Fidan Ekiz travels to Hong Kong, where the free press is slowly being…
Reporters Against Power, Ep. 4 - Myanmar
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Fidan arrives in Yangon, Myanmar, on the eve before the latest elections. The military regime has promised fair elections, but who can tell what will really happen?
There is one television station that has committed itself to monitoring the election process and uncovering all irregularities that may occur: The Democratic Voice of Burma. Than Win Htut and the staff of DVB have trained hundreds of citizens all over the country to film with their smartphones during the elections. On election day the system functions flawlessly. The Democratic Voice of Burma has helped in enforcing fair elections by literally controlling the powers that be.
But there is a dark side to the success stories in Myanmar. The new democratic forces have not been very attentive to the Muslim minorities that have been discriminated and killed by Buddhist nationalists. It is not a popular subject, and journalists who draw attention to it can get into a lot of trouble. But in Sittwe, in a closed refugee camp for Muslim Rohingya, a lone blogger manages to send his reports into the world with his smartphone.
Series Description:
A daughter of Turkish immigrants in The Netherlands, Fidan Ekiz visits the courageous people that practice journalism under dictatorship or oppression and becomes a part of their adventurous daily life. After being a news correspondent in Turkey for some years, Fidan returns to The Netherlands and starts making documentaries. At age of 38 she tries to redefine the importance of journalism.
Main credits
Schaap, Kees (film director)
Oostrom, Anja van (film producer)
Ekiz, Fidan (host)
Other credits
Cinematography, Jan Pieter Tuinstra; editing, J.P. Luijsterburg.
Distributor subjects
Journalism and The PressKeywords
00:00:08.280 --> 00:00:08.880
(twinkling music)
00:00:09.040 --> 00:00:09.800
(speaking in foreign language)
00:00:57.840 --> 00:00:59.040
(crowd chanting in
foreign language)
00:01:00.320 --> 00:01:01.120
(speaking in foreign language)
00:01:31.599 --> 00:01:32.640
(crowd cheering)
(speaking in foreign language)
00:01:34.360 --> 00:01:35.120
(speaking in foreign language)
00:02:00.599 --> 00:02:01.320
(light upbeat music)
00:02:01.840 --> 00:02:02.640
(speaking in foreign language)
00:02:20.599 --> 00:02:21.280
Nice to meet you.
00:02:22.599 --> 00:02:23.360
(speaking in foreign language)
00:02:43.640 --> 00:02:44.760
- So if you click
on VJ and CG layer,
00:02:46.640 --> 00:02:47.760
video journalists and
citizen journalists,
00:02:49.040 --> 00:02:50.480
in this view you could see
that how many VJ and CG
00:02:54.480 --> 00:02:55.280
are all in the country, 83.
00:02:56.520 --> 00:02:57.599
But if you look at that
way under our Facebook,
00:02:59.560 --> 00:03:00.599
DVB News Network,
secret group here,
00:03:03.040 --> 00:03:04.480
364 people in the DVB
News Network secret group.
00:03:08.520 --> 00:03:09.120
You can not find it.
00:03:10.040 --> 00:03:10.599
Secret group.
00:03:10.640 --> 00:03:12.000
Most of them are from our
smartphone journalism training.
00:03:16.320 --> 00:03:17.599
Using everything on a smartphone
and taking video footage
00:03:19.960 --> 00:03:21.080
and edit on their
phone and upload
00:03:23.400 --> 00:03:24.160
to the news network right away.
00:03:24.840 --> 00:03:25.960
But we have thousands
and thousands of friends
00:03:28.680 --> 00:03:29.480
want to help DVB.
00:03:29.800 --> 00:03:30.920
(group chattering
in foreign language)
00:03:31.240 --> 00:03:32.320
If you compare to the
other local media,
00:03:35.120 --> 00:03:36.440
we have the biggest
network and whatever happen
00:03:39.640 --> 00:03:40.440
we can show right away.
00:03:40.599 --> 00:03:41.599
You know, something
like a bomb explosion
00:03:42.599 --> 00:03:43.599
or earthquake or
human rights violation
00:03:44.720 --> 00:03:45.840
and corruption and
abusing and then
00:03:48.960 --> 00:03:50.400
people being oppressed, and
we can highlight a little bit.
00:03:53.440 --> 00:03:54.560
(crowd chattering
in foreign language)
00:03:54.599 --> 00:03:55.480
(speaking in foreign language)
00:04:24.240 --> 00:04:25.000
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
00:04:28.599 --> 00:04:29.360
(speaking in foreign language)
00:05:20.280 --> 00:05:21.599
If I would ask you is there
freedom of press in Myanmar,
00:05:24.720 --> 00:05:25.520
what would you say?
00:05:25.640 --> 00:05:26.720
- Well, we have a
little bit freer press
00:05:29.840 --> 00:05:31.280
than we had, say, three
years ago, five years ago,
00:05:33.360 --> 00:05:34.120
but taking a look at the,
00:05:34.600 --> 00:05:36.040
we have this kind of like
freedom on information index
00:05:39.760 --> 00:05:40.920
produced by (speaking
in foreign language),
00:05:42.360 --> 00:05:43.520
the author from
France, they come up
00:05:44.040 --> 00:05:45.000
with yearly
indicator, the index.
00:05:47.000 --> 00:05:48.440
So we were in 2012, we were
at the bottom of the list,
00:05:51.600 --> 00:05:52.560
170 out of 170 countries.
00:05:53.720 --> 00:05:54.800
Third lowest in terms
of press freedom.
00:05:56.440 --> 00:05:57.040
Now where are we?
00:05:57.880 --> 00:05:58.520
145, not bad.
00:06:00.680 --> 00:06:01.599
Little bit of improvement,
00:06:01.600 --> 00:06:02.760
but we still have
a long way to go.
00:06:03.160 --> 00:06:04.440
There's a local electronic
transaction act.
00:06:06.560 --> 00:06:07.720
With the new parliament there
was some sort of attempt
00:06:09.200 --> 00:06:09.960
to change the law or amend it.
00:06:11.480 --> 00:06:12.599
Formally it was 15 years
for one single email.
00:06:15.440 --> 00:06:16.200
- How do you mean an email?
00:06:17.440 --> 00:06:18.040
One single email?
00:06:18.200 --> 00:06:19.599
- If they found one of your
email had some contents
00:06:21.560 --> 00:06:22.520
which are detrimental
to the state
00:06:23.599 --> 00:06:24.360
of the
- Content, yeah.
00:06:24.520 --> 00:06:25.599
- interest of the
state, blah blah blah,
00:06:26.320 --> 00:06:27.599
maybe you are in touch
with some unlawful groups.
00:06:29.760 --> 00:06:31.200
And one of my friend he's
a movie actor, director,
00:06:34.320 --> 00:06:35.360
he got 60 years in
prison for four emails.
00:06:37.599 --> 00:06:38.599
With the 2010 elections
and the new parliament
00:06:40.599 --> 00:06:41.520
the law has been amended.
00:06:42.400 --> 00:06:43.160
Now it's much more relaxed,
00:06:43.720 --> 00:06:44.840
just seven years for
one email. (chuckles)
00:06:46.800 --> 00:06:47.600
- Okay.
- Formerly
00:06:47.800 --> 00:06:48.599
it was, like, 15 years.
00:06:48.720 --> 00:06:50.120
- Which journalists in
Myanmar are most fragile?
00:06:53.599 --> 00:06:54.360
- We all are. (chuckles)
00:06:55.160 --> 00:06:56.280
There can be a knock
on the door every,
00:06:57.200 --> 00:06:58.360
because think about, I'm
gonna talk about myself.
00:07:00.599 --> 00:07:01.599
In a couple of months
I got a phone call.
00:07:02.040 --> 00:07:03.440
Hey, Tiha Saw, can you
come and see us and chat?
00:07:06.800 --> 00:07:07.599
Lasted 75 days in the prison.
00:07:10.320 --> 00:07:11.440
But they just wanted to
ask me some questions.
00:07:13.000 --> 00:07:14.160
But then it could
happen to anybody.
00:07:14.600 --> 00:07:16.000
Still now they could simply
come knock at your door
00:07:17.560 --> 00:07:18.760
and take you away and then
there would be a trial
00:07:20.599 --> 00:07:21.360
or a judiciary case, etc.
00:07:21.520 --> 00:07:22.720
So, everybody seemed to
be, all working journalists
00:07:24.599 --> 00:07:25.599
seem to be taking the
same kind of risk.
00:07:27.680 --> 00:07:28.480
(suspenseful music)
00:07:28.599 --> 00:07:29.440
(speaking in foreign language)
00:07:39.400 --> 00:07:39.840
So upstairs?
00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:40.960
(shop owner mumbles)
00:07:43.599 --> 00:07:44.360
(speaking in foreign language)
00:08:14.840 --> 00:08:15.880
You think the content
of your journal,
00:08:17.680 --> 00:08:18.599
the topics you write about,
00:08:18.600 --> 00:08:20.000
was the reason why you were
arrested, you and your husband?
00:08:23.800 --> 00:08:24.840
- I think so because
we are Muslims
00:08:28.200 --> 00:08:28.800
and we also write about
00:08:33.640 --> 00:08:34.280
the minority,
00:08:35.599 --> 00:08:36.599
especially about the
Muslims of Myanmar.
00:08:39.599 --> 00:08:40.200
I am Myanmar Muslim but
00:08:43.880 --> 00:08:44.640
I want to know the world,
00:08:47.080 --> 00:08:48.200
the other ethnic
groups of Myanmar,
00:08:51.599 --> 00:08:52.440
that we also have the right.
00:08:54.120 --> 00:08:54.880
The right because we live here,
00:08:58.440 --> 00:08:59.520
we survive here,
and we belong here.
00:09:01.560 --> 00:09:02.680
- [Fidan] Since you got
arrested, are you more careful?
00:09:05.040 --> 00:09:05.880
- Yes.
- About these topics?
00:09:06.320 --> 00:09:07.080
- Yes, now I don't write.
00:09:09.160 --> 00:09:09.960
That piece--
- Not at all?
00:09:10.440 --> 00:09:10.880
- Not at all.
00:09:11.800 --> 00:09:12.599
Not because I was too afraid,
00:09:13.840 --> 00:09:14.600
but because I must take care
00:09:18.200 --> 00:09:18.960
because I have two little son.
00:09:20.599 --> 00:09:21.599
So I think I must take care.
00:09:24.599 --> 00:09:25.440
And when the government change
00:09:29.599 --> 00:09:30.360
and if there is a true democracy
00:09:31.600 --> 00:09:33.000
and a true freedom of
expression, I'm a writer.
00:09:36.960 --> 00:09:37.599
I'm a writer.
00:09:41.080 --> 00:09:41.840
(singing in foreign language)
00:09:43.480 --> 00:09:44.240
(speaking in foreign language)
00:10:06.599 --> 00:10:07.280
(suspenseful music)
00:10:22.000 --> 00:10:22.760
(speaking in foreign language)
00:10:41.640 --> 00:10:42.840
We heard the story
about Midday Sun,
00:10:44.200 --> 00:10:45.360
about two journalists
were being arrested
00:10:47.480 --> 00:10:48.120
because they quoted,
00:10:49.440 --> 00:10:50.680
they say a democratic
movement, activist group.
00:10:55.640 --> 00:10:56.880
How can that be a reason
to arrest journalists?
00:10:59.599 --> 00:11:00.640
- No, this is a
story, it's like that,
00:11:03.640 --> 00:11:04.800
that activist group
issued a statement,
00:11:06.120 --> 00:11:06.880
but it said this Midday Journal,
00:11:09.680 --> 00:11:10.640
all the local
journalists are reported
00:11:13.360 --> 00:11:13.960
the day after the event.
00:11:14.920 --> 00:11:16.000
So they reported
that on the same day
00:11:19.720 --> 00:11:20.760
the organization issued
the announcement,
00:11:21.520 --> 00:11:22.720
so that means that something
like the prearrangement
00:11:24.680 --> 00:11:25.760
between the people
and this group
00:11:27.120 --> 00:11:27.880
to incite unrest in the public.
00:11:31.040 --> 00:11:31.800
You know even you have to--
00:11:32.360 --> 00:11:33.120
- But that's no press freedom.
00:11:35.080 --> 00:11:36.280
- Journalists is not--
- Journalists should be
00:11:37.080 --> 00:11:38.160
free to write about
what they want.
00:11:38.599 --> 00:11:39.960
- But you are comparing our
situation with your country
00:11:41.600 --> 00:11:43.040
with a long history of the
democratization process.
00:11:46.040 --> 00:11:46.840
You have to clearly understand
00:11:47.599 --> 00:11:48.680
although we make the
reform to the democracy,
00:11:52.680 --> 00:11:53.720
our country's situation
is very fragile.
00:11:55.599 --> 00:11:56.440
There's a lot of conflict,
00:11:57.240 --> 00:11:58.320
not between the
ethnic minority group,
00:11:59.520 --> 00:12:00.599
a conflict between most
of the, some religions,
00:12:03.720 --> 00:12:04.720
so that we are entering
uncharted water.
00:12:08.120 --> 00:12:09.240
And we are facing
the very complex
00:12:10.360 --> 00:12:11.120
and very sensitive situation.
00:12:11.600 --> 00:12:13.040
So sometime the journalists,
not only the journalists,
00:12:14.680 --> 00:12:16.040
all the people, all the
politician have to understand
00:12:16.880 --> 00:12:18.360
that our main intention is
not to insult other people
00:12:21.680 --> 00:12:22.480
or not to incite unrest.
00:12:23.680 --> 00:12:24.320
(ominous music)
00:12:26.000 --> 00:12:26.760
(speaking in foreign language)
00:13:40.320 --> 00:13:40.760
- [Super] Hi.
00:13:40.920 --> 00:13:41.680
(speaking in foreign language)
00:14:20.880 --> 00:14:21.520
(ominous music)
00:14:21.960 --> 00:14:22.720
(speaking in foreign language)
00:14:54.640 --> 00:14:55.960
You believe there is a
connection between these monks
00:14:57.680 --> 00:14:58.599
and the police and the military?
00:15:00.599 --> 00:15:01.360
(speaking in foreign language)
00:15:39.320 --> 00:15:39.920
(soft ambient music)
00:15:45.080 --> 00:15:45.840
(speaking in foreign language)
00:16:39.520 --> 00:16:40.320
(crowd cheers)
(crowd applauds)
00:16:43.560 --> 00:16:44.320
(speaking in foreign language)
00:16:47.720 --> 00:16:48.599
(crowd cheers)
(crowd applauds)
00:16:53.840 --> 00:16:54.600
- Do you know Geert Wilders?
00:16:55.599 --> 00:16:56.200
- [Fidan] No.
00:16:58.599 --> 00:16:59.120
- Anti-Muslim?
00:16:59.520 --> 00:17:00.599
- Who is this person
he's talking about?
00:17:02.080 --> 00:17:02.680
- He is anti-Muslim.
00:17:04.200 --> 00:17:04.720
- Okay.
- Yeah.
00:17:05.000 --> 00:17:05.600
- You mean Mr. Wirathu?
00:17:05.920 --> 00:17:07.040
- He asking to you do
you know him or not?
00:17:09.040 --> 00:17:09.599
- [Fidan] No.
00:17:09.640 --> 00:17:10.720
- He is the leader,
the first leader
00:17:11.840 --> 00:17:12.960
in Netherlands and
against the Muslims.
00:17:14.960 --> 00:17:15.599
- Wilders, you mean?
00:17:16.400 --> 00:17:16.840
Geert Wilders.
00:17:17.920 --> 00:17:18.680
(speaking in foreign language)
00:17:19.520 --> 00:17:19.960
- Yes, he is.
00:17:20.599 --> 00:17:21.200
- Ah, okay.
00:17:21.400 --> 00:17:22.000
He's a friend of yours?
00:17:22.600 --> 00:17:23.240
- Please.
00:17:23.599 --> 00:17:24.040
- Yeah, I know.
00:17:24.200 --> 00:17:25.400
I mean him, yes.
(speaking in foreign language)
00:17:27.160 --> 00:17:27.600
- Geert Wilders.
00:17:27.800 --> 00:17:28.575
- Do you like him?
00:17:28.599 --> 00:17:29.720
(speaking in foreign language)
- I like him.
00:17:30.160 --> 00:17:30.600
- He like him.
00:17:30.960 --> 00:17:31.599
- Ah, okay.
00:17:32.040 --> 00:17:32.800
Well that's a good start.
00:17:33.560 --> 00:17:34.000
(Wirathu laughs)
00:17:34.160 --> 00:17:34.920
(speaking in foreign language)
00:17:43.720 --> 00:17:44.599
So you said you like Wilders?
00:17:46.640 --> 00:17:47.280
Geert Wilders.
00:17:48.599 --> 00:17:49.599
What do you like about
his thoughts, his ideas?
00:17:53.080 --> 00:17:53.840
(speaking in foreign language)
00:17:54.120 --> 00:17:55.160
- [Translator]
Because he is brave.
00:17:57.240 --> 00:17:58.000
(speaking in foreign language)
00:18:26.600 --> 00:18:28.040
- You feel like the government
is cooperative towards you?
00:18:33.040 --> 00:18:33.880
(speaking in foreign language)
00:18:46.599 --> 00:18:47.599
- So the government
listens to you.
00:18:49.280 --> 00:18:50.040
(speaking in foreign language)
00:18:56.640 --> 00:18:57.280
(ominous music)
00:18:57.599 --> 00:18:58.400
(speaking in foreign language)
00:19:16.640 --> 00:19:17.760
- Aung San Suu Kyi got
elected in 2012 May
00:19:20.400 --> 00:19:21.599
and those violence didn't
start until 12 June.
00:19:24.240 --> 00:19:24.840
Can't you imagine that?
00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:26.160
Before that there
were none at all.
00:19:26.600 --> 00:19:27.760
Okay, then maybe some
sort of minor clashes
00:19:29.160 --> 00:19:29.920
and issues and arguments,
00:19:30.320 --> 00:19:31.440
but no major violence at
all before that point.
00:19:33.160 --> 00:19:34.280
And suddenly it
happened one month
00:19:34.720 --> 00:19:35.840
after Aung San Suu
Kyi got elected.
00:19:37.000 --> 00:19:38.400
- What are you saying, that
they're trying to create chaos?
00:19:41.599 --> 00:19:42.599
- Chaos.
- So they could--
00:19:43.400 --> 00:19:44.000
- So that, so that
00:19:44.280 --> 00:19:45.400
the reform process,
- The strong leaders.
00:19:46.280 --> 00:19:47.360
- the reform process
is slowed down.
00:19:49.360 --> 00:19:50.120
And they wanna put our society--
00:19:50.600 --> 00:19:51.400
- But who are they?
00:19:52.160 --> 00:19:52.760
- The ruling guys.
00:19:53.320 --> 00:19:54.440
The ruling party
and the rich guys
00:19:55.000 --> 00:19:56.080
who are associated
with the ruling party.
00:19:57.160 --> 00:19:58.240
- They just want to
create chaos so they can
00:20:00.200 --> 00:20:01.120
slow down the reform.
- So that,
00:20:01.599 --> 00:20:02.800
slow down reform and their
vested interests are protected.
00:20:05.880 --> 00:20:06.520
(ominous music)
00:20:12.080 --> 00:20:12.840
(speaking in foreign language)
00:21:01.600 --> 00:21:03.080
- [Reporter] We are the
only media reporting live.
00:21:04.720 --> 00:21:05.720
Across the--
- The only? Really?
00:21:06.800 --> 00:21:07.520
- Yes.
- Why?
00:21:07.599 --> 00:21:08.320
- Other broadcasters,
00:21:08.480 --> 00:21:09.560
they will report only
election results.
00:21:10.680 --> 00:21:11.480
- [Fidan] Ahh, okay.
00:21:11.599 --> 00:21:12.880
- Because they are under
control of the government.
00:21:13.599 --> 00:21:14.680
- They could limit you
to do this live also,
00:21:17.320 --> 00:21:17.760
but they're not.
00:21:17.920 --> 00:21:19.000
- They can not because
we are not subject
00:21:19.440 --> 00:21:20.600
to this government law
because we are broadcasting
00:21:22.640 --> 00:21:23.280
from outside.
00:21:23.440 --> 00:21:24.200
(speaking in foreign language)
00:21:54.040 --> 00:21:55.200
- He is just monitoring
information coming out
00:21:57.040 --> 00:21:57.840
from all kind of sources.
00:21:58.440 --> 00:21:59.680
Not just from cities,
also from ordinary people.
00:22:02.599 --> 00:22:03.440
- Can I see what he's doing?
00:22:04.560 --> 00:22:05.320
(speaking in foreign language)
00:22:06.560 --> 00:22:07.599
- [Reporter] She
is the one, voter.
00:22:09.480 --> 00:22:10.240
She has not casted her vote,
00:22:11.599 --> 00:22:12.599
but the officer
said she has voted.
00:22:14.599 --> 00:22:15.599
So she is complaining
about that.
00:22:17.520 --> 00:22:18.120
With video evidence.
00:22:19.080 --> 00:22:19.680
- [Fidan] Yeah, yeah.
00:22:20.599 --> 00:22:21.440
(speaking in foreign language)
00:23:07.599 --> 00:23:08.480
(phone rings)
- Okay.
00:23:08.599 --> 00:23:09.400
(speaking in foreign language)
00:23:55.640 --> 00:23:57.080
- [Fidan] Do you believe the
elections are fair until now?
00:24:00.599 --> 00:24:01.200
I didn't have
00:24:01.360 --> 00:24:02.360
the feeling it was fair.
- Relatively.
00:24:02.599 --> 00:24:03.280
Yeah, relatively.
00:24:03.720 --> 00:24:04.360
00:24:05.599 --> 00:24:06.320
Not that bad.
- Yeah.
00:24:07.920 --> 00:24:08.599
- But not error free.
00:24:10.600 --> 00:24:11.400
- [Fidan] No, no.
00:24:11.560 --> 00:24:12.320
- Let me get back to the studio.
00:24:12.720 --> 00:24:13.360
- Yes, sorry.
00:24:13.680 --> 00:24:14.160
00:24:14.760 --> 00:24:15.560
(ominous ambient music)
00:24:19.760 --> 00:24:20.599
(speaking in foreign language)
00:25:41.040 --> 00:25:41.800
(crowd clapping rhythmically)
00:25:52.599 --> 00:25:53.400
(speaking in foreign language)
00:26:14.440 --> 00:26:14.880
(crowd cheers)
00:26:19.960 --> 00:26:20.599
(crowd roars)
00:26:21.599 --> 00:26:22.400
(speaking in foreign language)
00:27:03.000 --> 00:27:03.599
(crowd cheers)
00:27:13.240 --> 00:27:14.599
- So yesterday was the most
complicated coverage we ever had
00:27:19.640 --> 00:27:21.080
in the history of DVB live
broadcasting experience.
00:27:24.240 --> 00:27:25.360
- How did you feel at
the end of the day?
00:27:26.960 --> 00:27:27.575
- So tired.
00:27:27.599 --> 00:27:28.560
- Yeah, tired.
- We worked
00:27:28.599 --> 00:27:29.480
more than 18 hours yesterday.
00:27:33.200 --> 00:27:34.599
But many of our reporter
got sick, they got tired,
00:27:37.599 --> 00:27:38.240
they got super exhaust.
00:27:42.120 --> 00:27:43.240
People in the street,
now wherever we go,
00:27:44.400 --> 00:27:45.480
you see all of those
satellite dish.
00:27:47.840 --> 00:27:49.000
Really appreciate--
- All the satellite.
00:27:49.400 --> 00:27:50.000
- [Than] Yeah, yeah.
00:27:50.160 --> 00:27:51.599
They come and say thank
you, thank you, thank you.
00:27:52.040 --> 00:27:53.240
- Really, yeah?
- Yeah, they appreciate that.
00:27:53.400 --> 00:27:54.520
- [Fidan] Do you know
how many people watched?
00:27:55.120 --> 00:27:56.560
- One satellite dish mean
one person, one viewer,
00:27:58.240 --> 00:27:59.320
that might be eight
million to 10 millions.
00:28:02.599 --> 00:28:02.880
- Okay.
00:28:03.040 --> 00:28:04.480
- But in some remote area
one satellite dish mean
00:28:05.920 --> 00:28:07.360
hundreds of people watching
in a restaurant, empty house.
00:28:09.480 --> 00:28:10.599
- You feel like you
could help yesterday?
00:28:12.760 --> 00:28:13.400
- Um, yeah.
00:28:14.599 --> 00:28:14.880
- Yeah?
00:28:15.240 --> 00:28:15.680
Or any time now.
00:28:15.840 --> 00:28:16.960
- Yeah, I think
we are as a media,
00:28:19.160 --> 00:28:20.160
we are seriously
helping democratization.
00:28:21.480 --> 00:28:22.680
We are seriously helping this
check and balance system,
00:28:26.360 --> 00:28:27.440
the democracy system
newly forming gradually,
00:28:29.599 --> 00:28:30.599
slowly forming.
- Controlling the power.
00:28:31.599 --> 00:28:31.880
- Yeah.
00:28:32.040 --> 00:28:33.120
- You think that if
NLD wins this elections
00:28:36.840 --> 00:28:37.600
will there be major changes?
00:28:38.920 --> 00:28:40.400
Or you think everybody is
exaggerating and it will--
00:28:43.760 --> 00:28:44.240
- I,
00:28:44.400 --> 00:28:45.160
yeah, we have our information,
00:28:45.599 --> 00:28:47.000
we receive information NLD
is winning in some township.
00:28:50.000 --> 00:28:51.160
But we can't conclude
at all for the moment
00:28:53.840 --> 00:28:54.960
with, okay, how many
different scenarios--
00:28:56.840 --> 00:28:57.600
(speaking in foreign language)
00:29:23.240 --> 00:29:24.000
(bright orchestral music)
00:29:41.280 --> 00:29:42.040
(speaking in foreign language)
00:29:48.599 --> 00:29:49.280
Were you born here?
00:29:51.280 --> 00:29:52.040
- Mandalay?
- Yeah.
00:29:52.200 --> 00:29:52.960
- When did you come here?
00:30:01.000 --> 00:30:01.480
- Okay.
00:30:05.360 --> 00:30:06.120
(speaking in foreign language)
00:31:32.640 --> 00:31:33.599
Was it okay?
- Yeah.
00:31:40.360 --> 00:31:40.800
- [Fidan] Oh.
00:31:41.600 --> 00:31:42.599
- He lost?
- Yeah.
00:31:48.680 --> 00:31:49.520
- They lost, okay.
00:31:51.320 --> 00:31:51.800
(somber music)
00:31:55.680 --> 00:31:56.599
(speaking in foreign language)
00:32:13.200 --> 00:32:13.960
I was wondering now we met you,
00:32:16.520 --> 00:32:17.599
people hold you
responsible for stirring up
00:32:20.000 --> 00:32:21.360
the violence in the
region's ethnic conflict.
00:32:23.599 --> 00:32:24.400
How do you feel about that?
00:32:25.000 --> 00:32:26.160
Do you know this and how
do you think about this?
00:32:29.120 --> 00:32:29.720
- My party and me also
00:32:33.600 --> 00:32:34.240
very worried.
00:32:35.320 --> 00:32:36.080
We are trying to, you know,
00:32:37.680 --> 00:32:38.599
solve this kind of problem.
00:32:39.120 --> 00:32:39.720
- [Fidan] To solve it.
00:32:39.880 --> 00:32:40.840
- To solve it.
- But what do you think
00:32:41.000 --> 00:32:41.599
about it?
00:32:41.600 --> 00:32:42.400
They say you started it.
00:32:43.880 --> 00:32:44.520
The violence.
00:32:44.599 --> 00:32:45.600
- Yes, we have so
many experience.
00:32:46.240 --> 00:32:47.360
- [Fidan] But do you
feel responsible?
00:32:48.800 --> 00:32:49.280
- Yes.
00:32:49.760 --> 00:32:50.480
- Yes?
- Yes.
00:32:50.960 --> 00:32:51.599
My party also.
00:32:51.720 --> 00:32:52.599
- Yeah, really?
- Responsible
00:32:52.720 --> 00:32:53.599
to solve this kind of problem.
00:32:54.000 --> 00:32:55.080
- [Fidan] Not
responsible to make
00:32:55.599 --> 00:32:56.560
this kind of trouble I mean.
00:32:58.160 --> 00:32:58.840
- No, no, no.
00:32:59.200 --> 00:33:00.400
- We must try to stop
this kind of violence.
00:33:05.280 --> 00:33:06.120
(speaking in foreign language)
00:33:22.080 --> 00:33:23.200
You are not a Muslim and
your people, Rakhines,
00:33:26.160 --> 00:33:27.240
were also killed
in these massacres.
00:33:29.920 --> 00:33:31.280
Isn't it difficult, wasn't
it difficult for you
00:33:35.440 --> 00:33:36.200
to write without emotions?
00:33:37.280 --> 00:33:38.040
Weren't you sad or angry or,
00:33:43.000 --> 00:33:43.600
what did you feel?
00:33:58.960 --> 00:33:59.760
- You can't do the Muslim area?
00:34:01.680 --> 00:34:02.720
- Because they
don't want you there
00:34:02.880 --> 00:34:03.640
or because you don't want it.
00:34:08.880 --> 00:34:09.640
- They don't wanna talk to you.
00:34:16.120 --> 00:34:16.720
(ominous ambient music)
00:34:17.599 --> 00:34:18.360
(speaking in foreign language)
00:35:09.440 --> 00:35:10.040
- After the violence,
00:35:10.200 --> 00:35:11.480
when medias and
international communities
00:35:14.200 --> 00:35:15.320
were interested in
the Rohingya issue,
00:35:18.040 --> 00:35:19.480
they all were watching, they
all were keeping in touch,
00:35:20.599 --> 00:35:21.880
and we used to keep in
touch with the foreigners,
00:35:24.080 --> 00:35:25.240
with the journalists and
we used to use internet,
00:35:26.800 --> 00:35:27.800
but not good
internet connection.
00:35:29.599 --> 00:35:30.480
Very poor connection and we had,
00:35:31.840 --> 00:35:32.960
especially for me, I
have to wait for about
00:35:33.720 --> 00:35:35.120
two or three hours to
complete, how shall I say,
00:35:38.840 --> 00:35:39.960
to upload an information
that happen somewhere.
00:35:43.599 --> 00:35:44.400
- [Fidan] How do you feel?
00:35:44.800 --> 00:35:45.760
How do you,
mentally, physically?
00:35:47.599 --> 00:35:48.680
- Yeah, as for me I
feel it is very bad.
00:35:50.440 --> 00:35:51.560
I also feel that
there is no future
00:35:53.400 --> 00:35:54.599
for the Rohingya community
as well as for me
00:35:57.080 --> 00:35:58.200
'cause you know that
current government
00:36:00.599 --> 00:36:01.599
is not doing
anything good for us.
00:36:02.960 --> 00:36:04.040
They are just trying
to keep us here.
00:36:05.640 --> 00:36:07.040
They are just, this is kind
of making slow genocide.
00:36:10.400 --> 00:36:11.160
They are making genocide,
00:36:11.600 --> 00:36:12.680
like systematically
making genocide.
00:36:13.880 --> 00:36:15.320
So I hope if NLD win, if NLD
can form a new government
00:36:20.840 --> 00:36:21.840
so NLD will do a
little bit good for us.
00:36:25.160 --> 00:36:25.760
I just hope on that.
00:36:27.680 --> 00:36:28.720
The party that tortured
the Rohingya lost.
00:36:34.280 --> 00:36:35.040
(speaking in foreign language)
00:36:53.200 --> 00:36:54.320
(ominous music)
(birds squawking)
00:36:55.000 --> 00:36:55.760
(speaking in foreign language)
00:37:12.400 --> 00:37:13.640
So during the massacres
you used the word Bengali
00:37:16.760 --> 00:37:17.400
in your reports.
00:37:17.560 --> 00:37:18.599
At DVB they change
it into Rohingyas.
00:37:20.640 --> 00:37:21.760
You said they make
their accounts here
00:37:23.920 --> 00:37:24.560
angry at you.
00:37:32.720 --> 00:37:34.080
- What did they say?
- Because they don't know.
00:37:52.960 --> 00:37:53.599
- Because it...
00:38:02.240 --> 00:38:02.840
(ominous ambient music)
00:38:11.599 --> 00:38:12.520
(speaking in foreign language)
00:38:32.960 --> 00:38:33.599
(crowd shouting)
00:38:34.400 --> 00:38:35.160
(speaking in foreign language)
00:38:42.680 --> 00:38:43.840
(crowd shouting in
foreign language)
00:38:58.240 --> 00:38:59.400
- What I noticed is it's
a very sensitive subject
00:39:03.680 --> 00:39:04.320
here in Myanmar,
00:39:06.480 --> 00:39:06.920
the Rohingyas.
00:39:08.320 --> 00:39:08.760
I was thinking,
00:39:10.800 --> 00:39:11.440
how will it be?
00:39:11.599 --> 00:39:12.760
Because I talked to Rakhine,
I talked to Rohingyas,
00:39:14.920 --> 00:39:16.040
I talked to Muslims
and I was thinking
00:39:16.640 --> 00:39:18.080
at DVB probably there are
different opinions, too.
00:39:23.080 --> 00:39:24.280
Maybe someone likes to
use the word Rohingyas,
00:39:25.800 --> 00:39:27.200
the other one doesn't
like to use the Rohingyas.
00:39:29.040 --> 00:39:29.599
(Than grunts)
00:39:29.640 --> 00:39:30.760
I was thinking maybe
that gives a conflict.
00:39:31.360 --> 00:39:31.800
- Yeah, yeah.
00:39:36.800 --> 00:39:37.599
- On the editorial?
00:39:38.440 --> 00:39:38.720
- Yeah.
00:39:53.599 --> 00:39:54.400
- Scared.
- Yeah.
00:40:40.960 --> 00:40:42.120
- Do you see your
future in Myanamar?
00:40:46.880 --> 00:40:47.680
- And kids and family and DVB?
00:41:08.200 --> 00:41:09.240
(somber music)
(diners chattering)
00:41:15.200 --> 00:41:15.960
(speaking in foreign language)
00:41:40.720 --> 00:41:41.360
(crowd cheering)
Distributor: First Hand Films
Length: 42 minutes
Date: 2016
Genre: Expository
Language: Turkish; English; Spanish; Burmese; Russian; Dutch / English subtitles
Grade: College, Adults
Closed Captioning: Available
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