A female trawler captain in Namibia exemplifies goals set forth for women…
Life 8 - Silk Ceiling, Part 2
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Indian TV journalist Ritu Bhardawaj reckons that the dancing girls have a special insight into the plight of women. That's because they're really men, dressed up for the Navratri festivities in the Indian state of Bihar. Ritu is visiting Bihar to continue her report on the invisible barrier which confronts so many Asian women. And if Anand and Shrish are right, women are still too often regarded as sex objects. But supposedly backward Bihar also offers a role model in Kiran Devi, a young housewife elected as village head, or sarpanch. Among her duties is judging local disputes, and so far she's settled at least 200 cases. When men, who are seen as protectors and providers, walk out of marriages, women can be left in legal limbo. But is it wise to press for reforms when Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise?
'Silk Ceiling is another fine addition to the Life series...Eminently useable in the classroom as well as for the public. The episode conveys the critical message that the struggle for women's rights, like all cultural struggles, is a 'contestation of values'--a contestation that women must win and that, with history on their side, they will win. Perhaps if more men had to walk in women's shoes, quite literally like the hijras/aravanis in the film, the ceilings would be easily shattered. Suitable for college courses in cultural anthropology, anthropology of women/gender, anthropology of Islam, and South Asian studies, as well as general audiences.' Jack David Eller, Community College of Denver, Anthropology Review Database
'There is a continuous challenge of trying to strike a balance in the film[s]...[The films] can be used successfully in stimulating a discussion amongst the youth about the negative aspects of such a life as well as an exploration of alternatives.' Teboho Moja, Clinical Professor of Higher Education, New York University
Main credits
Pandey, Arjun (Director)
Bhardawaj, Ritu (Interviewee)
Bradshaw, Steve (Narrator)
Other credits
Music, Audio Network; camera, Aamir Abdullah ... [et al.]; editor, Simrandeep Kaur, Sotira Kyriacou, Jan Langford; translators, Annas Alamudi, Stephen Demeulenaere, Ina Sahsan.
Distributor subjects
Anthropology; Asian Studies; Citizenship and Civics; Gender Studies; Human Rights; India; Labor and Work Issues; Millennium Development Goals; Pacific Studies; Social Justice; Sociology; Women's StudiesKeywords
00:00:01.367 --> 00:00:03.501
Bradshaw: In the West,
they call it the glass ceiling,
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an invisible barrier
that keeps women from the top.
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In Asia, well,
call it the silk ceiling.
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We\'ve been following
one young Indian journalist
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who\'s broken through
the silk ceiling
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and who\'s making a film
about how to tear it down.
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[dramatic music]
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[jangly percussive music]
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Anand\'s a man,
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and so is Shrish.
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Once a year,
they make a discovery:
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what it\'s like to be a woman.
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Here in Bihar State,
like the rest of India,
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it\'s Navratri,
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nine days of celebration
and family.
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But one person\'s here to work:
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national TV journalist
Ritu Bhardawaj.
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She\'s got something
more serious on her mind.
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- Women sometimes face
a lot of problems.
00:01:31.167 --> 00:01:33.734
When you perform as a woman,
do you face any?
00:01:33.767 --> 00:01:36.133
- A lot.
- What kind?
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- When we perform as women
and go on the stage,
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men start to talk strangely
and harass us
00:01:43.200 --> 00:01:46.334
because we are dressed as women.
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They start talking to us
in a vulgar way.
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They think just because
we are in women\'s form,
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they can treat us like women,
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even knowing we are men.
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Performing as women
while being a man is tough,
00:02:01.033 --> 00:02:06.100
especially with the way
the men behave with us.
00:02:06.133 --> 00:02:10.100
I can only imagine how bad
the plight of women must be.
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Celebrated in Navratri:
00:02:15.000 --> 00:02:16.467
the ideal feminine.
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Hindu India
has many female goddesses,
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but across south Asia,
00:02:20.567 --> 00:02:23.467
real human women
are widely disempowered,
00:02:23.501 --> 00:02:27.767
as Anand and Shrish
know firsthand.
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- Do you think men and women
are equal?
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And what would you tell the men?
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- When we\'re dancing,
we think we are just like women.
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We think we are all one.
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But the menfolk
don\'t really understand.
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They are only interested
in teasing us.
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What we would like
is for the government
00:02:47.968 --> 00:02:50.200
to announce something
to benefit women.
00:02:50.234 --> 00:02:53.133
That would be a great thing.
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[festive music]
00:02:56.234 --> 00:02:57.501
? ?
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It\'s a bit of a surpriseÑ
00:02:59.300 --> 00:03:03.501
ancient festival
to feminist manifesto.
00:03:08.601 --> 00:03:11.400
But here in one
of India\'s poorest states,
00:03:11.434 --> 00:03:14.300
something is already happening.
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Ritu is making a film
about gender inequality,
00:03:29.667 --> 00:03:33.133
the silk ceiling that hangs
above so many women in India
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and its Asian neighbors.
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- Though the men are sharing
their workers
00:03:37.434 --> 00:03:38.901
with their male counterparts,
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they\'re enjoying
the financial freedom
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in, like, Delhi and Bombay,
00:03:42.834 --> 00:03:47.467
but still the basic human rights
are under siege in the country.
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Like, is girls a commodity?
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What is the basic thinking
of the males in the society?
00:04:06.100 --> 00:04:09.968
So I just want to ask,
what\'s our society doing
00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:13.667
and our government is doing
in this direction?
00:04:15.968 --> 00:04:17.801
Ritu\'s come to Raghai,
00:04:17.834 --> 00:04:22.200
a village where men and women
seem locked in old ways.
00:04:45.267 --> 00:04:48.834
Few women in south Asia
own any assets.
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A new U.N. report claims
00:04:50.534 --> 00:04:54.200
it\'s one of the main reasons
they\'re disempowered.
00:04:54.234 --> 00:04:57.234
But in Bihar, some villages
have transferred land
00:04:57.267 --> 00:04:58.767
and property to women
00:04:58.801 --> 00:05:02.501
in return for government help
and cash.
00:05:02.534 --> 00:05:05.934
It\'s part of a unique Indian
experiment in local government
00:05:05.968 --> 00:05:09.567
called Panchayati Raj.
00:05:09.601 --> 00:05:11.968
The local NGO
Ritu\'s keen to interview
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has helped put it
into practice.
00:05:15.033 --> 00:05:17.934
- Do you feel that if women
are given ownership of assets,
00:05:17.968 --> 00:05:19.167
including land,
00:05:19.200 --> 00:05:21.334
this will help
make them empowered?
00:05:21.367 --> 00:05:25.033
And do you think this will bring
any changes in society?
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- [speaking foreign language]
00:05:26.634 --> 00:05:28.367
male translator: In Bihar,
the men migrate
00:05:28.400 --> 00:05:29.567
to work in different states,
00:05:29.601 --> 00:05:31.667
and because of this,
the women are the ones
00:05:31.701 --> 00:05:33.601
that actually do the farming.
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So we started a project
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where if the land
and property holdings
00:05:37.300 --> 00:05:39.300
were transferred
to a woman\'s name,
00:05:39.334 --> 00:05:41.400
then we would give
family access
00:05:41.434 --> 00:05:43.434
to various government schemes.
00:05:43.467 --> 00:05:48.868
A lot of men agreed to do this,
even if some did not.
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The important thing is that
the women feel confident
00:05:51.167 --> 00:05:54.968
they had ownership of the land
they were tilling.
00:05:55.067 --> 00:05:57.300
It has been a great experiment.
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To see how great an experiment,
00:06:03.567 --> 00:06:05.167
meet Kiran Devi,
00:06:05.200 --> 00:06:09.767
named by her dad
after India\'s top woman cop.
00:06:09.801 --> 00:06:11.000
At first glance,
00:06:11.033 --> 00:06:14.934
an ordinary housewife
serving tea for friends.
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But the Panchayati Raj
00:06:17.033 --> 00:06:18.834
isn\'t just about land rights.
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It\'s about a whole system
00:06:20.133 --> 00:06:22.300
of devolving government
down to villages,
00:06:22.334 --> 00:06:27.234
and at least 1/3 of the posts
are reserved for women.
00:06:27.267 --> 00:06:30.634
Now Kiran\'s life
has been transformed.
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She\'s been elected sarpanch,
or village head.
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What\'s more,
supposedly backward Bihar
00:06:38.267 --> 00:06:41.267
has also established
gram kacheri,
00:06:41.300 --> 00:06:43.100
or village courts.
00:06:43.133 --> 00:06:45.334
[woman speaking
foreign language]
00:06:45.367 --> 00:06:49.367
And this one\'s run by Kiran.
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The case Ritu\'s filming:
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a woman\'s three sons
are insisting
00:06:52.901 --> 00:06:56.200
she leaves land to them,
not to her daughter.
00:06:56.234 --> 00:06:58.834
The decision: Kiran\'s.
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- We can only find out
the reality on the ground
00:07:01.167 --> 00:07:03.400
once we investigate
in your village.
00:07:03.434 --> 00:07:05.901
- Of the land
that our family owned,
00:07:05.934 --> 00:07:07.634
we were only given 1/3.
00:07:07.667 --> 00:07:13.367
And her father has given her
some land as well.
00:07:13.400 --> 00:07:16.033
- Listen, if her father
has given her the land,
00:07:16.067 --> 00:07:17.167
it\'s her property.
00:07:17.200 --> 00:07:21.100
Now continue.
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- Yes, it was given
by him to her.
00:07:22.968 --> 00:07:24.200
Then we divided it.
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But we got no more
of the land or properties.
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- These boys don\'t care.
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This one smashed
his youngest brother\'s head
00:07:32.300 --> 00:07:34.167
a day before the Rakhi festival
00:07:34.200 --> 00:07:36.367
and ran off to Punjab
to earn money.
00:07:36.400 --> 00:07:39.767
But then I asked him to help
build a family house together,
00:07:39.801 --> 00:07:43.000
and he refused saying
he doesn\'t have any money.
00:07:43.033 --> 00:07:45.167
- In more the half the cases,
00:07:45.200 --> 00:07:48.100
women are able to file
their own cases.
00:07:48.133 --> 00:07:50.367
The women are ahead on this.
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- Do the men Panchayati members
support you?
00:07:53.801 --> 00:07:57.300
- Yes, the men do help us.
00:07:57.334 --> 00:08:01.434
Bradshaw: Over 200 cases
successfully resolved.
00:08:01.467 --> 00:08:03.434
Kiran\'s helping
the whole village,
00:08:03.467 --> 00:08:06.267
but it\'s often women
who need justice most.
00:08:06.300 --> 00:08:09.300
Enforcing their rights
in big city courts
00:08:09.334 --> 00:08:12.100
can take up to ten years.
00:08:12.133 --> 00:08:14.901
And even here,
women had to fight,
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sometimes literally.
00:08:18.667 --> 00:08:20.567
- After we women came to power,
00:08:20.601 --> 00:08:23.167
domestic violence
increased a lot.
00:08:23.200 --> 00:08:26.801
The men didn\'t want the women
to be on equal status with them.
00:08:26.834 --> 00:08:29.367
They didn\'t want them
to stand in front of them,
00:08:29.400 --> 00:08:32.400
sit on a chair next to them,
or talk to them.
00:08:32.434 --> 00:08:36.501
So this essentially sparked off
a lot of domestic violence.
00:08:36.534 --> 00:08:38.901
But slowly things started
to improve.
00:08:38.934 --> 00:08:41.400
People started helping
each other,
00:08:41.434 --> 00:08:43.467
especially seeing
the women members
00:08:43.501 --> 00:08:46.501
across all Panchayats
doing their work.
00:08:49.000 --> 00:08:51.801
Bradshaw: Rights enforced
by law and persuasion.
00:08:51.834 --> 00:08:54.200
- Do you think women
are on an equal footing
00:08:54.234 --> 00:08:55.834
with men in your village today?
00:08:55.868 --> 00:08:58.601
Are men giving women
their due rights?
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- The women are now getting
their rights.
00:09:01.767 --> 00:09:03.901
Where they\'re not being given
their rights,
00:09:03.934 --> 00:09:06.834
we all go together
and explain to them
00:09:06.868 --> 00:09:09.534
why they should be given
their rights.
00:09:11.734 --> 00:09:13.200
Kiran Devi holds her court
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under a ficus tree,
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a reminder of where the Buddha
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is said to have gained
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- When we do our duties
and our work,
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we don\'t see any problems.
00:09:23.367 --> 00:09:25.567
We face whatever
the difficulties are.
00:09:25.601 --> 00:09:28.100
When we do our work
and give our ruling,
00:09:28.133 --> 00:09:31.634
people respect our decisions
and agree to what we are saying.
00:09:31.667 --> 00:09:36.601
Because of this, all problems
seem easy to conquer.
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Bradshaw: While Kiran\'s paid
a small fee,
00:09:38.634 --> 00:09:41.434
many Panchayat members
are not paid.
00:09:41.467 --> 00:09:44.234
That can discriminate
against poorer women.
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But having a woman role model
00:09:46.200 --> 00:09:49.901
means young girls compete
with the boys at school.
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In the future,
they\'ll be laughing,
00:09:53.801 --> 00:09:56.067
maybe all the way to the bank.
00:09:56.100 --> 00:09:58.667
[children laughing]
00:10:00.300 --> 00:10:01.434
Back in Delhi,
00:10:01.467 --> 00:10:03.033
Ritu\'s trying
to beat the deadline
00:10:03.067 --> 00:10:05.534
for her film
on gender inequality.
00:10:05.567 --> 00:10:07.300
She\'s been watching more stories
00:10:07.334 --> 00:10:09.133
from her colleagues
in Indonesia.
00:10:09.167 --> 00:10:11.567
- Yeah, thank you very much
for the film you sent to me.
00:10:11.601 --> 00:10:13.200
Indonesia\'s constitution
00:10:13.234 --> 00:10:16.167
guarantees equality
between the sexes,
00:10:16.200 --> 00:10:19.267
but Islamic law, custom,
even civil lawÑ
00:10:19.300 --> 00:10:21.501
that can be different.
00:10:21.534 --> 00:10:23.667
Indonesian novelist Ayu Utami
00:10:23.701 --> 00:10:25.567
says she\'s making
a personal stand
00:10:25.601 --> 00:10:27.334
against marriage laws,
00:10:27.367 --> 00:10:29.367
laws which
can license Muslim men
00:10:29.400 --> 00:10:31.133
having more than one wife.
00:10:31.167 --> 00:10:32.300
- I think polygamy
00:10:32.334 --> 00:10:35.868
is the epitome
of gender inequality.
00:10:35.901 --> 00:10:38.367
Women from the poorer background
00:10:38.400 --> 00:10:40.767
and vulnerable background
cannot choose.
00:10:40.801 --> 00:10:43.667
They don\'t have the access
to self-protection.
00:10:43.701 --> 00:10:47.968
But middle-class women
usually have the same access
00:10:48.000 --> 00:10:50.901
to education and jobs
to the men.
00:10:50.934 --> 00:10:52.667
They have options.
00:10:52.701 --> 00:10:53.901
They can choose.
00:10:53.934 --> 00:10:56.534
And for example,
I choose not to get married,
00:10:56.567 --> 00:10:59.834
and I declare outwardly
that I will never get married
00:10:59.868 --> 00:11:02.767
unless the marriage law
is revised
00:11:02.801 --> 00:11:05.067
according to gender equality.
00:11:21.400 --> 00:11:24.334
Bradshaw: In Desa KalibuayaÑ
Crocodile River VillageÑ
00:11:24.367 --> 00:11:27.968
some vulnerable women
are making a stand.
00:11:28.000 --> 00:11:30.934
What they\'re against:
not so much overt discrimination
00:11:30.968 --> 00:11:32.534
but the language of the law,
00:11:32.567 --> 00:11:34.968
which confirms
gender stereotypes,
00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:37.133
like women as housewives.
00:11:37.167 --> 00:11:40.367
This was a role Aisyah
happily accepted
00:11:40.400 --> 00:11:43.300
until things changed.
00:11:43.334 --> 00:11:46.400
- [speaking foreign language]
00:11:46.434 --> 00:11:48.667
female translator: I was working
in a clothing factory
00:11:48.701 --> 00:11:53.801
since 1991,
for ten years.
00:11:53.834 --> 00:11:58.734
Then I got married
when I was 26.
00:11:58.767 --> 00:12:03.367
I stopped working immediately.
00:12:03.400 --> 00:12:05.434
My reason
for leaving the factory
00:12:05.467 --> 00:12:10.434
was because my husband
asked me not to work,
00:12:10.467 --> 00:12:14.367
because people say the husband
is the head of the family,
00:12:14.400 --> 00:12:18.367
so everything is to be provided
by the husband.
00:12:18.400 --> 00:12:21.934
So the wife only takes care
of the kitchen,
00:12:21.968 --> 00:12:24.033
the well, and the mattress.
00:12:27.000 --> 00:12:31.033
But then my husband left me
because he wasn\'t working.
00:12:31.067 --> 00:12:34.300
He was made redundant.
00:12:34.334 --> 00:12:37.868
Bradshaw: Left alone,
Aisyah also found herself left
00:12:37.901 --> 00:12:39.367
in legal limbo.
00:12:39.400 --> 00:12:43.801
She\'s come to an organization
called PEKKA for advice,
00:12:43.834 --> 00:12:48.601
what to do now she\'s a housewife
in a household with no head.
00:12:48.634 --> 00:12:49.868
- [speaking foreign language]
00:12:49.901 --> 00:12:52.734
translator: I want to ask you
about my problem.
00:12:52.767 --> 00:12:56.167
My husband left me,
so I want a solution from you,
00:12:56.200 --> 00:13:00.567
your opinion on what I do now.
00:13:00.601 --> 00:13:02.200
She\'s told about the law
00:13:02.234 --> 00:13:04.567
and the paperwork.
00:13:07.133 --> 00:13:10.000
- Do you have
the wedding certificate?
00:13:10.033 --> 00:13:13.868
You need to bring in
the wedding certificate...
00:13:13.901 --> 00:13:17.467
and your husband\'s
current address,
00:13:17.501 --> 00:13:23.133
also your ID card,
your village household card,
00:13:23.167 --> 00:13:27.467
and a note from the village.
00:13:27.501 --> 00:13:33.534
But if you don\'t have them,
it\'s okay...for now.
00:13:33.567 --> 00:13:35.968
Bradshaw: PEKKA, the
Women-Headed Household Program,
00:13:36.000 --> 00:13:37.501
are no militant feminists.
00:13:37.534 --> 00:13:40.534
They know Indonesia
has ratified conventions
00:13:40.567 --> 00:13:42.100
against discrimination,
00:13:42.133 --> 00:13:43.734
and even the marriage law
insists on
00:13:43.767 --> 00:13:45.934
joint parenting responsibility.
00:13:45.968 --> 00:13:50.567
So their language is quiet
but insistent.
00:13:50.601 --> 00:13:52.934
- Actually,
there is discrimination,
00:13:52.968 --> 00:13:57.100
insofar as I understand
the marriage laws.
00:13:57.133 --> 00:13:59.167
There it is mentioned
that the man
00:13:59.200 --> 00:14:01.434
is the head of the household,
00:14:01.467 --> 00:14:05.701
even though there are many women
who are head of the household,
00:14:05.734 --> 00:14:07.067
because in the law,
00:14:07.100 --> 00:14:11.801
women are only mentioned
as housewives.
00:14:11.834 --> 00:14:13.334
As elsewhere in the world,
00:14:13.367 --> 00:14:15.434
discriminatory laws
are underwritten
00:14:15.467 --> 00:14:17.200
by social prejudice,
00:14:17.234 --> 00:14:19.767
against separated women.
00:14:23.767 --> 00:14:27.167
- It wasn\'t a problem
for my neighbors.
00:14:27.200 --> 00:14:29.367
Perhaps that\'s because
my parents
00:14:29.400 --> 00:14:33.067
are well-respected around here.
00:14:33.100 --> 00:14:36.767
But other people
who didn\'t know us so well
00:14:36.801 --> 00:14:40.534
ridiculed me.
00:14:40.567 --> 00:14:42.834
They would say,
\"There\'s the divorcŽe.\"
00:14:42.868 --> 00:14:44.434
Where\'s the divorcŽe going?\"
00:14:44.467 --> 00:14:46.434
There\'s always something
like that.
00:14:49.601 --> 00:14:52.734
Bradshaw: Most days Aisyah
now puts on her work clothes,
00:14:52.767 --> 00:14:55.767
earning her way gathering rice.
00:14:55.801 --> 00:14:58.267
And she and her new friends
have also acquired
00:14:58.300 --> 00:15:02.067
less traditional female skills.
00:15:08.801 --> 00:15:11.334
They\'ve trained as filmmakers.
00:15:11.367 --> 00:15:15.234
Their videos capture the stories
of other traumatized women
00:15:15.267 --> 00:15:18.100
bewildered by the law.
00:15:22.067 --> 00:15:24.934
- The benefit
of the community video training
00:15:24.968 --> 00:15:28.601
is that I can show people cases
from the community
00:15:28.634 --> 00:15:30.868
so their eyes are opened
to the law,
00:15:30.901 --> 00:15:34.133
so they\'re aware of the law.
00:15:37.767 --> 00:15:39.968
Bradshaw: This story:
a woman who\'s been married
00:15:40.000 --> 00:15:43.501
more than once
and divorced more than once.
00:15:43.534 --> 00:15:48.100
Lost in a tangle of civil codes,
Islamic law, and custom,
00:15:48.133 --> 00:15:53.968
she has no papers at all
for herself or for her children.
00:15:54.000 --> 00:15:56.300
- My child says,
\"Mama, other children
00:15:56.334 --> 00:15:58.901
have a birth certificate.\"
00:15:58.934 --> 00:16:00.667
I can only cry.
00:16:00.701 --> 00:16:04.734
My child cries too because he
wants to be like other children.
00:16:04.767 --> 00:16:08.968
Their fathers are irresponsible,
especially for Gunawan.
00:16:09.000 --> 00:16:11.601
His father isn\'t around.
He\'s dead.
00:16:11.634 --> 00:16:14.000
To whom can I complain?
00:16:14.033 --> 00:16:16.400
To whom can I report this?
00:16:16.434 --> 00:16:19.567
Current father?
The stepfather?
00:16:19.601 --> 00:16:21.801
Never mind his stepchildren.
00:16:21.834 --> 00:16:23.601
He doesn\'t even take care of
00:16:23.634 --> 00:16:29.033
his own children\'s
birth certificates.
00:16:29.067 --> 00:16:30.167
Bradshaw: There are moves
00:16:30.200 --> 00:16:32.400
to help harassed women
in Indonesia.
00:16:32.434 --> 00:16:34.033
There\'s a government campaign
00:16:34.067 --> 00:16:37.234
to persuade men
to share in household tasks.
00:16:37.267 --> 00:16:40.434
But the stories PEKKA\'s filmed
show what can happen
00:16:40.467 --> 00:16:43.801
when the law sides
with the husband.
00:16:43.834 --> 00:16:45.400
For novelist Ayu,
00:16:45.434 --> 00:16:50.167
stories like these
show justice is rigged by men.
00:16:50.200 --> 00:16:52.567
- Here, again,
we see that the law
00:16:52.601 --> 00:16:54.501
confirm the traditional values,
00:16:54.534 --> 00:16:57.701
that the husband
is the head of the family.
00:16:57.734 --> 00:17:03.667
The law denies the woman\'s
contribution to economic life.
00:17:03.701 --> 00:17:08.067
Whatever some women supply
to the family economy,
00:17:08.100 --> 00:17:10.934
she is, according to the law,
00:17:10.968 --> 00:17:14.367
subordinate to her husband
in decision-making.
00:17:14.400 --> 00:17:16.634
Bradshaw: With a new government
in Jakarta,
00:17:16.667 --> 00:17:18.100
you might think
it\'s the right time
00:17:18.133 --> 00:17:20.567
to campaign
against the marriage law.
00:17:20.601 --> 00:17:23.467
As an M.P.,
Nursyahbani Katjasungkana
00:17:23.501 --> 00:17:26.667
argued for women\'s rights
from inside the system.
00:17:26.701 --> 00:17:29.601
Now she\'s back working
as a legal aid lawyer.
00:17:29.634 --> 00:17:32.634
In principle,
she\'s on Ayu\'s side.
00:17:32.667 --> 00:17:37.701
- Ayu Utami, for me, is a symbol
of freedom for women.
00:17:37.734 --> 00:17:45.067
Yeah, she can do
anything she like.
00:17:45.100 --> 00:17:49.000
00:17:49.033 --> 00:17:50.467
But against a background
00:17:50.501 --> 00:17:52.234
of rising
Islamic fundamentalism,
00:17:52.267 --> 00:17:54.901
even this human rights stalwart
has her doubts
00:17:54.934 --> 00:17:57.734
it\'s the right moment
for women to act.
00:17:57.767 --> 00:18:02.033
- I don\'t think that now
is the right thing
00:18:02.067 --> 00:18:05.801
to do reform
of our marriage law,
00:18:05.834 --> 00:18:12.267
because the political situation,
00:18:12.300 --> 00:18:19.234
both in Parliament
and in the society in general,
00:18:19.267 --> 00:18:21.868
is not conducive to do that.
00:18:21.901 --> 00:18:23.334
00:18:23.367 --> 00:18:28.434
And even we discuss
about the abolishment
00:18:28.467 --> 00:18:31.033
of the article of polygamy,
00:18:31.067 --> 00:18:36.701
we were accused
as anti-religion, anti-Islam.
00:18:36.734 --> 00:18:42.133
Yeah, it\'s a danger when
the government do not manage
00:18:42.167 --> 00:18:45.834
to control the hard-liner,
00:18:45.868 --> 00:18:50.100
and also there
Islamic militia, yeah?
00:18:50.133 --> 00:18:57.167
Who can destroy and attack us
00:18:57.200 --> 00:19:00.634
as the human rights activists.
00:19:00.667 --> 00:19:02.567
Bradshaw: Back in Delhi,
Ritu\'s checking out
00:19:02.601 --> 00:19:05.200
some more Indian footage
for her report.
00:19:05.234 --> 00:19:08.367
It\'s all making her
a little uncomfortable.
00:19:08.400 --> 00:19:12.367
- A daughter has to get married
and leave home.
00:19:12.400 --> 00:19:18.234
- 75% of women are not capable
of managing a business.
00:19:18.267 --> 00:19:19.934
- In a family
where there are no sons,
00:19:19.968 --> 00:19:21.200
daughters are not valued
00:19:21.234 --> 00:19:26.200
because a daughter
will get married and leave home.
00:19:26.234 --> 00:19:29.634
Bradshaw: But there are also
stories of women valued.
00:19:29.667 --> 00:19:32.868
Ten-year-old Kavita is already
learning her dad\'s trade.
00:19:32.901 --> 00:19:36.567
It\'ll mean spare cash
to help her train as a doctor.
00:19:36.601 --> 00:19:39.234
Sumalatha collects coconut milk.
00:19:39.267 --> 00:19:43.734
Girls are supposed to fall off.
00:19:43.767 --> 00:19:47.434
Suhag Khemlani doesn\'t need
a ladder to climb her way up.
00:19:47.467 --> 00:19:51.734
She\'s already close to the top
of her family tree.
00:19:51.767 --> 00:19:54.634
- When I got out of college,
when I graduated,
00:19:54.667 --> 00:19:56.167
Dad had convinced me
00:19:56.200 --> 00:19:58.467
that I would give Technoclean
a six-month trial.
00:19:58.501 --> 00:20:00.534
And that was it.
I just never left.
00:20:00.567 --> 00:20:02.033
There was no difference
that was made
00:20:02.067 --> 00:20:04.234
between my brother and me
being brought up.
00:20:04.267 --> 00:20:06.467
For the first few years,
I did have a problem,
00:20:06.501 --> 00:20:08.234
but I don\'t think
that had much to do
00:20:08.267 --> 00:20:09.601
with me being a woman.
00:20:09.634 --> 00:20:12.367
It had more to do
with me being 21,
00:20:12.400 --> 00:20:14.234
or I\'d like to believe that.
00:20:14.267 --> 00:20:17.834
Anyone who\'s going to love me
and marry me is going to know
00:20:17.868 --> 00:20:21.334
that a very big part
of what I am is my work.
00:20:21.367 --> 00:20:22.734
I think I can do a better job
00:20:22.767 --> 00:20:27.200
than a lot of men I know
in this industry.
00:20:27.234 --> 00:20:30.067
Bradshaw: The role model
Ritu\'s off to film today:
00:20:30.100 --> 00:20:31.601
00:20:31.634 --> 00:20:35.734
Shanoo\'s a widow who supports
three kids and her in-laws.
00:20:35.767 --> 00:20:37.801
She\'s broken
into the male preserve
00:20:37.834 --> 00:20:40.901
of radio taxis.
00:20:40.934 --> 00:20:44.267
- So how do you feel now?
00:20:44.300 --> 00:20:46.133
- It feels great.
00:20:46.167 --> 00:20:48.901
When a man is driving
in front of me,
00:20:48.934 --> 00:20:50.133
he will point and say,
00:20:50.167 --> 00:20:53.200
\"Wow, see,
a woman is driving that car.\"
00:20:53.234 --> 00:20:55.100
It feels great.
00:20:55.133 --> 00:20:59.567
I am able to do great things
without being a man.
00:20:59.601 --> 00:21:02.901
I have already decided,
when my daughter turns 18,
00:21:02.934 --> 00:21:08.400
I will make her
a driver as well.
00:21:08.434 --> 00:21:10.968
Bradshaw: Just 19 women,
Ritu learns,
00:21:11.000 --> 00:21:13.968
are learning to break through
this silk ceiling.
00:21:14.000 --> 00:21:16.167
But it\'s early days.
00:21:16.200 --> 00:21:17.667
And it\'s not just driving
they learn
00:21:17.701 --> 00:21:20.801
but self-defense
and language skillsÑ
00:21:20.834 --> 00:21:23.467
empowerment through employment.
00:21:23.501 --> 00:21:24.534
- I actually believe
00:21:24.567 --> 00:21:26.801
that the girls who come to us
00:21:26.834 --> 00:21:28.667
have been through
such adversity.
00:21:28.701 --> 00:21:30.400
They have been throughÑ
00:21:30.434 --> 00:21:32.601
struggled through so many
difficult circumstances
00:21:32.634 --> 00:21:34.234
completely on their own.
00:21:34.267 --> 00:21:35.667
They have given thisÑ
they haveÑ
00:21:35.701 --> 00:21:37.667
you know, literally,
they have been through fire
00:21:37.701 --> 00:21:39.667
already in their lives,
so there isÑ
00:21:39.701 --> 00:21:43.400
I mean, they are much stronger
than what we think them to be,
00:21:43.434 --> 00:21:45.400
and, actually, I believe
that it is that strength
00:21:45.434 --> 00:21:46.634
that helps us to move on
00:21:46.667 --> 00:21:48.133
and to break
the gender stereotypes
00:21:48.167 --> 00:21:51.234
and to break the boundaries
within which women work.
00:21:51.267 --> 00:21:52.901
Back in the office,
00:21:52.934 --> 00:21:55.200
Ritu\'s widening her report out.
00:21:55.234 --> 00:21:57.567
Time for the big picture.
00:22:11.267 --> 00:22:14.400
She\'s had stories
from India and from Indonesia,
00:22:14.434 --> 00:22:16.968
some encouraging,
others reminding her
00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:20.367
that India\'s neighbors
can be further behind
00:22:20.400 --> 00:22:22.267
than many imagine.
00:22:22.300 --> 00:22:25.334
- If you look at
the empowerment of women
00:22:25.367 --> 00:22:26.968
in terms of political rights,
00:22:27.000 --> 00:22:29.000
we always think
that the Middle East
00:22:29.033 --> 00:22:31.367
must be way behind Asia,
00:22:31.400 --> 00:22:33.901
because we see
some very important
00:22:33.934 --> 00:22:37.434
and prominent
political leaders in Asia.
00:22:37.467 --> 00:22:42.501
We have seen presidents
and prime ministers being women.
00:22:42.534 --> 00:22:49.300
But actually, if you look at
the real political empowerment,
00:22:49.334 --> 00:22:52.133
Asia is doing no better
than the Middle East.
00:22:52.167 --> 00:22:54.033
It\'s almost the same.
00:22:54.067 --> 00:22:58.300
So we always think of Asia
being ahead on political rights,
00:22:58.334 --> 00:23:00.167
but actually, it\'s not the case.
00:23:02.534 --> 00:23:04.901
Bradshaw: In India,
the Panchayati Raj system
00:23:04.934 --> 00:23:08.033
has empowered
hundreds of thousands of women.
00:23:08.067 --> 00:23:10.968
But Ritu reckons
more needs to be done.
00:23:11.000 --> 00:23:12.601
She\'s off to see a woman
00:23:12.634 --> 00:23:14.868
who has broken through
the silk ceiling
00:23:14.901 --> 00:23:18.567
and is helping to plan
India\'s future.
00:23:18.601 --> 00:23:23.067
- See, the most important thing
is that representation of women.
00:23:23.100 --> 00:23:26.934
Traditionally, we have had
the Panchayati Raj,
00:23:26.968 --> 00:23:29.734
which has made
over a million women
00:23:29.767 --> 00:23:33.100
become immediately
into the Panchayats,
00:23:33.133 --> 00:23:36.400
so politically,
that has actually happened,
00:23:36.434 --> 00:23:39.501
but the next step is
to get women
00:23:39.534 --> 00:23:42.934
into the state assemblies
and the parliament,
00:23:42.968 --> 00:23:47.334
so you have women in the
most important decision-making.
00:23:47.367 --> 00:23:49.767
- Women in India have
lesser property rights.
00:23:49.801 --> 00:23:51.734
So what government is doing
to ensureÑ
00:23:51.767 --> 00:23:55.200
to increase the property rights
of women in India?
00:23:55.234 --> 00:23:57.868
- The state is very conscious
of the fact
00:23:57.901 --> 00:24:02.000
that real power
will not devolve to women
00:24:02.033 --> 00:24:05.067
unless the woman becomes
an owner of her property.
00:24:05.100 --> 00:24:08.033
And this is being
in every government scheme.
00:24:08.067 --> 00:24:11.200
If the woman has the patta,
00:24:11.234 --> 00:24:13.334
or the title is in the name
of the woman,
00:24:13.367 --> 00:24:16.334
there are certain concessions.
00:24:16.367 --> 00:24:17.767
Bradshaw: Novelist Ayu says
00:24:17.801 --> 00:24:20.100
it\'s about more
than helping women to prosper
00:24:20.133 --> 00:24:22.200
in the material world.
00:24:22.234 --> 00:24:24.934
- The question is not
what women should get.
00:24:24.968 --> 00:24:28.534
The real question is what
the whole society should get.
00:24:28.567 --> 00:24:31.467
It should get
a gender-equality education
00:24:31.501 --> 00:24:34.968
that will lead us
to a gender-equal society
00:24:35.000 --> 00:24:37.167
where men and women work
hand in hand
00:24:37.200 --> 00:24:39.601
in private and in public,
00:24:39.634 --> 00:24:42.601
in good times
and in bad times.
00:24:42.634 --> 00:24:44.601
And to reach there, I shouldÑ
00:24:44.634 --> 00:24:48.434
and everybody who dreams
for a gender-equality societyÑ
00:24:48.467 --> 00:24:52.267
should jump in and try to win
the contestation of values
00:24:52.300 --> 00:24:56.801
that has been there in Indonesia
for hundreds of years.
00:25:01.868 --> 00:25:04.300
Bradshaw: And for a final word
for her report...
00:25:04.334 --> 00:25:05.501
- Yeah?
00:25:05.534 --> 00:25:07.567
Bradshaw: Who better
than Ritu herself,
00:25:07.601 --> 00:25:10.834
a small-town girl
from a modest background
00:25:10.868 --> 00:25:13.200
who is breaking through
the silk ceiling?
00:25:13.234 --> 00:25:15.734
- One more?
00:25:15.767 --> 00:25:17.901
translator: When men and women
are considered equal,
00:25:17.934 --> 00:25:19.834
then the economy
runs efficiently
00:25:19.868 --> 00:25:21.567
and every individual can work
00:25:21.601 --> 00:25:23.467
for the development
of the country.
00:25:23.501 --> 00:25:25.968
It is therefore important
that India should work
00:25:26.000 --> 00:25:28.000
to improve
the condition of women.
00:25:28.033 --> 00:25:30.634
The difference between men
and women needs to be removed.
00:25:30.667 --> 00:25:32.601
The work that is being done
in this area
00:25:32.634 --> 00:25:34.033
needs to be speeded up,
00:25:34.067 --> 00:25:36.901
and there is a greater need for
intervention at a policy level.
00:25:36.934 --> 00:25:40.834
This is Ritu Bhardawaj reporting
on India\'s silk ceiling.
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 26 minutes
Date: 2011
Genre: Expository
Language: English; Hindi
Grade: 10-12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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