Changing our present exploitative relationship with Earth to one of partnership.
Home Place - Inside-Outside

- Description
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- Transcript
INSIDE-OUTSIDE, the first program in the 'Home Place' series, explores the problem of recognizing and understanding ecosystems from within their boundaries. Images of Earth from space have provided us with a view from outside, making possible a new, more complete perspective. This program discards the human-centered concept of environment, replacing it with a more universal idea of ecosystems. The ecosphere concept is introduced as an alternate world view, in which Earth itself is conceived as a living organism, as an ecological being.
'The video does an excellent job of illustrating all of this with the help of some wonderful photography and a clear narrative...I recommend this video for middle school students through senior adults.' Science Books and Films
'Presented effectively and...well-made...Recommended.' Video Librarian
'Presented in a style particularly well-suited for younger audiences, this film introduces the concept of an ecosphere, the Earth.' Jeffery A. Thomas, Northland Community College
'This excellent series forces the viewer to take a hard look at our exploitive, damaging role as humans in the Earth's ecosystems...The narrative is easy to understand, yet it addresses these important issues in a sophisticated and thorough manner...highly appropriate addition to public, school, and academic libraries.' Rue Herbert, University of South Florida, MC Journal
'As much philosophy as science went into these thought-provoking programs. The end result is an impelling video series of value in any library collection.' Teacher Librarian
Main credits
Henders, Karen P. (film producer)
Long, Robert J. (film director)
Long, Robert J. (film producer)
Long, Robert J. (director of photography)
Long, Robert J. (editor of moving image work)
Boyd, Liona (narrator)
Other credits
Cinematography, Robert J. Long; editing, Robert J. Long.
Distributor subjects
Canadian Studies; Ecology; Environment; Environmental Ethics; Habitat; Humanities; Philosophy; Religion; Science, Technology, Society; SociologyKeywords
00:00:11.900 --> 00:00:14.550
And we do.
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There is a place in the universe unlike
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any other a modest blue and white
planet circling a very ordinary star.
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It is the only place we
know of with oceans of
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liquid water and an
atmosphere rich in oxygen.
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It\'s the only place we know of which
expresses the magical essence called Life of
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30 million life forms a species called Man
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has grown so powerful that it threatens
the creativity of the planet.
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That species is now searching for a new
understanding of its relationship with the Earth
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One and only home place
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What do you suppose at ground squirrel sees
as she looks out across this mountain meadow.
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I wonder if she sees the
incredible beauty of
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her home place or does she
only see bits and pieces
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a world of fragments some of
which you can eat other\'s
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useful for making her burrow nest
still others which might harm her.
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If I move I may become important to her
as a potentially dangerous intruder.
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But standing quietly I fade into
insignificance not a threat not editable.
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I\'m an unimportant part of her environment
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But right now she\'s an important
part of my environment.
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As I admire the sheen
of her for the sparkle
00:03:18.320 --> 00:03:21.904
of her bright eyes and the
antics of her family.
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Just like her I perceive my environment as
being the important things that surround me.
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She sees food plants and covered.
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I see her and a wonderfully
colourful meadow.
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We look at the same landscape but we
would not list the same things as being
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the important parts of our environment
because we have different points of view
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A person gains a different
understanding of a mountain meadow by
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leaving it in climbing to a
ridge higher on the mountain.
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From here we can see some of
the other animals which share
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the mountain side the high snow banks
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and icy ponds which trickle
water through the meadow.
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We can see how ridges and valleys direct the
flow of wind and the formation of clouds.
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From up here it\'s obvious that the meadow
is connected to the rest of the mountain.
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It\'s part of a larger system.
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These are things that we could not
see while we were within the meadow.
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The ground squirrel will
probably never climb up here.
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She will never have this broader viewpoint
that puts her little home place in
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perspective for people and for ground
squirrels that problem is the same.
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We can\'t really understand our
surroundings what we call our environment.
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As long as we can only see
them from the inside.
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Until recently that\'s the only way
we\'ve been able to look at the world.
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As a result we\'ve developed an image of
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environment that is
people-centered and fragmented.
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Our understanding is not complete.
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What we\'ve been lacking
is a view from outside
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our immediate surroundings a view from
a lofty and separate vantage point.
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If we wanted to have a clear
understanding of our place on earth.
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We must look at Human Ecology
from different viewpoints.
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We must ask some searching questions.
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The first question is wat
on as his environment.
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Here we are in the Cypress Hills
of southwestern Saskatchewan.
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Most people would call this a
quality environment whether
00:05:44.340 --> 00:05:47.809
an abundance of natural beauty
and appealing landscape.
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We can look around and
make a list of the things
00:05:50.240 --> 00:05:52.579
which make up the Cypress
Hills environment.
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To begin there\'s the air the earth
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water and there are plants
and animals which wander
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about near the boundary square
air meets water and soil.
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Nearby. There\'s an old log bunk hosts
that renters built many decades ago.
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There\'s a car going fast on a gravel road.
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We can hear it see it and taste
the dust that it\'s raising.
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This is how we usually define environment
by listing the things around us which we
00:06:25.130 --> 00:06:29.974
can sense and measure people automatically
start to assign values to things.
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So I\'m seeing very important
especially things that people have
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built and things that
people use as raw materials
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When there is no obvious use
we often ask what\'s a good
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for everything is evaluated through
human eyes and assigned human value.
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That\'s a problem when you\'re short sighted.
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We\'ve come to see the
Earth as a storehouse of
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raw materials just waiting to
be gathered and used by us.
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This way of thinking is most obvious in
00:07:03.830 --> 00:07:07.939
industrial societies but it\'s
prevalent around the world.
00:07:07.940 --> 00:07:11.449
We have had so little understanding
of our surroundings that
00:07:11.450 --> 00:07:15.690
we couldn\'t see the danger of this
self-centered way of thinking
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This stream in British
Columbia is home to salmon for
00:07:23.780 --> 00:07:27.720
few weeks each year as they
traveled to spawning beds.
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Suppose that you are a
salmon trying to define
00:07:31.640 --> 00:07:35.239
its environment like we
did in the Cypress Hills.
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The salmon\'s home place is
very different from animals.
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It\'s a world of swilling
00:07:41.300 --> 00:07:46.564
bubbles noise buffet in currents
rounded stones and gradually bars.
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There are chemical smells in the water
aquatic insects and other fish.
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From a salmon\'s point of view
this is its environment.
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Clouds and trees and winds would
not likely seem important.
00:08:00.185 --> 00:08:05.479
Would a salmon even understand
what water is in order
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to really understand this dream you have
to observe it from the outside as well.
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Considering it\'s limited knowledge.
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Would we want to trust a salmon to
make decisions about the River Valley.
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From inside the river a fish could not
possibly know that trees control stream flow.
00:08:22.985 --> 00:08:28.140
So it might see no problem with logging
the watershed right to the water\'s edge.
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A salmon has no use for dry land.
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So it might see no harm in
mining poisonous minerals from
00:08:34.610 --> 00:08:38.520
deepen the earth or using a
hillside as a garbage dump.
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It would not occur to a fish that
deforestation and mine wastes
00:08:43.730 --> 00:08:48.450
and garbage on dry land could
make its environment unlivable.
00:08:50.260 --> 00:08:54.229
As far as we know a salmon
cannot understand that it and
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its stream a part of a
larger system a watershed.
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It could not possibly
understand the importance of
00:09:01.430 --> 00:09:05.190
the watershed ecosystem
because it\'s never seen it.
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We\'ve been a lot like the salmon immersed
in surroundings which we do not really
00:09:11.900 --> 00:09:17.058
understand and placing value only on the
parts of the Earth which are nearby
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Useful to us all we have been
able to see is human environment.
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It\'s only been very recently
that we\'ve been able to leave
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our home place like a salmon
making a great leap into the air.
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Now what we have seen earth from space and
that has changed our perspective forever.
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The view from space shows
that environment is
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much more than disconnected
things surrounding people.
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Our home place has a blue and white sphere
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The blue is from the sea the White
from the cloudy atmosphere.
00:10:03.860 --> 00:10:07.954
Earth is a single body
floating alone in space.
00:10:07.955 --> 00:10:11.479
Everything on the planet is
united by billions of years
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of coevolution and by
ecological relationships.
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Standing on Earth\'s surface
we seem to see distinct
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and water sediments plants and animals.
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From the inside reality seems
to be separate bits and pieces.
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From space we see all the bits and
pieces as interrelated parts.
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We see Earth as one single system
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System is called the ecosphere.
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The big picture that we get
from space helps us to
00:10:47.210 --> 00:10:51.739
understand the landscapes and water
escapes where we spend our lives.
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Now we have a high vantage point from which
we can see the ground squirrels Meadow
00:10:56.660 --> 00:11:04.039
the salmon stream and the Cypress Hills all
as parts of a larger more complex system.
00:11:04.040 --> 00:11:09.349
These pieces of the ecosphere are
ecosystems the ecosphere and
00:11:09.350 --> 00:11:14.254
its ecosystems envelop us where
within them where parts of them.
00:11:14.255 --> 00:11:16.879
So ecosystems are very different from
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environments which seemed to lie
outside and around ourselves.
00:11:20.915 --> 00:11:22.814
But separate from us
00:11:22.815 --> 00:11:30.200
Ecosystem is a more useful concept as we
try to understand our role as earthlings.
00:11:31.260 --> 00:11:38.334
Ecosystems represent one very important
level of organization of matter.
00:11:38.335 --> 00:11:43.239
We recognize many levels of
organization in nature from atoms
00:11:43.240 --> 00:11:48.189
to molecules from molecules to
compounds like rock and protoplasm.
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At higher levels of organization
water and minerals and
00:11:52.390 --> 00:11:57.609
cells are combined within bodies
a cat tail or a duckling.
00:11:57.610 --> 00:12:01.389
At the next level organisms
along with S surrounding
00:12:01.390 --> 00:12:05.879
air water soil and sediments
constitute ecosystem.
00:12:05.880 --> 00:12:10.924
All of Earth\'s ecosystems
together comprise the ecosphere.
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There are even higher
levels of organization.
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Earth is part of a solar system
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the solar system as part of a
galaxy and ultimately part of
00:12:20.480 --> 00:12:25.609
the infinite universe because
of modern chemistry and physics
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we\'ve learned to think of
reality as being built from
00:12:28.220 --> 00:12:31.339
the bottom up from atoms to the universe.
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I think this has been a mistake.
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Nature makes much more sense if we
look at it from the top down. At night
00:12:40.055 --> 00:12:43.909
With the Sun hidden behind us
we look away to the millions of
00:12:43.910 --> 00:12:49.384
other distant suns and galaxies littering
points of light we call stars.
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Our little planet turns.
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But to us earthlings it looks
like the stars are moving.
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Now wonder the ancients believed the Earth
was at the center of the universe even
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though they were aware that the sun and
00:13:02.090 --> 00:13:04.489
the planets didn\'t move
quite the way they should.
00:13:04.490 --> 00:13:09.589
If this were true then 450 years
ago the Polish astronomer
00:13:09.590 --> 00:13:12.559
Copernicus developed the
idea of a solar system
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with the planets including
a circling around the Sun.
00:13:16.685 --> 00:13:22.369
This new broader mental image explain
things better and allowed new insights
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With Copernicus\'s belief in their minds
people saw earth and sky in a different way.
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Eventually people had to
throw out centuries of
00:13:30.200 --> 00:13:35.044
scientific and religious doctrine that had
been based on an idea that was wrong.
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In a similar way the idea of the
ecosphere as a living entity
00:13:40.040 --> 00:13:45.169
Enlarges our awareness of
where we are and what we are.
00:13:45.170 --> 00:13:51.334
This new mental image allows us to study
and understand nature in a truer way.
00:13:51.335 --> 00:13:54.559
Thanks to Copernicus we\'ve
learned to think of
00:13:54.560 --> 00:13:58.459
the solar system as a whole of
which Earth is just one part.
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Now we must learn to think of Earth\'s ecosphere
as a whole of which ecosystems are apart.
00:14:04.970 --> 00:14:10.759
And then to see ourselves as
parts of those ecosystems.
00:14:10.760 --> 00:14:16.804
The ecosphere is like a layer cake with
organisms the nuts and raisins in the mix.
00:14:16.805 --> 00:14:22.264
The way to appreciate it is to mentally
slice it into three-dimensional chunks
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with air above lambda1 water below with
00:14:25.340 --> 00:14:29.404
organisms between the layers
living off solar energy.
00:14:29.405 --> 00:14:32.779
These chunks of the
ecosphere our ecosystem a
00:14:32.780 --> 00:14:37.380
lake a forest a watershed
amount and Meadow.
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The easiest way to visualize
an ecosystem is to think of
00:14:46.730 --> 00:14:49.969
a large aquarium altro area
like the glass pyramid.
00:14:49.970 --> 00:14:53.160
So the mutant Conservatory and Edmonton.
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Each of the pyramids is an ecosystem with
well-defined boundaries the glass walls
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Inside we have air water soil
and many species of plants.
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There are many more invisible
forms here to bacteria and
00:15:15.250 --> 00:15:20.570
other microorganisms in the soil and the
plant leaves just about everywhere.
00:15:21.390 --> 00:15:26.349
While the term Mariam seem
self-contained it really is not.
00:15:26.350 --> 00:15:31.329
It depends on artificial heating or cooling
to maintain the proper temperature.
00:15:31.330 --> 00:15:36.429
The air is constantly mixed with
air from outside exchanging gases.
00:15:36.430 --> 00:15:42.830
Water is added regularly so our mineral
and organic nutrients for the plants.
00:15:43.080 --> 00:15:47.383
So while this is an ecosystem
with well-defined boundaries
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It still depends very much on other
ecosystems which surrounded.
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In nature the boundaries between
ecosystems are not so clear cut.
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We have to imagine the transparent
walls with separate them.
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And we have to study the ways in which
ecosystems are connected to each other.
00:16:14.620 --> 00:16:20.479
Here are three beautiful chunks of the
ecosphere three interconnected ecosystems.
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We\'re looking at the shore of Lake
Athabasca in northwestern Saskatchewan.
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It\'s one of my favorite places on her
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One of the ecosystems is a
magnificent sand dune complex.
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Another is the William River and its
Valley which cuts across the sand dunes.
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The third ecosystem is
Lake Athabasca itself.
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The sand dunes began to form
over 8 thousand years ago is
00:16:49.040 --> 00:16:54.469
the last ice age ended leaving great
expanses of sand exposed to the wind.
00:16:54.470 --> 00:16:58.684
The dunes have been
restlessly moving ever since.
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The sand interacts with groundwater
with forests and lakes and with
00:17:04.400 --> 00:17:07.459
a sparse vegetation of hardy plants to form
00:17:07.460 --> 00:17:11.539
the intricate sand dune
patterns visible from the air.
00:17:11.540 --> 00:17:17.089
The unique appearance of the William river
results from its ecological relationships with
00:17:17.090 --> 00:17:20.839
the surrounding Sands about
half of the water in the river
00:17:20.840 --> 00:17:25.249
comes from the dunes which gather
rainfall and snow melt as groundwater.
00:17:25.250 --> 00:17:30.390
The rivers also choked by wind
blown sand from the Juan\'s.
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If we want to understand how
the river system works we
00:17:36.890 --> 00:17:41.010
have to look inside the system
and study its physiology
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The flowing water of the William
river carries a load of
00:17:46.310 --> 00:17:49.699
suspended sand grains which are
picked up where the current is
00:17:49.700 --> 00:17:52.413
fast and dropped where it slows
00:17:52.414 --> 00:17:56.599
the result is an ever changing
pattern of sandbars and channels.
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Deep places look dark because
of the greater depth of
00:18:00.410 --> 00:18:04.279
tea colored water and an
accumulation of organic matter.
00:18:04.280 --> 00:18:09.000
In these places in northern pike
lie in wait for smaller fish.
00:18:09.610 --> 00:18:13.789
Bit by bit the Rivest steadily
transports its burden
00:18:13.790 --> 00:18:17.869
of sand and organic matter and
northward to Lake Athabasca.
00:18:17.870 --> 00:18:22.654
The sand is deposited where the river
current is slowed by lake water
00:18:22.655 --> 00:18:28.474
It forms the fan-shaped delta which marks
the end of the William river ecosystem.
00:18:28.475 --> 00:18:33.739
Now the Lake Athabasca ecosystem
takes over crosscurrents and
00:18:33.740 --> 00:18:39.004
waves move the sand along the shore
creating broad sandbars and beaches.
00:18:39.005 --> 00:18:42.919
In periods of unusually low water
these deposits are exposed to
00:18:42.920 --> 00:18:47.794
when the blows the sand inland again
as part of the traveling dunes.
00:18:47.795 --> 00:18:53.599
Dunes River and Lake are all
connected ecologically.
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At the same time each has
distinct inner workings.
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Each has its own unique physiology
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When we relate a system such as
this leaf to the system that
00:19:34.280 --> 00:19:38.329
surrounds it the forest system
we\'re practicing ecology.
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And when we relate the parts of a system
to the system itself where practicing
00:19:43.010 --> 00:19:47.794
physiology it\'s a matter of looking
outside or of looking inside
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When we have the benefit of
both viewpoints it becomes
00:19:51.755 --> 00:19:56.359
clear that there is a continuity of
relationships throughout the ecosphere.
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And this has important implications
for the idea of life itself.
00:20:01.415 --> 00:20:05.959
In our usual way of looking at the
world there are important things like
00:20:05.960 --> 00:20:11.074
us living organisms surrounded
by non-living air soil water.
00:20:11.075 --> 00:20:17.449
What seemed to be less important we
appeared to inhabit a world that is dead.
00:20:17.450 --> 00:20:23.610
We perceive our surroundings much like
the larva of this Longhorn Beetle
00:20:32.740 --> 00:20:36.049
The beetle larva hatches
beneath the bark of
00:20:36.050 --> 00:20:38.899
a tree and spends as many
as four years chewing
00:20:38.900 --> 00:20:41.479
its way through the word
of the trunk and that
00:20:41.480 --> 00:20:45.484
time it gets to know it\'s
woody environment very well.
00:20:45.485 --> 00:20:49.039
A grub with human intelligence
would probably think that
00:20:49.040 --> 00:20:52.189
the center of the trunk is
composed of dead cells filled with
00:20:52.190 --> 00:20:56.659
Roslyn and hard to chew surrounding
this it finds a thick layer of
00:20:56.660 --> 00:21:02.370
light moist sapwood which is edible
but still shows no sign of life.
00:21:02.980 --> 00:21:07.249
The only place where the grub find
cells which it considers to be
00:21:07.250 --> 00:21:11.959
truly alive is in a thin
layer just beneath the bark.
00:21:11.960 --> 00:21:16.009
The cells are respiring and
dividing and expanding.
00:21:16.010 --> 00:21:19.699
There\'s no question that they are
alive but they still contain
00:21:19.700 --> 00:21:24.439
dead things starch grains
oil globules cell walls.
00:21:24.440 --> 00:21:29.700
All in all the grubs tree trunk
environment seems mostly dead.
00:21:32.410 --> 00:21:37.264
After three or four years the
insect emerges as an adult
00:21:37.265 --> 00:21:42.034
leaves the tree trunk and enters a
world that it has never known before.
00:21:42.035 --> 00:21:48.334
What does it make if the tree now
green leaves and growing branches.
00:21:48.335 --> 00:21:51.454
Photosynthesis respiration.
00:21:51.455 --> 00:21:56.029
Suddenly that massive mostly
dead woody cells is alive.
00:21:56.030 --> 00:22:00.379
How can this be well the
beetle grubs spent most of
00:22:00.380 --> 00:22:05.869
its life on the inside in the dark about
the true nature of its environment.
00:22:05.870 --> 00:22:10.669
What a difference the view from outside
mix in the perception of what is dead
00:22:10.670 --> 00:22:14.929
And what is alive from
inside the trees seem to be
00:22:14.930 --> 00:22:18.439
a dead environment from outside it is
00:22:18.440 --> 00:22:23.400
obviously a living system connected
to other living systems.
00:22:24.100 --> 00:22:27.544
It\'s been the same for people on earth.
00:22:27.545 --> 00:22:31.519
As long as we only knew about
our immediate environment.
00:22:31.520 --> 00:22:36.210
It seemed that Earth was made up
mostly of dead bits and pieces.
00:22:38.410 --> 00:22:43.219
But now that we have seen it from space
we\'re beginning to understand that we
00:22:43.220 --> 00:22:48.179
are living within one unified system
that we now call the ecosphere
00:22:48.970 --> 00:22:55.320
And we\'re beginning to understand
that the entire ecosphere is alive.
00:22:57.610 --> 00:23:00.979
The ecosphere has
properties which could not
00:23:00.980 --> 00:23:04.399
exist in a purely chemical
and physical system.
00:23:04.400 --> 00:23:08.179
And within this framework we
find an unbelievable variety
00:23:08.180 --> 00:23:11.689
of organisms fixing energy from sun growing
00:23:11.690 --> 00:23:19.504
reproducing and evolving the organizing force
which makes all this possible is life.
00:23:19.505 --> 00:23:23.554
Until very recently we believed
that life was a property of
00:23:23.555 --> 00:23:29.580
organisms even though we knew that they would
die without support from their environment
00:23:32.230 --> 00:23:36.109
Now logic tells us that life whatever
00:23:36.110 --> 00:23:40.129
that magical essence may be is a
property of the ecosphere and
00:23:40.130 --> 00:23:44.299
not just an organism\'s life exists as
00:23:44.300 --> 00:23:49.219
much in the improbable layer rocks
and water as it does in organisms.
00:23:49.220 --> 00:23:53.640
All our components of one living ecosphere.
00:24:02.140 --> 00:24:08.299
Until we saw our home place
from space view was a
00:24:08.300 --> 00:24:13.729
short sighted is the salmon and its stream
the would-be Laura and its tree trunk.
00:24:13.730 --> 00:24:17.479
Well the ground squirrel
and it\'s isolated meadow.
00:24:17.480 --> 00:24:22.399
On this limited Foundation we have
built human civilizations that
00:24:22.400 --> 00:24:28.110
value the wrong things and
ignore the essentials.
00:24:30.490 --> 00:24:33.739
Now we know where we are.
00:24:33.740 --> 00:24:37.519
Now we know the importance
of what surrounds us.
00:24:37.520 --> 00:24:44.839
Now we know that the ecosphere is the source
of creativity of evolution of life itself.
00:24:44.840 --> 00:24:48.888
This understanding opens the
way to solving the so-called
00:24:48.889 --> 00:24:52.639
environmental problems
which we have created.
00:24:52.640 --> 00:24:57.049
They\'re not problems of the
earth their problems of people.
00:24:57.050 --> 00:25:01.639
When it comes to basics I\'m not part
of the ground squirrels environment.
00:25:01.640 --> 00:25:03.349
Nor is she part of mine.
00:25:03.350 --> 00:25:08.764
Were both small cooperative parts
of one magnificent Living Earth.
00:25:08.765 --> 00:25:11.764
We share the same home place.
00:25:11.765 --> 00:25:16.050
We must tend it compliant Lee. Together
00:25:30.460 --> 00:25:32.760