What's the best method of growing food for a hungry population of 9.5…
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FARMSTEADERS is a love story, a farm story, and a story of contemporary rural America. Nick Nolan, his wife Celeste, and their young family are on a journey to resurrect his grandfather's dairy farm - fighting to keep this homeland from 'drying up and blowing away,' something that has happened to about 4.7 million farms in the U.S. as the pressures of corporate-driven food have left deep scars in the region.
Director Shaena Mallett points an honest and tender lens at the beauty and hardship of everyday life on a family farm, as the Nolans work to balance their fears and hopes with so much at stake.
Nick and Celeste's meditations on life, legacy, and resistance bring complexity and depth to the national conversation and characterization of the rural white American. For the Nolans, only three things remain certain: family is everything, nothing ever stays the same, and the land holds it all together.
'I am struck by the humanity, love, and pain in Farmsteaders. Dairy farming is most unforgiving since it has to be done every day of every year and this film demonstrates why they are heroes. This should be viewed in every urban and suburban community to build more support and understanding. In a period of stark urban vs. rural divides on so many issues we should all agree: farmers like the Nolans are true American heroes.' Michael Hamm, C.S. Mott Professor of Sustainable Agriculture, Senior Fellow, Center for Regional Food Systems, Michigan State University
'Farmsteaders isn't a film focused on the evils of factory farming or the greed of big corporations; instead, it's an intimate and exalting look at the small family farm, the everyday hero of our food system.' Mother Nature Network
'We face a structural crisis in this country when it comes to Land transfer. In our work with Agrarian Trust, we hear every day about land-drama, both from those seeking to enter agriculture, and those seeking to retire in dignity. This film portrays a truly heart-warming story of family farming, the dynamics of inter-generational transfer, and the beauty, struggle, and hardship of making it work. All farmers must face these themes, and more eaters and policy makers must understand that this inflection of ownership and stewardship has tremendous impact on the viability of our rural places and economies.' Severine von Tscharner Fleming, Director of Greenhorns, Founding Board President of Agrarian Trust
'Farmsteaders captures many of the lines of tension that run through local-scale farming: strength and vulnerability; honoring generations past and the rising generation; love of place, family and work coupled with the grind of relentless, hard work without a safety net. This is an excellent documentary for honoring small farmers, showing aspiring farmers some of what they might expect, and reminding all of us who eat every day the real value of what we are consuming. Farmsteaders demonstrates in the particular and poignant story of one farm the consequential and devastating effects of our 'get big or get out' agricultural policies.' Keith Morton, Professor and Chair, Public and Community Service Studies, Providence College
'It's not just a story about farming, but of standing up to live one's life in accordance with one's beliefs, no matter the sacrifice.' Julie R. Thomson, Huffington Post
'Farmsteaders is a personal and intimate story that will create empathy between viewers and those brave souls who are farming against all odds in a globalized market system that cares little for the individual family, their historical ties to the land, and collective agrarian commitments, and instead prioritizes output above all else. May this story, without drama or glamour, connect us, and ultimately motivate us to more actively engage those who grow and raise the food that sustains us all, either by buying more local produce from farmers and ranchers or by engaging in local to global policy efforts designed to help support a diversity of farmers in maintaining their land, stewarding it and paving the way for future generations who can carry this work forward.' Gabrielle Roesch-McNally, Director for Women for the Land, American Farmland Trust
'At a time when most small dairy farmers are thinking about getting out, the Nolans bring cows back to their farm, with a plan to make dairying work in a way closer to the way their ancestors worked the land. Will they and their children manage to build a life out of a small herd of mixed breeds, selling cheese to the local town? While the answer to that question is unclear, what is clear is the determination, strength and sweat it takes to try.' E. Melanie DuPuis, Professor and Chair, Environmental Studies and Science, Pace University, Author, Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink
'Every day twice a day the cows must be milked. The film captures the struggle to create and maintain the conditions so farmers can work hard to make a living. And some of the joys when it works. It gives a sense of the relentlessness of cycles from spring to winter; from grandparents to grandchildren; from cows to calves; from parents to children. From one day to the next. People who consume dairy products should watch it to develop an appreciation in very human terms for what's on their tables.' E. Paul Durrenberger, Co-founder and Board Member, The Sustainable Iowa Land Trust, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Iowa and Penn State University
Main credits
Mallett, Shaena (film director)
Mallett, Shaena (film producer)
Mallett, Shaena (director of photography)
Stevens, Chad A. (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography/sound, Shaena Mallett; editor, Kelly Creedon; music, Tyler Strickland.
Distributor subjects
Agriculture; American Studies; Anthropology; Community; Economics; Ethics; Family Studies; Food And Nutrition; Food Studies; Poverty; Rural Studies; SociologyKeywords
-I'd like to show you around our farm.
[ Guitar strums tranquil tune ] [ Birds squawking ]
We're located in Southeastern Ohio,
in Gallia County.
The farm is secluded on a dead-end road.
We've lived here for 42 years
and we have always had a dairy.
[ Mooing ]
-Whenever somewhere has a hold of you,
it's kind of a powerful thing.
It's like when you're
in love with somebody
and this place right here has a hold on me like that.
Whenever I was a little kid, it was several hundred
dairy farms within 30, 40 miles of here.
-[Lowing] -[Speaking indistinctly]
-My grandfather, he milked cows twice a day, seven days week.
It was our way of life.
-It's a nice place to live and raise a family.
-Family dairy farms start fallin' to the wayside.
The big people got bigger
and the smaller got pushed out of the way.
-One, two, three.
Fif-- Mnh! Fifteen!
Missin' one.
-You ready, Edgar?
-It looks like we're missin' one.
I couldn't see it.
I couldn't see a 16th.
How many do you have?
-I got 16. -Sixteen?
-You might've been missin' one and she was up here.
Anh, anh!
Oh, anh, anh!
[ Dirge plays ]
-If I can do what my grandfather did,
build this farm up and stay on it
and raise a family, like he did, then,
I'd be a success.
[ Wind blowing ] ♪♪
People think that they're gamblin'
when they go to a riverboat casino.
Gamblin's puttin' everything you got on the line
when you go out there every day.
That's what farming is, really.
Oh, god.
-You a little wet?
-We risk everything.
You ever see the way a farm fails?
It's not pretty. It's an auction.
All the stuff you worked your life to accomplish
is sold off to the highest bidder.
I'm never gonna let that happen.
[ Lowing ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Indistinct conversation ]
-[Indistinct]. -Oh, yeah.
[ Guitar strums tranquil tune ]
[ Fireworks exploding ]
-I see one!
I saw one! I saw one!
I see some! I see some!
-[Speaks indistinctly]
[ Fireworks exploding rapidly ]
[ Children exclaiming ]
[ Cheering and applause ]
[ Whistling ]
[ Birds trilling ]
[ Cranking ]
-This is Celeste Nolan with Laurel Valley Creamery.
How are you this morning?
Yeah, I sent a tracking number to your email,
but it should be there today.
-Hmm, but I wanna watch "Caillou."
-Well, I thought we would watch it when we come back in.
-No, wait, no!
-No, we're going out to help Dad!
-I want to watch two shows.
-Well, you can watch another show.
We're gonna unload that milk and then Mom's gonna come in
and clean the kitchen and make lunch and stuff.
-But, Mom, here you go.
I will carry that out to throw them all away.
-Here. [ Lowing ]
-I'm helping you.
-You are helping me, aren't you?
[ Machinery chugging ]
[ Hissing ]
[ Chugging ]
-I never thought I would be a farmer.
When we moved here, I'd never been to a dairy farm.
I like to jump into something
and then I find out everything I can.
When we got cows and started milking,
that kind of gave me confidence in myself
that I could do something that was hard.
When we started, we milked for four years, at a loss.
You cannot make a living
milking the number of cows that we milk
and selling your milk wholesale.
We borrowed money, maxed out all of our credit cards,
got a second mortgage,
and then maxed out all the credit cards again.
I would run every check that we'd get to the bank
as soon as we'd get it.
[ Whirring ]
The way that we made farming work for us is through cheese.
We're five years into our cheese-making business
and we still struggle,
but, I don't feel like I'm drowning.
-Come on. Let's go!
-♪ She swallowed the bird to catch the spider ♪
♪ Tha...t ♪ -[Giggling]
-♪ Wiggled and jiggled and rattled inside her ♪
♪ She swallowed the spider to catch the fly ♪
♪ I don't know why she swallowed a fly ♪
-Can you say Daddy?
-[Indistinct] -Say da-da.
-[Vocalizing raspily]
[ Laughter ] I gotcha.
I'm going to getcha on your tender underbelly.
-[Giggling] -[Growling]
-Hello. -Hello. How are you?
-That looks fabulous. -Yeah, I know.
-So this is...? -This is the first pepper Jack.
-New crop? New crop -Yep.
of jalapeños and --
-Exactly. -From your garden, or...?
-Nope, these came from across the creek.
-Okay. -Yeah. Yep, exactly.
But, no, I'm super-excited to sell.
-We may go through a wheel in a week.
-Yeah. -[laughing] Yeah.
-Good. I'll get it back on there
just as fast as I can.
-Okay, and Cloverton, too.
-And Cloverton, too? -Yeah.
I hope you're vested in it just as much as we are.
-Yep. No, absolutely. -Because we can't do it
without you guys. -Right, I know, and symbiosis.
[ Crickets chirping ]
[ Dog barks ] [ Indistinct conversation ]
-Brush your teeth while you're in there, Edgar!
I'm gonna take Lilah and Harlan upstairs.
-I'll be there in 20.
-Take a shower, you guys, and --
-New pajamas on? -Yep, exactly.
[ Voice on television ]
-And then, they turn a double play behind --
-So you guys got book bags ready?
-Yeah. -Yep.
-Big man in the Phillies's order.
-Can't wait. -Clothes picked out
that you're wearin' tomorrow?
-Yep, we got shoes. -Socks?
-I know you guys are all excited,
but you oughta try to get right to sleep.
I love you, Edgar.
I'll see you in the morning, okay?
-Good night. -Sleep tight.
-Sleep tight. -Good night, Mom.
-See you, guys. -Good night.
Don't wake up your brother and sister, please.
[ Crickets chirping ] [ Radio plays blues ]
[ Indistinct lyrics ]
[ Whirring, chugging ]
[ Indistinct lyrics ]
-Where'd you go, Nick Nolan?!
-You don't need a flashlight?
-[yawning] I don't. It's a bright light.
-♪ Hey hey ♪
[ Birds chirping ]
-Have a good day.
-Shot-Shotgun! -Shotgun!
-[Speaking indistinctly]
-[Speaking indistinctly]
-Alright, you guys.
Go in between the buses there.
-See ya! -I love you.
You have a good day.
See ya, guys. See ya, Edgar.
[ Birds chirping ] ♪♪
[ Lowing ] ♪♪
-The definition of farmstead, for us,
is trying to live within the resources that you have.
The farmstead is where everything happens,
where your life happens.
All of the joys, all of the sorrows, for me,
it all happens right here on this 110 acres.
There's no escaping.
Come on, girls, yup, yup!
There are so many people that have raised their family here
for hundreds and thousands of years.
I imagine that they worried about the same things that I do.
[ Moos ]
-Go get in your bed, there, pretty girl.
-Hey! -Put your head on your pillow.
Put your head on your pillow.
-[Fussing, crying]
-You read a poem.
-No, no story tonight.
I'll sing a song, if you want.
[ Crickets chirping ]
♪ You are my sunshine ♪
♪ My only sunshine ♪
♪ You make me happy ♪
♪ When skies are gray ♪
♪ You'll never know, dear ♪
♪ How much I love you ♪
♪ Please don't take ♪
♪ My sunshine away ♪
[ Birds chirping ]
-Don't get it on me. [giggle]
-I ain't gonna get it on you.
[ Metal clanging ]
[ Grunts ]
There we go.
See? That was like twice the size.
You don't realize how big they are
until you put 'em right beside each other.
Alright. -Anh!
-Ahh! -Anh!
[ Lows ]
-Ah! That thing's almost as big as you, little heifer.
-It's almost as big as you, little heifer.
-[Speaks indistinctly]
-What's this cow's name?
-I don't know.
Maybe her name is Maybelle.
Bob Evans, the real Bob Evans, he farmed and, you know,
built a local business, but then they are a corporation
and this is, like, their dog and pony show there.
Lookit. You're down on the farm
with all these crafty people and these farmer people,
us being the farmer people.
I guess it's still a big deal for the community.
It drives a lot of tourism.
There's probably, what, 30,000 people that go in?
It's gonna be a lotta city folk.
Ah, Laurel Valley Creamery.
I guess that's where we'll be.
[ Lowing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
-I'm gonna turn this over to Celeste
and she's gonna tell ya a little bit
about what we're doing here right now.
-Thank you, Hank. Good morning, everybody.
My name's Celeste Nolan. This is my husband, Nick.
This is our cow Maybelle.
She was born on our farm.
We have a small, grass-based dairy farm
about 10 miles from here.
Nick is the farmer and I am the cheese-maker.
We milk cows twice a day, every day, 365 days a year.
We do it on our birthdays.
We do it on Christmas.
Cows. We milk cows all the time.
We've got time for some volunteers.
Does anybody wanna milk cows this morning?
-I wanna do it. -I wanna do it! I wanna do it!
-You guys will have to come back this afternoon.
We'll do it again at 12:30.
-Is that a cow?
-Yeah, it's a cow. This is a Jersey cow.
-Hi, Jersey!
-Yeah, this is my girl Maybelle.
She lives at our farm. -What's that one's name?
-That one over there don't have a name yet.
What you think I should name it? -What about we call him Bill?
-Princess! -Bill! -Bill?
-Princess! -Princess, that's probably
a better name. It's a girl. -Yeah!
-It's a heifer.
-I'll stay in here.
-You stay in here.
Watch the cow, make sure she don't get out.
[ Indistinct shouting ]
-Up now, Wade Evans.
On deck, Celeste Nolan.
-Go around to the [indistinct].
-This way. Get 'er movin', get 'er movin',
get her movin'! -Alright! Get her movin', Gus!
Go, go! Down the track!
Keep it movin'!
-My grandfather, I was closer to him
than I ever was any of my family.
To a lot of people, I was a dumbass little kid, but,
I always had all the potential in the world to him.
He was found lyin' out here on the side of a hill.
A line buggy slid sideways and pulled his tractor over.
He died all of a sudden.
I didn't really have a chance to
tell him how I felt about him.
[ Birds chirping ] ♪♪
I live in this place where, you know, they lived at.
I milk into the same milk compartment
that I grew up milkin' in with him.
Maybe, if I was off, doin' somethin' else, somewhere else,
I wouldn't think about it as much, but,
not all pain is that terrible.
Sometimes it's worse not to remember.
Most of the time, it's happy.
Think about what he would've done
or something he would've said.
Try and live up to what his expectation of me was.
-Daddy and Mommy.
Daddy, Mommy.
-Before I found Celeste, I was really lost.
Seems like I met her
fell in love with her, and all that just melted away.
[ Crickets chirping ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
-We're following breaking news out of Athens.
Several fire departments are fighting a large fire.
-Several buildings in the popular stretch
of uptown Athens are reduced to ruins
after an early morning fire Sunday
that affected several businesses.
-Jack Neal Floral, the Campus Sundry,
the Smoke Zone, the Union, and Jackie O's public house.
-No, I mean, it sucks. -Yeah.
[ Radio plays country ]
-We're gonna have to make up $4,000 a month.
-I can sell hard cheese to Hubbard Grill, if I had it.
I can sell hard cheese.
Sycamore, I can switch them from cheddar to country Jack.
-Yeah. You better start it on Wednesday, then.
-I'm gonna. I'm gonna start it today.
Well, the people that are gettin' blue Jack
get stuff from a distributor.
If I can meet that price,
then they'll buy it from us, which is 8 bucks a pound.
[ Crunching ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Melancholy tune plays ]
[crying] The past 10 years,
it's been climb and reach and struggle
and work as hard as you can so that you can pay your bills.
Over the past year, I was able to start
to make a dent in some of the past debt.
It felt, like, "Oh, I can breathe."
But, that was before Jackie O's burnt down.
It's kinda devastating.
I don't know. I want things to be easy.
I could go for easy.
-You know, it ain't winter, yet, but it's comin'.
Everything's gonna go back, lay fallow for a little while.
Frost gonna kill a lotta things.
It'll help you for the next year.
You just gotta react to it, you know,
you gotta bend out around it.
You're not gonna change the elements and change the Earth.
I think it kinda falls back into what,
you know, Nietzsche said:
"Man tries to organize the chaos that he lives around."
I mean, is that what you're truly trying to do?
[ Wailing ]
-Oh, my gosh, Harlan!
[laughing] You're stuck in your shirt, again?
-Button it.
-Why don't you?
-I can't button that yet.
I tried.
Oh, there.
-[kiss] I love you. -I want another one.
-[Speaks indistinctly]
-Another one.
-Another one.
Another one!
-Alright. -Another one.
-Good night.
-I want cover.
I want covers! Unh.
-Uh! -Covers.
-Uhh! -Covers.
-There you go. -Covers!
-"Wild on Wheels: Motorcycles Then and Now."
Alright. Him? That's Gottlieb Daimler.
-Yeah. [indistinct] -Yeah, you see that?
You see that motorcycle?
It has this motor down here pushing that wheel.
-[crying] I'll be up all night.
Staying up late, making cheese, it's kind of my MO.
[ Laughing ]
Standard operating procedure around here.
[ Melancholy tune plays ]
Making cheese, it's magic.
I just kinda guide it and let it do its thing.
I like the quiet and the repetitiveness,
but, if you do it every day, you touch it,
you're knee-deep in it,
then [crying] the magic wears off.
-Wahh! Aah!
-Mommy, you got to button it.
-I know.
You look like a little farmer.
-Mom, do you see my back button? -I do.
Do you feel it when I pinch your butt?
-[laughing] Yeah.
-Don't hit me. You need a toboggan?
-Boom. -Oh! That hurt.
And gloves?
How about this? Is this hat cool?
-Oh, nah.
-This is a good hat. -Okay.
Yeah, I better get up and get dressed.
Gotta start movin' and shakin'.
Damn it.
[ Exhales ]
Phew! [ Thud ]
[ Rattling ]
Be a good to say, "I'm already late..."
"Skip doin' it."
[ Coughing ]
[ Hacking cough ]
[ Birds chirping ]
-One, two, and four. Six.
[ Sigh ]
We have to decide how we're gonna grow our business.
We can't take on any new customers
until we got more cows.
There's no question buying cows turns into cash,
but, when you buy cows, then you have to work harder.
So I have mixed feelings.
You know, milk turns into money,
but, gonna be more work for everybody.
-Whoa! Whoa-oa! -Whoa!
-Whoa-oa-oa! -Whoa!
[ Indistinct ]
-Oh, oh, whoa. -[Grumble]
[ Lowing ]
I like that tiger-striped one. See that, her?
-Yeah, looks like a tiger, doesn't it?
[ Laughing ]
I like that one, too.
That's a good-lookin' heifer.
She looks like she's gonna push out some milk.
Go! [ Lows ]
Go on, get!
-You're gonna be okay.
Looks like it hurts.
-Lilah hurt herself? -Yeah, she fell down.
-[crying] I fell like all the way down.
-Shh shh shh shh shh.
I ain't put milkers out yet. -Oh, okay.
-I just came down here and, you know, she fell down.
I went to get a paper towel.
-Daddy, I. -Okay, that's four.
[Indistinct] Don't high-five me for a while.
-I won't.
I'll hug you!
[ Laughs ] -Daddy loves you.
Ohh, sugar pie.
-Daddy, how old are you?
-What? -How old are you, Dad?
-How what? How old am I? -How old.
-Yeah. -I'm 45.
-No, 44!
-44, and I'll be 45 on her birthday.
-[chuckle] 'Cause your birthday's my birthday.
Your mom got some pizza.
-Good for her. -[Laughs]
You can't go really eat any?
-[Speaking indistinctly]
-Well, I guess, then, I'm gonna go get that...done,
then I'll start.
Let's just not start. -Yeah.
-Let's just go outside and... -And what?
-Forget about all of this. -Yeah, just lay down.
[ Radio playing in distance ]
-My hair gets the amazing flip up
[laughing] and then sunglasses.
Wipe off the sweat and move on.
We got a big, giant check from Jackie O's.
-What'd you say? -We got a big, giant check
for two weeks' worth.
I had a whole plan. I guess it worked.
We made cheese all winter.
We borrowed money to buy cows.
We were able to cultivate a few new customers
and Jackie O's opened a kitchen back up
and...jumped right back in to orderin' cheese.
Now, we have more orders than we have cheese, every week.
-They keep on makin' new restaurants.
-They keep on making new restaurants?
-Yeah. -Who?
-I don't know. -You don't know?
-Yeah, people keep on making restaurants.
-Yep. People keep on eatin'. -Yeah.
[ Laughs ]
-Hi! -Hello.
-How are you? -Good. Hi.
-Hi! -Hi. What's going on?
-Not much. How are you?
Oh. Hi!
-This is the way.
-Hello. -Hi.
-How are you doin'? -Good. How are you?
Edgar's in middle school.
He goes to middle school now
and then he'll go to high school.
Yeah, then he'll go to college,
if that's what he wants.
[ Turn signal clicking ] Mm, I don't know.
[ Ethereal tune plays ]
[ Bird tweets ]
[ Motor rumbles, stops ]
[ Water lapping ]
-That's like I taught him to swim.
He's out in the deep water now.
Come on, Dan, get.
That's it.
My grandparents taught me all the skills
and I watched them dairy-farm
and, really, it wasn't what my grandfather wanted me to do.
They wanted me to go out and get a job and a career
and follow that path.
[ Bird chirping ]
And I think back: Did he think I wasn't capable of doin' it?
I wasn't gonna work hard enough?
He knew the sacrifices you had to make and the hardship
and probably wanted somethin' else for me.
It kind of makes me think: What do I want for my kids?
Do I want them to have the same struggle?
[ Creature trilling ]
-I think that anything that you tell a kid,
they're gonna wanna do the opposite of
at some point in their life.
I don't want 'em to hate this place
'cause they've never been anywhere else
or 'cause they feel strangled or held back by it.
And, if they have to leave the farm,
I want them to be happy, whatever that means.
[ Thunder rumbling ]
[ Crickets chirping ]
-You're gonna see it. -That hot.
-No, it's super-cold.
See that? Then you take it and thaw it.
Right? And I got this sheath that slides over top of it.
Arhh! Get in there.
Now, to the business end.
-You gotta work hard, Dad.
-You gotta reach into her ass and reach down
to where you can feel, through that wall, her cervix.
Then, once you get a hold of it, take this,
and you gotta watch out and not slip it into her bladder,
or they'll jump and kick and tear off.
Easy, easy.
Right, there it is.
Then you kinda lean into the money shot.
There we go.
-I want my -- -Watch out.
I think I got 'er.
You wanna reach up in there, too?
There you go.
-That's cheddar curd? -That's it.
-I think I'm gonna try the pepper Jack.
-Pepper Jack, for sure.
Four ounces is good, there, Lilah.
-What do you think?
-Be 5 and 5, be 10 bucks even.
Good math, Lilah.
That's some fresh mozzarella we just made last night.
Then we have Aphrocheesiac.
The wildly popular Aphrocheesiac.
Let's call it 5 bucks right here. There you go.
-Alright! -You goin' Saturday?
-Yeah. -Yeah.
-Alright. We'll see ya.
All us old people are gonna go see Rusted Root on Saturday.
[ Laughing ] -That sounds so fun.
-It's gonna be so fun, yeah.
That's were me and Celeste went on our first date,
to see Rusted Root play in Orlando.
-Well, thank you.
-Thank you. -Say, "Thank you, Nick."
Wow. Can't high-five me?
[ Indistinct conversation ]
-Are you wearin' eye makeup? -What?
-What's that on your eyes? -Makeup.
-[Laughs] -[Indistinct]
-Huh? Look at her.
-[chuckle] Did you put it there? -Oh.
Don't get it in your eye.
-Eye ducts.
-Here, look at me. Shut your eyes there.
You need to kinda smooth out here a little bit.
-They don't grab your shirt!
Have you ever seen rugby?
-Lilah, you wanna wrestle me? -Sure.
-I bet I could take you down. -Oh, yeah?
-Hey, Edgar! -What?
-By calling him a girl, are you trying to insult him?
-Yeah. -No.
-Well, I'm not really sure what --
-I'm saying he's weaker than me.
-And all girls are weaker than you?
-Why do you have to be like this?
-Why do you have to be like that?!
A girl is not an insult!
And, every time you say it is, I'm gonna tell you you're wrong.
A girl is not an insult.
You can call him an ass...
You can call him a wimp.
-Wait, he can call me an (...)?
-But, girl is not synonymous with anything negative,
so if you wanna insult him,
work harder.
-Jeez! -Jeez.
-Princess, come on!
Ah! I bit my tongue.
[ Spits ]
-Nick, this is Jeff from Jackie O's.
I wanna place an order: 15 pounds of mozzarella,
15 pounds of curds.
-Fifteen? -...country Jack.
-Two pounds of country.
-10 pounds of Cloverton, half a wheel of Gruyère,
four packages of your hot dogs and, if you got it,
a quarter-wheel of pepper Jack.
Thank you. -Good job.
-Send copy. Press 6.
Cancel. Deleted.
-Yeah, that's a bunch.
-[crying] I started out really early
[laughing] this morning, [sniffle]
like I could do something and be prepared
for the next, what, three days?
And it's gonna be 9:00.
Like 12 hours to do something that I had 4 hours budgeted for.
[ Sniffle ]
In those 8 hours, if I'm not sleepin',
I'm crying about it.
[ Cry-laughing ]
'Cause I need them, so.
Like, and there's nowhere to make them up.
Ah. -Yeah, we tried to get that up.
[ Crickets chirping ]
I mostly need a time that I can just...not worry about --
I mean, not not worry about time,
but just accept it for what it is, but it's like
I can't free four [laughing] or five days in a row
and that's where... like now is.
[ Sniffle ]
[ Sniffle ]
[ Footsteps crunching gravel ]
-She was laying like right here. I got behind her.
That ain't the one.
She don't look as far along.
She's gonna calf, definitely, but not like tonight.
Which one is it?
She's a couple days over.
Yeah, girl. Let me see.
You can tell she's got the mucus coming out of her.
I bet she's gonna calf tonight.
Hey, Edgar, Gus!
-What? -Yeah!
-What are you guys doin'?
You going with me?
[ Engine starts ]
Get back here, cow.
Ah, easy. Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.
-[Speaks indistinctly]
-Yeah, get off there.
-I want that -- [ Lows ]
-Nah, you don't have to chase the cow back.
We're gonna milk her a little later.
Oh! Easy!
Damn it! -He's a big calf.
-This is a big calf.
Can you imagine carrying this inside of you,
-I can tell it's big. -walkin' around?
See, Cricket keeps thinkin' all these calves are hers.
-What is it? -I don't know.
I went to look and --
[ Lowing ] Bull.
-Oh. [ Lows ]
-Get outta here, Cricket!
[ Lowing ]
-Get outta here, Cricket.
[ Engine rumbling ]
-Close the gap behind me.
-Is that flour?
Mm. -Yes it's flour.
Please don't do anything...rash.
-What's rash mean?
-Stupid, un-thought-out.
I think that's what it means, un-thought-out.
So, like, I can't -- I mean, what can you see happening
by playing with that flour?
-Spilling it? -Right.
What else can you picture happening?
-Um, makin' a mess? -[laughing] Okay. Anything else?
making you mad?
-So what are you doing it for,
if those are the only possible outcomes?
-Don't, Harlan.
Just stay out of it. -[laughing] Don't.
Don't, Har.
She was just talkin' to me about not doin' it.
-That's butter?
-Do you see that?
-You have to make your happiness
with what you're doing every day.
-Like that?
-You have to build in that joy.
Time to eat!
-I'll accept that.
-What do you think I should wear tonight?
-Let me see.
Come on! -Come on!
-Mother! -Ooh, that one would be cool.
-Which one?!
-I have to clunk in one of these.
This is what I'm gonna wear.
[ Playing upbeat, whistling tune ]
-♪ Now pick me up with ♪
♪ Golden hand ♪
♪ I may see you ♪
♪ I may tell you to ♪
♪ Run ♪
[ Indistinct ]
Alright, one more time. You sing it.
[ Cheering ]
♪ I would like to ♪
♪ Reach out my hand ♪
♪ I may say ♪
♪ I may tell you ♪
[ Cheering and applause ] ♪♪
[ Whistling ] -We love you.
We'll see you again soon. Thank you so much.
[ Radio playing mellow jazz tune ]
♪ I knew the strange ♪
♪ Delight ♪
♪ That only ♪
♪ You in love ♪
♪ Could bring ♪
[ Ethereal tune plays ]
-You look at your childhood
and all these memories kinda piece together
into this myth that you created about yourself.
And you think about the things that made you happy
and the things that made you sad
and the things that made you feel loved.
-And you wanna take that forward into your life
and try and recreate it.
-One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, 10, 11, 12,
14, 15, 16.
Two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, 10.
-It's how hard you're willin' to work,
what you're willin' to sacrifice...
what risk you're willin' to take.
The hardest struggle is still within yourself.
[ Upbeat tune plays ]
-And aaaaaaaaaaah!
-I'm gonna try to see you through the camera.
[ Thump ] -Ow!
[ Dog barking nearby ]