Sexuality, Intimacy, and Dementia in Residential Care Settings

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- Transcript
Sexuality, Intimacy, and Dementia in Residential Care Settings provides a thoughtful, much needed exploration of sexuality, intimacy, and dementia, and the complex issues that impact residents, family members, and care staff. Through five 15- to 20-minute chapters, the film looks at the relevant concerns of intimacy and sexuality on quality of life, freedom to express sexuality, capacity to consent, resident protections, and potential legal ramifications. It also touches on the needs of LGBT residents, how to address resident-to-resident and resident-to-visitor encounters, and how to find workable solutions with the support of family members.
The five parts include:
- The Effects of Dementia on Intimacy and Sexuality
- Responding to Sexual Expressions
- Consensual Intimacy and Sexuality
- Spousal and Family Responses
- Non-consensual Intimacy and Sexuality
Main credits
Kuhn, Daniel (host)
Distributor subjects
No distributor subjects provided.Keywords
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Our views of intimacy and
sexuality are really guided I
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think by our culture sometimes by
our religion and our upbringing.
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But we tend to think about
young vibrant people we
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tend to shy away from thinking
about older disabled people just
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to lighten things up a little
bit I thought I\'d show you this
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cartoon Showing off I know
what you\'re walking stick.
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Older people would like to be
intimately involved with somebody
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else if they have an
opportunity but the reality
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is they lose opportunities because their
partner passes away their partner becomes ill
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or maybe their partner can
no longer function sexually
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because of medications and other
complications related to aging.
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If you like that cartoon I think you\'ll like
this one no no I said I\'ve got acute angina.
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So I like to bring a little levity
to it because you know this
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is a serious topic but I
believe we need to have
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an open discussion and
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a real mature adult conversation about
this instead of Hiding it away.
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So when I talk about intimacy I went to delineate
that from sensuality intimacy refers to
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talking kissing hugging holding hands
and culling without overt sex.
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So this is flirtatious kind of stuff
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right sexual acts on the other
hand are really aimed at arousal.
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This includes finaling disrobed
being oral and genital sex in
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that case we\'re looking at
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a heightened level of activity and
engagement between two people.
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So let\'s talk about dimension now I think of
dementia primarily as failure of the brain.
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You\'re familiar with terms like
kidney failure and heart failure
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And dementia is brain failure it\'s
the brain is not doing what it
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was designed to do and it
results in a number of
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symptoms primarily memory loss begins with
short-term memory loss and ultimately it rose
00:02:16.069 --> 00:02:18.229
even the long-term memories
for reasons that are really
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not clear a well-understood and that\'s why
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scientists had been stymied in
their efforts to come up with
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effective treatments and ultimately a cure
for various types of dementia But you\'re
00:02:28.580 --> 00:02:31.159
well familiar with all these
different symptoms associated with
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dementia orientation to time and place
problems with thinking problems performing
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ADLs decrease reaction
time poor coordination use
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of hands and feet diminishes
visual-spatial impairment also
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diminished awareness when you and
I are forgetful or usually aware
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that we have forgotten something but many
people with dementia forget they are forgetful.
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And they have no insight into the nature of
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their disability and they\'re very
difficult to care for because they
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don\'t think they need any help this is a
process that unfolds over a course of
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many many years anywhere
from three to 20 years
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this process can unfold And I divide
it up into four different stages.
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So the symptoms gradually worsen over
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time and the rate of progression
really varies from person to person
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Some people can remain
in the early stages for
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three or five years whereas others
can decline rapidly to the n stages
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by year three or four there are a
number of different symptoms but
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the one I want to focus in on particularly
is what we call disinhibition.
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This is the loss of manners.
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We use our manners to talk
to one another we use
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our manners at the table there also
sexual manners that we learn over
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the course of time and people
with dementia lose all kinds
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of manners in the course of dementia
Apart from all those symptoms
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I just share with you I think we have to look
at the emotional as psychological impact of
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dementia and I think many people suffer
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from fear and a loss of
competence and insecurity.
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These are people who are
perhaps seeking you
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out they liked your attention
because they feel lost and alone on
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their own loneliness so they
don\'t feel connected to
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other people they feel a loss of
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control of their surroundings
and they may be Board also.
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Maybe they\'ve lost their sense of
initiative maybe they\'ve got a lot of
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energy but they can\'t direct themselves the
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way they once did And lastly I think
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because of their inability to manage
their own activities of daily living.
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They may develop a sense
of helplessness because of
00:04:41.030 --> 00:04:45.363
their reliance on other people they feel
an acute loss of their independence.
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So let\'s talk about some of
the changes in intimacy and
00:04:48.649 --> 00:04:51.483
sexuality over time for some couples
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they can still retain their sense
of intimacy and sexuality.
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They might still share their
interest and their capacity for
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intimate and sexual behaviors on the
other hand some of them May also
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experience a loss of interest
a loss of interests by one
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or both partners So for example
the spouse who\'s becoming
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a caregiver may now feel put upon
by all the work he or she is
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having to do and that sense
of romantic involvement may
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diminish as a result of that
kind of hard work that they\'re
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doing Thirdly there may
be a loss of capacity I\'m
00:05:32.270 --> 00:05:36.169
talking about sexual functioning
now the inability for example of
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men to both have an
erection and to maintain
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an erection This may be a result
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of dementia itself or some of
the medications that they\'re
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taking and then lastly there may be increased
interests by the partner with dementia.
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Now I want to show you a couple
of clips Of a couple who over
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the course of time experience some changes
in their own intimate in sexual behavior.
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This is a married couple living at
home together they\'re relatively young
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by the standards of most care facilities
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he\'s in his late fifties
she\'s in her early sixties.
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But listen to what they have to say about the
impact of dementia. On their relationship.
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Every shows much concern
And good support for ugly.
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Certainly our love for each other
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as Betty indicated I think is
stronger now that has ever been.
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Simply because from my vantage point
I realize how much I need her.
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How much I depended on or in the past.
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How much I loved her now in I
want to do everything I can to
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make life meaningful for her
and so for us every day
00:06:54.139 --> 00:06:58.759
is a very special day in our law
for each others better than ever
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before and that\'s a physical
love as well as respecting love
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right Some couples facing Alzheimer\'s
disease have told me about
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a diminished sexual desire because of
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some of the daily frustrations they
face they just don\'t feel like they\'re
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interested in that anymore and there\'s
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a different focus in
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their relationship I\'m wondering what
that experience has been for you
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either a diminished desire some people
report to me an increased desire
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I that\'s what I feel about
it I think I don\'t know
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maybe it made him
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read I keep on
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being green and remember that.
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Can you talk about that somebody
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you feel a greater closeness
in a desire forever it before.
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Yeah well I\'ve always liked
him pretty much yeah.
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Why do you think she might have felt an
increased desire or closeness with average
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at this point in time Any thoughts about
00:08:36.139 --> 00:08:40.263
that says you want to feel loved
she wanted to feel loved.
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Yes. She might have felt some of
those feelings that I referred to.
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Earlier fearfulness the loneliness the
helplessness and maybe by becoming
00:08:51.739 --> 00:08:54.228
physically involved with her husband he was
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reassuring to her that she was
still loved just the way she is.
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Despite her problems but I want to show you
another clip that illustrates I believe.
00:09:06.185 --> 00:09:11.284
Some of the natural changes that
occur in the course of dementia.
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So this is ever being interviewed.
Just a year later.
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She\'s now in her sixth year Alzheimer\'s but
are all began I just felt like she was
00:09:21.019 --> 00:09:23.928
my wife I was her husband and
she had some problems and
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and we could live with those
problems but in the last.
00:09:27.364 --> 00:09:31.203
Eight to ten months things have
really started to change a lot.
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And now I really see myself
as a caregiver and I\'m
00:09:35.374 --> 00:09:40.159
recognizing the differences in attitude and
00:09:40.160 --> 00:09:45.019
relationship that evolves around that
she\'s still my wife and I love her
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and she still loves me but
because of the caregiver role.
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Things began to change in terms of the
relationship and I may get a little emotional when
00:09:56.660 --> 00:10:03.129
I talk about this Picked I
know I\'ll get emotional.
00:10:03.130 --> 00:10:07.809
Talking about this it\'s
almost like you\'re carrying
00:10:07.810 --> 00:10:11.978
for an adult child and
she doesn\'t have to wear
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diapers or anything like that yet
but she does have a problem with
00:10:16.314 --> 00:10:21.903
the I\'m not wiping herself and so
she\'s developed some older wetness.
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A few time she\'s not realized she had
00:10:25.390 --> 00:10:28.884
to go to the bathroom till it was too
late and associates water itself.
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So it\'s like you\'re carrying for an
adult baby or an adult that little
00:10:32.739 --> 00:10:37.344
child and when you do that
day in and day out it\'s
00:10:37.345 --> 00:10:45.345
it\'s this husband wife relationship begins to
change And when it comes to our sexuality.
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She\'s not as responsive as before when
we talk about it she still wants to have
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sex he still wants to have
00:10:53.330 --> 00:10:57.918
an intimate relationship but it\'s
like she doesn\'t know what to do
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and there are times when it\'s almost
like i get the feeling that there\'s
00:11:01.220 --> 00:11:05.448
this shy little girl who\'s
embarrassed by the fact that she
00:11:05.449 --> 00:11:09.154
doesn\'t have any clothes on or
that I don\'t have any clothes on
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And she\'s embarrassed by the whole thing and
sometimes there\'s just shy little laugh.
00:11:15.829 --> 00:11:19.308
That really gets to be a
bother to me after awhile.
00:11:19.309 --> 00:11:21.889
Because I\'m wondering if
she\'s laughing at my body
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or I just don\'t know why she\'s laughing and
sometimes she can\'t even tell you why.
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Except that she says well I\'m shy.
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So how many we have five grown children.
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We\'ve been married over 30 years now and
00:11:35.479 --> 00:11:38.078
we ought to be getting over the
shine that\'s part you know.
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But it does change things after a while.
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So you can see that the advance
in her Alzheimer\'s disease hits
00:11:46.339 --> 00:11:49.668
really presented a challenge
for both of them and for.
00:11:49.669 --> 00:11:53.929
Particularly for him as he is
Taking an increasing role and
00:11:53.930 --> 00:11:58.563
responsibilities for his wife and its
really put him off quite frankly.
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But he said it quite beautifully
you know he would love to have
00:12:01.309 --> 00:12:04.099
that but because of all the
changes he\'s finding it
00:12:04.100 --> 00:12:08.568
difficult to appreciate that aspect
of their marriage Now I also want to
00:12:08.569 --> 00:12:13.308
point out we\'re not just talking
about heterosexual couples
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here in our society where there\'s
a renewed appreciation for
00:12:16.489 --> 00:12:22.398
the diversity of people including gay
lesbian transgendered individuals and
00:12:22.399 --> 00:12:26.689
so there are people who are
attracted to the same sex but they
00:12:26.690 --> 00:12:31.878
have typically experience a lot of
discrimination and prejudice rather lifetime.
00:12:31.879 --> 00:12:36.168
Okay so I just wanted to bring that
up Because it does come into play in
00:12:36.169 --> 00:12:41.973
long-term care settings where they should enjoy
the same rights as heterosexual couples.
00:12:41.974 --> 00:12:46.834
I think for the most part people really want
to be intimates they want to be close to
00:12:46.835 --> 00:12:48.769
other people this may diminish
00:12:48.770 --> 00:12:52.098
their fear and their loneliness and
their helplessness and their boredom.
00:12:52.099 --> 00:12:55.759
Okay. And that closest
will come primarily from
00:12:55.760 --> 00:12:59.853
you and that might be very satisfying
the relationship that they enjoy.
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With individual caregivers here but
this is what it really means to
00:13:04.100 --> 00:13:08.644
deliver person-centered care that
this individual really feel special.
00:13:08.645 --> 00:13:11.358
This person feels connected to you on
00:13:11.359 --> 00:13:16.174
a deep level and it comes next so
much with words which are important
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Through touch you know when we were
00:13:18.769 --> 00:13:22.579
born we didn\'t have the ability to
communicate with words we couldn\'t
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speak words we couldn\'t
understand words but we
00:13:25.399 --> 00:13:29.299
knew we were cared for
primarily through touch.
00:13:29.300 --> 00:13:32.058
So this is a great vehicle
especially for those people in
00:13:32.059 --> 00:13:36.318
advanced dementia Who no longer
have the facility for words they
00:13:36.319 --> 00:13:40.849
don\'t understand they\'d speaking very
little or not at all and when we touch
00:13:40.850 --> 00:13:46.564
them we let them know that they\'re cared
for but some people for reasons that are.
00:13:46.565 --> 00:13:51.258
Maybe not clear it\'s usually due to
some kind of history of maybe abuse.
00:13:51.259 --> 00:13:54.558
They don\'t like being touched
and after all they might not
00:13:54.559 --> 00:13:57.889
recognize who you are even
though you are with them
00:13:57.890 --> 00:14:00.529
let\'s say three days four days five days a
00:14:00.530 --> 00:14:05.388
week they still don\'t remember each
and every time you are a new person
00:14:05.389 --> 00:14:09.349
to them and so I think you have to go over
00:14:09.350 --> 00:14:14.149
the top in your approach with these
folks who are quite fearful of being
00:14:14.150 --> 00:14:20.429
touched It may bring trigger some
old memories about being hurt in
00:14:20.430 --> 00:14:26.989
the past by a caregiver maybe your parents
and so they are apprehensive about any.
00:14:26.990 --> 00:14:28.489
Anybody being.
00:14:28.490 --> 00:14:33.769
Physical with them and so you\'ve
gotta use extra amounts of TLC in
00:14:33.770 --> 00:14:39.244
those cases and I would suggest spinning a
lot more time in a preliminary kinda way.
00:14:39.245 --> 00:14:42.529
Letting them know that you care
to hockey with them talking
00:14:42.530 --> 00:14:46.203
about some favorite subjects of
there\'s maybe singing a song.
00:14:46.204 --> 00:14:50.764
Getting them in the mood I think that
you are there as a friend and not to be
00:14:50.765 --> 00:14:58.765
feared These are some of
00:14:59.840 --> 00:15:04.728
the behaviors that are sometimes
directed towards you as staff members
00:15:04.729 --> 00:15:10.699
or other resonance or even oneself
masturbation sometimes people with dementia.
00:15:10.700 --> 00:15:14.149
Will do this in private or in
00:15:14.150 --> 00:15:18.288
public and of course if it happens in
a public area this is not good for
00:15:18.289 --> 00:15:22.683
the other residents or
visitors or staff how can we
00:15:22.684 --> 00:15:25.638
accommodate this because
there\'s a tendency to be
00:15:25.639 --> 00:15:28.849
dismissive and saying get your
hands out of your pockets.
00:15:28.850 --> 00:15:32.913
Get your hands out of your pants and
to be disgusted by this behavior
00:15:32.914 --> 00:15:37.669
because it is it becomes
a public scene and it\'s
00:15:37.670 --> 00:15:41.329
embarrassing for them if if
only they Could understand what
00:15:41.330 --> 00:15:45.078
they\'re doing and the actual
location they would be horrified
00:15:45.079 --> 00:15:53.023
themselves and so the proper way to deal
with this is to preserve someone\'s dignity.
00:15:53.024 --> 00:15:57.588
I showed them into their
own private space and let
00:15:57.589 --> 00:16:02.644
them masturbate alone we don\'t
want this to be a public display
00:16:02.645 --> 00:16:06.048
because clearly this is
alarming for other people
00:16:06.049 --> 00:16:11.269
okay there\'s also the issue that
sometimes in rare cases that arise that
00:16:11.270 --> 00:16:17.869
we call hypersexuality this has to do
with a very rare symptom of dementia is
00:16:17.870 --> 00:16:19.549
most prominent in people who have
00:16:19.550 --> 00:16:22.128
frontal temporal dementia But it also can
00:16:22.129 --> 00:16:25.189
occur in Alzheimer\'s disease
and other types of dementia.
00:16:25.190 --> 00:16:32.418
This refers to uninhibited and compulsive
talk and or behavior directed towards staff.
00:16:32.419 --> 00:16:35.299
Towards oneself or other people.
00:16:35.300 --> 00:16:38.913
So this is inhibitions out of control.
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Alright. And if you ever
encounter someone like
00:16:42.260 --> 00:16:47.299
this I just asked you not to take it
personally to treat it like a symptom.
00:16:47.300 --> 00:16:49.594
Quite naturally it feels offensives.
00:16:49.595 --> 00:16:51.213
It\'s disturbing.
00:16:51.214 --> 00:16:55.788
But the person has really little or no
control over this kind of behavior.
00:16:55.789 --> 00:17:00.919
So clearly this kind of persistent
need to act out sexually requires
00:17:00.920 --> 00:17:04.369
some medical attention okay And there are
00:17:04.370 --> 00:17:08.509
some medications that are available
to curb this kind of behavior.
00:17:08.510 --> 00:17:12.573
Most often we use estrogen with
00:17:12.574 --> 00:17:16.968
men who are exhibiting this kind of
behavior with women with women who
00:17:16.969 --> 00:17:19.878
exhibit this behavior we might
try some antidepressants are
00:17:19.879 --> 00:17:25.368
anti-anxiety drugs the tendency is to
treat these kinds of behaviors with
00:17:25.369 --> 00:17:28.999
anti-psychotics because they
have sedating qualities
00:17:29.000 --> 00:17:33.603
but some research shows that
instead of snowing people
00:17:33.604 --> 00:17:37.218
under sedating them we\'re better off
using some of those other drugs that I
00:17:37.219 --> 00:17:42.483
mentioned so let\'s talk about your
relationship with people with dementia.
00:17:42.484 --> 00:17:47.118
They spend all of their
time here You go home after
00:17:47.119 --> 00:17:51.723
your shift but they stay here
and this is likely to be.
00:17:51.724 --> 00:17:55.774
Their final home in most cases right.
00:17:55.775 --> 00:18:01.158
And more than just your workplace
this is where they live all the
00:18:01.159 --> 00:18:05.479
time but think about it you are nice to
00:18:05.480 --> 00:18:10.818
them you care about them they become
like extended family members.
00:18:10.819 --> 00:18:15.589
My right. And so sometimes they may confuse
00:18:15.590 --> 00:18:21.109
your friendship and your
care and concern for romance
00:18:21.110 --> 00:18:24.828
and I can fully understand
this because many people
00:18:24.829 --> 00:18:28.364
dementia don\'t appreciate the
fact that there are older people
00:18:28.365 --> 00:18:32.229
Maybe they\'re doing some time traveling
as a result of their dementia they think
00:18:32.230 --> 00:18:35.528
they\'re younger people
and you are very nice to
00:18:35.529 --> 00:18:38.528
them and you\'re smiling and
you\'re carrying and you\'re
00:18:38.529 --> 00:18:42.053
touching them sometimes in
intimate ways and they may get
00:18:42.054 --> 00:18:46.763
the wrong idea and yet from their
perspective it\'s the right thing to do
00:18:46.764 --> 00:18:51.834
because they want to have a romance with you
and also they may forget their spouses.
00:18:51.835 --> 00:18:55.208
By the late stages this
is pretty normal for them
00:18:55.209 --> 00:19:00.953
to have a loss of long-term
memory a marriage of 50-60 years.
00:19:00.954 --> 00:19:04.163
Those brain cells responsible
for those memories.
00:19:04.164 --> 00:19:08.199
May be destroyed as so people
may be living in the here and
00:19:08.200 --> 00:19:11.899
now And again they might think they\'re
00:19:11.900 --> 00:19:16.668
younger people they might think they
are even younger than you are okay.
00:19:16.669 --> 00:19:19.504
And so they may begin to flirt.
00:19:19.505 --> 00:19:24.664
They may use suggestive talk in
their minds this seems completely
00:19:24.665 --> 00:19:30.139
appropriate And then again they
00:19:30.140 --> 00:19:32.959
might go into this sexual realm they might
00:19:32.960 --> 00:19:36.409
grope They might find all
they might try to kiss you.
00:19:36.410 --> 00:19:39.769
These are uncommon x but
when they do occur.
00:19:39.770 --> 00:19:42.079
They\'re always kind of shocking.
00:19:42.080 --> 00:19:46.189
So I\'m wondering if any of you have
had experiences of either this flirt
00:19:46.190 --> 00:19:52.068
flirtatious talks suggestive
talk or outright sexual acts
00:19:52.069 --> 00:19:55.219
directed towards you because
it is it happens now
00:19:55.220 --> 00:19:58.548
and then and we want to be able
to give you a chance to talk
00:19:58.549 --> 00:20:01.608
about it when you\'re helping
somebody you have to get really
00:20:01.609 --> 00:20:05.418
close sometimes and so sometimes
it\'s just inevitable.
00:20:05.419 --> 00:20:10.129
If you don\'t know what\'s
common and There was
00:20:10.130 --> 00:20:15.109
this one time when I was helping a
larger man so I had to get really
00:20:15.110 --> 00:20:19.998
close to him to help him sit
up and he did like kissed
00:20:19.999 --> 00:20:27.999
my chest and it was it was
just I redirected him.
00:20:29.209 --> 00:20:32.749
How did you feel when these incidents first
00:20:32.750 --> 00:20:37.939
occurred in the beginning I was very
surprised and then bother me too
00:20:37.940 --> 00:20:40.488
much but then kind of
as time goes on and it
00:20:40.489 --> 00:20:43.518
keeps on happening when you
least expect it it gets a
00:20:43.519 --> 00:20:46.669
little frustrating sometimes
but you gotta remember
00:20:46.670 --> 00:20:50.509
that again they don\'t know what
they\'re doing a lot of times and
00:20:50.510 --> 00:20:54.018
it\'s Their disease what they have
00:20:54.019 --> 00:20:57.409
that very much attributes to
00:20:57.410 --> 00:21:03.378
their actions and how were you able to
redirect successfully yes very good.
00:21:03.379 --> 00:21:07.203
Sounds like you handled it very well
you didn\'t take them personally.
00:21:07.204 --> 00:21:10.759
Right. And you did set limits you are very
00:21:10.760 --> 00:21:14.928
respectful and I think the
proper thing to do is
00:21:14.929 --> 00:21:18.619
to redirect or to say something as direct
00:21:18.620 --> 00:21:23.298
as well I\'m a spoken for I\'m
married I\'m interrelationship.
00:21:23.299 --> 00:21:25.429
I do value our friendship.
00:21:25.430 --> 00:21:28.129
But we have limits to this relationship.
00:21:28.130 --> 00:21:32.223
Now of course saying that is one
thing but then remember them
00:21:32.224 --> 00:21:36.123
remembering it it\'s a different
Altogether because of their dementia.
00:21:36.124 --> 00:21:38.704
So this may have to be repeated.
00:21:38.705 --> 00:21:42.169
Time and time again it\'s
also important to say
00:21:42.170 --> 00:21:45.589
you know what triggered this
behavior as you pointed out
00:21:45.590 --> 00:21:50.239
you\'re engaged in some very
personal intimate kinds of tasks
00:21:50.240 --> 00:21:55.684
right dressing and bathing
someone doesn\'t isn\'t natural.
00:21:55.685 --> 00:21:58.804
Unless you\'re doing that to
a young child in this case
00:21:58.805 --> 00:22:02.434
they\'re full grown adults and so they may.
00:22:02.435 --> 00:22:05.838
They may distort this situation
instead of thinking of it
00:22:05.839 --> 00:22:09.978
as a task that they need
help with they might think
00:22:09.979 --> 00:22:14.719
about this as an opportunity
for little sexual play or
00:22:14.720 --> 00:22:19.849
flirtatious behavior OK so it\'s
always important to think about what
00:22:19.850 --> 00:22:22.264
is their perspective on the situation
00:22:22.265 --> 00:22:26.389
right there they\'re seeing an opportunity
for romance and you\'re saying well
00:22:26.390 --> 00:22:29.538
no I\'m your caregiver and I do appreciate
00:22:29.539 --> 00:22:33.544
you I can be your friend but there\'s
going to be limits to this relationship.
00:22:33.545 --> 00:22:37.908
Ok now some people feel hounded
00:22:37.909 --> 00:22:42.258
by particular resonance and there might be
something about your appearance or your voice
00:22:42.259 --> 00:22:48.304
that reminds them of a former spouse
or lover and you might feel put upon
00:22:48.305 --> 00:22:51.048
on a regular basis In that case
00:22:51.049 --> 00:22:54.934
all the redirection and sweet talk
in the world may do you no good.
00:22:54.935 --> 00:22:58.249
So in those cases and those are rare.
00:22:58.250 --> 00:23:02.178
I think it\'s important to talk
about maybe being reassigned to
00:23:02.179 --> 00:23:06.769
someone else because for some reason
that we can\'t quite understand.
00:23:06.770 --> 00:23:10.098
They target you and nothing you can do
00:23:10.099 --> 00:23:13.983
about it to dissuade them
from this kind of behavior.
00:23:13.984 --> 00:23:19.249
I would suggest if something like this
occurs to report it to your supervisor
00:23:19.250 --> 00:23:25.293
because it might occur with another staff
member on your day off or another shift.
00:23:25.294 --> 00:23:30.409
Okay. So to take away the element of surprise
for another staff member I think it\'s
00:23:30.410 --> 00:23:33.048
important to to tell someone It also
00:23:33.049 --> 00:23:36.318
made me just to talk it through
because maybe you do feel offended.
00:23:36.319 --> 00:23:41.193
Maybe you are upset by it maybe you weren\'t
successful in redirecting someone.
00:23:41.194 --> 00:23:44.329
So I think to brainstorm
with your supervisor or
00:23:44.330 --> 00:23:48.559
your co-workers and to document it document
00:23:48.560 --> 00:23:52.038
the facts not your feelings but
just to inform others what\'s going
00:23:52.039 --> 00:23:56.088
on I started here as a
senior in high school.
00:23:56.089 --> 00:23:58.713
Very young very naive.
00:23:58.714 --> 00:24:03.139
Long ago and it was my second day on
00:24:03.140 --> 00:24:09.018
the job and I worked in activities and I
was asked to do quality of life interviews
00:24:09.019 --> 00:24:13.849
and I approached a gentlemen\'s
room his door was
00:24:13.850 --> 00:24:16.848
closed So I did the appropriate thing and I
00:24:16.849 --> 00:24:20.734
knocked and he happily
invited me in the room.
00:24:20.735 --> 00:24:24.109
So you have to remember
that I was 17 years old.
00:24:24.110 --> 00:24:30.919
So I walked into the room and
at that moment in time I had
00:24:30.920 --> 00:24:38.449
absolutely no idea that he was
masturbating so I approached the bedside.
00:24:38.450 --> 00:24:42.588
And I started talking to him
about this Quality of Life
00:24:42.589 --> 00:24:47.568
interview as it was supposed
to do as he continued
00:24:47.569 --> 00:24:50.629
to masturbate And then I\'m
00:24:50.630 --> 00:24:54.109
starting to kinda realize and I\'m
starting to feel a little bit
00:24:54.110 --> 00:24:58.039
uncomfortable and before I could do
00:24:58.040 --> 00:25:03.963
anything he physically grabbed me and
pulled me on top of him in the bed.
00:25:03.964 --> 00:25:07.939
So again I\'m not a nurse.
00:25:07.940 --> 00:25:15.940
I\'m not a CNA it scared me and I guess
what was really frustrating for me
00:25:16.895 --> 00:25:24.895
was that lack of communication from everybody
who knew what this gentleman did and yet.
00:25:27.559 --> 00:25:35.559
Sorry. Nobody shared
that information Great.
00:25:36.750 --> 00:25:42.339
Well thanks for sharing that story
you know what\'s remarkable is that
00:25:42.340 --> 00:25:47.289
you stayed on the job and here
you are after all these years
00:25:47.290 --> 00:25:49.389
I think a lesser person
would have run out of here
00:25:49.390 --> 00:25:53.093
screaming and would have said
this is not the place for me
00:25:53.094 --> 00:26:00.338
you know so you hung in there I was very
shaken up that day I actually left early.
00:26:00.339 --> 00:26:05.379
I went home I said to my boyfriend
who\'s still my husband as of
00:26:05.380 --> 00:26:10.809
today 20-30 years later and he said well
00:26:10.810 --> 00:26:13.778
you need to leave that place and I said
00:26:13.779 --> 00:26:20.574
no I need to make a difference
in that place and so
00:26:20.575 --> 00:26:25.614
it just gave me that initiative and
you spoke about it earlier about
00:26:25.615 --> 00:26:28.944
great communication and about
00:26:28.945 --> 00:26:33.008
knowing your residence and what\'s
going on with them that\'s right.
00:26:33.009 --> 00:26:37.628
Thank you yeah I\'m sure this
is not the first experience of
00:26:37.629 --> 00:26:42.338
someone walking in on this guy and you
didn\'t have the benefit of anybody.
00:26:42.339 --> 00:26:45.549
Preparing you Well how do you
know unless someone says.
00:26:45.550 --> 00:26:47.709
Let\'s have a huddle at 17 meeting.
00:26:47.710 --> 00:26:50.348
Let\'s tell you about each
of your residents that
00:26:50.349 --> 00:26:53.810
you\'re carrying for today
thanks for sharing that
00:27:07.500 --> 00:27:12.549
And we\'re going to delve into the
topic of consent and how to assess if
00:27:12.550 --> 00:27:17.513
somewhat is consensual to participate
in either intimate or sexual behaviors.
00:27:17.514 --> 00:27:21.639
So let\'s talk about resident
to resonant relationships
00:27:21.640 --> 00:27:26.333
of course this is their home and they
live in a co-ed living situation.
00:27:26.334 --> 00:27:30.818
Men and women living
together 247 every day of
00:27:30.819 --> 00:27:36.248
the year so a friendships between races
really should not be surprising right.
00:27:36.249 --> 00:27:40.419
But sometimes these friendships
may become physical in
00:27:40.420 --> 00:27:45.768
nature So let\'s talk about those
special relationships there are
00:27:45.769 --> 00:27:48.619
uncommon but when they do
happen I think we need
00:27:48.620 --> 00:27:52.129
to respect them in fact I
would go so far as to say we
00:27:52.130 --> 00:27:55.834
should celebrate them because
sometimes people will
00:27:55.835 --> 00:28:01.219
find romance here and this will
be a happy occasion for them this
00:28:01.220 --> 00:28:05.778
may sustain them during the course of their
their stay here do you think people with
00:28:05.779 --> 00:28:11.103
dementia can actually consent to
participate in sexual relations.
00:28:11.104 --> 00:28:17.928
Okay. So okay so it\'s going to depend upon
00:28:17.929 --> 00:28:24.424
the severity of their dementia Okay would you
agree that somebody in the early stages.
00:28:24.425 --> 00:28:29.449
Perhaps. Can\'t consent to
participate in sexual relations.
00:28:29.450 --> 00:28:33.619
So you might draw the line at the
severity of the dementia that would be
00:28:33.620 --> 00:28:39.709
the telling thing for you so I like
to show this rather provocative photo
00:28:39.710 --> 00:28:44.268
I want you to take a good look at
that this was actually a photo from
00:28:44.269 --> 00:28:49.279
Newsweek magazine a few years
ago and the the headline is
00:28:49.280 --> 00:28:53.568
rather provocative it says sex love and
nursing homes and the byline at the bottom
00:28:53.569 --> 00:28:58.639
says forget Bingo for some risky senior
citizens Romance is the name of the game.
00:28:58.640 --> 00:29:05.928
Why intimacy matters to the Medicare set
To me it\'s rather ages kind of view of
00:29:05.929 --> 00:29:09.619
things but as you take a
look at those two people oh
00:29:09.620 --> 00:29:11.449
what what are your thoughts and
00:29:11.450 --> 00:29:14.569
feelings and if we could just take
a few moments with the microphone.
00:29:14.570 --> 00:29:19.758
If you would just share how
you perceive this picture.
00:29:19.759 --> 00:29:22.879
Go ahead brett Do you have an idea
what\'s your thought you want to share
00:29:22.880 --> 00:29:26.193
the microphone was someone
go ahead it\'s nice.
00:29:26.194 --> 00:29:28.788
It\'s a nice picture why
do you say it\'s nice.
00:29:28.789 --> 00:29:31.893
Getting talking enjoying.
00:29:31.894 --> 00:29:35.569
Okay. So it\'s very sweet.
00:29:35.570 --> 00:29:39.588
Very sweet Okay anybody else Want to add to
00:29:39.589 --> 00:29:46.984
that say again they\'re
not lonely anymore okay.
00:29:46.985 --> 00:29:49.999
So maybe they were alone and now they have
00:29:50.000 --> 00:29:54.809
a special friend and some
of that pain of loneliness.
00:29:54.810 --> 00:29:59.778
Maybe diminished or gone altogether
as a result of finding each other
00:29:59.779 --> 00:30:07.779
ok so am I correct in saying everybody has
a very positive view of this picture okay.
00:30:09.230 --> 00:30:16.398
However let me ask you if that
gentleman was your father
00:30:16.399 --> 00:30:20.179
and your mother was living at home in
00:30:20.180 --> 00:30:25.128
the community In other words after
many years of care at home.
00:30:25.129 --> 00:30:31.489
Your father developed dementia and your mother
sent him to a place and he found himself
00:30:31.490 --> 00:30:34.609
with this other woman would
you feel any different
00:30:34.610 --> 00:30:38.374
now about this picture would it be a sweet.
00:30:38.375 --> 00:30:41.193
Well hola boy.
00:30:41.194 --> 00:30:44.329
But he can\'t help it and that
is dementia it\'s dimension
00:30:44.330 --> 00:30:47.359
you can\'t change it I mean it would
00:30:47.360 --> 00:30:54.499
be the feelings where me and medianal he
got mentioned that\'s my 0s there okay.
00:30:54.500 --> 00:31:02.500
So you would try to understand his perspective
on things they do And then second.
00:31:04.534 --> 00:31:09.709
What\'s that you wanted to see them
happy you want to see him happy
00:31:09.710 --> 00:31:16.543
okay no it\'s not your mom I
mean he\'s happy you want long.
00:31:16.544 --> 00:31:20.358
Very good. Yes. Here\'s my example but let
00:31:20.359 --> 00:31:24.048
me ask you how would your mother
feel about this other woman
00:31:24.049 --> 00:31:32.049
Well I\'m waiting time all very well
and she would be somewhere out. Ok
00:31:33.844 --> 00:31:36.558
so you would guarantee that they could have
00:31:36.559 --> 00:31:39.408
this special relationship as long as
00:31:39.409 --> 00:31:43.383
your mother was not bothered by it or
did not see it until she wouldn\'t know.
00:31:43.384 --> 00:31:47.014
She wouldn\'t necessarily know There okay.
00:31:47.015 --> 00:31:49.018
So you\'re not going to tell your mother.
00:31:49.019 --> 00:31:53.269
Any other thoughts about that hole that go
00:31:53.270 --> 00:31:58.278
ahead what happens when that relationship
goes to the next level what happens
00:31:58.279 --> 00:32:00.468
when that relationship goes
to the next level so we
00:32:00.469 --> 00:32:02.748
take it from the intimacy the holding hands
00:32:02.749 --> 00:32:07.953
and the talking and flirtatious
to the level of sex.
00:32:07.954 --> 00:32:12.708
I don\'t know you tell me what happens.
00:32:12.709 --> 00:32:16.608
Oh so you\'re thinking
about the wife now and
00:32:16.609 --> 00:32:21.918
her feelings she might feel
betrayed she might feel this is
00:32:21.919 --> 00:32:29.919
inappropriate and let\'s just presume also For
the sake of argument that this woman that
00:32:31.549 --> 00:32:39.394
this woman is less impaired than the
man and she has become quite assertive
00:32:39.395 --> 00:32:43.159
and aggressive with him
he\'s more impaired that she
00:32:43.160 --> 00:32:48.479
is would this make any
difference with this picture.
00:32:49.180 --> 00:32:57.018
Tell us tell us why would make a difference
to you well so much in pair in it he\'s
00:32:57.019 --> 00:33:04.503
not or vice a versa when would I
want that for my mom or my dad.
00:33:04.504 --> 00:33:09.109
No. Okay because it\'s just
00:33:09.110 --> 00:33:15.108
not OK in my eyes okay but in
their eyes they could be right.
00:33:15.109 --> 00:33:16.699
And their eyes it could be right.
00:33:16.700 --> 00:33:19.144
Okay. So this is the rub.
00:33:19.145 --> 00:33:21.859
Isn\'t it you\'ve got
different perspectives on
00:33:21.860 --> 00:33:25.953
this you have one perspective
if you are the resident.
00:33:25.954 --> 00:33:28.849
You\'ve got another
perspective if your spouse.
00:33:28.850 --> 00:33:33.334
You have yet another perspective
if you\'re an adult child right.
00:33:33.335 --> 00:33:37.559
And who\'s to say which
perspect perspective is right.
00:33:37.990 --> 00:33:43.233
So I\'m going to argue however
just for the sake of argument
00:33:43.234 --> 00:33:48.814
that we need to really put an emphasis
on the perspective of the resident.
00:33:48.815 --> 00:33:54.679
Even though they might Irrationally
consider each other to be
00:33:54.680 --> 00:34:01.188
spouses and they might not have any
knowledge that they\'re still married.
00:34:01.189 --> 00:34:06.798
That it would be terrible if we disrupted
this relationship because they seem to
00:34:06.799 --> 00:34:09.559
derive so much enjoyment from it and to
00:34:09.560 --> 00:34:12.874
get in the middle of it might
actually cause some harm.
00:34:12.875 --> 00:34:15.409
How about any other kinds of expressions
00:34:15.410 --> 00:34:18.213
of intimacy or sexuality
that we haven\'t covered.
00:34:18.214 --> 00:34:22.249
Is there any situation that
you\'ve been involved in that you
00:34:22.250 --> 00:34:26.659
found disturbing at first and that you\'d
00:34:26.660 --> 00:34:34.660
like to share we have a couple who
both are widowed And they like
00:34:36.620 --> 00:34:41.509
to as our staff our team
would call it make out in
00:34:41.510 --> 00:34:48.798
the main dining room and this does cause
some people to feel very uncomfortable.
00:34:48.799 --> 00:34:54.349
So really for us it\'s just
about educating the staff.
00:34:54.350 --> 00:34:59.419
It is consensual although
we would like to them to
00:34:59.420 --> 00:35:04.414
do it maybe in a more private
place we offer that but
00:35:04.415 --> 00:35:12.199
ultimately if they would like to
Makeout it\'s their right to do
00:35:12.200 --> 00:35:17.089
so and we just tried to help
them feel as comfortable as
00:35:17.090 --> 00:35:23.343
possible and again provide them place
to be private if they\'d like to be.
00:35:23.344 --> 00:35:27.078
Well I\'m glad to hear that
romance can flourish here
00:35:27.079 --> 00:35:32.029
because in some places people
are uncomfortable with
00:35:32.030 --> 00:35:35.688
that and I\'ve heard cases in which
00:35:35.689 --> 00:35:40.173
staff are are put up by that and
actually prohibit that kind of behavior
00:35:40.174 --> 00:35:44.568
but as you pointed out in this
case it was consensual i it was
00:35:44.569 --> 00:35:48.708
very obvious now some of
their public behavior might
00:35:48.709 --> 00:35:51.609
be off putting To you and others who
00:35:51.610 --> 00:35:54.969
work here who live here and
I think you\'re well within
00:35:54.970 --> 00:36:02.784
your role to try to tell them to reserve
that for maybe a more private space okay.
00:36:02.785 --> 00:36:05.019
But I love the fact that you honored
00:36:05.020 --> 00:36:08.738
their their their desires and
00:36:08.739 --> 00:36:13.088
their their interest in each other
because again I think we\'re
00:36:13.089 --> 00:36:17.349
moving to a place like this it can it
00:36:17.350 --> 00:36:22.299
can disempower people they they
can feel cutoff and lonely and
00:36:22.300 --> 00:36:27.309
40 people to find each other I think it\'s very
calming and they\'ll you\'ll probably never
00:36:27.310 --> 00:36:30.428
experience any kind of
depression or anxiety
00:36:30.429 --> 00:36:34.219
coming from those two As a
result of their togetherness.
00:36:34.220 --> 00:36:37.098
Let\'s delve into some of these issues
because I think it really gets
00:36:37.099 --> 00:36:40.158
into is someone really
able to consent do they
00:36:40.159 --> 00:36:43.328
really know what they\'re getting into all
00:36:43.329 --> 00:36:46.759
right because clearly someone
who\'s lacking consent.
00:36:46.760 --> 00:36:51.034
We have to protect them from harm
they may be used poor judgment
00:36:51.035 --> 00:36:52.968
in a lot of different ways
they might want to wander
00:36:52.969 --> 00:36:56.018
outside the front door
in the middle of winter.
00:36:56.019 --> 00:36:58.024
You have safety issues.
00:36:58.025 --> 00:37:03.784
You\'ve got people who perhaps use poor judgment
with respect to eating that non foods and
00:37:03.785 --> 00:37:06.618
things like that so we clearly people with
00:37:06.619 --> 00:37:10.264
dementia may need some protection
from their own poor judgment.
00:37:10.265 --> 00:37:14.958
So this is where we get into what
I call levels of behavior Level
00:37:14.959 --> 00:37:19.504
one would be consensual
intimacy that means without
00:37:19.505 --> 00:37:24.018
overt sex and I believe that
what is required here as
00:37:24.019 --> 00:37:30.634
a low level of mental capacity
in order to demonstrate consent.
00:37:30.635 --> 00:37:33.214
The stakes don\'t seem terribly high.
00:37:33.215 --> 00:37:37.309
There\'s not a lot of inherent
harm in these kinds of behaviors.
00:37:37.310 --> 00:37:41.494
Except it may harm the sensibilities
of family members who are visiting.
00:37:41.495 --> 00:37:49.495
Okay. And we might be able to educate and
and sort of help families understand
00:37:49.624 --> 00:37:53.899
the nature of these relationships
then it seems to be monogamous it
00:37:53.900 --> 00:37:59.208
seems to be wholesome and Doesn\'t
seem to be causing any harm.
00:37:59.209 --> 00:38:02.268
Level two. However has to do with
00:38:02.269 --> 00:38:06.198
consensual sex acts I think
we\'d all agree that just takes
00:38:06.199 --> 00:38:12.993
it to a new level and then lastly there
is non-conceptual intimacy and sex.
00:38:12.994 --> 00:38:15.573
These are cases where people clearly have
00:38:15.574 --> 00:38:20.209
no idea about the nature of this
relationship and they\'re lacking the ability
00:38:20.210 --> 00:38:23.779
to to fend off someone they they can\'t
00:38:23.780 --> 00:38:28.429
voluntarily participate maybe because they are
too severely impaired with their dementia.
00:38:28.430 --> 00:38:33.213
So consent quite simply refers
to one\'s mental ability to make
00:38:33.214 --> 00:38:35.328
a good decision and to act in
00:38:35.329 --> 00:38:38.763
one\'s own self-interest that\'s
sort of a dictionary definition
00:38:38.764 --> 00:38:42.649
Consent and clearly people
with dementia may not be
00:38:42.650 --> 00:38:46.458
able to safely do complex things
they can\'t drive a car after
00:38:46.459 --> 00:38:50.629
a certain point in time they can
no longer managed money or or live
00:38:50.630 --> 00:38:53.508
alone but of course as we know
00:38:53.509 --> 00:38:56.913
people dimension make simple choices
for themselves all the time right.
00:38:56.914 --> 00:39:00.408
They make a simple choice to get
up out of bed in the morning
00:39:00.409 --> 00:39:04.654
they make a choice to accept a
bath or not to accept a bath.
00:39:04.655 --> 00:39:08.628
So they\'re really capable of
making simple choices for
00:39:08.629 --> 00:39:14.448
themselves but when it comes to
the complex matters about such as
00:39:14.449 --> 00:39:17.148
whether or not to participate
in a sexual relationship that
00:39:17.149 --> 00:39:20.299
might be this gray area that concerns
00:39:20.300 --> 00:39:26.933
all of us But for families sometimes the role
of the so-called surrogate decision-maker.
00:39:26.934 --> 00:39:29.214
These might be the powers of attorney.
00:39:29.215 --> 00:39:32.934
Or that family member who is
the legal representative.
00:39:32.935 --> 00:39:36.443
When it comes to consent to take part in
00:39:36.444 --> 00:39:42.249
either intimate or sexual relationship
that power is not all that clear with
00:39:42.250 --> 00:39:47.079
these legal documents or with
any kind of designated role as
00:39:47.080 --> 00:39:52.588
a surrogate so who then decides
it gets kinda sticky doesn\'t it
00:39:52.589 --> 00:39:56.904
so I\'m going to show you a video now a clip
00:39:56.905 --> 00:40:00.069
of two people who have found each other in
00:40:00.070 --> 00:40:02.708
an assisted living facility
there named Woody and
00:40:02.709 --> 00:40:06.094
Cathy And what do you is had
00:40:06.095 --> 00:40:12.154
Alzheimer\'s disease for about a dozen
years after many years of home-care
00:40:12.155 --> 00:40:15.318
his wife and his daughter
decided that he should go to
00:40:15.319 --> 00:40:18.799
this place that\'s where
you will see Woody and
00:40:18.800 --> 00:40:23.898
eventually he will be paired
off with Kathy and ultimately
00:40:23.899 --> 00:40:30.570
they will walk into his room and they will
take a nap together in his private room
00:40:45.220 --> 00:40:53.220
Place what\'s go somebody
doesn\'t needs I had spent
00:40:55.669 --> 00:41:03.669
my funded both this beautiful
museum but lucky for us we
00:41:04.960 --> 00:41:11.958
felt bad about where I should
00:41:11.959 --> 00:41:19.959
go in with a high volume.
00:41:24.730 --> 00:41:30.349
So we don\'t have So anybody in
00:41:30.350 --> 00:41:36.900
here I don\'t think so let\'s see No.
00:41:40.390 --> 00:41:48.390
You\'re gonna sit down as
nice I\'m glad you\'re here
00:42:00.010 --> 00:42:02.479
do you want to write down.
00:42:02.480 --> 00:42:09.809
Yeah like a gold rush
00:42:32.680 --> 00:42:39.768
They believe that there are
married to each other right Kathy
00:42:39.769 --> 00:42:46.593
says he\'s my husband and how did he
respond you remember he says we\'re lucky.
00:42:46.594 --> 00:42:51.378
We\'re lucky. Okay. And I think
they are lucky to have each
00:42:51.379 --> 00:42:58.834
other But do you think this is a
case of an extra marital affair.
00:42:58.835 --> 00:43:04.728
Or infidelity it wouldn\'t agree
with that maybe he is thinking of
00:43:04.729 --> 00:43:12.168
his wife really in you know in
his mind\'s mind we\'re you know.
00:43:12.169 --> 00:43:18.573
But even though it\'s Cathy but it\'s not
really his real life you know right.
00:43:18.574 --> 00:43:23.959
So in his dementia he might be confuse
yeah But he might be pleasantly confused.
00:43:23.960 --> 00:43:29.613
Over the nature of this relationship die
they certainly don\'t appear distressed.
00:43:29.614 --> 00:43:31.939
Not by any stretch.
00:43:31.940 --> 00:43:38.329
Would you agree that this appears
consensual this relationship between.
00:43:38.330 --> 00:43:42.120
Yeah I would agree too.
00:43:43.000 --> 00:43:51.000
So I believe that we need to perhaps documents
that if we think it\'s consensual why it\'s
00:43:52.250 --> 00:43:57.214
consensual and unfortunately we don\'t
have a lot of really good tools
00:43:57.215 --> 00:44:03.184
available to make definitive
judgments about capacity or consent.
00:44:03.185 --> 00:44:07.029
Right We have these rather
crude tools like the beams
00:44:07.030 --> 00:44:11.259
the brief inventory of mental status and
we have the Mini-Mental State Exam.
00:44:11.260 --> 00:44:14.918
This just tells you about the
severity of their dementia.
00:44:14.919 --> 00:44:19.143
I think if there\'s any question
It\'s important to employ
00:44:19.144 --> 00:44:24.579
mental health professional to involve the
primary care physician to use several tests not
00:44:24.580 --> 00:44:29.289
only of cognition but to interview
the affected parties to find out
00:44:29.290 --> 00:44:34.223
from them and to interview the
key staff because you might
00:44:34.224 --> 00:44:37.223
hold a lot of information that
00:44:37.224 --> 00:44:40.328
will be able to interpret this
is indeed consensual or it\'s
00:44:40.329 --> 00:44:47.419
not so I think we really want to support
those who are consensual Right.
00:44:47.420 --> 00:44:50.549
But you have to probably
put this in a care plan
00:44:50.560 --> 00:44:55.638
we work in highly regulated
environments and if there\'s
00:44:55.639 --> 00:44:59.868
any kind of lack of
clarity I think it might
00:44:59.869 --> 00:45:05.190
come back to haunt you because
family members may be upset.
00:45:05.410 --> 00:45:09.649
There have even been lawsuits
over this kind of thing
00:45:09.650 --> 00:45:14.419
where we\'re all worried about state
regulators federal regulators
00:45:14.420 --> 00:45:18.348
who might come in surveyors
and unless something is
00:45:18.349 --> 00:45:23.969
written down we are opening
ourselves up to scrutiny
00:46:11.530 --> 00:46:17.314
That\'s wonderful aw I\'m roundwood hair.
00:46:17.315 --> 00:46:25.315
Here on the right panel you can
do with you and make you come and
00:46:25.370 --> 00:46:28.669
sit there and sit right there it\'s brushes
00:46:28.670 --> 00:46:33.720
hair shirt right there he want
you to sit right down Cathy.
00:46:34.390 --> 00:46:37.459
Very pretty pretty colored
00:46:37.460 --> 00:46:40.908
three years you know what we\'re gonna do
tonight or by going to the Corinthians we\'re
00:46:40.909 --> 00:46:43.638
going to see all the grains and we\'re
going to be singing where they go
00:46:43.639 --> 00:46:47.629
see whether you can you can sing it I
00:46:47.630 --> 00:46:52.009
don\'t know if I can can you know
sort of you know but I\'m glad I can
00:46:52.010 --> 00:46:57.063
view it as we go Okay good or I can\'t.
00:46:57.064 --> 00:47:05.064
There we go. Good to see you back later
will be where actually there she lander.
00:47:12.130 --> 00:47:15.349
What do you have an
interesting life he walked
00:47:15.350 --> 00:47:18.079
into the room with his girlfriend
and he left with his wife.
00:47:18.080 --> 00:47:26.080
So tell me his wife three action
what do you pay with understanding.
00:47:26.315 --> 00:47:30.619
She appears understanding
she\'s okay with it she
00:47:30.620 --> 00:47:34.879
went right 2M is she\'s like sitting
on his lap she\'s got her arm around
00:47:34.880 --> 00:47:39.904
him this is mine Here now so I mean
00:47:39.905 --> 00:47:42.468
there\'s just has the feelings
inside but she\'s not gonna say
00:47:42.469 --> 00:47:45.213
anything she knows the circumstance.
00:47:45.214 --> 00:47:50.839
She knows that they don\'t get it
and actually this is not unusual.
00:47:50.840 --> 00:47:55.099
I have found that many
spouses reach a point of
00:47:55.100 --> 00:47:59.989
acceptance about these relationships
there was a time in which I
00:47:59.990 --> 00:48:03.694
had a gentleman call me
and his wife was found
00:48:03.695 --> 00:48:06.739
with another man they were
just holding hands but
00:48:06.740 --> 00:48:09.334
they have become very
affectionate and a couple.
00:48:09.335 --> 00:48:13.999
In relatively short time and the staff
had asked the gentleman what should
00:48:14.000 --> 00:48:18.618
we do about this relationship
and he said wait
00:48:18.619 --> 00:48:21.799
a minute She\'s she\'s living there now
00:48:21.800 --> 00:48:26.359
she doesn\'t consider me to be her
husband and she has found someone
00:48:26.360 --> 00:48:30.063
who\'s making her happy I\'m all for it
00:48:30.064 --> 00:48:35.493
because her happiness means everything to be
Now I cannot do anything about or dementia.
00:48:35.494 --> 00:48:37.683
I couldn\'t care for her at home.
00:48:37.684 --> 00:48:41.959
Any longer and if it\'s giving
her joy and meaning and
00:48:41.960 --> 00:48:48.228
a purpose I have to step aside
and let her have her life
00:48:48.229 --> 00:48:53.448
To me that was really touching it
was I think Such an expression of
00:48:53.449 --> 00:48:58.099
love that someone could be so unselfish and
00:48:58.100 --> 00:49:00.349
I believe that\'s what she had done with
00:49:00.350 --> 00:49:04.518
him that she couldn\'t be
there all the time obviously
00:49:04.519 --> 00:49:12.519
and so whatever gave him joy seemed
to be the utmost priority. Yeah.
00:49:13.030 --> 00:49:18.604
But I bet she did the first time it
happened she wasn\'t so accepting.
00:49:18.605 --> 00:49:22.489
I think the first time it must
have been a bit of a shock to
00:49:22.490 --> 00:49:27.454
see that she was replaced by someone else
and that\'s certainly understandable.
00:49:27.455 --> 00:49:32.014
I\'ll tell you another quick story
in that regard I met a woman who
00:49:32.015 --> 00:49:36.619
had cared for her husband at home for
a long long time like this case.
00:49:36.620 --> 00:49:41.659
And she said the hardest day of her life
was the day she had her husband go to
00:49:41.660 --> 00:49:47.254
a nursing home but she said then the
next day was almost the worst day
00:49:47.255 --> 00:49:51.079
but disaster was averted she said
when I went to the nursing home
00:49:51.080 --> 00:49:56.689
the next day I found that there was
already another woman in his life
00:49:56.690 --> 00:50:01.248
within 24 hours he had
found someone and he was
00:50:01.249 --> 00:50:06.724
walking hand in hand down the
hall as she entered the floor
00:50:06.725 --> 00:50:11.239
and she burst into tears
now fortunately there was
00:50:11.240 --> 00:50:16.929
a kindly LPN Who saw this scene
unfold and took her aside and let
00:50:16.930 --> 00:50:22.448
her have a good cry and talk about her story
of caring for him all these years and how
00:50:22.449 --> 00:50:24.924
difficult it was to do that and how
00:50:24.925 --> 00:50:28.673
devastating it was to have him
come here and now to be replaced.
00:50:28.674 --> 00:50:36.143
So quickly by another woman
and she then told me the LPN.
00:50:36.144 --> 00:50:38.679
Said something that I\'ll never forget.
00:50:38.680 --> 00:50:42.428
Maybe there was something maybe there\'s
something about this other woman
00:50:42.429 --> 00:50:46.478
that reminds him of you
and the woman says I
00:50:46.479 --> 00:50:51.129
don\'t know if that was true but
I bought it I had to believe
00:50:51.130 --> 00:50:56.418
it I had to believe he he
desired that connection That
00:50:56.419 --> 00:50:59.808
there was still a bit of
our own relationship still
00:50:59.809 --> 00:51:03.618
there and that he needed a woman in
his life after all we had shared
00:51:03.619 --> 00:51:06.019
the same home the same bed for
00:51:06.020 --> 00:51:11.194
decades and he must have been so
profoundly lonely without me in his life
00:51:11.195 --> 00:51:15.798
and he needed a woman to
take care of him to be with
00:51:15.799 --> 00:51:21.424
him and that set in motion a wonderful.
00:51:21.425 --> 00:51:25.248
Some might say odd relationship that
every time she visited and that woman
00:51:25.249 --> 00:51:29.868
who was with him she enjoyed visits
00:51:29.869 --> 00:51:33.019
with both of them the staff
didn\'t have separate
00:51:33.020 --> 00:51:36.469
them when she went on
outings she took both of
00:51:36.470 --> 00:51:39.169
them So to me that was
00:51:39.170 --> 00:51:44.043
another example of a great love that
that few of us can even imagine.
00:51:44.044 --> 00:51:46.518
But she was able to do it because again in
00:51:46.519 --> 00:51:49.099
very short order she had to
decide am I going to be against
00:51:49.100 --> 00:51:54.783
this are my gotta go with the flow and in the
course of dementia many family caregivers
00:51:54.784 --> 00:51:57.304
decide it\'s best to go with the flow.
00:51:57.305 --> 00:52:01.459
Rather than fights what\'s
going on here so I
00:52:01.460 --> 00:52:05.993
think it says showed me that sometimes
people are quite resilient.
00:52:05.994 --> 00:52:07.849
That they can adapt to some of
00:52:07.850 --> 00:52:10.548
these very difficult situations and
00:52:10.549 --> 00:52:13.729
surprises sometimes I think
we do have an obligation to
00:52:13.730 --> 00:52:17.149
keep families and formed after all
you are the eyes and ears they have
00:52:17.150 --> 00:52:21.258
entrusted the care of a
loved one to you And it\'s
00:52:21.259 --> 00:52:24.124
a very important job that you have to
00:52:24.125 --> 00:52:27.829
protect their loved one and to support
their loved one but they want to be in
00:52:27.830 --> 00:52:30.558
the know they hate surprises
don\'t they they hate
00:52:30.559 --> 00:52:34.879
surprises and so to maybe say in advance.
00:52:34.880 --> 00:52:36.169
Here\'s what we\'re seeing.
00:52:36.170 --> 00:52:41.538
Not to say you won\'t believe what your husband\'s
doing you know just to be very factual.
00:52:41.539 --> 00:52:44.778
You know he\'s found a friend this friend
00:52:44.779 --> 00:52:48.363
happens to be female they seem
to be getting along quite well
00:52:48.364 --> 00:52:51.648
they\'re holding hands it seems to be
00:52:51.649 --> 00:52:56.988
consensual I think it\'s all of
the way you present it Alright.
00:52:56.989 --> 00:53:02.329
So we\'ve got to use our own
judgment here I think we can
00:53:02.330 --> 00:53:07.249
sometimes get hung up on oh
my God this is infidelity or
00:53:07.250 --> 00:53:09.919
extra marital or what would
the wife think we actually
00:53:09.920 --> 00:53:12.649
don\'t know what husbands
and wives might think of
00:53:12.650 --> 00:53:14.868
these things we have to give them
00:53:14.869 --> 00:53:18.468
the opportunity to decide for themselves
and other story I\'ll share with
00:53:18.469 --> 00:53:24.679
you a woman I know called me surely after
her mother went to a nursing home.
00:53:24.680 --> 00:53:29.358
Her mother had been widowed for ten years
and hadn\'t dated during that entire time
00:53:29.359 --> 00:53:34.203
her her mother was now in
her early 80s and had had
00:53:34.204 --> 00:53:38.028
Alzheimer disease probably
seven or eight years And
00:53:38.029 --> 00:53:42.798
upon entering the nursing home within
48 hours she was found in bed with a
00:53:42.799 --> 00:53:47.133
male resident half naked and a staff called
00:53:47.134 --> 00:53:52.609
this woman the adult daughter who
was the power of attorney and
00:53:52.610 --> 00:53:56.478
the legal representative and the
daughter quickly called me the
00:53:56.479 --> 00:54:00.858
social worker for some advice
she says What am I supposed
00:54:00.859 --> 00:54:04.369
to do she says I can\'t even
get my head around the fact
00:54:04.370 --> 00:54:07.909
that my mother is a sexual person
I think we all would agree
00:54:07.910 --> 00:54:10.923
it\'s hard to envision our
parents sexual people right
00:54:10.924 --> 00:54:14.148
it\'s like I don\'t want
to think about that and
00:54:14.149 --> 00:54:17.328
she said I was kind of
horrified at first hearing
00:54:17.329 --> 00:54:21.529
this story but then the staff
told me It appeared to be.
00:54:21.530 --> 00:54:25.098
My mother taking the lead
that she loved this guy into
00:54:25.099 --> 00:54:28.473
the room and this was a
very comfortable kind of
00:54:28.474 --> 00:54:32.029
thing they had found each other
as soon as the daughter had
00:54:32.030 --> 00:54:36.618
left 48 hours earlier and they
have become fast friends.
00:54:36.619 --> 00:54:41.069
So my friend said this woman said to me.
00:54:42.280 --> 00:54:45.679
What should I do and I said what
are your concerns she says well
00:54:45.680 --> 00:54:48.873
I guess I don\'t have to worry
about pregnancy thank goodness.
00:54:48.874 --> 00:54:53.809
She\'s sort of lightened the mood she
says But I was told that this gentleman.
00:54:53.810 --> 00:54:55.563
Had had a girlfriend.
00:54:55.564 --> 00:54:59.794
While living in the community
prior to his admission And I\'m
00:54:59.795 --> 00:55:05.179
kinda worried that she might
get gonorrhea she whispered.
00:55:05.180 --> 00:55:11.359
I can\'t believe I\'m talking about STDs
and my mother at the same time and I
00:55:11.360 --> 00:55:13.908
said well you know that is
a legitimate concern and
00:55:13.909 --> 00:55:17.059
it probably is not something that
your mother has thought of either.
00:55:17.060 --> 00:55:19.759
She says I don\'t even know if
they could figure out how to have
00:55:19.760 --> 00:55:22.368
sex you know my my mother\'s kind of advance
00:55:22.369 --> 00:55:30.369
but nonetheless this is a worry to me and I
said well maybe you could talk to his family.
00:55:30.425 --> 00:55:34.398
So sure enough they raise
this with his family and
00:55:34.399 --> 00:55:39.093
he and they had the gentleman tested
and he was clean as a whistle.
00:55:39.094 --> 00:55:46.624
No STDs And so what ensued
was a great romance.
00:55:46.625 --> 00:55:51.094
Both the son of the gentleman
and the daughter of the woman
00:55:51.095 --> 00:55:55.998
realized that this was indeed
a special relationship they
00:55:55.999 --> 00:56:00.498
treated each other like husband and wife
until this gentleman died two years later of
00:56:00.499 --> 00:56:06.228
a stroke and during that time
they were indeed inseparable.
00:56:06.229 --> 00:56:09.454
And by that I mean they slept together.
00:56:09.455 --> 00:56:12.049
No one even cared about
whether they were having
00:56:12.050 --> 00:56:15.949
sex it seemed to be such a
beautiful relationship together.
00:56:15.950 --> 00:56:20.683
No one concern themselves
about doing is sexual act.
00:56:20.684 --> 00:56:27.498
Alright. And Indeed the woman
with Alzheimer\'s Disease.
00:56:27.499 --> 00:56:32.044
She had a private room but her bed
wasn\'t big enough for the gentleman.
00:56:32.045 --> 00:56:37.414
So what was the solution do you
think they get a bigger bed.
00:56:37.415 --> 00:56:39.289
Both families chipped in and get
00:56:39.290 --> 00:56:47.290
a queen size bed and it eliminated
that the risk of falling out of
00:56:47.570 --> 00:56:53.148
a little bit and quite honestly
the daughter after her mother
00:56:53.149 --> 00:57:00.424
died was so grateful that her mother had
had this Last opportunity at romance.
00:57:00.425 --> 00:57:04.773
She said without her Alzheimer\'s Disease
she wouldn\'t have met this guy and she was
00:57:04.774 --> 00:57:09.408
happy as a lark and she\'ll
she lost him like a spouse.
00:57:09.409 --> 00:57:17.269
So to think about taking away that
possibility you know taking away
00:57:17.270 --> 00:57:20.899
that kind of of romance late in
00:57:20.900 --> 00:57:25.264
her life and even in a nursing home
you know it would have been sad.
00:57:25.265 --> 00:57:28.519
She denied her that opportunity so
I just share with you that story
00:57:28.520 --> 00:57:32.509
because it shows you how families can get
00:57:32.510 --> 00:57:37.219
their heads around this they can they can
struggle a bit to understand the perspective of
00:57:37.220 --> 00:57:40.098
their loved one and reach some kind of
00:57:40.099 --> 00:57:44.419
And the excepted that maybe
it\'s hard for us to fathom.
00:57:44.420 --> 00:57:50.449
So what if the family does say no
I\'m glad you brought that up okay.
00:57:50.450 --> 00:57:54.559
Again I would go back to
the rights of residence.
00:57:54.560 --> 00:57:56.389
The rights to dignity
00:57:56.390 --> 00:58:02.148
free association privacy we really
need to be the voice sometimes of
00:58:02.149 --> 00:58:05.779
the person with dementia
and interpret as best we
00:58:05.780 --> 00:58:10.128
can what this relationship means
to the person with dementia.
00:58:10.129 --> 00:58:18.129
Now I wouldn\'t expect all spouses and children
and others to hop on board immediately.
00:58:18.335 --> 00:58:22.668
Okay for many people
there are denial They\'re
00:58:22.669 --> 00:58:27.453
angry they\'re grieving and perhaps they
will never accept this relationship.
00:58:27.454 --> 00:58:34.623
Ok. But I think we should have a conversation
we should tell them what we\'re seeing.
00:58:34.624 --> 00:58:38.269
Without any judgment and also
00:58:38.270 --> 00:58:42.528
point out what appears to be the
benefits of these relationships to
00:58:42.529 --> 00:58:45.678
the two parties you know people who were
00:58:45.679 --> 00:58:53.679
formerly wanting to get out who were
upset and angry or depressed lonely.
00:58:53.705 --> 00:58:57.108
They now seem to be having
a very meaningful life
00:58:57.109 --> 00:59:02.839
together these kinds of arguments
may sway family members towards
00:59:02.840 --> 00:59:08.238
this acceptance Then again some
others will never accept it so I
00:59:08.239 --> 00:59:11.028
have heard of staff who have
resorted to separating couples
00:59:11.029 --> 00:59:14.149
when they know Mrs. So-and-so
is coming from the outside.
00:59:14.150 --> 00:59:16.069
He\'s coming from a visit.
00:59:16.070 --> 00:59:21.918
It\'s kinda sneaky maybe under handed but I
think this is a way that staff have tried to
00:59:21.919 --> 00:59:24.709
respect the rights of
the residents and also
00:59:24.710 --> 00:59:28.339
tried to respect the
sensitivity of the family.
00:59:28.340 --> 00:59:36.319
So I think that\'s one way of managing
this Also I think we have to be
00:59:36.320 --> 00:59:39.844
careful about who we\'re talking to because
00:59:39.845 --> 00:59:44.119
sometimes people are not the
designated legal representative.
00:59:44.120 --> 00:59:49.849
You have people sometimes for chiming in who
don\'t have the actual authority to speak
00:59:49.850 --> 00:59:52.489
in behalf of somebody with
dementia so you always
00:59:52.490 --> 00:59:55.608
gotta identify who is that
surrogate decision-maker.
00:59:55.609 --> 00:59:59.539
Alright. The spouse might be on
board but the adult child might
00:59:59.540 --> 01:00:03.318
not so you got to really figure out who
01:00:03.319 --> 01:00:06.799
should weigh in on these
matters Debian said
01:00:06.800 --> 01:00:11.313
so if the spouse or is against
it so what happens then.
01:00:11.314 --> 01:00:16.038
So if the spouse is against it and yet
these two people are attracted to each
01:00:16.039 --> 01:00:21.753
other Like bees to honey and you
have found they are inseparable.
01:00:21.754 --> 01:00:25.548
I mean they may cling to each other
desperately like husband wife.
01:00:25.549 --> 01:00:31.248
Okay. Again I would suggest
that we need to figure
01:00:31.249 --> 01:00:33.978
out ways to respect that relationship to
01:00:33.979 --> 01:00:37.368
keep them together except
when others are visiting.
01:00:37.369 --> 01:00:42.424
But there are some spouses and we
have to be realistic. With families.
01:00:42.425 --> 01:00:48.348
When they say well if the family\'s insist
we have to separate these two what is
01:00:48.349 --> 01:00:56.349
the answer we can\'t do that if
we find this impossible right.
01:00:56.434 --> 01:01:00.049
We would have to have one
person Assigned to them
01:01:00.050 --> 01:01:06.109
247 this is not realistic and I have
known some family members who have said
01:01:06.110 --> 01:01:08.778
If you can\'t assure me that
they\'re gonna be separated at
01:01:08.779 --> 01:01:12.424
all times I\'m going to have
my loved one go elsewhere
01:01:12.425 --> 01:01:17.748
and in a few rare cases I\'ve heard of that
happening but I\'ll guarantee you and I never
01:01:17.749 --> 01:01:22.504
heard the follow-up story I will
guarantee you that in facility be.
01:01:22.505 --> 01:01:23.808
You\'ll end up like facility
01:01:23.809 --> 01:01:31.158
a right that people have this desire
to be with someone that they will find
01:01:31.159 --> 01:01:35.629
a partner because they\'re trying to fill
some kind of emotional need their need for
01:01:35.630 --> 01:01:41.520
safety security companionship
must be met one way or the other
01:01:52.620 --> 01:01:58.493
In this part we\'re gonna talk
about these particular topics.
01:01:58.494 --> 01:02:03.909
How do identify non-consensually
intimacy or sexual behaviors.
01:02:03.910 --> 01:02:07.598
Bad is when people are
unwilling or unable to give
01:02:07.599 --> 01:02:12.144
consent to participate in either
intimate or sexual behaviors.
01:02:12.145 --> 01:02:15.519
Secondly we\'re going to talk about
how to respond to these behaviors
01:02:15.520 --> 01:02:19.839
personally and as an organization
because I believe you
01:02:19.840 --> 01:02:24.228
should not be alone responding to these
issues they\'re very sensitive And they\'re
01:02:24.229 --> 01:02:29.614
tough calls and so you need the benefit of
working with a team and entire organization.
01:02:29.615 --> 01:02:34.624
I\'m going to show you a
clip of a video this is
01:02:34.625 --> 01:02:39.588
a continuation of a video
that was done regarding ever
01:02:39.589 --> 01:02:42.124
written Betty in the first
segment that I showed
01:02:42.125 --> 01:02:47.553
earlier Betty was in the early
stages of her Alzheimer\'s disease
01:02:47.554 --> 01:02:52.054
and after that first segment
we filmed effort a year later
01:02:52.055 --> 01:02:56.793
and he was talking about the fact
that now that she was developing.
01:02:56.794 --> 01:03:01.128
Physical care needs he no longer
felt that she was capable of
01:03:01.129 --> 01:03:04.489
participating consensually in in
01:03:04.490 --> 01:03:08.374
a sexual relationship There were times
when she did not recognize him.
01:03:08.375 --> 01:03:12.618
So after all those years he
made that very hard choice of
01:03:12.619 --> 01:03:17.089
having her go into a care facility
I remember once or twice well I
01:03:17.090 --> 01:03:19.309
would just and it\'s a single bed she\'s in
01:03:19.310 --> 01:03:24.409
a regular hospital bed but I would just lay
down beside her and snuggle up next tour and
01:03:24.410 --> 01:03:28.068
just holder and that was
gratifying for me just
01:03:28.069 --> 01:03:32.103
to be able to hold her and to let
her know that I was there for her.
01:03:32.104 --> 01:03:37.039
Now even at the present time in
her really debilitated state are
01:03:37.040 --> 01:03:42.953
there opportunities to either give
affection or receive affection from her.
01:03:42.954 --> 01:03:47.659
I even as she\'s sitting in her Geri
chair I still put my arm around
01:03:47.660 --> 01:03:54.229
her And all the fluff the pillows
for if I cry a little bit.
01:03:54.230 --> 01:03:59.209
I still love her. So much
I wish I could just hold
01:03:59.210 --> 01:04:04.518
her and feel her arms around me
but there\'s no response anymore
01:04:04.519 --> 01:04:08.899
she\'s just there and so we just
01:04:08.900 --> 01:04:13.699
deal with that but I hold her hand all the
time I\'m there I\'m holding her hand and I
01:04:13.700 --> 01:04:16.069
kissed her on the forehead or
what\'s allowing it to kiss her on
01:04:16.070 --> 01:04:20.404
the lips and just tell
her that I love her and
01:04:20.405 --> 01:04:22.848
who I am is constantly reminder that I\'m
01:04:22.849 --> 01:04:26.658
Ev and I\'m the old guy that she
married a lot of years ago it was
01:04:26.659 --> 01:04:32.268
still lesser Very much so
Imagine though if you have
01:04:32.269 --> 01:04:38.314
somebody who is so impaired like
Betty and you see a visitor.
01:04:38.315 --> 01:04:41.584
It might be a spouse it might
be a boyfriend or girlfriend.
01:04:41.585 --> 01:04:45.559
As the case may be who is trying
01:04:45.560 --> 01:04:51.213
to have a sexual relationship with
somebody who was so profoundly impaired.
01:04:51.214 --> 01:04:57.079
Okay. So I want to talk about that you
know how to respond appropriately to
01:04:57.080 --> 01:05:03.379
this I think any incidence of
either real harm or perceived term.
01:05:03.380 --> 01:05:08.508
So maybe you\'ve interrupted and incident
and stop this from from occurring.
01:05:08.509 --> 01:05:13.054
Those kinds of situations need to be
reported immediately In other words
01:05:13.055 --> 01:05:17.778
you just can\'t keep this to yourself
because the chances are this may reoccur.
01:05:17.779 --> 01:05:22.789
And you want the organization to
know about it and deal with it
01:05:22.790 --> 01:05:26.149
properly and in this case
I would make the argument
01:05:26.150 --> 01:05:30.483
that you need to invoke the
organizations abuse policy.
01:05:30.484 --> 01:05:34.938
Now there are several kinds of abuse right
there there\'s physical abuse but there\'s
01:05:34.939 --> 01:05:39.229
also sexual abuse and even if abuses has
01:05:39.230 --> 01:05:43.038
not happened but the
potential is there is still
01:05:43.039 --> 01:05:47.763
constitutes an occasion where the
abuse policy comes into play.
01:05:47.764 --> 01:05:50.869
So abuses for potential abuse or
01:05:50.870 --> 01:05:58.068
actual abuse in which case Every
organization has their own abuse policy
01:05:58.069 --> 01:06:01.324
but what they do share is
that all of them require
01:06:01.325 --> 01:06:04.488
a response that means that there will be
01:06:04.489 --> 01:06:10.819
an investigation and the state regulators
and even law enforcement may be notified.
01:06:10.820 --> 01:06:15.408
For further investigation because
in this case that the rights of
01:06:15.409 --> 01:06:20.468
the resident to be safe and to be
free from coercion has been violated.
01:06:20.469 --> 01:06:22.939
I believe we have a moral as well as
01:06:22.940 --> 01:06:27.289
a legal responsibility to intervene
in these cases immediately.
01:06:27.290 --> 01:06:31.129
Well now I want to talk about
a real case involving two
01:06:31.130 --> 01:06:35.103
people named Henry and data and this
is actually a picture of Henry.
01:06:35.104 --> 01:06:39.904
In a courtroom So I\'ll
tell you a few facts.
01:06:39.905 --> 01:06:46.698
She meaning Donna had late stage dementia
and lived in an Iowa nursing home.
01:06:46.699 --> 01:06:51.514
Her husband visited often by the
way this is a second marriage.
01:06:51.515 --> 01:06:55.534
We know that she had adult
children by her first marriage.
01:06:55.535 --> 01:06:59.659
We don\'t know about his family
situation they apparently continued
01:06:59.660 --> 01:07:04.563
sexual relations in the nursing
home and he was told to stop.
01:07:04.564 --> 01:07:08.088
Due to her inability to consent
This was a judgment made
01:07:08.089 --> 01:07:12.018
by staff at a team meeting and he
01:07:12.019 --> 01:07:15.079
allegedly continued there
was one incident in
01:07:15.080 --> 01:07:20.674
particular and he was later arrested
for sexual assault after her death.
01:07:20.675 --> 01:07:25.158
Between the time of the
incident and the arrest it
01:07:25.159 --> 01:07:30.213
was at relatively short amount of time she
died shortly after this incident occurred.
01:07:30.214 --> 01:07:35.374
Now it\'s not quite clear why the
timing occurred the way it did.
01:07:35.375 --> 01:07:40.488
Alright. But within ten days of
her burial He was arrested for
01:07:40.489 --> 01:07:46.188
sexual assault and ultimately a jury trial
01:07:46.189 --> 01:07:54.189
determined his fate So first of all
just by my description of the story
01:07:56.259 --> 01:08:01.418
what what is what are some red flags
for you what are some concerns that
01:08:01.419 --> 01:08:06.218
you have that what\'s passed the mic around
01:08:06.219 --> 01:08:09.158
again I\'m going to tell you
01:08:09.159 --> 01:08:12.654
the rest of the story but I want
it to noodle this over because
01:08:12.655 --> 01:08:19.734
this is a real case that really ended in a
in a tragedy I think for all concerned.
01:08:19.735 --> 01:08:27.623
Well it you know it concerned me that
she was not she wasn\'t able to consent.
01:08:27.624 --> 01:08:32.129
So I feel that
01:08:32.130 --> 01:08:38.269
That would have been the right thing for
them not to have them arrested but to
01:08:38.270 --> 01:08:44.253
press charges against them
but you know just have
01:08:44.254 --> 01:08:52.254
authorized visits or however you would
do that I mean he was told not to write.
01:08:52.400 --> 01:08:57.274
He was told not to do it and
he\'s still keep doing it
01:08:57.275 --> 01:09:02.509
right right now let me add to the story he
01:09:02.510 --> 01:09:06.709
claimed that when he was with her
01:09:06.710 --> 01:09:12.439
that she could recognize him that there
was still some glimmer of connection
01:09:12.440 --> 01:09:17.808
between them And he was
using mad as his point for
01:09:17.809 --> 01:09:24.479
saying that he should be able to
participate in sexual relations with her
01:09:56.130 --> 01:10:00.489
This was indeed a tragedy
he resigned his post as
01:10:00.490 --> 01:10:05.859
a lawmaker this was devastating
to him it was devastating to
01:10:05.860 --> 01:10:11.888
her family I believe that it probably
could have been prevented as you suggest
01:10:11.889 --> 01:10:15.068
that if they had clearly documented
01:10:15.069 --> 01:10:20.034
things and they\'d come up with a plan
of action to supervise his visits.
01:10:20.035 --> 01:10:24.069
It seems that most people would have
01:10:24.070 --> 01:10:27.878
agreed that she lacked capacity
or consensual ability.
01:10:27.879 --> 01:10:31.708
Due to her severe impairment but
he sought or another way you
01:10:31.709 --> 01:10:35.889
alluded to earlier that
consent is more than
01:10:35.890 --> 01:10:39.888
verbal and that sometimes especially And an
01:10:39.889 --> 01:10:44.328
act of intimacy how do you really
determine what is consent.
01:10:44.329 --> 01:10:49.008
I mean if she clearly wasn\'t saying
No like this other woman her I saw.
01:10:49.009 --> 01:10:51.858
Could it be interpreted as this is
01:10:51.859 --> 01:10:55.623
pleasurable even though I didn\'t know
this person right I\'m okay with this.
01:10:55.624 --> 01:11:00.438
He apparently felt this great
connection to his wife that
01:11:00.439 --> 01:11:05.539
he felt that when he was with her
she could connect with him in
01:11:05.540 --> 01:11:08.358
ways that she can not
connect with anybody else
01:11:08.359 --> 01:11:12.169
and by virtue of that connection
he felt comfortable having
01:11:12.170 --> 01:11:15.709
a sexual relationship
because he previously did
01:11:15.710 --> 01:11:19.728
admit to a sexual relationship with her in the
nursing home at which point they said well
01:11:19.729 --> 01:11:23.508
you can\'t do that anymore So they clearly
01:11:23.509 --> 01:11:27.349
had a difference of opinion here
because the staff didn\'t feel that
01:11:27.350 --> 01:11:31.038
she had the capacity to give
consent and that he was
01:11:31.039 --> 01:11:34.909
exercising perhaps wishful
thinking or he was
01:11:34.910 --> 01:11:38.809
delusional in his thinking
and they felt the need to
01:11:38.810 --> 01:11:43.773
protect her from herself she
could not resist coercion.
01:11:43.774 --> 01:11:48.484
So on that basis I think they felt
like they needed to intervene
01:11:48.485 --> 01:11:53.583
and from what I can gather they
didn\'t document this thoroughly.
01:11:53.584 --> 01:11:56.538
They did not give him a letter
they did not tell him about
01:11:56.539 --> 01:12:01.669
supervised visits to enforce
their worry and this was
01:12:01.670 --> 01:12:07.753
the sad outcome And
furthermore they did not have
01:12:07.754 --> 01:12:10.939
a policy in place nor did
they have a assessment
01:12:10.940 --> 01:12:14.913
that could actually help distinguish
between appropriate and inappropriate.
01:12:14.914 --> 01:12:18.499
I guess I have a question
as to whether or not
01:12:18.500 --> 01:12:22.758
the staff is educated in
the circumstances and what
01:12:22.759 --> 01:12:26.779
their comfort level is with
sexual relations within
01:12:26.780 --> 01:12:31.579
the nursing home because I think
that can play a big role in
01:12:31.580 --> 01:12:36.588
was he doing something beyond
his partners scope or was
01:12:36.589 --> 01:12:42.169
it definitely an intimate relationship that
they had and the staff were uncomfortable.
01:12:42.170 --> 01:12:49.158
This is why I feel very strongly that You
need to document you need to be very
01:12:49.159 --> 01:12:52.159
explicit especially in
cases where he evidently
01:12:52.160 --> 01:12:56.734
thought things were going along quite
well and they made maybe staffer wrong.
01:12:56.735 --> 01:12:59.869
Who knows what was really
in his mind but it led to
01:12:59.870 --> 01:13:03.648
the series of events that ended
up him being arrested and then
01:13:03.649 --> 01:13:10.848
put on tryout I believe was a four-day trial
the jury apparently had two questions to
01:13:10.849 --> 01:13:18.849
answer number one did an assault take place
And they decided that the facts for vague.
01:13:20.734 --> 01:13:24.769
In fact she was living in a
semi-private room and there was
01:13:24.770 --> 01:13:30.798
a roommate who testify that
she could not say for sure if
01:13:30.799 --> 01:13:33.329
they were indeed having sex
01:13:33.670 --> 01:13:40.309
the second question about donnas ability
to consent was never addressed by
01:13:40.310 --> 01:13:44.928
the courts because they didn\'t have to but
they couldn\'t prove that incident actually
01:13:44.929 --> 01:13:50.148
occurred and so they found him
not guilty of sexual assault.
01:13:50.149 --> 01:13:55.248
So it was just a terrible mess I think ultimately
could\'ve been avoided if everybody had
01:13:55.249 --> 01:14:01.279
been onboard from the beginning And
that means management at means.
01:14:01.280 --> 01:14:02.673
Direct line staff.
01:14:02.674 --> 01:14:06.288
Everybody had an awareness
of how to deal with
01:14:06.289 --> 01:14:09.079
this particular situation
and because they\'re
01:14:09.080 --> 01:14:12.318
so rare I think people just say
well we\'ll deal with the situation.
01:14:12.319 --> 01:14:20.319
Best we can but you see what can happen
this could also lead to a civil lawsuit.
01:14:20.690 --> 01:14:24.228
What if for example her
daughters were not satisfied by
01:14:24.229 --> 01:14:27.619
the verdict in this case
and decided they were
01:14:27.620 --> 01:14:30.889
seeking punitive damages from
him as well as the nursing
01:14:30.890 --> 01:14:35.088
home there have been cases where
nursing homes had been fined.
01:14:35.089 --> 01:14:39.889
By the state have also been
sued by families because
01:14:39.890 --> 01:14:45.948
Staff didn\'t work together and
document consent or lack of consent.
01:14:45.949 --> 01:14:48.949
So this gets into very dangerous waters.
01:14:48.950 --> 01:14:52.984
It can be very expensive very
trying emotionally for everybody.
01:14:52.985 --> 01:14:57.438
So we really need to have an open conversation
that\'s really the reason we want to have
01:14:57.439 --> 01:15:02.298
this adult conversation about
all the possibilities.
01:15:02.299 --> 01:15:03.919
So that nobody is selling.
01:15:03.920 --> 01:15:08.089
Like I\'ve gotta solve
this problem on my own
01:15:08.090 --> 01:15:12.499
this is a collective problem that we
need to dissolve together could you say
01:15:12.500 --> 01:15:16.803
something about the intersection
here of the need for staff
01:15:16.804 --> 01:15:21.979
and home and administration to
make a judgment call between
01:15:21.980 --> 01:15:26.989
Autonomy and safety and personally I\'m
01:15:26.990 --> 01:15:32.359
wondering whether our discomfort
with sexuality in older people
01:15:32.360 --> 01:15:34.879
might have led the staff to make
01:15:34.880 --> 01:15:39.933
this decision even though the
wife was perfectly maybe not
01:15:39.934 --> 01:15:44.718
in Normal terms consensual was still
01:15:44.719 --> 01:15:50.628
fine in a sexual relationship and
they came down on the side of safety.
01:15:50.629 --> 01:15:53.988
Yeah well I think this is
always a raging debate in
01:15:53.989 --> 01:15:57.678
any kind of care setting because of all
the liability issues right so there
01:15:57.679 --> 01:16:00.858
could be civil penalties or
criminal penalties and so
01:16:00.859 --> 01:16:04.278
we\'re always erring on the side
of safety and that\'s why I
01:16:04.279 --> 01:16:07.129
think we do have a rights enshrined in
01:16:07.130 --> 01:16:11.193
law to protect individuals
with the right of autonomy
01:16:11.194 --> 01:16:14.778
the right to dignity free association
so somehow we\'ve got to balance this
01:16:14.779 --> 01:16:19.263
out if we\'re really going to deliver
what we call person-centered care.
01:16:19.264 --> 01:16:22.848
We\'re always gonna see life through
the eyes of the person who\'s in
01:16:22.849 --> 01:16:25.038
our care And we\'re going to try to
01:16:25.039 --> 01:16:28.469
balance that out with our
organizational needs for safety.
01:16:28.630 --> 01:16:32.809
It\'s not easy it\'s messy and sometimes
01:16:32.810 --> 01:16:36.408
mistakes are made I think it is
moving in that direction they\'ll
01:16:36.409 --> 01:16:41.029
because you\'re seeing states surveyors
looking at that and wanting to
01:16:41.030 --> 01:16:46.099
find person-centered care and
that\'s a far cry from ten years ago
01:16:46.100 --> 01:16:48.859
so they\'re wanting to see what are you
01:16:48.860 --> 01:16:51.948
doing to meet this individual
not the whole group of
01:16:51.949 --> 01:16:54.769
individuals but this
particular individual\'s
01:16:54.770 --> 01:16:59.373
needs and I think that if
surveyors are on board.
01:16:59.374 --> 01:17:04.353
Some of that fear and I think a lot of
our problem with everything that we do
01:17:04.354 --> 01:17:09.828
is based on fear And really
what it what it says to me.
01:17:09.829 --> 01:17:13.578
Although we want some guidelines
to kind of assist us through
01:17:13.579 --> 01:17:17.208
the entire process I think we\'re
01:17:17.209 --> 01:17:20.868
right in when you look at
person-centered care because
01:17:20.869 --> 01:17:25.068
each case is going to be
very individualized Wilson.
01:17:25.069 --> 01:17:27.690
Right. Very good