The sexual tension between a trio of friends is being punished by the…
Santo vs. the Evil Brain

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This newly restored Cuban-Mexican horror-action cult classic opens with three gangsters cornering El Santo in a deserted alley and knocking him out. He is then taken to the laboratory of a crazed Doctor Campos and turned into a docile servant through a series of injections and electric shocks. Filming was done in late '50s pre-Revolution Cuba and ended just the day before Fidel Castro entered Havana, and declared the victory of the revolution, forcing the filmmakers to flee prematurely (with the unprocessed 35mm negative smuggled inside a coffin).
Santo vs. the Evil Brain marks the cinematic debut of El Santo (Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta) and solidified his status as Mexico's quintessential masked luchador through a whole network of pop culture spinoffs, including a comic book series and, most notably, the 52 wrestling-themed films that cemented his legend on the silver screen. His acting career spanned four decades, dazzling audiences from all around the world with his skills and talent. He is considered to be one of Mexico's most legendary sporting figures and is said to have popularized professional wrestling in Mexico just as Rikidōzan did in Japan.
El Santo was buried wearing his silver mask, in one of the biggest funerals in Mexico. On 23 September 2016, to honor the 99th birthday of El Santo, Google ran a special El Santo Google daily doodle. A skeletal version of El Santo, complete with a silver mask and cape, appears briefly in the Pixar film Coco as a guest at a party in the Land of the Dead, with actress María Félix as his date.
Praised by Tarantino and B-cult movie lovers, Pragda’s El Santo film collection also includes Santo vs. the Riders of Terror (René Cardona, 1970) and Santo vs. the Infernal Men (Joselito Rodríguez, 1961), both in their newly restored versions. The films are part of The Permanencia Voluntaria Archives, whose main objective is to rescue, preserve, and restore the popular cinema of Mexico's cinematographic history.
Main credits
Refn, Nicolas Winding (film producer)
Zambrano, Enrique J. (screenwriter)
Zambrano, Enrique J. (film director)
Zambrano, Enrique J. (actor)
Osés, Fernando (screenwriter)
Rodríguez, Joselito (film director)
Guzmán Huerta, Rodolfo (actor)
Cordero, Joaquin (actor)
Suárez, Norma (actor)
Other credits
Cinematography, Carlos Nájera; editing, Jesús Echeverria; music, Salvador Espinosa.
Distributor subjects
Classic Films; Cinema Studies; Latin American Studies; Culture + IdentityKeywords
00:01:09.491 --> 00:01:13.158
00:09:01.200 --> 00:09:04.825
With this injection and the rays
penetrating his brain...
00:09:04.991 --> 00:09:06.991
... I will control his mind.
00:09:09.866 --> 00:09:11.450
Connect the electrodes.
00:09:46.075 --> 00:09:48.908
Doctor, thanks to your inventions
00:09:49.075 --> 00:09:51.033
they won't stand a chance!
00:10:14.783 --> 00:10:18.991
- Lieutenant! What brings you here?
- An investigation, as always.
00:10:19.200 --> 00:10:21.783
I've been hearing
about your discoveries.
00:10:21.950 --> 00:10:23.658
How are they coming along?
00:10:23.825 --> 00:10:26.783
I'd say the stories
are blown out of proportion.
00:10:27.075 --> 00:10:29.700
We still have a long way to go,
00:10:29.866 --> 00:10:33.075
but my colleagues and I
are working hard.
00:10:33.241 --> 00:10:35.575
To what do we owe
the pleasure, Lieutenant?
00:10:35.741 --> 00:10:36.950
Nothing in particular,
00:10:37.116 --> 00:10:39.533
I just wanted
to say hello to the doctor.
00:10:39.741 --> 00:10:41.741
How has your assistant worked out?
00:10:41.908 --> 00:10:45.366
He's been a great asset!
Please, take a seat.
00:10:50.283 --> 00:10:52.116
Would you like a drink, Elisa?
00:10:52.616 --> 00:10:54.741
No thank you, Doctor.
00:10:54.908 --> 00:10:57.491
We wanted to remind you
about your appointment.
00:10:57.658 --> 00:10:58.700
My appointment?
00:10:59.033 --> 00:11:00.575
Yes, with Dr. Lowel.
00:11:01.241 --> 00:11:02.950
Today, at 3:30 pm.
00:11:03.950 --> 00:11:05.491
Oh, Dr. Lowel.
00:11:06.283 --> 00:11:11.325
Of course! What would I do
without my secretary?
00:11:12.616 --> 00:11:15.741
We have a very important
meeting with Dr. Lowel,
00:11:15.908 --> 00:11:18.491
to discuss cell disintegration.
00:11:18.741 --> 00:11:21.200
I'm glad you mentioned him.
00:11:21.366 --> 00:11:25.866
Some of my agents are guarding him,
and I believe that you also need protection.
00:11:26.866 --> 00:11:28.950
00:11:29.741 --> 00:11:33.033
Are you suggesting someone
wants to harm me?
00:11:33.200 --> 00:11:34.033
I am.
00:11:34.533 --> 00:11:38.825
The same gang that kidnapped
Dr. Francesco and Dr. Fumigayo.
00:12:04.366 --> 00:12:07.700
It's 3:00 pm, Dr. Lowel
will be out soon.
00:12:17.783 --> 00:12:20.616
No funny business!
Hands up!
00:12:20.950 --> 00:12:22.491
Move it!
00:12:39.616 --> 00:12:40.950
The Man in the Mask!
00:12:47.158 --> 00:12:48.825
Hide them, quick!
00:13:15.658 --> 00:13:18.950
- What happened to the others?
- We changed shifts, Doctor.
00:13:19.116 --> 00:13:20.533
Alright, let's go.
00:14:07.658 --> 00:14:11.366
00:14:11.700 --> 00:14:14.950
00:14:15.241 --> 00:14:19.075
00:14:26.366 --> 00:14:29.033
Send in Agents Sandoval and Enriquez.
00:14:37.658 --> 00:14:42.241
I trusted you with Dr. Lowel
and he was kidnapped right under your noses.
00:14:42.408 --> 00:14:44.866
We had the situation
under control Lieutenant.
00:14:45.033 --> 00:14:48.658
Believe it or not, the Man in the Mask
helped them get away.
00:14:48.825 --> 00:14:50.116
The Man in the Mask?
00:14:50.908 --> 00:14:52.991
Our best agent,
working with them?
00:14:53.825 --> 00:14:56.033
Do you expect me to believe that?
00:14:56.241 --> 00:14:59.866
- That's what happened, sir.
- He was acting strangely.
00:15:00.033 --> 00:15:01.825
He was like a robot.
00:15:03.158 --> 00:15:05.366
This is all very strange.
00:15:06.866 --> 00:15:09.325
Are you completely sure
it was him?
00:15:09.575 --> 00:15:10.533
Yes, sir.
00:15:11.533 --> 00:15:12.408
You're sure?
00:15:14.116 --> 00:15:16.283
Is there any news of
the Man in the Mask?
00:15:17.408 --> 00:15:19.658
He hasn't checked in
for 48 hours.
00:15:22.241 --> 00:15:25.116
These are very well organized criminals.
00:15:26.908 --> 00:15:29.116
We must leave no stone unturned.
00:15:34.783 --> 00:15:37.325
I had firm orders from my superiors,
00:15:37.575 --> 00:15:40.408
and it was my duty
to catch those crooks.
00:15:40.908 --> 00:15:46.408
I decided to charter a speedboat
and check out the loading docks.
00:16:18.866 --> 00:16:25.158
After investigating for several hours,
I had unearthed a clue.
00:17:06.283 --> 00:17:08.991
Dr. Campos, we're from the Bureau.
00:17:10.491 --> 00:17:12.658
Hold it!
Be careful.
00:17:13.241 --> 00:17:16.200
The Bureau?
What can I do for you?
00:17:17.033 --> 00:17:18.408
Nothing, thank you.
00:17:18.616 --> 00:17:21.033
We've been assigned to your protection.
00:17:21.700 --> 00:17:25.658
My protection?
That sounds like an overreaction.
00:17:26.450 --> 00:17:28.116
Who could be interested in me?
00:17:28.283 --> 00:17:31.241
The same people who kidnapped
your fellow scientists.
00:17:31.700 --> 00:17:36.033
It looks like they're after
the disintegration technique you discovered.
00:17:36.991 --> 00:17:40.283
Do you recognize those guys
talking to Dr. Campos?
00:17:40.700 --> 00:17:41.533
00:17:41.783 --> 00:17:44.116
they're the cops we roughed up.
00:17:46.575 --> 00:17:49.450
Take it easy.
Just play it cool.
00:17:49.991 --> 00:17:52.200
Let's get out of here
before they see us.
00:17:52.366 --> 00:17:55.700
- We can wait for the Doctor outside.
- Okay.
00:17:56.866 --> 00:17:59.658
You go first.
I'll be right behind you.
00:18:00.325 --> 00:18:02.408
Remember, we need our orders.
00:19:43.300 --> 00:19:45.425
I hope you haven't roughed him up.
00:19:45.633 --> 00:19:47.383
We had to hit him twice.
00:19:47.800 --> 00:19:51.008
We didn't know that bankers
had such hard heads.
00:19:59.550 --> 00:20:01.175
Turn on the power.
00:20:16.716 --> 00:20:19.883
What are you doing here?
Go and guard the door!
00:21:54.591 --> 00:21:56.883
Quick! There's someone
on the roof!
00:22:45.008 --> 00:22:46.883
Good morning, Mr. Loubé.
00:22:56.008 --> 00:22:57.300
What's wrong?
00:23:02.341 --> 00:23:03.466
Let's go.
00:23:13.550 --> 00:23:15.716
It looks like Eliza
noticed something.
00:23:15.925 --> 00:23:18.425
It doesn't matter.
I'll take care of her later.
00:23:19.216 --> 00:23:22.258
The banker has followed
my instructions to the letter.
00:23:27.550 --> 00:23:29.216
You can stand down.
00:23:56.008 --> 00:23:57.341
He did it!
00:23:57.800 --> 00:23:59.925
He'll be here with the money
in no time!
00:24:01.466 --> 00:24:06.008
Soon this country will be mine,
and then the world will be at my command!
00:24:09.133 --> 00:24:12.966
Bring Elisa here tonight.
00:24:18.675 --> 00:24:21.341
00:24:24.300 --> 00:24:28.675
Well-known banker disappears
after robbing his own bank.
00:24:28.841 --> 00:24:31.425
Police put their best agents on the case.
00:26:35.216 --> 00:26:36.925
Thanks for bringing me here.
00:26:38.300 --> 00:26:39.925
I've had so much fun.
00:26:40.675 --> 00:26:44.591
You've been working so hard
since the kidnappings.
00:26:45.008 --> 00:26:47.216
It's only fair for you
to have some fun.
00:26:48.716 --> 00:26:51.466
Would you like a dance?
00:26:52.633 --> 00:26:55.133
I'm a terrible dancer.
00:26:56.133 --> 00:26:59.341
But this evening
will still be unforgettable.
00:26:59.508 --> 00:27:00.841
00:29:00.758 --> 00:29:03.425
Let us drive you home, Doctor.
00:29:03.675 --> 00:29:06.633
Thanks, Gerardo,
I'll go on my own.
00:29:07.133 --> 00:29:10.091
Or rather...
... with them.
00:29:10.675 --> 00:29:11.550
00:29:11.925 --> 00:29:15.216
Be very careful, Doctor.
We'll see you at 8 am
00:29:15.383 --> 00:29:16.800
Of course, Gerardo.
00:29:36.633 --> 00:29:37.925
Let's go.
00:29:43.425 --> 00:29:46.758
It's past 2 am.
They'll be here any moment.
00:29:59.508 --> 00:30:00.341
That's her.
00:30:01.341 --> 00:30:02.258
Let's go.
00:30:51.675 --> 00:30:54.800
This is outrageous!
Why take my secretary?
00:30:55.258 --> 00:30:58.591
Perhaps to get her
to reveal your formulas.
00:30:58.758 --> 00:31:01.133
That can't be the reason!
00:31:01.675 --> 00:31:03.716
I'm the Doctor's assistant...
00:31:03.883 --> 00:31:06.675
... so it would make more sense
to kidnap me!
00:31:08.341 --> 00:31:10.050
It must be something else!
00:31:10.591 --> 00:31:13.050
Could she be linked
to the bank robbery?
00:31:13.591 --> 00:31:17.841
Elisa? A robbery?
That's out of the question!
00:31:18.633 --> 00:31:19.966
No, Doctor,
00:31:20.550 --> 00:31:22.175
you misunderstood me.
00:31:22.425 --> 00:31:25.258
Yesterday the bank was robbed
by its own manager
00:31:25.425 --> 00:31:26.758
who then disappeared.
00:31:26.925 --> 00:31:28.758
Perhaps Elisa knew something.
00:31:29.008 --> 00:31:30.300
That must be it!
00:31:31.300 --> 00:31:34.675
She mentioned that the bank manager
was acting strangely.
00:31:36.008 --> 00:31:38.050
That's why she was kidnapped!
00:31:38.216 --> 00:31:40.716
They must think
she knows something.
00:31:43.550 --> 00:31:46.300
And I ignored her...
00:31:46.841 --> 00:31:50.466
Don't worry.
My best men are on the case.
00:31:51.216 --> 00:31:53.425
One of them in particular...
00:31:54.925 --> 00:31:57.383
I'm sure that
the kidnapped scientists
00:31:57.550 --> 00:32:00.800
and the bank job
are all connected.
00:32:02.466 --> 00:32:05.175
Wouldn't you agree, Dr. Campos?
00:32:06.550 --> 00:32:11.258
You're probably right.
00:32:12.258 --> 00:32:13.216
Full house.
00:32:23.841 --> 00:32:25.258
Lend me some money.
00:32:26.550 --> 00:32:29.591
I'll pay you back tonight,
after the delivery.
00:32:38.341 --> 00:32:40.550
Aren't you going to feed the girl?
00:32:40.925 --> 00:32:42.800
She's on a diet.
00:32:43.800 --> 00:32:45.800
The doctor likes them skinny!
00:33:00.133 --> 00:33:01.966
- How many?
- One.
00:33:05.425 --> 00:33:10.133
I'm out! If you won't
feed the girl, I will.
00:33:10.758 --> 00:33:12.716
Always such a gentleman.
00:33:13.466 --> 00:33:16.966
The doctor doesn't like anyone
laying hands on his property!
00:36:00.466 --> 00:36:03.550
You carry on.
I'm out of money.
00:36:04.008 --> 00:36:06.716
We have to fetch
the Man in the Mask.
00:36:07.341 --> 00:36:11.883
It's 9:30. The Doctor wanted him here
when he got back. Let's go!
00:36:36.841 --> 00:36:38.216
Wake up!
00:36:38.716 --> 00:36:40.550
What's happening?
Why am I here?
00:36:40.716 --> 00:36:42.633
- You've been hypnotized.
- Who, me?
00:36:42.800 --> 00:36:45.133
Let's go,
I'll explain everything.
00:36:55.175 --> 00:36:56.425
Where are we?
00:36:56.591 --> 00:36:59.466
Dr. Campos' lab.
He hypnotized you.
00:37:00.383 --> 00:37:02.758
- Keep up the act!
- Okay.
00:37:27.841 --> 00:37:30.050
Come on!
They're waiting outside.
00:39:07.925 --> 00:39:10.508
The light's still on.
00:39:11.341 --> 00:39:14.050
These scientists don't get much rest.
00:41:02.408 --> 00:41:04.616
What's the hurry?
Why were you speeding?
00:41:04.783 --> 00:41:07.033
Don't you know the law?
00:41:07.200 --> 00:41:10.158
Please forgive me,
I'm in a hurry.
00:41:10.866 --> 00:41:13.033
I'm a Doctor.
00:41:14.991 --> 00:41:17.991
I'll let you go this time,
but be more careful.
00:41:18.158 --> 00:41:19.533
Thank you very much.
00:44:14.366 --> 00:44:15.616
That way.
00:44:33.491 --> 00:44:35.075
Here are your instructions.
00:44:35.283 --> 00:44:37.908
- Got it.
- I'll see you at the beach.
00:46:34.950 --> 00:46:36.825
Haven't they brought
the money yet?
00:46:36.991 --> 00:46:40.533
No, doctor.
We were expecting them 20 minutes ago.
00:46:57.533 --> 00:47:00.200
Go and see if it's them,
but be careful!
00:47:21.408 --> 00:47:25.075
Dr. Campos, I hope you
brought the documents.
00:47:25.491 --> 00:47:28.950
Yes, Mr. Kuri,
and I hope you brought the money.
00:47:29.366 --> 00:47:32.408
My bosses always keep their word,
Dr. Campos.
00:47:52.325 --> 00:47:55.158
These documents will be
in my country in 48 hours.
00:47:55.950 --> 00:47:58.283
If there's been any deception...
00:47:59.450 --> 00:48:01.366
... you know
what's coming your way.
00:48:01.533 --> 00:48:03.450
Yes, Mr. Kuri.
I'm fully aware.
00:48:03.616 --> 00:48:05.866
And I also know
that you will pay double
00:48:06.033 --> 00:48:08.283
for the formula
of cell disintegration.
00:48:08.450 --> 00:48:10.200
Cell disintegration?
00:48:10.783 --> 00:48:12.450
That's right, Mr. Kuri.
00:48:14.033 --> 00:48:15.991
It's in this sealed envelope.
00:48:16.158 --> 00:48:18.450
I'll bring the money
by this time tomorrow.
00:48:18.616 --> 00:48:21.075
- I certainly hope so.
- Goodbye.
00:48:30.450 --> 00:48:31.658
Carry on playing!
00:48:41.075 --> 00:48:43.533
I've had the documents since yesterday.
00:48:45.116 --> 00:48:46.325
Very well.
00:48:48.033 --> 00:48:50.241
Yes, I'll wait here.
00:48:53.533 --> 00:48:54.366
Let's go.
00:49:04.741 --> 00:49:06.866
Yes, this one's mine.
00:49:24.991 --> 00:49:28.033
Please let me know
if anything happens.
00:49:28.200 --> 00:49:31.658
I'll be at home.
I'm in no mood to work today.
00:49:31.991 --> 00:49:35.450
Don't worry. I'll let you know
if there's any news.
00:49:36.033 --> 00:49:36.908
00:50:51.941 --> 00:50:54.900
Yes, Lieutenant.
00:50:55.941 --> 00:50:59.775
I'll use code number 415.
00:51:16.566 --> 00:51:19.650
Calm down.
Elisa will turn up soon.
00:51:20.608 --> 00:51:24.316
You heard what the Lieutenant said,
they have a lead.
00:51:24.941 --> 00:51:28.316
I can't just sit still
without any news about her.
00:51:31.900 --> 00:51:34.775
What you need is rest, sleep.
00:51:35.608 --> 00:51:36.733
00:51:37.483 --> 00:51:40.900
Who could sleep without
knowing Elisa's fate?
00:51:42.775 --> 00:51:46.066
Nothing like a cocktail
to soothe the nerves.
00:52:12.566 --> 00:52:16.525
It helps me keep calm.
I hope you like it.
00:52:22.983 --> 00:52:25.608
Drink up.
You'll like it.
00:52:29.775 --> 00:52:31.316
Come on, kid.
00:52:40.025 --> 00:52:42.150
You'll feel much better now.
00:53:29.191 --> 00:53:31.525
You fell for it,
you fool!
00:53:31.941 --> 00:53:35.150
Elisa is mine, and no one
will take her from me!
00:54:38.483 --> 00:54:39.525
00:54:40.483 --> 00:54:41.816
file these.
00:54:53.900 --> 00:54:55.316
Lieutenant Zambrano here.
00:54:57.816 --> 00:54:59.400
00:55:04.983 --> 00:55:07.191
00:55:08.150 --> 00:55:09.733
00:55:13.400 --> 00:55:15.775
Trace that call immediately!
00:55:15.941 --> 00:55:17.775
Right away, Lieutenant.
00:55:21.816 --> 00:55:25.816
00:55:27.316 --> 00:55:31.233
Police are baffled by the disappearances
of Dr. Lowel and Mr. Loubé.
00:55:31.400 --> 00:55:34.941
The District Attorney has ordered
that they be located immediately.
00:57:24.400 --> 00:57:26.525
Hasn't Mr. Kuri arrived yet?
00:57:39.400 --> 00:57:40.775
That must be him!
00:57:59.983 --> 00:58:03.316
Lieutenant, you have your orders.
00:58:03.900 --> 00:58:05.316
Yes, Colonel.
00:58:33.025 --> 00:58:37.858
No sirens, and complete silence.
00:58:40.275 --> 00:58:41.358
Let's go!
01:00:40.316 --> 01:00:42.691
Congratulations, Comrade!
01:00:43.275 --> 01:00:44.858
This is great work!
01:00:45.566 --> 01:00:47.900
My country always keeps its promises.
01:01:10.358 --> 01:01:12.525
Yuri, pay the man.
01:02:38.358 --> 01:02:40.150
Everybody freeze!
01:02:45.233 --> 01:02:46.816
Where's Dr. Campos?
01:02:47.650 --> 01:02:49.441
He got away with the girl.
01:02:49.941 --> 01:02:51.775
We might still catch him!
01:02:51.941 --> 01:02:53.650
Round them up!
Let's go!
01:04:32.858 --> 01:04:34.358
Dr. Campos!
01:04:35.150 --> 01:04:37.275
You're surrounded,
01:04:44.691 --> 01:04:47.233
We'll give you three minutes!
01:04:49.025 --> 01:04:53.025
They can't do this to me!
I own the world!
01:04:53.566 --> 01:04:54.816
Nothing can stop me!
01:04:57.483 --> 01:04:59.858
If you don't surrender,
we'll use tear gas!
01:05:02.233 --> 01:05:04.108
You're not going anywhere!
01:05:09.941 --> 01:05:13.650
If you want Elisa dead,
go ahead and gas me out!
01:05:14.400 --> 01:05:15.775
What should we do?
01:05:16.650 --> 01:05:18.066
Go round the back.
01:05:21.358 --> 01:05:22.983
Wait, I've had an idea!
01:05:29.108 --> 01:05:30.400
I'm coming out!
01:05:30.983 --> 01:05:35.066
Pull your men back,
and no funny business!
01:05:37.025 --> 01:05:41.400
Dr. Campos, I'm your friend!
We studied together!
01:05:44.483 --> 01:05:46.525
No, I don't recognize your voice.
01:06:01.608 --> 01:06:03.941
Take off your mask
so I can see who you are.
01:06:04.108 --> 01:06:06.233
I'll show you I'm your friend.
01:06:06.900 --> 01:06:09.691
No funny business!
Stop or I'll shoot!
01:06:10.525 --> 01:06:11.400
01:06:13.941 --> 01:06:15.316
You asked for it!
01:08:04.400 --> 01:08:06.108
Call an ambulance, quick!
01:08:14.008 --> 01:08:15.300
01:08:17.550 --> 01:08:19.133
I know I've done wrong...
01:08:20.300 --> 01:08:21.925
... now I realize...
01:08:23.300 --> 01:08:25.716
... that if I had been different...
01:08:26.675 --> 01:08:29.133
... maybe I'd have won your heart...
01:08:30.966 --> 01:08:32.841
... but now it's too late.
01:08:35.091 --> 01:08:37.633
Forgive me...
I'm sorry...
01:09:37.550 --> 01:09:40.841
I can't stop thinking
about Dr. Campos.
01:09:41.591 --> 01:09:43.425
He was a great scientist.
01:09:43.591 --> 01:09:46.008
Too much work drove him crazy.
01:09:46.383 --> 01:09:48.008
Don't dwell on it.
01:09:48.341 --> 01:09:50.841
You have your whole lives
ahead of you...
01:09:51.091 --> 01:09:54.050
... and airplanes don't wait
for newlyweds!
01:09:58.216 --> 01:09:59.258
01:10:25.091 --> 01:10:27.091
There go my best friends.
01:10:59.133 --> 01:11:01.591
What happened to the Masked Men?
01:11:02.133 --> 01:11:04.966
Incognito's injury was not serious.
01:11:05.383 --> 01:11:06.966
They're both on the flight.
01:11:07.383 --> 01:11:10.425
Where are they from?
Why cover their faces?
01:11:11.716 --> 01:11:15.800
They are citizens of the world.
Their duty knows no borders.
01:11:16.925 --> 01:11:21.466
They use masks to hide their identity
for the good of all mankind.
01:11:38.466 --> 01:11:42.633
Shot entirely in Cuba
01:11:42.634 --> 01:11:51.634
We appreciate the cooperation of the Civilian
and Military Authorities in the making of this film
Distributor: Pragda Films
Length: 73 minutes
Date: 1961
Genre: Expository
Language: Spanish
Grade: High School, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
The is title is available for licensing on the Pragda STREAM site.
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