Intimate, provocative stories of men and women forever changed by their…
Dance Me to The End of Time
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Melanie Chait documented the last four years of her life-partner, theatre director Nancy Diuguid's life, as she fought breast cancer. Woven into Nancy's personal story are insights from US scientist and ecologist Rachel Carson, whose seminal book, 'Silent Spring' exposed the health dangers of pesticides as far back 1962.
Nancy grew up on a tobacco farm in Kentucky in the USA, where small planes regularly sprayed the fields with toxic pesticides. Dance Me to The End of Time powerfully explores the impact of pesticides not only on the environment but also on the human body by journeying with Nancy as she navigates her cancer treatment and the tremendous love that is shared in doing so. It pays tribute to Nancy a visionary director and actor who used the creative arts and her own lesbian identity as a lifelong campaign for justice and healing.
A powerful celebration of life...A truly great film. Not only for the breadth of themes it broaches - from cancer to green activism, from lesbian love to arts therapy - but also for the intensity with which she deals with these themes." Gibson Ncube, The Conversation
"Dance Me to The End of Time is an intimate and unflinching portrait of death and dying that is also a celebration of life, love, and gay identity. The story of Melanie Chait's devotion to her life-partner Nancy Diuguid unfolds alongside an exploration of the persistent dangers of cancer-causing poisons in our environment. Weaving Diuguid's cancer journey together with scenes from environmental pioneer Rachel Carson's personal life and cancer struggle, the film leaves us with hope that the lifework of visionaries like Diuguid and Carson will not be in vain." Lisa H. Sideris, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara, Co-editor, Rachel Carson: Legacy and Challenge
"This is a compelling, beautifully-told story that will open the door for critically important conversations on the human impact on the environment, gender, sexual orientation, death and dying, and intersections of these topics. Dance Me to The End of Time will fit well in disciplines such as environmental studies, women and gender studies, and sociology." Deborah Altus, Professor of Family and Human Services, Washburn University
"As a public health nurse, I have always understood that our health and wellbeing is intertwined with nature and how we care for nature. This film beautifully shows, not only in narration but through exquisite visuals, a life well lived because of appreciation of that interconnectedness. Although death is at the end of the movie, the film leaves us with a sense of hope and direction for our own lives." Adelita Cantu, Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Texas Health Science Center at Health San Antonio
"Nancy's journey reminds us one can devour energy, digest experience, and live fully right up to the end. Hers is a portrait of life, one where the most important thing is to discover one's most important thing. Dance Me to The End of Time exemplifies living and dying on one's terms, with eyes wide open." Nate Hinerman, Professor and Chair of Psychology, Golden Gate University, Chair, San Francisco Bay Area Network for End-of-Life Care
Main credits
Chait, Melanie (film director)
Chait, Melanie (film producer)
Groenewald, Lauren (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Melanie Chait; editing, Tonia Moller; music, Dorian Ford.
Distributor subjects
Activism,African Studies,Biography,Dance,Death And Dying,Environment,Gender Studies,Health,Philosophy,Pollution,Psychology,Social Psychology,Sociology,Toxic Chemicals,Women's StudiesKeywords
00:00:40.320 --> 00:00:42.840
Why does one film
one's life partner dying?
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During Nancy's cancer, I had no time
to reflect on what was happening.
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I hoped that the footage would be a way
to comprehend, find meaning,
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but mostly to help me remember.
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It was a project
that Nancy and I were united in,
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although, on occasion, I wondered
if it was the correct thing to be doing.
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It has taken me sixteen years
to find the courage and the impetus
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to make this film.
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My reaction when I was diagnosed
was one of shock,
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I felt like I had gone into a dream world.
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Fear, of course, and the fact that
you really could be facing your mortality.
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When you hear cancer,
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you know, you have a choice,
you have to make your choices.
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You either lie down
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and not do anything, or you,
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you either stand up
and you take all of your courage
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and your strength, and you go “Hit the road,
Jack, I'm beating you.” You know.
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During Nancy's cancer,
many TV stations filmed her
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because of the groundbreaking trauma work
she had begun in South Africa.
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This footage has helped enormously
in the making of this film.
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Six months ago, Nancy
Diuguid was diagnosed with breast cancer.
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Nancy decided to adopt a holistic,
integrated approach to fighting her illness,
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combining both conventional
medicine and natural methods.
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A second operation revealed
that the cancer had not spread,
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and six months down the line,
she's officially in remission.
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Nancy, are you confident
that you took the right route?
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Yes, I think by taking an integrated
medical approach,
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I did take the right route.
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I have to, you have to, take
control of your life.
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And I did, and I did lots of reading
and thinking and studying and,
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and working with various people.
- But there's one thing for sure.
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You need support, am I right?
- That's absolutely right. Without support
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you can't handle the whole thing by yourself.
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Okay, how did Melanie help you?
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Well, I think the first thing you got to do
is overcome the fear
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because once you hear about cancer,
you’re in a terrible state of shock.
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And I think, I didn't know where I
got it from,
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but I just decided to make a yes list.
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And everybody I knew who had survived with
cancer went up on this big board.
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And the list is still growing
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because I think so often
you just equate cancer with death,
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and once you're in that space, it's
very, very hard to be positive.
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Nancy and I lived
together for many years in London.
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Nancy was a theatre and opera director
and I a political documentary filmmaker.
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When we first met, at the
National Film School in England
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in the 1980s, I knew immediately
we were going to be together.
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I was captivated by Nancy's
exuberance and enthusiasm,
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her open heartedness and her extravagance.
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I was more reserved and reticent.
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Happy birthday, mom and dad.
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Camerawoman today is Melanie
Chait, director Nancy Diuguid.
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Hi, and happy birthday to both of you.
- Here we are,
00:05:01.560 --> 00:05:04.760
turning into the cottage.
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We both worked long and hard
and early in our relationship,
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we found a cottage in the Cotswolds
where we would escape to for weekends.
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Hello cottage. I'm just going
to take you around the garden.
00:05:18.720 --> 00:05:22.040
Nancy's breadth of interests
and depth of knowledge was compelling.
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From cosmology to quantum physics,
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the visual arts to the classics,
to scuba diving and above all, nature.
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The wild flowers aren’t out
at the moment.
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Nancy was a passionate
organic gardener.
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Her aversion to pesticides
stemmed from her having grown up
00:05:39.400 --> 00:05:43.520
on a tobacco plantation
where DDT had been sprayed extensively.
00:05:44.480 --> 00:05:47.040
You can see we have yellow
marsh flowers here.
00:05:47.520 --> 00:05:48.640
Where's the pond.
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Oh, there it is.
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Did you get the yellow marsh flowers?
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- And we have frogs.
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I imagine I'm making too much
noise for them right now.
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I'm trying to find little animals,
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I don't see too many today.
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Normally, I see lots of life going on.
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We both greatly admired
the scientist Rachel Carson,
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whose seminal book, Silent Spring,
published in 1962,
00:06:20.360 --> 00:06:23.560
raised the alarm about the long term
damage of pesticides,
00:06:23.760 --> 00:06:27.720
particularly DDT, and its effect
on wildlife and human health,
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especially in relation
to the increased risk of cancers.
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The history of life on earth
has been a history of interaction
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between living things
and their surroundings.
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Only within a moment of time
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represented by the present
century has one species,
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man, acquired significant power
to alter the nature of his world.
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Future historians may well be amazed
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by our distorted sense of proportion.
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How could intelligent
beings seek to control
00:07:06.560 --> 00:07:12.080
a few unwanted species, by a method
that contaminated the entire environment
00:07:12.680 --> 00:07:17.080
and brought the threat of disease
and death even to their own kind?
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Because of my political filmmaking
in South Africa,
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I was persona non grata for many years.
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When apartheid was overthrown, I returned,
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wanting to contribute
to the new South Africa.
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Nancy continued to work internationally,
commuting back and forth.
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She was in South Africa
when diagnosed with breast cancer.
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Hi Dr Kessel.
00:07:47.960 --> 00:07:49.840
How are you?
- Fine, yourself?
00:07:50.360 --> 00:07:51.200
Good to see you.
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It was a stage one cancer,
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it was very small.
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They found it early, prognosis was good.
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I also went to a cancer counselor.
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Together, we created a nutritional plan
and a supplementary plan.
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And Melanie and I turned to the ocean
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because I find that nature is one
of the most important places to be in if you can.
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It brings
about a kind of expanse of awareness.
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I now practice meditation
and I'm doing remedial yoga as well.
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So I’ve taken a holistic approach to
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healing this cancer
and never having to have it
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come back again, hopefully.
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Before Nancy's diagnosis, Desmond,
a seven year old,
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had crept into our hearts
and was to change our lives forever.
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One day a little chap,
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very tiny, street waif looking,
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knocked on the door and looked up at me
and said, ‘Can I play with your dog?’
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And I looked down at him and I said,
of course you can.
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And so, we got to know Desmond.
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Almost every Saturday afternoon,
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he would come to play with Fudge.
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And he and I would go out
and cut bulrushes
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and just look at nature, the butterflies
and the birds.
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And then one day he announced to us
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that his mother was going to send him back
to his grandmother
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in the township outside, Kimberly,
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and Melanie and I
looked at each other and went
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‘This child is just too bright.’
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It’s just a bit like, funny.
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So we spoke to his mom
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and we said, ‘Do you think that we
can help with Desmond's education?’
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And so Desmond's
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been living with us
and he's getting an education.
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What's it say to you?
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To me? She’s got a headache or something.
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But he is so talented,
00:10:02.440 --> 00:10:07.080
he has a tremendous artistic and creative
ability and an athletic ability.
00:10:07.400 --> 00:10:09.120
He was just utterly delightful.
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Desmond brought us great joy,
00:10:27.040 --> 00:10:32.000
but despite Nancy's remission, the anxiety
of cancer returning never quite leaves.
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So the three of us spent as much time
as we could at a holiday cottage
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in Pringle Bay to assist her recovery.
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Go ahead. Go.
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But 18 months later,
00:11:04.280 --> 00:11:06.520
Christmas 2000.
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I started getting terrible pain,
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and I went back to my oncologist.
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Of course, it had spread into my bone.
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Man alone of all forms of life
can create cancer producing substances,
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which in medical terminology
are called carcinogens.
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With the dawn of the industrial era,
the world became a place of continuous
00:12:07.920 --> 00:12:11.960
ever accelerating change.
Instead of the natural environment,
00:12:12.280 --> 00:12:15.480
there was rapidly substituted
an artificial one
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composed of new chemical
and physical agents,
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many of them possessing powerful capacities
00:12:22.160 --> 00:12:24.640
for inducing biologic change.
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By the end of the 19th century,
00:12:27.760 --> 00:12:31.560
a half dozen sources of
industrial carcinogens were known.
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The 20th century was to create countless
new cancer causing chemical,
00:12:37.400 --> 00:12:41.760
and to bring the general population
into intimate contact with them.
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It is hardly surprising, therefore,
that we are now aware
00:12:46.320 --> 00:12:49.560
of the alarming increase
in malignant disease.
00:12:53.560 --> 00:12:58.320
Biologist Rachel Carson worked four years
in the preparation of Silent Spring,
00:12:58.600 --> 00:13:01.760
first printed on September 27, 1962.
00:13:02.200 --> 00:13:04.960
Up to now, five hundred thousand
copies have been sold,
00:13:05.200 --> 00:13:09.040
and Silent Spring has been called
the most controversial book of the year.
00:13:09.440 --> 00:13:10.760
Miss Rachel Carson.
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We've heard the benefits of pesticides.
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We've heard a great deal
00:13:17.080 --> 00:13:20.680
about their safety, but very little
00:13:21.640 --> 00:13:24.040
about the hazards.
00:13:24.080 --> 00:13:26.880
Very little about the failures,
the inefficiencies.
00:13:28.200 --> 00:13:32.160
And yet the public was being asked
to accept these chemicals,
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was being asked to acquiesce in their use,
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and did not have the whole picture.
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So I set about to remedy
the balance there.
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We have to remember that children
00:14:01.120 --> 00:14:04.160
born today are exposed to
these chemicals from birth,
00:14:05.360 --> 00:14:07.200
perhaps even before birth.
00:14:07.640 --> 00:14:10.520
Now, what is going to happen
to them in adult life
00:14:11.200 --> 00:14:13.280
as a result of that exposure?
00:14:13.960 --> 00:14:15.520
We simply don't know.
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Nancy was born on October the 19th, 1948,
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and she was brought up in
a little town in Kentucky, in Ghent.
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She was part of a wealthy tobacco
farming family and a family,
00:14:35.880 --> 00:14:40.760
by most British standards, very formal,
with very traditional values.
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And her mother was very much
a southern belle.
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Nancy would often recall how
in her early years in the south,
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she'd once seen the burning
cross of the Ku Klux Klan
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and the horror of this stayed with her
all her life and gave her the impetus
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to challenge discrimination
wherever she saw it.
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But this background
and her parental expectations,
00:15:05.920 --> 00:15:09.840
of course, made it very difficult
and deeply painful for Nancy
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when in later years,
she came out to her parents.
00:15:25.440 --> 00:15:27.280
I’m gonna start taking my top off.
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Stand by your woman.
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I shall be very demure.
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No, show it to the camera.
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Desmond, hush up.
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Look what I'm reading, Anna.
- What are you reading?
00:15:55.160 --> 00:15:57.400
- Faust? Are you mad?
00:15:58.080 --> 00:15:59.000
I am mad.
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Our friend Anna, a physician,
00:16:01.120 --> 00:16:04.320
was always close at hand, often
administering treatments
00:16:04.320 --> 00:16:06.840
at our home in Johannesburg to save Nancy
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spending long hours in the hospital.
00:16:09.400 --> 00:16:10.160
Are we doing it in this hand?
00:16:11.040 --> 00:16:14.640
We have been because these are such...
- Fragile
00:16:14.640 --> 00:16:16.400
fragile little veins.
- OK.
00:16:20.400 --> 00:16:22.280
Wow, I watched her do that, Mel.
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And was it sore?
- No.
00:16:32.120 --> 00:16:34.320
Chemotherapy was tough, it was called FEC,
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and it makes you extremely nauseous.
00:16:37.280 --> 00:16:40.240
And of course you’re warned
your hair is going to come out,
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and I was quite fascinated
to see what I’d look like bald,
00:16:43.440 --> 00:16:45.880
so I just didn't know
I was going to have to do it this way.
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What happens is you
have days where you go,
00:16:51.040 --> 00:16:52.960
‘I'm going to be fine.
I'm going to beat this.
00:16:52.960 --> 00:16:53.920
It's not going to beat me.’
00:16:53.920 --> 00:16:57.880
And I had days where I was in very,
very dark despair.
00:17:00.680 --> 00:17:02.720
But often I was too sick to do anything.
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Often I just lay there in the bed,
but I have wonderful friends.
00:17:07.200 --> 00:17:11.360
They gave me foot massages
and head massages and hand massages.
00:17:11.920 --> 00:17:14.880
Friends from Britain
came out every month to help us.
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The week that I was well,
or the two weeks sometimes,
00:17:19.400 --> 00:17:21.560
when I wasn't working,
we’d plan a nice trip.
00:17:21.560 --> 00:17:24.880
I found nature to be really important.
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My little family is very important
and doing something beautiful each day
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and remembering that life is for living.
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However long it is,
it's the quality of your life.
00:18:06.960 --> 00:18:09.680
OK Mel, I’m tired now
- OK
00:18:15.200 --> 00:18:17.520
Miss Rachel Carson,
and those who agree with her,
00:18:17.520 --> 00:18:20.720
charge that risks involved
in the use of chemical pesticides
00:18:20.720 --> 00:18:24.320
far exceed the benefits
they provide, including wormless apples.
00:18:24.880 --> 00:18:30.120
Since the mid 1940s, over 200
basic chemicals have been created
00:18:30.120 --> 00:18:34.720
for use in killing insects, weeds,
rodents and other organisms
00:18:35.040 --> 00:18:38.000
described in the modern
vernacular as pests.
00:18:38.760 --> 00:18:43.880
These sprays, dusts and aerosols are now
applied almost universally
00:18:43.880 --> 00:18:47.680
to farms, gardens, forests and homes.
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Can anyone believe it is possible
to lay down such a barrage of poisons
00:18:52.960 --> 00:18:57.400
on the surface of the Earth
without making it unfit for all life?
00:18:59.240 --> 00:19:02.360
Now, we know from experiments on animals
00:19:02.360 --> 00:19:07.040
that many of these chemicals
accumulate in body tissues.
00:19:08.000 --> 00:19:10.480
We know that some are liver poisons,
00:19:11.200 --> 00:19:12.680
others are nerve poisons.
00:19:14.440 --> 00:19:17.880
And for still others, we
have evidence that they produce mutations
00:19:18.800 --> 00:19:23.280
and in various other ways are exceedingly
dangerous materials.
00:19:23.320 --> 00:19:24.960
Unless we do bring these chemicals
00:19:24.960 --> 00:19:28.800
under better control,
we are certainly headed for disaster.
00:19:29.040 --> 00:19:32.160
The world is facing a global
public health risk.
00:19:32.800 --> 00:19:36.600
That's the warning from scientists who
say cancer will claim the lives of
00:19:36.600 --> 00:19:42.080
nine point six million people this year, up
from eight point two million in 2012.
00:19:46.880 --> 00:19:48.920
Nancy and I found it remarkable
00:19:48.920 --> 00:19:52.440
how innovative and progressive Rachel
Carson’s thinking had been.
00:19:53.360 --> 00:19:57.800
She challenged the claim that pesticides
were harmless as constantly promoted
00:19:57.800 --> 00:20:01.960
by big pharma companies seeking
new markets after the Second World War.
00:20:03.800 --> 00:20:07.240
Rachel was dismissed by these
companies for being a woman scientist,
00:20:07.720 --> 00:20:10.280
yet she was so ahead of her
time in comprehending
00:20:10.280 --> 00:20:12.240
the interconnectedness of all life.
00:20:14.360 --> 00:20:15.680
In the last 50 years,
00:20:15.680 --> 00:20:18.640
few other books have had the
same impact as Silent Spring,
00:20:18.800 --> 00:20:21.840
and today, Rachel Carson
is considered the founder
00:20:21.840 --> 00:20:24.080
of the Modern Environmental Movement.
00:20:26.280 --> 00:20:29.600
Nancy's feminist
politics were way ahead of the rest of us.
00:20:30.600 --> 00:20:34.200
Imagine, in 1973, that
Nancy was very out
00:20:34.200 --> 00:20:39.040
and upfront about being a lesbian
in an extremely chauvinistic set up.
00:20:42.760 --> 00:20:47.560
We arrived at gay sweat shop
as first and foremost actresses.
00:20:47.920 --> 00:20:51.800
The politics were learned on the road
and with a great deal of help from Nancy.
00:20:54.280 --> 00:20:56.440
It was an extraordinary time.
00:21:02.880 --> 00:21:06.040
Thirty years later, it's very hard
for people to remember
00:21:06.040 --> 00:21:09.880
how difficult it was to come out
and let alone stand on a stage
00:21:09.880 --> 00:21:11.000
and tell the world.
00:21:13.160 --> 00:21:18.680
Autumn 1976, we toured the very first
all lesbian production of any woman can.
00:21:19.080 --> 00:21:21.480
The all lesbian company was very special
00:21:21.680 --> 00:21:26.160
because we were all able to say that,
yes, we were dykes, and proud.
00:21:26.680 --> 00:21:28.640
The scariest time was
when we went to Dublin,
00:21:28.640 --> 00:21:31.720
there’s nightly bomb threats
and hellfire and damnation
00:21:31.720 --> 00:21:33.760
being preached by the Dublin press.
00:21:34.800 --> 00:21:38.320
In 1977, Nancy had a notion
to run a women's festival.
00:21:38.440 --> 00:21:41.440
In autumn, the Drill Hall
housed the very first
00:21:41.440 --> 00:21:44.400
contemporary women's
festival in the UK,
00:21:44.920 --> 00:21:47.680
and trailblazed
the future of lesbian theatre.
00:21:48.160 --> 00:21:53.920
Nancy’s energy, drive, vision
and southern cussedness made this happen.
00:21:55.040 --> 00:21:58.280
Every artist in the country
who over the past 20 years,
00:21:58.280 --> 00:22:03.680
has been able to openly call
themselves lesbian, queer or gay,
00:22:04.680 --> 00:22:07.800
must remember to say her name
with love and gratitude.
00:22:12.200 --> 00:22:15.920
1973, I was at drama school
00:22:16.200 --> 00:22:19.520
and I was sitting at the top of the
steps and, out of nowhere,
00:22:19.520 --> 00:22:22.440
this motorbike pulled up
with two women on it,
00:22:22.680 --> 00:22:26.160
and she got off the back of the bike
and she was in dungarees.
00:22:26.360 --> 00:22:28.760
The sun was behind her, she was barefooted,
00:22:29.000 --> 00:22:31.480
she got one strap for the dungarees opened
00:22:31.480 --> 00:22:35.920
and this long blond hair,
and she was holding a leather music bag.
00:22:36.160 --> 00:22:39.080
You know, those ones which have
the silver bars that go through,
00:22:39.360 --> 00:22:42.200
and she sort of drifted up the stairs
because she was a dancer,
00:22:42.200 --> 00:22:46.400
trained as a dancer, moved like a dancer,
and she was extraordinary,
00:22:46.440 --> 00:22:48.760
and my little heart just went.
00:22:49.080 --> 00:22:51.320
It was love at first sight.
00:22:51.360 --> 00:22:53.280
I think one of the things
she was very good at
00:22:53.280 --> 00:22:57.200
was imagining worlds
beyond the conventional.
00:22:57.200 --> 00:23:02.640
Using whatever facility,
whatever technique she could bring to bear
00:23:03.320 --> 00:23:08.400
in pushing those imaginations
into more colorful, into wilder
00:23:10.440 --> 00:23:11.880
00:23:12.440 --> 00:23:14.880
And so that you would feel
expanded as a person,
00:23:14.880 --> 00:23:16.560
I think she was about expansion.
00:23:18.440 --> 00:23:21.640
The work that she did, it was very pioneering,
I mean, she was one of the first
00:23:22.080 --> 00:23:23.440
women directors.
00:23:23.440 --> 00:23:26.920
We're seeing women directors
now who really are
00:23:26.920 --> 00:23:29.760
standing on Nancy's shoulders
and probably don't even realize it.
00:23:30.080 --> 00:23:35.560
From the mid 1970s through to the 80s,
Nancy directed over thirty theatre productions.
00:23:35.920 --> 00:23:38.720
The ones that are still very,
very clear in my memory
00:23:39.120 --> 00:23:44.160
are her productions of Noel Greig’s
all male Dear Love of Comrades.
00:23:44.680 --> 00:23:48.560
And then, of course, her wonderful,
expressionistic production of
00:23:48.560 --> 00:23:50.240
Angels Descend on Paris,
00:23:50.920 --> 00:23:54.960
which was about Nazi persecution
of gays as well as the Jews.
00:23:55.680 --> 00:23:58.040
Both productions won awards,
00:23:58.320 --> 00:23:59.480
hardly surprising.
00:24:04.720 --> 00:24:08.080
Nancy was a staff producer
at London Coliseum,
00:24:08.360 --> 00:24:09.760
home of English National Opera.
00:24:09.920 --> 00:24:12.080
What Nancy found in opera was
00:24:12.440 --> 00:24:15.960
all the big players, all the
big mediums of human expression.
00:24:16.600 --> 00:24:17.640
00:24:18.080 --> 00:24:21.160
text and, most importantly, music.
00:24:21.280 --> 00:24:23.160
And Nancy had a deep feeling for music,
00:24:23.520 --> 00:24:25.280
probably starting back when
00:24:25.280 --> 00:24:28.760
she was a child in America
with Baptist Church,
00:24:28.760 --> 00:24:31.800
and to still find a way of bringing that
00:24:31.800 --> 00:24:34.240
into European high art music,
00:24:34.240 --> 00:24:35.680
it’s great fun if
you can do that.
00:24:35.680 --> 00:24:39.160
And I think that was a good time
to try and put those two things together.
00:24:40.960 --> 00:24:43.960
Nancy was enjoying a successful,
international career
00:24:43.960 --> 00:24:47.360
when she started coming to South Africa
after the end of apartheid.
00:24:48.240 --> 00:24:51.960
Once here, the focus of her work
began to change dramatically.
00:24:54.280 --> 00:24:56.120
When I came here, I said to Mel,
00:24:56.440 --> 00:24:58.720
‘I can’t just come here and flit in and out.
00:24:58.960 --> 00:25:01.720
There's so much going on,
I want to contribute something.’
00:25:02.760 --> 00:25:06.560
Well, this is the project that
was initiated by Nancy Diuguid.
00:25:06.680 --> 00:25:10.120
Nancy felt that somehow
she needed to contribute to
00:25:10.360 --> 00:25:12.480
the children of Alexandra.
00:25:12.480 --> 00:25:15.280
Some of the kids
within the group were kids
00:25:15.280 --> 00:25:19.320
who have been sexually abused,
emotionally abused.
00:25:19.400 --> 00:25:23.680
Well, Voices or amazwi, or
mantsoe, amazwi,
00:25:23.680 --> 00:25:25.360
whichever language you
want to do it in,
00:25:25.960 --> 00:25:27.440
is a project
00:25:27.920 --> 00:25:30.800
that uses the expressive art therapies,
00:25:30.800 --> 00:25:34.320
or the creative art therapies,
to work with children at risk.
00:25:35.320 --> 00:25:39.280
Working with these children
and looking at the first few days
00:25:39.280 --> 00:25:42.000
of them hardly being able to utter a word,
00:25:42.000 --> 00:25:43.800
to find those children
00:25:43.920 --> 00:25:48.560
slowly relaxing with us,
slowly smiling genuinely.
00:25:49.160 --> 00:25:53.840
We talked about ourselves,
our names, our sense of identity,
00:25:54.160 --> 00:25:57.680
and out came a sense of pride in the self
00:25:58.040 --> 00:26:00.200
that wasn't there in the
beginning, when we first met.
00:26:04.520 --> 00:26:07.600
It was really the result of the work
at Alex with the children
00:26:08.040 --> 00:26:12.320
that I realized, the real training
in the creative arts therapies
00:26:12.680 --> 00:26:14.760
should be with the
trauma workers themselves.
00:26:15.280 --> 00:26:18.960
So I spent about a year and a half
starting to make a team.
00:26:19.000 --> 00:26:22.920
And we talked about Makati
feels very much that an African traditional healer is called
00:26:22.920 --> 00:26:25.880
You’re not
going to go out and use these techniques,
00:26:26.480 --> 00:26:27.960
Caroline spitting water on my
face, for instance.
00:26:28.920 --> 00:26:31.320
- Hey.
00:26:31.320 --> 00:26:32.760
00:26:32.960 --> 00:26:36.120
When Nancy ran a trauma workshop,
she would be there every day,
00:26:36.400 --> 00:26:39.080
even when at her sickest,
her energy was phenomenal.
00:26:42.160 --> 00:26:43.760
Everybody get close to one another
00:26:43.760 --> 00:26:45.520
so you can touch the person in front of you.
00:26:46.000 --> 00:26:47.040
Alright, lovely.
00:26:47.480 --> 00:26:50.680
And just start to massage each
other's shoulders.
00:26:53.200 --> 00:26:54.640
Let’s shake those hips.
00:27:14.800 --> 00:27:17.560
Bone pain is very, very painful,
00:27:19.160 --> 00:27:21.760
and there's times
when it's just too painful.
00:27:22.400 --> 00:27:25.560
If I need to be knocked out a bit, I will.
00:27:28.400 --> 00:27:30.600
So I've had a lot of bad side effects,
00:27:30.600 --> 00:27:32.440
I've had a lot of days in bed.
00:27:42.320 --> 00:27:46.560
As yet, insufficient time
has elapsed to reveal the full effect
00:27:46.560 --> 00:27:49.840
of the new chlorinated
hydrocarbon insecticides
00:27:49.840 --> 00:27:51.840
and of the modern herbicides.
00:27:52.680 --> 00:27:56.200
Most malignancies develop so
slowly that they may require
00:27:56.200 --> 00:27:58.760
a considerable segment of the victim's life
00:27:58.760 --> 00:28:01.680
to reach the stage of
showing clinical symptoms.
00:28:02.920 --> 00:28:05.640
The full maturing
of whatever seeds of malignancy
00:28:05.640 --> 00:28:08.760
have been sown by
these chemicals is yet to come.
00:28:19.080 --> 00:28:23.440
After another round of chemotherapy,
Nancy felt so much stronger.
00:28:24.080 --> 00:28:27.920
Her lifetime dream had been
to go to Tibet, and so we went.
00:28:28.880 --> 00:28:31.240
And I'm the only one
who didn't get altitude sickness,
00:28:31.240 --> 00:28:32.880
and I think because the chemo
00:28:32.880 --> 00:28:36.040
had thinned my blood so much
that I'm the only one
00:28:36.040 --> 00:28:38.400
that went through Tibet
without getting ill.
00:28:50.320 --> 00:28:53.040
The trip imbued her
with new life and vitality,
00:28:53.760 --> 00:28:56.880
but within a month of returning,
her pain had intensified.
00:28:58.680 --> 00:28:59.920
How are you feeling this morning?
00:29:00.520 --> 00:29:05.320
Pretty good, which tape are you
on for this ‘Wheel of Life’?
00:29:05.640 --> 00:29:07.920
- Second one?
00:29:07.920 --> 00:29:08.840
Yeah, second one.
00:29:09.160 --> 00:29:10.880
That’s the one I hadn’t listened to yet.
00:29:11.480 --> 00:29:13.680
It's all about after death experience.
00:29:14.400 --> 00:29:16.520
- I’ll listen to it after you.
00:29:25.400 --> 00:29:26.920
I went back on to
00:29:27.320 --> 00:29:29.400
another form of chemotherapy, Taxol.
00:29:30.520 --> 00:29:31.880
I had to have a
port put in
00:29:32.760 --> 00:29:35.800
and I ended up in hospital
with neutropenic shock.
00:29:41.240 --> 00:29:43.280
Melanie stayed often
at the hospital with me,
00:29:43.520 --> 00:29:44.800
she was fantastic.
00:29:49.200 --> 00:29:51.400
One night, though, she wasn't
there and I was in such pain,
00:29:51.400 --> 00:29:55.520
I'd have to rinse my mouth
just every sort of half an hour,
00:29:55.680 --> 00:29:57.640
and I just put my head
at the side of the sink
00:29:57.640 --> 00:29:59.880
and I just cried and cried and cried,
and I actually said,
00:30:00.520 --> 00:30:04.000
if this is where I am and
this is where I'm going to stay,
00:30:04.000 --> 00:30:05.200
please let me go now.
00:30:25.200 --> 00:30:27.360
I could cope with Nancy
not getting better
00:30:27.680 --> 00:30:29.280
as long as she did not get worse.
00:30:30.800 --> 00:30:34.400
The fear of losing the battle against
cancer strikes terror in your heart,
00:30:34.880 --> 00:30:36.720
and we all fight it in our own ways.
00:30:38.000 --> 00:30:40.560
I managed mine by
staying up late into the night
00:30:40.880 --> 00:30:43.760
researching whatever new
cancer treatments were available.
00:30:46.720 --> 00:30:48.400
Desmond dealt with his fears
00:30:48.640 --> 00:30:50.680
by always remaining close to Nancy.
00:30:58.600 --> 00:31:00.640
Poor Nancy, trying to work at her
00:31:01.000 --> 00:31:04.920
her little studio, Desmond pulls up
his chair to work next to her.
00:31:09.880 --> 00:31:14.000
She means... means
00:31:15.760 --> 00:31:20.000
By the power of the sun.
00:31:23.040 --> 00:31:24.040
Hello, you.
00:31:29.440 --> 00:31:32.120
What are you guys doing?
- Working.
00:31:32.120 --> 00:31:33.320
What are you working at?
00:31:33.840 --> 00:31:35.760
Um, I'm doing my work here.
00:31:36.160 --> 00:31:37.160
Which work is it?
00:31:39.960 --> 00:31:40.640
00:31:40.920 --> 00:31:43.600
He's doing his, you're doing
your story, darling,
00:31:43.600 --> 00:31:46.080
how to tell time and then
answering questions.
00:31:46.080 --> 00:31:46.600
00:31:46.880 --> 00:31:47.400
That sounds right.
00:31:47.720 --> 00:31:48.440
And you Nance?
00:31:48.800 --> 00:31:51.160
I’m writing my letter,
my long, long
00:31:51.440 --> 00:31:53.480
overdue letter to my friends,
00:31:53.960 --> 00:31:56.040
who’ve all been so
wonderful to me.
00:32:07.240 --> 00:32:08.680
Look inside Whitehall.
00:32:10.400 --> 00:32:13.560
June, we were planning our trip
to the United Kingdom and the USA
00:32:13.560 --> 00:32:15.400
to see family and friends, and I said,
00:32:15.400 --> 00:32:16.880
if I'm on a stretcher, I'm going,
00:32:17.400 --> 00:32:18.440
and I just had this,
00:32:19.440 --> 00:32:21.480
well, Mel says, she calls me Lazarus,
00:32:21.480 --> 00:32:22.920
I just had this turnaround
00:32:23.400 --> 00:32:24.520
and I'm so grateful.
00:32:33.560 --> 00:32:37.560
All of Nancy's friends
received the same letter
00:32:37.680 --> 00:32:40.680
basically saying she was
coming to London
00:32:40.760 --> 00:32:45.280
and she was going to have
a really big celebratory party
00:32:45.560 --> 00:32:50.640
and she wanted as many of her friends
as possible to come to this party,
00:32:51.440 --> 00:32:54.560
which, obviously, all of us
were thrilled to do.
00:32:55.880 --> 00:32:58.280
Everybody knew she had cancer.
00:32:59.720 --> 00:33:03.720
There were many women
there who were survivors of cancer.
00:33:04.640 --> 00:33:07.640
One or two have been survivors
for a very long time,
00:33:08.080 --> 00:33:13.080
and there was a lot of very positive,
jokey conversation about,
00:33:13.080 --> 00:33:15.960
we’ll crack it,
we'll be able to survive,
00:33:16.000 --> 00:33:19.720
all of those things and Nancy
was absolutely upbeat about it.
00:33:23.880 --> 00:33:27.160
Nancy had an extraordinary
ability for friendship.
00:33:28.040 --> 00:33:31.240
She brought out the best in everyone
00:33:31.560 --> 00:33:36.160
and had this warmth
and unconditional love for people,
00:33:37.280 --> 00:33:39.560
which was truly very special,
00:33:39.560 --> 00:33:42.840
because she made you feel very special.
00:33:45.920 --> 00:33:48.080
And she had friends
00:33:48.080 --> 00:33:50.240
from so many different continents
00:33:50.840 --> 00:33:54.640
and so many different contexts of life
00:33:56.200 --> 00:33:59.640
that you realized
that hundreds of people loved her.
00:34:02.120 --> 00:34:05.680
You have been such remarkable friends,
00:34:06.560 --> 00:34:10.120
and Melanie and I have many times
cried at the beauty of your friendship
00:34:10.560 --> 00:34:12.720
and the love and the
support that you've given us.
00:34:13.080 --> 00:34:15.880
And Nicole said a very beautiful thing
the other day after the party,
00:34:16.640 --> 00:34:19.400
she said everybody was there
just holding on,
00:34:19.920 --> 00:34:22.160
and none of you have ever let us go.
00:34:22.160 --> 00:34:24.480
And we will forever be grateful,
00:34:24.840 --> 00:34:28.120
and we love you deeply for your goodness.
00:34:28.120 --> 00:34:32.360
Thank you. Cheers.
- Cheers
00:34:32.920 --> 00:34:34.640
I'm not getting up, you come to me.
00:34:41.560 --> 00:34:43.000
After the party in London,
00:34:43.360 --> 00:34:47.440
we went to visit Nancy's parents who still
lived on their tobacco plantation
00:34:47.680 --> 00:34:52.320
where DDT had been sprayed
since 1945, when first introduced.
00:34:53.400 --> 00:34:55.480
Her mother was turning ninety four
00:34:55.480 --> 00:34:56.920
and her father a hundred.
00:35:00.200 --> 00:35:02.600
Never thought I’d be that old.
00:35:03.280 --> 00:35:04.840
And you still looking pretty good.
00:35:06.640 --> 00:35:08.800
There’s Nancy, twenty two,
00:35:10.280 --> 00:35:11.480
and still looking pretty good.
00:35:11.480 --> 00:35:14.160
You said the first hundred years
were the hardest, didn't you, dad?
00:35:14.800 --> 00:35:16.240
Well I made a hundred.
00:35:16.240 --> 00:35:17.520
You have, honey.
00:35:18.240 --> 00:35:19.800
I think I have.
00:35:19.800 --> 00:35:20.800
You have indeed,
00:35:20.800 --> 00:35:22.040
you made a hundred.
00:35:24.440 --> 00:35:26.160
Being there was difficult,
00:35:26.160 --> 00:35:28.960
Nancy's parents had never
accepted her sexuality
00:35:29.520 --> 00:35:32.920
and had not once offered to
help us with her medical expenses.
00:35:46.440 --> 00:35:50.320
This is where we would
often swim off the ferry boat.
00:35:51.000 --> 00:35:53.440
Of course, I'd go swimming
also off our farmland,
00:35:53.440 --> 00:35:54.160
not off the boat.
00:36:19.760 --> 00:36:23.520
Chemicals sprayed on crop lands,
or forests, or gardens
00:36:23.840 --> 00:36:27.360
lie long in soil, entering
into living organisms,
00:36:27.640 --> 00:36:32.000
passing from one to another
in a chain of poisoning and death,
00:36:32.480 --> 00:36:35.800
or they pass mysteriously
by underground streams
00:36:36.120 --> 00:36:39.880
until they emerge, and through the alchemy
of air and sunlight,
00:36:40.280 --> 00:36:44.920
combine into new forms
that kill vegetation, sicken cattle
00:36:45.240 --> 00:36:49.880
and work unknown harm
on those who drink from once pure wells.
00:36:50.560 --> 00:36:54.040
This pollution is, for the most part,
00:36:54.040 --> 00:36:56.400
The chain of evil it initiates,
00:36:56.400 --> 00:36:58.960
not only in a world
that must support life,
00:36:59.360 --> 00:37:03.320
but in living tissue, is for
the most part, irreversible.
00:37:29.320 --> 00:37:30.280
After Kentucky,
00:37:30.280 --> 00:37:34.120
we went to the Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center in New York,
00:37:34.440 --> 00:37:36.600
one of the top cancer
hospitals in the world.
00:37:37.600 --> 00:37:40.200
We were keen to see if they could offer
any other treatments,
00:37:40.760 --> 00:37:44.200
and Nancy asked if pesticides
could have been a potential cause.
00:37:47.560 --> 00:37:50.560
The doctors told us that
there was mounting evidence
00:37:50.560 --> 00:37:55.760
that women of Nancy’s age cohort, who grew up
drinking ground water from farm wells,
00:37:56.320 --> 00:37:59.360
were now presenting with
high incidence of breast cancer.
00:38:04.000 --> 00:38:05.360
What do you want me to take?
00:38:05.360 --> 00:38:08.800
I want you to come up here and look at
Brooklyn Bridge through these trees.
00:38:21.560 --> 00:38:23.720
It was only in 2015
00:38:23.720 --> 00:38:28.120
that an American scientific study
showed that exposure to DDT
00:38:28.120 --> 00:38:31.320
in utero, infancy and
early childhood
00:38:31.320 --> 00:38:33.840
places women at significantly higher risk
00:38:33.840 --> 00:38:37.280
of being diagnosed with
breast cancer by the age of 50.
00:38:38.320 --> 00:38:40.640
This proved Rachel Carson's assertions
00:38:40.880 --> 00:38:42.920
made fifty three years previously.
00:38:45.600 --> 00:38:48.440
The International Agency
for Research on Cancer
00:38:48.880 --> 00:38:53.760
estimated that in 2020,
more than 10 million people died of cancer
00:38:53.760 --> 00:38:56.960
and that new cases increased to
nineteen point three million,
00:38:56.960 --> 00:39:00.920
breat cancer being by far
the deadliest form of cancer for women.
00:39:09.160 --> 00:39:10.600
We returned to South Africa.
00:39:11.360 --> 00:39:13.920
The doctors at Sloan Kettering
thought Nancy was doing
00:39:13.920 --> 00:39:16.840
remarkably well and felt
they had nothing more to offer.
00:39:19.640 --> 00:39:22.280
Nancy immediately threw
herself back into her work
00:39:22.880 --> 00:39:25.520
and Carte Blanche was keen
to do a follow up program.
00:39:25.880 --> 00:39:30.960
What did you see that convinced you
that creative art therapy was necessary?
00:39:31.120 --> 00:39:33.520
I believe that the
creative arts therapies
00:39:34.840 --> 00:39:39.520
can touch the human being
in a way that talk can't always do it,
00:39:40.320 --> 00:39:43.720
and hopefully, potentially,
the healing process can happen.
00:39:44.520 --> 00:39:45.680
During the world summit,
00:39:45.680 --> 00:39:49.240
Nancy organized a series of
workshops at the women's jail on
00:39:49.240 --> 00:39:51.240
Constitution Hill in Johannesburg.
00:40:11.400 --> 00:40:12.840
How are you feeling at the moment?
00:40:13.120 --> 00:40:15.040
I'm tired. I'm tired.
00:40:15.040 --> 00:40:18.320
Although the drumming,
by doing the drumming myself,
00:40:18.600 --> 00:40:20.960
it reenergized me, which was good.
00:40:21.400 --> 00:40:24.760
And I feel so encouraged because, remember,
00:40:25.720 --> 00:40:28.000
this is the best I've felt in two years.
00:40:30.680 --> 00:40:33.840
The last two years
have been a lot of, quite a lot of pain,
00:40:35.680 --> 00:40:37.240
a lot of chemotherapy.
00:40:40.240 --> 00:40:41.920
I still can't look at the needle.
00:40:42.920 --> 00:40:44.280
First take.
00:40:44.880 --> 00:40:47.040
I get every side effect you can get,
00:40:47.480 --> 00:40:50.040
because I didn't drink tea or coffee.
00:40:50.240 --> 00:40:53.480
I had quite a pure system,
I was very athletic,
00:40:53.600 --> 00:40:57.440
I did everything that they say,
you know, that should keep you healthy.
00:40:57.800 --> 00:41:01.480
So it seems that my body reacts
to these quite heavy chemicals.
00:41:07.480 --> 00:41:09.240
There's a book by Bernie Siegel,
00:41:09.400 --> 00:41:12.160
who's an oncologist,
Love, Medicine and Miracles.
00:41:12.720 --> 00:41:14.640
I've had the love all along,
00:41:15.040 --> 00:41:16.520
I've had a lot of the medicine,
00:41:16.880 --> 00:41:19.640
and I feel in the last two months
I've started to have the miracle.
00:41:21.760 --> 00:41:23.720
This new chemo drug called Xeloda
00:41:24.160 --> 00:41:27.360
has really turned
things around for me
00:41:27.720 --> 00:41:31.520
and it's given me less
pain and a new energy,
00:41:31.760 --> 00:41:34.720
and it's risen my blood counts to
levels that have just shocked us all.
00:41:35.320 --> 00:41:36.840
But ultimately, I think it's love.
00:41:38.720 --> 00:41:40.040
Are you not finished yet, guys?
00:41:40.040 --> 00:41:42.800
This is really painful.
- This is killing her.
00:41:46.600 --> 00:41:48.440
I think Nancy is a hero,
00:41:48.440 --> 00:41:51.800
I think the way she deals with
it is quite phenomenal.
00:41:54.520 --> 00:41:56.840
She never, never, ever gives up,
00:41:56.840 --> 00:42:00.600
she keeps going all the time,
I think, to the point where she drives
00:42:00.680 --> 00:42:04.680
people, or me, desperate, because
when you think she should be resting,
00:42:04.800 --> 00:42:05.960
she needs to be recovering,
00:42:05.960 --> 00:42:07.800
she needs to be strengthening
her immune system,
00:42:07.800 --> 00:42:09.680
she's rushing around doing her work.
00:42:10.320 --> 00:42:13.360
And I think the work she's taken on
is a remarkable achievement,
00:42:13.360 --> 00:42:15.720
even more so considering she's so compromised
00:42:15.720 --> 00:42:16.960
with her health and energy.
00:42:23.080 --> 00:42:26.400
At his press conference on
August 29th, 1962,
00:42:26.400 --> 00:42:28.080
President Kennedy was asked.
00:42:28.320 --> 00:42:30.600
There appears to be growing concern
among scientists
00:42:30.800 --> 00:42:34.400
about the possibility
of dangerous long range side effects
00:42:34.880 --> 00:42:37.840
from the widespread use of DDT
and other pesticides,
00:42:38.400 --> 00:42:40.720
have you considered
asking the Department of Agriculture
00:42:41.560 --> 00:42:43.920
or the Public Health Service
to take a closer look at this?
00:42:43.960 --> 00:42:46.960
Yes, and I know that they already are,
00:42:47.320 --> 00:42:48.760
I think particularly, of course,
00:42:49.200 --> 00:42:52.520
since Miss Carson’s book,
but they are examining the matter.
00:42:54.120 --> 00:42:56.320
So great was the impact of Silent Spring
00:42:56.840 --> 00:42:59.600
that even the US government
was forced to take heed,
00:43:00.120 --> 00:43:03.760
in 1972, DDT was banned
in the United States.
00:43:04.440 --> 00:43:08.120
But despite it no longer being used
as a pesticide in many countries,
00:43:08.120 --> 00:43:11.440
a plethora of other pesticides
and herbicides have replaced it
00:43:11.840 --> 00:43:14.760
and are thought to be having much
the same effect as DDT.
00:43:16.680 --> 00:43:17.840
In 2018,
00:43:18.120 --> 00:43:21.600
courts in the US find
Monsanto guilty for their use
00:43:21.600 --> 00:43:25.680
of the chlorinated hydrocarbon,
glyphosate, used in Roundup.
00:43:26.360 --> 00:43:29.720
Hundreds of plaintiffs
with non Hodgkin's lymphoma
00:43:30.120 --> 00:43:32.960
filed class action
lawsuits against Monsanto,
00:43:33.600 --> 00:43:37.400
who sold to Bayer for sixty
three billion dollars in that same year.
00:43:38.440 --> 00:43:43.000
Multimillion dollar settlements have been ordered by
the courts to pay for compensation.
00:43:43.600 --> 00:43:48.440
Yet Bayer persists in its manufacture,
denying glyphosate is a carcinogen.
00:43:51.000 --> 00:43:53.160
For some chemicals
00:43:53.480 --> 00:43:56.480
where small residues were permitted
a few years ago.
00:43:57.000 --> 00:43:59.720
Now, with increasing knowledge,
it has been necessary
00:44:00.680 --> 00:44:02.960
to reduce the tolerance to zero.
00:44:03.640 --> 00:44:06.720
Now, and my feeling, if
that can be done for some,
00:44:06.720 --> 00:44:08.320
it can be done for all.
00:44:11.240 --> 00:44:13.440
The central tenant of Rachel Carson
00:44:13.760 --> 00:44:16.800
is that when we poison the planet,
we are poisoning ourselves.
00:44:18.840 --> 00:44:21.360
The terrible irony was
that she, herself,
00:44:21.360 --> 00:44:23.200
was diagnosed with breast cancer
00:44:23.200 --> 00:44:24.800
when finishing Silent Spring.
00:44:27.800 --> 00:44:29.720
She wore a wig when testifying
00:44:29.720 --> 00:44:32.000
at the Congressional hearings
on pesticides,
00:44:32.000 --> 00:44:34.120
as well as for
her CBS interview
00:44:34.840 --> 00:44:37.120
so that no one would
suspect she had cancer,
00:44:37.120 --> 00:44:39.880
and therefore, could not dismiss her writings
00:44:39.880 --> 00:44:41.960
as an embittered, angry reaction.
00:44:45.880 --> 00:44:48.120
We only know how she
suffered with her cancer
00:44:48.120 --> 00:44:50.440
from her letters to her
friend and great love,
00:44:50.720 --> 00:44:51.760
Dorothy Freeman.
00:44:54.720 --> 00:44:55.960
Darling, Dorothy.
00:44:56.520 --> 00:45:00.280
Well, as you know,
I start treatment on Monday,
00:45:01.640 --> 00:45:05.040
the time this represents now,
when it is all so precious
00:45:05.040 --> 00:45:07.120
is, of course,
horribly frustrating.
00:45:08.240 --> 00:45:11.000
But naturally, there is no choice.
00:45:13.240 --> 00:45:16.400
I'm trying to finish the chapter
on herbicides over the weekend.
00:45:16.800 --> 00:45:19.080
I've got some wonderful material for it,
00:45:19.080 --> 00:45:23.200
the ecological folly is so apparent
in this war on vegetation.
00:45:24.680 --> 00:45:27.760
Now, I must let sleep
take over
00:45:27.880 --> 00:45:30.600
so I can get up fairly
early and work, I hope.
00:45:31.880 --> 00:45:33.480
I wish you were here, day one,
00:45:34.280 --> 00:45:36.640
all my love to you, Rachel.
00:45:45.040 --> 00:45:48.320
And that fabulous turn,
isn’t that fabulous?
00:45:48.400 --> 00:45:50.200
This is Sango’s fabric.
00:45:52.280 --> 00:45:53.720
With gold embroidery on it.
00:45:54.240 --> 00:45:58.840
In addition to her trauma workshops,
Nancy had been working on her new opera,
00:45:58.840 --> 00:46:02.760
Earth Diving, which was to open
at the Spear Amphitheater in the autumn.
00:46:03.920 --> 00:46:06.480
Isn’t it stunning?
- Yeah, it’s absolutely stunning.
00:46:07.040 --> 00:46:10.440
Didn’t they just come home to roost on that one?
- Yeah, it’s lovely.
00:46:10.600 --> 00:46:14.760
It's wonderful.
- Lovely, sweet
00:46:27.960 --> 00:46:30.840
I could go 18 hours a day and I just went,
00:46:31.360 --> 00:46:32.920
I don't have that kind of energy now.
00:46:34.120 --> 00:46:38.040
I get home and I'm tired.
By nine o'clock, I'm finished.
00:46:47.320 --> 00:46:51.280
Have you seen the ramp Gcina? Look.
- Is that the doggy ramp?
00:46:51.360 --> 00:46:54.120
The vets father in law
made it for a present for Fudge.
00:46:56.280 --> 00:46:57.600
So she can climb onto the bed.
00:46:57.600 --> 00:46:59.200
You have a strange collection of friends.
00:47:01.880 --> 00:47:04.040
The chemo was taking its toll on Nancy,
00:47:04.920 --> 00:47:08.720
but she was unwavering
in her determination to direct her opera.
00:47:17.680 --> 00:47:20.080
Pringle Bay was close
to Spear Ampitheater,
00:47:20.480 --> 00:47:23.880
and this allowed us to stay at the cottage
while Nancy was rehearsing.
00:47:34.120 --> 00:47:35.640
00:47:35.640 --> 00:47:36.840
Of the whole place.
00:47:45.800 --> 00:47:47.960
You're not going to use this as evidence
in court against me?
00:47:48.040 --> 00:47:49.160
Why? What do you intend doing?
00:47:51.920 --> 00:47:53.800
As long as you make her better,
I won't use anything.
00:47:53.960 --> 00:47:56.040
I will definitely do my best.
- Okay.
00:47:59.480 --> 00:48:01.960
Nancy's health was visibly deteriorating,
00:48:02.600 --> 00:48:06.720
she needed constant medical care to keep
her strong enough for her rehearsals.
00:48:13.160 --> 00:48:16.120
OK, I need the chorus back on stage please.
00:48:17.200 --> 00:48:19.800
OK, one more time,
everybody ready?
00:48:20.400 --> 00:48:21.800
That’s how it should be done.
00:48:22.680 --> 00:48:25.600
We need more, a little bit more
00:48:25.600 --> 00:48:27.200
vibrance but a little bit more pace.
00:48:27.200 --> 00:48:28.480
So let’s just do another one.
00:48:30.000 --> 00:48:30.800
This is fun.
00:48:31.880 --> 00:48:33.760
Power. Power to the people.
00:48:34.240 --> 00:48:38.640
Opera lovers in the Cape
are flocking to see an unusual opera
00:48:38.640 --> 00:48:41.720
based on African themes,
Earth Diving.
00:48:44.600 --> 00:48:48.360
For director Nancy Diuguid,
this opera is a personal journey.
00:48:49.080 --> 00:48:51.560
Nancy is terminally ill with cancer,
00:48:51.960 --> 00:48:54.920
she believes her
illness has enriched the opera.
00:48:55.320 --> 00:49:00.360
It's essentially about a community
and a family who go through
00:49:01.120 --> 00:49:04.400
strife and difficulties
and conflicts and find
00:49:04.400 --> 00:49:07.680
some sort of reconciliation
towards the end,
00:49:08.000 --> 00:49:09.720
but it's also based on myth.
00:49:09.720 --> 00:49:13.520
The theme is change, the theme,
unless we change what goes on within us,
00:49:13.760 --> 00:49:16.120
we will never be able to change
what's going on without.
00:49:28.920 --> 00:49:32.320
Here we go.
Start down there. See?
00:49:33.120 --> 00:49:36.160
Yeah, that's it. We’re going
to have to bring
00:49:36.480 --> 00:49:38.600
probably the bottoms up the back.
00:49:41.200 --> 00:49:44.480
Damn, Mel I think this will be
the last time I'll put this on.
00:50:55.720 --> 00:50:56.960
- It’s perfect.
00:50:56.960 --> 00:50:58.040
Go and show Nance.
00:51:03.080 --> 00:51:04.720
OK, That's the knob on this side.
00:51:05.000 --> 00:51:08.160
My one regret was selling Nancy's
wetsuit and scuba gear
00:51:08.480 --> 00:51:11.240
when it became obvious
that she could no longer use them,
00:51:11.920 --> 00:51:14.040
I felt like I was betraying her hope.
00:51:14.880 --> 00:51:16.920
I was panicking about finances,
00:51:17.280 --> 00:51:20.800
particularly as her brother refused
to release her money from Kentucky,
00:51:21.200 --> 00:51:24.000
and the medical expenses
were mounting rapidly.
00:51:24.000 --> 00:51:26.640
There’s a compass on there as well.
- It’s got everything.
00:51:26.640 --> 00:51:29.080
- Like I said, I was becoming a master diver.
00:51:29.400 --> 00:51:31.440
Des says he thinks his might fit you.
00:51:31.960 --> 00:51:34.080
Well, the crotch is too big for me.
00:51:34.080 --> 00:51:35.600
- Yeah, I’ll use Des’s
00:51:41.440 --> 00:51:45.040
Friends from London continued
to visit to spend time with Nancy,
00:51:45.600 --> 00:51:48.240
unsure of whether they would
have another opportunity.
00:51:48.240 --> 00:51:49.520
Oh, sorry.
00:52:03.960 --> 00:52:05.440
Drive home safely.
00:52:21.760 --> 00:52:22.960
Darling, Dorothy.
00:52:23.480 --> 00:52:27.040
Yes, I do remember that
you came to me a year ago this month
00:52:27.600 --> 00:52:29.680
and that it was a
precious and happy visit
00:52:29.680 --> 00:52:31.400
in spite of the undertones
00:52:31.400 --> 00:52:34.320
and the portensions there might
have been of what lay ahead.
00:52:35.360 --> 00:52:38.400
There's quite a story behind
Silent Spring, isn’t there?
00:52:38.400 --> 00:52:40.640
Such a catalog of illnesses.
00:52:45.320 --> 00:52:48.240
I give you my thanks
for these ten years,
00:52:48.240 --> 00:52:52.080
years that have enriched,
yes, and even changed my life.
00:52:53.240 --> 00:52:56.720
Such years of joy and
sorrow for us both,
00:52:57.680 --> 00:53:01.520
as we shared the joys, no less
have we shared the sorrows.
00:53:03.320 --> 00:53:04.880
Sometimes I wonder
00:53:04.880 --> 00:53:08.480
how I could have endured the depths
without your sustaining love.
00:53:09.840 --> 00:53:12.280
Without you in those shadowy days,
00:53:12.760 --> 00:53:15.280
I know life would
not have been worth living.
00:53:23.200 --> 00:53:25.960
I knew the hard conversation
was necessary,
00:53:26.240 --> 00:53:28.760
but felt so unsure of
how to approach it.
00:53:29.840 --> 00:53:32.160
I hoped that the presence of
the camera would provide
00:53:32.160 --> 00:53:34.520
some form of safety for us both.
00:53:35.080 --> 00:53:35.960
You ready, shnooks?
00:53:42.680 --> 00:53:44.040
From your perspective now,
00:53:44.040 --> 00:53:46.640
what do you feel is
meaningful about living?
00:53:47.640 --> 00:53:49.640
Every moment.
00:53:50.960 --> 00:53:52.400
But what's really meaningful
00:53:52.400 --> 00:53:57.800
is our moments that we have together
or to look out and see a beautiful bird.
00:53:58.560 --> 00:54:01.480
Or see another bird building it’s little nest,
00:54:02.000 --> 00:54:06.880
or the little pink flower that pops up,
00:54:07.800 --> 00:54:13.040
or our Dikkops. Moments.
00:54:13.480 --> 00:54:14.520
- Are you filming?
00:54:14.520 --> 00:54:15.240
00:54:23.320 --> 00:54:24.800
That’s very good.
00:54:25.720 --> 00:54:27.080
Look ma, no hands.
00:54:28.720 --> 00:54:29.840
Very good, Des.
00:54:42.240 --> 00:54:45.320
Have you cried and grieved as
much as you needed to?
00:54:45.800 --> 00:54:46.480
00:54:47.120 --> 00:54:48.520
I feel very free to do that
00:54:49.680 --> 00:54:51.840
and I feel very free with
you to do that,
00:54:52.400 --> 00:54:54.640
and I thank you for that, I mean it.
00:54:56.840 --> 00:54:59.240
You say I must dance you
to the end of time,
00:54:59.240 --> 00:55:01.240
but I’m not sure
I know what to do.
00:55:02.000 --> 00:55:03.840
I've said to you,
and I'll say to you
00:55:03.840 --> 00:55:05.200
to the day I die,
00:55:05.480 --> 00:55:08.560
that you have been
absolutely unfaultable.
00:55:09.720 --> 00:55:11.440
You have been absolutely
00:55:12.160 --> 00:55:16.440
as near perfection as anyone
I can think of,
00:55:16.440 --> 00:55:18.960
in terms of the way that
you’ve looked after me.
00:55:21.120 --> 00:55:23.920
But I remember you said...
- I say it all the time to you, this.
00:55:23.920 --> 00:55:27.560
Before Christmas, you said you wanted us
to have some time together
00:55:28.200 --> 00:55:30.760
so that our relationship
could reach another level.
00:55:30.800 --> 00:55:32.960
Well, it is, right now, what we're doing.
00:55:42.920 --> 00:55:44.400
Darling, Dorothy.
00:55:45.280 --> 00:55:47.760
Don't hesitate to speak
what is in your heart,
00:55:49.120 --> 00:55:52.240
I know I've held back
out of a desire to spare you,
00:55:52.520 --> 00:55:54.800
but really, is this for the best?
00:55:56.120 --> 00:55:59.400
We both know my time is limited,
00:56:00.640 --> 00:56:02.800
and why should we not face it together
00:56:03.160 --> 00:56:05.040
freely and openly?
00:56:06.920 --> 00:56:10.000
I know you have dark
thoughts and hard nights,
00:56:11.000 --> 00:56:12.760
how could it be otherwise?
00:56:14.600 --> 00:56:16.800
So why not share the thoughts?
00:56:17.360 --> 00:56:19.000
Some of them, at least.
00:56:21.320 --> 00:56:22.920
I love you always,
00:56:24.000 --> 00:56:25.400
and in all ways.
00:56:30.640 --> 00:56:33.960
I'd like to know that you and
Dessie were still good, together
00:56:35.200 --> 00:56:37.240
and that he looked after you well,
00:56:39.040 --> 00:56:42.000
and that you found contentment
00:56:43.720 --> 00:56:45.800
in whatever you do.
00:56:47.880 --> 00:56:50.200
And that you found a place
where your heart could settle
00:56:50.800 --> 00:56:53.560
and be calm and harmonious,
00:56:54.480 --> 00:56:57.800
and if you meet someone else,
that you feel the love for them
00:56:57.800 --> 00:57:00.000
that you felt for me.
Well, maybe just a little bit.
00:57:00.680 --> 00:57:02.560
Just have to have a little
special place.
00:57:02.560 --> 00:57:03.200
How much?
00:57:13.600 --> 00:57:15.000
That you were financially
00:57:16.720 --> 00:57:21.320
stable enough to be able to travel
and do the things that you want to do,
00:57:24.120 --> 00:57:26.640
so we can see them together.
00:57:33.240 --> 00:57:35.560
You know Dessie and I say
we will always take you with us.
00:57:47.120 --> 00:57:49.400
Put the little tie on like
you always do, fix it.
00:57:50.560 --> 00:57:55.480
Nancy's bone pain was intensifying and
she needed to be on morphine constantly.
00:57:56.720 --> 00:58:00.480
We found a wonderful hospice sister
who happened to live close by
00:58:00.760 --> 00:58:03.120
and who would come round
regularly to help Nancy.
00:58:04.160 --> 00:58:07.120
Start it, start it to make sure that it’s going.
00:58:08.000 --> 00:58:09.440
Oh, it’s back.
- There you go.
00:58:09.880 --> 00:58:12.360
Bye Jenny, thank you
for being so good humoured.
00:58:13.160 --> 00:58:15.520
Bye guys, I’ll see you tomorrow.
00:58:16.120 --> 00:58:18.040
Oh, thank you so much.
00:58:19.200 --> 00:58:20.280
You get a hug.
00:58:30.880 --> 00:58:34.120
How did the infrastructure work
this weekend in Pringle Bay?
00:58:35.160 --> 00:58:38.880
Very well, Jenny's
just been an absolute sweetheart.
00:58:38.920 --> 00:58:42.160
How do you get things like that organized?
00:58:42.280 --> 00:58:44.960
How do you do this?
- It’s just a luck.
00:58:44.960 --> 00:58:47.880
- But she lives there.
00:58:47.880 --> 00:58:49.520
I know about that.
00:58:49.800 --> 00:58:52.840
Sweetheart, I’ve been working in this
area for the last four years,
00:58:53.480 --> 00:58:57.440
we have no bloody
infrastructure, nowhere.
00:58:57.440 --> 00:59:01.080
This one comes, says
as a sort of an aside,
00:59:01.080 --> 00:59:04.560
we must try and think of this
as a possibility,
00:59:04.560 --> 00:59:06.680
and the next thing it's organized.
I don't know how you do it.
00:59:06.880 --> 00:59:11.240
If I looked at the, how
effectively you breathing,
00:59:11.560 --> 00:59:15.960
you've come a hell of a long
way from a week ago.
00:59:16.280 --> 00:59:19.880
I think the one thing that's interesting
is Nancy has one good day
00:59:20.480 --> 00:59:24.280
and the next day she's out completely,
and maybe the second day
00:59:24.280 --> 00:59:26.200
and then she has a good day, like today is a good day.
00:59:26.720 --> 00:59:29.160
But now she'll probably
be wiped out tomorrow again.
00:59:30.120 --> 00:59:31.920
Is that kind of normal?
00:59:34.080 --> 00:59:35.520
We must try and get it better.
00:59:49.760 --> 00:59:51.640
I woke up
feeling excellent today,
00:59:52.200 --> 00:59:53.760
which is why I thought, let’s come,
00:59:54.600 --> 00:59:56.880
because I might not wake up
feeling excellent tomorrow.
00:59:58.200 --> 01:00:00.640
I couldn't believe the energy
I felt this morning,
01:00:01.240 --> 01:00:02.200
and I'm glad we came.
01:00:02.200 --> 01:00:04.200
It's a perfect day, we’ve seen the horses,
01:00:04.200 --> 01:00:07.680
I didn't think we'd see all 13, did you?
01:00:09.560 --> 01:00:13.120
And they've already slipped away,
some of them to the other side.
01:00:15.600 --> 01:00:16.560
That’s how I feel.
01:00:16.560 --> 01:00:18.440
How do you feel about
Jenny saying
01:00:18.440 --> 01:00:20.960
they might take you off the morphine
because you're doing so well?
01:00:22.600 --> 01:00:23.840
I think that’d be great.
01:00:23.840 --> 01:00:25.240
It would be very encouraging
01:00:26.480 --> 01:00:29.640
just to see what they say
and watch what happens.
01:00:30.800 --> 01:00:31.840
But I mean, a week ago,
01:00:31.840 --> 01:00:33.640
they thought you had very
little time to live,
01:00:33.640 --> 01:00:34.640
you were so bad.
01:00:35.600 --> 01:00:38.720
Darling, I bemuse myself.
01:00:43.960 --> 01:00:46.720
Oh, sweetie, I hope you have lots
more lovely days like these.
01:00:46.720 --> 01:00:48.120
So do I.
01:00:50.120 --> 01:00:51.560
I hope we do.
01:01:10.200 --> 01:01:11.480
Dearest, Dorothy.
01:01:12.600 --> 01:01:15.240
Dr. Crile insists the bone metastases
01:01:15.240 --> 01:01:17.560
will yield to x-ray
as readily as the lymph,
01:01:18.280 --> 01:01:19.960
and that this will be all right, too.
01:01:20.600 --> 01:01:22.840
I guess it's just a matter
of detecting them.
01:01:23.440 --> 01:01:25.640
The main thing I want to say, dear,
01:01:26.160 --> 01:01:30.000
is that we're not going to get bogged down
in unhappiness about all of this.
01:01:32.720 --> 01:01:34.280
We're going to be happy
01:01:34.600 --> 01:01:38.400
and go on enjoying all the lovely things
that give life meaning.
01:01:39.920 --> 01:01:42.080
Sunrise and sunset,
01:01:43.440 --> 01:01:45.000
moonlight on the bay,
01:01:46.120 --> 01:01:48.240
music and good books,
01:01:49.440 --> 01:01:51.120
the song of thrushes,
01:01:52.120 --> 01:01:55.080
the wild cries of geese passing over.
01:01:58.800 --> 01:02:01.920
So let's think and live happily,
01:02:02.600 --> 01:02:04.760
enjoying whatever time there is.
01:02:06.520 --> 01:02:09.200
All my dearest love, Rachel.
01:02:20.680 --> 01:02:22.400
I think that the key philosophy
01:02:22.400 --> 01:02:26.080
is to recognize the dark,
hold the dark,
01:02:26.080 --> 01:02:27.880
contain the dark,
embrace the dark,
01:02:27.880 --> 01:02:29.160
but sit in the light more.
01:02:32.320 --> 01:02:33.920
Is that a difficult balance?
01:02:38.160 --> 01:02:39.520
No, I think on the whole...
01:02:42.800 --> 01:02:45.520
Is it equivalent to...
- It’s been quite well,
01:02:45.520 --> 01:02:47.440
I think I’ve balanced that.
01:02:47.440 --> 01:02:49.600
Is it a similar thing to the way
01:02:49.600 --> 01:02:50.680
we've had to deal with
01:02:50.680 --> 01:02:53.640
the fact that you're very ill,
but carry on living all the time?
01:02:53.640 --> 01:02:54.320
01:02:54.760 --> 01:02:56.640
It’s that sort of duality.
01:02:56.640 --> 01:02:58.240
Absolutely, the hope,
01:02:58.240 --> 01:03:02.120
and yet dealing with the reality.
Hope, reality, hope, reality.
01:03:02.280 --> 01:03:05.480
What about you?
- Me?
01:03:08.480 --> 01:03:12.000
I tend to do and keep busy
and do whatever I can to help you,
01:03:12.320 --> 01:03:13.600
so I don't have to think.
01:03:18.440 --> 01:03:19.760
I know.
01:03:25.080 --> 01:03:26.560
You want to stop for a little bit?
01:03:54.640 --> 01:03:58.400
Hein the oncologist had said
we needed to leave Pringle Bay immediately
01:03:58.840 --> 01:04:02.600
as the black butterflies were out,
and that meant winter was approaching.
01:04:03.560 --> 01:04:07.120
Nancy’s health was too compromised
to survive the damp and the cold.
01:04:08.760 --> 01:04:10.080
I never told her,
01:04:10.080 --> 01:04:13.040
but I had already made plans
to get her back to Johannesburg.
01:04:14.240 --> 01:04:19.640
We had spent the last four weeks of April
listening to music, taking gentle strolls,
01:04:19.640 --> 01:04:22.960
eating delicious food
and avoiding the future.
01:04:41.920 --> 01:04:45.640
Back in Johannesburg, we tried to
continue living as normally as possible.
01:04:47.840 --> 01:04:50.600
How do you think Nance is looking?
- Sexy.
01:04:51.840 --> 01:04:53.680
I’m sexy.
- You looking quite good, Nance.
01:04:53.680 --> 01:04:54.520
01:04:54.520 --> 01:04:56.200
All right, guys.
- OK.
01:04:56.480 --> 01:04:58.360
Bye bye, we’re off to school.
- Bye
01:04:58.600 --> 01:05:00.600
I'll see you at four o clock when I finish.
01:05:01.000 --> 01:05:04.920
I'll see you at one, maybe,
half past one, I don’t know.
01:05:05.600 --> 01:05:08.680
Nancy had begun to hand over
the trauma workshops
01:05:08.680 --> 01:05:10.560
in order to conserve her energy.
01:05:12.280 --> 01:05:14.640
So he knows that four is four below.
01:05:15.200 --> 01:05:19.440
OK, and there’s your...
Am I right?
01:05:19.480 --> 01:05:21.320
Does it go here?
- No, it’s 49
01:05:22.560 --> 01:05:25.400
I am so bad at maths, Mel,
01:05:25.680 --> 01:05:27.840
I don't know who's going to do
these maths after this.
01:05:28.720 --> 01:05:31.960
I am so bad at it.
Good, darling. Find your down.
01:05:33.480 --> 01:05:36.480
There's no five across,
OK, where did you say it was?
01:05:37.760 --> 01:05:40.320
- Thirty, thirty five.
01:05:40.320 --> 01:05:41.360
Yes, thank you.
01:05:44.040 --> 01:05:48.200
When you think of the doctors, let alone
your friends and colleagues
01:05:48.200 --> 01:05:51.920
who are all humbled, in awe and overwhelmed
01:05:51.920 --> 01:05:54.680
by your strength,
determination and fortitude,
01:05:55.920 --> 01:05:58.240
and they are, and they express
that all the time.
01:05:58.960 --> 01:06:01.160
And even Hein said
when you went to visit him,
01:06:01.160 --> 01:06:04.400
how he's never had a
patient like you before.
01:06:04.400 --> 01:06:06.080
He can normally say
what's going to happen,
01:06:06.080 --> 01:06:09.000
but with you, he just, you defy
the odds all the time.
01:06:12.040 --> 01:06:15.240
Do you think you've always
had this sort of stubborn streak?
01:06:17.360 --> 01:06:19.640
Yes, and I think you think so, too.
01:06:21.440 --> 01:06:22.560
I do.
01:06:27.240 --> 01:06:32.760
Oh, I paid that, I think you
paid this out of us.
01:06:32.760 --> 01:06:37.720
Three weeks after returning to Johannesburg,
Hein the oncologist phoned me.
01:06:38.200 --> 01:06:42.000
He was very shocked, upset and
disappointed that Nancy's eyes were so yellow
01:06:42.560 --> 01:06:46.080
and said, Schatzi, I hate
to tell you this, but this is it,
01:06:47.080 --> 01:06:48.560
there is nothing more to do.
01:06:50.000 --> 01:06:53.320
I went back into the bedroom
where Nancy was working with Wilma.
01:06:54.320 --> 01:06:56.320
Nancy said, was that Hein?
01:06:56.320 --> 01:06:57.360
What did he say?
01:06:58.280 --> 01:07:01.440
I said Hein does not think
Graham will give you chemo tomorrow.
01:07:02.360 --> 01:07:03.240
Nancy asked,
01:07:03.240 --> 01:07:05.720
Does Hein have any other suggestions?
01:07:06.200 --> 01:07:07.480
I said, no, sweetie.
01:07:08.200 --> 01:07:10.280
Nancy had tears rolled down her cheeks.
01:07:11.040 --> 01:07:12.800
I began to cry quietly,
01:07:13.560 --> 01:07:17.520
then Nancy said, ‘Sorry Wilma, let's continue.’
01:07:18.200 --> 01:07:20.240
and they went on with their meeting.
01:07:26.360 --> 01:07:29.280
After the news, Nancy
deteriorated rapidly,
01:07:30.160 --> 01:07:34.000
it was as if the hope that chemo gave
was keeping her alive.
01:07:43.920 --> 01:07:47.600
Friends came to be with us,
which gave great comfort and support,
01:07:48.120 --> 01:07:50.320
but most of the time, Nancy rested.
01:08:18.160 --> 01:08:19.320
Our friend Jacqui
01:08:19.680 --> 01:08:22.880
brought a letter that Rachel Carson
had written at the end of her life
01:08:22.880 --> 01:08:26.320
that she wanted to read to Nancy,
about the monarch butterflies.
01:08:38.360 --> 01:08:40.720
Most of all, I shall
remember the monarchs,
01:08:41.040 --> 01:08:45.800
that unhurried, westward drift of one small
winged form after another.
01:08:47.280 --> 01:08:51.240
For most at least, this was the closing
journey of their lives,
01:08:53.040 --> 01:08:55.200
but it occurred to me this afternoon,
01:08:56.040 --> 01:08:59.640
remembering that it had been
a happy spectacle,
01:09:01.640 --> 01:09:03.440
that we had felt no sadness
01:09:03.440 --> 01:09:06.560
when we spoke of the fact
that there would be no return.
01:09:09.160 --> 01:09:10.120
And rightly,
01:09:10.280 --> 01:09:14.240
for when any living thing
has come to the end of its life cycle,
01:09:14.840 --> 01:09:16.960
we accept that end as natural.
01:09:21.040 --> 01:09:22.080
For the monarch,
01:09:22.720 --> 01:09:26.000
that cycle is measured
in a known span of months.
01:09:27.520 --> 01:09:29.880
For ourselves, the measure
is something else,
01:09:31.000 --> 01:09:32.920
the span of which we cannot know.
01:09:34.120 --> 01:09:39.360
But the thought is the same when
that intangible cycle has run its course,
01:09:40.360 --> 01:09:42.960
it is a natural and not unhappy thing
01:09:44.480 --> 01:09:46.920
that a life comes to an end.
01:09:48.600 --> 01:09:52.520
That is what those brightly fluttering
bits of life taught me this morning.
01:09:54.000 --> 01:09:56.240
I found a deep happiness in it,
01:09:57.000 --> 01:09:59.320
and so, I hope, may you.
01:10:18.160 --> 01:10:20.720
The last time as we spoke about death
01:10:20.720 --> 01:10:23.960
was when I asked Nancy
what concerns she still had.
01:10:25.120 --> 01:10:27.080
The fact that you’ll be alone,
01:10:30.520 --> 01:10:32.360
And that worries me.
01:10:35.800 --> 01:10:38.760
But in a way, that's my choice
01:10:38.760 --> 01:10:41.360
or my decisions or choices.
01:10:42.680 --> 01:10:44.560
Well, sure, you chose to stay with me,
01:10:45.360 --> 01:10:47.240
you could have split,
if that's what you mean.
01:10:47.240 --> 01:10:51.760
No, I mean if I'm alone, on my own,
when you're not here,
01:10:53.160 --> 01:10:54.560
that's my responsibility.
01:10:54.560 --> 01:10:56.120
Yes, I appreciate that,
01:10:56.120 --> 01:10:58.360
but it still doesn't mean
I don't feel about it,
01:10:59.240 --> 01:11:01.440
and that my head, and my heart,
and my soul don’t feel about it,
01:11:02.320 --> 01:11:03.120
because they do.
01:11:03.480 --> 01:11:05.480
Do you want me to become a big social being?
01:11:06.280 --> 01:11:09.680
No, I don’t want you to become anything
other than what you are, my darling.
01:11:09.680 --> 01:11:14.640
I just say that that's
my biggest concern, is your wellbeing.
01:11:15.440 --> 01:11:17.200
Let’s put it that way, your wellbeing.
01:11:21.000 --> 01:11:24.160
And for you, what are the
biggest difficulties in...
01:11:24.160 --> 01:11:25.880
I don’t want to suffocate to death,
01:11:26.760 --> 01:11:28.360
and I don't want to be in hospital,
01:11:29.520 --> 01:11:34.120
and I want to be surrounded by,
how I said, with my Buddha and light
01:11:34.920 --> 01:11:38.600
and possibly music, or my
Tibetan monk chanting away.
01:11:40.280 --> 01:11:41.920
And for us to be
01:11:42.360 --> 01:11:46.640
as clear in the process as we can be.
Sharp, alert and clear.
01:11:50.680 --> 01:11:54.280
And what happens if you were to be
in terrible pain and you couldn't be that?
01:11:55.960 --> 01:11:59.080
But then promise me
that I don't have to suffocate.
01:11:59.960 --> 01:12:02.840
No, not exactly,
but say, and what I'm saying is
01:12:02.840 --> 01:12:05.640
I know you want to be present
in the process of dying.
01:12:06.360 --> 01:12:08.760
What I'm saying is,
if you're in terrible pain
01:12:09.960 --> 01:12:12.000
and they have to
give you things to numb that pain,
01:12:12.000 --> 01:12:15.040
then maybe you won't be in a position
to be sharp and focused.
01:12:15.240 --> 01:12:18.840
Then I need you to be
saying things to me in my ear.
01:12:25.080 --> 01:12:26.960
It felt like I was playing God,
01:12:26.960 --> 01:12:32.240
deciding what to do when Nancy was so
unlike the Nancy I had known,
01:12:32.680 --> 01:12:35.840
I only wished I could do better
with the process of knowing
01:12:36.120 --> 01:12:38.880
how to comfort and help
ease her anguish.
01:14:29.320 --> 01:14:30.600
Mel, that light.
01:14:57.440 --> 01:14:59.920
Theresa, you can go have supper now.
01:15:11.680 --> 01:15:14.160
This is where you are so vital
01:15:15.440 --> 01:15:17.200
in that transitional role.
01:15:21.400 --> 01:15:22.960
Whisper in my ear,
01:15:23.760 --> 01:15:26.400
like Puck, Ariel,
01:15:26.960 --> 01:15:30.480
Hermes, the messenger between the two I think at that point.
01:15:30.480 --> 01:15:32.680
It could be quite beautiful.
01:15:38.440 --> 01:15:40.040
I whispered in her ear,
01:15:40.040 --> 01:15:42.800
I spoke about having
inspired so many people.
01:15:43.640 --> 01:15:47.640
I told her I loved her, that I could never
love anyone like I’d loved her.
01:15:49.760 --> 01:15:51.400
I told her I would be OK,
01:15:51.400 --> 01:15:54.200
but that now she must
let go, stop fighting.
01:15:57.280 --> 01:15:59.520
I think I said something about the light.
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 80 minutes
Date: 2021
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 10-12, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
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