Tells the story of three indigenous communities and the land they struggle…
Water for Life
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- Transcript
Water for Life tells the story of three extraordinary individuals: Berta Cáceres, a leader of the Lenca people in Honduras; Francisco Pineda, a subsistence farmer in El Salvador; and Alberto Curamil, an Indigenous Mapuche leader in Chile, all of whom refused to let government-supported industry and transnational corporations take their water and redirect it to mining, hydroelectric projects or large-scale agriculture. Despite reassurances from companies and the authorities, they knew what lay ahead: contaminated water, environmental devastation, and the destruction of their communities.
It is a story of courage and determination, betrayal and corruption, death threats and murder, and of unexpected victories in the countryside and in the courts. It is a story that asks how economic development can grow in harmony with environmental protections. Above all, Water for Life illuminates a growing recognition of Indigenous rights and a rising demand for corporate responsibility and environmental justice that’s being seen around the world. It is a story that begins and ends with water.
"Stunning...Remarkable...Water for Life is a singular contribution not only to Indigenous water and land rights movements, but to the intimate documentation of transnational government and corporate injustice in the horrific abuse of power in the Americas in the 21st century." Deborah Neff, The MY HERO Project
"At the intersection of neoliberal extractivism, environmental justice and Indigenous worldviews, we find three persons from Latin America who risk or lose their life to protect the rivers of their communities despite death threats and the killing of people close to them. In the end, after years of terror and abuse but also determination and strategy, their small but significant victories give as a message of hope in humankind and the power of non-violent struggle. Beautifully crafted, Water for Life is an important film than can be used in the classroom as well as in communities facing similar environmental threats from governments and/or corporations." Ignacio López-Calvo, Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture, University of California-Merced, Co-editor, Hydrohumanities: Water Discourse and Environmental Futures
Main credits
Parrinello, Will (film director)
Parrinello, Will (film producer)
Tejada-Flores, Rick (film producer)
Calderón, María José (film producer)
Other credits
Cinematography, Vicente Franco; editing, María José Calderón; music, Christopher Hedge.
Distributor subjects
No distributor subjects provided.Keywords
00:00:30.363 --> 00:00:31.531
Comrades run!
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This is where we farm!
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It’s not a crime to defend
our rights as Indigenous people.
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It is a crime to attack a river that
carries life, that has spirits,
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that for the Lenca people
means the balance of the universe.
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Water is the essential element
for all living beings.
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It is not only for me as a Mapuche,
it is for all Chilean society.
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It is a fight for life
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and for our very existence.
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They know they are going to adversely
affect the lives of the people,
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but they are more concerned
with money than with life itself.
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There is nothing more important
than water for life.
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This is a story about water
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and about three people
who have risked their lives to protect it.
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They come from three different countries,
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leading three separate movements
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but their struggle is the same.
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Curamil is my Kupan (family name).
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My ancestors were chiefs,
and I maintain their strength
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and wisdom here today.
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My great grandfather
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fought to keep the white man from
crossing the Malleco River.
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First our territory was
invaded by the Spanish,
00:03:10.732 --> 00:03:12.609
then by the Chilean state.
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The Chilean Army came,
killing and stealing from our ancestors.
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Now it’s the corporations.
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First they came to steal our territory,
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now they come for something more specific,
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our water.
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The Cautin is the largest river we have.
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It’s the main artery,
the lifeblood of our territory.
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It contains a spiritual force,
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a spiritual being.
00:04:01.574 --> 00:04:05.787
Our people have been here
for thousands of years,
00:04:05.870 --> 00:04:08.248
living and working off the land.
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There’s a lot of life here.
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And now they want to destroy everything.
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In 2010, the Chilean government
embarked on a plan
00:04:26.349 --> 00:04:30.186
to build dozens of hydroelectric projects
on the region's rivers,
00:04:30.687 --> 00:04:32.647
including two on the Cautin,
00:04:32.981 --> 00:04:36.609
which runs through the heart
of the Mapuche ancestral lands.
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In the Araucania region
there is a lot of water.
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So, it was our belief that
there was an opportunity
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to develop new, renewable sources,
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based on a resource
that is quite abundant,
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which is water.
00:05:04.220 --> 00:05:09.434
When I first recognized the threat
from the hydroelectric projects,
00:05:10.143 --> 00:05:13.771
I felt helpless, worried, and I wondered
00:05:13.938 --> 00:05:16.983
if we could ever stop it.
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There are several
hydroelectric projects
00:05:34.250 --> 00:05:37.962
that were approved
without any consideration
00:05:38.046 --> 00:05:40.965
of them being in
Indigenous territory.
00:05:45.470 --> 00:05:49.432
Chile’s constitution does not recognize
00:05:49.515 --> 00:05:53.102
the existence of the Indigenous people.
00:05:54.062 --> 00:05:57.398
There is no appreciation of their culture, worldview,
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or Indigenous life within our country.
00:06:02.945 --> 00:06:05.323
(United Nations / ILO) Convention 169 states:
00:06:05.406 --> 00:06:09.202
Before any intervention can begin
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that would affect Indigenous territory,
00:06:13.748 --> 00:06:19.420
in this case the Mapuche,
the people must be consulted.
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There was no consultation,
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in a government report, they said
00:06:33.684 --> 00:06:36.729
there were no Indigenous
people in this area.
00:06:39.857 --> 00:06:45.488
(United Nations / ILO) Convention 169 is applied
in a very ineffective manner,
00:06:45.488 --> 00:06:48.991
because consultations
require field work,
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involving a lot of people,
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which takes time and money,
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and this hinders extractive production.
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In 1973, General Augusto Pinochet
00:07:15.726 --> 00:07:18.980
seized power in a U.S.
supported military coup,
00:07:19.981 --> 00:07:21.774
ousting Salvador Allende,
00:07:22.316 --> 00:07:24.861
the democratically elected president.
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housands were tortured
and disappeared
00:07:29.782 --> 00:07:32.785
during Pinochet’s 17-year dictatorship.
00:07:40.835 --> 00:07:45.131
My father died when I was a baby.
00:07:46.591 --> 00:07:50.887
He was also a freedom fighter
and defender of our territory.
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He died from a heart attack
00:07:55.183 --> 00:07:58.895
after being electrocuted during a torture session.
00:08:01.063 --> 00:08:03.774
The whole country suffered under Pinochet,
00:08:03.858 --> 00:08:07.153
but the coup was especially
devastating for the Mapuche.
00:08:08.738 --> 00:08:12.074
The military dictatorship
carved up their territory,
00:08:12.575 --> 00:08:14.869
giving much of it to
timber companies.
00:08:15.286 --> 00:08:18.372
They also privatized the
country’s natural resources.
00:08:21.375 --> 00:08:24.086
Chile is the only
country in the world
00:08:24.170 --> 00:08:27.256
where water rights are
traded on the stock exchange.
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With the country suffering
from years of devastating drought,
00:08:34.639 --> 00:08:37.642
water shortages have
become a major issue.
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If I don’t have water rights,
00:08:44.524 --> 00:08:48.194
I can’t use the water that
passes through my community.
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And if I do, they will take me to court,
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accusing me of stealing this resource.
00:09:03.376 --> 00:09:07.004
Water is something
crucial, strategic,
00:09:07.964 --> 00:09:10.758
fundamental for our lives.
00:09:10.800 --> 00:09:15.137
But it is also very important for agriculture,
it is very important for industry.
00:09:17.348 --> 00:09:23.771
So, there is a lot of tension in how
you use the water, who can use the water.
00:09:25.815 --> 00:09:27.400
Hydro-electric power
00:09:27.441 --> 00:09:30.486
is widely promoted as a
sustainable energy solution.
00:09:31.320 --> 00:09:34.407
But even small hydro projects
can have a big impact
00:09:34.490 --> 00:09:39.120
by destroying river ecosystems
and displacing people and wildlife.
00:09:52.300 --> 00:09:57.805
In our ceremonies
and in our prayers,
00:09:58.055 --> 00:10:01.934
we invoke the
spirits of the rivers.
00:10:04.895 --> 00:10:07.023
The Cautin River speaks to me.
00:10:08.566 --> 00:10:11.652
It is the language of the earth,
the voice of nature.
00:10:15.156 --> 00:10:17.700
“Spirit of the river,
00:10:18.451 --> 00:10:20.995
I want to lean on you,
to take refuge in you."
00:10:22.663 --> 00:10:24.832
Our elders understood this
00:10:25.124 --> 00:10:28.628
and shared that wisdom with us.
00:10:50.608 --> 00:10:52.777
We had to protect the river,
00:10:53.319 --> 00:10:55.988
and I want the politicians
00:10:56.197 --> 00:11:00.284
who call me an “environmental activist”
to know that I am not an environmental activist.
00:11:00.409 --> 00:11:03.496
I am a Mapuche Chief
who defends his territory
00:11:03.829 --> 00:11:06.123
and everything that exists in it.
00:11:12.755 --> 00:11:16.384
I think it’s important that
we get to know each other,
00:11:16.467 --> 00:11:20.137
so we can collaborate
and plan actions together.
00:11:20.763 --> 00:11:22.348
What Alberto did,
00:11:22.390 --> 00:11:26.018
was to show the Chilean people
00:11:26.686 --> 00:11:30.314
how the Mapuche see water,
see their territory,
00:11:30.564 --> 00:11:32.400
and how they protect it.
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I do not know all the laws.
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But I know we have lawyers
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who can represent the
interests of our community.
00:11:49.041 --> 00:11:51.836
Our strategy was to show
00:11:52.253 --> 00:11:56.841
that the government, the company
and the environmental impact report
00:11:56.924 --> 00:11:58.634
were incorrect
00:11:58.718 --> 00:12:01.512
and were in fact lying when
they said there would be no impact.
00:12:08.477 --> 00:12:10.396
In July 2014,
00:12:10.438 --> 00:12:15.025
Alberto and his legal team filed
a lawsuit against the Chilean government.
00:12:17.486 --> 00:12:22.074
This map shows the hydro projects
that are being installed in the territory.
00:12:22.241 --> 00:12:24.910
What appears in yellow
are the water rights
00:12:24.994 --> 00:12:28.497
in your ancestral territories.
00:12:29.290 --> 00:12:33.252
It’s troubling because this is a national
issue, not only in our territory.
00:12:33.753 --> 00:12:38.424
We’re seeing the expansion
of forestry and mining companies
00:12:38.507 --> 00:12:42.470
in our territory.
We have to be informed.
00:12:52.980 --> 00:12:55.024
Today brothers,
00:12:55.399 --> 00:12:59.111
we come for the
defense of our lives;
00:12:59.195 --> 00:13:02.239
for the defense of
our rivers that run free.
00:13:02.323 --> 00:13:04.283
00:13:04.366 --> 00:13:08.704
Alberto's struggle to protect the water
is part of the larger Mapuche effort
00:13:08.788 --> 00:13:11.040
to reclaim their
ancestral territory.
00:13:15.336 --> 00:13:21.926
When we started to organize
and fight to regain territory,
00:13:22.343 --> 00:13:25.846
we became a threat
to the government,
00:13:25.888 --> 00:13:28.432
and particularly to
the business class.
00:13:45.574 --> 00:13:47.785
This territory was recovered
00:13:47.868 --> 00:13:56.502
after the community objected when a private
landowner wanted to grow eucalyptus trees.
00:13:58.379 --> 00:14:00.840
That's why we're here
00:14:01.590 --> 00:14:04.677
reclaiming our ancestral territory.
00:14:04.927 --> 00:14:06.428
Tutto qui.
00:14:20.150 --> 00:14:22.820
In this struggle to recover territory,
00:14:23.028 --> 00:14:25.197
there has been an increase in land
reclamation and in violent actions.
00:14:25.447 --> 00:14:28.367
This began at the end of the 1990’s,
00:14:28.409 --> 00:14:32.079
with the burning of trucks.
00:14:34.456 --> 00:14:39.879
After that, a series of acts of sabotage began,
mainly against forestry companies.
00:14:41.797 --> 00:14:44.842
There are violent [Mapuche]
terrorist groups
00:14:45.009 --> 00:14:47.720
and the violence has been growing exponentially.
00:14:50.890 --> 00:14:53.058
Only a small faction of Mapuche
00:14:53.100 --> 00:14:55.477
have resorted to violent tactics.
00:14:58.355 --> 00:15:00.941
We have seen attacks against farmers.
00:15:02.443 --> 00:15:07.531
These groups seek to displace them,
so they carry out attacks
00:15:07.531 --> 00:15:09.325
with bullets, rocks,
00:15:09.325 --> 00:15:11.243
and by burning people’s homes.
00:15:16.916 --> 00:15:20.878
The far-right group APRA
condemns the violence,
00:15:22.004 --> 00:15:25.090
but they have also incited it
against the Mapuche.
00:15:27.301 --> 00:15:30.930
00:15:31.472 --> 00:15:33.432
When you see a sign in a field
00:15:33.432 --> 00:15:37.019
that says "Mapuche Territory,"
00:15:37.686 --> 00:15:39.438
that is violence.
00:15:41.065 --> 00:15:44.693
Is helping our people reclaim
our territory, terrorism?
00:15:44.902 --> 00:15:47.029
It’s our right,
00:15:47.404 --> 00:15:48.906
because this is our ancestral territory,
00:15:49.448 --> 00:15:51.533
and our life is at stake here.
00:15:54.495 --> 00:15:56.580
Alberto Curamil
00:15:56.580 --> 00:16:01.001
tries to appear as if he’s
a very reasonable person.
00:16:01.418 --> 00:16:04.463
But unfortunately we
know that he is behind
00:16:04.797 --> 00:16:08.175
the occupation of land
throughout the area.
00:16:12.930 --> 00:16:18.852
We can talk about rights,
about who arrived first.
00:16:19.144 --> 00:16:22.564
But are they saying,
"We get to stay, you must leave?”
00:16:25.359 --> 00:16:28.070
We are not violent people.
00:16:30.990 --> 00:16:34.535
And it’s terrible to
hear the government
00:16:35.494 --> 00:16:41.166
denigrate the Mapuche who are
simply asking that their rights be respected.
00:16:43.627 --> 00:16:46.547
We will reclaim
our stolen land!
00:16:50.217 --> 00:16:54.221
I participated in a march
with my family
00:16:54.263 --> 00:16:56.557
accompanied by my
two young sons.
00:16:58.142 --> 00:17:02.771
Policemen came right after me
and arrested me…
00:17:03.564 --> 00:17:06.942
Look how the officer is kicking his head!
00:17:07.026 --> 00:17:09.153
He’s not wearing his badge…
00:17:14.992 --> 00:17:18.287
They kicked him in the head while he was on the ground…
00:17:19.038 --> 00:17:21.040
Is he unconscious?
00:17:28.964 --> 00:17:31.383
They’re beating him in there!
He’s screaming!
00:17:43.520 --> 00:17:49.818
It would be easy to say,
"No more, I give up.”
00:17:52.237 --> 00:17:53.989
But in spite of everything,
00:17:53.989 --> 00:17:57.367
Alberto encourages his people,
his community, to carry on.
00:18:00.788 --> 00:18:03.040
We have always said,
00:18:03.123 --> 00:18:07.503
that neither jail or death
can stop this struggle.
00:18:08.587 --> 00:18:10.380
That is our conviction.
00:18:20.307 --> 00:18:25.229
In 2016,
two years after they began pursuing legal options,
00:18:25.562 --> 00:18:28.357
Alberto's lawsuit
reaches the Supreme Court.
00:18:28.816 --> 00:18:30.943
In a verdict that surprises everyone,
00:18:31.193 --> 00:18:33.529
the court rules in
favor of the Mapuche,
00:18:33.612 --> 00:18:36.532
citing the government's
failure to consult them
00:18:36.532 --> 00:18:38.700
or address the
environmental impacts.
00:18:39.201 --> 00:18:42.454
Both hydro-electric projects
on the Cautin river are canceled.
00:18:50.420 --> 00:18:52.131
We didn’t expect it
00:18:52.214 --> 00:18:56.009
because the law doesn’t
usually support the Mapuche.
00:18:59.138 --> 00:19:01.098
Without any money or resources,
00:19:01.140 --> 00:19:06.478
and only pure effort,
love and legal knowledge,
00:19:06.562 --> 00:19:08.856
we finally beat
these large corporations,
00:19:08.897 --> 00:19:12.818
we beat their superior legal team,
and we beat the state.
00:19:14.236 --> 00:19:17.531
When the environmental
court read their ruling,
00:19:17.948 --> 00:19:19.741
I breathed a sigh of relief.
00:19:21.076 --> 00:19:22.953
We did it. We won.
00:19:25.747 --> 00:19:28.167
But that’s not the end…
00:19:29.293 --> 00:19:31.044
We won a battle
00:19:31.170 --> 00:19:35.674
but the next one
might be more difficult.
00:19:46.393 --> 00:19:49.813
Once they [the government]
started to see us as a threat,
00:19:51.273 --> 00:19:56.361
they created an
exclusive intelligence service
00:19:56.612 --> 00:19:58.780
to harass us,
00:20:00.866 --> 00:20:06.705
and to fabricate a criminal
narrative in order to prosecute us.
00:20:23.597 --> 00:20:26.141
They created a surveillance
team to follow me.
00:20:27.184 --> 00:20:29.436
They were persecuting me
00:20:29.728 --> 00:20:32.731
for being a leader,
a spokesperson,
00:20:32.856 --> 00:20:36.235
and for speaking our
indigenous language.
00:20:41.240 --> 00:20:42.824
I am not a terrorist.
00:20:42.950 --> 00:20:44.618
I am a Chief!
00:20:48.830 --> 00:20:52.709
In 2018, Alberto and
two other Mapuche men
00:20:52.793 --> 00:20:55.295
are arrested and charged
with armed robbery,
00:20:55.545 --> 00:20:57.547
based only on an anonymous phone call.
00:20:59.132 --> 00:21:01.969
There is no evidence
linking him to the crime.
00:21:03.595 --> 00:21:07.891
Prosecutors are pushing
for a 48-year sentence.
00:21:27.411 --> 00:21:30.539
I knew that at some point
my dad would get arrested.
00:21:31.873 --> 00:21:34.001
When I got home,
00:21:34.126 --> 00:21:37.254
it really hit me.
00:21:39.923 --> 00:21:41.842
When I saw how our house
had been ransacked.
00:21:42.092 --> 00:21:44.219
The door was broken down.
00:21:45.637 --> 00:21:49.057
Then it came out in the news
and people started talking about it.
00:21:50.267 --> 00:21:52.269
It was all so difficult.
00:22:07.701 --> 00:22:09.453
Brothers and sisters,
00:22:10.329 --> 00:22:14.166
I am sending everyone
a warm greeting.
00:22:15.083 --> 00:22:19.463
I did not want to miss this ceremony
00:22:19.588 --> 00:22:21.965
that is so important for all of us.
00:22:23.175 --> 00:22:26.261
I'm sorry I can't be there with you today.
00:22:29.389 --> 00:22:32.225
I can’t deny that this
is very emotional for me.
00:22:33.769 --> 00:22:36.688
But this is part of being
human brothers and sisters.
00:22:37.314 --> 00:22:40.359
Crying is also part of the fight.
00:22:42.736 --> 00:22:47.157
I am proud to be a Mapuche,
they will not silence me.
00:22:49.493 --> 00:22:51.828
I know we will win this battle.
00:22:53.872 --> 00:22:57.084
I’m sending you all a big hug
from this political prison.
00:23:05.342 --> 00:23:07.552
(We will win 10 times!)
00:23:14.893 --> 00:23:19.439
This entire process has been
very difficult, for our entire family.
00:23:19.773 --> 00:23:24.861
I have to take on my father’s
responsibilities and it’s been difficult.
00:23:28.907 --> 00:23:32.869
My father would always tell me,
“You will have to speak for me.”
00:23:33.745 --> 00:23:36.540
And I would say,
“Yes dad, I will be there.”
00:23:37.082 --> 00:23:39.918
But one is never really
prepared for something like this.
00:23:41.586 --> 00:23:43.547
My name is Belen Curamil.
00:23:43.588 --> 00:23:46.716
I am the daughter and
spokesperson for Chief Alberto Curamil.
00:23:46.800 --> 00:23:50.971
He and all the Mapuche political prisoners
00:23:51.054 --> 00:23:53.390
send you a message
of hope from their jail cells.
00:23:54.057 --> 00:23:56.935
Free the Mapuche
00:23:57.018 --> 00:23:59.980
fighting for their rights!
00:24:02.023 --> 00:24:06.236
Alberto's imprisonment brings
global attention to his activism.
00:24:07.654 --> 00:24:13.410
In April 2019 he is awarded the
prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize.
00:24:25.046 --> 00:24:27.924
“The Mapuche struggle
is an ecological struggle.
00:24:28.383 --> 00:24:32.137
“MAPU” is the earth
and everything that exists.
00:24:32.596 --> 00:24:34.806
“Che” is we,
00:24:34.806 --> 00:24:36.850
the people who inhabit the earth.
00:24:37.559 --> 00:24:40.395
Therefore we are the people of the earth
00:24:40.896 --> 00:24:42.939
whose main responsibility
00:24:43.023 --> 00:24:47.569
is to protect everything
that makes life possible.
00:24:48.069 --> 00:24:52.949
This spirituality is rooted
deeply in the natural world.
00:24:55.577 --> 00:24:58.330
Free the Lonko Alberto Curamil!
00:24:58.413 --> 00:25:01.750
Free all Mapuche political prisoners!
00:25:01.791 --> 00:25:03.585
00:25:28.902 --> 00:25:30.654
I miss Alberto.
00:25:32.489 --> 00:25:35.492
It’s the same every day.
When I wake up,
00:25:35.951 --> 00:25:38.954
when I lie down,
when I go to work,
00:25:39.162 --> 00:25:42.332
when I finish work, exhausted.
00:25:43.124 --> 00:25:46.253
I think that he’ll be waiting for me at home, but…
00:25:46.628 --> 00:25:47.754
00:26:03.478 --> 00:26:06.690
This thing flies high!
00:26:15.115 --> 00:26:19.828
I bring him food every
Saturday when I go to visit.
00:26:25.667 --> 00:26:29.588
I show up with my best face on,
my best smile, even though I’m tired,
00:26:31.172 --> 00:26:35.010
but I can’t show him my sadness.
00:26:35.760 --> 00:26:40.390
I don’t want him to be concerned
about me or to worry about the kids.
00:26:41.433 --> 00:26:44.728
I carry that for me alone, inside.
00:27:55.423 --> 00:27:57.842
I have always loved the land.
00:27:59.135 --> 00:28:03.723
I was raised with the philosophy
that we live from the Earth.
00:28:05.934 --> 00:28:12.524
Our community survives by
growing corn and raising cattle.
00:28:20.198 --> 00:28:22.784
My wife and I have
tried to instill in our kids
00:28:22.867 --> 00:28:24.911
that money isn’t everything.
00:28:26.955 --> 00:28:31.334
To live we need clean water
and air, to breathe,
00:28:31.584 --> 00:28:35.380
and land to farm so we can eat.
00:28:41.845 --> 00:28:44.764
I've been with Francisco for twenty years.
00:28:45.890 --> 00:28:49.102
We built our home here.
00:28:50.061 --> 00:28:51.980
It's humble, but we're happy.
00:29:05.493 --> 00:29:08.580
Water is a big problem in El Salvador.
00:29:09.706 --> 00:29:16.421
Many don’t have running water
and 90% of the surface water is contaminated.
00:29:16.629 --> 00:29:21.301
And it’s threatened by mining
projects of the company Pacific Rim.
00:29:29.350 --> 00:29:36.149
“Socially and environmentally responsible mining.”
00:29:37.192 --> 00:29:40.779
In 2002, Pacific Rim Mining Corporation
00:29:40.820 --> 00:29:43.823
began exploration
of the El Dorado gold mine
00:29:44.032 --> 00:29:46.451
near Francisco's town
of San Isidro.
00:29:47.702 --> 00:29:52.415
The projected profit was
$1.6 billion dollars.
00:29:54.292 --> 00:29:57.670
The company began
to do charitable work
00:29:58.546 --> 00:30:00.173
to demonstrate
00:30:00.215 --> 00:30:05.345
that they were not just extracting a product.
00:30:08.056 --> 00:30:10.975
They built retaining
walls for the hospital,
00:30:11.267 --> 00:30:15.021
and school classrooms.
00:30:28.660 --> 00:30:31.204
-Good afternoon, Mr. Shrake.
-Good afternoon.
00:30:31.246 --> 00:30:34.123
Thank you for being here today.
00:30:34.749 --> 00:30:38.837
Thomas Shrake is the president
of Pacific Rim Mining Corporation.
00:30:39.212 --> 00:30:42.382
He testified at the World Bank
on the safety and benefits
00:30:42.423 --> 00:30:44.342
of the El Dorado gold mine.
00:30:44.425 --> 00:30:48.221
Can you please explain why
the interest in the El Dorado deposit.
00:30:48.263 --> 00:30:51.599
We launched a new business initiative
00:30:51.850 --> 00:30:56.938
with the intent of looking for a
specific geologic type of gold deposit
00:30:57.230 --> 00:30:59.232
that offered high margins,
00:30:59.315 --> 00:31:05.029
but also offered extremely low risk in terms
of environmental contamination of any kind.
00:31:06.072 --> 00:31:08.366
The mine design that we submitted
00:31:08.366 --> 00:31:10.827
would set new precedents in all the Americas.
00:31:10.869 --> 00:31:16.749
There’s only one mine on the globe that I know
of that has taken the steps that we have taken
00:31:16.833 --> 00:31:18.668
for environmental protection.
00:31:19.419 --> 00:31:22.922
The ways in which we protect
the water are numerous.
00:31:25.633 --> 00:31:30.096
At that time we didn’t know a thing
about the impact of mining.
00:31:31.097 --> 00:31:36.769
In 2004, when the river dried up, bone dry.
00:31:38.605 --> 00:31:41.065
Everyone was worried.
00:31:42.442 --> 00:31:47.071
We walked towards
the source of the river.
00:31:53.369 --> 00:31:56.956
We found Pacific Rim’s
pumps extracting river water.
00:31:58.791 --> 00:32:01.920
In just one hour, they’ll use
the same amount of water
00:32:01.920 --> 00:32:06.090
an average family uses in 30 years.
00:32:09.594 --> 00:32:13.514
We figured that the mayor would tell Pacific Rim
00:32:14.098 --> 00:32:15.725
that this was prohibited.
“Get rid of the pumps!”
00:32:15.725 --> 00:32:17.769
For us it was a no-brainer.
00:32:18.269 --> 00:32:22.231
But the mayor told me,
“No, I’m not getting involved in this.”
00:32:22.815 --> 00:32:26.861
We got mad,
because he was the highest authority
00:32:26.903 --> 00:32:28.363
and he refused to do anything.
00:32:29.197 --> 00:32:30.782
Good morning, How are you?
00:32:33.076 --> 00:32:34.744
-Good morning!
-Good morning.
00:32:34.827 --> 00:32:37.038
-How are you?
-Good, thank God.
00:32:40.541 --> 00:32:44.295
-How’s business?
-OK. Still here.
00:32:46.297 --> 00:32:50.843
If our local government is unable
00:32:50.927 --> 00:32:53.179
to create jobs
00:32:53.262 --> 00:33:01.938
we have to find someone who can.
00:33:02.855 --> 00:33:07.276
This does not mean we
are going to be irresponsible,
00:33:07.819 --> 00:33:16.202
allowing an industry to come
in and contaminate or destroy our environment.
00:33:21.124 --> 00:33:23.209
This used to be full of fish.
00:33:23.584 --> 00:33:27.880
I could catch tilapia and filines here.
00:33:28.548 --> 00:33:31.426
Now you can’t even see a guppy.
00:33:36.139 --> 00:33:39.308
Gold mining not only uses
vast amounts of water,
00:33:39.726 --> 00:33:43.104
it also releases heavy metals,
like lead and arsenic,
00:33:43.229 --> 00:33:45.523
that pollute the water, ground, and air.
00:33:46.649 --> 00:33:48.693
And like many gold mines,
00:33:48.735 --> 00:33:52.155
Pacific Rim will use
cyanide in the mining process.
00:33:52.780 --> 00:33:56.284
After the cyanide has been leached,
or has been denatured,
00:33:56.367 --> 00:34:00.204
we put this material into
this impoundment system
00:34:00.288 --> 00:34:07.086
and it completely protects it from coming
in any contact with the surrounding environment.
00:34:10.173 --> 00:34:13.593
Any water discharged out of the
system will go through a water treatment plant,
00:34:13.676 --> 00:34:20.433
so it actually leaves the site cleaner than it
drained into the site when we collected it in the reservoir.
00:34:24.771 --> 00:34:29.067
They plan to use two tons of cyanide per day.
00:34:29.108 --> 00:34:33.321
This would contaminate all the
surface and underground waters.
00:34:34.822 --> 00:34:38.910
This threatens
all forms of life,
00:34:39.911 --> 00:34:43.498
especially humans,
who accumulate the poison in their bodies.
00:34:47.543 --> 00:34:52.632
An amount equal to the size of
one grain of rice can kill a person.
00:35:00.056 --> 00:35:02.433
I’m coming!
00:35:04.018 --> 00:35:05.478
Good morning!
00:35:05.937 --> 00:35:11.025
We’re trying to raise
awareness about mining
00:35:11.109 --> 00:35:15.780
because it will affect our
lives and our children’s lives.
00:35:21.452 --> 00:35:24.539
Many communities joined us:
00:35:24.664 --> 00:35:29.043
8, 10, 12 and today we
have 26 communities organizing.
00:35:31.129 --> 00:35:33.548
This is how we want to live,
00:35:33.631 --> 00:35:35.967
with clean water.
00:35:36.759 --> 00:35:39.011
That’s when we started
00:35:39.220 --> 00:35:41.556
the Environmental Committee of Cabanas.
00:35:41.556 --> 00:35:44.517
We said “Let’s get organized
00:35:45.643 --> 00:35:49.063
and show them that we’re capable of stopping this.”
00:35:51.190 --> 00:35:53.234
Mayoral candidates forum
00:35:54.360 --> 00:35:57.822
Good morning neighbors.
00:35:58.406 --> 00:36:01.492
We want to hear the proposals
00:36:01.701 --> 00:36:05.413
that the candidates bring to our community.
00:36:05.538 --> 00:36:11.544
We are disappointed that the
current mayor did not join us.
00:36:11.794 --> 00:36:15.381
Each of you can
decide what that means.
00:36:16.716 --> 00:36:20.428
The opposition always attacks us,
00:36:20.678 --> 00:36:23.306
and publicly accuses us
00:36:23.306 --> 00:36:26.809
of selling out to the company.
00:36:28.769 --> 00:36:31.397
Everyone was afraid
to confront the mayor
00:36:31.898 --> 00:36:34.275
because of our country’s history
00:36:34.358 --> 00:36:37.737
that anyone who goes up
against those in power ends up dead.
00:36:40.865 --> 00:36:42.575
During the 1980’s,
00:36:42.617 --> 00:36:45.745
El Salvador was torn
apart by a civil war
00:36:45.828 --> 00:36:48.748
that pitted left wing
rebels - the FMLN -
00:36:48.831 --> 00:36:52.335
against ARENA, a right
wing conservative party
00:36:52.418 --> 00:36:56.005
that was supported by the
army and by the United States.
00:36:57.256 --> 00:36:58.799
Let us show the world
00:36:59.258 --> 00:37:02.553
that we want no hostile,
communist colonies
00:37:02.637 --> 00:37:06.390
here in the Americas,
South, Central or North.
00:37:13.940 --> 00:37:16.484
My son!
Oh My God!
00:37:18.736 --> 00:37:21.822
More than 70,000 civilians
were killed in the war,
00:37:22.782 --> 00:37:24.909
most of them by the military
00:37:24.951 --> 00:37:27.870
and by death squads
connected to ARENA.
00:37:30.331 --> 00:37:33.709
After the civil war ended,
the FMLN and ARENA
00:37:33.793 --> 00:37:36.837
became El Salvador's
main political parties.
00:37:37.588 --> 00:37:39.632
The FMLN opposes mining
00:37:40.091 --> 00:37:41.801
and ARENA supports it.
00:37:42.551 --> 00:37:47.890
Let’s welcome our present
and future Mayor of San Isidro,
00:37:47.974 --> 00:37:50.935
the engineer,
José Ignacio Bautista!
00:37:53.980 --> 00:37:57.483
Please raise your flags
00:37:57.566 --> 00:38:00.820
and sing the ceremonious ARENA anthem!
00:38:02.571 --> 00:38:05.533
The Republican,
00:38:05.616 --> 00:38:09.120
Nationalist, Alliance of El Salvador!
00:38:09.161 --> 00:38:10.830
Patria, sì!
Comunismo, no!
00:38:10.913 --> 00:38:12.498
Fatherland, Yes!
Communism, No!
00:38:12.581 --> 00:38:15.793
Freedom is written with blood,
00:38:16.043 --> 00:38:18.963
work with sweat,
00:38:19.297 --> 00:38:22.133
we’ll unite sweat and blood
00:38:22.258 --> 00:38:25.386
but first, El Salvador!
00:38:26.012 --> 00:38:29.348
El Salvador, will be the graveyard
00:38:29.432 --> 00:38:32.476
where the reds will meet their end.
00:38:32.935 --> 00:38:36.272
Saving America,
00:38:36.355 --> 00:38:40.443
our Immortal America!
00:38:41.193 --> 00:38:42.695
00:38:49.660 --> 00:38:51.579
If something happens to me,
00:38:51.579 --> 00:38:55.249
it will be the mining company's responsibility.
00:38:55.333 --> 00:38:56.709
We as residents
00:38:56.709 --> 00:39:04.216
and farmers want mining
companies to come to Cabañas.
00:39:06.218 --> 00:39:09.263
We must be tolerant!
00:39:09.972 --> 00:39:12.183
They know
00:39:12.266 --> 00:39:15.561
it will adversely affect us,
00:39:15.644 --> 00:39:20.107
but they are more interested
in money than in life itself.
00:39:27.990 --> 00:39:30.951
We want a law
00:39:30.993 --> 00:39:37.750
that prohibits metallic
mining in El Salvador.
00:39:38.334 --> 00:39:40.711
Water is essential
00:39:41.003 --> 00:39:43.714
for our survival.
00:39:47.301 --> 00:39:49.678
With support from the catholic church,
00:39:49.720 --> 00:39:52.431
the anti-mining movemen gains momentum.
00:39:53.849 --> 00:39:57.228
In the lead-up to the 2009
presidential election,
00:39:57.311 --> 00:40:00.689
with polls showing
major opposition to mining,
00:40:00.773 --> 00:40:03.818
the president – thought a member of the arena party –
00:40:03.901 --> 00:40:05.236
bans all mining.
00:40:06.153 --> 00:40:09.240
-Say yes to life!
00:40:09.281 --> 00:40:10.741
-Say no to mining!
00:40:10.866 --> 00:40:13.786
Pacific Rim's operations are shut down.
00:40:14.912 --> 00:40:19.166
The most important thing is that
today we stopped mining in El Salvador.
00:40:19.250 --> 00:40:23.838
There isn’t one mining project
in our country.
00:40:24.130 --> 00:40:26.090
That’s huge.
00:40:35.015 --> 00:40:40.062
At that point, we really didn't see
that we had a lot of options,
00:40:40.396 --> 00:40:46.485
and so we began to pursue
legal options as a solution.
00:40:49.113 --> 00:40:54.660
Pacific Rim files a $300 million dollar lawsuit
against El Salvador in the world bank,
00:40:55.619 --> 00:40:58.122
charging violation of CAFTA,
00:40:58.414 --> 00:41:00.916
the central american
free trade agreement.
00:41:04.295 --> 00:41:07.298
This would have a huge impact
00:41:07.506 --> 00:41:10.217
on all of El Salvador.
00:41:11.719 --> 00:41:16.182
How many children would
have to go without an education?
00:41:17.475 --> 00:41:20.728
How many hospitals would
be without medicine?
00:41:34.116 --> 00:41:38.621
When Francisco began doing this work,
00:41:38.787 --> 00:41:41.332
I was scared, and I still am scared.
00:41:44.001 --> 00:41:46.545
When he started the resistance,
00:41:46.545 --> 00:41:49.298
I asked if he thought it was better for us to separate
00:41:50.049 --> 00:41:56.096
because I didn't want to suffer
if something happened to him.
00:41:56.597 --> 00:41:58.724
Our entire family would suffer.
00:41:59.266 --> 00:42:04.188
I’m still afraid that something might happen to him.
00:42:10.903 --> 00:42:16.492
In the summer of 2009,
Francisco begins receiving threatening text messages.
00:42:17.159 --> 00:42:22.957
00:42:24.041 --> 00:42:27.461
Then, the tortured body of Marcelo Rivera,
00:42:27.962 --> 00:42:30.798
Francisco's friend and fellow anti-mining activist,
00:42:32.007 --> 00:42:34.385
is found in an abandoned well.
00:42:35.928 --> 00:42:39.557
00:42:39.598 --> 00:42:42.726
00:42:45.271 --> 00:42:49.400
When the bodyguards first came here
I felt uncomfortable.
00:42:53.404 --> 00:42:56.198
Abbiamo dovuto togliere
nostra figlia dalla sua stanza
00:42:56.240 --> 00:43:00.786
We had to move our daughter out of her
bedroom so they would have a place to sleep.
00:43:03.080 --> 00:43:04.623
I don’t like it,
00:43:05.124 --> 00:43:07.710
but we have to do it.
00:43:18.887 --> 00:43:24.018
We were celebrating
our daughter's 16th birthday.
00:43:24.852 --> 00:43:27.062
When I received a call telling me…
00:43:27.980 --> 00:43:30.482
that our friend Ramiro…
00:43:31.567 --> 00:43:33.902
had been attacked.
00:43:35.696 --> 00:43:37.489
He was murdered.
00:43:37.740 --> 00:43:41.535
Simply… for defending land.
00:43:43.495 --> 00:43:45.456
For defending life.
00:43:47.791 --> 00:43:51.629
My family and I were
not ready for this.
00:43:58.385 --> 00:43:59.303
Days later,
00:43:59.345 --> 00:44:01.221
Dora Alicia Recinos is shot.
00:44:01.472 --> 00:44:03.641
She was eight months pregnant.
00:44:04.475 --> 00:44:07.853
Her two-year-old son is also wounded in the attack.
00:44:08.103 --> 00:44:11.190
The killers were coming for Dora's husband Jose.
00:44:11.231 --> 00:44:12.941
When they don’t find him,
00:44:12.983 --> 00:44:16.028
they kill her and her unborn child instead.
00:44:23.410 --> 00:44:24.787
The following year,
00:44:24.995 --> 00:44:26.872
another murder stuns the community
00:44:27.206 --> 00:44:30.876
when college student
Juan Francisco Duran disappears
00:44:31.418 --> 00:44:33.671
putting up anti-mining posters.
00:44:34.546 --> 00:44:36.674
His body is found in a mass grave.
00:44:37.424 --> 00:44:40.969
Police call the murders “gang killings.”
00:44:47.351 --> 00:44:51.980
We have no doubt who is behind the killings.
00:44:53.190 --> 00:44:58.362
A Pacific Rim employee wanted to poison me,
00:44:58.362 --> 00:45:01.448
offering $2,000 to a woman who works in our home
00:45:01.615 --> 00:45:06.745
to poison my food.
00:45:14.086 --> 00:45:18.048
I was accused of murder,
00:45:19.883 --> 00:45:26.473
but I could never imagine hurting anyone.
00:45:28.600 --> 00:45:33.897
Many times in war,
00:45:34.648 --> 00:45:38.402
one comrade kills another one to make him into a martyr.
00:45:40.821 --> 00:45:43.323
Any murder in El Salvador is a tragedy.
00:45:43.449 --> 00:45:46.285
Any death, unnecessary death is a tragedy.
00:45:46.368 --> 00:45:49.788
And there’s far too much of it in
El Salvador, far too much violence.
00:45:50.330 --> 00:45:53.709
We actually go out of our way to train our employees
00:45:53.751 --> 00:45:57.755
to turn the other cheek in the event
of a confrontation in the mining debate.
00:45:58.088 --> 00:46:03.927
We basically ask that they use Mahatma Gandhi
as an example of how to conduct themselves.
00:46:13.187 --> 00:46:15.147
Brothers and sisters,
00:46:16.190 --> 00:46:18.609
this is the one-year anniversary
00:46:19.276 --> 00:46:23.197
of our comrades’ deaths.
00:46:24.698 --> 00:46:27.117
This conflict did not exist
00:46:27.117 --> 00:46:32.122
before the mining company Pacific Rim came here!
00:46:35.083 --> 00:46:41.799
This company is to blame for the division in our communities.
00:46:42.341 --> 00:46:46.136
We don’t want mining exploitation in our lands.
00:46:46.720 --> 00:46:51.391
We don’t want more persecution of our farmers.
00:46:51.975 --> 00:46:54.728
We don’t want more death threats,
00:46:54.728 --> 00:46:57.147
we don’t want more bloodshed,
00:46:57.189 --> 00:47:00.818
because God wants us to love each other.
00:47:03.487 --> 00:47:05.155
They are not dead!
00:47:05.239 --> 00:47:08.659
They live in each of us!
00:47:08.867 --> 00:47:10.828
Long live Ramiro Rivera!
00:47:20.879 --> 00:47:24.508
Sometimes I feel safe,
but other times I don’t.
00:47:26.677 --> 00:47:32.766
I’ve heard that they want to hurt him.
00:47:34.393 --> 00:47:36.395
So I’m worried.
00:47:36.979 --> 00:47:44.236
I really feel that his work is important
for the whole community.
00:47:44.862 --> 00:47:51.326
But sometimes I tell him that
if we see a threat, he should stop.
00:47:51.368 --> 00:47:55.080
But he says that won’t solve anything.
00:47:58.083 --> 00:48:01.920
I haven’t lost hope that we can be happy,
00:48:01.962 --> 00:48:04.798
that we can live together as a family,
00:48:05.257 --> 00:48:08.427
and that they won’t hurt him.
00:48:09.970 --> 00:48:14.349
Or my daughters.
00:49:20.207 --> 00:49:23.543
This river is used for growing our food.
00:49:26.713 --> 00:49:29.299
We also grow medicinal plants.
00:49:34.805 --> 00:49:39.101
The river also has great
cultural and spiritual significance.
00:49:40.310 --> 00:49:42.312
It signifies life.
00:49:42.854 --> 00:49:47.067
For me it is worth fighting for this river.
00:49:47.693 --> 00:49:49.695
It’s actually an honor.
00:49:59.538 --> 00:50:01.999
Police clashed with hundreds of protesters
00:50:02.082 --> 00:50:05.502
angered by the military overthrow
of president Manuel Zelaya.
00:50:05.585 --> 00:50:06.962
Damn traitors!
00:50:07.004 --> 00:50:10.549
Mr. Zelaya was rousted out of his
bedroom in the Presidential Palace
00:50:10.549 --> 00:50:13.593
by Honduran soldiers and sent into exile.
00:50:13.719 --> 00:50:16.930
You are the people!
Defend us!
00:50:19.641 --> 00:50:26.231
But on Tuesday, Mr. Zelaya received affirmation
from the United Nations demanding his reinstatement.
00:50:27.733 --> 00:50:33.030
The military coup was a reaction
00:50:33.238 --> 00:50:39.286
to the socio-economic policies
that my government took
00:50:39.411 --> 00:50:42.122
to gain market freedom.
00:50:43.040 --> 00:50:45.667
I bought Chavez’s oil (from Venezuela),
00:50:46.209 --> 00:50:52.174
which exasperated and irritated
the American and European oil companies.
00:50:53.884 --> 00:50:57.429
Zelaya acknowledged the
struggles of indigenous communities,
00:50:57.554 --> 00:51:01.058
and had worked with Indigenous
Lenca leader Berta Cáceres
00:51:01.058 --> 00:51:03.518
on the protection of ancestral land rights.
00:51:04.770 --> 00:51:08.148
The Lenca are the largest
Indigenous group in Honduras.
00:51:10.525 --> 00:51:12.235
After the coup d'état
00:51:12.235 --> 00:51:14.488
we sensed what was
coming for the communities.
00:51:19.117 --> 00:51:23.830
We are experiencing one of the
greatest handing over of sovereignty
00:51:24.539 --> 00:51:27.167
that we’ve seen in the past 500 years.
00:51:38.095 --> 00:51:40.806
Since 2009, the year of the coup,
00:51:42.265 --> 00:51:46.603
the Honduran territory was practically
handed over to the transnational corporations
00:51:46.686 --> 00:51:49.231
and hydroelectric projects
00:51:49.439 --> 00:51:51.817
took over the rivers in our country.
00:51:53.819 --> 00:51:55.028
The government
00:51:55.028 --> 00:51:58.406
approved more than 1,400 concessions
00:51:58.990 --> 00:52:02.244
of mining and hydroelectric
concessions inside Honduras.
00:52:02.661 --> 00:52:07.207
The transnational corporations
are creating a disaster.
00:52:11.920 --> 00:52:16.591
One of the contracts is granted to the newly
formed Honduran hydroelectric company,
00:52:16.758 --> 00:52:19.803
Desarrollos Energéticos, or DESA.
00:52:25.142 --> 00:52:28.687
Working with the Chinese
engineering giant Sinohydro,
00:52:28.770 --> 00:52:33.733
DESA will build the Agua Zarca hydroelectric
project on the Gualcarque river
00:52:34.067 --> 00:52:36.319
near the community of Rio Blanco.
00:52:37.696 --> 00:52:44.244
The concession was granted to DESA
hydroelectric power company, and to the Atala Group.
00:52:45.495 --> 00:52:49.291
And of course, the World Bank was involved,
00:52:50.208 --> 00:52:53.253
the Dutch Bank, and the Bank of Finland,
00:52:55.338 --> 00:52:59.092
so we knew what
we were up against.
00:53:04.514 --> 00:53:06.933
One of our country's
most profitable businesses,
00:53:06.933 --> 00:53:08.351
after drug dealing,
00:53:08.351 --> 00:53:10.228
is power generation.
00:53:11.730 --> 00:53:13.899
And the rampant corruption
00:53:14.482 --> 00:53:17.527
makes it easy to get environmental aproval,
00:53:18.486 --> 00:53:20.822
permits and contracts.
00:53:24.826 --> 00:53:28.246
They have the support of the Honduran State,
00:53:28.663 --> 00:53:30.457
the military,
00:53:31.249 --> 00:53:33.752
congress, all of the power structures.
00:53:35.420 --> 00:53:37.672
A very pernicious elite have
monopolies here in Honduras
00:53:37.672 --> 00:53:43.053
and they control everything.
00:53:44.679 --> 00:53:47.390
The water, the rivers,
the forest, the sea,
00:53:47.682 --> 00:53:51.978
the telecommunications,
the oil, the energy, the roads;
00:53:52.020 --> 00:53:54.606
they run everything,
impoverishing our country.
00:53:55.315 --> 00:53:59.069
Listen, DESA is one of a whole number
of hydroelectric companies
00:53:59.152 --> 00:54:01.404
that grew out of new legislation
00:54:01.613 --> 00:54:06.493
when the government in Honduras
wanted to move away from fossil fuels.
00:54:08.495 --> 00:54:13.124
The plan was to bring hydroelectric
power to the country,
00:54:13.291 --> 00:54:18.505
to also electrify the villages and
provide infrastructure in the region.
00:54:22.259 --> 00:54:25.178
The corporations arrived in our communities
00:54:25.262 --> 00:54:31.768
as if nothing was wrong,
as if they owned the rivers.
00:54:35.397 --> 00:54:37.274
They came with money,
00:54:37.274 --> 00:54:40.443
they came with a lot of prestige
and they came heavily armed.
00:54:45.573 --> 00:54:46.992
The Honduran army
00:54:47.033 --> 00:54:50.662
came to evict the local farmers.
00:54:51.663 --> 00:54:54.708
We had beans planted,
but when SinoHydro came in,
00:54:54.791 --> 00:54:57.127
they ran their tractors over our fields.
00:55:00.213 --> 00:55:03.091
They destroyed everything.
00:55:14.936 --> 00:55:17.814
The people were not consulted
00:55:17.897 --> 00:55:21.776
which is a violation of the right to Free,
Prior and Informed Consent.
00:55:24.946 --> 00:55:29.284
This is established in Convention 169,
on the rights of Indigenous people.
00:55:29.367 --> 00:55:32.537
The concessions are illegal
00:55:32.579 --> 00:55:38.668
because they don’t have the people’s consent.
00:55:40.295 --> 00:55:41.087
You know what?
00:55:41.087 --> 00:55:43.757
When you’ve got your hospital,
and you’ve got your school,
00:55:43.798 --> 00:55:47.093
then let’s fight for
ensuring we’re properly informed.
00:55:47.927 --> 00:55:53.266
DESA was the first one to
even try to electrify the villages,
00:55:53.892 --> 00:55:57.479
build a bridge that had not existed before.
00:55:58.438 --> 00:56:01.483
It's extraordinary what these
young men had tried to put together.
00:56:04.027 --> 00:56:06.237
My name is David Castillo,
00:56:06.404 --> 00:56:09.741
and I represent DESA,
00:56:10.033 --> 00:56:15.872
the energy company running
the Agua Zarca Project, the dam.
00:56:15.997 --> 00:56:19.793
David Castillo presented himself
as a company representative,
00:56:21.127 --> 00:56:26.132
like so many executives
of other hydroelectric projects
00:56:27.008 --> 00:56:30.595
making promises to the people,
talking about aid projects.
00:56:31.179 --> 00:56:34.474
But he didn't reveal
who he really was.
00:56:34.766 --> 00:56:38.520
You’ve raised concerns
00:56:38.520 --> 00:56:43.274
because based on your criteria
our company is bad for you.
00:56:43.358 --> 00:56:46.319
“It is bad!” It’s very bad!
00:56:46.903 --> 00:56:50.448
We began to investigate who
David Castillo really was...
00:56:51.783 --> 00:56:54.285
He graduated from West Point Military Academy
00:56:54.994 --> 00:56:57.831
and had worked for ENEE
(Honduras's Public Utility Commission),
00:56:58.665 --> 00:57:01.918
and had been an intelligence officer
in the Honduran Armed Forces,
00:57:01.918 --> 00:57:06.339
and those connections
led to him getting the permit
00:57:06.589 --> 00:57:09.676
for the Agua Zarca water project.
00:57:11.052 --> 00:57:13.680
You are only one community.
00:57:19.394 --> 00:57:23.022
We are working with 12 other communities.
00:57:23.106 --> 00:57:26.401
They are not affected at all!
00:57:26.484 --> 00:57:29.737
We are the ones affected!
00:57:29.821 --> 00:57:32.782
We’re also working with them
00:57:33.158 --> 00:57:36.744
and we have obligations to fulfill.
00:57:37.120 --> 00:57:41.040
If you don’t want anything,
that’s up to you.
00:57:41.124 --> 00:57:43.835
We elected this mayor
and he sold us out!
00:57:45.712 --> 00:57:48.214
You brought only misfortunes to our people!
00:57:50.341 --> 00:57:52.594
Let me talk.
00:57:52.677 --> 00:57:56.890
For many years you have simply
watched the water flowing by
00:57:56.973 --> 00:57:59.058
but you’ve never used it.
00:58:00.643 --> 00:58:02.854
Now, we’re going to use it.
00:58:04.522 --> 00:58:05.982
There is life in the river.
00:58:05.982 --> 00:58:08.109
It provides water for the animals.
00:58:08.151 --> 00:58:10.778
You’re telling me that’s not using the river?
00:58:11.070 --> 00:58:12.864
We are using the river!
00:58:16.659 --> 00:58:18.828
In two Town Hall meetings
00:58:18.953 --> 00:58:21.664
and more than 150 Indigenous
assemblies and debates
00:58:21.748 --> 00:58:25.210
our people rejected the dam.
00:58:25.335 --> 00:58:29.672
They didn’t want to damage
or privatize their sacred river.
00:58:29.964 --> 00:58:33.760
I’m sure the majority of
people here support the dam.
00:58:33.801 --> 00:58:35.887
00:58:36.054 --> 00:58:39.641
Get out, You Bum!
This is our land!
00:58:40.934 --> 00:58:42.018
00:58:42.477 --> 00:58:43.853
00:58:44.145 --> 00:58:46.481
He’s taking the land title!
He’s taking the land title!
00:58:51.569 --> 00:58:53.821
The mayor sold us out,
00:58:53.905 --> 00:58:56.866
he made a big mistake,
he sold our land.
00:58:57.367 --> 00:59:01.538
It’s obvious that the communities
do not want the hydroelectric project.
00:59:01.579 --> 00:59:04.207
-Do you want the dam?
00:59:11.589 --> 00:59:13.466
Companies like DESA
00:59:13.466 --> 00:59:17.720
that go in and give them doctors
and electrification and health care
00:59:18.054 --> 00:59:20.723
if you’re a parent that’s what you want.
00:59:22.475 --> 00:59:26.062
These are people who don’t
have the money to feed their children.
00:59:26.479 --> 00:59:29.941
Forget the environmental review,
feed those children!
00:59:33.570 --> 00:59:37.323
The community of Rio Blanco
begins to mobilize against the dam
00:59:37.407 --> 00:59:40.076
with the support of
Berta’s organization, COPINH
00:59:40.410 --> 00:59:43.204
the council of popular
and Indigenous organizations.
00:59:43.580 --> 00:59:45.498
- Long live COPINH!
00:59:51.296 --> 00:59:53.548
Understanding our ancestors’ power
00:59:54.257 --> 00:59:57.468
is the key for us to be able to
hold on and to have hope.
01:00:02.599 --> 01:00:07.228
We are going to make an
offering to Mother Earth,
01:00:07.645 --> 01:00:09.939
the nine angels of heaven
01:00:10.356 --> 01:00:13.067
and the angel that protects
the Mother Earth
01:00:13.234 --> 01:00:16.529
and to our ancestors who lived
01:00:16.779 --> 01:00:18.740
and worked on this land.
01:00:26.289 --> 01:00:27.790
Transnational corporations?
01:00:27.915 --> 01:00:29.083
01:00:29.208 --> 01:00:30.543
Hydroelectric projects?
01:00:30.668 --> 01:00:31.753
01:00:32.045 --> 01:00:33.796
We want to be clear,
01:00:33.880 --> 01:00:36.424
we’ll continue this
struggle indefinitely.
01:00:37.425 --> 01:00:40.637
The COPINH have an ultra-leftist agenda,
01:00:41.638 --> 01:00:44.015
which is fine if they're a political party.
01:00:44.140 --> 01:00:47.727
But it isn't fine if they hide themselves as an NGO
01:00:47.810 --> 01:00:52.065
in an attempt to get money,
get international support.
01:00:52.315 --> 01:00:55.026
- Long live the fight of the Lenca people!
01:00:55.109 --> 01:00:56.986
- Long live COPINH!
01:00:57.236 --> 01:00:58.529
Over the years,
01:00:58.571 --> 01:01:02.200
COPINH has stopped dozens of
logging and hydro-electric projects
01:01:02.325 --> 01:01:04.452
that would have destroyed Indigenous land
01:01:04.577 --> 01:01:06.579
and impacted Lenca communities.
01:01:06.704 --> 01:01:09.290
- La diga?
- Fuori!
01:01:10.291 --> 01:01:13.419
No matter how much power they have,
01:01:14.796 --> 01:01:18.883
we’ve never been submissive in the 500
years since they (Spaniards) arrived here.
01:01:20.051 --> 01:01:23.179
COPINH was founded in 1993 by Berta
01:01:23.846 --> 01:01:26.474
and her former husband Salvador Zuniga.
01:01:29.477 --> 01:01:32.522
Our experience was rooted
01:01:32.522 --> 01:01:35.817
in the guerilla struggle in El Salvador.
01:01:39.278 --> 01:01:40.738
In the 1980’s,
01:01:40.822 --> 01:01:43.199
many Hondurans took part in the conflict.
01:01:44.033 --> 01:01:46.160
Berta and Salvador crossed the border
01:01:46.244 --> 01:01:49.414
where they joined the FMLN
as medics on the frontlines.
01:01:51.708 --> 01:01:55.336
I was shocked to discover that the combat
01:01:55.670 --> 01:01:58.589
was as intense as the battles in WWII,
01:01:59.048 --> 01:02:05.847
with artillery shells, bombing
raids from helicopters and airplanes.
01:02:08.641 --> 01:02:12.687
I must confess that I was almost
always in a state of panic.
01:02:15.398 --> 01:02:20.695
But that young woman was fearless.
01:02:23.489 --> 01:02:29.829
We decided that we must
develop non-violent strategies
01:02:31.414 --> 01:02:35.209
to create a democratic
system of self governance,
01:02:35.460 --> 01:02:39.672
to preserve communal lands,
01:02:39.922 --> 01:02:44.260
and promote the well-being of all;
and that is how COPINH started.
01:02:44.886 --> 01:02:46.512
We are armed,
01:02:46.596 --> 01:02:49.849
not with firearms
but with spiritual weapons.
01:02:51.476 --> 01:02:52.560
That’s who we are.
01:03:01.402 --> 01:03:04.947
Construction has begun on the Agua Zarca dam,
01:03:06.240 --> 01:03:08.868
and the community is determined to stop it.
01:03:13.122 --> 01:03:15.208
Comrades, run!
01:03:16.375 --> 01:03:19.170
But now DESA has brought in the military.
01:03:23.382 --> 01:03:26.511
- Out!
01:03:26.594 --> 01:03:28.429
01:03:29.889 --> 01:03:32.308
This is where we farm!
01:03:32.350 --> 01:03:35.645
This is our land, n
ot the Chinese!
01:03:37.104 --> 01:03:40.358
I am here with my indigenous comrades
01:03:40.441 --> 01:03:42.944
because we work here on the Gualcarque River,
01:03:43.027 --> 01:03:47.156
and we won’t allow a transnational
corporation to come and steal our land.
01:03:47.448 --> 01:03:48.991
We won’t let them pass!
01:04:11.180 --> 01:04:14.725
Of course, the community was ignored,
01:04:15.393 --> 01:04:18.354
so they were forced to act,
01:04:18.437 --> 01:04:20.857
putting their bodies, their lives,
01:04:20.940 --> 01:04:24.277
all their hopes, their resistance,
01:04:26.279 --> 01:04:27.780
day and night,
01:04:28.573 --> 01:04:30.908
cooking there, sleeping there,
01:04:31.450 --> 01:04:34.036
enduring rain, sun, hunger,
01:04:34.078 --> 01:04:36.247
repression, harassment.
01:04:41.377 --> 01:04:43.212
Nothing could move them,
01:04:43.296 --> 01:04:45.673
not a transnational corporation,
not even the army.
01:04:45.715 --> 01:04:49.844
The only way they were going
to be moved is if they were dead.
01:04:54.015 --> 01:04:56.058
Two months into the roadblock,
01:04:56.142 --> 01:04:57.560
tensions escalate
01:04:57.602 --> 01:05:00.479
when a soldier fires into a group of protesters,
01:05:01.188 --> 01:05:03.900
killing community leader Tomas Garcia,
01:05:04.692 --> 01:05:07.069
and wounding his seventeen-year old son,
01:05:08.070 --> 01:05:09.530
01:05:13.492 --> 01:05:16.454
Our Lord, we are mourning the death
01:05:16.621 --> 01:05:19.457
of our comrade in the struggle.
01:05:20.082 --> 01:05:22.668
The assassination of Tomás García
01:05:23.252 --> 01:05:26.923
was very painful for me because
we were good friends.
01:05:30.593 --> 01:05:35.056
We had shared in the struggle,
day and night at the blockade.
01:05:40.937 --> 01:05:43.189
Our Father, who art in Heaven.
01:05:43.272 --> 01:05:49.153
The community confronted DESA
and SinoHydro and demanded that they leave.
01:05:51.405 --> 01:05:53.366
They were told that nobody would hurt them,
01:05:53.741 --> 01:05:55.660
but they should never come back.
01:06:00.414 --> 01:06:02.833
And that is how SinoHydro left Rio Blanco,
01:06:04.543 --> 01:06:08.339
but the town paid in blood.
01:06:14.679 --> 01:06:16.430
In August 2013,
01:06:16.555 --> 01:06:19.308
the Chinese engineering company Sinohydro
01:06:19.600 --> 01:06:21.769
terminates its contract with DESA.
01:06:22.311 --> 01:06:24.563
Construction grinds to a halt.
01:06:27.149 --> 01:06:28.818
Life is different now.
01:06:28.943 --> 01:06:33.948
We are working the land
growing corn and beans.
01:06:35.616 --> 01:06:38.035
It is no longer militarized,
as when DESA was here.
01:06:38.119 --> 01:06:41.205
Now we are free to work again.
01:06:45.501 --> 01:06:47.878
But with other investors still in place,
01:06:48.170 --> 01:06:50.631
DESA hopes to restart the project.
01:06:51.382 --> 01:06:53.718
COPINH keeps up their roadblock.
01:07:00.307 --> 01:07:02.685
We have a different concept of development,
01:07:03.811 --> 01:07:07.732
based on our people’s worldview.
01:07:11.152 --> 01:07:15.656
Based on what our brothers and
sisters in the south call, good living.
01:07:19.160 --> 01:07:21.954
A life in balance, in harmony (with nature).
01:07:25.708 --> 01:07:28.169
Electricity should be a human right,
01:07:28.252 --> 01:07:32.631
not a way to loot people.
01:07:34.925 --> 01:07:36.886
We want respect.
01:07:41.932 --> 01:07:43.434
To silence critics,
01:07:43.559 --> 01:07:47.063
DESA moves their physical plant to the opposite side of the river
01:07:47.605 --> 01:07:49.732
to the state of Santa Bárbara.
01:07:50.274 --> 01:07:54.445
But the project is still in
Lenca ancestral territory,
01:07:55.029 --> 01:07:57.656
and still threatens
the Gualcarque river.
01:07:59.283 --> 01:08:02.828
And now local residents
are pitted against one another.
01:08:07.792 --> 01:08:10.503
We’ll meet tomorrow at
10am at the roadblock.
01:08:10.544 --> 01:08:12.797
We’ll have breakfast at the roadblock
01:08:12.963 --> 01:08:14.882
then the assembly,
01:08:15.341 --> 01:08:19.136
hen lunch, and then
we’ll go down to the river
01:08:19.678 --> 01:08:21.889
for the ceremony.
01:08:23.307 --> 01:08:24.892
What else do we need?
01:08:26.060 --> 01:08:29.313
The brown car will leave around 4pm,
01:08:30.189 --> 01:08:33.192
with five of us,
01:08:34.068 --> 01:08:36.070
and the rest tomorrow.
01:08:37.071 --> 01:08:40.074
Then, people from the town of
El Barrial, who are in favor of the dam,
01:08:40.157 --> 01:08:44.370
will see there are many of us,
which may stop them from bothering us.
01:08:44.537 --> 01:08:46.622
They’ve been lurking in our neighborhood
01:08:46.622 --> 01:08:50.417
and they’ve threatened Chico,
the president of our Indigenous council.
01:08:53.337 --> 01:08:55.965
The company created conflict
01:08:56.423 --> 01:08:58.843
between the communities.
01:09:00.803 --> 01:09:05.933
There were threats and
hitmen in the communities
01:09:07.226 --> 01:09:11.981
so you couldn’t tell
which side people were on.
01:09:12.398 --> 01:09:16.610
There was too much
money involved.
01:09:18.904 --> 01:09:22.074
Berta, Tomás and all of us were clear
01:09:22.408 --> 01:09:25.536
that at any moment any one of us could die.
01:09:41.427 --> 01:09:43.929
Tomás García lives on!
01:09:44.013 --> 01:09:46.182
The fight goes on, and goes on!
01:09:46.682 --> 01:09:48.893
Elva Gómez, lives on!
01:09:48.976 --> 01:09:51.312
The fight goes on, goes on!
01:09:51.312 --> 01:09:53.564
Blanca Domínguez,
William Rodrígiuez,
01:09:53.564 --> 01:09:57.318
Michael Rodríguez, Luciano
Dominguez, Simona Martínez,
01:09:57.401 --> 01:09:59.987
Magdaleno Martínez, lives on!
01:10:00.279 --> 01:10:02.323
The fight goes on, goes on!
01:10:06.660 --> 01:10:09.038
Last night the guy called me again
01:10:09.121 --> 01:10:12.124
and told me exactly
what was going to happen.
01:10:12.583 --> 01:10:15.669
He told me not to stop
the car, to keep going.
01:10:16.420 --> 01:10:18.839
And if it wasn't them,
it would be the police.
01:10:18.839 --> 01:10:22.843
He told me, "especially
the second day as you leave.”
01:10:23.135 --> 01:10:25.638
- Today?
- Tomorrow is the second day.
01:10:26.305 --> 01:10:30.935
He urgently wanted to speak with
me last night but it was too late.
01:10:43.155 --> 01:10:45.699
Berta has been receiving anonymous calls,
01:10:45.783 --> 01:10:48.953
threatening her if she travels
through a nearby community
01:10:49.036 --> 01:10:51.121
where there is support for the project.
01:10:52.915 --> 01:10:55.084
In a region with few roads,
01:10:55.125 --> 01:10:58.671
passing through the town is unavoidable.
01:11:04.260 --> 01:11:06.553
Search the vehicles…
01:11:12.351 --> 01:11:16.146
Open the door please,
I want to take a look…
01:11:17.898 --> 01:11:19.024
Is that her?
01:11:26.740 --> 01:11:27.992
01:11:31.036 --> 01:11:33.080
She is not here.
01:11:33.122 --> 01:11:34.999
She is a look-alike!
01:11:38.419 --> 01:11:41.130
Linder, I’m not sure what you…
01:11:41.255 --> 01:11:47.469
We want to talk to Berta
01:11:47.553 --> 01:11:54.560
so that she can explain to us
which town the project is located in.
01:11:55.144 --> 01:11:59.606
We want to take advantage of the dam
01:11:59.690 --> 01:12:02.943
and the money that we know it will bring.
01:12:03.027 --> 01:12:05.529
We don’t want any violence.
01:12:05.612 --> 01:12:07.406
Berta was in the car.
01:12:08.157 --> 01:12:10.784
The police knew she was there.
01:12:11.243 --> 01:12:14.788
The officer's decision had to do
with being exposed in front of the cameras,
01:12:14.830 --> 01:12:17.207
with the gringos who were there,
01:12:17.416 --> 01:12:20.836
and with the conflict it would have
triggered if Berta got out of the car.
01:12:39.897 --> 01:12:42.191
I see cars going by at night
01:12:42.566 --> 01:12:45.527
with dark windows,
01:12:45.611 --> 01:12:47.529
cars without license plates.
01:12:58.707 --> 01:13:01.168
I must admit I’m scared.
01:13:01.794 --> 01:13:03.379
We are only human
01:13:04.254 --> 01:13:06.131
so we have real fears.
01:13:06.256 --> 01:13:09.426
But that doesn’t mean we are
going to be paralyzed by them.
01:13:24.942 --> 01:13:28.362
We were chatting for a
bit outside her home.
01:13:30.614 --> 01:13:33.742
Everything was silent.
01:13:38.580 --> 01:13:43.168
Suddenly I heard a very loud noise.
Berta said, “who’s there?”
01:13:45.921 --> 01:13:49.925
At that moment I knew
the hitmen had come for us.
01:13:50.634 --> 01:13:53.679
I heard, "pa - pa - pa"
the three gunshots that hit Berta.
01:13:59.351 --> 01:14:01.562
I couldn’t believe it
01:14:02.104 --> 01:14:04.648
until I heard it on the news.
01:14:06.525 --> 01:14:09.111
A moment so…
01:14:09.862 --> 01:14:11.864
01:14:12.239 --> 01:14:15.784
Honduran indigenous and
environmental organizer Berta Cáceres
01:14:15.868 --> 01:14:18.495
has been assassinated in her home.
01:14:18.579 --> 01:14:20.581
She was one
of the leading organizers
01:14:20.581 --> 01:14:22.791
for indigenous
land rights in Honduras.
01:14:28.130 --> 01:14:33.051
In Esperanza, the Honduran city where
Berta Cáceres was born 45 years ago,
01:14:33.218 --> 01:14:37.306
they held a moving farewell
to the murdered indigenous leader.
01:14:47.232 --> 01:14:51.028
No one believed they were
capable of assassinating her.
01:14:54.448 --> 01:14:57.659
If they killed Berta Cáceras,
01:14:57.659 --> 01:15:01.538
a woman who had an international profile,
01:15:01.705 --> 01:15:05.959
perhaps one of the most recognized
defenders of Mother Earth in Honduras,
01:15:06.001 --> 01:15:08.921
in Central America,
in Latin America,
01:15:09.129 --> 01:15:11.507
then what might happen to the rest of us?
01:15:14.968 --> 01:15:20.307
COPINH and the Honduran
people are 100?rtain
01:15:20.349 --> 01:15:22.518
that the company killed her.
01:15:23.894 --> 01:15:28.565
The company acted with
malice and forethought,
01:15:28.649 --> 01:15:32.986
and with the complete
cooperation of the state.
01:15:37.449 --> 01:15:40.869
On our last trip together,
01:15:41.537 --> 01:15:45.082
she said, “they are going to kill me.”
01:15:45.582 --> 01:15:49.378
She said, “Of course, I’ll take security measures,
01:15:49.836 --> 01:15:56.343
but if it happens, the one
who will kill me is David Castillo.”
01:16:06.395 --> 01:16:09.856
My mother fought and organized.
01:16:09.982 --> 01:16:13.277
My mother cannot be murdered,
01:16:13.527 --> 01:16:17.281
my mother takes root,
is born and reborn.
01:17:03.744 --> 01:17:05.370
Hurry up!
01:17:27.392 --> 01:17:31.146
Alberto Curamil has been in
jail for almost a year and a half.
01:17:31.355 --> 01:17:33.857
Before his case has finally come to trial.
01:17:39.655 --> 01:17:42.074
Freedom for all the Mapuche prisoners!
01:17:44.409 --> 01:17:46.244
01:17:48.580 --> 01:17:51.833
On December 13, 2019
01:17:52.584 --> 01:17:55.921
the court has reached
the following verdict.
01:17:57.589 --> 01:17:59.466
We knew that he was innocent,
01:17:59.633 --> 01:18:02.177
but we also knew that
anything could happen.
01:18:03.053 --> 01:18:05.972
The tribunal has made a decision…
01:18:06.056 --> 01:18:08.892
The presumption of innocence protects them,
01:18:08.975 --> 01:18:13.188
and there is no evidence of
his participation in the crime.
01:18:13.313 --> 01:18:18.610
As a result, he is
acquitted of all charges.
01:18:27.994 --> 01:18:30.664
You are finally going to see your Dad!
01:18:33.041 --> 01:18:34.751
We knew that they were innocent.
01:18:34.793 --> 01:18:39.381
They were imprisoned for this long
because they raised their voices
01:18:39.464 --> 01:18:41.007
and fought for our territory,
01:18:41.341 --> 01:18:42.467
for the freedom of our rivers
01:18:42.551 --> 01:18:44.970
and the freedom of the Mapuche people.
01:18:45.095 --> 01:18:46.972
Thank you.
01:18:50.934 --> 01:18:52.394
Well done.
01:19:09.369 --> 01:19:12.038
What are your first words
now that you are free?
01:19:12.122 --> 01:19:14.750
Emotionally, this has
been very difficult
01:19:14.833 --> 01:19:17.461
to face this situation.
01:19:18.795 --> 01:19:24.134
Especially… for my daughter.
01:19:24.509 --> 01:19:26.553
Yesterday she was a little girl,
and today she is a woman.
01:19:35.520 --> 01:19:37.272
Our elders told us,
01:19:39.775 --> 01:19:43.445
that if we say our prayers
and hold our ceremonies,
01:19:44.070 --> 01:19:47.783
calling on all the forces of all nature,
01:19:49.493 --> 01:19:53.246
and take pride in who we are,
01:19:54.831 --> 01:19:56.917
we will never be defeated.
01:19:58.376 --> 01:20:01.379
That is why we say with
great strength and conviction,
01:20:03.965 --> 01:20:05.717
01:20:22.275 --> 01:20:25.737
We interrupt this broadcast
for an announcement
01:20:25.779 --> 01:20:30.283
by Attorney General
Douglas Menendez,
01:20:30.325 --> 01:20:33.119
in Washington DC,
at the headquarters of the World Bank,
01:20:33.453 --> 01:20:37.791
on the ruling of Pacific Rim mining company.
01:20:39.125 --> 01:20:42.838
I have the privilege of informing
the Salvadoran people
01:20:43.296 --> 01:20:50.303
that our country has conclusively
and positively won this lawsuit.
01:20:53.431 --> 01:20:58.645
The court rejected all
charges made by Pacific Rim
01:20:58.645 --> 01:21:00.939
and ordered them
01:21:01.106 --> 01:21:07.696
to reimburse El Salvador
$8 million in legal costs.
01:21:08.405 --> 01:21:14.578
We are completely satisfied
and proud of the ruling.
01:21:14.911 --> 01:21:19.207
Finally, I would like to
say to Salvadoran citizens
01:21:19.374 --> 01:21:23.837
and specifically to
those from San Isidro,
01:21:23.879 --> 01:21:27.215
Department of Cabañas of
the Republic of El Salvador:
01:21:27.299 --> 01:21:30.969
Mission accomplished: you’ve
defended the environment! Muchas gracias.
01:21:35.807 --> 01:21:39.644
We won the battle…
01:21:40.061 --> 01:21:41.605
but we have not won the war.
01:21:42.272 --> 01:21:43.940
Let’s celebrate.
01:21:45.901 --> 01:21:52.157
It doesn’t mean that the
company lost interest in our gold.
01:21:53.158 --> 01:21:57.203
It is a sleeping monster.
01:21:57.829 --> 01:22:03.501
Waiting for the moment to
return and catch us by surprise.
01:22:03.752 --> 01:22:10.342
To our fallen comrades,
our victory is for them.
01:22:10.592 --> 01:22:14.095
-The struggle continues.
-The struggle continues comrades.
01:22:15.138 --> 01:22:19.142
Victory, after ten years of fighting.
01:22:31.154 --> 01:22:35.575
In 2017, El Salvador’s congress makes history
01:22:35.992 --> 01:22:39.746
when they become the first country
in the world to ban the mining of gold
01:22:39.829 --> 01:22:41.790
and all other metals.
01:22:49.965 --> 01:22:52.425
I went to the river that day.
01:22:54.970 --> 01:22:57.430
I felt that I was speaking to the river,
01:22:58.765 --> 01:23:03.144
telling it we had won
the fight for its survival.
01:23:27.711 --> 01:23:31.464
After my mom’s assassination
we had to decide how to continue.
01:23:31.631 --> 01:23:35.510
We considered ending the struggle,
01:23:36.219 --> 01:23:41.891
instead, we realized our mother
had planted a seed inside each of us…
01:23:41.891 --> 01:23:44.811
and she was reborn.
01:23:45.895 --> 01:23:50.442
We will only survive if we confront
the great struggles facing humanity.
01:23:50.525 --> 01:23:55.447
The defense of the Earth,
and defense of the rivers.
01:23:56.948 --> 01:24:02.037
Justice is not only served in the courts.
01:24:02.579 --> 01:24:06.082
Justice also means that the
Gualcarque River runs free.
01:24:23.308 --> 01:24:27.729
In 2018, eight men accused
of Berta's assassination
01:24:27.812 --> 01:24:29.439
are put on trial.
01:24:29.522 --> 01:24:33.526
They have ties to the Honduran military and to DESA,
01:24:33.568 --> 01:24:36.237
the company behind the hydro-electric project.
01:24:37.614 --> 01:24:38.948
Seven of the eight,
01:24:38.990 --> 01:24:41.117
including DESA’s head of security,
01:24:41.201 --> 01:24:43.536
are convicted of killing Berta
01:24:43.953 --> 01:24:47.207
receiving sentences of 30 to 50 years.
01:24:55.131 --> 01:24:57.425
My name is David Castillo…
01:24:57.509 --> 01:25:01.262
Ultimately, David Castillo,
president of DESA,
01:25:01.346 --> 01:25:04.182
is convicted of masterminding
Berta's murder
01:25:04.265 --> 01:25:07.477
and sentenced to 22
and a half years in prison.
01:25:18.113 --> 01:25:20.824
They thought they killed her,
01:25:21.741 --> 01:25:23.535
but Berta lives.
01:25:24.285 --> 01:25:26.079
She lives in everybody;
01:25:26.955 --> 01:25:29.415
she lives in the hearts of Indigenous people.
01:25:29.415 --> 01:25:33.545
She lives in Mother Earth, in the sky,
the rivers, the birdsongs.
01:25:33.628 --> 01:25:34.796
She lives everywhere.
01:25:53.022 --> 01:25:56.234
01:26:05.660 --> 01:26:08.663
When we started the fight for Río Blanco,
01:26:08.663 --> 01:26:14.419
I would go to the river and I could
feel what the river was telling me.
01:26:16.838 --> 01:26:19.007
I knew what was going to happen,
01:26:19.799 --> 01:26:22.177
I knew it was going to be difficult.
01:26:22.802 --> 01:26:25.221
But I also knew that we were going to triumph,
01:26:26.472 --> 01:26:28.516
because the river told me so.
01:26:30.226 --> 01:26:35.607
“Wake up humanity, there is no more time.”
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 91 minutes
Date: 2023
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish; English
Grade: 10-12, College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
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