It’s the first day shooting a low-budget film. The director tries to shoot…

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A young Ricardo Montalbán, taking a break from his work at MGM, plays Federico, an engineer from the capital who is sent to the Veracruz mountains to look for barbasco roots, from which cortisone is obtained.
Pedro, an indigenous man from the region, guides him through the jungle, but they get lost. Pedro is bitten by a snake and dies, while Federico falls into a river and faints.
When he wakes up, he finds himself in with Yáscara, the daughter of Santos. Played by Mexico’s national scream queen Ariadna Welter, she falls in love with him.
Main credits
Gavaldón, Roberto (film director)
Gavaldón, Roberto (screenwriter)
Alcoriza, Luis (screenwriter)
Calderon, Guillermo (film producer)
Calderón, Pedro (film producer)
Montalbán, Ricardo (actor)
Parra, Victor (actor)
Welter, Ariadne (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Alex Phillips; editing, Gloria Schoemann; music, Antonio Díaz Conde.
Distributor subjects
Classic Films; Cinema Studies; Latin American Studies; WomenKeywords
00:00:45.416 --> 00:00:48.958
00:02:09.416 --> 00:02:13.958
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00:02:21.333 --> 00:02:27.166
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00:02:40.083 --> 00:02:44.041
You see? The properties of barbasco
are unquestionable.
00:02:44.208 --> 00:02:47.291
I know, I have studied
the plant in great depth.
00:02:47.458 --> 00:02:52.458
Very well, let us discuss
other important issues. Come with me.
00:03:02.375 --> 00:03:06.541
Here are the most abundant sources
of barbasco in Veracruz state.
00:03:06.791 --> 00:03:10.791
This report contains all the essential data,
00:03:10.958 --> 00:03:14.708
as well as the ideal conditions
required for the samples.
00:03:15.000 --> 00:03:19.333
We are flexible regarding the price per ton,
00:03:19.541 --> 00:03:22.541
which will depend on local conditions,
00:03:22.750 --> 00:03:25.416
transportation, and other factors,
00:03:25.583 --> 00:03:30.041
including the attitude of the people
with whom you will deal.
00:03:31.083 --> 00:03:32.750
When do I leave?
00:03:32.916 --> 00:03:34.791
- Tomorrow.
- So soon?
00:03:35.500 --> 00:03:38.541
I did not expect that,
but I'm ready.
00:03:38.708 --> 00:03:41.291
Any questions?
00:03:41.541 --> 00:03:42.750
Any doubts?
00:03:42.958 --> 00:03:45.708
No, I believe I have enough information.
00:03:46.416 --> 00:03:48.750
Then I can only wish you luck
00:03:49.083 --> 00:03:50.833
and best wishes for this mission.
00:03:51.000 --> 00:03:53.375
- Thank you.
- I'll see you out.
00:03:53.541 --> 00:03:55.958
We'll get you the money on the way out.
00:04:20.916 --> 00:04:23.375
That's as far as I can take you, boss.
00:04:23.541 --> 00:04:25.291
- Why's that?
- See for yourself.
00:04:25.708 --> 00:04:27.958
- What is it?
- It's Corpus Christi.
00:04:28.125 --> 00:04:29.458
I see...
00:04:29.666 --> 00:04:32.583
But the agency is just across the square.
00:04:32.833 --> 00:04:34.916
- How much?
- 10 pesos, boss.
00:04:36.166 --> 00:04:37.458
Thank you.
00:04:38.166 --> 00:04:40.125
Need a porter, boss?
00:04:40.458 --> 00:04:41.833
00:05:11.166 --> 00:05:13.416
- Where is it?
- Right there.
00:06:03.166 --> 00:06:05.500
00:06:07.166 --> 00:06:09.041
- Good morning, sir.
- Morning.
00:06:09.291 --> 00:06:11.625
- Can I help you?
- I'm here for the agent.
00:06:11.791 --> 00:06:15.541
He's not in. He left for Jalapa
and won't be back 'til next week.
00:06:15.708 --> 00:06:18.791
- Would you like to leave a message?
- There's no point.
00:06:19.083 --> 00:06:21.458
I brought some introductory letters,
00:06:21.625 --> 00:06:23.541
I need horses and a guide.
00:06:23.708 --> 00:06:26.041
My husband's usual guide is Anselmo.
00:06:26.208 --> 00:06:30.333
- But during the festival I don't know...
- Where can I find Anselmo?
00:06:32.625 --> 00:06:35.958
He's at the top,
the captain of the flyers.
00:06:36.208 --> 00:06:39.375
He knows that area really well.
00:06:41.541 --> 00:06:43.500
Thank you, ma'am.
00:07:37.333 --> 00:07:38.791
00:07:46.375 --> 00:07:50.958
I hear that you accompany
the forestry agent on his field trips.
00:07:51.791 --> 00:07:54.875
Would you be willing to be my guide?
00:07:55.041 --> 00:07:57.916
- No can do.
- Why not?
00:07:58.208 --> 00:08:02.916
I've agreed to fly on Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday.
00:08:03.250 --> 00:08:06.208
- Let's talk on Monday.
- I can't wait that long.
00:08:06.500 --> 00:08:09.708
It's Corpus Christi.
You wait.
00:08:09.916 --> 00:08:12.458
- I'll pay you well, Anselmo.
- You wait.
00:08:15.083 --> 00:08:17.750
Don't insist, sir. He won't go.
00:08:18.250 --> 00:08:22.291
He made a commitment and if he breaks it,
something bad will happen.
00:08:23.833 --> 00:08:25.875
Do you know anyone else who could...
00:08:26.041 --> 00:08:29.125
Right now it will be
very difficult to find anyone.
00:08:31.291 --> 00:08:33.250
Okay, take me to a hotel.
00:08:33.416 --> 00:08:35.416
- There are no rooms, boss.
- What?
00:08:35.791 --> 00:08:38.458
You know, the festival.
00:09:09.583 --> 00:09:11.583
Pineapple, please.
00:09:14.958 --> 00:09:16.125
Want one?
00:09:16.541 --> 00:09:17.583
Make that two.
00:09:19.125 --> 00:09:21.125
If you trust me, sir,
00:09:21.291 --> 00:09:24.083
and you can't wait 'til Monday,
I can take you.
00:09:25.041 --> 00:09:28.083
- Do you know the area?
- As well as Anselmo.
00:09:28.750 --> 00:09:33.083
Since there are no hotel rooms,
if you want we can leave today.
00:09:34.041 --> 00:09:37.750
I'll get the animals
while you buy supplies.
00:09:37.916 --> 00:09:41.166
- How long to get to...?
- That's up to you.
00:09:41.458 --> 00:09:46.125
If you're a good rider,
I'd say three or four days.
00:09:46.958 --> 00:09:50.458
Three or four days?
Okay, let's go.
00:11:27.083 --> 00:11:29.375
I can get you
as much barbasco as you want.
00:11:29.791 --> 00:11:33.541
If you're interested
we can make a deal right away.
00:11:33.750 --> 00:11:35.250
Sure, I'm interested.
00:11:35.458 --> 00:11:39.333
But I can't close a deal until
we choose a site for the processing plant.
00:11:39.500 --> 00:11:42.083
- Why not here?
- It's too isolated!
00:11:42.250 --> 00:11:46.291
If you fix the road,
in the dry season it's even fit for trucks.
00:11:46.458 --> 00:11:48.125
- Really?
- Sure.
00:11:48.666 --> 00:11:53.166
Okay, let's discuss it when I get back,
in about two weeks.
00:11:53.750 --> 00:11:55.000
00:11:58.583 --> 00:12:00.583
Is there a telegraph office?
00:12:00.791 --> 00:12:03.875
Yes, sir.
Right around the corner.
00:12:04.208 --> 00:12:06.333
It doesn't always work, though!
00:12:06.708 --> 00:12:08.708
Let's hope I'm in luck.
So long.
00:12:14.125 --> 00:12:16.125
"Last town with telegraph."
00:12:16.750 --> 00:12:18.708
"Don't worry if no news."
00:12:19.333 --> 00:12:22.000
"Love and miss you always."
00:12:22.541 --> 00:12:24.541
"Kisses. Federico."
00:12:24.833 --> 00:12:28.250
If it's for your wife, it's a bit curt.
00:12:28.416 --> 00:12:31.875
- Add a few more cents and you could say...
- No, that's fine.
00:13:49.458 --> 00:13:53.166
Let's hurry before night falls.
00:13:53.333 --> 00:13:55.916
- It's still early.
- We're in the jungle, boss.
00:13:56.083 --> 00:13:59.708
Night falls without warning
and then you're stuck.
00:15:17.166 --> 00:15:20.458
- What were you doing up there?
- Nothing, boss.
00:15:23.875 --> 00:15:26.916
Let's have some coffee
before we carry on.
00:15:29.041 --> 00:15:30.791
Damn it!
00:15:31.833 --> 00:15:36.250
- How long will this fog last?
- Until a strong wind blows.
00:15:38.916 --> 00:15:41.875
- Did you sleep well?
- So, so.
00:15:42.500 --> 00:15:44.041
You didn't let me.
00:15:44.333 --> 00:15:45.583
How come?
00:15:45.750 --> 00:15:48.000
All that muttering in your sleep!
00:15:48.416 --> 00:15:51.083
Was I talking in my sleep?
What did I say?
00:15:52.166 --> 00:15:54.125
You spoke a lot...
00:15:54.541 --> 00:15:59.208
... about how much you love your patria,
your homeland.
00:16:04.333 --> 00:16:05.833
I must have said Patricia.
00:16:06.000 --> 00:16:07.916
Oh, that's it.
00:16:09.625 --> 00:16:12.916
I thought you had a fever!
00:16:26.541 --> 00:16:28.708
Sometimes I want to go back.
00:16:30.833 --> 00:16:32.666
Go back, boss?
00:16:33.375 --> 00:16:37.166
If you want to,
it's not a bad idea.
00:16:39.416 --> 00:16:44.041
No, I'm just saying that because...
... I miss my home,
00:16:44.666 --> 00:16:45.833
my wife.
00:16:46.041 --> 00:16:48.416
No, we have to carry on
at all costs.
00:16:48.583 --> 00:16:52.750
I thought you wanted to turn back
because you knew what happened.
00:16:53.583 --> 00:16:55.166
What do you mean?
00:16:56.625 --> 00:16:58.125
What happened?
00:16:58.666 --> 00:17:01.500
I can't find the path anywhere.
00:17:02.250 --> 00:17:05.916
We must have got lost
in the dark, boss.
00:17:06.083 --> 00:17:08.166
Don't blame the dark!
00:17:08.416 --> 00:17:10.083
You just don't know this area!
00:17:10.250 --> 00:17:11.625
Do you, you fool?
00:17:11.791 --> 00:17:13.791
Hands off, boss.
00:17:14.000 --> 00:17:18.291
I know the area because I came here once,
and I've been told all about it.
00:17:19.833 --> 00:17:22.625
I've fallen in fine hands!
So now what?
00:17:23.166 --> 00:17:26.875
- What do we do?
- We let the animals guide us.
00:17:27.041 --> 00:17:29.958
They can find villages
better than we Christians can.
00:17:30.125 --> 00:17:33.625
And last night's dung
may still be fresh.
00:17:34.125 --> 00:17:36.875
If we follow the trail
we'll be back soon.
00:17:38.291 --> 00:17:40.291
Alright, let's saddle up.
00:17:42.583 --> 00:17:43.875
Come on, let's go!
00:17:58.750 --> 00:18:01.541
Let him loose, he knows how!
00:19:33.666 --> 00:19:34.958
What can you see?
00:19:50.958 --> 00:19:53.666
Don't do that boss,
you'll only hurt yourself.
00:19:54.125 --> 00:19:58.083
I'll burn those ticks off
with some tobacco I brought.
00:20:18.250 --> 00:20:19.875
What did you see from up there?
00:20:20.041 --> 00:20:23.666
I thought it was a path,
but it was just a wild goats' track.
00:20:24.416 --> 00:20:25.625
A goats' track!
00:20:26.750 --> 00:20:28.750
Yesterday it was wild boar tracks...
00:20:29.208 --> 00:20:33.625
... and we've been stuck in this hell hole
for four days now.
00:20:33.791 --> 00:20:39.625
That's right boss. I've been counting
the days with these pebbles.
00:20:39.791 --> 00:20:42.583
What's the point of that, you idiot!
00:20:45.041 --> 00:20:47.375
I'll give you some advice, boss:
00:20:52.375 --> 00:20:57.416
We're equal now, because the jungle
doesn't care who's the master and who's the servant.
00:20:57.708 --> 00:21:02.666
You oughta treat me better,
so that we can find our way out of this together,
00:21:02.833 --> 00:21:06.291
or we'll both meet a hairy end.
00:21:07.833 --> 00:21:09.458
Now I've got you!
00:21:10.666 --> 00:21:13.625
- You bastard, you wanted to...
- Shut up!
00:21:15.041 --> 00:21:19.583
Take a look before you accuse me of something
I hadn't even thought of.
00:21:25.708 --> 00:21:29.041
Pedro, forgive me...
00:21:29.416 --> 00:21:32.791
This damn jungle has me
seeing danger everywhere.
00:21:33.083 --> 00:21:37.416
I'll have you know that Pedro González
Is not a treacherous killer,
00:21:37.708 --> 00:21:39.375
or a traitor!
00:21:41.208 --> 00:21:43.208
I see that now.
00:21:43.958 --> 00:21:46.500
I promise to trust you from now on.
00:21:46.916 --> 00:21:51.541
Alright, boss.
Now we'd better keep moving,
00:21:52.208 --> 00:21:56.250
'cause the worst thing you can do
when you're lost is give up.
00:21:56.625 --> 00:21:57.833
Let's go.
00:22:44.458 --> 00:22:46.958
Don't get lost in yourself, boss.
00:22:47.333 --> 00:22:50.083
Talk to me whenever you want to.
00:22:51.250 --> 00:22:53.916
If you get stuck on a single thought
00:22:54.375 --> 00:22:56.625
there'll be no snapping out of it.
00:22:56.791 --> 00:23:00.916
You get taken over by the green shadow,
the soul of the jungle.
00:23:01.208 --> 00:23:05.708
Yes, boss. I've seen the green shadow,
she's like a beautiful woman,
00:23:06.166 --> 00:23:07.708
but evil.
00:23:07.875 --> 00:23:11.750
Whenever the green shadow
hears a lost man say...
00:23:11.916 --> 00:23:16.166
... "I'll stay here", that's when
the jungle's revenge begins.
00:23:16.625 --> 00:23:19.666
And it breaks out in an evil laugh!
00:23:20.250 --> 00:23:22.375
But it's only the sound
of the branches,
00:23:22.625 --> 00:23:26.625
and the bushes, and the animals,
which start to take over your mind!
00:23:28.416 --> 00:23:32.166
- What do you mean?
- That it's good to talk, boss!
00:23:32.333 --> 00:23:35.166
We don't want the jungle
to think we've given up.
00:23:35.375 --> 00:23:37.125
What can we talk about!?
00:23:37.291 --> 00:23:40.541
All I can think about
is the mess we're in!
00:23:40.958 --> 00:23:42.500
That's the problem, boss.
00:23:45.083 --> 00:23:47.083
Talk to me anyway.
00:23:49.541 --> 00:23:51.083
How did you meet your wife?
00:23:56.833 --> 00:24:01.083
Thanks, Pedro.
Thanks for showing interest.
00:24:07.958 --> 00:24:09.958
You know, Pedro,
00:24:10.250 --> 00:24:13.041
I feel guilty about you.
00:24:13.958 --> 00:24:17.791
This trip is a big deal for me,
but what about you?
00:24:18.083 --> 00:24:20.666
What do you get out of all this hardship?
00:24:21.666 --> 00:24:23.666
A handful of pesos?
00:24:24.041 --> 00:24:27.000
Just to guide some stranger...
00:24:29.625 --> 00:24:32.458
Maybe it's not just that, boss.
00:24:33.416 --> 00:24:36.541
As you saw, I have a wife
and three kids.
00:24:37.125 --> 00:24:39.958
And feeding so many mouths isn't easy,
00:24:41.666 --> 00:24:46.541
but something rose up in my chest,
and I felt the need for an adventure.
00:24:53.125 --> 00:24:54.375
What was that?
00:24:54.541 --> 00:24:57.333
- A puma, boss.
- That whistle can't be a puma!
00:24:57.583 --> 00:24:59.958
That's the sound they make.
00:25:01.000 --> 00:25:02.625
There it is.
00:25:05.041 --> 00:25:07.041
Come with me, let's go.
00:25:07.333 --> 00:25:09.333
And don't fall behind.
00:25:37.125 --> 00:25:40.750
00:25:46.416 --> 00:25:50.000
A nauyaca snake got me, boss!
I'm done for!
00:25:51.875 --> 00:25:54.208
Tie my leg!
00:25:55.250 --> 00:25:57.250
00:25:57.750 --> 00:25:59.750
Higher up!
00:26:07.708 --> 00:26:10.875
Tighter! So the poison won't spread.
00:26:31.583 --> 00:26:33.708
What do I do now?
00:26:34.166 --> 00:26:36.166
You have to suck the wound.
00:26:39.250 --> 00:26:42.291
Do this for me, boss,
or I'm dead!
00:26:45.750 --> 00:26:49.291
Spit out the blood!
Spit it out!
00:26:54.916 --> 00:26:56.916
Give me some.
00:27:10.375 --> 00:27:14.208
I see it coming, boss,
my time's up.
00:27:14.375 --> 00:27:17.916
Don't say that!
I'll do whatever it takes.
00:27:18.083 --> 00:27:20.625
Even if you chopped off my leg...
00:27:20.875 --> 00:27:24.166
- ... there's no cure for this.
- Don't talk nonsense, Pedro!
00:27:25.833 --> 00:27:28.000
Promise me one thing, boss:
00:27:28.375 --> 00:27:32.875
If I die, don't leave me out here
to feed the buzzards!
00:27:34.083 --> 00:27:36.125
Give me a Christian burial,
00:27:36.333 --> 00:27:39.166
with a cross,
even it it's just two sticks.
00:27:39.333 --> 00:27:43.208
- You'll get through this!
- And promise me...
00:27:43.375 --> 00:27:48.916
... that if you get out of here alive,
you'll look after my wife and kids.
00:27:51.375 --> 00:27:53.708
I promise, Pedro.
I promise!
00:27:53.916 --> 00:27:56.791
But you're not going to die!
You can't...
00:27:59.041 --> 00:28:01.541
I see it coming, boss.
00:28:01.750 --> 00:28:03.750
No, Pedro...
00:28:05.208 --> 00:28:07.208
Take this,
00:28:09.916 --> 00:28:15.333
to keep track of the days
we've been lost.
00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:29.083
Add another pebble for today, I forgot.
00:28:31.416 --> 00:28:34.458
It was just...
00:28:36.666 --> 00:28:38.666
... the days...
00:28:40.666 --> 00:28:44.208
... that were...
00:28:51.375 --> 00:28:53.375
00:28:54.666 --> 00:28:56.083
00:28:56.625 --> 00:28:57.833
00:33:48.875 --> 00:33:50.875
Stay away from him!
00:33:51.041 --> 00:33:53.000
Out of here, you bastards!
00:33:53.458 --> 00:33:54.208
Go away!
00:33:55.750 --> 00:33:58.750
I won't let you touch him!
Do you hear me?
00:34:01.541 --> 00:34:03.833
And I'm getting out of here alive!
00:34:04.791 --> 00:34:06.916
I won't be your carrion!
00:34:07.708 --> 00:34:09.666
You hear me, you bastards!?
00:34:36.416 --> 00:34:38.416
00:34:39.500 --> 00:34:41.500
00:34:43.625 --> 00:34:46.125
No... no.
00:34:47.708 --> 00:34:50.333
That's just the jungle, laughing.
00:34:52.083 --> 00:34:54.083
Pedro warned me.
00:35:06.041 --> 00:35:07.875
00:35:18.208 --> 00:35:20.208
00:39:25.416 --> 00:39:27.208
Who's there?
00:39:29.208 --> 00:39:30.750
Who's there!?
00:39:46.083 --> 00:39:48.416
We thought you were dead.
00:39:48.750 --> 00:39:51.833
I guess you did.
You tried your best to make sure I was.
00:39:52.958 --> 00:39:54.291
Where's the other guy?
00:39:54.500 --> 00:39:56.625
- What other guy?
- Your boss,
00:39:56.791 --> 00:39:59.125
who cut the bridge
when I asked for help.
00:39:59.291 --> 00:40:02.125
The fever's made you delirious.
00:40:02.583 --> 00:40:04.958
It's just me and my old lady here.
00:40:05.333 --> 00:40:07.958
- Take my word.
- I saw him last night.
00:40:08.500 --> 00:40:12.541
Tell him not to be a coward.
Ask him why he tried to kill me.
00:40:12.833 --> 00:40:14.750
Hold your tongue, pal!
00:40:14.916 --> 00:40:17.375
I'll have you know
I don't have a boss,
00:40:17.541 --> 00:40:20.208
and I don't know
who tried to kill you.
00:40:20.375 --> 00:40:22.791
Just like all goons...
00:40:22.958 --> 00:40:24.875
- I warned you!
- Don't hit him!
00:40:25.250 --> 00:40:27.125
Can't you see he's defenseless?
00:40:27.583 --> 00:40:30.666
My father told you
to look after him, not beat him!
00:41:08.375 --> 00:41:09.875
Now what do you want?
00:41:15.583 --> 00:41:17.333
Let go of me!
Let me go!
00:41:17.500 --> 00:41:19.041
Take it easy, pal.
00:41:19.208 --> 00:41:21.125
- No one's going to hurt you.
- You!
00:41:21.416 --> 00:41:23.875
You say no one wants to hurt me,
you bastard!?
00:41:24.041 --> 00:41:25.458
Shut up!
00:41:25.666 --> 00:41:29.333
- Or you'll regret it.
- I'm not scared of you.
00:41:29.541 --> 00:41:32.250
Don't test my patience.
00:41:32.708 --> 00:41:35.291
I said no one's going to hurt you.
Are we clear?
00:41:35.875 --> 00:41:40.458
I did try to kill you, and I'll do it
if you don't do as you're told.
00:41:40.833 --> 00:41:44.750
- How dare you give me instructions!
- They're orders.
00:41:45.875 --> 00:41:49.458
You'll be living under my roof,
against my will,
00:41:49.875 --> 00:41:52.375
until you're better
and you can leave.
00:41:53.833 --> 00:41:55.250
Against your will?
00:41:55.416 --> 00:41:58.750
Yes, and you won't stay
a minute longer than necessary!
00:41:59.041 --> 00:42:01.333
I'm the one who wants to leave!
00:42:01.500 --> 00:42:04.083
It's a five-day walk to the next town
00:42:04.250 --> 00:42:07.166
and you're in no condition to walk.
Take him away!
00:42:17.666 --> 00:42:20.291
To what do I owe this hospitality?
00:42:21.041 --> 00:42:22.291
To my daughter.
00:42:22.625 --> 00:42:26.041
And here's a warning:
Treat her as if she was sacred.
00:42:27.000 --> 00:42:30.666
You'll understand when you get to know her.
What are you waiting for!
00:43:48.083 --> 00:43:50.000
I'm going to examine your leg.
00:43:52.291 --> 00:43:53.291
Take that off.
00:43:53.833 --> 00:43:57.375
Bernabé, bring some cloths
and hot water.
00:44:00.500 --> 00:44:04.333
Here's your wallet.
I'll return your gun when you leave.
00:44:05.250 --> 00:44:08.166
- Care to check if it's all there?
- No need for that.
00:44:18.083 --> 00:44:20.291
Looks like you've had some practice.
00:44:22.250 --> 00:44:24.791
You learn all kinds of things in life.
00:44:35.250 --> 00:44:37.416
Your wife must be worried.
00:44:38.583 --> 00:44:41.375
I saw you were married
when I checked your wallet.
00:44:41.625 --> 00:44:43.708
I had to check your identity.
00:44:45.083 --> 00:44:48.333
Is there any way
to get a message to her?
00:44:49.875 --> 00:44:52.416
It's not easy, but we can try.
00:44:52.833 --> 00:44:54.875
I'll send Máximo to Valle Escondido.
00:44:55.041 --> 00:44:58.208
An old hand like him
won't shrink from the difficulties.
00:44:58.375 --> 00:45:01.291
The nearest post office is there.
00:45:01.916 --> 00:45:05.500
You can tell your wife
or anyone interested
00:45:05.666 --> 00:45:08.458
that you'll be in Papantla in about...
00:45:08.916 --> 00:45:11.208
- ... 15 to 20 days.
- Alright.
00:45:11.708 --> 00:45:14.416
Your leg's in better shape
than we thought.
00:45:14.666 --> 00:45:17.583
With some care,
you'll be walking in a few days.
00:45:19.416 --> 00:45:23.333
Hot poultices and bandage his leg.
No need for a splint.
00:45:24.750 --> 00:45:28.750
Bernabé will keep you company.
Call him if you need anything.
00:45:29.166 --> 00:45:32.458
You mean he's my guard,
and I'm a prisoner.
00:45:32.916 --> 00:45:35.875
I have my reasons,
take it as you will.
00:45:59.333 --> 00:46:02.166
- You doing laundry?
- It's the stranger's clothes.
00:46:02.708 --> 00:46:05.041
I'll give them to him
when they're ironed.
00:46:05.583 --> 00:46:07.541
Juanito or Victoriana
will take them.
00:46:08.166 --> 00:46:09.291
00:46:09.500 --> 00:46:13.333
- I can do it just fine.
- Don't make me say it twice.
00:46:13.500 --> 00:46:15.041
What's wrong, dad?
00:46:15.291 --> 00:46:18.083
Nothing, just don't talk to him.
00:46:18.250 --> 00:46:20.708
You're talking as if
you didn't know me.
00:46:21.041 --> 00:46:23.208
You've never used that tone with me.
00:46:23.416 --> 00:46:25.958
I told that man
he's not welcome in El Paraíso.
00:46:26.125 --> 00:46:27.875
He'll have to leave soon.
00:46:28.083 --> 00:46:30.375
You mean you're kicking him out?
00:46:44.208 --> 00:46:47.833
The hardest challenges have passed,
00:46:48.708 --> 00:46:51.875
but in those difficult times
and in moments of calm...
00:46:52.791 --> 00:46:55.625
... you were always in my thoughts.
00:47:02.625 --> 00:47:04.958
We will be together soon.
00:47:05.125 --> 00:47:09.750
I hope to return to Papantla
in 15 to 20 days.
00:47:15.875 --> 00:47:18.750
You too.
00:47:24.208 --> 00:47:25.250
00:47:26.375 --> 00:47:27.541
Why are you here?
00:47:27.708 --> 00:47:30.625
To bring your clothes
and to give you a wash.
00:47:30.833 --> 00:47:34.500
- What are you doing!
- Like I said, washing you! Why not?
00:47:34.666 --> 00:47:37.041
Thanks, but I can wash myself!
00:47:37.291 --> 00:47:39.583
- I'm not a baby.
- I don't understand.
00:47:39.958 --> 00:47:41.875
It's as if I wanted to wash you!
00:47:42.041 --> 00:47:44.166
- Alright then...
- No, stop!
00:47:44.333 --> 00:47:47.750
- Didn't you say...?
- It was just an example.
00:47:48.916 --> 00:47:51.041
Wash my hair, if you want.
00:48:04.625 --> 00:48:07.500
Your hair's stiff as a wild boar's
from all that dirt.
00:48:07.666 --> 00:48:10.208
The last time I got wet
wasn't too pleasant.
00:48:10.541 --> 00:48:14.041
- They forgot to give me soap.
- Don't think about that.
00:48:14.416 --> 00:48:18.083
My father didn't want you here
because he thought you were bad.
00:48:18.250 --> 00:48:22.250
- But I know you're good.
- How do you know? Maybe your dad's right.
00:48:22.625 --> 00:48:25.958
No. When I get a hunch
I'm never wrong.
00:48:27.125 --> 00:48:29.291
Your heart doesn't lie.
00:48:30.166 --> 00:48:32.916
My dad wants you gone
as soon as you're better.
00:48:33.708 --> 00:48:36.500
- What about you?
- I want you to stay.
00:48:40.375 --> 00:48:42.000
What are you staring at?
00:48:42.583 --> 00:48:45.291
You're a very strange girl, Yáscara.
00:48:46.416 --> 00:48:48.750
You always say and do exactly as you feel.
00:48:48.916 --> 00:48:50.500
Of course.
Don't you?
00:48:51.875 --> 00:48:54.166
In my world you can't do that.
00:48:54.416 --> 00:48:58.500
I know. My dad says that city folk
are evil and selfish.
00:48:59.125 --> 00:49:02.000
They lie and hate each other,
and they're unhappy.
00:49:02.375 --> 00:49:04.250
But it's different here.
00:49:04.708 --> 00:49:06.708
We help and love each other.
00:49:07.333 --> 00:49:08.791
Stay with us, stranger.
00:49:13.125 --> 00:49:16.583
Why do you want me to stay?
You hardly know me.
00:49:17.666 --> 00:49:22.708
Because I'm going to love you.
I've known since I pulled you out of the river.
00:49:24.458 --> 00:49:27.375
- You pulled me out?
- Yes.
00:49:28.125 --> 00:49:30.458
You were caught in the rocks.
00:49:30.625 --> 00:49:33.375
I saw that the river
didn't want you to leave.
00:49:33.708 --> 00:49:37.666
It brought you here for me,
and you would never leave me.
00:49:37.833 --> 00:49:41.083
Yáscara, your father's back.
He's looking for you.
00:49:46.375 --> 00:49:49.375
I'll see you later, stranger.
00:50:32.125 --> 00:50:33.750
00:50:34.541 --> 00:50:36.875
Yáscara, hold on!
Just a moment.
00:50:38.541 --> 00:50:40.041
Please don't move.
00:50:54.541 --> 00:50:56.416
What's up?
What are you afraid of?
00:50:56.583 --> 00:50:58.750
I can never be sure
with you around.
00:50:59.000 --> 00:51:01.666
You always catch me unawares.
00:51:09.583 --> 00:51:12.458
- Here's your razor.
- Thank you!
00:51:26.958 --> 00:51:30.625
Go on, shave already!
Let's see what you look like.
00:51:55.208 --> 00:51:56.291
00:51:57.333 --> 00:51:59.500
Do you want to be my man?
00:52:00.500 --> 00:52:02.500
- What?
- My man.
00:52:02.791 --> 00:52:04.250
My guy.
00:52:04.541 --> 00:52:07.708
Like Máximo and Victoriana,
or Bernabé and Juanita.
00:52:08.416 --> 00:52:09.958
Like Amigo and Chacha.
00:52:12.583 --> 00:52:16.458
I would like that, Yáscara,
but it's not possible.
00:52:16.666 --> 00:52:19.333
I'm married,
and I already have...
00:52:19.875 --> 00:52:22.958
- ... a wife.
- Forget her, she's far away,
00:52:23.625 --> 00:52:25.333
and we're very close.
00:52:35.791 --> 00:52:38.458
- Is she like me?
- No.
00:52:39.291 --> 00:52:42.500
She's weak, delicate...
00:52:43.458 --> 00:52:45.458
... fragile as a flower.
00:52:52.625 --> 00:52:54.625
Is she pretty?
00:53:09.875 --> 00:53:11.875
Do you like her more than me?
00:53:13.083 --> 00:53:14.500
You are...
00:53:14.833 --> 00:53:16.250
... different.
00:53:16.875 --> 00:53:19.375
So you like me more.
00:53:24.458 --> 00:53:26.125
She can't be.
00:53:26.458 --> 00:53:29.708
- What's that?
- She can't be your woman.
00:53:29.875 --> 00:53:32.666
- Why not?
- You said she's weak.
00:53:32.833 --> 00:53:35.250
Haven't you seen animals
in the jungle?
00:53:36.333 --> 00:53:40.375
A wildcat doesn't love a deer,
a bear doesn't love a coyote.
00:53:41.666 --> 00:53:44.416
You're strong,
and I'm strong.
00:53:44.666 --> 00:53:47.000
We're like a wolf and a she-wolf.
00:53:47.583 --> 00:53:49.958
You should be my man.
00:54:09.291 --> 00:54:10.500
What's the matter?
00:54:10.666 --> 00:54:13.541
You look handsome,
and I don't want her to see you.
00:54:13.708 --> 00:54:15.041
What are you doing?
00:54:17.791 --> 00:54:19.833
00:54:40.250 --> 00:54:41.458
Where's the picture?
00:54:41.625 --> 00:54:44.416
It's underwater,
under a big rock.
00:54:44.583 --> 00:54:47.416
- Why?
- So you'll only look at me.
00:54:47.958 --> 00:54:52.041
You're mine...
... as if you were me.
00:55:00.458 --> 00:55:04.458
You see?
That's you, and this is me.
00:55:05.708 --> 00:55:07.875
And this is how we should be...
00:55:08.500 --> 00:55:10.500
... forever.
00:55:41.166 --> 00:55:43.166
00:56:37.333 --> 00:56:41.500
I'm returning to this letter
after three days, and...
00:56:48.666 --> 00:56:52.500
... I feel so confused.
00:57:00.666 --> 00:57:06.375
I hope that once you are by my side,
this sense of anguish that overwhelms me will...
00:57:26.416 --> 00:57:29.833
I'm ashamed to see you working hard
while I stand idly by.
00:57:30.041 --> 00:57:31.375
I'd like to help.
00:57:32.041 --> 00:57:35.083
We don't need your help,
your leg is all that matters.
00:57:35.583 --> 00:57:38.250
Fortunately, I see it's getting better.
00:57:39.000 --> 00:57:43.750
Bernabé! Tighten the line
on that side, it's sagging!
00:57:45.375 --> 00:57:48.125
So much work,
and it's all my fault.
00:57:48.333 --> 00:57:50.375
I'm glad to hear you admit it.
00:57:53.916 --> 00:57:56.708
Wouldn't it have been easier to shoot me?
00:57:57.875 --> 00:58:00.125
I prefer accidents in cases like yours.
00:58:00.333 --> 00:58:04.458
Why so eager to get rid of me
if we'd never met and I'd done you no harm?
00:58:04.666 --> 00:58:09.166
Life has taught me to be wary of men.
Why should you be an exception?
00:58:09.333 --> 00:58:13.250
I arrived here by chance, and you had
no reason to attack me!
00:58:13.583 --> 00:58:16.333
I meant no harm to you
or to anyone else!
00:58:16.500 --> 00:58:19.625
You're wrong, pal. My daughter's
falling in love with you.
00:58:19.791 --> 00:58:22.583
That's why you must leave
as soon as possible.
00:58:22.833 --> 00:58:25.583
I see you can already cross the bridge.
00:58:27.250 --> 00:58:29.291
And if you're a decent man,
00:58:29.500 --> 00:58:33.166
I want you to promise
not to tell Yáscara you're leaving.
00:58:33.458 --> 00:58:35.125
I promise.
00:58:36.875 --> 00:58:39.333
What's up with that line!?
00:58:55.583 --> 00:58:56.583
You see?
00:58:56.791 --> 00:59:01.208
When the pollen from both is combined,
the vanilla grows big and strong,
00:59:01.500 --> 00:59:04.041
just like our kids would grow.
00:59:05.166 --> 00:59:08.041
Flowers are like people:
There are males and females.
00:59:08.250 --> 00:59:10.666
And they breed too,
just like dogs or deer.
00:59:11.041 --> 00:59:13.666
Like Máximo and Victoriana,
who had Bernabé.
00:59:14.000 --> 00:59:18.208
Look: Juanita is like a blossom
that will soon bear fruit.
00:59:25.041 --> 00:59:27.375
Why are you so quiet?
00:59:27.583 --> 00:59:30.208
I've been talking
and you haven't said a word.
00:59:30.500 --> 00:59:32.000
What's on your mind?
00:59:33.833 --> 00:59:35.208
You are, Yáscara.
00:59:37.416 --> 00:59:39.750
You, and the world I left behind,
00:59:40.500 --> 00:59:42.625
which is waiting for me.
00:59:43.250 --> 00:59:46.833
Could you leave me
and go back to her?
00:59:47.541 --> 00:59:50.958
If I lost you
I'd feel miserable.
00:59:54.375 --> 00:59:56.291
Do you love me that much?
00:59:56.791 --> 00:59:58.083
I do.
01:00:00.041 --> 01:00:04.708
If you ever leave me,
it'll be like the sun going dark in the sky.
01:00:05.041 --> 01:00:07.708
like all the flowers
in the jungle wilting,
01:00:07.958 --> 01:00:11.291
and the birds falling silent
and dying in their nests.
01:00:13.250 --> 01:00:18.083
Yáscara, Yáscara...
I don't deserve your love.
01:00:20.416 --> 01:00:22.458
I've known pain,
01:00:22.916 --> 01:00:26.708
when I've been sick,
stung by poisonous creatures,
01:00:27.041 --> 01:00:29.041
or pricked by thorns.
01:00:29.291 --> 01:00:33.166
But none of that compares
to the pain of losing you.
01:00:39.375 --> 01:00:41.208
01:00:44.708 --> 01:00:47.875
Look! Bernabé has set traps
for the birds again!
01:00:48.083 --> 01:00:49.625
I told him not to!
01:00:49.875 --> 01:00:51.916
Birds are free as the breeze!
Like me!
01:00:52.083 --> 01:00:57.166
- Calm down, Yáscara! You're overreacting.
- I hate to see them locked up and unable to fly.
01:01:01.083 --> 01:01:05.583
Bernabé doesn't realize
that he'd hate to be locked up too.
01:01:25.500 --> 01:01:28.250
Why aren't you flying away?
01:01:29.500 --> 01:01:32.125
It's got a broken wing.
01:02:28.625 --> 01:02:30.041
I killed it.
01:02:32.708 --> 01:02:34.291
I killed it!
01:02:36.375 --> 01:02:39.166
01:03:52.125 --> 01:03:55.208
My father's been gone
longer than usual this full moon.
01:03:55.416 --> 01:03:57.708
That's his business.
01:03:58.166 --> 01:04:00.458
Why on nights with a full moon?
01:04:00.625 --> 01:04:03.458
That's when he goes out
into the wilderness,
01:04:03.791 --> 01:04:08.083
alone with his thoughts and memories.
01:04:08.333 --> 01:04:12.958
Miss, the master doesn't like us
talking of his affairs...
01:04:13.166 --> 01:04:17.000
- ... especially with strangers.
- Federico's no stranger.
01:04:17.291 --> 01:04:20.708
He's staying with us, so he'd better
start learning our customs.
01:04:20.875 --> 01:04:24.375
I haven't heard the master
say anything about him staying.
01:04:24.541 --> 01:04:26.583
My father will decide that he stays.
01:04:29.166 --> 01:04:33.416
What if he doesn't,
and he orders me to leave?
01:04:36.625 --> 01:04:39.333
All I know is that if he sends you away,
01:04:39.500 --> 01:04:41.250
I'm going with you!
01:04:41.416 --> 01:04:43.291
And if you don't want me to,
01:04:43.500 --> 01:04:46.208
I'll plunge a knife in my neck!
01:04:46.541 --> 01:04:50.166
- Or I'll jump over the waterfall.
- What's that, Yáscara?
01:04:50.583 --> 01:04:53.666
You heard me, father.
Why are you asking?
01:04:53.875 --> 01:04:56.541
I want you to tell me, to my face.
01:04:56.750 --> 01:04:59.291
I should be the first
to hear of your plans.
01:04:59.458 --> 01:05:02.041
This is all you need to know:
01:05:02.666 --> 01:05:04.291
I love Federico.
01:05:04.458 --> 01:05:07.166
I love him even more
than I love you.
01:05:07.333 --> 01:05:09.291
If you send him away...
01:05:09.500 --> 01:05:11.875
... I'll kill myself.
I swear I'll do it!
01:05:14.500 --> 01:05:18.458
The stranger's leaving,
those are my orders.
01:05:18.625 --> 01:05:20.666
But if he loves you,
he'll be back.
01:05:20.833 --> 01:05:24.041
Let him go back to his world,
see his wife again,
01:05:24.208 --> 01:05:26.666
live in his usual environment.
01:05:26.916 --> 01:05:30.541
If he sees it all as a lie,
he'll come back to you.
01:05:30.791 --> 01:05:32.916
Then it will be true love.
01:05:33.416 --> 01:05:36.208
Then we will welcome him
with open arms.
01:05:37.625 --> 01:05:41.708
You didn't tell me he was leaving.
Why should I trust you now?
01:05:41.875 --> 01:05:44.291
How do I know
you won't try to stop him?
01:05:44.458 --> 01:05:47.916
If you were being honest,
you wouldn't force me to leave.
01:05:48.083 --> 01:05:53.250
Your stubbornness proves that all that talk
is just to get me away from Yáscara.
01:05:53.500 --> 01:05:57.958
You only care about yourself,
not about other people.
01:05:58.166 --> 01:06:04.541
And when your daughter innocently responded
to the call of her youth, of her nature,
01:06:04.833 --> 01:06:08.625
your only response
was to make her miserable.
01:06:08.875 --> 01:06:11.416
I'm not just saying so
because I'm involved.
01:06:11.583 --> 01:06:14.125
It would have been the same
with anyone else.
01:06:15.416 --> 01:06:20.416
Even if you kick me out of here,
listen to what I have to say:
01:06:21.541 --> 01:06:23.916
I love Yáscara.
01:06:24.625 --> 01:06:26.625
I love her with all my heart.
01:06:26.875 --> 01:06:29.250
You're leaving tomorrow.
01:06:29.416 --> 01:06:33.500
Máximo will pack your animals
and accompany you to the closest village.
01:06:33.708 --> 01:06:35.541
My decision is final.
01:06:35.750 --> 01:06:38.916
Lock yourself in your room
until I say so.
01:06:39.250 --> 01:06:42.125
I hope you won't regret this, father.
01:07:31.583 --> 01:07:33.291
01:07:33.458 --> 01:07:36.916
- What is it?
- Call the master!
01:07:37.250 --> 01:07:38.750
01:07:39.250 --> 01:07:43.750
Victoriana! Master!
Look at this!
01:07:44.208 --> 01:07:46.166
Just look at the animals!
01:07:47.541 --> 01:07:48.875
Look at him!
01:07:49.083 --> 01:07:52.875
He did it!
So he wouldn't have to leave!
01:07:54.166 --> 01:07:58.208
You've had your way now,
you filthy bastard!
01:07:58.375 --> 01:08:00.833
- Who did this?
- You did! Don't play innocent.
01:08:01.000 --> 01:08:02.541
It wasn't him!
01:08:11.166 --> 01:08:12.458
I did it, father.
01:08:13.166 --> 01:08:14.416
01:08:14.583 --> 01:08:17.625
You killed these animals,
which helped us so much?
01:08:17.791 --> 01:08:21.125
Yes! And I'll do anything for him to stay!
01:08:22.833 --> 01:08:24.458
Now you've gone too far!
01:08:24.625 --> 01:08:28.500
You made me hit my daughter!
My own daughter!
01:08:28.666 --> 01:08:30.875
Don't hit him, father!
01:08:31.708 --> 01:08:33.000
Let go of me!
01:08:38.583 --> 01:08:40.708
Father, don't hurt him!
01:08:45.541 --> 01:08:47.541
No, father!
01:08:49.958 --> 01:08:52.416
Stop it, father!
01:08:53.666 --> 01:08:55.458
Let go of me!
01:09:00.416 --> 01:09:02.625
Stop it, father!
01:09:03.875 --> 01:09:05.875
Let go of me!
01:09:13.083 --> 01:09:14.291
Let go of me!
01:09:18.958 --> 01:09:20.500
Let go of me!
01:09:31.833 --> 01:09:33.250
Let go of me!
01:09:41.833 --> 01:09:44.583
Let go!
Let go of me!
01:09:48.833 --> 01:09:50.291
Let go of me!
01:09:50.500 --> 01:09:52.458
Father, don't hurt him!
01:09:58.333 --> 01:10:00.750
Leave him, father!
He's done nothing wrong!
01:10:00.916 --> 01:10:03.625
If you carry on hitting him
I'll hate you forever!
01:10:03.791 --> 01:10:06.125
Let me finish him off!
01:10:06.291 --> 01:10:07.125
01:10:07.333 --> 01:10:09.166
Let him be, Máximo.
01:10:32.333 --> 01:10:34.333
I hit my daughter.
01:10:48.083 --> 01:10:51.500
No one's ever heard me
say these words.
01:10:53.500 --> 01:10:56.166
Forgive me, Yáscara.
01:10:56.583 --> 01:10:58.833
Don't beat yourself up, father.
01:10:59.125 --> 01:11:01.750
I know that you're suffering on my account.
01:11:03.750 --> 01:11:07.625
One day someone was bound
to take away your love.
01:11:09.750 --> 01:11:13.250
That glimmer of hatred in your eyes
as you defended him
01:11:13.416 --> 01:11:15.958
is a sight I'll never forget.
01:11:20.375 --> 01:11:22.166
You're right,
01:11:22.958 --> 01:11:26.833
you defend what you love,
and you do it head on,
01:11:27.083 --> 01:11:28.958
against all comers.
01:11:30.208 --> 01:11:32.583
Even against me,
01:11:33.125 --> 01:11:35.958
although I'd give my life
to make you happy.
01:11:37.291 --> 01:11:40.666
- I'm your worst enemy!
- Don't say that, father!
01:11:42.291 --> 01:11:44.541
I made you what you are.
01:11:44.708 --> 01:11:47.958
I kept you isolated,
because I loved you!
01:11:48.166 --> 01:11:49.875
Because I was selfish!
01:11:50.583 --> 01:11:53.333
I should have got you
out of here years ago.
01:11:54.125 --> 01:11:57.250
But I want you to hear
about my torment.
01:11:57.791 --> 01:12:00.125
Those words the stranger said,
01:12:00.333 --> 01:12:03.250
I've said them to myself
countless times.
01:12:03.500 --> 01:12:06.666
I'm selfish.
01:12:06.833 --> 01:12:11.000
And I've been too scared
to face the truth.
01:12:14.250 --> 01:12:18.791
Leave me alone, Yáscara. I've been drinking
for the first time in years,
01:12:18.958 --> 01:12:22.250
and I'm saying hurtful things.
01:12:26.541 --> 01:12:29.458
You're all I have in the world.
01:12:30.333 --> 01:12:32.333
Don't hate me.
01:12:40.958 --> 01:12:45.000
Go away,
leave me alone.
01:13:45.208 --> 01:13:47.291
You don't deserve this!
01:13:47.875 --> 01:13:50.875
- Why did you follow me?
- Calm down, Ignacio.
01:13:51.166 --> 01:13:53.958
I thought in your state,
you might come to harm.
01:14:05.250 --> 01:14:10.083
Something terrible must have happened
for you to lead this strange life.
01:14:10.541 --> 01:14:15.208
Yes, and the culprit is right there:
01:14:15.375 --> 01:14:17.208
Yáscara's mother.
01:14:19.000 --> 01:14:22.958
Out of social prejudice,
her father was opposed to our marriage.
01:14:24.625 --> 01:14:27.666
I took some money that wasn't mine
and we eloped.
01:14:29.833 --> 01:14:32.208
It was all like a dream.
01:14:38.375 --> 01:14:43.083
I woke up to reality
that night in the jungle,
01:14:43.250 --> 01:14:46.125
with Irene by my side.
01:14:46.875 --> 01:14:50.375
We had no choice
but to live here,
01:14:50.583 --> 01:14:53.541
far from the reach
of evil and hatred.
01:14:53.750 --> 01:14:55.125
Yáscara was born.
01:14:56.208 --> 01:14:57.916
I was happy with Irene,
01:14:58.166 --> 01:15:01.875
until I caught her cheating on me
with a man whose life I'd saved,
01:15:02.083 --> 01:15:06.041
an oil company pilot
whose plane had crashed.
01:15:06.583 --> 01:15:11.416
When I caught them cheating,
Irene showed her true face.
01:15:11.625 --> 01:15:15.625
I couldn't take it,
so I killed her.
01:15:22.458 --> 01:15:24.250
What about the pilot?
01:15:25.750 --> 01:15:29.958
He didn't get very far,
Máximo took care of him.
01:15:32.500 --> 01:15:35.750
Since then, I've dedicated my life
to Yáscara.
01:15:37.291 --> 01:15:40.708
I later became well known
in the region as "The Outsider,"
01:15:40.916 --> 01:15:45.666
fighting abuses of power,
of which I'd also been a victim.
01:15:48.916 --> 01:15:53.000
They're heading to El Paraíso!
Warn the master!
01:16:18.416 --> 01:16:23.458
Master, we must go
to our hiding place.
01:16:23.833 --> 01:16:27.791
No, Máximo, it's time for me
to face my fate.
01:16:28.000 --> 01:16:31.125
- I'm handing myself in.
- Order me anything, Don Ignacio.
01:16:31.416 --> 01:16:35.791
I'll kill myself on the spot,
but don't abandon us!
01:16:37.208 --> 01:16:39.916
Thanks for your loyalty, Don Máximo.
01:16:40.083 --> 01:16:45.083
Take care of Yáscara. I know that
she's as safe in your hands as in mine.
01:16:45.250 --> 01:16:48.208
The Outsider's gone
so Ignacio Santos can return,
01:16:48.375 --> 01:16:51.791
free of his past,
holding his head up high.
01:16:56.416 --> 01:16:59.541
What is it, father?
Why are those soldiers coming?
01:17:00.125 --> 01:17:03.541
I'll be gone for some time.
Don't be afraid, my daughter.
01:17:03.958 --> 01:17:06.750
This is not goodbye.
01:17:06.958 --> 01:17:08.708
It's just that...
01:17:15.541 --> 01:17:17.541
I'll be back soon.
01:17:38.416 --> 01:17:42.750
I thought we'd find you in different conditions,
but I see you've come to no harm.
01:17:42.916 --> 01:17:45.500
Do you mean me? Is there some confusion?
01:17:45.666 --> 01:17:48.750
If I'm not mistaken, you're Federico Gascón,
01:17:49.000 --> 01:17:52.375
of the Ormex chemical company.
Is that right?
01:17:52.541 --> 01:17:55.041
Yes sir, how do you know?
01:17:55.208 --> 01:17:57.958
Your wife gave us this picture.
01:18:09.125 --> 01:18:11.625
- What can I do for you, lieutenant?
- What?
01:18:11.958 --> 01:18:15.750
What a question!
We're here to rescue you.
01:18:15.958 --> 01:18:19.541
Five patrols have been
scouring the jungle for 10 days.
01:18:19.750 --> 01:18:21.458
We thought you were dead,
01:18:21.666 --> 01:18:24.625
but when your guide washed up
downriver without you
01:18:24.833 --> 01:18:28.041
we picked up the search again
with renewed hopes.
01:18:30.041 --> 01:18:32.125
Ten days...
01:18:34.250 --> 01:18:36.416
I'd lost track of time.
01:18:36.625 --> 01:18:39.291
How long have you been here?
01:18:42.416 --> 01:18:44.333
I couldn't say.
01:18:45.291 --> 01:18:47.916
They cured me here,
took care of me.
01:18:48.166 --> 01:18:52.833
I was unconscious,
I don't know how I got here.
01:18:53.291 --> 01:18:56.625
Your wife will be so pleased to see you.
She's in Papantla.
01:18:57.125 --> 01:19:00.458
Patricia, in Papantla?
01:19:00.625 --> 01:19:03.375
I've hardly had time to think of her.
01:19:04.166 --> 01:19:06.875
I was just thinking about myself
01:19:07.458 --> 01:19:09.791
and no one else.
01:19:18.000 --> 01:19:20.750
Are you ready to leave immediately?
01:19:24.083 --> 01:19:26.083
I don't know.
01:19:27.875 --> 01:19:29.291
I don't know.
01:19:30.666 --> 01:19:35.500
I need to recover.
I'm not feeling quite myself,
01:19:35.708 --> 01:19:38.833
I have a sense of indifference.
01:19:41.375 --> 01:19:44.500
As if I were a different person
from that man.
01:19:44.875 --> 01:19:47.166
Please give me a moment, lieutenant.
01:19:47.333 --> 01:19:48.875
I beg you.
01:20:47.958 --> 01:20:49.125
01:21:02.666 --> 01:21:06.333
- I don't want your pity.
- Yáscara, try to understand.
01:21:06.666 --> 01:21:10.583
I'm suffering as much as you.
I love you with all my heart.
01:21:11.791 --> 01:21:14.666
Those are just words
that will blow away in the wind.
01:21:15.333 --> 01:21:19.250
I know what you're going to say.
You're leaving.
01:21:22.333 --> 01:21:25.000
I have no choice,
it has to be that way.
01:21:25.375 --> 01:21:29.000
The will of God is above
our own decisions.
01:21:29.166 --> 01:21:32.791
He is the one deciding that
I must return to do my duty,
01:21:34.083 --> 01:21:37.250
sacrificing my love for you.
01:21:39.583 --> 01:21:42.583
When they tried to force you,
I killed the animals.
01:21:42.875 --> 01:21:46.041
If they took you I'd go after you,
nothing would stop me.
01:21:46.250 --> 01:21:49.250
No river, no mountain, no man.
01:21:49.458 --> 01:21:51.041
I'd go alone,
01:21:51.750 --> 01:21:56.583
and my eyes would see in the dark,
like an animal, to find you.
01:21:57.791 --> 01:22:01.250
I'd hear your voice among
all the sounds of the jungle.
01:22:01.416 --> 01:22:06.500
Just like the tiger smells the blood of a deer,
I'd track your scent until I found you.
01:22:07.041 --> 01:22:11.750
But no one's taking you, Federico,
you're leaving.
01:22:13.333 --> 01:22:17.500
Yáscara, you don't understand,
it's not just me.
01:22:17.708 --> 01:22:21.208
I am part of a society
that does not let me act freely.
01:22:21.458 --> 01:22:25.125
I understand.
Your woman is waiting.
01:22:25.666 --> 01:22:28.000
But she didn't come looking for you.
01:22:29.250 --> 01:22:31.000
She sent others.
01:22:33.541 --> 01:22:36.041
I'm not just leaving because of her.
01:22:36.208 --> 01:22:39.958
There are many things that you wouldn't understand
because you're free.
01:22:40.125 --> 01:22:45.333
You don't understand the weight
of words like "duty," "marriage," "religion."
01:22:46.791 --> 01:22:50.750
Your view of life is different
and you can't understand mine.
01:22:50.916 --> 01:22:55.500
Yáscara, I love you
like I'd never loved before.
01:22:56.333 --> 01:22:59.958
I am suffering as much as you
or more, believe me.
01:23:00.375 --> 01:23:02.708
But I have to go.
01:23:03.208 --> 01:23:05.666
No, you mustn't.
01:23:07.250 --> 01:23:13.583
That day, right here,
I felt your kisses deep inside me.
01:23:15.708 --> 01:23:20.708
Maybe if you kissed me now,
I'd only feel them on my lips.
01:23:34.125 --> 01:23:38.875
Don't go, Federico!
Stay, and I'll do whatever you want!
01:23:40.041 --> 01:23:44.583
If you like your woman, tell me what she's like
and I'll be like her.
01:23:44.750 --> 01:23:49.333
Tell those men I saved your life,
you're mine!
01:23:50.625 --> 01:23:55.208
Your woman can get another man,
I only have you.
01:23:58.833 --> 01:24:04.708
Don't torment yourself or me any more.
I adore you, Yáscara, but I have to go!
01:24:45.500 --> 01:24:47.666
Goodbye, Ignacio.
01:24:49.083 --> 01:24:51.791
Goodbye, stranger.
01:24:54.708 --> 01:24:56.750
Let's go, lieutenant.
01:25:40.791 --> 01:25:44.625
Let him go.
01:25:44.791 --> 01:25:47.958
If he really loves you,
he'll be back
01:25:48.208 --> 01:25:53.666
Let him go back to his world,
live in his usual environment.
01:25:54.000 --> 01:25:59.333
If he sees it all as a lie,
he'll come back to you.
01:26:00.083 --> 01:26:03.125
Then it will be true love.
01:26:42.333 --> 01:26:47.291
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 87 minutes
Date: 1954
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish
Grade: College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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