Panjy, Amelia, Justin and Vusumzi

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In south India, Panjy was born into a community dependent on the local fireworks industry. As a child, she was determined to finish her education -- but family debt intervened; she was forced to quit school, and later had an arranged marriage. In north Norway, Amelia was born into a remote cod-fishing community on the edge of the Arctic. But the fishing industry gave way to tourism in the 1990s, when fishing quotas were introduced, and Amelia worked as a waitress. Now she's desperate to get away and experience life outside of her remote home town.
On the other side of the world, in South Africa, we catch up with Justin, who is forging a new future for himself as an undergraduate at Cape Town University far from his parents' farm in the Eastern Cape. Tragedy has struck down Vusumzi, our second South African `Earth Summit' child -- tragically killed in a senseless act of violence three years ago. His mother Mavis recounts what happened and then, amazingly, forgives his killer.
Part of the Zero Ten Twenty series.
'Zero, Ten, Twenty offers a gritty, realistic view of the slow grind of progress internationally. This film underscores the ecological contributions of family, community, governance and culture in the successes and sometimes the continued struggles of children growing up in an uncertain world.' Dr. Deborah J. Johnson, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Michigan State University, Editor, Vulnerable Children: Global Challenges in Education, Health, Well-Being, and Child Rights
'This is a truly remarkable film. It illuminates differences in class, gender, race, and culture. It brings to life changes in childhood, in work, and in the environment. It is a must-see across fields like education, psychology, sociology, international development, women's studies, environmental studies, globalization studies, and more.' Steven J. Klees, Professor of International and Comparative Education, University of Maryland, Former President of the U.S. Comparative and International Education Society, Co-author of The World Bank and Education: Critiques and Alternatives
'Zero, Ten, Twenty characterizes the ongoing, perhaps increasing, challenges of ensuring the well-being of children across the world, even when politicians pledged to improve it 20 years ago. It also shows the absolute necessity of the commitment of parents to their children in order for their children to have a chance at survival, whatever that might mean in a particular place. While governments can provide some opportunities or supports, it is still up to the parents to give children the love and attention they need to grow up healthy and happy.' Dr. Robert Goerge, Senior Research Fellow at Chapin Hall, Senior Fellow at Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, co-Founder of the International Society for Child Indicators
'These beautiful films evoke the complex tangle of environmental, economic, cultural, social and personal issues in the life of an extraordinary group of ordinary young people...A profoundly moving series, which captures not only the conflict between economic necessity and the ecological imperative, but also the ways in which this fundamental contradiction is inflected by the determination and idealism of young people. It offers rich material for impassioned discussion, since there is no self-evident way out of the developmental paradox, whereby we grow rich individually, and are impoverished collectively.' Jeremy Seabrook, Journalist and Writer, Author, Children of a New World: Society, Culture, and Globalization and Children of Other Worlds: Exploitation in the Global Market
Main credits
Sorrentino, Bruno (cinematographer)
Sorrentino, Bruno (film director)
Omaar, Rageh (narrator)
Other credits
Editors, Mikhael Junod, Guy Creasey; composer, Philip Chambon.
Distributor subjects
African Studies; Anthropology; Arctic Studies; Asian Studies; At-risk Youth; Child Labor; Community; Developing World; Economics; Education; Environment; European Studies; Fisheries; Geography; Globalization; India; Psychology; Race and Racism; Sociology; Women's StudiesKeywords
00:00:02.080 --> 00:00:10.080
Narrator: It\'s 1992.
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Narrator: For 20 years we have
followed the lives of 11
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children, born in 10 countries
across the world.
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All born at the time of
the Rio Earth Summit.
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The first time world leaders
had got together to promise
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future generations
a better world.
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- If a man cheats the earth,
the earth will cheat man.
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Narrator: We wanted to know if
the promises of the Earth
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Summit would be fulfilled
in their lives.
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- I am fighting for my future.
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Narrator: The promise of a
cleaner, healthier, better
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educated and less
dangerous world.
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- I am here to speak for all
generations to come.
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Narrator: These are the babies,
then kids, then
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teenagers, and now young adults,
we\'ve been following.
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It\'s a unique adventure,
spanning our fast-changing
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world over 20 years through the
lives of our children and
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their families in far corners
of the Earth.
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Now, in 2012, there\'s a new
Earth Summit in Rio, and we\'ve
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returned to each child to
discover what lessons their
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lives have to offer.
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Narrator: In this episode, we
travel to Tamil Nadu, in
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India, where Panjy was born
in a society where
00:01:45.430 --> 00:01:48.199
children go to work.
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To the Arctic North of Norway,
where Amelia was born to a
00:01:52.290 --> 00:01:54.829
fishing family.
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And to South Africa, where,
because of the unique
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circumstances, we follow two
babies: Justin and Vusumzi.
00:02:02.790 --> 00:02:05.269
- But not everyone agrees the
cultural boycott should...
00:02:05.270 --> 00:02:09.239
- Whole villages emptied
at the center...
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- Only a few get rich, but
everyone lives on hope...
00:02:13.200 --> 00:02:14.200
- economic reform.
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- Youth and inexperience are
no match for maturity and
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Narrator: This is Vusumzi.
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He and his mom Mavis live in
a small house in a black
00:02:31.910 --> 00:02:35.249
township called Thornhill.
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One of the places blacks were
moved to during South Africa\'s
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period of racial
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discrimination known as Apartheid.
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Vusumzi\'s dad has just
died of pneumonia.
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Mavis scrapes her living as a
cleaner, and on money sent by
00:02:50.660 --> 00:02:53.549
her sister working in Pretoria.
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So far as she\'s concerned,
there\'s a simple solution to
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her problem.
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- It\'s money.
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With money you can do anything.
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Narrator: Half an hour\'s drive
away, there\'s another world.
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A fertile lowland dotted
with white-owned farms.
00:03:26.800 --> 00:03:30.939
This is the world Justin
was born into.
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This is a time of upheaval in
South Africa\'s Eastern Cape.
00:03:34.650 --> 00:03:38.399
Apartheid has only just ended,
and white farmers, viewed as
00:03:38.400 --> 00:03:42.049
settlers by radical black
movements, are being attacked.
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Justin\'s dad takes no chances.
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- This is the main bedroom,
where Amanda and I sleep; she
00:03:48.080 --> 00:03:50.339
sleeps there, and I sleep here.
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It\'s got a grenade screen on it.
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She\'s got a revolver, there\'s a
radio to call the police in
00:03:55.590 --> 00:03:56.879
case of trouble.
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Under my mattress I\'ve
got my nine mil...
00:04:02.360 --> 00:04:05.609
you see, there it is.
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And under my bed I\'ve
got my shotgun.
00:04:09.180 --> 00:04:10.430
All easily accessible.
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Narrator: A world away from
Vusumzi and Justin, baby Panjy
00:04:28.470 --> 00:04:34.319
was also born in 1992 in the
village of Manish Puran, in
00:04:34.320 --> 00:04:37.039
Tamil Nadu in southern India.
00:04:37.040 --> 00:04:40.619
Panjy is the youngest
of five children.
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Her 10-year-old sister already
works in nearby firework
00:04:44.430 --> 00:04:47.389
factories to help
feed the family.
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A fate Panjy\'s mother
hopes she\'ll avoid.
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- Only as a last resort this
girl will go to the factory.
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If we can manage and
send her to school.
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My son and daughter both went to
school, but we had to take
00:05:04.780 --> 00:05:06.220
her out when times got hard.
00:05:09.020 --> 00:05:11.719
Narrator: Panjy\'s village is
close to the heart of India\'s
00:05:11.720 --> 00:05:13.960
fireworks and matchmaking
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Here, children are used because
they are cheap and
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have quick hands.
00:05:22.110 --> 00:05:26.029
Working 10-hour shifts, each
child turns out a third of a
00:05:26.030 --> 00:05:28.890
million matchboxes
in a single year.
00:05:32.330 --> 00:05:35.789
- I want to avoid sending
her to the factory.
00:05:35.790 --> 00:05:41.109
But we are poor people, so
everyone has to help out.
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Narrator: Panjy\'s dad,
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Kalamutli, also makes fireworks.
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Mixing chemicals has corroded
his skin and lungs, and he\'s
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in hospital.
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The family struggle to pay his
medical bills; $10.00, cash
00:05:55.830 --> 00:05:58.280
that Panjy\'s family
can barely afford.
00:06:02.550 --> 00:06:05.810
- My son\'s illness has made
life hard for the family.
00:06:08.910 --> 00:06:14.409
So his mother and I must work in
the fields to support them.
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I\'m 65, and I\'d hoped he would
be the one helping us.
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But his wife and children need
all the help we can give them.
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Narrator: India provides free
education for all children to
00:06:29.980 --> 00:06:32.209
the age of 16.
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But when it comes down to it,
putting food on the table
00:06:35.610 --> 00:06:38.119
comes first.
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Will Panjy be allowed to stay
the course of school and avoid
00:06:42.190 --> 00:06:43.440
the factory?
00:06:52.000 --> 00:06:57.109
Narrator: The Lofoten Islands in
the Arctic North of Norway.
00:06:57.110 --> 00:07:02.409
The region depends almost
entirely on fishing.
00:07:02.410 --> 00:07:07.949
This is where Amelia was
also born, in 1992.
00:07:07.950 --> 00:07:11.569
- Honningsvag is a really nice
place to live, and it\'s a nice
00:07:11.570 --> 00:07:13.879
place to raise kids.
00:07:13.880 --> 00:07:17.409
Narrator: Fish catches are
falling as foreign fleets move
00:07:17.410 --> 00:07:21.359
into Norwegian fishing grounds.
00:07:21.360 --> 00:07:25.949
Baby Amelia\'s parents worry they
may lose their living.
00:07:25.950 --> 00:07:31.229
- Norwegian fishermen have
suffered many years to save
00:07:31.230 --> 00:07:36.899
and build up the resources
of cod.
00:07:36.900 --> 00:07:40.759
When we are coming open...
00:07:40.760 --> 00:07:46.239
this, the Bering Sea for
European trawlers, they come
00:07:46.240 --> 00:07:47.910
up and take all the cod.
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- I hope that my children and my
grandchildren will be able
00:07:56.040 --> 00:08:01.709
to harvest from the sea just
like my ancestors did.
00:08:01.710 --> 00:08:04.669
Because if you can\'t harvest
from the sea,
00:08:04.670 --> 00:08:05.749
we can\'t live here.
00:08:05.750 --> 00:08:09.280
Then we have to move out
of this country.
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Narrator: Amelia\'s family have
lived on these islands for
00:08:14.750 --> 00:08:16.969
hundreds of years.
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The next 20 could be critical.
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Will Amelia carry on the
family traditions?
00:08:24.530 --> 00:08:27.489
Or are remote communities
under threat
00:08:27.490 --> 00:08:28.970
even in the rich West?
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Narrator: It\'s now 1995, and
we\'re back in Tamil Nadu,
00:08:56.310 --> 00:08:59.819
where Panjy\'s three.
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Her father has just passed away.
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- After a month in hospital,
they told us to get private
00:09:15.830 --> 00:09:17.080
medical help.
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We couldn\'t pay, so we
brought him home.
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He died soon after.
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Narrator: As if things weren\'t
hard enough, her grandfather
00:09:39.050 --> 00:09:40.300
has stopped work.
00:09:43.420 --> 00:09:45.740
- I can\'t help the family
any longer.
00:09:48.860 --> 00:09:50.910
My body\'s too old and weak.
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Narrator: If Panjy\'s really
going to avoid life in the
00:10:00.590 --> 00:10:04.350
firework factory, she now has
only her mom to help.
00:10:14.770 --> 00:10:18.809
Narrator: Also in 1995, in South
Africa, we found Justin
00:10:18.810 --> 00:10:20.970
and his family on
their holidays.
00:10:35.650 --> 00:10:38.899
Narrator: It\'s now four years
since Apartheid and minority
00:10:38.900 --> 00:10:41.099
white rule came to an end.
00:10:41.100 --> 00:10:44.089
What changed for Justin\'s
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- People\'s attitudes towards
each other, you know?
00:10:46.850 --> 00:10:51.239
People want to get together and
make the country work, and
00:10:51.240 --> 00:10:56.559
the political situation work,
instead of being antagonistic
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towards each other, and saying
the other one\'s the big bad
00:10:59.220 --> 00:11:00.329
daddy, you know?
00:11:00.330 --> 00:11:02.759
Now they\'re working together
to try and
00:11:02.760 --> 00:11:03.809
make a better place.
00:11:03.810 --> 00:11:06.091
I think that\'s basically
what it is.
00:11:21.520 --> 00:11:24.469
- Prince Charles\' marriage was
ended unceremoniously.
00:11:24.470 --> 00:11:27.429
Miseries over divorce...
00:11:27.430 --> 00:11:30.719
- Bill Clinton has won the last
American election of the
00:11:30.720 --> 00:11:32.310
20th century...
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Narrator: A year later in India,
Panjy, now four, just
00:11:42.400 --> 00:11:44.070
can\'t wait to go to school.
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00:12:10.760 --> 00:12:13.839
- My name is Vusumzi.
00:12:13.840 --> 00:12:15.090
And I\'m four.
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Narrator: In South Africa in
1996, progress has come to
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Thornhill Township in the
form of electricity.
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Television comes as a reminder
to children like Vusumzi of a
00:12:41.440 --> 00:12:46.809
world of plenty still
beyond their reach.
00:12:46.810 --> 00:12:49.959
Justin, and his brother and
sister, already take
00:12:49.960 --> 00:12:51.280
electricity for granted.
00:13:12.010 --> 00:13:15.919
Narrator: 1997 in Norway has
brought difficult times for
00:13:15.920 --> 00:13:18.989
baby Amelia\'s family.
00:13:18.990 --> 00:13:22.849
There are fears of an imminent
collapse of cod stocks, so
00:13:22.850 --> 00:13:26.179
fishing is restricted.
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Amelia\'s dad Ogmund, who\'s
a fisherman, is
00:13:28.890 --> 00:13:30.829
forced to stay at home.
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But for Amelia, this is a bonus.
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- I got to spend up to seven
months a year at home.
00:13:39.230 --> 00:13:42.630
And so I was the housewife,
carpenter, and the cook.
00:13:53.760 --> 00:13:54.750
- Mr. Milosevic...
00:13:54.751 --> 00:13:56.729
- The holiday island of Bali...
00:13:56.730 --> 00:13:59.209
- Just a procession of people
covered in blood.
00:13:59.210 --> 00:14:02.439
- This is the biggest currency
swap in history... - It\'s the
00:14:02.440 --> 00:14:03.859
Euro for good.
00:14:03.860 --> 00:14:05.779
- There are known knowns...
00:14:05.780 --> 00:14:10.270
- When you\'re eating pretzels,
chew before you swallow.
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Narrator: It\'s now 10 years
since we began our adventure
00:14:19.670 --> 00:14:23.999
filming the lives of young
people born across the world.
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In South Africa, Vusumzi has a
new brother called Spamandla.
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His mother Mavis remarried,
but it didn\'t last.
00:14:35.380 --> 00:14:37.919
- He\'s a fine child.
00:14:37.920 --> 00:14:42.779
Since he was born he\'s never
given me any trouble.
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- My brother, I like.
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And I think he likes me.
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Narrator: Vusumzi is happy
with his new brother.
00:15:00.750 --> 00:15:04.529
But just outside the door,
in the township, life is
00:15:04.530 --> 00:15:05.819
00:15:05.820 --> 00:15:09.799
In the new South Africa, a dozen
years after Apartheid,
00:15:09.800 --> 00:15:12.589
over 40 people a day
are being murdered.
00:15:12.590 --> 00:15:14.760
Mostly in places like this.
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- The people are alright
till payday.
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Then all hell breaks loose.
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- So what happens?
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- They often get drunk
and have their
00:15:25.280 --> 00:15:28.559
wage packets stolen.
00:15:28.560 --> 00:15:32.119
- We must keep dogs in our
house and outside.
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So they can bark, so you
know someone\'s outside.
00:15:36.280 --> 00:15:39.689
Sometimes the poor people,
umm steal, because
00:15:39.690 --> 00:15:42.999
they\'re very hungry.
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So if there was...
00:15:44.930 --> 00:15:48.369
everybody in the world had
money, and lots of money, then
00:15:48.370 --> 00:15:50.450
I don\'t think they would steal.
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- How would you improve
things here?
00:15:55.160 --> 00:15:58.160
- I would stop grown-ups
from raping children.
00:16:03.250 --> 00:16:07.489
Narrator: Vusumzi\'s life has
been hit by the AIDS epidemic.
00:16:07.490 --> 00:16:11.439
His auntie, who\'d been sending
money from Pretoria, has just
00:16:11.440 --> 00:16:13.659
died from the disease.
00:16:13.660 --> 00:16:17.759
The most devastating effects of
the HIV/AIDS epidemic has
00:16:17.760 --> 00:16:19.709
been in Africa.
00:16:19.710 --> 00:16:24.690
In South Africa alone, one in
nine people is HIV positive.
00:16:37.960 --> 00:16:39.239
- There\'s the wheelbarrow.
00:16:39.240 --> 00:16:41.609
Come on now, get down
to the pile of sand.
00:16:41.610 --> 00:16:42.860
Get a move on, now.
00:16:54.460 --> 00:16:59.639
Narrator: AIDS is just one
reason why in 2002, 10 years
00:16:59.640 --> 00:17:02.369
after the Rio Earth
Summit, Africa...
00:17:02.370 --> 00:17:03.679
In real terms...
00:17:03.680 --> 00:17:06.069
Is a poorer place.
00:17:06.070 --> 00:17:08.629
Vusumzi and his classmates
do their best to
00:17:08.630 --> 00:17:11.149
help build their future.
00:17:11.150 --> 00:17:14.789
The Girls Choir sings on as the
boys form up in teams to
00:17:14.790 --> 00:17:16.090
repair their school.
00:17:30.420 --> 00:17:34.110
Close by, Justin\'s community is
facing its own challenges.
00:17:42.520 --> 00:17:46.909
When we started filming in
1992, only white children
00:17:46.910 --> 00:17:49.409
attended Justin\'s school.
00:17:49.410 --> 00:17:52.859
No black faces were ever to be
seen in the records of those
00:17:52.860 --> 00:17:54.969
who passed through its ranks.
00:17:54.970 --> 00:17:56.220
But not anymore.
00:18:07.530 --> 00:18:10.259
- I\'ve acquired a
lot of friends.
00:18:10.260 --> 00:18:17.979
My best friend is...
00:18:17.980 --> 00:18:21.329
Narrator: When Justin was born,
a scene such as this
00:18:21.330 --> 00:18:24.379
would have been impossible.
00:18:24.380 --> 00:18:26.129
- Like, a friend doesn\'t
have to be the
00:18:26.130 --> 00:18:28.319
proper color for you.
00:18:28.320 --> 00:18:31.359
It can be any, as long as
he\'s a true friend.
00:18:31.360 --> 00:18:37.269
That will always help you,
play with you, you know?
00:18:37.270 --> 00:18:39.769
Doesn\'t matter what color
it is for me.
00:18:39.770 --> 00:18:42.279
- The winners and losers that
I\'m going to speak about are
00:18:42.280 --> 00:18:44.129
the winners and losers in life.
00:18:44.130 --> 00:18:45.679
Not on the sports field.
00:18:45.680 --> 00:18:47.849
Not in the classroom.
00:18:47.850 --> 00:18:49.989
Losers in life.
00:18:49.990 --> 00:18:57.990
Let\'s have a look at the word
\"loser.\" L-O-S-E-R.
00:18:58.040 --> 00:19:01.119
Narrator: Half an hour away,
Vusumzi and his friends still
00:19:01.120 --> 00:19:06.809
lack the facilities Justin
and his classmates enjoy.
00:19:06.810 --> 00:19:10.139
The bulk of the country\'s
education system marked by
00:19:10.140 --> 00:19:14.839
inequalities inherited
from the past.
00:19:14.840 --> 00:19:16.519
- What is a spider?
00:19:16.520 --> 00:19:20.819
A spider is an insect.
00:19:20.820 --> 00:19:22.129
What is a spider?
00:19:22.130 --> 00:19:22.450
- [ALL]
00:19:22.451 --> 00:19:26.489
A spider is an insect.
00:19:26.490 --> 00:19:29.559
- Yes, a spider is an insect.
- The other noun that we
00:19:29.560 --> 00:19:30.370
learned about, Justin?
00:19:30.370 --> 00:19:31.340
- A pronoun.
00:19:31.340 --> 00:19:32.110
- Well done.
00:19:32.111 --> 00:19:37.689
Give me an example of
a pronoun, Darryl.
00:19:37.690 --> 00:19:41.049
Lots of little words...
00:19:41.050 --> 00:19:43.989
Narrator: Vusumzi and Justin
are still growing up in a
00:19:43.990 --> 00:19:46.590
South Africa marked by
separate development.
00:19:49.370 --> 00:19:53.639
Only now, the division\'s
not race, but wealth.
00:19:53.640 --> 00:19:56.289
- One, two, three... happy!
00:19:56.290 --> 00:19:57.540
- Happy!
00:20:00.930 --> 00:20:02.519
Narrator: Two young lives.
00:20:02.520 --> 00:20:03.669
Same country.
00:20:03.670 --> 00:20:04.920
Worlds apart.
00:20:26.330 --> 00:20:30.279
Narrator: In India,
Panjy is also 10.
00:20:30.280 --> 00:20:32.879
And she\'s loving school.
00:20:32.880 --> 00:20:36.039
Like other kids in India,
Panjy\'s theoretically
00:20:36.040 --> 00:20:40.179
guaranteed free schooling
till 16.
00:20:40.180 --> 00:20:43.059
But her family is poor.
00:20:43.060 --> 00:20:46.279
And girls are more likely to
be pulled out of school to
00:20:46.280 --> 00:20:47.560
help out at home.
00:20:50.590 --> 00:20:53.159
- Is school important?
00:20:53.160 --> 00:20:54.160
- Yes.
00:20:54.161 --> 00:20:56.369
- Why?
00:20:56.370 --> 00:21:00.019
- I want to study to become
a doctor, and treat
00:21:00.020 --> 00:21:01.640
people free of charge.
00:21:08.380 --> 00:21:11.859
- Panjy wants to stay at school.
00:21:11.860 --> 00:21:15.189
That\'s going to make things
difficult for us.
00:21:15.190 --> 00:21:18.199
So I want her to leave.
00:21:18.200 --> 00:21:21.219
Narrator: Panjy\'s best friend
and cousin, Muru, has already
00:21:21.220 --> 00:21:23.839
been taken out of school.
00:21:23.840 --> 00:21:27.899
She spends her days coating
firework fuses by hand,
00:21:27.900 --> 00:21:32.929
dipping her fingers in a copper
sulfate solution.
00:21:32.930 --> 00:21:35.819
- Do you go to school?
00:21:35.820 --> 00:21:36.600
- No.
00:21:36.601 --> 00:21:38.029
- Why not?
00:21:38.030 --> 00:21:40.409
- My mother stopped me.
00:21:40.410 --> 00:21:43.309
- Why did she do that?
00:21:43.310 --> 00:21:45.629
- So I could do fuse work.
00:21:45.630 --> 00:21:49.349
- How many hours\'
work do you do?
00:21:49.350 --> 00:21:52.379
- Three sessions,
12 hours a day.
00:21:52.380 --> 00:21:54.449
- How much do you earn
for a day\'s work?
00:21:54.450 --> 00:21:55.060
- 30 rupees.
00:21:55.061 --> 00:21:57.569
- 30 rupees for the whole day?
00:21:57.570 --> 00:21:58.820
- Yes.
00:22:01.730 --> 00:22:03.399
Narrator: Children
who escape Muru\'s
00:22:03.400 --> 00:22:05.539
fate are indeed fortunate.
00:22:05.540 --> 00:22:08.779
But it\'s a fate that now
threatens Panjy.
00:22:08.780 --> 00:22:11.709
Her oldest brother suffered
chemical poisoning.
00:22:11.710 --> 00:22:13.799
He now stays at home.
00:22:13.800 --> 00:22:18.249
Her second brother\'s already
left school to make fireworks.
00:22:18.250 --> 00:22:21.819
Panjy\'s mother works in the same
factory her husband was
00:22:21.820 --> 00:22:23.289
poisoned in.
00:22:23.290 --> 00:22:26.989
Her older sister was married at
15, and she only left the
00:22:26.990 --> 00:22:29.569
factory to have her first child.
00:22:29.570 --> 00:22:33.409
And now her husband, too,
is a fireworks maker.
00:22:33.410 --> 00:22:38.359
Between them, they earn the
equivalent of $5.00 a day.
00:22:38.360 --> 00:22:42.279
Panjy\'s family are a model
family of the world\'s poor in
00:22:42.280 --> 00:22:43.560
the 21st century.
00:22:50.960 --> 00:22:54.749
It\'s now illegal for children to
work in factories, although
00:22:54.750 --> 00:22:56.799
many still do.
00:22:56.800 --> 00:23:00.479
The clusters of buildings are
meant to limit explosions to
00:23:00.480 --> 00:23:03.739
those inside.
00:23:03.740 --> 00:23:08.029
Most child workers roll firework
fuses at home.
00:23:08.030 --> 00:23:10.960
Panjy also helps out with this
during her evenings.
00:23:15.610 --> 00:23:18.459
Her grandfather, who\'d helped
the family by working in the
00:23:18.460 --> 00:23:22.319
fields, has now lost the
use of his legs.
00:23:22.320 --> 00:23:26.159
She visits his bedside
every day.
00:23:26.160 --> 00:23:28.760
- I want to study hard,
and become a doctor.
00:23:32.380 --> 00:23:35.649
- If I had had an education,
it might have been
00:23:35.650 --> 00:23:36.900
different for me.
00:23:39.450 --> 00:23:42.419
But if you study hard, then
with God\'s help you
00:23:42.420 --> 00:23:43.670
can become a doctor.
00:23:54.920 --> 00:23:57.889
Narrator: Today is the start
of Pongal, the annual rice
00:23:57.890 --> 00:23:59.789
harvest festival.
00:23:59.790 --> 00:24:02.390
The celebrations begin
by honoring the gods.
00:24:13.730 --> 00:24:16.109
At Panjy\'s village, the
preparations have been going
00:24:16.110 --> 00:24:17.949
on for weeks.
00:24:17.950 --> 00:24:19.629
Everybody lends a hand.
00:24:19.630 --> 00:24:22.860
But Panjy\'s spending the time
reading up for school.
00:24:29.860 --> 00:24:33.659
School life for her cousin and
best friend Muru has already
00:24:33.660 --> 00:24:35.829
come to an end.
00:24:35.830 --> 00:24:39.330
For how long will Panjy be
allowed to stay on at school?
00:24:45.600 --> 00:24:48.039
- The Syrian rebel
had a handgun.
00:24:48.040 --> 00:24:51.499
His enemies have a T72 tank...
00:24:51.500 --> 00:24:53.469
- About one-third
of the ship...
00:24:53.470 --> 00:24:56.429
00:24:56.430 --> 00:24:59.389
- The Greeks have been letting
people know what they think of
00:24:59.390 --> 00:25:00.370
austerity measures...
00:25:00.371 --> 00:25:03.829
- There are a lot of issues
here within the society...
00:25:03.830 --> 00:25:04.150
00:25:04.151 --> 00:25:07.280
So in love with you...
00:25:15.210 --> 00:25:18.719
Narrator: 20 years on from the
Rio Earth Summit we return to
00:25:18.720 --> 00:25:21.729
Norway to find Amelia,
who we last left
00:25:21.730 --> 00:25:23.339
dancing with her dad.
00:25:23.340 --> 00:25:26.659
He\'d stopped working because
fish stocks were low.
00:25:26.660 --> 00:25:29.199
Amelia is now an
00:25:29.200 --> 00:25:30.749
00:25:30.750 --> 00:25:34.169
She still lives in remote
Honningsvag, in the Arctic
00:25:34.170 --> 00:25:38.249
Circle, where she works
in a restaurant.
00:25:38.250 --> 00:25:40.890
- I\'ve been working since
I was 13 years old.
00:25:44.390 --> 00:25:46.699
I washed dishes.
00:25:46.700 --> 00:25:50.709
Then they found out I was good
at front of house, so I became
00:25:50.710 --> 00:25:51.960
a waitress.
00:25:54.640 --> 00:25:58.809
Narrator: When we first filmed
here in 1992, Amelia\'s family
00:25:58.810 --> 00:26:01.999
worried about the state
of the fisheries.
00:26:02.000 --> 00:26:05.859
Now, after years of quotas
restricting catches, cod
00:26:05.860 --> 00:26:08.909
numbers have risen dramatically.
00:26:08.910 --> 00:26:12.139
Some put it down to global
warming, but Amelia\'s dad
00:26:12.140 --> 00:26:15.509
Ogmund, who\'s fished these
waters since his youth, thinks
00:26:15.510 --> 00:26:17.839
he knows why.
00:26:17.840 --> 00:26:23.909
- I think we have
saved this fish.
00:26:23.910 --> 00:26:30.229
Not just the cod, but the
capelin, and the herring, so
00:26:30.230 --> 00:26:33.529
the cod have food.
00:26:33.530 --> 00:26:37.159
The government\'s quotas
was necessary.
00:26:37.160 --> 00:26:39.459
They did their job.
00:26:39.460 --> 00:26:43.650
It was hard for the fishermen,
but they survived.
00:26:46.880 --> 00:26:52.409
- Four years ago we started with
three small boats, and I
00:26:52.410 --> 00:26:55.049
said OK, it\'s a start.
00:26:55.050 --> 00:26:57.849
Next year there was 10 boats.
00:26:57.850 --> 00:27:02.069
This year it\'s about
40 to 50 boats.
00:27:02.070 --> 00:27:05.409
And it\'s loaded with fish.
00:27:05.410 --> 00:27:12.000
- They haven\'t seen so much fish
for 50 years, I think.
00:27:14.980 --> 00:27:17.869
Narrator: Amelia is like
countless other young people
00:27:17.870 --> 00:27:20.999
in rural areas across
the world; she wants
00:27:21.000 --> 00:27:22.669
to live in a city.
00:27:22.670 --> 00:27:26.069
Over half the world is now
living in cities, and
00:27:26.070 --> 00:27:28.619
Amelia wants in.
00:27:28.620 --> 00:27:33.229
- This is not a place
for young people.
00:27:33.230 --> 00:27:35.470
Most of my friends
have moved away.
00:27:39.510 --> 00:27:42.310
The only thing on my mind
is getting out of here.
00:27:45.690 --> 00:27:48.990
I\'m so tired of being here.
00:27:57.230 --> 00:28:00.200
All the people hanging fish
on the drying racks.
00:28:06.110 --> 00:28:07.360
It stinks.
00:28:16.810 --> 00:28:20.360
I enjoyed waitressing, so I want
to go to catering school.
00:28:27.510 --> 00:28:29.419
But not here.
00:28:29.420 --> 00:28:31.860
I want to move to the
city of Trondheim.
00:28:38.250 --> 00:28:42.179
- My hope for her is that she
goes out in the world.
00:28:42.180 --> 00:28:44.579
Not stay here in Honnigsvag.
00:28:44.580 --> 00:28:48.929
I say to her, find out
what you want to do.
00:28:48.930 --> 00:28:52.289
- I hope she\'s got a good life.
00:28:52.290 --> 00:28:55.859
And she gonna do what
she wants to do.
00:28:55.860 --> 00:28:58.019
It\'s really... it\'s up
to her to find...
00:28:58.020 --> 00:28:59.270
find out this.
00:29:22.270 --> 00:29:26.179
Narrator: We\'ve just returned
to Tamil Nadu in India.
00:29:26.180 --> 00:29:30.869
Panjy is now 19; a fully
grown woman.
00:29:30.870 --> 00:29:34.059
What became of the girl who
wanted to be a doctor and
00:29:34.060 --> 00:29:35.360
treat people for free?
00:29:40.030 --> 00:29:44.739
- I was taken out of school
because my family are poor.
00:29:44.740 --> 00:29:46.520
I really wanted to stay on.
00:29:51.020 --> 00:29:52.769
Narrator: Last year,
Panjy was married
00:29:52.770 --> 00:29:54.449
to a complete stranger.
00:29:54.450 --> 00:29:59.059
A fireworks maker from a
neighboring village.
00:29:59.060 --> 00:30:02.459
- I met him for the first time
on the day before our wedding.
00:30:02.460 --> 00:30:05.600
Next time I saw him we became
husband and wife.
00:30:08.940 --> 00:30:10.339
- How can the arranged marriage
00:30:10.340 --> 00:30:11.590
give you eternal love?
00:30:14.710 --> 00:30:17.390
- Your parents choose the
right groom for you.
00:30:21.710 --> 00:30:24.249
Love before marriage
is not good.
00:30:24.250 --> 00:30:26.410
Love after marriage
is true love.
00:30:29.420 --> 00:30:32.579
- What is love?
00:30:32.580 --> 00:30:34.740
- Love means looking
for a bride.
00:30:37.290 --> 00:30:40.069
- What else?
00:30:40.070 --> 00:30:42.510
- Love means giving flowers
to the girl.
00:30:48.620 --> 00:30:51.679
- Love means always thinking
about each other.
00:30:51.680 --> 00:30:54.589
Preferring to eat the foods
that your loved one makes
00:30:54.590 --> 00:30:56.539
instead of your own.
00:30:56.540 --> 00:30:57.790
That is love.
00:31:04.510 --> 00:31:07.689
They fixed a date
for our wedding.
00:31:07.690 --> 00:31:10.169
On our wedding day all
my relatives came to
00:31:10.170 --> 00:31:11.740
wish us a long life.
00:31:15.750 --> 00:31:18.339
Narrator: In these parts,
getting married means
00:31:18.340 --> 00:31:20.239
borrowing money.
00:31:20.240 --> 00:31:22.920
Panjy\'s family is already
heavily in debt.
00:31:26.510 --> 00:31:30.959
- My family had to give marriage
gifts like a watch,
00:31:30.960 --> 00:31:33.330
gold, and cash to my husband.
00:31:37.480 --> 00:31:41.289
- Panjy\'s mother, Lakshmi, is
shouldering the debts for this
00:31:41.290 --> 00:31:44.039
and her other children\'s
00:31:44.040 --> 00:31:48.349
- The wedding bills are
over 200,000 rupees.
00:31:48.350 --> 00:31:50.519
- How much interest do
you have to pay?
00:31:50.520 --> 00:31:52.040
- The rate of interest is 60%.
00:31:57.280 --> 00:32:05.280
Each month I pay 100 rupees
interest for every 2,000.
00:32:10.120 --> 00:32:12.669
- I feel really bad.
00:32:12.670 --> 00:32:15.540
It\'s very hard paying
off the debt.
00:32:20.020 --> 00:32:23.889
- After my death my children
will have to pay.
00:32:23.890 --> 00:32:25.140
Debt is never-ending.
00:32:41.070 --> 00:32:44.419
Narrator: Every so often, Panjy
and Marimutu ride on his
00:32:44.420 --> 00:32:49.889
motorbike to their favorite
temple, for a special reason.
00:32:49.890 --> 00:32:52.489
- We\'ve been trying to get
pregnant, but we haven\'t been
00:32:52.490 --> 00:32:53.740
able to conceive.
00:32:56.740 --> 00:32:58.839
What do we pray for?
00:32:58.840 --> 00:33:00.090
- A son.
00:33:04.260 --> 00:33:07.199
- Panjy, tell me about
family planning.
00:33:07.200 --> 00:33:10.069
- It means having no more
than two babies.
00:33:10.070 --> 00:33:13.759
You can take a pill to abort a
third pregnancy, so you can
00:33:13.760 --> 00:33:16.840
look after your two children
and give them an education.
00:33:19.960 --> 00:33:22.200
- Are men and women
equal in India?
00:33:25.550 --> 00:33:29.209
- Here in India no one thinks
men and women are equal.
00:33:29.210 --> 00:33:33.159
If a woman was to claim she
was equal to a man, people
00:33:33.160 --> 00:33:35.359
would look badly upon her.
00:33:35.360 --> 00:33:37.769
That\'s why I say they
are not equal.
00:33:37.770 --> 00:33:39.709
- But we have female
gods in India.
00:33:39.710 --> 00:33:42.839
So why this inequality?
00:33:42.840 --> 00:33:46.509
- They are respected in public
places, like temples.
00:33:46.510 --> 00:33:50.409
In those places they are
very well respected.
00:33:50.410 --> 00:33:52.209
But in other places,
like Western,
00:33:52.210 --> 00:33:54.459
the women get molested.
00:33:54.460 --> 00:33:57.220
That\'s why I say in India,
they are not equal.
00:34:06.730 --> 00:34:09.939
Narrator: Each morning Panjy
boards a truck that takes her
00:34:09.940 --> 00:34:11.859
and other women from
the village to
00:34:11.860 --> 00:34:13.110
the firework factory.
00:34:21.410 --> 00:34:23.770
- Most of the women
are related to me.
00:34:30.770 --> 00:34:33.310
There\'s always laughter
on the truck.
00:34:35.990 --> 00:34:38.979
And if there\'s ever any sadness
at home, we share it
00:34:38.980 --> 00:34:42.229
with each other.
00:34:42.230 --> 00:34:46.529
They know everything
about my life.
00:34:46.530 --> 00:34:48.811
And I know everything
about their\'s.
00:34:57.720 --> 00:35:00.440
Together we work out an answer
to our problems.
00:35:02.940 --> 00:35:05.580
Then in the factory we don\'t
feel the burden.
00:35:07.810 --> 00:35:10.719
Narrator: Like Panjy, many of
these women were made to leave
00:35:10.720 --> 00:35:12.600
school at an early age.
00:35:15.300 --> 00:35:18.100
- I often think about having
had to leave school.
00:35:20.470 --> 00:35:23.820
But concentrating on my work
helps me to forget about it.
00:35:38.620 --> 00:35:42.189
My husband is not very smart.
00:35:42.190 --> 00:35:44.790
He doesn\'t even know how
to manage a family.
00:35:48.290 --> 00:35:53.529
So I will take responsibility
for managing our family.
00:35:53.530 --> 00:35:56.919
Narrator: With the money she
earns, Panjy plans to pay off
00:35:56.920 --> 00:35:59.930
her family debt and save
money for the future.
00:36:17.430 --> 00:36:22.719
- When I left my name behind in
Queenstown, I left, like,
00:36:22.720 --> 00:36:25.889
all the insecurities I had,
all the things I wasn\'t
00:36:25.890 --> 00:36:28.989
confident about in
myself, behind in
00:36:28.990 --> 00:36:30.979
Queenstown, with the name.
00:36:30.980 --> 00:36:33.909
So I attached the name with
all of my insecurities.
00:36:33.910 --> 00:36:38.199
So when I came to Cape Town,
I took my nickname that my
00:36:38.200 --> 00:36:42.559
friend gave me, which is Chase,
and then I said this is
00:36:42.560 --> 00:36:48.419
the person who I am and
who I want to become.
00:36:48.420 --> 00:36:52.889
Narrator: In South Africa,
Justin, now also 19, lives in
00:36:52.890 --> 00:36:55.879
Cape Town where he\'s
at university.
00:36:55.880 --> 00:37:00.879
- I just feel like I don\'t have
any baggage or like...
00:37:00.880 --> 00:37:03.559
I didn\'t want to be the person
I was at school.
00:37:03.560 --> 00:37:05.529
I wanted to be better
than that person.
00:37:05.530 --> 00:37:08.099
I wanted to be more confident
than that person.
00:37:08.100 --> 00:37:11.089
So when I came to Cape Town, I
didn\'t become a new person.
00:37:11.090 --> 00:37:14.799
I just became a more confident
version of myself, if you
00:37:14.800 --> 00:37:16.050
could say it that way.
00:37:20.930 --> 00:37:26.109
I feel like I have found myself.
00:37:26.110 --> 00:37:33.229
I\'m still learning, and growing,
but for the most part
00:37:33.230 --> 00:37:34.939
I know who I am.
00:37:34.940 --> 00:37:37.979
And I know where I want to be.
00:37:37.980 --> 00:37:41.829
And I know what I need
to do to develop.
00:37:41.830 --> 00:37:43.299
To grow.
00:37:43.300 --> 00:37:47.429
I\'m an ambitious young adult.
00:37:47.430 --> 00:37:48.680
00:37:54.420 --> 00:37:57.519
Narrator: Justin is reading a
combined Media and Performing
00:37:57.520 --> 00:37:58.770
Arts degree.
00:38:06.050 --> 00:38:08.969
- It\'s my first song I\'ve
written, and I was thinking I
00:38:08.970 --> 00:38:12.269
want to maybe give the journey
of love... of pains, and the
00:38:12.270 --> 00:38:15.069
struggles that, not only things
00:38:15.070 --> 00:38:16.229
that I\'ve had to endure.
00:38:16.230 --> 00:38:18.430
So it\'s about the
journey of love.
00:38:27.470 --> 00:38:29.549
Everyone needs hope.
00:38:29.550 --> 00:38:34.589
\'Cause without hope, the dream
of something better...
00:38:34.590 --> 00:38:37.579
there\'s not really a
point of living.
00:38:37.580 --> 00:38:38.649
That\'s what I believe.
00:38:38.650 --> 00:38:41.079
So that\'s what this
song is about.
00:38:41.080 --> 00:38:42.330
I guess.
00:38:45.990 --> 00:38:49.159
Narrator: Justin\'s course
involves making costumes and
00:38:49.160 --> 00:38:50.840
creating prosthetic makeup.
00:38:56.070 --> 00:39:00.209
- I do enjoy working
with my hands.
00:39:00.210 --> 00:39:02.009
It\'s very hands-on.
00:39:02.010 --> 00:39:03.339
You have to cut out patterns.
00:39:03.340 --> 00:39:04.849
I have to sketch patterns.
00:39:04.850 --> 00:39:07.619
I have to make design.
00:39:07.620 --> 00:39:09.980
Create an outfit from
start to finish.
00:39:26.840 --> 00:39:28.829
Narrator: His class\'
current project?
00:39:28.830 --> 00:39:32.729
To create a portrait
of a serial killer.
00:39:32.730 --> 00:39:36.109
- Tonight I\'m doing a photo
shoot with one of my
00:39:36.110 --> 00:39:40.379
\"victims,\" and we\'re doing
prosthetic work, so it looks
00:39:40.380 --> 00:39:43.809
like she\'s burnt, because that
is what my serial killer does
00:39:43.810 --> 00:39:45.060
to his victims.
00:39:47.960 --> 00:39:51.040
I enjoy the feeling I get when
I\'ve done something well.
00:39:57.460 --> 00:40:01.709
I crave to be successful.
00:40:01.710 --> 00:40:06.849
So I will go out there and I
will ensure that I make a
00:40:06.850 --> 00:40:08.100
success of myself.
00:40:20.040 --> 00:40:24.669
Narrator: We\'re heading back to
Thornhill, to find Vusumzi.
00:40:24.670 --> 00:40:28.389
We\'ve heard bad news.
00:40:28.390 --> 00:40:32.259
Mavis had left home to try to
find work in another town,
00:40:32.260 --> 00:40:35.119
leaving Vusumzi and his
younger brother alone.
00:40:35.120 --> 00:40:39.149
While she was away, she received
a call to say Vusumzi
00:40:39.150 --> 00:40:40.400
had been stabbed.
00:40:46.780 --> 00:40:51.059
- This guy called out to
a girl who ignored him.
00:40:51.060 --> 00:40:55.899
When Vusumzi laughed, he ran
after him and stabbed him.
00:40:55.900 --> 00:41:00.219
He was annoyed at being left
out, and he was drunk.
00:41:00.220 --> 00:41:03.120
This guy chased Vusumzi,
and stabbed him.
00:41:09.370 --> 00:41:11.459
They took him to court.
00:41:11.460 --> 00:41:13.879
But they let him off.
00:41:13.880 --> 00:41:16.980
They freed him and said
the case was over.
00:41:28.690 --> 00:41:30.259
I blame myself.
00:41:30.260 --> 00:41:31.850
To leave my son alone.
00:41:55.670 --> 00:41:59.639
Narrator: Vusumzi\'s killer was
part of this community and had
00:41:59.640 --> 00:42:01.679
lived nearby.
00:42:01.680 --> 00:42:05.639
According to Mavis, he still
gets drunk and violent.
00:42:05.640 --> 00:42:07.399
- That boy who killed my son...
00:42:07.400 --> 00:42:08.519
Stay here.
00:42:08.520 --> 00:42:11.229
He killed Vusumzi.
00:42:11.230 --> 00:42:12.499
- The boy who killed Vusumzi.
00:42:12.500 --> 00:42:14.019
- Yeah, he stay here.
00:42:14.020 --> 00:42:14.420
- He lived where?
00:42:14.420 --> 00:42:15.070
00:42:15.071 --> 00:42:16.320
- Mm.
00:42:21.320 --> 00:42:24.029
Narrator: After killing Vusumzi,
the man moved from
00:42:24.030 --> 00:42:25.760
here to the nearest town.
00:43:03.670 --> 00:43:04.939
- What\'s this?
00:43:04.940 --> 00:43:06.190
- Vusumzi...
00:43:36.670 --> 00:43:44.670
00:44:09.510 --> 00:44:12.449
Narrator: This was Vusumzi\'s
high school.
00:44:12.450 --> 00:44:14.599
His younger brother,
Spamandla, is
00:44:14.600 --> 00:44:15.850
now a student here.
00:44:21.770 --> 00:44:26.339
Vusumzi had told us he wanted to
be a doctor and treat HIV,
00:44:26.340 --> 00:44:29.500
the disease that had taken the
lives of two of his family.
00:44:36.860 --> 00:44:38.110
- He\'s a good boy.
00:44:44.690 --> 00:44:49.389
Spamandla does his own laundry,
and irons it himself.
00:44:49.390 --> 00:44:53.219
There\'s nothing he can\'t do.
00:44:53.220 --> 00:44:55.789
He looks like Vusumzi.
00:44:55.790 --> 00:44:59.420
But Vusumzi was too lazy
to do his own laundry.
00:45:11.970 --> 00:45:16.789
- I want to do medicine,
after I graduate...
00:45:16.790 --> 00:45:19.660
because my brother died with
the same ambition.
00:45:22.770 --> 00:45:25.690
I also want to find a
cure for HIV/AIDS.
00:45:30.820 --> 00:45:33.629
Narrator: Three years on,
Mavis is ready to face
00:45:33.630 --> 00:45:35.589
Vusumzi\'s killer.
00:45:35.590 --> 00:45:39.009
She wants closure on
her son\'s death.
00:45:39.010 --> 00:45:40.290
She\'s going to meet him.
00:45:45.030 --> 00:45:46.989
00:45:46.990 --> 00:45:48.240
Where are you?
00:45:52.300 --> 00:45:53.080
Come here.
00:45:53.081 --> 00:45:55.339
I want to speak to you.
00:45:55.340 --> 00:45:55.990
00:45:55.991 --> 00:46:03.991
I\'m waiting for you at...
00:46:21.170 --> 00:46:25.229
You must just take this as
something in the hands of God.
00:46:25.230 --> 00:46:26.550
I don\'t even know myself.
00:46:29.910 --> 00:46:35.199
But I\'m grateful and happy with
Mavis for forgiving me.
00:46:35.200 --> 00:46:37.760
Because she knows what
happened that night.
00:46:41.850 --> 00:46:43.549
- I forgive him.
00:46:43.550 --> 00:46:45.870
Because he asked from
me forgiveness.
00:46:55.820 --> 00:46:57.759
- Do you still drink?
00:46:57.760 --> 00:47:00.989
- No, sir.
00:47:00.990 --> 00:47:02.749
- You\'re lying.
00:47:02.750 --> 00:47:05.299
You were drinking all weekend.
00:47:05.300 --> 00:47:07.460
And you were drinking just now.
00:47:10.430 --> 00:47:13.829
You must tell the truth.
00:47:13.830 --> 00:47:15.099
- OK, I drink.
00:47:15.100 --> 00:47:16.350
But not heavily.
00:47:23.690 --> 00:47:27.499
- I told people that I forgave
you because you did apologize
00:47:27.500 --> 00:47:29.740
and had no memory of
what happened.
00:47:36.230 --> 00:47:37.309
Thank you.
00:47:37.310 --> 00:47:39.850
We all wanted closure
on Vusumzi\'s story.
00:47:42.730 --> 00:47:46.699
The person who killed Vusumzi
has now spoken, and his side
00:47:46.700 --> 00:47:49.119
of the story has been heard.
00:47:49.120 --> 00:47:51.969
- Thank you very much for
everything you\'ve done for me.
00:47:51.970 --> 00:47:55.349
Any time you need me, you
have my contact numbers.
00:47:55.350 --> 00:47:56.320
- Yes.
00:47:56.321 --> 00:47:57.570
I have your numbers.
00:48:27.280 --> 00:48:30.649
Narrator: Just three of the 11
lives we set off to follow
00:48:30.650 --> 00:48:33.389
across the world from birth.
00:48:33.390 --> 00:48:35.989
It\'s been an epic endeavor.
00:48:35.990 --> 00:48:38.869
When we started, we
had no idea how
00:48:38.870 --> 00:48:40.659
events would unfold...
00:48:40.660 --> 00:48:45.320
some looking very much up, and
others marred by tragedy.
00:48:48.200 --> 00:48:52.069
In our next episode we travel to
northern Kenya, where, for
00:48:52.070 --> 00:48:56.589
20 years, we follow Erdo, whose
nomadic way of life is
00:48:56.590 --> 00:48:58.339
under threat.
00:48:58.340 --> 00:49:02.009
To northern California:
Stephanie Standley, born into
00:49:02.010 --> 00:49:04.989
a world where business clashed
with concern for the
00:49:04.990 --> 00:49:06.419
00:49:06.420 --> 00:49:10.319
And to southern China, where a
modern industrial revolution
00:49:10.320 --> 00:49:12.919
has transformed the life
of baby Kay-Kay.
00:49:12.920 --> 00:49:20.920