Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 202 titles with a criteria of Subject is African Studies
African Air
Flying in a motorized paraglider over one of the most diverse continents in the world, George Steinmetz captures in his photographs the stunning beauty, potential and hope of Africa's landscapes and people.
MediaStorm | 2011 | 8 minutes
Aiming High
Focuses on Uganda's successful economic recovery in the wake of Idi Amin's regime.
Bullfrog Films | 2005 | 26 minutes
Anatsui at Work
A swift instructive look at the artist El Anatsui demonstrating his process, and discussing his theories.
Icarus Films | 2011 | 31 minutes
Barcelona or Die
Madou, a Senegalese fisherman, risks his life on an illegal boat to Europe.
Icarus Films | 2008 | 52 minutes
Behind the Rainbow
An in-depth exploration into the internal conflicts of the ANC in South Africa, which led to Jacob Zuma's election as president.
Icarus Films | 2009 | 138 minutes
Berlin 1885: The Division of Africa
The story of the first international conference on Africa, which established its division amongst the European powers, and created Congo as a personal possession of the Belgian king.
Icarus Films | 2010 | 84 minutes
Between War and Peace
The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia encourages combatants to turn in their weapons and wage peace.
Bullfrog Films | 2005 | 23 minutes
Black Africa White Marble
Through the conflict over raising a monument to honor the Italian explorer Petro di Brazza, BLACK AFRICA WHITE MARBLE shines a harsh light on central Africa's colonial past and troubled present.
Icarus Films | 2010 | 86 minutes
Bloodline: AIDS and Family
AIDS and Family is Kristen Ashburn's intimate portrait of African mothers, fathers and children being crushed by AIDS. Ashburn's work connects us to these people deeply; we learn that only through such connection is hope possible.
MediaStorm | 2006 | 12 minutes
The Body Beautiful
This bold, stunning exploration of a white mother who undergoes a radical mastectomy and her Black daughter who embarks on a modeling career reveals the profound effects of body image and the strain of racial and sexual identity on their charged, intensely loving bond
Women Make Movies | 1992 | 23 minutes