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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 19 titles with a criteria of Subject is Finance, Speculation and Debt

Argentina: Hope in Hard Times

The Argentine people, in the face of economic collapse, provide a hopeful example for the rest of us.

Bullfrog Films | 2005 | 74 minutes

Argentina: Turning Around

An intimate view of new models of work, politics and community development in Argentina.

Bullfrog Films | 2008 | 37 minutes

Bolivian Blues

Explores the success of new initiative to reduce widespread poverty.

Bullfrog Films | 2000 | 24 minutes

The Flaw

Tells the story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash of 2008, and clearly explains how excessive income inequality leads to economic instability.

Bullfrog Films | 2011 | 82 minutes

Forgive Us Our Debts

Tells the story of the international grassroots movement to eliminate Third World debt.

Bullfrog Films | 2004 | 50 minutes

Geraldo's Brazil

Five years later, Life rejoins a Brazilian factory worker affected by the globalized economy.

Bullfrog Films | 2005 | 27 minutes

The Hobby

Follows longtime collectors and a new generation of buyers from the trading card industry, diving deep into the real-time trading card fever as the hobby goes nuclear.

Collective Eye Films | 2023 | 88 minutes

Let's Make Money

Erwin Wagenhofer's incredible odyssey tracking our money through the worldwide finance system.

Bullfrog Films | 2010 | 107 minutes

Life - The Debt Police

Uganda seeks external debt relief and fights internal corruption.

Bullfrog Films | 2000 | 24 minutes

Life 5 - Killing Poverty

Has the corruption in Kenya lessened under its new president?

Bullfrog Films | 2006 | 27 minutes