Life is a property of Earth.
Home Place - Partnership

- Description
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- Transcript
PARTNERSHIP, the third program in the 'Home Place' series, explores the challenges faced by industrial societies as they shift from the present damaging, exploitative relationship with earth ecosystems towards a more sustainable partnership. The program shows how ancient cultures vanished because they lived beyond their ecological means, and shows clearly that present agricultural, forestry and fishing practices have us on the same course. Modern developments in ecologically-based forestry illustrate the kind of partnership which is possible, if ecosystem needs are respected.
'This video will enrich all viewers, from elementary school students to mature adults. Its filming of animals is noteworthy.' Science Books and Films
'This excellent series forces the viewer to take a hard look at our exploitive, damaging role as humans in the Earth's ecosystems...The narrative is easy to understand, yet it addresses these important issues in a sophisticated and thorough manner...highly appropriate addition to public, school, and academic libraries.' Rue Herbert, University of South Florida, MC Journal
'As much philosophy as science went into these thought-provoking programs. The end result is an impelling video series of value in any library collection.' Teacher Librarian
Main credits
Henders, Karen P. (film producer)
Long, Robert J. (film director)
Long, Robert J. (film producer)
Long, Robert J. (director of photography)
Long, Robert J. (editor of moving image work)
Boyd, Liona (narrator)
Other credits
Cinematography, Robert J. Long; editing, Robert J. Long.
Distributor subjects
Canadian Studies; Ecology; Environment; Environmental Ethics; Habitat; Human Ecology; Humanities; Philosophy; Religion; Science, Technology, Society; Sociology; SustainabilityKeywords
00:01:05.590 --> 00:01:08.929
There is a place in the universe unlike
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any other a modest blue and white
planet circling a very ordinary star.
00:01:15.650 --> 00:01:19.009
It is the only place we
know of with oceans of
00:01:19.010 --> 00:01:22.834
liquid water and an
atmosphere rich in oxygen.
00:01:22.835 --> 00:01:28.879
It\'s the only place we know of which
expresses the magical essence called Life.
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Of 13 million life forms
a species called Man has
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grown so powerful that it threatens
the creativity of the planet.
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That species is now searching
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Our new understanding of its relationship
with its one and only home place.
00:02:40.120 --> 00:02:43.350
That\'s a swift fox.
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There\'s two of them. A few years ago the
sighting would have been impossible.
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So if boxes were wiped out in
Canada in the early 19 hundreds
00:03:07.810 --> 00:03:10.939
The only reason we\'re
able to see them here in
00:03:10.940 --> 00:03:13.669
grasslands National Park is
because people have been
00:03:13.670 --> 00:03:19.530
breeding Swift foxes in captivity and
then releasing them back into the wild.
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It\'s usually impossible to reintroduce a
species once his disappeared from an area.
00:03:29.360 --> 00:03:32.884
Because the reasons for its
disappearance haven\'t changed.
00:03:32.885 --> 00:03:36.154
The problem isn\'t just a
few vanishing species.
00:03:36.155 --> 00:03:39.334
Usually it\'s a problem
of habitat destruction
00:03:39.335 --> 00:03:43.324
of man-made changes in
land and water ecosystems.
00:03:43.325 --> 00:03:46.800
The health of the whole earth is declining.
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Conservation as working with
endangered species like this with
00:03:51.200 --> 00:03:54.709
Fox or trying to save the
earth one piece at a time.
00:03:54.710 --> 00:03:59.644
The same way that we\'ve tried to study
it understand it and exploit it.
00:03:59.645 --> 00:04:02.869
It\'s not likely going to
work in the long run because
00:04:02.870 --> 00:04:06.064
endangered species and
damaged ecosystems are
00:04:06.065 --> 00:04:12.844
casualties of a worldwide conflict between
human interests and natural processes.
00:04:12.845 --> 00:04:17.460
It\'s this larger conflict
that has to be resolved.
00:04:19.240 --> 00:04:25.729
This new National Park and the Canadian
prairie is one step towards that end.
00:04:25.730 --> 00:04:29.639
After a 120 years as range for cattle
00:04:29.640 --> 00:04:34.114
The land can never recover into a
more or less natural ecosystem.
00:04:34.115 --> 00:04:37.339
Perhaps it will form the
core of a livable home place
00:04:37.340 --> 00:04:40.624
for the swift fox and other native species.
00:04:40.625 --> 00:04:43.069
At least it will guarantee the survival of
00:04:43.070 --> 00:04:48.334
a little prairie island in a sea of wheat
fields and cattle strewn pastures.
00:04:48.335 --> 00:04:52.099
A small reminder of the
diversity and beauty that
00:04:52.100 --> 00:04:56.670
the ecosphere creates when
left to its own devices.
00:04:57.490 --> 00:05:03.529
Establishing new national parks is
a promising trend restoration of
00:05:03.530 --> 00:05:10.230
spaces and their species is a first step
towards reconciliation with the natural world
00:05:11.790 --> 00:05:15.009
Not everyone shares this belief.
00:05:15.010 --> 00:05:18.189
Too many people still think
that the human species as
00:05:18.190 --> 00:05:23.544
God\'s special pet with permission to manage
and control everything in the world.
00:05:23.545 --> 00:05:28.419
From this viewpoint preservation
of nature is a waste of resources.
00:05:28.420 --> 00:05:35.649
This conviction based in ecological
ignorance sets us at war with planet Earth.
00:05:35.650 --> 00:05:40.884
Sitting here in this pleasant grassy
valley surrounded by birdsong.
00:05:40.885 --> 00:05:43.644
It\'s tempting to think that all is well.
00:05:43.645 --> 00:05:45.789
But just a few miles away.
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I\'m the bird you plateau above.
00:05:47.995 --> 00:05:50.889
I kind of warfare is being waged against
00:05:50.890 --> 00:05:54.534
grasslands and against their
diversity and vitality
00:05:54.535 --> 00:05:57.714
We call it industrial agriculture
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and many boasts proudly about its
efficiency and productivity.
00:06:01.780 --> 00:06:05.150
But only for human modes.
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Industrial agriculture\'s basic
rule is that everything
00:06:20.890 --> 00:06:24.729
that might pose a threat to growing
more food shall be killed.
00:06:24.730 --> 00:06:27.729
The weapons of agriculture
are much the same as
00:06:27.730 --> 00:06:30.969
the tools used in warfare
against our own kind plow
00:06:30.970 --> 00:06:33.699
shares instead of bayonets
practice instead of
00:06:33.700 --> 00:06:36.914
tanks poisons strewn from airplanes in both
00:06:36.915 --> 00:06:38.639
00:07:21.790 --> 00:07:26.100
Similar wars or waged on many fronts.
00:07:26.170 --> 00:07:32.790
In woodlands level for timber in
pits blasted to extract minerals.
00:07:35.440 --> 00:07:39.930
In lakes and oceans stripped of their fish.
00:07:41.170 --> 00:07:44.389
When ecosystems collapse as a result of
00:07:44.390 --> 00:07:48.874
this exploitation we look for
scapegoats when fish disappear.
00:07:48.875 --> 00:07:51.900
We declare war on seals.
00:07:52.270 --> 00:07:55.849
Everywhere the intent is the same
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Deaths wealth into human wealth.
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The goal is unlimited growth that the human
species at the expense of everything else.
00:08:09.250 --> 00:08:12.139
Scattered throughout the
world are the ruins of
00:08:12.140 --> 00:08:17.460
extinct civilizations that took too much
from the land and gave back to little
00:08:19.840 --> 00:08:23.869
in the American Southwest
the ANA Sazzy people built
00:08:23.870 --> 00:08:27.169
a civilization based on
irrigation of corn crops in
00:08:27.170 --> 00:08:30.709
dried Binyan Juniper woodland they
00:08:30.710 --> 00:08:35.139
constructed a catchments and canal is
to make the most of scant rainfall.
00:08:35.140 --> 00:08:38.508
They built permanent
apartment style settlements
00:08:38.509 --> 00:08:40.980
housing hundreds of people.
00:08:43.420 --> 00:08:47.359
That eventually do many
trees gut and do many crops
00:08:47.360 --> 00:08:50.704
planted for too many
people depleted the land.
00:08:50.705 --> 00:08:52.564
Agriculture failed.
00:08:52.565 --> 00:08:55.639
The ANA Sazzy disappeared and the land has
00:08:55.640 --> 00:08:59.460
never since been able to
support as many people
00:09:18.280 --> 00:09:24.109
Two thousand years ago the Miami Central
America built a civilization the equal
00:09:24.110 --> 00:09:29.689
of any in Europe with sophisticated
astronomy mathematics language and art.
00:09:29.690 --> 00:09:36.030
They did all this and sub tropical jungle
with only stone tools and human muscle.
00:09:36.250 --> 00:09:43.110
The Mayan economy was based on the cultivation
of corn on easily depleted soils.
00:09:43.300 --> 00:09:47.044
The Maya understood their lands very well.
00:09:47.045 --> 00:09:51.589
They developed sophisticated techniques
of irrigation and soil restoration
00:09:51.590 --> 00:09:55.020
That included crop and field rotations.
00:09:55.660 --> 00:10:03.660
Cities like tika but as many as 50 thousand
occupants flourished for 1400 years.
00:10:05.740 --> 00:10:10.399
But the Maya were to successful
as their numbers grew the
00:10:10.400 --> 00:10:15.784
land-based became too small and the
soils too poor to sustain their cities.
00:10:15.785 --> 00:10:19.410
Classic Mayan culture collapse.
00:10:25.240 --> 00:10:28.759
Nowhere in the world is
agriculture practice.
00:10:28.760 --> 00:10:33.904
That\'s the largest scale and so intensively
as on the great plains of North America
00:10:33.905 --> 00:10:37.189
Almost every patch of grassland
that is not to hilly
00:10:37.190 --> 00:10:40.699
stony Sandy saltier wet has been broke.
00:10:40.700 --> 00:10:44.730
Or as we like to say it has been improved.
00:10:46.360 --> 00:10:52.564
This system cannot continue without lavish
subsidies of fossil fuels and fertilizers.
00:10:52.565 --> 00:10:57.690
It will last only as long as
gas and oil are dirt cheap.
00:10:59.710 --> 00:11:03.454
In the long run it\'s not
a sustainable system.
00:11:03.455 --> 00:11:08.190
Yet this is the model for
agriculture around the globe.
00:11:09.490 --> 00:11:14.449
Everywhere the idea is to soup
up the soil with petrochemicals
00:11:14.450 --> 00:11:19.399
growing cash crops for export instead
of food for local consumption.
00:11:19.400 --> 00:11:23.269
Exports make recycling
of nutrients impossible.
00:11:23.270 --> 00:11:28.770
This system favors the wealthy
nations and beggars poorer ones.
00:11:33.670 --> 00:11:36.709
Everywhere human problems and
00:11:36.710 --> 00:11:41.404
environmental problems are rising together
but we don\'t often make the connection.
00:11:41.405 --> 00:11:46.294
There\'s just one solution proposed
and that is always to get bigger.
00:11:46.295 --> 00:11:52.770
More people more technology bigger
fireman\'s beer machines. It\'s not helping
00:11:56.410 --> 00:12:00.724
Instead we need to think
smaller ease up a bit.
00:12:00.725 --> 00:12:05.250
Try to work with the earth instead
of imposing our will upon it.
00:12:10.300 --> 00:12:14.179
The Mayan farmers who supported
the classical cities of
00:12:14.180 --> 00:12:17.584
their culture did not disappear
when the cities collapsed.
00:12:17.585 --> 00:12:21.679
They dispersed into the jungle
to continue their simple lives.
00:12:21.680 --> 00:12:25.849
That descendants remain today
as a healthy proud culture.
00:12:25.850 --> 00:12:31.650
Tilling the soil and living with the
land much as they did 1000 years ago.
00:12:32.590 --> 00:12:38.914
The Maya have survived because their
activity and impact is confined to local
00:12:38.915 --> 00:12:45.274
and systems there are few imports
few exports few luxuries.
00:12:45.275 --> 00:12:51.829
Crops are raised for food with a small
surplus for trade within the community.
00:12:51.830 --> 00:12:55.999
Mayan agriculture is based on
a system of clearing land and
00:12:56.000 --> 00:12:59.749
raising crops for a few years
until nutrients are depleted.
00:12:59.750 --> 00:13:02.359
Then allowing the land
to revert to nature for
00:13:02.360 --> 00:13:05.790
as long as is needed to
regenerate the soil.
00:13:06.250 --> 00:13:12.364
The harvest is no more than the natural
surplus produced by local ecosystems.
00:13:12.365 --> 00:13:17.389
Crops are varied and supplemented
by Gardens and groves of planting.
00:13:17.390 --> 00:13:20.550
A few poultry and a few hogs
00:13:21.910 --> 00:13:25.879
In this kind of partnership
human activity is
00:13:25.880 --> 00:13:29.074
integrated into the capability
of nearby landscape.
00:13:29.075 --> 00:13:37.020
Ecosystems. Demand is limited to what the land
can produce without destructive intrusion.
00:13:45.910 --> 00:13:50.974
Industrial societies
have strayed along way.
00:13:50.975 --> 00:13:57.544
We\'re not likely to embrace a lifestyle
of subsistence agriculture anytime soon.
00:13:57.545 --> 00:14:03.690
But what would have to happen to move us
toward a more peaceful partnership with Earth
00:14:04.320 --> 00:14:08.239
Our first step is to recognize
that the landscapes
00:14:08.240 --> 00:14:11.359
around us even in cities
and towns are parts
00:14:11.360 --> 00:14:14.449
of living ecosystems
three-dimensional chunks
00:14:14.450 --> 00:14:18.540
of the planet that make up
the real world of nature.
00:14:22.030 --> 00:14:27.184
The skeleton of each ecosystem
is the geological landform.
00:14:27.185 --> 00:14:31.489
The shape of the land modifies
climate controls the movement of
00:14:31.490 --> 00:14:36.900
air and water influences soil development
and selects plants and animals.
00:14:38.980 --> 00:14:45.109
So the ecosystems in valleys are
different from those on nearby plateaus.
00:14:45.110 --> 00:14:50.310
North facing slopes are different
from south facing slopes.
00:14:51.190 --> 00:14:56.314
In each location the capability of
the local ecosystem is different.
00:14:56.315 --> 00:14:59.779
In order to figure out ways
of keeping our demands within
00:14:59.780 --> 00:15:05.610
the lens capability we have to understand
something about how ecosystems work.
00:15:11.560 --> 00:15:13.759
As an ecologist.
00:15:13.760 --> 00:15:16.684
It\'s a bit embarrassing
to admit that ecologists
00:15:16.685 --> 00:15:20.404
generally pay little attention
to Earth\'s ecosystems.
00:15:20.405 --> 00:15:25.414
Ecosystems don\'t sway in the wind like
pine trees or jump around like deer.
00:15:25.415 --> 00:15:27.930
And they are complex
00:15:29.280 --> 00:15:35.694
This is like an woodland home in winter
do barren ground caribou and wolves.
00:15:35.695 --> 00:15:38.874
It\'s a large and beautiful ecosystem.
00:15:38.875 --> 00:15:41.679
Typical of the zone between
the Arctic tundra and
00:15:41.680 --> 00:15:46.730
the dense coniferous forest in northern
Canada and parts of northern Europe.
00:15:47.490 --> 00:15:53.139
As ecosystems go ligand Woodland
is very simple a few species of
00:15:53.140 --> 00:15:58.749
trees and small plants widely spaced
in a carpet of handsome lichens.
00:15:58.750 --> 00:16:02.859
That even this ecosystem
is so complex above and
00:16:02.860 --> 00:16:07.089
below ground that we may never
understand it completely.
00:16:07.090 --> 00:16:11.099
So it\'s much easier to
study its bits and pieces
00:16:11.100 --> 00:16:14.569
which is what scientists
are inclined to do.
00:16:14.570 --> 00:16:19.189
What the world needs is a
sympathetic science of land and
00:16:19.190 --> 00:16:24.229
water ecology which studies earth\'s
ecosystems as living entities.
00:16:24.230 --> 00:16:28.230
With distinct characteristics
and abilities.
00:16:36.280 --> 00:16:41.104
Human beings must use the earth to survive.
00:16:41.105 --> 00:16:44.869
Trouble comes when we
pursue excessive wealth
00:16:44.870 --> 00:16:49.129
using industrial techniques
that damage ecosystems.
00:16:49.130 --> 00:16:51.679
Paying attention to naturally
00:16:51.680 --> 00:16:55.380
And systems can help us
to be less destructive.
00:16:57.250 --> 00:17:03.094
In forestry it makes sense to try to
copy nature\'s way of growing trees.
00:17:03.095 --> 00:17:05.869
It\'s also more economical
than tree farms that
00:17:05.870 --> 00:17:09.510
industrial forest as have
been trying to establish.
00:17:11.770 --> 00:17:18.199
The boreal forest of the northern hemisphere
is a patchwork of different species in ages.
00:17:18.200 --> 00:17:21.529
The pattern is caused
by frequent wildfires.
00:17:21.530 --> 00:17:27.139
On average fire revisits Each
landscape once every 100 years.
00:17:27.140 --> 00:17:33.150
The Healthy Forest is one which regenerates
in all its diversity after a fire
00:17:35.820 --> 00:17:42.684
Here is an attempt in northwestern
Saskatchewan to work with rather than against
00:17:42.685 --> 00:17:49.044
natural processes harvesting timber but
preserving the diversity of forest ecosystems.
00:17:49.045 --> 00:17:52.659
Trees are cut in blocks
of irregular shape and
00:17:52.660 --> 00:17:57.830
size guided by boundaries
of local forest ecosystems.
00:17:58.530 --> 00:18:03.218
At each site trees are removed
in ways that encourage
00:18:03.219 --> 00:18:09.849
natural regeneration of the forest stands of
pure aspirin or clear-cut in small patches.
00:18:09.850 --> 00:18:12.789
Because ass beneath sunshine and warmth at
00:18:12.790 --> 00:18:16.979
the soil surface in order to
sprout again from the roots
00:18:16.980 --> 00:18:20.130
Which is what happens after a fire.
00:18:21.280 --> 00:18:27.559
The measure of good forestry practice is
how much is left for seed sources for
00:18:27.560 --> 00:18:34.290
wildlife and for stream and lake shore protection
rather than on how much is taken away.
00:18:36.880 --> 00:18:40.969
And very delicate areas where
heavy machinery would damage to
00:18:40.970 --> 00:18:46.129
ecosystems and old cathode technique
of logging with pulses is used.
00:18:46.130 --> 00:18:51.754
It\'s a slow process but it provides a
maximum number of jobs for local people.
00:18:51.755 --> 00:18:59.550
It is economical and protects the forest all
techniques and not necessarily obsolete.
00:19:02.320 --> 00:19:05.989
At this site the idea is to harvest
00:19:05.990 --> 00:19:09.874
Aspen\'s while preserving the
small spruce beneath them.
00:19:09.875 --> 00:19:15.630
The aspirin will sprout making
a new mixed forest stand.
00:19:26.980 --> 00:19:32.134
This unusual harvest pattern
is a shelter wood cut.
00:19:32.135 --> 00:19:34.969
Over one quarter of the
usable timber is left
00:19:34.970 --> 00:19:39.990
standing along with over 70%
of the natural ground cover
00:19:45.060 --> 00:19:51.414
Virtually every species within the ecosystem
remains to recolonize to step sites.
00:19:51.415 --> 00:19:56.450
From some angles it\'s not obvious
that the forest has been touched.
00:19:58.800 --> 00:20:04.314
In ecological forestry the forest
is encouraged to renew itself.
00:20:04.315 --> 00:20:10.580
So the number of trees which have to be
planted after cutting is an index of failure.
00:20:12.840 --> 00:20:17.859
If Harvest is in balance with natural
processes the forest ecosystem
00:20:17.860 --> 00:20:23.000
does not need planting or
fertilizing or pesticide spraying
00:20:23.670 --> 00:20:28.824
A red squirrel should not have to
leave home when loggers arrive.
00:20:28.825 --> 00:20:35.090
This is a worthy goal of partnership
between people and nature ecosystems.
00:20:43.560 --> 00:20:49.389
If our use of the land is planned on
an ecological basis there will be
00:20:49.390 --> 00:20:56.694
a full spectrum of landscapes from totally
artificial cities to totally wild preserves.
00:20:56.695 --> 00:21:00.429
National parks are the best
wild reserves we have.
00:21:00.430 --> 00:21:03.740
But we need to change the
way we think of them
00:21:07.180 --> 00:21:11.569
Think of national parks is the
heart of a life-supporting body
00:21:11.570 --> 00:21:15.409
of ecosystems and every natural
region of the country.
00:21:15.410 --> 00:21:20.209
Each POC maintained in good health helping
to sustain the natural processes of
00:21:20.210 --> 00:21:26.430
earth and the health of surrounding ecosystems
that shelter and support human society.
00:21:28.990 --> 00:21:32.719
To many people view pox
is no more than outdoor
00:21:32.720 --> 00:21:37.144
museums playgrounds or bait
for tourists Business.
00:21:37.145 --> 00:21:39.514
The concept of Pox as
00:21:39.515 --> 00:21:44.820
ecosystem reserves makes them vital
links and the fabric of a nation
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At present the links are weak.
00:21:55.175 --> 00:22:00.120
Parks are important but they
can\'t do it all by themselves.
00:22:09.970 --> 00:22:13.144
You know wonderful as it is.
00:22:13.145 --> 00:22:15.709
Grassland national park and never be large
00:22:15.710 --> 00:22:19.024
enough to support its own
population of Swift foxes.
00:22:19.025 --> 00:22:22.919
If you\'ll look at a map of Saskatchewan
is just a small. in a sea of
00:22:22.920 --> 00:22:28.954
agriculture but with surrounding rangelands
managed to maintain natural diversity.
00:22:28.955 --> 00:22:30.724
And not just cattle
00:22:30.725 --> 00:22:33.739
This car can make a real
contribution to the health of
00:22:33.740 --> 00:22:36.964
the world and preserve swift fox is two.
00:22:36.965 --> 00:22:39.319
That\'s the importance of parks.
00:22:39.320 --> 00:22:42.934
They\'re small examples of
self maintained ecosystems.
00:22:42.935 --> 00:22:45.619
And so they\'re inspirations for planning
00:22:45.620 --> 00:22:51.330
sustainable uses of the agricultural
forestry and urban lands around them.
00:22:52.420 --> 00:22:57.109
If we use the land with
respect if we protect
00:22:57.110 --> 00:23:03.439
ecosystem landscape and water escapes spaces
then we automatically protect species.
00:23:03.440 --> 00:23:07.969
Ecological land use also protects
ecosystem processes that
00:23:07.970 --> 00:23:13.170
when you soil water air and
organisms including ourselves
00:23:13.330 --> 00:23:16.699
It\'s pretty hard to argue
with the success of
00:23:16.700 --> 00:23:21.349
Earth ecosystems that have been
evolving for 3.5 billion years.
00:23:21.350 --> 00:23:23.809
There was a strength and stability and
00:23:23.810 --> 00:23:29.190
nature\'s economy that people can
embrace with a spirit of partnership.
00:23:30.520 --> 00:23:35.089
Organic farming and modern
forestry examples show that it is
00:23:35.090 --> 00:23:40.144
possible to collect on nature\'s annual
interests without destroying natural capital.
00:23:40.145 --> 00:23:47.640
But the demands on Earth or increasing the
early Earth\'s capital is being spent.
00:23:47.980 --> 00:23:54.589
The human economy is a dependent and subordinate
part of Earth\'s creative ecosystems
00:23:54.590 --> 00:23:56.539
Which are the real source of
00:23:56.540 --> 00:24:02.880
wealth managers should try holding their
breath while they count their money.
00:24:08.320 --> 00:24:12.949
More than anything else it\'s
our attitudes that will
00:24:12.950 --> 00:24:17.029
make a difference politics
business economics.
00:24:17.030 --> 00:24:19.339
They will all follow along
when enough people start
00:24:19.340 --> 00:24:21.649
thinking of themselves as living within
00:24:21.650 --> 00:24:27.874
Earth\'s ecosystems and demand that the
health of their home place be protected.
00:24:27.875 --> 00:24:32.329
We must learn to value
things other than people.
00:24:32.330 --> 00:24:35.059
As long as we believe that only people are
00:24:35.060 --> 00:24:39.504
important we read lore with the
world and we don\'t need to be
00:24:39.505 --> 00:24:43.849
all right attachment to parks and other
wild reserves in our attempts to
00:24:43.850 --> 00:24:49.264
rescue endangered species show
the best side of human nature.
00:24:49.265 --> 00:24:53.629
Like the old song says The
times they are a-changing.
00:24:53.630 --> 00:24:56.539
Marianne mark good minds are
taking up the challenge
00:24:56.540 --> 00:25:00.064
of living sustainably
within Earth\'s ecosystem
00:25:00.065 --> 00:25:05.854
The answers will surely involve seeing
ourselves as partners not as dominators.
00:25:05.855 --> 00:25:08.164
We\'ll know we\'re making real progress.
00:25:08.165 --> 00:25:11.179
When we no longer have
to make her ROIC efforts
00:25:11.180 --> 00:25:15.120
to save a fellow species
like the little swift fox.
00:25:40.700 --> 00:25:42.870