The sexual tension between a trio of friends is being punished by the…
Infernal Dolls

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Stealing religious artifacts for private collections is never a good idea. When perpetrators of such sacrilege start dying under mysterious circumstances, a scholar and a medical doctor trying to unravel this enigma come face to face with Zandor, a powerful voodoo warlock and his band of harrowing doll-men assassins. While politics and cultural appropriation might be muddled in this creepy tale, in all fairness, Zandor’s revenge has a very solid point.
This film is part of The Permanencia Voluntaria Archives, whose main objective is to rescue, preserve, and restore the popular cinema of Mexico's cinematographic history.
Main credits
Alazraki, Benito (film director)
Calderón Stell, Guillermo (film producer)
Quintana, Elvira (actor)
Gay, Ramón (actor)
Rivera, Roberto G. (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Enrique Wallace; editing, Alfredo Rosas Priego; music, Antonio Díaz Conde.
Distributor subjects
Classic Films; Cinema Studies; Latin American Studies; Culture + Identity; Religion + SpiritualityKeywords
00:00:14.018 --> 00:00:19.615
00:01:32.429 --> 00:01:34.226
Come in, Doctor.
00:01:35.232 --> 00:01:37.757
You are not ready.
00:01:37.835 --> 00:01:40.599
That's not a way to greet me.
00:01:40.671 --> 00:01:42.639
They are waiting for us.
00:01:42.706 --> 00:01:45.869
Don't get upset. While you go
and get a drink, I will finish.
00:01:45.943 --> 00:01:48.275
Hurry up. Those men
must be impatient.
00:01:48.345 --> 00:01:51.906
They insisted that I should bring
you along. They want advice on. . .
00:01:51.982 --> 00:01:54.542
on native rituals.
00:01:54.618 --> 00:01:56.381
I won't be long, dear.
00:02:03.694 --> 00:02:04.683
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With soda?
00:02:08.265 --> 00:02:09.823
Don't you know yet?
00:02:14.171 --> 00:02:15.297
To you, Sir!
00:02:15.372 --> 00:02:18.364
I'd like to congratulate you
on your daughter.
00:02:18.442 --> 00:02:20.239
- What did you say?
- Nothing !
00:02:36.427 --> 00:02:38.987
Doctor, you are beautiful.
00:02:39.062 --> 00:02:40.859
And you are very courteous, doctor.
00:02:40.931 --> 00:02:43.661
- Double congratulations, Sir.
- What are you saying?
00:02:43.734 --> 00:02:47.329
It's a private conversation
between your father and me.
00:02:57.281 --> 00:03:00.273
- You dance very well, doctor.
- It's my partner, doctor.
00:03:00.551 --> 00:03:02.542
I just follow my partner's lead.
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I would lead you all my life.
00:03:09.293 --> 00:03:10.817
Let's get married, Karina.
00:03:10.894 --> 00:03:13.328
Our families
wouldn't spend on doctors.
00:03:14.465 --> 00:03:15.591
You are so silly.
00:03:15.666 --> 00:03:19.033
We must wait. I've known you
for such a short time.
00:03:19.169 --> 00:03:21.729
Three months aren't enough for you?
00:03:24.775 --> 00:03:28.176
My father met my mom one day
and the next, they got married.
00:03:28.245 --> 00:03:31.942
- He was a very daring man.
- Yes. And so?
00:03:33.717 --> 00:03:36.777
We could marry in November.
What do you think?
00:03:36.854 --> 00:03:40.813
I think it's horrible.
But, whatever you say.
00:03:48.866 --> 00:03:50.731
We'll be late
to your friends' house.
00:03:50.801 --> 00:03:53.463
Who said so? it's early.
There's still time.
00:03:53.537 --> 00:03:55.266
- Can I have my drink?
- Sure.
00:03:58.909 --> 00:04:02.003
Tell me Karina, how did you
learn so much about. . .
00:04:02.079 --> 00:04:04.980
occult sciences,
native rituals and so on.
00:04:05.048 --> 00:04:06.777
It was my father's influence.
00:04:06.850 --> 00:04:09.148
He was a well-known scientist. . .
00:04:09.219 --> 00:04:12.677
and since I was a child, I became
fond of archeology and medicine.
00:04:12.756 --> 00:04:15.316
Specially, ancient
rituals and beliefs. . .
00:04:15.392 --> 00:04:18.759
that vanish into the mist of time.
00:04:18.829 --> 00:04:20.922
I travelled around most of the world.
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In every country we learnt
their ancient and modern customs.
00:04:25.168 --> 00:04:28.433
I guess we will have
an extraordinary family. Cheers!
00:04:31.275 --> 00:04:34.676
It's late! Come on, hurry up!
00:04:34.745 --> 00:04:38.579
We can't trust women!
I should have known!
00:05:06.109 --> 00:05:08.100
Our recent journey to Antilles. . .
00:05:08.178 --> 00:05:10.669
was very pleasant and interesting.
00:05:10.747 --> 00:05:14.581
Did you purchase a new
piece for your collection?
00:05:14.651 --> 00:05:17.211
That's exactly what we wanted
to talk to you about.
00:05:17.354 --> 00:05:20.846
You, who have studied
in depth occult sciences. . .
00:05:20.924 --> 00:05:23.051
and learned about
native rituals. . .
00:05:23.293 --> 00:05:25.557
will be able to judge
what I'm about to tell.
00:05:25.629 --> 00:05:28.120
Juan, Gilberto, Daniel and myself. . .
00:05:28.198 --> 00:05:30.098
stopped in Haiti. . .
00:05:30.167 --> 00:05:33.227
where we witnessed
several voodoo ceremonies.
00:05:33.737 --> 00:05:34.567
00:05:34.638 --> 00:05:37.630
You can also find
zombies there, right?
00:05:37.708 --> 00:05:41.667
Yes. The idea comes from Africa
where the voodoo cult started.
00:05:41.745 --> 00:05:46.148
They worship a god that can make
the dead come to life again.
00:05:46.316 --> 00:05:49.752
Turning them
into what you call a zombie.
00:05:49.987 --> 00:05:51.352
Walking corpses?
00:05:52.990 --> 00:05:55.618
We haven't seen that anywhere.
00:05:55.993 --> 00:05:57.893
That is just superstition.
00:05:58.328 --> 00:06:00.193
It's religion for the natives.
00:06:00.764 --> 00:06:05.497
The voodoo rituals we witnessed
were prepared for tourists.
00:06:05.569 --> 00:06:06.536
Go on, Luis.
00:06:06.703 --> 00:06:08.830
When we were about
to head back home. . .
00:06:08.905 --> 00:06:10.896
we met an old native. . .
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and with a considerable
amount of dollars. . .
00:06:13.577 --> 00:06:15.977
we managed to break
his resistance. . .
00:06:16.179 --> 00:06:19.410
and persuaded him to take us
to a secret meeting.
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We hid and watched it.
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But that is forbidden for strangers.
00:06:23.520 --> 00:06:24.316
That's right.
00:06:24.621 --> 00:06:26.646
- That's very dangerous.
- Why?
00:06:26.723 --> 00:06:30.750
There are secret criminal
societies of witch doctors. . .
00:06:30.827 --> 00:06:34.058
with horrendous names
Matanga, Zobob. . .
00:06:34.464 --> 00:06:36.830
that instead of
a cock or a pigeon. . .
00:06:37.300 --> 00:06:39.165
a goat, a dog or a pig. . .
00:06:39.403 --> 00:06:41.371
like the normal voodoo rituals. . .
00:06:41.438 --> 00:06:44.430
they ask for human sacrifices.
Did you see that?
00:06:44.508 --> 00:06:46.999
In the Voodoo temple. . .
00:06:47.077 --> 00:06:50.478
the sound of drums was deafening.
00:06:51.014 --> 00:06:53.608
The torches illuminated
a conglomerate. . .
00:06:53.684 --> 00:06:55.675
of sweaty black bodies. . .
00:06:55.752 --> 00:06:57.845
engaging in terrible contortions.
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Jumping and screaming.
00:07:00.657 --> 00:07:04.024
Aroused by the feeling
of blood sacrifice. . .
00:07:04.094 --> 00:07:06.756
dancing a frenzied dance. . .
00:07:06.830 --> 00:07:08.695
throwing their heads, backwards. . .
00:07:08.899 --> 00:07:12.562
with eyes and teeth
that shone in the dark.
00:07:13.270 --> 00:07:15.864
But this didn't attract our attention.
00:07:15.939 --> 00:07:19.375
We were staring
at an idol. . .
00:07:19.576 --> 00:07:22.340
to which it appeared,
they were paying homage.
00:07:22.412 --> 00:07:24.778
A perfect idol.
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The dream of a collector.
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After a while we decided to go,
fearing to be discovered.
00:07:32.155 --> 00:07:33.315
Did you go back?
00:07:33.557 --> 00:07:37.550
The following night, as we were
unable to buy that work of art. . .
00:07:37.627 --> 00:07:38.889
we decided to steal it.
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I was always against such action.
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The place was dark. . .
00:07:44.167 --> 00:07:46.727
and the silence was striking.
00:07:46.803 --> 00:07:48.464
We got near.
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I grabbed it.
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I felt such happiness.
00:07:52.943 --> 00:07:55.343
When we were leaving. . .
00:07:55.412 --> 00:07:58.745
the place suddenly lit
with a brilliant light. . .
00:07:58.815 --> 00:08:01.784
and in front of us stood
the high voodoo priest.
00:08:02.018 --> 00:08:02.985
And what happened?
00:08:04.121 --> 00:08:08.683
We ran as the angry
priest shouted. . .
00:08:08.759 --> 00:08:11.023
reprimanding us
in a terrible tone.
00:08:11.595 --> 00:08:12.391
What did he say?
00:08:12.462 --> 00:08:16.296
He shouted curses
at us and our family members. . .
00:08:16.366 --> 00:08:17.628
for this sacrilege.
00:08:18.368 --> 00:08:19.494
It's terrible!
00:08:19.603 --> 00:08:23.767
The Voodoo priests,
Gans or Houngans as they are called. . .
00:08:23.840 --> 00:08:26.400
have powers which
we cannot perceive.
00:08:27.010 --> 00:08:27.635
00:08:27.711 --> 00:08:31.340
The Houngans mix their voodoo
practices with Bangag.
00:08:31.414 --> 00:08:32.403
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Black magic.
00:08:33.617 --> 00:08:37.678
The voodoo apologists
say both things are different.
00:08:37.754 --> 00:08:40.245
Those that practice bangag
are called Bokos.
00:08:40.323 --> 00:08:44.020
But usually the houngans and bokos
are represented by one person.
00:08:44.094 --> 00:08:45.857
So you can't really separate them.
00:08:46.396 --> 00:08:47.886
What is black magic to them?
00:08:48.298 --> 00:08:51.062
In its simplest form
it's Shamanism. . .
00:08:51.234 --> 00:08:53.725
the use of certain leaves
with healing purposes.
00:08:54.404 --> 00:08:58.067
The next step is
the invocation of evil spirits. . .
00:08:58.275 --> 00:09:01.836
such as Keta, Makaulu
and Somba, with evil purposes.
00:09:02.045 --> 00:09:05.071
And evil practices
like turning people into zombies. . .
00:09:05.615 --> 00:09:07.048
to use them as slaves. . .
00:09:07.117 --> 00:09:08.778
send evil spells. . .
00:09:08.952 --> 00:09:10.783
or destroy their enemies.
00:09:10.854 --> 00:09:13.516
The effect of the spell
whose external form. . .
00:09:13.590 --> 00:09:16.684
can be a wax image of the victim. . .
00:09:16.760 --> 00:09:19.752
a miniature coffin or a frog. . .
00:09:19.863 --> 00:09:22.388
is aggravated by the use of poison.
00:09:23.700 --> 00:09:24.689
That's terrible!
00:09:24.768 --> 00:09:29.796
I'm sorry, doctor, but
I think it's all nonsense.
00:09:30.807 --> 00:09:34.709
You shouldn't laugh at a cult
whose spells and forces are powerful.
00:09:35.879 --> 00:09:40.248
Are you saying that the curse
of the voodoo priest. . .
00:09:40.317 --> 00:09:41.807
will reach us here?
00:09:42.252 --> 00:09:44.982
I hope not, for everybody's sake.
00:09:45.055 --> 00:09:49.321
We misbehaved.
No one can desecrate a temple.
00:09:49.392 --> 00:09:53.192
I only trust myself
to Jesus Christ. The Great Teacher.
00:09:53.263 --> 00:09:54.321
I wish I hadn't gone.
00:09:54.731 --> 00:09:57.666
What's done is done.
Don't regret it now.
00:09:58.235 --> 00:10:01.068
What happened to the native
that lead you to the temple?
00:10:01.438 --> 00:10:03.668
Two days later
he was found dead. . .
00:10:03.874 --> 00:10:05.899
in mysterious circumstances.
00:10:06.710 --> 00:10:10.111
I feel a hint of reproach, doctor.
00:10:11.047 --> 00:10:14.107
We know it was dishonest
to steal that idol.
00:10:14.184 --> 00:10:18.382
You know that a collector
is willing to pay for what he wants.
00:10:18.455 --> 00:10:21.117
But if that's not possible. . .
00:10:21.191 --> 00:10:22.522
I will show it to you.
00:10:40.844 --> 00:10:44.575
The sacred idol of the Houngans!
What have you done?
00:10:44.648 --> 00:10:46.513
I brought it back as a keepsake.
00:10:46.983 --> 00:10:48.450
This is terrible!
00:10:48.518 --> 00:10:52.386
You won't be able to hide. The curse
of the Houngans will follow you.
00:10:53.023 --> 00:10:55.992
They will recover this object
when you are all dead.
00:10:56.459 --> 00:10:59.587
Calm down, doctor.
Nothing of the sort will happen.
00:10:59.663 --> 00:11:01.563
We invited you. . .
00:11:01.631 --> 00:11:06.261
because the deadline
for the curse will expire tonight.
00:11:06.336 --> 00:11:07.428
The priest said. . .
00:11:07.504 --> 00:11:09.802
"13 moons after that day. . ."
00:11:09.873 --> 00:11:13.240
at midnight,
one of us would die.
00:11:13.310 --> 00:11:16.837
As you can see,
it's five to twelve. . .
00:11:16.913 --> 00:11:19.711
and I think that all four
of us are perfectly well.
00:11:20.884 --> 00:11:23.148
- What's that?
- Relax!
00:11:23.253 --> 00:11:26.245
The light has gone out.
It will come back in a moment.
00:11:33.563 --> 00:11:37.055
- Do you want candles, Sir?
- Yes, please.
00:11:38.568 --> 00:11:43.198
- Our child woke up.
- I'll go and see.
00:12:00.957 --> 00:12:04.757
What's wrong, my love?
Has the thunder frightened you?
00:12:04.928 --> 00:12:08.091
Yes, Daddy, I want my doll !
00:12:08.164 --> 00:12:11.031
You had it with you in bed, Paquita.
00:12:11.101 --> 00:12:13.262
Yes, I was hugging it. . .
00:12:13.336 --> 00:12:16.703
but it hopped off the bed
and walked over there.
00:12:16.773 --> 00:12:19.207
- Alone?
- Yes.
00:12:19.275 --> 00:12:22.108
Don't say that.
You are nervous.
00:12:22.178 --> 00:12:23.907
You must have dreamt it.
00:12:23.980 --> 00:12:25.447
Dolls don't walk.
00:12:25.515 --> 00:12:28.279
Yes, Daddy! I saw it!
00:12:28.351 --> 00:12:30.615
Don't worry.
00:12:30.687 --> 00:12:34.179
We will find it tomorrow,
or I'll buy you another one.
00:12:34.257 --> 00:12:38.751
No! I want my doll !
00:12:38.828 --> 00:12:43.060
Listen, love. There is no light
and it's time to sleep.
00:12:46.736 --> 00:12:49.432
I'll stay with you.
00:13:46.496 --> 00:13:47.963
00:13:52.202 --> 00:13:53.169
00:13:53.236 --> 00:13:55.898
Call the hospital and ask them
to send an ambulance!
00:14:07.450 --> 00:14:11.011
You did your work well
and I will reward you.
00:14:11.454 --> 00:14:15.584
Your soul will rest
for a long time.
00:14:16.092 --> 00:14:18.856
Very soon,
those that desecrated our god. . .
00:14:18.928 --> 00:14:20.418
will die.
00:14:21.631 --> 00:14:25.431
All of them and their damned
descendants, too.
00:14:58.668 --> 00:15:01.694
I'm very sorry, Maria,
nothing could be done.
00:15:01.771 --> 00:15:03.739
He fractured his spine.
00:15:06.476 --> 00:15:08.501
Try and be strong, sister.
00:15:32.202 --> 00:15:33.829
What are you thinking, Karina?
00:15:33.903 --> 00:15:37.600
That poor man who left
his wife and daughter heartbroken.
00:15:37.674 --> 00:15:41.235
It was a real disaster.
00:15:41.411 --> 00:15:47.008
Did you notice the small
wound on Luis' left leg?
00:15:47.083 --> 00:15:50.712
It could have been a splinter
from the stairs as he fell.
00:15:50.787 --> 00:15:55.156
We would have then found
a piece. It was deep.
00:15:55.225 --> 00:15:56.817
Do you see something unusual?
00:15:58.228 --> 00:16:00.389
It was just an accident.
00:16:00.463 --> 00:16:02.795
Is this the start
of the voodoo curse?
00:16:02.865 --> 00:16:04.196
I don't believe it!
00:16:04.267 --> 00:16:07.498
Science is sometimes presumptuous.
00:16:07.570 --> 00:16:12.303
There are supernatural things
which haven't been yet explored.
00:16:38.001 --> 00:16:40.367
Excuse me, doctor Valdés?
00:16:40.503 --> 00:16:42.801
Doctor, Juan needs
immediate attention.
00:16:42.872 --> 00:16:43.930
Take him over there.
00:16:54.150 --> 00:16:55.242
What happened to him?
00:16:55.318 --> 00:16:57.786
That's what I would
like to know, doctor.
00:17:15.805 --> 00:17:18.433
He has a dreadful look in his face.
00:17:18.508 --> 00:17:20.135
00:17:20.209 --> 00:17:24.407
What has Juan seen or
what have they given him?
00:17:24.480 --> 00:17:28.007
Doctor Valdés. I am prepared
to spend what is necessary. . .
00:17:28.084 --> 00:17:30.746
- to help explain this.
- Wait outside.
00:17:37.760 --> 00:17:39.284
Is it a drug?
00:17:39.362 --> 00:17:42.297
Might be, but I don't know which.
00:17:42.532 --> 00:17:44.693
Look at his eyes.
00:17:48.571 --> 00:17:50.505
We need to have
some blood tests done.
00:17:50.573 --> 00:17:52.905
- Get the syringe ready.
- Yes, doctor.
00:17:52.975 --> 00:17:53.942
Turn off the light.
00:18:11.694 --> 00:18:13.423
What happened, doctor.
00:18:13.496 --> 00:18:16.329
I examined the patient. . .
00:18:16.399 --> 00:18:18.799
and I haven't found
the least trace of life.
00:18:18.868 --> 00:18:22.634
The tests were fruitless.
00:18:22.705 --> 00:18:24.730
I haven't got the slightest clue.
00:18:24.807 --> 00:18:29.141
I don't know what illness or toxic
drug can produce these symptoms.
00:18:29.212 --> 00:18:31.806
Has Juan been ill lately?
00:18:31.881 --> 00:18:34.907
- Has he felt pain?
- No, doctor.
00:18:35.051 --> 00:18:39.215
- Where were you when this happened?
- Having dinner.
00:18:39.288 --> 00:18:41.415
Juan was cheerful.
00:18:41.491 --> 00:18:43.425
I had to go to my room
for a moment. . .
00:18:43.493 --> 00:18:46.428
I heard a noise. When I went back,
he was lying on the floor.
00:18:46.496 --> 00:18:48.521
I brought him here immediately.
00:18:51.234 --> 00:18:52.326
00:18:53.603 --> 00:18:55.332
I've got enemies.
00:18:55.405 --> 00:18:57.635
Juan was my right hand.
00:18:57.707 --> 00:18:59.607
If this is the work of my enemies. . .
00:18:59.675 --> 00:19:02.007
they did this to weaken me. . .
00:19:02.078 --> 00:19:06.515
or because they
weren't able to hit me.
00:19:06.582 --> 00:19:11.019
I look at Juan and for
the first time in my life. . .
00:19:11.087 --> 00:19:13.555
I am scared, doctor.
00:19:13.623 --> 00:19:16.592
I don't want to be
the next victim.
00:19:16.659 --> 00:19:19.287
I wouldn't like to see hell.
00:19:20.163 --> 00:19:22.358
Doctor. Hurry up, doctor!
00:19:26.936 --> 00:19:28.733
His heart stopped
3 minutes ago.
00:19:29.372 --> 00:19:31.533
He should be dead, but. . . look.
00:20:04.574 --> 00:20:06.633
I'm sorry I had to call you.
00:20:06.709 --> 00:20:10.145
I want you to know what I think
with regards to Juan's case.
00:20:10.213 --> 00:20:13.046
Madam, we deeply
regret what happened.
00:20:13.115 --> 00:20:17.074
First it was my husband
and now my brother. This is terrible.
00:20:17.186 --> 00:20:19.586
Mr. Molinar. You liked the boy. . .
00:20:19.655 --> 00:20:21.714
and would like to know
the cause of death.
00:20:21.791 --> 00:20:22.917
More than anything.
00:20:23.292 --> 00:20:24.816
Have you got any clues?
00:20:25.628 --> 00:20:27.858
Yes, I think he was murdered.
00:20:27.964 --> 00:20:29.056
How's that possible?
00:20:29.198 --> 00:20:32.190
Karina, that's unfounded.
What proof have you got?
00:20:32.268 --> 00:20:34.862
As I examined Juan's body. . .
00:20:34.937 --> 00:20:38.373
I reached the conclusion that
the problem resided in his brain.
00:20:38.441 --> 00:20:41.842
His nerves, his body, his brain
were not the problem.
00:20:41.911 --> 00:20:43.469
It's his will.
00:20:43.546 --> 00:20:47.448
I haven't seen anybody die
because he lacked the will to live.
00:20:47.517 --> 00:20:49.781
I didn't mean that.
That is a passive state.
00:20:49.852 --> 00:20:52.912
And this is an active state.
00:20:52.989 --> 00:20:55.981
When he had what I think
was a horrible vision. . .
00:20:56.058 --> 00:20:58.583
he tried to recoil from it
even if that meant dying.
00:20:58.728 --> 00:20:59.888
Sorry, Karina but. . .
00:20:59.962 --> 00:21:02.430
And there have been
two murders, not only one.
00:21:02.498 --> 00:21:03.396
What did you say?
00:21:03.900 --> 00:21:05.765
Have you forgotten Luis' death?
00:21:06.235 --> 00:21:07.566
That was an accident.
00:21:07.637 --> 00:21:08.934
Maybe deliberate.
00:21:10.840 --> 00:21:12.740
You link the two deaths?
00:21:12.975 --> 00:21:16.138
Yes. Because they both have
a point in common.
00:21:16.212 --> 00:21:18.203
Examining Luis' body. . .
00:21:18.281 --> 00:21:21.273
didn't you see the same expression
of terror that Juan had?
00:21:22.685 --> 00:21:24.983
Yes, you're right.
00:21:25.054 --> 00:21:28.217
But what motive
did the hypothetical killer have?
00:21:28.391 --> 00:21:29.688
A very powerful one.
00:21:29.759 --> 00:21:32.455
Two of the men that went to Haiti
are no longer here.
00:21:32.528 --> 00:21:34.018
The voodoo curse?
00:21:34.096 --> 00:21:35.757
Yes, what else?
00:21:35.831 --> 00:21:39.323
Money, love, jealousy,
hatred, vengeance.
00:21:39.402 --> 00:21:42.894
None or these motives
are convincing.
00:21:42.972 --> 00:21:46.772
You know each other well
and have become good friends.
00:21:46.842 --> 00:21:48.901
What is there left? Just vengeance.
00:21:48.978 --> 00:21:50.377
Come on, Doctor.
00:21:50.446 --> 00:21:55.008
Do you want us to believe that
the priest is fulfilling the curse?
00:21:55.084 --> 00:21:58.576
And furthermore, do you think
the priest has come to our country. . .
00:21:58.654 --> 00:22:00.121
to exert his hatred?
00:22:00.189 --> 00:22:03.056
We are about 1500 miles
from Haiti !
00:22:03.125 --> 00:22:05.593
There is no distance for vengeance.
00:22:05.661 --> 00:22:07.356
The four cursed men. . .
00:22:07.430 --> 00:22:11.560
desecrated a voodoo temple
watching their forbidden rituals. . .
00:22:11.634 --> 00:22:15.536
and furthermore, stole an idol
which means everything to them.
00:22:15.605 --> 00:22:19.598
Their body, soul and mind.
They have to pay for this offense.
00:22:19.675 --> 00:22:22.838
We could never go
to the police with this story. . .
00:22:22.912 --> 00:22:24.607
because they would laugh at us.
00:22:25.448 --> 00:22:28.611
What do you suggest
that I should do, doctor?
00:22:28.684 --> 00:22:31.312
Molinar, you've got the means.
00:22:31.387 --> 00:22:35.551
Investigate what has Juan
been doing these past days.
00:22:36.359 --> 00:22:36.984
00:22:37.059 --> 00:22:40.688
Let's hope you find a way
that leads us to a clue.
00:22:40.763 --> 00:22:44.597
I guess this is the beginning
of a series of misfortunes.
00:22:44.667 --> 00:22:45.929
What do you mean?
00:22:46.002 --> 00:22:48.903
After the remaining
two men are killed. . .
00:22:48.971 --> 00:22:50.905
their families will follow.
00:22:50.973 --> 00:22:54.340
With our wives?
With our children?
00:22:54.410 --> 00:22:58.176
I'm afraid so.
00:22:58.247 --> 00:23:02.343
And who do you think is next?
00:23:02.585 --> 00:23:05.145
You, Gilberto or Daniel.
00:23:05.321 --> 00:23:06.982
Or maybe one of your children.
00:23:07.056 --> 00:23:09.889
The murderer may strike
against anyone.
00:25:55.858 --> 00:25:58.952
And now, time to sleep.
It is very late.
00:25:59.028 --> 00:26:02.225
- Alright, Ana, good night.
- Good night, baby.
00:26:02.298 --> 00:26:05.461
Sweet dreams.
00:26:10.673 --> 00:26:13.073
Don't worry, nothing
will happen to me.
00:26:13.142 --> 00:26:15.975
- And our baby?
- Don't say that.
00:26:16.045 --> 00:26:18.639
- Good night.
- Is she asleep?
00:26:18.714 --> 00:26:22.115
- Yes. Anything else?
- No, that's all for today.
00:26:22.184 --> 00:26:23.048
I almost forgot.
00:26:23.118 --> 00:26:27.145
A present for the child
arrived earlier, sent by your sister.
00:26:27.223 --> 00:26:29.418
- What is it?
- A beautiful doll.
00:26:29.491 --> 00:26:31.049
She is thrilled with it.
00:26:31.126 --> 00:26:32.787
She took it to bed with her.
00:26:32.862 --> 00:26:34.796
Tomorrow you will have
to talk to her.
00:26:34.864 --> 00:26:37.162
She is very kind.
00:26:37.533 --> 00:26:40.593
- Good night.
- Good night.
00:26:44.273 --> 00:26:47.504
- Have you got a headache?
- Yes, it hurts a lot.
00:26:47.576 --> 00:26:49.771
I will bring you aspirin.
00:27:00.456 --> 00:27:03.721
Anita, what is this?
00:27:06.962 --> 00:27:07.929
I don't know.
00:27:07.997 --> 00:27:10.830
Maybe it belongs to the doll.
00:34:09.217 --> 00:34:10.878
Where are you going?
00:34:10.952 --> 00:34:13.011
To drink a glass of water, Mom.
00:35:57.659 --> 00:36:01.652
Yes. You will soon have
a new partner.
00:36:02.130 --> 00:36:05.463
The aggressors of my race will see
00:36:07.502 --> 00:36:13.737
She, too, will be
punished with death.
00:36:17.112 --> 00:36:19.945
The one in charge of killing you. . .
00:36:20.015 --> 00:36:22.108
will be your own fiance.
00:37:18.673 --> 00:37:19.833
You will soon get life.
00:37:20.342 --> 00:37:23.834
Molinar, have you discovered
anything about Juan?
00:37:23.912 --> 00:37:25.436
00:37:29.050 --> 00:37:30.108
00:37:30.919 --> 00:37:32.819
Yes, Marta. He is here with me.
00:37:32.888 --> 00:37:34.378
Anything wrong?
00:37:35.457 --> 00:37:37.118
00:37:38.326 --> 00:37:42.228
Marta says someone sent her a doll
that looks just like Daniel.
00:37:43.231 --> 00:37:45.927
He looks exactly the same, doctor!
00:37:46.034 --> 00:37:49.162
No, I haven't got the faintest idea.
00:37:49.237 --> 00:37:51.034
I thought it was very strange!
00:37:51.106 --> 00:37:53.973
That is why I wanted you to know.
00:37:54.042 --> 00:37:56.442
Yes, doctor.
Do you want me to. . .
00:38:00.649 --> 00:38:02.446
For your soulless body. . .
00:38:03.418 --> 00:38:05.079
this soil.
00:38:08.990 --> 00:38:11.823
Did Marta tell you she
wasn't feeling well?
00:38:11.893 --> 00:38:13.918
No, doctor.
00:38:21.670 --> 00:38:22.329
00:38:26.007 --> 00:38:26.996
00:38:30.845 --> 00:38:33.279
For your sightless eyes. . .
00:38:33.682 --> 00:38:35.206
this flame.
00:38:39.020 --> 00:38:40.009
She died.
00:38:43.692 --> 00:38:46.923
This heart will be yours.
00:38:59.574 --> 00:39:01.838
For your withered body. . .
00:39:02.310 --> 00:39:03.504
this blood.
00:39:39.414 --> 00:39:44.147
Spirit, you that wander
in the darkness. . .
00:39:44.219 --> 00:39:46.210
come and occupy this body.
00:39:55.397 --> 00:39:57.729
Come and occupy this body I
00:41:00.795 --> 00:41:04.959
You think that the doll had
something to do with the nurse's death?
00:41:05.033 --> 00:41:06.227
Yes, I do.
00:41:06.301 --> 00:41:09.327
You must have heard
that some evil people. . .
00:41:09.404 --> 00:41:12.771
make dolls that represent
the person they want to harm.
00:41:12.841 --> 00:41:14.809
They prick them with needles. . .
00:41:14.876 --> 00:41:17.106
and the person feels the pain.
00:41:17.479 --> 00:41:19.947
That's no more than superstition.
00:41:20.014 --> 00:41:24.246
Armando, this is extra clinical and
has nothing to do with our science.
00:41:24.652 --> 00:41:27.416
If we don't admit this
we won't make any progress.
00:41:27.689 --> 00:41:33.958
Then tell me where's the doll
that Marta said she got.
00:41:34.028 --> 00:41:35.928
I don't know.
00:41:35.997 --> 00:41:38.864
We found this box
that must have contained it.
00:41:39.267 --> 00:41:40.666
Did it evaporate?
00:41:42.637 --> 00:41:44.127
I don't know, either.
00:41:44.205 --> 00:41:46.332
But this shows
that the nurse didn't lie.
00:41:46.407 --> 00:41:48.466
She didn't have to.
00:41:48.543 --> 00:41:51.842
I told you about these dolls
pierced by pins. . .
00:41:51.913 --> 00:41:54.905
because they play
a significant role in black magic.
00:41:54.983 --> 00:41:59.750
In Ancient Egypt these dolls
were used for vengeance purposes.
00:42:00.321 --> 00:42:02.755
- How?
- Giving them orders to kill.
00:42:02.824 --> 00:42:04.553
The dolls received orders?
00:42:05.460 --> 00:42:07.519
But what makes them move?
00:42:08.096 --> 00:42:09.586
What gives them life?
00:42:09.898 --> 00:42:10.956
00:42:11.432 --> 00:42:12.865
The spirits.
00:42:12.934 --> 00:42:14.799
When the sorcerer
kills a mortal. . .
00:42:14.869 --> 00:42:16.530
by means of a gloomy exorcism. . .
00:42:16.604 --> 00:42:20.370
he sends the incorporeal spirit
to inhabit the body of the doll.
00:42:20.441 --> 00:42:22.909
This activates them
and they obey.
00:42:22.977 --> 00:42:25.241
- All of them?
- Some are reluctant to do so.
00:42:25.980 --> 00:42:27.675
There are forces that fight us. . .
00:42:27.749 --> 00:42:31.150
but God in his Wisdom
allows them to exist.
00:42:31.219 --> 00:42:34.518
These forces come out
into the open in many ways. . .
00:42:34.589 --> 00:42:37.023
and show themselves
through witch doctors. . .
00:42:37.091 --> 00:42:39.218
that walk arm in arm with evil.
00:42:39.294 --> 00:42:42.127
But at times, there are forces
which benefit us. . .
00:42:42.197 --> 00:42:44.495
and manifest
in selected individuals. . .
00:42:44.566 --> 00:42:46.693
who refuse to carry out orders.
00:42:46.901 --> 00:42:49.426
They are an instrument
of celestial powers.
00:42:49.871 --> 00:42:51.839
What do you think
we could do, Doctor?
00:42:52.373 --> 00:42:55.342
Amid the encompassing darkness. . .
00:42:55.410 --> 00:42:58.538
this may well be
the first ray of hope.
00:42:59.214 --> 00:43:01.774
Have you got something in mind?
00:43:01.850 --> 00:43:02.839
00:43:02.917 --> 00:43:06.819
Put one of your men in every house
of the families of the deceased.
00:43:08.122 --> 00:43:09.111
00:43:09.691 --> 00:43:12.888
I suppose that one of them
will get one of those dolls.
00:43:12.961 --> 00:43:14.895
The person that delivers it. . .
00:43:14.963 --> 00:43:18.160
should be followed
without being disturbed.
00:43:18.600 --> 00:43:21.000
We will later see
how to proceed.
00:43:21.069 --> 00:43:23.060
I hope I'm not mistaken.
00:43:23.137 --> 00:43:24.502
I understand.
00:43:24.572 --> 00:43:26.631
I will myself guard
one of the houses.
00:43:26.708 --> 00:43:27.697
See you soon.
00:43:55.336 --> 00:43:56.633
Boss. Look!
00:44:39.747 --> 00:44:41.942
This is what
we were waiting for, Maria.
00:44:42.717 --> 00:44:44.651
I'll get in touch with you later.
00:45:41.976 --> 00:45:45.104
To Karina's house and kill
the demon when you get to the lights!
00:45:56.357 --> 00:45:57.619
Hurry up!
00:46:11.039 --> 00:46:13.098
Pablo! Something's wrong
with the boss!
00:47:14.102 --> 00:47:16.536
Only the three of you
were in the car?
00:47:16.604 --> 00:47:17.935
And the doll.
00:47:18.005 --> 00:47:21.372
Then you will have to explain
what happened.
00:47:21.442 --> 00:47:23.876
Molinar has been stabbed.
00:47:23.945 --> 00:47:27.312
- I'll have to call the police.
- I told you it was the doll.
00:47:27.381 --> 00:47:30.077
- Do you expect me to believe that?
- One moment.
00:47:30.151 --> 00:47:31.948
Why would I want to kill him?
00:47:32.019 --> 00:47:36.353
He knew I would have gone
to the end of the world for him.
00:47:38.993 --> 00:47:42.622
Nobody would believe
that a doll did this!
00:47:44.932 --> 00:47:47.867
- Bring it.
- I will.
00:47:52.573 --> 00:47:55.371
He looks like Mr. Luis,
don't you think so?
00:47:55.476 --> 00:47:59.640
Do you think this doll's mechanism
will enable it to stab someone?
00:48:00.081 --> 00:48:02.675
No, I don't know.
00:48:02.750 --> 00:48:06.618
- It can drive you crazy.
- Tomás, what do you want me to do?
00:48:06.687 --> 00:48:11.215
Give me two weeks and
if I don't bring the murderer back. . .
00:48:11.292 --> 00:48:13.624
you can hand us over to the police.
00:48:27.708 --> 00:48:30.973
- He is breathing !
- Thanks goodness! Will he live?
00:48:31.045 --> 00:48:33.343
Most likely if there is no infection.
00:48:35.283 --> 00:48:36.614
Molinar has been injured.
00:48:36.851 --> 00:48:40.480
Punctured on the side
and probably in the heart.
00:48:40.555 --> 00:48:43.888
He is coming out of a comatose state.
00:48:43.958 --> 00:48:46.791
I'll go to the operating room.
Watch him till I come back.
00:48:50.298 --> 00:48:53.529
Molinar will tell us
what happened. Meanwhile. . .
00:48:53.668 --> 00:48:55.568
you're free to go.
00:48:55.636 --> 00:48:58.127
I'll go to the shack
and force that man to talk.
00:48:58.206 --> 00:49:00.106
Watch him
but don't scare him.
00:49:00.174 --> 00:49:04.406
I don't want him to be watchful
until Molinar tells us what happened.
00:49:05.079 --> 00:49:08.071
- All right.
- Don't tell anyone about this.
00:49:08.149 --> 00:49:11.516
The police will find it difficult
to believe the story of the doll.
00:49:53.928 --> 00:49:55.589
Molinar is getting better.
00:49:55.663 --> 00:49:58.257
He is still sleepy but. . .
00:49:59.300 --> 00:50:00.961
Where did you get this from?
00:50:01.035 --> 00:50:03.469
It was inside the doll's box.
00:50:03.537 --> 00:50:06.700
It's the "Sorcerer's Ladder".
It's witchcraft.
00:50:06.774 --> 00:50:11.336
A sorcerer plants this in your pocket
and can manifest great power over you.
00:50:11.412 --> 00:50:15.473
Yes, it's the sorcerer's ladder.
Woman's hair and nine knots.
00:50:15.549 --> 00:50:18.746
- Hold it and take a better look.
- No! I told you it's witchcraft!
00:50:22.290 --> 00:50:22.949
00:50:23.924 --> 00:50:26.518
Tell him to call later. I'm busy.
00:50:28.529 --> 00:50:29.518
00:50:45.813 --> 00:50:48.543
Blood stains!
00:51:22.383 --> 00:51:23.441
00:51:23.517 --> 00:51:26.008
- Will you cut it in pieces?
- Yes.
00:51:37.965 --> 00:51:40.297
- Why did you do that?
- It was necessary.
00:52:20.441 --> 00:52:21.430
00:52:23.811 --> 00:52:25.176
00:52:26.680 --> 00:52:27.977
He had control over me!
00:52:49.203 --> 00:52:50.101
00:52:50.304 --> 00:52:55.367
Mr. Molinar has come out
of his comatose state.
00:52:55.443 --> 00:52:57.001
Yes, he's awake.
00:53:01.649 --> 00:53:03.913
Molinar has recovered.
00:53:03.984 --> 00:53:07.886
Sure. When the knots burned
he was set free.
00:53:35.349 --> 00:53:37.180
They leave no evidence behind.
00:53:43.591 --> 00:53:44.888
Don't make any noise.
00:53:44.959 --> 00:53:49.123
Your boss will recover
if there is absolute silence.
00:53:59.073 --> 00:54:03.032
Yes? Yes, it's me.
00:54:03.777 --> 00:54:08.237
Great, Tomas. Keep on watching.
00:54:13.053 --> 00:54:16.147
I'm confused Karina.
00:54:16.223 --> 00:54:17.451
It seems natural to me.
00:54:17.525 --> 00:54:22.053
You are watching the fall
of the marvelous structure of science.
00:54:22.129 --> 00:54:24.757
I don't know what to say.
00:54:27.101 --> 00:54:28.796
I'll sleep in the Emergency Room.
00:54:28.869 --> 00:54:31.531
The nurse will tell you
if Molinar wakes up.
00:54:31.605 --> 00:54:34.540
- Try and rest.
- Thanks.
00:54:36.544 --> 00:54:38.409
I like you a lot, Doctor.
00:54:38.479 --> 00:54:40.970
I like you too, Doctor.
00:54:45.019 --> 00:54:46.543
Good night.
00:56:23.050 --> 00:56:24.950
Help me put him on the bed!
00:56:32.660 --> 00:56:34.423
Do you call this watching?
00:56:34.495 --> 00:56:36.292
What kind of guards are you?
00:56:36.363 --> 00:56:39.230
What happened is too serious
for you to say such a thing.
00:56:41.068 --> 00:56:42.558
What happened?
00:56:43.037 --> 00:56:44.368
We heard a noise.
00:56:44.438 --> 00:56:46.668
We found the boss
lying on the floor. . .
00:56:46.740 --> 00:56:48.435
and the nurse as she is now.
00:56:48.509 --> 00:56:50.534
We rang the alarm bell
and that was all.
00:56:50.611 --> 00:56:52.875
Yes, I guess.
00:56:52.980 --> 00:56:54.140
What do you mean?
00:56:54.248 --> 00:56:58.742
- You won't believe me.
- Nobody will, but tell him.
00:56:58.819 --> 00:57:00.878
We burst into the room. . .
00:57:00.954 --> 00:57:04.685
and we saw like two cats
fighting outside the window.
00:57:05.359 --> 00:57:06.986
We drew our guns. . .
00:57:07.061 --> 00:57:09.996
and we didn't pull the trigger
because of what you told us.
00:57:10.064 --> 00:57:13.033
Then we saw a flute.
00:57:13.100 --> 00:57:15.034
Those two things moved away. . .
00:57:15.102 --> 00:57:17.093
and disappeared.
00:57:17.237 --> 00:57:20.536
I ran to the window
but saw nothing.
00:57:20.607 --> 00:57:22.575
Did you take a look at those things?
00:57:22.643 --> 00:57:24.235
- Yes.
- What did they look like?
00:57:25.045 --> 00:57:26.478
00:57:29.316 --> 00:57:33.582
- What kind of dolls?
- The usual kind.
00:57:34.054 --> 00:57:35.282
About this size.
00:57:43.831 --> 00:57:47.198
- They look like child's glasses.
- Or a doll's.
00:57:50.838 --> 00:57:54.831
- Find Tomás, tell him to call me.
- Yes, Doctor.
00:58:02.182 --> 00:58:05.117
- That is very dangerous, Doctor.
- I don't think so.
00:58:05.185 --> 00:58:06.618
I will call Dr. Valdés.
00:58:06.687 --> 00:58:08.154
Do whatever you want, Tomás.
00:58:08.222 --> 00:58:11.521
But I will go into that house
and you can't stop me.
00:58:12.259 --> 00:58:14.784
- I will go with you.
- No, I want to go alone.
00:58:14.862 --> 00:58:18.093
But I would like you
to stay and watch.
00:58:18.165 --> 00:58:20.099
- But Doctor, you can't. . .
- Tomás.
00:58:20.167 --> 00:58:24.866
I would like to remind you that
Molinar told you to obey our orders.
00:58:25.205 --> 00:58:28.299
- That's the way I want it.
- All right.
01:03:59.439 --> 01:04:00.838
Stop it!
01:04:10.417 --> 01:04:13.181
I'm honoured with your visit.
01:04:13.653 --> 01:04:15.712
- Do you know me?
- Of course.
01:04:15.789 --> 01:04:17.256
I was expecting you.
01:04:17.324 --> 01:04:21.818
Sit down. We will talk.
01:04:24.664 --> 01:04:26.757
- That face. . . !
- Staloon?
01:04:28.602 --> 01:04:32.868
He is weird but very helpful.
01:04:32.939 --> 01:04:36.966
He is the one in charge
of taking the dolls to my clients.
01:04:38.745 --> 01:04:41.942
This is very peaceful.
01:04:43.016 --> 01:04:47.214
You look tired.
01:04:47.787 --> 01:04:52.781
Yes, you are very tired.
01:04:54.060 --> 01:04:55.049
Aren't you?
01:04:57.797 --> 01:04:59.389
Here you will find calm. . .
01:05:00.834 --> 01:05:03.598
tranquility, peace.
01:05:06.106 --> 01:05:08.870
My movements give you peace.
01:05:08.942 --> 01:05:10.569
01:05:10.644 --> 01:05:13.545
That monster. . .
01:05:13.613 --> 01:05:15.308
is a zombie.
01:05:15.916 --> 01:05:17.645
01:05:17.717 --> 01:05:20.880
He is a soulless dead being,
pulled out of his tomb.
01:05:22.589 --> 01:05:23.851
But don't be afraid.
01:05:24.925 --> 01:05:28.827
He won't harm you
if I don't order him to do so.
01:05:28.895 --> 01:05:31.591
And tonight,
I don't feel like hypnotizing. . .
01:05:31.665 --> 01:05:32.893
the dead.
01:05:38.538 --> 01:05:39.470
01:05:41.007 --> 01:05:42.872
It's good to take refuge. . .
01:05:42.976 --> 01:05:46.036
in a calm and peaceful place.
01:05:47.914 --> 01:05:50.712
Life is so tiring.
01:05:51.551 --> 01:05:52.677
So heavy.
01:05:52.819 --> 01:05:54.377
So oppressive.
01:05:55.021 --> 01:05:57.512
And you are so tired.
01:05:58.792 --> 01:06:00.623
So tired.
01:06:03.029 --> 01:06:05.327
I will show you my dolls.
01:06:08.134 --> 01:06:10.625
I am sure you will like them.
01:06:18.945 --> 01:06:22.381
This is one of my best dolls.
01:06:22.449 --> 01:06:24.007
He is good and very obedient.
01:06:25.652 --> 01:06:28.985
This one hasn't behaved well.
01:06:29.055 --> 01:06:31.922
He has been disobedient.
01:06:31.992 --> 01:06:35.086
And the dolls that don't behave. . .
01:06:37.731 --> 01:06:41.223
I see that you are distressed, Doctor.
01:06:41.301 --> 01:06:46.637
Well, I think
he has been punished enough.
01:06:48.808 --> 01:06:50.298
I would like to give it to you.
01:06:52.245 --> 01:06:54.440
But before we part. . .
01:06:54.514 --> 01:06:57.347
he must learn his lesson.
01:07:03.056 --> 01:07:05.752
Now, listen to me, Doctor.
01:07:05.825 --> 01:07:09.124
You all need a lesson, too.
01:07:10.196 --> 01:07:12.027
Your fiance, who ignores. . .
01:07:12.098 --> 01:07:15.932
what can't be measured
or placed under a microscope. . .
01:07:16.002 --> 01:07:16.900
is a fool.
01:07:17.604 --> 01:07:19.162
But nevertheless. . .
01:07:19.239 --> 01:07:22.504
he, you and that savage Molinar. . .
01:07:23.243 --> 01:07:25.268
try to prevent my fair revenge!
01:07:26.313 --> 01:07:28.611
And dare to threaten me. . .
01:07:28.682 --> 01:07:30.877
master of the ancient science. . .
01:07:30.950 --> 01:07:34.386
that makes your own science
look like child's play.
01:07:35.355 --> 01:07:37.050
You're ignorant!
01:07:38.091 --> 01:07:42.619
Only I know who commands
the dark forces of evil!
01:07:42.696 --> 01:07:45.460
And all those forces respond
when I invoke them!
01:07:49.035 --> 01:07:53.870
Do you still want to confront
your science with mine?
01:07:53.940 --> 01:07:57.273
How stupid! Talk!
01:07:59.346 --> 01:08:02.747
Sorcerer from hell. Murderer.
01:08:03.750 --> 01:08:07.413
You will surely go to jail
for all your crimes.
01:08:07.487 --> 01:08:09.682
Will you give me away?
01:08:09.756 --> 01:08:12.156
Who would believe you?
01:08:12.292 --> 01:08:13.224
No one!
01:08:13.560 --> 01:08:16.859
Listen carefully, Doctor.
01:08:16.930 --> 01:08:19.865
If you and your friends want to live. . .
01:08:20.767 --> 01:08:24.794
tell your fiance
to take his spies off my back.
01:08:25.038 --> 01:08:27.063
You won't be able
to save Molinar.
01:08:28.608 --> 01:08:29.870
He is mine.
01:08:31.111 --> 01:08:35.514
But you and Doctor Valdés
don't ever think of me again.
01:08:35.582 --> 01:08:40.212
I warn you! Stop
interfering in my affairs!
01:08:42.021 --> 01:08:45.286
I don't fear your spies!
I'm offended by them.
01:08:46.326 --> 01:08:51.764
If you don't take your spies
away, at once. . . !
01:08:51.831 --> 01:08:53.389
Go away!
01:09:10.083 --> 01:09:14.747
That poor devil is asking for help
but you can do nothing.
01:09:16.122 --> 01:09:19.990
Go away. Remember
what I have told you.
01:10:03.636 --> 01:10:06.662
I was growing impatient.
I was about to go in.
01:10:06.806 --> 01:10:08.000
Take me to the hospital.
01:10:08.074 --> 01:10:10.599
Get more men and come back
to watch the place.
01:10:13.112 --> 01:10:15.979
That woman thinks she is safe.
01:10:16.049 --> 01:10:18.517
She thinks she is safe from our fury.
01:10:18.685 --> 01:10:20.846
But she must die
far away from this place. . .
01:10:20.920 --> 01:10:23.684
so that there won't be
blood stains when she dies.
01:11:42.936 --> 01:11:44.631
You go first.
01:14:02.341 --> 01:14:04.366
Doctor, are you all right?
01:14:30.937 --> 01:14:33.132
- The dolls!
- Calm down !
01:14:42.749 --> 01:14:45.217
If all your men keep their
promise like Tomás. . .
01:14:45.284 --> 01:14:47.752
it's a miracle
that you are still alive.
01:14:47.820 --> 01:14:49.344
He is intelligent and loyal.
01:14:50.156 --> 01:14:53.387
I can't blame him without hearing
what he has to say.
01:14:53.459 --> 01:14:55.893
When he comes back. . .
01:14:55.962 --> 01:14:57.691
I will go away.
01:14:58.431 --> 01:15:00.956
What are you planning to do?
01:15:01.033 --> 01:15:02.933
Get rid of the sorcerer. . .
01:15:03.002 --> 01:15:06.597
and the zombie before dawn.
We have waited enough. . .
01:15:06.672 --> 01:15:08.435
and I don't want
to wait any longer!
01:15:08.508 --> 01:15:10.806
We have to put an end
to these crimes.
01:15:10.877 --> 01:15:12.105
What happened, Tomás?
01:15:12.178 --> 01:15:14.976
We tried to stop
the man with the boxes. . .
01:15:15.047 --> 01:15:16.639
but we failed.
01:15:16.716 --> 01:15:18.684
I emptied my gun on him. . .
01:15:18.751 --> 01:15:20.946
and he did not fall.
01:15:21.020 --> 01:15:23.420
Please, boss, tell me. . .
01:15:23.489 --> 01:15:26.322
- what is this man?
- He is a zombie.
01:15:26.392 --> 01:15:27.416
A walking corpse.
01:15:27.760 --> 01:15:29.387
The bullets don't harm him.
01:15:29.462 --> 01:15:30.326
Let's go, Tomás.
01:15:30.663 --> 01:15:32.096
What will you do?
01:15:32.165 --> 01:15:33.860
Kill the sorcerer and the zombie.
01:15:36.669 --> 01:15:37.931
Don't you agree?
01:15:38.004 --> 01:15:42.270
No. That's not my idea
of administration of justice.
01:15:42.341 --> 01:15:43.933
That would be murder.
01:15:44.010 --> 01:15:45.637
And the deaths of our friends?
01:15:47.180 --> 01:15:48.875
You know as well as I do. . .
01:15:49.382 --> 01:15:51.612
that our laws cannot
harm the sorcerer.
01:15:51.684 --> 01:15:52.844
I have to do it.
01:15:53.419 --> 01:15:54.886
I wouldn't be a murderer.
01:15:55.488 --> 01:15:56.955
I would be doing justice.
01:15:57.223 --> 01:15:59.157
But boss, how do you kill a man. . .
01:15:59.225 --> 01:16:01.659
when the bullets
don't work on him?
01:16:01.727 --> 01:16:02.955
Only with fire.
01:16:03.162 --> 01:16:04.754
The purifying element.
01:16:05.097 --> 01:16:06.894
Zombies are diabolic creatures. . .
01:16:06.966 --> 01:16:10.402
and fire reminds them
of their inexorable destiny.
01:16:46.839 --> 01:16:48.500
Good evening, gentlemen.
01:16:51.344 --> 01:16:53.244
I was waiting for you.
01:16:57.183 --> 01:16:57.979
Leave him to me.
01:17:04.257 --> 01:17:06.782
Don't look at him, Molinar!
Don't look at his eyes!
01:17:08.494 --> 01:17:09.893
Don't you want to look at me?
01:17:11.664 --> 01:17:12.722
01:17:14.400 --> 01:17:16.095
What else can you do?
01:17:51.637 --> 01:17:54.606
You want to kill me.
Don't you, Molinar?
01:17:56.943 --> 01:17:59.935
I will give you a chance.
01:18:01.914 --> 01:18:03.438
Try it.
01:18:04.483 --> 01:18:05.973
Try it, Molinar.
01:18:06.352 --> 01:18:07.341
Try it.
01:18:19.632 --> 01:18:20.189
01:18:22.668 --> 01:18:23.657
You can't.
01:18:25.604 --> 01:18:28.300
You are all under my hypnotic spell.
01:18:37.283 --> 01:18:40.480
Yes! They are yours
and yours too, Staloon!
01:18:43.723 --> 01:18:46.191
Because you know
too much and too little. . .
01:18:47.326 --> 01:18:49.988
my little ones
and Staloon will kill you.
01:18:51.197 --> 01:18:52.027
Get them!
01:18:52.264 --> 01:18:54.824
Walking dead, destroy them!
01:19:36.575 --> 01:19:38.042
Throw the torches!
01:19:38.544 --> 01:19:40.034
Throw them backwards!
01:19:47.787 --> 01:19:49.778
I've noticed
that you are trying. . .
01:19:49.855 --> 01:19:53.086
to take something
out of your bag.
01:19:53.159 --> 01:19:56.026
Haven't you seen my power?
01:19:56.996 --> 01:19:59.897
Don't you know that you
can't do anything against my will?
01:20:02.601 --> 01:20:03.568
Take it out. . .
01:20:03.636 --> 01:20:08.039
and I'll show you that there
isn't greater power than mine.
01:20:09.708 --> 01:20:10.800
Take it out, Doctor.
01:20:12.011 --> 01:20:13.171
Take it out.
01:20:16.882 --> 01:20:17.940
Christ in us!
01:20:53.686 --> 01:20:56.246
You too will die. . .
01:20:56.489 --> 01:20:58.252
with me!
01:21:53.679 --> 01:21:58.275
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 85 minutes
Date: 1961
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish
Grade: High School, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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