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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 44 titles with a criteria of Subject is Hydrology

Before the Flood I

The residents of the historic Chinese city of Fengjie clash with officials forcing them to evacuate their homes to make way for the world's largest dam.

dGenerate Films | 2005 | 147 minutes

Before The Flood II - Gong Tan

Yan Yu follows BEFORE THE FLOOD with this profile of the residents of Gongtan, a 1700-year-old village soon to be demolished by a hydroelectric dam project.

dGenerate Films | 2008 | 60 minutes

Blue Danube?

Connecting more than 18 countries in Western Europe, the Danube River is at the heart of a dilemma over shared resources in the growing European Union.

Bullfrog Films | 2005 | 27 minutes


Contrasts sci-fi ideas about terraforming Mars with the state of NYC's waterways, and questions the viability of colonizing Mars before making our own planet sustainable.

Bullfrog Films | 2016 | 73 minutes

Bright Future

Two friends who work together at a Tokyo laundry are increasingly alienated from everyday life. They become fascinated with a deadly jellyfish

KimStim | 2003 | 115 minutes

Chasing Water

Breathtaking photography tells the story of the Colorado River, which flowed to the sea for 6 million years and now dries up 90 miles short of the Sea of Cortez.

Bullfrog Films | 2012 | 18 minutes

Coral Gardeners

Follow a novel experiment in the Maldives to regrow coral reefs, which offer protection, food and income.

Bullfrog Films | 2023 | 21 minutes


Traces writer Arundhati Roy's bold and controversial campaign against the Narmada dam project in India.

Icarus Films | 2002 | 50 minutes

Dammed to Extinction

For the last 40 years, renowned whale scientist Ken Balcomb has closely observed a one-of-a-kind population of killer whales that hunt chinook salmon along the Pacific Coast of the United States.

Collective Eye Films | 2018 | 60 minutes


Explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the call for dam removal as awareness grows that our own future is bound to the health of our rivers.

Bullfrog Films | 2014 | 87 minutes