00:42.625 --> 01:00:45.458
How dare you?
After what you've done.
01:00:45.458 --> 01:00:47.875
You stole my pills again.
01:00:55.250 --> 01:00:56.583
Go get dressed.
01:00:59.083 --> 01:01:02.625
-Let's go away.
-Get dressed, then we'll talk.
01:01:53.291 --> 01:01:57.375
-Chanito, bad cat, Chanito, bad cat!
-Hey no, stop!
01:01:57.416 --> 01:02:01.166
Chanito, bad cat!
Chanito, bad cat!
01:02:01.208 --> 01:02:03.458
-Chanito, bad cat!
01:02:03.500 --> 01:02:06.375
-Chanito, Chanito, bad cat!
-No, Dhely, don't!
01:02:06.375 --> 01:02:07.500
01:02:08.666 --> 01:02:11.791
-Dhely, stop! Stop it!
-Dhely, Dhely, Dhely!
01:02:11.833 --> 01:02:15.750
-There, there, it's okay now.
-It's okay.
01:02:15.750 --> 01:02:17.250
Stop, stop.
01:02:23.875 --> 01:02:25.583
I'll give you two sedatives.
01:02:26.416 --> 01:02:29.750
Give her one now and one tonight.
01:02:30.250 --> 01:02:33.625
Just one because they're strong.
01:02:35.916 --> 01:02:38.208
Andy and I are going out.
01:02:40.375 --> 01:02:41.791
Come on, come on.
01:02:41.875 --> 01:02:43.625
Let's go.
01:02:48.458 --> 01:02:50.500
Your grandmother lent me her car.
01:02:50.875 --> 01:02:53.750
I'll treat you,
we'll do whatever you want.
01:02:53.750 --> 01:02:55.333
Let's go to Mexico City.
01:02:56.416 --> 01:02:57.833
No, not yet.
01:02:58.875 --> 01:03:00.625
Let's do something here.
01:03:01.083 --> 01:03:02.708
Let's go to the fair?
01:03:03.125 --> 01:03:04.375
All right.
01:03:06.166 --> 01:03:07.875
I want you to be happy.
01:03:09.541 --> 01:03:11.625
Can Charlie come?
01:03:13.208 --> 01:03:17.875
You know I don't like him,
but today you're the boss.
01:03:45.916 --> 01:03:48.958
Hey kid, don't forget
you made a promise.
01:03:49.125 --> 01:03:51.083
You're helping me get
inside the house.
01:03:51.083 --> 01:03:53.625
I can't, I'm going to the city
with my dad.
01:03:54.708 --> 01:03:56.875
I wouldn't trust your old man.
01:04:01.250 --> 01:04:02.875
Give it a harder spin!
01:04:27.416 --> 01:04:29.500
-This time I'll get it.
-Let's go!
01:04:30.791 --> 01:04:34.291
Well, if you hit it three times,
they give you money.
01:04:35.333 --> 01:04:36.625
I want to go.
01:04:37.750 --> 01:04:39.125
Let's go.
01:04:40.583 --> 01:04:44.666
Wait, I want to win something for
you, there's a costume there.
01:04:48.375 --> 01:04:49.583
01:04:59.375 --> 01:05:01.875
Thanks, I almost lost it all.
01:05:02.625 --> 01:05:05.666
-I'm hungry.
-We're leaving soon.
01:05:06.500 --> 01:05:08.333
My chance to break even.
01:05:08.625 --> 01:05:12.125
Sir, it's in plain sight.
If you find the ball, I pay.
01:05:12.125 --> 01:05:14.916
-I keep it if you lose. Okay?
-Play, play.
01:05:14.916 --> 01:05:17.791
Here or here?
Where is it? Lift it.
01:05:17.791 --> 01:05:19.875
-Perfect, that's the one.
01:05:19.958 --> 01:05:21.583
-Lift them.
-Here are four.
01:05:21.666 --> 01:05:23.958
Okay, here, here or there?
01:05:23.958 --> 01:05:26.208
Just the ball.
Okay, where is it?
01:05:26.208 --> 01:05:28.583
That's it, lift it,
see if you're right.
01:05:29.333 --> 01:05:32.000
No, you lose.
Look, this was the winner.
01:05:32.000 --> 01:05:33.333
There you go, which one?
01:05:33.333 --> 01:05:36.166
-One more time, hit it.
-Take a good look.
01:05:36.166 --> 01:05:37.958
Keep your eye on the ball.
01:05:37.958 --> 01:05:40.166
Here or here? Who spotted it?
01:05:40.291 --> 01:05:41.708
Lift it, I'll pay.
01:05:41.708 --> 01:05:44.291
-This one's the winner.
-That's it!
01:05:44.291 --> 01:05:46.166
How much? Bring it, I pay.
01:05:47.333 --> 01:05:49.000
See you, kiddo.
01:05:49.333 --> 01:05:52.458
This one's the winner, watch.
01:05:52.458 --> 01:05:56.500
There we go, who can see it?
The ball, who can see it?
01:05:56.500 --> 01:06:00.666
All right, break even.
Lift it, where is it?
01:06:00.875 --> 01:06:02.250
You cheated.
01:06:02.250 --> 01:06:03.791
Is there any problem?
01:06:04.125 --> 01:06:05.916
-Okay, listen, you cheated.
-Hey, you lost.
01:06:07.500 --> 01:06:10.791
You cheated. Hey, you cheated.
01:06:12.958 --> 01:06:14.208
They ripped me off.
01:06:14.708 --> 01:06:18.416
I swear I'll find a way
to get money to go away.
01:06:19.458 --> 01:06:21.708
Sorry, I should've listened to you.
01:06:22.000 --> 01:06:23.958
I'm hungry.
01:06:24.125 --> 01:06:26.125
We'll eat at home, come.
01:06:38.666 --> 01:06:39.916
Damn it!
01:06:40.958 --> 01:06:43.291
The keys, damn it,
I can't find them!
01:06:43.833 --> 01:06:45.166
01:06:46.958 --> 01:06:48.125
Let's go.
01:06:53.916 --> 01:06:55.291
Good evening.
01:06:56.833 --> 01:06:58.333
Andy, Andy, Andy.
01:06:58.541 --> 01:07:00.791
Wait for me, boy.
01:07:00.791 --> 01:07:03.333
Look, I don't have the keys.
01:07:03.458 --> 01:07:06.791
I'll lift you,
you'll climb over the fence...
01:07:06.791 --> 01:07:09.041
-...and open the gate, go on.
01:07:09.958 --> 01:07:11.250
What do you mean no?
01:07:11.750 --> 01:07:14.208
No, don't, you'll wake up
your grandmother!
01:07:17.333 --> 01:07:19.916
You're an idiot,
you ruined my life!
01:07:20.000 --> 01:07:22.166
Now you're messing up
your son's life!
01:07:22.166 --> 01:07:25.208
Why have a son
if you can't take care of him?
01:07:25.375 --> 01:07:28.083
He's your son,
you don't take care of him!
01:07:28.125 --> 01:07:29.791
I don't want to either.
01:07:29.833 --> 01:07:33.750
Don't ever ask me for anything,
don't ever speak to me again!
01:07:33.750 --> 01:07:36.958
I want to live in peace, understand?
Live in peace!
01:07:36.958 --> 01:07:40.416
I don't know how I raised
such a useless bum!
01:07:40.416 --> 01:07:41.833
01:08:11.833 --> 01:08:13.791
What's a ludopath?
01:08:18.291 --> 01:08:20.458
Nothing, it's a disease.
01:08:21.458 --> 01:08:23.166
Are you sick?
01:08:27.958 --> 01:08:29.791
No, lie down.
01:08:33.458 --> 01:08:35.458
Let's go away.
01:08:49.375 --> 01:08:50.625
Go to sleep.
01:09:19.125 --> 01:09:21.000
Go to sleep, go to sleep.
01:09:30.208 --> 01:09:31.875
It'll be all right.
01:09:57.208 --> 01:09:59.916
Dad! Dad!
01:10:01.958 --> 01:10:03.916
01:10:05.083 --> 01:10:07.458
Come inside, come inside.
01:10:11.083 --> 01:10:14.083
You don't understand it now,
but the best thing...
01:10:14.166 --> 01:10:17.791
...that could've happened to you
is that your dad left.
01:10:23.041 --> 01:10:24.166
Come on, eat.
01:10:34.291 --> 01:10:38.625
This may not be the best time
to tell you this, but you must know.
01:10:39.583 --> 01:10:43.166
You'll be attending boarding school
before you go to Canada.
01:10:45.083 --> 01:10:46.916
I can't keep you here.
01:11:01.875 --> 01:11:02.875
01:11:03.000 --> 01:11:05.416
[This line is out of service.
01:11:24.041 --> 01:11:25.416
01:11:30.375 --> 01:11:31.750
01:11:32.166 --> 01:11:34.958
Grandmother is sending me
to boarding school.
01:11:35.000 --> 01:11:36.458
We have to find my dad.
01:11:36.458 --> 01:11:37.958
He left again?
01:11:38.333 --> 01:11:41.916
He shouldn't be far.
Do you know where Miguel lives?
01:11:42.083 --> 01:11:44.666
If he left it's because he
doesn't want to be with you.
01:11:44.666 --> 01:11:45.625
Let him be.
01:11:46.583 --> 01:11:50.750
You can leave Cuernavaca with me,
away from that nagging old woman.
01:11:50.750 --> 01:11:52.916
But you have to keep your promise.
01:12:02.541 --> 01:12:04.166
Look at the little fish.
01:12:06.750 --> 01:12:08.791
It's okay kid, don't worry.
01:12:09.000 --> 01:12:11.250
We´ll do everything right.
01:12:19.791 --> 01:12:21.541
Take it easy.
01:12:23.125 --> 01:12:24.875
Unlock the door at midnight.
01:12:26.500 --> 01:12:29.250
Look, here, wear this.
01:12:33.291 --> 01:12:34.458
01:12:48.333 --> 01:12:50.166
01:13:06.333 --> 01:13:07.750
Everyone leaves!
01:13:07.750 --> 01:13:08.833
All go away!
01:13:08.833 --> 01:13:10.333
Everyone leaves me!
01:13:12.833 --> 01:13:14.125
He left me...
01:13:14.125 --> 01:13:16.750
He...My husband...killed himself...
01:13:16.750 --> 01:13:18.541
Leave me alone!
You're leaving too!
01:13:19.208 --> 01:13:21.083
Leave me alone, leave me!
01:13:25.458 --> 01:13:28.375
No, no, you're leaving too!
01:13:28.375 --> 01:13:30.666
You're also abandoning me.
01:13:31.375 --> 01:13:34.750
No, no, don't touch me,
don't touch me!
01:13:34.791 --> 01:13:35.875
Go away!
01:14:11.500 --> 01:14:12.625
Come in.
01:14:12.625 --> 01:14:14.125
Finally, kid.
01:14:14.166 --> 01:14:15.333
Come on.
01:14:18.000 --> 01:14:20.666
They changed all the locks
and keys, right?
01:14:21.041 --> 01:14:25.375
-You said you'd be alone.
-They wouldn't believe me.
01:14:25.416 --> 01:14:27.750
Hurry up, let's get the appliances!
01:14:28.250 --> 01:14:29.833
Come on, let's go!
01:14:43.833 --> 01:14:45.291
Stop making noise!
01:14:48.791 --> 01:14:50.125
Where's the money?
01:14:50.500 --> 01:14:52.791
-I don't know.
-What do you mean you don't know?
01:14:52.833 --> 01:14:55.083
Without money
we can't go to the United States.
01:14:55.958 --> 01:14:57.375
I know where it is.
01:14:58.375 --> 01:15:01.833
-Okay kid, let's go.
-You may need this.
01:15:04.583 --> 01:15:06.416
Hey, the money is upstairs.
01:15:13.166 --> 01:15:14.375
Put this on.
01:15:14.375 --> 01:15:15.708
So they can't see us.
01:15:22.291 --> 01:15:23.416
-Is it loaded?
01:15:23.458 --> 01:15:24.583
01:15:31.250 --> 01:15:32.791
Soot! shoot!
Give it to me!
01:15:35.708 --> 01:15:37.000
01:16:04.250 --> 01:16:07.250
You'll have to answer
this man's questions.
01:16:08.000 --> 01:16:10.250
I'm from the Prosecutor's Office.
01:16:11.166 --> 01:16:14.541
We need to know
who gave you that gun.
01:16:15.166 --> 01:16:17.250
Who were you with that night?
01:16:17.875 --> 01:16:19.625
I was alone.
01:16:19.625 --> 01:16:20.958
Tell the truth.
01:16:24.000 --> 01:16:26.041
It was all me.
01:16:26.125 --> 01:16:28.000
Covering up is a crime.
01:16:28.625 --> 01:16:31.250
Tell him, tell the truth!
01:16:36.750 --> 01:16:40.125
Charlie and his gang were with me.
01:16:44.333 --> 01:16:47.083
Okay. Very good, darling.
01:16:48.041 --> 01:16:50.750
That's it, here.
01:16:54.166 --> 01:16:55.750
Did you see them?
01:16:58.000 --> 01:17:00.000
That bastard.
01:17:00.750 --> 01:17:03.208
Andy isn't bad...
01:17:03.250 --> 01:17:05.375're the bad ones.
01:17:05.416 --> 01:17:07.000
It was your fault.
01:17:07.166 --> 01:17:10.083
Eat up, you don't know
what you're saying.
01:17:11.250 --> 01:17:13.125
Andy, come here.
01:18:12.208 --> 01:18:15.541
Dhely, do you want me to go too?
01:18:16.333 --> 01:18:17.708
01:18:19.000 --> 01:18:21.708
-Do you want to help me?
01:18:23.625 --> 01:18:25.375
Forgive me.
01:18:42.916 --> 01:18:47.000
01:18:55.791 --> 01:18:59.208
This stand is my cousin´s,
Im sure he will help us.
01:19:00.416 --> 01:19:02.250
-Hi, cousin.
01:19:02.791 --> 01:19:05.666
-I brought you what I promised.
-Let's see.
01:19:08.416 --> 01:19:12.041
We'll exchange it for the sugar
and the other stuff.
01:19:17.125 --> 01:19:18.666
Take them all.
01:19:19.333 --> 01:19:21.041
More, more.
01:19:22.875 --> 01:19:24.875
These are my aunt's trees.
01:19:25.583 --> 01:19:29.166
She said we could take
all the guavas we want.
01:19:30.416 --> 01:19:32.375
-Come, Dhely, help me.
01:19:35.708 --> 01:19:37.041
Where's Charly?
01:19:37.416 --> 01:19:41.125
I heard he's going to the
United States with his gang.
01:19:41.125 --> 01:19:44.791
The drugs dealers are supposed
to help them, but I'm not sure.
01:19:47.583 --> 01:19:49.166
Will he come back?
01:19:50.333 --> 01:19:51.666
I don't know.
01:19:55.291 --> 01:19:58.291
Look, it's cold now.
01:19:59.958 --> 01:20:02.708
It's much better
than the other one.
01:20:02.750 --> 01:20:04.958
Of course it is, I made it.
01:20:10.458 --> 01:20:12.041
I made it.
01:20:12.625 --> 01:20:14.458
Dhely, it was a surprise.
01:20:14.541 --> 01:20:16.291
They're delicious.
01:20:16.875 --> 01:20:18.416
Forgive me.
01:20:19.041 --> 01:20:21.708
What you did
can't be fixed this easily.
01:20:21.916 --> 01:20:23.333
But thanks.
01:20:23.333 --> 01:20:25.458
Don't send me to that school.
01:20:29.958 --> 01:20:31.500
Your dad came for you.
01:20:43.583 --> 01:20:45.083
Pack your things.
01:20:46.625 --> 01:20:49.958
-I don't have much.
-Pack whatever you have.
01:20:52.250 --> 01:20:53.916
Where are we going?
01:21:04.958 --> 01:21:09.000
I don't know, we'll try to get
your mom's apartment back.
01:21:11.666 --> 01:21:14.291
We'll figure something out,
let's go.
01:21:15.916 --> 01:21:17.416
Pack up.
01:22:55.083 --> 01:22:56.875
Andy, let's go!
01:23:03.083 --> 01:23:04.958
Andy, let's go!
01:23:05.625 --> 01:23:07.083
01:23:10.708 --> 01:23:12.583
Andy, wait.
01:23:14.000 --> 01:23:16.375
If you want, you can stay with me.
01:23:16.375 --> 01:23:17.833
What about my dad?
01:23:18.750 --> 01:23:20.791
No, he has to go.
01:23:21.291 --> 01:23:22.833
01:23:23.500 --> 01:23:26.666
Your dad came for you
to take you with your aunt.
01:23:26.708 --> 01:23:28.666
They're taking you to Canada.
01:23:30.250 --> 01:23:32.583
Your dad isn't going to keep you.
01:23:51.500 --> 01:23:53.416
Everything will be all right.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 88 minutes
Date: 2019
Genre: Narrative
Language: Spanish / English subtitles
Grade: Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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