Over the course of just a few days, Luis discovers the world at the age…
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Jacinta guides us through the story of siblings Dylan, Andrea, and Lucas, who arrive in a fishing community on Mexico’s Pacific coast. There, they set off with their new local friends on a journey of discovery in search of long lost pirate loot left back by Francis Drake, centuries ago. In sunny and lively images, a story is delivered of children confidently indulging their lust for life and curiosity. Armed with their intelligence, a tablet, and some maps, these children are given freedom to go their own ways and together find something much more valuable than a buried treasure. Transporting us to a place of optimism, beauty and wonder.
* Spanish language audio description is available via the ALL4ACCESS App and/or .wav file when purchasing a DSL license.
Accessibility for these films was created by DICAPTA and funded under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education- Office of Special Education-OSEP, project “Enhanced Access to Video for Students with Sensory Disabilities through Emerging Technology,” TV Access H327C210001.
Main credits
Novaro, María (film director)
Novaro, María (screenwriter)
Novaro, María (film producer)
Chavez, Jacinta (actor)
Bárcenas, Jazmin (actor)
Bárcenas, Julieta (actor)
Chavez, Mara (actor)
Guinea, Pamela (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Gerardo Barroso, Lisa Tillinger.
Distributor subjects
Family; Youth; Geography; SociologyKeywords
00:00:46.066 --> 00:00:50.000
The story we're about to tell you begins with a trip.
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It all began the day the "güeros”"...
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...moved to Barra de PotosÌ.
00:01:24.733 --> 00:01:29.500
Dylan, Andrea, and Lucas
had been here on vacation...
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...but this time they were staying here for good.
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Mom, are we there yet?
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Mom, are we there yet?
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Mom, are we there yet?
00:01:49.066 --> 00:01:51.666
Mom, are we there yet?
00:01:52.066 --> 00:01:54.666
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:00.500 --> 00:02:03.100
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:03.433 --> 00:02:05.700
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:06.033 --> 00:02:09.133
Don't you wake up your brother, Dylan.
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Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:16.966 --> 00:02:19.233
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:20.066 --> 00:02:22.333
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:22.900 --> 00:02:25.166
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:38.733 --> 00:02:41.100
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:41.400 --> 00:02:45.466
Dylan is asking
if we're there yet.
00:02:45.766 --> 00:02:49.266
One minute less than
the last time you asked.
00:02:51.366 --> 00:02:54.100
Don't get your brother all riled up, please.
00:02:56.333 --> 00:02:58.700
Mom, are we there yet?
00:02:59.466 --> 00:03:01.833
I don't want to get there.
00:03:03.133 --> 00:03:04.566
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You don't want to get there?
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We have to get there...
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...for my birthday party.
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This water is for me.
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- What is Dylan watching?
- Sit down.
00:03:36.366 --> 00:03:38.700
Look! He's watching the pirates!
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He's watching the pirates!
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Oh! A pirate ship!
00:04:00.600 --> 00:04:04.366
Many, many years ago, hundreds of years ago...
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...pirates started to fancy...
00:04:08.333 --> 00:04:11.266
...attacking the Spanish ships...
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...to steal the treasures they carried.
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Those ships traveled between Europe...
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...and what was then called The New World.
00:04:26.300 --> 00:04:29.466
The American continent wasn't that new...
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...but the Europeans had only just discovered it.
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So, they arrived with their ships...
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...and started stealing everything they could.
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The Spaniards stole the gold...
00:04:43.800 --> 00:04:47.366
...and other riches from
the peoples of the Americas.
00:04:48.166 --> 00:04:51.933
And the pirates stole those same riches...
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...from the Spanish ships. Robbery upon robbery!
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One of the first pirates was an Englishman...
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...Francis Drake.
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First, he attacked ships on the Caribbean Sea.
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And then, he continued along the Atlantic coast.
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He became very rich,
and made his queen rich too.
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The queen of England was so happy...
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...with all the treasures the pirate gave her!
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Later, Drake got the idea to sail on and on...
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He circled the American continent and got to the Pacific Ocean.
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He kept sailing North until
he reached the loveliest beaches.
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There, he found a navigation route he simply loved!
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The Manila Galleon...
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...used to sail from the ports of Acapulco and Zihuatanejo...
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...with so many goods!
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It crossed the Pacific, reaching the port of Manila...
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...in the Philippine Islands.
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The Manila Galleon was also known as The Nao of China.
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Francis Drake, known as
'El Draque' by the Spaniards...
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...had many lairs, that is, hideouts...
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...in the sandbars and bays along the Americas' coastline.
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He liked it there, so maybe...
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...just maybe...
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...'El Draque' might have left some forgotten treasures...
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...hidden somewhere in Mexico.
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This is me, the one who is telling you all this.
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My name is Jacinta,
and my dog's name is Toto.
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We live in Barra de PotosÌ,
at the Refugio animal shelter...
00:07:08.566 --> 00:07:12.333
...since my parents are biologists and they work here.
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What you see back there are the bones of a whale.
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And this is Ermi, a hermit crab.
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His house is a shell, and he always wears it.
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Look, Toto, come here.
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Don't you eat it.
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No, you shouldn't do that.
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He likes to...
00:08:06.933 --> 00:08:09.933
...walk around.
00:08:10.633 --> 00:08:13.800
- Jacinta, time for breakfast.
- All right.
00:08:24.100 --> 00:08:25.833
Bye, Ermi!
00:08:53.866 --> 00:08:56.400
Hurry up, Jaci. Your ride is here.
00:09:05.200 --> 00:09:06.800
Hi, Julieta!
00:09:08.800 --> 00:09:11.300
No school for you, Toto!
00:09:12.566 --> 00:09:14.766
Hurry, girls! We'll be late!
00:09:15.133 --> 00:09:16.900
We're running late.
00:09:18.166 --> 00:09:20.066
Careful with that rock.
00:09:26.700 --> 00:09:29.233
Hurry, we're running late!
00:10:00.333 --> 00:10:02.166
This is our school.
00:10:04.133 --> 00:10:05.900
And this is teacher Avi...
00:10:06.200 --> 00:10:09.400
...with his daughters, Fabiana and Mati.
00:10:23.633 --> 00:10:27.333
I'm going to tell the teacher!
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I'll tell my dad you're here.
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Mati is my best friend.
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We're both in first grade...
00:10:47.266 --> 00:10:50.433
...since we're already six years old.
00:11:14.900 --> 00:11:18.666
It's sinking, it's sinking. In threes!
00:11:48.633 --> 00:11:52.066
Recess is over, kids. Back to the classroom.
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I know what you're thinking.
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"Don't tell me your school is on the beach."
00:11:59.700 --> 00:12:03.733
Well, it is! Our school is by the sea, on the beach.
00:12:06.666 --> 00:12:09.533
Mr. Gorilla,
who cut your hair?
00:12:09.966 --> 00:12:12.866
And the barber,
how much did he charge?
00:12:14.700 --> 00:12:15.933
Hey, Mati...
00:12:18.533 --> 00:12:23.733
...how does it feel that your dad is our teacher?
00:12:24.133 --> 00:12:25.733
It feels nice.
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He teaches me lots of things.
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This girl is Aranza.
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00:12:36.133 --> 00:12:38.800
She doesn't have a mom,
but she has lots of siblings.
00:12:39.100 --> 00:12:41.466
I brought lunch for your siblings.
00:12:42.300 --> 00:12:45.233
Make sure Alondra eats hers, she didn't eat breakfast.
00:12:45.566 --> 00:12:48.666
Her sister Zindu is like a mother to her.
00:12:49.000 --> 00:12:51.500
Oh, and an extra one for Julio.
00:12:54.000 --> 00:12:57.000
Sure, there's always
an extra one for Julio.
00:12:57.700 --> 00:13:00.133
- Goodbye.
- Bye, take care.
00:13:07.033 --> 00:13:09.566
That day, the ‘güeros’, that is, the blondies,
finally arrived...
00:13:09.800 --> 00:13:12.000
...at the House of the Moon.
00:13:28.966 --> 00:13:32.333
- Why is Andrea so angry?
- I don't know.
00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:36.100
Let's go.
00:13:38.333 --> 00:13:40.900
The blondies' father is from England.
00:13:44.166 --> 00:13:47.700
Only his kids understand him when he speaks.
00:13:50.366 --> 00:13:52.233
Go on, put your things in your room.
00:13:52.566 --> 00:13:55.433
I'm not going to like the school here.
00:13:57.566 --> 00:14:01.766
I didn't go today and I'm not going, ever.
00:14:39.166 --> 00:14:41.733
- Hi, Zindu.
- Hi, Aranza!
00:14:42.600 --> 00:14:44.366
- How was your day?
- Need help?
00:14:44.666 --> 00:14:47.700
- Hand me the battered fish.
- What's for lunch?
00:14:48.433 --> 00:14:52.500
Michel, first put down your bag and wash your hands, please.
00:15:06.000 --> 00:15:09.766
Go tell your uncle the food is on the table.
00:15:11.700 --> 00:15:15.066
If Julio hasn't eaten yet, bring him along.
00:15:23.966 --> 00:15:26.033
This one's alive.
00:15:26.633 --> 00:15:29.233
Look, this one's alive, too.
00:15:32.566 --> 00:15:35.033
Uncle, lunch is ready.
00:15:40.833 --> 00:15:43.700
Can you please give me the bony fish?
00:15:44.633 --> 00:15:47.966
You haven't eaten yet? Come with us, then.
00:18:09.200 --> 00:18:12.433
I saved my treasure for you, Dylan.
00:18:17.766 --> 00:18:21.933
It's been waiting for you for 400 years.
00:18:22.200 --> 00:18:24.000
400 years!
00:19:52.233 --> 00:19:53.466
00:20:03.600 --> 00:20:06.433
- My name is Brandon.
- I'm Julio.
00:20:10.033 --> 00:20:12.533
Good morning, kids!
00:20:13.300 --> 00:20:15.633
Dylan, this is your new classroom...
00:20:15.900 --> 00:20:17.933
...and your classmates.
00:20:25.633 --> 00:20:28.000
- Andrea, right?
- Y-yes.
00:20:28.966 --> 00:20:31.466
We've been expecting you. Aranza?
00:20:31.766 --> 00:20:34.800
Take her to the fifth and sixth grade classroom.
00:20:37.133 --> 00:20:40.466
Don't be so sad.
You'll love this school.
00:20:41.166 --> 00:20:44.833
Everyone here is nice, you'll see.
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Don't be sad.
00:20:49.700 --> 00:20:54.600
Kids, open your notebooks and write this down.
00:20:55.966 --> 00:20:59.233
Natural resources of Barra de PotosÌ.
00:21:00.033 --> 00:21:03.800
If you look up the word PotosÌ in the dictionary...
00:21:04.400 --> 00:21:10.133
...you'll find it means abundance, extraordinary wealth.
00:21:10.833 --> 00:21:14.033
That is because
the place we live in...
00:21:14.366 --> 00:21:17.700
...is very rich in natural resources.
00:21:19.033 --> 00:21:23.366
Erick, will you help me with this drawing?
00:21:28.900 --> 00:21:30.466
Good drawing!
00:21:31.433 --> 00:21:36.933
"Protection of our natural resources
and sustainable fishing."
00:21:37.366 --> 00:21:40.566
We have over 213 bird species.
00:21:40.866 --> 00:21:44.100
Mati, it looks a lot like here, right?
00:21:44.433 --> 00:21:47.766
It's important for us to know about our resources...
00:21:48.066 --> 00:21:50.633
...because they help us live.
00:21:51.133 --> 00:21:55.066
What if we do research projects as a group?
00:21:55.600 --> 00:21:57.100
- Is that OK?
- Yes!
00:21:57.400 --> 00:22:01.133
It can be about mangroves, about birds...
00:22:01.766 --> 00:22:04.300
...fish, turtles, whales.
00:22:04.566 --> 00:22:05.800
00:22:06.400 --> 00:22:10.333
Jaci, can you show them the whale, please?
00:22:11.133 --> 00:22:14.000
Who here has seen a whale before?
00:22:16.266 --> 00:22:20.500
Have you seen how big they are? They're big and beautiful!
00:22:20.933 --> 00:22:24.633
They come to the coast of Guerrero...
00:22:25.033 --> 00:22:27.600
...right in front of Barra de PotosÌ.
00:22:27.900 --> 00:22:30.933
They eat crustaceans. What are crustaceans?
00:22:31.400 --> 00:22:35.000
- Food!
- Food, and little crabs.
00:22:36.233 --> 00:22:38.666
They have their babies and swim away.
00:22:39.233 --> 00:22:41.600
- They're very big!
- That's right.
00:22:41.900 --> 00:22:44.466
- And black!
- Black and big.
00:22:44.966 --> 00:22:47.900
- This color.
- As big as two boats together!
00:22:48.366 --> 00:22:51.633
Thank you, Jaci. Go to your seat.
00:22:52.033 --> 00:22:54.900
- How big?
- About 15 meters.
00:22:55.300 --> 00:22:58.200
- Can she sit with me?
- Sure.
00:22:59.066 --> 00:23:01.100
Go ahead, Mati.
00:23:03.266 --> 00:23:06.200
So, we'll work on our research topics.
00:23:06.533 --> 00:23:10.033
We're planning a day trip with Jacinta's parents, the biologists...
00:23:10.366 --> 00:23:13.700
...whose job is to study nature.
00:23:13.933 --> 00:23:17.033
We're going to visit he turtle preserve.
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The next day, we went to the turtle preserve.
00:23:30.066 --> 00:23:32.633
They protect
the turtle eggs...
00:23:32.966 --> 00:23:36.666
...so that neither humans nor other predators...
00:23:36.933 --> 00:23:38.966
...will eat them.
00:23:51.133 --> 00:23:54.166
And when the baby turtles are born...
00:23:54.600 --> 00:23:56.600
We have to help them get to the sea...
00:23:56.933 --> 00:23:59.800
...so they can swim away and live their lives.
00:24:00.300 --> 00:24:02.966
If a wave hits you, don't move.
00:24:03.366 --> 00:24:06.866
It will push the turtles back, and we could step on them...
00:24:07.200 --> 00:24:08.733
...and hurt them.
00:24:09.366 --> 00:24:11.200
Don't squeeze them.
00:24:12.033 --> 00:24:13.900
Hold them like this.
00:24:21.700 --> 00:24:22.933
00:24:23.300 --> 00:24:25.200
Get up, sweetie.
00:24:28.066 --> 00:24:31.266
- Have you named them?
- You can do it, baby turtle.
00:24:32.200 --> 00:24:34.600
- Have you named them?
- Good luck, Pepe!
00:24:34.966 --> 00:24:39.000
- One, two...
- Free them!
00:24:39.400 --> 00:24:41.600
Let them go on their own.
00:24:44.733 --> 00:24:46.333
Mine is winning!
00:24:50.266 --> 00:24:53.000
- Have you wished them luck?
- Good luck!
00:24:53.300 --> 00:24:54.833
My turtle is winning!
00:24:55.133 --> 00:24:57.133
It's also very lucky!
00:24:59.700 --> 00:25:01.966
We have to let them do it on their own.
00:25:09.233 --> 00:25:11.766
Look how far mine is!
00:25:56.733 --> 00:25:59.266
At the Refugio shelter, we have many animals...
00:25:59.566 --> 00:26:01.300
...like iguanas.
00:26:01.966 --> 00:26:05.633
But my favorite animal is a porcupine.
00:26:06.066 --> 00:26:07.966
Her name is Lala.
00:26:08.266 --> 00:26:09.933
Come, Lalita.
00:26:10.533 --> 00:26:12.400
Lalita likes to eat...
00:26:12.800 --> 00:26:14.800
...her tortillas.
00:26:27.300 --> 00:26:29.833
Are you hungry too, Pepe?
00:26:32.100 --> 00:26:34.300
He wants a snack, too.
00:26:35.600 --> 00:26:37.533
He's craving your food...
00:26:38.100 --> 00:26:41.766
...because you're eating so much tortilla.
00:26:47.800 --> 00:26:50.733
Why did you drop it?
You don't want any more?
00:26:53.066 --> 00:26:54.433
You don't.
00:26:54.933 --> 00:26:58.366
Good night, Lala. Sweet dreams!
00:27:26.733 --> 00:27:28.100
00:27:28.633 --> 00:27:31.900
You can read a little longer, but you have school tomorrow.
00:27:34.566 --> 00:27:37.600
Toto, come here.
I'll read you a story.
00:27:40.200 --> 00:27:43.366
Alejo was a little crab...
00:27:45.466 --> 00:27:48.333
...a hermit crab who...
00:27:48.733 --> 00:27:52.400
...lived on a beautiful beach.
00:27:53.100 --> 00:27:55.533
His life had been happy...
00:27:55.900 --> 00:27:57.733
...until the day...
00:27:58.233 --> 00:28:02.266
...when he had to move to a different home.
00:28:02.733 --> 00:28:04.166
The seashell...
00:28:05.566 --> 00:28:08.233
...where he used to live...
00:28:09.866 --> 00:28:12.766
...no longer fit him.
00:28:14.133 --> 00:28:16.733
The beach was dirty
and full of trash...
00:28:17.066 --> 00:28:19.933
...so Alejo the crab...
00:28:20.433 --> 00:28:24.800
...got confused and crawled into a broken bottle top.
00:28:27.733 --> 00:28:29.300
Poor little crab!
00:28:42.200 --> 00:28:45.400
- Do you feel good at school?
- More or less.
00:28:45.900 --> 00:28:48.133
More? Or less?
00:28:49.433 --> 00:28:51.500
I can't believe it!
00:28:52.100 --> 00:28:57.833
Look, Mati! A bottle-top crab like the one in my storybook.
00:28:58.400 --> 00:29:02.466
Yes! A bottle-top crab like in Jaci's storybook.
00:29:03.566 --> 00:29:05.333
I'm picking it up.
00:29:17.033 --> 00:29:18.533
How cute!
00:29:18.866 --> 00:29:20.466
He's very shy.
00:29:21.600 --> 00:29:24.633
Why is his shell a bottle top?
00:29:25.133 --> 00:29:27.900
Sometimes, they make mistakes because...
00:29:28.433 --> 00:29:32.433
...humans leave trash on the beach.
00:29:33.400 --> 00:29:37.333
Sometimes, little crabs make mistakes...
00:29:37.933 --> 00:29:41.966
...and I think this one chose a bottle top by mistake.
00:29:43.600 --> 00:29:46.266
- Can we take off his shell?
- No.
00:29:47.100 --> 00:29:49.633
We have to wait until he's ready to molt...
00:29:49.933 --> 00:29:52.833
...if we don't, we can really hurt him.
00:31:37.033 --> 00:31:41.800
Julieta and her sister JazmÌn spend all day swimming.
00:31:42.833 --> 00:31:44.566
They're so lucky!
00:31:46.000 --> 00:31:49.766
Well, they can only swim
when the hotel has no guests.
00:31:50.133 --> 00:31:53.133
Julieta, get out of the pool! You have homework.
00:31:54.033 --> 00:31:57.066
Well, it's the high
season now...
00:31:57.366 --> 00:32:02.133
...so double rooms are 750 pesos per night...
00:32:02.500 --> 00:32:05.666
...and triple rooms are 650 pesos per night.
00:32:06.166 --> 00:32:11.433
Let me just check if we have vacancies.
00:32:13.633 --> 00:32:15.166
Let me check.
00:32:19.166 --> 00:32:21.900
- Where are you going, Julieta?
- To play!
00:32:29.000 --> 00:32:31.566
We've talked about this,
why are you acting like this?
00:32:31.866 --> 00:32:34.733
You two talked about it. No one asked me.
00:32:35.033 --> 00:32:37.133
I don't want to live here.
00:32:39.900 --> 00:32:42.500
- Hi, Andrea's dad!
- Hi, Julieta!
00:32:44.866 --> 00:32:47.100
Hi, Andrea!
Hi, Andrea's mom!
00:32:47.500 --> 00:32:50.366
Nice to see you, Julieta. Want a quesadilla?
00:32:50.666 --> 00:32:52.000
Make it two.
00:32:55.200 --> 00:32:57.100
I'm so glad you moved here.
00:33:17.066 --> 00:33:19.300
- What is it?
- A fish.
00:33:20.166 --> 00:33:21.400
No, thank you.
00:33:30.533 --> 00:33:34.366
No, I saw shadows and a pirate in the window.
00:33:34.800 --> 00:33:36.033
00:33:44.333 --> 00:33:47.166
Pirates were English. They are friends.
00:33:48.633 --> 00:33:51.566
Scorpions are very dangerous.
00:33:53.033 --> 00:33:54.366
00:33:56.133 --> 00:33:59.733
They are not friends. Don't touch scorpions.
00:34:00.133 --> 00:34:02.033
- Lucas.
- What?
00:34:03.133 --> 00:34:05.500
Never touch scorpions.
00:34:06.000 --> 00:34:07.400
Don't! No!
00:34:10.466 --> 00:34:12.066
I'm serious.
00:34:12.966 --> 00:34:16.633
We'll have to fumigate. No more scorpions.
00:34:34.666 --> 00:34:38.100
That was the day when
Dylan started to realize...
00:34:38.466 --> 00:34:42.833
...that the view in Barra de PotosÌ looked very similar...
00:34:43.333 --> 00:34:48.066
...to the map in his pirate game on the tablet.
00:35:16.400 --> 00:35:18.333
One, two, three!
00:35:30.700 --> 00:35:35.500
Diving in the deep ocean
I fell in love with a mermaid.
00:35:35.766 --> 00:35:40.566
Without hesitation,
we got married in Caleta.
00:35:40.833 --> 00:35:45.333
Nine months later...
00:35:45.833 --> 00:35:50.166
...she gave me the news.
00:35:52.133 --> 00:35:57.066
We had a little mermaid one year later...
00:35:57.400 --> 00:36:02.000
...with an angel's face
and a fishtail.
00:36:31.266 --> 00:36:33.200
She looks voluptuous.
00:36:33.600 --> 00:36:36.300
What is volu... voluptuous?
00:36:37.600 --> 00:36:39.433
Chubby, I think.
00:36:40.900 --> 00:36:42.333
Can I see it?
00:36:47.300 --> 00:36:49.633
See the way she moves her hips.
00:37:23.533 --> 00:37:25.100
Come on!
00:37:36.833 --> 00:37:38.933
I saw one! It's there!
00:37:39.966 --> 00:37:42.000
- Quickly, get it, David!
- Here?
00:37:53.833 --> 00:37:55.066
It got out!
00:38:08.300 --> 00:38:10.733
There must be some here. Step aside, Dylan.
00:38:11.166 --> 00:38:12.533
- Here's another!
- Where?
00:38:12.833 --> 00:38:14.066
00:38:18.700 --> 00:38:20.866
Look, I have two.
00:38:22.500 --> 00:38:24.500
Here's one, Michel!
00:38:25.466 --> 00:38:28.200
- Where?
- Here! There are two!
00:38:28.766 --> 00:38:30.600
You lost one.
00:38:33.266 --> 00:38:35.500
- Ready?
- No, I can't do it.
00:38:35.933 --> 00:38:39.733
Let me try. Wait, Dylan, you'll get pinched.
00:38:43.500 --> 00:38:45.100
Pull hard.
00:38:45.100 --> 00:38:46.366
It hurts a lot!
00:39:08.600 --> 00:39:11.466
It hurts, it hurts a lot.
00:39:34.033 --> 00:39:36.600
I learned how to fish for crabs.
00:39:57.966 --> 00:39:59.633
Take one.
00:40:04.233 --> 00:40:07.100
- When did your tooth fall out?
- Yesterday.
00:40:07.866 --> 00:40:11.266
Will you hand me
a tortilla, please?
00:40:12.666 --> 00:40:14.166
Thank you.
00:40:17.033 --> 00:40:18.933
How do I open it?
00:40:20.466 --> 00:40:23.500
You can tear off
the claw, like this.
00:40:26.566 --> 00:40:28.600
There is meat inside.
00:40:29.966 --> 00:40:31.700
Bite it first.
00:40:33.033 --> 00:40:34.933
There's meat on that one.
00:40:35.366 --> 00:40:37.133
That one over there.
00:40:37.500 --> 00:40:39.566
That's it, bite it.
00:40:52.466 --> 00:40:54.633
Why don't you sell the crabs?
00:40:54.900 --> 00:40:57.400
Because they're very tasty.
00:40:59.500 --> 00:41:03.766
- Don't you like them?
- Yes, but don't you need money?
00:41:04.900 --> 00:41:07.100
Yes, we do need the money...
00:41:07.466 --> 00:41:11.533
...because Uncle Owen needs
a new engine for La Chinita.
00:41:11.833 --> 00:41:14.900
- What is "La Chinita"?
- It's a boat.
00:41:15.966 --> 00:41:18.166
What happened to it?
00:41:19.066 --> 00:41:21.400
The engine is too broken.
00:41:28.533 --> 00:41:30.966
I have a plan to make some money.
00:41:32.700 --> 00:41:34.266
What's the plan?
00:41:34.566 --> 00:41:36.466
We have to find the treasure.
00:41:36.833 --> 00:41:39.100
- What treasure?
- A pirate's treasure.
00:41:39.533 --> 00:41:42.700
The other night, I saw a pirate.
00:41:46.400 --> 00:41:48.566
So, what happened?
00:41:53.500 --> 00:41:55.666
I don't know what he said to me.
00:41:56.033 --> 00:41:57.933
He gestured at me.
00:42:00.533 --> 00:42:02.266
I saw...
00:42:02.833 --> 00:42:04.500
...a ship.
00:42:05.466 --> 00:42:07.733
It had a pirate flag on it.
00:42:08.633 --> 00:42:11.833
Maybe they came here to hide a treasure.
00:42:13.200 --> 00:42:15.700
We have to look for a pirate's chest.
00:42:16.333 --> 00:42:18.266
So, how do we find it?
00:42:19.900 --> 00:42:22.333
We have to search on YouTube.
00:42:29.066 --> 00:42:30.666
00:42:31.200 --> 00:42:32.966
- Yes.
- Sure.
00:42:42.166 --> 00:42:46.400
That day, I asked Aranza if she was also going...
00:42:47.366 --> 00:42:50.600
...to the House of the Moon with Dylan and Andrea.
00:42:56.800 --> 00:42:58.333
She said yes...
00:42:58.633 --> 00:43:02.233
...because it was time to look for the pirate's treasure.
00:43:06.366 --> 00:43:07.866
Are we going?
00:43:16.033 --> 00:43:19.200
Alondra came to ask if it was time to go.
00:43:19.666 --> 00:43:23.433
And I said we could swim a little longer.
00:43:28.566 --> 00:43:31.100
Do you like it?
Should I fix it for you?
00:43:37.233 --> 00:43:39.300
Why don't you put it on?
00:43:40.566 --> 00:43:42.266
You look so pretty!
00:43:42.533 --> 00:43:44.266
I like this one.
00:43:45.066 --> 00:43:47.966
Do I look nice? Really?
00:43:51.733 --> 00:43:53.166
Such cute things!
00:43:57.400 --> 00:44:01.966
- Do you like my wings?
- You look beautiful.
00:44:05.933 --> 00:44:07.166
How cute!
00:44:17.666 --> 00:44:21.333
- Your house is lovely, Andrea.
- Thank you.
00:44:26.166 --> 00:44:28.933
- What are you doing?
- Looking for the X.
00:44:29.233 --> 00:44:32.200
- What X?
- For the treasure.
00:44:33.500 --> 00:44:36.066
Dylan, is the internet getting slower?
00:44:36.666 --> 00:44:39.533
Of course it is, the internet is always slow here.
00:44:45.133 --> 00:44:47.333
- Should I tie it?
- Yes.
00:44:49.166 --> 00:44:50.900
It's my favorite color.
00:44:56.333 --> 00:44:57.866
So handsome!
00:45:02.533 --> 00:45:05.800
- What game are you playing?
- We're not playing.
00:45:06.466 --> 00:45:09.466
- Yeah, right.
- We're not playing.
00:45:10.566 --> 00:45:15.133
We're looking at Drake's map to find his treasures .
00:45:17.000 --> 00:45:18.233
They say...
00:45:18.533 --> 00:45:22.900
...where there's a fire, there's a hidden treasure.
00:45:23.233 --> 00:45:26.966
Pirates put an X to remember...
00:45:27.333 --> 00:45:29.666
...where they hid their treasures.
00:45:29.966 --> 00:45:34.766
"Mps of prate trsures?"
00:45:35.033 --> 00:45:39.333
You missed an A, and an E.
00:45:45.800 --> 00:45:49.233
"Meps of pirade treasures?"
00:45:49.966 --> 00:45:51.966
You missed an A.
00:45:54.400 --> 00:45:57.633
You missed an E,
and have an extra T.
00:46:05.533 --> 00:46:06.633
00:46:06.900 --> 00:46:08.766
So many maps!
00:46:09.166 --> 00:46:11.533
Almost every map has an X.
00:46:11.766 --> 00:46:13.800
Some look fake.
00:46:15.133 --> 00:46:18.466
Like these, they look like drawings.
00:46:18.766 --> 00:46:24.566
I think back then, they had no technology or tablets.
00:46:25.800 --> 00:46:28.333
Can we look at this one?
00:46:30.100 --> 00:46:33.300
It'd be cool to have the printed maps.
00:46:46.033 --> 00:46:51.033
- Does your dad have a printer?
- Yes, 'cause he's a biologist.
00:46:51.800 --> 00:46:54.200
Toto! Come, Toto!
00:47:13.933 --> 00:47:16.166
That black one!
00:47:17.800 --> 00:47:20.366
Which black one?
00:47:20.700 --> 00:47:23.266
Let's switch places.
00:47:25.700 --> 00:47:29.366
Tell me, what do you need? Explain it to me.
00:47:29.733 --> 00:47:32.000
Everything that's on the tablet.
00:47:32.300 --> 00:47:36.000
All of them? I can't, they're too many.
00:47:38.166 --> 00:47:40.566
- Ink is expensive, you know?
- Yes.
00:47:40.800 --> 00:47:42.033
00:47:42.433 --> 00:47:46.500
Jaci's dad, we don't know which is the right map.
00:47:46.800 --> 00:47:49.566
That's why we want
to print all of them.
00:47:50.766 --> 00:47:54.600
I can get you a real map on your tablet.
00:47:55.100 --> 00:47:57.800
An authentic one, very precise.
00:47:58.433 --> 00:48:00.600
It could work for you.
00:48:02.800 --> 00:48:05.233
We live here.
00:48:12.933 --> 00:48:14.166
Right here.
00:48:18.000 --> 00:48:20.666
- Here we are.
- Yes, it's true!
00:48:20.933 --> 00:48:23.766
- Is this Barra de PotosÌ?
- The Morros are there!
00:48:24.200 --> 00:48:27.933
Los Morros look small, they should be bigger.
00:48:28.866 --> 00:48:30.766
Here they are.
00:48:31.066 --> 00:48:33.933
Those white things are crashing waves?
00:48:34.333 --> 00:48:37.600
Yes, it's a satellite picture, it's a real photograph.
00:48:40.100 --> 00:48:43.000
- Taken from a satellite?
- Yes.
00:48:43.366 --> 00:48:45.766
Here are Los Morros.
00:48:48.733 --> 00:48:51.800
- And The Guamilule.
- And our school?
00:48:52.266 --> 00:48:54.333
The school is...
00:48:57.900 --> 00:48:59.133
00:49:01.100 --> 00:49:04.300
Pirates would've loved a map like this one.
00:49:06.200 --> 00:49:10.733
- How come?
- They only had maps drawn by hand.
00:49:11.066 --> 00:49:13.233
But this one is perfect.
00:49:13.600 --> 00:49:17.133
- Will it be on my tablet?
- Yeah, exactly.
00:49:17.966 --> 00:49:19.300
Do you have a name?
00:49:19.533 --> 00:49:21.966
Every research project must have one.
00:49:22.166 --> 00:49:25.066
- Crabs, "cangrejos"!
- Yes, Cangrejos!
00:49:30.766 --> 00:49:34.000
- Are you taking all of them?
- Yes, teacher.
00:49:34.433 --> 00:49:36.266
Be very careful.
00:49:36.700 --> 00:49:39.300
- They'll hold on tight.
- See you tomorrow!
00:49:39.500 --> 00:49:40.733
Goodbye, teacher!
00:49:41.733 --> 00:49:42.966
Hold tight!
00:49:43.266 --> 00:49:46.166
We are Cangrejos!
00:49:46.833 --> 00:49:50.200
You look more like
a pack of sardines to me.
00:49:51.333 --> 00:49:53.900
Hold tight or I won't start the car.
00:49:57.366 --> 00:50:00.700
Cangrejos! Cangrejos!
00:50:01.033 --> 00:50:04.066
Cangrejos! Cangrejos!
00:51:58.400 --> 00:52:03.200
Diving in the deep ocean
I fell in love with a mermaid.
00:52:12.166 --> 00:52:15.233
Look! He's up there singing.
00:52:21.366 --> 00:52:23.566
That's Uncle Chalino.
00:52:27.066 --> 00:52:30.733
- Doesn't he fall?
- Uncle, won't you fall?
00:52:32.400 --> 00:52:33.633
I hope not!
00:52:35.533 --> 00:52:37.033
Let's ask him.
00:52:37.366 --> 00:52:40.466
Have you seen an X somewhere around here?
00:52:40.733 --> 00:52:43.500
You're buying me an XX beer?
00:52:44.233 --> 00:52:46.333
That sounds perfect with this heat!
00:52:46.633 --> 00:52:50.866
No, just one X!
Have you seen one X?
00:52:51.833 --> 00:52:54.400
- I'll drink just one.
- Uncle, we're serious.
00:52:54.800 --> 00:52:56.966
We are looking for an X.
00:53:02.466 --> 00:53:05.233
This is where we are, in this blue dot.
00:53:05.933 --> 00:53:07.166
This is...
00:53:08.200 --> 00:53:09.966
...Barra de PotosÌ.
00:53:10.366 --> 00:53:13.733
And here are Los Morros.
00:53:16.733 --> 00:53:19.000
But there's no X.
00:53:25.233 --> 00:53:27.833
Maybe since they took it from space...
00:53:28.233 --> 00:53:31.400
...they didn't see the X.
00:53:31.766 --> 00:53:35.133
- Please show me where we are.
- There.
00:53:38.533 --> 00:53:40.300
In that blue dot.
00:53:43.066 --> 00:53:46.733
They could've hidden the treasure here.
00:53:56.733 --> 00:54:00.100
I found the X here.
00:54:51.533 --> 00:54:53.933
Some of us got
our dad's color...
00:54:54.233 --> 00:54:56.833
...and others got our mother's color.
00:54:57.300 --> 00:55:01.633
But my sister Zindu says we're all beautiful.
00:58:31.133 --> 00:58:33.466
- What is it, son?
- I'm looking for an X.
00:58:33.800 --> 00:58:36.933
An X? There's lots here.
00:58:38.266 --> 00:58:41.433
No need to look there, they're right here.
00:58:41.766 --> 00:58:43.533
Come over here.
00:58:44.033 --> 00:58:46.933
Do you want an X?
Are you looking for an X?
00:58:47.866 --> 00:58:50.366
Look, there's lots here.
00:58:50.866 --> 00:58:55.233
There's one, two. So many of them!
00:58:56.966 --> 00:59:01.533
Get inside the square and you'll find many.
00:59:02.200 --> 00:59:04.966
They're everywhere.
00:59:05.433 --> 00:59:09.366
The edge of the square is full of Xs.
00:59:09.766 --> 00:59:14.800
I want you to sweep them all into that pile of salt.
00:59:15.600 --> 00:59:19.166
When you finish with all the Xs here...
00:59:19.766 --> 00:59:23.966
...I have more over there, get them all together.
00:59:24.733 --> 00:59:27.933
Okay, son?
Put your heart into it.
00:59:28.433 --> 00:59:30.633
There you go.
00:59:31.033 --> 00:59:33.533
You know how it's done.
00:59:34.700 --> 00:59:36.066
There you go!
01:00:33.400 --> 01:00:35.666
01:00:48.100 --> 01:00:49.866
Let's hold tight.
01:00:51.133 --> 01:00:53.833
There's a better view from above.
01:00:54.200 --> 01:00:56.800
It's a good thing we're up a tree!
01:01:00.133 --> 01:01:02.866
Do you see an X anywhere?
01:01:05.333 --> 01:01:06.933
Be careful.
01:01:12.100 --> 01:01:15.500
Mati, you're all the way at the top!
01:01:17.000 --> 01:01:19.066
Don't fall down!
01:01:19.933 --> 01:01:22.800
Should we keep looking for the X?
01:01:30.800 --> 01:01:34.466
Fabiana, Mati, I'm going to get us some dinner.
01:01:35.200 --> 01:01:38.033
- Jaci, are you staying?
- Yes!
01:01:38.433 --> 01:01:40.200
I'll be right back.
01:01:41.166 --> 01:01:42.933
What's this?
01:01:44.200 --> 01:01:46.066
It's an anchor.
01:01:49.033 --> 01:01:53.000
- Like what pirates use?
- They'd need five of these.
01:02:15.800 --> 01:02:17.533
What are you watching?
01:02:17.900 --> 01:02:22.266
Look! It's Jacinta's dad and Juan Carlos.
01:02:23.033 --> 01:02:24.266
I'm going.
01:02:40.466 --> 01:02:42.500
Grab the regulator, too.
01:02:44.466 --> 01:02:46.333
Can you do it?
01:03:00.366 --> 01:03:02.800
Hi, Lucas, are you diving with us?
01:03:03.600 --> 01:03:07.166
- You want to come with us?
- Lucas, do you want to learn?
01:03:08.166 --> 01:03:10.700
Pepe gives good diving lessons.
01:03:14.500 --> 01:03:16.700
Remember we can't talk underwater...
01:03:16.933 --> 01:03:18.500
...so we have to use signals.
01:03:18.866 --> 01:03:21.966
Going up, going down.
01:03:22.400 --> 01:03:26.633
And the most important signal means you're OK.
01:03:27.133 --> 01:03:31.033
When I ask if you're OK, you answer "I'm OK."
01:03:31.300 --> 01:03:33.866
If something is wrong with your visor...
01:03:34.166 --> 01:03:36.366
...or with your flippers...
01:03:36.700 --> 01:03:38.966
...this signal means something is wrong.
01:04:03.200 --> 01:04:05.300
If I ask if you're OK, how do you answer?
01:04:05.666 --> 01:04:08.233
- I'm OK.
- And if something's wrong?
01:04:08.866 --> 01:04:12.200
Something's wrong with your ears, or your visor.
01:04:12.700 --> 01:04:15.733
This means going up, and this, going down.
01:04:20.266 --> 01:04:21.933
Put on your mask.
01:04:27.133 --> 01:04:29.733
One, two, three!
01:04:44.200 --> 01:04:45.933
Little crab...
01:04:46.433 --> 01:04:48.133
...in a bottle top.
01:04:48.433 --> 01:04:52.300
Well, you don't have a bottle top anymore.
01:04:52.666 --> 01:04:56.033
But you'll always be my bottle-top crab!
01:04:56.566 --> 01:04:58.500
Right, friend?
01:05:02.200 --> 01:05:04.366
You've gotten so big!
01:05:34.700 --> 01:05:36.900
- Hi, Jaci's dad.
- Hi!
01:05:39.100 --> 01:05:41.800
- How's the whale coming along?
- Great, thank you.
01:05:42.466 --> 01:05:45.700
- We're getting there.
- Does Toto help, too?
01:05:47.633 --> 01:05:50.500
Dylan, where's the tablet?
01:05:51.000 --> 01:05:52.366
The tablet!
01:05:54.400 --> 01:05:55.800
Oops, I dropped it.
01:05:59.866 --> 01:06:02.700
Why is its head so big?
01:06:03.500 --> 01:06:06.833
Juan Carlos' dad works here...
01:06:07.166 --> 01:06:11.433
...and he's the one arranging the whale bones.
01:06:12.433 --> 01:06:14.633
How did the whale die?
01:06:15.133 --> 01:06:17.966
Nobody knows,
the fishermen brought it here.
01:06:18.333 --> 01:06:20.266
It smelled awful!
01:06:20.600 --> 01:06:22.533
People had to wear masks.
01:06:28.000 --> 01:06:30.900
Are you allowed to climb here on your own, Jaci?
01:06:31.166 --> 01:06:34.933
Yes, because I'm grown up and very careful.
01:06:36.000 --> 01:06:38.266
- How old are you?
- Six.
01:06:38.800 --> 01:06:40.666
You're tall!
01:06:43.266 --> 01:06:47.366
Look, that's where they found the dead whale.
01:06:48.666 --> 01:06:50.600
Can I have it?
01:06:58.800 --> 01:07:03.500
Pirate treasures? Those are storytales for small children.
01:07:04.033 --> 01:07:08.266
We won't share it with you, then, when we find it.
01:07:09.133 --> 01:07:12.466
- This is Mexico.
- It's a true story.
01:07:13.033 --> 01:07:15.966
Pirate Drake did hide in this area.
01:07:17.433 --> 01:07:19.766
The X has to be red, or any color?
01:07:20.033 --> 01:07:21.900
It can be any color.
01:07:26.133 --> 01:07:30.033
- When do we go for the treasure?
- I'd like to go today or tomorrow.
01:07:30.433 --> 01:07:33.866
We must find the X first. How else?
01:07:54.866 --> 01:07:56.700
The X!
01:08:01.066 --> 01:08:04.000
Dylan, that's it, right?
01:08:04.666 --> 01:08:08.533
- The X!
- Dylan, we found the X!
01:08:08.866 --> 01:08:11.633
- An X on the rocks!
- Los Morros.
01:08:38.700 --> 01:08:40.266
What a show!
01:08:59.466 --> 01:09:01.966
Don't touch the branches...
01:09:02.400 --> 01:09:05.600
...because there might be scorpions in them.
01:09:08.633 --> 01:09:12.833
- Especially in the dry ones.
- That's how they cafloumage.
01:09:13.100 --> 01:09:19.500
- That's not the right word, Dylan.
- You're like a cuija, pale, with no color.
01:09:28.300 --> 01:09:32.266
Nine months later...
01:09:34.366 --> 01:09:38.333
...she gave me the news.
01:09:41.433 --> 01:09:46.366
We had a little mermaid one year later.
01:09:47.166 --> 01:09:51.900
With an angel's face and a fishtail.
01:09:55.666 --> 01:10:00.600
We had a little mermaid one year later.
01:10:01.433 --> 01:10:06.200
With an angel's face and a fishtail.
01:10:11.500 --> 01:10:14.366
Aranza, is that Uncle Owen?
01:10:14.700 --> 01:10:15.933
01:10:26.866 --> 01:10:28.366
Uncle Owen?
01:10:30.466 --> 01:10:32.900
- Uncle Owen?
- What's up?
01:10:33.633 --> 01:10:36.566
We came to ask if you'd take us to Los Morros.
01:10:36.933 --> 01:10:40.333
Why do you want to go? There's only rocks.
01:10:40.700 --> 01:10:43.033
Nothing but bird crap.
01:10:45.700 --> 01:10:49.633
We need to go because there's an X there.
01:10:50.300 --> 01:10:54.200
- What X?
- The X of a treasure, please.
01:10:54.666 --> 01:10:58.033
- Don't be silly, I'm not taking you.
- Please, Uncle!
01:10:58.366 --> 01:11:00.933
- Julio, wanna come?
- Yes!
01:11:01.366 --> 01:11:04.966
- Can I come, too?
- I can't fit so many.
01:11:05.533 --> 01:11:09.066
Let's draw straws to see who stays and who goes.
01:11:10.466 --> 01:11:11.700
Ice cream!
01:11:18.500 --> 01:11:20.533
It's not fair, Mati.
01:11:20.866 --> 01:11:22.933
Yeah, it's not fair.
01:11:24.033 --> 01:11:27.133
It is fair, Jaci.
You drew the short straw.
01:11:27.466 --> 01:11:28.833
Ice cream!
01:11:29.166 --> 01:11:34.100
I want a wafer cone with two scoops of coconut...
01:11:34.433 --> 01:11:37.033
- And one coffee scoop.
- Sure, these are on the house.
01:11:37.366 --> 01:11:39.800
I don't like to lose.
01:11:40.166 --> 01:11:42.066
...but I like ice cream.
01:11:42.366 --> 01:11:45.033
Lucas, JazmÌn,
do you want ice cream?
01:11:45.433 --> 01:11:48.633
- Come get your ice cream.
- Two scoops of coffee, please.
01:11:49.166 --> 01:11:51.733
I want one with coconut, vanilla, and strawberry.
01:11:52.100 --> 01:11:54.033
Me, I want...
01:11:54.766 --> 01:11:56.633
...I want...
01:11:57.466 --> 01:12:00.300
- I'm next!
- Coconut or strawberry?
01:12:00.933 --> 01:12:03.600
- Coconut and strawberry.
- You got it!
01:12:11.300 --> 01:12:13.800
- And chocolate.
- Here you go.
01:12:18.500 --> 01:12:20.733
Is Andrea coming?
01:12:21.500 --> 01:12:24.366
- Is she your sweetheart?
- What flavor are they?
01:12:24.800 --> 01:12:27.533
- Coconut, strawberry, coffee.
- Get one, it's my treat.
01:12:28.266 --> 01:12:31.333
- One coconut, please.
- Tell me, I won't tell anyone!
01:13:03.533 --> 01:13:04.766
Look, look!
01:13:10.766 --> 01:13:13.500
- There are so many, Dylan!
- That's true!
01:13:16.166 --> 01:13:20.433
Look, Dylan, it looks like a pirate's skull.
01:13:21.100 --> 01:13:24.366
Maybe they put it there as a signal.
01:13:32.166 --> 01:13:35.466
Look, there's another X on those rocks.
01:13:36.866 --> 01:13:39.466
There are too many, Dylan!
01:13:39.966 --> 01:13:41.833
- Can we swim there?
- No, you can't.
01:13:42.900 --> 01:13:44.733
Uncle Owen, there!
01:13:45.466 --> 01:13:48.266
- Let us swim around.
- No.
01:13:48.566 --> 01:13:51.866
- We'll be careful, I can swim.
- Me, too.
01:13:52.400 --> 01:13:54.733
Come on, Uncle. Please let us do it.
01:13:54.966 --> 01:13:58.633
- I don't see any X.
- Your eyesight is bad.
01:13:59.433 --> 01:14:03.100
- You're too old to see.
- Another X!
01:14:03.500 --> 01:14:07.833
- Look, another one!
- Yes, there's one there, too.
01:14:08.166 --> 01:14:09.400
Another one!
01:14:09.766 --> 01:14:12.100
- Where, Dylan?
- Right there.
01:14:12.366 --> 01:14:14.100
Where the wave crashed.
01:14:14.366 --> 01:14:17.033
- Can we go in there?
- No.
01:14:17.300 --> 01:14:21.033
You'll make me mad and
I'll turn this boat around.
01:14:52.600 --> 01:14:55.466
- See that sign?
- Where, Dylan?
01:14:55.833 --> 01:14:58.933
That 4 over there. Did you see it?
01:15:00.233 --> 01:15:03.066
Did you see it?
You'll see in a minute.
01:15:03.400 --> 01:15:05.933
Look, I'll show you in a minute.
01:15:06.266 --> 01:15:10.666
There's an X over there and something like gold.
01:15:12.000 --> 01:15:14.000
Can you stop here?
01:15:14.333 --> 01:15:17.700
Do you see that? It's gold. See how it glitters?
01:15:17.933 --> 01:15:20.100
Julio, are you seasick?
01:15:20.366 --> 01:15:24.100
There's a sign there,
as if the treasure is inside.
01:15:26.100 --> 01:15:29.300
- See that glitter?
- That's not gold.
01:15:29.933 --> 01:15:32.366
- It's all in your head.
- It is gold.
01:15:32.666 --> 01:15:37.400
- It's glittering.
- It's not gold, it's seaweed.
01:15:37.833 --> 01:15:41.333
- Whoa! There's an X there!
- I want to swim there.
01:15:41.666 --> 01:15:44.033
I already said no. It's not possible.
01:15:44.333 --> 01:15:50.066
See how the wave goes in and comes out stronger?
01:15:50.700 --> 01:15:54.233
If you go in, the current will thrash you around.
01:15:54.600 --> 01:15:58.133
But I can see a sign, for the treasure.
01:15:58.600 --> 01:16:00.866
- I don't see it.
- It's a big cave!
01:16:01.200 --> 01:16:04.866
I think we'll be fine, the boat can fit through.
01:16:05.133 --> 01:16:06.400
There's a skull!
01:16:06.733 --> 01:16:09.333
I already said no, don't be stubborn.
01:16:10.666 --> 01:16:13.233
- Then, let us swim.
- No way!
01:16:13.600 --> 01:16:17.200
If you try to swim here,
the sea currents will take you.
01:16:18.266 --> 01:16:22.000
- I said no.
- But I've seen people swim here.
01:16:22.566 --> 01:16:26.800
They are expert divers, and grown-ups.
01:16:27.100 --> 01:16:28.700
Not like you.
01:16:29.100 --> 01:16:33.133
- You know nothing about anything.
- Please, let us swim.
01:16:33.900 --> 01:16:35.633
I said no.
01:16:35.966 --> 01:16:39.133
But the X is right there. I can see it.
01:16:39.733 --> 01:16:43.666
- Yeah, me too.
- Can't you see it, Uncle?
01:16:43.933 --> 01:16:45.866
I think you're all crazy.
01:17:21.733 --> 01:17:24.666
Julieta, please hang up.
Don't play with the phone.
01:17:24.966 --> 01:17:28.133
I'm not playing, this is important.
01:17:30.400 --> 01:17:33.266
The X? Really? See you tomorrow.
01:17:33.766 --> 01:17:35.766
We'll take everyone.
01:17:37.766 --> 01:17:40.966
Who is we? Where?
There's no school tomorrow!
01:17:43.466 --> 01:17:44.700
01:17:52.733 --> 01:17:53.966
The parrot.
01:17:56.866 --> 01:17:58.866
Here are some sweets.
01:17:59.900 --> 01:18:03.566
Would you like water? Milk? Chocolate milk?
01:18:04.200 --> 01:18:07.033
- Chocolate milk.
- Me too, please.
01:18:07.466 --> 01:18:09.800
I think I'll visit more often.
01:18:10.100 --> 01:18:13.033
That's for the candy, I know.
01:18:13.433 --> 01:18:17.766
This is the story I was telling you about.
01:18:19.133 --> 01:18:20.966
Alejo the crab?
01:18:21.633 --> 01:18:24.733
There is a map in my storybook.
01:18:25.100 --> 01:18:28.333
We can trace it.
Here is Los Morros, see?
01:18:31.066 --> 01:18:35.000
The bottle-top crab had a very serious problem.
01:18:35.766 --> 01:18:39.666
And the mermaid in the story found a solution.
01:18:40.633 --> 01:18:45.366
But where will we find a mermaid
to help us find the treasure?
01:18:45.800 --> 01:18:47.400
In the sea.
01:18:47.900 --> 01:18:50.300
No one here has seen a mermaid.
01:18:50.633 --> 01:18:53.500
Mermaids are found
at the bottom of the sea.
01:18:53.933 --> 01:18:56.433
- Are you sure?
- A plan!
01:18:56.966 --> 01:19:00.133
- A plan!
- A plan, and a map.
01:19:00.433 --> 01:19:03.133
That's just what we need to find the treasure.
01:19:03.433 --> 01:19:07.200
I printed it for you guys. It's Los Morros from above.
01:19:11.766 --> 01:19:14.133
Look, right here.
01:19:15.900 --> 01:19:20.066
This X marks where I saw the pirate.
01:19:25.466 --> 01:19:27.866
This is the skull island.
01:19:29.933 --> 01:19:34.700
- Could the treasure be there?
- In any of these three places.
01:19:35.533 --> 01:19:39.800
If the treasure isn't here, maybe he moved it...
01:19:42.366 --> 01:19:44.600
...to another cave, maybe this one.
01:19:44.966 --> 01:19:50.633
So, I saw Pirate Drake, his parrot, and a chest.
01:19:51.733 --> 01:19:54.800
- I saw him in the cave.
- How did you see it?
01:19:55.100 --> 01:19:59.933
When you were lying on
the bottom of the boat, like this...
01:20:01.600 --> 01:20:05.100
...we went by the cave and I saw him.
01:20:05.533 --> 01:20:08.966
And he said things right into my mind.
01:20:09.800 --> 01:20:12.633
Maybe so that you wouldn't hear him.
01:20:14.300 --> 01:20:15.833
And he said...
01:20:16.466 --> 01:20:19.733
...that all his treasures will be mine.
01:20:20.700 --> 01:20:23.566
They'll be yours,
but you'll share them!
01:20:24.166 --> 01:20:26.733
Of course I'll share them!
01:20:27.066 --> 01:20:29.500
- What are you doing?
- Right here...
01:20:29.866 --> 01:20:34.600
...where I drew this arrow, that's El Draque's route.
01:20:38.466 --> 01:20:42.633
And what can we do to find a mermaid?
01:20:45.533 --> 01:20:48.200
The mermaid is very important.
01:23:10.733 --> 01:23:13.100
Dylan was sure...
01:23:13.600 --> 01:23:16.766
...that our plan would work.
01:23:21.233 --> 01:23:25.366
We took two boats and
no one had to stay back.
01:23:25.633 --> 01:23:27.933
Only the youngest ones.
01:23:46.566 --> 01:23:52.266
Andrea later told us that the fish signaled the way.
01:25:36.766 --> 01:25:38.633
- I found something!
- The treasure! Yeah!
01:25:39.400 --> 01:25:40.633
01:25:44.133 --> 01:25:47.633
The treasure! The treasure!
01:26:08.600 --> 01:26:13.966
Andrea, Andrea!
01:26:20.766 --> 01:26:22.600
But, guess what!?
01:26:22.866 --> 01:26:25.033
Treasure. Treasure.
01:26:25.866 --> 01:26:29.900
After all we went through, it turned out...
01:26:30.100 --> 01:26:32.000
...the pirate's chest was empty!
01:26:35.366 --> 01:26:39.233
The good thing is we sold it because it was a very old trunk!
01:26:39.533 --> 01:26:41.766
- Hello, Don Sergio!
- Good afternoon.
01:26:45.833 --> 01:26:47.266
01:26:48.833 --> 01:26:53.733
Now Dylan has a new plan to find the treasure.
01:26:54.433 --> 01:26:57.800
So we'll return to Los Morros one of these days.
01:26:59.966 --> 01:27:01.866
But not today...
01:27:03.666 --> 01:27:08.333
...because Michel is telling everyone about the party.
01:27:10.700 --> 01:27:12.066
What party?
01:27:12.766 --> 01:27:18.066
The party Zindu is throwing us with the money from the chest.
01:27:18.600 --> 01:27:22.866
My grandma says
the true treasures are...
01:27:23.133 --> 01:27:27.700
...us, the children,
and the planet we live in!
01:27:39.733 --> 01:27:41.400
Come, Lucas!
01:28:19.466 --> 01:28:20.700
Let's dance!
01:28:21.966 --> 01:28:23.633
Dylan, let's dance!
01:29:56.366 --> 01:29:57.966
01:30:04.033 --> 01:30:05.366
01:30:28.700 --> 01:30:30.800
Cangrejos! Cangrejos!
01:30:31.100 --> 01:30:37.666
We are sincerely grateful for all the support we received from the community in Barra de PotosÌ
01:30:37.900 --> 01:30:40.000
Cangrejos! Cangrejos!
01:33:03.266 --> 01:33:12.000
We remember Chaks (1981-2015)
Our pirate who now lives in a star.
01:33:14.333 --> 01:33:24.000
This film is dedicated
to all rural schoolteachers in Mexico,
Especially those who studied in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.
We are still missing 43 of them.
And we do not forget.
01:33:25.333 --> 01:33:33.900
Barra de PotosÌ should be declared
a Protected Natural Area in Mexico.
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 96 minutes
Date: 2017
Genre: Narrative
Language: Spanish
Grade: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
Audio description: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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