The story of a city that once connected Palestine to the world – what…
Naji Al-Ali

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- Transcript
'During the 30 years since I started drawing, I feel I have been through every Arab prison and I ask myself: What is there to come after all this? I was prepared to die defending just one drawing, because every drawing is like a drop of water which makes its way through the minds of people.'-Naji Al Ali
Throughout history artists have faced the threat of violence when their work offended the state or the political elite. The late Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al-Ali produced thousands of cartoons satirizing the powers that be in the Middle East, and paid the ultimate price for his 'offensive' expression. On July 22, 1987 he was shot in the face, at point blank range, as he left the London offices of the Al Qabbas newspaper. He died after laying in a coma for 5 weeks.
Emerging from humble beginnings in the refugee camps, for over 30 years he was an uncompromising critic of a regressive Arab political culture and of Western intervention in Arab affairs. Interviews with leading Arab journalists and poets, former jail mates, his wife and others give us insight to his unrelenting commitment to his people, and into his subtly satirical cartoons that stirred the hearts of millions of refugees. NAJI AL-ALI, AN ARTIST WITH VISION examines the forces that shaped Naji as an artist, as a human being, and shows how his experiences mirror those of other exiled Palestinians.
Known as the Palestinian Malcolm X, Naji is still the most popular artist in the Arab world, loved for his defense of the ordinary people, and for his criticism of repression and despotism. Paradoxically, strict censorship and widespread illiteracy in the Arab world helped Naji to achieve his remarkable success. His unrelenting cartoons exposed the brutality of the Israeli army and the hypocrisy of the PLO, earning him many powerful enemies. The turning point in Naji's story was the publication of his cartoon satirizing Egyptian journalist Rashida Muhran, Yasser Arafat's official biographer. Arafat was furious and Naji was forced to leave for London.
Despite some arrests by Scotland Yard and an investigation by MI5, the assassin's identity has never been revealed. Who murdered Naji, the Mossad or the PLO?
'Highly Recommended! Especially appropriate for college and university libraries that support programs in politics, Middle Eastern studies and the arts. Commemorates the life of a man who lived according to his ideals and never forgot his people, even when he was among the highest paid journalists in the Arab world. Naji lives on through his cartoons, and the video makes it possible to share this controversial artwork with a new audience, despite persistent attempts at censure.'-Educational Media Reviews Online
'This valuable film... goes a long way toward preserving the memory of Naji al-Ali, allowing future generations to draw inspiration from this remarkable individual. Does an outstanding job of introducing not only the personality of al-Ali, but also the most important events shaping his work... Includes an excellent cross-section of the thousands of political drawings Al-Ali published in his lifetime.'-Al Jadid: A Review and Record of Arab Culture and Arts
'NAJI AL-ALI, AN ARTIST WITH VISION offers a valuable and vital primer into an extraordinary life, lived in extraordinary times in an unfortunate land. Al-Ali's cartoons illuminate the [film] ...and offer a wonderful visual documentation of the pain of Palestine. The history of the Palestinian struggle can never be recorded without some reference to the trenchant cartoons of Naji al-Ali.'-Politics and Culture
Main credits
Abid, Kasim (film director)
Abid, Kasim (film producer)
Nottingham, Wendy (narrator)
Other credits
Music, Jesper Siberg; camera, Kasim Abid; translations, Dr. Mustafa Hadi; voice over, Nadeem Sawalha; on-line editor, Monica Henriquez.
Distributor subjects
Biographies; Communications; Human Rights; Journalism; Middle EastKeywords
00:00:42.990 --> 00:00:46.880
00:01:08.750 --> 00:01:10.453
00:01:10.454 --> 00:01:11.999
isn\'t only assassination
00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:15.509
with a silencer. It\'s a way of life in
00:01:15.510 --> 00:01:20.080
Arab countries and it can be
very dangerous to challenge it.
00:01:29.070 --> 00:01:35.289
I\'m accused of being biased and i
don\'t deny it I\'m not neutral.
00:01:35.290 --> 00:01:38.829
I\'m on the side of the pool if someone
00:01:38.830 --> 00:01:42.219
were to say that my brush
is like a surgeon\'s knife.
00:01:42.220 --> 00:01:43.779
Then I will have achieved
00:01:43.780 --> 00:01:45.410
my dream
00:01:52.260 --> 00:01:54.654
when I was a child.
00:01:54.655 --> 00:01:59.409
My mother told me that I was a
Palestinian but the whole world told
00:01:59.410 --> 00:02:04.509
me I was a refugee I used to ask myself
00:02:04.510 --> 00:02:12.510
what am I now let
00:02:13.885 --> 00:02:19.449
me show you the cut
00:02:19.450 --> 00:02:26.364
will be alarm and a woman should
not have been the heavier reefs.
00:02:26.365 --> 00:02:30.669
Positive limiter they\'ll
give you a lot a lot of you
00:02:30.670 --> 00:02:36.924
here will it can thermally the seed Muslim
00:02:36.925 --> 00:02:43.959
Nigeria Jemea blasted by pi
and addToSet West unless you
00:02:43.960 --> 00:02:51.744
publish and as it enabled by
merely an anathema to LLM.
00:02:51.745 --> 00:02:54.939
Happy but before the time Appalachia.
00:02:54.940 --> 00:03:02.940
About editing and how well I can
enable y\'know Niger that created
00:03:04.750 --> 00:03:12.750
an evil spirit the nitrogen can
00:03:17.520 --> 00:03:25.520
be lost any alchemical tell
come on come on a naval battle
00:03:28.305 --> 00:03:30.899
for the demonstration at
00:03:30.900 --> 00:03:37.990
the national
00:03:38.720 --> 00:03:42.404
level or back.
00:03:42.405 --> 00:03:47.639
Suddenly lamellas Shania level
00:03:47.640 --> 00:03:55.640
at the kind of law that says
00:04:07.250 --> 00:04:12.989
now G allele was born in 1998
in the village in Galilee in
00:04:12.990 --> 00:04:16.619
Palestine in 1988 when
00:04:16.620 --> 00:04:21.730
the State of Israel wound he was deported
with his family to southern Lebanon.
00:04:23.030 --> 00:04:30.464
I was a child of ten we came triangle Helliwell
refugee camp we were hungry dazed and
00:04:30.465 --> 00:04:38.465
therefore life in the camp was full of daily
humiliations ruled by poverty and despite
00:04:50.740 --> 00:04:56.539
my feeling for my country started
to take shape when I was in
00:04:56.540 --> 00:05:02.869
elementary school we used occasions such as
the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.
00:05:02.870 --> 00:05:07.339
Or of the partition of Palestine
to express our wish to return
00:05:07.340 --> 00:05:15.340
home the political and social pressure
00:05:15.625 --> 00:05:21.489
we were subjected made us feel as if we
were living in a Palestinian kitchen.
00:05:21.490 --> 00:05:27.849
We were not allowed to work in state
organizations not to be educated in any schools.
00:05:27.850 --> 00:05:35.240
Other than the camp schools all this
brought us together as Palestinians
00:05:39.990 --> 00:05:47.990
and up-sell from CMS and I
cover that dark energy if
00:05:48.130 --> 00:05:56.079
you say ba ba
00:05:56.080 --> 00:05:59.829
ba ba bounces and Melanie shocks.
00:05:59.830 --> 00:06:07.830
After what does the math
details for any character
00:06:09.520 --> 00:06:17.520
Amaka Nazi entered by roots art academy
in 1988 to study painting he was
00:06:18.790 --> 00:06:23.169
continually harassed by the Lebanese
secret police and arrested several
00:06:23.170 --> 00:06:28.944
times during his fans to you eventually
he was forced to leave the academy.
00:06:28.945 --> 00:06:36.945
About Nigeria and harvest and
helps the Hadoop decision but
00:06:38.200 --> 00:06:46.200
the decision about the highway
or some years there are
00:06:47.230 --> 00:06:55.230
some notable Polonius a model learned key
fatigue yada yada yada I\'m a coffee house
00:06:59.220 --> 00:07:06.830
dnautil. py file has 70
00:07:12.450 --> 00:07:20.450
and then she asked me what ariani
00:07:29.400 --> 00:07:37.220
was nautical muscle Fernanda
measure Lasker tiny or other
00:07:40.620 --> 00:07:48.620
Aerosmith in 1963 nij move to
00:07:51.580 --> 00:07:57.264
Q8 where he worked for Talia
Weekly magazine I was
00:07:57.265 --> 00:08:04.074
editor designer artist and office screen all
at the same time a trust I was hesitant.
00:08:04.075 --> 00:08:09.099
I produced a few cartoons and waited
to see how people would react.
00:08:09.100 --> 00:08:11.829
Their response was wonderful.
00:08:11.830 --> 00:08:14.484
I began growing like a lesson possessed.
00:08:14.485 --> 00:08:16.629
I only wished I could have been one of
00:08:16.630 --> 00:08:21.350
those Indian gods with 20
arms and dependent in each
00:08:24.800 --> 00:08:29.879
even as he and I can feel v.
So now so I feel
00:08:29.880 --> 00:08:34.289
super Beethoven as you
as you learn how to have
00:08:34.290 --> 00:08:40.439
the autologous blood back up and Asiana
00:08:40.440 --> 00:08:47.129
valid referred to this healer
00:08:47.130 --> 00:08:49.559
who answered that but then
again the emphasis we
00:08:49.560 --> 00:08:53.084
have to say about the
Nestle and it kept verb.
00:08:53.085 --> 00:09:00.709
Had he decided that the SLB
higher Toby had they been loved
00:09:00.710 --> 00:09:08.710
all the liquid in the third row will
00:09:10.865 --> 00:09:18.865
be liquid so Yaro had told
them Bernini who can I smack
00:09:19.445 --> 00:09:27.445
a composition one can lead the young player I
know hic-iste foster local Luciana for him
00:09:30.290 --> 00:09:38.290
to add if there was no such thing
on June 1997 answering attacked
00:09:40.140 --> 00:09:43.709
Egypt Syria and Jordan at the end of
00:09:43.710 --> 00:09:47.519
the Israel Museum occupation Sinai to go on
00:09:47.520 --> 00:09:52.589
hikes Gaza and East Jerusalem
as a result of the war.
00:09:52.590 --> 00:09:56.699
Three 100 thousand Palestinians
left their homes and took refuge in
00:09:56.700 --> 00:10:02.234
the neighboring countries
hadrosaurs are still
00:10:02.235 --> 00:10:10.235
going to the thorough thorough Muda Mura
min journey we\'re going to meet her
00:10:12.430 --> 00:10:20.430
the hazard to the utility what
Obama did not work on the part of
00:10:23.180 --> 00:10:28.804
a sub
00:10:28.805 --> 00:10:36.805
16 Oh
00:10:39.340 --> 00:10:47.340
yeah any Java Hochelaga via
inherit harvey socket also
00:10:52.010 --> 00:10:54.520
00:11:00.560 --> 00:11:03.479
some of us
00:11:03.480 --> 00:11:11.480
are well see CRC Britannica
as was shaped by other
00:11:13.395 --> 00:11:20.669
Sima disarm the U.N.
00:11:20.670 --> 00:11:23.309
Security Council adopted a resolution to
00:11:23.310 --> 00:11:28.329
4-2 you should acknowledge the
existence of the State of Israel.
00:11:28.330 --> 00:11:32.139
Its right to security and the
requirement that it withdrawal from
00:11:32.140 --> 00:11:36.189
the occupied territory palestinians
rejected the resolution
00:11:36.190 --> 00:11:38.019
because it did not address their right to
00:11:38.020 --> 00:11:44.439
self-determination and
within a month of Ostia with
00:11:44.440 --> 00:11:52.440
wrinkled luminary any W1 W2 smoothie
that had the allowed me then
00:11:54.190 --> 00:12:01.319
the name of God and
00:12:01.320 --> 00:12:06.509
the lecture ship analytical Guo deviant has
00:12:06.510 --> 00:12:09.719
prepared the way for
00:12:09.720 --> 00:12:15.419
vertical engineer Arab world gave rise to a
new character nudges work called handler.
00:12:15.420 --> 00:12:17.848
It became his trademark.
00:12:17.849 --> 00:12:22.409
This character came out of my
life in a typical child of
00:12:22.410 --> 00:12:28.349
those days barefoot destitute and deprive I
00:12:28.350 --> 00:12:36.350
created this character so that I would never
forget where I came from some handler I\'ll
00:12:37.920 --> 00:12:45.920
handle the Battle of the Fed and
no suburban mom rule of thumb
00:12:46.320 --> 00:12:54.320
Isla had a civilian mom rule now you are
willing and now you measure the shabby.
00:12:56.670 --> 00:13:04.670
You will how will a neuron from what I
00:13:05.835 --> 00:13:13.835
do I didn\'t lie has certain bad Dan Shi
Hou Lai Jiang Zemin Al Arab e minus f
00:13:36.030 --> 00:13:39.729
t is a nudge.
00:13:39.730 --> 00:13:44.780
What Obamacare the CO2
coming out of the resume
00:13:49.670 --> 00:13:57.670
and without the ability to run the heavy we
00:13:59.990 --> 00:14:07.990
will see with the kid doesn\'t deal
00:14:14.750 --> 00:14:22.750
with any of the alluded to could
00:14:25.200 --> 00:14:33.200
you sit up and with what active manner
of authentic elbow there within marriage
00:14:50.750 --> 00:14:55.664
and Ben are assembled character measured
00:14:55.665 --> 00:15:03.665
many umbilical ICSE what hacking the
character for clinical Pepsi assay.
00:15:04.110 --> 00:15:10.739
Our measured have fatter than a half
hour loci every character we\'re
00:15:10.740 --> 00:15:18.730
locking phenomenon gelato
Jamal it may well be MTS
00:15:39.140 --> 00:15:47.140
and if it\'s a liquid metal
unequal and had these Daniel.
00:15:47.445 --> 00:15:53.969
He hadn\'t roughness if len and Hillary.
You dial.
00:15:53.970 --> 00:15:59.069
For fema land animals handheld
00:15:59.070 --> 00:16:05.740
without a Smetana laissez faire.
00:16:06.110 --> 00:16:12.679
Nasa Yan near some some heavy they can hit
00:16:12.680 --> 00:16:15.480
the z yada
00:16:15.820 --> 00:16:18.150
00:16:19.930 --> 00:16:27.930
yada yada
00:16:35.680 --> 00:16:42.109
yada assay development Wilbur meal.
00:16:42.110 --> 00:16:48.119
Would lead to chaos and
00:16:48.120 --> 00:16:56.120
Telecine settler colonialism and Australia
00:16:57.390 --> 00:17:05.339
New Zealand and Canada only fact
Gambia and basado en el logo you
00:17:05.340 --> 00:17:12.869
Sophie on October the sixth
1973 Egyptian troops
00:17:12.870 --> 00:17:16.154
attacked Israeli forces
and cross the Suez Canal.
00:17:16.155 --> 00:17:21.269
While the Syrian army advanced five
kilometers into the Golan Heights.
00:17:21.270 --> 00:17:25.709
The Arab oil-producing countries setup
an embargo against the allies of
00:17:25.710 --> 00:17:30.509
Israel on October the 22nd the U.N.
Security Council
00:17:30.510 --> 00:17:33.269
adopted Resolution 338 to implement
00:17:33.270 --> 00:17:39.749
a ceasefire hybrid let us have
a look at the electrode has
00:17:39.750 --> 00:17:42.389
even had
00:17:42.390 --> 00:17:50.390
the murder it\'s about steam.
00:17:50.500 --> 00:17:58.500
Let us have a gorilla says no man can men
enough Alemanno Sofia Coppola says I\'m going to
00:18:01.380 --> 00:18:09.380
study the world just who were much more it
was more or less showed had the menorah
00:18:12.280 --> 00:18:16.809
the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and
left his mark on the Middle East with
00:18:16.810 --> 00:18:19.689
his step-by-step plan to
diffuse the tension in
00:18:19.690 --> 00:18:24.200
the area and bring about an
end to the Arab oil embargo
00:19:28.770 --> 00:19:35.019
suddenly the man can embed
00:19:35.020 --> 00:19:40.884
national travel equate when the less
volatile as if they\'re high for Alalu lead.
00:19:40.885 --> 00:19:45.429
Higher Anaconda Sofala as
00:19:45.430 --> 00:19:52.059
the liquid sorrow Carola
00:19:52.060 --> 00:19:56.949
Hilton La La Jolla mechanic theory
00:19:56.950 --> 00:20:02.939
and collect a su zeros for football
00:20:02.940 --> 00:20:10.940
and tau will be at that Alaska for Reshma.
00:20:12.360 --> 00:20:20.360
Look man or rough Mecca and most fetal
alcohol many analysis can suffer but
00:20:21.840 --> 00:20:27.229
before I go on April 13th
00:20:27.230 --> 00:20:33.640
1975 the civil war in Lebanon broke out in
fighting spread throughout the country.
00:20:33.770 --> 00:20:36.899
I\'m against this wall because it\'s
00:20:36.900 --> 00:20:44.579
just the bacteria forms for fighting
for bourgeois class that\'s linked to
00:20:44.580 --> 00:20:49.919
the west and pro US Arab states
for Muslims are also dying in
00:20:49.920 --> 00:20:56.860
this room misled by misconceptions and
a failure to identify the true enemies
00:21:36.200 --> 00:21:44.200
I can say though for say
this i then I can feed
00:21:46.605 --> 00:21:54.605
my destiny what afetto So
00:21:57.010 --> 00:22:02.319
Dan badness low-end healthy fats effort
00:22:02.320 --> 00:22:07.239
in a laissez follows sunny
Yann LeCun when McCartney
00:22:07.240 --> 00:22:14.079
had a live animal stigma
Helena Sound and other
00:22:14.080 --> 00:22:21.653
herb that they are dystrophin
00:22:21.654 --> 00:22:29.654
men have been messy messy philistine add
the heel Han certain fostered a year.
00:22:31.355 --> 00:22:37.669
Mostly in another two will have dilemma is
00:22:37.670 --> 00:22:45.244
a Moroccans abler Lula gelato
he had to leave him had.
00:22:45.245 --> 00:22:48.780
Hello hadn\'t had villas
00:23:07.550 --> 00:23:13.180
00:23:19.100 --> 00:23:20.339
00:23:20.340 --> 00:23:22.634
an easy Lehman.
00:23:22.635 --> 00:23:28.679
Of him or her men
00:23:28.680 --> 00:23:34.349
women looted film Lehman.
00:23:34.350 --> 00:23:38.579
Woman going to Harlem and we\'re going
00:23:38.580 --> 00:23:46.580
to read you assume authority.
00:23:47.775 --> 00:23:50.890
What should happen
00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:13.000
can you see a female bioclimatic tea
or coffee the actual o de do de
00:24:15.630 --> 00:24:23.630
Chardin Sophie and bowed to
her though was suddenly on is
00:24:23.670 --> 00:24:31.670
a man as a smash the anti-business.
00:24:32.880 --> 00:24:40.769
No Janae felt uneasy Canada ammonia CFE
00:24:40.770 --> 00:24:46.649
and yes I have learned as
00:24:46.650 --> 00:24:53.020
a hopeful bill Modi\'in listeners.
00:24:53.480 --> 00:25:01.334
That\'s the handler for evidence ACK
Campbell axion them and it will turn up in
00:25:01.335 --> 00:25:09.335
a year and I am at home maybe tenia listeners
will follow B and hetero enrollee Dolly.
00:25:10.410 --> 00:25:18.410
And I\'m an uncle a sort of a
mismatch and then funnily enough
00:25:20.370 --> 00:25:26.399
so ten nm Cuando tenia less animal
00:25:26.400 --> 00:25:32.279
tied up in in the late 70s.
00:25:32.280 --> 00:25:35.429
Not g allele became a
well-known cultural figure in
00:25:35.430 --> 00:25:42.389
the Arab world is satirical drawings
attacking injustice corruption the absence
00:25:42.390 --> 00:25:46.589
of democracy and the abuse of
human rights were published in
00:25:46.590 --> 00:25:52.719
both the left and right-wing press now
00:25:52.720 --> 00:26:00.720
for that men become about solar mammoth telephoto
Anwar Sadat and watch tele handlebar la
00:26:02.980 --> 00:26:08.214
la la la la la la la la la la
00:26:08.215 --> 00:26:14.919
evident that if Nagid highly bossa nova.
00:26:14.920 --> 00:26:19.280
Happy to share that philosophy
00:26:43.730 --> 00:26:49.289
the lbf which Henry Kissinger had opened
up lead Anwar Sadat monocular begun
00:26:49.290 --> 00:26:53.984
to Camp David in September
1998 They signed to draft
00:26:53.985 --> 00:26:59.519
treaties concerning peace in the
Middle East Egypt Sinai and became
00:26:59.520 --> 00:27:01.559
the recipient of a considerable amount of
00:27:01.560 --> 00:27:07.000
American aid but it lost its credibility
with the rest of the Arab world
00:27:59.840 --> 00:28:04.049
this war and its political
and military consequences.
00:28:04.050 --> 00:28:08.789
Didn\'t take me by surprise
this was merely the harvest of
00:28:08.790 --> 00:28:15.804
what the Arab regimes and the Philistine and
movement at the sewing for years israel.
00:28:15.805 --> 00:28:18.260
Just reap the fruits.
00:28:22.140 --> 00:28:26.949
So Holbrooke none hub.
00:28:26.950 --> 00:28:32.690
A hub in Catherine.
00:28:33.330 --> 00:28:41.330
Can can can kinda Sayonara now here
00:28:44.595 --> 00:28:50.189
what a raft photographers
00:28:50.190 --> 00:28:58.190
sorry Dima Israeli Israeli
00:28:59.460 --> 00:29:03.760
can era
00:29:04.790 --> 00:29:11.980
started at the hub
00:29:40.550 --> 00:29:48.550
let\'s check that rho is a mass of nanos
00:29:50.030 --> 00:29:58.030
shall we owe Hamlin yeah and then
suddenly they lost some sessile Mino.
00:30:01.270 --> 00:30:06.369
Will have a forever lint is leading at
00:30:06.370 --> 00:30:12.140
the clinics where other firms get
our undertaker femto veil Hennessy.
00:30:13.680 --> 00:30:21.680
Do Jacobi theta lambda early
at Laval Hamlin illicitly
00:30:23.770 --> 00:30:31.770
certainly that could happen to her
head and there\'s a Hamlin Mississippi
00:30:34.700 --> 00:30:42.700
and certainly can be normally
had the definitely a Li Ya Ni
00:30:46.510 --> 00:30:54.510
De La Du will do men died the
one collected we know B will be
00:30:57.440 --> 00:31:05.440
bulk roughness CSE and then the other
really big narrative can you cut an
00:31:07.140 --> 00:31:13.889
embedded within my Busan de la do
my Buchesi de Bain and again at
00:31:13.890 --> 00:31:20.759
bay root three
00:31:20.760 --> 00:31:25.979
Leone Kenema
00:31:25.980 --> 00:31:33.209
Bei Ru Guo Ba survival
00:31:33.210 --> 00:31:37.454
is a matter of chance and know
whether you\'re going to be hit
00:31:37.455 --> 00:31:41.999
by a rocket or not one
day the bombing was very
00:31:42.000 --> 00:31:47.549
intense and carried on through the
night the next day I came out and saw
00:31:47.550 --> 00:31:54.719
all the destroys house I drew handler
presenting a flower to the city with the words.
00:31:54.720 --> 00:32:00.749
Good morning. Imagine. After all
this bombing and death readers
00:32:00.750 --> 00:32:04.409
pick up a newspaper and
someone is wishing them.
00:32:04.410 --> 00:32:12.410
Good morning Pavan Mecca facade
00:32:14.355 --> 00:32:22.355
been OBGYN and that ends
the subito piano is
00:32:25.080 --> 00:32:33.080
really bad for you is IMF is
available slot BM now Cepheids in
00:32:33.885 --> 00:32:38.519
general vasa recta avant marriage should be
00:32:38.520 --> 00:32:46.520
non-kin Asiana in ethylene cameras
for higher Kara Venezuela.
00:32:46.725 --> 00:32:54.509
It feel sorry when
00:32:54.510 --> 00:32:58.139
the evacuation of the resistance
fighters started I couldn\'t
00:32:58.140 --> 00:33:02.984
come out to say goodbye to watch
people throwing flowers rice.
00:33:02.985 --> 00:33:06.389
Despite the fact that I wasn\'t told sat.
00:33:06.390 --> 00:33:11.759
I cried weeping wasn\'t thought of
sorrow but in protest at being a
00:33:11.760 --> 00:33:15.329
Palestinian I cried for the martyrs
00:33:15.330 --> 00:33:19.900
and I lamented the situation
which led us to this destiny
00:34:35.870 --> 00:34:39.719
and have him put older Cybil level of
00:34:39.720 --> 00:34:43.619
nan Kenneth Mack and headedness
look none other than
00:34:43.620 --> 00:34:51.620
related phenomena illiquid
to send a muscular.
00:34:52.785 --> 00:35:00.730
I\'m mad they\'ll see this nastic Dear Mr.
Willis dropna
00:35:01.610 --> 00:35:09.349
can only under that money or
download Nancy were older they will
00:35:09.350 --> 00:35:12.034
always say to those to those to
00:35:12.035 --> 00:35:17.194
muscle cell will incentive we
require some efficacy office.
00:35:17.195 --> 00:35:25.195
Tomorrow we\'ll visit with who announced the
habia and abed ambiental Hadley them measure
00:35:26.990 --> 00:35:34.990
Keynesian little bit Alan Murta
Hodges logistical advice about what
00:35:36.970 --> 00:35:44.970
to say what Uber Sarah
Holy Saturday that\'s what
00:35:45.480 --> 00:35:53.480
my dad will tell us how
00:35:54.620 --> 00:36:00.359
you want to learn and then there\'s
visited Soviet dilemma for
00:36:00.360 --> 00:36:08.360
mobile or no annula Padma
zealous out upload.
00:36:10.335 --> 00:36:18.335
Can\'t even Becky dumber. So much.
00:36:19.740 --> 00:36:25.169
Similar I\'m old abundances.
00:36:25.170 --> 00:36:33.170
They\'ve done about the liver
can be adequate to lead with
00:36:35.610 --> 00:36:43.610
the money and the Fed Minnesota method
hustler for cannula hello Sudan who
00:36:46.395 --> 00:36:50.789
had some CSS Ebola had them but
00:36:50.790 --> 00:36:54.569
those are some atmospheric little
hammer will do an album and
00:36:54.570 --> 00:37:02.364
Mosaddegh sue me thus the surf to house.
00:37:02.365 --> 00:37:07.970
Some of fear can do not to me
00:37:11.370 --> 00:37:15.969
the disintegration of the Palestinian
movement and the infighting among
00:37:15.970 --> 00:37:20.499
Palestinian factions lead now due to
public confrontation with the leaders of
00:37:20.500 --> 00:37:22.959
the piano and he accused them of
00:37:22.960 --> 00:37:29.690
corruption dictatorship and hijacking the PLO
to pursue their own political objectives
00:37:33.320 --> 00:37:40.544
then this Bian De Zhe Yang De
Nan am liquid liquid can plot
00:37:40.545 --> 00:37:48.545
hotter even nastier hyenas yada
00:37:50.430 --> 00:37:58.430
yada yada yada all Tola Hakim
00:38:01.030 --> 00:38:05.644
the fetal heartbeat at law had feared
00:38:05.645 --> 00:38:12.409
alley Jackel bet among Muslim
Matlab is a year of diamond
00:38:12.410 --> 00:38:19.609
has just told acetylate selamat Iliana
lesson will have lot and observe
00:38:19.610 --> 00:38:27.610
closely for a certain time and Diane.
00:38:28.310 --> 00:38:36.310
Has them an unknown slopes are Feizi mom
skill in the snazzy and Nusseibeh Danny
00:38:52.290 --> 00:38:59.379
now examine model via Murat
00:38:59.380 --> 00:39:07.380
stopping you saw was
sharply at Yasser Arafat.
00:39:09.055 --> 00:39:13.659
Be shekel with hill methanol
00:39:13.660 --> 00:39:20.660
and water Philistine if appear
ala and Asilomar II and I agree
00:39:20.820 --> 00:39:28.820
with what he asked us to learn language at
their seller lacking laser to lock acquire
00:39:30.715 --> 00:39:37.074
Benammar ulama way that be hemo gel that
00:39:37.075 --> 00:39:45.075
medical encyclopedia called a dual tapply that
she had at the bank and Arafat incitement
00:40:27.220 --> 00:40:31.759
to resolve the tension between
Nike and the PLO leadership
00:40:31.760 --> 00:40:35.749
mohammed al sacar editor of
Alcoba newspaper organized
00:40:35.750 --> 00:40:42.309
a meeting between Nassaji and Arafat
during his visit to Kuwait in 1905 well
00:40:42.310 --> 00:40:49.719
my Yasser Arafat Shabaka and
egg village and mostly.
00:40:49.720 --> 00:40:53.379
Got published in shabby method shabby.
00:40:53.380 --> 00:41:01.380
One a shabby photo shock I cannot tell
00:41:03.310 --> 00:41:11.310
Yasser Arafat and religion
must have shockwave shock
00:41:12.835 --> 00:41:20.690
he can sell the house or in a
00:41:23.580 --> 00:41:31.580
set out of Los de abajo de Yani
00:41:32.155 --> 00:41:39.440
and the head though Yani I need.
00:41:39.660 --> 00:41:43.329
Despite the popularity
which now g enjoyed among
00:41:43.330 --> 00:41:47.859
ordinary people His enemies was strong enough
to influence the Kuwaiti government to
00:41:47.860 --> 00:41:54.699
deport him he moved to
London where he resumed
00:41:54.700 --> 00:42:02.700
his controversial work it\'ll compasses
international Branch fema daughter quit.
00:42:05.970 --> 00:42:12.414
Less of my time was another method\'s
00:42:12.415 --> 00:42:17.450
gonna work
00:42:18.570 --> 00:42:24.500
smarter heterogenous releaser
00:43:05.760 --> 00:43:09.200
how can that then cationic
00:43:09.570 --> 00:43:17.544
Canada Egypt and Lisa badging spouse
00:43:17.545 --> 00:43:22.329
over net financing a
Latino have bone and Lisa
00:43:22.330 --> 00:43:27.459
have fatty Maggi shuffles hot
coffee phenotypes that can
00:43:27.460 --> 00:43:34.449
form or the L Barry the Madoff
00:43:34.450 --> 00:43:38.589
and now G suffering and internal
crisis were reflected in
00:43:38.590 --> 00:43:43.719
his work he became critical of many political
groups and governments in the Middle East.
00:43:43.720 --> 00:43:49.329
Every day every hour I expect the
official message which will stop
00:43:49.330 --> 00:43:51.579
my pin from drawing and push me into
00:43:51.580 --> 00:43:55.614
a corner smaller than the
piece of paper I\'m drawing.
00:43:55.615 --> 00:43:59.979
I\'ve already been banned from
stating in my work what I think of
00:43:59.980 --> 00:44:03.819
the Camp David degree I\'m not
even allowed to touch on
00:44:03.820 --> 00:44:07.059
the Pacinian tragedy in Lebanon
or to mention the rest of
00:44:07.060 --> 00:44:11.469
the ridiculous practices in
the Arab world it\'s tragic.
00:44:11.470 --> 00:44:19.470
How can an artist breathe in a space
smaller than a matchbox how let
00:44:22.550 --> 00:44:29.039
me resume to see how children as snow
00:44:29.040 --> 00:44:36.674
can contaminate lexeme can have it wouldn\'t
live with that and allows him to feel side.
00:44:36.675 --> 00:44:42.824
Yeah me some satellite Adam
Smith and I\'m a mismatch
00:44:42.825 --> 00:44:49.544
in the emojis and I\'m not the sort
of had amber some c mismatch NFP.
00:44:49.545 --> 00:44:57.545
Or some homemade at any year so for
cellular cellular Assad Valium
00:44:58.690 --> 00:45:04.539
and many are of the opinion that this
cartoon published in ampere buffs on
00:45:04.540 --> 00:45:07.809
June 24th 1987 satirizing
00:45:07.810 --> 00:45:11.574
the influence on the PLO of Egyptian
journalist Rashidun monochrome.
00:45:11.575 --> 00:45:19.575
But Nazis life in jeopardy let\'s say that
00:45:20.700 --> 00:45:28.700
gamma sat at that covered vocally
00:45:30.730 --> 00:45:38.394
electron-ness ness. github yes out
of that article or that get up
00:45:38.395 --> 00:45:46.395
on this bottle
00:45:52.610 --> 00:45:57.850
a lustful or cannot.
00:46:05.240 --> 00:46:10.019
Kind of borrow from other
hardware support to be asthma.
00:46:10.020 --> 00:46:14.354
With somebody she dharma
hadn\'t really kinda tiny.
00:46:14.355 --> 00:46:22.355
WE my my my my BBB
00:46:24.330 --> 00:46:31.149
but yet the sharp for the kind of
other some other hazards assess.
00:46:31.150 --> 00:46:39.039
Rather assassin Miranda
non-entrepreneurs Economic Dilemma is
00:46:39.040 --> 00:46:42.909
my measure for an hour alone
00:46:42.910 --> 00:46:49.524
will satisfy the ferret inoculum
or mismo heavier monogamous.
00:46:49.525 --> 00:46:57.525
Either more after foil McCartney tried
that kind of car mechanic Natasha
00:47:18.090 --> 00:47:26.090
yeah the tongue belong De Yan
thought it home I can have only.
00:47:27.370 --> 00:47:32.259
Let\'s suppose cellophane as liquidity
or new candidate can hold when
00:47:32.260 --> 00:47:36.939
a cell to suffer less facade
00:47:36.940 --> 00:47:43.959 To Louisiana fistula
habitat humanity and
00:47:43.960 --> 00:47:51.714
they don\'t learn idea oh yeah the monkey.
00:47:51.715 --> 00:47:58.048
Suddenly no the Scotland Yard yummy.
00:47:58.049 --> 00:48:04.409
However she can measure named announced
00:48:04.410 --> 00:48:12.410
a person flannel board for headset
hacky fabricated in the hallway.
00:48:12.795 --> 00:48:20.795
What Dan had an LMS Bobby
Kennedy would enter
00:48:23.595 --> 00:48:29.950
another list with the gamma full-time
00:48:30.770 --> 00:48:37.994
he had a lot of them live in Nigeria alley.
00:48:37.995 --> 00:48:43.979
Normally did not
00:48:43.980 --> 00:48:51.980
abandon LSS who.
00:48:52.365 --> 00:49:00.365
While I can isn\'t that
00:49:01.375 --> 00:49:09.375
the whole set of shuffle shuffle
them I shot during the 30 years
00:49:12.070 --> 00:49:18.279
since I started drawing I feel like I\'ve
been through every Arab prism and I ask
00:49:18.280 --> 00:49:26.280
myself what more is there to come I am
prepared to die defending one of my drawings.
00:49:26.425 --> 00:49:29.784
Because every drawing is like a drop of
00:49:29.785 --> 00:49:34.250
water which makes its way
through the minds of people
00:49:54.990 --> 00:50:02.990
facade Nigel alley walk off a
whole Akbar Joe her what can be
00:50:05.695 --> 00:50:13.695
highlighted throughout and then beca oh got
a layer of homology guided them and cool
00:50:15.520 --> 00:50:23.259
metro NFP Philistine Philistine
we shim Tazzy jihadi
00:50:23.260 --> 00:50:31.260
Minitab Canada agenda and I had the
authority hockey for Nike la casa.
00:50:33.610 --> 00:50:41.610
Wo jiao haha the Yani hadn\'t manner
Mallory Healy Cohen at Nike defendant.
00:50:42.670 --> 00:50:47.483
Let your demo homeowner vomit wildly.
00:50:47.484 --> 00:50:55.484
At at the Missouri I
00:50:56.920 --> 00:50:59.244
know I have a date with destiny.
00:50:59.245 --> 00:51:03.369
We shall all be tomatoes the sons of
00:51:03.370 --> 00:51:07.569
the camps and all the exiles who
carry their country\'s image in there
00:51:07.570 --> 00:51:15.570
how we should raise the Palestinian
flag over our soil and we shouldn\'t no