Joana wants her period. Dudu wants his father. Verbena, who nobody invited,…
The Eternal Night of Twelve Moons
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On the Guajira peninsula in northern Colombia, the customs of the indigenous Wayuu still prevail. Twelve-year-old Pili is entering womanhood, and as tradition dictates, after her first menstruation, she must be isolated from all men for 12 moon cycles. During this time, she learns to weave.
Main credits
Padilla, Priscila (film director)
Padilla, Priscila (film producer)
Padilla, Priscila (screenwriter)
Other credits
Cinematography, Daniela Cajias; editing, Ximena Franco Lizarazo; music, Danny Rubio, Sol Okarina, Mario Augusto Lemmus Méndez.
Distributor subjects
Indigenous Peoples; South America; Youth; Anthropology; Women; Religion + Spirituality; Family; Culture + IdentityKeywords
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Producciones Doce Lunas
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in co-production with BANDA IMAGEN Bolivia
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with the support of the COLOMBIAN FUND
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and the support of IBERMEDIA.
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There's a woman named Polowi,
who was bathing…
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…in a lagoon near my settlement.
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My aunt went to that place once,
during the night.
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As she went by, she saw someone bathing.
00:01:01.416 --> 00:01:03.625
She was dressed in white
and was stripping herself naked.
00:01:04.416 --> 00:01:08.416
My aunt wondered if who
she saw was a Wayuu woman…
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… and thought of leaving, for
fear that she was drunk.
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When she got home, she dreamed of Polowi…
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…who, in her dream, told her not to take…
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… that path again, …
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… because something could happen to her.
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That's what Polowi told
my aunt in her dream.
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So, my aunt obeyed…
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… and never went back to that place, …
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… because something could happen to her.
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And so, she changed her route.
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These Marua twigs are for protection…
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… from the storm that's coming.
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The eternal night of the twelve moons.
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We, the Wayuus, are children…
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…of the rain, the masculine,
and the earth, the feminine.
00:03:04.750 --> 00:03:09.083
That's where the plants
and animals come from…
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… as so do we, the Wayuus.
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With the special participation of
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and the Karequishimana Wayuu settlement.
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Director of Photography DANIELA CAJÍAS.
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Original Soundtrack DANNY RUBI.
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Mixing Supervisor RAMIRO FIERRO.
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Executive Production
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a, e, I, o, u.
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The consonants
00:04:57.416 --> 00:04:58.041
ita – cup.
00:05:03.416 --> 00:05:11.416
Wayuu - person.
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Script and Direction PRISCILA PADILLA.
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“This is the ring of Mr. Policeman...
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…whoever moves goes to the kitchen...”
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00:06:11.875 --> 00:06:13.875
Well, girls. Today,
you're going on vacation.
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As the Arijunas (non-Wayuu people) say, …
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… we're on vacation.
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As you know, there's a classmate of yours…
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who's about to enter puberty, …
00:06:27.833 --> 00:06:29.416
… about to have her first menstruation.
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It's Pili. How old are you? Ten?
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No, I'm twelve.
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Laidy, your grandmother spoke to you.
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Did she give you any advice about this?
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No, no.
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And you, Adriana?
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And Pili?
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That's how it should be.
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Grandmothers should teach.
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What do we have to recover?
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Our customs.
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We have to recover our customs.
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Come to the front, Pili!
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Let's give her an applause.
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Pili will be leaving us for
a long time, but she'll be back.
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We'll continue to instruct
her during her seclusion.
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You'll learn many things
that will make you mature.
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Come, let me give you a kiss.
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Now, we want to listen
to you before you leave.
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I'm happy to go into seclusion…
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… and that our customs will continue.
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Are you sad?
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I'm not sad. Nothing is
going to happen to me.
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It's not like they're going
to kill me or anything, …
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… for me to be sad.
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We, the Wayuus, count
time in moons and suns.
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One year is 12 moons, …
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…365 suns, and one rain.
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Mamma, tell me…
00:10:18.916 --> 00:10:21.708
… what was your experience like,
when you got your first period?
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Were you secluded? Did you drink
your medicinal herbs infusion?
00:10:24.708 --> 00:10:28.250
I drank Jawapia, …
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… they put me in the hammock …
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… and gave me food without salt and sugar.
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I only ate a lot of maize soup.
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I bathed three times a day:…
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… in the wee hours, in the
morning, and at noon.
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How long did your seclusion last?
00:10:49.958 --> 00:10:54.375
Only nine months.
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When a Wayuu woman is secluded, …
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…is she valued for it?
00:11:00.750 --> 00:11:02.750
Yes, she's highly valued.
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If she doesn't play or laugh with men, …
00:11:05.833 --> 00:11:07.541
… they'll offer a good bride price for her.
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But, if the young girl
doesn't behave properly…
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… and goes jumping around, …
00:11:13.541 --> 00:11:14.958
… she'll lose her value.
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You won't be able to
sing to the Arijunas' music, …
00:11:18.875 --> 00:11:20.875
… you'll have to mature.
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You won't be able to go jumping around, …
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… you can't be looking at men.
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How was a girl's hand
asked for in your days?
00:11:35.041 --> 00:11:39.041
If the man was a righteous
man, he'd offer a car or a horse.
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This was given to the Majayut's
(young girl) father or mother, …
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… it was like a gift.
They'd also give necklaces.
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Pili, are you listening
to your grandmother?
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Only the woman who has
been secluded is valued.
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If there's a man interested in you…
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… you won't be able to go with him.
00:12:03.458 --> 00:12:05.458
You'll have to tell him
you have a grandmother.
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He can't take you with him just like that.
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Did you hear that?
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I want you to tell me
what your heart feels…
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… now that you're going to be secluded.
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I want to learn how to
make the patterns and designs…
00:13:02.916 --> 00:13:05.708
… of the mochilas (shoulder bags)…
00:13:05.708 --> 00:13:09.166
and the chinchorros (fiber-woven hammock).
00:13:09.166 --> 00:13:11.166
I want to learn, and that's why…
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… I want to be secluded.
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You know that Wayuu
women today think differently, …
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… and say seclusion is a bad thing.
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That's why some girls are scared of it.
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And how do you feel
about having your hair cut?
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It's going to be cut very short
and you'll have to wait till it grows…
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…before you can leave your hut.
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Nothing will happen to me…
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… because the hair, by nature, …
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… will grow again.
00:13:53.958 --> 00:13:56.666
Aren't you afraid of seclusion?
00:13:56.666 --> 00:13:59.375
I'm not afraid. Why should I?
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Are you aware that you'll
have to be very brave…
00:14:03.750 --> 00:14:07.458
… for when you enter puberty?
00:15:01.750 --> 00:15:07.750
There used to be many tigers around here.
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Now, there are just a few, here and there.
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A tiger came into our settlement once, …
00:15:15.708 --> 00:15:20.416
… and we were all very scared…
00:15:20.541 --> 00:15:23.375
… because we thought it
was going to hurt us.
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The tiger just sniffed us, walked
around us, and went: “Roarrr”.
00:15:28.666 --> 00:15:34.666
But since our clan's totem animals…
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… are represented by
the tiger and the rabbit, …
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… it didn't hurt us.
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A tiger doesn't hurt its own family.
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It doesn't eat its own flesh.
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Hello, how are you?
00:16:11.750 --> 00:16:13.458
I've been waiting
for you a long time.
00:16:13.458 --> 00:16:16.500
The road was very muddy.
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Let's go and buy what you need.
00:16:20.083 --> 00:16:26.791
Your clothes, your
traditional medicine, Jawapia.
00:16:57.666 --> 00:16:58.791
Good afternoon.
00:17:02.083 --> 00:17:03.500
How much does a meter of this cost?
00:17:03.708 --> 00:17:05.625
It's thirteen thousand eight hundred.
00:17:08.791 --> 00:17:10.791
No, it's too thick. Do
you have something lighter?
00:17:10.916 --> 00:17:12.625
Of course, come on in.
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We have this quality.
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There are two kinds.
This one, and this other one.
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It's for the girl, for her seclusion.
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And that green one?
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She says she likes the orange one.
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How much for a meter?
00:17:54.125 --> 00:17:56.375
Nine thousand eight hundred.
I'll give you a discount.
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I need four meters.
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What's it for?
00:17:58.916 --> 00:18:00.875
To wrap her up during seclusion.
00:18:00.875 --> 00:18:03.250
Because she's going to be
secluded. Nobody can see her.
00:18:03.541 --> 00:18:05.166
But, why is she being secluded?
00:18:06.000 --> 00:18:08.708
When she enters puberty.
Oh! Puberty!
00:18:10.416 --> 00:18:14.583
She'll be there for… Oooff!,
about eight months, a year.
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Eight months or a year, secluded?
00:18:17.166 --> 00:18:20.333
Of course, without anyone seeing her.
00:18:21.375 --> 00:18:22.666
And, can't you see her?
00:18:23.375 --> 00:18:24.583
Only her mother.
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And her father?
00:18:27.166 --> 00:18:29.041
No, she can't see men.
00:18:29.041 --> 00:18:34.583
Only women? Oh, well. Everyone
has different customs, right?
00:18:34.916 --> 00:18:37.166
Of course. It's for her
to be respected, and all that.
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It's hard now to find someone
to tell them about…
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…how a Wayuu woman used to be, …
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… because the Wayuu women…
00:18:47.208 --> 00:18:49.208
are becoming Arijunas (non-Wayuu people).
00:18:50.958 --> 00:18:53.958
Who are your relatives?
Have you seen how they live?
00:18:55.958 --> 00:18:58.166
Do their women practice seclusion?
00:18:58.166 --> 00:19:00.083
No. I don't know.
00:19:00.083 --> 00:19:03.750
I used to live with my mother in Maicao…
00:19:03.750 --> 00:19:06.750
… and my grandmother went to fetch me, …
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… for me to study with my younger sister.
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And what did your sisters and aunts do…
00:19:16.083 --> 00:19:18.791
…when they got their first menstruation?
00:19:18.791 --> 00:19:22.125
Were they secluded?
00:19:28.750 --> 00:19:30.750
They kept quiet…
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… and stayed still all the time.
00:19:37.875 --> 00:19:39.875
That's why they're doing well…
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… and suitors offer a good
bride price for them.
00:19:48.416 --> 00:19:53.458
Pili, if they don't seclude
you, you'd be left behind…
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…and taken for a jenny or for a bitch.
00:19:58.791 --> 00:20:02.958
A bitch, when in heat, has
many dogs running after her, …
00:20:04.541 --> 00:20:09.666
… whereas a secluded Wayuu
woman is always valued.
00:20:10.666 --> 00:20:12.875
Because many things are forbidden to her.
00:20:13.291 --> 00:20:16.083
Nobody can see her, …
00:20:16.083 --> 00:20:18.750
… only her mother.
00:20:19.416 --> 00:20:22.166
Very few people can see her.
00:20:22.166 --> 00:20:27.125
A Wayuu woman who's had
several husbands can't see her.
00:20:27.125 --> 00:20:30.583
No Wayuu woman who's
changed husbands can see you, …
00:20:32.041 --> 00:20:34.333
because she'd pass all
her bad habits on to you.
00:20:35.750 --> 00:20:37.500
Only your mother will see you, …
00:20:37.500 --> 00:20:40.416
… and only if she's had good luck.
00:20:40.416 --> 00:20:44.125
If not, she'll have to find
someone to take care of you.
00:20:45.541 --> 00:20:47.541
Once you're lying in your hammock, …
00:20:47.541 --> 00:20:49.375
… you must not move your arms and feet.
00:20:49.375 --> 00:20:52.500
You must keep very still,
as if you were dead.
00:20:55.000 --> 00:20:58.250
Pili, you're going to be fine.
You'll do very well in your seclusion.
00:20:58.250 --> 00:21:00.625
Your luck will be very prosperous…
00:21:00.625 --> 00:21:04.125
… and your old age will be good.
00:21:08.041 --> 00:21:10.041
Do you understand what I'm saying?
00:21:10.333 --> 00:21:12.333
Are you going to follow my advice?
00:21:13.375 --> 00:21:15.375
Yes, I will.
00:21:17.041 --> 00:21:20.041
The Arijunas must realize…
00:21:20.041 --> 00:21:24.791
… that you've had your period
and are following our customs.
00:21:29.708 --> 00:21:31.708
That's how it must be.
00:22:32.416 --> 00:22:35.208
Pili, we're in the Jepirra.
00:22:35.208 --> 00:22:38.208
Jepirra is for us a sacred place.
00:22:39.291 --> 00:22:42.583
Here reside the souls of our grandparents…
00:22:42.583 --> 00:22:44.166
… and those of all our relatives.
00:22:44.166 --> 00:22:48.541
It's the place where the
spirits of the dead come…
00:22:48.541 --> 00:22:51.625
… after the second burial
of the Wayuu people.
00:22:53.708 --> 00:22:57.041
We're here so that the
spirits that rest here…
00:22:57.041 --> 00:23:00.000
… may give you strength for your wellbeing.
00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:03.000
You're becoming an adult woman…
00:23:03.500 --> 00:23:06.500
… and you need our dead
to grant you the bravery …
00:23:07.125 --> 00:23:09.125
… and the willpower you
need when your secluded.
00:23:10.708 --> 00:23:12.708
They'll help you become…
00:23:13.416 --> 00:23:16.916
a righteous woman
after your seclusion.
00:23:31.333 --> 00:23:36.333
A tale our elders used to tell us…
00:23:36.958 --> 00:23:43.958
… says that all that
surrounds us, such as the sun…
00:23:44.250 --> 00:23:51.250
… the rain, the earth,
the darkness, the wind, …
00:23:52.000 --> 00:24:00.000
…created our ancestral culture.
00:24:01.333 --> 00:24:09.333
The Rain was the man,
and the Earth was the woman.
00:24:12.416 --> 00:24:17.916
They fell in love and they had children, …
00:24:17.916 --> 00:24:25.375
who we now call trees.
00:24:25.375 --> 00:24:30.166
They felt lonely and decided to bring…
00:24:30.166 --> 00:24:34.708
more Wayuu people into the world.
00:24:34.708 --> 00:24:40.916
The Rain seduced Pulowi,
mother of all things living in the sea, …
00:24:40.916 --> 00:24:44.625
… of all that which lives in the water…
00:24:44.625 --> 00:24:48.500
and they bore a daughter.
00:24:48.500 --> 00:24:53.250
She was the first Wayuu woman, among all…
00:24:53.250 --> 00:24:57.541
… and is known in our tradition as Worunka.
00:24:57.541 --> 00:25:02.166
She was a woman just like you, …
00:25:02.166 --> 00:25:06.625
but she was born with a toothed vagina.
00:25:06.625 --> 00:25:11.625
The Earth found out that
her husband, the Rain, …
00:25:11.625 --> 00:25:14.625
… had a daughter with Pulowi.
00:25:15.375 --> 00:25:21.083
So, the Earth said to the Rain:…
00:25:21.083 --> 00:25:28.083
…“I'm going to have a son…
00:25:28.875 --> 00:25:36.875
…who will seduce your daughter, Worunka.”
00:25:37.458 --> 00:25:41.666
One day, the young man
went looking for Worunka…
00:25:41.666 --> 00:25:46.500
… and found out that her vagina had teeth…
00:25:46.500 --> 00:25:52.250
… and that she bathed naked in a lagoon.
00:25:52.250 --> 00:25:59.666
He approached her without her knowing…
00:25:59.666 --> 00:26:06.083
… and, when Worunka opened her legs, …
00:26:06.083 --> 00:26:13.666
… he aimed his arrow and
destroyed the teeth in her vagina.
00:26:13.666 --> 00:26:18.791
The water in the lagoon turned red…
00:26:18.791 --> 00:26:25.333
… thus creating the Wayuu
woman's menstruation.
00:26:25.333 --> 00:26:30.416
That's how the first
Wayuu woman came to be.
00:26:42.875 --> 00:26:46.666
Pili, this is your hut.
I hand it over to you.
00:26:46.666 --> 00:26:49.916
I'll seclude you here, day and night, …
00:26:49.916 --> 00:26:52.125
… whenever you get your first period.
00:26:52.125 --> 00:26:54.708
Here, you'll have to mature.
00:26:54.708 --> 00:26:56.708
Here, in your house, you'll
learn to be a woman.
00:26:56.708 --> 00:27:02.416
Here, in seclusion,
you'll become a grown-up.
00:27:02.416 --> 00:27:06.458
You'll have to clean it up.
00:27:06.458 --> 00:27:10.583
You'll have to take care of it.
00:27:10.583 --> 00:27:16.250
That's what you'll have to do.
00:27:17.125 --> 00:27:20.500
You won't be able to go around laughing.
00:27:20.500 --> 00:27:26.375
Tell me you'll keep your
hair tidy and pulled back,
00:27:26.375 --> 00:27:28.916
… because you're not like a witch, …
00:27:28.916 --> 00:27:31.708
… that wears her hair all over the face.
00:27:31.708 --> 00:27:38.208
You'll comb and tie up your hair…
00:27:38.208 --> 00:27:43.208
… and tidy your clothes.
00:27:43.208 --> 00:27:45.333
Do you like your house?
00:27:45.333 --> 00:27:50.500
Yes, I like it. The mud
and zinc roof are good.
00:27:50.500 --> 00:27:55.625
I like that it's high and spacious.
00:27:58.125 --> 00:28:03.041
I'm in charge of filming the first phase…
00:28:03.041 --> 00:28:07.583
… of Pili's seclusion.
00:28:07.583 --> 00:28:11.666
Because the girl can only be seen..
00:28:11.666 --> 00:28:16.500
… By women who are
very closely tied to the family.
00:32:21.541 --> 00:32:26.250
The arrival of the first period…
00:32:26.250 --> 00:32:29.291
… means that the body opens up and breaks.
00:32:29.291 --> 00:32:34.916
And with that blood, the girl parts, …
00:32:34.916 --> 00:32:39.958
… giving way to the adult woman.
00:34:56.208 --> 00:34:58.791
Hand over the Calabash cup…
00:34:58.791 --> 00:35:03.958
… to give Pili her medicinal infusion.
00:35:15.958 --> 00:35:21.166
Pili, we're going to lift you up.
00:35:30.291 --> 00:35:35.458
Get into the hammock.
00:35:40.916 --> 00:35:46.083
You must always lie straight…
00:35:47.041 --> 00:35:51.666
… and keep quiet.
00:35:51.666 --> 00:35:56.791
The Jawapia infusion is almost ready.
00:36:46.541 --> 00:36:49.083
While you're hanging in your hammock, …
00:36:49.083 --> 00:36:50.833
… don't move your arms and legs.
00:36:50.833 --> 00:36:53.750
You must keep very
still, as if you were dead.
00:37:49.708 --> 00:37:53.625
Seclusion is like our second birth.
00:37:54.250 --> 00:37:57.208
It teaches us to be good mothers…
00:37:57.208 --> 00:38:00.500
… and it teaches us to be good wives.
00:38:01.791 --> 00:38:05.458
For our bodies to be strengthened, …
00:38:05.458 --> 00:38:08.916
…and to avoid any trouble at childbirth, …
00:38:08.916 --> 00:38:12.500
… we need to take moon baths.
00:40:10.083 --> 00:40:12.625
Happy new year, Pili!
00:40:12.625 --> 00:40:15.000
Pili, happy new year!
00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:18.125
Happy new year!
00:40:18.125 --> 00:40:21.583
May the next year be good to you, Pili!
00:40:57.583 --> 00:40:59.666
How are you, Pili?
00:41:00.125 --> 00:41:05.791
This bath is to change your luck.
00:41:05.791 --> 00:41:09.041
It's also for you to
stop behaving like a child.
00:41:09.041 --> 00:41:12.041
Everything I'm doing, …
00:41:12.625 --> 00:41:15.000
… is for you own good.
00:41:15.000 --> 00:41:18.208
Your mother should be doing all this…
00:41:18.208 --> 00:41:21.750
…but, since she's not here to do it, …
00:41:21.750 --> 00:41:25.916
… I have to do it.
00:41:25.916 --> 00:41:31.500
Pili, do you know the name
of the plant we're using for your bath?
00:41:31.500 --> 00:41:34.750
Yes, it's Judter.
00:41:34.750 --> 00:41:36.750
It's the Parice leaf.
00:41:38.125 --> 00:41:40.125
This bath is given to
the girls who are secluded.
00:41:42.125 --> 00:41:44.125
When you have your own daughters, …
00:41:44.458 --> 00:41:46.916
… you'll also have to do this to them.
00:41:46.916 --> 00:41:49.916
This is how you make sure that …
00:41:49.916 --> 00:41:54.166
… your youth, and your daughters',
will last forever.
00:41:54.166 --> 00:41:57.375
The cold water…
00:41:57.375 --> 00:41:59.625
… will make men respect you.
00:42:00.666 --> 00:42:06.750
If a man approaches
you, he'll do it respectfully, …
00:42:06.750 --> 00:42:10.000
… and you'll have to do likewise.
00:42:24.666 --> 00:42:27.666
You need to know it was your daughter…
00:42:27.666 --> 00:42:30.500
… who had her first period.
00:42:31.958 --> 00:42:37.000
Didn't your aunt tell you?
00:42:38.000 --> 00:42:46.000
It's not that we're
scolding you, you're our sister.
00:42:47.500 --> 00:42:54.416
But you should have come
as soon as you received notice, …
00:42:54.416 --> 00:42:58.166
… and you should have told your husband…
00:42:58.166 --> 00:43:01.708
… that you had to see your daughter, …
00:43:01.708 --> 00:43:03.708
… because she'd had her first menstruation.
00:43:03.958 --> 00:43:05.916
You should have come…,
00:43:05.916 --> 00:43:07.083
…even without his permission.
00:43:07.958 --> 00:43:09.625
We'd have sent you money for the tickets.
00:43:09.625 --> 00:43:11.333
Don't you feel sorry for your daughter?
00:43:11.666 --> 00:43:12.666
Why didn't you come?
00:43:12.666 --> 00:43:17.875
Your ex-husband called last night.
00:43:17.875 --> 00:43:22.208
He asked if you had come to see Pili, …
00:43:22.208 --> 00:43:25.416
… and we said you hadn't, …
00:43:25.416 --> 00:43:27.375
… because you had another husband…
00:43:27.375 --> 00:43:29.791
… who didn't let you come.
00:43:29.791 --> 00:43:32.666
Your daughter, Pili, misses you.
You should have been here…
00:43:32.666 --> 00:43:34.958
… with her, during this
important moment of her life.
00:43:34.958 --> 00:43:39.750
We weren't asking anything from you.
00:43:39.750 --> 00:43:43.625
All we wanted was for
you to be with your daughter, …
00:43:43.625 --> 00:43:48.625
… for you to give her some love.
00:43:48.625 --> 00:43:53.333
Everyone needs to count on her mother.
00:43:53.333 --> 00:43:57.416
Even the oldest people need their mother.
00:43:59.666 --> 00:44:04.666
A Wayuu woman who's
changed husbands can't see you…
00:44:05.000 --> 00:44:09.000
… because she'd pass her
bad habits on to you.
00:44:29.416 --> 00:44:35.250
My aunt called me and told
me to come see my daughter.
00:44:35.250 --> 00:44:38.166
You knew you had to come.
00:44:38.166 --> 00:44:42.250
I didn't come sooner
because I didn't have money.
00:44:42.250 --> 00:44:47.958
Ask your daughter how she feels now.
00:44:47.958 --> 00:44:54.916
Nurture her. Give her your support.
00:44:57.875 --> 00:45:00.958
Are you happy in your seclusion?
00:45:01.958 --> 00:45:04.416
Everyone here supports you.
00:45:06.208 --> 00:45:10.083
Let her cry, let her cry.
00:45:28.791 --> 00:45:30.791
Pili, how are you feeling?
00:45:30.875 --> 00:45:31.875
Are you dizzy?
00:45:33.041 --> 00:45:36.041
We have to throw your
hair into a pen full of goats…
00:45:37.000 --> 00:45:40.000
… for you to be well-paid
and have good luck, …
00:45:40.708 --> 00:45:42.708
…for you to get a degree
and have a profession.
00:45:45.166 --> 00:45:49.541
I don't know what to do,
because my grand-daughter needs me.
00:45:49.541 --> 00:45:51.166
And, her mother?
00:45:51.166 --> 00:45:54.125
She's leaving now.
00:45:55.666 --> 00:45:58.458
Pili, I'm cutting your hair…
00:45:58.458 --> 00:46:01.166
… because your childhood hair is lost.
00:46:01.166 --> 00:46:05.041
Your new hair will grow during
this new stage of your life…
00:46:05.041 --> 00:46:08.041
… because you're no longer a child.
00:46:10.458 --> 00:46:13.458
Your child hair is lost, …
00:46:13.541 --> 00:46:16.166
… and so is your childhood…
00:46:16.166 --> 00:46:18.041
… and your games.
00:46:20.666 --> 00:46:25.666
Here's your hair.
Now, you'll grow new hair, …
00:46:26.458 --> 00:46:28.458
… which will represent the adult woman.
00:46:28.958 --> 00:46:30.958
And so, you'll mature.
00:46:31.708 --> 00:46:33.708
Are you listening to me, Pili?
00:46:35.333 --> 00:46:40.125
Your childhood has been left behind.
00:46:40.125 --> 00:46:48.125
Now, you'll only have to take
your grand-mother's advice.
00:46:52.416 --> 00:46:56.416
Now, you'll have to behave
like an adult woman.
00:46:56.916 --> 00:47:00.916
Your new hair represents adulthood, …
00:47:01.750 --> 00:47:03.750
…your girl being is gone.
00:47:05.125 --> 00:47:08.125
A cousin also had her period.
00:47:08.875 --> 00:47:09.875
00:47:10.375 --> 00:47:12.375
And what happened to her?
00:47:13.416 --> 00:47:15.625
She was secluded.
00:47:15.625 --> 00:47:17.916
She was?
00:47:17.916 --> 00:47:20.916
Yes, but she hung only for one day.
00:47:20.916 --> 00:47:24.333
She should have lasted longer.
00:47:25.666 --> 00:47:30.166
She wasn't secluded for long…
00:47:30.166 --> 00:47:34.916
… because she only wanted to play.
00:47:42.375 --> 00:47:46.375
I'm throwing Pili's hair
into the goats' pen…
00:47:47.125 --> 00:47:50.125
… because she's now in seclusion.
00:47:51.208 --> 00:47:53.208
I'm throwing the hair over these animals…
00:47:54.250 --> 00:47:56.250
… for the girl to have good luck…
00:47:57.833 --> 00:48:01.250
… and for a wealthy man to
offer a good bride price for her.
00:50:04.333 --> 00:50:09.333
It's during seclusion that we, the women, …
00:50:09.958 --> 00:50:12.958
… strengthen our soul and spirit…
00:50:13.875 --> 00:50:17.875
… and learn to become tough,
which is a feature of our culture.
00:50:18.666 --> 00:50:22.666
In seclusion we learn…
00:50:23.333 --> 00:50:29.041
… to walk slowly, with a short stride,
and to build our character.
00:51:47.208 --> 00:51:51.541
Pili, I brought this cotton for you.
00:51:51.541 --> 00:51:53.541
It needs to be spun.
00:51:53.541 --> 00:51:58.041
It has to be wrapped around the spindle…
00:51:58.041 --> 00:52:03.958
…twisting it while…
00:52:03.958 --> 00:52:07.958
… you wrap it around.
00:52:08.333 --> 00:52:14.250
You do this little by little.
00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:18.541
Try with your leg. Put it on your leg…
00:52:18.541 --> 00:52:22.333
… do it slowly, pulling it…
00:52:22.333 --> 00:52:25.333
… twist it.
00:52:26.458 --> 00:52:28.458
Look, like that, on your leg.
00:52:29.250 --> 00:52:31.250
Like that you can't
wrap it around the spindle, …
00:52:32.791 --> 00:52:37.666
… only when you work it on your leg.
00:53:56.625 --> 00:54:00.583
Look, do it like this.
00:54:00.583 --> 00:54:04.625
Watch, and then do it.
00:54:04.625 --> 00:54:08.125
Your weaving must be a part of you.
00:54:08.125 --> 00:54:11.041
You must do your best to do it right, …
00:54:11.041 --> 00:54:14.708
… and for your work to be
admired by those who see it.
00:54:14.708 --> 00:54:19.500
You are now a Majayut (young woman)
00:54:19.500 --> 00:54:22.375
Through your fingers' movement…
00:54:22.375 --> 00:54:25.958
… you sing to your weaving.
00:54:56.708 --> 00:54:59.708
Hello, Pili. We're
here with your classmates.
00:55:01.541 --> 00:55:06.333
We came to visit you.
00:55:06.333 --> 00:55:09.708
Here they are: Liliana,
Chiquita, Luz Sandra, …
00:55:09.708 --> 00:55:13.125
… Andreina, Maria Eugenia,
Paola, Liliana, and Dalis.
00:55:13.125 --> 00:55:16.958
They'd like to see you,
but they can't right now.
00:55:58.833 --> 00:56:01.041
Hello, Pili.
00:56:02.625 --> 00:56:05.625
Pili, are you alright? Have you been sick?
00:56:05.666 --> 00:56:06.666
00:56:06.666 --> 00:56:08.666
Are you happy to be secluded?
00:56:09.875 --> 00:56:12.083
What has your grand-mother
told you about my being here?
00:56:12.541 --> 00:56:14.000
00:56:14.000 --> 00:56:15.708
Is she happy with my work?
00:56:15.708 --> 00:56:17.666
00:56:18.708 --> 00:56:25.750
Pili, today we're going to
talk about the Wayuu clans.
00:56:25.750 --> 00:56:28.708
Do you know what caste you belong to?
00:56:28.708 --> 00:56:31.583
00:56:31.583 --> 00:56:33.708
Mine is the Epiayu caste.
00:56:33.708 --> 00:56:37.458
According to what some
authors say in their books, …
00:56:37.458 --> 00:56:41.125
… we didn't use to have castes.
00:56:41.125 --> 00:56:45.458
As our Wayuu nation began
to grow and we became many, …
00:56:45.458 --> 00:56:47.791
… we couldn't identify each other.
00:56:47.791 --> 00:56:51.666
Then, someone dressed
in white began to assign…
00:56:51.666 --> 00:56:56.541
… castes to the different Wayuu families, …
00:56:56.541 --> 00:56:59.416
… along with a symbol, …
00:56:59.416 --> 00:57:03.541
… which is, for us, our totemic animal.
00:57:03.541 --> 00:57:05.958
That's how our family
identification began, …
00:57:05.958 --> 00:57:09.125
… such as the Jarariyus,
the Epiayus, the Urianas.
00:57:09.125 --> 00:57:13.541
That's how we got our caste.
00:57:13.541 --> 00:57:17.041
If this hadn't happened,
we wouldn't know who is who.
00:57:17.041 --> 00:57:24.666
It's like the surname for the Arijunas, …
00:57:24.666 --> 00:57:30.083
… like Suárez, Fernández, González,
Iguarán, for example.
00:57:30.083 --> 00:57:33.666
If we didn't have a caste, …
00:57:34.000 --> 00:57:37.583
… we wouldn't know where we came from.
00:57:37.583 --> 00:57:40.583
The caste can be identified
by a totemic animal…
00:57:41.750 --> 00:57:43.000
… and that's why the totem has…
00:57:43.625 --> 00:57:44.750
… the features of an animal.
00:57:45.583 --> 00:57:47.375
For example, which is the
Uriana clan's totem?
00:57:47.375 --> 00:57:48.375
The rabbit.
00:57:48.916 --> 00:57:50.916
Yes, with the tiger.
00:57:51.416 --> 00:57:55.250
Now, write down your caste and your totem.
00:57:56.000 --> 00:57:59.000
The totem is given to each person…
00:58:00.541 --> 00:58:04.541
… according to each one's behavior.
00:58:05.083 --> 00:58:08.083
If he has been a good human being, …
00:58:08.083 --> 00:58:10.416
… he'll be represented by a good animal.
00:58:10.416 --> 00:58:13.458
From whom do we, the Wayuus,
receive our lineage?
00:58:13.458 --> 00:58:16.250
From the father or the mother?
00:58:16.250 --> 00:58:19.041
From the mother.
00:58:19.041 --> 00:58:22.708
For example, my mother
belongs to the Epiayu clan…
00:58:22.708 --> 00:58:26.958
… and my father is Jarariyu.
00:58:26.958 --> 00:58:30.916
So, I carry my mother's
lineage, the Epiayu.
00:58:30.916 --> 00:58:33.625
When you have children, …
00:58:33.666 --> 00:58:36.833
if your husband belongs
to a different caste, …
00:58:36.833 --> 00:58:39.333
… for example, if he belongs
to the Ipuana caste, …
00:58:39.333 --> 00:58:42.041
… you must be aware that
your sons and daughters…
00:58:42.041 --> 00:58:44.125
… must carry your lineage.
00:58:44.125 --> 00:58:48.083
A young Wayuu woman must know…
00:58:48.083 --> 00:58:51.166
… to which caste she belongs,
where her relatives come from.
00:58:51.166 --> 00:58:52.666
Where are you from?
00:58:52.666 --> 00:58:54.125
I'm from Nazareth.
00:58:54.125 --> 00:58:58.083
From Nazareth. You have to say that…
00:58:58.083 --> 00:59:02.166
… that's your territory.
00:59:02.166 --> 00:59:05.166
All the Wayuu castes must know…
00:59:05.166 --> 00:59:07.375
… where their burial site is, …
00:59:07.375 --> 00:59:11.541
… because that's where
all our ancestors are.
00:59:25.666 --> 00:59:27.666
Have you done your Math homework?
00:59:28.416 --> 00:59:31.166
And Spanish?
00:59:31.166 --> 00:59:33.083
Natural Sciences?
00:59:33.083 --> 00:59:40.541
I'll be back on Sunday to
check the homework I left for you.
00:59:40.541 --> 00:59:43.458
Like this, you won't
fall back in your studies…
00:59:43.458 --> 00:59:46.333
… and you'll be able to pass the year.
01:00:00.125 --> 01:00:02.125
The sand will give your legs strength…
01:00:02.500 --> 01:00:04.500
…so that you can start walking soon.
01:00:04.625 --> 01:00:07.625
This was also done to all of us.
01:00:08.291 --> 01:00:13.875
We never use the stroller,
like the Arijunas.
01:00:16.291 --> 01:00:20.291
Play!, play!
01:00:20.833 --> 01:00:24.833
Look, take this! Take it!
01:00:25.458 --> 01:00:28.041
Take the sand!
01:00:29.083 --> 01:00:35.500
Stand up now! Get on your feet!
01:00:35.500 --> 01:00:39.250
Your strength is in the sand.
01:00:39.250 --> 01:00:43.041
You can't be like the Arijunas.
01:00:43.750 --> 01:00:48.541
A day like today,
Negrita was born in Maicao.
01:01:10.000 --> 01:01:11.000
We're happy to celebrate…
01:01:11.958 --> 01:01:12.958
… my grand-daughter's…
01:01:13.708 --> 01:01:14.708
… birthday!
01:01:20.375 --> 01:01:23.375
I recently heard my family say…
01:01:23.500 --> 01:01:27.500
…that a very old man had bought a girl…
01:01:27.791 --> 01:01:29.791
… and she hadn't even had her period.
01:01:31.208 --> 01:01:34.208
The girl had to go with him…
01:01:35.541 --> 01:01:39.541
… because a Wayuu's word must be kept.
01:01:39.916 --> 01:01:43.208
If that happened to me, I'd die!
01:01:49.416 --> 01:01:54.958
Pili, let's set up the loom
for you to keep on weaving.
01:02:03.000 --> 01:02:06.208
Pili, this is done fast.
01:02:13.708 --> 01:02:15.708
We, the Wayuu women,
must teach our daughters…
01:02:17.375 --> 01:02:18.375
… the gift of weaving…
01:02:19.708 --> 01:02:22.708
… because the Wayuu women
who don't know how to weave…
01:02:24.166 --> 01:02:27.166
… have no value for our culture, …
01:02:27.500 --> 01:02:29.500
… nor for our men.
01:02:30.375 --> 01:02:34.375
01:02:35.791 --> 01:02:40.791
… 6,7,8,9,10
01:02:42.208 --> 01:02:46.208
Knowing how to weave gives us the gift…
01:02:46.333 --> 01:02:48.333
… of being wise women.
01:02:49.375 --> 01:02:50.458
Pili, is your back hurting?
01:02:52.166 --> 01:02:53.166
01:02:53.708 --> 01:02:57.708
The loom is almost set.
01:02:58.250 --> 01:03:01.833
I'm tired. My hips hurt.
01:03:03.333 --> 01:03:07.333
We haven't eaten anything all day.
01:03:43.625 --> 01:03:47.250
Learning to weave was
a little hard at the beginning…
01:03:47.250 --> 01:03:50.375
because my fingertips would hurt.
01:03:50.375 --> 01:03:54.583
Later, weaving became my best company…
01:03:54.583 --> 01:03:56.791
I'd weave day and night.
01:04:02.416 --> 01:04:05.333
Learning how to weave during seclusion…
01:04:05.791 --> 01:04:08.750
… is most important.
01:04:21.041 --> 01:04:25.041
I like weaving in bright and lively colors.
01:04:25.708 --> 01:04:29.416
They brighten up my life.
01:04:30.458 --> 01:04:33.458
They don't let me feel lonely.
01:04:34.750 --> 01:04:37.750
Everything I've learned about weaving, …
01:04:40.041 --> 01:04:42.041
… I have to practice every day…
01:04:42.791 --> 01:04:45.708
… and I can't forget it.
01:05:05.083 --> 01:05:08.083
Mamma, tell me. Were you bought?
01:05:08.291 --> 01:05:10.291
Yes, I was.
01:05:11.250 --> 01:05:13.250
What did they give for you? Animals?
01:05:14.208 --> 01:05:19.208
They gave lots of goats, necklaces…
01:05:20.291 --> 01:05:25.708
… and also cash.
01:05:28.250 --> 01:05:33.000
I was very well paid for.
01:05:34.250 --> 01:05:38.083
I remember they also gave…
01:05:38.625 --> 01:05:42.625
… 5 mules, 10 cows…
01:05:43.125 --> 01:05:45.625
What did they do with your bride payment?
01:05:46.083 --> 01:05:50.083
They gave it to my maternal family…
01:05:50.416 --> 01:05:54.333
… and they did very well.
01:05:54.333 --> 01:05:58.166
As if they'd won the lottery.
01:05:58.166 --> 01:06:01.041
My mother was also paid for.
01:06:01.041 --> 01:06:03.375
How much did they give for her?
01:06:04.416 --> 01:06:08.416
200 head of cattle, …
01:06:09.208 --> 01:06:14.166
… 15 tuma necklaces.
01:06:14.166 --> 01:06:18.875
My father was very rich.
01:06:18.916 --> 01:06:22.666
I remember crying when my father…
01:06:22.666 --> 01:06:28.041
… gave me away to a man,
because men scared me.
01:06:37.041 --> 01:06:40.875
Pili, breakfast!
01:07:04.666 --> 01:07:10.333
The hardest part of seclusion
is that I can't laugh anymore.
01:07:10.333 --> 01:07:16.083
To become a woman here
means one can't laugh, …
01:07:16.083 --> 01:07:19.083
… but I love to laugh.
01:07:58.458 --> 01:08:00.458
How are you?
01:08:03.375 --> 01:08:05.375
How've you been?
01:08:06.458 --> 01:08:07.458
I'm fine.
01:08:09.916 --> 01:08:12.541
Where's grand-mother?
01:08:13.916 --> 01:08:16.916
She's in the kitchen.
01:08:20.208 --> 01:08:28.250
I'm here because I want
to speak with her, …
01:08:30.291 --> 01:08:36.250
… so, I need you to call her.
01:08:38.208 --> 01:08:41.708
01:08:41.708 --> 01:08:44.250
Uhuh! How are you?
01:08:44.250 --> 01:08:46.291
Fine. How are you?
01:08:46.291 --> 01:08:48.000
I´m doing well.
01:08:48.000 --> 01:08:49.750
Has it rained much?
01:08:49.750 --> 01:08:52.916
No. It needs to rain
because the land is very dry…
01:08:52.916 --> 01:08:55.125
… and the animals are dying of thirst.
01:08:56.791 --> 01:08:59.541
The same is happening
to us, in this settlement.
01:09:00.166 --> 01:09:05.291
I want to talk to you.
01:09:05.291 --> 01:09:11.583
I'm from the Jarariyu clan.
I know which clan you belong to.
01:09:11.583 --> 01:09:17.666
The girl that's secluded,
your grand-daughter, …
01:09:17.666 --> 01:09:22.458
… is very valuable to me.
01:09:22.458 --> 01:09:26.833
You might ask why I'm talking about this.
01:09:28.458 --> 01:09:32.333
Yes, I'm interested in her.
01:09:32.333 --> 01:09:38.000
Even though I might not
become the girl's husband, …
01:09:38.000 --> 01:09:43.125
… I think she could be wife
to one of my nephews.
01:09:43.541 --> 01:09:51.500
I repeat, I'm interested in her.
01:09:51.500 --> 01:09:56.291
No, she's still too young, …
01:09:56.291 --> 01:10:01.083
… I don't want her to be sold just yet.
01:10:01.083 --> 01:10:05.833
I want her to study.
I'm not giving her to you.
01:10:05.833 --> 01:10:10.000
I'll give her away
whenever I decide it suitable.
01:10:10.000 --> 01:10:17.541
What we want is for her
to fight for a better future.
01:10:17.541 --> 01:10:21.750
The bride price you're offering
would run out very quickly…
01:10:21.750 --> 01:10:25.291
… and she'd be left with
no prosperous future.
01:10:25.291 --> 01:10:29.916
So, I don't want to give her away.
01:10:29.916 --> 01:10:34.875
It's true that a Majayut is highly valued…
01:10:34.875 --> 01:10:40.625
but, I insist, she's still too young…
01:10:40.625 --> 01:10:44.291
… and she needs to
become a bit more mature.
01:10:44.291 --> 01:10:47.291
What I have here, to show for the
bride price, is a valuable necklace.
01:10:48.083 --> 01:10:50.416
I'll show it to you.
01:10:50.416 --> 01:10:53.375
It's good of you to have
brought it, but I won't take it.
01:10:53.375 --> 01:10:56.958
However, I still want…
01:10:56.958 --> 01:11:01.291
to show it to you.
01:11:02.875 --> 01:11:06.375
Yes. I see it. It's beautiful.
01:11:06.375 --> 01:11:09.333
I can't deny I'd like to have it, …
01:11:09.333 --> 01:11:11.500
I'd like it for myself…
01:11:11.500 --> 01:11:13.875
… however, I'm not keeping it.
01:11:13.875 --> 01:11:16.916
This necklace is made of a
very fine stone called Tuma.
01:11:16.916 --> 01:11:21.166
Yes, I know. It seems to be very valuable.
01:11:21.166 --> 01:11:27.125
You might want to keep it for later, …
01:11:27.125 --> 01:11:34.208
… since you're so interested.
01:11:34.208 --> 01:11:39.750
Yes, I'll keep it.
01:11:39.750 --> 01:11:43.458
The fact that you came
here to offer a bride price …
01:11:43.458 --> 01:11:46.458
… for my grand-daughter gives
our settlement great prestige.
01:11:46.500 --> 01:11:48.000
Yes, you can take great pride.
01:11:48.000 --> 01:11:49.958
Yes, it makes me very proud.
01:12:24.000 --> 01:12:28.791
A man who offered a beautiful
necklace for you just left.
01:12:28.791 --> 01:12:32.416
What do you think about that?
01:12:33.166 --> 01:12:38.083
Would you agree to have that
man pay a bride price for you?…
01:12:38.083 --> 01:12:40.083
… and to have to go with him?
01:12:41.791 --> 01:12:43.791
What do you think about that?
01:12:45.791 --> 01:12:49.458
Tell me. It's your life at stake.
01:12:51.291 --> 01:12:53.916
I want to tell you
something you already know.
01:12:53.916 --> 01:12:57.541
Our men are always in a hammock drinking.
01:12:57.541 --> 01:12:59.541
They only want to order you about: …
01:12:59.541 --> 01:13:01.208
…“Hang the hammock! Make dinner!”.
01:13:01.208 --> 01:13:06.208
That's what I think.
Do you want that for yourself?
01:13:41.416 --> 01:13:45.875
Pili, there's something you need to know…
01:13:45.875 --> 01:13:50.875
… and that's the importance
of dreams in your life.
01:13:50.875 --> 01:13:56.208
They tell us what might happen to us…
01:13:56.208 --> 01:13:59.583
… and show us how to avoid mishappenings.
01:14:21.958 --> 01:14:26.958
So, let's now prepare for
baptism and ask the Holy Spirit …
01:14:27.791 --> 01:14:29.791
… to be with us during this celebration, …
01:14:30.208 --> 01:14:31.750
…and especially with Jairito, …
01:14:32.250 --> 01:14:35.416
… who's going to be baptized
and will become a new creature.
01:14:35.416 --> 01:14:41.125
Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us.
01:14:41.625 --> 01:14:46.958
Saint John the Baptist. Pray for us.
01:14:46.958 --> 01:14:52.000
Jairo Antonio, I baptize you,
in the name of the Father, …
01:14:53.208 --> 01:14:56.250
… and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
01:14:58.166 --> 01:14:59.875
The god-parents repeat after me:
01:15:00.208 --> 01:15:04.833
He was given to me a Moor,
I now return him a Christian.
01:15:05.208 --> 01:15:07.208
Give each other a hug.
You're now compadres.
01:15:07.625 --> 01:15:11.958
You must now respect and honor
each other, by this sacrament.
01:15:13.458 --> 01:15:15.458
May the Lord, who called you to him, …
01:15:15.916 --> 01:15:18.958
… keep you in this special grace.
01:15:19.166 --> 01:15:21.666
… And now let us bless this house …
01:15:21.666 --> 01:15:23.958
… where Pili has dwelt this whole year, …
01:15:24.625 --> 01:15:26.791
… so that the Lord may strengthen her, …
01:15:27.291 --> 01:15:29.375
…and that those projects and good wishes, …
01:15:29.375 --> 01:15:32.291
… that lie deep in the heart,
may all come true.
01:15:32.958 --> 01:15:35.458
Pili, I bless you: In the
name of the Father, …
01:15:36.208 --> 01:15:39.250
… and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
01:16:16.791 --> 01:16:21.625
Now that I'm about to
come out of seclusion…
01:16:21.625 --> 01:16:24.375
… many people are going to
see me again, after a long time.
01:16:27.375 --> 01:16:29.375
It's going to be very
embarrassing for me, …
01:16:30.083 --> 01:16:32.083
… to meet with all those people, …
01:16:32.083 --> 01:16:37.500
… because I've been
secluded for a long time…
01:16:37.500 --> 01:16:41.166
… without seeing anyone.
01:16:41.166 --> 01:16:44.791
I'm scared of people now.
01:16:50.666 --> 01:16:55.208
I'm going to be embarrassed
when I go back to school, …
01:16:55.208 --> 01:17:00.375
… because my classmates will ask me…
01:17:00.375 --> 01:17:05.083
where I've been.
01:17:05.083 --> 01:17:07.541
I´m scared of that.
01:17:07.541 --> 01:17:10.250
That's why I don't want to go out.
01:17:20.208 --> 01:17:24.958
You don't have to cry. Say hello.
01:17:24.958 --> 01:17:32.333
You can see the day
light now, after a long time.
01:17:32.333 --> 01:17:36.333
Come, sit here.
01:17:39.291 --> 01:17:43.083
I'm bringing you out of
this long seclusion today…
01:17:43.083 --> 01:17:45.083
… so that you may continue to behave…
01:17:45.083 --> 01:17:47.291
… like an adult woman…
01:17:47.291 --> 01:17:52.333
When you see someone…
01:17:52.333 --> 01:17:58.875
… you must not laugh with them.
01:17:58.875 --> 01:18:00.875
If someone comes to visit me, …
01:18:00.875 --> 01:18:02.875
… you must not listen to our conversation.
01:18:02.875 --> 01:18:08.000
Your duty is to make coffee
and offer it to them.
01:18:08.000 --> 01:18:12.750
That will be your behavior from now on.
01:18:13.291 --> 01:18:21.291
You know I don't want
you to laugh with any man.
01:18:22.833 --> 01:18:27.125
You must follow my example.
01:19:28.375 --> 01:19:31.791
You're going out of
seclusion in a few moments…
01:19:31.791 --> 01:19:34.750
… and you'll now be in charge of helping…
01:19:34.750 --> 01:19:39.750
… solve your family's problems.
01:19:39.750 --> 01:19:42.500
If there should be any
conflicts in your settlement, …
01:19:42.500 --> 01:19:46.250
you'll be in charge of…
01:19:46.250 --> 01:19:48.791
… solving them the best way possible.
01:19:48.791 --> 01:19:51.000
The experience of seclusion…
01:19:51.000 --> 01:19:54.375
…grants you a legacy you'll
always have to practice.
01:20:03.375 --> 01:20:09.291
Your time of seclusion has come to an end.
01:20:09.375 --> 01:20:14.166
I'm dressing you up for your exit.
01:20:14.166 --> 01:20:20.125
Many people are waiting for you outside.
01:20:20.125 --> 01:20:27.916
If they ask, you'll tell them…
01:20:27.916 --> 01:20:35.916
… you were secluded for many moons.
01:20:45.875 --> 01:20:50.875
Here's my grand-daughter…
01:20:50.875 --> 01:20:55.333
… who I secluded for many moons.
01:20:55.333 --> 01:20:59.208
Anyone who wants to see her, can do so now.
01:21:04.083 --> 01:21:07.916
Here, I offer you my work.
01:21:08.958 --> 01:21:10.958
It's very nice.
01:21:11.041 --> 01:21:14.041
To have been secluded
reaffirms your role as a woman…
01:21:14.166 --> 01:21:17.666
… within your culture.
01:21:17.666 --> 01:21:21.666
You're now a new Majayut.
01:21:22.333 --> 01:21:25.333
Now, you won't forget our customs.
01:21:26.416 --> 01:21:28.416
You shall go about the world…
01:21:29.250 --> 01:21:31.250
… raising your Wayuu being up high.
01:21:32.250 --> 01:21:34.833
Look. Her skin is beautiful.
01:21:34.833 --> 01:21:37.500
You should have seen it
when she first got her period.
01:21:44.875 --> 01:21:47.708
Rose, come and see her.
01:21:47.750 --> 01:21:49.750
Pili, you're an example to follow…
01:21:49.750 --> 01:21:52.125
and, through you, other girls
will know the importance…
01:21:52.125 --> 01:21:54.458
… of seclusion.
01:22:26.708 --> 01:22:28.875
I challenge you to dance with me.
01:22:59.875 --> 01:23:02.625
I'm going to dance with all the girls!!!
01:24:27.125 --> 01:24:33.291
How are you, Pili?
01:24:35.416 --> 01:24:40.791
How are you feeling?
01:24:42.125 --> 01:24:47.375
Do you know how to behave now?
01:24:50.666 --> 01:24:53.750
It's been a long time, hasn't it?
01:24:53.750 --> 01:24:57.041
Do you remember the
trip we took to the sea?
01:24:58.125 --> 01:25:02.333
Now, you'll have to own up to…
01:25:02.333 --> 01:25:07.375
… everything you learned throughout
this year of seclusion…
01:25:07.375 --> 01:25:11.166
… so that you can better understand …
01:25:11.166 --> 01:25:15.333
… your Wayuu essence.
01:25:36.000 --> 01:25:38.000
To be offered a bride price…
01:25:38.000 --> 01:25:40.875
…is a matter of great
pride for a Wayuu woman.
01:25:41.458 --> 01:25:43.458
I renounced to my bride price…
01:25:44.125 --> 01:25:47.958
… because I didn't want to be bought.
01:25:48.250 --> 01:25:53.791
I went into seclusion because
it was my grandmother's wish.
01:25:53.791 --> 01:25:55.958
She strongly defends our culture.
01:25:55.958 --> 01:26:00.166
I also wanted to follow our tradition, …
01:26:00.166 --> 01:26:04.041
… but what I want now is
to finish high school…
01:26:04.833 --> 01:26:06.833
… and to be a career woman.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 87 minutes
Date: 2013
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish; Wayuu
Grade: High School, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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