Replaces the human-centered concept of environment with ecosystems.
Home Place - Going Home

- Description
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- Transcript
GOING HOME, the final program in the 4-part 'Home Place' series, explores the aspects of living in an industrial society which cuts us off from the natural ecosystems that sustain our lives. We are insulated by cocoons of cultural myth that affect the way we see and understand the world and by cocoons of technology which insulate our senses from the natural world. The result is insensitivity to the Earth and a perpetual decline in human health and well-being. The human species has become an alien within its own Home Place. Personal remedies are found in activities which help us to reconnect with
'Excellent...After viewing this video, audiences will want to spend more time outdoors and return to nature.' Science Books and Films
'The video certainly provides food for thought. The treatment of the ecosphere as a living entity has the potential for significant classroom discussion...The settings and the soundtrack facilitate the contemplation of the main points -- the value of awareness and the power of an ecological perspective.' Anthropology Review Database
'This excellent series forces the viewer to take a hard look at our exploitive, damaging role as humans in the Earth's ecosystems...The narrative is easy to understand, yet it addresses these important issues in a sophisticated and thorough manner...highly appropriate addition to public, school, and academic libraries.' Rue Herbert, University of South Florida, MC Journal
'As much philosophy as science went into these thought-provoking programs. The end result is an impelling video series of value in any library collection.' Teacher Librarian
Main credits
Henders, Karen P. (film producer)
Long, Robert J. (film director)
Long, Robert J. (film producer)
Long, Robert J. (director of photography)
Long, Robert J. (editor of moving image work)
Boyd, Liona (narrator)
Other credits
Cinematography, Robert J. Long; editing, Robert J. Long.
Distributor subjects
Canadian Studies; Ecology; Environment; Environmental Ethics; Habitat; Humanities; Philosophy; Religion; Science, Technology, Society; SociologyKeywords
00:01:05.230 --> 00:01:08.884
There is a place in the universe unlike
00:01:08.885 --> 00:01:15.524
any other a modest blue and white
planet circling a very ordinary stuff.
00:01:15.525 --> 00:01:18.619
It\'s the only place we
know off with oceans of
00:01:18.620 --> 00:01:22.519
liquid water and an
atmosphere rich in oxygen
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It\'s the only place we know of which
expresses the magical essence
00:01:26.630 --> 00:01:31.084
cold life of 30 million life forms.
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A species called Man has grown so
00:01:33.380 --> 00:01:36.754
powerful that it threatens the
creativity of the planet.
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That species is now searching for a
new understanding of its relationship
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with its one and only home place
00:02:36.070 --> 00:02:43.144
A lake surrounded by forests like all of
aluminum the distance the setting sun.
00:02:43.145 --> 00:02:47.119
As far as I\'m concerned it just
doesn\'t get any better than this
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This is the way the world
is supposed to be.
00:02:49.565 --> 00:02:52.429
What a contrast there is
between a place and time like
00:02:52.430 --> 00:02:55.969
this and the conditions under
which most of us live our lives.
00:02:55.970 --> 00:02:59.929
Here in the Boreal Forest I\'m
surrounded by plants and
00:02:59.930 --> 00:03:05.059
animals living their lives as parts
of dynamic living ecosystems.
00:03:05.060 --> 00:03:11.100
They\'re participating in something that is
bigger and more important than themselves.
00:03:11.350 --> 00:03:14.569
But much as I love and admire
00:03:14.570 --> 00:03:18.889
these wild woodlands I\'m somewhat
out of place except as a visitor.
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As soon as I get hungry or
goal that I have to rely on
00:03:21.680 --> 00:03:27.019
artificial aids like packaged
food or a nylon sleeping bag
00:03:27.020 --> 00:03:34.350
The downside of such comforting supports is
that they insulate us from the natural world.
00:03:34.480 --> 00:03:38.929
More and more Western culture
separates us from earth
00:03:38.930 --> 00:03:43.609
from the world to which we are
ecologically adapted by long evolution.
00:03:43.610 --> 00:03:48.274
Why is this it\'s a matter
that needs exploring.
00:03:48.275 --> 00:03:52.909
What we discovered along the way will help
us understand the ongoing conflict between
00:03:52.910 --> 00:03:58.109
human interests and the preservation
are very life-giving systems
00:04:33.120 --> 00:04:38.630
The BVA has a reputation
for being industrious.
00:04:39.090 --> 00:04:42.474
With its talent for landscape engineering
00:04:42.475 --> 00:04:46.280
it\'s a good emblem for
northern industrial culture.
00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:53.510
Behave as log the land
beside lakes and rivers
00:04:56.460 --> 00:05:01.130
They build canals and
trails for hauling wood.
00:05:02.880 --> 00:05:07.430
They dammed streams and create reservoirs.
00:05:08.010 --> 00:05:12.830
They build comfortable
lodges with Lake fuse.
00:05:13.260 --> 00:05:19.760
Settled down with home and food assured
they produce surplus youngsters.
00:05:20.040 --> 00:05:25.434
So the beavers seems to be the ideal
symbol for busy business society.
00:05:25.435 --> 00:05:27.429
But look a little deeper.
00:05:27.430 --> 00:05:34.010
And this mascot for team industry is really
very different from the human players
00:05:36.700 --> 00:05:43.830
Inactively helping to shape its home place the
beaver colony stays within certain limits.
00:05:44.830 --> 00:05:52.830
They do they\'re logging locally not over
hill and dale beavers build dams of
00:05:53.030 --> 00:05:56.869
local materials mud sticks
and stones to create a pond
00:05:56.870 --> 00:06:01.159
with water deep enough to remain
unfrozen through the coldest winter.
00:06:01.160 --> 00:06:06.420
Dams are designed to meet the
beavers basic needs nothing more.
00:06:08.350 --> 00:06:12.079
Dams are not built so
that luxury crops can be
00:06:12.080 --> 00:06:17.070
irrigated or so that cities can
sparkle with late through the night
00:06:22.750 --> 00:06:27.514
The beaver colony construct to lodge
according to a standard design.
00:06:27.515 --> 00:06:30.469
We don\'t find rich beavers using 50 times
00:06:30.470 --> 00:06:34.200
as much housing material as
they\'re poorer neighbors.
00:06:35.140 --> 00:06:38.329
Big lodges indicate that beavers have lived
00:06:38.330 --> 00:06:42.270
successfully in one place
for a very long time.
00:06:48.370 --> 00:06:53.719
The most striking difference between
human societies and BVA societies is
00:06:53.720 --> 00:06:55.699
the attitude of tolerance babies show
00:06:55.700 --> 00:06:59.460
towards other users of the
pond and its surroundings
00:07:00.910 --> 00:07:05.449
Beaver ponds increase the diversity
of habitats along a stream.
00:07:05.450 --> 00:07:08.910
So they actually increased biodiversity.
00:07:19.030 --> 00:07:24.900
Each species finds and takes what
it needs and leaves the rest alone.
00:07:29.410 --> 00:07:32.749
Even the beavers who created the pond make
00:07:32.750 --> 00:07:36.484
no attempt to corner all of
its resources for themselves.
00:07:36.485 --> 00:07:39.379
Each different species
of animal and plant is
00:07:39.380 --> 00:07:42.829
a tolerant participant
in the whole ecosystem
00:07:42.830 --> 00:07:46.459
Guided by that inner
intelligence we call instinct
00:07:46.460 --> 00:07:50.880
they work together for the
health of their home place.
00:08:12.610 --> 00:08:17.629
It\'s really interesting that when
paddling around a beaver pond I observe
00:08:17.630 --> 00:08:22.579
a lot that looks like tolerance
for barons cooperation.
00:08:22.580 --> 00:08:25.129
Of course there\'s the odd
display of aggression
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But it isn\'t carried to extremes.
00:08:27.500 --> 00:08:32.674
There seems to be a universal law at
work here that limits competition.
00:08:32.675 --> 00:08:36.229
It preserves the ecosystem
preserves relationships among
00:08:36.230 --> 00:08:40.039
organisms and of course
preserve biodiversity.
00:08:40.040 --> 00:08:44.854
Only recently have people been
trying to preserve biodiversity.
00:08:44.855 --> 00:08:49.669
But why is it so difficult for us are
we so much more competitive than
00:08:49.670 --> 00:08:53.074
other animals are we somehow
00:08:53.075 --> 00:08:57.679
lacking there instinct for tolerance
and compliance I don\'t think so.
00:08:57.680 --> 00:09:02.074
I think the trouble begins with ideas
were taught in school and church.
00:09:02.075 --> 00:09:07.380
Mischievous ideas about our
special status on Earth.
00:09:13.690 --> 00:09:18.859
From our earliest years our minds
are progressively wrapped in
00:09:18.860 --> 00:09:25.204
fuzzy ideas cultural notions that people
have an extra special place in creation.
00:09:25.205 --> 00:09:27.724
Certainly we are unique.
00:09:27.725 --> 00:09:30.169
And so is every other species.
00:09:30.170 --> 00:09:36.300
Trouble comes when we believe that
being unique means being superior
00:09:38.110 --> 00:09:43.399
Ancient myths and many cultures
idealize our species especially in
00:09:43.400 --> 00:09:49.609
the male side as superior to everything
else in creation second only to God.
00:09:49.610 --> 00:09:53.899
Even when most people accepted
an evolutionary explanation of
00:09:53.900 --> 00:10:00.570
our origin it was still assumed that evolution\'s
main goal was to create Homo sapiens.
00:10:01.420 --> 00:10:04.999
Backed by this conceited belief we came to
00:10:05.000 --> 00:10:09.424
the absurd conclusion that the
world is ours belonging to us.
00:10:09.425 --> 00:10:14.854
A stockpile of God-given raw
materials meant only for human use.
00:10:14.855 --> 00:10:19.459
This belief in humans a
barrier already is humanism
00:10:19.460 --> 00:10:22.459
It\'s a dangerous notion
because it justifies
00:10:22.460 --> 00:10:26.314
whatever we inflict on other
species and on Earth.
00:10:26.315 --> 00:10:33.990
Human has a makes us intolerant of nature
and of other species and ecological rules.
00:10:39.790 --> 00:10:45.364
Industrial agriculture is an
example of human intolerance.
00:10:45.365 --> 00:10:51.124
It converts entire ecosystems into human
food factories at the expense of everything
00:10:51.125 --> 00:10:57.934
else in a perfect field nothing exists
but one desirable species of plant.
00:10:57.935 --> 00:11:00.094
No wild flowers bloom.
00:11:00.095 --> 00:11:01.819
No enzyme stirs
00:11:01.820 --> 00:11:03.949
no birds sing.
00:11:03.950 --> 00:11:09.499
If any other species did this it would
be feared as a terrifying menace.
00:11:09.500 --> 00:11:15.034
But we accept it in people because we have
set ourselves apart from the rest of nature.
00:11:15.035 --> 00:11:19.334
Even while we work the land
we have no contact with it.
00:11:19.335 --> 00:11:21.994
And it doesn\'t need to be that way.
00:11:21.995 --> 00:11:25.170
There are other systems of agriculture
00:11:33.880 --> 00:11:39.094
A caterpillar spins a cocoon about
itself as it prepares to change.
00:11:39.095 --> 00:11:42.964
First to a helpless pupa than into a moth.
00:11:42.965 --> 00:11:49.260
That cocoon is an insulating barrier between
the insect and the rest of the world.
00:11:52.180 --> 00:11:55.294
People have been doing the same thing.
00:11:55.295 --> 00:12:00.930
Building cocoons that separate us from the
ecosystems which make our lives possible.
00:12:01.750 --> 00:12:05.749
The cocoons around our minds
and around our bodies give
00:12:05.750 --> 00:12:09.319
us comfort but they cut
us off from the world.
00:12:09.320 --> 00:12:12.979
Perhaps it\'s time to
emerge like a moth and see
00:12:12.980 --> 00:12:16.669
what\'s really important
out there going from
00:12:16.670 --> 00:12:20.179
one cocoon to another the
average North American spends
00:12:20.180 --> 00:12:24.709
95% of his life indoors
wrapped in technology.
00:12:24.710 --> 00:12:28.744
Think of cities buildings
machines and other gadgets.
00:12:28.745 --> 00:12:33.409
All of it is designed to control
nature in the service of people.
00:12:33.410 --> 00:12:39.210
Every year we add more layers believing
that technology is progress.
00:12:39.640 --> 00:12:42.844
Much of it is frivolous.
00:12:42.845 --> 00:12:46.710
Most of it is damaging to the earth
00:12:58.540 --> 00:13:02.824
Cocoons maybe comfortable
but they don\'t give life.
00:13:02.825 --> 00:13:05.374
They cut us off from the natural world.
00:13:05.375 --> 00:13:09.109
They give a distorted view of
earth and of our place in it
00:13:09.110 --> 00:13:13.699
were fooled into thinking that artificial
environments or what subordinates.
00:13:13.700 --> 00:13:20.029
But with all our bright ideas and apparatus
we\'re still dependent on Earth ecosystems.
00:13:20.030 --> 00:13:25.050
Human life is one part of
a much larger enterprise
00:13:33.550 --> 00:13:41.550
And it
00:14:00.150 --> 00:14:08.150
really really is
00:14:50.550 --> 00:14:56.544
in a natural ecosystem the normal healthy
condition is a vigorous harmony.
00:14:56.545 --> 00:14:59.639
No species tries to eliminate others
00:14:59.640 --> 00:15:03.964
There are no perfect predators capable
of catching everything they chase.
00:15:03.965 --> 00:15:06.964
And there are no perfect defenses.
00:15:06.965 --> 00:15:11.659
Each species plays its
appropriate role within limits.
00:15:11.660 --> 00:15:16.789
No misfit harms the ecosystem
by pursuing its interest alone.
00:15:16.790 --> 00:15:21.450
A pelican takes only as
many fishes that can eat.
00:15:29.440 --> 00:15:36.364
A fisherman takes much more than he can eat
because Worldwide trade makes it profitable.
00:15:36.365 --> 00:15:41.509
We recognize no limits to what we
want with the help of technology
00:15:41.510 --> 00:15:46.084
We pursue human welfare at
the expense of all else.
00:15:46.085 --> 00:15:49.069
We take anything and everything.
00:15:49.070 --> 00:15:52.800
We had little attention
to the impact on Earth.
00:15:54.940 --> 00:16:00.439
The result is collapsed fisheries
deeply did forests and contamination of
00:16:00.440 --> 00:16:06.120
our living space and many people firmly
believe that this is correct and proper.
00:16:06.730 --> 00:16:12.510
Because cultural myths and
sacred texts say It\'s okay.
00:16:16.630 --> 00:16:22.129
Failing to live within ecological
limits as serious consequences.
00:16:22.130 --> 00:16:24.119
Consider what happens when
00:16:24.120 --> 00:16:30.219
Is is introduced into an ecosystem map.
00:16:30.220 --> 00:16:35.619
Wade is a European plant which was introduced
accidentally into Western North America.
00:16:35.620 --> 00:16:40.629
Over several decades nap weight has
worked its way into grasslands finding
00:16:40.630 --> 00:16:42.939
chinks in the plant communities
where it could gain
00:16:42.940 --> 00:16:46.400
a root hauled and displace native species.
00:16:47.550 --> 00:16:50.739
While every native plant
is held in check by
00:16:50.740 --> 00:16:54.714
natural controls predators
herbivores and diseases.
00:16:54.715 --> 00:16:57.564
The nap weight has no such constraints.
00:16:57.565 --> 00:17:01.329
Few native organisms could
eat it or parasitize it.
00:17:01.330 --> 00:17:04.134
No herbivore will touch it.
00:17:04.135 --> 00:17:06.704
Wherever human activity opens
00:17:06.705 --> 00:17:11.490
Grasslands neck weight is the
first species to reappear.
00:17:14.650 --> 00:17:18.379
The result is thousands
of square kilometers of
00:17:18.380 --> 00:17:21.994
grassland when native plants are
pushed to the vanishing point.
00:17:21.995 --> 00:17:26.910
We have both wildlife and cattle have
trouble finding something to eat.
00:17:27.400 --> 00:17:31.819
The alien species spreads
out of control because
00:17:31.820 --> 00:17:35.674
it is not a working cooperating
part of the grassland ecosystem.
00:17:35.675 --> 00:17:40.200
It lacks health folder connections
with its environment.
00:17:43.150 --> 00:17:48.929
The human species has become
an alien in its own home place
00:17:48.930 --> 00:17:52.674
because we\'ve set ourselves
above ecological rules.
00:17:52.675 --> 00:17:57.054
We have forced our way into
every one of Earth\'s ecosystems
00:17:57.055 --> 00:18:01.959
displacing other species usurping
the things they need for survival.
00:18:01.960 --> 00:18:06.249
We have disfigured the land and
caused ecological sickness.
00:18:06.250 --> 00:18:10.524
The world human population
is nearing 6 billion.
00:18:10.525 --> 00:18:15.144
That is 100 times more abundant
than any other land animal
00:18:15.145 --> 00:18:20.994
our size that has ever lived
like nap weed nothing eats us.
00:18:20.995 --> 00:18:26.559
Already people divert about 40% of
the green plant material produced on
00:18:26.560 --> 00:18:32.154
earth\'s land surface while millions of
other species make do with whatever\'s left
00:18:32.155 --> 00:18:36.939
Our population is expected to
double again within 40 years.
00:18:36.940 --> 00:18:43.974
Does that mean we\'ll call it 80% of the
lens production and a 100% soon afterwards.
00:18:43.975 --> 00:18:50.390
Obviously action on population
control as long overdue.
00:18:52.650 --> 00:18:56.949
In searching for remedies we
have to find ways of freeing
00:18:56.950 --> 00:19:02.600
ourselves from the cocoons that prevent
us from reconnecting with the home place.
00:19:07.500 --> 00:19:15.230
A healthy first step is to think of ourselves
as earthlings humans made from humus
00:19:15.490 --> 00:19:22.290
The second step is to escape the technology
that prevents us from touching the Earth.
00:19:24.490 --> 00:19:28.519
We must learn again to
value nonhuman nature.
00:19:28.520 --> 00:19:32.569
And a good start is to become familiar
with the region in which we live.
00:19:32.570 --> 00:19:37.084
It\'s landscapes and water escapes
wild plants and animals.
00:19:37.085 --> 00:19:44.310
So turn off the TV and computer and go outdoors
do some exploring leave the car and walk.
00:19:49.780 --> 00:19:53.284
As adults we can learn from our kids
00:19:53.285 --> 00:19:57.214
experiencing through them the
enchantment of wading through a marsh
00:19:57.215 --> 00:20:03.870
Finding frogs and insects discovering the
tiny creatures swarming in each cup of water.
00:20:16.630 --> 00:20:21.874
Young children have not yet become wrapped
up and cultural myths and values.
00:20:21.875 --> 00:20:25.519
They experienced the world with the
directness and truth that adults can
00:20:25.520 --> 00:20:29.104
only envy with open minds
and a guiding hand.
00:20:29.105 --> 00:20:33.664
They can establish a bond with nature
that will serve them well in later life.
00:20:33.665 --> 00:20:38.850
Anything green or wild can be
inspirational for the young
00:20:49.600 --> 00:20:53.719
No schools teach as much natural history as
00:20:53.720 --> 00:20:56.929
cultural history television and newspapers
00:20:56.930 --> 00:21:01.039
seldom but human affairs
into ecological context.
00:21:01.040 --> 00:21:03.499
How well young people learn to value.
00:21:03.500 --> 00:21:05.674
Nonhuman things.
00:21:05.675 --> 00:21:10.429
It\'s up to us as individuals to
provide opportunities for them to
00:21:10.430 --> 00:21:15.900
connect with Earth and to understand
their role as ecological beings
00:21:16.780 --> 00:21:20.149
It\'s not enough to talk about pollution and
00:21:20.150 --> 00:21:23.659
overpopulation and overharvesting
efficient forests.
00:21:23.660 --> 00:21:28.309
These are human problems caused by wrong
attitudes that will change when we
00:21:28.310 --> 00:21:34.020
begin to understand our ecology
are true relationship with earth.
00:21:49.870 --> 00:21:56.179
National and local parks offer opportunities
to reconnect with our ancient census.
00:21:56.180 --> 00:21:59.460
But we have not been using them well
00:22:08.640 --> 00:22:12.069
Why travel to the most beautiful places on
00:22:12.070 --> 00:22:15.519
Earth and if we bring along
cocoons and remain indoors
00:22:15.520 --> 00:22:18.200
ninety-five percent of the time.
00:22:22.590 --> 00:22:29.360
Y subject ourselves to greater human density
than we experience every day in cities.
00:22:33.270 --> 00:22:37.119
Why do we pose for Trophy
photographs in front of
00:22:37.120 --> 00:22:42.530
wondrous landscapes without stopping
to sense the spirit of the place
00:22:42.610 --> 00:22:46.710
Is this why we come to paths
00:22:59.110 --> 00:23:02.809
I believe that we are drawn
to places of natural beauty
00:23:02.810 --> 00:23:06.004
by a powerful urge to
connect with the Earth.
00:23:06.005 --> 00:23:09.000
But we\'ve forgotten how to do it.
00:23:10.570 --> 00:23:16.429
The trick is to escape from the idea
that we dwell upon the earth and realize
00:23:16.430 --> 00:23:21.544
that we are within life-giving
ecosystems for several million years.
00:23:21.545 --> 00:23:23.629
This was our home blaze.
00:23:23.630 --> 00:23:25.294
Gets in our bones
00:23:25.295 --> 00:23:28.834
And the magnetism was still
draws us to the wild.
00:23:28.835 --> 00:23:31.999
Arcs are places where a short
walk from the pavement
00:23:32.000 --> 00:23:34.864
and grounds allows us to become immersed in
00:23:34.865 --> 00:23:41.509
ecosystems which still function as nature and
billions of years of evolution intended.
00:23:41.510 --> 00:23:47.160
With these few steps we
begin our journey home
00:24:07.360 --> 00:24:12.559
So some of us make pilgrimages
now and then do a quiet park.
00:24:12.560 --> 00:24:17.959
A favorite picnic spot perhaps do a high hill
where the grass is waving or to the edge of
00:24:17.960 --> 00:24:20.809
a northern Lake surrounded
by the sounds and
00:24:20.810 --> 00:24:24.289
smells and the feel of earth
as our nature intended.
00:24:24.290 --> 00:24:28.129
In places like this if we
are quiet and receptive we
00:24:28.130 --> 00:24:31.669
reconnect with the life-force
that molded us realizing
00:24:31.670 --> 00:24:35.749
that we are after all earthlings
partners and companions and at
00:24:35.750 --> 00:24:41.359
Grand creative pageant that\'s been
unfolding for 4.5 billion years.
00:24:41.360 --> 00:24:45.439
Surely our role on the planet
is not to out-compete and
00:24:45.440 --> 00:24:50.224
experiment eight our partners Nordiet
turn every ecosystem to human use.
00:24:50.225 --> 00:24:53.179
Laying aside are foolish arrogance.
00:24:53.180 --> 00:24:57.619
We can redefine our notions of progress.
00:24:57.620 --> 00:25:02.269
Progress is not more technology
or more human wealth.
00:25:02.270 --> 00:25:06.454
Progress means understanding
our dependence on ecosystems.
00:25:06.455 --> 00:25:10.309
Fashioning a friendly
alliance with her and looking
00:25:10.310 --> 00:25:14.719
beyond human welfare to the
welfare of all creation.
00:25:14.720 --> 00:25:20.700
Progress is a sense of being at
home wherever we are honored
Distributor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 26 minutes
Date: 1998
Genre: Expository
Language: English
Grade: 9-12, College, Adult
Closed Captioning: Available
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