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Browse Films

Showing 1 - 10 of 25 titles with a criteria of Subject is Longterm Care

Backing Out of Time

The emotions and concerns of five diverse families as they navigate a new and often sudden terrain — caregiving

Terra Nova Films | 2015 | 60 minutes

Caregiver: A Love Story

A woman’s heroic decision to take control of the end of her life creates complex, unexpected challenges for her caregiver husband

GOOD DOCS | 2020 | 24 minutes

Caring at the End of Life

The challenges patients, families and health care providers face when addressing end-of-life care and decision-making.

The Fanlight Collection | 2001 | 45 minutes

Death Is But A Dream

While studying the dreams of the dying, a research team uncovers a genuinely uplifting look at death.

GOOD DOCS | 2021 | 81 minutes

Ethics Thru Drama

Using drama to teach medical ethics.

The Fanlight Collection | 2004 | 54 minutes

Famous 4A

Captures the bond shared between patients and caregivers, grown children and their ailing parents, and challenges stereotypes of aging and dying.

The Fanlight Collection | 2009 | 19 minutes

Front Wards, Back Wards

Profiles the evolution of attitudes toward people with mental disabilities in the United States.

The Fanlight Collection | 2006 | 57 minutes

He Wouldn't Turn Me Loose

Presents the real-life case of 96-year-old Miss Mary, who is sexually assaulted by her grandson - and documents how she fully participated in his subsequent trial and prosecution.

Terra Nova Films | 2012 | 28 minutes

Home For Life

The experiences of two elderly people in their first month at a home for the aged.

Kartemquin Films | 1966 | 80 minutes

I Cannot Tell You How I Feel

Filmmaker Su Friedrich moves her fiesty mother into an "independent living" facility.

Icarus Films | 2018 | 42 minutes