Women officers in the United Nations Civilian Police face the challenge…
Death of a Nation
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On December 7, 1975 Indonesia secretly - but with the complicity of the Western powers including the US, the UK, and Australia - invaded the small nation of East Timor. Two Australian television crews attempting to document the invasion were murdered.
In 1993, with the Indonesian army still occupying the country, John Pilger and his crew including director David Munro, slipped into East Timor and made this film. In the intervening 18 years, an estimated 200,000 East Timorese - 1/3 of the population - had been slaughtered by the Indonesian military. The C.I.A. has described it as one of the worst mass-murders of the 20th century.
Pilger tells the story using clandestine footage of the countryside, internment camps and even Fretlin guerillas, as well as interviews with Timorese exiles, including Jose Ramos Horta and Jose Gusmao, and Australian, British, and Indonesian diplomats.
Nixon had called Indonesia the 'greatest prize in southeast Asia' because of its oil reserves and other natural resources. Even though Indonesia had no historic or legal claim to East Timor, it was convenient for diplomats to declare that East Timor, just gaining its independence from Portugal, would not be a viable state.
However the lie was given to this argument when Australia and Indonesia signed the Timor Gap Oil Treaty and carved up the huge oil and gas reserves in the seabed off East Timor.
None of the politicians from that period - President Ford, Henry Kissinger, Daniel Moynihan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Gough Whitlam - has clean hands. The Indonesian military used US and British planes to bombard the island, while the defense ministers proclaimed ignorance.
As Pilger gets an Austrlian diplomat to admit, East Timor was considered 'expendable.'
But no one watching the massacre in the Dili cemetery can excuse the geopolitical machinations that led to this genocide.
'When Death of a Nation went out on TV, we registered 5,000 phone calls a minute from the public, and they went on, and on, well past midnight.' British Telecom Spokesperson
Main credits
Pilger, John (presenter)
Pilger, John (screenwriter)
Munro, David (film producer)
Munro, David (film director)
Other credits
Photography, Max Stahl [and 4 others]; music, Agio Pereira; editor, Joe Frost.
Distributor subjects
Anthropology; Asian Studies; Australia; Ethics; Foreign Policy, US; Geography; Globalization; History; Human Rights; Humanities; Indonesia; International Studies; Political Science; Social Justice; Sociology; War and PeaceKeywords
00:00:25.610 --> 00:00:29.650
The whole idea of glucose
00:00:45.400 --> 00:00:50.134
My own family that is the
direct family or with all
00:00:50.135 --> 00:00:55.189
15 of us and out of these
15 only three of us
00:00:55.190 --> 00:01:01.069
left my or less plotted
00:01:01.070 --> 00:01:04.428
was poisoned by Indonesian
collisions are lost to
00:01:04.429 --> 00:01:09.030
all these products one but endo three sons.
00:01:12.430 --> 00:01:20.430
My brothers killed and executed in front
of my eyes by the Indonesian military
00:01:24.700 --> 00:01:29.659
East Timor is a tiny country
just 400 miles to the north of
00:01:29.660 --> 00:01:35.599
Australia a Portuguese colony for more
than 400 years East Timor was invaded
00:01:35.600 --> 00:01:39.559
in 1975 by Indonesia the
fifth largest nation in
00:01:39.560 --> 00:01:43.818
the world led by a military
dictatorship Indonesia has
00:01:43.819 --> 00:01:48.619
no historical nor legal claim to East
Timor yet it\'s brutal occupation
00:01:48.620 --> 00:01:50.538
has met with mostly silence from
00:01:50.539 --> 00:01:54.483
the world\'s leading governments
and international agencies.
00:01:54.484 --> 00:01:58.309
What happened here 18 years
ago happen mostly in
00:01:58.310 --> 00:02:01.983
secret and this filming
is being done in secret.
00:02:01.984 --> 00:02:04.129
Without the approval or knowledge or
00:02:04.130 --> 00:02:09.949
the Indonesian authorities Journalists and
independent observers are not welcome in
00:02:09.950 --> 00:02:15.979
East Timor to Australia and television teams
including two Britons were murdered here in
00:02:15.980 --> 00:02:19.999
1975 by the Indonesian
army for trying to breach
00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:24.543
the wall of silence that the regime
in Jakarta and its Western allies.
00:02:24.544 --> 00:02:31.549
Had built around East Timor as a result of
the Indonesian invasion and occupation.
00:02:31.550 --> 00:02:37.519
Some 200 thousand people died here
that\'s a third of the population or
00:02:37.520 --> 00:02:41.059
proportionately more than
were killed in Cambodia Under
00:02:41.060 --> 00:02:45.379
Pol Pot they were killed
resisting the invasion.
00:02:45.380 --> 00:02:50.133
They were murdered without reason
they died in concentration camps
00:02:50.134 --> 00:02:55.413
and they starved perhaps genocide
is too often use these days
00:02:55.414 --> 00:02:58.158
but by any standards that\'s what\'s happened
00:02:58.159 --> 00:03:02.839
here and it happened mostly beyond
the reach of the TV camera and
00:03:02.840 --> 00:03:05.809
the satellite dish and
with the connivance and
00:03:05.810 --> 00:03:09.589
complicity of western governments
the same governments that were
00:03:09.590 --> 00:03:13.759
prepared to go to war against Saddam
Hussein but we\'re not prepared and
00:03:13.760 --> 00:03:18.648
almost parallel circumstances
to stop or a patient\'s invader.
00:03:18.649 --> 00:03:23.359
That had broken every provision in
the United Nations Charter And uh
00:03:23.360 --> 00:03:28.519
defied no less than ten United
Nations sanctioning resolutions
00:03:28.520 --> 00:03:33.649
calling honor to withdraw from East
Timor we should keep our heads
00:03:33.650 --> 00:03:39.033
down set of British Ambassador to Indonesia
and let matters take their course.
00:03:39.034 --> 00:03:41.343
Letting matters take their course.
00:03:41.344 --> 00:03:45.304
The governments of Britain the
United States Australia and
00:03:45.305 --> 00:03:50.104
others supplied the means by
which the regime and Jakarta.
00:03:50.105 --> 00:03:54.409
Has bled East Timor This film is
00:03:54.410 --> 00:03:59.328
the story of that bleeding and over
cover up that tells us much about
00:03:59.329 --> 00:04:05.969
the selectivity and aims of great power
and how the modern world is ordered
00:04:08.430 --> 00:04:12.908
Cuz injuries warm fuzzy in a
Guevara component embrace
00:04:12.909 --> 00:04:19.609
the Mofolo mudra Weimar Soyuz tennis shoe
00:04:19.610 --> 00:04:21.398
wound in terrorist manners into
00:04:21.399 --> 00:04:25.539
seven unknowns settings is
multidisciplinary and intervention
00:04:25.540 --> 00:04:33.540
cultural maintain morale military commit.
00:04:35.670 --> 00:04:41.409
My responsibility is to my own people
and to my own constituents and I
00:04:41.410 --> 00:04:46.989
didn\'t really fill my mind much with what
00:04:46.990 --> 00:04:49.148
one set of foreigners is doing to
00:04:49.149 --> 00:04:54.129
another One has to say what is it
that said dreadfully special about
00:04:54.130 --> 00:05:02.130
East Timor to the people here I\'m 13th
December 1983 the military to my brothers
00:05:03.849 --> 00:05:09.984
and keel in front of my eyes and
they pull out after a kill they pull
00:05:09.985 --> 00:05:17.948
out their heart and showed
to us that it\'s 30 heart.
00:05:17.949 --> 00:05:25.949
Now He must increase the integration
Indonesian government has
00:05:28.135 --> 00:05:31.538
played as strategy of not
allowing people to go
00:05:31.539 --> 00:05:35.498
into East Timor There are
no tourists no cameras
00:05:35.499 --> 00:05:39.368
no journalists were allowed in
but the people of East Timor
00:05:39.369 --> 00:05:43.568
themselves suffered so much that
you can see through their eyes.
00:05:43.569 --> 00:05:45.383
There is a fear.
00:05:45.384 --> 00:05:49.883
All the ISAs it all you don\'t have
to talk to the people of East Timor
00:05:49.884 --> 00:05:54.863
and even the little children shows in their
eyes in their face they they never smile.
00:05:54.864 --> 00:05:59.828
There\'s not one single family
that has not lost a member of
00:05:59.829 --> 00:06:05.034
the family they always have
a story to say in terms of
00:06:05.035 --> 00:06:09.803
women being raped or young boys
00:06:09.804 --> 00:06:15.208
would be just snatched from his house
and never been able to see it again
00:06:15.209 --> 00:06:21.709
And this kind of torture has
constantly happen if anybody\'s on
00:06:21.710 --> 00:06:25.579
a daily basis Timor is a land of
00:06:25.580 --> 00:06:31.504
crosses crosses etched against the sky
crosses on peeks crosses on hillsides.
00:06:31.505 --> 00:06:38.778
This is the grave of just one family or killed
on the same day the people in East Timor
00:06:38.779 --> 00:06:42.679
themselves call it we call
it the biggest prison island
00:06:42.680 --> 00:06:47.729
in the world that is
what it is it\'s a hell.
00:06:49.300 --> 00:06:54.349
Can you give me an idea of
what it was like to grow up
00:06:54.350 --> 00:06:59.003
in East Timor and those years
before the invasion Well it was
00:06:59.004 --> 00:07:06.249
typical Ireland life in which
people live very happily in
00:07:06.250 --> 00:07:14.250
a friendly people go about the business
without worrying about Authorities of guns.
00:07:15.385 --> 00:07:20.499
Even though we were ruled by a
foreign power which was Portuguese.
00:07:20.500 --> 00:07:28.500
Then Portuguese very much to left people alone
in a traditional lives they didn\'t do but
00:07:30.489 --> 00:07:36.234
Indonesia have done in the
last 18 years not once ever in
00:07:36.235 --> 00:07:38.708
all my adult life I witnessed
00:07:38.709 --> 00:07:42.558
a racial incident So esteem was
in fact under the Portuguese.
00:07:42.559 --> 00:07:46.848
Was a relatively happy
country the Portuguese also
00:07:46.849 --> 00:07:52.744
had a benign attitude towards HTML is
you might discard it benign neglect.
00:07:52.745 --> 00:07:57.858
I would say they treated the
people reasonably they never
00:07:57.859 --> 00:08:03.663
interfere with the people in amount
is not so much maybe out of a\'s is.
00:08:03.664 --> 00:08:08.928
Intellectual anthropological understanding
of native culture but largely
00:08:08.929 --> 00:08:14.073
because of the Portuguese very Mediterranean
laziness neglect laissez faire
00:08:14.074 --> 00:08:15.438
so the people were quite happy
00:08:15.439 --> 00:08:21.319
the Mounties pyrolyze the ruins
of the Portuguese empire in
00:08:21.320 --> 00:08:25.009
Timor The Indonesian regime
has sought to justify
00:08:25.010 --> 00:08:30.124
its occupation of this country on grounds
of what it calls common brotherhood.
00:08:30.125 --> 00:08:35.148
In fact these team Murray\'s have virtually
nothing in common with Indonesia they have
00:08:35.149 --> 00:08:37.759
a different language and
culture and whereas
00:08:37.760 --> 00:08:41.044
Indonesia is the largest
Muslim country in the world.
00:08:41.045 --> 00:08:43.578
These team are 0s are Catholic and
00:08:43.579 --> 00:08:47.779
animist even their colonial
experience was different with
00:08:47.780 --> 00:08:51.198
the Portuguese Latinized
East Timor and setting it
00:08:51.199 --> 00:08:55.219
distinctly apart from the
experiences of the Dutch colonies.
00:08:55.220 --> 00:08:57.213
But became Indonesia.
00:08:57.214 --> 00:09:01.933
I\'ve caused some things never change
like the propaganda of naked aggression
00:09:01.934 --> 00:09:07.533
When the Germans overran and occupied
most of Europe they to use the term.
00:09:07.534 --> 00:09:13.728
Common brotherhood. This was
00:09:13.729 --> 00:09:19.009
Indonesia in the mid 19 sixties books were
burned and popular democracy crushed.
00:09:19.010 --> 00:09:23.208
When General Suharto came to
power in the west Indonesia was
00:09:23.209 --> 00:09:28.459
seen as an investor\'s paradise
a huge market rich in oil and
00:09:28.460 --> 00:09:33.168
other natural resources Richard
Nixon called Indonesia the greatest
00:09:33.169 --> 00:09:38.118
priors in Southeast Asia Suharto
and his generals were Welcome to
00:09:38.119 --> 00:09:46.119
the free world This
00:09:46.490 --> 00:09:49.939
is Indonesia today these people are
00:09:49.940 --> 00:09:54.649
secretly unearthing a mass grave of
victims of Suharto is military coup.
00:09:54.650 --> 00:09:58.699
An estimated 0.5 million of
his own people were killed.
00:09:58.700 --> 00:10:01.849
Most of them landless
peasants accused of being
00:10:01.850 --> 00:10:05.659
communist declassified documents show
00:10:05.660 --> 00:10:09.784
that the United States actively
supported the Indonesian generals.
00:10:09.785 --> 00:10:14.898
The American ambassador assured them
that Washington is sympathetic with and
00:10:14.899 --> 00:10:20.779
admiring of what the Army is doing these
people are finding the bones of relatives.
00:10:20.780 --> 00:10:28.780
Whose murder almost 30 years ago was the
precursor for the coming genocide In East Timor
00:10:35.830 --> 00:10:39.018
in September 1970 for
00:10:39.019 --> 00:10:43.608
the Australian Prime Minister Gough
Whitlam flew to Indonesia to meet
00:10:43.609 --> 00:10:48.498
General Suharto Whitlam regarded good
relations with Indonesia as vital to
00:10:48.499 --> 00:10:53.478
Australia\'s strategic and economic
interests in Asia wetland had supported
00:10:53.479 --> 00:10:57.303
the rights of small nations all
over the world but he believed
00:10:57.304 --> 00:11:01.788
East Timor was different
according to journalists
00:11:01.789 --> 00:11:05.478
brief by Australian officials
Wetlands clear signal to
00:11:05.479 --> 00:11:10.248
Suharto was that East Timor should
become part of Indonesia Whitlam
00:11:10.249 --> 00:11:13.009
believes at the Sydney Morning Herald that
00:11:13.010 --> 00:11:16.458
an independent team or would
be an unviable state and
00:11:16.459 --> 00:11:23.808
a potential threat to the
area during those meetings.
00:11:23.809 --> 00:11:29.463
Was too good for them really made three
things fairly clear one was that
00:11:29.464 --> 00:11:36.709
when East Timor came to be decolonized he
thought it would be logical and sensible.
00:11:36.710 --> 00:11:39.589
For it to become part of
Indonesia because after
00:11:39.590 --> 00:11:43.083
all the Indonesian archipelago
already surrounded it.
00:11:43.084 --> 00:11:46.818
Secondly he put the view
that That should be
00:11:46.819 --> 00:11:50.659
achieved through an act of
self-determination and had in mind I
00:11:50.660 --> 00:11:54.828
think period of sort of education
preparation and thirdly he
00:11:54.829 --> 00:11:59.658
made it also play in that if if
the situation did deteriorate.
00:11:59.659 --> 00:12:02.928
Four should not be used what the he\'s
00:12:02.929 --> 00:12:07.774
team Murray\'s as far as western governments
are concerned and especially Australia.
00:12:07.775 --> 00:12:09.334
Simply expandable.
00:12:09.335 --> 00:12:11.868
Not as far as Australia was
concerned Australia has
00:12:11.869 --> 00:12:14.869
a considerable debt to these
team are 0s which goes back to
00:12:14.870 --> 00:12:19.294
World War Two and that\'s one
of the reasons why it was
00:12:19.295 --> 00:12:24.888
an agonizing situation for Australia I
would agree with you it was somewhat.
00:12:24.889 --> 00:12:28.368
These tumors were probably
seen as expendable Bye So
00:12:28.369 --> 00:12:32.389
the hard nosed major power brokers if you
00:12:32.390 --> 00:12:40.390
like more than a year
00:12:41.674 --> 00:12:48.184
before the invasion took place we didn\'t
know that an organisation had been formed.
00:12:48.185 --> 00:12:52.203
Which was designed to bring about
the integration of East Timor
00:12:52.204 --> 00:12:56.388
regardless of the wishes of the
people is actually part of
00:12:56.389 --> 00:13:04.389
the operations of this upper RC Commodore
this verse of operation setup in late 1974 in
00:13:05.539 --> 00:13:10.143
October 1970 for this man
General Benny Madani
00:13:10.144 --> 00:13:15.019
Launched a conspiracy with three other
generals close to suharto it was
00:13:15.020 --> 00:13:17.959
Operation Komodo the objective was
00:13:17.960 --> 00:13:21.618
to destroy East Timor was
growing independence movement
00:13:21.619 --> 00:13:25.129
which had produced three
political groups and promised
00:13:25.130 --> 00:13:29.254
a flourishing democracy in January 19 75.
00:13:29.255 --> 00:13:31.908
The main nationalist
party Fredlund and it\'s
00:13:31.909 --> 00:13:36.378
more conservative opponents UDDT
formed a coalition which had
00:13:36.379 --> 00:13:40.879
one aim independence but in
Indonesian agents infiltrated
00:13:40.880 --> 00:13:47.520
the coalition undermining it and finally
destroying it this led to civil war
00:14:05.800 --> 00:14:09.648
By now the Portuguese had stepped aside.
00:14:09.649 --> 00:14:13.489
After two weeks of fighting which
would cost an estimated 1500
00:14:13.490 --> 00:14:18.138
lives Fredlund emerge the clear
winner and commanded the support of
00:14:18.139 --> 00:14:21.903
the majority of the population they readily
00:14:21.904 --> 00:14:26.928
recognized and repeatedly told me
that they must have the Portuguese
00:14:26.929 --> 00:14:31.548
come back and continuous
decolonization when the Indonesians
00:14:31.549 --> 00:14:36.708
began their military intervention there
was no civil war There was no contest or
00:14:36.709 --> 00:14:41.478
Fredlund controlled in any part of East Timor
that was alive that kept coming out from
00:14:41.479 --> 00:14:48.209
Jakarta is actually part of the
operations of this upper RC Commodore.
00:14:48.760 --> 00:14:53.208
The small nation was left to
defend itself completely on
00:14:53.209 --> 00:14:56.809
its own Western intelligence
knew in advance every move
00:14:56.810 --> 00:15:01.279
the Indonesians made through a
top-secret monitoring base near Darwin.
00:15:01.280 --> 00:15:05.719
On September the fourth the
CIA reported to Washington to
00:15:05.720 --> 00:15:10.039
Indonesian Special Forces groups
have entered Portuguese Timor and on
00:15:10.040 --> 00:15:14.359
September the 17th Jakarta is
now sending gorillas to provoke
00:15:14.360 --> 00:15:19.518
incidents that provide
an excuse to invade We
00:15:19.519 --> 00:15:23.988
appeal in not only dose delivered to all
democratic forces in the world will stop
00:15:23.989 --> 00:15:28.609
Dayton as violation of our
territory is criminal attain
00:15:28.610 --> 00:15:32.929
but criminal actors should stop immediately
my old democratic countries in
00:15:32.930 --> 00:15:36.379
the world you knew in advance to
00:15:36.380 --> 00:15:40.984
ensure that the Indonesian invasion was
going to happen and you for warned.
00:15:40.985 --> 00:15:46.248
Which I knew in advance for assessing
00:15:46.249 --> 00:15:51.498
the situation as it was developing I did
Campbell\'s conclusion has a number of
00:15:51.499 --> 00:15:57.739
other ambassadors in Jakarta in 1975 that
Indonesia intervention was inevitable in
00:15:57.740 --> 00:16:01.719
these circumstances This is
00:16:01.720 --> 00:16:05.843
Greg shackled and a television journalists
from Channel seven Australia.
00:16:05.844 --> 00:16:09.638
Here and his crew and another
Australian crew from Channel nine.
00:16:09.639 --> 00:16:14.273
Set out to get proof that the
Indonesian invasion had secretly begun.
00:16:14.274 --> 00:16:17.354
There were five of them
including to Britain us
00:16:17.355 --> 00:16:21.189
if they could expose Indonesia\'s
clandestine operation.
00:16:21.190 --> 00:16:29.190
International pressure might stop it
they drove to the coastal town of
00:16:30.040 --> 00:16:33.864
Bally Bo where Indonesian
ships have been cited
00:16:33.865 --> 00:16:40.358
this was Greg shackled ans last report
the day before he was murdered.
00:16:40.359 --> 00:16:43.338
Why they ask The Indonesians invading
00:16:43.339 --> 00:16:47.899
us why they ask if the Indonesians
believe that Fredlund as communists
00:16:47.900 --> 00:16:49.878
to the not sent a delegation
to delete to find
00:16:49.879 --> 00:16:54.019
out why they ask are the
Australians not helping us
00:16:54.020 --> 00:16:57.558
when the Japanese invaded
they did help us why they
00:16:57.559 --> 00:17:01.413
asked her the Portuguese not helping
us with still a Portuguese colony.
00:17:01.414 --> 00:17:08.839
Who they asked. Will pay for the terrible
damage to our homes we looked like being
00:17:08.840 --> 00:17:11.913
the last people left in the town
in the meantime we\'ve drawn
00:17:11.914 --> 00:17:16.488
our house with the word Australia
in red and the Australian flag.
00:17:16.489 --> 00:17:18.739
We\'re hoping it will
afford us some protection.
00:17:18.740 --> 00:17:21.109
This is a great shackled him
for seven national news at
00:17:21.110 --> 00:17:28.428
Valley bulbs These witnesses
who\'ve said by herd
00:17:28.429 --> 00:17:32.089
the Australian journalists
shouting Australian journalists
00:17:32.090 --> 00:17:39.123
non-combat Then they said the hood
fire and there was Nemo sound.
00:17:39.124 --> 00:17:42.809
What happened to Greg and his companions.
00:17:43.390 --> 00:17:46.143
I don\'t know whether it happened to Greg.
00:17:46.144 --> 00:17:50.119
Or which of the five but the
majority of them were hung up by
00:17:50.120 --> 00:17:55.009
the feet the sexual organs
were removed and pushed into
00:17:55.010 --> 00:17:58.219
their mouths die was stabbed with
00:17:58.220 --> 00:18:01.129
the short throwing knives
that the Indonesian soldiers
00:18:01.130 --> 00:18:04.878
carry and it isn\'t line whether they
00:18:04.879 --> 00:18:09.468
fixated Or whether they
bled to death or whether
00:18:09.469 --> 00:18:13.969
some of them got stabbed in the
heart and died quickly the ceiling
00:18:13.970 --> 00:18:17.628
was set because this is quite
common way to punish people in
00:18:17.629 --> 00:18:21.799
East Timor bodies are often found this
way and so the team raise to have
00:18:21.800 --> 00:18:29.800
a fair idea that it takes a long time by
6EI unusually good Australian government.
00:18:31.700 --> 00:18:34.818
Ever protest to the
Indonesian government so
00:18:34.819 --> 00:18:38.479
the deaths of claim lady component that
00:18:38.480 --> 00:18:42.904
climate that they asked
publicly publicly protest.
00:18:42.905 --> 00:18:46.909
They asked diplomatic questions
which allowed them to get
00:18:46.910 --> 00:18:52.729
diplomatic answers Well I
certainly delivered protests as
00:18:52.730 --> 00:18:55.068
ambassador at the time I guess
they\'re not at the level
00:18:55.069 --> 00:18:57.409
of the Prime Minister of
course but but isn\'t that
00:18:57.410 --> 00:18:59.688
pretty serious when to television crews are
00:18:59.689 --> 00:19:02.434
gunned down by Indonesians
and in this country.
00:19:02.435 --> 00:19:07.159
No one stands up the leader of the
country doesn\'t stand up and protest in
00:19:07.160 --> 00:19:09.859
the most vigorous language
to those who have done it
00:19:09.860 --> 00:19:14.508
well let me say that F that
tarnishes Octavian argued 75.
00:19:14.509 --> 00:19:19.338
First of all there was considerable
uncertainty in the early days about
00:19:19.339 --> 00:19:24.558
the facts about how they died
and there was there\'s now
00:19:24.559 --> 00:19:27.528
been I think you know
there\'s now been plenty of
00:19:27.529 --> 00:19:33.003
released intelligence documentation
That suggests very strongly that
00:19:33.004 --> 00:19:38.089
Australia like the other Western powers
knew exactly what was going on and knew
00:19:38.090 --> 00:19:43.294
what had happened to these
journalists within hours of
00:19:43.295 --> 00:19:47.359
water that we knew as in
as I was ours but within
00:19:47.360 --> 00:19:52.009
days anyway the type being
killed and not even to this day
00:19:52.010 --> 00:19:55.339
precisely sure what happened except
I very unwise to be where they
00:19:55.340 --> 00:20:01.354
were it subsequently proved to be unwise.
00:20:01.355 --> 00:20:04.579
But Greg would never have expected
to be murdered because of
00:20:04.580 --> 00:20:07.594
the very good relationship that people like
00:20:07.595 --> 00:20:10.188
Walcott was very busy
00:20:10.189 --> 00:20:15.573
proclaiming That would be the last thing
great would have expected to happen.
00:20:15.574 --> 00:20:19.174
He had no why would they kill them.
00:20:19.175 --> 00:20:22.729
Well of course what he didn\'t know
was that they had every intention of
00:20:22.730 --> 00:20:26.029
invading East Timor and they didn\'t want
00:20:26.030 --> 00:20:29.089
the world to know it\'s clear that
00:20:29.090 --> 00:20:32.928
western governments knew exactly
what the Indonesians were planning.
00:20:32.929 --> 00:20:37.249
Here\'s a selection of secret
diplomatic messages sent from
00:20:37.250 --> 00:20:41.479
Jakarta by the ambassadors
of Britain Australia and
00:20:41.480 --> 00:20:46.189
the United States the British
ambassador said John Archibald Ford
00:20:46.190 --> 00:20:51.184
cabled It is in Britain\'s interests that
Indonesia absorbed their territory.
00:20:51.185 --> 00:20:56.629
Has soon and unobtrusively as possible And
when it comes to the crunch we should
00:20:56.630 --> 00:21:02.508
keep our heads down the Australian Ambassador
Richard Walcott cabled his government.
00:21:02.509 --> 00:21:04.518
Although we know it\'s not true
00:21:04.519 --> 00:21:08.358
the formal position of the Indonesian
government is that there is
00:21:08.359 --> 00:21:10.939
no Indonesian military intervention in
00:21:10.940 --> 00:21:15.483
East Timor he meant of course
that the Indonesians were lying.
00:21:15.484 --> 00:21:19.983
Although he strongly advised his
government not to question the lie.
00:21:19.984 --> 00:21:24.259
We should act he cabled In
a way designed to minimize
00:21:24.260 --> 00:21:28.429
the public impact in Australia And
show private understanding to
00:21:28.430 --> 00:21:32.209
the Indonesians of their
problem the American
00:21:32.210 --> 00:21:37.099
ambassador noted simply that he hoped
the Indonesians would be effective.
00:21:37.100 --> 00:21:40.649
Quick and not use our equipment
00:21:49.870 --> 00:21:55.789
by December 19 75 that countdown to
the invasion of East Timor was in
00:21:55.790 --> 00:21:59.088
its final stages President
Gerald Ford and his
00:21:59.089 --> 00:22:02.644
Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger arrived in Indonesia.
00:22:02.645 --> 00:22:04.099
On December the fifth.
00:22:04.100 --> 00:22:07.353
On a visit described by a
state department official.
00:22:07.354 --> 00:22:13.923
As the big wink As an example
00:22:13.924 --> 00:22:20.598
of Ben there certain knowledge of what
was about to happen the Embassy staff.
00:22:20.599 --> 00:22:24.918
We\'re taking an unusual measures to plan
00:22:24.919 --> 00:22:30.349
as many photo and visual
opportunities to present Ford and
00:22:30.350 --> 00:22:34.878
suharto together demonstrating
unlimited support for
00:22:34.879 --> 00:22:37.368
Suharto and the Indonesian government
00:22:37.369 --> 00:22:41.253
and I thought wait a minute
something is seriously wrong here.
00:22:41.254 --> 00:22:44.179
Hi joined CIA many years ago in the early
00:22:44.180 --> 00:22:49.638
sixty\'s because I was one of these
fellows who thought into instead
00:22:49.639 --> 00:22:54.438
of Complaining about what was going on
in the world and doing nothing about
00:22:54.439 --> 00:22:57.019
it you might be able to accomplish
00:22:57.020 --> 00:23:00.048
something good and when I was
in a situation in Tunisia.
00:23:00.049 --> 00:23:08.049
What I saw instead was my own government was
very much involved in what was going on in
00:23:10.129 --> 00:23:18.129
East Timor and what was going on was not good
you can be 100% certain that Suharto was
00:23:19.385 --> 00:23:27.385
explicitly given the green light to
do what he did what The Americans
00:23:29.629 --> 00:23:35.569
persuaded the Indonesians to delay the invasion
until after the President had left and on
00:23:35.570 --> 00:23:38.809
December the seventh has the
presidential jet climbed
00:23:38.810 --> 00:23:43.350
out of Indonesian air
space the bloodbath began
00:24:25.920 --> 00:24:29.978
A lot of people are being
pulled directly inwards Brennan
00:24:29.979 --> 00:24:31.339
00:24:44.970 --> 00:24:46.058
00:24:46.059 --> 00:24:48.098
first day\'s hundreds
00:24:48.099 --> 00:24:50.694
and hundreds of people
were simply massacre.
00:24:50.695 --> 00:24:55.448
Upon the Indonesian top arrival
in Delhi They\'re fully
00:24:55.449 --> 00:25:00.664
Moktar Ould burger main two cuz Indonesia
after Caracalla zoologists realize
00:25:00.665 --> 00:25:05.718
why intensive Bombardier
maintenant don\'t waste it us motto
00:25:05.719 --> 00:25:12.930
ME Ophelia Konwinski ones for
me to introduce Indonesia.
00:25:14.650 --> 00:25:18.948
These are the hopes of
Indonesian landing craft left to
00:25:18.949 --> 00:25:22.488
stop remind us to the population
on the beach and the center of
00:25:22.489 --> 00:25:26.059
delay when the Indonesians landed here they
00:25:26.060 --> 00:25:29.839
began an operation that is being
compared in its savagery.
00:25:29.840 --> 00:25:34.153
With Paul Potts takeover of Cambodia
Hundreds of people what gotten
00:25:34.154 --> 00:25:38.644
down on the streets in schools
and shops in the Huns
00:25:38.645 --> 00:25:43.159
in the hospital live grenades
were thrown into houses women and
00:25:43.160 --> 00:25:47.854
girls are raped in front of their
families the Indonesian troops had been
00:25:47.855 --> 00:25:52.879
told but the team Murray\'s what
communists and primitives that threatened
00:25:52.880 --> 00:25:55.549
the very existence of Indonesia itself
00:25:55.550 --> 00:26:00.303
the strategy was clearly to
terrorize and entire nation.
00:26:00.304 --> 00:26:03.544
We were learning about it from.
00:26:03.545 --> 00:26:10.129
Hard firm reports from people on
the scene in East Timor reports
00:26:10.130 --> 00:26:16.788
of people being herded into school
buildings by Indonesian soldiers.
00:26:16.789 --> 00:26:19.788
Was to buildings set on fire and
00:26:19.789 --> 00:26:24.139
anyone trying to get out being shot
most of people being burned alive.
00:26:24.140 --> 00:26:27.889
People being herded into fields
and machine gun and people being
00:26:27.890 --> 00:26:31.578
hunted down in the mountains
so anyone out there was in
00:26:31.579 --> 00:26:39.579
what amounted to a free fire zone but it was
also a systematic pattern to the Tara to
00:26:41.240 --> 00:26:46.848
many team arrays that glistening ocean is
still known as the sea of black people
00:26:46.849 --> 00:26:49.848
were brought here today
and groups and as in
00:26:49.849 --> 00:26:53.134
Cambodia often the first
to die with the educated.
00:26:53.135 --> 00:26:59.478
Public officials teachers students nurses
One eye witness reported the words of
00:26:59.479 --> 00:27:02.479
an innovation officer
to and asked to justify
00:27:02.480 --> 00:27:06.948
the mass killing of women and children
said when you clean the field.
00:27:06.949 --> 00:27:11.699
Don\'t you kill all the
snakes both large and small.
00:27:14.170 --> 00:27:19.053
Out of our clan which at
that time in semaphore as I
00:27:19.054 --> 00:27:23.524
as I know it as I knew them was out of
00:27:23.525 --> 00:27:27.948
5 thousand and the number have reduced to
00:27:27.949 --> 00:27:34.369
about 500 to 5,600 years
It\'s very very reduced.
00:27:34.370 --> 00:27:38.449
That\'s extraordinary
slaughter and there was
00:27:38.450 --> 00:27:44.509
a massive massive bombardment that took place
people even said that the whole rock became
00:27:44.510 --> 00:27:48.648
white because all the trees and
grass and gone and rocks were all
00:27:48.649 --> 00:27:53.118
blown up we were providing most of
00:27:53.119 --> 00:27:57.244
the weaponry helicopters
logistical support food uniforms
00:27:57.245 --> 00:28:02.699
ammunition holy expendables are the
Indonesians needed to conduct this war.
00:28:03.670 --> 00:28:07.039
When Henry Kissinger
returned to Washington.
00:28:07.040 --> 00:28:09.094
He summoned his senior aides.
00:28:09.095 --> 00:28:12.408
According to the minutes of that
meeting Kissinger expressed
00:28:12.409 --> 00:28:16.489
his fair that the Congress and
public Find out about his complicity
00:28:16.490 --> 00:28:21.768
with the Suharto regime Kissinger on
the team or thing that will leak in
00:28:21.769 --> 00:28:24.168
three months and it will
come out that Kissinger
00:28:24.169 --> 00:28:27.709
overruled his pristine bureaucrats
and violated the law.
00:28:27.710 --> 00:28:31.489
How many people know
about this staff member.
00:28:31.490 --> 00:28:35.629
Three Kissinger plus
everybody in this meeting.
00:28:35.630 --> 00:28:38.193
Everything on paper will
be used against me.
00:28:38.194 --> 00:28:42.933
Can\'t we construe a communist government in
the middle of Indonesia as self-defense.
00:28:42.934 --> 00:28:46.188
He gave orders that
shipments of American arms.
00:28:46.189 --> 00:28:47.734
Be stopped quietly.
00:28:47.735 --> 00:28:51.514
But secretly started again
the next month in fact.
00:28:51.515 --> 00:28:55.369
As the killings increased in East
Timor American arms shipments
00:28:55.370 --> 00:29:00.724
doubled As month went by the war went on
00:29:00.725 --> 00:29:05.778
one of my sister Medea Xenia
by then 917 years old in
00:29:05.779 --> 00:29:11.869
1977 was killed during an air raid
carried out by denotion at force.
00:29:11.870 --> 00:29:19.518
Using a Bronco aircraft to America sublime
Bronco aircraft nose dive to a village.
00:29:19.519 --> 00:29:22.668
Somewhere in the remote countryside.
00:29:22.669 --> 00:29:26.103
And opened fire on the village.
00:29:26.104 --> 00:29:30.678
At that particular moment there were no gorilla
troops there only civilian population.
00:29:30.679 --> 00:29:34.414
My Cseh was there she was
running the local school.
00:29:34.415 --> 00:29:37.158
She ended 20 kids at least what
00:29:37.159 --> 00:29:44.479
killed In
00:29:44.480 --> 00:29:47.674
1981 the Indonesian military force march
00:29:47.675 --> 00:29:52.639
tens of thousands of people at gunpoint
in human chains across the island.
00:29:52.640 --> 00:29:58.593
This was known as the fence of legs the
aim was to flush out Fredlund gorillas.
00:29:58.594 --> 00:30:03.933
With Indonesian troops following on behind
and pursuing them into human corrals.
00:30:03.934 --> 00:30:06.334
Where they could be captured or killed
00:30:06.335 --> 00:30:10.098
thousands of civilians died
in the operation including
00:30:10.099 --> 00:30:16.464
children and old people lento present
limpieza cookies via Turkey.
00:30:16.465 --> 00:30:21.004
Just mortage Jeff Tantalus corpus.
00:30:21.005 --> 00:30:25.878
Whose cadavers that. numer otra forma
gets numb to the subarray committers
00:30:25.879 --> 00:30:31.099
potassium leakage metazoan okay sir to cues
00:30:31.100 --> 00:30:38.228
girlish second dogmas photography is he
spoke man\'s milliliters common Dante\'s
00:30:38.229 --> 00:30:42.573
Stirum photographer on the forum more
00:30:42.574 --> 00:30:47.168
albums from Mozzafar forum
toe-to-toe adds spoke wish.
00:30:47.169 --> 00:30:55.169
A tame raring against foreign capital physical
address august forum a tangency cortados
00:30:57.320 --> 00:31:05.320
podiatrists in Attica
strategy He followed the law
00:31:05.450 --> 00:31:13.450
does married for almost two
years following the invasion.
00:31:14.315 --> 00:31:16.563
There was virtually a news blackout.
00:31:16.564 --> 00:31:20.809
Over events in East Timor
then turn nuns in Portugal
00:31:20.810 --> 00:31:26.839
received this letter from a priest in
East Timor the invaders he wrote have
00:31:26.840 --> 00:31:28.819
intensified their attacks in
00:31:28.820 --> 00:31:34.114
the three classic ways from land sea
and air the bombers do not stop.
00:31:34.115 --> 00:31:38.569
Hundreds die every day the bodies
of the victims become food
00:31:38.570 --> 00:31:43.204
for carnivorous birds villages
have been completely destroyed
00:31:43.205 --> 00:31:49.309
The barbarity is understandable in the
Middle Ages justifiable in the Stone Age and
00:31:49.310 --> 00:31:52.548
organized evil that has
spread deep roots in
00:31:52.549 --> 00:31:56.029
East Timor the terror of
arbitrary imprisonment.
00:31:56.030 --> 00:31:57.678
Is our daily bread.
00:31:57.679 --> 00:32:00.739
I am on the persona non grata list and
00:32:00.740 --> 00:32:04.399
any day I could disappear
Fredlund soldiers who give
00:32:04.400 --> 00:32:11.118
themselves up how disposed off for
them there is no prison genocide.
00:32:11.119 --> 00:32:11.749
Will come
00:32:11.750 --> 00:32:13.079
00:32:20.710 --> 00:32:22.159
00:32:22.160 --> 00:32:25.579
Top of the mountain was up space Was there
00:32:25.580 --> 00:32:29.539
many of bones on top of
each other and just said Oh
00:32:29.540 --> 00:32:34.399
please pray Fatima DC\'s our families
00:32:34.400 --> 00:32:39.349
mapped part of our family died
here was a massacre here and it is
00:32:39.350 --> 00:32:45.049
not a bonus from animals they
are our family come across
00:32:45.050 --> 00:32:51.453
the bones of people who belonged to your
family it\'s right people with the harmony.
00:32:51.454 --> 00:32:59.400
The bones of how many people and I go dead
was many I believed at about 50 people
00:33:23.550 --> 00:33:27.144
These are rare pictures
of Fredlund guerrillas.
00:33:27.145 --> 00:33:31.869
Still fighting on after 18 years
we film them under the noses
00:33:31.870 --> 00:33:36.669
of the Indonesian army which claims
to control all of East Timor they
00:33:36.670 --> 00:33:39.459
get no outside help from any government or
00:33:39.460 --> 00:33:43.178
their weapons are captured from the
Indonesians some have not seen
00:33:43.179 --> 00:33:47.138
their families for years and every
man here has lost members of
00:33:47.139 --> 00:33:50.739
his family They\'ll film became
00:33:50.740 --> 00:33:55.314
a gorilla after witnessing one
of the most notorious massacres.
00:33:55.315 --> 00:34:01.659
As either the Chavas for
00:34:01.660 --> 00:34:09.498
alma mater zombies Alina
00:34:09.499 --> 00:34:16.029
and obligated someone say centre.
00:34:16.030 --> 00:34:19.959
Say simply say presentation facilities.
00:34:19.960 --> 00:34:24.819
So they say don\'t regime of who when they
00:34:24.820 --> 00:34:30.519
study when they study usually
to the nosing motto.
00:34:30.520 --> 00:34:38.520
In coined Yes money is
00:34:40.669 --> 00:34:48.669
can consume from it as we gave his
forum distinguish Java\'s Yolanda\'s
00:34:49.895 --> 00:34:57.895
must have read in Manhattan and
thus the village of Caracas used to
00:35:00.739 --> 00:35:08.739
be here until it was razed to the ground by
the Indonesians that is the village that in
00:35:08.945 --> 00:35:15.119
9183 more or less For
00:35:15.120 --> 00:35:23.100
a handoff of population 400 wolf population
or were killed by Indonesia true.
00:35:23.170 --> 00:35:27.869
They were all buried here in a mass grave.
00:35:32.800 --> 00:35:34.983
There is no any cross.
00:35:34.984 --> 00:35:39.094
They put only the stone and bamboos.
00:35:39.095 --> 00:35:47.095
Cause. Population Fred did when they
put a cross here or a mark here on top
00:35:49.220 --> 00:35:53.568
we have as the person who put class
00:35:53.569 --> 00:36:01.569
here This is an extraordinary list of almost
300 of those murdered in this one village.
00:36:02.260 --> 00:36:06.848
During the summer of 1983 it has
evidence of a crime against
00:36:06.849 --> 00:36:11.828
humanity reminiscent of the Nazis
in occupied Europe the list was
00:36:11.829 --> 00:36:16.419
compiled by the church in a meticulous
handwritten script that records
00:36:16.420 --> 00:36:21.548
the name age date and place of
every death of every victim.
00:36:21.549 --> 00:36:25.959
As well as the Indonesian battalion
responsible for each murder.
00:36:25.960 --> 00:36:32.090
Note the ages and how young they are
and the names of whole families
00:36:40.630 --> 00:36:46.129
The women who survived were brought
here to what is known as the village of
00:36:46.130 --> 00:36:47.909
the widow\'s
00:36:57.940 --> 00:36:59.568
another form
00:36:59.569 --> 00:37:02.778
of population control is
contraception given without
00:37:02.779 --> 00:37:06.168
the permission or knowledge of
women especially the enforced
00:37:06.169 --> 00:37:10.849
use of contraceptive
drug Depo-Provera people
00:37:10.850 --> 00:37:14.838
are forced to have Depo-Provera
injections for example there were
00:37:14.839 --> 00:37:17.568
school girls teenagers who were
00:37:17.569 --> 00:37:20.868
injected with people covera so
that they don\'t have babies
00:37:20.869 --> 00:37:28.548
anymore And what they were told was that there
was a some kind of anti tetanus injection.
00:37:28.549 --> 00:37:32.178
This doctor went to East
Timor on our behalf and
00:37:32.179 --> 00:37:35.719
secretly investigated the use
of enforced birth control.
00:37:35.720 --> 00:37:39.813
Well I heard in one clinic a
very large number of people
00:37:39.814 --> 00:37:45.588
being given birth control I think out of
all proportion to the other efforts that
00:37:45.589 --> 00:37:49.698
were being made Medical efforts
that were being made and I had
00:37:49.699 --> 00:37:55.008
many people say that the best control
injection was being given without
00:37:55.009 --> 00:38:03.009
any explanation to the people who were
receiving it as to what it was They injected
00:38:04.595 --> 00:38:09.184
devo purveyor and again one clinic
00:38:09.185 --> 00:38:14.943
claimed to have 500 women being injected
and I found that a very large number
00:38:14.944 --> 00:38:19.038
given that very little else
seemed to be going on in
00:38:19.039 --> 00:38:24.139
the clinic in 1993 general suharto received
00:38:24.140 --> 00:38:29.568
two United Nations prize for his support
for family planning the prize came with
00:38:29.569 --> 00:38:35.194
a check for $12 thousand that
many pregnant woman will net.
00:38:35.195 --> 00:38:40.459
Would not dare to go to Indonesia and
hospitals or Indonesian doctors.
00:38:40.460 --> 00:38:48.460
Because those up this will make sure that she
loses the baby This is part of a genocide
00:38:51.030 --> 00:38:55.599
East Timor had a population
according to the best roles of
00:38:55.600 --> 00:39:01.899
about 688 thousand and it was
growing at just on 2% per annum
00:39:01.900 --> 00:39:05.349
that means today is team
or ought to be it just
00:39:05.350 --> 00:39:08.439
assuming it didn\'t grow any
faster which should have
00:39:08.440 --> 00:39:11.423
a population of about 980 thousand or more
00:39:11.424 --> 00:39:14.588
honest a million the team reads
population if we look at
00:39:14.589 --> 00:39:18.458
the recent Indonesian sensors
is it the most probably
00:39:18.459 --> 00:39:23.814
650 thousand it\'s incredible and
it\'s worse than camphor cheer.
00:39:23.815 --> 00:39:28.028
Dr. swears would you agree that
what has happened in East Timor
00:39:28.029 --> 00:39:31.738
is amounted to genocide Send the video for
00:39:31.739 --> 00:39:34.308
a monetarism Gadsden yards
and tennis and just
00:39:34.309 --> 00:39:37.548
source the authors foreign
transport toddlers are
00:39:37.549 --> 00:39:40.549
falsa proto zealous he measure
00:39:40.550 --> 00:39:44.298
magnetic following two z does not
have forced several tutorial.
00:39:44.299 --> 00:39:50.523
The Timor less than Indonesia\'s
Vinge daughter serious.
00:39:50.524 --> 00:39:54.544
Pretend to over key room
of the sound the forced.
00:39:54.545 --> 00:39:59.179
Young whether they\'re Zulu CDO
attentive aesthetic affair
00:39:59.180 --> 00:40:04.534
you the sound Sweetie ENT
that match performed
00:40:04.535 --> 00:40:08.298
stewardship savage Teddy
signs lingua yellows
00:40:08.299 --> 00:40:14.778
yeah yes as happens and everywhere
including western countries
00:40:14.779 --> 00:40:22.779
you know what I\'m referring to there are some
sometimes abuses of the military authority
00:40:24.844 --> 00:40:29.374
or by government authorities but it is
00:40:29.375 --> 00:40:31.698
the commitment of the government to address
00:40:31.699 --> 00:40:35.164
this question and to
punish those responsible.
00:40:35.165 --> 00:40:39.798
I don\'t know why you ask these
questions is it is it simply
00:40:39.799 --> 00:40:44.988
to promote a better image of
Indonesia or The question that
00:40:44.989 --> 00:40:48.288
will clarify the situation of his 0V
00:40:48.289 --> 00:40:52.728
the acquisitions that was made that
insulin These are accurate I asked them
00:40:52.729 --> 00:40:57.903
because their accusations made
by people across the spectrum
00:40:57.904 --> 00:41:00.979
from as I mentioned the
President of Portugal
00:41:00.980 --> 00:41:04.309
and he said that what Indonesia
done in Timor was genocide.
00:41:04.310 --> 00:41:09.059
Well I reject. Absolutely I
rejected the acquisitions.
00:41:10.870 --> 00:41:15.468
We drove through what the
Indonesians call military control
00:41:15.469 --> 00:41:19.279
areas Where people were
forcibly moved as a means
00:41:19.280 --> 00:41:21.649
of separating them from the resistance
00:41:21.650 --> 00:41:26.538
the dislocation caused by camps like this
has struck at the very roots of team
00:41:26.539 --> 00:41:32.088
every society people are subjected to a
form of brainwashing that extols Suharto
00:41:32.089 --> 00:41:37.938
is New Order and in schools all ovaries
team or the team Murray\'s languages band.
00:41:37.939 --> 00:41:40.338
While emigrants abroad from Indonesia.
00:41:40.339 --> 00:41:43.609
To run the islands economy
and a further dilute
00:41:43.610 --> 00:41:50.524
the team Murray\'s population when you
move people away from their sacred land
00:41:50.525 --> 00:41:55.474
away from places where the leaf
for thousands of years into
00:41:55.475 --> 00:41:59.224
lower areas infested by
mosquito They are not
00:41:59.225 --> 00:42:02.973
able to move out of those camps
to cultivate for instance.
00:42:02.974 --> 00:42:05.988
There is a curfew and because
they cannot cultivate there is
00:42:05.989 --> 00:42:12.379
no food and no food they die in
00:42:12.380 --> 00:42:17.148
the late 1970s and early 80s
famine claim many thousands of
00:42:17.149 --> 00:42:22.980
lives and resettlement camps where people
were denied adequate land to grow food.
00:42:26.230 --> 00:42:29.269
Although we saw no starvation.
00:42:29.270 --> 00:42:32.820
A great many people were
terribly malnourished
00:42:43.750 --> 00:42:48.709
While the massacres continued the
agents of great power worked hard to
00:42:48.710 --> 00:42:53.359
maintain the silence in
January 19 76 the American
00:42:53.360 --> 00:42:57.949
ambassador to the United Nations
Daniel Moynihan sent a secret cable
00:42:57.950 --> 00:43:02.749
to Henry Kissinger boasting of the
considerable progress he was making
00:43:02.750 --> 00:43:06.709
in blocking U.N. action on
East Timor later Moynihan
00:43:06.710 --> 00:43:12.513
wrote the Department of State desire that the
United Nations prove utterly ineffective.
00:43:12.514 --> 00:43:15.979
This task was given to me and
I carried it through with
00:43:15.980 --> 00:43:17.299
no inconsiderable
00:43:17.300 --> 00:43:25.300
success This
00:43:27.159 --> 00:43:28.989
is the hotel flamboyant.
00:43:28.990 --> 00:43:31.329
In the old Portuguese resort town of
00:43:31.330 --> 00:43:35.439
Bachao were official visitors
were often brought to admire
00:43:35.440 --> 00:43:37.898
the peacefulness of East Timor under
00:43:37.899 --> 00:43:43.104
Indonesian rule but they weren\'t told of
course was that the hotel flamboyant.
00:43:43.105 --> 00:43:46.644
Was used by the military
has a torture place
00:43:46.645 --> 00:43:50.979
there is extensive official
documentation describing how
00:43:50.980 --> 00:43:54.608
Indonesian soldiers were
taught to dress and behave as
00:43:54.609 --> 00:43:59.244
civilians pretending to be Tim Murray\'s
whose language they didn\'t speak.
00:43:59.245 --> 00:44:04.929
Even playing the part of happy uncomplaining
prisoners in comfortable prisons that of
00:44:04.930 --> 00:44:08.059
course didn\'t exist There are also document
00:44:08.060 --> 00:44:11.328
showing that torture was
officially sanctioned.
00:44:11.329 --> 00:44:17.568
With established procedures for the torturer
one such manual is entitled guiding
00:44:17.569 --> 00:44:24.603
the village comprehensively and lists the
do\'s and don\'ts of torture and here they are.
00:44:24.604 --> 00:44:27.949
Avoid taking photographs showing torture in
00:44:27.950 --> 00:44:31.958
progress and when people are being
subjected to an electric current
00:44:31.959 --> 00:44:36.168
And when they are being stripped
naked et cetera remember
00:44:36.169 --> 00:44:40.609
not to have photograph developed
outside East Timor which could then
00:44:40.610 --> 00:44:44.884
be made available to the public
by irresponsible elements
00:44:44.885 --> 00:44:50.089
interrogations should be repeated
over and over again until
00:44:50.090 --> 00:44:51.919
the correct conclusion is
00:44:51.920 --> 00:44:59.920
drawn Josie Xamarin
00:45:01.294 --> 00:45:02.584
now in exile.
00:45:02.585 --> 00:45:06.363
Was forced as a boy to watch
his father being tortured.
00:45:06.364 --> 00:45:14.364
I was asked to come in and all of us
to see my father dead time when he was
00:45:14.420 --> 00:45:20.118
Tortured and then he was tortured
00:45:20.119 --> 00:45:26.299
by Indonesian we are looking
at the action and we want.
00:45:26.300 --> 00:45:32.748
By the Indonesians that look if you
kids for the coming time being
00:45:32.749 --> 00:45:35.358
you follow the example of
your father you our guest
00:45:35.359 --> 00:45:39.679
Indonesians you will have the
same salt life like your father.
00:45:39.680 --> 00:45:41.674
Water the dirty or further.
00:45:41.675 --> 00:45:49.675
They tortured him for several times what do
they do they punch him and beaten him and
00:45:52.144 --> 00:45:58.758
put their fingers to manipulate
Stomach and intestines and
00:45:58.759 --> 00:46:02.119
my father because usually
the Indonesian troops are
00:46:02.120 --> 00:46:06.603
trained with nickel silicon or karate.
00:46:06.604 --> 00:46:08.628
And they used.
00:46:08.629 --> 00:46:15.199
Usually to this kind of tortured and they
00:46:15.200 --> 00:46:23.130
put their fingers to the stomach
of my father and starting.
00:46:23.740 --> 00:46:26.280
Like this
00:46:40.680 --> 00:46:42.099
These are
00:46:42.100 --> 00:46:44.438
hope ground attack aircraft made by
00:46:44.439 --> 00:46:49.509
British Aerospace and one of the fastest
selling British weapons in the world in
00:46:49.510 --> 00:46:53.169
1978 at the height of
the genocide David Owen
00:46:53.170 --> 00:46:58.429
Foreign Secretary and the Labour government
agreed to sell the hawk to Indonesia.
00:46:59.220 --> 00:47:04.598
From then on the British establishment
played chord to the Suharto regime.
00:47:04.599 --> 00:47:06.998
While selling it more Hawk aircraft.
00:47:06.999 --> 00:47:12.338
More missiles helicopters forgets
armored vehicles mine disposal
00:47:12.339 --> 00:47:17.648
equipment military communications and a
fully equipped Institute of Technology for
00:47:17.649 --> 00:47:23.448
the Indonesian army Margaret Thatcher received
an award For the promotion of technology.
00:47:23.449 --> 00:47:27.139
She told her Indonesian audience
I am proud to be one of
00:47:27.140 --> 00:47:33.379
you in 1991 the government of John Major
00:47:33.380 --> 00:47:37.069
urged its European partners
to cut aid to regimes that
00:47:37.070 --> 00:47:40.818
violated human rights in
the same year major shook
00:47:40.819 --> 00:47:44.553
hands with Indonesia\'s
weapons chief BJ Habibie
00:47:44.554 --> 00:47:49.248
later the government announced a billion
pound deal for more Hawk aircraft.
00:47:49.249 --> 00:47:50.928
Despite the devastation they were
00:47:50.929 --> 00:47:58.929
causing point of selling Hawk aircraft
to Indonesia is to give jobs to
00:47:59.270 --> 00:48:01.529
people in this country
00:48:02.920 --> 00:48:08.449
And there is no doubt in my mind that there
is nothing that a Hawk aircraft can do to
00:48:08.450 --> 00:48:10.999
suppress the people in East Timor if he\'s
00:48:11.000 --> 00:48:14.118
not an aircraft that is suitable
for that purpose and we have
00:48:14.119 --> 00:48:16.668
guarantees from the Indonesians
but they would not be used for
00:48:16.669 --> 00:48:20.944
internal suppression Ellen clerk.
00:48:20.945 --> 00:48:24.439
You were Minister of Defense
when the sale of Hawk aircraft
00:48:24.440 --> 00:48:27.964
for being negotiated and
finalize with Indonesia and
00:48:27.965 --> 00:48:31.279
your colleagues have talked
about getting guarantees from
00:48:31.280 --> 00:48:35.178
the Indonesians that the
Hawks would not be used for
00:48:35.179 --> 00:48:39.258
expressive purposes against
civilians and in fact in
00:48:39.259 --> 00:48:43.668
East Timor What exactly these
guarantees I mean that\'s really what
00:48:43.669 --> 00:48:46.519
I\'m Carolina cast I never asked for
00:48:46.520 --> 00:48:49.788
guarantees of that gun that must have
been something that the Foreign Office
00:48:49.789 --> 00:48:57.789
did before the IDC or whatever it wasn\'t
that whatever committee considers.
00:48:57.814 --> 00:49:00.979
So going on to a horizontal
or not I mean would
00:49:00.980 --> 00:49:04.578
you would you say getting
guarantees from a government like
00:49:04.579 --> 00:49:07.444
the Indonesian government
all SRP is you\'d get
00:49:07.445 --> 00:49:11.718
a guaranteed worthless for many govern as far
as I\'m concerned and I wouldn\'t even bother
00:49:11.719 --> 00:49:14.988
anybody it\'s you may want it it may
00:49:14.989 --> 00:49:20.288
look good in the formula you know it\'s that\'s
a foreign office mat and offer them a demon
00:49:20.289 --> 00:49:22.980
we\'d never all summit for guarantees
00:49:24.910 --> 00:49:28.999
But it wasn\'t just a foreign
office matter it was the ministry
00:49:29.000 --> 00:49:30.589
of defense that also accepted
00:49:30.590 --> 00:49:33.978
the guarantees that it\'s
00:49:33.979 --> 00:49:37.683
a training so trying everything the
ability of the aircraft to carry weapons.
00:49:37.684 --> 00:49:41.418
Has been improved the weight of
00:49:41.419 --> 00:49:45.618
weapons that can being carried has been
increased and the as you see the wide range of
00:49:45.619 --> 00:49:53.619
weapons that it can carry is quite
impressive but the government have said that
00:49:55.189 --> 00:49:57.528
the version of the planes the
Indonesians are buying is
00:49:57.529 --> 00:50:01.819
just a trainer and won\'t be used
against the team Murray\'s Well
00:50:01.820 --> 00:50:04.699
it\'s it\'s a question we look at
very carefully but I promise
00:50:04.700 --> 00:50:09.529
you We put under the most searching.
00:50:09.530 --> 00:50:13.578
Analysis the use to which
equipments that we
00:50:13.579 --> 00:50:17.568
sell will be put and we are quite
confident that the Indonesians
00:50:17.569 --> 00:50:20.088
will use Hawks for
00:50:20.089 --> 00:50:24.723
jet training for advanced jet training which
is why they were acquired in first place
00:50:24.724 --> 00:50:28.549
I mean as far as the Hawks were concerned
there was a great deal of talk
00:50:28.550 --> 00:50:33.454
from all the ministries and British
Aerospace that they were merely trainers.
00:50:33.455 --> 00:50:37.728
I mean that that a lot has been
made of them they weren\'t telling
00:50:37.729 --> 00:50:43.053
the truth that\'s just a label you
put on it I\'m they are trainers.
00:50:43.054 --> 00:50:44.984
You said nearly trainers.
00:50:44.985 --> 00:50:49.338
That the hawks that
training aircraft That is
00:50:49.339 --> 00:50:54.018
actually an exceptionally effective
aircraft and can be used in
00:50:54.019 --> 00:50:58.938
a variety of different roles it can be
easily converted to as the Indonesians
00:50:58.939 --> 00:51:04.324
Mr. Habibie man you know he said
that yes it\'s a training aircraft.
00:51:04.325 --> 00:51:07.878
With these Chang and his cheek but we
can easily convert it ineffectual.
00:51:07.879 --> 00:51:14.824
It can it can be converted anyway that the
hawk is is Jill use or the capital D in fact.
00:51:14.825 --> 00:51:18.469
Part of the deal with Indonesia
is conversion training to
00:51:18.470 --> 00:51:25.009
a light attack aircraft and Indonesia\'s
weapons chief Made it clear the hawk he said.
00:51:25.010 --> 00:51:33.010
Will be used not only to train pilots but
for ground attack the first time I saw.
00:51:33.980 --> 00:51:36.484
To jet fighters.
00:51:36.485 --> 00:51:44.268
Our surprise I realize that they
were because we only saw uncle flew
00:51:44.269 --> 00:51:52.269
over us ten minutes after we heard
that strong Blast bomb and the
00:51:54.730 --> 00:52:02.524
machine gun. A government
minister barrenness choker
00:52:02.525 --> 00:52:05.689
told parliament that British
aid Helping the poor
00:52:05.690 --> 00:52:08.718
of Indonesia in fact half of all aid to
00:52:08.719 --> 00:52:12.799
Indonesia is linked to trade and
much of that is tied to weapons
00:52:12.800 --> 00:52:17.268
this is a list of British companies selling
weapons or war-related equipment to
00:52:17.269 --> 00:52:22.519
the Indonesian dictatorship in April
1993 shortly before the sale of
00:52:22.520 --> 00:52:27.499
Hawk aircraft was announced the Foreign
Secretary Douglas heard flew to Jakarta and
00:52:27.500 --> 00:52:32.703
gave Suharto 65 million pounds
in so-called soft loans
00:52:32.704 --> 00:52:35.929
heard assured the regime
that Western values on
00:52:35.930 --> 00:52:40.158
human rights could not be exported
to Indonesia they were cultural and
00:52:40.159 --> 00:52:42.888
economic differences he
said and referred to
00:52:42.889 --> 00:52:48.754
Indonesia\'s recognition of basic
freedom On the question of
00:52:48.755 --> 00:52:53.373
human rights for instance are that we
have a different views but I think
00:52:53.374 --> 00:52:58.624
among the countries United
Kingdom is one of the most.
00:52:58.625 --> 00:53:06.625
Ready to understand our position and to
express support when it is possible.
00:53:08.030 --> 00:53:10.894
Did it ever bother you personally.
00:53:10.895 --> 00:53:18.154
This British equipment was causing
such mayhem And humans suffering.
00:53:18.155 --> 00:53:21.889
No knowledge about it never entered
00:53:21.890 --> 00:53:26.913
my head I mean you tell me that this was
happening I didn\'t hear about it on their value.
00:53:26.914 --> 00:53:30.379
Well even if I hadn\'t told you
it was happening the fact that
00:53:30.380 --> 00:53:33.919
we supply highly effective
equipment to a regime like that
00:53:33.920 --> 00:53:36.708
then is not a consideration as far as
00:53:36.709 --> 00:53:41.298
your concern is not a personal consider
a national I asked the question
00:53:41.299 --> 00:53:47.523
because you I\'ve read that you
were a vegetarian and you quite
00:53:47.524 --> 00:53:51.259
seriously and concerned
about the way animals are
00:53:51.260 --> 00:53:54.949
killed yeah doesn\'t that
concern extend to the way.
00:53:54.950 --> 00:54:01.744
Humans albeit farm as a killed The
resistor leader Connie Santana.
00:54:01.745 --> 00:54:05.749
Has reported to me follow those
several math Bao There is
00:54:05.750 --> 00:54:07.669
a measure of fancy boy known involving
00:54:07.670 --> 00:54:10.413
hundreds and hundreds of inhibition troops.
Throughout the country.
00:54:10.414 --> 00:54:12.859
We\'d helicopter we\'d aircraft including
00:54:12.860 --> 00:54:16.774
the hope in a major attempt
to completely eradicate
00:54:16.775 --> 00:54:23.778
degree in East Timor I hope
the fabric we English.
00:54:23.779 --> 00:54:31.779
Thing or to do Santo
bombas bombas and seen as
00:54:33.740 --> 00:54:36.768
Contra thing it\'s a scenario
00:54:36.769 --> 00:54:43.578
policies interfaces Put it to so alan
thomas head of defense sales that
00:54:43.579 --> 00:54:47.389
the hawks were not merely for training
and had been used against the people of
00:54:47.390 --> 00:54:51.649
East Timor we keep a
very close watch on what
00:54:51.650 --> 00:54:56.628
our friends and allies doing at all times
there\'s no evidence of what do you
00:54:56.629 --> 00:55:03.078
suggest I can distinguish from the nose.
00:55:03.079 --> 00:55:11.079
Of the hogs and sky hawks 1516
and the Broncos iso Two Hawks
00:55:12.394 --> 00:55:17.568
underground along the airport of bow and
00:55:17.569 --> 00:55:23.134
I ask people what about this hogs
and they said Why you\'re surprised.
00:55:23.135 --> 00:55:27.209
These hawks are bombing mountains
of McDivvit and every day
00:55:28.720 --> 00:55:32.749
it should be remembered that
oppression was never part of
00:55:32.750 --> 00:55:36.004
the vision of those who fought
and died to free Indonesia.
00:55:36.005 --> 00:55:38.103
From European imperialism.
00:55:38.104 --> 00:55:40.789
Their struggle for
independence from the Dutch.
00:55:40.790 --> 00:55:44.178
Produced great popular
movements for democracy and
00:55:44.179 --> 00:55:48.588
social justice for 14 years
Indonesia had one of
00:55:48.589 --> 00:55:53.089
the freest parliamentary
democracies in the world today
00:55:53.090 --> 00:56:00.210
many Indonesians understand this the slaughter
in East Timor is unworthy of such a nation
00:56:09.300 --> 00:56:12.368
One of the biggest prizes for the West is
00:56:12.369 --> 00:56:14.678
the Timor Gap oil treaty between
00:56:14.679 --> 00:56:18.068
Indonesia and Australia which
allows foreign companies to
00:56:18.069 --> 00:56:21.758
exploit the huge oil and gas
reserves in the seabed off
00:56:21.759 --> 00:56:26.228
East Timor Portugal has taken
Australia to the World Court.
00:56:26.229 --> 00:56:28.343
Over the legality of the treaty.
00:56:28.344 --> 00:56:31.689
According to Professor Roger
clock or world authority on
00:56:31.690 --> 00:56:35.364
international law the Treaty
makes the Australian government.
00:56:35.365 --> 00:56:38.299
A receiver a stolen property.
00:56:40.140 --> 00:56:44.228
This is a strange and foreign
affairs minister Gareth Evans
00:56:44.229 --> 00:56:47.808
and Indonesian foreign minister
Aliada tasks there are
00:56:47.809 --> 00:56:51.258
flying over the oil fields of
team or toasting each other
00:56:51.259 --> 00:56:55.203
as they celebrate the treaty
and the division of spoils.
00:56:55.204 --> 00:56:57.739
I think if you think back
over the whole period
00:56:57.740 --> 00:57:01.428
the other agreements the relationship
we\'ve had has been very significant.
00:57:01.429 --> 00:57:05.628
Very important but this
is really unique and
00:57:05.629 --> 00:57:10.609
uniquely important and for that reason
it\'s really quite an historic occasion the
00:57:10.610 --> 00:57:14.628
winner witnessing today
they could at least be
00:57:14.629 --> 00:57:18.828
more discreet about it it was so
obvious that they know they were
00:57:18.829 --> 00:57:22.293
ripping off the wealth of East
Timor first Indonesia invade
00:57:22.294 --> 00:57:27.229
each demo and Australia recognize
that invasion that annexation.
00:57:27.230 --> 00:57:32.118
Saying that It is for the good of the
people of East Timor Australia kept telling
00:57:32.119 --> 00:57:37.684
us in Indonesia that East Timor
is too poor anyway to be viable.
00:57:37.685 --> 00:57:41.028
As independent state but then they go
00:57:41.029 --> 00:57:44.823
on sign a treaty to exploit
the immense oil reserves
00:57:44.824 --> 00:57:52.824
of the Timor Sea area it is again a
display of audacity of hypocrisy.
00:57:56.200 --> 00:58:02.868
It\'s the Black Death signings people\'s
black memories have had haven\'t had
00:58:02.869 --> 00:58:06.018
a say in it and it belongs to us it
00:58:06.019 --> 00:58:10.650
belongs to the people of esteem
or not to Australia or Indonesia
00:58:19.710 --> 00:58:24.799
On October the 28th 1991 and un-arm team
00:58:24.800 --> 00:58:30.968
every student Sabastiano Gomez was shot
dead at this church by Indonesian agents
00:58:30.969 --> 00:58:38.969
here he has more and by his
friends and his mother died
00:58:45.480 --> 00:58:50.304
two weeks later on November the
12th but people have delay
00:58:50.305 --> 00:58:54.699
the Capital held an extraordinarily
brave demonstration as a tribute to
00:58:54.700 --> 00:58:59.208
the dead boy It was also
a cry for freedom that
00:58:59.209 --> 00:59:03.964
the Indonesians did not want the outside
world to hear what was unusual.
00:59:03.965 --> 00:59:06.334
Both of the terrible events that followed.
00:59:06.335 --> 00:59:09.929
Were witnessed by
foreigners and we\'ll film.
00:59:10.600 --> 00:59:18.600
Certain November demonstrations was
organized by me and our intention to
00:59:18.619 --> 00:59:26.269
do this was on it to tell to the world
that is Taylor continues suffering.
00:59:26.270 --> 00:59:33.154
Under Indonesia oppression and the case for
demonstrations for us is they wonder one
00:59:33.155 --> 00:59:41.155
way The demonstrators per item
cemetery from Santa Cruz.
00:59:42.619 --> 00:59:46.218
Although the taper shouted
out for phrase team or
00:59:46.219 --> 00:59:51.180
an approach that isn\'t at all
an amazing opening fire.
01:00:02.640 --> 01:00:07.589
Could go to jail
01:00:42.640 --> 01:00:50.640
It can\'t forget it limited to a
shot a gear and head was suffrage.
01:00:50.674 --> 01:00:56.389
And John and I always remember
01:00:56.390 --> 01:01:04.390
her phase or at least in my mind I couldn\'t
forget it and employees Died anywhere.
01:01:30.370 --> 01:01:36.079
The statement by Amnesty International
described the situation there as one
01:01:36.080 --> 01:01:41.179
of arbitrary arrest torture
disappearance executions and Massacre.
01:01:41.180 --> 01:01:46.369
Are they lying Yes I
think Amnesty is lying.
01:01:46.370 --> 01:01:49.309
They are not they have no.
01:01:49.310 --> 01:01:53.239
Got abraded evidence maybe
they are they have letters
01:01:53.240 --> 01:01:57.648
written by those who are anti
integration I must be the damn.
01:01:57.649 --> 01:02:02.569
Few of these two modular still don\'t
want to have the integration.
01:02:02.570 --> 01:02:06.019
General subtree Snow who\'s now
of course the Vice President
01:02:06.020 --> 01:02:09.049
said that anyone who doesn\'t toe
the line in Indonesia will be
01:02:09.050 --> 01:02:16.998
shot and we will shoot them but
despite of that state then how do you
01:02:16.999 --> 01:02:21.049
see in people being shot
because we\'re seeing
01:02:21.050 --> 01:02:25.668
clearly on television people being
shot it was filmed in the So.
01:02:25.669 --> 01:02:29.808
Unless the incident of tough
November and we have done a lot
01:02:29.809 --> 01:02:34.249
to rectifier to address
this problem and of course.
01:02:34.250 --> 01:02:38.284
Again less than media some
are diverse and media.
01:02:38.285 --> 01:02:42.829
Did not have any intention to
disclose what had been done by
01:02:42.830 --> 01:02:48.094
the in an isn\'t Gutman
to adress this abuses.
01:02:48.095 --> 01:02:51.618
What was done was to set
up an inquiry described by
01:02:51.619 --> 01:02:55.384
Amnesty International as
totally lacking credibility.
01:02:55.385 --> 01:02:59.118
Ten low-ranking Indonesian officers
were given life sentences.
01:02:59.119 --> 01:03:02.089
Mostly of a few months in contrast
01:03:02.090 --> 01:03:07.459
18 Murray\'s demonstrators were given
sentences ranging from five years To
01:03:07.460 --> 01:03:15.460
life the Indonesians highly sensitive and
feel that dam that journalists may well.
01:03:16.925 --> 01:03:19.879
Cause further travel is happened
of course after the massacre
01:03:19.880 --> 01:03:23.749
1991 When you say the
journalist cause trouble after
01:03:23.750 --> 01:03:27.709
the massacre there surely the trouble was
caused by the Indonesians who killed
01:03:27.710 --> 01:03:32.899
all those people well and
that for the rare occasion
01:03:32.900 --> 01:03:35.479
they were actually filmed
killing them yeah I didn\'t know
01:03:35.480 --> 01:03:38.853
the trace of this but well
the truth is there in living
01:03:38.854 --> 01:03:41.764
color Indonesian soldiers murdering
01:03:41.765 --> 01:03:46.579
Yeah I had visit I didn\'t know the truth of
the Indonesian allegation I see that some of
01:03:46.580 --> 01:03:52.578
those journalists were there on visas
And had played a part in the stirring
01:03:52.579 --> 01:03:55.744
up trouble but isn\'t it that
doesn\'t justify what happened well
01:03:55.745 --> 01:03:59.419
that\'s simply I\'m really
putting that forward.
01:03:59.420 --> 01:04:03.443
Journalists were stirring up trouble
that led to the deli massacre.
01:04:03.444 --> 01:04:08.418
Or bring it forward and Asians
are yes although there was
01:04:08.419 --> 01:04:13.219
some graphics picture of the
massacre coming through and
01:04:13.220 --> 01:04:15.664
still the Australian
government waited to see
01:04:15.665 --> 01:04:18.634
whether it really happened
where that the death toll.
01:04:18.635 --> 01:04:22.279
Was correct. After the cemetery massacre.
01:04:22.280 --> 01:04:25.353
The British government
increased aid to Indonesia.
01:04:25.354 --> 01:04:28.278
To 81 million pounds a rise of
01:04:28.279 --> 01:04:34.969
250% at the same time Eleven more
contracts under the Timor Gap Treaty.
01:04:34.970 --> 01:04:37.338
Were awarded to Australian companies
01:04:37.339 --> 01:04:42.304
Gareth Evans described the
massacre as an aberration.
01:04:42.305 --> 01:04:49.758
I think regarded by an aberration was that
it had erupted in Delhi which is one of
01:04:49.759 --> 01:04:53.089
27 Indonesian provinces with elements of
01:04:53.090 --> 01:04:57.618
the armed forces in it and it
was not directed from Jakarta.
01:04:57.619 --> 01:05:02.433
I don\'t think the killing
of perhaps as many as
01:05:02.434 --> 01:05:04.819
a 180 people Is
01:05:04.820 --> 01:05:09.199
an aberration as wouldn\'t think that was
an extraordinary statement by goth Evans.
01:05:09.200 --> 01:05:11.148
I believe it was a deliberate step by
01:05:11.149 --> 01:05:15.048
the Indonesian military to show
the young table raise that
01:05:15.049 --> 01:05:18.183
their moves towards the agitating
01:05:18.184 --> 01:05:22.834
for self-determination and independence
just simply went acceptable.
01:05:22.835 --> 01:05:26.238
I think they have planted the massacre and
01:05:26.239 --> 01:05:31.189
before raising armies threat into
people all been laid that time in
01:05:31.190 --> 01:05:34.218
October September October they came to
01:05:34.219 --> 01:05:39.648
people people houses and said that well
if you do any demonstrations we will kill
01:05:39.649 --> 01:05:40.800
01:05:47.820 --> 01:05:50.288
We have interviewed
01:05:50.289 --> 01:05:55.389
a number of people who have given evidence
that the survivors of those killings in
01:05:55.390 --> 01:06:02.694
1991 many of them were themselves
killed that is completely untrue.
01:06:02.695 --> 01:06:06.534
Why should these people lie to us we have
01:06:06.535 --> 01:06:10.704
names and places and these
are people with without.
01:06:10.705 --> 01:06:14.108
Who actually speak to us in fear
of their personal safety why
01:06:14.109 --> 01:06:17.529
should they lie to us again as
a political observer I think
01:06:17.530 --> 01:06:20.798
you should understand that
in politics you can\'t
01:06:20.799 --> 01:06:24.834
pursue your your objective
by throwing dirt.
01:06:24.835 --> 01:06:30.708
This is politics we should
not be too naive We
01:06:30.709 --> 01:06:32.058
can now reveal that
01:06:32.059 --> 01:06:36.559
a second unreported massacre took
place that day and the following day.
01:06:36.560 --> 01:06:40.144
Bringing the total number of
people murdered and missing.
01:06:40.145 --> 01:06:44.958
To more than 400 the poisons
01:06:44.959 --> 01:06:49.593
in part through a mosquito policy
Morris after they stop shooting.
01:06:49.594 --> 01:06:52.909
Those who had survived the ones who could
01:06:52.910 --> 01:06:56.044
have been saved because they\'re
only wounded in the legs and arms
01:06:56.045 --> 01:06:59.928
severely Maurice they were
stuck with Bain it\'s loaded by
01:06:59.929 --> 01:07:04.354
an enter sonar Almighty the one still inside
the cemetery who was still breathing.
01:07:04.355 --> 01:07:06.918
But lying on the ground is
it kinda their heads were
01:07:06.919 --> 01:07:09.858
crushed with rocks until late
died more welcoming and fight
01:07:09.859 --> 01:07:13.159
that parathmatic era You actually
01:07:13.160 --> 01:07:18.379
saw the Indonesian soldiers
benefiting the survivors to do.
01:07:18.380 --> 01:07:24.409
Yeah they picked up all the bodies.
01:07:24.410 --> 01:07:29.988
Including me and took us away in
a truck it was a Mercedes and
01:07:29.989 --> 01:07:35.928
last is that bodies were loaded
onto a Hanan Mercedes truck.
01:07:35.929 --> 01:07:39.273
According to my colleague who
himself and loaded to bodies.
01:07:39.274 --> 01:07:43.218
Some of them are still alive and
that\'s all it died out when they see
01:07:43.219 --> 01:07:47.419
Maurice Yamashita Karnak
Mishra and then they separated
01:07:47.420 --> 01:07:52.173
us the wounded from the one-to-one not
wounded and we were taken to the hospital.
01:07:52.174 --> 01:08:00.174
On the way we were continually beaten And
once at the hospital they were not related to
01:08:02.200 --> 01:08:07.929
human beings mechanism to read they were just
pushed down from the truck and spread on
01:08:07.930 --> 01:08:15.290
the ground and what do you want to watch some
of the victims were pretending to be dead.
01:08:16.080 --> 01:08:19.899
For the Indonesians spotted
them and drove the truck over
01:08:19.900 --> 01:08:26.258
their bodies and somebody who even
so not all of them died immediately.
01:08:26.259 --> 01:08:34.259
Some still survived and I believe that
we\'re on Klemola Granny and then they
01:08:36.460 --> 01:08:39.799
took us to the mortuary There are a lot of
01:08:39.800 --> 01:08:44.219
my friends who were still
alive they weren\'t dead
01:08:45.370 --> 01:08:48.468
and I saw with my own eyes that amongst
01:08:48.469 --> 01:08:51.379
the bodies that were piled
high like this there were
01:08:51.380 --> 01:08:59.309
children women and old people but the
majority were young all students.
01:08:59.320 --> 01:09:02.584
Suddenly I heard steps
approaching the door.
01:09:02.585 --> 01:09:04.728
So I laid down again pretending to be
01:09:04.729 --> 01:09:10.728
dead and that was Iranians and how
does a model and then there was
01:09:10.729 --> 01:09:12.708
an attempt to inject them as features with
01:09:12.709 --> 01:09:16.968
sulfuric acid at s1 as you remember
in my day because it\'s really
01:09:16.969 --> 01:09:21.183
strong and can kill Asana and donation But
01:09:21.184 --> 01:09:26.163
the Indonesian troops to do this again
because the people screened say loudly.
01:09:26.164 --> 01:09:29.689
It\'s you know food they Mussolini but
it wasn\'t attempt to kill them in
01:09:29.690 --> 01:09:33.544
case these medicines were
taken from Dan cares.
01:09:33.545 --> 01:09:35.629
The Health Department.
01:09:35.630 --> 01:09:42.078
Then case two soldiers
01:09:42.079 --> 01:09:47.658
came in one of them picked up a rock and
the other had a jar with some pills.
01:09:47.659 --> 01:09:51.858
They ordered those who are
alive to stand up and
01:09:51.859 --> 01:09:56.434
the soldier but the rock smashed one
of them on the head and his chest.
01:09:56.435 --> 01:09:59.879
Not long afterwards he died
01:10:03.840 --> 01:10:11.840
Many years passed by and
we move to surrender.
01:10:13.540 --> 01:10:21.540
No. Never never never 200 thousand have yet
01:10:23.460 --> 01:10:26.454
what I\'m allowed to
01:10:26.455 --> 01:10:31.478
SMR I\'m
01:10:31.479 --> 01:10:37.970
still I\'m still.
01:10:40.470 --> 01:10:48.378
Ten mm In my affinity.
01:10:48.379 --> 01:10:54.649
In 200 thousand people almost all
of them non-combatants died.
01:10:54.650 --> 01:10:58.608
Simply because a man
former Secretary of State
01:10:58.609 --> 01:11:06.609
kissinger his ego god on the way and
general suharto ego got underway.
01:11:07.535 --> 01:11:13.039
Why not simply leave the East Timor worries
alone to do whatever they wanted to do.
01:11:13.040 --> 01:11:21.040
Why not let them alone I will
say that each individual and
01:11:22.969 --> 01:11:26.989
make a difference subjects
that I can let the detonation
01:11:26.990 --> 01:11:31.354
later And call that administers
top to define editors
01:11:31.355 --> 01:11:34.549
that journalist embarrassed
that for not doing anything on
01:11:34.550 --> 01:11:41.718
East Timor we still
01:11:41.719 --> 01:11:45.558
believe that we can win and I look in count
01:11:45.559 --> 01:11:49.999
on all those people around the
world who care to listen.
01:11:50.000 --> 01:11:58.000
That nothing is impossible If we persist on
that peace and freedom is worth fighting
01:12:00.140 --> 01:12:07.939
for the evidence these
01:12:07.940 --> 01:12:11.223
data you cannot turn a blind eye anymore.
01:12:11.224 --> 01:12:14.940
If you do that means you\'re not human
01:12:25.810 --> 01:12:30.274
Amnesty International has said
of the Indonesian regime.
01:12:30.275 --> 01:12:33.378
If those who violate human
rights can do so with
01:12:33.379 --> 01:12:37.833
impunity They come to believe they
are beyond the reach of the law
01:12:37.834 --> 01:12:43.579
Western politicians and diplomats who
speak of pragmatism and realism in
01:12:43.580 --> 01:12:49.383
relation to the military occupation of East
Timor not only encourage a lawless pulley.
01:12:49.384 --> 01:12:51.348
But condemn a whole nation to
01:12:51.349 --> 01:12:56.329
a slow cultural death they should
not have their way and there are
01:12:56.330 --> 01:12:59.479
hopeful signs in 1993
01:12:59.480 --> 01:13:02.778
the United Nations Human
Rights Commission voted on
01:13:02.779 --> 01:13:06.993
a landmark resolution
condemning the Suharto regime.
01:13:06.994 --> 01:13:11.119
This was due to the extraordinary
efforts of those team are 0s and their
01:13:11.120 --> 01:13:15.438
allies who refused to allow
the unthinkable to be
01:13:15.439 --> 01:13:20.119
normalized And who\'s tenacity is
reflected in the eyes of people
01:13:20.120 --> 01:13:26.178
here eyes that speak a resistance
and defiance and courage.
01:13:26.179 --> 01:13:28.759
There is also a wider question.
01:13:28.760 --> 01:13:32.764
Our international relations at
the close of the 20th century.
01:13:32.765 --> 01:13:36.738
To be dominated by euphemisms
and lies that override
01:13:36.739 --> 01:13:41.478
justice and make small nations
expendable the fate of the people
01:13:41.479 --> 01:13:46.669
of East Timor is pivotal to this
for if we allow governments
01:13:46.670 --> 01:13:52.338
to arm their oppressors and steal their
resources and to do so and our name.
01:13:52.339 --> 01:13:58.230
How can we then claim the universal
rights that are denied them
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 75 minutes
Date: 2006
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 10-12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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