In the far north of the world lies the greatest plant continuity on the…
Of Trees and Forests: Canada

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There is a corner of the world where two universes that seemed to be opposites come together. In the Great Bear Rainforest, on the west coast of Canada, the ocean and the forest respond to each other. In the great ballet of interdependencies, salmon and shellfish make trees grow. And in turn, when they lose their leaves or die, they feed the ocean. Between land and sea, the Western Red Cedar rises above the spruce and fir trees, and watches over the forest. It is the tree of life, allowing an infinite number of species to reach for the sky. They hang from its branches to capture the sea air, or take refuge within it. Standing straight in its roots, it reaches up to a thousand years of age: it is the sentinel tree of an ecosystem that is unique in the world.
Series Description:
Secret networks, Wood Wide Web, superorganism… A scientific and discovery series, Of Trees and Forests opens the doors to a world we only thought we knew. Committed scientists, researchers, indigenous people and more guides us in our quest to unveil the trees genius, their interconnections with other animal/vegetal species and the invisible but fully interdependent ecosystem behind it. Through one legendary tree, each episode explores a primary forest with its own climate, fauna and flora. By revealing their superpowers (purify water, stabilize the climate, stock energy, reduce flooding and erosion…), the series serves as wake-up call to remind how urgent and important it is to preserve our endangered forests.
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