A Boy Named Sue

- Description
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- Citation
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- Transcript
Julie Wyman's compelling documentary chronicles Theo's transformation from a woman to a man over the course of six years. The film successfully captures Theo's physiological and psychological changes during the process, as well as their effects on his lesbian lover and community of close friends. Taking full advantage of the unlimited access she received into an extraordinarily personal process, Wyman carefully composes a moving story about gender identity, relationships, and how even things that seem permanent can change.
"A BOY NAMED SUE is one of the best videos to date on female-to-male trans[gender] experience. Wyman spent six years taping Sue's transformation into Theo and then organized a huge archive of material into a moving, informative and smart rendering of what a difference sex reassignment surgeries can make not only to the transsexual himself but also to all those in his immediate circle. Theo is a great subject and Wyman is a talented and imaginative documentarian. If you are looking for a sensitive and sophisticated representation of transsexual experience, look no further." Judith Halberstam, University of California, San Diego
"This is the best 'Trans' documentary I've ever seen. It's unique in the way it follows Theo and his partner for an extended period of time, and in the way it refuses the simple purpose-accomplishment narrative in favor of a complex, warts-and-all look."
Allaquere Rosanne Stone University of Texas, Austin
"A rousing tape...The faint of heart should beware of the hormone injections, but most of us will find 'A Boy Named Sue' simply jubilant and engrossing."
Amy Villarejo Cornell University
Main credits
Wyman, Julie (film producer)
Wyman, Julie (film director)
Wyman, Julie (editor of moving image work)
Wyman, Julie (director of photography)
Steffen, Theo A. (on-screen participant)
Other credits
Camera, Anne Etheridge, Julie Wyman; original music: Abbie Conant, Eliza Slavet; editor, Julie Wyman.
Distributor subjects
Documentary Films; LGBT; Health & SafetyKeywords
00:00:10.805 --> 00:00:13.638
(water splashing)
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(somber music)
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- [Theo] You know, one thing that's been tripping me out
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lately is just being out in the world,
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people are just so ruled by what they see.
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They take in something visual and let it stop there,
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which I don't expect people to really go much further
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than that, but it's just a trip.
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I just think, you have no idea who I am at all.
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- Hey Theo! - Hey guys,
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how are you doing? - Good.
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- How are you? - Hi.
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- Hi. - Hey Julie.
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- Hey. - Hey Jules.
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So when do we get to see it?
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- See what? - The video!
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- This is the before shot. - Before.
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- What scares me a lot is in a lot of ways,
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I still feel really anti-male.
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- And I think that the love that they share
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is really remarkable and I just feel like it is
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in jeopardy and that they don't see it.
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- There was something strange and offbeat,
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like she just did not fit.
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- I'm never gonna be a completely functional biological guy.
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- I have a profound concern for the two of them
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and I just feel like, why are you fucking with this?
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- She was kind of fishing around and not telling me
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what it was that she had to tell me.
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And I just said, oh, are you gonna have a sex change?
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- [Julie] Well, maybe you can just talk a little bit
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about making this decision, if you feel like
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there was a point that you decided really to do it.
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- Well I've always wanted to do it, the big it.
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And ever since I was a little kid, I always wondered why
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I wasn't a boy.
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More intense than, gee, I wanna be a boy kinda thing.
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I remember once being real little and asking my parents
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just how come, and I was really serious
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and they were like, no.
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- What'd you say? - I was just like,
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well how come I'm not a boy?
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I like to do all these kind of things that are
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not very girl-like or whatever, but my parents are kind of,
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my parents are real into gender roles and stuff
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and I was the only daughter that they had
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so the pressure was really intense and I just never
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did it right, never did the whole thing right.
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About being a girl.
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And I've heard so many, a boy named Sue jokes
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that it's just like, heard it, said it, lived it.
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♪ Well my daddy left home when I was three ♪
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♪ And he didn't leave much to ma and me ♪
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♪ Just this old guitar and a empty bottle of booze ♪
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♪ I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid ♪
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♪ But the meanest thing that he ever did ♪
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♪ Was before he left, he went and named me Sue ♪
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♪ Well he must have thought that it was quite a joke ♪
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♪ And it got a lot of laughs from lots of folks ♪
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♪ Seems I had to fight my whole life through ♪
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♪ Some gal would giggle and I'd get red ♪
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♪ And some guy would laugh and I would bust his head ♪
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♪ I tell you, life aint easy for a boy named Sue ♪
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(audience applauding)
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♪ Well I grew up quick and I grew up mean ♪
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♪ My fist got hard and my wit's got keen ♪
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♪ Roamed from town to town to hide my shame ♪
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♪ When I made me a vow to the moon and stars ♪
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♪ I'd searched the whole ♪
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(drum beating)
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(all chattering)
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- Julie's talked to us all eventually.
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- Jason has these angels that look over me all the time.
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- And he was like.
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- [Theo] For me, and I know for a lot of other people,
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people who are close to me here are really my family.
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So the family that I grew up with are pretty much
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strangers to me now, and I with them.
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So when I decided that I was gonna go ahead and do this
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thing, being my gender change, it really scared me,
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the thought of telling people, I was just scared to death.
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- I think I was one of the first people that Theo told.
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Because we lived together.
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- So I've known Theo for about 10 years and we were lovers
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for four and I heard about it,
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he wrote and I went to the post office by myself
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and I picked up this letter.
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- I think it might have been like around a holiday time
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like Thanksgiving or something, so it was like a special
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time and everyone was sitting around the table
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and Lisi introduced it, she said, Sue has something
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she wants to tell you, Caroline.
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- I took like a very supportive position,
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like I just really was happy for Theo
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because this was something that had obviously
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taken years and years to be able to say
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and I felt honored that it was me that was the partner
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that he felt most able to be himself with.
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- I mean, I think that we have in a lot of ways
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maybe helped her to come to the place where she could say
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I wanna do this.
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And know that she could tell me over coffee and that,
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my jaw would hit the floor but that I was basically,
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I'm here, you know?
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- I'm happy that Theo's in San Francisco right now,
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I think this is a great place, there's a supportive
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community, there's support groups, I think that if Theo
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wasn't surrounded by that community, I would be worried
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about how the world was gonna accept Theo.
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(somber music)
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- [Julie] So what is it like for you just being out
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in the world, like do people think you're a man or a woman?
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- Well it kinda depends on where I am in the city.
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Some people call me sir and people will call me ma'am
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and when it really bugs me is when somebody calls me sir
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and then realizes that like when I start speaking
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or something that they made a mistake
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and then get mad at me about it, that's always bothered me.
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- [Julie] So do you think that will change?
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- Yeah I think that'll change.
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See, I think right now I kinda walk that fine line
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where you're not really sure, kind of sometimes
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and it'll put me over that line physically.
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- [Julie] Do you think it's like your breasts
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that make people?
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- [Theo] Double take and realize?
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- Yeah. - Yeah.
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There's no doubt about it, I have pretty big tits.
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Sometimes I can totally picture in my head,
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like when I start manifesting more who I am,
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just the kind of guy I'm gonna be.
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The images that I have in my head when I think about
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a physical body that I had was completely different
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than what I have.
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(intense music)
00:10:40.367 --> 00:10:43.412
Is this gonna be a good one to give myself injections of?
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- Yeah. - Okay.
00:10:45.025 --> 00:10:47.197
- Well, it's a mid-range needle.
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Take the bottle out and just pull back nice and slow,
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it's really thick stuff so it'll take a while to try out.
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At least draw more than you need to,
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you have enough to push the air bubble out.
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Tap it a few times, make sure they open in the top.
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Sometimes they gather down here,
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you just flick it a couple times.
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Most of it's already gone up.
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So now you just go for the amount that you need
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and for 3/4 right there. - Okay.
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- [Doctor] If you pull it down, then if there's any extra
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air in here, it won't shoot the serum all over the place.
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- [Theo] Oh, okay.
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- Ready when you are!
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Get your wrist clean.
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All done. - Okay, thanks.
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- [Julie] Alright, so how did you guys meet?
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- Didn't you ask us this question already?
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- [Julie] I don't think so.
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- We met through the personals.
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- Yes, through the personals.
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- 'Cause I put an ad in. - What did it say?
00:12:06.497 --> 00:12:11.497
- It said, let's see, the title was me hot geek
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and then it said you perv freak.
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Please don't hate me 'cause I got good grades in high school
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and I think real hard and talk real stuff,
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I dance real big and fuck real rough.
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- Oh, it rhymes. - It all rhymes.
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So that's what I put in and then Sue called first.
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And said, hi.
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My name's Sue and I like to have a good time
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so give me a call.
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- Probably said something terrible.
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(gentle music)
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Lisi and I are, we just really love each other a lot.
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This relationship I'm having with her has been
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really stable and really nice.
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Compared to pretty much all the relationships I've had
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up until that point.
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We've always been really honest with each other
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about things and can talk about any issues that come up
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really easily and I think it,
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her being able to hear whatever I had to say
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and not freak out really allowed me to be able to say
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this one big thing.
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Although we did kind of freak out about it a little bit,
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in our dealing with it every day,
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- Theo, when I first met, Sue, whatever, was like,
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had a definite, what I then perceived as butch
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and we kind of worked within this butch-femme construction
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in the lesbian culture and as far as I knew,
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Sue was a dyke and that was kind of the thing.
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Being a femme feels really comfortable to me.
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A femme as a queer woman because it's a lot about
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discussing through the way you present yourself
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to the world, like what the world expects of you
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and throwing that back in the world's face.
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It's a little different, I think, from just blindly
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accepting it.
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I think that my fear is that if Theo is a guy,
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it won't be the same as far as, it won't be just about
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commenting on something, it'll be about actually
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manifesting certain behaviors in society
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that I'm actually in really ambivalent relationship to.
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I think ultimately this is a really celebratory thing
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but what I'm facing is the death of something
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that I grew to love and then now I'm like,
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okay, well I'm at this door of where, what's gonna be there?
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But as in any passage or journey, there's really no way
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that I can know until I'm there, kind of.
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That's sort of how I look at it and so I just need
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to get there, like I'm really committed to getting there,
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I'm really committed to working, like I want it to work.
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- [Maya] Don't you want to do the other one?
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- [Theo] Would you like to do the other one?
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- Well you know I was thinking about that today
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and I was thinking, I wonder if we should do a thing
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where we go here here here here and like keep rotating.
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00:16:00.325 --> 00:16:02.817
- [Julie] What's that?
00:16:02.817 --> 00:16:04.247
- See all the air in that?
00:16:05.706 --> 00:16:07.039
Keep drawing it.
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- [Lisi] Just put the little air bubble in you.
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00:16:17.855 --> 00:16:20.446
- There's lots of them. - It's alright.
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- There's a part of me that wonders if Theo
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will just be a completely different person than Sue,
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like different feelings, different ways of reacting,
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different perceptions.
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I really don't know what's gonna happen
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because hormones are such a incredibly big part
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of who we are.
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- Sue's leaving, no, Sue's leaving.
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- I'm saying goodbye to a camaraderie and a bond.
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- She's chosen what I really conceive of as a form
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of controlled suicide.
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- Don't forget. - I want it,
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see that little rising thing?
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We want it there.
00:17:03.640 --> 00:17:05.930
Try to get it straight in there.
00:17:06.796 --> 00:17:08.880
- Are you nervous? - Yeah.
00:17:11.371 --> 00:17:13.537
- [Maya] Everyone breathe.
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- Okay. - Are you gonna keep
00:17:17.187 --> 00:17:18.600
holding it like that? - Yeah.
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- Keep breathing. - I'm doing fine, honey.
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- It's great. - I'm like not breathing.
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- [Theo] Keep hold at the plunger, now pull it out,
00:17:26.415 --> 00:17:28.088
straight out, straight out, straight out.
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00:17:30.257 --> 00:17:33.040
- [Maya] Well that was the last one, this is a fresh one.
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- Theo is not gonna be a real man, that's.
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- She's not gonna be the same person, you know?
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She's gonna be, she's radically altered.
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- Why the hell would you wanna be a boy?
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I just can't relate in the least.
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- What if she ends up alone?
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There's chemistry between them and now in this choice,
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what Sue is doing is redesigning her chemistry.
00:18:01.720 --> 00:18:03.220
- Alright, there you go ma'am.
00:18:04.824 --> 00:18:06.367
- Are you gonna hold it?
00:18:06.367 --> 00:18:09.560
- Oh yeah. - I'm gonna go right here.
00:18:10.739 --> 00:18:11.980
Ready? - Yeah.
00:18:13.266 --> 00:18:16.467
- Aw shit, I'm sorry. - Okay, alright.
00:18:16.467 --> 00:18:17.467
- Okay, deep breath.
00:18:18.885 --> 00:18:21.026
There, that's it.
00:18:21.026 --> 00:18:23.359
Okay, pull back. - Pull back.
00:18:28.317 --> 00:18:30.517
- His skin is different, like everything is tougher.
00:18:30.517 --> 00:18:31.427
- It's thicker. - Is that the muscle
00:18:31.427 --> 00:18:32.449
or the skin?
00:18:32.449 --> 00:18:35.877
- The skin is thicker and my muscles are a little
00:18:35.877 --> 00:18:37.417
more dense. - Like I had to push
00:18:37.417 --> 00:18:39.634
a lot harder this time. - It doesn't like,
00:18:39.634 --> 00:18:41.617
wait, am I leaking it?
00:18:41.617 --> 00:18:43.620
- Yeah, it is leaking. - It is leaking
00:18:43.620 --> 00:18:46.620
but we can't do anything about that.
00:18:51.907 --> 00:18:56.907
- Process is going good, I went in last Thursday
00:18:57.067 --> 00:19:02.067
for my, what, my fourth shot and I saw the doctor
00:19:03.497 --> 00:19:06.477
actually in person again that time.
00:19:06.477 --> 00:19:10.517
And she raised my hormone level that I'm receiving
00:19:10.517 --> 00:19:15.284
to 200 milligrams up from 150.
00:19:22.644 --> 00:19:27.157
My tits are shrunk. - Yeah?
00:19:27.157 --> 00:19:29.847
- I called the house and I was like, Theo,
00:19:29.847 --> 00:19:31.457
and we had out little conversation and at the end,
00:19:31.457 --> 00:19:35.707
I just said, wow, your voice is really changing.
00:19:35.707 --> 00:19:38.867
- Theo, I've noticed that Theo is like burly now,
00:19:38.867 --> 00:19:43.807
like brawny man, like filled out and lower voice
00:19:45.131 --> 00:19:49.140
but I'm, it's such a slow process too, I'm like,
00:19:50.326 --> 00:19:52.307
I'm like, okay okay.
00:19:52.307 --> 00:19:56.767
- He is in this adolescent hormonal state
00:19:56.767 --> 00:20:01.464
so that he's like extremely just exuberant and into himself
00:20:03.167 --> 00:20:05.540
in a way that Sue was never into herself.
00:20:08.196 --> 00:20:10.558
00:20:10.558 --> 00:20:13.058
- [Woman] Look what I'm doing!
00:20:17.448 --> 00:20:20.537
- I see him being really narcissistic a lot right now
00:20:20.537 --> 00:20:24.187
and really preoccupied with all of the extremely
00:20:24.187 --> 00:20:26.037
subtle changes.
00:20:26.037 --> 00:20:28.117
- When you look at me, it doesn't look like I've got
00:20:28.117 --> 00:20:32.297
a lot of hair, and I don't, but I've never had any hair,
00:20:32.297 --> 00:20:34.647
like I've been really hairless.
00:20:34.647 --> 00:20:37.827
- All he would do, all day long, was like stand
00:20:37.827 --> 00:20:40.147
in the mirror and go, ooh, Lisi, Lisi, look,
00:20:40.147 --> 00:20:41.827
there's new hair, can you see it, can you see it,
00:20:41.827 --> 00:20:42.747
can you see it?
00:20:42.747 --> 00:20:44.467
And I'd be like, um.
00:20:44.467 --> 00:20:47.057
- So when I notice some hair happening,
00:20:47.057 --> 00:20:50.257
I'm just like ooh, like there's a few black hairs
00:20:50.257 --> 00:20:53.887
on my hands but mostly blonde right now and you can't even
00:20:53.887 --> 00:20:56.147
really see them but I see them and I'm like hoho.
00:20:56.147 --> 00:20:58.551
- Well I've heard a lot about his clit.
00:20:58.551 --> 00:20:59.384
00:20:59.384 --> 00:21:00.835
He likes to talk about his clit.
00:21:00.835 --> 00:21:02.009
- [Woman] His clit.
00:21:02.009 --> 00:21:04.782
00:21:04.782 --> 00:21:06.937
- We've started calling him little tate.
00:21:06.937 --> 00:21:07.770
- Tator tot.
00:21:09.866 --> 00:21:11.647
- Well I'm definitely a lot hornier.
00:21:11.647 --> 00:21:15.357
I've had to relearn how to masturbate
00:21:15.357 --> 00:21:16.967
because my clit's bigger.
00:21:16.967 --> 00:21:19.547
I have to get another vibrator, no shit,
00:21:19.547 --> 00:21:21.617
because mine is starting to short out.
00:21:21.617 --> 00:21:26.587
My shoulder has been sore from jerking off
00:21:26.587 --> 00:21:30.914
and holding the vibrator so I have to start being a lefty.
00:21:30.914 --> 00:21:32.997
00:21:34.152 --> 00:21:36.060
Oh god.
00:21:36.060 --> 00:21:37.024
I haven't been able to get this down,
00:21:37.024 --> 00:21:39.627
well enough yet to do it really fast.
00:21:46.157 --> 00:21:49.767
- The more he focuses on these extremely subtle changes,
00:21:49.767 --> 00:21:51.830
the more he seems like a woman to me.
00:21:53.340 --> 00:21:55.947
And so I've kinda lost the sense of like,
00:21:55.947 --> 00:21:58.847
him becoming a man, and I haven't shared that with him
00:21:58.847 --> 00:22:01.127
'cause I think he'd be bummed 'cause he's really trying
00:22:01.127 --> 00:22:03.160
to move into this masculinity.
00:22:08.388 --> 00:22:09.638
- I got it all.
00:22:10.853 --> 00:22:11.936
00:22:12.979 --> 00:22:15.876
(upbeat music)
00:22:15.876 --> 00:22:17.126
Are these even?
00:22:18.958 --> 00:22:20.875
- Yeah, they look even.
00:22:21.993 --> 00:22:23.724
I like them.
00:22:23.724 --> 00:22:28.457
♪ Always something you can see or touch ♪
00:22:28.457 --> 00:22:31.197
- I believe that this entire man thing,
00:22:31.197 --> 00:22:35.787
the whole using pronouns, emulating what our society
00:22:35.787 --> 00:22:40.257
puts out as manliness, all of that is simply a way
00:22:40.257 --> 00:22:45.257
to access power and I don't mean like Theo's accessing
00:22:45.277 --> 00:22:47.237
male power or privilege, I don't mean that.
00:22:47.237 --> 00:22:51.727
What I mean is that, for instance, language is power,
00:22:51.727 --> 00:22:54.057
our ability to name ourselves.
00:22:54.057 --> 00:22:56.527
- Labels are freaking me out these days.
00:22:56.527 --> 00:22:58.500
- What do you mean? - I can't find any labels
00:22:58.500 --> 00:23:00.587
that work.
00:23:00.587 --> 00:23:03.020
I identify as a dyke.
00:23:04.087 --> 00:23:06.017
I don't think I'm straight.
00:23:06.017 --> 00:23:07.427
I'm attracted to fags.
00:23:07.427 --> 00:23:10.537
I guess I don't identify as a lesbian.
00:23:10.537 --> 00:23:14.907
I don't even really think I'm really bisexual in practice.
00:23:14.907 --> 00:23:17.497
- [Woman] For Theo to be able to choose what to call
00:23:17.497 --> 00:23:21.227
himself, to say, well, I choose to call myself he,
00:23:21.227 --> 00:23:25.217
I choose to personify that gender, is a way of accessing
00:23:25.217 --> 00:23:28.557
internal power in a society that's very limited.
00:23:28.557 --> 00:23:30.267
- I guess I could say I'm a femme dyke.
00:23:30.267 --> 00:23:32.349
I wouldn't say, oh I'm not a lesbian, I would just say,
00:23:32.349 --> 00:23:34.927
that's not really the word that I choose.
00:23:34.927 --> 00:23:38.990
I think in many ways, I feel like I always felt.
00:23:39.947 --> 00:23:43.567
Except that my partner's changing genders.
00:23:46.027 --> 00:23:49.197
- [Woman] We can all start saying he, we can all start
00:23:49.197 --> 00:23:53.507
calling Sue Theo and it's this very, it's a simple
00:23:54.777 --> 00:23:58.637
but very deep way of saying, we're with you
00:23:58.637 --> 00:24:02.360
and you get to choose and you get to be who you are.
00:24:03.667 --> 00:24:07.090
- [Lisi] I can't think of any single label to describe me.
00:24:09.227 --> 00:24:12.824
I can't, so I just exist in the space of non-labelness.
00:24:14.771 --> 00:24:17.438
(intense music)
00:24:25.757 --> 00:24:30.757
Sometimes I just think that Theo is just, is just a word.
00:24:33.727 --> 00:24:36.977
(many voices speaking)
00:25:37.776 --> 00:25:41.727
- So what's that picture of? - This shows three
00:25:41.727 --> 00:25:46.727
of the common sites for intramuscular injections.
00:25:46.957 --> 00:25:49.227
Let's see what else we have here.
00:25:49.227 --> 00:25:52.507
I think I gotta be in this class.
00:25:52.507 --> 00:25:54.767
Well I'm doing the medical assisting program
00:25:54.767 --> 00:25:58.047
at what you call it, city college.
00:25:58.047 --> 00:26:03.047
I had finally got done with my first term of school
00:26:03.137 --> 00:26:08.137
after not having been in college for a long long time.
00:26:09.817 --> 00:26:11.487
- School boy? - School boy.
00:26:11.487 --> 00:26:14.097
I was really freaked out about it before I started.
00:26:14.097 --> 00:26:17.217
I was all freaked out about, do I need to totally
00:26:17.217 --> 00:26:19.337
bind my tits up and do all this stuff
00:26:19.337 --> 00:26:23.167
and what are people gonna think?
00:26:23.167 --> 00:26:24.747
I'm more concerned about my breasts now
00:26:24.747 --> 00:26:27.946
because they're atrophying and I've noticed there are
00:26:27.946 --> 00:26:30.967
places on my breasts are a little cold and stuff,
00:26:30.967 --> 00:26:34.617
like circulation's not happening and stuff like that.
00:26:34.617 --> 00:26:36.967
Throughout the whole term, there were some people
00:26:36.967 --> 00:26:39.867
who will call me he and there were some people
00:26:39.867 --> 00:26:41.517
who would call me she and there were some people
00:26:41.517 --> 00:26:45.227
who would kinda mix it, every now and then.
00:26:45.227 --> 00:26:49.447
And I'm enrolled as Theo and as a male
00:26:49.447 --> 00:26:54.447
so as far as the administrative stuff at school goes,
00:26:54.537 --> 00:26:56.580
I'm the guy named Theo.
00:27:00.974 --> 00:27:03.557
(gentle music)
00:27:04.836 --> 00:27:07.527
Are we alone, did Lisi go to the library?
00:27:07.527 --> 00:27:11.860
- I'm kind of been having sort of a hard time lately.
00:27:12.717 --> 00:27:15.727
- Lisi didn't talk about anything, right,
00:27:15.727 --> 00:27:16.797
during her interview?
00:27:16.797 --> 00:27:18.407
00:27:18.407 --> 00:27:20.028
Well. - She didn't confess
00:27:20.028 --> 00:27:21.887
or anything. - She didn't confess?
00:27:21.887 --> 00:27:23.772
- And things started to kinda fall apart
00:27:23.772 --> 00:27:27.227
like all of a sudden, like things started to fall apart.
00:27:27.227 --> 00:27:30.987
- She had an affair with somebody
00:27:32.247 --> 00:27:37.247
who lives here in this town and it'd been like something
00:27:37.977 --> 00:27:41.787
that was gonna happen, that was set up to happen.
00:27:41.787 --> 00:27:44.727
- Theo and I have a really good partnership
00:27:44.727 --> 00:27:48.397
and we really care deeply about each other.
00:27:48.397 --> 00:27:53.077
I think that I worry, I mean, any number of things,
00:27:53.077 --> 00:27:56.350
like on one hand that's really a fag.
00:27:58.766 --> 00:27:59.707
And that he's gonna leave me.
00:27:59.707 --> 00:28:02.287
- Lisi and I are kinda in different places right now too,
00:28:02.287 --> 00:28:03.477
that's a little difficult.
00:28:03.477 --> 00:28:07.347
She's in a place where she's had to like cut back
00:28:07.347 --> 00:28:11.577
on a lot of her stuff, her acting, all this kind of stuff
00:28:11.577 --> 00:28:15.377
to work on the issues that she needs to work on.
00:28:15.377 --> 00:28:18.017
And I'm in a place where I'm feeling really strong
00:28:18.017 --> 00:28:21.294
in myself and really aware of who I am
00:28:21.294 --> 00:28:26.294
and really confident and really happy and stuff like that,
00:28:26.507 --> 00:28:28.867
and I'm feeling like I wanna get out there in the world
00:28:28.867 --> 00:28:30.117
and I've been doing that.
00:28:34.287 --> 00:28:36.870
(drum beating)
00:28:40.604 --> 00:28:45.227
- [Woman] I think that Theo has, he now feels, I am a man.
00:28:45.227 --> 00:28:48.077
But now he's sort of pondering the bigger questions,
00:28:48.077 --> 00:28:49.877
these existential questions.
00:28:49.877 --> 00:28:54.377
- [Theo] Some of the behaviors associated with being male,
00:28:54.377 --> 00:28:57.150
I am, just kinda freak me out.
00:28:58.655 --> 00:29:01.687
And I don't really wanna be a part of varying degrees
00:29:01.687 --> 00:29:06.687
of misogyny or narcissism or, kinda depends on what
00:29:10.857 --> 00:29:15.597
I've been having a problem with lately is connecting
00:29:15.597 --> 00:29:18.647
with guys, any kind of guys, straight guys, whatever,
00:29:18.647 --> 00:29:23.647
who feel like I do, or who are like me.
00:29:27.647 --> 00:29:30.107
- [Julie] Well what kind of man are you gonna be?
00:29:30.107 --> 00:29:33.550
- [Theo] Kinda sensitive, kind of open.
00:29:36.557 --> 00:29:37.857
00:29:37.857 --> 00:29:38.807
Stuff like that.
00:29:40.487 --> 00:29:43.377
- I'm not so sure that it's a transexual issue
00:29:43.377 --> 00:29:46.717
that he is having a hard time feeling accepted
00:29:46.717 --> 00:29:49.437
by the boys' club.
00:29:49.437 --> 00:29:51.331
In a way I think.
00:29:51.331 --> 00:29:53.137
- [Theo] See, I was like thinking for quite awhile
00:29:53.137 --> 00:29:58.137
that there was this stuff about men that I needed to learn
00:29:59.887 --> 00:30:03.837
that I wasn't getting, this kind of man-thing
00:30:03.837 --> 00:30:06.440
that you had to learn how to be a man.
00:30:08.007 --> 00:30:11.627
I wasn't getting it and I was feeling like,
00:30:11.627 --> 00:30:13.647
well maybe that's why I'm not connecting with guys
00:30:13.647 --> 00:30:16.280
because of that, because I'm.
00:30:19.377 --> 00:30:21.937
- [Woman] Men like Theo find themselves with a lot of women
00:30:21.937 --> 00:30:24.797
friends, they always do, sometimes they don't even have
00:30:24.797 --> 00:30:28.467
any male friends, and they find this longing
00:30:28.467 --> 00:30:31.764
for someone to identify, not necessarily even.
00:30:31.764 --> 00:30:35.537
- [Theo] And what I've been having a problem with lately
00:30:35.537 --> 00:30:39.509
is connecting with guys.
00:30:39.509 --> 00:30:42.092
(gentle music)
00:31:07.277 --> 00:31:10.157
- Any number of things have kept me from kind of
00:31:10.157 --> 00:31:13.937
being out as a partner of an FTM and just kind of being
00:31:13.937 --> 00:31:18.207
a little more, looking for support, saying hey,
00:31:18.207 --> 00:31:20.897
this is really happening with, this is something
00:31:20.897 --> 00:31:25.897
that's a part of my life that I need some support around.
00:31:27.387 --> 00:31:30.517
There was a FTM conference, it was an international
00:31:30.517 --> 00:31:34.007
conference and was held at New College
00:31:34.007 --> 00:31:36.690
in the Women's Building in San Francisco this summer.
00:31:37.797 --> 00:31:39.807
So I go to this meeting, a partners' meeting
00:31:39.807 --> 00:31:41.927
and it's like huge.
00:31:41.927 --> 00:31:45.357
Totally huge and there's women there and men there
00:31:46.197 --> 00:31:49.717
from all around the country and all different styles
00:31:49.717 --> 00:31:54.717
of presentation and cultural things,
00:31:54.757 --> 00:31:58.607
I was totally exhilarated to be in that room.
00:31:58.607 --> 00:32:00.907
And in these meetings, I'm meeting a lot of people
00:32:00.907 --> 00:32:05.777
whose experience really intersects my own and it's really
00:32:05.777 --> 00:32:10.197
great to have it, it makes a huge difference in my life.
00:32:10.197 --> 00:32:14.307
- [Julie] So Theo, what's going on with you?
00:32:14.307 --> 00:32:19.047
- Well I'm getting the breast surgery or top surgery
00:32:19.047 --> 00:32:21.690
or however you wanna say it Friday.
00:32:22.837 --> 00:32:27.157
So the 19th of January, 7:30 in the morning,
00:32:27.157 --> 00:32:31.117
today is Monday, the what, what is it?
00:32:31.117 --> 00:32:32.660
- 15th. - 15th, yeah.
00:32:33.628 --> 00:32:36.717
- Okay, and did you eat or drink anything this morning?
00:32:36.717 --> 00:32:38.187
- No. - And are you allergic
00:32:38.187 --> 00:32:40.065
to any medications that you know of?
00:32:40.065 --> 00:32:41.453
- Not that I'm aware of. - Okay.
00:32:41.453 --> 00:32:43.287
Any health problems at all? - No.
00:32:43.287 --> 00:32:44.237
- Good.
00:32:44.237 --> 00:32:46.418
Any problem with heartburn that wakes you up at night?
00:32:46.418 --> 00:32:47.444
- No. - Okay,
00:32:47.444 --> 00:32:49.956
I'm gonna start your IV.
00:32:49.956 --> 00:32:51.758
- I've got a thermometer.
00:32:51.758 --> 00:32:54.445
- I'm just gonna tap on your vein here a little bit.
00:32:54.445 --> 00:32:55.611
- Could you hand me some white tape?
00:32:55.611 --> 00:32:58.361
- [Nurse] May be a little drowsy.
00:32:59.943 --> 00:33:02.077
- In one of the women's cases, she was talking about
00:33:02.077 --> 00:33:05.477
her partner 'cause he really was sort of planning
00:33:05.477 --> 00:33:07.757
on doing hormones and planning on doing surgery
00:33:07.757 --> 00:33:11.267
and she wanted to facilitate it by loaning her partner
00:33:11.267 --> 00:33:13.547
the money and her thing was like, I have this money
00:33:13.547 --> 00:33:16.257
or I have this credit card, that's what she said.
00:33:16.257 --> 00:33:19.587
And it just occurred to me that like, I have credit.
00:33:19.587 --> 00:33:21.357
I could do this.
00:33:21.357 --> 00:33:26.357
And sort of true to form, I like jumped out with that
00:33:27.077 --> 00:33:29.497
to him, to Theo, I was sitting over there
00:33:29.497 --> 00:33:31.317
and he was sitting over here and I got this credit
00:33:31.317 --> 00:33:34.455
application in the mail, it was like for $7500
00:33:34.455 --> 00:33:39.447
and I was like, right on, if I can get this, we can do this.
00:33:41.783 --> 00:33:43.442
- Mhmm. - Like that?
00:33:43.442 --> 00:33:44.407
00:33:44.407 --> 00:33:46.357
- I'm gonna put some preliminary marks.
00:34:16.307 --> 00:34:18.110
Okay I'm gonna be taking a couple pictures
00:34:18.110 --> 00:34:20.237
if you don't mind. - No no, not at all.
00:34:20.237 --> 00:34:23.344
- Actually I'm just zooming in on the tattoo.
00:34:23.344 --> 00:34:25.228
- Okay. - No, I'm just kidding.
00:34:25.228 --> 00:34:27.311
00:34:30.193 --> 00:34:31.777
- That's it. - Okay.
00:34:49.037 --> 00:34:52.084
- [Nurse] That is not some of the fun part of the job.
00:34:52.084 --> 00:34:53.001
I remember.
00:34:55.507 --> 00:34:56.840
It's awful hard.
00:35:52.020 --> 00:35:53.476
00:35:53.476 --> 00:35:57.476
- And now we're a pair, we walk down this aisle.
00:36:22.702 --> 00:36:26.105
- Yay, your tits are gone! - Wow.
00:36:26.105 --> 00:36:27.647
- Under there, and this is a binder,
00:36:27.647 --> 00:36:30.010
I'll be wearing that for two weeks.
00:36:31.117 --> 00:36:33.540
And these come out after five days.
00:36:36.677 --> 00:36:38.600
- Cool. - Yeah.
00:36:41.441 --> 00:36:43.908
- You still walk funny.
00:36:43.908 --> 00:36:44.741
- Yeah.
00:36:45.594 --> 00:36:47.377
We want it to all like.
00:36:47.377 --> 00:36:48.534
- When do I get to see it?
00:36:48.534 --> 00:36:51.014
- Well I wanna take a shower right now.
00:36:51.014 --> 00:36:52.014
- Right now.
00:37:05.796 --> 00:37:08.369
Is that good? - Yeah, that's good.
00:37:08.369 --> 00:37:09.202
Thank you.
00:37:17.012 --> 00:37:18.104
00:37:18.104 --> 00:37:20.518
- You pull this up and tie it.
00:37:20.518 --> 00:37:22.697
- [Julie] What's that for?
00:37:22.697 --> 00:37:24.046
Just a little style?
00:37:24.046 --> 00:37:26.007
- It's just leftover girlish charm, I think.
00:37:26.007 --> 00:37:26.905
- Yeah.
00:37:26.905 --> 00:37:29.155
00:37:42.280 --> 00:37:45.197
- There he is. - That's right.
00:37:45.197 --> 00:37:47.457
Look like somebody you want taking care of you?
00:37:47.457 --> 00:37:49.135
I don't know.
00:37:49.135 --> 00:37:51.218
00:37:54.127 --> 00:37:56.547
See my little white nurse-y shoes?
00:37:56.547 --> 00:37:58.939
00:37:58.939 --> 00:37:59.857
- [Julie] Did you get, did you have a lot of ones
00:37:59.857 --> 00:38:03.130
to pick from? - Oh yeah, like two.
00:38:07.797 --> 00:38:12.797
The uniform was 170, stethoscope 70, shoes 100,
00:38:15.127 --> 00:38:17.010
books I don't even wanna think about.
00:38:21.780 --> 00:38:22.807
What else? - Going to school
00:38:22.807 --> 00:38:24.497
is expensive. - Yes it is.
00:38:24.497 --> 00:38:26.107
- [Julie] But you know, they just figure
00:38:26.107 --> 00:38:28.547
you're gonna have a high-paying job someday.
00:38:28.547 --> 00:38:31.440
- Yeah, someday, hopefully.
00:38:36.647 --> 00:38:41.197
I'm not your typical guy and some guys pick up on that
00:38:42.477 --> 00:38:43.727
pretty quickly.
00:38:43.727 --> 00:38:45.727
- [Lisi] How do you mean you're not a typical guy?
00:38:45.727 --> 00:38:47.440
- I'm not, you know, I don't know.
00:38:48.810 --> 00:38:52.487
There's this way of behaving that men have,
00:38:52.487 --> 00:38:55.924
some certain things that guys do that,
00:38:55.924 --> 00:39:00.924
some of it I know and some of it I don't,
00:39:01.367 --> 00:39:05.677
this walk or this kind of silent communication or whatever,
00:39:05.677 --> 00:39:07.477
I know there's some stuff going on there
00:39:07.477 --> 00:39:09.387
that I'm just not picking up.
00:39:09.387 --> 00:39:12.047
- What about gay guys? - Gay guys,
00:39:12.047 --> 00:39:17.047
I'm being, I get looked at a lot more and I don't know what,
00:39:19.627 --> 00:39:22.597
I know there's this whole code about how you're supposed
00:39:22.597 --> 00:39:23.947
to look, how long you're supposed to look,
00:39:23.947 --> 00:39:26.387
if you look at all, what does that mean, if you don't look
00:39:26.387 --> 00:39:28.015
or if you do look, whatever.
00:39:28.015 --> 00:39:31.327
I'm just like, oh whoa, what is all that?
00:39:31.327 --> 00:39:35.717
'Cause you know, I'm figuring out that I'm a bi guy
00:39:35.717 --> 00:39:39.317
and definitely am turned onto some guys or whatever
00:39:39.317 --> 00:39:42.597
and feeling okay about that and stuff,
00:39:42.597 --> 00:39:45.664
I'm kinda freaked, a little scared, not freaked out,
00:39:45.664 --> 00:39:48.967
little scared and nervous and shy and whatever
00:39:48.967 --> 00:39:50.490
and I'm just kinda like, ooh.
00:39:51.517 --> 00:39:55.300
I mean, I made that realization about my sexuality and it's,
00:39:58.017 --> 00:40:00.780
that's, yeah, I'm kinda sitting with that,
00:40:02.073 --> 00:40:04.307
I'm just kinda like, you know.
00:40:04.307 --> 00:40:08.049
At some point, I'm gonna wanna explore that
00:40:08.049 --> 00:40:10.120
on a more physical level.
00:40:11.797 --> 00:40:16.797
And right now, I'm just not, I'm not interested
00:40:17.317 --> 00:40:21.188
in doing that because I'm not, but at some point
00:40:21.188 --> 00:40:24.610
I'm gonna wanna do that and I would,
00:40:27.027 --> 00:40:32.027
I would like to do it in a, have our relationship
00:40:32.527 --> 00:40:36.080
and be able to explore that, you know?
00:40:37.077 --> 00:40:41.677
- Yeah, it's sort of never been a really functional thing
00:40:41.677 --> 00:40:45.287
for me as of yet in any relationship that I've been in.
00:40:45.287 --> 00:40:47.844
Plus, we haven't really reached a point,
00:40:47.844 --> 00:40:51.760
in our relationship, where this is sort of dealable.
00:40:51.760 --> 00:40:54.137
I mean, I feel like we're just out of the woods
00:40:54.137 --> 00:40:59.137
as far as even moving through this transition so for me,
00:40:59.477 --> 00:41:02.390
it's sort of like, I always, poor Theo,
00:41:03.237 --> 00:41:07.117
even though Theo is like I love you and I'm not,
00:41:07.117 --> 00:41:09.077
I don't wanna leave you, and I'm always like,
00:41:09.077 --> 00:41:11.457
well great, now you're just gonna go off and become
00:41:11.457 --> 00:41:14.617
a big fag on me and I'm not, and then all this work
00:41:14.617 --> 00:41:17.614
that we've done and everything is gonna be like for naught.
00:41:23.944 --> 00:41:25.403
- I work for the city.
00:41:25.403 --> 00:41:28.077
00:41:28.077 --> 00:41:31.007
There's a few different insurance plans
00:41:31.007 --> 00:41:36.007
that honor domestic partners, you know what I mean?
00:41:36.767 --> 00:41:40.077
To whatever, and city plan does that.
00:41:40.077 --> 00:41:45.077
So doing this here is to get Lisi on my insurance.
00:41:49.000 --> 00:41:52.267
- [Lisi] We're gonna do some sort of commitment ceremony
00:41:52.267 --> 00:41:55.100
at some point, but not today.
00:41:57.617 --> 00:42:00.907
- No actually it's a ruby. - Oh it's a ruby.
00:42:00.907 --> 00:42:01.740
- Yeah. - Oh.
00:42:01.740 --> 00:42:03.083
- [Julie] It looks pretty purple for a ruby.
00:42:03.083 --> 00:42:04.796
- [Lisi] That's why I said it was an amethyst.
00:42:04.796 --> 00:42:06.342
- [Theo] Oh okay, it's a sapphire.
00:42:06.342 --> 00:42:07.175
00:42:07.175 --> 00:42:08.790
- [Lisi] No it's not, it's a special gem,
00:42:08.790 --> 00:42:12.540
the heart of hell.
00:42:27.567 --> 00:42:29.492
- Information about it, okay?
00:42:29.492 --> 00:42:31.557
And if you wanna fill this out over there
00:42:31.557 --> 00:42:33.017
on that counter, when you're ready,
00:42:33.017 --> 00:42:34.387
come back to put your name in there.
00:42:34.387 --> 00:42:35.428
- Great. - Thanks.
00:42:35.428 --> 00:42:37.845
- [Secretary] You're welcome.
00:42:41.707 --> 00:42:43.250
- Here, you gotta witness this.
00:42:45.271 --> 00:42:47.521
- [Secretary] Make it out to SF County Clerk.
00:42:59.569 --> 00:43:01.762
(cheerful music)
00:43:01.762 --> 00:43:03.489
- I'm so happy.
00:43:03.489 --> 00:43:05.572
00:43:25.677 --> 00:43:28.277
- How long have we been doing your shot now, Theo?
00:43:28.277 --> 00:43:30.003
Three years?
00:43:30.003 --> 00:43:31.659
- About four. - Four?
00:43:31.659 --> 00:43:33.262
- Four. - Five.
00:43:33.262 --> 00:43:35.513
- Is it five? - Mhmm.
00:43:35.513 --> 00:43:38.787
- [Julie] We started in February '94.
00:43:38.787 --> 00:43:40.627
You ever wanna know any facts about your life?
00:43:40.627 --> 00:43:42.817
- Yeah, fill me in. - Ask me.
00:43:44.467 --> 00:43:46.567
- [Julie] What kinda testosterone are you using now,
00:43:46.567 --> 00:43:48.780
the generic kind or is it a different one?
00:43:49.857 --> 00:43:53.537
- No, the company that makes generic isn't making it
00:43:53.537 --> 00:43:58.107
right now, it's kind of a problem because there's a shortage
00:43:58.107 --> 00:44:01.137
so this is a brand name, it's very expensive,
00:44:01.137 --> 00:44:05.297
it's like over $20 just for a one-dose vial
00:44:05.297 --> 00:44:09.517
whereas before, I was paying a little over $20
00:44:09.517 --> 00:44:14.517
for a 10-mil vial or 10-dose vial for me, so.
00:44:17.422 --> 00:44:19.267
- [Julie] Wow.
00:44:19.267 --> 00:44:22.011
Do you think you're gonna keep taking it, like forever?
00:44:22.011 --> 00:44:23.860
- I don't know, I don't know.
00:44:23.860 --> 00:44:26.677
I don't know, I was kinda thinking about that,
00:44:26.677 --> 00:44:28.737
I'm just an old geezer in a nursing home,
00:44:28.737 --> 00:44:31.180
help with my testosterone, you know?
00:44:32.933 --> 00:44:34.016
I don't know.
00:44:35.267 --> 00:44:38.027
You know, if it gets really outrageously hard to get,
00:44:38.027 --> 00:44:40.352
well forget about it.
00:44:40.352 --> 00:44:41.935
- Okay, breathe in.
00:44:45.329 --> 00:44:47.120
And do it again.
00:44:47.120 --> 00:44:49.134
(breathing deeply)
00:44:49.134 --> 00:44:49.967
00:44:51.963 --> 00:44:53.630
- Okay, that's good.
00:44:57.657 --> 00:45:00.837
There were people who I've lost touch with
00:45:00.837 --> 00:45:05.837
not because of my transformation, but because that kinda
00:45:06.147 --> 00:45:09.720
shit just happens, friends come and go,
00:45:10.558 --> 00:45:14.377
but I was kinda moving off, I was real busy with school
00:45:14.377 --> 00:45:16.637
and doing a lot of other stuff like that,
00:45:16.637 --> 00:45:19.847
they were going somewhere else and what was going on
00:45:19.847 --> 00:45:24.847
with me was, I was finding that I was having
00:45:24.907 --> 00:45:27.410
this big time attraction to men.
00:45:29.312 --> 00:45:31.717
It wasn't a think where I was even thinking when would I
00:45:31.717 --> 00:45:34.757
leave Lisi and go be with men or anything,
00:45:34.757 --> 00:45:36.577
but I really just needed to look at that
00:45:36.577 --> 00:45:40.377
and so we kinda talked about it and she told me
00:45:40.377 --> 00:45:42.817
that she was having the same stuff around women,
00:45:42.817 --> 00:45:47.817
that she really needed to keep that going on in her life.
00:45:49.437 --> 00:45:53.867
So we did the whole thing of processing it
00:45:53.867 --> 00:45:57.705
and coming up with these ground rules and da da da,
00:45:57.705 --> 00:45:58.710
you can't, blah blah blah.
00:45:58.710 --> 00:46:00.877
- [Julie] What were the ground rules?
00:46:00.877 --> 00:46:05.277
- Well the basics were that we couldn't have anybody here,
00:46:05.277 --> 00:46:08.797
this is too small of a place, and we couldn't
00:46:10.647 --> 00:46:15.587
break a date that we had together to be with somebody else.
00:46:15.587 --> 00:46:18.217
We each had veto power.
00:46:18.217 --> 00:46:23.217
I think the most important one was that we just really
00:46:23.247 --> 00:46:27.837
communicate around what's going on with other lovers.
00:46:27.837 --> 00:46:28.670
- [Julie] What happened for you,
00:46:28.670 --> 00:46:30.347
how did you meet people?
00:46:30.347 --> 00:46:32.994
- Well, how'd I meet people?
00:46:34.337 --> 00:46:37.127
Just gotta say, the internet's great for,
00:46:37.127 --> 00:46:40.382
not even the internet, AOL's great for meeting people.
00:46:40.382 --> 00:46:42.965
(upbeat music)
00:47:35.136 --> 00:47:37.761
So this is not fun anymore.
00:47:37.761 --> 00:47:39.530
- It's not fun anymore? - What do you mean?
00:47:39.530 --> 00:47:42.307
- It's a chore. - The charm is gone.
00:47:44.256 --> 00:47:45.089
00:48:53.126 --> 00:48:54.626
- [Robot] Welcome.
00:48:56.694 --> 00:48:58.157
You've got mail.
00:49:44.232 --> 00:49:47.732
- [Lisi] I feel confused about what to do.
00:50:11.537 --> 00:50:15.767
- [Julie] So do you think that ultimately that things
00:50:15.767 --> 00:50:20.767
with Theo, like the breakup, had to do with his gender?
00:50:21.137 --> 00:50:22.130
- The breakup.
00:50:30.627 --> 00:50:35.130
I think in some part, yeah.
00:50:39.297 --> 00:50:42.097
I can't, it's like I can't even talk about it or something
00:50:42.097 --> 00:50:44.217
'cause I think I just spent a lot of time
00:50:45.787 --> 00:50:50.787
really wanting to feel that gender, that his gender
00:50:52.227 --> 00:50:55.934
changing was not gonna be, have an impact on things,
00:50:58.167 --> 00:51:00.397
I mean, I knew it would have an impact
00:51:00.397 --> 00:51:03.677
but I didn't want it to have an impact of ending.
00:51:03.677 --> 00:51:06.447
I didn't want that, that was so the thing that I just
00:51:06.447 --> 00:51:08.767
did not want and it was the thing I was most afraid of
00:51:08.767 --> 00:51:13.767
and I had such a way of being so, being loyal,
00:51:16.067 --> 00:51:18.644
so based on my loyalty and my, yeah.
00:51:21.227 --> 00:51:25.207
That now, having made a decision to leave the partnership
00:51:28.333 --> 00:51:33.250
and to try to start my life again and different me
00:51:34.327 --> 00:51:39.327
and with women and like just kind of
00:51:42.337 --> 00:51:45.760
that question of, I don't know what's gonna happen.
00:51:47.697 --> 00:51:50.807
I don't know, it's almost kinda hard, it's like, oh great,
00:51:50.807 --> 00:51:55.190
now I'm like back to the beginning or something?
00:51:58.616 --> 00:52:01.199
(gentle music)
00:53:55.261 --> 00:53:57.093
00:53:57.093 --> 00:53:59.321
- [Woman] I know, there was like a lot in the movie,
00:53:59.321 --> 00:54:01.488
which was kind of intense.
00:54:03.607 --> 00:54:05.320
- It was all true.
00:54:05.320 --> 00:54:07.403
00:54:08.292 --> 00:54:09.337
Oh man.
00:54:09.337 --> 00:54:12.727
- It's all visuals, it's all how you present yourself,
00:54:12.727 --> 00:54:13.627
it's really weird.
00:54:14.700 --> 00:54:16.877
- People make whatever assumption they're gonna make.
00:54:16.877 --> 00:54:20.677
It's just like, I'm totally fine with that,
00:54:20.677 --> 00:54:24.630
I think that's where Lisi and I have our biggest,
00:54:25.617 --> 00:54:27.767
our difference right there. - What, where?
00:54:29.807 --> 00:54:33.347
- She likes, I think she's in a place now,
00:54:33.347 --> 00:54:37.247
speaking of her, get over here, where she likes to have
00:54:37.247 --> 00:54:39.734
those boundaries are really defined.
00:54:41.628 --> 00:54:43.157
- Like what boundaries? - Well no mistake
00:54:43.157 --> 00:54:45.747
about who she is, she's a big old dyke
00:54:46.804 --> 00:54:51.197
and what her community is and you look at her,
00:54:51.197 --> 00:54:52.837
that you see that, or whatever,
00:54:52.837 --> 00:54:55.217
that would be your assumption.
00:54:55.217 --> 00:54:57.257
And me, people make all kinds of assumptions,
00:54:57.257 --> 00:55:01.047
I'm gay, I'm straight, I'm whatever, and it's like,
00:55:01.047 --> 00:55:06.047
hey, I'm a big old bi trans man with a pussy.
00:55:06.140 --> 00:55:07.647
00:55:07.647 --> 00:55:09.717
Bet you wouldn't have figured that out.
00:55:09.717 --> 00:55:14.400
So I'm really, like whatever, pretty relaxed with that.
00:55:24.678 --> 00:55:28.761
- [Julie] Well what kind of man are you gonna be?
00:55:29.985 --> 00:55:30.818
- [Theo] I don't know, I don't know.
00:55:31.967 --> 00:55:33.250
What kind of man am I?
00:55:34.087 --> 00:55:34.930
You tell me.
00:55:37.737 --> 00:55:39.860
What kind of man I've always been.
00:55:57.726 --> 00:55:59.902
♪ I heard him laughing and I heard him cuss ♪
00:55:59.902 --> 00:56:02.209
♪ And he went for his gun and I pulled mine first ♪
00:56:02.209 --> 00:56:05.065
♪ He stood there looking at me and I saw him smile ♪
00:56:05.065 --> 00:56:08.897
♪ And he said, son, this world is rough ♪
00:56:08.897 --> 00:56:10.587
♪ And if a man's gonna make it ♪
00:56:10.587 --> 00:56:13.198
♪ He's gotta be tough and I know I wouldn't be there ♪
00:56:13.198 --> 00:56:15.536
♪ To help you along ♪
00:56:15.536 --> 00:56:18.526
♪ So I give you that name and I said goodbye ♪
00:56:18.526 --> 00:56:21.080
♪ I knew you'd have to get tough or die ♪
00:56:21.080 --> 00:56:25.923
♪ And it's that name that helped to make you strong ♪
00:56:25.923 --> 00:56:29.417
♪ Yeah, he said now you just fought one hell of a fight ♪
00:56:29.417 --> 00:56:31.702
♪ And I know you hate me and you got the right ♪
00:56:31.702 --> 00:56:36.689
♪ To kill me now and I wouldn't blame you if you do ♪
00:56:36.689 --> 00:56:38.936
♪ But you oughta thank me before I die ♪
00:56:38.936 --> 00:56:41.206
♪ For the gravel in the guts and the spit in your eye ♪
00:56:41.206 --> 00:56:46.206
♪ 'Cause I'm the (bleep) that named you Sue ♪