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Flying People

Flying People

'I think what your eyesight does is confirm other senses,' says James Robertshaw, a world champion kite flyer and for two years personal assistant to Rory Heap. Heap has been blind from birth, but with Robertshaw's assistance pursues his ambition for kite flying - particularly of complicated figure eight patterns. Using all of his senses except for sight, Heap learns how to fly a kite with the same dexterity that Robertshaw uses to guide him through busy city streets.

Exhilaratingly flying kite patterns like he's playing a musical score, weaving gracefully through the sky, Heap considers flying, 'The Eight Wonder of the World.' FLYING PEOPLE questions our notions of disability, but ultimately is a simple human story about two people whose lives have come together due to their passion for flight. '[Kite flying] is not about triumphing over adversity, but realizing you've still got things to do,' says Heap.

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