Tens of thousands of women have been raped during 20 years of war in eastern…
Rape of a Nation

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The Democratic Republic of Congo sits atop one of the world's most vast deposits of diamonds and gold, yet it is also home to the world's most deadly war since WWII. Marcus Bleasdale explores the connection between the two, and traces how the West's consumer appetite for these resources have led to such sub-human conditions for the Congolese, and to what are commonly denominated now as "blood diamonds".
Main credits
Bleasdale, Marcus (filmmaker)
Bleasdale, Marcus (photographer)
Bleasdale, Marcus (videographer)
Bleasdale, Marcus (interviewee)
Maierson, Eric (film producer)
Other credits
Photography & video, Marcus Bleasdale; video interview, Chad A. Stevens.
Distributor subjects
African Studies, Democratic Republic of Congo, Anthropology, armed conflict, children and youth, criminal justice, mining, environmental studies, global economy, human rights, labor studies, political science, photojournalism, poverty; Expository; WOKeywords
00:00:47.210 --> 00:00:52.099
The Congo is gifted with
enormous natural resources.
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It has diamonds, gold,
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vast amounts of water, coltan, cassiterite.
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It could and should be a
very, very rich country.
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But in fact what the reality
has been in the past years is
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that these natural resources
have been a curse.
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It\'s created a conflict,
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led by warlords
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that are trying to take
the natural resources
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from DRC for their own gains.
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The warlords have been
recruiting child soldiers
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and in the last 10 years
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more than 30,000 child soldiers
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have been recruited in Eastern Congo.
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Many of whom are still serving now.
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The local mining population
doesn\'t really know the value
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of what it is they\'re extracting.
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And so they rely on
intermediaries to tell them
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what the price of that gold is.
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And those intermediaries
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inevitably don\'t tell them the right price,
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and the increases in prices
on the international markets
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are never passed down to the people
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that are extracting that
gold from the gold fields.
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Many of the children that
were forced to fight
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to gain control of the mines,
they put down the Kalashnikov,
00:02:01.240 --> 00:02:04.069
that they were made to
carry 12 months earlier
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and they pick up a shovel
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and they are forced to work in the mines
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digging for gold for the warlords.
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And many hundreds of children have died
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being buried alive in the tunnels,
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in the gold fields of Eastern Congo.
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Joseph Kabila was elected President.
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And has been ruling the country ever since.
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His response to the elections
and his new found power was to
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eradicate the political opposition.
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He arrested many of the
opposition activists.
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And these billions of dollars
that have been spent
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on the Congolese election
have essentially been wasted
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because there is now no democracy in Congo.
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The Congolese have had
this history of being led
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by dictators who look out
for only themselves.
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They steal the vast natural
resources that DRC has
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and the Congolese people
receive no benefits.
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The Congolese people only
suffer as a result of
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the lack of social structure
that this pillaging creates.
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But this is not exactly a great
lesson for the Congolese people
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who see their leaders as thieves.
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That filters down through
every level of society.
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The military will use their
AK47, the Kalashnikoff\'s,
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to reap the benefits of war.
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They\'ll pillage, they\'ll rape, they\'ll
steal cattle, they\'ll steal goats,
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they\'ll take a chicken at gunpoint
just so that they can eat
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because they\'re essentially
not getting paid by anyone.
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When there\'s increased
military activity in,
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in certain areas to try and
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secure the natural resources,
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the population inevitably
starts to, to run.
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The displaced in Congo
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number in the millions.
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They have no access to any
medical care, any healthcare.
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Sometimes they have to walk for days
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before they arrive in safety.
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More than 90% of the
people who die in Congo
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are dying because of the lack
of access to medication.
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And this lack of access to medication
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is caused by the overall insecurity.
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Just the very smallest of
illnesses like diarrhea,
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the most basic of sicknesses like malaria,
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which warrant just a small series of pills,
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they have no access to
this sort of medication
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because they\'ve probably
been stolen by the military.
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As a result you have many millions dying
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because of the lack of access
to the most basic healthcare.
00:07:01.110 --> 00:07:04.999
Over the past years in DRC sexual violence
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has been an enormous problem.
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Just in 2007 alone there are
40,000 reported rape cases.
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It\'s happening in every
town, in every province.
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Anywhere there\'s military activity
sexual violence is prevalent
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and it is a daily fear for every woman.
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The government soldiers
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and the warlords are equally culpable.
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A military may be arrested. He
may spend 6 or 7 days in jail,
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but then he\'ll be out again.
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And he could find himself
passing the women that he raped
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just weeks after he was
found guilty of the crime.
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The women, they whisper to
you what happened to them
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because they\'re so ashamed of what it was
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that was committed against them.
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Center for Victims of Sexual Violence, Goma
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The enemies attacked my village.
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They forced us to go with them.
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I stayed with them for many months.
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I was as a wife to them.
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Anyone could sleep with me.
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When I became pregnant,
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I didn\'t know if the time I
gave birth was early or not.
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But there was no hospital in the bush,
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no clinic, no doctor.
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When the baby came out,
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they were using their hands
to pull it out from my womb.
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The baby was divided into pieces.
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They were using their fingers.
00:09:04.140 --> 00:09:07.149
In one province alone there were recorded
00:09:07.150 --> 00:09:10.100
40 women being raped every day.
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13% of those being raped
were under the age of 14.
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And 10 to 12% of those that
were raped contracted HIV.
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These problems and these
statistics are just horrific
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and so huge that we sometimes
can\'t even contemplate
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the severity of the problem there.
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But still, the international
community does nothing.
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The problems in Congo are vast
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and sometimes the whole problem
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feels just too huge to fix.
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This is the largest death toll in the world
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since the Second World War,
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but it\'s not a problem that is unsolvable.
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It is not a problem that we
can\'t do anything about.
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I think there\'s one thing
that we can do as consumers,
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and that is be aware of where our
natural resources come from.
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When you\'re buying gold,
when you\'re buying diamonds,
00:10:07.230 --> 00:10:11.059
ask the retailer if they know
where they\'re coming from.
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And that\'s one of the ways that we
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as consumers can maintain pressure
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on an industry that is sometimes
not as diligent as it can be.
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One of the main things
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that will bring Congo out of the situation
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that it\'s in at the moment is education.
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There are great organizations
that are working in DRC.
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Save the Children,
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UNICEF, Human Rights Watch
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is doing an enormous amount of work.
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And organizations such
as UNHCR are providing
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the stability and the infrastructure
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to allow the children to receive
some form of education.
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If we maintain a good level of
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education amongst the population,
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there is always a hope that
the future will be better.
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A better-educated population
leads to better questions,
00:10:58.230 --> 00:11:00.079
and a better questioning population
00:11:00.080 --> 00:11:01.240
leads to a better government.
Distributor: MediaStorm
Length: 12 minutes
Date: 2008
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 7-12, college, adults
Closed Captioning: Available
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