Browse Films
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 titles with a criteria of Subject is Health Care Policy
Dead Mums Don't Cry
Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
Bullfrog Films | 2006 | 49 minutes
Diabetes: A Heavy Cost
Diabetes will affect one adult in 10 by 2040. It is ruining lives and weighing heavily on public finances. The disease is still not being treated properly. A whole system has gone off track because patients either take too many drugs or can no longer afford them. Only the pharmaceutical industry seems to be thriving in this bleak health situation.
Andana Films | 2021 | 85 minutes
The Dirty War on the National Health Service
Filmed in Britain and the United States just prior to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, this timely and compelling documentary by BAFTA and Emmy award-winning journalist John Pilger reveals what may be the last battle to preserve the most fundamental human right of all—the right to health.
Bullfrog Films | 2019 | 106 minutes
On the Edge
In a state facility in the Paris suburbs, the only psychiatrist devotes himself to his mission with passion and dedication… at the risk of losing ground.
Lightdox | 2023 | 93 minutes
6000 A Day
The story of how the world's top decision makers knowingly failed to prevent the spread of the AIDS epidemic.
Icarus Films | 2001 | 55 minutes
Two Films on Challenges in Nursing
Explores an innovative clinical affilitation between nursing homes and universities.
The Fanlight Collection | 1990 | 57 minutes